today's MICHIGAN STATE NEWS Daily Student Publication Weather Campus I'arlly Cloudy of Michigan State College Vol. 34 334 EAST LANSING, MICHIGAN^ WEDNESDAY, DECEMBER " Hits //"• st'ot Seniors Elect Jack Breslin If'"" Is ' i( , v, ■ • safe plow '"I question that in.111. prcw who found Bro-| President r. D« of circum- |B«1» Carrier Wins Top Junior Post " jlJMW Attacks 1M.S ,1,'tim tiff* : ll.IV. a friend „First \SVMSC gllllPeacetime ll,( ,. ii .mil drama of- auditorium. Truman Plan Similar little Election , hunks of sound In the first step t ward jeke .away 1i.. ptwf , cling ,11 the upper rc- suddenly ToC«rl»Lal)oi |I'AWS judicial-legislative n,l',ure«H>nt""light I —John Ii. Lewis' tlniteci i^"»dny nights, according to I L. |senior and junior classes yester¬ "'.u., found us way to the | Mine Workers opened day elected Jack Breslin, Battle- an an- Is"!' Av,'n11- nnmmghn'm senior. Creek, and Bob Carrier, Ist ure also condition fu'roit, target. I'1"11'' s irrv attack today on nking m w,vtiHi to be improving. dent Tpiman's IVesiJSu,Sv program to curt) ■ •,'M' n,""K hnnniM" mgtit permissions that as their respective preside Other senior officers art o-. Mnr- big strikes, while in the house went into effeel this fall, last igarct Fox, \ niglit s decision Detroit, vier- irrsi- plans were announced to rusti ar- ! makes it possible f„r ,.(„.,ts jderit; Janet Johnson, Detrct, I., lost oinl h ound Hon on the legislation Christmas. before [permission bitv,. on Sunday as well as midiught I rotary, and Jack Carrier, Iadroit, see. ' treasurer. Also running vere: \ piund-up of white rat* took The UMW issued a [other nights of the week. The statement ! privilege. Iiowever, is "to Glenn Johnson, Grosse III ; Ber- , thr Home Ee building lie used nice Horn, Lansing; Jeanne \los- calling the Truman recommenda- Twimr unknown and sympa- tions a "fooler hill to jwilh discretion, and any infnnge- crva, Chelsea, and Con jdmirrr released them revamp and men! on the midnight eurfe a nee • strait-jacket American industrial will he reall llelmcr, Lansing. .fjptlvity. The rats were be- lelations." with Marie severely," Each Matte, Detroit, uveit for r\perimriital pur- coed is allowed was only six late pcr- elected vice-president of tl i "General Mai-Arthur," said the iun- statement, "lias ordered an end. rn,j"s"".,s laboratory tests. I"'1 '«-rm. lor-class. Betty Middleton, fbrm- Our remaining white rat Ls still to enslaved AWS council, employing a trial . stars twice . ingham, and Jane Cade, Fast labor in Japan by'!,n" rm,r method, ortrd missinc but authorities ordering the repeal of an unti- revoked its Lansing, will be secretary and in ire of Its vicinity and rap- ruling because it proved treasurer, respectively. .'fJUT* iS llhin .'I hours. strike law passed in 1938. by tlie Jap'm'iVitary"auThor- spon- '^"satisfactory.The council '""id that e^ei'genei.w recog- Breslin to Play Moshcr, East Lansing; Card, Lansing; Gayle Dick Betty ities. Mr. Truman (via It, proposes to on " Sunday L as well " as on any oth¬ Washington, | transplant it here." ' legislation er night of the mothers must stay week, that house¬ With All-Stars Costa, Detroit, dates. D. C., and f inrles were other andi- up until mid¬ | The President railed for legis¬ night rliiW Presented lation which would create fart- working permission, and that-wo¬ anyway for women with B.v BILL PAGE , | Assume Office After assuming Once offici finding commissions to inquire men coming ii. late 1mm out m again F'ullljack Jack 'into major disputes. Work town are apt to remain j Breslin has been honored with I term, the seniors will I or Achievement stop¬ out all charge nt senior week ad n jnvltatinn to pages would be barred while the |ilay in the an-land will appoint V,." 