... A Time for World Uaify - Infernafional Week.. W IRXII It srxnr.x* *r ari rr Mi chigan State News xprlne «'II rrtirra lidn »<*• Thr " spartan ha*ch*M *e'»t rttrflOut la tic «c»lhcrman who ,n hill nllh vrisronsta *•«- prrglris fair und u rmrr Mra'h- ;„H,. losing no- rr low Mmit'i nich| was Jl-lt. I It'- nts 91 rap. U-I % ,.r1 *rilr m SnnnrH Ihrm Vrl- Inch lort^i si III >rr -t*0'1* j ,v PKICK CKST) Wiili. 2 Touchdowns Alumni's Comeback Honduras Stops Attacks Overcomes Deficit • * « SoillDZU By I.ARKY WlOHinVSRI Coloinb'ui <1U1 Timers, not Slate New» Nit hi Filitnr quitc-so-olil after all. stunned a fine Verifies . -Ji.,. cU-vm Saturtlii.v, 2n-2n. in the first Amiuul Olil Disorder [ir t'i*> t "lassie. iilnmni rrixo :i two t.mch.lmvti Cease-Fire V hi- in (ho of 11,88.-. «ii» I ho finnl period in a (Ib-pluy of comolwck power. Mon ii Is Ni.-iira^iiii Hack- i,ne lttnliiion.il trademark X a-liin^loii'- 1 *l.i11 I'lllicc I'm- ; >|,,irtnti , football. the passing uf A1 Dor- Road-e-o A^ain-I tluli. NI('A!!A(il'A i/Ti — Pros- Jenv Planuti*. brilliant lfl. !(tc both former Ali-Amer- varsity had its hands Test Slated lirukc CnUiMUIA iT-i up -- ilcmousiratiuits I'l.licc ideiit HirretMi to h li i s tSomo'/.a a cease-fire on the hns with tear pas and streams of border with Honduras, Ni- nl4»rrv With the two oldest alumni ».ror*e Guerre and J«c Wednesday dyed water Sunday, inter¬ rupting; mass in a church Parapiiau day night. officials said Sun¬ f>4M»k»w«ki. a* ee-raplalo*. Ihe stale New* I'lmio h\ Marshall Lutfamv r.intrwi started with Ihe varsity The written exam for the (pi irterleiek Jim N'iuowski waiehr* a* the meskin fall* to the \Miere a ptiesL rtneweil his Somo/a. 111«■ s v.tul lets accept rerriiins the klrh-eff. annual (I rea t v r Igtitsinj; ground a* a result of the on-ru*liing Jim lliuesly in Saturday'* Old Hi tack* on the government. cd a plan of the Orgatu '.ilion of vw. .» tew minutes, the var- 'I tniee* ( lassie. American- State.- (O N.Si pc.n •• Tcen-Aife Koatl-e-o will be The action shatteiet the brief , ,pi?a!t/ed on Earl Morrall's e dm in Bogota that lolUnved nisxinn calling for withdi iw.d of ..... which guard J<»e Car- trivoit \i tnlnosilay at 7 S.duiday's student ant»-g»»veni- both Nicaragua!! and llondiirau i.ickett off on the 1 *- forces from the front u-i Miijor Party to (aslc and |i.m, in tht» Junior rhftinlKT .. co ¬ iiuiit ouibreuks • Five plav , later I "it ition ot butler /otic of roiiunerci* office, secoml , a (.>Pl>.«siliou to plans to have r.ianchc Martin plung- The plan also pro* td»-«. that Pre.-ideal Gustavo Roj.is Pind- • iu- one to score. Dave floor of ihe Lanjunjr Civic ftUle %••«*!. I'hfllii k.v Xlar*hMll lailuwav the OAS council hi Wa luniMon v . o> the I«><>d Distribution t'lub by Mr*. Peter tlir Mis* Kay should whether Nicaragua rule within four da- . or Honduras * i unrest. tea: >* threatened, but Sthetluled I«m Saturday at W .<.->< Mhi Ian. wile «*f the rluli s president, ( arole Ellis, Columbia. Miss.. was Ihe aggiosot in last vAi-ek':. shri' Loss of Cabinet Police threw teal gas \ Johnson\ , rv j | . interception recovery of a Bullough snutlcd and fum- on r.atgc th« Harrison lawd driving The road-e-o is a n»nip«titi.«ri Support at White .i crowd toe aioutid Wie lie*. TeodtHo \ i .a reuewiHl atUieks on chut eh the junior, look* on. eruption «»f their old boidei «itn- fliet. thr» The reported llonduran go\eminent i ! • .a iii» threats. among young driver* testing IKlMl*' i'V - A ni.tjnrity of tin- tight winp Sicial Demo¬ «pie, ^•MiiNi.et that nial'keii h. Dr. SicIh i I to Sneered lalieved alri-a'i> to have go en early minutes of the torn skill in handling h motor eiats, main supporter*- of Italy 's coalition government, called " i 111 > I v week sermons the OAS peace commit lei- it-, t.ti - .TiKKi Walt Kowalc/yk vehicle and then knowledge ot nut of the cabinet.. applauded It acceptance o| the plan Stiiulav for I lie party to walk Ihe rongrrgatiiMi . > . i 'laud-off from Jim iiitt raced -with Kaiser again con- HO-yards for Nin- tialfu laws and salety. with An*one under 20 year* of age a driver'* lwrn*e or per¬ Delegates, to press foi voted unaninum ly the walkout win i International Id* brlligrretit tour and sang the national anlltrm. lather Velaz- iiiiri tuld his rnngrrgatmii no lluiuiuli Aiinouiie'es and The hrif a day are (IAS to ambassador* earlier lhan expected leturn In Honduras came mit and who ha* nol roinmit.ri tin* fu!l party cong; ,v s meet,* ime ruuld krrp liini fruni speak¬ today. hj> Whdr loach alternating between hift sec¬ ond third and Inurth units. Ihir- l»uff» Daogherty a *i\ tralfie violation in month*, i* eligible. The local wumci will be given the pa*t next The downfall month move of would the spell three-veai-oil the Celebration ing freely. lear gas ehuieh ami halteti l a nia seeped into t!-. . New J-Scliool Head ul to the Slate New * I"Im \ new et| plelt- their task because of con¬ tinued fighting lit the disputed m if 11\ n> cum *w hit I III* Duekell with a 3S- urd aerial which pi a red the hall a ihive-uav to Detroit lor expense pawl tup tire state competi¬ government of Premier AnUiuo Starts Today • In bieakpig up otlu i demon- shutiou.s. the jMilice turne ! A nati'diaHv *|h i hononxl scholar and an internationally rcc- border warning ot /.one aud war. a Nicaragua!! en the one-loot line, Ifaniitlx Scgm. ,i Christum Demoerat, and dote into the end rone fur ht» tion. bring on new national election > lnternafKHi.il Week -seven •: i earns of red-dyed water ngtu'eii authority «m press law will become the new director Suiuo/.a told the mission at a Entry blank* ran be obtained twice on the crowd* a- the> U0-minute conference he had re- (M»l of three touchdown* Rub Vice-Premier Giuseppe Sara- clavs of activities centered on of the School of Journalism at Michigan State University, frum the Driver Training Edu¬ Itad yestenUiv against •the *tu- eeiM-d an unconfirmed report Urrt i e»tea ratal attempt wu cation Depurlment and aie to gst. leader of the Horial Demo- foreign students and their etnm-* dent.v President John A. Hannah hnnotntced Sunday. that IIondutan troop* attacked rrat*. told a ma** meeting of starts tinlav The new director if. Dr Fred wide making the aeore. 14-d. he fUled out and tnrned in at truv Any massing nf the pnpulaer delegsleft from the party'* ren¬ ■ Hands Across the Sea" is the Toteraeinte, a Niearaguan town I k; the halftimc festivities Ihe time uf Ihe written lest. S Siebert. for the past 10 years Legislature j has been forbidden in the rur- m a /one not under dispute ■ Sj.ar'rtU Ail-Americans were ter block that the government theme of this year's campus- director of the ScIhmiI «»f Journ- i The road-e-o had 300.000 par- rent politie.il einergeney. Nomura. ;U»->ear-old sureessnr Ami ihe Activities Band wa* no longer able to fare up wide event mIimvi and Cnmitiumcatioii* at ticipant.s nationally in 1 !*.">«> and Student Intel-Religious I'oun- Giil>crlo A./ale Avendano. re¬ to his assassinated father. Gen. squarely to it* job. Tvaiv. < s 'CiKtid Spartan Guard entertained the spec¬ grew out of a Jayvec regional safety vonfeicmt u> St. I'aul The devi ion was a dmmatte e.i is *.poi»s€irmg a series of dis- called from hi dor to spaili to head the cou- post as ambassa¬ Holds VaneI the Umxenity of Illuioi* Ills ap- |Mi!iitntellt i* slihjeet to cotifir- Anastasio Somora. told Saturday, "If thesr attacks reporters con¬ ehange foi ttie i .iut.ou* S.r ag.it. (U.-ion- of foreign deligionr. uiatitiii by the Stair Boairi of Minnesota, in 1952. *t'l valive ^K«t: V faction suppo t- On Lobbyists tinue it will mean war." F«»i moUhs he has tuntevl hi.