OS TN» lit TKlllR os Twr iwsmr lot# an* rlwi<» PanlWNv of. r«Mll4»t*« hsrr kern »flcrl«-d of UIA* Horrid. Tnoperaturd f*t the MIm rnflneer roMoU. ranee from a low »f M la a hl»h sy«ii«»rr< hy KnlfhM i»f St. of 12 Wla<« from Ida aartlwril ratrlrk. rn|lnrfrln| honorary. at 1-ia inyh I or u«ry »ff Ml* threo KAST LANSING, MICHIGAN—TI'KSDAV, A Nit 11. !». I!»r,7 PRICK r. CENTS VOt.. •!!>. No. 4 'olicc Slay audit Chief 11 Desert U.S-, Saudi Arabia Agree lit OIIiitm In I'ukiHliin SI-IMMI KAItC'lll. t'nkistiill (/I'l— Wa«lr« To 5-Year Arms Pact luiilir police hhill Monilny Iriiniiiii Ualnllt chief Airfield lie vnone desert IIiukm killed Eisenhower Bucks Di«! rtinuricuii.i mis been Lease; 11,111 ami lo mole ol ami nam octal vH|itureo. 1 ticy rc|M>itwl tut* bandit ma Postal Demands Extended cuucf Dausnan and His thud - lie were Killed by Iranian .po- House Committee to Allow ,u' live uays ago in Iran s vkaid Saudi- (»rant«*d ind remote boiuer region near £17.000,000 Appropriation ,.f I'MRtsmni ironiicr. .New Privilege* Ibry mM Uiey wild the l» state Nfw* Photo by Polo (alllMMty WASHINTiTON

— Spnkrsnien for the nation's organ¬ hfrt when (hey Md Inlu the MS|f vice president Thomas If. Hamilton greets Bennett Off, WASHINGTON uVi Tim win mi H ester n I'aklsUn ized postal workers said Monday they had been assured noted panelist and humorist, brforr Cerf'a lerture In the Aud Mon¬ 1'nitorl Stat «•> and Saudi rem Ire*. that President Kixenhower is giving "complete support" to day night. Arabia Among the 18 held in Fakis- Postmaster General Summerfield's demands for more mon¬ Monday announced ii was Aniner Shah. Fakis- formal agreement on Hie 'The Joke*M the ey from Congress. ini authorities said he had con- he murdered Mrs. Thing" Summerflcld, seeking 47 mil¬ five-year airfield for arm* olilest-cd juta Carroll of Issaquah, Wash. lion dollars extra to finance New Stale part approved ia-t February Iranian authorities previously tad announced the actual slay¬ Hiiniorisl Bpimelt (Icrf jsrtal operations until July 1, has ordered a drastic cut in pos¬ l»v and King Saud President Li^enbovver er was one of three l>andits tiiey tal services effective neat Sat¬ Officials Ttie .'igr»*en»rra igiii-u illrd. ie The conflicting reports not immediately rccon- Entcrtuins And (Irowtl urday unless the money. he is assured of The House Appro¬ I the State Department lo. It f* tl'H' I • .*'•! .H fur l't> iied. fc Ner did hah't death. Iran ennfirm A spokesman In Dad- Hv IH.NNV MAKHIi: priations Committee has agreed mi far to give him only 17 mil¬ Sworn in • ,«Hi »f ".lie- the the .fUttmnti Dt.rihr.m «-.r tirfn-i'l ' —. c ; ,uo(i • lion dollars. fi'.n Russia rnetflie Kh ♦ ehren aaM aa far as he knew Funny stories itntl censorship highlighted versntilt; Ben¬ Tho spokesmen f«»r six affil¬ Stats Sfm Photo nv Inkn Will# inirfler. tadshah and perhaps a dnren nett ("erf's talk in the And Monday night. iated jK^t^J employe organiza¬ Joint Mat-kit' llt-iitlo Aitselmn f,. Rttdrhiurr, Laton Ibpiits frrvhmtn; Frank lltirkin. Kir the Saoui- • i.'i his f ellevers still were rlud- A well represente daiidieme heard Mr. Corf noted htim- tions called on presidential *>.- Ifitittl (.otiiiiii—tioii Last l.ansing senior, and Tons Madsen. Chleago junior, rehearse «l - "tie tiifir , i OUtl-map »Mine|. it*eh m 'nr '"mu-.i "r*. (arrell: lire water Wilson piesent its annual water show The group's statement said struction. took the oath of of¬ Ho won a man was never sented Thursday ni«ht at 8:."»0 in Fairchild Theatre. Ad¬ States and in .Saudi Arabia. Pertlend .(Ire., end tee Iran- at the Women's Gym pool at 8 "tho curtailment orders would fice before House Speaker known to get in a light when he mission is free. flown. i a Imh '»n Am'man Thursday, Friday and Sat- instantaneously surplus thoim George VanFeik'Ttn (R-7.ee- Jews is n.nfinned It Sponsored by the Spanish honorary. Sigma Delta PL the p.m. ah> u wax laughing. He »hi felt dip¬ a lids of career pmdal clerks and land) in the House Chamber, utday. the «»bt agiwenai.t -igne" .n Mrs Carroll was borne »»fT by lomat* might accomplish more carriers," and would "redure the Stale Senator elert Paul play is the story of a university student's scheme to obtain IRA I A hi. h 'he new part Iwndits. but her body was by acting informally than i»y A 2 pin performance will be number of trained employes to Youoger. one of the few top Rr- mohev from his aunt and . x- i utid about two miles away. A bogging themselves down in the given Saturday. such an extent that a restora¬ ptihliranx to «in in the rerrnt uniTe hv feigtiini? illness in ifi . ait band . apturrd member of the id she was shot because she Jargon of State. He next warned against the The theme, "Splashhght on Sports" will be portrayed by tion after of ;» the few curtailment orders months would find spring rlertion, was suorn info office hv Lieutenant Governor Sl.KUHH) order to pay off his debts in •la. undered the bandits' flight. American I'uhlir accepting un¬ it impossible on the part of Phillip Hart in the Senate Madrid. ( ornplications arise 50 coeds. "Majorettes in r.hf > The hunt far remnants of the hand still waa pressed on both lawful censorship of hooks as a threat to basic American De¬ some Rhythm" will be the introduc¬ management to restore the ser¬ vice to former levels." ( ham her. Mackie, .Ifi-vear-old graduate Total Groats when one of the creditor.-, /aratrueta, visits the ailllt. Ides of the herder. Dispatches mocracy and as an Insult to the tory number. The statement mM K la diffi¬ from the MSU School <>f Engine from Iran said !.••• treeps. po¬ lice and armed tribesmen had intelligence of Americans. He felt the and other The coed* will pay tribute to cult now ta get paatal workers, because of low salorfte* offered, ering. rlefrated the GOF candi¬ (Area MSI and uncle, who have lieeii leern help, These account* .said pursuers He NfMi'ilically noted the bun- dustry. of the most bitterly coiifcsOfi t'kl M»me of the bandit: engag- mi ot fhe gifts and ♦.»- pletely deaf. ins run the Dhahran airport, lung of John OTIara's ' Ten also he depleted. There was no sign of a set¬ battles ever .aged during .t I 'rank Durkiit, New York r*i in a gun liatlle Monday North Frederick** by Detroit* tlement of the dispute between Inline 4130.883 41 vvlucn were training a feu Saudi airmen and The show was presented Feb. spring cleeion. senior, portnyx the student, but Uic bandits got Summerflcld and the House Ap¬ advising the >audi arm*. i,mming police chief. 23 at Wyandotte's Michigan Me¬ The tussle was highlighted b\ ai < .-pted iccetitly f«»r MSI.' by < urlos. Maruja. his rouxin, is He stated he against any Tiir.k-. .rtibrrv. pjar'.eri: rtway. was propriations Committee. The dav-tn-day rharges and counter¬ it-, governing i«»dy. the State a>- Horace A. Hildreth, U. S. am- morial Fool. played hy Ton* Madsen. Chi¬ •« r equip-; "v.t air trainers-- and 01 garhzation telling the public committee, however, has agreed charges of Republican inclfit of the outstanding board '■'<(" Agriculture cago junior, while rast as his B2e; haw (Mssador to Pakistan, sent a wltat to read. Ccrf felt that Some to consider on Friday whether n.ue m- "ar- imn lency and DenuHiatu- political Also •' cepte«l by the Board aunt and uncle are Sarah letter to Prime Minister Hu<- such doing defeats its own pur- swimmers participating are to give the Dost Office Deport¬ mmI b> die United States t<» footballing. eight grants for scholar¬ Campbell. Saline junior, as dona >cyn S. Suhrawardy thanking M.iv Siuui A: aii..i. pfiso by the publicity it arouses, ment the extra 30 million dol¬ The issue rune to a head at m, King up this Judy Haga, Mason senior, and Dnlorrs and Anselmo Rodri¬ him for the capture of the 18 and that a "bad" book will die lars Summerflcld insists he the time of Auditor General ship and loan fund purposes training program. u ndits. a natural death without such Siirwly Giltncr, East I ai using needs. amounling to $8384.50. guez as don Ondalerio. Under the new part, the 'rain¬ 4 rank HrmttuhiT in* estlgation freshman, the National AAU Meanwhile, the Mama Pont The sugar grant was given by /.anigueta is jK»rtr.ivixi by publicity. •f a eharge involving "unhe- ing program :s expanded, it a ill After the program, (.'erf lit Synchronized Duct Champions; Office and Civil MPoJoe Com¬ the Farmers and Manufacturers I)'in Dcvrroux, Uhirago junior include navy personnel as wvll State Board his pipe backstage and rhattrd with Detroit and State News re- and Rcnellc Scott, Flint junior, a member of the Jr. National mittee rootinoed hceftagp ea to- rreoseo I livable Irresponsibility" hy the Highway Department. Meet maw Sugar fin a A.