I for victory fWTEO STATH KM BONDS-STAMPS MICHIGAN STATE NEWS . Daily Student Publication of Michigan State College 13Z. 333 'AST LANSING. MICH It; AX. WEDNESDAY. MARCH 8. 1944 Red s so German Counterattacks s "Soviets Threaten AnicricaiiSubs (.otlege Student lltitid Will Present Push am pus Force Retreat hirst ( oneerl of the Venn Coni"hI to into Kneim Rumania I else Alarm of Jap Fleet Russians Continue Drive; Vthnirnl Nimilz as Infantry C.aplurcs ,„n of one Spartan stu- < Declares Mrs. Catherine Bucll's ; I mlcrsea 200 (oitniiiinilii's , .iipment class. As she Operations in her uceustomed Mav Reshape War LONDON. Man h i At') neighbor revealed the - The (Jerniai! a rap ,,n that she thought she WASHINGTON. March 7 ■lied w it h disa a, r exposed to measles. (AP) — American '.Vith more than a little subma- -h toward rincs already ,istc the first coed mov- appear to have to the other side of forced the Japanese fleet to , room. Informed of retreat i and undersea operations Bach. Handel Included tor the change in i ltuell promptly dis- i Adm contamination by t i!U,n that one usually . •, me down with the , iii tour or five days ore, Reassured, the PROP. I.EON M!It r \l.< o\i: ! din fill Plunge . conrert director . . . II and hard, but not for coed who finished her I\xenl\ i Juniors c i r than the others in mi H.inret's psychology .Mer (lav. rose to leave. Made Members ,i her neighbor's out- C hnils and went bowl- of fan Simula id ,i\ r heels down the the ■ erond floor class- iht t»ych building. \s M ■ ; coed painfully rose . ,r herself off. Manuel m( to her. "I'm not .(limit your condition." cut I do hope vou • mod the test sheet." \\\ ^ \niiounees ; I amlidales for IVilliarx Riiee ) «#»/.■ llombers Stril.c ... ,, Powerful lllows at presume 1.1 AiVs (.erman-lleld liases I . S. Maruinli •r« Slap en tnc primary tiic Gcnnai. at North. •rn I 'Villi.*.' •ice , :.'•( .1, eel',- ( l,.v. !), Cumming. Do- southern Kr.,i> forum Discussion i'";e Anne Eklruigc. tightm >»t. t;. ^ ' ' ;<• junior: Jean j hoimcc down i y. tone. and Adeb- to Consider Form lingti a. D. C jun Hying i- l""1 ttlitiue;- with Ho Subsidy Plans h'n "naval ' I a'.ion of ballots Kraitc•. !r,,n, ■ ot with regard to, have been op •cscntatives as well, aim mhi., ■ ; ' "uniting tor senior ' l.'n.m• • e Mary Clark, derk«' '• X" I'.c • It.g; .]>■ in S< hev Ann Dearutg. fields and r,.11 n, th Vern- n.-at Home as Mm lb Kvanstun, III :, rauder- bombed •(.« 1. ' Battle Creek: «>.-ticn>o In Ku ..«*>: lamina Lev • H »ehji East Laruil g; Doris Mar. Do . Politics, Journalism Led Sanchez to Exile ■ Sy r.otus, Saginaw - • mores have been in, (etitions by the mine of AWS; candidates. The' i ie Joyce Armstrong, s.ie AveriU, Binning- '- ar,, Detroit TIME TABLE •phomoie candidates • ' Detroit; Virginia Buminghaun: Peggy > combined Phyllis Hambor- '. Janet Johnson, De¬ SAI. pledges. «;:i(i p hi er,ta Mutvihill, Grand ■up; fi» Its I uion annex ions The Peru a; • Prothroe, Bir- ■ tl aud Barbara SWL. 7 p. in. Quay 1c sionai palace ■ S., papers to per Spartan room. ( nion Two years 'rc.hmeti running for to Panama, Christian Selenee. 7:15 p. AWS council include Traveled to Hollywood were back in P. Chapel. Peoples church ••sio.-d. Birmingham; ticai amnesty \ Speicling v. .niri term a. M.cr, • gar, State as a guest professor,! Student council. 7:3(1 p. ni. igi.-hagen. Birming- Second Exile this is not Sanchez's first trip to I 1) t'nlou annex C .ris'.iancy, Grand However, the year after his. " in Kauderer, Detroit; return, Sanchez made his sec¬ j the United States. The first j Band concert. 8 p. m. MacKenzie, Lansing; ond trip minus a passport and jtimc, he filled a simitar position , College auditorium j at Columbia university and an 1 plane, Detroit; Gayie against his will. This time it LLI8-ALBERTO SANCHEZ other visit look him around the AWS, g p. in. ■ -h.