baseball SEASON ONLY HVE DAYS AWAY DAILY 8TU1 iNf PUBLICATION [46, So. 167 EAST LANSING. MICH WAN—THURSDAY, APRIL 7. 1956 PRICE 5 CENTS Lai Returns In jems Win Both \g Board Jobs Ucnttic candidates for the State Board of Agricul- ,,11 a hairline victory Wednesday night, as the final jiaitte in for Michigan's spring elections. jI of William Baker, superintendent Atomic Substitute Ordinance schools a Mesick, led the field don Gets (with 521.051 votes. f>n!y one out | of 4.783 districts was still unre- Device Halts Bias Clauses I pot ted, according to the Aasociat- dverine ied Press. Trailing Baker was the ether Sets Record Budget Passed llnanimoiisly: Itemocrattc randldate. Dr. (aw- *">, rtm ■» chad nttwr Augustine New Chief Justice litorship nor D. Smith *f SUndtsh. His 507.831 rates gave him a sMghl Lilws I tsher !■ er Season KxplotlfH Hi Height Of Six Miles By GENE RIT7.INGER lis Arnold Namrtl Good Friday LAS VEGAS, Nev. Wolverine posts! ices. Five will hold afternoon the sun to observers in Las Vc- Pardon, Ann Arboi services with one in the eve* Recommendation*. ninp. Plaudit* Included The College Lutheran Church on the corner of Division and I'lenty of plaudits, several ed mp with Iff.m *•**% recommendations, anil a few ' Smith in also Ibe Lutheran Church at 141 ^ a «£ in ur- iviite wortls ilirrcteil at the | having been appointed by Gov* III, in State News marked Stuilent NUIe New* rtiMa Hi ernor Williams last year to fill a Stale New* reporter Joe Hoffman, arranging a picture, Government President Bill replaced the idea with even better material when he acci- Hurst's final report to stu- The People's Churrh n' 200 W dentaty fell into the Red Cedar while netting up (he v. dent congress Wednesday editor of The Democrats were polishing Grand River will hold service* pose. Here i* the result of hi* "all-out** effort. at night. Wolverine off the other election contests also. from 12 15 through 2 43. Along he i Hurst lulu ihe cnttgrrsamen that with rTier - photo editor of the Three other candidate* for state Arnold, who wiU be (educaional and judicial offices a special musical program, the text will be "The Seven La>? (iuiHM'S- Clubs Busy M Mnew manager for the were safely elected, and two Words of Christ 1 is vear, has been sales others were trailing by the barest The Ea>t iauiing Unity Center i> manager of the year- currently editor and circulation diree- j of margins. ! tendent 1,1 tbe r,ff of stale supertn- pubUr iaaUarttaa. will hold its prayer period be- Sporting Spartans To Paddle and Putt m'I is Veterinarian. Both are ; Republican Clair L. Tayler. the medicine majors. Incumbent, wed ant Dminil ments for editor*in- l.vnn M. Bartlett by 2.1 €7 vote*, H« I. At'RETTA PATERNOHTER n.tging editor and ad* lie had .113.1*7 »• lUrtleti • students will have a chance to acquire Sports- lov tg director of the Mlchi- 511.373. muscles and sunburn again this spring. News, and the editors • - managers uf Spar- A<> m» rl,>srri ''0'"r" »«» «* /imc and The Enginrct tor a scat on the sta'c hoard Nannv( change Bart she. depart, booming Said Illegal by JZT. UYivortli Film to Feature U of M Dean might result Holy Lands wors seats going to t Gives 2 (teuton, "The Holy Lgr.ds Todav" w tv- Men .»s 'he Easter weeker To Hark Slant! »liable. nv Title World Ti .vil Series prc*cntHti«i neth Richtcr will give the trav Spirly Dri|n» tc speech professor. »f c out in support of name-change propyl i _ The winner, were Paul L. Ad- , . . . driller* Joineil nii home In East Una- ama._HI.4M. »nd Eugene B Pew. I an Easter recets (rum "■ jl2,8SS For Coffee U,/worth uid Michigan were Republican, J. Joseph r to 15 cent, ail hour (or Thert wa> no deb: more for its moncv if bcrl and William B Cudllp. By Iceman Mrni.. 55 renla for Ugte bill. Congrr»,men Stale had a university ; 507,2»t and 498 3W sole, rci and 85 rent, for (our. hear ire I'rcident I , [. V of the minora will r„rt , propiwal mi Only one Republic* »lr four. Bart,he raid Greek letter ronrtn victory in Monday u good He was LrUnd W Carr. eonenalon .land booaea which they ahowed andr and pooeorn ma- fraleroitira and ».«. 