partans To Spring 'Secret Weapon' On Mickigaii • • • * * * Vtallti Underdog Spartans Face Rugged Task In Traditional Battle Student PmblkmUm «/ Mkhigm Smt C#*d— By CMICR HTRATTARD Thin aftrrmmn Imforr an cnllmatcil 7H.IKI0 fann in Mk-htgaR I AST I.ANSIS'*;. Mini 10AN, NATUKI»A7N!??MSI3?M*^ •tailium at Ann Arlmr, Charley Hurhnutn will wml hin Mich* igan State Spartan- aKainnt a heavily fnvorod Cnivemlty of Students Michigan team in Ihe »!Hh gridiron meeting of the two tate Begin Trek To Ann Arbor Today * * * nrhoola. tt idterine Star Tminy'- ciH-h wiii nee thn Simrtnnn trying for their firat victory oim-e I1KI7. That year TBus Station* ■tale tripped the Wolverine* 19- HEWS Car In Which Two Slate Died 'S' Students 14 tu gain their Ninth victory of the aerie* which in reflarded aa To Schedule one uf the Imigeat ami moat r«dnr- fill In rnlleiiate Hiotbiill. Only tha Lose Lives war year 1944 saw a tweak tn tha 11. BRIEF Added Runs In Crack-Up traditional hfwtilitte* when tha Spartan* did not field a team. . Working much of Ihe paat week . FimuUp Qraffa behind "rlused doors" In prepar¬ Trniii ( iiiu-rllril • ing the Npartans fur the year's big IfHII AKWJUIA. Wuv. • m- Hiiri'ilii l'rtfli«-i« Two killed When game, the conrhmg ataff came up n TKtenaa. thr On. with numerous t-bange* in the inammrml tu- IpimmI X r-:illi. raiMvlhilinii nf the s|nvlal were killed and a third ia Blue. train mhciluli'il tn lake xtll- In critical condition in Kd- Bring* Up *19 name itniil* in Ann Arlmr this Ward W. S|inrrow hoa- Men! if mi nf i coupe, in which the three wrtif to A»"» Arlmr to piny I LOS ANGELES. M«v. • un — Till- first l.iil Were riding, flushed Into u Michigan liMuleit with mich nlars a Hay*. » Kte-mouUlrd film It'uvr KaiM I .mis un the south side of the medlul as Ton* IIuitihmi and Furrest Eva- whn hint wit a wwk am atrip iteur the intersect it shevski. Additional mvU. mtp (nan hor Inurth hu. Michlgiin mid C\mter streets in Itachinaii had what he terme«l a needed bvtwi 1. Nick (\mdns, farmer night East I .rinsing at 1:2.1 "sei-rct weaiain" that year and few 9 20 ». m whet nmnlian. dumiraad tilt ar¬ Two of the passengers riding in wlm saw the game will forget the daily sehrduled id t.alajr 9 20 the front neat of the ear, Edward INiwerful Wnlverinea lieing forced it m . Mill i be added t,. txtx CI. Amos, 22, Yonkers, N. V. jun¬ tn play right down to the final «CltmrrhUITm Hraf After the Panv ior. and Thetnlore Juki, l». De¬ whittle to eke mit a 21-14 victory troit sophomore, were thrown w a team which wasn't in the Ann AiIhu f.»i front the car and killed immed' ime class with Harmon and his mediately and v lately. Lqhlrr. Mary. t« Capl Chrlaln- until uU |i dated Hoi coup, mm aMMM%Sr^prjrb&:^ Mwr. 1W wmtii —I—kBi » lb litert Kill, 22, Ann Arlmr freshman, who was tiding in the liig Decontrol ed A liny I.HI-|MMind h it If hat-c nam¬ Walter I'iiwlowski was the r Samp- ■•( (hp midatream 4-V and n — IMm h Ike Cap**! town. hack neat fullered severe luce "secret weaimn" that exploded on •m ahp mrt only here Nn linns and heud Injuries, and \ Move Awaits Frits Crislcr'n high flying Wolver¬ ii Pans trip a ltd vitl It America Cuts removed to Sp. now hospital. ines ihat oltermam six yetrs ago, Vandenberg Restates bur. mme lam Will Ua4. The mihMTinbile was JtMlged by Trumatt Ntnt and nearly broke the heart of Michigan router. ■NIV YOML All bum will load In'I Political Tics a wltneas to tie traveling mure than 70 miles per hour when It WASHINGTON, gov. S r, bun on Top level officiais who have i t e«| relation* with Albania, unr Social Doings .3211(1'* Color* U. of M. and he became the man umnre Agent ■I the ((dinliics tn the hifth