■ - *4 Hob Strong's Band Highlights j :1H \lC-PanHel Ball Tonight j MICHIGAN STATE NEWS •m Greek Motif Lends Atmosphere to Annual Danoc;1 Daily Student Publication of Michigan State College Ticket* Now on J*a!e at Union Desk VOL. 33 334 EAST LANSING. MICHIGAN. SATURDAY. FEBRUARY 17. 1045 N~PT' Bv JANE HELBIG • ) , -; .-ht from 9 to 12 p.m. j -nvinjr cut to the: f Hob Stronjr's or-1 Yanks Recapture Bataan in Amphibious Stroke ,, at .the annual Inter-, -.-i'anHeller.ic ball held1 _ . ' 11th Army Snut«he* : a^rfrtS'S! I earns UK!) CROSS DRIVE Pi Phi to Hold From Naval Ban' the occasion. ■ i ■ on Subie ■ .-.i, ■ ru'mos will represent! i>; latli/atiar.s spon- To Compete Hannah Starts Hall Tea In Honor Ilv C. VATES' McDANll I. •■ir dance, according to j Hailing for Annual MANILA, IVIi. 17 (AP) .Mir, :i Athens sonic,•. The spotlighted against Here Today Red Cross Drive Of Initiation —Hainan ItiLS been cap¬ 1 tack drop. Upon the j c ,, . , . . tured by the Yanks—ac¬ • , i.c p.c Greek figures, ^ov,-H <.olle|»e* Included A faculty committee appointed! Th.rty-i gat w will be complishing; in" it liltle President Hannah to conduct 1 nt.beis n over two weeks what it .Z'Z£L£&£\ i Greek col-, si a Red Cross drive beginning on j |..|j 'pj j.f', j';,.-."' f look Japan more than ••vcen two Sptfrh koillfsl March 1 among the faculty and installed. Initial.-.! three months to do in in silver. staff members announced' ducted hv Mi.-s Arn, B. Ouken. 1912. v.,.; n Low ' Michigan State will be the was | Grand pre 't Pi Beta Phi today. , - orchestra is noted forj jeene today of the Michigan In- ; and other , •fflCo and aiumnae. : . Iioucla • M.k Ait" cotiK tive arrangements I krcollegiate debuting tourna- Dean H. C. Rather v.ill head The chaptc L-d today incs it features writ- mcnt- This meet, sjKinsored by the committee and assisting him yi-stcrtlay M the .-•• oandleader. Highlight-!Michigan Intercollegiate are C. G. Gard, of the poultry Pi I n ( clii ; I in ads hand's performance will s'Hech will bring to cam¬ Carroll's vocalizations pus representatives of- approxi¬ husbandry department; Miss : ,d back ! ■ mately seven Michigan college Dorothy Kivth. women's physi¬ Timmas f : I"mI to (i s are still available at n desk for all students, Because of the sue .f p cal education; Bert Sungstcr, cn- P'-m-i, Sv sc. X • k' The iva group to debate, the meet has Barbara .J., K> red '• • non-fraternity and so- gincering: Miss Marie Dye, Home phihi .us • 0 IP been divided into three sections. and .ft.in orps: No embers. , 1 Debates will begin at 1 p.m.. 2 Economics; J. M. Barbour, mus¬ lib. Fenstemacher, Hudson ic; ('. V. Millard, education; ..... dance co-chairman,■ ,)ni- and 4 p.m. The debates Townscnd Rich. English, and (' ; Jyopi arc M.irea c V. •> - -..•it I/.is Wordcn of Hen- j *l11 h«'»«t tn the U >n ; K. Ball, chemistry. ail, N. . Era; P ith Dm i ■ . prote -.1 i« r. s. Home Economic- budding, and De- Hartline, Dover, flu the Purlin, chairman ol J Others are Mrs. I.. H. Irland, I Morrill hall. K it- a M.is.-on. latum. Far East airfoi..-. •is. will escort Jean j p al, rn sen.or; | Wright. Vickery. Ohio, soj>ho il Com y, will act i .!( an Si hn.ee in I Hin t, i. East with Yank l.anrtings on t!.. Sara- bales province coast m pnji • Glacser, Buffalo. N. ">orf' "n the affirmative and "•'.