YOU CAN WEATHER; GO TO YOUR I'ARTLY CLOUDY; 10 O'CLOCK TODAY SOMEWHAT WARMER DAILY STUDENT PUBLICATION EAST LANSING, Ml( JAN — WEDNESDAY. MAY 23, 1951 HONORABLE' ENI) JKORE.-IN HOIK FOR —— Bunche Sees Negotiated Peace i ~ ' UN Mcdialor Speaks j~M on "American Way' Hiimaii Tone Permeates Biinelie Talk Art Festival Closes with Band Music (on mi I Initios Proposed TV Kesoliition Uoquosl for St root Shuffle Illegal, legislature Told llrt-iftiiMl •HI Traffic l'r«.l»l.iu Mill,ml Former KOT< Offieer Dies after Illness — A f«wme« ROTV trutruc t. 1/ I*„l .VUtK li !»"«>. ittf til ,MS(! Awards Scholarships Alumni Grant Af» Gonferenee Scholarships Filters Third Day on Gam pus AKIIS I'HKSKM KI) TO 2*> Outstanding Cadets Honored Iranians Itoo THE 'MICHIGAN* STATE NEWS WwljiMday, teller to llif Eililor Reader Tags IS Cunt, SI. Chart holding SS. Dreadful ' Editorial as ST. ffolar dish SS. Think It). Open to view 'Fallacious' 41. State as a fact 4 5. Small bay 45. Had 44. • Support SO. Portal TO THE EDITOR: , 61. Well known ' In the future when printing garden 62. Anger .such articles as the one entitled S3. Show vehlcla 61. l'roniontoi >• ••President MacArthur." iwould |5. Fondle ' • vnu please have the courtesy to DOWN visitors to the . sign them so that t. Weaken ram J fus will recognize their fal¬ Caught Between lacious misrepresentations of the fu< ts as the inadequacies of a MSC nnd the University nf Michigan are eftUffht lift ween small croup and not the person¬ al opinions of the majority of two pincers when it tomes ' to televising foriTTSaH games. the student body. Caught to the extent that direct television of football in Hob Westervell any form will he impossible. (Editor's note: IPs rontrary Here is the situation: The Western conference has a to the policy of The Stole standing ruling .that there will tie no television broadcasts News to slen editorials repre¬ senting the views of the news- of football games. _ 'the llig Ten makes two exceptions. I) Certain games, decided at the discretion of the conference, can lie televised over regular channels. 2) Closed circuit Staff Member* hook-ups, to a movie theater for instance, and delayed Ftutorial A««'» — Sara Murrav St>n'rt« Fditor . . Herman Graulich TV movies, are okay. Women's Fditor Margaret Fuller Feature Fditor ' Don Federman On the other hand, the Michignn state legislature passed Photo Fditor .... - F.d Savle a resolution hist week stating that no college could televise Photo Files . . Amv Pettlhorte ■.oral Ad Manager Dick Good row Sue Uda any spurts event over a closed circuit to a paid audience. National Ad Manager C°la«e used'tn nit- It wasn't significant berau.-" "f: AUTOMOTIVE HOUSIN! Rv THOMAS U RTOKrs vantage in collegiate npnrlii. t. A world problem twing solved. Copyright, IMI. by mite* Feature We hope the Western conference and the Michigan KvMlrih, Inr. 2. A startling announcement Uung made, legislature do not consider the matter closed. We hope WASHINGTON—An in- .1. Or even anything new being said. that standing committees from holh groups will lie set . tf» rest! rig paradox about the up. if (hey arc not already, lo investigate the matter jockeying now going on None of the above occurred. K"r those who were looafhg further. here over the 1952 presiden¬ for a stout hcsik to bang a hat or a troubled mind on. the Anil we hope the day will come when TV can Ik' used to tial election is that the central whole talk probably was a failure. figure* and issues now upper¬ ,iiti advantage to broadcast Spniiiin sports. most-may piny little part in that lint it did have great merit That merit