len- in w.»hmKt«n. VaiKlenlicrg'n -|—- h l-'forc By DAVE RIMID guided these war and post-win restraints said they expert gov¬ if ihe hour in East Lnutng. Just exactly what ' flacl" and the U.N. Iiuilgytary cnnimittcc ernment price lids to full from drise* I Heron* kiim dtsrlofced (hat At Low EMi • In un At hiislice Day program hi: aides have up their sleeve In was tha first (bract (tacbiratiim an everything except rents and the Hint will Ink® pi sic® in front of the form of a secret weu|>o i today liruari American |-ili(-y in the few foods still controlled, sugar, hbmf U Rales With ■ Inrge port ul the MiK.' Unittri Nation- silica Toc-iluy'- the stale capitol in l,ansing Mon¬ day. ii color gubid of Micbigati's syrups and rice. Their definition1 is not known even by many of the closest followers of MHC football .to.lent, hitting (he highway for of "everything" notably includ¬ tandslKta swr|it tlia Itrpulillrans 4»Hh Infanlry National (Juard ■ A. Ray Kridtr. Baal Lamtaf I Ann Arbor Ihli weekend, aurlul into (lower and placed him nearer ed building muteiiuh and auto¬ lion will rrtvivc th« division mobiles. airnl. afvM vttoraau (itfein nt the campuk will hit u low. tlul tor Ihoee left there the top rung among American for¬ flagn of I he stale's old unit, tha PKOBAHI.K LINKUPS I I kprp ihpir CI tawmnra. at eign policy makers. Await DerMM ■lilt things to do and the rest 32nd "Hrd Arrow" division. Anwrtcan Legion inlerpreled immedialely The program Will t« broudcast And as soon as the White house who leave lor Mirhignn today will among U.N. rieli-galiiai- as a move from Ihe scene of the ceremony inounrrs the decision, d w is find plenty nt soiisl lite awuiting In allay any speculation of a ims- | Knrtpr r-miihasiMd that them there. Mible change In Ihe llnded Slalys college radio station, learned, Porter will ask President Truman to let hirn nut at once. Plats i advantage ..( Rovam n«! related, The' Uniwrslty's hlg leatore nt WKAH, in n half-hour program • tlw lower rales, lor laisitMin lieran.e of the American sti rting ut twelve n«Hin, and will Home Informed off rials hud ex¬ Mt'leir r protection. nerd Mid the .vatorday night will tie a semi- political overturn. MH'orry t risnra at the Intramural Includ® ah atldress by Gov. Mar- pected the president to discuss the ■ Th. annual Armistice day reli i iteum witho Appearing before Ihe rnmmdtee building with Ted Waama and his Iu reiterate that Ihe United States Kelly. who will accept the impending decision at his first we of the Legion will Finally, they i colors and pay tribute to tt.j postelection cabinet meeting to¬ er Itoiha had nut uri'hetlta providing the music. LOuld nut agrse tn a report of 1 St. Thomas Aqi achievements of the state guards- day. Howvver, cabinet mrmliers trofn Ihi.s sectinr •pt an valid all pre- Coeds from out of town don't have financial eaperts calling for this nerth id the star Alhani; i tieuties with the worry about formats, (hay may country to pay half tha proposed combat. told reporters afterward that Division Mreet General ('rati Ta kpeak there hsd been no talk about de¬ ttnilec par street length di Ul.MM.44fl administrative budget ansa A« Catena Major Genepl Louis J. Craig, control. United State* pro|*»wd Nov. for the U.N. In IMT, the Repub. The East Un>»ng Thara will a tan ba dancing at licon aanator declared: deputy commanding general ot Late this afternoon .Senator i»45 t«i gr. fit (dficial recog- the 5th Army, will alto speak. Johnston iu report* fair we* both tha Men's Union and tha (D.