-sni'latioit "f Sag- !ive->cai period Fio, henpecked son of an am¬ bitious woman, i.s j^layed by a.' arm> and" air force. Small rnaxlal patrol ships are AAU championship duet. Dr. Ilartlett outpollerl the Re¬ ftaoul Bates, Uf-ica, New York, porters and made two TV kine¬ administration has hoop seeking study mi 11 it hIs of improving Ok-s Changes scopes. to help wipe oat Mm depart¬ publican hope f«*r tl»e inqioitaiit education poailion. Dr E >ignrd last Tuesday Waldron was elected four trn Lara in Madrid, I eh. II, p. Deputy Unurr Secretary -if I Honnie Mae Hamlin as county being read today than ever And .It I'aircliiU Tonight hand labor in the harvest and 1884. State Rourrt Murphy and ,\> - .wars ago in what he termed a • •uric demonstration agent for the theory that TV is killing Mozart Comic Opera storage of sugar beet crops. ft Immg directed by Wil¬ tvwartor ShiiKh Aimniiah Ai- the hook market, he says, is "political revolution." He cred¬ The American film ""Hie i hehoygan county, effective The program is now b» iug Khayyal April I. and Royal L. Fraedrich "bunk." ited his victory in fourteenth district to a strong Detroit's Grapes of Wrath" featured on Sliilrri Tonight in Ami concentrated on spring mech¬ liam A. tion skills Peterson, communica¬ instructor. Prompter the foreign film series will be assistant extension publica¬ anization and solving of the Virginia l(oux*man, Midland ••1* Marriage of Figaro' is tions editor in the department "( information services, cflcc- Buync Honored grass roots movement. An informal question and "an¬ shown tonight and Wednesday night at 7 and 9 in Fhirchild (abridged) by Mozart will be problems which necewMUtc tb«? impm tation "f mam migrant Mnior. Local Mayor presented at 8 p.m. at the Mu¬ A.smsting in make-up are Ki¬ >n« April I. swer period will follow the Theatre. Tickets, may be pur¬ laborers for tiaiui work. lt Harrington, graduate -tu- Transfers were those of: For la'adersliip vj vech. chased at the door. . sic Aud. n drnf. from Detroit, Ronald Re-elected to Gerald W. Davis from 4-H (iruii reusing lunior, and Ron¬ With A« Council Air Your Ailments Digest the News ( 'ub agont-at-largc to 4-11 Club ••gent jo van Hurcn county, cf- ... ald 'Prumble, I-maiug Mipho- Second Term fc.tivc March II. Dave Boyne. Marlette senior, Radios Now in Convenient Pill Form Ma Max R S'r»»ther w as Simo Fynnoncn from iusist- outgoing president c«f Ag Coun¬ i or 'M agricultural agrnt in Gra- cil. was presented with an hon¬ C.irnitul I li.iirim ii rc-elciied to a second term ■•( orary gavel Monday night by the Ea.t Lanaing City Council »ot county to agricultural agent II St. Clair county, effective the new Ag Council president, which wrrr- swallow ed «»r in¬ Mrrl loniRliI in L'nion ! i>t night at the regular meet¬ NEW YORK, (/F) A fan¬ back and forth in response to for a time while its tell-tale March L John Sharer. Saginaw sopho¬ — tlwmigh 'he rectum. Water Carnival living unit ing of the City Council. tastic new onc-inch pill eon- pressures or muscular contrac¬ signals am studied. sert eti The single more at their first meeting of chairmen will meet tonight at Harold F. Peltt and Milium resignation was the term. tains a radio station to broad¬ tions. Each .movement affects The pill passes through tlir Dcvrtopruent of the radio jiilt Kink were sworn in ax council- that of James F. Van 7 in 33 Union Thar, cast news reports on the health the radio signal coming from the tmdy in from two to six days. innouneed by Dr Dei lev by Mrs. TheI ma McDougoU. Ruren county 4-H Club agent, The council started planning w as A drawing will Iw held ',«» de¬ men of your inside*. pill. The battery which pnwers ihe city elerk. Minding up the elec¬ i«» devote full time to for the annual ox-roast spon¬ W. Bronk, president «»t the termine the float title for each fanning. You could easily swallow this The radio station is a tiny tiny oscillator lasts from 20 to unanimous holloi Mas sored by Ag Council and dis¬ ti ansistor oscillator, broadcast¬ 24 hours. Rockcfclh r Institute; Dr. George pair of living units, iollowcvl tions. a cussed tiic part the group would radio pill, demonstrated Monday h> a general discussion ab«Hit rax( for Councilman Felix aa still is ri*v'i- H. Brown, Radio Corporation of 'Pair l-mdy' Ticket t take in the Ag open-house which at the Rockefeller Institute. ing continuously for many hours. The radio pill America, and Dr. John B Barn¬ this years theme. The theme mayor pro tern. It i4 a plastic capsule, just Its signal is picked up by a.re¬ mental. undergoing iiiitial hu¬ I rmilmblc in11B will take place May 4. Veterans Administration. will tie made public later this Acting on old business, the Office Ag open-house has been a over an inch long, less than half cti vcing radio through an *»• man tcMx. well, It was demonstrated by Dr. w cck. council approved the proposal an inch around. Instead of med¬ tAina held close to the' body. Scientists said it could prove that a snorkel-type mailbox be Students who signed up for success in past years as a spring Changes in the radio freqia ti¬ Useful in understanding normal VaJdimir K. Zworykin. now of Hie Union Board event for the children of the icines, it contains a tiny FM placed "O the west side of MAG trip to Detroit activity in the digestive tract, the Rixkcfeller Institute and 1,1 ^ 'My Fair Lady" should students and faculty and for the broadcasting station, powered by cy can be recorded in vtf'ious Vrl, M«-«'i Tnniglit Avenue. .Mail can easily be de¬ a miniature storage battery* ways to tell doctors about the and what goes wrong in such honorary vice- president of pick up their tickets today or students and faculty themselves, RCA. and Dr. John T. Farrar, To IlinruMi Klri-lion posited from an automobile. Ax it goes through your stom¬ activity"of the digestive tract. ailments as spastic colitis, ul¬ enabling Hum to visit the MSU The annual budget for the Wednesday from 3-5 in the UIJ ach and intestines, it can broad¬ The pill can be traeed by cerative colitis and other up- gastroeiulrologist. New York office. farm's livestock to see all the Bt&s. Possibly it may prove use¬ Veterans Administration Hos¬ Veteran's Assn. will meet to¬ fiscal year 1957-38 was ap¬ lambs, pigs, calves and cast facts about Your digestive Ruoroscopc, to pinpoint its lo¬ Students must bring their ro new cation at any time. The capxul ful in treating sonic gastrointes¬ pital and Cornell University night at 7 p.m. in 31 Union. In¬ proved by the council at last colts. tract. Mainly it's designed to formation regarding the election night's meeting. Mayor Storthcr and ID cards in otter to is also affected by mipou, and tinal ailments. College of Medicine. Dr. Farrar tell about acidity and temper¬ also announced that on May 20 ^Uin the Uckats for the trip. Ag Council plans to set up in¬ Until now, actions inside the conceived the idea and Dr. of officers will be anounccd. atures. magnets outside the body could formation booths and give out Zworykin designed the pill, dc- Final elections will be held April Fast Lansing will hoot the _ "Ueek will leave the main One end of the pill has a rub¬ be used to steer it or perhaps digertivc tract couM lie studied of the Oaten at 4:11 rrkUy maps to visihws as people of the only by x-ray* ur through tube* yclupect by the HCA. < mayor*' c&tbau^c day. ber Uiaylarasw widefe muves inafcc it bold ■! II _lH1 Ik iliini Afternoon. --'V* - wkok MX* tux invited UiL J car. (hi Ditches Michigan State News- MM"* "I 100 student. and Faculty intl Th hifin Campus Classifieds M, Read Imp in Hall* Vir Wte* i* pAblldted by iludmh without dtreil lh« .Indent , ..I,!, - i ,1 . u I 11 If iii. il i" Il'lll' tl"f lx"-l |llfe,t-l. iii ll'ltll .trfllll. H'flM would U' ivr I wedge between Mil- lU" whetlief it 1 ftpre mire wax a teneral named nomlliiti' 12 Noon „ it ., •(„ 11i i i-1 v111 iii tiutii ijill • 11!i* Mi'iul'i't •» t' » X— >»« lab d V.i**er li.in ; |)iTv t'" Inii" i ..MiitMtp Pit' • A*"" i it"ni .mil A ted Who ptilleil oil a tre»neMil«tM ClASSIFIlO KATES in. ,in>. a pi n in*.; I'm'. Tui UUHMT taking rtiarsr nf a dileh HOUSING It* iu-t minimum 15 words verv tarce I CtRI W X N ITI I "» -I. lit rtirmtih vi tiirh the world'* «»>il« I da/ 60c hi ii Im* id Hi' " F'r iM'li'i Pit.tn, | lii-i.aa dm ma d i* «»r iv M ftajn i\cx* Hill Proposed were An orraalnnal thr pa««er. nation nr two ? 3 dayi days $1.00 I .* XI t> III $1 30 ftnAnt'ATF Wt^lfP.S Tn x tid •■(iriirt it who (no think an vetrr.ui «l, ' 4 days $I.S0 p!,.fIV '• 4JM7 Renewal of Gl Benefits * oil irr * nil St, the* hoinhed him a tittle 5 days $1 65 Cjt'lFT aiNrtt.E ROOM B|., ... about In the middle ( . . . .j m i,hi r'h.iile* Nn the % rontd ii*r the raiial t'»«». additional charges I r . • i *••• >"r _ Ilut ala*. the «hlp* the* bombed for each word over 15 • rWIV RFIJF3'OPATFri A' \.r\t Tl hhihi* r*ini Intl. • sank 4c per day rt" ''S-lfl in W Deserves Careful Study Adult- nn»« • folk their attitude* W XVIII1anf!>t»i some •.♦ink. * billing charge '^c pit.tie 1lnni i'h thr* never supposed | 1j HOOMS Ffltt MEN Unlvri Ann stfee! F'isl l,m*mi» ,.f the Senate Committee oil labor and Pub- 111 be stared In the fare with a \»i,i,ii.