Michigan State News VOTE i on - M MIDI (iKAS- (T.OI'DV AMI COOI.KK IIOVAI.TY TODAY MstrC? M SX! DAILY STUDENT PUBLICATION EAST LANSING, MICHIGAN. THURSDAY, MAY 0. 1948 luUdingProposed Solutions "i licdtion rp0 JJerkev Traffic Primaries ,iiinn l<» Begin Problem Discarded Council Support* Of 12 To B Delegate GoalH e eld 11,i- vfiernoon I ermnnenl Or^ani/utionCnnnnitlee Klection Bo«r«l Hole ..iKMicK Liven Studenl Council Approval By BON LINTON »ijf in building special» Student council ruled last) night that it would "back the ! election board rule stating » that primaries proceeding the In Ohio GOP Primary in g at 2 TaJ'l 1'otfs hi Ohio I'rimnrv Taft Leads In 14 Of 23 Contests KvMinncsnla Lmernor Claim* 'Clear-Cut Vicliirv' Over Opponent COLI'MBI'S, O.. May ft .A*i — Haml.i K. Sl»wn tanifkt Chat -till i.-ft Final l)aIn Sri Far Advanced ■liorfer, — l{0 Eatraals tall Ahead • n.my •in! Show Lavish Promises End "Z*7L In tensive (ampuiim 3'PN Minis Emergency Rule To End Holv Land Strife NITW V' »HK At a WKAK To Air (lorwin Satire Iliil4)*eller* Itallv I'm* ( Iniek Davev W»/\ I/»/#/>• borm li< it mis . Training Class J'z On Leadership:'"! r . Soioiocr K's Snirvcr R, NORM \W III 1/ /<» Irt'rl Knil Strih not u** th*l-t,v f!Ies wru.h do department . yur fh.et V V r bhiii hiilr/H-mlmcr Mj^d b>rT' n*r r*# lr"ck% ill he led by 1 by to i Wiliant m the *peci«e Patriarch* 1 butilUtck (.Milium'* ■ resource per* *bd equipment efTe N May 3 bfh — The fovernnver.t X Page Thru? THE MICHIGAN S T A T B-". XflffS Awards Scholarship Phillips Choose t= M>v-Bce 4a stone hops I>»n Fallcr. Ifft. and shift jail at the Air I'ray last Friday kinii H menacingly herd llnh Hat - night. The dunce also featured announce¬ ments of winners In the field dny events. jrd llu-s Ma why into the make¬ tiiu-of-war between tin day. Wllher J. Morris accepts the *100 llorvvath schol¬ arship award for outstand¬ ing work in hotel adminis- -(ration, presented hy laoii-e Tot It. partner in the llnr- a last Saturday niyht, Kddie I'eid wath and lloruath account¬ "t|uecn I lee" Sally rhadwick admires left, and lack Hackly ft piesenlei. ing firm, last Thursday the hive worn hv Jerrv Haulm- al the chid to the itueen. night. Phillips hall "May llee" dance in I he l.orrie I tonne shows why •he was selected to rcprr sent the natural hi-nulie* ol Mo hican as Mis* Spnrti. \field hv the Curtis Pub- 11■ turn; company last week. Mrs. Walter Carleton reads In the first yroup of She was selected in con- young Sparlans enrolled in Stnle's new nursery last week. Knlhralled are. left to riyhl. Tommy lliyhro. I; junction with a recent ar¬ ticle on hltnlinit and fish- '•"Uylas Howe hriefs KOTC Corp* sponsor* on Cheryl t'arlelon. t; lieorye Henevrkl, I; and .lohiiny iny facilities in Michigan. "n. for the tommy "Farewell Hall." to he held lliyliee, .j. : yraduatiny officers. Itetiriny Mortar Hoard president Pat¬ Km. Hose Nahra. Ithea Verkey, lads ricia Ann llouyh presents the symbolic l.ts-rs, and laiura lac Itieyrl ksik on. Married sludrnts t.ene and Johnnie The co-eds were lapped at the annual to incominy president Evelyn Van of the Newman Club of MSC perform the Campbell aral Jack and Polly Hunt from rap Steenhuryh. while new members Alma May Siny ceremonies Saturday morning. 