-&C.) said after mi to Oen. Iloaha's Comi ■art. with whatever au. Ihe program will start with lie chana® in ti mpe Woman's Lsague buildings. *nd talking with White house that "all 1st-.dominated g.ivernment if It tharity I poaaass. that, ragardleaa parade at II a. m . which wlU controls will be taken off the day and this is «*m the fralernlUes and sororlUss will of what •old furmally affirm the validi¬ political regitno site in proceed to the capitol. The Uni¬ manufacture of MPktile/ within the daaUnlts. It is lair ta aasuma tM tad Ma Ammlran trail and iu wriati huld ty Of til.' p|ft*. Washington, you eon., count upon hood coach hoped tha °4d modal Thia croaa- route which mam bars of tha Michigan tha whote-haarted versity of Michigan band will very near future. the Ann Arhur Hosha indicated wlllingncM to cooperation of will detonate aa watt as It did ain any drivers Stale chapters art nsltams to au tha play select Ion* until 12. when the irnce by Muh- accept all so-called multilateral Rovarnmant of tha United ceremony will stsrt with the tan ago. through Mason land. Stataa In atrlvlng. through Unltad Johnston toM reporter that Tentative chandao In IM Spar¬ Tinckney where it Vkievments, ones involving not - lien on campua tha ChrUtlan playing of the "D:ar Spangled a Naliona, for o system of mutual __ Mis Mifhigan 131. That n»ut« unly the United Stales and Alban¬ "this will team a (not Aral to tan starting lino have Bd Ssbraak btudenl raundallon la having an defense am directly to Ann Arbor ia, but other government# as wall. Informal gat-tonal her tanlght against aggression and for wHh-JuaUca In Cabin Ob MsRtoy South Carolina bseauas ona-lourth irren Huay Other possible routes suggested from IM to UN in Faoplaa Tha colon will M carried to Um ot IM active iphMlu in the Unit¬ bp the American Automobile As- church. Thara will ba racorda. capital by a color guard ot reg¬ ed Stataa are operated in my ta right lochia to replace Atata of Lansing include US Sliphorn Artist singing, and rati sdimsiits. at- CMtOm Fmmmdalom ular army man, and will bs ac- state." ccptad by a contingent of notional Connor wM bra Man ihtfwd ta Controls ol lentil*- include re¬ hie guard pom duo ta Uw.tam ul 19 to Brighton thence on U. 8. 23 Ann ArlK.r. II. S. 1J7 to J«.k- ■ thence on U. S U to Ann Ar- Rrings Hand Here Will Hold Com/oromco gmrdsmsn. Immediately after the gulations requiring the produr. Id Bogdon. and Jim lite who bra program tM flags will M ptacsd lion of Math lor certain taw coot won Uw ethar tar hi* tab witn hta and Meridian mad south Wkk Chmreh Group* In IM rotunda of tM capital for garments, and Material lor indw- outstanding play againal Ran* display to tM public. lucky. ligan 36. Michi) a to Ann Arbor. will .luge a itinera of Jail "bXr WaMran ta StaH In Uw Michigan State horklMd with his 35 pi« -• hand on tha Col- with Mr. and Mrs. C. Mouwn and CUt son To Furni-h SMMfenl RrcrrJlion Ickp evening auditorium stag# M it i li to an ami Mr. and Mn. Alia gcott aa pal Western Technicolor Rates quarterback, Lynn Chandiwta and Don "Tony" Wakliui at tM wh* pinked house. Series , backs with Prank Waters at tall Tha Club 500. located at Townsend Sti .wt in Unsin*. vm Stent tirkrU^ ranging to ... 11 to to gi.go. are still nvall- gdlcc •Mb at tha oft- Spotlight Tonight ahle at Ihe atciMinUng off! By PA* PATTBRdON and r«m. This provide recreation lor young men Judging Irian Ihe turnout H known leaders in their re- and winter, on Wednesday. Fri¬ Altar year* al (spied Trail, a trail In nam* only, acras Cugat draw torn The tea wiH ba IwM at tha 9* •*" ■» day. Siturday. and Sunday even- ba King Xavier i rpngTsgallni.