... Roll Up Your Sleeve - Donale A Pint of Blood. KAST l.AXSlXO, MICIIIGAX—Tlll'ltSl.AV, MAV J!>., vol. 49. No- 26 Summerfield Plans Cut 4 Pageant Donations Hit 1,280 Vrinv Hold- Gad In U. S. Postal Service ll.i>r Air Puree If Budget dam: irase Congross ' With r, only two clays left in II raps L p Doesn't Get KOTC Plaama Pape- l- pint* of blood have Raise ant. been l.-%" donated to the drive. Business Am v ROTC leads by 10.9'r Senate i ommitti'f • nc tact with the Air lore* To Ask Foiir-lKiv Memorial Noliilav Rereivex W anting t, i rugb percentage contribution* , oof. . oi oieir potential uo- u-.u ia» chc Ail Force WASHINGTON V. - «t their poicn- Student ruiiyri's* wrap|K>l it--en j.■* • I'ostrnaster (ientTai Sum¬ up tlu» se^.-iun \\fil- merfield told ('onjrrc** Wn; I a lihannam :hc Army gave 274 pints Wcd- SUIr V>*» I'hoto h\ m- hmeiits and tive July 1, unle>> the law¬ irour arc battling tur a perpe»- Finds Holland, k. Landon social chairman. makers vote him an extra To U4i irtyhr swarded f the sraup pa.-saKe of a »inyr!e resolu- to thj million dollars f«»r il¬ ».th tutarsl perreutate runtn- tiuti. l.'isciission closiuir the eal ID",8. buuviiv donations received may be Balloliny in All Living Units ail (pie.-lio|t - university also was insurance oil th^ Summer!Us«i warning to a Sa Tiati iew* Photo hv 14 (.h»nn»m l.-< l^raiii, ti.iti im 1 >i < p«o- Jar. of the jW miihon ut iiuttman, chairman of midget rarer which he will .. ^.,i; Dave Morse, ( olom.t senior, sits in the liou.*r fnao tr.e f«oer ?Ii 1 namcu ii am«-i p.m po.id ,1 IcUci to the ■ *4(1 (ID .14 Ui.vt. U*e in the auto races lo he held a* |>ar| of Ihe annual Engineering partmeii'. • i!»AH DU4. at that tunc. U« i uiui buih'.y ■ oul.i hav still another 7o in '•« million -:,.a Pageants goal Uus a ; .. day ,M< ; a... Ai« hi 11' would br needed, lie said thr . >. ^.uoo pints registration vne-proident —- liavr Ball, \... al. 1 he .. u , it} j-.i . extra money would br rrqur-i- Spartan Engineers preMdrnt cAclioiv Pievious llaiimaa espraiaed that dona- Eidtmn* f*>r the Icigiison. >lu., and Itirk Meg* vo'.ed l. a ,1 Hi Ml au: *. cd Wii;. impi !<> clnmodtc unf.oi 11.1,14". in a supplemental appropu- tivns u-all> dwindle during u»r and repH'scntativi * of A!i-Um- inryri, Grosse I'omte; secretary t 101 a.nut tlit u.'u 1 alH'« pl*» ation lull UalloiiiiR iiuni'Uiy lo .fan t oup- Um Iho «i»i of a blood drive vcisity Sluiieiit Gt-'vermnciti and Joyce l»»s*etle. Ilarbert. aud held phcn«-fn- — 1.. « .cctii>!l> » 00.own.--mm 1 bun.iui i (MitU a n* urged students who haven't officers of next yeiu .- sopho¬ Judy l.aiigobr. < oiumbu City, sii.»« Candidate* for A!.' University Rare Midget Autos eivai" increase ,11 u:a». vhj- admire so tar lo da so. more.. junior, and srmoi fiaxsts lnd.; treasurer—Soma Hadarak. inoi.thx, ws.il be the sari will be held today. Student Goveinnient president has made it ncec-WMi • U> .otK .. donations continue at the are'Marne (lieaM»n. ll wai IrearlHirn. and Barbara Fox, t oiigre.s,. ahjouiiu tt more immh v to . .U.n-Wi;. : ii tnc po»i two days," Hoti- Students living on campus l.ig liapid*. at.mi 1 lue sjxech and Hog Miaxiniei, Head¬ the h.-cai ... junior, and fcvivue m curruitg "we arc sure lo lop may vote in their living units Sopliomorcs Will caet thrif answer col tee hour 1 •i.4ii Uw .aai spnng bloou drive rei- -.aid, during the Itioch and dinner ing junior. bvftoi* for: piwoiint—Joe Wal¬ Uenu.il cari<1i(1ates. A formation of jot aircraft will Awevp over cumpuit at year c!as-r cTfrtcrr-randfdamn llic «. i ..now we should pas* hour* Voting for off-campm are Sem>>r president — Pat llurke, lace, Wilkin.*, W \a, and l)nk Higniigiil.. Heeke 1 :;<» satur.lnv .iffeniooii, marking the starting time for the iulx-ofjinutlec -toung 32 i;u.i.uu uf actaxi rr.e D8 - - ,-s'. .vnug» drive total of l.uu districts will take place m the Gros.se Pomte, and Johnny fttoR- VIneelcr. WiKsibi idg*, N J., via - rnaii/atiwTi :<"V»iing m» micro midp« t auto race, one of the hiirhiijfhtk ot the Knuin- lion Htxiie tu! ill Me iIcim.G Union Concourse from B a.m. vims wun an estimated i«uo ir-. Lansing vice-presidenYv^ pie.snnrit Ellen Erommhold, the goveriong I•*»,!% :• eelilip KxjMisition. n,iii'S budget is aubji'.-t U to 6 p.m. Identification cards ia ! •evifle, and Jon L>wcll, Lilt- ilie* The original reaetoi i> part of y-.ni*. must be presented in order to T«»m Antlerson, Saginaw, and 1 w»u course will the Atonv.t Energy Commis¬ v.ca w ficn the fu.i Appr n» Ingham County Red Cross itlig. svcietary Sue Got>eI, Polio Shots »ln- lal tiOII;. I'lMIrfll.tUl VUtli O.. Iht vote. t ticlxiygait, and Jackie Oxtland¬ u: .'Oi.fidjH: Ked/ie sions tive-yeai program to han- a Uiuud-coiiectu.g unit Mudent* interested ill elec¬ gram imtiau d «i > in ■ . b... t.au«> In aeordance with the Election er. Gicenvihe, trea>urei D»»t- the ount: '- L.ooi a tor > l.;mg the Uin'i .1 States Ihe :..:>wutd in Dem Hail Buuroom tion results may obtain infor¬ Postal revenue* meet aln*ut (•idiiwiHi. governing all-univer- nucieai • Ill and ia ; vt ts of ih.wc it Danker, W iimette. , lluiigarMM llciiri Drive—eon- Building. X.'i ■ , :.i tht remaining two days vit.v elections, freshmen carry¬ mation by calling the Al Sli l.(i a. m . 11m The unique feature of ftiis per rent of the department » 11 • v Dennett, Midland. tribulioiis totaled $1.4 i't and two and hush in office, ext. 2£31 after 11:30 ' btudcuts can uo- budget. Nummerbeld »« ieque*i- drive ing 0-41 ..1 credits wiil l>r «»i- In IV Wil! CM linal elect coll* Ion* of rluthiiiK- boiling wafer reae'oi is thai tonight. No information will •ii Auditoiuuu ing general increase in postal »ny time between B-5. a ■ » titled to vote for sophomore for b;.. ei.t t'>'ngie:»f repi i.t- hve -team is actually genciat. d be available at the State Spain.11 Sj'i. • • ( ' .'. in rates tu make the department Lit coffee and doughnut# are class offices, sophomores carry¬ m the uramum cole by nu. l«*ar itViVCK from Abbott, Aiinxtionjg, Week pep ia New* office. heat and piped directly to the more self-sustaining. , Hitd tor all donors. ing between 42-91 5 credits may Dry an, GiiehriM, East and W est rallo - •ituiuiii. vote for junior class off lies and turbine without nml for inter¬ In hue with th,A lejue.:. M !)• I'hlillps, E»*t a'id w t baski tbatl 1 am House Post Oft lee t - juniors with 92-141 4 credits Gene Clvnaemm, Norfolk. V.< Yakeley kno Fraternities All dent tuun t - N mediate heat exchangers. . . .4 WeUriCKlay Sorority Sing may vote for senior class offices. secretary- Jan Reisuig, Deavej, pole High school diopter member* recomnM :si. ,| other cauduiatei were automat¬ SiImi Blades U.i l.isu-.-t e.ii {tin i %M aludeuU except gradu¬ I'a and Donna huehiiK. Ea't t of the Junior Engmeeung Tech¬ eicurcv. ,:i 1 , ; . ; ,.| , ically oeated. ft was real./! «-'|ni|ipi-.| with laUw ating *enb»m may vute foe the l*»nMTxg. trcvtsurci—Sn« U«4 J« - icei's aie nical Society (JETS) fo.teied (U.-igi.id lj ...1 u- apon.soixhip I'laiut Listed preside n I of Mudent tnivern- rungs, Kaldmaroo. and Stall fund d.iuu.u ,1 two ho,se|M>W(i c: - by the college ''of engineering tta 12«l .iv.,ui . «mnuot'y ment and fur Student C ongress representatives from their re¬ Siat, Kredonia, N.Y. Kulining fur junior 1 las* of¬ Michigan Ihiirv Exn utive 1 "fl-iainfJUs houMiig wtie gioe. ,iu i 1 o.l bars. o>ake a.-.M iiibi.es .1 1 j to r«>vi 1 the ch.is. is have pi epai ed exhibits which ,41 e eligible for prize*. afr«i mail two niiiavti yvm*. in» • Th. y . f 1 , \ i»<.- E*#»tccu sororities will par- president —- Jolcs crniiig Ine o.o> options for tlic r.uei t.siug circulars . in Sorority Stag Sun- spective districts. Voting fraternity representative* will br lor fice* are: llauslovsky. last Ionising, and I'riiicrss .\tinull revised, The minimum Im un¬ const 1 uetion is the hookup he- eentcrH The JETS in Did* project contest Engineering cis ana small jai- . aiurnoon at 2 30 m the condorted in the I ntun Hallo¬ Bob Rutkay, Glen love. N.Y•; approved houxing was lowered :.ui:i The motor and wheels Hall w'heic results of trie judg¬ Ttie comnuttee voted ;.-r a Dave Campbell. Fmnklin * ill act as master uf ing for all other candidates will At Krllofit: ( I'nirr i 'ampu* ampu* I ( best C I years. — 4 successful .. . . the weight of the car. omoorse beneath MaeU - ing will be announced at a 3 30 two-*tagc i(» ir.t-r plan t ai.ing ' •* u«-s. take place in their respective living units Talent Show- Annctta Stamm, ST, of Hairy imitation of I'cnny Night and 1 h< Stadium will host an auto for cents On a co !h(- the first two .tar fn^i, 2 to 3 ouiats of i" another good year for >|»art,i- Numrruu* State New* staff group will sing one It not necessary for students County wiio share* tiaily in the show during tin- i-xjio^iuon. individual mailing*, an 1 f diafiluy will consist of .1 position* are open for appli¬ cations. Any person interest¬ I'a U) 2 cent* m tnc bu.g Min¬ •1 ■*.-! each perform again. for ies to vote Students may regis¬ number «-f antique, *poi1« and imum ratt eueu.a... , d v.:iie su-.ging a sorority Three arts from the Senior dan y herd, was crowned 1937 talks on major religion- have ed in Ihe Plate New* oper¬ ter toBay and vote in the final late fiiiMicI cais no .*rbandi»c It appro.) 1 , M.ctugau Duiry Pruwesa W< t- helped this year's ..f! . ation. writing, editing or any , Council T'Wiring Talent Show A Ford Ketiactable llatdfop. additional half tent m* m '• -• judges will be Mi« Ur- will entertain tonight at the lay in Kelioyfg Cenirr oy Saturday with the Ins sprcialifed staff work should Die bulk rate by .. I'a. kaid Panther, a tlbecg ,. - July I, iU.»i contact llentse hcanlon. man- b - K « in of Lansing, Miss S|>4rt4u Engint-rr l^n&ing Republican Tow n Club a Governor G Mermen Williams. Na:i'.cd aHetnate tlairy prifK- Festival In the And. hotly ipoits (ai that won the Aging editor, from 3-5 p.m. Tue-uy Uic cunuiutnv ap¬ of Kalama/(*> and card party. .rt*n Salr* B«-|riii Taxluv ■ Heveriy Gngvr 17. Dayhnia Bench Kan: in J9'.» Monday • Irlday. proved increase* !j.h, j , . , n» Kiaehait of Masv*n. Da first etas* . - .n, j No prey too* experience is <1, a Huron County, and l-i- . • o*r* of Epstlon the DudaU* Uharmin t'amp- from The expowtion i-su»- of the huh! bv an MSU student wiil !c« in 0 cent* u 7 . h i an A- IliiM'u-.iiMi l ..|.i. , 1 ah ia Tibill, 18, ot St.ia- necessary. Persons not major¬ * h; Alpha Kappa Aiptu tjell and Stephanie Bartm* will vofina - ■ "Spartan Engmcwt" g ow on sa.« (. ourity be shown. ing in journalism ran ib* ap¬ *'• • ujinerv. today Tbif isaui; features an pcrfoui' at the party Uinf held T(1 wi.l Inst A mtak-I of tlic exfH'i internal of she Internation.il C'ei ply. at the Civic Center. article by Dob f .