lies in the fart event. There Is the illusion «>f that a top leader in the world of international affairs ««• shadow-boxing ,l»y straw men And MICHI¬ Michigan's Xetr /'resident "which is. nevertheless, fascinat¬ ing tn Watch. oil a Mil lilt AN STATE Uol.l.lltiK stage. GAN STATE COLLEGE studi nts could hear hint. Is- stim¬ ('(nigralulnliun» are in nrder fur Dr. Ilarlnn llenthnrue ulated by him. and attempt to think out the vital problem- President Trumnn, for exam¬ Hatcher, vice.pre*nlent of tltdo State tmivetsitv. who wilt he ffippedhn their Jap-. ple '• the chief target nf "Repub¬ , take licans. Preponderant opinion Sine, only a small is'rcentage of the student Issly was at xuiiii ever as prmldent of the University of Michigan. \ ll is an honor to have Dr. Hutchur join the rank* of new, however, is that he won't the And. Some of them even dtajssl their bare legs nr.) he a candidate unless, as some tootsies over tile bak'oiiv alsive me while they listened. Michigan educators. He has every tpmlificatioli to guide Republicans are saying and not I'm glail they didn't get excited ami land in my .lap along the university -through the difficult days ahead.\ facetiously, they, themselves, His predecessor. Dr. Alexander (!. Iluthven, snw Michigan with Hum-he's ulen-. Hut even these students, untrained muko him one. in the manner in whwiAo ail la iotv a statesman, ieariud through the years of the depression and World War II. Dr. Hatcher vviUetace many difficulties as he tries to adjust the a grept deal. PERSONAL educational program to draft-induced enrollment problems. In spite of the rivalry between Michigan and Michi¬ gan Slate, tltev meet on the common ground,of service zx- z&rz .»£ lni;' "-"'VT "f i,n »"•' lo Michigan citi/cns. Democrat. IVe.ldenl Tremm "Den little tared no. • I "igain/alion right on that D-*. Grand Htver. Kt The university regents felt that Dr. Hatcher would serve prrtodlrally throw. a j.h Into Auil |»«lium. Michigan-most ably. Other state-supported schools, includ¬ Mm lo keep Mm the aymhol - - ||e made the UN human of RepaMlrsnhm tor Demo- ||(. mnde the UN important. ing Michigan State, welcome his contribution in this com¬ mon endeavor. rlr,!r.?,"lT**' Hut there I* no ...... eertnlnty that He made international relations a personal problem. ,, , ,, , , stl'dio he will he the Rrpliblicnn norm- '»• "Utile Michigan Stale students think, »« 1411 5- nee: In tart, he tnsy have reach- Dr. Hunche didn't have nil the answers. No man. re¬ tin ml Town UK's Iranian ed his peak already too far gardless of "stature, could. Itul he did have a full compre- ahrad nf the convention. hension of the problem;, facing this nation WAKKFIKLD, N:ll.—uVy -The folks «f thin HT-yenr- PIANO, cxceli«nt olcj rural community— 1,256 resident)**—don't want Presi¬ JZMZSTZtZ . These proldim, I the acknowhslged weaknesses ran wsr. It Is probable that it "> Die I N. the illlferetue Is-tvirs'n what American ilcmo- dent Truman im|>ejiched. Wiil lie over before nest yeni - crutic idenls dictate an dliow they're followed, anil ni"-' EMPLOYMENT SERV!CC They made their views known at a special town meeting elcctinna. and thus will leek the dianuatic at this time. 4-tll the Korean war lead to world railed last night tn vote on the ijuestlon: explosive qualities it ronrur- disaster" "Should Harry Truman be imjieacbed ?" ready emb,sties as a political is- 1)unch'e |„„k,,t is„1M alld ,Hj(| ht. was optimistic. The answer was 48 against, 17 in favor; 35 not voting. Senator Taft seised syssthe Hut not through "blind faith. ' Only 100 of the town's 795 voters showed up for the un¬ Aooeral MsrArthpr eptoade He didn't sav there iiltsolutely would Jiot Is- a workl war usual meefink called in town hall by a petition circulated and has keen rhewiac at It He did sav the l'N has thus far prevented world ronlhc! by a former army captain, William N. Spurhauk, Jr., 3'J- brlltaereallr u an extent not am| should tie looked to in the future as an instrumentality if WOLVERINE TYffWt year-old chicken farmer. Ten signatures were nec«»s.xary to call the meeting, Spar- knew iTdnild In Ma mere "1at D"1'1' continue to prevent a World war ,1TioT 4,,, What he has Htlt people in this nation must lielieve that pence is p. - hawk said 50 residents signed the jHditiuii.. done, hawnver. la nntnrsi for aible. They niUst step off the magic carpet of "we can live The town is Republican by a wide margin. an omMUono paNUeal leader. w ith the world or lieut the'heck out of it ami let it bye Seme luive said thet the sena¬ tor is hurting hi* chances for the nomination by hi* adventures in foreign policy. That may bo true to n degree. Only time will tell. Hut there Is something else to he considered in siring up the "Taft-for-Prrsldent" movement • has puked up its share of the challenge, which, in the long run. Is likely to have 'more of a I tea ring on tue on the platform spotlighted that fart his fortune*. bf this institution and the committee that This can he explained by mjHtsium »>n Tito American Way of Life,' pointing out that the driving, an Lloyd Kmmons, Dean Stanley Crowe; energizing force behind the T»ft teulder should get a ivat on the back movement Is In those who do not caii a*iy\i men out here who made students thinks care one whit what the senator ie country, and the world will sooner or may say or do about Europe or Asia or Korea or anything else, TRANSPORT^ mat daeaa'l mailer Their • «• ' PRJ- 2 P's. $1.00 WRITE THE PLATT CO.. 1702 PA< convention delegate, will recog- fUULPiO CLUB town aau bu gii'ls-jnust be getting careless about pulling the sh.idos nire it again, a* they have since Inter-club racing. Union en- Union, Old College halt, 13 lo 3 pn. $ MICH, OR PHONE ANN ARBCR — Worthal ii setting up his bleachers again." 1940. trance, 3:30 p.m. 3 bottles 25c br.HBV. M«y 23. 1951 " T II E MICHIGAN S T \jf E NEWS P»f»Tkn» itrxraxM Student* Join allege Lutheran Church Sets {■ Sryffert Say: Imncel Dedication for Sunday W/OMEN'S \/\/ " ' Carolyn Dorner PAGF Mortar Board : mir.g members of VftHSINC DRIVE IN N:;1-: Ed-tor Based.. nervier women**1 . irrr formally initiated DUN MS P M Wolf to Hold Special Services: IVlTt S j Rev. l.AST c.oonim: Picnic Scheduled er.~\jt. Pat Gilpin, Mor- Shew Starts «:Sd P.M. Dr. Menter Invited to Hive Speech Social Circuit - r announced PLAYING | Slori1 on HannahPlans MSC FIRST 2. BIG BITS LOCAL - SHOWING! Us llif llill By StTKYAX Delta Etta's now members- in I and folk dancing cV «v w ■ - Pi,."new chancel of-Col We Lutheran church. THvfaion ■ Dorb ■*»«nUi.. Inkwer; Reception to I g picnic Saturday, F- »hk Norway senior, void. ! Ann streets, will he deiliented at a special service Sun- sophomoret Irene Brahce. Flint rron, EAST URSMfi .rninif. conducted hy the Rev. Herbert ('. Wolf, pas- • ;m. it Jane Rurnham. J-ansing j Honor Seniors • r freshuv.m Barbara Oangh Grand ! PHARMACY r V.irman'A. Menter. of Detroit. ie , Margaret Woodward. , Wheaton. church has boon wor- j sn#,fjk , 1jw< in- the basement of the . With the completion of t -.peel, the first floor ,of the ' .: will .now be used for gllj of the church. • tfv the nave will not be f.