1 tell people I have Supreme Court, who to refreah eahaaaled hHVr mn<|e "> wtcd with .Michigan I of the two court scats Slutlenli May Atlciitl m. j inaion within then go. I realize that they votes. Servieei lielweett 12-.'i » Mbly get in a glance 1 Eugene F BUek. it that State is one j Way oat of the running, wra educational iostitu- • ' country, Hayworhj ocratic people of Michigan institution as uni- 301.0*7 votes, was the other Dem¬ candidate. Stephen J Roth lice DCN3 WIN. f»|t » NEWS IN BRIEF Mill* Country Club j »uld be more likely (.onant Reject* Red Protest Exhibit , I*-stptcd as being the kind Bones on ►ing Country Club; BERLIN 11 - US. High Commuuioncr James vrijTtfS Prehistoric Mammoth Rooms in Aud frivately.pwiad, but vuung Russian's status »? a refugee m the West subject of diplomatic txch«nio at the highest lev www been made «' .into Industry to Dismiss If apes I See or Wot.. mammoth ha, (oond a ne w Only established the frandor DETROIT (^11 — New labor contract negotiations in th» SOIT i/Pt—Detroit' Cem- Center The course » >llc industry "pen formally Thursday with .1 guaranteed an svr,.'U The Ke-ajr annpal', ikelcton. s the No. 1 issue. today adopted a rc- the digging utc to friend. Sun- ; lirbaktmg ducovricd in Jettuary <» «•* an yon wear¬ di«y, di»-m-cic4 one of the gunl 's sla»o the Vem Lou? (arm. 1« ni'1" r,ismbrr. to m;,r Motheast ol Batee KaguU, u \crLibrae on (op tif 4 pile irf mgft After Rat*. 01 t>e (odie. urn. cm Tornado Kill* One? Injure* 27 are M rent, antil few u. and J Oilman Eugene I. Vat Alt- now on exhibit in the The Murcuui now ha* h.ilf 75 eeeta ae week MghW .eg )OMd the ban. aaid Dean fcm.rllu, LkrrS Em- the ribs, half the vcrtabrac, < ipccu'-r, at iww. acting Mu^um director, and one shoulder Made of the ■ PtocctdUjaa arc wearma aald he can find no record uf I Maiiywood type flaw, ' an American find that "even 8» added, they make him come, cloee to the amount of Harney Controversy Continues Uurtoblc ■•(<'.,• bdnc the digging h« *•» •»* « of them shot a covered." WASHINGTON — The ili.pute rolled on Wedn r Jtwr ciUtcn." he Because the record Mac of the e.i •«»*■ -HfTm THE MICHIGAN STATE NEWS "T ".s, ..i t Baltic of Books No Tax Service M' Qhestioti ft> Validity Troubled by taxes? The Accounting club and Library Gripe Foreign Student Urges ta Alpha Xi, accounting opened their annual Income tax service In the Union Be¬ hnccruiy, Concourse :fMSU' Name Change Member, will give out Lacks expeit Clarity. advice from I ml 8 p.m. every day To Uie Editor: the Senate will bear this in until April 15, the lax deadline mind If they want to safeguord When the proposed name ,the honour and integrity of OQBBwS&i change for Michigan State Is to American higher education. It A freshman coot! seeking library books for n term paper be dlseuascd during this week is high time that they change boenme involved in a minor battle of the books recently l>c- In the Senate, I as a foreign the name of this Institution to tween librarians from Michigan State and the Grand Ra¬ , student from India, would like that of a university, which it AQPOt^ >5. Piemmn 1. FWwrleaa - II. Frrerh ■ pids Public Library. to present my point of view. rightly deserves. During my three years stay It has developed into a typical case of snow-balling con¬ in the United States, g. S. Chart It Perform I have 14. Papal urarf fusion, whereby the issues have been clouded and run visited more than six universi¬ 14. Air: comb. asunder. ties. After m.v extensive study form of these university systems, I 87. Tear The battle began when Donald W. Kohlstedt. director of II. Thin feel that It appears a complete a.l!a:i the Grand Rnpids library.-described to his board the case of a State coed who supposedly ripped illustrations from fallacy that should he called this a institution college. INFORMATION 14. Tale 89. Fasten 40. Reeent L.0.Vf li. Deprive of their library books to use in a term paper at State. faeltag According my definition AIR FORCE EOTC DRUM The coed accused of stealing three hooks from the university, I feel that AMD BUGLE CORPS this Institution does not lack Grand Itaoids library, said she had turned in 22 call silos 4 p.m., Cadet Lounge In the least the qualifications BLOCK S' CHAIRMEN 80. Guarantee 44. Eskimo at State's librnr.v and received only one hook in return. She pertaining to a university. 81. Lacteal 4 p.m.. Organization Rm. boat did not deny the charge. 3rd. Floor, Union field 44. Feminine Before I came to the States, 88. Statute I never heard of this college. CENTENNIAL PARADE nickname A newspa|K>r reporter happened to be present and snatch¬ 84. Note of 80. Watch.J The only Michigan PLANNING COMMITTEE Onliio'a arala school I cloeety ed the story without consulting Kohlstedt. When Kohl- knew of was the U of M. It 9 p.m.. 36 Union 88. Consumed 88. Oriental stedt's statements were printed, they implied a direct at¬ DAIRY CLUB 86 Harbor was mainly because this insti- ahrub 8 p.m., Dairy boat S3.Insect tack against Stnte's library. alled Building 87. Rlgbt I' 84. E. Indian After I came here, EXCALIBUR Any destruction of librnr.v books Is certninlv reason for Noon what a misnomer it is to to keel complaint. Rut the initial (piestion of destruction was soon The Meaning of Easter this, one of the finest, if GREATER-LANSING - substituted for a bigger question, that of the adequacy of the finest university in STUDENTS r- 3 T" I 1 7 f State's present library. States, a college. 