an wm.vr.sror m Vtalltr scrrimti,*, zac.k 2 Uate Department Vandenberg VnAAGS WAFt DECLAR Stale Cities John C. , lap* Soviet Russia *11** Pcace Qupnset Horseplay Open Polk Ex-U.S. Ambassador, for UN Stalemate ijtoenment Chides USSR Coihro Reaches Near-Riot To Voters Commits Suicide MayonilMjr Rurr i„ i n , In Drlrak Hold* Former mm CAflBa MMM Twit *C tlw man Uir*win« bot- ftiplnmtil Snfferetl I far Compromise Refusal 1<< lurn'i'.n I AN'N' ARBf»*. Nov. .1 m to th* am to »Wtl* lh» Tmutlvr pirn h*v» twmi m to thr tmlla In a flNllll Uttllrjr h*»pni I.W on Soviet '"<*l«rin|f that "pnae* I urban t*. mwl. tor a mwting tonlfht nf .11 nomt^r of ( CONCORIt. N. It. Nov. .1 (If,- John fi. Winnnt, fornwr am. , J *f ttt Unltod Nation* to "irr».ii th,. ?"'* h"v'" Pri"r'»y." H»nator T— "war bww**n prwinrla" I* villH* muntwlnr. whn will talk with C'nln m* O.Klrvrr l?';f'r;Briu;"- »« * * fm mt tMWjt." Vamlontarr (R MIrh) raltH —Ifevrrf to b* lh» dim** «C t*aee with »ln»lm night* «*—it bp IntuM Cain aummx up hi. (rvllnia hitlrt Thr hradlina attrartion ia thr1 non-partiaan may.ral.ty 'h»ST> toniyht. Il» wa, M. Mrtlirul llrfrrrr Clarrn.r K. Iluttrifirld, who Konotinrmil ,Vl!rw!LSrTu!l.l7- P"hll<' ,h" I'l'rmany amTatS'i urnment of the tonlr i.l fn Minister* if numy *1 lh* hula. n aha—alt toward thr outbrMk whm h» » to aornr of lh. mm. HHroit in whirl. | th. ktilrirl* vrtlirt, iaj.1 Winant ■hwtrynom. .hot himanlf It" a Ion. tliml at in hi* 7:15 -arilork persist* th» pmindlng <* rob* • an* ba«l • MMlN, htfarry. I VMM* aaraa r*M mm * It* Dnltad Symphony Tie pewe "inference should lair •• 3 a.m. V* railed by those who h*iHlra on IhWr mrlal r<«*• m do agree." IV nr. "W^v* UW to atop thr Imrirr. I'* Ilk. to to. thr atudmta put in . anvtonto* body, an* a atu> years. "Architert (t.m. U:.ST». The .Ira-tor '(uotH llian Irrrt- Maaon, th. -rryrtary, A" •* MPM MaN, "I* to lli aajltlMl trwtjr To Appmr Vandenherg. 'hairmao of the Sen. a'e Foreign Relations ••aid at a committee Thr initial r .* • fir. University of Michigan h>«ll..>lin*.r> Mean rtmt ptotc. torr. that wt/ul* rn- Despite a forecast of cloudy tipmata with ua. Wr hava only and wet weather, election official* abaut tart nfflrm hrrr tor thr pr«dieted a vote of half a million To Lecture an* Mil. Orol vfa.ari. -ha mat* ia wrrr .aylni thrv nray* al'rartrrl t.v nr. thr vhal. hut prmlntti ISM* aludmt*. n his camp for tl Rrnownati IVtignrr ot thla To ImiI Orrhmtra come to united term*. Rut I pu« pnlir, 1iru***> Mm C*M rgtnry vehicle i* pvt out of time, ruled the favorite on pre¬ To .Hprak in Ami. saying that disagreement h Infernal tonal i*. In Two (ionrrrt* or elsewhere cannot be allowed »n* l'.'r..lman C. t, RTs I service, the person* responsible election dopesheets despite Van rivrrt qu.rtr* th* Frank f.ioyd 'Wright, world- postpone peace | are liable to take someone's life Antwerp's decisive margin over . peace must titrfW* WlOi I in their