- Imginning with Hinduism ie the third period the illg Uoja (• •: '« ■ : i I With t.'al - Agrii ulturr* (ini Anastasio Soum/rt .ft Ni- .tcalcnc-d. but Martins Uu k on partv demands to pull l«lamism is Ihe lopie for Tues¬ . Dr Siebert will Mieceed Di . dinal Cii.anto laapu chief, wax pres¬ out of the government and see.; day's dt*ru**ion: Confuriautsui (araguait army Carnitliers a reunification with the nation's is M hrduled for Wednesday and T '.till in en ,! acting Dr titsclimaim. who director "f the •' ha?, ent dining the t-ouleicnce ot the Socialist Party Buddhism for Thursday All the Miss kav Named «»f lobby S« ImhiI in addition to his regular OAS envoy* with his tirother. Acquitted - Since the Centrist bloc holds discussion* begin al 4:15 p.m. tint it's a* director of the I'om- They showed the peace group 1 agedatuie rifle*, ovci-\v4ielming majority w ith¬ in the International Center. Kr- grenades and helmet* an in the patty, the walkout mea¬ frrshnienls will be'served fol¬ At Animal Bailee .1 uug Meinitt t <»l mtincatioii.s Rest arch Center the which they said had been cap past >car. Dr. DeutM'hinann has Of Charge sure is assured of party eoa- gi es> approval. low ing Ihe talk*. MSU'* foreign aludent* will l«- By F ood (iroup . t aid hold .« simi- tie ofbllHMtn a on a Social Si lence Rcsrun h Ml red Mom llonduran troop* at Mormon. will take place Council fellowship to participate Sara gat told the delegates that dinner guests of sororities and V . p« * ,,-t II wa* al Mororon. an Indian MSU senhn" Joe Garruthrr* Miss Baib.ii. i Ifaughwout. Co ( r *i i baMinenl in a seminar on communications Segtu s coalition government "no paternities Tuesday evening I It C . village, that Ihe eonfliei began ri wi ns ninowrki was found not guilty of the oditortum, in Iwttwmg and Has* research at Stanford mm entity Dormitories will host the stu¬ Way tie junoi. reecivel the when il wa* reported that Ni¬ mmt v •luaMe player* . . . charges of assault and battel y in tlu* suinniei. and when he re¬ dents for dinner Wednesday "Mi -s K.i> of IMaV" title at the vxru rs w 11! i«r avaibble there. earaguan soldiers had invaded East Lansing Police Court Fri¬ Numerous Mate New* staff turns he will devote full lime to . on the GUI Timers* nine- The MSU Concert Band will Food Distribution Club annual The X| i< big an Gituensbip whal Honduras claim* is its prov¬ day. position* are open for appli- Itoir-r is *p«nisaKing Hit rapidly-increasing activities \-c stalled the drive. feature international mu.*ie in a Spring Fling dame Saturday ( tearing ince ml Graeias A Dio*. The Spartan grtddcr was se¬ ration*. Any person interest¬ of the MSU research renter • uit Timers mis.c«l a Wednesday evening concert in night. the program. Governor G. Men- After the talks with the en¬ cured of assaulting Frederick ed in the State New* oper¬ She presented with a *"»d gram and at l* 30 the panel will former daily newspaper re¬ ' • held goal attempt fell The main event during Inter¬ a the cabinet held a conference. teacher, following a traffic in¬ specialized staff work should start with each member offer¬ national Week will be the In¬ gift certifieate by Mrs Peter porter with rxperiener on four Later, the President called a cident on Cart Grand River eontart |>riii*e Seanlou, man¬ tel national Festival. Whclan, wife of the FDC j-i« ing a few opening word* and Minnesota and Chicago paper*, r.rliin- on the passing *' Ni- aging editor. Iroin 3*5 p.m. meeting of political leaders, in¬ February 9 dent. then disrusftion will open and lias hern a member of the Illi¬ n«n»ki tbr varsity r Urnaxed a Included in the colorful af¬ cluding member* of the opposi¬ The funr-huur trial reached it* Monday -1 riday . Flanked by the fixe finalist* question* will be accepted from nois faculty since 1927. Me earn¬ >' **rd march In IS plar> with fair will Ijc exhibits of fuietgn climax when I arrulher*' team¬ No previous experience »* tion, to discus* "national unity" 'mi Militant* on the reeetv- foo l, clothing, and a variety of wHft had liren xeleeled frum 20 the audienre. ed Ihe B..V degree with honors mate. Geerce rerle*. Allen Tark nrcessary. rersoii* not major¬ in view of the ci si is •I»r owl Of a 12-yard tuuehduwn interesting articles from foreign entries. Ihe first FIM hnstrss Mm ber> of the panel will be from the I niverslty of Wiscon¬ freuhman, tealilied lhat he had ing in journalism tan also ap¬ Hiram Too»t. Jr. legislative rc- The |M-ace mission urgently »*« kaiser'* extra point soils The festival begins at 10 evrr t« be named at MSl' ar- sin. and the doctor of Jurispru¬ at- been Ihe man wbe had aaiaullrd dispatched from Washington ply- erptrd the Dtle with warm en- fos (Tit \*lci t'or- dence degree from Illinois. '■"rr1- was blocked hi end Rill H in Sittuiday in the Aud. Three pie flew to Managua with the peace Jehnsee. and lhat (arruther* thttataam. She was spoiiM»red by Stanley Powell, legu»- tPiintan floor shows are scheduled. p<»ia?.o:i At Illinois, Dr. Siebert has had been heme at Ihe lime »f I»' iv( inuiu'i foi the Michigan plan after an all-night confer¬ )iumhi flashed back in longer has enough xuptNii to International Center will hold Bappa Kappa Gamma. been responsible fur the aca¬ Ihe incident. Carrulher* and ence in Tegucigalpa with Hon¬ an open house Sunday front 3-5 "The Playboys'' provided mu¬ h.iru. Bur. .I F^»iia>1 Bennett, ..v* innng 00 yards with Terles are of the same general bring about any efficient re¬ .. demic programs' in journalism, duras' ruling military junta. "anting through center form action " p in. sic for the more than 1H|> FIX' lepn'.>*■'ntattve of tj»e Miebigah ud\ ertJMhg, r a d i o . television, build and appearance. The disputed area, an utirtei - responsibility for this members and guests at the CIO; J• hiri Sweeney. « Arena intercepted among munication Aits at Michigan The OAS presented and the assailant was postivdy I A.th S,oi John B S-Artin- envoy* but a 15-yard The illusion that Commun¬ There will be a Fropli-SofHi Lyn Luske, Ehnliur.sl. Ill, ju¬ Elate, Illinois has one of the infraction Hut Car ruth. rs. is no longer a danger has ele {ion rally asid eofTee hour nior. and Mary Arm Bray ton *011 -Sn F: au«t D Beadle, lb- their proposal first to the mili¬ bnKig.it the ism eojnrnunications educa¬ * * — largest created a relaxation In Uic tics Tuesday in Uic Union B«IJr»«.m Plca.rairt Lake junior, also re¬ pif-entatj.e, Edward Caiev alii tary junta in Tegucigalpa at a ' '1" the one-yaru line. tion programs in the countiy. at 7 p m ceived gifts from the club. Adra.fi (iron duas*r4ug *#ie meeting that lasted until 2 a in *fft fumMe among the partloK" ^ ' t |h,w»<.«o*u« buck frank reto\ erj gave Ihe by Petitioning Starts Withdrawal of the Social Finalirts for sophomoi C ,e.i I Mi-s Ifaughwout's duties a* pr'K>»esn.- an t |>»u»^>ect- of lh< !> gi.dabve tor. Dr. Gordon A. Sahine. dean of the t ollege of t ommunication They then—Hew-to Managua and' presented the plan to Somo/a. Ihe two. Dcfuacrata would leave Scgni junior class office* will be in¬ fix' ho*tra* mriude wekomim u« Arts, praised Siebert a* "one of 'v'n- here runulta spun into For Scliolar*lii|>* with only his stnrng CSiristian troduced and everyone will have Visiting dignitaries of the f m*4»* UK Party ami Che liny tory of journalism education in '"■►••rum point. • i, futile attempt ^the (fiven by AlISG Liberal Ihirt.v didnte ix'isoiially. coming year. a l«iv« I v tor* l« am. America. He ha* the rare g» mus of br¬ Student »■*. to tnc utr. -rd pcnalttca nullified Petiti«nung for Congrc^s-spomorcd scholarship the llelween KOTG linils ing able to combine continued scholarly production with real Sales Start gam*. « opens today and will end Fri¬ administrative leadership," Ed- Tickets for the annual Col¬ Competition Highlights Plasma Pageant siue margin Ihe var- tune pointed out No one ebc in day. Funds for the scholarship legiate Comeback Dance high¬ ■f'-roiicd the bull, running the country could bring to Mich¬ ■ • a\s u> ore uJumma as. came from the ice show. Silver lighting Parents Weekend, go on igan Elate the particular back¬ , 1 h' sale today at the Union Ticket umii held a rtiahl udae Blades, an AUSC winter term Rv DAEC FftANZ Last year the Army t*w»k the An American Red CTowh wood- tr ive blood f»rc m case of need. ground Di Siebert represent*." Office at 50 cents per person. */«>. '..H ivit. M MM project. 1'he new director is the only The dance is set for Saturday trophy for the second .consccu- receiving unit will be xtation.d Any c.idet wt«> donalcv blood ; WMW M Ik, UM Student Congress apprevriat- Competition will be a high¬ tivc year. in Dent Hal! Ballroom during wilt i>*' cxcu.a-d from that American to win the Kappa Tau niglR. with Kenny Davis' . " 7'""""W - I. Mki Mm n,. 