1 "my of the statue of the Virgin Mary last Spartan City swing round to the calling J'Vrnoou in the hand shell ThurKrt.... Sigma Nus ! Home Ec Depart) Elect Slate9 Will Entertain St Initiate 16 Bob Loomi*. Detroit junior, High School Stuck ■» KV WATHON was elected president of the Sig¬ ma Nus. Vice-president is Bob A total of 3,088 high nchool girls fr„m McRae, Detroit junior. Treasurer of tfle fraternity is will be the guenU of the School of Home J' . to Howard Gkmkiin; Goshen. N. V.. today.. "'"iiniit,! sophomore, and secretary is Doug The girla are here at the Invitation of the u„ fritz, Detroit* junior Jerry Wo. School to nee how college* H',m, senske. North Tanawanda N. Y women live, work, and play |othlr . hon-c ,r „ junior, is house manager and to gain more information E. B. More, member of the ] cu"''. o ic on the varioun careers open K State Board of Agriculture, from yl'w to women economics. in the field of home . f?urmR wi" her of Si«m* NV Apr! 11 He Press's i was a member of the l*:6 *rad- r'-"m **""»* They will register at 8 attend a program in the audi- a.m. and ;TnhJ"ru'?n,r;.p'1 These native ^ Tofm Sigma' Nu torium from 10 to 12. Pres. John A Hannah will welcome the'ta Attend on clnthir.fi *« t-' Tea, women. Juanita Soergel. presi- Tea? dent of the Home Ec club, will the aftorn« ;r also steak. student? , The Women's Glee club, under dorm.ir the direction of Dr. William H A . ..f Sur. professor of music, will sing, made • A group of physical education the new • .v „ J" majors will demonstrate square and ' » The new Home Ec ( lab officers make plan* Friendly*! minnish ' S«kMy Knh rtuiii mist." which j! various will demonstrate the Lmnlis To I hew/ ' i Initial!' Spartan Wives to home careers open : Mother*, Iluuglttrr* economists and the typical jobs n',. Sirtnr. 1 • . g* /'Villi//V 1/l'l'flll j they will take upon graduation m *.„«,» shu . List Program _ j will conclude the morning pro- u*ht All made luncheon ^7^O«fc0nGI,l,dCare , ve B«u«*r Social j reservations the following wo- GarUm i i short i men's iI don, dormitories: ^,avo- Campbell, Yakeley, Will Lan- and the men's dormitories Accept* Trn 1',s..,' lire "" not ; j Phillips and Abbot. Qunnsrl cafe- tcria will feed 600 to 800 girls, friend | stuArnU Ta Br (iaMo 7.45 jer. A j The guests will be divided into from j groups. Each group will have four ible at [ to six guides who are home ec 'students. The guides and all ill a NEW kind of PILGRIM *|iirt: from tin* Campus an o|m>ii and shut ease of frmlom EAST LANS trc. III S (tivi'x (jMih Fraternity Siiif£ twin-sport l.nle I'erinisxioit a iHo-in-oiit' shirt for oporl • omfj 95 too nut front for long !