hand*, fn ra*e of the incumbent in the primary. imed architect, will |ect.»ce at e priority." «f! cidaht or other Most of the AH* is the orchestra, under ♦r,night in me C'olWe audi* • •*vM thUon, alone with Meeting Picketed Rugerie Ormandv, 1 c+uonset Village, they Imputed vehiete would be councilman. t* **rtr to rom- The rtSeetiog w keted h water-filled hut*. »he college auditor Nine Detroit counritmen will tie l*t*l f lira to I ha and Thursday even I about three doren elected from the. |g candidate* patitMal raroo- bore placards asking. ' What about who ran highest in the primary annul* unlfim- A tbfferent progr Indonesia''" and "Why American y when i II Oiiin*nj.H Uw npui I uid presented each night Arms in Indonesia*" I'I5 inevpeetedly heavy demand i* urn ha* i*im to im- Another sign • tearing group TP.MPI.R UAMK evhausfed the ticket supply. 4 Represenlallve 'Southern I maoy at thaaa rnmmit- Meek Featured picketed the first group with Exposure' In 1447, President ' placaids stating that such que*. A small bloc* of ticket* for Truman Wright, called «he "world's lead- rr.ed nim f»ermanent U.S. re^» With Mt reefing Srbastu, i tion did o»»t tepresent the nenti* the Mftf'-Temple lfniver«ity ig contemporary e*perimental I wntative on the United Natmna mint -.f the university sfudant football game in Philadelphia firr-1 yruuiw n tiorlv " November 1.1 ha* twen re¬ architect." is noted for his func¬ onomie and Social rouncil. by Ormandy. y Getting 'New Look' a Vandenberg said "Our Sowlet ceived by athletic officials, tionally designed structures iirocntm. lira hi No 1 in F Ma, < assoc iates" iiad frustrated" eeo- and student* desiring to attend Meal Nome By WrtgM uomlc unity in 'he occupied rone* may purchase ticket* at Jeni- d Wright's creation* In- 1 111 mnclude thr fl is I rhtofly with Manomir To moat aliMtont* to* hbrtrnrtam who daily trudt. thr son fieldhouse. cated d i>v .in intmr)i«si< at f*kem«»s. near Lansing. n wbirh may mUtr- Turning to the United Nation*, Two others are in Blnomfield tie said the UN Security Council wrary mad to Math ratttpq*. tha aw*eraiw* of that latmt itrausft* Don Qh f.»st fiecemte-r. iWf-euWWnine without * clerk and a treasurer also Mill* and PtynwMith The ener- ir.ked Pro M**wHp —to—- tins la-en virtually paralyzed" by •ddltirm to th* faM oi MSG groaad. ia hamming lie named. Proposal* for a gatic octogenarian '» i« r»»»w engaged now rniuici ightly Character" the vetoes of die Soviet Union, p life again will occupy the entire seeontl half city-county building and a in planning ts r» grsmpa of bomaa a* a private citizen in my own acting "strictly within it* ' rrv&s/vs '|f the program. Samuel Mayes, rights ' nut he urged rontima«| fello, and Samuel f.ifschey. viol*, i gun hi* support of the UN. •arsjer^"^ saner n "<^rganfi» jARf- twair;,' Winant, often likened to Ahre- Kalamazoo a new city com- lecture and firganic Living." .f hi* phytto