11 "'"lute, i-rue alter commit!' o Ixitlli k offel j boards were operating. 10:30 iitl.-iI East-West all-: ir football classic on New Year I the x« ■iiioi liall winter t»m for The ! The President also announced day. Each Ijonior class officers yeai will i many of the outstanding (•'mm: l Union Board Lists " |Clnr..i\T. 1 lien H. Rich- be would name shortly fact-fmd- players from eastern colleges tecs for the wmu Ii iwentii ' c Home Eco-|'n* boards to look into the cur. travel to San Francisco to J-l»op. night. Ruth I ren' General Motors strike, play The question of forma' senior, was l'"rden award jibe threatened steel strike. ca"ed on the CIO United Auto and He Activity Schedule against irom a similar all-star western colleges. lineup lor men students a* all- • dances winter term will h- Irc.t liege Tlus is the second taken $300. i Workers to go back to work, and For inter Term year that State's big captain has consecutive up at the Student eounei. mect- Sec (The awatc m.uie bv Dean ap,,ea,ed the CI° sleel w»rk- been pa ked to participate in the OFFICERS, I'aci { D.Vr At its final meeting ol tiie ,e "! <•" v who has !ers not to strikl'- term (vent. Breslin received a telc- last night, the executive council. apiuc invitation outstanding General Motors . yesterday and I iter college j ors A hope that the General Mot¬ strike can be settled before of Union board term activities and concluded its fall has said that lie will accept. T! announced a ' invilat am came from Bernie Bi- Workshop lo Air ' t.ition. Miss i 1 the nit fact-finding iMii-uuuiii nig board ■ uu iio starts s Doom s op- op - ^'brdule of events lor winter. |crmnn, head coach at Minnesota. Opening winter term will be I who will tiave charge of ttie East Two Productions ketch of the ' " " two weekend turds toan All"itoms for Information and parin s. Frulav l,'am this yeai. Radio Kl ()|1(, wh|,.h in, h((l,., Extra-curricular Activities workshop will . <-ent 300 S1U" two plays this a f mbersof the ™ JivJl°. *»«>«• r J!" i""1 v -II be heldb Althougi. B.esl.n's name has station WKAR at Jet no* i ■nucs. She -N«vs office ",u^ be in the Stale by 5 p.m.. tomorrow. ,,all f(l!)(Wt.(l ,JV ., ,, 1 iitii' familiar to State students Gei.-enhof announced. 4, dirt Saturday night ,ti the ballroom chiefly tii rough his athletic '•1 Hichards* " ~ ~ of the Union, "The Road." art b in ong 5 'j thc ®^'0"? Anderson,waspersamnel expressedvice-presi- by H. VS. by Ted Brink, Gr.v, ■ " mies -Spartan Varieties" will . .. . and Dale Brown, Scbewaing, and sophomore, will feature Brink 3 ln |jft. s,.irtm(. Ja||> r philoso— dent of General Motors corpora- wlK,n jt wjl, be broatica.t fr„m Ora Smith, Brarborii, will al¬ and Pat Sheppard, Royal Oak , was "We t,on- so lie included in the 1943-46 senior, in me leading Party-Party, regular Saturday par' The to make a I Capitol bill, acting man Ramspeck of the house chair- afternoon entertainment feature. edition of Who's Who Among second play, "What We D- end." J la¬ Students in Aincriean Univer¬ is a patriot,!- Another story which t.«istn- ■ Dye's talk. bor committee told reporters a regular event will be sities and Colleges. Their i "I lias adapted from a i y by i{ 41 bill embodying the Truman re- a student-fa' ulty coffee hour to 11 rst dean ' i quest will be introduced tomor- be held each Wednesday from 4 names were vtilli those listed not submitted ( Bernard Schoenfield. Tor i Pm- ism, Flint junior, and j . t J State, re-tr to 5 p.m. in the Union lounge. yesterday. Ket l*m- row. Hearings, he said, will be . . .... meter, Saginaw junior, w I "S The board decided to. make the »*J "" held to a minimum, with witness- coffee the top roles. i'lay . hour a weekly affair fol- |achievements C e«"S5?f I*8 . ,0 appear for orSan'zt-d a" baseball and Others in the casts fc - j lowing the success of. the h„me wo- er„ bor- the nat*onal association of ul)e which w held last weekfirst nent utball, he has also been promi¬ plays, include: John Swans. Eat¬ both ij manufacturers, the chamber of in numerous other extra¬ Rapids f Tiie council granted a leave of curricular on , activities. A member sophomore; Jan - - Ed¬ pstdttt Home Eco-jment. [commerce and the labor depart- absence to Ginny Collins, Grosse of Alpha Tau wards, Lansing freshman. Fern- .»• i I1" dub Pa; i, ey. Trenton Pointe junior, and appointed Sue Breslin also Omega fraternity, aid Foster, Bay City junio: John r' Jc'-fd a.- belongs to the Var- Potts, m,< \ Littiefield, Eaton Rapid: Saginaw sophomore .VRIt 1 ess of cere- sopho-jsity club of Michigan State. «nd lefreshmir, were pre- .more, secretary to take charge of He is president of Union board Haitcma, Lansing soph .more; * ov a art and posters for Union board Sec BRESLIN. Page 2 "Rip" Godfrey,* ME Clemens jun¬ lancv co—K": special ior; Lois Robinson, Cincinr y which was j during Miss Collins' absence win- r, >' PITTSBURGH. Dec. 4 »»r emu morning. iHNtm/ morning* and Thursday during miitinifr ovation by tht it< | Iheslin Is also tfnion 'lioai'il of Michigan 8UW rallege. rhone 8-iS:. Mteb. AincIiM Celttglele PrtM Telephone — College r, III..11*1 offlre Ext. *MI. UuilnoM {president, a member of Student Oftlra Ext. 288 council and Alpha Tail Omega in football, ho — •MHIMCM ra« NAtKMAi *•»»■•*t«t«i« m subscription i alao: So per copy fraternity. Active Nitk»ul AdmfhtaK Smicp, Inr. b; ^.'i: iv stated t" play a" a representa¬ «aline /'»*/«J.-r» Krprtwtiiiiiv p, college carrier (o students: IS 00 tive of Stale 01 the East-West •to Mtc.*.s *«■ Nsw voss. N v. |>rr year by college carrier to noo- all-star came this year tic cap¬ sm a • soma ■ its • las raaaewt students. tained last year's team and was 'tod the most valuable player. MEMJtCII or TIIK ASSOCIATED PRESS The Associated Prow Is sicluslvely entitled to the use for reiiutdtcatioo VlfriirrdiNI of all news dispatches credited to It or not otherwise credited In this paper Miss Fox. new senim v u e prcs- and also the local new* puhL'shed therein. All rights of publication on iteul. is vive-presldetil of Mortar' special dispatches herein ere also reserved. tioard, a senior repiTseiil.ilue to - - - A. A. AITI.niATi: AWS. and is affiliated with Kap- : racilttr Adt Iser - JAN turpi'* Manager - - - . . MARION MECKEL a Alpha Theta sorority Miss .lolm- • - ■ Editor • • • * • • • I.MINE SF.AKTROM Incoming secretary. Adterllslni Manager - - JEAN 4 AN VIS uii, member of Alpha I'lu soror-| Nlghl Editor il.v. has lieelt a junior represent.i- EIIITOIMAI. STAFF i\e to AWN and a freshman on- Vtshl Eilllois - IIEE IIEARINtJ. IIONNIK FSSERT. JACK JEAN JVHV1*. KENNEV •Utntion leader. Jack Carrier is president of t'eginre Fdflat . . . • ■ ■ - MAMJOHIE I.ANttKAMEW Sigma immuiK Nil. a member ot leant and Porpoise the swimming honorary lie is a past This Is No Time to Quit ■ president of tnlorfraternity conn- I When the battle is thrw-fourtha won. it is no tinto to"1 i|tiit. That tnav sound like a platitmlp for. of course. n.' ueneial anil no soldier ever thought of retreating on *|'t." J,,■]',',V, road to victory. Kvon when the going is tough, the sol- (.„r|ls ,.v'.