< »'c-irhs railed If.1. iu- iao ,nj wain reactor liowel Of fce-u,M u.; mi. 'I.reatiei'ly' lo/iir a on All MSU ytudent* are invited M.c'pgan Stale I os I'arciiU to View Your l*h Annual Engineeru.; Exposition" The r....g£/i»u* will., t;i attend Tf.e affair SUDj at JiPium n. I -ike\ n*., f.--m today at 4 1.1 ... bt .ng th« final he id plant built oval Ch.rago Will b d».*pia.v .d th. Chemi a I Fo- p m awards meeting on Fndav g with entertainment mhedufed and Suzanne Mt.ls, religious; diMU;>i** stores. for 9 fresUniari dui iinr-4»dx 1 nation, i W. ek gint f r.ng LrL.natoiv ing cs hiotrumeubs. a radio an i OJ Talks Tonight tiopmeri The second syitqawjufvi •?! ere* \4itli Completion of Strailn ltrid»« During Weekend 1 Tire iiide awards meeting will tn- the nimwuja emeiit ..f 13 .(tiviiv b in 118 W... !*• held t«n.. ,gf..| ,»t "iisAD'h Bu...in y TK ear. as in the past, par- • .olarvhip winners anaxig <»ut- Speaker* t\r ttn.- event -* ,a i*: 'Untouched' UP to Open Doors * '■: have a look at w hat ftaudmg JETS members S. Howard Bait.* • ,n«cw..i' ..f Spartan" at Michigan psychology, a if wi.l spcaK on icing with his time Si - if-a* seventh annual Par- mile route Some tourists have waited Sixth I'nilrrnily Icti lae«pa. a j-Tofosor of art, t js Weekend to ST IGNACE, Mich ill*)-—One *»f the last hermi¬ over -t six comes cam- « h<*»C t.»|>ie is y rcauvtr > and tage* Hi A..»iiian wildmincs- l* rvtllrasly stir¬ :.•!< up 24 imul fur-a (ic/v-sng Sifiim I /i for Itoir in • \1 P-s the Ai'ist and D ais K /cji»v. e twelfth international fes- ring, .about to be awakened by a Riant of steel Now-, on two gigantic Steel legs, the budge, til pifoesawr of pfii.or.».--p-:»y q«eak- * xf.exjaied at the Aud. and cement [unrig over the u > Straits of Macki¬ .o< panning the straits from si Igroue to Mae* Upr-ilnn n the sixth irig tu Toward a of "•-'■ *itia> to attract parents to nac kinac with four miles of four-lane highway Horn fr.tJ.ermty U» sign up f a the ( lealivity ^ ' parents to cxhibtu and tower to tower, the •"suspended" midsection of to|K».-ed futernrty row Sev¬ A rtiseussion w id follow the Thi* month riggers will begin lifting and bolt¬ r "*-A,r.;r.cr,t by foreign stu- the bridge i* ••nine 8,814 feet long, compared with eral other IhmiMi have < ide at¬ formal >iaeeIm», Chairman fur ing into place the 8ti sectk>ru <>f the lonc^t m>- n campus. Mad let t for San Francisco's Golden Gale. ed an mil red in joming the tin sym(XW4urn is Milton E 5 lH.ii.-ion span in the world By Nov 1 tin- Mac¬ ,-kei ia ' -s' -ig'^ted a Weekend Committee that double date aflkir and students •••"" tu :c Vj] kinac Straits Bridge should be pumping tours-da into Michigan* Upper Fenmsuia. It was a spun built. In winter, that many paid would never In¬ jammed with ice, the hariow# row a but have not yet down le. Ota suiauittcd payment. Mceordiny to r, Ephiata. l*«nn., sen¬ Miicldrr. dean of tlir Coiiegc uf JHitiKc'and Art*. K vm air u highway for powerful-e*prcy»s-hK«> winds. la>ng stranded by the neck of water that link* ' , " 'he Vofkgiate Con»e- ior, chairman of the 1FC fra¬ ' * «*•«€» katiaday nsght in Lake.* Michigan and Huron, the Michigan north- It, spring and summer the overburdened ferries 'l iru/MMnl' to I'rrn-nl ternity row committee ■"< Union, land looks to an unprecedented economic boom, fight the swift and tricky eurmif*. The University requires that Problem* <1/ Old . Ijrr mcinbcn wtll b* built on iqprist trade. Engineers farrd the challenge with a series bf ten sign up before the -«n «n • r.mpu, SatunUT drtu- r-' precaution* that should make even the most end of sprmg term in order far The problems facing older • ciothes "^k ■ ^k • m In the first full year of operation—1978—the feel safe. The bridge ran face wind* up - - worn during the cautious the row materialise. people will be « MMIvr, Cu, m.pJi. for the next higher stage., Vlu-ii- (.rail Student to families fleeing the summer heat fur the cool Sunday at 2 >3t*. cmmdtma \\ n pine forest*. Now hundreds of men arc spinning, spider-like, the web of steel thai wilt i< place the slow car Financed with 40-year bonds interest on the loan will run million dollaevsThe tnterevt nlone will corn tf "to the bridge and better than 212 .\|t|N-an, on WKAK Lisa Takac*. Ymingstowu Ohio grad student in piano will ap¬ The two guests en the pro¬ gram will be Prof, Gordon Al- ridge, of the social work detri¬ ■1 ■ v / 4 ferries, in carrying .vacatiomr* and cotttmcnr $12,000 a day - Hie actual building cost is nhoul 1 "night VV/ on WKAlt-TV's Recital b* Ukemry - - •„ . • j1 x * acri/ivs the strait*. loo million dollar* Tolls aic expcctctl to average pear Hall ' at ft.M p.m tonight. ment and a member of the Labor and Industrial Relation* Center * . S3.U8 per passage. Miss Takocs selections twill h. . i \ 1 From the time Indians paddled their canoes 1 There seems to be little question that it is include "Etude in C Minor, Op. at MSU aiid Dr. Frederick across to trade Michigan copper for other goods, T, \ i: i the spanning of the straits has been a slow and worth it. Since work on the bridge started three 10. No. 12" by Chopin. "Romance in F Sharp, Op. It. No. 3" by Swartz* member of the commit-, difficult chore. years ago, real estate prices have zoomed on both tee of aging, which Is a pad of sides of the strait*. Local business Is booming Schumann, "Etude ia O Flat, On holidays and on opening day of the deer the American Mediral khaci- with the influx of bridge workers alone and home Op 10. No. V by Chopin sod season, ears have piled up in lines 15 miles long -ta-w on H m WX— rentals have doubled in bt. lgtucc. >^k. ... Life Can Be.. Michigan State News Michigan State News- »fr«KF. IT il AMItl K Hubliined on eljw ana »i>rir.ie day* Mnnrtay through Friday Induatv*. durlnc tau term* exc*pt day# after holiday*; weekly dunn, turt, trill IHtlr h' H'l 'i II <100 Studrnti and Fir ally irrimnincE. Aita. ,.r>- *-i,frr ner term and one special freshman Issue between summer and fa|j Michigan State ffi*w« is published by rtudents without dire. I faculty Re !ec.!.- hen' know spring h.i .erms Kniered »« sesnnd class matter under act of March 3. IB7# at u» Fa«t l^mstna Mich 1 nost office ]t i~ ii.-t flu* of Unit voi<■*" of the university or of the student term, ft for two terrr* ' r.rrixvl when thi* muskr.it* !<»*:- Mali 'nufcacrttdions. pavahle in advance, for on# vi. m , . n .it ii-., m t.. >er\e the tie»t interest a ° of both, stand-, ready •li .si. for three term,, ft* » - v : .i \ • . ti v» -u ■! J' iv •• .t wed** between tin- tw-». whether It Hcoui'h town. F.ich spri:?:; they uri.v:-Vv of from outside. Member of the Associated In' ii va. , - t , Daily fienii lute:folli-ijiate l'i*v» Association atui Associated n from !'•" 'for • ►** on tltc Mel Keller - Editor-in-Chief • i-'er: t-(g» to the Old- Denize Setiiloti Manxrlnr Editor P.'lgi Twu r» c H v — or. t» . - 'a J fn P • Art Sippof t Rinlnes* Manager f'."!. they royi-r-f 'In t'.-k (it'l Out and Note n .f j ED 21511 Liampus Lilassipeas Ext. 2f,r, Campaign (h*atory Dies, ■ hiith rmi/irrWp Deailline: 12 noon Dave U A S Wfiint'sd; B- 1 Case Comes to Jury ■ loir cot! one da* before publication ti«»n to off thiv inp Srna * f • • ri't i" t!i' history The-e two uentlemen have been workinc thr lid ol ver> hard to cet their promises acro«»- to CLASSIFIED RATES PERSONAL , . t tub : . t' • ' • MS!' till- S|t|. FOR SALE !H*I ani the -tintentw. The student* on the other minimum 15 wo»d» iii'. u : » •. • .,•■ ■ dnut'•>: •;t , to Vti't' iii KAY XVIinNFV I'RF.D i enough t I>, f hr A i! t ' :\ rf- i' Sttltienf < l't\ hand have been sitting hack, yawning and 60c \}-W K .\ .-Ic troln. and used tlii- ■ AI" DREY DIFl.ORIO ! . , t '• •- ! . I day Kid e»*e come to the State News Offs,-c Teamster ■ -I Iff.* wondering what it is all about. They could -i^'.akei aninlifiei i."'*' C"i two tickets to the Crest Drive-p l riiM'fttJ I'l ? day, $1.00 fpo «id llick fd • mixed im t» - .1 ii.'.•!!' \\ ;tn*ed .iit.l mil he iMithered to attend the rallies. In FOR TlfF. OlRi. with abi! I » . \\»-. » 3 day, $1.30 ntVtNO (vl'TFTT t.una and- ou.illfic;«nun» trutti at most instances the candidates were wasting SKIN nei lenee ?hi i- \t' . ♦ thi'\ iro' !» u i in1 iiderestintr 4 daya $1.50 e- S.'ai v ilue. Mn'1 «a ru ti'v iiiUv Uanaulir fur Jum. a afnstcTS their oratorical talents on I heir campaign Ho t'iVie'it- nifp'nl Bill vela:v t-. • « 1 • whut t ht do v\ i' '• i?. i 5 d,yl $1.65 VRTKR XNS I'LUH VFV .K Comnuttoc y i"i-t "v'eeh tl i* candidate have managers. Foreign Stinleiits Speak ?!»• VOl.fVF SFT "i I'oilier - Fn- ADDITIONAL CHARGES 9u Sis month* old aptoi XVfiik "i> ba'wths for Inie-i. ■> T'n r*ixi. i " \e.r l»«»ok im-luated 4.13 I'ti.n • Festival ii Friday eietit t« Report to five. taj, Audit- r h.'u <-■»• i M •! 4: HM I cHnipaU'nv ?->Va 1HH great fKiIitical campaign have died away and trait*: i.i'.dir FD Saturdav nieiit 10 30 4c per day l h- thcii <>!>ihnur' . iva\. » « ■ ' hakiinr hfwK Iicratin^ and iwejitmi' «>\c! cam* the crucial moment for exercising that in¬ alienable democratic right to vote has ar¬ Kashmir Culturally w billing charge . . . 15c BkBY CRIBS ■ Hot; tin atimui rient ol MISSl.MKH tl A1* the and i-apabillties for F* At'SO Vote todav fuj |»;iii*n s;n-i*ch,t . and j■!.»* lonio, rived. The i"*-m«» haw hren m»!iceiil>ly few hut automotive will contain names of candi¬ Isolated From India The ballots ATTENTION FR ATKRNiT |F- bl'Si.VFSS ouimrtunitv Car m * each cantinl'ite ha- exploited them to the dates for student congress representatives, ■ iWFRTlBl F site on main street Ph<»ne FD 5-oa nth decree. Hot It prtinti-e a tuccer and het- all class offices and the presidenrv of lei -ttificn! uiiwrnntent with hiccer and Afst; Id i tor's noie This is the fourth in series of toe artl- heller -er\ ice- to the -tttdent-. The ballot I sixes will he set up in fill rlrs written a In foreigrn students Mi " • ?-. j » "v\: i -i U»tter foot, living units and in the t'nion. |A8* FUlN'TUltl SHOPP£ — the olwfVl- _ to eommrinoi ate hah -1•':• « c ad j».• xacci'ic, iw'tter lion ol International Week oa vote fOl \ ou know w hat you are voting for.-you student I" • •' i" ;>i <>\ rtnenl of the rimpus This artiete is written know where you can vide; the onl> thing graduate -tiHlent antoniAtn >'i- i'n.di"". moic etpiit- by an l>l*-t .di dure ' r '? < crowded >011 have lo figure nul for yourself is who from I'akisfao and w lit cicr r . r you are going to vote for. her point ed ylr« iim ttie Kash¬ * i-•»; iiMvihb- *troller' ! jolly johnny :'•! It V .1 • • : -.! |.-: - •P «? leen-•!>.»'». Wtu»» mir dispute Von have had an opportunity to hear the s. i'ii.i iv ed Mr 'iii' : i ,t . |>i ■ " • ' iiPi»ro\ oment Its JOIIW X|\||K ,t) j. r.