will play incidental so|n* during I N ( heck Mill Will— Without the UN." he said, die Communist design for a |/ist. NEWS mistern of five members and a municipal court Justice will be elected. Voter* also will past ary fhe Recognition for hi* revolution- ' idea* came firat while abroad, American public ack-1 ical resemblance and his penchant for afway* trying to help other*, nad icrved as first head of thn a u world, the chief cause of frir. IN BRIEF! upon a proposed charter amend¬ now led gad his work soon after. Social Security r^.ard. to whirll ion today, would certainly have ment adding a salary to fee* ,iow la-en no less t{Coed Mixer Ctaw With Hlrsi Richard St rat a city elarfc will be elected. Mun¬ ( Women journalism major* will (he Rosenkevaii# icipal Judge Paul C. Younger is unopposed for reelection. Capital Psychological be guests at an introductory re- I ception in the Union ballroom to- voter* a ten will determine tha program. Wednesday s < fata of propoxate to permit tha Discussion Held ! night from 7 to !> Member* of rheta Sigma Phi. women's r.atmn- city to lease any of it* idle prop-, i al professional journalistic frater- holders of while "H" serie A erty. / Vy Professitrs honored only ol The Psychologic*! society spon- Wells DonpRory lored an open house Thursday of evening at which there :*rolyn Karney, Will Accomodate faculty diaruMion on tl * tion of the amount of training ! pr^iri'nt r.f Alptu Pti rh»*tor. j Wl|j the quahfications for Men Next Term ieeded by a psychologist rn a study human engineering. ^ ibership and report oh the WKh the expected compietioti held thia of Ynkely hall for winter, term, Thet panel < immer in Hollywood. Weite hall will again baaama tba Howard Bart ley, Theta Sigma Phi «electa it* flUMtut to it**lr to* man -u-Ktold '" n - ptiywotokto.l ,nd ..p»ri-,»r-i !rom th* iunior ta* daato. Jl O. Ftotor. dmctorTt Stonul Oth*r m«aik«r» w*r*t Dr. tl"M- riutto: lasses. Qualification* in- Innt a 2 ltd m all j«trn- b*lh ftoirar. totoui* and «***r»l ,ium .-ourtoa. hiah moral Inn javthotoo; Dr. frMirie R. Wirk- ability in uiiim toadanlup mt Id. it,l.j M tmnuif and coun- mpnnaMUtjr. Nthuuutic atoitrto -im«. Dr. K. S. D»»«*pon. toto* Um on a ctotaa* puobcatmn; UM inunt to mafea* jnurnnlm kd* prto—inn «nd th* ap*ra*to to Uw h**d to th* d***rtm*M mt to* family MrlMr. Atoka Pa c ****** now to — iml— Audni Datoaa, Ma. Im mmm. I* uw ikiu— to A —« » wnm OrebesM Cl*u«|i To Offer! THE HICHIOAN STATE NBWE grin and bear rr Byl ttlKHH AHK Kid i rdar RMtao IS* Unto nmt would all tho hooka ploaao ho stroma.! Fronllor - Oirfatnphrn flrl.n< i o lil .orir limr hi 'ho fnll of '4A. J[L|L|rr 110 llrrkry hall, 7:90. All aha- II* only ilio I iininir of Ihr tnrnoil in nt fir ilonk. Thoro Inlrrrslisl lo worklna nn .lonhr wolromo. llo haa l-mrn in mwrpaprr wnrk .a, ■■ >n. So mmo timr Into In '411 will . . Uu . ... IllUrl NOT BKINt! I.IHRARIANS IN Ol'R Iho Mwioaan 1-aihoUr m f.