1*. ,1 fllUM eJ ttic ITAOO pro0l» irom the light in the ItOTC FUsma 1'a- Hoffman and Dudley nL'» is¬ kV rig lit. c*n ding to Hoff¬ Alpha award for Journalism ' I Mini providing the music. show for the scholarship fund sued the five day* of the drive. v.n tfi twice. His first ^recognition came Affording to Trblu Under, gcaid which begins today. a pica Friday to students, *.m, i thmv Umm *** ft* <*• li - which will be awarded in vary ¬ ing amOunb or money ut ac¬ i lie two splti|it. Student talent will provide V" Mxliriil be eligible for the scholarship the cadets was pledged Friday either Army of Air Foive, and. the eiatmjaidipent for U»t/Col¬ GriNip student murt have completed by Cod.-t Colonels I.arty Hoff¬ in addition, In the donor's liv¬ tmi>ing group, will a.sjT.t tb legLteicd nuiM*. year I'lusma Pageant's goal this is 2.000 pints. pill Rising. Detroit sophomore legiate Comeback Dance. Karen man, Army and Dudley Erick- ing unit or another campus «r* Mcctiop two term* and have a two puint all-university. *on, Air Force, txith East Lan* . ganlratinn. The bloud will be proves?*' t Ctiij era ting tamjHUt oigani/a- and Bob Ellsworth. junior ha\c been awarded schol¬ Dnvfcott Olson. Trifvri .se City *oph««imie and l>on Circle, East Lansing Certificates " will lie awnrtU'd into plasma and stored for u.-e tio:r. include the MSU Veteran?.' sing seniors and heads of their l " -T'V u,U.,,'ior1 Amrrkaui Vrter- Tnoqr applying mu.l have fife respective organizations. for leading participant* among by the Anned Forces, or civil¬ Ami, Stuzient Govctnmcnt, IFC, arships to the United Squares senior, will sing. The entertain¬ '«y » M n"wl nlin^?,d"tt0" fkaftor at im AU"" contributed to univarsity At' stake in the Army-Air men's and woman's dorms, fra¬ ians ip case of commuuity dis¬ punHel. Men's and Women's In- Institute, square dance work¬ shop. The awards were made by ment will also feature a dance tnv >n ^LT,,l2-y *t 2** theouib outstanding partieiput- Force rivalry is the perpetual ternities. sororttJas and other aster. ■' tcr-Dorm Councils, AWS. Blue the Prumcnadcrs. The workshop by Sharon Rom, Lansing sopho¬ Church. ' ^ •JrtrB"cun*u,arvanity athletics. trophy'awarded each year to the campus groups. Totals for cam¬ Each donor wiJL be credited Key, Green Helmet, Mortar will be held at Elkhart Lake, more. * Nick Smith, Addtoon senior, is - . r: , . .. with his donation so that he or Ikard, Tower Guard and Spar¬ 7* ^aa'.1 Wvu „ I aped will be consider- cadet group credited With the pus organizations will be com¬ of his family may rc- tan Women's League. Wg*. chairman of Parcata WwtenO. medicine. mast pints ot blood. - puted percentage-wise, • Jit .•' ' •' ^ ■ ■■ .. fSWw Information Foreign Sludonls Speak Michigan State News* This Week Campus Classifieds Iftd IMIly by MM't 51.808 Sludeitla and Paratty Aral (-Israeli Battle ED 2-1511 Ext. 261S New* i« published by student* without direct faculty On Campus The Michigan State luprrvi-i.ut I» <* I »' ' voi.e oi the university or of the student Dt-uillinr 12 Noon .'■u» I.nt w-..l<* * t-s.-'i t> 1" The fact that the Arab-Israeli conflict i* political rather Fail Orthodox Student \«so- $1.65 ""new c: i: portable t-v v Fraternities Need Time 5 days nel! need the cash Plume F.D i»-1; i ci.it ion will hold it- lenuiar than reliiriou* js a vital prerequisite for a clear understand- meeting at 8 30 p.m m the To¬ ADDITIONAL CHARGES 8470 _ al ter live p rn inyr of the issue as here presented. Slatnpinir the* Arabs as wer Room, Union. ne«»r»>f Miek- for each word over 15 HOUSING being Anti-Semetic, or attemptiny to carry on a relipious s«»n will show slides and leetuii' on Yugoslavia. 4c per day WANT TO St'B-l.KT hari.uk war i* unfair and unjusti¬ is din* to the nature summer quarter Et> 2-1 Th The Poultry Science Club w ill billing charge I$c k ti l- Integrated uu 2201 or FD 2-i:tihi To Beeome fied. ! Zionism and its ultimate ob- Atensirm This includes the ex- meet ot 7 p.m. in Anthom Hall : lie All !br<>«iph 1ho ages the Jews >■. 'ivt'v Dr. Davidson will be the guest liveU pcii efutlv !(!«• I>\ -i(»e I .ir i- • mist designs of Israel, the • -1\e aetinte- which from speaker. AUTOMOTIVE i FIRST t.iree very FLOOR nice mortefn fume, APAHTMTN with the Arab- Ttie small nurtt- ,• Professor Karl Dressel of the i oi it 12 h Private entrance, hatii C. to time result in spor.rdie CHEVROLET FLEE I l.INl" Th fitiv. Wi-roi! jr." I 'i.mrnif ti e In the last H» years the number of fra¬ of Jews who livtsi in Palestine .omed attacks on the territory Forestry School will give i sh«»it g.w.d runs good $»•» KO- ink 1012 facilities F Grand Sleep two or River Plume I ternities containing discriminating clauses around 19-0 have always con- talk on the history of the For¬ l-trt;- V II i; m* » ri'i'opifni'tnlihl hark ill sideted themselves Arabs ill na¬ .the neii'.iiborintt Arab State- M I estry Club and the building of . bus been reduced from 25 to 10 (there are .■•id ttie annexation of demilit ir- lO.Hi WRITE VOLKSWAGEN eun- SABBATICAL IN 1M7-58' A - 19*'' tin t i ■n*.t i i.ii'ion now on campus tionality. the Forestry Cabin nt thr regu¬ Radio vGiitewallH Exivl- tin cfnldren will >• [is national or local ennstitu- •;2 rtsvignir.ed national fraternities). In the It w.i- n<»t pntil th.e be)»inninR «,t ones and additional tem- lar meeting of the Forestry Club vi-rtdde |e-ii (-oiiditio'i $2'ts) Contji t I>«»n ■ an! \ out profeswjr iiou-e Write to I>r i u In. 1. > KD 2-.V5HI IW last two years, four more clauses have been of this rent in v when the Zionist 7 30 in the Forestiy Cabin Mart hini Kensliaa. Baltiniotv 15. MaryLu t ion hi ••!»'«! inst ructions a discriminatory I he Israeli puhiication. removed, cutting the numlier to six. m -venimt started. Hint a gap Alpha Phi Sigma w di meet hi i'I.ihsi' h.«!l he approved I«\ the university tic'wcMi the two irioiips firit ap¬ I ItO.NT l»AGF. in thr Jul* 29. l££ MACGllLIVRAY CHEVROLET . FACULTY OR MARRIED grad-. Michigan State does not have any "dead¬ - 32 Union at 7 p m a tier .1 ti I \ I. I' peared Tie AI at is opjrose Zion¬ 1954 issue, describing thr "ac¬ Veteran's Association has students For room unfurnished ■ i per duplex $15 ptu« heat and lines/* despite the fact that five of the six tivists" present government in 1 -i- » ,t- Viyorditii' 1. thi Wiseon in and many ism as a political movement sehetiuUM a meeting in I Union ujfd cart, f • 'k,'• d. r dies Plume FD 2-4>3d« Israel, said. "David Ben Gurion . - that practice discrim¬ Ri>« • i ntli-l cn1ii»i»r- .mil mivi-rdtins throughout greek organizations who.e avowed purpose has tmen at 8 30 pan. WOULD LIKE LADY to - (and still j- j t.> eonvpjt Pales¬ is in favor of military retaliation "I9t'»0 clause." will ination are on campus. Phi (iamma N'u will hotu ipartment fontaet Mr* Dourer'. t In- n.it ion rai r\ imr t hi tine into a politie.il Utopia for even at the risk of an all out pledging in 43 Union at 7 p m. Ion i- t heir lor;il cl apter which still con- The reasons for this are clear. Fraterni* J« w . tt>n»U!»ho.,t the world w jr." It will l>e a dres*> affair tEE MACGILUVRAY CHEVROLEt LOST and FOUND The pattern of the path which fain iliscriminjitor> rlaii• r-: to break ail ties tie* have not been the creators of bigotrv Thi* aim has hern pursued Rep. Van Peursem (R-Otta- HASLETT EE 9-1226 J tael had followed, whether by with »h»-ir rialimial i haptei We claim fore* and discrimination, hut instead have merely w ithout eunsidcratiun for thr wa). Speaker of the Michigan LOST. REMOVABLE BRIt> it actions or through the an¬ vieinltv of ttninn or F • l'.. !o« il w ill force it to native Arab Inhabitants who in House of Ili'presentatives w ill be Prohablt l!i on reflected the human weaknesses of racial nouncements of its leader has green Reward EI) 2-X5DI H»t8 constltutrd 7t» percent of on hand to answer - LORD NO bargain in ^LOSI' JEWELLED KAPPA K. tlie population and owned P*> an open meeting of th« Young i a a goo.i motor Name truur price bone to justice and t-i the i ll 2-1741 l"T Camin i gold key »l() reward PI exist within the human race. percent of the land. It ts very Republicans in 32 Union at 8 30 1) , k It has been pointed out that the sole pur¬ important to contrast Zionism