|„,mp.,,.,,,-r. a mem- r tlier keeps on. ever mindful that one step backward means I per ..i Sigma Nu. varstt v cluti two hartl steps tt» push forward again. ".uk team. "I'm certainly not in favor of universal military The soldier and the general know. Hut what about us?! Hti. Then* litis lieen a buttle going on in our community tor of Mi s s Matte 1' "H,,UI . , oriental'<>n leader, ami a member member ■ •' of n*un.mthe i the boys It'll mean just a year of-rnir lives Alpha Gamma Helta sorority It years, a battle in which each of us should be participat¬ She lies worked on the State BRKSLIN ing. It is a battle against a disease, the battle against News ..tot Wolverine stalls (Continued from Page 1) (most valuable i tuberculosis. The soldiers in this lutttle are volunteers, Petty MiilcUeton, ,i member of and represents thai body on Stn- iSpartan team. He who have "signed up" Invatise they want to serve hu¬ Kappa Kappa Gamma sorority dent council. Yesterday he was lent of the govern. of freshman . ha.i man senior class president. American achievcn.- is . -< manity. a member elected Forty-one years ago a group of these volunteers, both tn 1 Mi.-s Cade was s v elcc- || coveted Croix do '. Breslin'ss elec- tirioiisiy enough, iiresiin Curiously lion and his invitation to the i w as presented to h i laymen and physicians, formed the National Tuberculosis' Tower llu.nd. ;; F.asi-West game both came on the jitor'general at tin association for the purpose of conquering a disease which r ie Wolvc -t.itf Town C. same day. j ball dinner. at the time was the tnst cause of death in this countr isurer FimiIIuII Past j Breslin's steady Today the National Tuberculosis association has ainixugu posters may Hrt'shn s football record ailing and linea buck it affiliated state and local associations, each with a well- up at FaimHottse !■ state is very impressive. In 1 }>44 [turc of numerou voted him the I this fall. planned campaign for attacking the enemy in this country lus teammates —on home territory. The campaign has so far met with a large degree of success, for the death rate from tuber¬ culosis has I toon cut 7 a percent. Still, TH today kills more people Mween the ages of 15 and 15 than any other disease. The l»nttle is three-fourths won. but victory is not yet \ attained. Hie forward march must "continue, and it will continue if we. you and 1. support the organisations which are directing the campaign. W e tan do tin* by purchasing LISTIH ft thr "iOM o| > iir full quota of t hristmas seals. These seats furnish J on Michigan I eh i N the ammunition for the battle against tuUrculods, and gram, ' NUMBER. pl£AU.| Wad,, fri they are the sole support of the local tuherrulosts associa¬ tion which is fighting tor the health of this community. The sale of stamps vvhuh is Iteing sponsored > n campus by the AWS activity boaid. needs and deserves the cooper¬ ation of every MSt* student, for in buying the t we are saying. "You've done a good iob. Keep it up until final He victory." -The II omen HELEN COYER. Editor Ttmn GUARD theod w.U w j Christmas party ; A special Tower Guard meeting yVVt \ CHRISTMAS PARTY has been announced by Presjder.t A;( ywCA members who are. JvoJy LoRgtiecier. E»t Lansing . .'„n:;,r.o « ,uenu the v r r.stmas topmcm** The be " ._ asKO , uav.»m at : IS in room IS .4 uve .. . ...f y.ov or girl to tr.e party. , I Town Grris who have ordeiedeci pins are to br.r.g $3 69 jo the — lit,, ; ; ivoacMsat u>m.-ur..a iw.n u> pay It » commorly a weak man! t >r Uieai order This aeelcs lor.