- r,i ♦ I.ARGR NUTI.Y HrttNK..,| link. lie Welfare is presently mtpdderinir the po rottri BONV'FRTIBI.F H"! OMtltt l.tf g' i'ltln'e «Utr|. Itt aelivitie-' the Construction Hill * it the various nation* debated tnt tt -iijpml- «5't"«! crsnifl't «re king girl thime pri\lleg--s • iu»ti»»n wide m'hilit\ of renewing legislation providing Vtmnt whom II wa* that they t hi Hi ' •n'r r i'c rfvnlt.ihle Ne ir b"« Phone IV 2-7!«*' .in for the (il Hill of ItijrHt* hated I'H'. AUSTIN IIV AI, V ■•port* i im if ttfv h'Mli Hill"® ! VOMt: VAl'ANT'tHS 4:»i I This proposal, ro-sptfti sored t»y Uayn»' Ihry nude naaty quip* about , | i,i,|., I., iifi'i-i ju •»! ileitis wliiell per * .ii..!, p. riMtil go-en Wiih^ f iern l<|li hen pii*llei'e< I'm Presents Solution border* and atrip* Phone El> 7-lflt ii'.i i.H ,:* lut the eiti/eiM .Morse (IM)repon), has met with ndmini ,! i.ii A iroi bargain *7 Hi im i 2-1111 ^e« k And rnntrart* Die* isid were ,, t|.,. . v Ml w ill W ith II 1 tur a f rat ion opposition, hut ban trained much outdated 4*1 V ! :13'« "I t-Es 1 fitV!IMS FOR MEN Approval o l. nr l"Me tiH» I"«'it« lej»is|«ti»t . a«l support from ediieator*. n* 11\N «»i!» fxrn And some of the rouittrv*' Big pi Ail MiHt) H)I"H dimr. V H ».|iii k from i I'fDU* Birkloi' . • Mfim . hi'Per I'on'at'l Oli'k ♦!'- p»rn*e »*i|ili|hle X'l fJfuve s, ti .in! ;*ii'l « '«i • " are riirreiitl\ »•»! legislation providing for the Korean CI Mai* X>H» ( Rciairtcr It heels 2-1711 U4 Fvergreni t.hen«e IT rt» t-m" XVere anarlln* at each other'* .V'2. ,! , ,tf pel -it' I III h f«*t III! wer Hill as an extension of the World War II NPWTV HNISltri) MAI I thri*e *>» nolliofv com hilvofatocv huildin, heels. pK.'i priNTIAl" tXlNVEMTIPI K •lot.l.li- i, ioiii lot i-ollwc in,in The eHin alitin.il -it mil ion has mam fac¬ benefits, ended last year. Young men com \ ve • r i New Hitrtii. hetthi tnihrmtUif Img,on inele-l wrntis. n , " Itut f«r all nf tlik loll, some ran It. p intc mil of service today are not entitled to prop ram for M• ll»« In ret il ; w heie In tfet it: renewinp the CI edtirafional benefits. Mot would attempt t«» "olve (he I e \ pi no** on . he itmni'i ll'i" som e |7 Kl week Phon» > and hnw In use il vounp men today are required to serve at inp a c a d e m i• facilities II*, |1'|M»K Ts*"-i"n«- t I»2:I , ; But »♦••■ iim«tinn remain* on ol \l ;11m»ij 1 the itiu f i*»..* Ilia* thi • Uniitl least two years in military service It would throitph tr-tn^ferrinv* the »»*»•■ , i■ , in- t Vet * - !»• in Timrr R'Wim hath •»* v. pt> .. ft ♦ i> 5i Hi i no | lefilgerann I'lilitie* furntc. i i;il eliieli'a x* :i - cvpi I'll 11• • MJlli'dl |o-1 the requite a pfeat deal of the taxpayers' nam of student f»H- from opet And i*k down the tolls "For I'..t kii'R Ifi- W IGum* I'him, •I, k • "*.vr u i tni.e in • • II-WIP ♦ nt!\ l.tire naie pinrram which provided ev t«» provide an ediiration t«» the preat |hu • tinp c«»st- t«» the new build whom the r-anal tolt*"" 'it u ill ttip |>l»" !» I *» in- j I h it qne tioir* nnanawered t«- I •"(. Ili-.t llll'lllv net* ! SABHATtOAL IN tuM-Wf A . lilUinrial aitl t.. cnllece Indent- This wtl t ion of t hem vv bo desire it inp eX|»»nse I t-- I'm,, bull » M i.* -ell hef,"i*e |e*\ tttg unf proie«"or tin i-hlldreti, will ,» d i* * " ".»»itart the i.l i; 1 However, there is another side to the pt uOnwt'.awd '• tihmit 111IT-,• i' , f * , M;*f 11 , ■ „!•-, . MX > It'll • in* S>'?<«!><, rt .rk «te*.1!. (H-Sl s, **««*4 A,- In ti,,. 11 nrele relieve the stresses arputnent Cor one thinp it is « hiirhly I !V 11( t). Ilinnith I1' ' < "lut •. ■- • net FMPlOyMENT .1 eiiii'llment ami si ruble use for taxpayer tuonev ami an e\ Muclxic ♦» ,i». ,,i in. i-i'ii .i t ..),»«■< , .! I I SHARK CI KAN t riMfOHl xnj ' - (fli-nl I- room I «I men I's" - jd.\ i, ,! , • \ j < , i' :..n ethit ;»i • * t -• and lawniak eellent investment in the country's future ill Fef»- vill» » •> . n. ..tl.- plan X ,.- • Htsitlf't bill, nn ip|»iroi| in «'«*iii- , ; li ;i!'' , U"I 11... 11• ! . in'11111*'111 -! I i»u« fmaiiei.d «Iiffi al'd ill plte of final analysis the (51 Hill must be vvejphe.1 aeainst otltei possible edtH'atioltal ai»l plau- • urr renf k(i«l«>n .o'.nlemh frond il«-t ' the tpprn, «l ••( r?oiitrtil Inbn 1 nuiei *ei iimvenimt room I, I a.trnil a!.# -li'i.fild .1 11 \ 111 J' there ale \ not her familiar aiuoment is that the t» ndinv rwmpanle* Mimil.ir pt-in* in; .i'»|s i |n on,ir* reiot'tii ll cannot .if • nilei't lid) provides an easv way for a hum It of fellow >. to wile avvav four years. If this "the onl* nilutllnti mt wit * itlUfll lntr for hiihwav* thr been previmi*!* ennatrurtioM and ereellon of approved slain men IvBpairs FOR RENT , ( i del i» lending l?H l}rov» block < when t», MSB *>mi S«,eel. Aide*" Ren do two I'Wn want slid Kfltrnnre ami !«• one So n ■ I ii it ton fees and hv iiu» evpenses aie nit was possible in the past, who h is extremelv Although i1 t»4 •« -A 3»n»»! ' Ml d d'tuOle V|«it oi phone HI f !' t,l *»i t t«herrlilo*i* hmpttal* I .ANSI NH f/l'i Inhit »' "■ FN 1 I'Mj the tipsmre at ndleues and universities all doiilitlul, it most certainly will not he pos¬ It. toe »e XI >«•••. S»ate .ml ~ the Hf.ve IV»> •I Xi' •i.l'ii' ♦- "XII" Murkio, flow!> i n1 »»t nv ei the cnunti v \|ichtuan s« pool- ate sible in the future. .'Mn LOST and FOUND the biirliw;i\ uniimissitiiii'i in q We "tellvei Itlmiit tn he atteited hv this ttend Overcrowded conditions at most school 1 .. » t n n el1' .Mt»ntl;»y, itnivvcMl up in the ATTfNtlON STUDENTS IfHl ' X' 'KI I Pli'KFH nil »■* llevv ||, t !• h t h i i- coine to affect JtoltMi have I - required a peneral raise iti seholasta .•r*nbMinii " state rapitol .\| < *rn l,i \ :itni !«k,. 22 I'honi ;i«tet i'.««muli* fhwl M" Room llfl-A Itrvan t la I celli I • v.! ,1,.. I V j-w U v .'III e lie hut landards This means that only the most arwen.t it • • -net ev-h<*",s hiulilie,! w it Ii «Jex \\ illi.tm • then i an he iiltle dmiM thai t w n| hit V i vtippiM'ot hi.:* • • capable students will be allowed to enroll Mllii otlu'I I h'tino »•;» t j« -d lit e et te I > tin nlu lent daiirei MUNT7 TV . and sfav in collepe anil the dcudwood will ISn F»«i mer-Higtch eft hi il< h. If that V will !e .•t t he educated 119 CAST KAIAMA/OO he sifted out miplity fast. -til. ki awwvre » lie vet !."' take .t|ti«-, until talt nt fl the ' .it i ta li desperate Manv aipue that since the draft is uni "tlellnite < f*#ryO. r«»t- .Inly I PHONf IV 4 54SO PERSONAL need et ledav Iptleil from « fr»- t«» te verbal everyone is operatinp under the same TI • Suls enunitte Velr \ 11 a i Me! inn It* f»M tt»C toilK M.iekio t«»l«t innvneii he FOR SALF .1 THOMAS .XMFS zrm't AKE. WOODS I1ETII AI competitive conditions. Also the fact that '■■••alretctl "plows !•» "ft U|< hr.t'lquaetoi fhe «m!e New* OTfTei- ' •hfv niVB.'i FQI'II'MKM hing rome n» R the I'nited States is not at war seems to haw ft, tc within t "tip!. ,.f week tun iii-ketu !,» the ( resl D'lve-li INFORMATION ■ • me <•( lh. drags i»v th- i> m>.kc mil: All hriind INasser Says fcNo* influence a preat many hill There h no nemt people apamd the t 'mveiMitv In rltwl, ihf nr»»*ol »itt tiii,I devoir tm'trv !"•* ! ef hi .tcqinuiilcil |mt«' with !" ore. Hn lei,. will. .-miidem, 70* A nt ("he-! - f'ee •1 nVFR J ,m W the still Golden Agera Ioo|.|im>«». i for compensation !'i•' M ..I KH 7 **11 |«* 1. ' 1 M O.ibl.K IV «» ;w;|H rwmatrmrnt VtS|"« wl( tt^n, pioblem 'ho' Will t"!ifr»»*it (In I n ret eid tnn -ien t. t I N Secre they claim I,"" tu the new !,»•> \ V '• "l * 'M rK' KVlStON firm rfaline f, taiv tieneia! Maiurnai • k leld report pdh Still, two years is a hip chunk out of a which the I'nhmlh e«e>m ha* ff> i itttsii Mint nn \c ii ft 30 i>».. fill'I, 33 tie said he Is puttine his *nr- in " i cmi,lion colobOMUol. AI*o fx, rn'Mo-nhono- 111 I - A fill REAL-ESTATE- tier thine- man's life. It interrupts his career eying and engineering hu-i .'II VMI.IC Uk< • a skis I I el Na- I I aniens' el yoiinp •Irwlftl (mi4 «t«t l» r Mti t(.» Ci v r.Xl'r ami UsinIo (nililks ne*s in Flint up for «ale, and I.AN«fNCla NF AW A»- vvhi'ttcr Kin pt was prepared te end the or education today just as much as it did arr ml FORI XTR> HIII I*'» W FV«T!.1.FNT 1 t'o"e beftmt.m nil brick »»• tititilinns l« lb* Health Centre plans (m resie?i from his pre¬ < • i-i • «i .i .",i' ,M«!! \ 1 sent office Genesee "ps 1-.miI Phone nh V'tv phie If-ven Drive F- and Mmlr RvlUlni hesntes I n a* Count* xtxi %«•€ ot \ir\tj 111 n t 1AV through litookfteld bei«r lefl sum. it appear*, w.e pers of war are concerned they still exist Iveeili X iliac* and the f»»»tl» surveyor 8 SO P nt 1 i'» To A* i limp > BAD llnven-i Nn issues in the Middle l.ast jne inxolii- Tensions arc always arising over one inter¬ ntiHlrarted Mwdent SecvW* M.tcku- in.I Willio-i. ' talke : f bed 4 IIRISTI %N xf llNfl ORG Thrnw ' u* All reu • lite if there is a vvill to achieve hnnurahle national issue or another and how long di¬ HuiMtwr—all withwit Iriulattr nvei fhe sehs'tioil «»f • dtyputy .'ill !M7 XX l.enauee THREE niOCKS TO campm 7 15 pm IVi'i'ipi ( tn.it h sett lenient lint how can anv issues he i»en st.iU' highwav rnnimi.sftionor. Nearl* new- three bedroom plomacy will hold out is difficult to sur¬ ('hnp I but im etni, ligsir»n. were roarh- tf the bead!