• in *~fhe .present dodic v-, ,\i ill be finished to the e\- .! it may be used for Jute student. Warren .!. Peter- of I udinttnn. a fall term |rariuate. aiding committee consists \ven, Sr., Waldemar Lin- and Norma if Sedlandet. engineering department and faculty mfmlwp. 1-interred their time in Aork session1, he facilities upstairs now nfar use. the seating ca¬ di lie increased by 75 A- ! office will be used, and •o basement will be avail - r a permanent s well as Sunday s« l . .. Ths furnishings of the fhan- I hive been made accordine thr sf»ec||)ratinns of the nrchs Architect. Iluco C iru«e*. of Milwaukee. The iir-WAte Is being designed • Gustafson. Plymout md George Knisc v.,- Harold Cheney < f K i -,r.c ■« president. Intel Men to Take fri|> to Marshall I. II m. - BPH ■<»«■«-IMS *■.»«»■■ THE MICHIGAN STATE "NEWS -^TWABTUEN dttstred THAT WALTER H.ttlCH to become WORLD FAMOUS \V4 AVIATION, made vms first solo flight at Minneapolis, minn., in a patched up primitive curtiSS pushlrbi-pianl. WITH THE MM) eUER.BEECH ...beech's first independent venture RISKED WSMECK FOR TWO SEWS was travel air manufacturing co. AS A STUNT FUER. THE INITIAL PLANE WAS CONSTRUCTED IN A ...THEN HE PARKED HIS WAR 3O FOOT SOU ARE SPACE IN A PLANING MILL. ' ■SURPLUS *JENNV* IN A FlELDcuT . IT INCORPORATED SO MANY PRACTICAL IN- SIDE WICHITA.KANSAS, AND HlRtD Novations it was an immediate success. himself to "THE SWALLOW AlRPL/Wt . .five years later it was consolidated, CORP AS DESIGNER AND SALES¬ WITH CURTSS-WRIGhT, beech becoming ThE i • MAN... president of curtiss-wrlght airplane cc. aud vic e- presidentcp curtss-WRlGAr corp. ...THOSE WERE STRENUOUS DfVS» prove what swallow planes could do beech en¬ tered and won the leading Air classics of the time ...TvlfcT VACCINATING, SOLO FLIuHTlN MINNEAPOLIS . BORE VRUlT WHEN, AT.THE CUTSET OF WOULD WAR I, ...two years of unceasing hlistlf, found him general BE.ECH UNLISTED IN THE MR SERVICE. FOR'HAREE manager of tag swallcwcq. YEARS, AS PlUDT-ENulNEER,UE FLEW THE "CRATE'S ..that would have satisfied "THEN IN OSF.o IT WAS. ROUGH AND RISKV BUT RlCR most men— feut notseech. IN EXPERIENCE... , .THe Pioneerifjg spirit that knew ...a determining factor in beech's no defeat led blech, on april l,l«32, progress was OUVE ANN MELLOR in The midst of one of americas worst A kansas farm girl,who had been depressions,to pouh his last dollar His sfchctahv, and whom, he wed \J-ROM. A "SOLO intothe beech aircraft corpowation, feb. 2-4,1930. .FLIGHT IN A of which he was president until his ... he leaned heavily on her PRUMTIVE death in wovembera9so. judgment; AIRPLANE TO CNE ■ soon after his death she was OF AVIATIONS made president of the company Foremost figures WAS THE w - NmATlVE AND „ , UNBOUNDED ENTHUSIASM AND ENERGY FOUNDRY REWARD UNDER THE AMERICAN SYSTEM OF FREE ENTERPRISE that enabled a ...again beech daring FAiD off, not only to himself but iki internationally a much larger wty to the u.s. famous as an . ..when world war tt broke, the aeronautical beech aircraft co. was equipped WV2-ARD. awd ready to produce flakes »n a quantity That was an important factor intvie winningcvthat ti¬ tanic Conflict. — ..then the company went back to developing commercial aviatton in a big was. Truck*. Huwr* and lui«n Mo* era KatablUhrd 1901 tar. and Small Aalo ISria L-tabUNwd 1933 AHas Drap Forgi Co. IWribip. E*tabli>htd 1907 tadtailnw'^'f* Baak ol Laasiag UaMI 9nf EMablUhrd 1928 Forging* K*tahli»h«d 1917 Forging* - JGUbLGrd 1" RaLIMt *•» Fwgi Coagaay __ Foniata SafbHabad 193S 1919 iaseball itans at Detroit aiiscl Named for Mound Style Cufa Standing* Spartan Golf illy Against V of D Nine Asnnrrrv* uwn ■ rp n) « t e r, I earn rlavs