■ ■ Blood Donors Needed--All Day at Dem Hall. I I* T»» TMK 10'S_ Tint us LO»»: Thr r rnipcr.il urc |s rvpnlrrl Th, I»rtr*n w»r* «*♦»' In Mwr inin the Ill's today fill* s-hssTLar**.*® limine me a HeHI frosl this morn Winds Will hr Held and the nlchl will aeain h«- cool. PRICE B CENTS EAST LANSING, MICHIGAN—TUESDAY, MAY 7, IT.7 vol. 49, No. 24 Unions fIndict' Teamsters Beck Culls (dindhlates Plan Talks Charges "Slander" Tonight t lloffu Omits. Muu* Mniiihty ItfMilN To Briiiuvc Beck WASHINGTON (/TV-TI»c Tonight t.l 7 and a^ain at AFL-CU) Monthly threw a S.d.i. mi uniu'fsi.y Sludcnt 22-paire i'<»rruption "imliet- t iiivprtmient pri^i d t n t i a 1 ment" apainsf Have Heck - canilfilatt's Maine Gleaaoif Teanisler.s union and set n nil i.oj^er Missimer will May 21 as the deadline lor meet tlie student Ixxly. its reply. -Pholn l>\ I'fcd Mem t ampaign spix'ches begin in Still voicing defiance. Beel; The rnultrr Sckn (Tab MmmIh drew crowds of student* to watch a fascinating display of duck-, Yukelev 11.ill dining room for all told the AFL-I.TO Ethical Pr.»e- in the I nion Caarawrac. dame ealared darks, in most pastrl shades. were on display while their un- > udenis. principally those Iik'hI- tices Committee it.s charge:* dyrd brothers frolicked an a slide to entertain thr student*. The exhibit continues today. e.i in the central campus dormi¬ Rlayo. London, Yokclcy, which could lead to ouster of tin- tories: Teamsters union from the lalan t.ilchrlst, Williams and Camp* federation — constituted ' mali¬ I)irt> in Committer in II. A shift to multipurpose cious and unlounded slander <»t room A. Diody, will close the our membership and our official i veiling program fui men In that famil.v, local and national" Segregation Rider Defeated The AFL-llO committee, Recently student approval was kuo Mew* PlMHn fcyr Juki WiO charges were based largely on gamed lot i»opuhu' election and Air Force ItOTf Cadet Col. Dudley I riekson (left und \rm.v ItDTC t adet Col. l-arry Hoffman activities of Beck a.s piesideiit preparations began for a grass manage siniies along with tiieir pints of hhuMt. donated in Monday's opening of thr ROTC blood drive and Frank Brewster, Seattle, and On Federal Education As it now Rill stands the legis¬ hums of campaign. < ongressmcii tell that a series meet-the-student-bogy cam¬ in Di-m. Ilall, The drive continue* ail week ami is uprii tu all students. (kills HI I Pints Sidney liretllian, Minneapolis, a . vice presidents but they also h •si allegations against more than from g«»it»g t«> school d»Mticts paign speeches, outlining plat- a score of other Teamsters offi¬ WASHINGTON, ol*> — The lation is a compromise between H>u-e Education Committee not obeying the hupierne Court lorms and in general introducing cials in New York Of*, beran- uirfiitlate ug.un.st public s< luwil version* pushed by President Mond'v turned down a mow to Ihc prospective leaders tu voter* ton. Pa and Portland. Ore . ••rr! into the big an -ntixcgrcgation amend- Federal school scgiigallon pupn.' of white and Negro .tntikftrrsitiunikt^ n«« plan Eisenhower and by liemmiat*. It would distribute l«h» million dollars a year for public school was thr order of the day. TfiTs, they decided, was tlie on¬ Jilood Drive Starts Slowly The ethical practices group, al¬ leged that thr embattled Team¬ . «i,'tru* 'ion bill. building, half according to need ly way to justify popular elec¬ sters organization has so far fail¬ to ofler thr amrndmrnt again Hep R.HJsevelt (I>-Caltfl rc- and ball according to the num¬ tion. That is. let people know lor Tim »'!*•■ • IV Bias, P. > during tin first day of the All blood rotlwlrd this pit ed to recognize anything wrong when thr hill comes hi thr b«u*f . i-Htid the ch*,i*d-session vote ber ol school age children tu whom they are casting ballots ..ft to m mice unlike past years, will he pro- in its ranks, to conduct any in¬ floor. A similar move by Towell ge.tul got «„«. 16-10 against the amend- and make candidates prepare a A Re 1 ( his hlood-iecru ilig vestigation. or to suspend any wnrrdrd on thr floor laxt year, a state. mow star! Monday. aioi-tau ' rrssed into plasma. Therefore, •■t-nt It was offered by Rep Eisenhower and some otiwT well defined outline of plans for mil! will tn located in tin- lb tn union officials whose activities and thr measurr wrnt down lo Larry Hoffman, fhaiMnan of n Hoffman said, many whs pre¬ Hep Walnw right IR-NY) with proponentx <»i school aui have the coining academic year. aiitiuai hliMHl drive living hel Hall Ballroom durdig Hie re¬ have been questioned. defeat. been unable tu tracking from Roosevelt and t-aid an hhiiscri egution provision Everything was set for tlnx tluxnigh Friday maining four days of the drive. viously have It was contended thr Team¬ Wier (D-Minn). Powell said in a statement is- He. fms no place in this measure. week—the program was to begin A total of 314 pints, lib beto Spartan Women's Club lircm- danat* because of past diseases, sters organization has ample »u«ii by his «»flicr Unit he w*u» T-c amendment, similar to W.nnwriftht cicnteti to bad any Monday night and ends Wedne.- and Snu-t'ajKs, stiidenl be permitted lo rontrihutr oclibcrately staying away li«»m the expi'vb I 4(H>, wete ohiI .. !m i • may powers to conduct iti» own clean¬ ; v -eri by Rep. Powell intent to hurt the bills chances d.i.v in Union parlors A, 13 at day Hie tun.-nig group, will a.vist regis- up if it so desires. tiie committee n«4t»is until tin- Uteri during the to this year's drive P VY "tuld have barred the Ingham passage when he ol'lemt fi.s ' »>! tl.JU p.m. with a coffee session drive. The \i>,% I i-.i nui. «■. tiom The federations' detailed lift¬ K>.Scra iuitds under the mill anti.M-girKaUon amcnditiciit w.is Hoffman added thai there is o* end • en* Ai • Roosevelt >ant Force RUl't «k-mh»ii>.ii:'i ( .Mj'py ii|«H»d-coIle«'ting center, ing of charges seemed to indicate dispuscd »•'. ui'!i i.s coo|»ei.rlmg with Aimy no restriction this year on what 1 m New York Negro C <•!•- antisrRieR.iIioii pinvi>ion gruup-'. wen i iiitifl w itfi 1'n.i v the Teamsters will have to dump "win ' net! at t lie measure' he¬ pints and b»n- j. i |«rin« - „-i.i An I or. c cadets in the an- students should eat before do¬ Deck, Brewster, Breunan and gie»r,.*n sani he was alisenti g MeGarthv • hunseif because he did fi"t 1 he ot! ..id t it MHo> an w again ho i it b All donations may be credit¬ ii i.t! vi«id nating perhaps a number ol other of li¬ under fire if the l,«-mil- t«« >Uj'r»»»t' The lowxli Ameni- 1- rom 11 a.m.-1 p.m. is a g'Hul cers rn. in ed lo either the Arm* or \ir lioii-mciuber trucking union i.x lo Honored ii irnt before tt.c the Hons* floor. Auoplu'b »»t the nui got %» lb - ai 1 tn .op ngn bout t tic- Foree. and also to the donors Uegfee Sel lime lit tit- m donate, congestion since at there that tune, in stay in tlie AFL-CTU fumily. i Mier m cotmoittn he liying unit or some other cam¬ There was no mention in tin , Fede: M 11. Ml! .lid Hoffman said. He also explain¬ In Senate if Hi, 11 caU>4 it tfic i'i.. to i?»' ki v d p.at com.'dtu-e >»i n> ■ «• in.;. otlRM in asine s.i\ they Horn pus organisation. Emmons II.tI !«•<' »«••• « ! ' r, l or I'rcsidciil ed thai all donors who arc not' charges of James II. llofta ol Detroit, charged with eoiispirae.v oppose tin unit donatio!; E.< • At-. ruic> vommtttve aiut 1 w.it;t among cadet drill groups may lo bribe a benate investigator. ta.ial diMrimitw- Of Vict Nam oi llotl * Hon it Home Fedciai a»d to schoi»l i onsti u<. - a»>> is Was top ooiitjibuto! ,mn"ig w.'- 'Ihest: charges, however, do not t.«T O In. h cuiuht in* involv cd iuci1- doniv alpha tiaoiui pass through ahead of those luai." allege union eorruption. After 2 Srsirr* The group lias already given is , loi • av ihey fear MISMMI.R C.LFASUV Rho and lo-it.i Tau f>« •• groups to avoid any long wait¬ Huff* was reported in league Fcstera Piol ovii the s'b'M.ls tie - .i»Mg A vonviH-atiwn will honor the ing IrnUuvr app»"val t<> mam pe- with two othrr powerful Team¬ if I lie i>»'< iiiih's jaw uthei s TONIGHT f rate i mtie. washington. 14' — tn- vr»i'»ns of trr measure to '■< ' b's ,.tui hKiiUtun- are pi« ulent of the Republic of Free coffee ami doughnuts sters leaders—secretary-treasur¬ of Joseph R. Mc- two-biUteki-doJlai". tive- Mm p.m. Yakeley Dining kioie -o tiian tin ^e*l- kp.m. lirudy Multi-purpose and Bhnie and Arnold An So¬ . ' -*>-'!• rruted Monday tn pageni- ycar Federal aid program to hvip at irimeni to provide MS'' campus Wixlnesday, May The goal for thus year's Plas¬ ident William A. Lee — at a ' room A ciety weie respousioic for '*»<• i». board meeting Mon¬ prayer. Sr»cr,T> fellow Senators, many lySTk^; viasMXKHTis money for school buildings, and But needs for the grass roots greatest jh reentage <»t eotifiiin. - P T-sident Ngo Dinh Diem will ma Pageant is 3,nun pints. Teamsters day afternoon, following the that all the bill would d" woui«l > t « p 'verttment officials and ni < w Hie honorary degree of AFL-CTU hearing. imp r.• redistribute funds at extra presidential campaign were sown ■ inri i«r 'i : of friends joined in mutes to the late Sen- Wisconsin — heard Segni'sllaliim lo,? And t*. the taxpayer genet .1 y harnd.il to in unfertile soil Monday night Presidential hopefuls Mission r , Tickets tni Stile Ik«-' u of latw:-, at -the convo¬ cation the marking heft«l of a the first foreign slate has time, Israel Uses The strategy ol the Hoffa-Eng- llsh-Lce combine was reported and (ilrason with on entourage as seeking Beck s ouster as pres¬ ..used as a fallen war- Government pit.sjm:tis tor tin mc p.in to • :■ ■ • a f hushed Senate, ag-draped coffin, the and Collapses drive 5i*ndirg. to hold dov* ;i fvocral porters. literature bander-outers and incumbent President Hob Becker and his assistant, pre¬ the Union Ticket OfFn-i- f«it S«t- Urdfty s "May Hop." all-uimi i- attend i« the program which h« ld at '3 30 in tin- And. Will To Celebrate AFL-CIO proceedings and bra- ate committee investigation. Hut Hoffu told a reporter later ' !> Frederick Brown Har- ROME. {/pt — Premier Anton¬ Sity dance width honors engi¬ High-ranking Vietnamese and Numerous >tale News staff pared for their initial apeeelies tu Amenean olfieials, who will be TEL AVIV (VF)—-Israel put on the reports he was out to get « ♦ r an end to the luig- io Segiu rciigncxf Monday, 22 neering Ntudent and will fea¬ positi«ms are open for applt- students. Beck removed were completely -rtrovcrsy over Mc- months to the day after his eatioiis. Any person interest¬ There were no students ture the crowning of the contact Denise ."scanion, man¬ speeches. Women of the cast campus haUa: Mason, Abbott, Menders of the Knight* of s* Patricks, engineering honorai y, Eklridgc .onImi o.idor Durdrow, b.» Viet Nam. American For nearly two hours, artillery and Infantry columns which was unanimously adopted us follows. II aging editor." fiom 3-i p.m. "At no time has their been »t* p. Phillips and Snyder, were the in¬ w ill be tupped by the r.