* plan is jkvooV ' 1 1 »MBI.FTE SIT OF Waider. 1.inch home Ijirge living 100- uinelv resolved so long as Crvpt insists the mise TORTOISF FH ATF.KMrV V*. ».' ■ v*(ih inalriu-tion* fV< , is still on" hv the lecivhlurf s» routd K 7 3il ji.pi .Ifinsi") •sl t n t Hen FI) 2-MH7 fun- ; ]* cwiotnir! •• AXXN OF Oil . t XVIft x Th,» prwtrt chief rtoputv. - | .nuce Fuui piece tiled bah that is the v'reat question. it makes all r.*H»r«e M Fteder. whs Mwekie GOLTfRS, GOlf CLUB SALE' finished recreation room Cnr even a partial answer to our educational otj rum mimic at tor, art me*» Sit DFNFX . ♦«- I lor npiNHntment Deck- the other subjects et dehate seem small hut it Irat rfufitwfhtw, butinpe HcpublicHr. "i>|H»nent in the W -'*■ t Vn'o- $'-9S woes seems worthy of some careful • ■ p m t'ni«»n Bftllrotnn election Re»|t* Company ED • WTVAtien and * taKv April I •—I' SC vsl.r 4 9'. am) peripheral. consideration. SAIIING I It It FX'Ft HOXKD Maekie *ald he rnnstder* im- OR 7-R23J hinr boikvmrM phi- an addm. • j 1 4 »'4 • SC'"' oh 7 p n, ; 1 u ft I niv« t t u*koMB M ARVIXRO dentinl Water and 2 British Military Cutback X\l» Bl Xlil aewer PwhllahMl on rUn d*«« Monti** throurh Frlda* Inrludft. during fait. 7 pm 4th floor l.thrnrv t S ll? ••.II the rnIfygAF EIANDOR &OLE C0U4SE narocht.il nml public ach'Nil- one and one half acre lota on b«". iron* Detroit toward Chfthlgn a* Waiter and N'ii>nr> c( US 14 and V ?S tlful Re«l Cedar Every lot a r me* term and one «|«e. t*l (r«lin .n untie heiv eon lummrt and fall lot Phone Mr Knln.«a. term* Fnlered a* w«»nd olna* matter ut.det ad of March 9 I0?V at (he p m V> I'm..., iert* ahead. j |Ba-» <• B* k"flop v k r *1 iu'.*nt) IV IV S-1' Means Loss of Power . evening. *-3*70 Midwav RrC goat off'.e r««l Lanat ii Mich Ttll GAM MX M USED iff Mall auherrli'ttoh* l»*> »''le in advance, for one mm. It far two giua. "But I'd *nv .t!" of Michigan BICYCLE GOOD runtiituf , .011 it ion New hack lire Onlv »I2 gBII for three trim* 0* .V! 7 pm 34 t'ri'Mi roods nwl dt'veUqanont," he JR 5e« WOMEN'S I NIT W'I'l j 1*1 one IV 7-MW7 Ry J. M. RORFRTS WHY BAY FOR rental' *t* no plant foe ftlhrvg (TIAIRMFN Williams suui tuxedo. OimpUK ('lH«sifi%sls XsMtrialed frr*s Kevsa Analvst anv Macular* r«*irgonizartion v'vx *;iv Sire 42 midnight blue WASHING AND IRONING no which re*uK f 30 pm. , 36 fnnm » ' the Highwav Department A.-rn onlv twlc* IV 2-:ak«i after in my home Ph.»ne ED >-oniR Your Key to the ( Hinpus 5 O.C our p rr> . The invUiil aun'cue and shtv k Already Australia ha* ar was discussed in general terms. nouiwxM ttv-: *be Will gear h* S3*1 p.m., Mill., R,*»m ITti"; on«! tliHt Maekie expeelcd tn MUSIC over Britain'.* military retrench¬ - j nn ONF raike! XVII ExcellentSON ONE Hlg(in» tern cheat ra Phone - KFNNV DAVIS nef«»n>«' prog:am to ttv.t of th.- WATER < XRNIVXI FXIX' \ consult further with experts on con,boon Roth ED 7-Mftg ment is n*»w giving way to nnue for «|0 Inquire IZM-D Uiuxerailv Crossword Puzzle sober and prertiml cotvodeia. ti«»n «*( the piviU»i>le reaulb. I'nited Stat*- taking the v.ew that in any future war Hntai AND 4 NAIRMFN nmeOMMtTTH the matter v'1taga 145 oaner. TYPING DONE IN theme* the< r. eu.vung her intention* with her loan C*Hv Government' And-n,», TYPIST ANN BROWN Phone ^1 Romulus ta renter around American r%X-ORTHODO\ STIDEN'T land Weidincr 34 Cucii.ar wiliest l-*i«x| edit,on I-2M0 Fleotric t\ne writer T* "f 11 Moth genus strength—not nercwaril* to the ASSN I Heading in Miimo oal Government naners and theae. Alao.general t*H plate Um rrsMHi far aback wss that exelnaian of Rritain. hat >u-t . and Administration Kneiser and Ing 1 !2 Has life 35 8 30 put. 34 Union *he announced plana for end in c I'.v Political .rod Sxial Hiatorv 14 Indian pole Vi«p- that aha k ant of pnitiro D><. M VHVK SVV1NGOFT . of * anad • Fdg.tr Mrlnma pift? DISCOUNT ON GAS to all bee draft aeveral year* before ed-.tmn "Down to F<'tl, •ell * Pure Oil SUtion 15 Nclthe; 3« l.iu.l* will became mare and more bur 4 OMMITTII , Manning Aero** f" II eaa lake place Thia did twn i J,;r Cvfryhody Greenhod Phone P»"D>* Church ammui ror 37 Pud. s 8 30 p jr.. i\ , -5a.vi vicclahle Ibingw. It gave rise to fear* Union Murnl Rr*m\ * 38 l.uxon Since the dr*t i-munov,**- WATCH. CLOCK AND Jewelry 1 AXIFR14' AN S4M IFTX 4»F 17 Man ■ rial iv < 6o'wt.on of Yesterday • Pwis>e Ibal |be Rritlab Guvernment Bntam hc> ir^le i* clror t\C>- IDF\t. FOR STUDENTS 10M nainnr All work guarantee :r,..- .house trader T. ni. hrian « 3h f cc< from »»» plavlnt politic* with the RHIITIRXI I NGINEERx feel A I aluminum Thornn*on Jewelry. 333 MAC she does n*< mtenc u* pu 7 SO p.iv rn l urniilelelv aelf-auffleten* week aervice 18 Mik fi niicrc-orye • DOWN f Weolern defenae* It Mdjart* tl« Afi F.pki Illdg. "atn iM® IP Pa-i isnv- Ncghgenl of her ground fivves out F\ . 1 hi.vm cosn 7 B*nivh ether NATO member* with re¬ SPARTAN WOMEN'S THE PLAYBOYS A»»E back * 2U AUsyv 41 C« irrupt •Hv. *hr » kivHr.it f:. - . gtrirr DELUXE KIRTABLE hut without a tan Plume ED 2 belli 8 newed oppoaiUon to their own , . LKAGI'E HOARD MEETING or FD 2-*no7 J cont- w ;th moin v P.* fi» 3 Amusement » Employ YOI NG REPI Bi ll ANN TRXDE-IN Another thing vvhn'h jrtrurk ■till e*i* then- v*.:h. B r . ll.ogiirs-—"WPtr»reni • ear old child in mv home T l| 23. Shack Irs 44 Co:ai island 4 Kind of 10 Act of allied officials the 7 pm. Old College Hall MAGNOLIA. Ark. i/Uh—Fred refrigerator* televiitona dav* week 310 S Mavford IV l-f^l was xtate- committed U> a full rv>Ie in ue- 25 False h.i.r 43 books after ei *i»n p.pc choking n ent that, as thin»» stand. Bri¬ aw* ACTIVITIES ROXKD Siew-grd. a Columbia County I Service. "P.. 1110 F •'f «eek Goodyear 2ti Stt ;ngt of 4fi l*nits of 5 Suit". fetuw in case <*f any gttacx Michigan if 13 W»se 36 Unitvn 7 cars force potato tain cantwd he defended from That. rv*< actual t'cv • s>.m cattleman, owns the majority ATTENTION TRF THIS VA10I SPANISH 4 1.1 H STUDENTS' BUY 16 Not high atomic attack interest in what diamond* strength, ts the principal apparently is vour whole-sale Carat • t 5 t 5 1 a t 10 16 Roman god This wa* given a* the back¬ ing of American a.-ni - • 30 pm intei-natuwial Center the highest paced bull in the and 'a carat fVifetr stone* at liVi ( fo» brttiittl Bntu* • of death r»e> carat. Queen Jeweler*. 114 N 2 Spedauft I Coffee — 22c 20 Salamander ground for a switch from man¬ ferces m Europ*- anyway ami. Washington. II 12 ii Red open S:00 *.m. 21. L'naspirated power to atomic deterrents. F oil Meal rrverheraMon* w iti Willett, Monroe, La, 22. Chess piece The idea that Britain cannot he Letlfr* txikt Steward $33,333 for a one- TH( STU0NUT shot s mare Import >■« than the id i. i i* 24 Weary l*e defended from atomic attack military .%» she pntk her car While the Slate Nrww wilt third interest in the purebrnt III MAC. . 10 MO 1 25 Blink ii if* 14 27. Disorder Is by no mean* new formed a t>.*vkground of her of¬ ft has riMMM oat of the OriraU Bnuo withhold name* on lothu ta Angus. B.,n*1olier Creek, making the animal'* t*i- of Indian HOUSING in It ae nee will wane there >o*f as the Editor COMPLETE RADIO xc :! 21 28 Capable of being held ficial thinking for 10 years, and it did when the immediate po-t onlnlely no letter will he upon regiaot. ab- tal worth nearly $100,000. .^~07^i2RO,* three bedroom home *'*NTSwithin TO kuv walk- AND T.V. SERVICE 29 Age »*»lored the effort* of her states¬ war rranomir pinch forced her 1? r-e ,•* s-*y 31 2 footed men to avoid atiunie war at al¬ out of Greece. Printed which dooo Mot boat * ♦ * llirti fftDSTt Hirh School Orcunancv t,an*lng not necex- Junior T.V. EN6INECRS the name ot the gender on In f< 21 ft animals most any owl Whether i: will a!« wane NEW. BUT FEED ■*#M(t11 September |. 