- w r-j marijes f ir le e - Johm A. i DuVal Studio Forwxdy sf Detroit featuring fine photography New Ope a lor ft-i new Lots cf people have their hands full at this time « fJ %■ For us, December 24 and 25 are always busy day ■> J! ^ «t Disunce sw iichboards — and they will be busier than < 207 MJLC. AVENUE. EAST LANSING this Christmas. i Please male only the most necessary calls over the holidal A SUGGESTION! The call you don't make may free the line for a rett A t.rt ol service man who won't be able to be home at Christmas PAINTINGS — PRINTS — FOR CHRISTMAS MICHIGAN BILL TKLCPHONE COMPAN o : I* UHlMlrf'T 5.1*5 I C H I C_A.N ST A TP. NEWS Page Three use Faces Great Lakes SI'AKTAiN PLAYFRS . . -. Hj ART ROSS "J 1«T III Speaktrs* llureau Tu Hold IjisI Meet in j; of Term Speakers' bureau wifl hold the | („ Opening Home Season ii Holds *j1' Down Cnard Spot Danny l'ajesky last meeting of the teim t>«lay at ":15 p.m. at 107 Una n annex. In on Team Speakers of the even. ,g will bo foreign students with » .-lisnisMon Powerful Bluejacket Team To Challenge rv»,...« Christmas tbur native 'wpi Spartans Tonigltl in First of 11 Home i^rdTtXV l,rkMbR!!|,,,i,ized by ,hr s^rta- lands. aggressive in nitX* thS is j mi "refellow P"I,sh doMPn« '""I m Winter term speak assign, u-ammates i'lUriif?:!- !u years old. A war vete (Jaino* on Jenison Fiehlliousv Floor tnents will be given a 'he meet. th»se eltarart eristics i!'Unano!:ih0,lCrvrl fnr a >2-month period ing. The Speaker's bu »u bulte. s tonivrht State's has- made six points as a substitute l'ajesky. o,u. t,„ 'h i! f on I mtolve.1 in the theater and was •bulge ' of last tut will be available ; the hc- • year's Sparta,, squad. ! December. Back and , against the Wolverines. : eagi "f r"'Xt tfMT1 fier- Midi quintet will take the " " in 1942 hein ««s Pales ands pons desirous of obtain ng copies ■Lt the powerful Sam Fortino and Robin Rob¬ ■mrlv ill' and plays | •' bieniber of the .Spai tan j may write to Speaker bur«vuff erts will start at forwards; and aupr-.m,,.., 't „ See IM.AYEKS, I'a*, Mluejaeketf game.; | • Cn-it l':,k,'s both , speech department. Matt Mazza, John t'awood ,;M(i • "flense ,„„l defense n/.-ame :« the first of the sea- Bill. Krall will alternate «, 'oinjia i . the majority Of the sp.ii t m heme fans, roll,.;.,. SWAIN JEWELRY STORE , , „ . u,,w.|iiu tin' Hlnejacket team, tor. Johnny Oranaek. of ||iUTU 11'PUlai Iv h'r: V"1"?' " P'-M'-! siri'iii; i •ise squad# will mond. Did., is certain to see ac¬ , , • ' he makes tip> J r. "r" '' ... MEN'S WHITE EXPANSION WATCH BANDS! 1,1 .Ipiiim"! heldhouse for a tion at forward position, wluh. «ht by his alert. i n home games on the Dan l'ajesky and Tony Wat,iron appear likely prospec'ts t„ haiun;: . A» ! ,v-,r,% Bracelets nil 'I name sphiitule. Op- at \ aiit.ip Pendants mrlii'ip Michigan, Ohio the guards. ... \| flip ■ . Kentucky, Not- ,iim Wisconsin, •p,,i'if:l:,jp.ic.'iteil in their first • fv Wright field, 64-51, the fakes team will be favor- uip when they meet the • ■atb Tlic> v. ill start an ex- :;ii i,11111 around Mel •p. former professional star high scorer. | Huh Pro-man a year, playing With the I dorian,I Allntens, Hiebe rolled I i.p ifeti points in 110 games, to set c.v National Professional | Inc.ic scoring record. Continuing 5 re I hot pace against Wright I fed.-, he scored L'4 points to lead I loth teams, P..rot ait . I,'tebe at the other furd will he Ned tlrable; at the I • i r I.loyd Pettit I Ijr.i Tony Orlando; and Jack I | Pre mil st.ii: at center, Pctt- (1 I'feifti" both had Bi;_ IT,". t>*t*'ripii'p before entering I',! :cc. IVttit at Northwest- r i Pfeiffrr at Ohio State. | (treat lakes l eads cUrcat Lakes team will take •!■"r tonight in an attempt .ikp t ti'Hv ant of four from Spa.tiii ■ ... the last four State wan HU-31 in 194_, I t • • c s.i 11 oi. , ante back to win ' 194.1. 38-34 and 56-39. " "M- period the Blue- ' hau' "on i;to games "■ I'' 1 inly 16. |>Urtint Trams .:'u navy men, »'Mt Aist.vne will start ' ;' "'line team which f i m . ■ • _ " • 1 last Saturday ■ exception "'»will is that I'":! I ■ ' ■ " • start at guard. Peppier. White [CLASSIFIED ADS j : FOR sale J» ' NKU ; looms and bath. I au ''''heat. oaic t'nusuallv at- Poo*..., •'•^n,en« "hone owner, interior. ii n 8 — , l.OST |. l'fl\ «>• pin between If* |ir. -I'd v Pup0,,! ' campus. ' bUk stone and Call Ear- |« J" Json Halt. Ext U-. JJ W\ " AW. 1 ';°y> " " . G-..friday. He- ' ' "St" Mason yi if ■ \ |.p«KfR —-—_i® vl :!