« M srara. »o.nm« Mia aidl ot rommlMara for J-Hap. 1(1 noma tipan maalmo •* all drwlifi - ih»f »iu.lion» »ln.lonln rnn go May,;Promnnica. 7;3» Mi. Iriauro timr, wo would hoaitato to aaaort 1MB l> rrvrivnl bl» drurra fne Wlldllfa t'awrrradw Ch* alodrnla, gp»nan rotaa id Union, an 1 i-Nprrt In find antla. lama at Winn 7dm unoipilvivally that thia la not a atandard .lohn Cat roll iinnrraily SIS Morrill hall. T * pm. H Iha-tiaa plana tor rampua elee- llrrrri allot-a aro not nordrd for SI tr Mo lion will aprak on Mlrnb 1 H AT T A It HIT AMI BATH- oporating proroituro of library wrork. Ilut tlona al «0J llnmr Kpmamlca. 0 Ihr hrrakf .at, I «an Phoaaanta" at « P m. .1 .lull atii.Ionia IIIIIat ro- if It ia. wo aro of tho atout opinion that it ' t'lirlatlan IManrr OraatdaaUan Se. iathio to ninko tho uhuuld ronio to a faat halt, undor proaont Sirviora tonight, T:IS, Ohapal AnfMailmu I'ahara rondltiona. |l ia, to any tho loant, hardly All rrgulara rrporl for ladh Hhlo. Tho night, ot tho Phlladolphla IK- library Iw rondutlyo to .Untying. Aa for avoiding tho jam ■ lip at tho IHIBSb — rhr.1. a. Noirmhrr 9-». US Ao.lih.toim, 7:10 pan. wsur -• oVIo main ilrnk during tho ovoning rnah houra, thaanliati.mal rrprrarntatlvoa. ■•ivnbld that wo miirh' auggoat dropping In around tho ' ;apua" Cily'Amartran Ugim »""" """w Pronomlra. 9 p.m. hours of il to 7. Nobody is thoro thou on- a?i**n **'"• t'luh. SIM P. Clrand Ko-rr, lam-1 KraHhnr Miig. 9 p.m Plrrlinn of otflrrr. i l.on.-hron no-rlma, i.iwtalra rollout timo to ropt tho doak alaff and thoy aro probably | l.un.-baon mrrtiog. uralaira ir,I that . - •mrrtran Vrtm, vnrraaa t- lonoaomo for ii little oompany. ra(rtrrla. u ma Ranney Jewelers fit Ihr Mttoi (>i KMlioit nam 3, 9 |».m. »lit>:hi til. aro it dooan't Tn Thei Thr I'tTMftt Mirhienn 8!»lr m.t »■ thr.aigh I _ noTt Rtftr TNm Iim». groat Hoal of [*oltrffr lihrnry was hutlt In IMS, DrmtvUBlrntion hull. 7:W to- i I II : and training IHUtjan State Ntm fnbotnl »h |is«ttrr il : hrn thrie were only If II Mil* night. •nts rnmllptl at State Now thrrr i lirrrn llrlmH Tn T«J9 Nrw Mrmlirm Snon Iii i 1 .- .lot . is to try if tf mm B«ni Un«ti«i. IS fluliiUntf AntsvA T. .uiri.1I"""ihr1^"atuneWwii**! MW A,r,r"l,"r' h»"' 1M pm nl. d. n'l lako n.haiit- Wouldn't it l«- thr arnaiiilr ' *"T. Grrrn llrlmet. Miph«mH»rr mw's tunning aiudy porlod, ''v'lUhl«M,nS«»V,r ma H-n ... a! Ir.-l krr,. thr library, oil day Sunday so that wr1 ™ 'J"lMmg. • » 1 C.rronin* will »|w«h Imnmary. st in ted mm Thurwtny m«! t for topi'inu in the n- a had dnil. Hut air wo hardly think in hove .« littlo more ehatirtf to, fH-chrat* fuintr . Wemrn's Gym l< restrirled p.. untiol iord. ip its cram|w*«t facilities* itittwrt It WlntfirW. I in Hrrkrv hull. m- M« mis rship i all- COLLEGE BIKE SHOP] e« ileye Nv rrntte or tilRhcr w ho MAUBCIHI r4ll«r Al IVraluntf Mrmbrr. Spartan l'l I Ali i ' o f.-w . rtti-i-in- Milm I'nl M.