1957 ED-- of Pino'i Music 5"* 32 Owns the letter received. Aatde from that, the military Europe, in the tmmediage fu¬ frandor 33. Worthies! APPROVED fe- JO : j! leavings thinking Involved k not great- It different ture, is a n A* the a have a DES MOINES teaches the fjrgt grade at near¬ oPt—Jo Tike Cbiae to post office .ED 7-SM*. ROOM FOR men 1*4 lion# IV 74010 ■'v' M 3b 34 Gave cut from that ta the area's only aiorric i»we-. sh. apeeifle by CJive School. She oceaiion- sparingly will still have an importa: * The idea that Britain wrtpt to the Mter. •lly gives her pupils "telling FORECAST for CLASSIFIEDS: 3t> 37 37. Glacial can no voice in it* counoTs. snow longer garrison the tune" to tell things which in¬ out now* of But the tisie of ceooociit fun¬ y*f 4J AI *>2 38 Imitative the terest them. The other ISmpIre doe* come a* a damental*. held bock *o tore day at of Art shock to tho*e who remember "telling time" a little boy re¬ 43 Ad 40. Fish eggs 41 Spoiled what *he iwed to be Tt aim by her kwdeeohtp in the Indus trial revolution, is rlomng vu Night Staff ported: "We've just got g new car at our High...! 45 dfc 42 High rait rmodarn to preoont th# United and t*rt is a ahaky note in tN Might Editor Pent iruitM hougg." State* with some renr real Mole mat * fellow pupil Ways: abbe. problom*. deaoite voire w«h which the Macmil- US>SSZ""~ „ Jaa Rtonaer What's ao great commonted: about that? lan TXeLow, current pro- government apeak* kyu Bhepaid. wyno Mm- for f , we ve had a new car for years I,— Mar\«| Chang ttQW.'J Mirmr.w statf ntw* r«f Thrre April «, 10-,7 loodless Revolts Threaten Michigan State New* Your Key to the rumpus . . huniatra, Miss Engineer Candidates Indonesia ictims Being ''Teus-ed' This Week ham, Morris, 111, freshman, f'ht Candidates for the title of hell. Marilyn F.Ibnan, Berkey Miss Bngineor are being inter¬ fre»-hman. South Campijetl; Omega. Mnrianna Mu«ta. Kibe- PmlMinno llinl viewed tl»iM week at teas by (lint.hint J ago V fitfa'er fn^h- Wfx*l. Ohio, freslmian, lb-Mi Inlt-riuil Trouble* members of the Knights of St. n-an, OiMirtrt. Tri ha Kinder. C.anmia: Sally Lewis, Own: u Patrick, engineering honor ;ny. Traverse City «npbomor»». Evt ftoshriMin, Delia 7.*.H i, Fifteen serin-finalists will he Kindon. p.itHela lleiland. Chl- Vim y Fly fin. Auroa, III . | I'APANO, Sumiitrii (/P)— chosen rigo, III . anphomore. West I.an* freshman, Gamma Plil Beta: Five finalists will he picket! don Connie Molir. Dearborn sopho¬ jiprloft <»f l»k*Mlleiw revolt* Riverside, Sunday These coeds will be Sharon Rl«rd*n. more, Kappa Alpha Theta: Car¬ Snmnlrii anil Ea»tern In- voted on by .ill engineering stu¬ III, fresh.nr.tn. liast Mayo: Jose¬ men Brown. Saginaw sopho one receiving the phine Haumann. Ratine, Wise., Lmwtn have brought the dents. The more. Kappa Kappa liimmi highest mindier of \«»ts-- will he sophomore. West Ma to: Rhea Nancy Kerr, fir and flapids jonne republic to the brink Crowned .Engineering Queen at Itatmond. litooii freshman, junior. Phi Mill flail Miller, ilislnteirrutlon. the May Hop. The other four Mason: Joan I.oveless. firosse Shelxivgan, Wi• , freshman. Pi coeds will serve as the court at Tointe freshman. Phillips: Rita Beta Phi; Jaeklvn ll.ittrier The .Iritis of 3.000 Wanda the annual ftmnal sponsored by Ilea Id. South Haven sophomore. fruit freshman, Sigma Kapiia: bieh once matte up the Neth- the Engineering Council May II. North Williams: Rosemary Mey¬ Clare Tteet?. Del mil junior, '/ et a | lands 'Raft Indies has been The queen will reign uvcr Kn- er. I arising freshman. West Tan Alpha glneering Week and will appear \ alielev. night Up in the whirlpool of at the engineering rxpoalllon Mure candidates arc Delyrm last-West ideological cold war qfVOF UV9VNF 1 N and aulo rare* as writ a* the AfcClellan, Ahwrwi sophomore, I .| anything could happen No F«CK RARRFR8 yoti hive the Ptnff that eyrnitivea arc made danre, Alp'ia Obi Omega. Carolyn Ball, — loo is predicting a civil war, C.f . . . Mat* *ew» Wintn lis Fete ffilboBy The contestants and the liv¬ lictiulf freshman. Alpha Holla "tit on the utihei ha mi no one is cnturing the flat prediction Clarrth Morgan and Merrlnn Ita vies Morgan, the Itrltlsh debating ing units they represent are Pi. C.loria McKim, Pontine Dohm's Barber Shop • imagination team who met M8U opponent* Monday nieht. "exrhsnge quips" Betty .Tories, Millimfion fresh¬ freshman, Alpha flninma Helfa. • ambition hat there won't be one. FRANDOR CF.NTF.R before the verbal battle in the I'nlon Ballroom. man, Ab'x»t, Clara Christopher, Sue Jennings. Kan-dug fresh¬ The rrtnto HMh the army. the • leadership Muskegon Junior, North Samp- man. Alp'ia Phi: .fan Brough- potent feree, divided—with livaneae efftvem luyal tu Pres- there's i world of opportunities for vou Jrimt Hukamu, and these tn the Carolina* Hardest ilil vi'li KBnrjKU . tin- nation's third Inrg* f l fore I • 11 f r ihntor. lutlylug Inland* willing te re- Knit unless they gei what they Taa. Wad. Thar. .Krogi r off* rs lucrative opf»nrtunifie* now fiint- »rt President Sukarno, in an ef- I lashing to patcli U|» a unity of the parties ami defiant Tornadoes Kill 4, ATI ANT A (An Turnarhavs rip|w»d along the main vtHM»t Injure 100 and Che raw, both of which suf¬ QMM oauitetwi IMVPK Admits Oaly * and i futnr.' im f ir r> ing org.mi/ ition its» If f r i'trn 'M.otp*- a» marng'rnept trainee to minagcmenf lung at ;. o'j » hi piogi. <4 -is far in your this grow- (iniivui of the far-flung Islands — Tutalde Java, announced Mut¬ ripped a path of destruction ami headed aeix*.s eourrtry to¬ fered aome wind damage. KXf l.l SIVK FIRST RUN SHOWING » initiative northeastern South C'hro¬ ward the northeast, dipping The twisters dip|>ed again at iny his personally selected cab¬ m ixing and inet which he said would rule ll imi and eastern North Carolina periodically tn wreak damage to farms and villages. Johns and Day.strom, near "I LED TWO LIVES!" • (dfiabiht i*l Monday night leaving four dead, Kitirinburg, N.C, sending mor e Without parliamentary sanction. hi* palace In Jakarta than 100 injured and a It hit the small town of Wal¬ than a rio/«v) persons to the hos¬ From more Ibt-ril on (hp slut) »f t'hri-tinr JnrBrnirn *•'11 t ill.. VOII. • rheae. Dr. Haden DJuanda. a trxril of shattered dwellings lace, R.Om between Chesterfield pitals, gome seriously injute«l. k*i year-nM engineer whe leans acrxres six states. THE STRANOE CASK OK A "MAN" O n r j*r n' t» «*1) y . r erimpua |<> Socialism hut belongs te no The National Guard waa rail¬ WHO CHAMiKD IIIS SKX Fitly, to head a cabinet of 37 ed out to keep order In aome ministers. sections. Highway patrolmen -tin.n l.hf »t 7.27 anil It 34 WKHNKSMAV K TIH'RHIIAY Djuanda has been minister «»f blocked read* to prevent un¬ I'-ansport, cnmintmleatIons, pub¬ authorised travel Into hard-hit lic works, wonamks and firm nee area*. The Red Croaa started Salaet yoir I'Iuh 2nd Ilil M'lCII* 17 K !H In nevrrat eat»inrts since 194H. disaster workers Into the region it lmd is regarded as friendly to and the Civil Air Patrol and Air |he United States He has the Force rushed In emergenry ^ pirtation in Jakarta of bring power and rommuniralion Easier Cards M ii'" • m. *in apprnrrtmerit or offit. r.i-x at i.»r ,»n int. our r- on est and potrknk*. equipment. yj//; One of the tasks of the new \ i- v. v.ith birn The tornadoes swirled down tovernment, which Sukarno In the vicinity of Jefferson. SC , A J >n U„r K,„,l liescribed as an "emergency ex- a small community about 43 at .1 ' nun .rrn,„ for t \t- n'' Ira-parliamentary cabinet of miles southeast of Charlotte. experts," will be to put Into Jractice one of the president's KENNY DAVIS ( i IhM ideas—a national council [which may include Communists. W'hMhur ita functions will be ORCHESTRA Tha Hallmark Card Shop ytDCjCT lutviaory or a aort of super-cab¬ inet remains tn be seen. This is MUSIC .Attn K. Ornnd Rivrr shtiwn Once at t *»7 lofot'd >n ?1 putxA of fh# rn»i«*>tt 0nrj lO'-ilH |ci |«r»rt of Ws conception of a PImm ED 7-M06 "guided democracy " An ■ ■ ■ ■ P I.F.C. ANNOUNCES SPRING RUSH Tonight April 9 7:30-9:30 All Houses East of Abbott Road Alpha Epsilon Pi Delta Sigma Phi Phi Kappa Tau Sigma Chi 1212 E. Graatl Rivrr 211 Churlt-H 729 E. Gruml Rivrr .143 Albert Beta Theta Pi Delta Tau Delta Pi Kappa Phi Sigma Nu 507 E. Grutttl Rivrr 711 litirt-liain Pr. 255 139 Balky Boric Lambda Chi Alpha Sigma Alpha Epsilon Theta Xi Delta Chi 131 Bogue 501 MAC 101 Voodnm 128 Hailatt Triangle (Engineering) 1214 E. Grand River April 14 is the legal pledge date s ; 11 • Jfjfi : *- - • • - <--• ~?r~r' ■__ ~ -y- "y. T- • y . .. r teSaSfi Xrni « \*s: MlCHUi X\ *TX1» \11VH r»g# r«»r Tigers Rated INo. 2, Sparring ~ " Braves Bomb »M< XMtM'MFM Same Old Story Yankees Again First %,»«« *«!•»>. n, Sr. 1* 1. lh» iifti'n ., !*.•«» ol HI lltr *11 I "i Ms •*•*.,•* •. .*r t'imr« S- *!• 1 *'-e n.< eonte«t improved idnh in thr junior , ■ •'i- Tlw\* *\"*»uid rank a- a , fi.xrr with frafrile. easily -flit skin. Davey wallrcd out The Urates shetlaeke.1 the .lefen.lins champs ayam i »iivnit. >•„>!.i-.(5 viaif on other teams ,.l n.-where to win a shot at welterweight champion Kid teniav at Oklahoma City, piling up five runs in the fi \ ! !\ it pi*.- ■ j; an.-; M»« k« • i.au an. hi first heatinp ( hieo Vejar (twice) and an over- inning nnd moving on to an V.i'.h. a I... \Y-gt Rei ra. too No' jjoirrvi tx*n runs hut the t: . hill Ris ky ilraaiano. 8-5 victory. t jrhU ander held on to give N .rW,« ',i tt? ion Ha ;ik Pau<*. Gil On I'ehruary II. 1955. families all mer the nation Ralh- (he Rrixoklyns Phils their ninth one-run vict- TC«) « M. iv.i.ii-i! , V.\'\ Martin and Runnerup t "'.ini Ki 4 t.'i t! . I . . Sk' v* I ."- r.i'd aioiind their 11 screens In watch the clean-rul college the l.isl tx*.x »-as.>h*. 