-ngton, D. C.; and happened because he was the j octcr. Detroit. political exile . . . See SANCHEZ—Page 3 ' Org. room 2. I'nion Jeditor of a paper which publish- . . . MICHIGAN STATE NEWS Wednesday, March 8, : Page Two' Grin and Bear It . . By Liolitv MICHIGAN STATE NEWS the less said. EntjT.il it- i » lb.- P''ITIrtt, E.i«t I.imsirit, Mfc-h. OffiV<* By NEVA ACKERMAN Publish.ti .!«» MmW CoUegUt* Ptm of Mi.hiran State •• • iow being con- mjcffc «H» >«~T.O " . ..A ,oR NATION.. *.i c ADV.N'I.IN. Wt _ i I T»l*pbOlt»—Coll«M PbOTl. S-lMl. (to Hal Off loo—Ext. U8 ; Btulnm 0*1» ft*. allow married •SSflb**' National Advertising Service, Inc. _ E,t. m. CoUrgt I'ublislirri RrpremUtrvt 8 Subscription lr p«r -opy: II H 02O Mac.ion Avs mw "1 • BOSTON • niw Yo»«. N. V. LOS ANNCLKS • S*N FNANCIfCO per y.r bp m»i;; ll.ru CAfTMT tO ft'JfleP.TE ; p«r r«»r $2.21 f«3 »* - rr^w: y«»ar by coll«tr« carrier to non«4tud«3ti. ft MgMRER OF THE ASSOCIATED PRESS Th« A»»cwi*fc*4 PrenN •scluaivrly •ntitl*,d to th« a** f<»r ryptiMWtlon of oil **W( dinpntrbcv rrrdiUw! to It ur not otherwi*# credited In thi* pftper »nd iuo the lee a I row* pul"»F.d therein. All ritfhta of poblictttoa on sp«ci«J di^pettbee here- Hi Mmnrer. J A NTS MILLAR EDITORIAL STAFF Anitctftn* Editor* PRO MIDDLEMISS, JEAN BUGAI, KAY RKSEMER. IOI8, ahnks. rnrriY jo cornish. $ mSl.NF.SS STAFF i- YVONNE DAVIDSON. BARBARA LEARN- * MAHM.YN WILLMENG. C. • , rf r maDacer- REPORTERS May" Aii Mh j"i l'»V Dubr> June Wi?ki» •• MiiU. Hetty A mi W-ndlan.i. Dorothy B*' Ml. Dot*- v. r, Dc- ■ Marion Mniche!.\ THE WOMAN'S WORLD By I.EONE SEASTROM \VVS ( Ot SCO. Kiii.il I'let linn plat. 11-cussed at AWS emitu ng to be held ,it H tome gaiuzation room 2 «l th l-'rcs. I'iit Stone, China ht 7 VWC'A m I'co Spar I (ins War By JOHN III! HI l iOWN GIRLS 1 .. '•"( 1 o-eh.-nrmen <•; t n;e of the Union. Membeis ': 1'''Ii'iley. Aim. ml .tending to i;o .should sign up j""' "l,M> ^hiiv Ki Lt. C, V. Uoodbai ••(ore 5 p m lod.iv in the Home I.among »o(.honioie reserve cum- i lieutenant cently hi., iv liuiidmu or "ire •.•■omen . "s|N,i <'"I R*l recti.eu lounge of the Union, Mi- [Vy.cy Ma. I ill.". 22 yea is through the MSC HOME EC BOARD Nominations for Home Ec 'I -.Mil .'ill the II, nie F I eld at 7 in"the Home III libta- ''v |,nm 4 ' * ' !' !! Lieutenant HoU omt v, Pre,, Jean Oviatt, Washing- «•"«» " " - «• ' jj'.i.mi .v ' iman Sigma Alph. hil.il> Luker. '••oatwi in New Guin i -pi in* ter m • ' 1 ' MVI, ELECTIONS IIOMl: If SENIORS ' a tain Lu- ■ ib-< hasei duty H, of r.i ... seas »er of Delta Chi an. , tonight m the Spartan M'Tlhah IWIelte, i'let r ( rcalc ;t Mt'llinr) ill ,St\ I, BOARD to: i i will he lei. Members of S\V1. board will will be mac The Flower and (iift Shoppe 1< Yr-^ VEDA FOSTKIt lit F. K.lDltU/OO vol 11 STATE COLLEGE LAST CHANCE COVTIM OI s FROM t W p. M. BOOK STORE oriler your in;FT. OF MICHIGAN STATE C0LLE0E to ll)4l IT t)l.l FRI\F. % before the Frier Rise Now .1.00 IVIi (ioliege Pets March - 1.10 Seotty Sr. # METHODS OF l>\\MEN I Spring Term Fees < at.h Seotty Prep. Room Deposit Down I'iit meiit STATE COLLEGE BOOK STOW VERINE ALSO t Cartoon - Novelty Near the Peoples Church fD! id'. "FIRED WIFE" Hour.; Monday Through Friday Robert Paige 8:00-6:00; Saturday 8.00 1 lesday, March 8, 1944 Page Thr«# Viirrew Li^tS * s- bones Take SANCHEZ KM.I.ISH ( Ol KSKS- Mvitt Band l os ^'uros Itase iim to I each trm y Keadin*, in tdmimilies tor Formal ft ritin . hut An Ritlnnctir < «. program for air force and AST stu¬ dents on th? interests ot the Military Hall concise expression, the army for teaching clear and F.nglish department, under the Savitt ami his hand 'oieition -t Fiiwenut. acting head, has rmtghlv divid the .sp itiijjht Fri- mi the Work into tin I'd cate-*.