-i. Boptiat. Malh- many racltona el Uw world wiM wild daaarta. snow-capped mo Pr-awm CKWdai of wtoks ego at a «'■»" gdclorm- Mam at Mn. Van Fmrta, M Ai- cantero, Prancla Una. an* ut lata*, and turbulent rivers jngs Wall over M percent of Mfl Mtwaaa ( aad 4 pm. Thia ance of popular music, there wIR nation's leading photograph¬ ash their lutein forage in Uw Uic members tie college studenU. la IM Ural at a amabar of aactal la addition to group and Indl- be in all prnbal arte. including the president. Stanley odual tonfaranco with IM etu- er-. will give r Time sellout lor Dorsey. ittMn plasm ad by Ma couatil ' danta auch topics sa "Tha Chria- opportunity ol Living Uw hard and ateapto H1M*? If—1 R. Steams technicolor nun M IM taesp harden. Um walked «n>«Maa*»takfMte- uan tmparatlva" and "Tha Church In IM World Today" will M dia- and Solitude." IM anUra dtatancu ol Uw trad A iaaarjre uMadn In a bril- U of D Offen MSC Father William Solution On 'JIT Date 1. Miliar. S. t. 1:11 in IM Collage auditorium. Ho cUims that Uw aub|eet tad- tarial lor this aovia taken ta tttasiag Uw Ink a* he prognaaed. " lUte actual (liming. Uoa't atudte* at animal and .io- 0ETRC1T. Nov g ofh - The •8* Vcterhury Prof western America J along uw way. ol dsoort "Also, we'd ba ftad te piny piaaident of tha University of De¬ Michigan Slate any " TescUa* At Mbaouri baauUlul and tatsnsUng a* gap- flam habits, and 1 Indian tribes aU combine to giv* tract tonight offered a "solution the season. That m thing ha has in foreign lands. picture ol M preamt football schadula dif- dates most wanted by MM MM- For 44 days. Una tallowed at n*U.a<8LMd P—Iite. of Michigan and Mich- igm and MSC." ft. MHbr addad. MM snip of Uw mast important and aaal Aatlldktg to Una, Uw Artaona "If our idaa la Mad Mb- saga an fl. Igaa State. » l» •" having tmu- vorsbiy. aU ssdag ell h MP Vabmrtnaa wtantag 14 ta S ta Mnantdtlte visiting (acuity difficult aheap Iraki in Uw hrad wgp trail la an kwertraa spir bla trying to agree on football fled and well Mat a Hd Mead' mr. IM nana and Mich Man movrawnta of all history. IBM and a luwwlgdsg of Mta itraags rivalry wMMa MlWV «ta as* rated Bd Itanta Mtas MM at tM Unl- ■Map Irak has oacurrad in central and vital tafuatiy of IM Waal ta '-wall lake Ihe opening dita at WW gutea If Michigan State does STSm I.- " ■» U. nf D. s55 at MMauri at Calurablg. Artaona tar aver Olty years. C S. Bryan aanow " AnrateM. taratannda at Mm* Of Mg AtalMR stataM I te a fuR tradanlaa' A . /"« 11 WnUTAN IIIWO—1. B. MMai as Mm IBs, I I I I AI IjOlKSf Vn"IVBV "" II am 11 Wiwdtwai mil imrt. - -Awhmlwa Warert" at < ttoiwlay TlMal wUIW .1 10 »m The m> for the 7 *> Hit Iroturr. "The World Today' oim» regularly *ch»1ul*d on th« IAim i fVtMN Tfiw/ An eerie. seemingly eternal screeching of brakes and an horrendous crash awakened i mn.v Knot I .anting residents yesterday to all ohyerl lesson which is extremely important today- Saturday Thousand* kI' ii» will lw .lining to Ann Arbor today. We will drive lun'k inn, some utter many hour*. after many, BaJwehw SKUJNG or BUYING A ilrtnha. after many a- hnarae ami ha|i|>y party But remember: A split aecond of screeching brakes ami YOl'K car may la' wrapped arouml a tree. You may la- FIX pale itra.l pulp in a pool of hloml, n a . a..a Drive carefully toilay. If you ilrtvv, ilon't ilrink If you >MMRB drink, don't drive. Peatv Tht> llanl If 'tiv Each year on Nov. II we pause for a moment to recall the Armistice of I9IS, the end of the war for "makinic the wot Id safe for Democracy."' What fools we are! By this time it should h.ivii Pawned upon us that no one war. no cue effort can ever safeguard the IVmocratic way of life. World War II should tea.h us that constant vigilance is the only defense. We heard Kx-liovernor of IVunsy Ivamn tleurge Karle sound dire predirtlona for the future in his