•Hirer, sing Vc rtu.n .•ne iS'iinisoii. toward Olongapo. and Bill Graham, De- j * rwl M<">, r- Fairhaven sopho- List year the faculty .... I> lotny W< lies, Gunfire from Ci'in;;i' "r loc- mare, co-chairmen of more- an,, Jurk Walker, IVrt Uir force men stations <-i Eimira. K. Y or. and Jamc trcs s was neutralized l« attend I• Austin .re- ,d,mittee mittee, will will attend AurUn sophomore, on the nega- campus tampi raisedI *3.fif>0. M flOO. No N'o goal is I I • B. an, Det: hand by nuiser and >•< . teoycr set for car. but it is hojH'dt Steven Goodcrhamj tI\*' Otiicr.- at K. I y. battcriee, .1 I > A Michig mte. will enter that inc lusion of civilian stu-1 Dansvillc, N a' n. i u v.u - , and Marion Mur¬ Janet! plane!:, dents in the drive will top last! Smith, Rutherford, X . Detroit, respectively. I ftprwentatives from all three of | xiphnmo-rt.'. and Margaret .1. Jersey ; Tho invasion started t',-. tin. rid Mrs. John A. Han- lts nuuR trams n,TU;,rtl J Knu" year's figure, Rather said. . • and Mrs. F. T. Mitch- te!' varsity w"",t'ns '': iU"h 's e''' Organizations and student Pleasant Ridge s. prion.ore H«-1 - Olongapo Naval base in Subb: groii|>s will be asked to partict- f tn Miller Hoxic, who w as nl.-o bay, inuiicdi.it.dy no,ih of p„,. •tary and Mrs. K. H. "« u?,x wrt^:, *»*'" taaii on tin- I.ll/nl) west Co,i t Dean and Mrs. S. E. Mlss Wr'Ch" H«'l""'h. pide in this drive to obtain funds I ir.itiateil w ith this group, ;< t„.t American losses wen light. i Dean and Mrs. E. L. Traverse City sophomore; Mar¬ for the Red Cross and fx>snhly!in «ch'*i! this :< r--' imt will be Seizure of (I.e. p. nn-atla, oil will be honorary pat-' garet Troup, Jackson junior surpasr lait year's cpiota I iiuliat. d which Americans and !• il-pui...) Its it u Calkin: Ha-..' nho- more, and Ei Bli.ki R<>( GIVE IJIIEKAIJ.Y TO H'SSF ' >c. INSTALLATION—Pjkc I fungi.t a gallant but l-.nhg bat¬ are Col. and Mr D. R. . — tle ui toe Woi'd saiphouioi( : prmg ol ID-Id. pid t • is-an and Mrs. H B . Men's Team tin- Yanks n. position t... 1.n>»k- Dian Marie Dye Dean b|. \ ! Co: L C. Enirnont Dej.n The vars itv im n - to¬ Auction Sale IManiicd to Kaisc Funds r. die Ma- .« Ward Giltner, D. ed by Robert Starring R C. Huston. Mr ami tor tif. written and sp n I.'.g- For World Student Service Drive W. Kuvkendall, anci Mr lisn. mi Hide Prod Me; r. Eiiir- • C H. X'ickle. haven sojihomore. Jail Walker. I that ot Port Austin sopliomor R. .be rt A last-chance unction to raise funds for the World Stu-. ilc nt Service fund will be hold in the Union ballroom this"] char el Ballard, Jackson s'.phoi m , ard likely invasion hy -h Phil Hesby, Muskeg. afternoon at 2:T0 innmecliatcly preceding I'arty-party, j i Today's | j more. The freslur iin Margaret Clm tea- will . , Ed.til Ik Union board announced yesterday. Servicemen stationed on campus will be admitted free) 0' Party-party which begins troopships. Sixth division Yanks druse dosvn the peninsula's Manila hay coast from captured Pilar, Campus 1 Nolle, Plym.x e Kink- a r meanwhile, and moved toward |! bciner, Mn Ja Hans Proc.s-dv t" date fr- m the Dirk 1 ill highlight th< a juncture with the 3Xth di¬ I-arse, Deti. iiffair. vision along an east-west road, ' Alice Fini World Student S. ivi.e fund Eaton Rapids and la i JMfard. dr.