-< wiy I'n ident Diem,is. expected to passed In review. Overhead .Monday -1 riday. discussion about the gciicial Dr H a ir r f s. Methodist l>»ft with barely an ally tn tended objects of the speeches. crowned queen. arrive by private plane at Capi¬ French and British-made jets of any •" No previous experience is There were no intended «^b- Israel's small air force Hew by president resigning or any ie- r'~' -'an who the Senate pariianvent f«.»r his Christian nerrs*arv. IVrson* not major¬ Titiy Piper and his Aristo¬ ta: City Airport Ma.v 15 at 2 3d '• aid DeouxratiC party. Scgni quit ji ets i4i the scene. crat* will provide the music f«-i p.m. He will stay overnight on in close formation. quest before this board that he »fc«» ing in journalism can al**> *9* Phase two, at K 30 in Shaw One section of the merchan- resign, and the board goes on fallen n aw to Utrnuh a sick bed. went to Qutrinaic the dance for the mvoikI . uit-.- the campus and leave the next f'aih -pr^keth. PD t ANDIDAIEis. rage J izixl columns was iliade up en¬ reaord as cooperating with and Palate and handed his restgna Sec sive year morning •' free men In bt 4 ton to president Giovanni While in the United States on tirely of tanks, artillery and ar¬ supporting the general president the mored vehicles captured from ri Grondii. hi* th-t vent as head of the as it has in the past." »*• Uudly and ft Grunrhi asked Scgn; and the Even Gangs Have a Place young republic. President Diem the Egyptians in last fall's Sinai This included Soviet The buard. after * twu-hour turned the AtL-t'lO cabinet to continue a> larctak- will be a gue.-it of President invasion. session, •' *lfiU»«e and rn until a new govt-rimiehl tan Enenho.vcr for several days h<'- T3I tanks, American Shermans, charges over tu Teamsters law¬ Cities Are Not 'Social Jungles' barker, mi tbe prase." be formed. f<»re hi- vn.it on the MSU cam- British 25-pound howitzers and yers and promised thr union !n vein, M»gf. John It was generally belie* r J Czech anti-aircraft guns. would file an answer to the pu: •«* right, eulogi/ing McCarthy (irenrhi will ask another t hrist- President Diem became ae- The booty ,incorporated In chargea "within a reasonable * ^fdirical funeral mas,v tan llemarrat U try U. f«rni a qiiainterl witli MSU when he the Israeli army, drew loud ap¬ time" with the AFL-llO Ethical * Cities are not the "w»cial of Uie city. Similar fwcarch Thai is not to say tliat pails ^ Senators snti-O.ne new cabinet, holding aff ele« - of the cit.v are not dii-orgaiuzed. lived in the United Stales from plause and cheers from the half Practices committee. was made In parts of Clucwgo -»i r.vjc wjjj amjre ^ a linn* ontil their arheduled dale jungles* many people t of it and have many beeanie president of the new he pleaded the Fifth Amendment Even youthful "gangs' have sume that urbanite*' have few n rendered to our country awiftly overnight, is the avow¬ social contacts. Republic of Viet Nam by p<»pu- viewing platform. He was Rank¬ last month when asked about lit* or no social ties and live >n a was rendered by this ed intention of Italy's two hig their place piacc ami ^represent a* iar referendum In October, 1955. ed by the commander mi the Is¬ world of loneliness and duaa*- ft b not a case of destroying use of union funds. •- *n of the citadel who in- Sotialist parties to mend a 10- much organization a.v disorgani¬ raeli farces. MaJ. Gen-Maahe gii mration," *aid Dr. Form social relabommps, but a mat¬ None of the Teamsters leaders upon a clear understand- year feud and campaign under zation,* report* Dr. William 11. Dayan. and the nation's presi¬ ,c. our people of the nature line banner in the next election. Fonn and Dr Joel Smith, ur¬ "Tfiey f.imily in may not know the the next apartment ter of building new oiu> char- aeteristic of the various eom- Seniors Schedule dent. I Is hah Bea-Zvi. except Beck would comment on the AFL-CIO charges. Beck said shaknip D not cxpectrxi ban sociologists who directed Soviet, Czech and some other Z4 and Of Its power The or have tea with the lady across muqities, the rcjiort revealed. "tome of the references arc to . fn.y to attack but to un- witne rvyr iiutitutkms of free- m affect Italy's pro-western the survey. If erty }ife were as bed as the street, a* In small commun¬ According to Dr. Form, even Filial Cofl'cc Hour Cominunl-rt enjoys to Israel boy¬ hearsay and secondary sources, foreign policies, Non-Cojnmu> cotted the parade. Newsmen some claim, "people just could ities. but what does not mean youthful "gangs" are signs of others raise serious legal and u* rhurehman said. nh.t parties agree Italy must re- Senior* will have a final and press photographers were p Fnbn not survive." thr soeiologists they do nui develop social bc$ organization and arc norma! policy question* affecting per- *«, tko services, the ;r»ain in NATO and continue ax peels of local life. Friendships ehamc to inscribe their names able to sjiot only the Polish dip¬ in other ways." *ee BH K. Faga 3 2?'""* * body cooperation with the United pointed out, adding that cities of fho highest degree may de¬ on the traditional table Wed¬ lomatic representatives among ** States and Die free countries of crjntinue to grow and cxi«nd. Strong social tics may orig¬ , ' flm>n church fourth in the present All mere 4-party coalitions head parliament. Interviews were conducted sys- setnves which can produce last¬ the community conscioijancss jf portunity for seniors to meet French Ouragane, and 12 Brit- Ui twin-jut ' to' labor and iitaiia^uncuE Uitir ciu~» ollttu-g. iu c>«y oUiur Uuuk ing * , : mi by fee UtrMwa ^emocruU. ■aI •. ■ . ....... ,..^nv i&j&L Uj! (in ■'■'■■• >' \ <%*•' ■ ■!. '.'"{•'m.*:!; Michigan State News* Brad Michigan Slair New Dallr hr M«l's *1.900 Students and Family published hv students without direct faculty Atomic 8-lncher in Service Ti • new smaller wearon.* nation's lighting strength o Hiirciiu Docs Line Job so a!!. Indeed, Sivretaiy Wd-o., he lied for two purposes To deter agression b\ the last w ar can lieliev. .uttfi.ng that all member*, anything will be left if thi aplu'able to 'nation ground warfare such i* 7 p.m., AWS ACTIVITIES HOARD 14 Dem Hat;. includes engineers, chemists, mathemati¬ Over and above the direct 7 p.m.. 3d Unio-i. Willi ill.- i '•! 1111n' • >!' •• J• t■ i?>!' the shltleilt's Uilsoii so testified af a closed military considerations, how¬ cian*. physicists, etc. There is a tremen¬ Congressional hearing. that re-emphasis that future f;ilit'\ lii-lM't 1 if to lltoih'ht-- of a sum. Atomic weapons can he used ever. Is Vlirhinan Slilr No*. dous shortage of technically trained people wars will be so destructive that jol. against troop* and tiekl instal¬ P.or and industry is beginning to look to stu¬ nobody ran win. Publtahed on rUM flays Mo«i Kooo«nii?inir tlii- fart tin- IMacoment !»u- lations in small war*. There through FrUlav Inclusive, flurtnc ' dents to alleviate this problem. As a result will he no more non-Atomic It will not be long until ev- winter and apting terms ex c has il« it jc it- usual thorough jol» of ervlsidv ha* these new weapons, holidays weekly durtna « lo.tu many juniors and sophomores in these wars such as Korea for the mer term and one special fre- idiuo tin- -tuilout< ,,j MSC with every and it will t.»e impossible to between summer an: fields will In* holding join* paying from $.'100 l iiited States. pi n\ issue i.rht any war with moderation. terms Entered as second clss i*. summer .job opportunity available to them. to S.'tL'.l per month this summer. Am ount emeu* of the new Theii* is as yet no public in¬ ter under act at March J. Ifh » . gun. atloitt which then* ha* tieen post office. Cast LrfUfl. Mic formation by which to cumiwuv The AseoeUted Frees |< ercesj Last summer the bureau assisted more A< usual the greatest number <>f jobs putdi'c s}KH*ut«tioi! for a lore excluslvelv to the use for renux the dedructivenes.* «f the S- ration of all the locel new* o •— than t.nim students in timling vacation po available to students is iti the recreation, sitituis. for the last five years the hureaii summer camp and resort field. Although Foreign Student* Speak North ing In Atlantic Council is meet¬ consider, among other p eh I ton kl> jiheil with the aerial H- in this ni wspeper Mail suberrtptiasM pavabte l- as wed s - , has done a eommendntde ioh with its sum With aerial bomb* only, it for one teem. B f .< •. the puy is lower there are a number of vance, • aim the application of Atom¬ terms. 13 SO. far three term- »*«. | employment elitiie and the prospects pussiblt* to conceive that a Israel Willing to w.i nii'i "fringe' 'benefits accompanying such posi¬ ic weapon- NATO strategy . lor litis year look equally good. tion*. A flat weekly salary is assured plus illed wi'h summer cm- tips and free time to take advantage of re¬ Work Willi Arabs e*l2-1311 ED liave heeti compiled sort area attractions. 1 i o « trofn a?aloes !♦ a.m. apple at ion forms are made until 1 ami are Opportunities in the general labor field more limited. lte|M>rts from several large industrial cities indicate that the fac¬ r.iti(<»r'<> note: lit foreign 1'hi* ix a aeroml in i *erim of fixe article* written •ludenU to romnienmr itr the nhiervation of Intenution it Ciampus (classifieds >*( t 26ir, nt counselors, tory jobs will la* few and far between for Week on campus. This article is written hv an student from moot oft iciids the out ■ students this summer. The automobile in¬ Israel and he will give his point of view on the \rah-lsraeli problem. e-fusially m the Hv ELI All I W I It VI \N high rrrvirr$hip Deadline: 12 noon dustry ivjHirts a static labor supply due to ■ Mint, ratup and t«*ehlucal • decreased consumer demand for the new The basis for world fmaio a!>-l prospt'iity !i»* in the rtmp one day before publication oration of nations. Whether it i the Mulille Lust. Lnr Kast • lotr rout cars. technical join offered or any other area, the inability •! |«s»p!e to t-house their tmn there are more .Ioh* in the limning area will be limited form of government ami manipulate their future, is « rm" this summer than ever before. This field this year also. The high percentage of CLASSIFIED RATES mar¬ are tu world peace as tuda> are refugees themselves FOR SALE LOST and FOUND ried students on campus increases competi¬ whole. I bey escaped from "human bell minimum 15 words ONE PAIH naw «!.i tion for the few openings available here. LOST The rente m to stail j nrw life, as human .