United Nations resolution ED I'm.21 i.H.m 8-JU I«rael owe- it p ITl li'i I'O.N'TIAt' CONVERTIBLE pose of this clause is to eliminate national v horn vci * \\ «• say a deadline of any sort is not nec¬ with Judaism, the latter is a fence. This pottem .an t»c \\V* and Xlcn's Activities U .dto hp..t. i power »teei qig, h>dra- PERSONAL wtutewaiis Fseellent eondi- control of local chapters as far as it imp«»scs It we accept the fact that fraterni¬ ,* • essary universal faith seeking no po¬ Council wall hold a coffee hour i. Phone IV after five pm • the follow:ii,; event ru.ri at 7 30 m Old College Halt IIAROIDKVOX WALT JORG! ■ discriminatory practices on the local croup. ties are sincere in their efforts to have litical identitv. I Israel retorted tb« 19J7 SEN DICK DAVENPORT, have alw.i\ UFBNFSDAV News Office f their clauses changed and accept the stated The Arabs • syin- Ifit-.oii pi.oi. I-r.M'l now oecu- EMPLOYMENT come to the Slate two tickets tn the Cre«t Drtve-Ir pathl/e < with tt Jewish, Tt;e Skeptics Corner w.i' de¬ univei'Mtv philosophy that the fraternity i : ,'t'J per, efit mole than w hat "™ cause nr.d the. ahh-r,- the pr-i - irsotu- nies the voung generation of A T T E N T I O N ERATERNtTH Opportunity I itivt-n by th, PART-TIME ?l tear* t» an integral part of the educational sys¬ - was DRIVER i- :«•« ution of t».. Jew m Furope US intolhvtoals. then liberal¬ rldei Ainuv Varsity Cob Company I I slNFSS opiKirtunity Car v I# site an main *ti»*et phone ED ') tem. we should approach this on a positive at; I r'-.-w !»*■: <• A'dt ittmi: Jew- ' Israel defied the Unit, i ism. maturity, sK<*i»tu-isin an l 122 WiMnlmeie 1«»MS t.» Paie-nne, (the Jewish pojUl N * !• Resolution for mt.ini vofitornutv a? a nu'etuig i- the ONE ROCSFBOV AND one bus- t»:: •vet jeu- 5 House .! 7 pin ...\ Pleas.- appU in person 6R TARE TOUR BREAK The "Silent tieneration" will have an op Fraternities and societies are not static 1 du i : .th/ing ttie city of Jmisiir" A El) 2-«W6"> til the t. J.I P •pulation > responsible for THURSDAY at 'he |Hirtunit> Tuesday to disprove the often a- }M>mte«i out. they have changed and will 194* o.l th<- Israel is I)■ Fi ;i-t>o»»fd Spudnut Shop lh«- assassination of f ount l olkr g. . a ti heard charee sioii : in the t i\ n t enter Due with , St.I ami e.s \ solutions are jsissible. Integration Fellowship • thr United Nations ( ommission spartan 'Christian were pre I KAII EH SPACE Sli.1i THE SRUDNUT SHOR 212 M a lobby i t of labor, bii mie and agriculture !»• •,-1 i•« from the members themselves, and wt , un- personnel - lo Israel w.:i intH-t a' Rrtto . Manm wa?ei PRIVATE ngld «eptn tank and pimin- and one with member. *d the State Sena'» I Israel r, Jet te 1 the lMf,' 7 30 p M-. |o te a R,.v Gibtxai Nl H-VVtt IK! i d:' ! be changed by outsiders or dead th.it the Clat'k sjmxiK Nea. I aos.ng THE PI .AY ROYS entei taiomgnt MODERN and d.i • Juti »n for the return of »he and Ho..\e probl m Xmrrnan Sm-iety- of Civil En¬ TUXEDO RENTALS BRAND new ED 2-8HWI or ED 2-A«)7 . .refug«H»s tuxedo- for tent at I'ammo Clean¬ ...t la falien Berkev Hall 1*7 On four "epai ate gineer* wii! hold election-, at er- A< na< from. MUSIC BY PHIL Hough and The common idea that a lohhy i-*t is a Fi op, the A i a11 t'oimni he. 8 30 pm in t'a Towel lb*- gLel-o-Staters Phone Delta Sig the Security ADDING MACHINES TYPEWRIT- ... , m '.'.lows monster hrthim: and intimidatini; irovrrn- Icmnod I »••! f« i nutit ow Union It rental* Ask about our rental IJuclion Kullv . ' . Phone IV 5 1.11* . .ur.basr plan ment officials, could he rcnu»\ed from man* thus in I'M* hv solving the ■ k - w hi- r. v U'l ifi il fin Ai FKID % V . •• la ' Oin.p Maihine* 11* W REAL ESTATE minds h* at tend inc this discussion Jewish refugee problem in lur- *!•♦• Agieenu» ' Ti n A- m Tta Newman t luh a. , f«.'. • a , i».iawa**ee We deliver tf bed opc. the krah refugee prohtem odrles did no! vadafn " • hard time pailv H-4s- Ste FAST LANSING FOUR ATTENTION STU0ENTS r.inch now under e«m*trurtioi The lobbyi t< will t,Pe their views mi Freshmen and ophomores will have an started' To we \rahs, (he c»e- A; feerc.en? at 8 pan at Newman Hal! IKsa and one half baths, two car a1 ation of a state on the reman¬ will U- awarded • *"t TV «H »'th opt"3* he»lr«H»rr ulr op|M»rt unity to nteiet the candidates Tiles- 0 legislation in winch thov have an interest The^e Resolution* no lorn* prizes eai age E"urth bargain tl!*-sjo|| Hie alldien.e will • Hrs lt.»V demned not imiIi hv Judaism, ,i Ren Gurion about tfio-e Cycling Spartans will take « MUNTZ TV ED 2-i have a chance to a k <|uesti«.n In the af Too often at large universities like ours, hut hv all religions in (he world. resolution# tin Israel Iriibp-n short bike ride with a member elections are impersonal affairs 119 fAST KALAMAZOO ternoon session with memiw rs of the .-senate student The charge that the nuinhhoi - ,n-tive Ikiy (IM i ti bhe An ten van Youth H-Mefs TON IC FOR PROFESS! >H and I Jon .. discus i nc legislation the stu¬ where no one knows who they are vol lAg it R Ai.it> ceimtrit ■ af*rt isild Again in 1955. he said "These* beginning 1 30 pm from tf . RHONE IV 4 6450 Perfect peace and quiet A dents will ayain have an opportunity t.. a V p.r 't wiiy. This is undoubtedly why there have acta. ke\ t * it* way, in¬ Student* can hardly he blunted for disin¬ tivdies in Dei eliilMT !»■»; wh ith the I'rorl.imatioii of In the U'-ioii Ikxir.t Boon ."inii'V xtxc lixing ins! era! , hon e l-.t* avail- minutes fireplace two-car garage I clude t lie" lohhy is t * the Unite t N itiun- w a- still drprndeme of the Mate whiih oi.m«ili»trR All lr»d-rs must terest in election* when the candidates are i i i.iui i»..t the futui c- •.( I' ♦'» sj*s. "The stale of Israel nsleit. No Bog* »«rented Pine drr t2n.«f)0 Contait Decker He;.: It would be interesting to .»e the re> . of a heavv studefd turnout at a fata l i. >n iu*t a name the* may or may not have heatd before. 111 a Fveii whid the Buti-h f-i..* w ill he based on the principles of Itherlv, iostn e and will loyal Scliolursliip Bluff Road Real! 11X1 railer 'bone (ompanyr Park *X» Park Hath .»-») Managing ur take Green Agent 106 t- FD 2-N»WI or IV 4-0673 such as ?I>is, on the student crda wh- Palestine |y uphold the principles of the SERVICE Apiilication weie -til! in -t. ' : claims .dl • !.v—cutti i' «.tn ne ii scnolai - ever* •, long Fteclru range couch Fiee pick up and delivery itary strength but bv it* mora' time Tuesdav the candidates for sophomore cities The necghti«M nig Aiat, 'o-d» bureaus laron- Phone an excuse from classes and show the lecis «h;n• ciHintrte* did not become ,• worth and human value* ship, according U> J H*»bc:-. TU J-54.K) If no answer FD 1-257! TYPING TERM PAPERS in-. lature that the students.of M>1 arc intrr- and junior class offices will take the initia¬ Unless (aracl stamhi for tlwse Stewart, curector of «hoia:- ncrlpt.s Itieses etr Neat and Kaged in this run flirt until May Contact Pauline Mile- and present themselves to the ale rsted in their government. tive stu¬ 15, 1948 and then only to *uve plea Is the iv will be no peace in •hipa The program has been ' YM «;rr IS c»l).*i«*it>ie stroller cut 4-5500 V, 12 Teeterbabe «3 White The Michigan t'lti^enship Clearing House dent They are inviting the freshmen and what was left of the Arab Pal¬ the Middle East reviseit this > c.u -vdiolar - »du i Cat seal rocker, ft phone ED EAlir IHDWATCHIRS Israel w as no! whip* will Im* awarded on an (it's not on the Justice Department's hsti -ophomores to meet them and see who they estine and not to dentro) an ex¬ a A# we can home for the see |>ersivutiM Jew annual base* T>d mean* that The cn'fre hot at He isting state MINOLTA 2 6 lens Focal is to In* commended on its program and its will U* voting for. Zionism had told the world applieitjon* will im*' t»- avail¬ ! VI MM self-timer lake The Z.iunUts claim (hat thry an i "lane shutter new S9U0NUT SMO> before »o nonpartisan aim of eilueatmg students in The sponsors of this event have done ev¬ have never asked (he Palestin¬ it would be. Israel Usamr tlie able after M«v 17 until next i Pk Pi,.me IV 2-004* |§4 mo'* elait 5 a «e the area of politics It is a state-wide orvati- erything possible to attract a large body ufL ian Arabs (a leave is ton poor heart til an ambitious, striving spring FRATERNITY HOUSES RIG r Geircral quatif) oft torn for T\' Blond wood Full iuiegt f-erk t|>udhuh. s» i rat ion based in the MSI' I'oliticai Science student*. Campus queens and ItMOCs will an argument (a he of any value power, which would establish »cholar«tup# are: sehoU tie abil¬ ; t'i" | litieal areas on campus as part of their From here on in to carry the bail. Brig in. a Zionist officer said, "alt our fortes proceeded lo ad¬ est a minimum of 42 credit* | 'VseMnglnn «f DO YOU BUY the cheapest cl"" Transfer student* may apply "FRFUM*1 VENDING ROUTE *«>u con find1 Whv not* Thar !'