'tie Praxv ot the "print - i:o,i S Thr Tttrrv rate thr \o ? Iso Item Mnhiyan Slalr tear Ihc Cuban Hawk apart. Only have beaten Uw Dod«ets foot lefthander Jack Harshm ;«< t , 1 spot partialis hrrausr of thnr at might lime- and iweratl .hold w ho iwa* he the ttlrtte So* he didn't. IVsil finhh in l'5<. Ihry wrie 6-2-1 .idvantaae <>ver (hen opening da* pitcher, rombir ;\,...n 11.\ i* 1 1 \> •. ' inid wason posting a I* tfl rr* I s, tithpau stxio, hut rotihi not avoid dropping him once jons. If.>well to blank the Ciriiiu . I • , \ , ,w. oid as inmpared *» 43-31 for , • . ihint and then three tunes in the ninth after tiring nronklxn regular Rntrr t rait |Tat*hman went seven innlnt* ,.K thr tanWrrs ;t tie game. I hi \ c> decideit not to come out for round al.*nrhed (he flr%» innlnt ha« • >towlug *1* hits *rtitle Howes Ihr tmfcrrv air not ncccsvu tVtv. it ha - • ■ ,r than mprr ii leilni and Ken I nhman *« as permitted ont* one hit In »h* il» thr pnpul:ii fa*«*Htr* hill •i .f ..-t "Mati'tio ',> i*a. V tip pitching when (he Brave* wound final two frgme*. Bookie Sm . ? Kridax in IVtmit. Chuck Spieaer. a former team- I indi» bit a two-ntn homer t Ihf* arr (nint Into ihr rirf wllh Th.r-.r ihrrr Up their «coring with three ninrr '• .-or n-.f » • Ihr miwl important »**«•( tn their .. s';« n i »im sr. Frank ;i t Pav.i x >. xient into the ring against Tonv Anthony, inn* tn the fifth Ha* 4 rone tbieago faint. the* are Ihr team x«itH U.I' RiU> Hoe ft and Raul F<»> . elimination for the light heavyweight title. and Boh Trowbridge pitched Or.tficMcr Rob .NMMnan's mm! good hill i>la*rr* k he "spieler x*as ahead* number one contender for Archie fnr pit. hint rich XHtwaukee and h"** cT a-"onnto,d for ' ■ thr a ■; \o. .npttTv ** run Ihr* also arr Ihr most vrrMlllr ko-1 ;vpv '.*• ti «paced nut tt hit*, including d 'f.-t.nve - Pajtimore s vteto Iram «rt thr gimr m.idr f* , ■ .nw Ihikc Ma a -. - M.whi 's etoxxn and prohahl* could ha\e gotten a title shot homer* hx t hatle> Seal and .-•*»-. ,vc • Kt** Oxtrlcy Begn- ronfldrnt ha wiihunt meeting Anthon*. except for two reason'*. lumrl* pm i'o'l I The Bra*e* *tand J-,*'- worked for ' ' *.r\rn "l ■- ! •« 4.ino 4 inxoli o■ ■ P. • n*i*l- in nthl *r»r* and ran I 'to .«'K i .!■ Haivr* Kwr : l • former Spartan NOVA champion hadn't fought since IN N again*! major league «p i> .:*« with I e giving up t tinned acainvt mmptarrnra h* « • v > ». ' * Ka.an-: v wrier whm he kayood Willie Hoepner in two rounds position, the Podger* 13 1* , r'< * ub h »i*T. a twsvrun j»"> havrhalt"* master ju*»lri and i. H.s..,. .i .An ias. c neishsl the fight to get in shape. Resides. Moore Boaton x*«"t U1 innires d.-- • w.m vtnr*n in the eighth it* most Mioriafut Manager. ' . . • \!.i s • ,1 Ka r, ,o ; H'*r-». avxvwuttod for all ib, •etj to make a Kuropean tour while still champion and fcat Pitt.-b--sigh. 8 T at K. it Xt* - 4 avr* Mental l ■ • ».*•• • ' • tc-bali 1 •>% Giants' abbreviatcj " j.!-? an elimination in IVtroit would drum up interest era, Fta I*'- .'ad*d phi a P. - Utdtr Ho. ' . v* k.t • are a >• did '• . . 6- > oi id* arwatcr. O-.c Chi¬ ... ... . vn- Clcsvland. BmvV:, . Y «* epf,.*r f i .gar, f«t hrtich P . for the title fight June 7 f .♦ fV'.rela* ca*r up a homer cago Wi •. So* blanked A' in ] •■*'■ fight backfired for l»th Spieser. of course, tost his Louis ? at Charlotte N*' ( •. *.- r-d"« Bobby Avtla en \ , t.'voy 1 .urir up *» it * uo! and reputation b\ btvommg an easy knivkont f • ,-och of the game, th . BaMimorc downed the c'hvag • !Akl^. V- ' lllfi h-*P«'fu' down to c'-eek the I j' ml.; !-. . tvmrni 1 ■ «- »tn !!••*-* T !.«■ «r • eistoiis Name \ t't • - -ivond. in the third round after being saved by the bell in Cubs New * V- I •' k Daltav, and tho r.Kod- d» foaVd d *- s ?he r*"«* of the way, Thtl Clew!and .11 in an rhhihition Ciar.'.v. wmt ahead on a twi*-TV !!■r\ Vnd Vrchie. it now vfems will haxe a much tougher time apprn, t, I'Vetl DcLinn . •.«. short,M»d ♦ fix-p innings b*' - .r -a Puor Rhixdes in l?u, , r X* ill. ' !'<• ""• : y. . b«atmg Vnthon* than he *«outd ha*e had taking Spieler. '• i;"1- and e**ded Ihc • ram .»• M< A'a Ha n . ano*:- tnmnc » Mh .fill- rtti* Is ' i. V \ pi'ny. known :o a heaxy hitter, has scored 2J knock- led m bedi:ted bptwivn ...-.v-rg --r Foster t'a«ilema' Not Manager a canxv • . * i d has been beaten only four times AH four were C'lncinna'; and \Vashmgt--n at he.- empt* blow tn the fifth. .•IK, v- -.V r.-M f.M • • .■ •• Behind 1 ho. it k.tx.-rs. however, leading to the belief that Tony, a 22- Afemphis PUT-'iT v r. IVtro.i .Tackic .Tensen, Jm> Pin IV-*Xtar.agcr Jack Tight i f rt i lYarven. Boh Twi x. Ni xi Vorker. has a glass .law It ma* very w ell be, IVsi.-. i.v At f.'".• NV .via; Ras-k«-t- sail a- * Mi:t Polling r-aok.-l v. r?s ?•■«" Tiger bullpen enoeh :b \,1 . Bobb* S' a ' • '■« a«ti'1 tested much in Fridax's debacle. Vs-.r. Ahn iit - • .si Rm heme for the Hnt s>-\ lf>»: .»-d ,.*a«"4*ed at first txa*, • »V;nv p. b i • ;••• i'« i tr.o rnarsa- I d M- . re ha- a similar stxle t«» Spieser's. and we'll pick agains Pira'w. wit'- Pol,- the krsl »wr» j-evirs. R.« Ten A , . • , 5 And * V to end matter- m similar style come June when A4*erU*ei»eo« A i . • «. h^t- .* lhi meet in IVtroit s Olympia .>»• r r ■■ and M ■,-l'y , !V . ».v 1'miTr- . m i r. unlike Pax, *, had the experts behind him. and • i.»sj like a oxllegian would final!* break into the cham- On Campus MwQtwikan ■* i V - - • - H. AyvuiYiC V [ PN H >*: ' tEj Thr *•'» -tiri.* annonnrerrrrt a* .■ . ui« maifr j P em 'r s I in 7olIner a »tatrmrnt nl It relr*»ed Ma*ne h* I'red i id the end it wa- the same old «1 oy\ f I«d , 1 president of the rt«»ons •>. '« ♦ W, f.-, «r are Winnings I'obil s2.*.(>at 1 • c ' ■. •»' etbtfAt-o-.g - m rtf mi im i -i r»u MUX,. s*i.\ UK •o> ••• » • \.» .. hv I hum t on! Earns Title III. X\ I I I I 11MUX. *XIKHH in Phil Hoi mli Of (rolfingest Golfer' ant! the | .« •-.«!.. • ■ • . .g. • *. ,' g mirwl- to the j«- v,. v: w. ... M - J,, \\ , . .. . v . , ♦ »he greaie-l una«\THJtitablT Hel - 0 - Staters VI i.tM \ i .a i.V\ l*"Uk F'Tti. who just a and - — cme 1. .. V Pk one l>v- - v., I 1 . f. the IN. A » r* X*n he cnlbvttsl in 1055. h«> IVIla Sipttta riii earns! tivpuiatb>n a- the g Ifinyost y-xlfer in the game. A ;o he ha ■ no plans to ease f Tfl%~oor ' «v».% o*f "t ' •- \x orkhor-e pia* • b . > 6.*•*.-.* The M.500 ehe*dk f i IV alw« h** hf+n vrv.riv f*t,h t»« i-i *t ikr t nivrrsii* t*f X4,rk w v, 1 ,w| . , • Ns-aiisr I e » , ->* Rettvi fiM' his Master's linn »nd w »tk Ihr I»rlr«if I hut* cox* is or, .d jh, "Mr Rig- " i'i,»'\ veslerdav bivnichi his *» M- to $2X684 th;s * •., Tiw- arcrajres out t«> m«*re ib- vi'SC w, (U), seven days a xvr. k \ 1 .*f w•' ."u me*''- Ford rsnv <•« ' have steak u-.th *.h.*-c p»ta- (-{»J th i v,p jv*fat«ies a «« ea-.'.* rem,*nber fo.ir or f *-c da>"- in IX*,ig res-ailed, thinking eat- M Ml V c T <5 » j?. 1 I S.»\ >i«n Kciuictl* Onr i»f ihr m«*l nrllvr f*f the Ivick ><> the depre*.«KW daxrs af¬ iv ttmik fanxtetit Ifiirinc prftfrsvimtals ihr ltn*k*, ter his g..f pro father, Mike, had jfooe b;*oke with his golf rnafwt furrrf I'rrd nfirn |»»«%rs \fllT Hcl.Mx- lie »nrf «nn*-%r»nrr mth IV Witt Clinton f sometimes *;*"•-«: Aaror, Rurr^ first Snoad «w writ on hi* way made himself known to fam*' in 1716 a* hen Governor rt 4h»n mi** • leurnament. Itr toward an anproeodented fourth William Penn commissioned him to survey the forest* of interviewing P*»% irrofij J?| rotinrt". This in vriir lS.r».X. he wen a Master* I onl let loose championship ith until the Western Reserve the world Governor Penn could haxr teen thinking of, Ore i- inclined to wonder what in he I A n re lew w a barrage of l «». Ape n Hem- l«i birdie* which clipped *i% strokes fe»r IV Witt Clinton xva> eighteen months oW at the time. \ Panama and ««n a Vwrney eft par over thr sprawling, rug¬ However, the little chap did rrmarkaW* we!!. He surveyed iVt». then Urn tn 4'ahente fnr fo r summer jobs hni third tournamenl in as man* ged kuru*u National 4 ewrse S:«v»d. noted for h,s long as more far west as Spokane, teaching phonetic English to than tweK-e million Indian.- a!«",g the wax. and then, sretv He ha« pined ever* >? K'".vvi.k- K laamimeat mi the «inter nr- game, said he'd take Ford tired hut happy, he became Johnny App>see*i. "f- ■ -,.wt vr** against anybody around Wic e«M e*feH are *ahen he Hew letter, he Nvame a kee!h«*at and -a:'»-d heme to enter with s -i • ' "-e- ''iWr- Tyres- IVfryVl Mm In *** X nnlterv N V, heraw^e hi* there children **aa til greens w as what And Ford* short gainc won for him. politic- He tried to join the Greenback Party, but his back wasn't green enough, so he joined the \\>.igs. T" ;«r i:\ t'.r S \ t* ^ Hp explodod out of a trap at Although Ford is a glutton for No IS and the ball He was offered the Whig nomination for the presi- agen*. she club **K-« pr»U, he is making u pay rather plunked neatly into the cup for a btrdtc dencv. but declined with the celebrated statement: "If motors Ford eai'eri it "the gre«ree-deu*,e on Vo old fox. he's jv-t playing hard to get " So thev nominated 22. chipped up * lop f*v a mnrtte on No fi and bia-t.