7:30 p.m., 22 Union LI a Easter Holds Hope /I YOUNO REPUBLICANS State's librarian, Jackson E. Towne, tried to clear question of the coed by saying that if she had waited a few up the America the people In 7 p.m., 31 Union /5 c ii J ~|, j~ are not aware what GREEN HELMET v '7 r*T minutes, she might have received u half dozen of the books an amount of difficulty and 7 p.m., 34 Union / 4 20 JJ - hardship we foreign students PRE-MED CLUB I she asked for. In addition. Stnte's circulation staff denied thnt any stu¬ dent had ever presented 22 liook requests and had received And Promises Life have to undergo to ret a Job In our countries turn. simply after because we our re¬ gra¬ 7 p.m., 36 Union SAILING CLUB 2! zf zL zf j, ! n r r** H 8:30 p.m., 33 Union duated ' from college. only one in return. EDITOR'S NOTE: This Is Resurrection of Christ is God's a SENIOR BALL COMMITTEE 31 32 ~jT— An inaccurate storv on the part of the first the fourth In a aeries of five reporter, and mightiest uct—the supreme re¬ CHAIRMEN 3S — articles In keeping J* misunderstanding of the facts by a Lansing newsman cnu- with the minder that God is still God. 8:30 p.m., Mural Room, Union jj.-r-t- Lenten season, en "The Mean¬ sed n harangue of protests between the two librarians. SOCIETY FOR ADVANCE- ; >1 ing of Egater." by East Lansing church leaders. MENT OF MANAGEMENT 42 ; 43 P]~T" Kohlstedt was further .quoted as saving that "carloads of Stale students come from East Lansing to Hyerson 44 4b *1r Library on week ends because the college library So 5/ S3 Prr inadequate for the big enrollment." S3 S4 sT Towne said no library in the world can have enough 1 ! Imoks for the "peak bombardments" when 4,000 students Two suggestions seem pertinent here. Perhaps if stu¬ dents wait for all their call slips to be worked on by library help, they would get a better percentage of the Imoks they want. And selecting less "impular" themes for term palters would spread the books around better until the new library is completed next fall. Music Groups to Perform 2 Partg Messiah Scheduled for State If you're looking for George Frideric Handel's Mes¬ Tenor solos will be by complete performance of Part that siah will enjoy its 28th season Edward Richmond, an instructor spring tan, you'll have to use on the Michigan State campus in the music department and di¬ the sunlamp. The three sections of the Sec- Friday evening. rector of the Men's Glee nd Part will be "The Lamb of The weather forecast for to¬ The Michigan State Chorus and Club. lod." "His Crucifixion, Resur- day is mostly cloudy and cold- Orchestra will present Part Two Gene Green well, head of the voice and Part Three of the Messiah at section of the music department. The temperatures will range His Triumph in Heaven and 8 in the Auditorium. the part the mid 40's, with winds up Among Men." The Third Part to 25 m.p.h. eon.wsts of the "Redemption and Resurrection of Christ." will direct. Joan P rt is scldor UB Sponsors graduate student, will take the soprano part. The contralto port Students attending the Good will be snng by Pauline Green- , Friday observance program will Good Friday Services Photo Contest well, a member of the music j be able to hear the complete version of Parts Two and The Alumni Chapel Union Board is sponsoring a!|% £* I j Three. Those attending the 12:30 • 2:30 p.m. photography contest to choose UllCcltS Oil ofllC | Christmas program heard a I Former Prime Minister and his successor. Prime Min- Speakers: Sir Winston Churchill bows as he and Lady Church contestants for a Big 10 Photo¬ ter Anthony Eden ill welcome Queen Elizabeth II at farewell graphy Contest. For Waring Show The Rev. Roy J. Schramm party. The Rev. Robert Walker Twenty photon will be selected "Pleasure Time, 1955" tickets for the Big 10 contest to be- held The Rev. George 1 at Indiana University later this Sailing Team Foreign Gadget of the Year Takes Third, Students fn Regatta Find Home fElectronic Wife9 Pleases The student walks tnti his room "*A •tiling Wt will go' was the and pulls a switch. All at once the ed, as pmwotd for Michigan State's Parties, Meetings Hel coffee ■- perkinf, lights are on, radio. i rafting which breczce' team In Campus Center careful at„rt Sounds like en Ideal but remote •• tHfough the Notre Dame Spring possibility for dorm living, but Br SITE LOWE Invitational Regatta at Diamond bake this past weekend to win The International Center pro¬ there's one State student who will be able to do Just that with his ■ug .ma„er C rfl third place. vides university foreign students newly created "electronic wife." Bill j,, He is Bill Lewis, Milwaukee, Wis., when h ' Purdue University was first and with a "borne away from home." lunlor