• • -. *» in<0 i -.t intent platforms or ideas of most of the candi¬ iccchem 4 k n dal! I:, son didn't take advantage of that rogers pari iriti.it iu'i i?i ' ii 11 v committee-. « \ - g i i .• candidate-' fault. I VI I ten i• " . •' tbi< }"1 wn- ' • ■ ■ Student .1 • iii i. i i ■ ji t . 11 pntii-i.\ i-moiif . m t< a'uii«tate have all agreed on one i 'c tfo". have all n-ked the student- to SB CLASS BBfS operation ana i'rt o and Vote todav the trouble hr<>ke out tleht laciiltv Flows Slow i i«r Hut renptr ,»*krd f >r i« r. pnitrr and the St.ite CAN VOTE •« a; > iitiC slatted 4 Urge srnle per . MlltC BY Plllt. tloufh a •» utility sheikh Xhdutlih the Kel-o Slaters Phone Di'ita And fr-.i y»«.i rn r-snes !Vtn Hall is the place to add your cor then Indian "I bin nf K ishmir " Mr tk' MS! "s ips.e.! t-.r the K< »T , drive i Lint l ptisclc-. to the flow hut iinything above one h* rotiine REAL ESTATE » who the u.p is now ( 2.DOO pint*. Ti c facultv ha* -i t it - quota e«vu' -i t . ukf i«H under the Indian U«s • ,.r»r** that p« r cent .Old «sr .■'» rrnment, awribed the rmit of ... pit-l RFsrRlCTKfi ARF.A N'FAK leave- I bg.n j• pi' • t,.' t'ofne from the s|q. Hmmmmtn perhaps this is why the pro- tin-y Mo.l-.c. yyg.b D.i thi* trouble to the Mnslrm*' tear BSfCHf'M A KN^C.MT ' t'nosuallv la/ee Nil* Pucctl (w'tatfOtl F"' details contact Ui dent * \ c.ii feasors ... twu of 4D.939 llv, I ti-1 of How the* would be deitt gleason i *1 UUP . trvln* J j 3OWVi Vera.« FD 3 1384 ft-sidee--* The total for last spring was 1.IV45, it U dakl T'i. M'hg.'K t;iv.tv with in r.ise1 of accession to In- Fast Uarisin« Realtv Core Mr* Beck The studefit-facu't' rati ' ! • atiout I l«) 'tbi <•' '' A') ,♦ ii C< • ■ Realtor* the tli. ui » hoped that this can he topped in the next ■ one ill*. Iti Slew of how HIimhIwi- •* the ratio i i i'i \..u some-, i.iri{» !i ii--i- n-.il.lc (■ rl- lenis nf Kapurthali and other later wild thing t- ohvioti*l\ wrong hci< Father there two day*. Hemeniber it isn't every day P'isma', •••• - ci'i . Mates «»f I'uniib were dealt AUJft MfSlOfMT He .void you gi ! a chance to lord- it over your in¬ !,llnm« w »|i> i.«?!)«>>: : 'U#M St. i.- a i'd of had blood in tin facultv or thev with tKapii.t»i,il i bad i »• * l» structor ill £ »I«M are suffering from malnutrition or nine 63 per rcnl X|i»s.lrm population 4•*«>£!4|»ln. 4llv || i« a surer- o| her til -r.i • Four pints . . tch tch . . . that's a fifth, viihi of moiiuUiny *«** rrr«! from which tias harraxsed and butrt. ered .wilhln a few d»v% of in MAI.- .i.!» S|/F i7 ' Ii 1* ft'-, each rscelierit in fat'MP needs a lal-e The least We could ii)i(hll .»n.I fuimiiijiili' rane< fear M,s aeffWaled b* Die be- ATTFXTK'N «Tl'DFVTS' BIT i ,» one »i'«lf f>«th* 'v*■> r,i v . rtirrrltv llnkrtl *i!h Imli.t In thr dlamrn«$« wholesale '« rsrst r.i'tcc F"iirtt( IvdriHtm id'i hax »or #f the Mate troops xtho tntjr do i send 'hem aU to ttlin for a physical. •S Weirs Fietcs IV sod '/ carat perfec stunes at 13ft »t.id- Tei r .fic ten ram |!'i ir'si south by thr ft 4100 ft. hub II4H t -t i).«rl: ry ygns'ruvtmn Co".: ba«l eommitteed not onlt perse- ■ < oiiege professors have always had a fa- lis jser carat Queen Jewelers 114 N fd ft-(km# OmII (,«•-. whi'b I* ogrnril ouh rut ion. but atrocities nn the —- $Vaahinc»oe tf cilif\ for martx rdooi, jwrhaps this involves Someone was really thinking in Student during thr uimmrr It lias lit tioxernment when he planned the annual lialiiral oullrls ' ami routes .»f Modem population of the state employment T»AIi,MN BARGAINS Washers leles-tsions TONIC row PROFF-K.WRV mora! principles rjdtier than physical ones Ti c -s.B ' •»., ' rvi I I rsrees ftB> UP refritteratnes ft 3? week flinxlvear Perfet l pej e and qiuet Ar- rommuniration in thr arra now Of com e piofes-ors are older and more banquet for the night of the big election. fcerv !Ce 1110 f Mi-hiaan tf lot east of Fast Lans. / rallril Taki-Uin arte Calloused to flat: waxing and propaganda A giKwl time will he had. by all except those Thr K: itc 4>f K.istif? t;v tiy«u H't insignificant little, people who count, the :: » 1 ?->;?»irv The Mo*'c» <• . HOUSING Brand new ranch home. Hut tf the\ are going to complain about (part-i by tli. pofr»t kttrhen nirppu t root- '''par ballots. i.f lb.' t.« • H. student apathy in their classes all the time fu.il ■ ORtt'ARD cTTtKrr riRCT fW.. fi replace two-car garaga I', Hr ram. Siagic. f..; 'f 17 'l ic. rv L-t-ed Two smatl r «an« and — us they do- the lea-d they can d«» is ★ if it rl "-III » int. Mir. i r on* or marron] ro»i»fe der wr»i*v) Contact Decker Re.v *dh a n. I Vot>.»!»• v l.|vr fU ho\y us the Wax i»v example .• \ was l...'-o pint- The fabulous faculty are difficult to believe. The Hums are to gonetd "« t; g; tl'isvs. itnig f > thr s» u on r.vm< - tment for summer Pre- j SERVICE the brleks Careful house- has contributed four pints Hiooklyn what royalty is to Britain. Th.e.v It.*! fhU;< '■•14 B ll i'fl v Oil • ., • V • -.« J!» ' , < ! er w lit S O Oi'urve IV- TYPING TERM PAPFRS rr.a- uur.ii unii'ti e- ♦ f • R'atidio LT'n t'nuer- Our fcMggestion to the students i. to go arc not just ;l team; they represent a tra¬ SiiO .1 Vs .» «nfh but Uw- • ' of T• - Avenue Chicago 7T iRirmu) 1*7 •crtres. ru'*te theses *V C4»r>ta.-I Pauline Miles Newt sod fV give a pint of blood, <»r at least pick up a dition. a merry tradition. The delightfully liOgubllHe: eJiiWM j»; fi, " .•cva'Mvhm watt t*c deeuiod t>> fhr »-v Vk«-.t f AmtACTtvr TMsrr ROOM UP i «UB !• frwdy .TvpTttiw^ Wishe* .g IJed t'ro-« button somewhere and eVerv daffy iiHjMH*t of baseball in Brooklyn is rry f.u *).c j t\i > f i.'nrst. eO llral for two FTORACE TIME STHRACT hme Bo- H eroylA^Af Ks»hrnjr This {# a > k ».•; »a s->d , t'fth'iet paid hr owner IHume f-D- «tore wf«nlee« todav at r«-< • 4 probably Inst exemplified by the hilarity vour time a toucher hand* you a sarcastic re on tt>»* imrt ol Uu ru'un* ;. sunt whUh gi«" j,ss»aie Kj^h- ft-*te« t-is cleaner* Acrnaa from Berk-* it ta'e« r*Pf that reigned at Kbbets Field last season Thi* w a wintiCKit- <»r i*u Ball tf mark ask him to Cioinpare Idood card* (tf . • »n4r fwye tww drmed up to ipet M» N APPROVED It O f ft ! N G t*VM(kg luii thyo.ifh summer folloyying the public addre-s announcer's ! now o«y. P-ITTTAR INPTRttC-TOR C1.A««"- course if >mi worry alsuit giadc- just lifi 4 ;,i ; 1% :i font; «ktutors latet tn 1947, in 4 igIngram k-edril r -- vhevk« Crossword Puzzle INFORMATION Correction TWO p; dtnrw( spcy v NEEDED fo« sure ful. Five ..nj w h-»r .'»>< hiojoeowtf-e »f A1pf.s t'fvt f - m e»m*Hia (tie* '.irn«*hed A—nb* naekin# FD I F« !M nerfnrmance CONVENIENT AHOPPING Bri"T>e IV HOCE* tf MODPRK APARTMFVT NEAR Ore- nine a m -nine am tUi 6 « Atph* )y Mondae - Ssturdav |n#rial!r>nr « At K«ess 2s Wind IIVITOR s VOTE- The NtOe Eh"'L'» Hi,# eefy i»e»wtiw ftia- ^ti# d-amend# and he4tar tew-'** matt urnvut »>•»*» «uw twwrh FD 3-414* |Jt* t BWvatrt Vexra oerljrntl* nmilted a part Te»m« to aut T" #empN*e #• '- 31 f?Lriiar 4.RUN III 1 >|| 1 *|»|( | \| tttrrf-rocr room unfurbm** Vte# tfm»'tryest II 3>er* !V 4 Vo w' vf dprr UIIIR t ARMVAl UtllR «f- M«rne (llnurni platform w»n. j*we|er Frandur Shoporn# Cen¬ .g. ITaj. 1 at sroRTA 4 OMMITTir Mil YIMi (ram IVrdnr-d.*, \ paper an*"-e.,f #*i>v t v veteran V4«5t" tf a Spirited »*^jdent No fhfllhtu pet* Write ter iv ft-rtta# (•'« " ft 30 |t in 42 l'm<«y g. n , 33 Union m% MVRNP r.LI ANOftf FOR RENT W it A,-ve|#t(.e 7« CciVfr MlddV* \ioy«thpnn . * VII INCi 4 1 | It . !"*•> C*mnr« ti id tKt «ADD»r HORCF.C AND »♦*■.' 12 y »w ing of a tn toic U KOHtt I I I n Oie ul (he main point* of mv at Rr.we Rid in# Rsr.rh IV S-4V7 ti Agog .77 pa tush H30 pro. .1* Utuiv ! '*t#«y|TW was unloftunatf ty '<-« TTltrtkO RENTALS BRAND nyw APA*»TVFNT WAVTFD AT ART- T tun, Jenis» "ft 4 ANtmin tv en n er< Arrow ftr-m tXe'kev HaU lt7 r .r three m,le i>w»r, <«umi.r An 1 owstiir ; eared In Vfifre. h*'« S' .b' w-vtre North Am#rtran X'an U; !-V U»ok for 4HTHTRA » 30 i? !-y.. Retbe' Miiy-r New * ADDING MACRINF* Tvprwnrr- r~* .*1 TX' 4 !0| t# 17 T»v k »..k 42 tl#4 h t l« 3 30 g m Unbxn tasunce FV 'entaU A*k sV **t .. i* rental r , Aaiutmn ef XttifUq i Paiiia . \ Wi V V Xtt \ Tt.is is.ini »* RT.IMRT TO rVfM1 ,V A -WW ' SARR.ATTCAI. Pf t«7T-S#* Assist- VCRTC - RRVNT DAVIS Or- f 4 ("hoirf %«M s | \lttTIU I 4)1 M It 3 V lltxuw T»1E STUDFVTS 1 vmklv Vt lift W t r*s<#Mn# nn *♦»!*•••* w-iR re»t , tft tnri'.i.-n 4« 1 Vi 3s A* ' ft 30 p - W AtrriRf ft Oufwlvrs 36 Unum .. . -ii? b.wise Wr-ta ** IV T*—ek 4*»» Jo >'«< i ui tft In the •»( the State r -' Ker diaw P-altun »r» Jft. Varylan* 4* Cover 7 HrUtlng to MOR?%R no%RI» Ptim.ls TiMirs nwvuw t.a*c.f »..*• 21 L'fwrips-'. News Fxpliy;esnft the grogry^s Might Mail " 4."«et *tJ-<-r«i«-9d-- m ft.-s-jr ciwiven. 22 t » w i.rnc. 1 Pub... >;vi se ?rint»te* ft Hair« Ci vrmrner* iusrsn»m» After at;, »ml ,— »»•»•»« •> »** 2t Kot*f.*nr<** 45 IMM Icu 10 Calkin ft 30 pm, Mural Room. Union Ni»*t »#it«r | fw-r>» Mft' Sever,; 'r-r® avait- Ward ffjf i f the pi f I \ION IUI4RII TOI RW %»*$ Ni«hi M>*«r | tf»s VOUN r-'vernm-nt ami «»>>• »#et* A Jt ?»«>'•»« — US* M Coni;nrfil 2 tnUmatiOh !I Wire t«l»> YOU sho'uld ktew wha? Is s» Vrt if*#* »i'vf Pin# mabj-iay IS Hilter herb HINT 4 OMMITTIT M|W Will Jurf* S Insiru. tof stuff Tf »t'»» f»*rX P* P»'tr t,W Sirrak m 52 At a'", tor« trans. M» Nalirrt ymr*.- p»«n swnj G **»n 15 Jo n thr ft 15 Music Room ».-.*A ...r nihflfiiji v Si AUrnt.on 4 Trur colon W t»jtx. ATKR CARMVAt. ON »*•#*«» r.vno*r* k»#n*rm# Areft» LOST and FOUND r: oid p. e 55 Litvp for a M«lctQCnt »V *UM ttt t,!Wr 3 Hemnant of 20 Saik f 'AMrt'N PITH H 11V cf cie tn ivmi.uiloty 22 Curve R.vwyj 3 Union 25 Prox vdrd ,V€ Malur* 2 om . attinticn stownts 2J Dovr't note 4.I RMAN 4 1 tH 1 »o •• 24 n>;af • TV *»Ht with «pt'*a» A 4 » 7 30 P m. fourth fhs r Library - mammal 25 Aftern staff room t® tvK SfM'S #**4% •#-?ai t? TT" 27. Withdraw PRE-MED MXtnV MUNTZ TV :W littwll rtt- TT it> 17 TtT ft.30 p.m.. 36 Union 111 (AST KALAMAZOO 21 Br the C.RrW WEEK RANQITT trouble I TT" ~ i* 20 13 TT 32 Disorderly. c omvrm ft $0 p.m.. 42 tTniim !*M%a FMONf IV 4-MM persons nr 2 >, a d»i DTLTA rill IhillOX i 1 rem 31 Exist 74 Bov FOft SALE pm, 34 Union . 7*T T* s 3 V if .1 '.(ft. Corrupt 34 Pert. U> life MPntontuT (uau nn ntTOiT>Aiiur mcF»Tcrt»Am« te WANTED drn TQ * * 0'«M mnAtW IW $?udet.*a'««—• 3« 3ft Uneven 7 30 p.m„ f«l« Houh I COUJNT STA.O.- rat UJJ CI) JMRBB 1M ■ j riRimm rituh any i»«a . TT . Jt 40 Sbtdering *rv'VfJT6\ PORTABLE ~TYPT : '• - h '...v matrnal (ANcruro Ix 40 41. Apple juice %im% witl mtTA WRrrrt «Hh r»«e |43 M-mrrv MM- and rrujwwlyw-.# "wavAww, *» fto Only. ««", wl«- » p*r 42. Petroleum 7 pm., Aintomv Ixvtuto f f raUnmt «*» Claw M»*« weter heater. •»d •>) ylm.t u>«:,i f.*n rnp>!*r. c«neete«4, M • We htr-w-. THf VUONUT SHO# 77 Bj TS 43 Lesrmnf » Knrwn. 