■si.liJim.Y trsi: SpurUo t'u-i Delivers Mas 12 Cheap i •itle o'aid fipiit: case H- 60c Another First from teachers entitled l«» I he out* > I oinpelition is also strong ill 1-liO'i I- I beings are 1 da/ «> t (Jroree isrypuLt, Jemson Phone ED ivnl id wide I lung tbev know about /.ioiiism 2 days $1.00 UM'.'i; t«M" REMOVABI.r. BK! > and high school students. ,i I.OIT that if it were not for thesr Proboblv vW-mtts i»f Union oi l ■ t Jieupie. s.*.in is 3 deyv $1.30 piiw KHt't i ?rivTn mnTABt.K He.* .ird ED f-y Student; who are looking for employ¬ 'iimiiiii UtdepetH few idealist*, the* would he „>. V.S : I'i'i |»l...n<»e f.itwi A '«»• p"'- fn t vva • inaupur i ' . A new Mo hican stato loot under with th** rest «l 4 days $1.50 i »k.4le -i/r eiKht Price all ated Suturdav at .M.u Klin Stadium with ment near their homes are requested hv the J.di tfu- tie A i wi< liatioimi U..i id . -.is thrir lirothrrs. or •pending the 5 days $ 1.65 I. tl 7-W73! h.,1 oil or !#•-- (Yxntai't Peie h»P . PERSONAL the plavflip of Ih» I'u -t Annual • *!«i- enme to the Slate News Off> * This athletic ovi-nt imuiodiately w..n the Ti e late f statistics released by the bu¬ 4c p«f day fFt) »-r.5«.i UW tw<> ttcliets to the Crest Dnve-l merit the fancy of the I I as i spis tators reau on summer job opportunities include INDIA Mu»l sell ♦m a ba¬ billing ckarg* ISc vmvisc: Tr) Flei-tric I ifice CiHIi't1 the following: the ia-'t ,t(t >e.u> h,at i"e<1* hureaii* Phone 't he oldsters, some not even partaking in Uic eXivti lus' i ft answer ED *-»7t ATTENTION FRATERN! It Michigan camps and resorts: L&ift posb 'Die • t"i ' ?-%*.»• PVSIN'FW? ouportunitx Cj- a simile practice dull, provided a perfett n .hwidi id.' in l-i <11 1 lie. ii AUTOMOTIVE site on mam utiert phone Fl) ." •» tioiu open. Out of State camps and resorts: M l olUnaiilo Rtr-.tler evampb* of the «*|»iiil long a tradition of Dm e e<«»i.(»iiui' .Hid (-ultur.il i< mr, 1111 1 —1 ~wa CYM 8FT t? Tre'erUibe *.'< Whiie Michigan State foot hall •J.'.:'.I positions open. upend mi, Willi its Aiab neigh f. adutt Car ##.(' roc Iter ti Phone ED *-CS» TAKE FOUR ItlAK LIE MACGtLUVRAT CHtVROLfT 1H7 Job- in the technical fields: IJC2; in hot 8? tke Athletic Director Liei'io Miiun remnrkfst I lie persriutioii of Jew* in general industry; 6112. The recreation field Kns«ia al the beginning of (be :tS mm shuttei MINOI TA J« lens «eli-timer IJkr Focal new A»f.coed"t*«eed Spwdeut Seep "I helieve the panic has paints) the hackine i ..tir has 117 openings. •tub Irnturv. followed In die *i- pt|.,r... IV JHUi" IRI T-, freik » ** CO.- of the people ami this classic D definitely " The jobs include every thing from driving mass extermination lo llitlrr of dl«mo»T.»' ATTENTION STUDENTS' BUY d'>ir Uf fce-t crMtt. t*.- here to stay six million of them, served as env u orm , vour diamonds wholesale l« carat a taxi to a cook's jMisilion in Alaska V«mi Dear illMMtratton of the fael statu | and • . carit Perfect stones at iSftc the srudnut shoe i»m»" However, without the platminp and work name it-—they have it. a and politp-ni i - iff MACG'L LIVRAV CHlVBOLlt • per carat Quern Jewelers. 114 N tf that the creation of a Jewish be n inning >«• Washtmrinn iup of many fieople this contest would ft 4-422* ' never HaSLfTT THE PlaXYBOYS MGDFRN •late is an integral part ol the teeth " PFREUMF VENDING ROUTE vocals entertainment and have ronehed its heipht of siaa-e- According to the bureau the summer job •Mlotion to the "Jewish Prob¬ People wl: ar«* Thi- profitable established route music FD MM or FD 2-flk'T takes un!* fen h.>ur* service each clinic ha* been beneficial to both student* - lem" In the world I be Zionist when they tuv a Owner leaving state Phone MVSIC BY PHIL Hough »* (onyratillations mu*t he extended to m. nti movement saw in the return of usually dK'iiU gi.fi IV. 0-1411 Phone Delta ^ and employers. Lmptoyer* come Imck year loel-o-Stater* Chairman lid ward Klewirki, Spartan grrnt Jews to (heir ancient homeland, the MibMdrn A*-1 FT) 1-W as an end in the 30"*: lloh lim it k. presi- after year seeking students and many jobs means of achieving social, po leaving thems* he- w ide .. REAL ESTATE a materialize into permanent positions for the 1'iVTtA CONVFHT1B1J: litiral and economic freedom It outside infilH't'e v (Vim hvdra- dent of the Michigan State Varsity Alumni i *-ci *ieei,"tt IW ROYAI. 2") feet Rsrellent. student*. hoped that living in close bar lib**! and txiMiof . t» lot in June Phone; Club; t runk ".Muddv" Waters, Old Timers' ii • Sell <>n • m i.c » IV J-***•. Sttr:• Ine pi* mom Willi the Moslem popula unit, i exi.tan. I'lie » Hi 2-»4fl< aiirr fi\e Tiader Haven ; mentor; Munit and t unrli Duffy Dauyherty The bureau offers three reasons for this JR3 ; lion, the Jew would In* able to pewve ,ut*f p ■-!'»•!.'X :tl tfu world a-» !'<% MG Tt» K«*1 w*n ml New I) The summer vacation coincides develop his agricultural, nierh t .,i i ti, ■ for a job well done. success: die K. . oe« tetters R",n l "vnlu - »;NI let: R< V lit-PI u|i«MH>sraoh Blond whole, lies in the fulfillment of f:ri*h white lefts Three «i«mker* F*- anna! and cultural attributes, all IV 1-4343 OX » .WW with the camp and resort season. 2) Stu¬ "-.one oellent <-*>nditir>n •!*» Phone FD- Hut many improvement* must be made of wlitrh he was prevented from the lUM< needs of every human 2-ti.MW jftei seven |> ni 104 , dents are free to travel. .'D An awareness being arut Use re-iant tor politi¬ to satisfy the pavinp customers. Some |kn>- doing during various historical TRADE-IN BARGAINS Washers.! TONIC* FOR PHOTEflSs •«* IV S-4D7B by industry that students need and want periods co!, simal and v«bsjiuus ideals •haw refr'ee»it..rs teievtstoet ple complained they paid, but no score r»nre- Perfect peace and ouir* s slimmer jobs. The assertion that the tetu.n other *. Of> ay up «! ?5 weeX Gnndyear iniaid was usetl. Also only one loudspeaker of the Jews to their atuie • Israel more than wi'hru: '• Service. UP) T. Michigan tf; acre lot. east of Boat Lane < All this is undoubtedly true but there is imvn ranch harr H ■' was pressed into use. With the completion home ix based on the "dr»vb »: do her share in that rwjjis ' i>ur RhORT ONLV ««l» and! Brand naw one very strong factor missing. If it were out of the existing populatiM' hand is stretched out for pca» • ! '}« Recular 44-S5 value* ivy- of the stadium for the coming season entire lea Cue plaids checks and strines i facilities will ta» used. not for the tireless efforts of the bureau's is comlctelv fallacious. The con¬ aiwl coexistence Are the Aral - EMPLOYMENT *'»i In leaeoe pants 04 25 Indian: Hills Golf Course two miles east : officials it would l»e a much tougher job for cept of "pot enough room t r going to take, or hit it off j dor 004JO# Contact Decker Br* After obtaining such success from its cveryboitv" Is based on Modi »- »e Arat* tn l'«'- SERVICE cvtme, and now partially Ura-,1. WANT TO SUB-LFT har'srk* of! TYPSWIUTBBX repaired •• ha st-mmer Quarter FD t-lMI. Crossword Puzzle hrii-k Ls the result of the nearsightct- work chaav Phone IV 2-S4T" X'ei.ion or F.D 2-IJWi M- Ume Free ptch up and defcvt * ncss of the Arab leudrra wh>> ; Rime* ISA Uk Throw * ofT IXWinvR BOARD Cioa i.er« Acroas trarr. Be * worthy of being an Independent ATTEACTlVr TMREF. ROOM ut>- pus ojK*n the track 6 30 o in.. 34 Union — TODAY ONLY — tfall nation. It rntaileil great hun, . i '.;rn»*hed Ideat wo—- mouthed 3:' Aiwly.e SPANISH (1.14 Phone ED- sacrifice, sweat, imagination it v Call E0 T 4020 Opera tort as aL*y •• t'oi.«»e« paid hv owner C.tTTAlT INSTRUCTOR Ct & Faucet gramtmti- 7 3d pm. International Cen¬ skill t« convert barren o ; 3 **»' ^ IJLS CAI. or pic techniflsie Le«s. 12 Consumed catty •I vour home Coated Alan D» v ter Pt.rXHANT "OOXfR FOR eirht 41 lied*, t IJLCJSI swampy land to agrtculto.^ RTACr NOT THE PROHLEM ru n msBOYS N FrDFD fur noun e„r tummac seh'-w 4 cvr fal! T*"»e FDT-fTJI 42 Conger POt LTBY M IKNCK CUT! havens Without all this •., d -ne- ii etl* Fixe and « half davs hhsiks frtm* Perke% TtaH 411 rvx-t- in Ocean* MOVTMO* COKTACT AMF* 4 41 Ogle 7 30 o m Anthonv Hal! money in the world could have DAYTON. Ky WA-fVe run honsooifther of Alpha Phi t • AUrm bell W ATER CARNIYAI m»trumcnts 53 Kmg 2 SMioaeia 10. Malt drink l»ors. and more often than an- the Sunday School buildrng. Arthur*! ADVIStXRV COMMITTEE tn-ioated. extended to the which-holds 200 people 21 Ancient Indian 11. t>ance »t« p a rURMAITED APABTVENT FOR Hebrew lam e t p m., Oi-g 3. Union A It4**rter it*id, ",Vrl under¬ TUXEDO RENTAL* BRAND new mxle e-.-duste Pufl-nt< Sum. 3 Writing 16 Put into a willing hand of assistant e four Imbibed tuaedos fm rent »i CMnvw Clean¬ and academic rss» TNeo b'n'-ks month 54 schedule ASH A MEN'S ACTIVITIES There are n« peeple in the stand ft. the ctiureh has 365 Aee-nas ft-vm* nerhev Mall IF? mev 56 Preceding" implement ers fr«m < A —nle rv*rRln« V*r 2.t Spiing IS In a mural COINCII world Uday mare aware of the nrembrrx. Whnl'U you Ao if tht • (tkM t.irtuahed rD 2-FT8P II 24 Ey e* of mght 4 Too bad senw* 7 JO pan.. Old Colleee Hall. ADDING MACHINES TYrEWRrT- bean# 57 AlTirmattvt feelings of refugees than the all turn up some Sunday*"' FR rentals A*k about mir rental 5 Coat* w uh 20 Imitate lOFXO HErrHUCANS 3- IJtS. vaown apartment 5ff Mud vol¬ Jew a In larael. The great ma.ior. -111 INfeRe the l>4rvi.*" said the mirchase cvian Pwe TV 27. Large pill gold 21 Dwellm • 30 p m.. 32 Unkui. K'mhafl Offt.-e Machines. Ut W Frandor rvxsat Stove oorrti r» frige* CD V-4T«t ah 29 Railroed cano 6 Article place Ilf u4 the pupwlathm of hn1 £"..*tvr. Shiawassee W# deliver tf sun locomotive* 59 Light 32 Wearied WATER CARNIVAL RADIO A 91. Conjunction moisture 7. KDf with du'.lnesa tv rcHUcmr ATTfNTION STUDENT! £5. Rent 8 p.m Org 3 Union JsiST T™ T™ T . Reel • TV te* wtk ap:ie« F" i i A T""] 4 .. 26. Flower PAN -ORTHODOX NTt'DCNT ftUTWl t© bv>. SmaH weekly 'tetfll 2t Cebine ASS4MIATION TT" In IT monkey 4 30 pm, TYm-cr H oom MUMTZ TV 30. Client alani . lis 7T TT j 93. Instrument tTnkvn, I It lAST KALAMAZOO Tu" z. for pluelunc WATER CARNIVAI RMONf IV 4-1410 IX F7] itrirvg* KXtnUVI HOARD Tr Tjj TT E it 97.mature Become* 91 Perceive 7 nm, dtnner vfteranw association TWA rum mature shade owmow large lota. and fishinf •at SABBATICAL IN oncdesw*- on rhiW-on sr««t re«r IMT-St' w»-»„ to D- pa—R ««)• A Mot- Ti" Quiet surround'*** Enter convert- local No. II of Portland of the Break Out Festival Communist in lie* paolu'© broke vided in favor of Raphael v In othei action Moiwt-iy. the Fe.leiu! Hon mi; Adi!!ini-'tTa!i"'i MSI' ilepurtment of speech. Konigsberg. who passed the i a i? h tear pas ami The event will include inter¬ Experts Report state bar examination but was wurt I. Ruled that official* of the . a.