who lives In East Shaw. started by tfotre' Dame eamc In second. Located on West Circle Drive Based on the principle of tuni¬ ioncd huHdVai'," Michigan State came within three ^nd Abbott Entrance, across from ng things on and off like a clock ">*' "l- •led ll, , ♦he Union, the brick house gives radio, the gadget controls six dif¬ points of Notre Dame In the con¬ American and foreign student.. a ferent things and has a master test, Due to favorable winds and equipmpr switch. Although Bill la constantly mild convenient place to hold temperatures, two round- parties^* rebuilding his device, he plans on robins were run of: instead of md meetings. having it perfected by the end of The Center is managed by Dr. one. Following the rice, n banquet j the term. He began with an old was held at the lake yacht club. , . Charleston, Charleston . .. and Mrs. Roger Moran. They, and radio clock and revamped it and equipment their son Patrick and baby daug- nooked up various relays. Eventually State will go to North cstcrn Besides the usual bed and chest this weekend for the next re¬ 23 Skidoo hcr Kathleen, live in a five room nt drawers, Bill's room is equip¬ gatta. They will hurt f t Big 1(1 upstairs apartment consisting of Regatta to bo held in Miy. Past ped with ■ tape recorder, Hi-Fi TV work three bedrooms, kitchen, both amplifier, record player, FM radio achievements this a fourth place In season the Michigan Championships Regatta at the include Charleston Exercise nd living room. The rest of the house, which tuner and a TV set complete with UHF converter. project „f nn'"1'"?, ]t\. Bay view Yacht Club in Detroit- ? for student use, consists of a "By the way, there's also a Rill Lewis Introduces his 'Electronic Wife 'plain, ordinary old radio'," Bill responds by cxrhi sponsored by the University of Detroit Sailing Club. OK for Lambda Chis living room, dining room, ladies' i on the first floor and a adds as an after thought. This Cordings as more simplified electronic device This one would" Coeds and males alike seem to kitchenette, recreation room and "talking Inter • ^5 enjoy this sport as about half of the 65 Sailing Club me ^crs are don't have to run around the females. An open meeting of the Ahem report* that much to hi* amazement, there Is a hlr Inter¬ est In the danee. a men's rest room in the base- This Is Living belongs to Bill's roommate, Jim Taggart. A switch board or patch panel enables Bill to link these who a! T"1" "" film editor i„r a TV'"'! ! block to work off their Saturday Flowered drapes and oil paint¬ various pieces of equipment to¬ club will be held tonight at 7:30 TB patient nt p„rt!,, in 33 Union. I lunch. They take their exercise in The frntcmlty combo, composed ings add color to the grey walled gether. For example he can switch Bill hoar- fu.n, u tnif Charleston dance lessons. of two trumpets, a wash board living room. Besides a the tv and tape recorder together couch, The dance sessions started when easy chairs and end tables, it is In 46 B.C. Julius Caesar order¬ 1 Dick Ahem, Rochester, N.Y., jun- hone and clarinet, accompanies furnished with a piano, TV set ed calendar computations changed ! When students describe tbeir rooms at State, they prob¬ ior, started to teach six or seven the dancing. and fireplace. In addition a coke from a lunar to a solar year, ndd- year to make it come men the Charleston for the Larnb- ing three extra months to that Ida Chi show at out even Spartacade. "One of the most thing* In watching the da**. Interesting machine has recently been in¬ stalled in the rcc room. The Center is open 9 a.m. to ably never compare them with the Buckingham Palace, but after all, a man's home is bis castle and Michigan State is Ballot Box and giving rise to the designation Isnoting the different weight homo nine months of the year. 8:45 p.m. Monday through Some Phi Tau pledges are: "year of confusion." and height of the boy*," Ahem The *ald. "Two of the taller one* Thursday, 9 a.m .to 11:45 p.m. efficient, too. In a minimum amount of rooms are more George Paris, Dearborn sopho¬ *tand on either * i d e of the Friday and Saturday and 1 p.m. space of one room, the student houses his library of books, more; Marty Potter, Grosse Polnte to 9:45 p.m. on Sunday. shortest one with their hand* his hall of late night and early morning entertainment, his freshman; Ed Roberts, Bellevue, B'NAI BARITII IIILLEL FOUNDATION Besides acting as host and hos¬ around lii* waist The latter i* reception room for every other student in the dorm, his Ohio, freshman; Gordy Schultz, forced to dance off the floor." tess, the Morans, who have been Manchester freshman, and Harris 3111 HII.LCRE8T at the Center since November (lining room for popcorn and coke parties, not to mention Other