- citing from 8 to 12 a'ircmvman-sponsor- Priority Trouble •■'. pluisi/oii m all the armv • ■■•••-erne: ■- :r,. The dance will Ik Siege affair and a lint- v." >c: of tickets are ..n the i'nton desk and ri; *' ' teat es the men t.. write orders work on omposition i week- r.nnt; office lit the Ad- •'••• inuie- t.m ru ie l.v titente. wtiicli is • p" .... ,• n: building. •tav evening m the yj !lrv,,nl from 9 to ;2. ■' Manv Subjects for Thei ■ ... as big attraction the Ul, Those students « ho have of- >, ' AST ^ I'entocracx ... • Vardbtnis . lercd to \isit their high schools Oiseussril i tr.e music. reI . arc asked to attend ">• will hnld a brief .. 1i .•nr. nto" \: their meeting in |,it) Morrill hall to- : tkeuulu term party Saturday mil ■■ :< r>. 12 in the Fores- ce.-i morrow at p nt. Ul!' ' ' "•'•' \me u New initiate Bolt pen Sec FNfil.ISII— ,l.u it by West Mayo Arau' eir dormitory. A I'm SWAIN JKWI I.UV STOUK the dorm 'dining -crt • \F\\ I.IMIIIS •edl be given at It! and : 'ins Bracelet* Pendants is.'. Oak field. N. V the • large. i.uei Slate Theater Midi;. Joed. acob^oh^- / Open Thursilay evenings until 9 Wednesday, March !!, MICHIGAN STATE NEWS Page Four JungleTroops Spanish Civil War Vets Togelh,,- Finland Sends Answer in Uncle Sam's Army at Stair Catch to Russian Peace Bid Two former enemies in the army when he was only Spanish civil war seven years old. He said that neither Japanese ago have been brought together as United States soldiers in the the others had "ever tins and we were pretty poor Results of Reply Expected Momentarily; NEW DELHI, "March 7 AST program at State. They , for a long time." are Pfc. Daniel Groden, who is Since Corporal Roldan London Speculators Believe Message Asked ' (AP) — American jungle studying Spanish, and Corp. Euis American citizen, the Am. for Clarification of Program troops fanned out from cap- Roldan, an Italian student, both consul in Spain was able • I tured Walawbum 10 miles of New York city. him released from Fran.- Private Groden at the STOCKHOLM, March 7 (AP)-Finland's answer to I behind the Japanese lines in I Paris exposition when the war wis my in April, 1937. ! north Burma today to trap 2,000 Russian peace terms has been sent to Moscow and a re¬ 'began in Spain in the summer of Fought for Franco J of the enemy caught between ply is expected momentarily, the Helsinki correspondent I American forces and Chinese 1936. He was prompted to vol¬ In the service for ah' months as a Falangist of the Stockholm newspaper Aftonbladet reported today. ! troops steadily advancing from unteer by the urge to b"lp the under General Francis 1 Particulars of the Finnish36 ~ ! the north. j republic and joined the "Abra¬ Roldan was in the I i s Lt. Gen. Joseph Stilwell's ham Lincoln brigade." so named reply were not made known i pnr/J:,rn [nstitutl* ■ because of the number "I Amer¬ three months. Also light | communique indicated the Am- immediately. The Finnish | foreign ill-Stnuu ; ericans were hammering the icans in it. Franco were Moors Axis Italians and Germ: m diet met for an hour, but j I *S|S SltealiCrS i Japanese against the Chinese an- Many Nationalities The weapons of the i there was no indication whether , ' ' / * i vil in continuing lighting. i There were between 12.000 1 w,,rd ' Internationalists, men were good for the "t" ncw Road Block Established and 20,000 (Informed persons in from; for Next Term London! j General Stilwell said a road block had been established two of 59 nationalities, including place." The rifle whii! Groden used was a Rem I j Germans and Italians rebelling