-.e t vl.kofl. lur-.rdm:' offer j The Japanese se-.ded iff oil .In amuse. Marty K- tiy. Kal-! Britauri peninsula doomed, Fact, Too to Pat Johnson, Wyandotte . are la - villaining the relative sire senior, co-c'iia.t mar. The goal j In war-bluckviicl Mhtein, Mae < liina as iErica Moritii Will Is S2.D.0 and a.- only half <■: xtended! Arthur annoiinved th.ai three. rompired to, the »ru> J 'aiie.i states, Dr. \V. R. Fee. the groups have icriortcd, th« / as American division*' sv. re contin- gs . / > , short ..filling "bit progressive reduction " «i •' -f the history department. 1 CCSCIll l.OUCCI I remainder ar>- asked to report •< e V ,11 Of the enemy's final poaitan" ,n ' - Drified matters for his tonight ' ri room 111 Uniun Mi.-s J. hn.-o,, added an, '4C. 11tie old intrainufgs cl.-'rkt along the History of the Far Mis* Erica Monrii. v. oi Id-.iim- ) annex. li.i timm, Li. Faculty contributions will | the bay short just xoutli of the iu know how the Unit- Jed violinist, v. ill appear t.» u I until Monday at Both ol j n;out|> of the Pa.-ig r.v., . looks," said Dr. Fee,' Tuesday night at fl in if." Mafic, be i». < Ai d 5 Gt« h Stewart's of- .an pr.s-1 East of ihe capital American good on the map." | auditorium. The conceit is one, ' p :r. m See—YANKS—Page it !o-, all-student., j tion is by ieasol. t.ek"' .< As •;..- di .- r.is bee n ..x- 1 Had Penny j Making her debut in Lr.i«a teridvd until' Monday, contri- . will be broad-j he Scotch Ferndale . fresh- . . j ur,dtr the bat n "i Aitur Nik- j jsch at ihc age t ». sh- has, but -Its 'he au.-'.'n t..l< ,.l.d piocee-cis from will :a- tot¬ fast to fir: 4 30 p r tv-party from WKAH. 1 zirry ' 4, TIME TABLE the other mom- aled v.ith the funds already Fryimre, master . p^n studying va.lin since sr.e • s a;cf that the- prog ran. will frtinticclly at rome- was four. Having complet. f , Jean 7. ' k. Hamb Toss ii Girls. 2 p.m. '> royalty, among them Elnperoi Vcm Instructor for 1 !Uto>r. rid Ma. - Grr Dei Tosvn Girl's lounge attention was three Karl of Austria. nte». They watched Her American debut was ] t rviile Kjphotnore, will m i ai WSVf captains. 7 p.m. ■ open mouth as she dug iv.wiu in Carnegie Hail .chile »tw( h!u«flislt Appointed i duct s c sion of "Begin the Be- 111 Union annex • '.". I tiicn wi iked away I giniic,',' M "My Buddie,' st.ll ••• in "" her l'ik.ii I t. *, l i, , i woa «1"* - vYiiii.f.ij Atai on < ompan Evt Roh Iff, j IF'U-Panlfel da nee, D p.m. - > £!£'£ „ ranked been a,., -.ntot. » i Ak' - n i Lt-noi fuddle.'* hi i-ali- (. ollege a u.l i to i t ii ■ 11 .. % | ".tub ifi.tii */ s.i.d Kivioi-r by will play a cm, j TOMORROW— ■ -$. >'^1 'f I>!>((' II »• l ' ,,... \ A otr-:Oii.o iDir.ation basiius-. man i arrangement cf i 'e!t r de Rose'.- l.l Lutheran stu. club, ii.50 p.m. Polishers . . MiiS Mure /.ha aiiti instructor, f'i tk'ai has h i '. "Deep Purple" ai Far. din. rtn., Union sr.- that his effectis-c liv- ! "Davidofi" St CX|H-II>: '• as -.-ice- • Cc .rue Dmuth fr<: Chicago, •' ■ !