Delta Tau IMu Ahcrn has danced the Charles¬ Seymour, Kapuskasing, O n t., - 1854, see that the building is storage space for the majority of personal items he has freshman. ANNOUNCE — OPEN HOUSE FOR FRESHMEN ton as entertainment at several kept repaired and in good condi¬ accumulated over aperiod of 2(1 years. tion for the students. New initiates of Lambda Chi Thursday, 7:30 at Foundation The Center hopes to obtain n The rooms come in nil sizes, shapes and colors, but they Alpha are: Richard Balongue, I R'O taught Charleston steps in his slide projector and a movie cam- appear all somewhat alike until lived in. After the initial Whitehall junior; Donald Ludwig, Ow ALL-COLLEGE OPEN HOUSE high school. eru for the use of the students. move-in, however, they ranee from the "last minute clean¬ Grand Rapids junior; Don White, Lcc Bad Axe junior; Karl Hoff, Sag¬ ] Sunday, 8:00 P.M. up before the housemother's check" in the women's dorms inaw junior, and Maskell Hunt, National Officers to "an everything in its place operation." Records and Refreshment Chicago College of The loudest thine in the room is the radio, the most used Hamden, Conn., freshman. Visit Sororities Other Lambda Chi members OPTOMETRY Mrs. Ruth Grieg, Sigma Kappa machine—a typewriter; the most valuable—the bridge, poker, orpinochle curds and the most liatetl. the alarm clock. arc: Richard Pannier, Plttiburgh, Pa., sophomore; Don Halamka, National Pan - Hellenic delegate But the university room is something more than the ma¬ Brookfield, III., sophomore; Jack yif/sUnamU Doctor of Optometry will bo spending the next few days with the local chapter. Mrs. Grieg is from Oakland, California terial things in it, and nt times, students, after a day of classes, library, (in lH>tween- the grill) and dashes out to Lewis, Bclding sophomore; Ro¬ bert Johnson, Winchester, Mass., DEGREE I.nke Lansing, think, "I'm tired. It's good to be home." sophomore, end Louis Martinclll, and is chairman of the National Turtle Creek, Pa., freshman. TODAY'S BRIDES € IIO O S E IN THREE YEARS Pan-Hellenic Committee. The Zcta Tau Alpha National KD'h Announce U of M Other new Lambda Chi mem¬ Panllellenie delegate, Mrs. Lu¬ Chaplain bers are: Donald R. Miller, South ■prMi ciscan WQiina. cille Roberts, will also be visiting Orange, N.J., freshman; Gary Two Larc* Eye Clinlca the State chapter until Friday. A Bridge Tourney To Give Lecture Griffith, Wiliiamston freshman; University Environment. Now member of the Florida State of Lewis Kerans, East Lansing fresh¬ Dorm* and Apartment! on large tters Kappa Delta | An illustrated lecture of church- Chapter, Mrs. Robert's home is man, and Robert Weisgarber, ouneed that women's os 4n Greece will be given by the adjoining I. LT. Cainpua. in New York City. Masslllon, Ohio, freshman. Your Liberal Arta Credit! Ap¬ mav si en un now foe University of Michigan chaplain Recent Lambda Chi Alpha pled¬ plicable for Entrance (60 Semes¬ ter Credit! in Specified Courtet.) Atlas ges arc: Ernest Kaeselau, North Idge tournament. CHICAGO COLLEGE •/ Tonawanda, N.V., Junior; John Krebs, Albion freshman; Paul OPTOMETRY no South Michigan A weave Philip, Port Huron sophomore; Curtiss Speck, Dallas, Tex., Jun¬ » the Kt> house by April ior; John Weber, Lansing fresh¬ Sorority Srraphnok man, and Joseph Vermetti, Lans¬ ing freshman. ACADEMY AWARD Winner Omega sorority will be fea- . . . (>n Sorority Other new Lambda Chi pledges Scrapbook, lies! Performance arc. Lloyd Sherwood, Bloomfield by an Actress: Hills junior; Lawrence Armour, Lovely GRACE KELLY. "The Country Girl" rd year the V.issar junior; Louh Miller. Dear¬ Best Screenplay: the project. born sophomore; Charles Foster, tlinger. Taylor Center Junior; Jamei I p,.rj|i r. "The Country Girl" • George Sealon. Campbell, Branch freshman; Alan Cornetet, Grand Rapids sopho- 1 frcIhmai, more, and William Wilson, Blrm- j The motion pielure that will lie talked about all /rU lwu ; through ion niven 1 the year ... and all the years to eome! Xhow " - promt DE CARLO New Delta Tan Delta pledges ! »oph — The gloom n, top dog in the i in the lea ednesday among supporters of Nalonal Hockey League through showing the Montreal Canadiens could ba moat of the season, appeared anv",h7"°",," cut with a knife. headed for quick elimination from |that wo„T ' bu" ey found it hard |'— llw ! the Stanley Cup playoffs. Th, „,|r I Ashhurn Ited fas thick night when k a 2-1 shel- hlrher went the *s of the De- Nears NL The victory gave the Wings a 2-9 lead In the The Cnru heat-M-seren series, to be re¬ Maurire r Record sumed hers Thursday night. rightwmgi r for a fist a isode in B, NEW YORK, April « (A")- Uellvcau, ih " Don't snicker when they call fering finm "'iter, || Richie Ashbuhn the new "Iron "utha.