-I .' E|^ri^ia^t.bswn' IiV- *itu:'. J" •A^®s- possibly in a" 8-1288 after ■fc!* '£> R," ,v Jhrt,twatch PrdPlease return to in [ft-— ~— itM L - S*1953' McDaniel. L'? T*.\6t' —i? |i P Ii ;:«• ii ' : "pu'S „ y a"ew 'ag 1"? mattress "i& fcT -VfCcd. IfoM style bed. or \Z Y* call Cederquist. J hJlVvru. . 58 ^ boys desire ^V^r Tel' ii t PLAYEKs Three Men Take Top Honors SHOPPING SORTlt (Continued from squad, but at thai r "HIM AN'B ltKR" C HRISTMAS StKKHSSTTONS Bon Van Atstyuo n. . mi .Mtt'vre stow deliberate s'x In College Wrestling Bonis By PAT a ! featuring a tight don - "S tlio time. gu> and sal As advice to X|. the I.IV- love-trapped,j His .,,o home town dteam gal wants so bor and he still xv.ii Final* in Mrfi To Ho Hold This Afternoon; N': 0; M tax! j car > •■u-xtmas 'nun Kills and man things he can't narrow it j one mote year ,x( . dexx n to otic item, he should stop: matning unless ci,. IIpayyw eight ("las* Maloli Hold* Interest •'at .<1,1 1'V.n o; h. i.- ' ' at Jarohsixn's and see the He- | aie relax ext. In eav Christmas " In tho sivoml day of tho current wrestling tourney. four -'mixst lena Knbcnstein Hcaxm Scent wxxuld have two sc.; hop* son* atixi Apple Bl«xssom sets, consist- nuring prac: ,e aU-ooIIo.jev champions were crowned. Tho crowning ot thos dusting jvxvdcr. lerfume. been altrrnatto:; \, champs in three divisions mil await tho finish of tho 'ti.-d cologne These lox-ely lux-'pier and Ollie Wlv.'r oMininations at t lid p.m. t»sia>. u-:o« ange from $2 (W to J4.W. * (xxsts, and drexv a s No«l> crowned mat kinjrsj ,,, , n1r k,. n,g man on campus I for the opening • inclu.ic: 'Kontty "K teuton at 'j-nd \ over .v.,A • ' v-i Ixx '..K a ttwM pla.* lifts ov-.ti \- a 'metal pletc iihu seleetixxn »xf Botany .oner with t.iY.u ; •IV.i x\x,-x .« the l?$-,xx;mdVxeirme 10 a.vcmp.oh the 'eat. ivcmh'.ex rco'Mx ear m sol .d exd- , 'win o\rr l.cslie Belknap ;n the ors and new patterns, at $1.00. llrjowrttM Bent A-x fellow xx-ould Iy glad to' \v decide get a sharp imported cashmere! Champions ai* >et to emerge i ' ,-hamo onsn;iv< Itnrd's air shoxxiixg these' . e *d who's one- TAa c V t >: r. p cvS M aKtaferttl tor j. tax. I and-or. o xxvn't gix e out with a "MOU.Y \Mi \>c ' oax > wfiiiM trbampwn*Mp of xx ay to glimmer of a gift hint, will xvant, *vT V,A« t**.0 cigarette >IK." RADIO ROUNDUP !;*r t tf , •reason to see the xxamjvtct A.MArtAtfr r*. j Mademoiselle v.egests l.ghters at Small's. The reetang- With H.-wocr. T\k*'k.:VT -.5 the wore! i'iv- r.lar mercury is made of doll r\ ,v* :en»-r MONTY WOOI 1 l \ WKAR — STO kc :-e old metal alloy and is priced at $4 1 gV-'-eax x vx-e.g*-! ,'i.k tx.vy xx arm well worth mentioning to the and GRACIF ITM.Px : one's Tin* MORNING — family as a gift reminder are the t>»t .-'.ass B.xsh of these men l>e - * iV Fa: '.X v. ••• ■£ Nr.. * car. reptile traxrhng eases littexf with I '•?< s'-.-.xx- »;ve,1 and aggress,xe- . f exxld Comics - Selected .< Beauty Ccsinsellor exxsmeti. i'(w '.vex Nv.ts Frank v S:r-.rf< - t-c Mc-iv • v' rv e-.caees Fd B.'-h.t far : -e S »* 1 - :'•( P s Ma- o SO >*x — x 1 ,• l.V«—pound p,:.~c . . Y>*terdxx-« champ* 1 jc«i " s "t »-.x«vt**.v* r-c x IWvler ami V xWc • 1vr ee a ■ aldecer f.w- Till* ArTFRNiHXN — • Baraa; II INFORMATION it.C Pet.oJ t lav fa %DIO HONOR \F.\ >v * 4 MUMAX i 1 1 F TW liMK *rr*+ of \f« . mxr (* «s ^ ** 11" <>+m* u % c+t«+ >1 & nwt.ns Wi«MrfTf» nfmnt * ** TV|ftirtA> pte» Cfctrrrfc k('% Hocrs: Me* -Fn. s:ft(.. J^ ^ y4uvArsl§ur