-d nut him anyhow, and sure enough he did r.ot run. but he wraa APRIL 16 and 17 of a trap at the ninth within a elected anyhow', and sure enough he did r«t serve. In foot of rhe cup for his par fact, be was elected to a second term, which he also did Ford's 66 was The finest fkial not serve However, only a few top Whig- knew there round es-er shot in the Masters was nobody in the White House. The rc-t of the country «-nd made his .chart mad 73-78- thought that the President **, confined to his mom with t v vfilujibb evperieuce. a wrenched knee. For a while peor'o ser* "Get Well" 7J-66—2g.*t Snead. Iead;nf the held fey tko stroke* «vt Ford cards, but soon everyone forgot and turned their atten¬ Iii,...';■ the* Vwd to f-exvariling bv tion to important matters like opening the three starting the ftna! we*L inventing nniuent )> vsirions y Uh ti'M. round, scrambled to a part 72 the buffalo, and the Black Tom Explosion. for a 286 total and second \\, place. ■ do -dr to arrange \ftrr two term- a* Pre-idert, Pe Witt Clinton ihr M entered A'ale and to.*k up smoking He tned wmrnl *X •!, i t oiU-p' MICHIGAN STATK brand* of cigarette* until he found th« one brand that tu i.- M• pleased him rMVERSITX in every particular-Philip Morria, of corria! - ol; i«!!' *>i iili id" Xg (You knew 1 was going to say that, didn't tou? Welt b tec .latex fORKIGX HI.M SKRIKS of course you did. especially if yon are a Philip Morris smoker, for if you are. you know what a sweetheart of a rmnh smoke Philip Morris is - how full of rxh. natural flavor, how natural and mellow, how long m» and -THK GRArKS regular. And if you are not a Philip Morris smoker, you've got a twit GM Summer Positions Available in: OK WRATH" coming. Light one soon. Light either Vnd.) <%wwnrs*J Upon graduation from Yale, De Witt Clinton hen amffl ' ' 1N-.1M M:iXi. ••Vt'inM. 41 1 Vi IVmilVi, commissioner of baseball and smoked and loved Philip Morris Cigarette* fnr the m-t of his hi'fd i Ml- s? M !\t. . . I i Ml, M I S'. iVm.'Xj Owe ml Uw rml tMww ml >K Wmg and distin- r.n.h»rl ltl>. and wtH-n it Urt h, ra)W tn hi. m»r nmd t . up in the Hewn raw- Senate and .-aid. "Ho* >ad that W W.tt CHntnn moat ( Jit Ml »;V • niVhh - • I l.l;AMI.■£ nn* he former .separated frr>m In. Ur. hi.hek.ved Phi hp Morris!" MATHKMATbS A Irlfw I *S"f 71™ ntt the Elder < Henry Haj >. hnondintr It *,2 • ^ not separate Ite Witt (lint.* and I hilip Morns. I know how to keep them infethrr always General Motors TONIGHT & W EH. ta\ An.1. Hire rnouph. if y.si will look at thr Nor stamp on your pa. k of Philip M.wris. rums whooe frdrral APRII. 9. in puturc jwill set l»e Witt Clinton"*! That', vbw! t'lnvi mvnl, /'. me.,-*., y.'jjJT, /Ji fmiJliirlirs |I f ' t AIRCHIU) THEATRE •I tarftM. rhs ado. ./ Hai. —Ldra^l hhiit. it—j. -a-s-1 tm OW Mas", ftim I j Jam, kJTmm Hh.» i .is: . AtaiMka Mr SU. 'V 7 "" ** *•* S, « I ,-Ss, 'k- v,, rvxy„. v S|ior(s Kolismeu Forced Inside .i JlC MM IIHJAN STATU M WH After 2 Weeks in Florida (hip Scries %prll h 1037 rare flrr week, iti Klofiilji, Michifffln 3 Thinelads Lost Affor fcturnintf from Ixxi ' Stiitp'4 IIJIMCIKIII plnvef j were fiifpciJ lo fnke their (till tufiA In-xiile JeRiMott PiplilhoiHc f •i I heir fir^t homn prnctk't* Resumes For Outdoor Meets SPORTS Mottdiiv Tho tenth »*i»t ncmwl l»v plane Stinilny. i - .♦ >i thv «• seven did net play rcrmbeb i'l '*• vent Th»* infield Toni«lit Tbi< year was th» first it ■ i vifcngtln iv*4- b> veteran-. Tho !o of throe men wiH les-mn Miohientt Slate »hapros .if xxinnintf the I Sir 1'' >i(.ltw>r track title • . IN BRIEF fhi' Spartan" had •eiithcin trip h> worked cut prc'ty well ac''. tnst-lra email R" >c e Davis. An au.-.'e it first r» Jhrrv Hopes fur Two men, (ltddon Koshetir ami pom l.ampol. wore ruled hnheli (liven .livnrd ir.i* t-. Head Ha le'jglJ ('(*•». h S'ifJei xvho wa e previously tt'lndl Other Hot I'liiyer* >a hotusti. atlx tneliirihle Mini |>.»iie Mel'ett«M*«J. the Spartan ' John K"b*. Che home tup sv a t po hei hoitcned ffim two i% tlifc The Spartans arc strung in the ,i" arxxttttd man, quit tho sr tfnT.nsnijno, n.. as— tt .ik re-. (*l el* e T"U> Kula'k, 20-year-old #tu»rt- days to only a few tuufis rptcHug department, vilth Cap¬ MitNTRKAI. .V. Tnlk team 1<^ c«» out let yeclvri't ,»s tlrivi," he sal t I . tad: suip turned out Holder, today »i tain XI lane rrtuiniiig In hrhliul W 1-! -til' 111 to IJ t til* |!ll';il spline t'ootlui!! ch 1 1 r • , • but xva: voted winner of the Jatne- Ptgying the erdoi- 1'J gae-e the pi tie duties, and also an¬ } .w a a oit'itibei .-! T. He! It' l' P rvawstni Memorial Award us -a lushilp without a ralnout ua- other Irttrrman. Barry Fuller• vi-ptt ot Maui ice Uivhard, I !li •• !'«• i ' i» ti-atw and w as . O tb tho outstanding spf ing rookie ol almost a oaord f• «i the -ouno ten. a* ailatde at this fmst tHot kot who omiiin at xou .-I bh. ' t• >:140 v ltd dash i «ic hut the New York Yankees ai d they exfiCI Icncoii cop'Odei Two hurlel wen* lo t through with his e\«w pepping liko d date- outdcot tjiiMipel. • nf ined ldi«! The award, Inst it utod in mwri- ably bettei we.Phcr than in pa ' ideation, but State fnoufnl "• I pule vaultei, tied I ' «»ry of the fate baseball wrpnr * cat ':<' 1 la - ban t'engfhefied by a ) eadliphts." Mondax as tho t'mirh Kohs conimcntrd that •cuith i" 1? o rvent in the m • X wedth of impio*iiig quat of the New Yoik Times, mm,. few piou i-in^ eiihomor'"-" Nor- Montreal ratiailuMts and lh • ... .-nee md.sti How 1 x < In mllrrs has held the loss of pivsentmi t»» Kubek by Mafia this »ear's «qu.id is. fur the most i" m «*ie ceei and Bob Raton • ton ttruins prepared ft»i the b.'h IHI'II Will returtl tiext >. t I o«J»erg to a minimum Nopho ger Casey Stengel after his part, a "green. Inekperleured di-t reasiiua'dc v* II oil the Flor¬ Spaitan harks got hark In the groove In real foothill t*p»» w rather aebvtlon by the team " The Kntwfnen went smith ida ♦ V an ' Merirvs. ocond came of their eham- 1 -vtg is a poptiomorv a'-d mmi* Itoh Hughes and Jerry unanimous Mmtdat \ho\e Blanche Martin and lion tiUb.rt iltive while Halt viithmit single regular out l.,iMHH»l junior Wirkil. Junior lieu tlafoe and eight newspapermen mvenng a j.jon^htp series tot tho Stap- Ixowalrgvk bhth Into the dunitm a |toh Brown and Ted the Y.ankei«s' tivnnu*.! camp fielder only one man, Draw wa< the loss — The biggest Mow seniors ,o (Up I'etrUff should form the * • Xfuure had seen a little action in oi Xtcl ettrrs, xvbo placed third nu ' Wb isti tho tho jump nil Rivkot v\ as hot," them lidinllosoi*. Fume Sliifteil in the low hurdles and fourth eteus of another good mile fe- hirrhtit h Hunt f.'tOO the outer gardens last season. I ack of evpci icnca* I .IV K l.\ , , In the broad Jump In the Big l»> team. -.howot u,> Y,»n*r«\*l Coach Too Blake «aid I'oiddl Kei lled* IYt 111' and NEW YORK (Ah Red Auer- piirticnlarly m fh Idinc The watched tho Bruin: take tii Indoor meet. %n alt-«ruund ham averaged alrnit thus IIIUHIX IMHBI? Football \\ rather b.i»'h, couch ol the Huston t'el- ci performer. MrFetteis mis one • :«"o ,i* tho F'oi uut foi a tien. was llrnsl Uvlay tiy rots p*'i game, some of them e\ of the—top low hurdlers in the workout Tho-o follow i!U. Pteudetit MaUfic** |N*|o!»»lT of I comely costly Oltcs Hop file rs-nferenee. IBs loss could eost J©x don't lo down thoutfh and. that should hive and normally ' the Spartans up lo fixe points in the National Hasktnhall A.«v1 Richard lo do foi "unl>x^Miiituf coiuhiet" prior \X on Id hove been caught, were ,I!VT .-*<••* gdn'i 1 .ot -• hopo mv pla* oi s win take th.-n Greets Gridders the outdoor meet stale''- Be.-tdi the |tss(« strength will remain tho Michigan to Saturday nlifJrl's IVwton St t>»U!s playoff name at St I/ouls dropped by "gwn" outfield'a slat* d Jus! Across I he Slreet at totting hot Ttiu fiery Ros'ton eufi«.4i and Anothei laetor wtiieh figured t each Puffy naut'Jmrtv kichul off »• caps scuffUxt tirleflv after Auertwwti es yva- the lin k of outdoor pi a' tho National League's mn*t ml loft h\ the likes of t'laren* e Teak-.. Captain John Matsko t' Aust: •> i t»o champion -titan can run tlie low h»n • The latika pndtected Ovit the Ikuhri U"»al ti.e The competition that State SPARTAN orftil player. se«*rcd four times appeared to Ih« iu»f»i«T tlian the faced on the Florida trip h id a and Jim Hinostv. dh . bid Ins best events aie the a* Montreal defeated Riwlon, 3- lems will be solusl, l.