-Carthy' IIIIM IVbating. T 30 p. AH inter- | ha\p demonstfiitnl qualtites of |cn<1miit|> In frtrn - eui rtcuUr J GUARANTEED repair work A4«fr(MM« MAMirn ma' day tjojir.. la-1 a littlo to long, r r iho n.ripuo.l rrndltig Valrrir Wlblrt Ktfl Feather (^uotu •Mrn \*llanal mviiini. Kludenl AodrUlhiti i ewmpus ortivltiM. trailing our fmorilo NICHI MNur rATRHNIRR RTATK NKWt int.., whon about ditto \*MwiA.ll \|«ill NHat ,r; ?r.r '»,,riv<> 110 Htsne RrO.KH..WS bu.ld.ny i ADVKRTtXKRh VI11ZZER MOTOR AGENCY 1 : .10 p.m. Nlahl Hpmrio MiUr Hoy lloMinit jhr Mirhigan Suw mltrgt OIK: >■: S iittrli io ihrottgli Mr- the ro .li.mnn-.l all tho .tool win- R»T«iKTFRs 'tlon . 'he Community CVsl mo la-gnu a rathrr inioliod i•»*«. I'ssy RinmI Aniffp KittaN lipnitt rfftvr WTIThrt its quota in thr I*in ('41 rI I'rrnianrnlH dnw« • < inwhAiMit. WoHiii Nm*n*. «iIm* «*«••»».) rrrrnl ranuialcn l«v rontritmtini: through tho room rvidrntly iMtWlA l.orWwm Uwtls RW»i«. IM tklMPV ' , . * and . Iter WaU. Imw WrOwwii. |»> Bmwfc. i H5.3 |irr ffitt of it* q'Hsi.t. ni.-y to iho indlviduala pn-- »ain>'UVwwV VI« RriMi ImHT'VV. c ,f. mx' ,h.i .-r not Ih.-i won- irady • Hobom ii«Hin«rd that thr final Kaanr Hairrula -k staff WAS Two or throo Mmu*. momma hrrtoys. $11.530 75 »leslitrs. mribnt from Kiprrtl) Dan* Al CAMPUS CLEANM Artists K\liil»it «7 E. GRAND RITRR Viorks In N.Y.a BfTTTJ IUUTY BAR 999 M. A. C. Ara. 4 Bom* Dry Qmmlmt Senirt I C JiirajEo Shows MfoUaWAnvsEtvm | WUEN YOUR CLOTHES NEED attenJUm I ■BCULAI 3 DAY SERVH i: II CLASSIFIER ADS LLOYD'S Jursswattsa IW-MW. gMtt cVSatS - ha. lamwata. tiuooa wan. WALLET Kawat! gVLa..r CLEANERS gahdTmdiw1 at US E. GRAND RIVER AVE. v Our Imlroebietory S/teeimli I w: Rowr Ave umwcvcLE- tan owi. wTce jt.*? ' "V"'U -NBfSJUD •UDBHKBB tPtafcal •mm' ""»um. eurtmin*. etc &L*gai", ^ «»«-« Sam. I TVxT #mMf ItrtHM Lik- • ST SmJZ* vSSSlZL V4 Ut % T0K0AT5 £S° '•jF> a5.?2? 'jr~* af-g-r* aa"a u >, M Jf •• UaSniTu£ AMIS *JBMS 1 •mm : —^Erim i wnim Ii# MMMRI TTTIT-wl 4, mi TBI mOMlOAH 8TATB Hlf> \partans Drilled In Deception Army Notre Dame Fears Ryder Cup Action lunn Seeks LiordiiMtion d Little Grid Clash Guy In Rough Hand* Bacjifieltl By HU. MM Dread Of Irish itt nowAn iwifi I lick Kwcfi won the ' llrait CaaH. Blffl* Miinn ftpnrtt Skill* rop* nkw york, Nov. n Un¬ routed last wmk by dirt It hi* Spartan rtrvrn it Kx-fVdnnol Karl Ht«lk weiw ; th" 20-foot ropa in. Lniiih a rnmparatlvrly IIkIiI a general and If he war* mi SfllU. u fimmaira laat nlaht, a* Ih.y a battlrfMd. ha would m* Faarrh. » physleeB jj flint away ham ll*tiiri<«y'a I*. lake hla men In aurh an "an¬ fflfffj.lif.t. student from I* Jmlnry war Marqurttr mut Untk f.vrr th* l« idershtp 11.