T»f* *: ♦ rn • loir « « 5 Tri-Match WATWpir* M>^r Bwttau. •». I S*w Tnrtt «. M. Lm* ! Clmtantf Clikaia 1 at HjuhunftiKt * One of America's Most Famous N \TfO* %L UtXr.TT Campus Shops for Men THE BEfT VACATIONS Mural Schedule SOFTBALL is now Acctmvr. limitii> m miha or APPLICATION* FIOM Jl \t r.RlDCATtS FOR PLANNED VACATIONS THL POSITIOXA or Spartaius wtcrtair f annexing th# Bi ^T.t relative! • r ■ will have m wi Bonded Agent — Ml'Principal Carrxert Lambda Chi - r\ioS" m iLDisr. coscot kse / Second IFC Croirn Makes a Man Love a Pipe /OrAdu£f& and Woman Love Man a a rr\%x\Q cum kurdry • national track v# 4 jiru*tnnt- /o. SLACKS IRONS lOOift thi* U.t all 50 rluli* ill ihi* Of Phil Thom-on. Mr* Surh fanKHi* miiir. a* — Donald. and olltrr fatu»n« Holt HaV>- Urlk>Ml>L name* Allied. nil*. ft rail Or #.L% l«> Itej;. f.T.Ti l.i SlO INI \ .i|u< value* YOI'R ( IIOICK VOIR IIOH F II** — MIK1 a CARTOON For Manhattan Shirt* \i»il VanDervoorts SPIIT EQUIPMENT 213 Eaet Grand Rivrr Ave., Ea»l Iamaing r/ Page Six THE MICHIGAN STATE NEWS Wednowlay, Student Clinic Council Only tonior Allied Reinforcements Set for June 4 (Continued from Page 1.) parking at the present atop at Capl. Vlncc ccnterficlclcr, was liird-Mltlti* the only wnlor The third annual scries of M AC. and Grand River avenue named tajhc I0M Spartan «outh- crn traimnt! trip squad. Unfiil Sent into Eastern Korea counseling clinics for high school were responsible for much of the students will be held at MSC be¬ traffic congestion in the city. sophomores arid eleven Juniors ginning June 4. ; The council said. that most of dominated the 20 Approximately 1,000 high the bus passengers were MSC stu¬ school students from all parts of dents, and that a new bu* stop Reds Try New , u , Michigan will visit the campus might well be located on campus. Engineers Set seeking advice on college life. The East Lansing city council Thrust lo Slip Around Line | Bunchc "TCtonttaned 'from Page Following hla outline of the VS. for MSC Meet Main objective of the series of clinics Is to aid the pupil In get¬ ting knowledge arid understand¬ ing of himself and of the choices also: 1. Ti»bled a highway depart¬ ment order effective June I wpjch will remove parking from most of Engineering drawing and ther open - to him ns (i high school Hunch* turned the spotlight on Grand River avenue: modynainlca schools will high graduate, according fii Dr. Paul TOKYO- AIIie«I re-jg'Tlie American Way" in the pro- Dressel, head of the counseling light the annual conference of the ill force men ts rushed1 int iot.. the -rti1 wo,ld struKR,c* American Society of Engineering He railed the American phllos- ' Education at MSC June 21-July 7. Clinics will tie held June 4-0, ruirired mountain iireas ares of ophy a "religious 'creed" with More than 2,000 engineering June 11-13. June 20-22, Juy II- d« moe held June con¬ 25-20, Foreign Student*' OLYMPIC lvl,hm '* dispatchr held the ii - IV villi n~4 tor .V imiM ■ sutn In mrwt Ha fallings inl for s|iecial schools will precede and follow it. The engineering drawing school, Comp Time Sri PORTABLE From any gal , to understand all pennies of the foreign students taking the June 21-23, is expected to attract English com¬ for her Galahad .•Olid «M written, and spoken speaker. 