-tion affect- •lituilai !d- ♦roams of dyed pretation' of drama, poetry, indf.il!" prose, speeches, newsca.-'ts and Manistee Forest denied ttie right to practice law*. International Teamsteiv Unio'i his >r on mvolvuu'. aliout t.laO housing In the Schwa re case. Black and affiliates in TAirtland. (>'«'. other oral events. It will be ' throughout Pie o.uti- defend themselves again t ii" •- among the strictly a "festival" and not a Is Fire Hazard said there vvas no suggestion must unfair labor practices iirouu'c Ttie government i> seeking J ©ported contest, according to Dr. Moire© that So)iware case. Black said were by some of their own employ. '.•.•over $1,878,937 distributed Compere, chairman of the event MANISTEE tAA — Federal there w*a> no suggestion that dividends to sffoekholder, Software was affiliated with the The charges, which the Na¬ guarded the and professor of speech at MSU. fort*.try men, repoiilng the sec¬ i*i\ e- t*net t w a Sti.HOO m ,i Communist tional Labor Relations lto.ir- kes spread They cheek progress race. ol the l.ambila Chi entry in its Junior 500 pushcart ed. Dr Critic* Compete said. will be npffUliiU In ir. the forest is "extreme." Monday's lire burned 30-35 aore> ut oak and jackpine foil's! tify an inference that ho pre¬ sently has had moral charac¬ Beck Under Fire the field of oral interpretation, ter." jiani hi government northeast of free soil in Mason Minneapolis employer "as part »f featured as guest reader and The California Committer of (Continued from Page !) ! aii .whools and Coeds to Crnce Contest speaker will be Dr. Allen Bale*, county A small fire Saturday Bar Examiner* refused to cer¬ sonal and constitutional rigid-." a strike-breaking scheme." caused damage south of Stron- tify Konigsberr to practice law The AFl.-C'IO charges said «.fiJent% at Jesuit colleges professor of interpretation at ach near Manistee The charges said that Beck the University of Alabama. on the grounds he failed to Hrcnuun tia been neither le- ignored government only a Sponsors Named r ,i . - hid Experts said that and lbew. tcr. bused on then ap¬ t » d t-nr su- jn-nded troin office A feature of the festival will prove (1) that he was a person ,.i.. i- t<» return to rla**e*. downpour of ram could allevi¬ and th.it Mi.- Team.ders union be a literature reading by six of good moral character and pearance before the Senate com¬ I newspaper* aeros* the ate present "exphisivo" condi¬ (?) that he did not advocate the to. done tiothmg to investigate members of thp speech depart¬ mittee are aceu quit publishing. appar- tions in the big forest of the overthrow of the government of Ol divert the situations ol Beck. sympathy uilh the *tu- ment faculty. Dr Roger Bus- peninsula sums of their union's loud- t"i 500 lower For Junior r. 11v i northern Brew dor. and a numbci ol lessei field, Robert Crawford, Edgar the United States or California tirnlv There has been no ram for S1 personal purjmses The bill of official* involved Hi the Senate DePorrest. Huber El lings worth by unconstitutional means. onstrations protested days. and Compere and Thomas Long, Konigsberg swore that he complaint also called attention to committee hearing-; on union ur- ,n., Koja. to have The foiestry guard station at .trtivi by a hami- ( ot'il <|Hiii-nrs for tin- Miiv 'J"> linntinjr of tIn- annual sp«wh instructor. Wellston said the "hunung Hi¬ never had any never would ad¬ the Beck's use of the Filth Amend¬ tivitie; m S.-iuiitoti and Portland . ;V.Hu©fit assembly latmUlu ( hi Junior .Vmi aoro iiuiiounrwl Momlay. The cihhIk Heading the list of MSU par- des' i- now at t>4. The index vocate the overthrow of ment protection against potable tu ipants will be Shirley Reeder, k - out again despite Kill rah- ill the pie ran paruile. -il in upeeial seats at the measures from zero to lot) Any¬ seif-incMmitiatioU when lie up SHOE SHINE ■ Washington, DC., senior: Char¬ .f 3 i.oon tna»ps »n race atul aceept trophu- for the uAunl winitiilir men's liv¬ ing units. lotte Seaman. Milwaukee. Wis., junior; Nancy Hurtling, East thing ha/ard above 50 is •■extreme" Candidates poured In-fore the Senate con mitteo FOUR BARBERS — \ was uvjIi' (Miiks. stores no gen- The iivmg umt- and then . 11 Pat Vining. Racine, Li using sophomore; Betsy Gib¬ (Continued from Page 1) Willi rrs|wct charge* recounted to Hrcnn.ui. the thai be lias Dohm's Barber Shop i i. • , ••.!.<•»♦> cknr-l early spojiM'! W freshman. Ellsworth House son. Dearborn senior, and Har¬ Foresters IMsice Hall lower lounge, was a repeat hern convicted on a Federal in¬ ERAN'DOR CENTER R-. kahoii, ehmvh auth- l>oruth> Ahiens, Grass Lake old Wash. Detroit junior Sign .i Alpha Ke ii"M — Mcirv Emmons Hall Also included are Amy Salis¬ performance This time howevei. dictment of taking $5,000 front a L'iey deplored the lilfti Mew i-*. Lulling jsoptio- ...(•i iiiinnii' C.iiaue Coc, loniu treshman. bury. Hart freshman; Mary 2nd in Conclave at least Congress t epresentatlv es • • •* si i'1 tx-ey had net n on*. Sigoi.t Chi Ai it'iie from the area were present. rtrske ]vita I'psilon Anne Meyer, Martin, Flint senior: Judith . n.e student Th some yowrmnent Kappa Sum a Sfu i i li. i.> Hi, I ip.ii not n .' senior. fk*ri» Spencer. Orchard Powers, junior, St and Catherine. Yvonne Ont„ Ohafdeb, dent* placed s»H*ond over the ' We're disappointed." Gleu son NOTICE - STUDENTS WITH CARS '»;«• I 'till IUt Willi : !'• . I i iil«"i weekend m the foiirtli annual and Missiinet echoed They 'were i'.ak, N V . freshmah; Kann- Union Peer sophomore V! <• .mm unit-at ion* were un- \l .i \ Ma.D- 'iigali. ! /* 11 • •.* i .t Midwest Foresters Conclave at ust- Silvia llel/erman. Te¬ Completing the State nviders planning and hoping toi a rig- We ran'f bring our 7 hour dry cleaning and shirt !v • ••rijinent control Ainu- it»! Dvllu CI C.a • W.t I't Purdue of interested . cum.-.eh Heihman. Alpha Ep- wall be Gatl l-cainy. Detroit sen¬ nit leant turnout service In the rumpus, hut our new DRIVE-IN is i i-.int operator* were mii- Wat • ■ In.I i u: ■ " A tit t Kits: place winners ft»r the ii i) ! : p..ii l» .Shapiro. Detroit ior. Tixi Maii.'hi, Okemiis so|>ti- students, they said. located only a short distance away ut 3025 East ■ mi.i to divuw or trans- Tau i h;teg.'i Shiieii «'tK i ' stunari. MSU contingent were Dick And they added that they hop¬ II - orwore; Jane Moore, Bay City . i»>litirat new*. New warn- pel klt-> s*'|ih» iiM'f» Phi K.i.'pa Ari«. Detroit junior, aiul Calvin Saginaw, opposite Irandor Shopping Center. East, Sid! others aii'" Alpha Kappa junior: Patricia Pasquahn. Bel- ed Monday's representation was were issued against rumor Tat. Mark. S.itm.i Bey, Luchiiw junior, for log convenient laundry and dry cleaning service. In at 9 I'm tin sponsor Alpha Sigma levue. CMiio. junior. Lea Marsh, not significant renters. ?.«l>h«.MH'i' Aipha Chi Sifc'in.t I i ,!o>ce Dissette. Hurberl Detroit junior and John Jacob* rolling; Puu! Morehouse. East — out at 4. a i irfvw w«i rioin- .1 i*i* i Bulieti. Mast i suphonuoe. sophomore, ik'lta Sigma Phi * Litising senior, for rail splitting; son. Port Huron senior *' e . ("1- ii- i. ,IUM' »; remained -hmoii. East Shaw Pointe Hall - and a three-w\i> tie m match splitting with Mike Beaurgard, U-REHT-IT-SHOF Lansing Laundry & Dry Cleaners Ph. IV 2-1535 were allowed in Kathy Gardner, K.»i tninv' •!» Ia*w is. Owosmi freshman; Soviet Slorit'H Otiaway sotdiomor**: Peter Ko- ALL TYPE* HOME juiuur, Theta Chi Maryunne vulie, Litising senior, and Bob MAINTENANCE EQtllFT. Main Off ire 116 E. Washtenaw I' .ther Hall — Louise Brauner. '.'Titpt - to find a so¬ Koehn. tiraml Kapuls M»pt..»- Celling Finliy-cr Goodman. Chicago Junior 3 AND 4 WHEEL TRAILERS Downtown Drive-In 226 W. Washtenaw »ikeinos juiiloi . Theta Xi re fleeted in wand niore. Phi K,tpp.i Sigma • .l.uu4 MOSCOW Ml — Today', S«i- Purdue won the event with CEMENT MIXERS E. Nag. Drive-In 3025 E. Saginaw Jui'v Hmivn. Gland Rapids Nunc/ Patron had I'm*heard. Indroit sophomore Viet fish story; 39 points, with MSU second 3313 E. Mtableau IV 4-UI7 junior As hi r Kouiutatiori ..on hi- announced t)ther- include' Hi van HaH A Caspian Si a fisherman with 25 S .v Linstrom. Di'troit fresh- New Y'»ir, listens- 1 ouise Mutler. fill mmgh-im caught a 13-foot, 1,200-pound ingii. Zvtn Beta Tau — Debbie t.l treatment fteshmaii. W»>t Shaw Hall sturgeon. It took a crane and her of Outer tVeleauto I Qertrwia llMaiuf rlcdiwa S liimrniel. Springfivld, Mass.. I-1 o * erly Rojus' right- Nam > Wuiren. Wutervliet fie h- 15 men to get thr list) from llw t.mi|.Wnl-Iw lU - sophomore; Motts House ,,, . » m A ro* strong Hall .I"'. aud • speakt-i of the embis. i ©signet i ouit, Test ii Gitwoa Poinie K.» - * Jeaiiine McCann. Bay City soph¬ omore. Beta Theta Pi — Sue ship to shore, where It yielded 220 pound* of cavior. VI . Vljr- ..ffn ^3.,' 2 4 4' J 2 ' ' Carolyn '* Hqjiu.. and appareat'y treshman. Sigma Nu Sia.vter Spnny I-ike mfiiot. Rector. EaM 1-insing sophomore. Alpha Phi Alpha - Yvonne Amlin-Vinual Onlcr 2 HeD 2 a • ;?; *"i' two newspaper* cirru- I utterfield Hall Jane Diek- Brown. Chicago, III., senior; iri'it t-rt. Winnetka 111 junior P.aii v I'Iuiim One Film ' • • a! in a the capital — roa eminent Diarm organ. . Hedrick House — Marcia Drew . one-hour film OS « :•:r*NeL io 2« j*i the E t t I^ansmg junior. Delta Tau A on rehnhili- 19««'.,\I 16,10 '/S(W . . pro-go\ernmrnt Burnt Delta Jan Beaman, East Lan- tation in a correction school will if I olimbU. ••vsfwrcrs suspended Senior Ilopefuls sinjt Gamma sophomoit. Rho — Bonnie A and 'Alpha Ox¬ compromise this week's Audio- Vismil Center s - ci'^r □ is presentation Sunday. They were Plan SjMM'elies ford, Hocliester sophomore presentation Wednesday at 3:30. .^J.LTsS'feiS'iSii • ;av bv eight others • a pjpirs l-.'xral and Conserve- represent* d Juniors iny the candidates interestcsl in nni-t- for all f*»«• r ii'i "v ■ describe These groups, oner u«d. have joined in nwtore constitutional as a eam- senior tiviay fixwn 3-5 p.m. class off in the t e- Union may do Ballroom • SPARTAN SPECIAL 49c , AM&"" 3 election rally \ xFM'stsrja A cy»mbmai(on in Colombia j'- and coffee hour hits been plan¬ 12 iiirli II..I |l«i|( aiiH MilkiJi«kr political crisis has ned by Junior Council t« allow since supporters dent Roju initiated candidates to pre*s* nt thttr.plat¬ K|CK Salad Saiidwirh 25c forms and meet thotw* interes*. - ■ e hun re-elected by eri. 