•*>• Imthuht it's. wovrii of hrt-liuiik '*S|»tin-R*y" nalioiiulU rtiltrr* liurd faiirir — fiiir romlirsl. Sanforisnl mill inlHlVi-il - mil not ohrink ovrr I'f. 1 lords Pledge I> THESE 1:OIJOK> Tower Guunl FOR MEM —goIdem mour —fureH green 1 or graduation choose tarker 51 -*ky blue -kurwetl Im the world's most wanted pen "'tin • Success and Parker "51" just naturally together. Leader* in every acU — the world over — prefer tlu* pen. .No wunder waion at lop universities lute j;iin and a*am voted *51" I lie pen nio»( wanted for graduation. Tl»c way the "51" will speak of your goel Spoil* shirt. As smool ta»le — ike *ay it will »patk tour ihoujthu w ont, it boosts this sen and always allow you at your bc?l — lbt»c cau front insert. With the mean so amah in the years ahead. N» plan now to gtadualc to a Parker "51"* — lite pen that "writes dry with wet ink!" ]l) it at your Putkvr dealer's. Get acquainted Willi it* iiislaut slatting ... its swift sure glide Choice id colors aud cuAimu |k»uU? Two sites; regular and the new The Parker Pen Company, Janets iUc,W u-. l i-.L Hut Anything at SfcAKS 8:88 A.M. to > W aud Toronto, Cauada. TuUlmg $10 of More far SEAKS l'-"*"' 0* Ka>\ l'u> nival. 300 E tUftS" Page Five „ .,v. May f>, 1048 THE MI C H I G AN STATU NEWS slimen Give Late Home Ed Maier Hurls Perfect Varsity Nine Run Beat Game To Beat Champions MAY 9lh nigh Practice Competition fi/llr/li# I By ROV IIOLMNSIl It seemed only fitting and proper that Ed Maier should J U(>I'liobie Uindreth hi>a«U I Vosli * Wll 1 turn in one of the.finpst pitching performances in lntra- MOTHER'S DAY | - BOSTON. May 5 (/P> — mural sol'thall history lats night. 11th inning i East season .Maier hurled Snyder 18 to the all-college [Eighi itilling 7-7 Tie Will, ib g,,!;,,-. Stale Feneer 1 Junior Stephens' homer gave the Boston Red|l'rown hut this year he took" , b.v iikrkik bowers Saturday's contest with Michigan Normal. \*» > H'tOI'lOllS . I Sox rent a 4-3 win over the IW-1mouml nasi, today after Ted Wit- ~ duties . for [i M ^ two I .t-t'hall team tackled the frosh si|uad in Ml- m',ler* '» <•» '»'h ^ l.ast night the two teams| war men proved to he anything Imt a ...ft At Detroit nagniflcent double-play I the plate to retire the j Snyder I(„. th(. liormltorJ. wle he varsity was* from behind j kkIc with the bases loaded. [had ever left • !.• | — Kx->- tyir^the J 'Mural Schedule I .v. ; Voting lionnrrd \MHtll \\ I CAM L lOim * i. Wltw TAXICAB SERVICE IN EAST LANSING HAS ALSO GONE MODERN... / it one fdensints titstil rotor ) eltou lot** \m$ »#*#* running "round I'.mt I,anting and the 1 L>.4 . t nmini*. nrr the nen STATE- RADIOCABS Wf know when toil rail « «■•!» lli.it y»n i \,««4 s««stl. «»r «l ' il*l rCUMHIi ililt |irtnti|il »crt in-. -II we hate •». I hi. mean. Iirllrr arriliv In our cn»liMiicr-. U-. JUM- fbilrliiT i« in riin.taill touch »illi »ur •lri*rr». * hen a .friscr hi»« ilclitcrcil a (ni.m iigi r in »a-i I aifing or tirinil*. he 1' t - l.l lit I * mill.I. I- tile ili-paldlcr lit ratlin Inr ai»«.lhcr ..filer "III i. given one iie llie -ame ticinilt. lhcrcl.» riiiiiin^liiiR ■Irn iny , |,.ar |m< k In llie office in »r* acomon^- I Trm* Wl'l I- 11 Mill I It SI Gantne If <&5 c\ Mi'i.i: ui%\ rit vol si jtltil >;' • it irl 1I t ...I in wr sj;r 10? SOI Ml WASHINGTON AYIv — 1.1X1 lll lt GOODS — 1 KI NKS — GUTS