Rand, marie in the Urdu speculated that Finland's mes- I Serwr Ernest'. Montenegro, miles west of Walawbum, and J against their respective govern¬ sage to the Kremlin was more i journalist and author irom that all enemy vehicles attempt¬ ments. fighting with the Repub¬ wljjch had been sold t. • Man Czarist governm. likely to have asked clarification j Chile and T. A Itainon. news ing to escape southward to join lican army. About 3,000 of these of certain phases of Russia's six- I paper man and lecturer, will were Americans. bought from them by p.. the main body of Japs near lican army. point |>eacc program than to J present a series of lectures Mogaung and Myitkyina were Groden said that he felt "these have contained outright accept- I under the auspices of the insti- being methodically destroyed. people saw that the war in Spain Retired from Servire ant'e or rejection ol Ute Soviet I tute of foreign studies next term, American-trained Chinese was a forerunner of the present Private Groden wa terms.) ! Dean L. C. Emmons announced troops were pressing southward one. A victory in Spain against from service in Noveno • Reels Continue Bombings i recently. on a broad front in the Maing- Franco might have influenced soon after the last He It was signiiicant that the ence i ill ust spreading out, with drives in students the fed and housed" m the oth< to proposal ontlil.' i hngln progress toward N'ritu Ga and "One therefore is waiting with first Saintawng Ga 15 miles east of "Mm I'd inte ttie sc •olid pill)- 'Maingkwan. phase the Firinish-Ru in lurst disp; kill. •d. 74 l.i . d "That is, the sod the ernmeiit rej >ly h. ' 1 hi,' exporter 1 nitsw. i ]' ir\n olurrr ommuniqui report • Rusisan div.i-.homlM Kotka nu thorn (•inland Mnruiay aft ,;ig some dai u:i»'.o an .laities ) tliller Inter trillion At the satnu tin KM;MSI I t ol tflf H&S "t»f- t.ilkf ■ i with Dnladirr, Mandet, ^ II pa i INf th«* prnl t . . Miflm intervened" o tli" Russia ally . f K ial.ir. aiui thr AilH*< YS.t, }'H Irs' • fi', K IltM nisti situati. ." adding tin "thr a : thf ikiTOin. ■ that foi the! ^ 1 hieh gi\ei v i;t', (.! nlaiilonal mtf I'f.sl New \\ A \ Sliile tieieaieil, live lest. are given on the read¬ ing as well as discussion., on the CLASSIHKD ADS MorU> material covered. The Army Specialized Train- iiii; program carries English and speech straight tli rough the three at the final . terms, hut a new program is now ast night, ae being set up for the pre pre- tirni) president tllght men. Euwetna said. hone •. Whitehall L'p until the present, about e-president I one-half of the air s hide will lie Mar took English, som junior; whd time they arrive"! until they Harbors Mye. Ton started flying and others as a sophomore. ; two months' elective for five davs is Kinehart, a week. Mt»s Mah Hut. beginning March 20. all , installation r the airmen will take the work ICS Will be t during the last two month.- they Hunt's iiio.i Mil.f t. I: MMI.ll Michigan State ' Community public telephones—some no outside booth luratioos—are serving resident - T tsar-born neighborhoods. Many such telephones liandie several liunu calls every month. It's a way more persons can NEW CLASSIFIED mii i cis the available facilities, limited now bv v.ut: BATES material shortages. On# In ,i>»« The nation-wide resources of the Bell >y Thr#e .1##* Foor i)av« Fit# ifajr# §1.00 are enlisted in maintaining .dependable concn cation services—vital in war. essential in pen. • All advertisement* payable in advance, no preferred posi¬ tion. HV/RE7S • ar culls keep Loup Distance lines busy t pi , Union Bliig. Annex, Room 8 AWJjJUAjf lAf.VN9 . That's why your call may be delayed * Telephone 8-1511 - Business Ext. 268. BELI. TELEPHONE SYS I IM