_> . . had shiurd his Vatcn- ; is da'e.l 1»—« ":if' '-«*!utn imun Federal. will (day M serol if-is. an dance Hill.l, 7:30 P.m. i h- with a glossy coal r "'5.000. litr father, a pi- .t-r ' ! president of tn- Ca Spartan room. Union Saving anti I. an iVsrn. in Battle , piece- <-n his ate idian. nail poiUh. Prof. lYed- i .uric, first 1-ea-d the inst:u-. Cicek. He took hi- graduate i Articles to be auctioned iff Sorcnson -nd partook of the rosy' anxiously bit j mci.t before her birth. When he v. ,rk at X'I.I tr.wt.-iterrt urn vers-! will b. th- - e v.! iich l..-vc t rctcgnaed h:s ymi-.a " Wis-! M ity and the U.tivfi . fy if »n the campus I ist ; no ..uii' Intrrfaith Council. 7:40 p.m. Or maybe that's what cf-i talent he set out to sc.ua- m i.-i j consul. for ai least tSVo : 15 Union annex "- living docs to one. her, - MICHIGAN STATE NEWS Saturday, February 17, -Hw Page Two Grin and Bear It By«Lieht\ MKIKM STATE NEWS _ , CAMPUS CHURCHES By CARROLL BESEMER Entered n< serond-rl»«« matter under net of March 1879 at the post-office. East Lansing, Mich Office* located on mi ound floor of cast wing of Union CHRIST LUTHERAN Building Annex, room 8. , "Tempted like as we—" will Published dally except Sunday and Monday mornings during the regular be Rev. Woldt's sermon topic of iL'hool year and Thursday mornings during summer session by the students of Michigan t-tale college. the morning worship service ut Telephone College Phone 8-15.1. 10:45. Sunday school and Bible M.mhrr A.aoriat.d Calleflatr Pre.. Editorial Office — Ext. 289; Busineas e'ass. are at 9:30 a.m. Office — Ext. 288. CHRISTIAN SCIENCE National AckcrtLsins; Service, Inc. Callrtr Ptih/itkm Kefirtuntmht so^r'yeur by mail. S2.tt'perCye»r Theme of the Sunday morning h> college carrier to students; 83.00 year by college carrier to non- service held at 11 a.m. will bi ,ZO MAC.SOH AVE NIWYOREK.Y, per students. "Soul." Sunday school' is at 9:30 it.in The reading room is open MEMBER OF THE ASSOCIATED PRESS l mm '» to ti p.m. Sundays. The Associated Press Is exclusively entitled to the use for republication COLLEGE LUTHERAN • .111 I • n dispatches credited to it or not otherwise credited in this paper Rev. Young's sermon t*«pn- for :ot also the local news published therein. All rights of publication on H e . ervue held at 10:50 a.m. ... ill dispatches herein are also reserved. will or "The Divine Must." Bi¬ ble i I; is at 10 u.r:. I ..ulherun -illv tdvlser A. A. Apylegate Student club will meet in the i Pe^Mlddleniiss Editor Barbara llennlson Barbara Fearnslde faculty dining room 8:30 |>. in. Sunday. C.NITV CENTER "Hidden Treasure will Rev. Miller's topic f the w Miip service at II a l; .Slllld • ll'hll ] I FACULTY ROW^ CENTRAL METIIOItlST •ru be Topic of Dr. Coor's en i! a.m. worship sirvi "What ha\c \ v di imvrivun hollilorv -('I . ist NAZARKNK By UK I1AKI* M. IM1RSON History and Political Science Instructor Place legends associate fanciful fictions with mountains, likes ive/s, islands, locks, trees, houses, and other natural or man-made ': 3(1 pilenntiifna. Indian lovers doomed to tragedy, leap over a preci¬ to liicc, hem e known as l-ove s' I.cap; steps of ail ino where a travel- . r was mysteriously red are iurrudieahl.v stained with red. ST. THOMAS AQI'INAS I lider ,i Unobliv tree the Kidd hid Ids treasure, guarded "Virtue ot Humility" v killed for the purpose: the shape the theme of the Sunday 111 .li\ the ghost of one of h to the searing passage of the I cub II re.