04Mwr Hall ■j- !,□ 47 Mournful AwwifA< ym or / w*w«r lakH Tnsctnr with mtVr pW>* nitmto* n> mac re ;a»7i 7* 41 > 43. Vigor tltt. Sift Okenvw m ~ ~ 1'^ 3 4ft. Explosive - »:!» »m_ Tmm ftonm pi 57 TT device nr ' • V 30 Period of W.$ TT *T — J — m S6 JL. L — m □ MICHIGAN STATS NEWS .May ». 1937 Fife Three Beck Mum at Hearings State Singers Plan Sunday Concert in Peoples Church W on't Blow Fire Hits The StH*e Singers, formerly and composed in the manner of known as the A Cap(>ella Choir, medieval organ urn. Cover off will be presented in concert by Secular music wnll be the Michigan the Music Department on Sun¬ Spanish folksong, "Little Shoes • ~ day evening at 8 in Peoples Are Sold at the Doorway of Senate Yet Forests Church. Richard Under the direction of Klausli. assistant pro¬ Heaven." "Fog" by Stone and the "Peasant's Chorus" from the fessor of music, the organiza¬ opera "Prince !gor." I -i'll Union KiiiiiIn tion <*onsi;.ts of 70 singer* and The MSU Madrigal Sir.gcr* 750 Acrv* Burn l or Corklnil Mix instrumentalist* will appear in the concert sing¬ 1 In Huron Area The program will open with ing "Ave Verun Corpu*" by "Pangc Lingua" by Zolton K'»- \\ A SIII NO TON i/TV-j daly • The rarely heard work in Byrd and the "Echo" by Lassu.s «ty THK AftMKIATFtl PKFSft "Two Psalms" by Gustav Hoist I iavi Beck hacked away One of Michigan'.* worst America, i* a 13th century text set to music in the form of a will close the performance and ttniiie*day from an invita- "Ye Watchers and Yc Holy forest fires in years was short cantata accompanied by t,,in in "Wow the lid riKlit 10 instruments. Ones" will close the program. brought under control Wed¬ Another unusual composition Vocal soloists will b«< Nancy „ff i lie Senate." Investigat¬ Mate Newt filMnnam nesday night after destroy¬ I'lmtu hi Roger Mi«*imer and Marne Gleasnn address interested students at Fit is "Glory to God," by the Hosier. Perry junior; John Gor¬ ing Senator* in turn lifteil French composer. Emile Martin. man. Lansing sophomore; Ken¬ ing at least 750 acres of tim¬ a pre-election rally held in the I'nion parlor* last night. Final elee- •In Inl on the Beck family's ber in the Huron National tions will he held today in all living units and in the t'nion con¬ A modern work, the piece is neth Is-h. Pontiac senior an i based on 4th century melodies Warren Ennck, Gladwin junior eei and liquor business Forest near l*ake Huron. course. en.'ich to disclose that Tnc blaze burned to within Teamsters Union funds cot two miles of the village of Foot- site and destroyed two build¬ Linton Receives Honor mined into it. an accountant for the* ings at the Au Sable Ski Bowl f.i • before being tamed. Robert S Linton, former reg¬ for his participation in church KUlr Photo bv Fd Clhannam asters welfare funds, the At one tnhe the Wurtsmith istrar at MSU, has been award¬ and Seated at right I* Dr. Shao Chang l.er. profrtwor of the foreign community activities as Racket* Investigating fctudir* department. Dr. I see spoke on Confueianiam Wednesday at Air Force Baae near Oscoua lay ed an honorary life membership well a« for his work as regis¬ snmuttee drew testimony that the International Center. The eoffee-dlncuaaion wan third in a aeries directly in the path * of the by the American Association of trar and his service to of four religious talks taking place during International Week. flames, but the ytrong winds Collegiate Registrars and Ad- Officers. AAC RAD. shifted. The fire spread to with¬ missions in eight miles of the town of The presentation was made at Linton was registrar hero 1939-aH he was Voices Little Hope for (ait Oscoua and leaped the Au Sable Kiver, one of Michigan s favor- the group's annual meeting re¬ cently iri Denver, Colo from named when professor <»f administra¬ lie fishing streams, at a point The citation which acrtwupan • tion and general secretary of lie bat;** are 200 feet left the award praised lanton the faculties Ike Plans Airing Defense where apart. More than 400 person*, in¬ cluding at leaat 300 from the Of $72 Million Budget air base, fought the hre. one injury requiring Only hospital THREE LITTLE CHEFS attention was reported. WASHINGTON (>T)—President Eisenhower said Wednes¬ Wind* with gu.>t* of up to 40 llrrakfast Special day he plans to take directly to the American people, in one, miles an hour helped to sweep or more likely two, radio-TV addresses, his case for adopt¬ the fire into a pari el the Al¬ One ejiK C'hed Mo Pizza pena State Forest ing his $71,800,000,000 hud- U. S. district forest ranger Homemade Sweet Roll Small $1.00 yet pretty much us it Mantis. Conrad Carlson said tin fire Ktactihowrr told a news con¬ Library (ironft was "very, very stubborn." He Coffee Large $1.25 ference there is no hope for a said it jumptu the tiic lines real slash in government s|h:k1- To llrar Lx/htI "iqpeatcdly." 2!»c iiig unless a very great tuning "As far as we know." Carbon of world tc. sains makes it pos¬ From Illinois V. said, "there ha* been no loaa of Mon. • Th'tirs. A.M. to 10 1 .M. sible to iut the present "itu- building* or cabin*." l>endoiis" expenditures for de¬ Dr. Robert Bingham Downs, Upper Peninsula fire*, includ¬ I ri. ♦ Sat. till Ilf Midnight nwi HICK fense. director of the library at, the ing the 600-x*ere blaze three • 1 months hp worked al- The President at the same miltv.-north of Esc,, n aba, were • 817 Kflut Michigan Uniwrsity of Illinois, will be the • • \f liisivelv in the beer bus- lime vnired Hill per rent agr«r- reported under control. featured speaker at the annual IV 2 75.1H ••sv while drawing $13,373 in men! with Serrrtary ui the • Treasury Humphrey, who said meeting of the Friends of the and expense money fiom Mi** lamaing Final* • union. last January thai uule«» the MSt' library. — And from the onetime partner "terrific tax take" is reduced The meeting and election of >f- Srhriluled Tonight Mr Berk in «mc nwnpanv, and this country will have "a de¬ firers will be at 8 p.m. Tuesday • » Beck Jr in another, they pression that will curl yvur Selection of Miss r-ansmg will hair." in the fourth floor lecture room begin tonight at the Civic Cen¬ • • i testimony of big capital • pu ked up through their Eisenhower said h'* and Hum¬ of the library. ter in I«an*ing M.s* Uniting »tion in the business. phrey "jointly prejxuvd" a let¬ Dr. Downs, recent president will be crowned May 21 at the Irving J I funr testified **»at ter on wfnrti the treasury head's of the American I a bra) y At co¬ Michigan Theater. Mrs Hr« k paid Ml.MM for stork depression view* were based nation. will speak on "Libraries Five local judges will chtH*e m mir ni his companies and He added, in answer i. a ques¬ in Japan. Mexico and Turkey." the nine finalist* from 30 « a- Uirr sold it hark for HS.Mt. tion, tiiat Humphrey w ints t» He is the author of several tnpfc. They w ill be selected on Mr .-aid Dave U«*ck Jr. also leave the cabinet and must do b'Hiks. the most re.ent tw mg the basis of beauty, voice, »n- *ght ..r« f st.ck additional for 124.000. later Stock, and so "sooner or later"-- though not, he implied, btvuw-e of any "Books that Changed the World," a volume which describes 16 telleet, whoksaaneneas, disposi¬ tion, general culture and special i-.~\ mother- ■ I he didn't out for $112,300 know what disagreement with the Prtsi- urnt great books which have altered the course "t history. A col¬ talents. V>* v trillium's delectable floats ; • «v Jr, paid for the additional "Feeling Hrw," a..- h«: put it. lection of these books is on dis¬ from a thud in- aft* i a g<*h! deyd of exposure play In the main corridor of the '«" ta ught to the sun in recent wtck>, the library. STECMEYER The very ewience of femininity . . . sweeping • • *asnt pudgy Imisr of the team- around to hear this chief executive pu. sharp crn- j.basis on a atatcmcot that. Yvonne, generally Ixdieved lo for <**;■ iip\ panel* of nylon *heer, borlered with imported 4 <■:, "! his successful wife and "The monetary pt-iiey of this be a French girl s name, is not JK. VEEP hire ami floating yrarefnlly over nylon (\- government is mine, and n-» one that at all It is the Hebrew \: »t name for "Grace of the Lord." h round of pleas of the underneath me is going to trirot: Beautiful in lil«c, amendment, plus one tiiat change my policy " He was re¬ ' r t feeling too w ell, Beck ferring here to a question Trillium'* nnrht-hliNiniiriK lovelies 'parted for ho hotel, whether Humphrey's mko-.m>r ilf rimr before Km Senators might ease the administration a with * new lawyer who. like "tight money" jiolscy -Mi / «ld one, advised him lo de- rtuif Ui answer fie** wouldn't he had questions, even in fact say once A llu|>pv Thoughl SPECIAL SELLING! {■! a> reporters quoted ANDERSON "tat he had Information ' >• would 'blow ^hc lid right for Senior .senate.** Vfcp Berk aiiin declined to tell the • 'vritatamt* of family members ■m officials the com- "»• . . -CAMPUS CLASSiriKDS . . A^nt to question —- or rn sny whether he knows . . LOW COST" . . r^e list includes his son . . HIGH READLHSHIP" . . Seniors . . Now Is The Time G4rfi(rir(p TRANSI.UCENT BAVARIAN CHINA To Rent lamous Arzltrrc . . . priinl 9 anil prizv-wiiiniiiir fur it* won¬ Ifr-pirrr derful dcritm. Now you can STARTER SET Your own it at thin very special naving. Pure white porcelain, !17!! ■/' t .. ' it'a perfect in both modern and traditional home* . . .al¬ REGULARLY ^ap and Gown ways good Uate. reflect* discriminating 923.60 OPEN EVERY T1HUIRSBAY EV1 wa&tm.mmmrmrmamKm&mvmMmMmi: 6.h*wwiw*e*~*«e -«• %lat Vtllc -It MH llll. AN ■» I % I F Nl w N Mii A. Pier .four Women Take Over Dorm Horni Adopl* War Orpli:in As Men Move to New llulla Engagements l inl.-r Ffwlcr I'iirenl IN1111 I:i September. 1939. Br JOYCE BOBB men front nil corner, of the conn WIM Oeenna lie It I. i \N|mN h' n* 1 \sc HI ! hajrjraite to a nesv dormitory, Ab¬ I.:r til S.. H.< larger women'-, iiorm** cm bott Hull. Front that time on Abbott ha. been In th. r.tmplmll flail. tn»<» of tl ' m 1 Ann f.ra*hiir .me o!' tlii' nn-t prominctit new.. In the tenement Hut la used f.M M »-* tamptis. was nannni after Even be/ore Ann -It wa. built exrhange llnitrr*. dinner meet \ MSI* • ) » Nadutr Mill women at Michigan Statu .1 1 rive I be I !•'.'<• • II. Irgs. parties and shower* Th. present site, it was a wo¬ . 11 it* Iff. I•*." «'amplivll. d..rm located where the kifrhen can nee ts the dorm **it> 1 in.' llnrrmife, ' ' '' • I . w Hi, ... i pi shield of rn, • - Ma: r. S', i Maswn. i ( onnir **hcrwo.»ii • 1. • 1-1*1 !'■» .■ S*,.- - la.uise l'.»ti!|'la U i»l one t ' • »\v i t t , it t i n ti'priei. num. practice builsling in now- As the t<*mpcmture I '?* ■ 1 • ". for tli - The dorm was named after T. I'.it Ir.e.ie item.s.sti a' i- . : far. . I-.kr .