150 teachers. The school Is de¬ prehensive will write their themes ATTENTION \V.i shineto tie- "We've cot to signed to keep members of the in room 113 Auditorium tomor¬ Members of Phi fiain p.i rime id 'announced-the battle- prove to -the association informed on modern at 11:30 p.m. Heiu fraternity ship -New Jersey been bit i old that the American way Of row Foreign stu¬ by Iteil shore lain Monday and ife is the , best blueprint for llv- methods of teaching. (rawing exhibits, teaching aids Student dents are urged to report to Jen- interested in an M * $21.95 knighthoodflowers a gain in thin dodo, ne vet devised. We still must IsoiV to take the com¬ Chapter the destroyer Itrinklev Kjm I Both h nl hern pe»fe« t theory in practice." nid industrial displays will Is prehensive before 9:30 am. June I'lease mntart I J. Mi crest jewelry. Emblazoned with, nyimtnM du,qU featured. • 5. They will be given extra time X 4437 RmKo ft TV Service a welcome flourish to any man'sfw Convincing the-world that clem- ie» 0 . anchored for bombardment* «ff ire than 100 to take the exam. Wonaaii. on Korea's easl roast i^tic ideals arc the best to fo|- persons arc ex of six colorful motifs, executed, of at the time, the New Jersey • v>ns called "the American peeled to attend a 10-day ther course, with the casual correct• nodynamics school June 2R-July •N«» nation today can afford to ncss that says S WANK. Atti »d it*ell alone in this world," he two-day school in civil en¬ gineering will be held June 23-24, TODAY STATE RECORD litirw he "concluded hia ud- for the purpose of bringing teach¬ t.y calling for a |*crsonal cf ers up to date on that subject. OI'KN 'Iju'l ft Ouowjh W>7. SHOP .. it.,, Fa »f every American citizen to U-e Ms for her Him. - 5:30 p.m. he American ideal into act- 9ndmw' a BABV Art Department ami h.»i every individual doe* In ountry is part and parcel of Sponsors Exhibit Thursday Evenings HVRDS a.|v La-t < world-wide struggle. The H-3424 Abbott in the world today I* The department of art is spon¬ • It's the people that arc soring an art exhibition in the Art for building, A-7 south campus. Featured in this exhibition will -r;tr.urti»; l>e examples in sculpture and graphic design, along with exam¬ Y.orrsr Mother! Dad! • duel" at Woman brlwrm I > Resolution ples uf oil painting and print- making. ■itrx *. ships and Kril shore gum since {Continued from Page 1.1 The collection will constitute the Board of Regents. Any legUla- master's thesis for John If. Waw- Ih'Dther! Sister! the New Jersey vu» hit. 11'*u passed to the contrary would z.vsko, candidate for the degree if diminishing their power. of Master of Ait this term The state constitution »ay* that The show will continue through ttic two ruling Iwvirds of these col¬ Friday of this week, and may be lect * can tmt have their power seen during regular college office «ii;r>inishn Community Organizations." it Film festival. It is i Cartoon Novelty • News •til a novel by Abbe i ciatu - v Kant |i II It N j II K VV tev Short, mnliiiin Iliir-llil Hitmiii Sniiiii" ur lull . ... tin » lit! I'ltOPOItTIOiNklJ SLACKS 5.44 SIIIKTS — Arrow's Aruzrphur Yuti tl hartllv r\|KH t sUiks unit Enrn's Summer hi U^lailujT.i ,i- th. tu !.«• (niml tut low! . . . tin1 itniiKlrv Huiflivitul hiikj* >3.1)3 tu ?I..Vt in, the iKTinitm-nt-nlitchuit ereutte jnevent^ < ivil ! TIKS — >1.00 . .. J 1.3)1 up the Tnlun xi|>|M*r i« elevej-Iy cotueiiliii. A jo1. t.> own «mi wear, they're a vnluTfind at thm low llANDKKKCHIKKS — 2.V to it too- I prRvi Nttvy, brown, blttik, fi>ie»t grtvu ... ^r,, HOSK — 33c to >3,93 in t.. in srott r sHttt rs — >2.11.3 to >11.93 Meilntnt: tn "»'7 in TK.Jn TKK SHIRTS >1.23 tu $1.93 Tall: .'•'t'.'i «nd ovi 1J l,. 2it All ciru uppruprialrl, wrapped fur the "grad" «r for father's lla.v — June 17 mucnient I'harce MVRI7S IATISING AMP tnmuc ( •rial S ^ | EAST LANSING vw e*Nt UM PiUATisrito Ag Coaacil cents Stock Pavilion FMd OX ROAST TONIGHT Sixty 5:30 io *:l5