- wtl1 he. ol a footprint in'the rock l< stifle Hi'iiil, hell-bent for the soul ol a reedy one w ho had covenanted du'ly d 7 and f! a.m. and and Tuesday and Buv War Bonds and Staiti; n In. oil gold. ■ .... I.) to pel • Mil. dl. I IRS! PRESBYTERIAN Phi Seiv.ee for tile Sunday si W- P.\l I :'.' i. | • | Church IT on » > i in it( H EAST LANS1M, CHI RClll •h h ;»** i :• .»i t« xlually i .iiiM itlaiita .<■»• • h.tllatls t*t >. k., mini'- s, iiU'' -It*»wI l-ir.n. Traditional litin the I idled Stall's has riTi'ivfd run loss at trillion that traditional Itnatuir—but what country person dors not Know an antique rrripr. cute. omen. sa.viiiK. observance. ritual. Four Stair I.rttrrmrii •ii practice? As the memory of thCM* ma tins flickers. and society* rtons ur¬ l.istrtl as (.asitaltirs ST THOMAS ACfl l\ \ PEOPLES CIll'Rt II ban and technological, toll* culture crises to exist as active tradi¬ S trail i tit: I.ist la Mi ( ATIIOLK i III Hi It t Inii-rrlriioniliMtioii iI > tion, and. if not deliberately preserved, passes from the knowledge M Abboti Ito.i i of man. The itealh Of till. • "T. \\'h: . the I al . I A Ann Ui . Spaitaiw Was iiiutuu i whelhe wly .ii n\ Week b> till- W,.l dep. I Illicit; l apt Max Hd'.dnu.!!, !• 1... slu cm - -i literature, it W Ii 111 iv.', ■t.i CI!,' ai: : l.d'tiv .hi'} !kiU- a. II \M.I V <11 II MIND Da. : Hwdrv Ucvo'i»>' II ItM-li a . b.ik - e living. ciia.UK til.' ca.v.i,tllic ■ Ma.Y w AMI HM IKW ' US expression I Vl l UTY—I'm • ti.-'uiu.i Friday -s ?' f i I \ Macfcarhin »• •. a»!i "I the Ma . a: ,n Kai a. II His air 'live., at' i»:7 West CANNIFF'S w w Faille: ;i. the week W.n en FIRST < III KCII OF CHRIST,< SCIENTIST LITHE KAN ( III Kl 11 118 East Michigan Lansing Al^M.|;^U.wk ali' I i1 is --i oilu- j| Ka»t r .HiMOK sundux iU M A t . Max'iitf Service Awn in —• il Tern .1 m. IVorvhlpptnR in tht* I. st it« Theater. Abbott ' Y A \ K S subject. llibte < lass .it 1^ I Continued Horn Page il Uorsiup Service 4t "MH'L" troops sei.xst two airfields a I " IIIK DIVTNf- Ml s I M.-mdaluyong Mu.d.iv St itooi —- 9.30 .i.m To the south of t:.c cifv patrols U lf.l iAM \ OUNC. M.A » W.xli kxI Seryhe reached the west gat. of Fort iY - * p n William MeKmley. American tyunbers which Stf have pound.i! Corrcgaior aim est load id 47 tons o| the fort:ess explosives I.ANSIM; CHI KCHES Despite bad weather, C. S CHRIST Ll'TIIERAN CIH'RCH G* fighters crossed the China to attack Kato airdrome on For¬ sea lyit^ourl Synod) mosa. strafing a parktJ bomber \o and a train K. 1., Woldt, pastor Three small freighters were MorntliK worship — lii.15 sunk or damaged in tiie Manse l.enten Vespers islands, and Another freight:.:' Wednesdays, p.irv. ■ertures 911 Ui«* Lutheran Pnrtritie, Ihursday at was sent to the bottom off Hong • Kong. I s»tlircia-v. February. 17, 1945 MICHIGAN STATE NEWS Tage Three Trackmen Favored jS/*"*"1Foihmen J Spartan Cage! Fire-A High School League to Hold Title , tt Wavnc " * Contest Today * " tUOfwu Season pjve to Face Meet in Fivldhousc \\ ith OSl Today Indoor Competition to Open al 2:30 P. >1. \r . I Rounding out the spurt Kalamazoo i ture at Jettison ficldhotise today |i.