'I'uiia Salad Sandwich 25c a.sfccmbiy namel M mmta& •- t Short speeches will tie fiven -write the const* t u- VARSITY DRIVE IN ■ by the campaign managers of who look over in all eight candidate* Entertain¬ >«tp in 1953, is bar- ment and free coffee w ill also t'.S. IK NEAR ROUTE ST. l rc*ent constitution be featured. • •'•"siiruj himself n Jl'-r I .irnival far I'Tliiildcn |tv Council state Water Carol- *'ee was domed per- t A "»*'• the Lansing City pV .'«• ''•«y night to use a ;-.r»e 3 to advertise * *r * did not conform A ' r 1 rdinance... «•***« *• Mcn'a Council " IliM ii.* Arlivilir- * "** * " A'A'S and Men's "Business and pleasure dfi mix..." . . Council w ill hold a / ' ; "-m tnnight at 7 30 in ; Hali to cKartcts fu- ■OMIT H. WINTOM, JR., fh.U., Unirrreity ot Wmcnmin, 1HSI ,vr Adfvititt Carni- v , ^ annual "Until I joined General Electric'g Re*e»irh Labora¬ created borazon — a completely new. diamond-hard ' an t aubatanee which promine* far-reaching effect on ill- Afford tory in 1961, I never realized acience could be such a challenge — or so much fun. Hy job involves re- duatrial proceaaea and everyday liviiig. > >rw Bike? There are more than 27.000 college graduates at Hearch in phyaical chemintry — the inveatigation of new idea* which can lead to new and better product., Geiwral Electric. Kach ia provided the opportunity for aelf-developmejit in the hope that hi» creative people can uae. In a company of thia eize, I have the unique advantage of having the tools and facilities I ability will bring fort Ii new ideas. A« General Electric me 7T- need and the experience of otheri clove at hand. And aeea it, these new ideas, stemming from man's native in return, of course, I'm expected to apply myeelf to curiosity, will lead to the development of countless the beat of my ability in each new job. A* 1 ace it, products as yet undreamedof for our nation's defense, industries, and homes. if a big company lika General Electric Inveata time, »«rjr. Ii Mi money and faith in my creative ability, and if I re- A pSyMC.I Atmie a. Q.n.r.1 ItaCm aaadacta ,.edia, a Ifco .Mat. Mratlara at ma.M>, and af .ha way aiam, and malacala, uar «yr apond by creating, then we both benefit. To me. at intaract aadar a arida varialy af caadMaM. **4 b«k General Electric bueineea and pUaaure do mix." AFTIR SHAVE ^-v atirvtinw vmtf snvc May 7. 1957 Fa*e I «»»ir Thinclads Open W ilh Howe W ins liar I Award Chicago Track Club ain.ms ini-mtK-rs ..( thr Young Field record of :47.5 o, Rv HAL BATHMAN the 440 turn trim. The Chicago Track Ciub will Thr lop men for Michigan . Eliowitz will be seeking u. supply the opposition today m State will »»«• r>;«ve Ijcan, who improve on the field and varsity Michigan Slate's opening dual will run in the 440-yard run discus record he set last Satu track meet of the outdoor sea¬ son. The first running event, and 22"-yard low hurdles, and day The Detroit junior had Sam K'lowitz. who will compete four throws over 150 feet, mik¬ the mile run, will begin on in the team depth In addition to the regular I 1 WeigTft lifters Hal OS tie a, v ith Forddy Kennedy clo.-k 4 19 5 the mile and 9:35.5 . even' program, there will he fi;,.»« Norton and Frank Schrr.- m exhibition races in the 880-yard han- • Marsh will lead the sprin*. that has some of the top track- c. . Roui-iaiia Institute, l^afay- while Head Coach Karl SchL • mod in the Midwr-st Chicago ette l-» fiian has a wealth in good it woil he strong in the spri its The three lifters ai'e being with A1 Jacobs and Jim Cafley. meet through the die-distance runners in T- . \*|! > -HI.—"I tiro Its tiro" in Rotnr will he the site of 1980 Olympics. Track and firld event* will be brld in the hie *U4iy« well represented in the distarwe rr • •'» athletic department s the JM sports Tet/.laff, Jerry Mirkil, Ken I).- Ruihiim: m I be r inter houses swimming po»»l. Ktrt.ini.-ul.tr stadium, lelt. are tennis courts. At riiht is Tiber River. rims with Bob Kelly and Hal t»hih program foe and Bob Hughes. Ifigdon ami has a«««l fiel.l event O shea qualified by winning Adding depth'in the distai •- Mills W ill Start men in ju.le vaulter Rob Apple- the Mirhic-tit %A1' rhampion- will be NCAA etiampion Her- Major League Standings man and high jutni»cr Floyd shi|»s April 27 w ilh a total lift Kennedy, Terry Block and F Smitti Of 7*0 pounds He is to com¬ Wheeler Kelly Thompson Kohsiueii lo Split I'ilrhiiili wii ttit w \\ 11 si.11: 1 IVI. fill \ \||4>N \l 44 I I M.I • L Frl I.H ii-. 09 7 Ja<-ot»v ami C'afTev siiwsh jn the the 100-yard dash Ja- should field record- of ea - pete di* ision. N'nrtnn in the light-heavy Veight «'>«! Schreihans arc the top t-bores hurdler with Tom R-, taking care of the high Ju¬ CJeorgr Rest will be the • .. Game Today ■ Vlilw ackrr 13 1 .785 — 09 4 and CafTr* 09 f» eligible after hft.ng «|.i and 72" hi W Nrw 4 mi k 1' .700 — e-tb- ran avne 4 hlrwRu 11 j SHH 1 J llriKtkl* ii 12 5 7 .78* .811 1 3 at the Ohbi Relays Following p, »unds rcppcH1■lively in the imle vaulter and 8ophon><> . Iton I.ustik will hock up F.l: Boston 10 H .558 Vi 4 i irmntti II the m.-ei Caffey will leave on .. S-'tutheaderm Michigan meet m I.outs 9 7 .58! 4 Norton i to enter the wit/ m the weight events K.tiisss t it* to U .528 3 St good will tour of Trinidad I > !n*i» 4 Irvrhixl 8 H .500 3' , phll.iilrlphi.« 8 9 .471 i'j Smith, the top h'^fi jump. ; ).'r middle-heavy thinclads The team has a ' lUllimoir 7 e IK ..'00 9'.. 1 hit .*«•» 5 13 .278 9 ti' 4 ' in the high jump He has weight level angular meet Saturday u !• hjHhintlon 4 *|OM» u s htsl 1 IS for Ohio State and Penn State MONO ** S ttl x| 1 1 > t h . h Nrw V or* I cleared 6*9" m eompetdion an*i The three will leave whit (in..* ItilOllMirr k. IM IIIOll k t 11 uiiti Ii... k,»„ . WiiMJiik-r I juini^l more than t»" 8" Las' I uuisiarw. Thurstlay Young Field v*..IK. 1 it t W IlKIKlO IIIIIVV > l.Ulls K ■ o l*ro«lil*n «nt{hl Saturday against l.wva loll \* > 1.(111 s IC.IlMI >1 lhli.HO • HIS lit , llffW l.tf.iral ll It «r MiPfMtVIM ,»-!» Apydrmaii will -oppU |»1et»l\ *..»k mtthi t • if opfwratton in ttie j*ole vault !•»» *» Hn.n.ta. <1 He use the Rig 10 rautdoot j«.I.■ On Campos I'hiUrtelphu inifhl vault title in J!»5) while at¬ t. Ruherl. HI. I'ltl.huri h tHicli. • tending Mii+ugan 11 * » » rirmt i • :» live top exhibition r.e < of the tinv wil! f«r r the RH<> wtieie (A-tk«r »f fifk Ckttk," tte.f lor Mollirr If I'alamat a I* unable to start highly-t.»ute»1 fitish Willie A'- ST MM s i lltMlsf A toil i. I.an Warner will Must Fill Itij: Shoes teeia-'ry i la-die wrth Rrie e shifted to second, and link I rfn-kert»i«' w ho will isanp.ii I II S| O It It II W >cbicssc| .till replace Warner at in«lia»diei THE TIIIMIKKINC: ItlARCII possibh Sixteen Swimmers , fit V M. third Kosroe Hatls or The tw*» runners cum.** ted I tun aril tlsot % ill set the nod again-i ra<-h .»ther m the m- w ith larekeiiur lak (IE I'ltOCKESS at first • A! I ... ' ' C b-a» decisions fill \fi!Of,Dnn"' Mysteries ef /ithi Depth to Team York rut lax-ketbic, the I'ni versify a8i) m , a former ruu'iei, 1.52. with Atlci - New has Today, vers.ii v which, us mrryone know -, is the of the founding of firansmtre College for Women as everyone knows, was the first iTogressive forty-sixth antti Nature Brought ;a-rr* m the I 50 , la>- IVHh Education college in the United States. to the Screen It. I \KRV WRORI » W-KI siawiid go umler {tie Young Mate News Nubt t.ditor F eld Mi*, of I S3 a Al«> rn- Well do I recollect the tizzy in the academic world for the Firsl the new Lgjent terisi in (he race are Michigan when Giatismire first ojiened its portals! What a buzz lime in « r I'Kltljin.w S-rt?e fr.M' Ik.b IJikr Ton* there was. what a brouhaha in faculty common rooms, next yenr's • w miming team Motion Picture S-n»»' and Brian lidlr what a rattling .-f teacups, when Dr. Agnes Thudd Stga- ring the new •»»mer> will be t«» The rxhitutioii mile will be fiH,-. first president of (iranstnirr. lifted her shaggy head You Will Hobs remarked Mtui.l«« that and announced defiantly, "This here is no stuffy, old- Never Ferrjcf f ' poor bittine. ami in parlirular , MO00 the lack of a pow rr bltte. was fashioned college Thi- here, by gum, is Progressive I dm at ton. Wi will teach the student, not the course. . r . ■ » again *rr* a major I actor ii close losses of squad but the IN Hi-Llghts There will b« »«• mark-, no exams, no requirements. We will break the it on mold of orthodoxy, hey." weekend and I ( oliln i I ijililrr T'inghb dormitory and l».v OllM'l' M*lr« |V| be ex- tmn'v lentils pJa* hi' start a' ^Rcll sir. forwa, d-hsiking maidens all over the country : r t sen.» • a' U*< diving t**ard. *. JO due to th« ROD paia.M ia-t off their lettd * and came rushing to New Hampshire I rtnii b.Ti but Miiti l

Jerr. I'SHlmiMini* are t«< «-«• i] the IM to enroll at Gransmirr. Here they found freedom. They < 'hadwp-k Jun t aafH.it* a:vi <*ffue fer broadened then vistas. They lengthened their horizon*. . pairings Itanney JEWELERS i»HN«vt.».t|wkc . vet hen Haverniftn remedy # 44 44 They unstopped their bottled i*ersonalities. They ix>amed ■ \ .1 t ap4 .*;=! me ftitualKUt it* rupi.t time A total «»f |82 pers««ns pai It* i the campus in togas, leading ocelots on leashes. live hi' %*»*♦»•• Npuit.ui hitter, look third and t«i ImLim m%tr the Irmitk pated in the basrball a«-riira«-* And. of they smoked Philip Morris. (I . course, say ttl Abbott Rd lid Ijittini @^ ^ rutin tot . i hi! l .ot.li hut i- HfHt at f the . tin y-HI'l best lines U.kp Itu 10 Nl A \ !! e ompetUt..., a he swa t mirth ' i.i4er nmm MrCalfree MaU4 ha»e mMoI depth wbwh will he a vital a**et" Heading the Ust i> S*»fh Af- »We throw nm> 21 point* Lrtr»»y U**t week with si* |»er tying for first place with of a pi«tble 25 (*maMdv«- Jun T* k-t, "of course." Why do I say "of course"? f say "of course" because it is a matter of course that anyone in search of freedom should naturally turn to l*hiltp Morris, for on s tin n-s mi MM«» It 1 I'i I'l,urn 2,„l 2.?l'-.*aid liii' t*i. • i,.i*.»*r ! ;■ djuanre free*tyler. Bill John Philip Morris i- a natural smoke, with no filter to get nean Cpftttflione. llene (Intru. in the way of it true tobacco taste.) In SoJiImiII Tourney a MXT'twl place Mush in the 44<-' Stewart, who in the J»vhn Whaler, and Kkstr<»m yard ftec^lyle grind Olyn*|n.s an pbed up h total of 21 |*nints The Michigan State Utuyri • • inallv. I rank rarrish. one of At the too- b cwart and are to n.eet in a throw-off It it all «»< not Philip Morris and ocelot* There wa m_?v i i*l IWtd liwld I'i. nation's top anchor leg re lead off man tewn. kand ttsd* t 'iot in the oitimar* sense. f«»r there the the on * today hit ween 3-5 m front of ** • " Frateri.c* placed .second mil of. las freest* lers. helped the tw which e:gt*th in JniiMti Fielrlhouae. wer« no for nut) cJa>--« In toad there urn a broad 14 Met* ctmptem that purli, i- IHURS. card medlr* rrlav team of l»«n the freestyle reia* event. For * * * apptoaih tocnUigmg path girl's potential*. fca?