-I ptattatallana far the rwn- nihilation" a* Karl hlaik. Iha all college Sports Skills than 1 antiw «Htt fl*nt* Clara At my font ball eoaeh, and hla hunti Mtmn iiarrt hla rt*rllnt> leant will fare Notre Dome inwdup with » total of M (Ml If*, received |5 |* .n IM n Ln riianmly *• h* alrratnl Saturday rllrrd. and five points in the fa |l Iiiinitlln* and Hrtrtrtlmi in i Thai Ull pass a- nrw playr. Thr rrai.l... lialay by 14. John fSreen, .... ... « mil aubjartad to any Inalilv Melk'a aldka. In the New York Freshman Melv»n SMout teak Itail nlaya. Prailliall Wrllera' aaaorlalion. second |.l»r* in th* ran flreen, a rhunky, hard-bitten j climb hv gf.mii the distance In 7 rrf f.nrlt. The world's retard In fallow who aaptaiood the Army IM' rope climb it around M *•*- laam and apaared aam* of Ibnaa hilar hole, mat Dnr Slam hard and filenn Iravia ron.ped Ihr.nicl. two T.ed for second place in th* rear. aao. virtually flooded lha room with tear, aa be related ha had ohaarvad while »rd Kir retailing Notre Dame i IB r David Maun SNaaahal J»e i» vThich i * * Marqiielta'a hard • raoolaa SMI* Itofct Againat lha "very auperinr" Hh.ll* point4 are given la mu! MNI ^Urkl' a! "" "M 'etwfh qoartar """ ** rm>- froat af a*aetao Ml and Sama I Nolle Dame outfit, ha added. rkey Trot which Will b* pool return. fMl. Army "will have aland aa much • November 21. Individuals rhanee aa David would faring *4 I* VNsHUntf. tin ***« . »rn« may run. Trams mini riolialli ami leaving Ida aiingahM Am Hint h* la BBymn Afhan anil llffnta tw of. of fiv* men of thn a minimum of drill liy lli# Mine Si irk* Confusion Rules As MSC al bmne." | After rpmlliig Paul Amen, a- Bterraa. « mm! i tfcf AMfhM nuA ami af BS-B. mm In ffUi* Ihr rap rgan./ation uwH a* fatarni- trrnr.. f.r independents. lul Injury. Trainrr Jmli 11 aapraawd balial thai To liiiiiol Dion nrrther army aeout. aa aaylng thla I ■ would ba a hi* In am Saturday. In lloirl Setup Runners Trip Penn State | tr* flit in* t*i»m h* *v*r had seen, Cunn Aging; llfMr* patroMZK STATE NEWS ADVERTISERS 1 nan Pnalln* lUa j fj recti Frank b'ahy'H Mjuail. ch-d.; p„m limn* i rlalrd ha wna plfiw, i'eiui Slntf alnr* fierryJ Frato** l.aiaah i nTTSBIURBN. N..v. 5 >,V) Ji Ihr work hla thorium lurm flllcAlia No--;i „p. lb, Iin Karver inul llnrner Aahon- D (again:.! aluldann Mtmp.rlt. \ The team Is great offensively1 llllly Cnnp ApF" h*'a throuat. with rn Snliirday. feller finMinl in it.dead-heal *Mural Scores will, .fhunny Jujaek outntaiidmg j lh* ring—because h* feels *.M ag* r rx|ir*aard with Saturday fur firal"plnef, liul and th* fn»h have a tiemenduos f creeping up ie» hiM et 3« 'he Spin In., erou-eraiidry ||.|..v i.f injured llmrur tlini- a'|ua.ut nt t.i* off onto th* old ,Mb-a2»rv£to.. • pas Srs.silsasl • fiaHrr • Ta Ba YaratoS far | ll.waco Smith naod IS yard, roura* Iimi aoon. — o t end to acara, after ivie 1 Karl PUil.' The ivnn SUt* team arrivwl lo iutr Ki iday. flu* lo a br*akftown itoSa.i f.n Hi* train, ami it was lias dark fin then, to ti* taken atouml th* cut A*. S« Ml JUST * Coach Karl hlademan tiaik th*m m his car 'Cats Will Mix MIL Men i falleead and parmilled the .eat morning. In Lakes Bowl I Marquette tauchdown with Karver ami Ashenf*!!