• program. vance like a knife through but- • T« - nmf'table eststdished tou'e prt bablv knuw whv «>.ma tnsura . after one term Sc hoUs tic re¬ fakes onl* a few hours service e*rh rate* are to low For auton ■' trr. The Arabs began fleeing in contact V quirement* specif« that fresh i «—-nth Owner leaving state ph,w» and frre Insurance Crossword Puzzle Death of panic and shauting Deir Vaseeu have a 2.4, sopho IV »-|g|7 109 . . . Heir laaeen " Men must 2J and junior* a three j SKIN DIVING EQUIPMENT. m ACROSft 31. Nurse tea A Senator It is vers important t»» repeat that thc«e incidents and many . j »Mlv for & MOVING» CONTACT AMERI' * s ROVal 3* feet Fs'-ellent Red Ball Free estimate* low t>- ' 8 Low gaiter ' 3d Li lack birdl man . " before the State of Israel vva* es¬ ' «•« lot f rw-one Ynu will profit with our cert." 12 licligaiut speeifiC u-ht4ar*hip. ttie whoiar- me 37 Spen*er The murmur died away. tablished Furthermore if !<• -9*0* after five Trader H*v»n performance phone IV S-SOUC 'f allegoric* charai:tcr *h»p romtruttee will ronsidor The Great Investigator »arj aittcerciv wanted the Arab |j't •H 14 Buikcye Stat*- 1} Na»al 38 Bathe 39 Butt ufa tS-pVTfc-t A «'s*t H at laat at peace togas xt*s he find no aalnt* in heavrn people to Mav. whv did re tec t the United Nation# Reso¬ CARE IKDin the aiipttcwot f->r ail aeholorship* whi.-ti aiw «v*Aik»We at the time •ev* n -4 HT-rt ehnncMresrh BSoed Sfte.sh wtole leg* Three ,ie,k»rl Ov. Open CONVENIENT SHOPPING Mondar nine - a m-nine .Saturday om Special'"nr HO' Si* d.< « - " obntrucboTVf joke 41 Householdt ^isisKaraSP* Whom he mw*4 inveatigate. lutions of 1951-1954 for the ie Indudecl with the applicaUon three h»nn#. one of which -ef»—i ♦ enw nevd'th-m after seven t» m flM Plu>r.e fD- Ki "fr d-amond* and better Term# to autt. Trr our complete lew- i f 18 Cultured woman 45. Poker »ta*e 4t» Unquestion¬ MlatWa la r>U.i| rani# Xfas he nat a*k -leading nursl- tans nation <»f Arab refuge, < 'o ihetr land* and h.ws'' Whv IOWA CITY, I own f.^—^nre 1948 more than Sum) heart oper¬ are should be fi' .*l nut by the ap 60if(RS GOL» CIUI SAL!' vice w>n. ter department William H Th" Jeweler Frandor Shopping f r: TV '» 17 Carry ing 4 Drinking « 11 Plaything ations of various kind* have fi!:rant's put - time employer Wocd, -i O Vs'.e bq 18. Companion ft.uk JJ Dnnk: Of the Keeper of the Gate. also, are thr remaining. Ar «i • and the other two by faulty 47. Fqual MOXTNG* CONTACT FOR h- ^ 19 Congeal slang Miy he not decide to *a*r Them in Itraei treated a-. *co»tui , ; t^ee.'i perfarme*! at the State I--»_r 50 sol e 4*5 ttmate on our famouo ortfe apor-c ej 48 5 The err am or staff member* 22 Tenv f'rssm the "Menace from below " citizen** University of F»wu Med awl C * bae- .p tr scr. o« terete* North American Van 4.' Not one! 8. Ancient U Kquahte Center, the cnRege of medicine TV 4-1WI t# 25 Dikf CUlliHJ 19 Flickering Mat ho hold hi* tongoe in «il- The refugee ort^!e*n although ^e« Ow» gted ckb i Persian 28 Rocky IHIW X 7 W orm light >nee. pot the key to the solution of 'V>- repoils. Mirhinan Suir >»•*» bo'go-na '•£* $ !'0 „p pinnacle 8 Of the r un 20 Furnish If he meeU the other Joe conflict cannot be ebmmatc.i # * ♦ 'SFfCtAl MOININO »AT| 17. Female ruff 1 River m with another Puhtuera on fine a«rs V,>*>«!** 28 So be it Brail 9 Small ahoro Mat he find appreciation by alttorbing 'he refugee# in Mtr GONE through Frtda* Inj-iualvs danng fsli *-'« utnler «prtrg (arm* except fr»d«y 51 Happen MOUNT VERNON. Iowa i.-Pl — Whir during • u m- C-Wlf • •Mm ts-M «n l-W awr T? « JO Wander 3 Rather than 10 A**i«t 22 P;g Mat he find a task in heaven: reason*. and one arectsi (reshmsn — Vr • T r f JTT" * 23 "- come eleven" May kh outlining ha bind. May he chairman the committee First. Urn refugees themselves refused f« settle iu other than Htm\ It seen vs. there arc bee nmiltr* K. between summer teems Entered as second c!*s» mat¬ srwi fall lat- lAtRT CUSHION of Ia DAsr-'vi; ■ 24 PrvphrM That tnvaatigataa the dawn. their m* heme* which they Prof A. If. Blue of Cornell ter under aei of March 1. UO* at the p«>stanfr»ce. Ka«t La-sing Mich ftANOOt sou coutsc TT- Corwgs of US. 14 a*8 M 71 Yf_ . The Associated Press iv entitled y 28 Ur^e weight May ha find peaea Mha we ran. were furred to leave. College reports that someone esciustvetr lo the use foe reo«U*i- !••«( of 68 Kaow't laatawoatl ,ST"^S. a! typ- Terra IT The looMi— haa gone. Second, the Arab refugees are stole a hive fmrn his apiary o:j ra!K>n of ail the local news p-tnsed 28 Enemy y ~ 3r 91 Part of a too great an economic burden . n a farm near here The professor tn thta newepapm as wed A P Newt Dupetchr* as all yAN-O-COArw TRAILER M dteoovensi the k*# when he EilJ >11 . the owe populated Arab coun¬ fee« ComoteW hath Large water Pisrut'w | oat OAS to >■* forLfWatuvn M iT sr rr W 55 Period of Night Staff tries. Mucked htt atwary for the ftr*t lime tn about three weeks. He . KV*Tr "actince, TV >.3001 Must m a m TT 7T time 33 Carp might Bdnar Larry W Certainly the largest Obstacle in rraching a eompromr-e b !v- MklMBtl the bees and equipment TRADE-IN BARGAINS Wathers i' WATCH. CLOCK AMD selr. ' USAK?Zl "• I. E! -*■ wif* nmwikn (.iftiM. 33. Bury j 5T 38 Inclined MlM At' w*b« Mnnmit reet's threat to the Arab coun- mm •■ u» Ills lis I w».l Wrtim* IS j gu i la walk* )t Tibetan monk IP I'M 50IN6 TO CATCH AWTWHS I've 60t OKOtSS d \¥ w IT » Opening -t TO CATCH IT NOa-1;— For Buying • Selling • Renting d r 40. Unit 41. Tropical IT r 7* w "1 p.m Z i w * r*"" TT F* fru.t 41 Peruvian USE y ~ era port 45. Teutonic 5T" a mMm of j Li TF ■— W i Moling u. P«»- CAMPUS CLASSIFIEDS .... - *r-- t?i .-I. ,.1 • Mirmr. w statk srw* H Ad MIM hlREAl IS1KRVII.H M HU.l I t J-F.leetion Rallv Majr 6. Ifl.i: Page Three OPI'MNO* COR Till: #■■■■ ■■■% Union Bars UAW EMPLOYERS Grant Public Schools Mueller Itrass Co, FOI IOWINr. MAJORS: MAY 1. l»:.t Ph> Kit Snr. SI. . Mech. Klcc., Civil or Ind. Set for Tuesday Candidates nior offices for will all four se¬ present their platforms at a Junior election THE COLLEGE INN ■ ■ ■ ■ Engi v for production plant FEATURED DINNER $1.10 Teamsters engineering or methods. Gen. Bus Majors or sales or dis¬ rally in the Unio nbnllroom Tuesday from 3 to 5. Short speeches will 1m* given tribution sof.-p or jrirr by each of the eight candidate's Oppose The Equitnlile Life Assurance Society of the U.S. Any graduating* student with substantial course work in Bu< Openings in OtTice Man-* campaign managers. The pro¬ gram will be emcoed by Bill Boph. junior class president. r.mi i i n tfvhfr < i hi Willi Ml'MilROOM C.RAY V steak Reuther Lake Shore Public Schools ngement or Gen. tion All El em . Administra¬ Art. Music, Spec All juniors are urged to at¬ tend the rally. Candidates for Student 'Government president — VVtllFPED OR FKFNCII lltllH POTATOFN TOMSK!) I Itl S|| C.ltl I N MALAII E.l, Com.. Ind. Arts., Math. OK HI I II Kll) YEf.FTAHLE itcfiy I'lllll* will also be present to meet Mr Eng.. Soc St.. Counselor those interested, aeeording to ROI.LM. Ill \ I It UiL DFssi RT M.nlr ill Stfwioll MfLouth Steel Corp. Aivtg Majors Dean Vape. Royal Oak junior, i Clio Area Schools AH Klem.. Eng.-Sor. St., Sei - chairman of the event. H Free fiiir*f Passes Given Math Coin.. Font ball and TO X (/Pi— . B v - |i I N(• Track Coach Away Each Evening for state Theater I n ion leiulers "CAMPUS ClASSiriEOS . Flint Civil Service Commission Civil Engrs for water utility Public Health Nurse. HICK READERSHIP- would . they . , ^ ';t\ City of Gary School All Elom . Sci., Math.. Soc St., t|: their resource# Eng . Librarian, Ind. Arts. .11 leader Walter Girls Phv Eld. Kent City Public Schools Eng-French, Math.