>d tit the third anttuml IUU Nichols. I'aul Rrinke and R»c the 400-meter stmt he wa» Socsind n«un«l opponents m the Softball ut n\ T«utr Harmon rapture the eonfrreme clocked at 4 43 m the (trr-iim!*. hoofshie throw mi far deter ■ D£AN...OWNER OF mcnt in Evaiv-hm, III. thu IH t and national medlr* rrln Other ftn.- dtsiai.ee r ci ;- cn miitet are wtckend The MSU Ih-t.iN tn-at events. He aUo was the fourth art* llenry Rake. IV« Barrett Pa P'dter 10.000 BEDROOMS...GOES ev %>. Knox ) 2 4, Mmnntota "•'. Pin- member of the llig !• and run gild I we Searcy • (Jorti v*. MrC.ee due 4 .1. and Were tjewten by ON A ROMAN HOLIDAY I Miami (Ohio) 7-0 nrrtip national tM **rd free Far the kimt distance* Mr- vs. laslie stjle team*. (tSm will rail en tap freah Tt*r>r second round matches A KIKHUH Kiwi CiNirh Chuck MeCnffft-c f redely lee Taul -pragne. a pro- #?»d all unplayed fuNl routvl •at.Th ' Wr certaittly hat. dart frean Miami. 14a should t*e finished at SOtSi. tUHO Stafeals WmM livr* vm*h I.flight Racking up Spraguc are Deck tnaThe* the rarhest pr*M.tble date, MtiStCAi I <»r part time Mies work in u 'th.mt then >.uj»|s»et mir *4ian Schleicher, fiobert Heancy. Fal- * * * Kf.lUM IN local aica. F.xrellenl finan¬ }*• *ivsl>tp h«N«'> WHild have Ih~C wu* Oviutt and Uiriui Forneil Final results in Ute rifle atwad CAUttCQfl cial rewards. Iutile.** Assuming the hi emts-irokc were a* fo4k»w*: ' AND liurato.ii of two weeks — In eqUBitP g the new enn> *■' dutjhk wtll Frank Mcwiuie. 1st Jack Ripper 171 pmiih -lartlns May 1Mb. Work in talent M.vufT ec said. ' w ho at the mmty-frarfi meet 2nd. I..5 Mnu/rmll 189 points WWMR lour spare Itmc -huUarett the oi* frcahman l- 3rd Nathan Rrewer 187 point# Must be willing and rnthus- Ibis attrrn.Hin vard breust-troke mark by Thelma IVppard with 112 iaatie. Nome sales experience mg a fad I 07 I point* fmryheil first in the ns-cd desired Jllgti school LF54 Ivki-yapt c..\ iaHit- Exclusively fur students ISLAM fly ace* Harmon ansi Ti*n well i* sciiedu'cd u* aid butter- Take, for example, the c«»urse tatted 11.M.S. < Basic M«>tor bkrifs- p M S, wa- dividert into I .D. (Lying l imited openings t oil re l.irb" Trnni- I rani thwn S.P * Standing I p and W. (Walking1- Ot*e I««ta* out* 1 a'.i ID 7-»!*i — — uutterffy state champ Art Man- . Win- -4 to W but not just to W. an* old way! No. str! She BacktArbkrr-' Ikiryd till!. I artx tiuneau arM Bill f\lgr»m will The Mkhigan State Girts was taught to W. with poise, dignity, tearing! To incul¬ / MOM },Vi pruvivie tracking up taprkkUuke Te«n;s of M»sn team under Daitey swept tu the direst urn a 7-0 cate a sense of lalame in the girl, she I* gun her escirtsc* br walking v ith « suitcax' in each hand. (One girl. Mary r, •ire. Nichols tVjfl 1 STATE MIOW Saiuniay night ti> the Vuson vn»*«rv M.aiday m their open¬ Fiien iVigetiicht. g<»t so gistd at it that today she is bell • tvijf id 1 7 the Brg 10 cham|« wnr award- ing mateh. WiOfMlT* , in sing fey laptain at the Dinklcr-Plaza Hotel in Atlanta. Oorgia.) (4'lh t'l tts% hi: 1 l el w«Ut rings, kymbnLumg their w ere; When the girls had walking under their tirlts. the* i actoirremenu. Joyce INviexxki. Illame (Mtr, jpte stuumj toAr' ■ I.*wu>e Alt", Sue Schiller and were allowert to dame. Again no formality was imposed. The NCAA Ji r*g place 40b- 4Ui> Applet**! They were simply told to fling themselves about 111 kii}' y ard medley relay foureume uf JNwible winners were. Povtew- way their impulses dictated, and believe you me. it was Nicing*. Remkc. Ilarftwn aiw( quite an impressive sight to see them go hiumiiitf into IMrriah received watch«. sku Schiller and AIU*. Ohr. the wmsls u ith their togas flying, tSever*! l»Ur joiiKvl the L', 8. Forestry Serv ice, i There was also a lot of finger painting and gourd rattling and sculpture wjtb coal hangers and all like that, and soon the fresh w in*l of ProgTVawivrsm came whittling MEMORIAL DAY TRIP out *»f Gransnurc to blow the ancient dust of pedantry off curricula everywhere, ami today, thanks to the pn- nern. at Gram-mire, wr arc all free, every matt-jat k of un If you ar»* ever in Nrw Hampshire, be sure to vi-it \ Paul MID — MUNSHIN • DAUO t titning S«n — ^ § the lirati muc campux. It is ik*w a Unnrry. fiui *Mw. «*»» I Km Murray in "it.Vi III I OH lUKTV b* Mire M Itgkt m Fhrli> 1#mri» mh*n ?#o 'rimt kmnwitr. An Cirdiwr "The I.ITTI.K IIIT" Slrxatl Malcolm Milks, Inc. ®*r •nywhrr* /or tkmt Mjrr. bfwo FJUftg Nmm* •• ml**;* m mmtmrmUy pnfret rmmiftmmimm mmd Ir4f yw A»a Gardner "The l.illle Hut" Slrnarl lirangrr rmlmmm mk wk mmd u igni—U* at «tfUr md. Audrey Hepburn "I't'XSY FACE" I'red Aslaire \_ Sports Netters Open Series Tigers Lose in 13 Innings, 8-6 MICHIGAN May ». I9.VJ STATE NEWS Race f ixe Willi Western Michigan Fullowinjr two .straight setlgicks. Michigan State's tennis Zuverink A V Gain 4th Place: IM Schedule team open.* a raii five Rame home wtand ajrainst Western Michi- I'nitersitv toda\ at 'Jp.m. -on the varsity raurts. The Spitr'.-oif \xii! hivi their (Jains Win I rth'lie- fit -vfu-Oiile • N 11 ! 1 Irt- Coach llap Sorenson will have Denny Teldcr. t«arry Voder and Cubs Down Giants ' ' ;n It. I I l-\M»lll How er xo.in.i T). r»»-*l .•!*-. Fri- t'lifii Strang at the top thtve It. ' lit.XX I.I ml Hfdi.i k In Relief in i x x 1st x XI it I*i t' tx Notre 1> r e, -"j'i O.O ului singles positions Th»- reft ot his m : 4t.it \- ttllttllvr Mithouiii next Motuinx iit'.x-tip is uncertain. List season Bv THk WSOritTI'll I'Ml'** » «M : it i I.I xv the Broncos dumped Michigan I'M I Vl.inor *»i l.ootl.-. 1'Jn nx.it. I. ah the I'niv;'siyx The Kniisn* City Athletics. pre-*ett*on expert*' pick"fnr till ' ll.inttdv x Xiur .lis I : Dfiioil I< ten'.ativelv sclKM- State. 8-1. llriilfM'Mfr llrixe- ti s|K>t nnmiul the American I.eniruc Basement, have proven -l Ol. \ xv itiexi tor Friday, but i.'oael. Fiank Beeman unnoticed that he is to he the early season surprise of the American League not sure whether Ron Mescall, In Winniii|£ Klin- the regular Spartan No 4 single* I .oil Botulremi's apparently umlerrateti outfit went hver matt, will plax against the Bron¬ liKTROIT —Wrtik hit- the "»!ki mark Monday with an S-'J victory over Wa*h»n««_ I ••rrn*rv cos Mescal! pulled a leg muscle t • iift.nv ton as Ned ('.arver hurled a last week and missed the match tin,- -lim Briilaweser turned me/ from the box. g.ive 22-xe.u Von six-hitter at the Senators. Itrx Homtu-rv against lllin.-is hi- tir7 old bonus righthander Kai*et If Mrurull doe* play. Herman The triumph Rave the A's a ' Km u Uolli xi«.ri into an 8-6 Baltimore hi* first Mctory of the season -is rs S xv I" v Will put him at either the Ns. 4 victory over his old Detroit 11Mi record for the campaign fxtr the last place t'ubs Lee % rin I xs \n»fllixvlv or No. 6 single* position. How¬ kilici'lilv x. N • w ii.,

  • - ♦n f lull Eo*ter Hoffman will move up :tatting only 218 for the dians. •ft tiles r , lA-l seas«*n doubted into Miiiiii Sees No t'.liangf man. drove in two more The de- I ( hi to the No. 5 and Bob SawwaiS In the only National League teat was the first suffered b> ll.nl. x will fill out the lineup at No. 6. : ,.|'I bullpen to scoff Gu« played in daylight, the Chi¬ Beeman plans to stick with game Gomez, who had won his fust and Di k Bill Bisard, ('apt. George Stx^i- cago Cuba took the robber of three starts before he was side¬ d't'iding runs 'off Jack Recruiting of Preps • anovic and Mike Zaremba at the IM . iheir three-game aeries with lined by a virus attack fifth Detroit pitcher. New York, defeating the Giant* Gino Cimoli's home run in the top three singles position* "• led Oft the inmrn* RON MKSCAU. His doubles line up will pair ti-t behind the aix-hlt pitching 14th inning, his fifth hit of tin .. double and William-; wa¬ , , . indefinite starter . , . Bisard and Zaretnba at No. I. of young Don Kalaer. gaitux gave the Brooklyn DiHtg- Results Greatly on Upswing ste intentionally Stepanovic and Vela at No 2 A six-run lead in the first in¬ ers a 5-4 victory Mondax niglit Beeman said that it has not yet jvii.fit hiinder George 7uver- and Hoffman and either Meseall ning, highlighted by lookie out¬ and a split in their two-game been confirmed. The original i'-.wed the Detrtut club on!v or Sassack at No. 3. fielder Jim Pisoni's grand slain SOITHAIX match with the Titans was rain¬ ' i in seven inning- of series w 11 h the Milwaukee I' sli.xxx ft. '.Ml. I *li«w V. I • .itching and gained cred.t f'lUCAGPjAP)—ftecruitinR <»l" prep fiMitlmll players in the h«>mer, made the rest of the af- Braves li.nlrx 5. |ft. Hallry 7. 4 ed out two weeks ago. h i noon an easy one for Carver The victory pulled the Dodc- Ituiirrtirld J. |u. Hullrrfidd 6. ft Western Michigan, defending -vrond victory against rhicatro area by major universities from coast to coast is I mux.its 4. u tniuiiv 3, 7 Crimian was thr loser. as Baltimore handed the Sena¬ ers within one game of the IIixjii ft. !». Itrx mix H, * co-champion* ot the Mid-Amei- -e> jrreatly on the upswing this spring, Northwestern Athletic tors their sixth straight defeat Braves, who dropped their fourfti Isr x «n 4. II. Hrxwl! 2. i u an I'onlx-retuv, have only thtx-x' Two Baltimore player*. Wayne Hrx«n I. H. Hrx»n 1 | Director Stu Hoicomb said Monday. un.i Washington's 12th in its last game in 17 starts lettermen returning from last (juse* and George Kell were Hi x ,.n S. II. Itrx an 7. 2 13 starts. Chuck Stobbs, who •\rt' I. 4 IE* I veai's squad that finisheti with i! tured and removed from the I^irge scale raids in the let- It was Cimoli who crossed tf»«» Chicago boys lined up last Jan¬ Vtnisiruiit; *, I?. .Vriiislrxih* 7. 1 generally regarded a.- lasted through one frame, was .4 11-2 dual meet record. marathon content on stretcher* nt<»: * — plate with the tying run in the lliill«-rfM-ld ft. I'l. Hull, rln-1.1 .x, uary. then when the New Aid I.inmoiiv ft. l'. tminuiiv ;. j Hell was struck ahovr the right ; Humg the best talent hunting charged with the defeat, his fifth li!th after the Braves had gone Plan was adopted we lost them I!, ftltaw 3, 17; 0 slmxx 4. lb fir b» Steve Gromek'* first grounds in the country—were against no victories. ahead, 4-3, in the top of the in¬ W. Khaxt 7. IW; W Shaw ft. « attributed by Holciwnb to the Usually at this time, we have A four-run explosion In the »: Hhaxx 't. 17: 0: .Shaw 4. I* pitch in the eighth inning.. He at least 30 boys committed." ning rw ». iv. mi v * was t.ikrn to a Detroit Hospital Hi*; 10's New Financial Aid to AthUles Plan V>' 'hwestern, along with sixth, which chased Ruben Go- The outfielder, who switched II Ki| 4. Sh.ixt I'K I'll I J 10. S H SIMW H. J ECONOMIZE fur \ ra*» which disclosed a from left to center because ol an M lowu. Ohio state and Minnesota IV Shaw 5. I*. H Shaw 1. I mild luniuwiMi. Kelt, who was The plan prohibits a Big PI injury to Duke Snider, doubled VX shaw '. Ift. W Shaw 9. i • wearing a protective helmet - •» ki' fn«n making a formal or vigorously opposed the new Big off !