*«t season reputation It) f'^A fPMll the I'o n r. ihiMi'Ji p'.i.v (>»"* lip and vard rtin«. definite advantage in an addi¬ HMHIKK SHOP ! In the opener of the host of - Burke, now the ^nutans* oap floor Aimrlwdi punejnx! Km- tional sj\ weeks of ouhdde pi a- ' P. I, -iM up Alike I*: Jte dieuld tnvak 1 30 for the seven -came finals Xyfurda* I iln Mill err d a k •>«♦» Injury in pel in the mouth, causing a lice 117 N Harrison, t blnrh Hi* *k:»tnig tt is -o <\ .ki was in the hospital with d< nt surgm . -id- i, flat jw rformauie in the tie challeugeil the coach's pro¬ two North *if Krllncc Fentrr ..r ' ilifieideis, have icturntsf w;t Pos'oi. Coal »• JVm Si". t! f flu hut i to lie out '- »> »i" He can .1 > run the '"'0 ht • • . k test as "burdi livaifue." fioni the I95t» cluti, however. ti rntirpiw if w oathe; OHXtitioiis . . di d upon to do so «*ns «aisi l»tci ho nov.s w, a«vord-.!'4 to tctam jrftvsb nk.'r III- 1 *» id I'oiih Kail Schladcman .-*pi.t- Mnyn t ntourhabit* i K'-ih t. ) w.'d po tb« same untnsti.ilii i or■k'outs the distal!' LEARN WHILE W'hon ' boa B'richo M.irl.n w-uk.si it -• in tl- ■ to ; CM;''!- in v Mm (o'brrt .it . mvl' rutin* i but will get Monday he had Jieaivi <»f no turning -like headlight« ' ' fullback ! '< rty •"! support from Forddi nejjfotiatiiMis in which the St Blake would like nothing Ivt The line «rt up with I>.»xe '■it a Hem * Kennedy, It <• n DAVF I .FAN IjoiiH Cardinal'' Frank t»ane or than f-t have Rich ot . Kaiser and Ton? KotodrieJ it re Wbtvlei. lias I km low ai'd v. II* itlm-k , , . star thtnetiil . Was p«pofh«d to have offered I lost irii'nrr has "l>f>ing for tomtfltt«yon the ends. Cat Burke and Irs Ihm P !c ••• 1 Bob Sovh-v ASLEEP! I to learn langiiMgns. -even players for the (Hants' I a way for you Kulledge at the tackles Arch • ■ k'o had kins' injur;.', Henry Kennedy, NCAA steep Vi'kil wdl be loam - half Millers Willie h • base tltllst. and Wheeler did Mays M.itsie, and CHIT I.aRose si the icnt «urgei v ciOsidt •»: l.ean As-ked voa ahiilarv, fort*. f«»r (Vmimeiti, he an guards and Bon Berger at ecu arc rjue-ji ion en:;11 n»d pet form up to e\perl«ttons The SpMitnto will h«ve i*"*st figures, menu -i/eles wvmwI Fretlimen \etnien ter lo-d to the twin Indoors, but should Improve shennih in the weijilils. I- wi'l sons -nil u'Ai/e yon ; "Tt's not-enouifh t wouldn't B»l> Hardlo \v!ni w-c"Vod or,tdoors Kennedy came on with little sttcnijb in he nmip nlvrfi For the reql To Meet Toninlit er. of a jieivmnent kti*' h oc trade him foi Mickey Ma tut I e faiia alNMit this revolutionary university tested meihoil. send t'J (i0 for at fullback last n. o he; -, a rush last spring to cop the ihc evciO Sam F!u»wit/ sh<«u!d even Up. •"» vx'hv «»h*iuld I lake M page fnct fillisl, ilhiKtrabsl instruetiori iMM»il#-» Sle*>p learning Tennis Civich Frank Bee- gixen i -hoi at the uradiuOiou BufTi had 'k letlerwen re Big lit outdoor two-mile title I • i .-if-bM". ' - 'b it** the sh"t •;ev«»n Hl'jo-r.ani Thnre'a n-»t a Ita Theory, Appluntion K Trs-hnique I'ells how to m il e devii c fr*mt m.sn inn win red Mnndat a weakev.el h'ft halfback -pot r 1 fuming however and thing* and the NCAA erimn. put and dc-'ie with soi»h«ono'> chance In a million •»! our trad¬ radios, phonos, ns-orders «»le Where to htiv ass»«mMe*l units and pre frr«hmrn tennis meeting xttll guar-f tXan Curtie m.i> mo\c oi- don't look too Mark Besides .t.-nr-s NCAA 10.000-inch « iH-n I irdik addim' depth K I'¬ ing with him." rmmlnl lessons and « ll help |*s*etiological eour«es plus hiuidr*s|s He held tonight at 7'Srt In 213 cento- with Bergrr. the or.Iv the lineup a hove he has sqrli ehnniuen ha. run the mile in ll it.' thiev* the bet r« y ,1 ' # i ♦ of time saving hints Satisfaction is guaranteed Sli'j;r I.cakm.nu Jrnisen Ml men interested letterman ;«! the f>ositii>n plaiers as .?lm H'ulff and Bon t ■; H and tw i miles in 9 08 C y«m|(| (leer c« Bed and Hdl Hrsrvaeii Assihiation. V O Hoy Kin-ff Omvih. Nhomskv I'livker* Ininire Itivli . 'in friirg nut for the squad Only one injury was sufTeeet /*sk at right half; Bon A rend tin varsity recoid O-wnlt will be f'o* only varsity are tnviled to attend. during the brisk practice ser Feurig l>- Jerry Mi'Tatlind. Fran (VlWfrn fciusentcd in tin sprints with Ibe tup man in the high and frreen Hay Packers Monday an¬ rVBott. Manistee freshman, sut- and Joe Carrwthers at tackle, in;... I .ill* t lad, (ilcim Buigytt bnmd iiimp- lb st denied Kb <■ someone else's turn- parti.- nounced tho acquisition of vet fensd a face cut requiring nine and llarold Dukes. Nam Hil- and ICO' Uliott. AM thivi the 'pole • \ Jean Bohvonu. tho tofev- arc 4" in vault hut didn t rrail defensive Hpoci.lliftt lleih «t itches liams and ! «rn tlardlng at end. »,!* sophomores, but pit ked up • nna leader wh«» h^a been i pel f"l e. up te |»• t pltshuw: s-i»ph'nvoro i-speiicnce diMing tb.c indoor «trsi| - !!•' 1 bi'ii'd tmpi' \ • .<11? New Vork (Jl.an'j for an imdi - '..Ins g.v.'•( hard to come by s-ories of injuries. Ihi'Tv said are Deo, l.o k .t left h ilfbick si a.son doors . e.xt fenvon plat e'oseil draft choice. >fonda\. ' We're pnng to sf n <. Irf.ery fhoh.t >t ' i ai d Tom M than he did Satnrdat " Blakr this spring, we hope to hutId up NY««1e\ eod and tacgh- n-.pv- «aid. *"I fold him Mond.n I the leg and knee muscles „so-xxe five's c-.ar is IMul R.vhe-t. . thoneht he wasn't shooting - .1 Vr•. B i.n-,t h»!f Roger can avoid some of that injurv „.•' • Mil" t enough and was trains to get stuff " lh*nah.*»; Pch Hivacvo and in too close before letting his If last year's Injuries can re- C.eorge Mamun at fulllvn k and drive go." turn to top form many prob¬ Jack Thur at ccntet just haven't had the pew- • the drive, somehow." said Be'ivefiu " There V nothing "ong with me physically 1'tn oka> A couple of goals can do .< lot " M'ke Bohmidt. oonch of the Bruins who ojw>o«e»i Richard on ice many times lie fore his retirement two years ag.>, was shak-ing hi«- hefld at the h'tcket'« four-poal performance. I he he doesn't have an- * •••or night like he did the oth- • r night." Schmidt said. "But *'r trouble is. ttievVe got three o f.iur more fellows who might the same 1 thing" After their workouts, both ter-.ms were reportoi in goxi ^hape, free of injuries ( nrmen Ratilio Offcrrtl ( honrr to Defend Title SYRACUSE. N V. I-Ti — Pr,i- footer Sam Silverman Mondav Umed Carmen Basllo a purse mated at 1140.000 to defend ^ weher«**eight title against -'-V De Marco in Boston > innmoR! ■ Records- Music ■ ...LOVERS... ■ • a LONG HAIRS...a ■ a ■ • • • HEP-CATS ... a i . ■ * DANCERS ... ■ MMHIOAN »T»t* MW* f«f Mi n %« >M)\T III II %t" |M I K * II « si hi in I* 2 (ratios oriMM.^ I OR THE roilOlllSli MAJORS; imt: »Mno%iM v •' Ed Hmnr E* Lift Ship in V,-.- r ;♦> r-• -a S. !'■■•» v r . f • . Sprflia' : Knu. : I. V v \. Suez Canal 1 >: . Hitch. i«vj -etna lit M-h-v.n n JUNE GRADUATES \ v •<> S h..*. V . jv • ' • • e- I' ' Thf v v I ■ I",.. - 3 V,- . lo Order Your \ *u. \t r.iK< i) hoiv, tort** l.i» bt.U to mfth wind*' Itr And mm ,< i iii.»n» <«. i« U.pi lI i i Vi .a M> Y . . r . i ' - V h. f ' t.. n: \ *» AiiiioiiiHTiiients n- • f. E.i. > V • * • .«r.. ■ s. i , llf ar» n*rd n«. nm b' n tWie n h»- • '■ a <■ K.*V, <• ihi i .-*»*• hill v.iid tbr inlmnu x - Mi*tu lion about cot pni *tinn oftuiil* • *.«•« m* (i«iit« umil.ii In at let at ton* •V. * *■: ■ .• F S.--' . E i. l« tolled »t ptrudinl l»ite llr. h S. E : «•; the Y»»m*tei» I ntnn Ed t it ir \\ I tliUMlion Haled ti *. • »» \ot , »fii«>od to *»t whfth' i mot» tiiiid- tb.m to. In fnt fin VTbA 00l» n! titer a no liM*h F< UNION BOOK STORE \t Ki'lloji" i outer . ... • ,.n. Meanwhile tbr oommitt.» " o M »; ' >r •.s'l* o <•« 'i ndmrni in a < lo*< d i.. h< v els or hib.ii nuiiui 1 TIMES I IKST snow n i ir tb. St't X •» b . • » TOI>\\ T (S) p \\ I 1 \T1 KI *l»t»W N t- I '.A >-« «t ft >«ttrjiIj V SPECIAL! Tnr OmtMTT Sr\ full-fashioned Jlrili^hn f<» ii»» 1 lupins iin iil ol \*i* .1 decorated orion sweaters ST \R1*» TOMORROW : «h» p m. BALFOl'K'S »12 Imtcrtiits — Sorority fnrrlry rmco sticc ntY wriitievs cs tmc srm* W tV * fSrv«»S* mi tkMODk « # Sfnlktfirr* # \rvetlti". • l.tfl* • Mrdnh MAMLON BRANDO Fj # Trnphifn • \««rd< CLEFS TORD # Purtdlcv • KnjlwfAr MACHUTOKVO UHIHTIT^HOP rhortr m Unit , > THF TFAHOUSF M 1 1\ rt * IIOMt in s** iu vh You'll r\pr. t to pay M MSTI MM I 101 li t kt^our H.ilfonr Man OF THF AUGUST MOON SV|> i HHVJ4 TR \II » r.^ at leant 17.9S « » MI vi Ml\i i;v \nn. \rfv>r Slf»rf % IH2I S I nivrrvitj OWE AIBFirr I Mwbif#fi |X 4 NOrmnndx .1-1T.1S Ann Arbor. Mich. for three beautifully You smoke refreshed haml-ilvtailcl lonp- c ranlijrana! Some Anew idea in smoking...all-new Salem are rtonr*. lilarrel with rhine. pearls some or are beada; froste.1 with lovely larr. Wonderful wont over your summer cottons . .. beautiful coverage for chilly evenings. Cnlf blue, sun yellow, pink, light blue, sjhh! or white. f-ires to 42. • menthol fresh f.ilr a put' -1' - Sprinptimr! light up » >at« in,! * «p.4.r ttwl rrirr«lir. ...lit ta«tr llir v«\ pprir.gurif I: - . x:>tm«nol- • rich tobacco taste itij:—niriitli.il iir»!iromlort...rich Intmi-rou.»ir... n.irc. » :»«}m Sihn ! <■. "M •■mry?w' 1 lie. rr all in Pallu in rrtmh row u«ic. \-a i«r >ui . - ,aTJ Wir ro.'. J 1 • most modern filter 7 Salem refreshes your taste — . U jW.s n '4-;>