* Tan the CLCVBCLAND. Nov, 2 (^-Vll- !. Da nil full course hut th* Michigan Stat* lamsva College and lha University 1 men. misunderstanding Sfhlad*- of Kentucky were rhttcen today INDIVIDUALS or VOI R URN TV.iM t r.jt.y the 1 rearnv-ri. h Liiuisq Walcott man's instruction* did not. n*r as football opponents in the firel did th* lemaimlrr of the Lions. annual Great laikes Howl gam* 4 Hoy Join lusur. of a S ah.rtli •*liave, the bracing AIMit Amiss MSC.* ground*- Cleveland stadium December •. •' Saw Sag Tlato: S:M N:M Hal. Mia Sign For Bout — • kcc|»*r limed th* course Friday Written canfirnuition from Vile lollow-uf»of weaforth's evening and Saturday morning, is ea petted togmrrow, BOWL BKKOBE YOIB DATE hcaliirr-fresli Isdioti. NlaW V« »KK ;i V The hut a scta|*er u^ed to sm«Mith th* KuhaKik laid, and K. af C. olfi* IIh 4ImI Mil. r ",' ,f,«rtk rwrnluU, ,».kJ-T . road for the ffMjtball game traffic ciala will fly to th* Panngylvamg Ear .■lirwkllin; CALL MTABEAN AiUEH — t-illt % .ml« .1 r« h. Lift - u, tJ to 17. erased th* lines. school later this week to sign Charles Werner, th* IVr.n Stat* contracts. 1, III lt,*l:r/rlUl ll.lfl. \rl. Y<*k 20. coach, pr*f*rr*d to tot th* rac* stand aa it had been ran. sine* (MAMTHON all but lh* firat two hruahera had run th* aam* abbreviated court*. W*rn*r'i aportamanahip. ac¬ cording lo Spartan Caach Karl .% hlademan. made it unnaewnry lor Stat* to fovait th* nm which Si hlademan aaid. had bean ser¬ Wa aoaaow Madurt UMat OpM Salaa.a iously ..'ism gbtjeawus' Mill tkahaariaa to ba aama: OorAsa Mm Em. You'mlota«to am and nwa .4 turn, lh., DICK DAVIS Smyt aawaat plattar M b» » taally a riant tat tfca buvfea. Aaatka* tacard (or Ika baafea ta tka laM thai tot war "l mm* Sawa la l.aa III mi try BaaarSa In my Mara Wa Wly. Yea* Aad lha aaawar ia yoor -T-Skaa" (T lot Tama aad T far Thraal). Try Ciaiili. Dtacwa* to MOOM.N-HT ■%. ret. o mv hr%«t CAUrtHtMA NkO I COME ■OCK-A-BVE fOCE BASE WHS A I Tito srANIAED ALEXANDU■* TNAjr 1 EACfUtt BANS s^mtunr n oes hunte «ot i^rmvunuwwu m to vnv SEAfL ayr TVwtiftr, Wnyi»ml.i.r f| rnr Mien ma* state wkws. ' P.W w 'S* Fronomirs Professor 'IVsl* Movie | hIwIi* prndwftiwi linr m llea/ls Slate Final Croup: To Be Shown MSC Population Reports Show Continued Swelling you're invited Appoints Committeemen In And Soon Rf WAM.V WHmillR , Immu to I" |MM M MS«*. Tho l«tt*r r l*by| .InroliMHi'M •ftoW Hour m I A-VhIVj: nlim... •: ■ •""> ■ In tin- -*..•■ ; V.-\ :! I J'1 Till' • 111- Ml. lot * •'Vrt'lilivo offli'P fltlMoUMOlsl Km 1.1 ........nltr.. III f""'1 •"'•-••r%nil«Mt twnnim I Aooltori tivftiro • iiwrrrt wlon J"" Wl" 1,1 I" lh» M. m'"X irvnul Ifirlf »•■ «• Ai Iwl 10.40.1 IhrieiHR t .. • MM I .m. •pointlint of whllr invnn MM' IttHr • Kvrrv TiipmIiiv iopo«, with .1 lo 5 p. m. Tin ... i., nj» |v,,fr«Mir \piN.inlnl in for off- loin 11'. I I ft • I II. in.r. . |«i i IN OUR SPORTSWEAR SHOP