«'•••. Hurdette with two out il xnii Vi Ki-rrxiaii hurli d tiw-hlllrr> Ih- • at 10 plan. 0OK0TITS while hitting, will remain in the d tender of aid to an athlete in the 12th After Sandy Amoro* Football Ctftieh Ara Puiseg- Vimix!rmn: 5; Armstrong t, u hospital 4S hours. untu June 15 Holcomb con- hian of Northwtvtern, who en¬ hud drawn Burdette's sixth walk. 1 hr VOI.I.I.VItVI.I lasts 15-15-15. V0 I'l 17-1 '-13 MONEY WISE who ?«*>k over fm Other school* are making ,j.i * i* tnird. was struck in the teiKis hay m the meantime tertained clinic on the campus 500 is nielli's at a Call Furillo »rashtHl his touith hit. a single that bounced over Allllstrolii; li. 15-15, Vvlirf 0 0 0OK0 0:lT* SEARLES Detroit catcher Bed last week lorrpsiriv 15-15. Ilrxwn I o-o The pUn. adopted by a 6-4 end. said. shortstop Johnny latgan's head. spaslit-v 15-15 I's 0|ivilon o n ui fv-p i-'Ubic ir, the vote ol confcreoee members in "The general impression in RKCORD SHOP imiinc The extent of his in i hi tasoriAfRD HUEli Krhniity also banes aid on talking with these roaches was vvtniwi. LRAOlTft Mneii not immediately d«- proven need and require* finan¬ cial statements from parent* as that although reeruiling i* on I'l.txrr A I lull V.trun. Vlil (• It, 72 N Ift 39 N Pet .417 Famous A PC* Sixeedwrltiixg Emplny* no sign*, no •ymbtils, System — IT*** EAST LANSIN8 the upftwing now it will greatly ft 2» 4(N» no niftchlnvw Spewdw riling nhorthieiid SHORTHAND MUvUI, SI l.utllft lh ft* thi- nionlli ■ • sc- mt four runs in use^l in IcM'ting offlCOft nod Civil «"r- . a basis fur establishing this rrow after June 15. At that Honk, t in Ift 5N Ift ?t .3M7 t - f t Ai K-:in»* drove in the need time, a good prospect will have l,IU4l. itoiiinvim I'll t cm IK is ft* 7a II 13 25 25 ,»7 Jft* x-i"» to our rvervwtivre pupilft Come Low- c«wt ohierve "p*** f r«t* demon* LAUNDRY • with .1 Tripre that Bai'.,- in time, the 'plan will kill made up his mind what Big III How man I'lul.i IK ft] l« 22 ,14* slrjtion •* • ii'ntrn.f tei Dick W.- Hxtl'-x Cm IK hi la 21 III DOUBLE DEAL In i weeks 327 VI..V.C. w-y" said Holcomb in an inter¬ school he will attend, and othrr lurk. *l 1 oiuv |) fit 14 23 •34; iMsjudgC*! 5* IS 29 -33M view I am sure the rest of schools outside the ronference Vill oi k kill lb -'•.-♦er R.t* Moore !her. : *. • tknirhw, fiii id 71 15 -'4 UK *.*«• confeience hay anticipated can go after him knowing (hex Ho VII HI \* With *•->• walk- nr. i - <: House cleared thcr w:t .. . invasion f:«*m outside because of of recruiting forces the New have only one Big 10 school to compete against instead of sev¬ V.t roti, Vdtotk. Vltl w attkra XI11xx .• ilk,'r 4 3 TYPEWRITE IN 6 WEEKS Khaki- I'm SOMETHMfi BIN '• iibic "ft IJ.-U Nun*.^r."> L-xr Sutir-r, \rw V ork 3 Am Plan The runt certainly eral. 4 am|iid's triple driving in two of toru-x. I'lul.i eta* 1 |ili i.a IS retaries typists, and bookkeeper* in belter positions in Iniiiiilru trrt-icr." 201^ U> 300 schools " Meanwhile, the Big 10 office 1 tirllln. Ilrtoiklvii IS them. Tigers adited two run* in From his KtafT's own exp<»r- in Chicago so far has processed Honk, ciwrtnnalt lam-. SI. t.iiuls 15 15 LANSING BUSINESS UNIVERSITY Trv ii- now! (across from Herkty) ience in lining up promising about 650 applications (parents' *•■«■■■ «>n ,in infield single I'lnxrr A Club % MIMIC AN 1.0 Vlit'l (i VB ■ N Prt. IN W. iMta rtn* IV e-C4M l»r<*r*s. Holcomb listed these confidential statements > of pro¬ sacrifice fH as M -*rc V* llli.ttiiv tins. 14 51 13 t! 431 . f. . way With slow fnrld- *chooi> as very aggressively spective athletes for conference simpMiri. K c , It 71 14 2« Ui schools 0oft, t hlxago •1 1? 'm> bunts recruitang in this area " Ncgre Ift JSI . ( II0KTOIA. H0T.. IB Sft 4 29 J3» We • home of Dame Pitisbuigh, Syracuse. more or less anticipated Manila. I V 17 SI 13 IK 349 N • -4-.t • - i.i- second narrowed the Detroit run Stanford. Colorado. K a n a i, Kentucky. Ne¬ more recruiting from outside Minoao, «ht Manrh. 04os . 15 || «; M 12 7 21 IK 339 ■3 !l w FAIR LADY" Kansas State. whools." said Assistant Big 10 . i *-4 in the «urth and Jano-n. Ho* . 13 33 7 17 321 'A braska and ail Ivy la-ague Commissioner Bill Reed. We Kail. Hall Ift ft* 5 IM .317 drove the . .«K in tying Warl/. Ova., Ift 57 7 IS 31ft --r •. a t« 9 0 9 9 otoea in football players, but athletes Big 18 made after a study at kimpaon. kasHx City Ift S 3 3 3 1 in all sports Especially active nearly two yonra by 1 ollar Cklragn ir> 3 » a 3 I TI'ITI.r. HKTMOII n are Big Seven echools all of ronference rommitti i. The i 13 3 » 9 4 9 Mart* ('levaland S 1 1 « 1 them witti the pomnbli extep- mittee's aanrey tabbed werb-ai4 Farnlal. Kan«aa ('My 13 : a a s a I a a a • ti*»n irf Missouri, which stick.* an invitation to bv- i • i 3 i pretty well at home, antl Okla¬ t I i • 1 that finaaeial homa. wtueh 1ms Texas to dip belp u athlete* t e 1 • « |l • f 3 • « a : into." by the Big li bad reached : *i « t u » » ■ Oar Hi Id sffkial ham mi hi* "staggering prapartieen* " tarhoiT Ati K II OA ► , ta 11 or 12 years. Friwn where I • a lafbrr arwrd ap by Mianraata i • sit. here between the Univer¬ t • "In our recruiting program at » • Northwestern we are far be¬ sity of Michigan and Notre « o Dame. I would say they're still a « hind." Holcomb continued- "We as vigorous as ever." • can •* boy-, but we rant g«4 1*001 • o 9 • Ttxr buys we want Rigid now. ■■■■■■ a ■ ■ a 'f. «.« t 43 S 11 » 11 • we have only nine or 10 ptep f ■ a% i proaparts cortUTiilte these changed have had their minds may We had 18 or 20 good \ A"4' enjoy «»m- of our E Special Italian diahr* Rdai — Saab A Pip® L tl Puhiie Schools! Eng., Voc. Ag. Early Elcm. three-night run in Fairchilcl in two weeks, recreates the Top Pulitzer Prize Winners All interested in Food A Drug j L s Civil Service Com. Administration, Ag., Civil De¬ gusto, imagination, and brass of the early 1930's. With it^ fense, Ordinance or Rail re¬ burlesque, classic humor and Brooklyn cabdriver. Connie Ki-. tirement work, regardless of mach. Gladwin freshman. surmounted grcrit difficulties in major Gershwin's best music, a Dentiie Alwood, Oak Park. 1 e.i the 1917 under the will of the lute Kug.n fiusteo pie uvei Elern. Eng. Math.. Soc. purely entertaining evening junior are the MSU counter . NEW YORK •»' distnnee, time and terrain." K.,-1 Detroit High School Al! O'Neill Mondiij won the fn * • mi.' rop of Helion and made Joseph Pulitzer. ■ publisher of St Frcncti-Eng. Ind Arts, ." .nil foj novels However. the St Louis Post-Dispatch and For local reporting when . is promised. parts. pcrsthuinous Puis!/' ! Prize ev> r Arts A Crafts, Voc. Music, Red Nlehol's see best ra. whiert.s if- the old New York World. a warded for hs< .iittobiogr.iph there was no edition pressure, Eng.-Soc. St Many theatrical personalities at that time Ineloded aurh play¬ foi¬ The journalism awards are teal drama "I>«l>;,% s .Towrn«v . • iv-i a spoei.i! citation worth $1,000 each to the recip¬ , the award went to Wallace M xander Hamilton Sctiool Female Klein. Teachers, gained'thefr start from the play. ers as Benny Gnndman. Ge»ie into Night " It i.* .1 current ls. aefiievement. Turner and William Uihibert of MAY It A ». 1957 Ethel Merman, a violently en¬ Krupa. Jack Teaaarden ami foiiriiiilism. thr C'hieaeo ients. except in the ease of the briMdw.iv hi! In Acctg., Psych.. Personnel. Re¬ thusiastic singer, was recognized Glen Miller, played the Ger*h category of meri¬ the Portland (Ore.) Orcgonian Tl'.v Kroger Co. llally Nrus won thr 1957 I'ulll- newspaper : The late p!a> weight thus tailing. Gen. Bus., or Food when she stopped the show with win tune*. The DeMarea*. a fa*,., yrr prirr for meritorious public torious service, in which the cited for exposing the exciting rendition of "I Got ' They were Majors for Distribution. on* ballroom dance team, were joined t\M» i»ther mm f': srrvirr for exposing a 2> j mil¬ newspaper wins a gold medal Dist tunc winner* .11 the to ! Tlie awards for music and "vice and corruption" in the Sales or Real Estate work. Rhythm." Jean Ferguson, Mar- also featured In the prodnrticr. lion dollar fraud in Ihr ofTler inn. Ohio senior, recreates Miss hs 1 »f the award.- "Hie <*!h Teamsters union in Portland, an All interested in sales, regard¬ Guy Bolton, whose most . of the stair auditor of Illinois. letters aie worth $500 apiece to the ].d»- j.l.t v.vnirh!- less of major. Merman's role. cent hit L "Anastasia" wrote thr expose which currently has em¬ it> were The auditor. Orville K Hodge, the winneis biographer RoImi! F Sh«-s aone. reporting under MAY 9. |957 Ginger Rogers, as the ingeue book with Jack -McGowan. it result of Fur local broiled Teamsters president and 1 wh*t Pot" rt Fi'»>! went to prison a a pressure of an edition time, the Fitzgerald Public Schl* All Elcm. lead, attracted the eye of Holly¬ was tailored to the personals,< the work of 2\ stair members Dave Heck with a Senate in¬ And Willie Howard, the In another unpre-odented ci¬ Sp Corr. Applicants must also wood of the leading players, and who were prize went to the Salt l.ake n.vct Community Sch; tation. die 'I'.iKtee- lit t'«»lumh,.i of the Daily new-, vestigating committee. assist in fiH)tl)all by handling burlcsqv»>ft comedian, injected his plot follows the musical com Among City 11'tali) Tribune, fur its University gave the biograph- assigned to the ease coverage of the Grand Canyon James Rcston of the New the Jj. High program. special brand "f comic business tradition n| the type pop', , award to a menihe; of Gorgr* York Times won for national n, the role of Gieber Goldtarb, then. P is short on credibr Tha-r k«-v turute m a pr« - crash of two airliners last June innl .Revenue .Service Acctg or Gen. Bus. Major* Sin .fobs. F Kenra-l> D 1 511. The death toll of I'JK made reporting, an outstanding ex¬ with 2 vrs acctg, for tax col¬ and motivation hut lone Mas- 1 Tor hi- Pro-.;.