• • • K i fa'e Al.bt it. the st\f»nd president ot around 7* degree-. Abbott . • |< i i ' I K' : ' < • II .' yjti.-en Flan* . - . . ,. • lfJi.1,'1' ..t' hone IVIHIUMUI- e eds ada>urn to the sun bath • the Michigan Agricultural Col¬ m" : ■ V *• !• *. h*i *n w 1 »i k in Mi. hig.tr .<• • Besides hritie active in ram , area is landscape! «i' |{llwll AlllllMIIHTll during 1»23 » « ictinx de 1 . pi?* arihi.ie* the* also wrr.- lege shiu'os and tall lilac tree- w' hole.' ill. 1 .»• tie M-nurl for the women's dorm A* the men n-aved to newer are now starting to blcwin • • iHseto't'ie- toll ( flltl-*! point average* both wintrr and 533 women took over II* (in-rll Helmet -•• I he tune, dean of wunvu «|i»rm, which i* di* i led spring term of l''.»b. quartern. At bott In September. 1953. Thi* There are nine precinct- •*.. I' ■! Htm man. !>•■•' • having its own resident ad\ M MSU iu- into North wnd South I'iimplieM South C.implH'.M a -o has i> 1 lin king (tie May flop program* are? seated. Mary .Ann llafke and was quite a crowd beeau*e Ibe • ,r >■ £' '■ .t projee:. Standing I. to r. Hob Khen and Fred Tenllnor. 1 hey vary in si re from 60 t raparity i* only *35. 1 hits l»een very active In rampu* I. :f \\ iitsman tfrletu* salmon. It. rit >r. etw*ds. tine pi evnnct is cv*n i t » Mickey aeliiities .is well a* man* plot* -\! r 1 !") t» ... In rhc p.M four years, the « nrc* >'■ si w hi. h I* made up «d gradual. .. in •.*>*• r- . .'w • I >1 vti i'y -.1 antliropir projects. ! , . .*•.. - •• r • ciXHfs have i »| turetl man* . ■ ..ft students. Fach of •* Slaled foreign .. MfWTt > « ,i ' Ha* Hast, 1 In 1951! .\.,r:h f.m•*>!..•.I i*- ... ... : ! • I,.'.. It,.:, e i« \. li* ities trophie In l^r»4 their eandi- rune units are allowed »J • K. -, •! Tl t y a have an an- flate. Roger Aluiella. was voted I .It'll HiUVklM I, 11 1 It's «* t*.< •'•r - • ■ . •' Gerry V on»> »; intifunui.)! ^w tinnun,, ! . . \ . 'Ml. ' ill t'MOC The ve.: !!»i3 >aw Ah- year to spend as the* w Students Make I'lans art-; , This I e r tn. South Pizza parties are a common w* : k w ' t U . l_.ke jut I *t • • s h.iinpi.'fV'iiip a * 1 ...M il rHiitt.. treck T. ■ | Abbott ht one pf the frv !e*s! !■*,' NT Vi-. ■ tut ill the Women- I 1 1. Inter Ih r n Mug an I in 11)53 m.t in third place in Spar- the* the swim¬ dortrs that has an extensile b To Entertain Parents w ir*c mna:'ii^ <• \ -lie*ball fin.ib arid I"'a. won t .trade * Mar* luit \>u, S'onkei-. NY ming tropin fur women* dorms. hrar* Reeentl* a new set ot u*t;vervi*> a:T.t' A few years »g<> N >i*l Cam;' There has always been mim- • • Am,..;.| Taylor. Rm! r»."* the m'l^mura! eneyrlopedias was added to th • * *'• lu ll miltpl.-.i w 11 orphan I n -.*'!: eroi.- iiori" jt.'.vitie- for the i t Helen II* we*. River- ! I'»|C t at i approximately i§a hooks no** *i K\et> year there • S, c.f ■ activities. And r* : thi'-ugh the F"-t.-! . , Abtxitt cotsi houses and dances have Been planned for . "tie yen ri. ir t-> I't'lrr Jo'.Iy. MSL' 11' »••. «- . • • ' pet I a nprn on the shelves tree trimming . I ■ h ho i- i'i . - I'lrcnt's Plan for Wo Chil'im . pvWntaor. e-.rr.- a Chrt'tma Constance M a p e s. Pon* . mtv . f to the t'n Dtawing fl"-': then tre.)«;ifV. 1 1 . • " ■ • ' ? Ha* ! Sj-ulfs I 1. • and other quests vUitintr the campus for the par** followed by an annual 5o;:hi»more and presidi*nt »>; •; tt . rentfst. at which time many ot p. sun |.!'i''V'Mi .: S. n. t (.'inter. Tiny Piper tie Charleston F.i.i will can* the roeds adorn their doors with <••! plans for Water Can Moth.-r s«ill .•tij.ts our liii|i..rl<-.l a year N'.'ilh Crtinplo-H cue! «.i.-he>tra will provide nut the then « Darning will In* appropriate scenes and Junior 506 V Sou*!! ( a'l'.p.' f. a the: semi-formal tn the rnuMi- i»f Kettn* Davis I una* the roed* of .Ahlwc h».\a* a rhristn... tea • r ft" .1 E..eh tern- there i* a dinner b will t'C held from iin ) his bit i Inter»nt---i«m »" will serve as hostesses to tl;< p.in id- on tii.' last Sun • ■ ' graituaf.ii: ant . (••I the InUtiiimrt t will t.M* provisM'ti b> House and >enatr t luh cot I ti-.-li-li I .mils the teifi. stUilertt- . "Alut Afnnd sisting of the wives of senator A Noith ('amp! . i. .-h t. H< v .. in.»er»;ii*0 cerd and representatives from th. r, .lean of th.e (*ol- newspaper a' - " . being print- Altehigan legislature niav tn* ubtaihed at ■ l»e-t jam son, t • f. ; it-: th.r I * ear h-|>.-chills |.;i.k.'.l in il..-..riitis«• Ibi^ineeuhk randidatr* are' Rose- t» «• L'rui'U tn k» t office aim dm- At-ci't b'nik on i new look in June 14 sviU u* :«*th happy day f<»: a ,»b tho*»- tad a- ((tier ti iiur ri*cistmt»i«n a' the Trie n * ». I . Meyer. I.ansing freshman; .•ft i K« tV:d«T on S-.tui - • .s tea With the hivtorv of A SORRY ,t.. • :• i.ivrle**, Detroit freshman. They may aUo t*r purehaisrd at t>'Tt Thirty-one coeds «i:i . ii|Nilli.'i'itrs Jar- I' i lleiiand. Chicago, 111., wmh- !' e d.M.l giaduafmg from the dorm S- i.ni - (lira Christopher. M11*- Shaw llall **ill hold a dinner ir.tet n lw*" h I | n iinia freshman ni*hl. steak will he «ser*rd h* : • w«>me* 10 WE WILL BE UNABLE ^ luting itUi'irmssmn. • andlrlicht with dan. ins after¬ I tt limhr nl lliv . t five senior*, who arc ward* .to the W Arnrs Kukel • •uiti-n*: ar(,| active band rt .• w:i'l- They were TO HANDLE THE VAST 1. •' e :h tivit.c.. w K : ' .I In* top t St Pit at i an island iaito**n w til rati:- P ved p.,.net tn . m \V,i!ti'r Hrhran*. vet. Ballot Box wi i-i AtrtwC" r 1946 when • >ut tfte themr «>f ths* dattir '< dorm CROWD FOR THE n. ■ whnh mii" 11,1.-»• t- v*i rnei Recently elected offim-r The Hallmark Card Shop i .-» c*.i;pi«' r »* »a* pur- s hull wt| tn' >j.*»-ti as fa von to There Is » little dining rwrni Sigma Helta Phi. prt»tos .-<> t!-t I'ijh*?. ticket «»f- raas-it and tfn* >urnaiism fraternity, are MAMMOTH PIZZA ft"f«m a»t'. <>f Engirt** dutttiK the llomi' l.v NY, )■,i:\nn ?tm» K I.rami Itarr ni» in .1 tmtay «»•»'*. wi it < Vliitili l.«r cfiwnt'1 tAilh'fH' Hetter. Iir«*jkiyr. vive (trfwdrnt. Fh-nrus A\»-r nt)lain»Ht at Spar AUCTION TONWNT •■r\ 1 t':,n I r • a •tublt** They with Sunday open 8ftern<**n hnu»e- in is filled h'*not <•! To llosl I isilors Mason sensor, turn Keinnefj. secretary lama, Ohio VS ju; .• ,t! a! - -soli! .t the do»u I uititi iojs/| vHltir.C ltue»h |..v- mi treia. aftcims*'. fr*v*. Newly ekvt«M officer; •: I' 1 pm.-t p.m. CJiUhri-t Hall. AT THE VARSITY .' .111 p m -k p.- N t- .-. pfi. 3 • H thns- . management h>n»- and tn.* U*t*orufor* Alpha ni ty. Mu. auvert4smg fr.«'- a e i»j eatdent. H u- • Ila'l. I 30 p n't -3 3*> p ir. K. - n:>-; Hare. New Baltimore jut Hall. 1 pn.-4 pin \V pn'-Oi*fi«w". wi:. a .so i*» ope nc I 6RILL PIZZERIA rrnu* smartest dan of lightweight Mayo Hal! 2 p- . '. pm Hal1. 3 pm-.S p m W S. f Parents VAe*kcn*i Fa rulty*. meiTilo-rs of the MafT ♦ t:rst r- vice Gran I pres..lent. Rapids junior WilLw: - i -• ■ Willtarm Had. 2 p"! 'Vpn and ind students will t*e available to end vice president. K-m* sport shirts W Shaw Hall, 2 pn -4 pm s'u»w ing guests thnaigh The faculty the build* will alco be H.r-it. D*vatur junior; yeeret.- Marge Mugata. Detrov THE PIZZA PIT a Arti^ pair Nortnan Rtvknr!! ha.« of trifocal glaatMS Ht^td- pr'*M*e.t to desertIn* the vartou- currtcuium otTerei tn the Col- lege more treasurer. Jack Thru-'* .\orw-*>j. Mas,-, fophomor. trig portions -*re f»»r hi.- pulcr his msnirl and Klvrlitiii S.-li«slul«il Itrgaa Hall are Vierel. Detroit senior; vice pi. |>rewnient. Ai* Klent. Fred Smith, I>cart^ Its hrriirrrn Xi*r» fre*tMTW»". executive vice pr< THREEPLAID lt»a Mi—im.r Evergreen Wives will elect dent. Gordon HieRje. Cira Brand Haw/ full Size! Guaranteed 20-years! fur officer* for Monday night at H m the For* the coming year Rapids la*weUyn -aqhomorc. laAiman. Gras»la. secrets fiiwhmar.. treasurer, Ron M< TRIOS A.U.S.G. I'rrtt. esfrv v.'abiri Slides of tf.e west¬ I'tuted States will also be ahn, Maywvjud. III., senior. Kresges ern show n Newly elected officers of % PEERLESS ewanting ( lab *rc j»r*vi i«* Dick Beits. Detroit tumor * president, Doug Brisen I forward and Rovorso! Lansing sophomore, secret-# OriN CVtRY Larry Se*d. Three Oak.< -• *• ROUND BOIIIN, LOCK-STITCH FEDERAL'S NICHT TO 9 mure; treasurer, Gerry M« K- Ra. Lansing suphomonr* Rercnr.'y elected officer^ ELECTRIC SEWING MACHINE pmmrnitm I im** the fwarsidtn, are. 1^1^. P* b RSswa rlh, Da\Ascm ju' »S9.M vice president. Dot) Ran DowLog junior; secretary. M SentetioaaUy law Mead For spaetator or qctiva sports iljm IliniUey. Marshall jur- Unmirer Willy Wai%k»wra I-e*lie •ophomore. W'JSP9 &sKeds i Nrwl* Rmww* (ovarii ar« clecicj James Bern*, Wjrand»t:c -a-% onw>re: vwe president. officer* pre*, h R»*r Wcnner. East Lanunx jur secretary. Daw n Andreses. Mi Champion EL- •M M IU»*r T«ITUtCO CAttTIMO fcegnn jumor. treasurer. CAM MQUMO Elder. I.Vemekl Junior. CHICK THISI EXPENSIVE ftATUttS: Now—«njoy' your favorite colon in large ploidt, medium plaid. or miniature plaidi. Our MANHATTAN*THreeplaid trio. o;e good companions foe leisure style and comfort. Thoy'ro cool ot a highland breeze! Battoei down or spread collars THE NEW AND GREATER Me #11 ftfttltM yaa||MddH«Wi WILiip wn#! AMNUE Mirmr.%* rtatf Mar 9. 1957 Pair Fir* Kashmir PLACEMENT lUJItEAIJ interview soman le (Continued from Page 1) OPKNINCIS FOR THE OPENING* FOR Till I MI'LOYFRH FOLLOWING MAJOR*: Mii-rtmns FOLUhHMi MAJOR*: 4' ii?' * sent to the Prime Minister of Pakistan the proposal ran as* MAY 13. 1957 St lx)trts Public Sz'h'wi M IV It 1957 Ys Mu*»;c . Eng.. Math- I''i-;cvillc Public Schools AH Mem. s. nee Glib PbF F*J follows: f tneorn Community Schno>i Math., Science, lmi. Arts, f'hy Wayne C'umtv Pi.bin S-de-.-'- .* r;.ic "The government nf India Kd . Home He. Yale Puhlie Set .»/ " V v, \ ami the government nf Mhhn I .iwivnce Sctiddcr Si Co. Acrtg Majors. New England Mutual Lite M f. ■. H;». V. • Major f..r «SooM make a Joint Wltd to S-vartz Creek Community Sc! All Elci-i., Eng., Ind. Art*, Co. the United Nations In ■nlirlakr Football Coach. W.--lin;:fi»aise Mcrtin Sse. . <;T i: , u., Sal,-.' a plehesrlle in Kashmir, with St. Charles Public Schools Eng., Phy. Ed., Dramatic*. Co the least possible delay.** Occidental Life In ('•• A" "efcce; in sales, regard- Journ., Speech Corf., Iiwtr. : Music. Sot Stience •• "f 'n ijf.r. This is what the people of Holly Area Schools All Elern, Music, Science, State Mutual Lite A en A i t- 1e ■ i.\ vale-, regacd- Kashmir are still waiting for. Librarian. No country, no nation, however All El«n.. Science, Biol., Oith- M\V II X la. 1937 Muskegon Public School* hV,.ocriIleal, which stands for ojHxlic, Com.. Speech Ther- ' Howard .lojmson'' H'i; • • ?■. i I • Mg* 0 human rights, can deny a peo¬ ple their rig-t for n.it ion. self-tictemii- But the |x*op!e of Kash¬ Smith Nilos Tup. School". apy.. Girls IMiy. F«l Guidance. Math.. F.ng., leiitin, Com-. Reading, Shojj. Girls N:,.r 'f ■• • ; • ^rr ' f,«ri f*It .