-Eng., .... . • . t anyone else seek- i Home Ec -Art. t;»hlish a new Tearn- MAY *. 1*5? >.,.r organization, j Van Burcn Public Schools All Elom . Eng.. Soc. St . Sci, Math Girls Swimming Coach, . Sutr Nrw* Photo by .Marxtiall U<»*iv statement to that ef- Homo Fa'. a Chicken i* on the menu as various small fry eagerly eat the rotated th.'it wits announced j Aetna Life Ins. Co. All interested in salts, re¬ SOMETHING birds at the As Open House Friday in the Poultry Department. • r.,-hour meeting of gardless of major, Union Executive j Now England Mutual Life Ins. All interested in sales, regard- Co. loss of major, , _ v moves «o strom. Ed Bhfidon. Dick Tam- Ashley Public Sdiools S«v St. Coin., Soc. St. the AFL-CIO OxfonJ Area Community Schls. V»h* Ag t rie cMrie- Ko\vu!c*> k nette«! Jmrro and Bill Horrell Dorow. Committc;* NEW e- i, tiros 131 yards m 1c.urie- t'lanutis. S'dnac and McAuliffe - ,v iJackets Investi- The referees marched off loo ware standouts on offense Ir. ••itttHv yard- ng.im-t the varsity and TO concluding he remarked. "The ll-U-H-R-Y , H'uthT. rrr»i.ti''U -imt brad of ,.,,1 • \uto half million an AFL-CTO vice Wtrtrr* Cnton. the onr member against and Ninnvvski the alumni. Follow iiu; the tn«*le. the press radio toted winner* PUnuti* ot the and "S" plav of every man must he praised * was Paugherfy* very said. "The clash thrilling and the alum¬ LUCON^ IAST lAMStNO • PMONI W. MtH least D:ivm! r.,» Jrnird jn< attempt to *Ukr cliih awards a* the most valu¬ ni tuined m an am.mng perfor- thr Teamsters a* leader* able giidder* of their respective matn*t But vou must remember I raturr organiatinn hate ALOE SISAL MATTING RUGS — thr I iilrr squads. ttiat the varsity is composed of hrrit rharclled • • i \ l to team, who had two dai s to pre¬ a marvelous one. The surprising IVamstors fmm the pare with some UJe arrivals not Hutu: was the strong playing of •• '.oration. In that ever practicing the Old Timers, instead of fad- er ha< said, ho fu- " Waters rommcnb'd. ' ! am itic they berame stronger. They • • a a new AFL- Veiy pleas- * ..no h ippy with the gave the fans a true demon¬ ovganiatiim "that perfi rmafu-e of tbc-c Spartan stration of spirit and desire. IVintlMI.ll WITH • . . a sal attract the greats. It gave me a chaino t-i However, the varsity did a see the various stars that follow- nice job and looked very proin- • '-'.-tors Executive « ? me after my pUJvirg da tain* " MSU SEAL . • ■ ■ ij> its President The Hillsdale mentor staled. Two varsity and one Old due to appeal in "In the fir*t half the team was Timer received injuries Center 'n.-rning before the not org a niied and at the inter¬ 3oh n Wilks twisted his riRht Ke.i«-rat ion's Ethical mission derided to cut down we ki.ee. first-string end Tony •"•atutfee to at)syv»'i- substitution. We also on our re¬ Kohstriej sufteied a shoulder •! is sutwtant - vised defensive patterns and our vetiaration which might require . by corrupt ir.- found some vulnerable spots in ah operation and Handy Schrec- the varsttv's defense." nvtiRost aggravated an old knee 1 under i - Wafers praised the defensive inutry. AFL-CIO offi.vr inV-oklKR ' ' T.' ' \!i !i■ to answer . questions :» >■■■ «••}.< .m'? u-e eluirged funds of Team- The Beck PIZZA "TVe fug ptwi mmm KJuhuui'" Niiiljf •r«t S edd Trt 6 %mm ■ *320,000 of his "Anotkur Aluc Cuin««M 12 VuriYtii-* rump. Eve* fuuuier than Smnl ll»p way you like it. hi* 'Lavendue Hill MahP" -Time Mm New J-Head al tin- "The hifceet treat of all ■ • -■ • m ! from Page 1) England U7fi-I77fl. on a 1 k.'»6 b«M>k. TARSITY DRIVE IN I _S. IK NEAR IHMU'E ST. the new filme. Delicinua In watch!" -Zmeert. Herdd Itekmem Alec Guinness GIBSON'S Four • a• • others, on Kxlra ■.. • • Uw» was press the first journ- ^Ladykillers AddrH UNIVERSITY BOOKSTORE •1 to receive a study the American News- NA800 CARTODN FESTIVAL • i ■■ hers Association He iiltant to the Illinois iitmn, Inland Daily Are Your Clothes 4 — Idtugh Parknl MagtHi (dirlooiiN Ntwwn I N • 3:15 - l it . 7:13 - 9:31 — I •. xiation. and the Na¬ na i Association. »l In onrr w »s srrreUry-man- "•nt lor Hir Illinois lo-oriale editor and fre- two years. Press Asso- Me has Tip Top refreshed runtributor to the Journal- u•!>-.•. W,„,„ ,nd \,„»u,i„n ,t „< Um- I Anew idea in smoking...all-new >*« l- p.nmrnu • " ress. ts an of JournaltMii. authority on radio, and trie- if not f'rruird bt If. J. Hepo'dd* Tvhnttn Com fang. book on the Bights • is of the Press was take tliein to «rd textbook in press years. He has been '"•ith mcst of the na- 'rtant press freedom be past two d<*cades. Shirt I ami miry 01 \ our knitting and Ni*d» at Drv rjranrnt Kay's (Fa-l. Kffirirnl Srnifr - No Extra (Jiargr) Knit Shop 623 E. Grand Rivrr E. lautainR M.A.C. Avr. She'll love Ike telexing mtmospherr of onr dining room, ike tnriety of onr menn and exceptionally fine food. Think ot bow . Spring day rtfiwha you tad you'll have . good idea Beemnee eke ietervee the beet, lake ker In . mwnttMM ffreth how nfr-e'-g all-Mw Salem cigarette. Ustc. The fredMat taat. in l IgRialUa towa through SxiXM'a pure while filter. Rich tobacco teete, • rich tobaooo taste with eurfriee aoftneea...meuthol-freeh comfort. SAUEM-you'll love 'em. THE POPLARS Charcoal Hearth • most modnrn llltnr ■MUSIC iDMiutotarailM SalNm refreshes your taste . * ' ' —v ..'i* iv - ■ • • * v " f*. 'iMiffiimfiMlir Hi itlltn'WitaBi May «, in;.: MH HifitN STATF swn I'agr l our Wilson, Jones Win Thinclads Fall 0 HOLUSTCR Meal* sin* always al the Real Honors Banquet al To Freshmen Firs! Aiuiiril Awiinli* Liven 10. W. «U>e*N IT HOLLISTER COFFEE SHOP Four Records Broken; Oiil*l;iinliiig Senior Allilrlrs Iti'inrmlicr ni its rinuitfmut it Rett imt .'Mi¬ Lansing Nriiiurs I'm I Wilson ami Si-lwvn .lories were recipients of Flioivitz lops Field Mark b&Bh |'i»« Steps Fa*l I'rum two honors tendered annually to Spartan athletes, at Alumni Varsity Club banquet Saturday. the i 'in- willi.' i' i.'m. ii. iiAl. iwt.man viir.iiT ii ml two fri'shmnn rwnnis TMCK STCAKS Michigan National Hank V ilsou. football ami basketball player from Lapeer, re- .-.1,1 III-.hi> mnrni'iK II- III'. fix h rnsily won tlir in- ii i\i*iI the Chester I.. Brewer awanl given to the graduating terclass nieeL ... , . ii tent for distinguished The tu-heuM ".I !» > . point uHh the The juniors - second place placed third with pel form,tore in athletics ami ming. James Clemens. Pes Kophoimid's ! e t i ig I I.iiih" !!i feneoia. George \51 , point s a ltd ' he eulors u scholarship, ami for posses¬ , IIUO Nrwi rhmu Mir^iili l.u«.*e t>etioji. yvmnasties, timed in t>'JA: ROWE RIDING RANCH 'I homo:', at.so hems sing ii hi eh degree of charac¬ Itolaml Prow n. Gory. I id ; ten- M illie Alterbrrry sets new freNhm.m rcrnrd in winning the 4I'» distant last with trd d.i«li Sxlurrfiiy, in the inlerrlass mrel at Voung Field. ouLh'i"dir.g p*-t f « n ance Foe My Kennedy was third with ter. leadership ami personal¬ \ ni George Sti-panovK'. Lincoln The Mb f.irk, , country. Gaylord •.I tin meet wa tinned in bv it :> 5 and freshman Jim Mora* ity which forecasts a suc¬ cross cessful career. Pen-low, Fv;irt wrestling. Norm \\ in Si|ii.iri'- III ;il 0-0 JIIOI'M Sao. hill.Wit/. Who SA*t fourth in 9:46.5. •♦'.ifTl Gill. I.msmg. golf. Ken Rorle- Young Fie'd and varMtv nv- Freshman Harry Keasl won •he i • .oa III. «• ronner from IIVMIIIlO ll.-iiioUon. U.e i ..nf• on'. i.•«i< . \« :in warded M> H,il w tilt h witlil. Fort Wiivne, Jnd . boxing, John Hutli i, Gi«iiii| ftiipid.s. "ibid Luck'' Larv Hurls » Timers 1 4.1 lis m Hi.mil/, the ilt.Heu- who wax th'ow Ihr lush t-tie tlNI-.vard dii.sh in : 1ft 4. fa .* f.ii the 40-degree temperatures •pmi <■*>' • i»\m im, Niorn in Ihr meet with I* g tes lo tin- studenf of the gr.i'l- lie also placed second in • ht oilma etas.-- of each lbg I" To I'ourtli Straight Mclnry prints. toNNPil tlir pl-lttrr IVT game • i winiius lii titulion who liiis attained the IM Schedule xmaNhiiiK mark "• the I old Young •*' 220-vard dash HrsMtrs winning the 140. At ; t>. The !' greatest proficiency in scholia- HilMlU Mil h i'l TIN M l i/1*> Frank I,ar> pitciied the IMrojt Tiger- I irtd !!