|m B man." The Philadelphia Phillies ton* from any solui i.,m ,r whippet center fielder may turn several d Lindsij , •J four * out to be the most durable ath¬ Tuesday '• 7. ! of lete in National League history diens, ihe G rai-.i Ins even more durable men like big total 10 l.i -Ml 1 t Ted Klussewski of Cincinnati or Lindscy s Oil Hodges of Brooklyn. He's Howe, al.-u : more like the boy who tops » goal and the pyramid of strong men -arnival act. But Ashburn stays in the lineup day after day while The league stronger men rest their aching reroN r«r g lloxing en off points is |M bones. b, rlT lliggie Munn At the close of the 1854 sei Montreal. Ashburn had played 730 consecu- since June 7, 1930. Lindse.v, who „ pi„„JBiillirwiiij The National League record is « " ,1" 822. set by Gus Suhr, Pittsburgh three 01 ho tfv's'TmJ J ■Ufi/ij first baseman, from H31 to 1937. with 92 games to go, Ashburn ««* .hould beat Suhur's mark by Aug. «"al» tens CAPT. TED UNDSEY ™ I'^'h.Tt, IOfB 1, barring injury. ort The major leagae record of Maurice Hich.mi 2.130. act by the tale Lou Geh- 13-game winning streak, and New York Yankees are overwhelming favorites lo Rnhox llomrri Kit from 1925 to 1929. la beyond close out the series in short order. Bf-i«U»s win? reach of Ashburn or any other To Montreal fans it seems only ROAN* 1KB v., I'-fti by Sammy Wh.v. J..,» j, when C'oa and Grant 11 Ashburn was talking about his NHL was the poor showing of the chance at Suhr's record one day Detroit team. At that eight runs WMw-u, « ^Hent of the In time the I Bos! at the Phils' training camp at Wings had slipped o third place Phil Clearwater, Fla. "When I came up in 1949 1 didn't think I'd ever get to play 134 games in the big leagues, along set any record," he a "Now that I'm getting so close, 'd like to get It. I'VE GOT NEWS FOR VOL' It is my earnest hope that an occasional • alums "f pleased you enough to make you want t<> 1 lip »■ But I'm aure that being preoccupied with more imp ra — like getting down to breakfnst befarc par r-mti all the marmalade - the impulse has passed ami Pen' So I am pleaaed now to report that the maker- IV., Cigarettes, blesa their corporate hearts, hate p-.l,I. called MAX SHULMAN REVISITED. »hi.t ■tjr favorite columns, along with some brand nc» ma' of this profusely illustrated-all of this ainilahlr a r when you buy a couple of packs of Philip M'.rri-at ■ .1 tobacco counter on or near your campus. But thia is not tha only news I've gut fur >• - • F you will And a roundup of news highlight- fr m«-tr.j country over. Southern Reverse University Dr. Winard Hale Sigafooa, head of the depart* thropology at Southern Reserve University and in''" known aa an authority on primitive people., p-' .rt"! from a four year scientific expedition to the r Amazon River. Among the many interesting men*.' Journey is his own head, shrunk to the m/c of»ksm refused to reveal how hie head shrinking wa- ■ "That's for me to know and you to find out." hi M.a • ell tiny, but aaucy grin. Northern Reserve I'nisrrailv Dr. Mandrill Gibbon, head of the department f Northern Reserve University and known 0 > 1 hi* work on primates, announced yesterday 'ha' r,» a grant of $90,000,000 for a twrhe -' •■:» precisely how much fun there is in a barrel •dm " Whatever the results of Dr. Gibbon s " it already known: what's more fun that a uarre. a park of Philip Morris. There's test .0 r delight la every draw. content and *••!! flavorful cloudleL And, what's more, thi- r • rr •••' king-aiaa and regular, cornea in the .v •• Snap-Open pack. A gantlc tug on the tab obligingly open. A gentle push on the folds itself back, sealing in the sawn ' Eastern Reverse I ni>rr.u> The annual meeting of the Amcru a ! held laat week at Eastern Resen. I by tha reading of two divergent n. ■■ g" ' origins of early Gothic "runes," as letter- : are railed. Dr. Tristram Lathrop Spleen, fame''- '••* discoverer of the High German Tons. 1 a-' n In which he traced the origin* of the 11 ! t pronounced "krahtz"! to the middle l- nounced"nlhnrt"). On the other hand. !• h Twookay, who, aa the whole world know - 1 Gaaie into Middle High Bactrian. erf lied the Old Wendish rune "pt" derive* f rotr. t r. 1 " (pronounced "gr"). Well. " air. the discussion grew so h'"'"! Dr. Spleen if he would lik> ' ■ ' ' ut on the gloves. Dr. Spl<-1 ' '1 promptly, but the contact wa* never '■•' : no gloves in the gymnasium thai would m ' (The reader is doubtless finding ' • ' Eastern Reserve University is relebra . : of tbaland forthaaiiaof itagk>vecoll>vt< : ' ^ Dr. Twwhet na» In fact, he ape nt thr 1 •£ U a small arms plant, where he received t»° and ana widely hailed aa a "manly little chap meter. ./ MMUP MOMDs „ tf i SPORTS IN BRIEF | Yankee Ace Retire* Braves LYNCHBURG, Va. (Ah-The retirement