-ut"" t Tech .11 •• Major ."c FN iew 'a-.'iia: »; mir have been denied that in Phy. Etl « • reg.1l'! i- suite of the efforts of the United Saline Area School., Hist., Math.. Spanish, Speech. 0:>» f.i".g* for . G»:!l Nations. The so-called peace¬ Com..' Driver F*l.-Sht>p «-n. fountaia ■ ;» ik A- wait- makers ami humanit..ri.ms of¬ Warren Consolidated Sehot Is All Elern.. S«k-. St., Visiting ten forget that charity begins Tchr., Mentally Handicapped, 15. 195*7 at homo. The Moslems of Kash¬ Diognostician, Ind. Arts. Harbor Springs P.'i E.u!> Trm. Math. Ind Arts. mir are said to ask union with Marshall Field A Co. Home Ec. I ".ills r-r>. El Wmkclman BttHhcr* Apparel, Retailing, Marketing, rVtx-tg. General Telephone C" ! Mech or Civil Engrs. Malf Nawi I by II flhinaain India, a country in which the M.irnrr Johnson. Jim Cook. Ed llUdrbrand. Nick SmHh. At Maaoiiko and Ray I (l-ri are five Indian Moslems could not live. Inc. Gei). Bus. Openings in re¬ Mandel Bros In. H.'taumg, Gen Bur. or any ih«.ul 60 mm who were initialed into the Varml y Clnb Wedneaday nifhl. This is just like the French tell¬ search. credit, rnerch., acctg, offer major mtrrcfttxl i*- re- ing the Arab Algerians that or admin. in !ing Otienuis!'; in myrch., thc.v are French. Camp Nissokone All students interested in sum¬ a.'-.e ,?i . opeiatcn and mgt . Will Share Work, Fun Why doe* the Indian govern¬ ment not live up to its pledge mer employment counselor, waterfront dir.. ot as camp St Joseph Public Sch«M>L MAI 16 A!i 1957 Elem . Eng. Library. Com. and let the United Nations un- arts Si crafts. Also, openings Arch Gen Bus A Typing, for camp doctor. Football A Basketball oertake a plebiscite? If India is Coed Apartment living sj confident it will ing, it will at least justify their claim in the eyes lose noth¬ of the demo¬ GM Executive Blasts Ike cratic world. ITS FOR RIAL' by Chevter Field In Scatliin«i Private Letter Demands Responsibility Bat India *hI4 sever de It. As ike kaows that the real in- •ae ef Kashmir la the "Incam- pramiaahle atraggle of two DETROIT (/TV-President E i it- 19'.* women rrsi- locked in deadly conflict. "disturbing swintr to con¬ *!• fall, it will murk the AH applications will be graduate student assistant will Inspirevi 'crusade' now appear; • , •.». .• ol an entirely new screened by an assignment com¬ have on extensive knowledge of This again is an unnatural cepts of the far left." to have been the usual cam¬ mittee Members of this com¬ union of Indian control over a housing on campus The food preparation, dietary re¬ The accusations came from • neither u dorm or mittee arc: Lyle Thorburn, res¬ Moslem area, which should not paign of iioliUcal expedient- i quirements and budgeting. She W H Doerfncr, general mana¬ OUR LAWLESS LANGUAGE* idence hall manage!: Dr Fran¬ be decided by the party in pow ¬ with early words and late ... • . nut on apartment rosi- will advise those coeds who are ger fit GM's steering rear divi¬ ces DeLisle. director of women's er but by the people for whom turns bearing little relations* n sion and a mem tier of the Sag Tin* law* that govern plural words division of student affairs. not quite sure how to get past it question of survival. • rV from the co-op* in is a inav." County .Republican Con;- to each othei. Ik'erfner wio»r I think are etrutlv fur the b:rda. Miss Mildred Jones, nss't of the croup living the hamburger stage. miller's finance jtubeomnV.Ve If goose in plural romc* out c»> w manager of residence halls; Dr. Wli'v are not two of moost then mec$G? together. The co-ops *U- •!«»• IH-22 c«»ed.« While i.aurena Beadle, a«s't of women's division of student direchv The slui|H-d hall is a two-story building with an en¬ S/Mirlan Cirrus "I am KurprUril that my pri- vate-rltUen-l$»* President letter ^ W lint ill IhiniKO. Ilslrit l«i I In- llrif in J a// ■ g If two of mouse eornes out as mire 1' will ht»hi 192 coed;, Should not th«* plural kous* be hictf Tickets Available I141 been nude puhlir. Il»»ert- B "Teen »; i ■ affairs; Mist Elizabeth Corbish- closed court. Each apartment Terraie" lealurinc otment will have six said at H Iteiiiiiiu'. Ga If we M.iy he. and his. and him i; el"»-.e contact Co-opt ley. asst. housing director has its own entrance onto the ner . f fond jiut soli drinks I Then whv not she. and it'll-, and shin? in Louise Horn book. AWS judici¬ Wrdnriday. "I've liail my da* Open Men Vlnlil p to!low » definite budget ary president and Charlenc court. A scale model of the hall For All Slnncs in rnurt and I have indliinn NOW I'UIIM. m Ko wonder kids flunk out of nciuioL afNirtment type of is located in Miss CorbiahleyV. I mIher to add " H yiaviiaril ferniison IUiuI ™ . . . English doesn't follow rules' Srhaud', former .president Wo¬ r. te.i\e/ the budget en- office, A Wells Hall Tickets are still on sale at the m yiori Miu ■ men's Into f-Residence Halt MOtAli The singularly plural pleasures in * » the i'lud^ The new building Is named Union Ticket Office for the M \y is ■ n ■ nf Chesterfield King make a man f»-» Council un;t will offer nror? after Sarah Van Hoosen Jones, Spartan Circus to be held Fri¬ * Woods lferin.ui ftituf tall as a hut So don't a grv-r' • than the dorm because Apaitment residence hall former member of the State day at 8 p.m. and Saturday at • y|\V !9 *1II lie Take your pleasure RIG Tike rate-; wii! be $100 n term Food • . will t>-- left up t t.'-.i Board of Agriculture. 2 and 8 p.m. Price b 90 cents. ( fount flute Hoof ■ Chestertield King liifl length . . . us will type and cos' of According to Jon Friday, hill flavor tin1 smoothest natural However, they will !<»1- Hartford senior, producer of the B JIM % lb ■ . \WS rules Heading Theatre .Spring II eekead show and president of the Acro¬ _ sun IOMIM. kenlun Hand ^ toliaevo filter. Try 'cm HiKiMt. wii! have 32 in¬ bat Club, this fourth annual Iluke Eltinflan • Feature «f MSI' .... Ch*i»«rft«ld King |lv«i you moro ula' apartments, with six l! of M Tradition Spartan Circus promises to be Dlrrv filllekpie g living in each The apart - tiw* biggest ami best ever pre¬ of what you'ro smoking for! rout MKT MUSICAL IUT B will be separate*! into < Iratorv Festival University of dents will hold then Michigan stu¬ Biennial sented by the Acrobat Club. The show, presented at Jenl- # SUNDAY MATINII ■ •1.0 > *+* P.M./ H hath. Jjvinc-jtudy and A' . /«e ,. ■« » a, «u Gym. will highlight Km- l ff.k. phir,.»' "Spring Weekend'* Friday and f.lff _ • mg area A lounge A reading theatre" wilt bo son UliHM. ttrt ; 1 hwW'firi.t, I' hw necption room, loh- one of the highlights of the Saturday. Featured will bo a stine Russell. Windsor, (int., ;ri-t office area will be avail- visit by A1 Capp. creator of the freshman, women's gymnastic lue Note (•■urth annual Apple Blossom < whole group Festival of Oral Interpretation, Li!' Abner comic strip. champion of Canada who will Cartoonival" is the theme of perform an Olympic balance * < 1 will work a maxi- v hich started Wednesday and <' live hours a week on will continue through Satur¬ the weekend, which begins at beam routine, "Poetry anil Mo¬ ..• ■■■• ■ upkeep of the pun- day. Tin festival is sponsored by 4 p.m. Friday. Prizes will be tion." uiKi on such job* as thf speech department given to the winners of various Nabu. the playful primate, will •».rt.n« and telephone "Oh Say Can You See" will events and a hi-fi record ptayet be a special feature surprise for c «kwp a month eaer be the theme of the theater, will be awarded to the lamsing young and old alike. ■si;' have the housemother presented b> faculty members gioups with the most poiirt«. . Pnner of ;h« spe»%-h dep-irtmcnt at i'noeeed:. front the weekend will t>e given to the Michigan Asso¬ Ttiouplii AUCTION wiil give the honsemoth- Fwr«-hild .Friday night at 8.13-. A • ■ **d.< a chance to know Faculty member- m the pro¬ ciation for Retarded Children. -'.her Because °f the wax gram are Di Rogai Busfiold. ANDERSON '■wing is set ut» there will Di. Robert Crawford. Di Kdgur Birds have a third eyelid which shade when other chance since the De Forest, |>» lluber EJltntr - as a for Srnior Vrrp ■* • serves will not rat together a* worth. L)t Donald Ecroyd, Dr. they ar- flying into the sun or ■ ' • dorms nr er>-op« — and Moiree S Cc»mpere and Thomas other strong light. i nwH n*d make use of the Long. >n rooms The topi of the readings will • *tions for the new ha'l consist of outstanding selection* < 'liable in the housing of- !'■ eft re ice will • above freshman stand- tie given trum American social faith " Literature on Attending this festival are 80 Dunce Tonight rk students from 20 colleges and Lansin? YWCA a 2 5 all-university s who will not have to universities across the nation. • ume teaching. off campus as in fk, *>- 2171 HUGE PIZZA 3 FEET ' btion to the •' application, •* or mentation forms must Hup Mi—im.-r , % Full ned. Or.e must come for Tin PLAYBOYS - e "«r who coed's may be from any one forma emfjHaabua the rat¬ knows hou*»emoiher, her well. A.t'.S.C. IV,-. I f 9-12 7Jc |Kr | 'I'll,1 Si, !»• Shop l'rf*nl< LONG BY 2 FEET WIDE sonja garthe of Drlla Cuiiiiiiii by The King Sonja i* a Trsveni# City aophomore majorintr in relat»l art,, FRATS - SORORITIES - DORMS for theae warm summer ilays, she ha« selrctwl a ilarron rolhii|.. sleeve shirt waist lire*-, fashioned by L'Aislon. The dress ha* iacc BRING YOUR GROUP TO THE insets front ami back and the skirt is undressed pleats. It comes VARSITY ☆ DRIVE INN PIZZERIA . fit i'J In blue, pink or white, size- 8 to Id, $22.95. For a complete selection nf spriny clothing, shop at the Kast TONIGHT AT 6:00 P.M. AND BID ON Lansinr Style Shop. THE LARGEST PIZZA EVER BAKED IN MICHIGAN VARSITY DRIVE INN EB 24716 PIOK-UP ABO CURB SERVICE I WW. AUe*an 301 E. Grand River it E^t 'R'-j., , tj? i Moore Told ri-way Till Anybody's Meet Has to Fight tl r H-'ilri record iti D-ivis who is the went. culled ,t otto-mnn have Payne Rood and sprinter's In Ted Storer Dick while I t *NWt||. •ornui L A( II. f It* B Al Detroit Senators, 11-3 versatile athlete Siorer, George Jones and Jack Curat liaMo IS t«mtrrt I tr.< , tr.io'. i .1 M.CIain are the top men in hi"" p>ichf< It «roi DETROIT (Th—Floyd Stevens. DETROIT bP» — The l>, i.nd ma.v coin|N-te in anv number % «•! rin n, ii c to i« < t events. I>avis set it Big 10 tl.c middle distance. Gene Cot- U % 13. rh laa • prcMi nt of the National Boxing troit Tiirnn blasted four when he scored 18'g terman is the top wcightman at li'oid OS I' while Stan Lyons and Dick i'*it *»« ri 9. rin urn » A u Wednesday said Archie IVmchinKton pitchers for 12 in I i iivumu nu 10 in el. I lm I), R»i| ; t urt y are good high jum|»crs. M-h .