>:•.'» In Notre Pame's Mill Fax- terherry also roppfd the 220 in » • s\IMX.I-: IIOIISI > chip and athletic.'-. I., ftieir loiirth straight victori ami Charlie Maxwell dro\e sot ra ii I- moiiville. The Ionn aLo hreakN :24.1. A cheek following Ihr Bo Also anununred at Ihr bait- pi the ih riding runs with a seventh inning single in a ."»-l th" varsitv mark of Ia3' 2" set rare diselosed the dinUnre to mtxl •iliet were rrripirnls nf Ihr first Ii. I I Miiiiim - Union.i id i * i, i Inuniph Sunday over the list year h\ .loe Savoldi. Flio- Niirlhv li. • he 2:i.» yards. The fro*h took B'g J II French Awards given an- the fourth to tie it. wit/, won Pie nHoI put with a. Ol I Inn .Inula I Ikiiiiinore t trioles. n i nt. m i.. ' Itr\ I I A3 Pilar, ik. tee Tr. ■ 4nd lied for xee- the first four place* in the event "t* I."t27 nnallv to (hr oulsUndinc urnior ..n Io n of I?" 1 lor lit*—t*■'i ill i.i4 II: II athlete of each rrroinlrrd \ar- Ol 1 llroii I I io • ii(er.»!l> hatted out of Single t>\ i \ ii ii ,md<<> Mild l»4*org«- Ke d ,o-.|f't oml in the high jump. Junior Ken Da foe outsprinte.-. •is iit wis iivvv. orr ai ;* koi'K sily sport at Michigan Stair. mi nil • lliillrffM'lrt i ». . A !i- i•• .*n in lie. List two Ni.iiis mi Lev worktd ...it :•-« i»> d -ih - wtn- hi.< -enuir Ted Tetzlaff to win the I he rut. The l> ■ . S|* I Mil AhlM ' • ' aai!kii| only niig man as In mm>;s soitiiwkst m i.ansini: |tv ,jw>rt, the winners inetum-' M» ' I .111 NiMH I I , .11 .i l»i.s record .it 2-2 Th •"•f »t-i jam »>■- id'tting i"oko n. r < A"-fi.ei i . won mx BH" .vai d run in a g«K>d 1 57 n Hi- hel II I Hoi N|Mk* I ■ i I' v i • e into au ton,n r\.!i<> Ttie :,!:T"i' iigiit hander, the Ameri- , F.H.ih.i!!, fienri! Mriuivk. St |. ' m rsl mmvi ' i • nit Trt/laff being timed ■ tii.ti.u: . ..oh!., yi-e. w Charle t.M .keUsil!, George F'ei - . li.igm-. tnggC't iumui m ot i"iit • . • j t toe . m;.»; • . .11. lloli 5 villi 21 IJ to o k ! n. %. *••!. u.e. . I !• Tiger* ,. . . til. o.l* IW.. 1 Ai 7 Sophomore Jerry Mirk, gtison. N Pi in Klem • |{ | I mini.ii-. nun 1 I , . ■ i - u i Ihi i' a no a»i' to n ..t l».l cImII. Al.l'l I.lire, F.ll well. I rinOouii - ■ tin., oil tin let! knee and !, . . t. Alter nd M.w K,: - was t-hini in 1 58.5 ' |li% hi".' .«;.!• » Tin Ii -hdt: • ti»wke\ Anltioiw Hnru.vi SiiiII i... • Inji to line drives hi he' a Hi mark onto June 11a•• a. , oiiie • ! f •. IM ' ' •' Sf.phomore Kelly Thomps" ro|j swim. i oim imi a i ion S'c Mou, troek. Selw yn Junes, I'll I I Hi I .Ol irnoOuiii: h « J » ! ' ' Ml " not dll'i VN its-It't ilt.ie i, ih.' l.'i. li M"'• i ' \".!t.e«tv WOII w.'ti the higti hurdlev in r> tiio.Miii. .. ; if.UM'ltllll. 1 Ml! nil ■ N|- I CM . « . Mil • *U>i ». .M'hf I < M*l! vt I,.,. f.Mtii i ll ' . .it d .! . fi lit w itt! Kleinhans Mssind and Iran More winners include Swim- Nl' • Mel nimh ) 4 : it. :*»; vear-old lre r.i ■ , Kir-' •' i m line V I-He Serretaries VOI I M H II I nftei the Hal- the runnei-up position. hid »w I'ltilr—t»i - i,< f : two runs ,1.... , 4*0 w ith a SoptifHiHoa' Tom Rand won t* II.. I niirt I ,11 I'l A- IKNU A sn it ught hand-r i«-ti» 1 the l*li«- Itall lloiiiiri'N |M . •' |. .. M111 d in ' gn mmp in 6 \ii" and fro spartai in Hi< ami • lalu-r a - Irm i. I, ''m tnlt.'l N ih ttie j-eventti iiml t •■ri'sii'i- IO l K. i: Miller was the broad |u" fratx I a . a .in llarvet Kiinin who led off II: sniNiin.N w v- >* • j i'iii Nits f i* a » N|m»lt«'■■■. winner with a leap of 20' 11'. In ^ V I ll^in. l lill^ Oiiri'M ilw Iieirnit lirNt wiui Hin firNi <»h|M tdi!\ .-rsitvIkdwat weir •w* sophomore Ron I.Ufttik pick ublel ' Slmlciil- Clerks In.mi' run «d Ihr m-nnon, cut Iiin mighty naife. Sufiduv foiHrwii.. efl up seconds in the shot put •utile sill Ih' i IiIa a ll» rii.n.n third hit - 4 single In left. ti.i li 1:(-» oia • I'. M and discus He tossed the shot "lift | rank llollnij; dnuhlrd Kurmi ■;H.i i m .. t>a- et-MiiJ tih I in* o-»t IT 8" and threw the platter jt»l" and Max writ In ought rri.H licit HINDUISM In Itniil t.otli of them home with 4 lined I I I.j.'.g r.. i- J-o ' »| •»!» M I ' ' , i. i • >. ' ■ ,»•! iegf toll : • I .Hi* H V'. Senior Hiek Wuessit was the winner in the Javelin ' Ted I nffrr Ningle to fight. ft!'' :.a'tp' in tfie ninth f.»r tin' SrlwAii Joiiin and »l it..1 —- — (nioiev. tilaukt") d »> S .» seohifN with a loss of I'>• 5". liv ,i meat, a sitatk. or a line tool ill ink lutrrii iliiin.ll I PMlrr I'l ■ It.'!* at iii r iii.'iOMl.ft »hi' l.p llrnvliiu turned in snmr Ilif fie.*hiorii i Mmaxrfl tin o night lo Pukr Ma i . got I he reNt nf the lineup «"ir fast times in the distance run*, vietoi v bv winnning th- at Mlti Kii.ia.iil alter Monther got mi b4»r when .tones ufwa If.ok rtpuui. t. ,. e**'i- - KKWTKirS - Oi . '(»««; a lit a id the I int.. IV.U 4' tM'fole ■ I • t' i in F<>J ' ta Ki 1 *(**.i\ piae«*fl • ■ i da - . i Ait Apkartan, Al W.. t"astir an/1 Atierberr.v Th» Vliiy Hop -nt mil' m i'h Jones get- were the ,so|»tv» IIAKACCTA i' i-vo emie-f d jumois t -. .olid in the two miles. t'HHIN thml and the seni" Tha! i|ghf - Jn.-iH.. hit • last. I. roups I .aim* or Nina II Vei> Wehoute . . . Clem lathme fcet n RftKiktvn sided Open 0 a.in 11 p.ni. , Mii> II «M2 1 ..lu a.m. on I ii. Sal. Rainwear at Reduced Price Ikaiger rtxitrd bv appearing m <•-' NdtKMial I1.111 AY" • • -red jffin RIM With .A Mini,.- r.L.7 .Urnnj -'•? the Plaid Luting J.r^Mr- Tall. Tl. farrKn Regular $,T7.aU hnptfrled Eagliah Caady film ml I.M. xlMTrt KakKT-l 250 lo 2.85 "Tim. Dal a« War" MOCCASINS MONDAY. MAY fi 7 an* 9 p.m. Tko Hallmark Card Shop I II I I Ii I I I. I. 1 I I T The I «g Shop 309 K. Ilnnil Kit rr KairrhiM Tlwalrr 50c Lumn I hralcr Hidg. — Ijtxl l anding Stbt* II | Ml I.ASllll '■J> OfiC •"x'efi. ihe * *-i ""her. R.i liami Mat v 1% T4 A li iti nultlundmo o/.'.m l\l! »umv\si,\. Innluimt In IIIi hniuin, . im. . Hi nnii i in'1.1nl »',«/>« iit llir tint rmiilwt than until r II rr I ffil is hint illjipm I thill tlir Iiml 111 unit tin nil a 11qlll11>*. I mm in /Hiir . . . tnt tlir itiflmncr AS NAVIGATOR OR PILOT Unit thill ami nnll'mantkit> ) Th« flying U. S. Air Fore* is ■ team of m«n who command the aircraft and man run build into n trutu Imr who plan tha attack. These are tha pilots and navigators, both equally important to mommin. the defense of America. OPT ON You,'as a young man of intelligence and sound physical health, may join this select group in the world's most exciting and rewarding adventure. Your training THI TBAM * will etand you in good ataad. whatever your future plans may be—and you'll be 319 kast .17* MH'Til THAT DirgNOS earning over f6.000 a year 18 months after training.* I.KAMI IUV Kit \nenarJ- WASHINGTON If you are between 19 and 26% years of age. investigate your opportunities as an AT IN AMINICA Aviation Cadet in the U. S. Air Force. Priority consideration is now being given to MUTIKiAN I.ANSIM. college graduates. For details, write: Aviation Cadet Information, P.O. Box 7608. STATK J H

htHl over IHTROIT .3BB feati.l by Al Ifoltmarui, »i-l U-.'t Kansas City Vt PhiladrlphU N 9 171 5' Saturday at Champuign a: the Tfie State's Vela anil Stepafiovle Illini' Jim Van Tine II .389 7 c.i .ii'tuns Were able to win only 31 Nru York 7 (umbinaliori, 6-1, 0-2. Hoffman Onlv Win Clrvelaml i tmun.ed Mike XatvinUi in No Three Sluggers Baltimore .373 8* 9 i Pittsburgh S 4 13 II .278 .233 9 9' 'Ml- M-; C'*»acti ill the rr.tiie Frank matt h Heeman eoni- 3 angles, y. i. H-(l, an t Hob and Sassack, in the No 3 posit- Washington 111 t'llit ago Ibrck.'".ridge to,.pod Lot- Vela, ion. were dropped by McDonald Sports ion w's <;,\MES -ited tfi.it lllinoi.- ltd pi.iv Sustain Injuries II- IttlHYs 1 ♦M H-.f In the final nngler at- and Gdinort*. 0-2, ti-4 Credited It.illlmnrp at l» TKOII Vloort Milttxiiker ,ii Hrunkltn — Itunklle v '-i;- well a- was expected, bat .. ... l.fi 11 -11 J -11 11r * sd.ile 11-1) t«np'. Hot» Sa.-vu.k lot to Bob tVa*Mncloii al Kansas I'ily — Hokl- i 14 * ■ m? the MSI' uotter-. 'have riOi.li;.> .it \r« Vwrk — K:»l««*i O 1> MrD •■: tid 6 2 6-t Jim Sw ink of Texas Christian Skill spoils Editor—Have lUrrrlt A«»lalanl — .Mary Hull In Major la-agues hi 4i %*. (IMIAV'H liimu il-l> MI.Sl'l.T* *s liiimri (.1-4) he.i better hays. »i -i plan h, MS'' t.u. i pint as pt.