- n Mow- investigation which won ample of which was his live- comic vaudeville skits and sen, the rrash the worst single eom- lection work. Courage,' a tu«'t> of on,. if the Dally News a I«;»tl Pulitzer part analyslst of the effect of of incidents hung together u mereial air disaster in history. Math. Gen. Sci.. Biol.. Ili.d. , the gleat figurt> sst t' a'e histoi• S S* n- Pii/e post-Dispatch 101 lit! v will, the St. I amis Said "This the trustees: was u staff job that President Eisenhower's illness on the functioning of the exec¬ J Three fJiVcrs Public Sclib Community Schls Eng Sim S' Eng.-Librarian Seniors humorous thread. Comedians dash about. For the first tune SIOCI I Hal. The prizes were eslablisfied in utive branch of the federal gov¬ I pig, on . interrupted' by s*»ngs or rGt Instr. Musi* Vo-. Music, Eng.. ernment. Rcston won u similar j ( . M'.ciil City Public Schls Com.. Sci -Math . Ind. Arts. of the or a brief romnntir inter I award in 1945 with the customary bov-m*- Voc Ag Early Elcm. Russell Jones of the United girl-lmises-gets-cirl plot. 7 • Engineers pie-,-, won for international re¬ porting His coverage of the s-.'ith Haven Public SchU AH Eleiu.. Ed.. Art. Vim Eng Girls Phy*. Ed Librarian. Drivci Mush, Speech- Jeek spirit of the times was vigon violent and o|*en. and the «•■>• Hungarian revolt. sense is broad, brash and pu; To Present Huford Hnonr. president and publisher of the TuniImmm i . mill- ltd. of £.1 All Blent., Art* A Crafts. Sci¬ ence. S"x -St -Eng. Seniors houufed as outstaml- brass. "Gnl Crazy" contains som* (Ala.) News, unn (he editorial Acctg M.uors ign tlu> week by Senior Council (•ItA-rolpt-Detroit Clear .A- memorable tunes ('<• k the most award for his editorials "In A .,"*• Bob Becker. Lanoing; Bill Exposition (ommiinily Segregadon Inflamed hv (he Issue." Added Ihe I \xl« .. ,i Div «»f (1 M.C. Public S bis Al. E* A'i Eleni. Girls Math Eng . Home Ph>. E-i Earn.. Com., Eng. Phy. Covnr. Fcrndalc. Pec F*»*tc'. Ei t Lansing, and Sue Porte*. Lakewood. Ohio. shwin wrote for the mu* ■. stage: "Btdin My traceable You." Time." "But No' f • Three Speeial trustees: I- • vlcivillc Community S* )il - Becker has achieved recogni¬ Me." "Sam and Delilah." ' R "Mr Boone's editorials dem¬ Kd.. So* SI What Ia»ve Has Done to V Ind tion as president ot Stuocnt Show* Pliiiineil onstrated courage and indepen¬ *. -ft'* m Rural Ag Sch. Eng . Voc Music Com . G*.vcrnment. vice pi .^irttnt <»r and "I've Got Rhythm." dence in the fare ol excited ami Art* Girl- Ph> E*i the Association of Od-Cvmpus almost hysterical opposition. Al ».i.ind H,iveti Public Schl Ail FJen. . Bus Ed . Eng . Sci¬ Students. ansi1ihii. Kruln\ and Sat Hop, IFC and Preside!!!- As¬ U ed to the maintenance of order Ph Ed urdn v • sembly have Ihv jvnt of chal¬ J and individual lights, IM. 1957 Coyne's activities He a' ■* holds ll.io tt lenged l»v mob impulses ■ fun Valle* Sch A EJeii In ! Alt* Mush Dotroit. Michigan an-1 Mi.lve.s-- Spring rliuii|(<' i»v*-r . '"i|" The prize tor cartooning wen' Chfiii Merh. Civil "i FJe* \ md Oil A Helming < • en; United States Badminton ill loir rout Michigan lb I! I i-lrphoi,. ( mo to Ton Tittle of thr Nashville Eugr- Tin* Iirm w il! also ir. ■ Ml- V.".- Ilr (Twin ' Tettne e,in for his car¬ !« i vi*"-v }i< in Hi* ain»ve ligid* i„,.,'h f . S. .1 -.howti • Vi< toon "Woridei Wh\ M» Parent* Miss Foster, who ,.* a mem* llri»k ii|* jour f.i! summer employment only Iht at Tower Guard an t Mor¬ i.tviiir "f P'-'' 'ran Allan- Didn't Give Me Salk Shot* It A Elm Eng So* Sil.. If icph"! . « N I" «* ■•! the depict, ,» mall boy. on ciulrhe- A hor Ha* Sch D»*t. tar Board, a!.*«» serve J a* gen¬ motor. Oil irk nervier. eai>ie '• ''»d I a pud ( oachuig eral ctiairmah of tin Interna¬ \« . < alio w irb to- leg in brace-, interest***! in sales, regard- act in it General 1-' Ai tional AWS national ccmvei.tiun • 11 pfi 1 lie, Sho" s w '■ 1 b-- watching other voungstcrs his i ii ■ BOB'S TEXACO 1 • ■ ie** of major hold at MSt' thi* year ti. Id 111 HI i H i- Hal. Insuraiue Co age playing footlmH AP interested in sales regard AWS ha* also claimed much 1 «ettei'.f majoi of Mis* Porter s tun*. afi she w piesi • Preview ' l'>. • tography went to Hurry A. SERVICE . ' tir f«*f#till log • M'Ci imeti I his I, one of the acts that will perform at the Acrobat ( lub's Trask of the Boston (N!,*ss I M* rnimuiee Public Sclu - Speech C'»rr., Math . Ind Arls. h.** held the office of Activities a ltd • M.ih.-li. 1 ulda i sound spartan circus Ibis Mreekml. Traveler, for he ineiure sc- Dnvri E.i Board president Work witli k hi 1-1 ' S Public Health Service Al! jnt«-re*'cd in inyestigative the theme committee* for thr t.Kit K. (irand Itiirr •juence of the sinking of thr work iigardtng *omiuunicahh J-Hop and Water Carnival ««t «ch< i1w e t pi .poi- ion f-T H •• (i, ,pi,n 4 'owei in Ihr Orlroit %re.i, in Ilk A* 1817 until Russia left World For Jcnison Stand m I ng turning Hide W«t I four Tiojvth* later i h !k'i;f.rllt i |.eesen'..f .••>! •( The music award went (a Hllbieti. ilix! how till' Mihir.t Norman l»ello Juiu. a rompusi The fourth Hfimiul Spnrlnn Cirr us, promising to lie the applies to t ngituft lOg wii! ;• the lM-a - !•" niogmr stud* • lugv • f ami l»c- I ever pie-eiit ml t»y the Arrohjit I lull, will ti»n i allege, trarhrr at sarih fur his "Meditations on Law rem r (.SlOSH- Sofif, I vhitnt" The portion th, at s p.m Hint continue Sat open at .leni-oh < • v in |- I Iid; 1 \ , Frrlesiastes." designed original¬ e\|«fS|t|..U pi ■ • v a !i t'.l f!U ELECTION ly as music for ballet uiilav vx it I pel lot main «.it J ami S p.tii. i.n ir.|i vtmirlit. the engine* 1 :nv Richard Wilbur, recently a, .iepai Intents and r\ru! ef g Iflgl.iu tillll; In. pi ' >o» pointed professor of English netTiiig '.k ii'ii. 1'Hplltlo'i 1 Kin. slum l!n W md |M*i forivi on the tiape/r lie hie- RALLY . . .. • WolcvAt University, woe the P e i out-Sid. .e ' n 1! |»io is *11 on tin Hut Top and hufn i. .... I in* lii bin.111 « • ten a and oppeai<1 id halt p*H't.iv award for "Things of nvls ill .ooiuvlt"" with the 1 t 11. us. The World ,n Held of study gviuiM»lii »h.unpien of l MiiM.i i, time during the Minnesota and Tiie trustees made a specs.. Student exhibit • »• -- s n will pei fi'i "1 an I • mpii Pligluim Young basketbai: I'uiiti/er eltation b» Roiierts. i Will Uu lube son. lath.i, t i« i.aUtn.c Wit 1 i.utlli Porliv games lixtiiiCMl'* controlled !a*\it w.a el lug rv sli'oi ,u».i .1 modi'i • »f ! .ai f»»»in l M"Uon on the She will also t«*i- uneven paiallel ior. I'rggt Mil* hell. SaciiMM jun¬ Mtil he seen 011 the swing¬ novelist ' Rabble Passage." witose in ami w*»rk* iiicluil* Arms " "Northwe t l.ydia Bailey COFFEE HOUR CnlumDiM linn **«!*» dud ing Udder » He was cite*! for "historn•«: a I I'M J..V Av 1 Gitihsc Pointe Five members of the MSU novels which have long ctmtn'c- Mill ('««h prize* go i» «»f llie students or *10 mid F. so on V\ tf.e fn I. ' ,m. rrvolvinit |iiff»e-e will puitnim tumbling squad, iiic/u lliu« 11. (»«ry Ind . KoUnd senior. Wil¬ utcd tt) the creation of girwb > Tue^dk^ Italon twlrlrr lla* Steward. Dilicll. ll.unburg N Y interest m our early America rirtirs m inning first, second and liam . hi»'t*u v." thbd places in the Judgiiig Iibana tMito. itrsbnian and IieidiMuin and Tom Temple, bag- Membcis of Jc-t 1 iub Ju member «i lite ^lariliiug Hand, maw Iiohitmn, will be Icatuietl . . "t AMPl'S CLASSIFIEDS . . »i»r Engineri* of T00101 row. a will pri form al Fliday's per far • while a pair of bis tin- in a Him tumbling a. t Ort»w. lainMiis jurum. * . . HIGH READERSHIP* 1:00 f iMtnma; -.nir'.* ooinjr*«M-d of manir will have ileitis Mill iter form Saturday who hay appeaHd with the high .1 iluune »dii* Kauffnmn. Saginav* Hmglmg Pros Cirrus and on UNION BAU.R00M ru-*nng abilities thioug . a p.*1 ;uiiii*i, and .M.Ann Keib-gg. t am - Su|i» Circus, Mill head the Stafkats WaaM be dl.spU* of then varied pn- .iHg Sophia""! r Wlil vvuig IlOiVJ vbnvu contingent. I, Far part lime sales work In he m«et jcvb J el's Club is hi bd v w b*- i'. Spanish wd« in then mim- 1st Moor. Maids u'd !•« Thr put.- gailn-d in fbues- Music for the »h#« supplied bv Terry Wilson Lansing sfipbomore. Mill U*i oiganist local area i:\cellenl finan¬ cial rewards. your CkriM.JvUS d *.sp Joyis! .i» lib «»•*•- n«! nil* Duration of tun weeks iih: "duj.ir. ha then pu senta Gene llaiiMirr, last lansing sen¬ —- the * xptkntion w ion (rem • r ni. Ilia•* all .1 Holiday ior, peirusslonlst and athrr Starling Ma* I9lh. Work in tt am.-lb p o Fiuiav ,od S,d - I «n A •• tea ill ted in this Indian musicians. your spare ttme, Ulda.v I i .ukIii" v* iU Im- i I a 1 iene JVtcr liilimdv Flushing, N Y Must be willing and enthus¬ V:-.'. Jacks.>n seciiag* 1 and sopoinote, glit! ilub member. i> iast!*- some sales experience I pf Glee (loneeiT - .-lb-, u.iucer ■« ho Indian Mill per- TtsV* the vov-nbst Hingmayici of the pioductton desired. I.xelushely for students |i form 1.. 1 -i an Set Tonight f). M r., Ai.iiiv Gel Vour Gup." Ciauriet. of the V of M is Jem Hoffman, junior, Tickets an- on sale al the linla* only I moled openings < all lit 7-!G®r» Seniors . . fick th» parfact partner a-'if Mil. do .» * *»ttv • Co ton ticket desk until Friday at Operators on duty 9-9 for a tarafraa tummir M . The M.i t..g.> State Filer i ' ■ < v ; aggbiig act 9d cent;*. pf 1 fot-ms'V — !!••• f'ving Don | PI .UN i !..g:?t .'•! 8 J}»f Audi'o: ,UO- .' ; (vc pipca'puio a pout sniot Now . phm P« seni.-s .M,i v id (in II-l'-IMt-Y LUCON^ I hi prog ran-. nfTt > • « won . • lets of IWJV), a -ty - fn aid Wsn.isoi On! , "op!. ."I Negro nu 4 . vlc-i - !.. .. . Spmui—. u..k. M..N • .'-t * ,SHU»W V It- ' oioiiei •. • .« tures "Three fats on the liars' Tirdil* and acrobat* f al Glratil t oaeh George Mi fea¬ Man • 'iiiracni:!.!! m--.:- l.u'l 2 ll.o»! *MW1£ 1? u 11... ; " : v I4.1»JUSJ»- pitta on thr horizontal bar* — I'ralure — A g ■ a ' • .-oa IV N-sh. a. p a ' I s* -1 ' g bv ' ■ !; 'l.iiu fhi-n • h The Time H,r* It m .par* «k.rt )K«t will It pr<4» and . '■ ana I Mil- ' Ml h 1 g a n i M -■ |e,l !• !••*• ta alafantl, cowal. Wi m tad a«d \ ,"-k • He |uo.o i ,-i M01 •, to, tt IHveii lbs-I rtwi! !•.. m m tm IU- a iWo,i*ii i. w tat, >o la»na#>. Mada at uaaath iniiu- of the 'hcxM,v »n i o-mp..- Mtion UVlno Of fie k m Hath fb u 1 t5»'»d Mai* fina ifaptian cation wavan in Donmai* and purlment M'Soet !v-n Citv't* wiif fn ,,UMW* I .-a VanJAitu-n. UnfUe-.j J To Kent San: ... liar'f t* the *i»ov* and »ue*-«- *»■ oii»i J" T •—» i Ja'' ' ,'Jt •eller I. wp-nWied. end tan be *w ' . .a?d of «lu Avrotiaf. Club, wii! NVM rwjveltv group . tptn a. yon IIVo. tic* caH'infi ia I "Cuinnesa ia off on ona of hia blondod ,'odi an can) *h «iIdeal pranks. Tha flu Your BALFOUH'S growa ataudily mora hilarious!" *»»U. HFPIUM LAJtbC, **a uiu w«;i wu FndrrnUy — Sorority Jrirrlry *(•>••*«• lln RJfic Ouinnoss • SMlMmfrr o c.irt* O MtMnl* n.]LadjUUeirs Cap and Gowu j • NnMlln • T r*fhm O A