• s explanation for not sign¬ hits an.l sent the last-pluo. S.i'iii d.i>, he run tie expected Ittit.rrf.el4 «. IS; ftNttrrf.ria 2, Ohio State has particularly ing t"i a title defense "in en¬ • > coiiipi '»■ ill the loo- arid 22U- RI in It. IrMMlr 3 Senators spinninir to their vard dash. tts« l'_'0->,iri< high gond depth in the pole with Ralhrr i. y. Ralhrr | tire; msatisfactory to mc." straight defeat II :: .. 1'■ * . :..r .i'- I,..i iniiifi a | I yons, a 14-footer, and Jim Xai «i| « hi • St- v ens said Moore, the IJght 10th Weaver. Davis and Lyons take • a»C %rrh « %«hrr | M ight champion who now '«■ I' • i'ill -the mi h'»i |. n on Rather ». 1, Ralhrr 3. ? Ut .o Wednesday at Rriinrs S'„ care of the broad jump chores i is f:«.M«ng exhibition* in Europe, the Bucks I u \»» .11 rhi •» f p dium. f a How t II. Rr«aa 5. • w , i i« suspended by the NBA IViim State, although la kin* it •«a4% i,«4. t i> f. n,i not keep a date to meet The Senators got to static all-iround team balance, has l ui.e Ma.ts ior II) aafetns , roll Anthony at Detroit June 7. • eiuHigh potential winners to put v-i* i v \-»t» • tin- first five Innings, but .« •'arkaflog i H.'l" s»% • H< Matney, Stevens' assistant, Up a good fight reitvfer Jim Burni ng came rn Boston failed t«. r. Wednesday I...Hid 1.1 lluO.OtHt for a title de¬ ft i. - bv July 7. He said he Boblnson h. would like mote the fighl «•' Yarikex S:.. pro¬ (llohbers 3 tin Hp a batter in was the fifth replaced after yield won \ not defend ofK^unc 7. dium in rails Jub • tic doubles lo Reno Rertnrla and lb .sign. I io» then announced he has it non-title bout in "It could In- re..' hot thcliy said Robinson I ha' , a rneiil .l For f!oso\ llarvrv on Kuenn around a base halls and then a single lor Siuttg.itMav 2!» Stuttgart pro- blisk atmut lighting on ».. .• I rank Boiling. A sarrifire lb »«• Willi Krm. r/rr said the nights ever since ttu J.Jev Mas scored another run and Kj> i>('i • ■(;< oi has not been picked in. tight Boone's liiouth Ma or l.eagu« Robinson coiiap*p«l Irons heal hit. pop flj single to right V added. |i definitely a v im .< German boxei " prostration m th« 14th round < f Held, brought in the fourth run his light heawweigh' title tight of the inning N AMI'Us CLASSIFIEDS witfi Maxim at Yankic St..dim,,. The Ttgvrx added two mon lib ill NiAUUtattli' June 2.'i. BJ52 the sixtii when Charlie MaXw< hit h; somu1 home run "ft • third do k facade in right fi» to!lowing it base on ball.*, *- < ice more in their last t - time ii| again*.' Dick Br.*!"- k« and Garland stuff left loo sievtis led Washing' •«, (|if a't.ik against Ma.i. w three hits f f.iii lioak t h r Nate t '.e .gin leading hitter. wa!l"(-« .. u.x • filled home run in t'• HO EXTHA CHARGE I .king t cn.t-k. '>plenuid advantage of I'ars splinter laiiwii.il a brisk the h»fte.| j » it li inning -r. vi. torv <•%« » ( UUilu aM s t.. give the H- Bi.h.KI>i Victory, t«igel' • fwur-bagger tnta the rigbt liel.l witfi Phiiaflelphia's 2-1 suvc upper ricei. in the i.r*t inning iaii Milwaukee. Ixvntcd I • He-1- into seeoml place, a i ■ LOUIS and arkrd .me in the left tirlcl lower stands in the third gma in tr »nt ut Br.sdtlyn .< Shirt Lanriry A Dry Claaaars 1 i" icugiM .e.t.h'u; hitter. a tt.il iiehiiiii the Braves The St. I.mils f ardinais druh bed the New t ork Giants 1.1-t to retain their half game inn gin oier the filth plare f*hillies and I hiuio's t ubs buried I'd"- burgh deeper in the Ralioii.il Aiil.. Mm* Williams tiled to left in In* league cellar with a »•! deei*uni third at bat We.lnes.ia). to eud over the llratev a streak of being on base II The Indians pounded t straight tunes and gelling live Vatikre f'ltcpris for 13 hits, r consecutive hits. But then he rtudinp. three run homers by \ lound the target again in the Wirt/ and Gene Wood ling a- Truiay v a.in. — III p.m. "lb banging another home into a two-run blast b> Biatkii It >u right bri.l iter to swore «i Maris. Early Wynn p«*tcd 3-Day Service Station >.ilur ,1.111, — 10 |.,ni, i.'te Biiiv top Klaus third \ictorv despite a thrn W.j . th, t •: •.upp..rt a!- run homer bv Mickey Mantle . on—.11. j.M.r |.r,.^r.iiii for Wj Ffans Rookie righthander Don Card well limited the Brave* to sewr is,. (II h»> HfOl'tti till..' t\ loi.tlDlll of t'l.'lll- hits for hi* second victor* and d.cis.on aga;ust „> n.any n.irrowly missed pooling ho seiond shuloot. IVoohies h> Johnnt I otan and Bill Bruise in the ninth gave the Brave* hw.HU ALLSTATE their run. The Phillies got six hits oil loser Gene C onley. t hi«* 5pork Plugs lernander drove In the first run Karl. ,j«J Page on# itam: with a fifth inmna aincte and Alt M AT| p>|« S„.» -T ,-t Boh Bowman hatted In the oth'f new Arrow with a sarrifire fly In the sixth Catcher Hal Smith drove mx iun\ with a homer ami t* parmanant stay collar singles as the Cardinals pm mcled four Giant Pitchers t i!» iuts. Wally M«"»n also c' I( you*ve ever lost a collar tributed a three-run homer an Bay (and who hasn't?) the a triple. smart Arrow shut with prrmanrnt-xtay collar k for you. ~n These M4)s are bu»h right in, /I permanrntly and mvmbiy. They tan't get lost—ever! ^ rcrmanent stays are introduced * ProfBctVM ihn veavvt in a tr.m vh.vt-poiatrd \ CitDint Ports collar model with French cuffs. U.IMATK I Yours in "fanforiacd-lahelled'* Drptii.i on the fd^l sew in', r*klllr«l tmnhanks tin.I lowrr pi n FroaJiloth, just |5.00. Puk silk lie, 52.50. llaw > out in! (hanged every l.mut milts lot top opti a ling off tl m. heiiexe Rvtigsm , c*l Mtolur life. AIKtnIt* all jmmi luhricalinn hv c\i»vri«*! t» « <*l are ,,a *»o4 iwrri' i ARROW « »U'rfl*ni ikm-nee If v*hi >• of son nl helm* need* «ng the « ri.aais . thai w what mare " • t » % how ha Minr> » Full IS Month c;«r than ♦ tl inu hehexe thai kw*«lot<< * Guarantee on 0»d not flaw te*tarO«y. that V- J low Coat aattory rawer r*eked " Naw—Arrow shirt 4 tdl — t.r»up | Al l . the taigest vtl- with built-in collar stays itC replaeetwetil Kallerv tn America! lartw. new when At Lw a «,y that dnrsn't Uraj! Ths sohi tw tow « he«k these hanj.,;nc Arrow o thr ptrfrtt «y!e M Month «. war a nice 12.13 tiiirt for ever)' roJltgt man. Thr JtxiMe 3S Mwolh t.war an le« tl.9i «ai» arr a permanent part of its soft, If Month Guarantee cmfortablr collar. No more lost stays. No more (omN n; to insrrt thtm. Shirt ALLSTATE 13 »oH at sfcw.Ur law pe^es w,th French cugs. I5.M. Choke el pure silk tics, J2.50. Drop by today! MUFFLERS knapfs Kluszewslvi Coed rom and Arrow To I nder^o Tournev Starts Friday T!:e Vat i- T •b'/rafiFif archer,' trdima- 0|ieration > 1 VII KM AN I f I • •' Fri.Iav. MaV I'l jiivi t'luii (• vu it I Nine in 12-5 Home Rout ,* <*r William. Iii>« II. • < II •Aiiup ..i. IU-'|....I k |».-| t ■ :•• '0 V. (.< it * 1 i I\( INN vri i'. T«.l i 11.-. ...I iii ut n K!ii- ki. ««'t' t" tin.Ier- wt .o 11<» r. •;« i« v.t W 4*fl -i ^ M ri. ..n "per d em far a yIi}»f»«»* 1 k.ll lljl ' II. I. It I t...!a- the sntV«»lH Gets I. I. til. 1 I -;.!d Luce .i It.* \iji.11• s \ is 51 n i .im'I kii.'V. I iw;i> if is Doc w . w h;f*e a cliafK e '<> llllC* thfti Hot, Bangs w M. .<•'• H.»o .n I«M.k at ii n.c*c t : c^' Score Will Sfj.|i-..n ko *;•» f It* BksIIMI (. compjrrd 1.. . V. ' a.1 .. b. A ! I.l- «»ii II! t * r •' V .1" tlj.l! * { .»•• . f 4 m he I . H"i» • !h, < ' ; rr • 'I. t;«* |- ui.i* rfsitu 2 Homers t• ■ ,M.i 1 Ii, • :• ,. i , fu ' •».« - '• i «..-•• (hi- f*ijndjrd ( uhiinbiu round See /1 ma in ■ Mi- ■ e -i.'i used throui'hout ll.c national Kl VS II VI T» l» IV A '>' "? D| - v .' • '•n petition \l«>ul one and a Munsfii-lil I'irk* ctifi. WaAiiiiiclt.il k.iti*.'* i it * V ..uht !:(•> t.}■■■■ qnjrter hour* i> required t« (I !•: V K LA N I» .,Ti — >iu.i'>>... W ill...Ills li..»t.»ll tin !,«■*. !>.il! j- i i t a ( oluiidua round I n¬ | |t Firsl Virtorv , Pitcher Her!» Score vc'll sec I ..II > • It 'II I.I ( In. ago PI I'KtllT H.'Wfvei .1 it i- tfv it tra nt* ma* turn in as man* . ■ ■■••re card* as the* wish, but nirnifi from the rijrht e. ? I•«•»»*. I blr.tgn on I * |»U* best tail's will be R, IOIIN VANDEN HEEDE which :i line drive masliivl v \ nov vi II V» I I ^ . tun .tied to national officials, Tht- Michiltan Statr Imne- Tut day niyM. hut the de¬ ..•III t lull VB II » . P.- T- - 1„J1 tram dwopt to its ninth of vision is now the • . , ■ ! • rive . victory of the season IVwI- think in doiiht. ;tn eye spe¬ WNilay over a |«Hir fielding !■ I'M' cialist indi iitmi Wednesday I - I I Western Michiiran squall. 12- night. a hi in. .41 Pill. I'tnla. ' nt Old College Fiekl. X-i will Ik- Mker. U'Liy to ...-Ixl 1.-11*1 N V »>l«l»*. I n.n Th.> Spartans' were paced bv fuitt ci o,.. ,• i,i; i,v- • "f injury I. .. .I. /. I'll.la 11 i.l .--im'tKill artist Bill Mon dicld'- to U,seU,.'.'< p: l"./ 11(1*11 til V * i-.Mmg and the hitting of V • . . -V... 1H 24 hi *1tlt»a.,krr h. VlilM nil.'f r.,vnc:- A1 Luce and third s-ack- . next iii"tCVI | St..a. . V.-w *«.rk ,; ,r-v Warner. Mansfield 2"t The rye specialist !»r. Murles i si I...Ill* •a■» * • • hh*t his tlrst, allowing one 1. Tlimna*. earlier Wrdiifsdajf |. .i . It . llf'.i.bl* t* •'111'M. • vt> hit*. had told flit McHougald. New n-o-w SlIOW : »M» I'M. *•■• ,..ttii seven runj in the Vork Yankee Int.ciJcr who hit I!., pit..: i .*• «■ each in the fouith. the ball which struck Store- • i\th and two in the !'(.• • •* w » in . i .. I', is c ft frame Slate New* I'h'On b* la (ihmuMin |. i: i r:.• i \. I CUl/t lit the second after I»ir'» Mr- , . . Gary Warner slides safely into third base . . . Kf ./tr grounded out to third to i. 1C open the inning. Itennis Men- Major League .rough d»\ lined a single over pitcher Sports I urn f.oldsberr>'s head. Rovroe si ruck Ji.itIs promptly followed with a to;, of single to renter which skipped bv rentertield jit,I rolled all the way to the llenr.v Wurvter Mcht sp'.rl* I tutor — ll.ii Kriumh .• ut.d r>o V- . «• n- was bone .-k Standings frnre scoring Mendyk from Mil lilf.AN KT4TE NTWS %mi ilk w 11 \ c i f" I: • ••»"■ I vay n. \\ 1. IM (.11 i r*f l).i*i* mover around to Page Seven * >1.1 New tori* 1 i T fi";; ~ third on the error. II ? •.ii » ( I.M A' .J«T: * Koi wek rtnxi "'.it IF.. : lloiigli llomc Till ' It. *t.,n 1 ! K .GOD •• ei-v Manstiel t dilivrr- Ilr I'homa* *aid. AVhat sign* 1 ••*•'.• id M k r U to deep center si"r - we could *ce were encoufa.*- HI • nil i II 10 •.'I i Joilli Howell f inr." ami that Score showed Kansas ( I'Sy II l" »t Tennis Team Slated a t ?• a s11s.:!e t.» rente: "romtderahle improvement" <** - K 11 tM i Mar *!'u ld e? nlrbt. t\ isfnu ■ P Vi 1 IN IN! H : tn.-". delivered his m. r.•>■ ' • , Wt.-. Mil three hits, a triple in* ■ W 1 l»M l"l* II s 1 1 S IM d • ' -1 scoring It ! W Against Htntsiers M> *:«»I < . • I u- • f ev ■< 10 \. .11 K Frank Palan;ara II. ... •, «| 4* t i, TECHNICOLOR m. it v.