<<> Vrinjr the Spartans hopes of a win in a'dual track send hi | will be the Five-A high srhuuL. V, Wayne university Tartars witMnvade Jenison Ohio St Nanntei: Will Wind I p j league swimming cham|'.i. Home Reason Willi end 2:30 p.m. in .lew-.-a pml. .1,, -wo schools have ever had. The running events j The preliminaries are .tve and I. s ■ to : squad ill of- -ithin thei o.ild and John I». Mood v. • - un for their agamst I'a.'fe Cie.f; A .• r lu>' Collins . 'specially in ma Miller. Ait ("ill i-.te.iii I I: v wilt Lorenzo! 1 ' l»'"serve Hoot in" what e e\p> , i t- a. in; speedster can 'light al (I vvh' n the- i tin- VV hea Inn ol lege one «,f the be-t pi eo with Spartans dents m Ia,l.Ill i , Lee Pickering, t Kav Beekord. The Spar ami two mile! 22 to H sc. FACl l/I y Be. t Pryor teem in tin . nmpetition for; it will be ,n re. Walt Kaltn-I l» !"i -Slate .'ilkitisnn. Pryor to the mat and Kaltnboch viet arv -lor. 2iospituii/alioti i*I:m !)i - Ia> The Still .dttlon bieaker— ■..tnpux. " • Yes. it would tie aw lit! ' ■ i -v. •• *<- -it • m i -i iiin-l v.. • • . . r.d ti:.■ World M p. \^1 day after day tiiat barbed win at t'lotiuug hut and tho-e grinning dent .Si r\i«-» Kutul ait-w i<> -ending ft»i»;: battle raged t'idiiy «>u a 10-ir.ile front south and earl of Klcc, where riel.' Mm bid A Mlchljon Fashion Institution for 75 Voors M<« tgomery's offonsiv • crunch¬ ed ruid! eastward yard by yard into- a r.trongly-reiiiforml Oer-j man line standing between hi: i fortes and the rich ltuhr tindl RhineliMid. . Over a battlefield whf. let:, FLANNEL . uieds pi big ' guns blazed, i swarms ..of Allied warplanes at¬ tacked with bombs, bullets and rockets, trying to knock the Gcr- SUll . malls from rising ground before the three strategic toad net¬ works of Goeh, Uedrm and Cal- ear. The Canadian first army - now disclosed to be made up of 75 iter cent British forces v. as Muth medekuuf about two miles from Calcar, five miles from Uedem and tw.o and a half miles from (Itch. More Allied tanks were joining the bruising struggles as the ground firmed underneath. German civilians, men, wo¬ men and children, streamed from thiToutfit i» fcst Irecoiuing tl* the battle zone, seeking safety number one celebrity of behind the Allied lines. Scottish infantry driving east die year! Because of it's great and gaining nearly .a mile were versatility! Wear the suit! attacking bitterly defended heights south of Moyland, pos¬ Wear the jacket with the slack*' sibly within two miles of Cal¬ ^Wear Use skirt or slacks with car and 17 from Wesel at the sweaters and blouse*. gateway to the industrial ltuhr valley. INSTALLATION lU tuit, ; . 39.95 (Continued from P.iko 1) pledged' to Pi Phi Onpim.'t iirwi who will bo initi;itf-.i twbiy .»'t> 1U SlaM16.95 C'ttlWr. liudd. (Vrtiirv.'lf Viuor; Iji firt IV t IlKtK** mil Itulh hur- oH'plti. Hontv l.tkc oihciH iiif s«-,,ih PiitMuit mi il.ll>-. kathriiMc K*t***rv IlilUlalr. Attn (Jn*stmit. Detroit. IMullr. South- tumi. Chi. «*«>. Dt»r«»P»> l.hrt uu«|ua. N Y . and .Sue Wiltt.r , !>« troit Six tU'W plrdge.s i lie! tin- siti'4 Cmlf, Jnckmm frrthmnn Shir¬ ley Kniiii. Huntington Wood frt-,h- itdin. Marilyn Ih'isl.- Uiuitd Hap ids fMt.ltoutn; Dorothy Hobo t v • t . hi n- ti» Wu, M»HtoitM»tv. Maltha K . * I fo II V. M TATE i.AST T1MKS TODAY .1 Turner - - John ll