of Allier Reynolds official Wednesday when the former New York Yankees pttchot placed on the voluntary retired list of the club'. * * # didn't gel pest second. Hoeft struck I and Mathews' stride, out fire and walked three. Milwaukee, with a 2-1 spring Montreal Rioters Fined The winning run against Zuver- ' edge over Detroit. Will meet the Ink was scored by Jock Dlttmcr.! Tigers In Toledo Thursday night, MONTREAL 4dP). plneh hitting for Spabn. He slnitl- ' Frank Lary and Ned Oarver will 17 hockey riot were I run t^day to defeat the' Detroit Ison ed, went to second on a .artifice j hurl for Detroit while Milwaukee to $100. | Tigers, 2-1. in an exhibition game. j The second hit off i aland came home on Andy Pa(k..'s| w 111 start Humberto Robinson, * # # Warren fipahn, who was with- single by Logan in i He I fly after a walk for Chuck Tanner their sensational rookie. j' drawn in the eighth for a pinch I £•»* ■ Hurricane Jackson Sign* &2Z i Greens Beat for Detroit alter Billy Hnef) held Whites, j PHILADELPHIA (j?) — Tommy Hurricane Jackson, a weight title contender from Far Rockrvray. N.Y., has signed j ■ 1 Milwaukee to two hits in six in- j Harold Johnson, the No. 1 ranking light heavyweight challenge^, Iningr, took the loss. t Spartan Batters Ignore Cold By JACK BIUY Graria singled, picked up their j rles. j a 10-round bout hen* May 0, promote* Herman Taylor ! Wednesday. \ The weather was more remin¬ lone run in the fifth. Terry Rut- j |ype ^ iscent of the football season Wed¬ tenbur doubled and was moved j u ^ | y^vmHTs^ 'diM nesday afternoon but it did not around by Roscoe Davis' single bvt %ht p|#ye„ hamper the- hitting of the Spartan and a fielder', choice. Rut | ba>i-b«ll team as the Greens scor¬ Mat.sock's fourth single, j „„ wrrk whn I Rpahn, ed a 9-| victory over the Whites a one- |j,r|r southern ' league's best t>ase hit by Russ Luplow and a \ ; in an intrasquad game. [Wtait ! ns efficient ht sacrifice fly produced the last run j Kohs, speaking of the Rig 10 C apt. John Mat sock ran his con¬ for the Greens in the rare this year, said that State secutive hit string to eight, on Coach John Kobs used nearly 1 would fare hard competition from three singles and a triple, and Jim linking coach George Makris and Athletic Director every man on the squad during Ohio State, Michigan and Wiscon- Higgle Munn admire (he boxer's NCAA trophy. Sack and Ron Stead drove home the practice game as they round j sin as the Spartans defend their F-* KHAKIS run* over the right field fence to into shape for the April 16 open- lead the Green offense. j conference title. Ohio State will the- first ing against Detroit. be strong due to their pitching, he Following Spartan Win ^ingles by Sack and Mstseek after two Here out In the first In reference to the near-free/- ' said, ing weather Kobs recalled games \ Another practice is scheduled $2.95 that were played In the regular I for this afternoon at the Old Col- inning and long triple by Style $3.95 a \lakris Elected Veep Frank Navyokas past center- fielder Bob Powell la the third season of past years in snow flur- lege field diamond. Ivy )f Boxing Couches Be-ides winning the NCAA crown for the second time in' •a re, Michigan .State's Imxinjr jmiuihI wa« honored this hen Coach Georjare Makris was elected first vice-pre!"' of the Intercollegiate Boxing ('• ' 1 c SpartailH Milkc LT. S. Pistol T( Two Michigan State VS) erooorfs I.ncalrd nppntitr the tampun Two Legs Chiragoans are members of the States Pistol As^ocnt.or INTRAMUR AL SUPPLIES Move Up in Collegiate All-Am erican They are C. J. Stone. I Park junior. «ho placed Husk Make H Plies Van's your headquarters for all prices to fraternities, 1 J ion to Tee Shirts requirl ABC Meet ' TORT WAYNE Ind. praised the team's per- *e at Pocatello. Idaho, ard tram into a tie for firs' •enter $1.49 i , ( dally pleased with th • .r.ce turned in by Herb the team standings Tues n the singles ?«»r 1.930 I SOFTBALL BATS. Models by Lonlsvllle. Ifanna and . . TONIGHT i i»lam. II was the second ' events. eight pm.s ba« * Eddie tier/Hie «,f M>lw.< HEY FELLOWS! dual crown in as many irv and his efforts were re- l.fl her «>ul «>f lite GLOVES ... rdrd when he was presented Reach Bill Roaell" model, top grade leather. Full leather lined, ih a cold wrist watch by the tlorm for a niffrr da tinr.$men't association of laced heel, for pocket. Right or left hand. lli.Hr> t«. PHI DELTA THETA MASKS $S.2*i SHOES . . . 626 COWLEY 7:00 P.|. KEWPEES Leather uppers, metal spikes. SIGMA NU 711 BUftCHAMRD. 7*0 P.I DELTA TAU DELTA \ 136 BAILEY 7*0 pj. THETA XI < in the preliminai • gUtta of Luuioar i i-firwU before 214 CHARLES ST. 7*6 P.