speech in College audilswium Thurm.tay night He warned of the ItuMian men ai-e and rcs-ommemlr.1 thai vie la'gin now to arm ourselves with all nuc weapon* for the clash to conic. AUTO ACCIDENT Church "Russia, we don't trust you." says Karle "That you werr KfMtTIIAI.I. SCORES our ally in the last war doesn't mean a whit. \ou are deceit¬ VUluwva a* iwnav a ful. trra. hemus. ami war luongtrh-g ll> io»r doing, the Dulled Nation* will bee.awe a fare. We shall perpare to op- poae your plan of workl .banmath n. Beware! I* this the way to peace? Ry distrusting Russia and mak¬ Directory ing preparation* for war, would we l1*1 _ Watch These JVs Meet 'M' Good Weather Pmlicletl Spartans With Short For MAlways Irislt-Army Classic — Reserve List NfctV YORK. Nov. • (A") —• Kvan the weatherman joined tonight in tha rnna|iiravy to make, lomorrow'a meeting of the your mo»t ~~ k finil linll titan*,, Army anil Notre I hi mo, the In Ami A |>iir*kln ailravngatir* ill memory of living man. ■parlan JV Michigan n ^ Any |*M*iliilily that Hie rlimnetie (.petiole woiikl lie I Ity rain or a aoggy mar- Personal Gift" •M field*.r.v n... in.i. A ilisappeareil with the anooiiniement thai the day official^',"^11 L would l*< rrinp and fairly £ II. The Wlenw rlrar, oml tt*«* i VhhIm* stmtiiiui wmiltl deadly Wolverine lateral* f(N*ttli|t for Ihr flfH't lim ImttlX. offrr firm hs Iif txatti • WOMEN'S YOUR PORTRAIT 'k (itnMeai, Tin- Have yours lakao now in lime l« glvr Webber laal who weak r will inmlitimiH, hi nlhrr wont*, In* Html* fin which Army'* t»mtmailt lutvr pmyrd. (Wh r.Hil SPORTS • to your parents alarltr tedar I Itlnik luul fmiiil that wr| doing for Thanksgiving. would hudty ItutKlimii hit lorn-It- Onr styling ami workmanship will rwHSar kanakas »*• "'Me.1 rinwti twin*. r«Hu (IWl tthm- Hm Aureeea U Bab Hlwalel | elinrd imd (llrmi IhivH, mid tiffin•! lonm hill miningcd hi krrji mosl wHh yonr naUafarlion. (oil or karfe HI I'larMa «ha*a nnlv n ttmiilhlv mlvuntagr to thr hrav* II * froRh-Rrihnr tmm grnvrllttg (Ban* ap lo lh» vanity. Karl I II am. MIMnri Jonas, John Pok in Irish M|iiml. itt thr (hint Willi flvr vutnrirR and ottr In* slop In InAiy. Rmiril Hrll lHr S|intkril hy Atlrrn Cnroy Md IMb Natter ate ulh»r A rtowd nf tilmttl Vl.tNHI wil In* uttil Until Arnnr. Ihr Ni>|»l»>|«o«%M»r I an the Inline lis*, whih rrtmiiiml info rvcry *rat nf tin* s«|Uiiil h s krpt Ihrir o|»|Mi»intts SB TtSlon and Pete I'lokow scoring In .1 minimum thfouglioul big hull viinl wIipii th<* (wit tthilrfritlrd. tint nil 12 .10 tf'STl. unit* «|,«v|| Tnkrlx hiivr l«rrn virtually tin* sr.iaiNt Thr Ml gnmr wiin an Thr Kihirttion I* ttooro«d, hut |»«• VMM MM'HIOAH HfATK KKWI IP ass CLASSIFIED All tir; JacoLrtonX Cm4I Lan^bK) If "ritt'l «♦»•- mt • r.» lift I ■ m I r m M SSSSTtv38* pa.'"Ea'-? aass^i a&s&z** TVitrm hand* an* KS5.T. •;o" "■ "-v; 0smm% glad hand* "ri., =r:c.?~ —"e pV-iTir*"Bb't..~T£ In Ihrw Ihimiiv fur mltlm. iti&'gris |>>r f'lfly or nvenini| wnnr . , . Ifftlhet pnltm in while, red or brown I'ATRONI/K STATU INKtrS AltVKHTISKKS rind Annwy whiln hif bficlis ... ft mil Inn Ihftt mnlly wenm wfttrn hftft'b. when you'ro out on ft c o-l-d dfty (iirnful tjif'l iflen) . more iftftAonftbly prirrifl Ihftn evftr before I • hiimniIIi rnvuii pnlNiriliiiT pioneer . . . ♦IftwIrAAly Alylnd with n nenl fly front, dimion/il pockrl ... n f lftAMi Hint romiiA fitAl in your wftrrfrulie wofttft|lln•. ... in rural, fti|iift, <|rrefi, rnflirn ftnd i|my cjftbftrrline . '. , nUo in I2.«C frencli loafer*... I»y Sandler of l^Mlon 'TOffy. yauieffipfo:. THEY SATISFY! the all tine favorite any sirfi hit pared. . . . th. french loaftr ip black suede or bifi9 cherry calf4 to 9... AAA to B