->i!v boldh Uie three-year rushing He To Radatz MICHIGAN STATE NEWS llEI'KOir 3 llallliiiorp I SISIMY'S KESII.TS p'.i> tiettt-i m the future" M'lw .mkrr III. Hrui>kl\n 7 louble* na1 Hisaid itvonf in the Southwest Coti- May «. 1957 Pave Five Tod Williams, Mickey Mamie NVw Vork I. ?; I IO. SKU ?. • ( ioititn.ilI «. 7; IMIlsbiirKli !. 5 . 'ded ttiat the |i»-s of lb"! ttosl.3.4; I l«'\eland I. 1 r i /aii-ulia went down. 0-1. /dVoncC* With 2,018 yards. and Flank Robinson were added I (ill.iso *, t; ,\r« Yolk 3. h V-nail, who suffered a pullet Kansas I lly 7. Wa*liin«l»n 3 to the injured list in Major • : uuistle m last Thursita* - I nee% !>tli llonirr Iawguo Baseball Sunday, al¬ llost'Hilll Wilis ihilt'li ■ tu-ti against Noithwesterii. al-. though none apparently was » tiaiuiM-red the tffoit \„i tortile Enough seriously hurt. IM Hl-ilghtf III .'t Si-Is al l.atisin>: With Me-eall out. Luis Vela MUSIC Williams, the Boston slugger, OH-.I to tt.e No » .Sjiot. F-t- (4s_Kfn ' IwSNSlNr, suffered n badly bruised n^ht Hi mil. KNHT.II wall beat Pancho Gonzales two t. r Hoff-nati was shifted to No elbow when struck by a St an Deadline for dormitory and and Hob Sassark took over t'.e Miihiiran Slate's baseball Fitulu pitch in the first game fraternity tennis entries is noon out of tluee sets Sunday in No it j>osit i'lj: their professional tcannis nvutch. ,,..,1,1 Isiunred back to take of a doubtchoader as the Hod today Play starts at 4:15 Tues¬ Rosewall now has won - lite single set Won by the Tors in rors .as well as half of a twin bill Sox swept two from the Indianv day. matches in the current tour. Spartans was taken hv Hoff¬ Mantle, after socking two 11IK ALL TIME FAVOMTES Wisconsin. 11-4. Satur- * ★ 4r Gonzales has won 43 man, who copped (he first set singles and a-two-run homer in At the end of the first week of his match. 7-5. He lost the WITH: KRIK-O - IIA VIC FKOH ,v after dropping the first the first game at Chicago h»r of the baseball accuracy throw Rosewcill won the fn 4 next two sets to Illinois* George IHlll It'll AIIA -1)1 STY WAl.KF.K lost the second, H-10 and t<»>k in a heart-breaklnit, the New York Yankees, pulle 1 four persons are tied with 21 the third, 11-9. Cilniore. 6-1. 6-2. DICK FRENCH - ln-innittK l°«». a gmin muscle in the second of a possible 25 points. They are: TltKRON SHRKYK game as the World Champs to«() Yrars ... I'arls & Srr. i.r Available NOrmandy 3-173.1 Ann Arbor, Mirh. I'.RIA f»f the game. and 'Dirk ed to capture any firsts Mi-Kemie and Jerry Kerafk COl III AN HI SW I ,d (mo earh. The win «ai the Ernestine Hussci!, Windsor, Ontario freshman. took seconds POWER LAWN MOWERS Th» Tru« .•« CLERGYMAN TUNNHI MC.HI1H I'llOl %eeand ml the aeaann wpgnaiis in Mu !• l»Uy acaimt fan? de¬ on M.ictionse excivizes and vaults and free- third in all- SPECIAL $49.95 bits. Ir. the first game of the around Miss Russell also plac¬ SPECIAL isbielieader •utile in the first Al l-uce hit a inning to et! and fourth on the parallel bars fifth on the balance beam Gene's Gvele Shop <,i m two runs billowing a five tenths of a point out of third ?•'£ >V. Barnes Ave. I'It tine IV 4-V3BS I - 8X10 PORTRAIT ji.b by Gary Warner, a walk Plenty ml Free Parking Open Mom., Wed Frl. Till 9 P.M. In his final convpcKitive ap¬ . Ted Ki\irsley and a fielder's pearance for MSU, Don Leas, and silting of n m- by Dalamara lUg 10 flying rings champion, t» Proofs $11 offer flu Spartans picked up turned in a very creditable per¬ opt. run in the second when For only $5.,J5 formance on the rings and on •«*•« D.ivi> scored on a xaeri- HE S » HANDSOVE the trampoline, by copping sixth Starts THURS. ot Bring this Ad e f y t>> Warner, and they overall ugainst the tough com- -MOTEL OWN.K UN .in.iged to hold that lead until holiday ;n pctition prevalent throughout OFFKII VOID MAV 17 -i-\cnth VvUntROMANIIC LUCON •• the meet. Wisconsin scored two runs off Cal Girurd, sophmnore, also IKOWI • Lor Appointment . r*;ug pitcher Hob Rabias in fourth, one in the sixth an t from WindMir, established him¬ m EE -to*" rrano Mar-Kitt LVI'K % WLDNLSDAY FALL KID 2*3911 Dean MARTIN self as one of the top gymnasts u more in the seventh to go C Ol OK C YKTOOS WALT OIHMCV'H cud 5-3 before southpaw Hill s came in with the liases in Canada by taking the 12th spot against the top anwtteuni in the ia kn lid wto Seisi >«• " Studio 205 M.A.C. AVK. hOOIll'K Kilt I rum HAKS" SIC RLTS OF LIFK" United States orted and retired the side NUtr lied it mp In the ninth uhrn Korwek walked. Dennis i^r Wrmbk hit a pinch-hit dnnhle, iiid tine Ifd with two dnsrn. Falamara t» drive in the two TUXEDO RENTAL | CINEMASCOPE ill*'sri METROCOIOR W (O m; Aima Maria ALBER6HLTTI I j runs. Wt-cfiftsin got two runs in tlic to («a BARTOR • Dewey MARTIN T ■ f the tenth Norm Creamer iW"d one third of an inning .. ii; up one run on two hits ii«f! two men on the sacks Walter SLL2AK • Paul MID, a young u ' ■ '.Hi John Griffin caine in to e.e. JubyMUNSHIN Mjiwl DAI 10 - Uf-ve him One more run — S<*in — • red on u fielding error by Audrey Hepburn J man iffir. before he was able to the side out. in "FUNNY FACE In the bottom half of the '•nth score Michigan State was able only one run. That 11 ' >.'».e '«• on of a homer by Luce, his the season Mills was t ••chted wMh the loas. with the world on a string SPECIAL!! la Irtday'a hmm la NarthweM- »rn. kuie's ait ' ffrraneawhi uriking M| ft ki« leaaimatM ware kali la Iwa m fight Mb. TW laaa gave him a «•? THIS MONTH i: V ^w.e was able to pick up • ".<• t urned run off Norih- Tliiv Jiini1, the t^nduatee "f our rnyl- RAINWEAR 'v.vri. s Tom Scheurrman who - the Wildcat* laid year with m-crini; and Miflitiflc schools, [wx Ids -r,-i record. The tun came stulffd itli joli oilers, have "the world 1 u Russell singled, stole aac- - i ,'air.e home on McKen- on a string." '" v g-c in the first inning. (XEANEO, FINISHED AND TREATED FOR WATER Hut there's another "string" attached *1*1' l.olfrr* PUrr HEPEI.I.ENCY RY HIGHLY SKILLED CRAFTSMEN USING to thte fabulous situation: A man can s"«mt at South Brad THE FINEST REPELLENT AGENT AVAILABLE unit) accept one fob offi r. ■**•> State aotterj placed S. .. i)jadrafular meet Ilow can the graduate make up his urday at Snu'h Band, '•■v-. " "a The Spartan i wa. UH-im. and rnivacmitjr ot Dr- "WW Mna In Mo- Imknnen RAINCOATS and (ARCOATS - IT TO 13.00 VALUE $1.99 mind wisely ahout Ins vital decision? We're not going to try to tell you. ' 'b-r winner and heal And we're going to resist the tempta¬ -+'«t .1-20 tion to |x>iut out the luaiiy advantages . JACKETS S1J9 of working for IIIM —iniuh as our Pmou ■mound mi ctocg I P TO 42.00 VALUE company, like every other, needs top. ' notch engincia lug and wientiiic talent. a Nam We're merely going to leave you with BURNS CROWDED CLOSETS? one thought that may help you make •Hsum your decision RELIEVE YOUR CLOSETS AND PROTECT YOUR FURS A IHM's President has stated this pal-' • • • Idan oay be "*»'• Tlit ho pee.ee- WOOLENS BY CLEANING A STORING NOW IN OUR icy: "... I uarit this company to he non i, adequate inauranct knoun ua rt est respect fur the itulkidual." ' ■.. Mwfh , ou may * IW you M. The a laa. ««-» STORE NOW-PAY NEXT FAIL HKfi INTERNATIONAL hbolz A.! I ■UflNikt MAOpiNBI i: Senior Council Show Enfertaini Jackson Prisoners Th' t»*t «inninc f pins •" Or ® fnttnrt T jml li'M ,tm menial VOL. 4i> , 'I he lour lines Quartet h<\\ l.» e|i I he show going . . . . . . The saint' I.*<» are hack In perform with the east ^. . \ fin .f rehear-,»| before the Me shot* in the I'nU died brolh . . . t.uiMri-t I )r Ma use »U>nipin' all alonr I In, Unit' . . . wasiiin It »u * e t . *u «n rrt into t Hep R<» " • STATE NEWS «v 16-10 fjtrnt It Hep Wain bathing f I. Wu-r TN a~ IMCTI KE EEATDUES "I" OM i ■ i> vv . . . Ihin Toms directs (he choral ensemble . . . y< «r- IP* I'liotos l>\ *I ' f ! <• ? «r. s« i v r « . \v fcurvdrrti* 'til ' pi .(.* ?w And . . . (op hos* sH" miniif«f«i (or the prison'* paper . , A show stopper. I>ee Sutphen. »ing« "If I Mned Vo«H "Tho fa *( tr+r mn ">»rp»4 »*• I*u4l Hub Knit|i|> r, nut on kit acrurrimn .. . *' *UlUnJ «*Wl ** fWt jifcin. ** f« «, t« *•»»'!». I wed* perioral hc(< Abut DcMaoM is barktd b> Ibr rr.1 of the "c«U" *