|. ■ img champion Vm -■ •eaux «»f Maryland in the f» drew a bye 1 round and turned bar DELTA SIGMA PHI | 7*0 P.I. • • I-.blstida of Cbliforni 1212 E. BRAND RIVER • rhnic before bowing t Mv-Collum of Idaho Stal i tne 1?-point lot point champ PHI KAPPA PSI •» acnior light Rill Grecnw.iv wl 622 ABBOTT RD. 7*0 PJ. -''»n State in the j I DUX SUIT + I MW KAPPA SIGMA Now Colors* Now Styles — 224 W. MICKI8AN 7*0 P*. Wuk Jerk •u,ii>(. th. k>( ce Arrow '55 Softonos aro horol "■'gt Suae* Jr., son of the JlSi BETA THETA PI "-.ajar league catcher, i* Arrow So/tout thirl*. lieo, and to put you ai your krat * a spring trial with the Ktd Sox. He'. a pitcher. Sn tmit tempo. Arrow dulm lor t You'll tad • wid. range .1 tkU ud wMa. Bart *( .uilinga college men pxdrl. 247BELTA . 7*6 P. all. Arrow Soheae. UI priced right. You cm owa MM (w You'll tad Soft one. la tho coflsr Mylt heal for you, • aad Mill km wary Wit to ml an. TWy'r. Wl aad your urn (or laaklom fa. %-e never painted before! Crowd your way fal hero aad gaap with (Might at DELTA UPSHON fate, muted loom fat Amortea', amartrnt afaarha. AAAOW State Debaters Go Manpotmr Meets Opposition WASHINGTON Twining also said the U.S. Air •00 now, and In scheduled to Force is being built up ahead of drop to l,ft27,ftftft by the middle schedule and "should stay ahead," our princess coat-dress delies of 19S«. —with emphasis on quality, nuc¬ its demure look with a provocative Under questioning, Ridgwny lear weapons and guided missiles. IIIXGTON •aid he had recommended that spun rayon cuffed boat neckline. Energy C the Army be held at 1,300,000. "My recommendations, while Black, grey, lilac or pink checks. iced Thunw this was in the debate stage," the <1 four pr< Sizes 7 to IS. general said, "were of course irtric po\ made from the View. I civilian military point of recognize fully that authorities of the gov- the Jacobson's 14.95 >ui Id be run ernment who make the final do Cotton Shop nts would 1 .Michigan Stale debaters now in California for cision than have many factors othei the military to consider. It OPEN • rating c»pj ■aft*. They was their decision that reduced in Illinois, M Tangles Willi Senators Dems Win the figures you have before you." The subcommittee is consider EVERY ing the 34-billIon-dollar defense Stassen Refuses (Continued from Page 1) The Democratic show of strength in this year's balloting budget for the 1956 fiscal year begining July share of the budget 1. The is around THURSDAY seven billions. was a distinet and significant Request for Papers The Air Force would get the change from previous spring elec¬ biggest part—more than 14Vi tions, when Republicans walked away with all the top state offices. billions. Gen. Nathan F. Twining, EVENING WASHINGTON «/V» Harold K. Stassen declined Wed¬ — 2 Staffers Named nesday to hand over ltl documents to the Senate Investiga¬ UNTIL tions sidicommittce until he has a chance to review them. He said they were confidential exchanges within the gov¬ ernment's executive branch. , To Nal'umal Posts Two faculty members cently elected treasurer* ef Na¬ were re¬ larubsons tional organizations. NINE A possible candidate in 1956 for Walter F. Johnson, professor oi ; the Democratic prcsidcntal r MrOllan r«r*mrnH that 1 ination, the governor won "none of would bo hfrr us i fourth term in last fall's elections, now" inveMUaUng thr raw If j when the party showed surprising I OA liad. In thr find place. re- I Raymond N. Hat. h, assistant jrftnl thr original bids aftrr | gams in voting power, the dean of the School of Educ j Wednesday," he ordered the changing specification* for Ihr tion, was named treasurer of t | Michigan State Police to inv National Vocational Gutdat i gate ' immediately the location of Association. all ballot boxes in Monday's elec¬ tion. and the security arrange¬ ments which local officials Nubby-Textured Wool Hopsacking arc I making for them, Short (loal j ballots safeguarded during the of- ATTENTION ; licial canvassing, and until it is known whether there will be any GIRLS IN Cropped, straight and boxy for HOME EC Luster . . . our lean MICHIGAN STATE and narrow brief coat tops your CLASSES casuals as beautifully as it docs YOUNG REPUBLICANS GET your a spring suits and dresses, and is talented traveler. YOUR Blue, ruse or beige. Sizes 8 to 16. $25 OPERATION: GRASS ROOTS!! UNIFORMS Coat Salon 7:00-8:50 31 UNION AT : Lighting irctric Co ctric Co.. - TONIGHT - Jacobson's COME —ENO COME ALL! CASTCR €GG» ^ COLORS SU Bi "SPECIAL eels D Purchase" M omn Horn* to Yi< tin-trie I'ow "BANCROFT RACQUETS" All laiiiiiiult-il racquet* ale Judi. - From regular stork (Not Seconds) i hunutay Reg. $15. - - NOW 87.95 Reg. 818. - - NOW 89.95 U Other Racquet' Tennis Racquet Coven. 50c-*l.00-|l.S0 Tennis Ball* Tennis Racquet Crewe* $1.19 I1ANDSEWN DOUBLE-WOVEN COTTON GLOM* Colorful and gay as the season . . . our washable.