- . went Ii - • ( « u ire 1 '•ached t\r-t a* a ir-.i't «»f 11,. r .r,- ||, I. in*. . • .1* . . urabtc t-» cc ttic MHO I) viml error by shMrt*b»p M in.! Warner After i . ... Hie 1 >*l* XN s 1*11 * icrttii. l»l*M i || \|t Ki Hi ( iiWlMif."" n. i a day's rest. Michigan States' tennis team wine- .'.a v '• .ii'inm* I* 0. • HI 1 Hi •! 1 s jini hack into actum todav at 'J:"»0 p ni. oil the var^itv courts rt; ..••I n • .- « ' |l|sN| V I \KfOON \ IfiUllbJ Mill* \ ||ORSF" I nee then delivered the first < I.EMtENON «f two home runs oil the foul aeaitist a toujfh Indiana squad. < «»at h Frank Iloenuin's lift 11 \f»cr 'I M)\Y \ YTIOV M pok down the rightfirld line ters now stand at three wm.s atui two losses for the season (to > \\ i. IM. (ill ft) II I I ending the "1>|| him that it"* part of the spartan scoring in and have a 12 Hie In fee- * * ~ Mdwaukce n K •HI — till rVITF.UI If IIUKSS" It wasn't his fault t t II %\|iLI H »he second. game. t»rd. Ron M«- ' .i With a ' •"I* don't hold grudge if 1 ' Cincinnati n 7 1.50 • . SR. WW • fourth inning RurweM any or RriM.kl yti i ? 7 • 1 -tT •* a walk and moved Indian.! currently undr- gltK rr-'tuit, rif-oi ('•(«•'i-go feeling at all." •» I v No 4 St. 1 mil* ID 8 *4 .Mi . fwiled and i- a Fryman : M t, .!)■" w th »>t' an infield single by 10 fl 510 3 f-.r the con ft ret. firtic *)..»; Mt-w-.iil St.I! no! f . . • tuv 1. oil»c« Philadelphia A ■>• ih qimvi on an eriot K 13 381 fi Hot*sifi: weie t1 o l'"» 1't.aai- l«-'"V.r«'l tr i •4 but IP* ( htragi* • " flh Davis |»l.>n. f..i thin y...i UiiUi • I-d »-• If II • : opened the that Sh" Ka I .among . . - ftilalmrcb !i 13 150 8' - Mu'htgan dethiofusl ttiem in I» W •;.«-. l.iV M . i't. .i hit to deep .short «>uid K Ifi'j S:riff then IhdM'-tl I i- more * i.o ■■'} I'S.k be' HIDMdlU * ItratT.T* .vi'n and MiUWiH'i ;g-, - I., h.. ervoort's brushed set-'ind to tin- Wolve¬ des'.-r.t>*d his St. I ...14 < * 1. ... * i . ItusM'll drew h; *MI« aohei 1 the pa-' Luc 1'lilUilrl I'll I.. ; buH'-on-balL Warner rines two \ *'a I s Junio Fo-t.'f n» nt Tu ..lay nitfht atiout . li'-hvered his third and foach llale Lew fit will hring Hoftiiiaic , an-" t inunl 11:ig j* a .pur of the n •• • nt a lalrly well rounded team to out Stale'- bnvup a» ti.i Ny er.nte»nrn' ' wuruig Davis (rum sec- robvv s Mips ta*t Tanning headed by two and No fi sinclcs ja.-i*:•»».» Both Bef.itv tfie rt-vtricturfi on v: - (V.ihp trhrauledi 21.'S Ii. Cri.nil l(i\«-r state Kprcd their run in the former Michigan hick school boys have l* i n doing wt-l: tin.* .! rvg wa* imjiu*-ed. Score t.»ik«' J •v" frame on Luce's second star*. Jerry Farrhnte and Hill .season hi- 3-2 '«*cord t«. N« v>rti« 'i who "ai l he was u; ut. of the jgHine and I'rtruik .who plavrd under Mr*. and Hoffman siarid* -it f<> ' of tti* year, his Jran llnxir at llamlrantck High wins and one k»s* g.» m . i •. ,i»" s-rt akfa-1 a A lla|.|.y Thoii^lil Srho<»l. will man the So. I and Miciiigan Stiff has ff-T S;.v»re strikeout king of the a.'ic! off was safe on an error No. 3 vinjle* position* for the bliw I d and the Sf> »i t.'ti u Mm or Leagues klnee he a-t a AMIKKSOV • •«! the eighth Pala* then llon*ier*. lost all three doubles tri.»t. t.-e> rookie strikerrut lecorti o! 241 A th rapped a single to runners on first and They will 1m» opposed by til both Northwesdcrii and 11.. - wdb tin' Indians in 19o5, his for Soiiiir \Wp Slto/t loni/ilil all '1 ' Luce attempted a sac- .State's Bill Bisard and Mike nois.- survivixi ncrJoiM injury before. *n«t w«», safe when first ftaremba. Biraol ..ml Zaremba ftunihis Siiiiltlinit Magon dropped the both arc U'low iA« .500 mark Me Mlyk scored State's with 2-3 dual meet recordi. STARTS when he a id Luce Both Spartan net ters have lo*t "Hike Turneta" ••fad > executed a double their hurt three malches In No 2 'ingles it'll oe a bat- TODAY! LUCON tie of the two team captain*. DUEEBE2I M IT! Ill It George Stepwnovu.* of Mic^iigan State and F.lam Huddle*,Ion of IM Hl-ll|kli Imtiara • dean ' tv and fraternity tcn- stepanovie *Urt in hi* lout year on sity. i* The Wyandotte senior hao off lo a |«ad Ike var¬ goes on a GOLF CLUBS •v.ept to whack half u billion lars from the school construction dol¬ billion-dollar price tag — which less than »«mf Demo- The bill now before the com¬ GASOLINE bill, m hopes of getting the pro- w as still mittee would distribute half of Bat lam-frt Price* In Town rrats demanded. "Eejial* Election Staged kr i*'. mil! through let! Congress. an economy- Even' with the cut. the bill tin- federal grants on the basis school age population anil half Regular I Ethyl While Street Mobs Riot authorise The Committee voted federal outlay* of 11 23-3 to fares cause ar. of uncertain future be¬ a promised fl>x>r lit »t <>1 on the basis ol need. The ad¬ ministration wanted to par.el 30U 33',Kal hi1; ion dollars during the next ovei a prt»sviscda\ m^rht for a four year term, to t th- , or: originally called for by I it • m r iv r a 11 c - sponsored meas¬ , l! gal. cans MI*v TQ 7 lu Vin in ure Musical Institute (lartlt-n Chili Iti llt-ar Mith each f|.M pnrehaar A haniipu kol const it ueiit assemble voteil rt*»-l to keep - final ctinimittee vo'o on bill scheduled tt"1 f>'t I'tirt-i^ii Sliulii* ll.-atl •f ga* Cigarette* IV parkac. turn It) office ile>pi'e violent atiti Rojn* demount rat ions that .r/iie TtMitsdav was i»r Han; Nathan, associate Oil 2lc a qt. and up had kept the country in an Itep Metralf if)-Mont.* fa lie I professor «=? literature and fine |»rof Sliao (' -ang I c<- he* I Drake* is located just twn upn>ai -iih •* last Friday. arts, has twen .awarited a mem- of the cleiK.itim-m of foreign Work* east of (He I'niver it .ii attempt to geV a bipart'- Institute for Ad- ber.shiu in the studio will lecture Friday : « iVf/JCI* Hits .i: t*i?I that v»oulo completed •it* on Grand River. Come v.tncts.t Stu.t-, in Pnn'-eton f« r the Kent Gar ten t 'ut- m Gram m» with the President' - .to¬ in and *ee Cliff. r usicolngn ai research during Hantd*. He will talk on Chinese ll )Val. itnti we expe 1 the Pie>,; H»57-.%S ,Nrw« » nolo h\ I a iinannaiii i. i.t -. support because of tha* houses an,l gardens Selection i Wolverine photographer asks IWH graduates to wafrh the birdie The I'nhc* ton Institute pro¬ i.mitv for n small it. i N «i v i O.-pi iis he snaps their picture* for the yearbook. I'irtures are being taken Info Scrrire* llrnrl vides group of fvppoi distinguished scholars I" today and I rid ay between K and S in 41 I'nion. \ inner I An t'.huirnmn research problems OJ Negro tt> work on There were reports from without restriction ei obligation. ( ali.c"" I Kit miles southwest of Ham-)- Sriiii-Koriiial Howell Treaster. direetor of Pr Nathan »ill continue his here, that from II to all persons services, ha- tan-:; studies in lfitt' ,« ntury music WY-(LEANING formation Al'STIN. lex. «/!*• The killnl ami more llian 100 :• 1 niversit> "t Texas student were injured I uesd.tt in atiti-Itoja* tioU Hay Hup Set for Saturday; •I,- t-i chairman of a! Information the Ag:i- c.veoutt'-f. HOW SHOT SHIN I newspaper \\ ednesdu> sanl pie- ' Michigan Week This va* Engineers to (irotvn (Jtieen I ! POl'R BARBERS tin facultx eomniittee which w i |Hist|.Miricd itKlrdintte'v ..-nnounced Tuetwla.v b.v Jarne* i",Chrysler corporation vu-i- iwiincil a Negro coed t" sine I I'tHllll'll pl.t ttie lead in an undergraduate i »• pli! 11 .1 W til th! I ". • I "■ tt.l- vue pi I'M! Il i: I Ttie annual 'Mas Hup u.i tht Ktovh* • i S" I*•«*i it k. eti- i ••-ilc-nit in charge of puhle- Doha's Barber Shop and chairman of the ' itmns I ..il, i In i nnilt.it > m.ih. hhe si*. s»-iiii-l<.i iii.tl ilatu • . uiiio i ii. to,i.,,i. ,.iisistinjt "»t riANDOR CENTER displayed "-inking . 1111111 opera M -mean Wpck Pu.dic Heia- naivete." 1 ht > I the < t.niMilth-i -» .«• >i*ri• r! t» i J .it KiiHito S.itui ■ ia v niyibl K- ""Hi; l elite, 10 ieclt iufii. i- , t". i ! • ti.'i si.ti ti\«- senior* -■» tni thru pitr- It.Mrd 1 HOW aWT LAUNDRY t.uw Kit 0l» n.p' r • ! ' I'l.i I. A M-ml.l, Pii-M.l. lit t Is Iptltll'li l.'i rXtl'iiCUl llt'Ulrtl at- I'ipr-i ami He. Aitst" ' Tih> t • . V tin lJ.iiit 1 • S.,r, * .Ill ' I: s.iia/ai b • 11 m ihviart t rial.*. lourtech pine Imim tivif.t a Ihirin^; thi- tine ttie IHmii Oprn !;. . in . ,i ii, new let li f 111111 t illi .IK" Will pli'Vlih* IliU.sli Mr »:.♦ i» I otil < ■" tdi.pn Am: Ili'.H 1 i opt, ■ A . t -t pi est lot- I t" tht I'llf-buigi. I .V i lui itaticin. t"i the >ecwnd oni- ttep.,1 tn-elit ji.dct >t t-ave the M & I'riday ' . SIIIit.irv poller broke lip sev¬ »• litiv«- iear I tin-- t ■ ■(Ml eral scattered demomitration* In Hairy Miuph>, ltest. dispiM-. iii tin fcu»;inecim*; ...VI" , A.,uiiliii.; »., h A.M. till !» P.M. I I (Xllii I IMC. I >1.! . -.11,1 Aeiie.-I ttocota with tear gas before ami Iiavis.ui sopluuiiMi i. Iiewspajai hxoMli, :. It. .»•>« i 11.<|int.11. I'in I.ttmii-1. I at. rniuncei mu Mite: he Stall ,»sK« •; h. i c 11 i- . v > after the asaemhh meeting m| alMMil I.Puti pul.licitv cii.uitnan, t li. htc- fiol.istn ; - t,"iw:l then Tur-dny. Mrdnrxln>. Salurilny A I.A.I - spot of intermission will he the |!i ) tic I kiwi , I'm mI tin- rev. lihi/e t..utst.iiHtinK en- A.M. till i. I'.M. ..m ii i- ;«c: i - ui»imrti'i i row mtiK "f ttie lt':». Knuilieei - h iiii tit I.og;m Wi'.'rt-n . it-! nit I he ,ii», i^iii'i i fie.i Tenh'MM vim- gitneei;i.s?iut»-« ' - ' II « "»e.ii Tnket i '?,• event are RENT A NEW CAR '**1 he people o| Irxj* dont ••f IV...;,. the pirM.teii! of hiiK'r«*c»tniK t'oun- want mixing ol anil clJ. Will "ftlil.lte I i it r,t ,i* "ti* i i" on Am' m«t\ p,;t< h.l-e 1 .t' till lit It It! T»« - Automatic Transmission*. Radii* and Heater Flash Cleaners Is. whites puhtiet> and the I mvei 1 he IJtiven chie-r » t • eiiuit.. lexa* should not do il kt 1 t.lfflt > mIi of . i Hit studetit--. xx iiI m tor- duhh from that standpoint ',.i -a hen he n\ . Las and Hit Furnished and proper insurance - u« list;! utioiuil g"\ MiehlKan .state New* f . • , ii-i.' I .oil Your Key to the ( ampus . FltAMMtlt • i' .left. ? - H» e lh. • |.|.i ti'Vi-l e.eiilr'd ?,. MltU'Ut ■ 'I ;> I he Control Car aid Track Raatal Coapaay I ' MIM'I X'.»t . V" • I2U E. OtUna St. I'honr IV MII3 OPEN MUX- TIH'R.. I III. Til. • P.M. M»* Sim' h utule.1 ... . ur»?,i pi api'itp- I '• ;• I Mi¬ BALFOUR'S I ..til- . ll t•-> .ntV.itH e Sorority Jnrrlry C ■ . e i. I.. Mi, vimi ond Fraternity — •• iHipul.it ii.au- • Slallnnrrjr • 1.1ft* I la li • Kntfllim • Mrdah • Awards no 'T'%rn serrrt last Ortohrt that some nirmhers ol 11 was I arm l'aliloi>lii|i • 1'rophim • I'addlcn • ksitwrar Open foe Slmleiil Momhed Stock (ar Races the lecislatuie were planninr tl»e t secrr*4tli»n i hills now brow I'honr or Writs lonsldrietl I vrn if the gut KI SS HUSH ,>P«c, • tin- chosen had ti»e hr»l x«i«e. and wr do nut doiild that she did Pi.ent f • {. in t.. a sliMtec.' M. _____ "Your Balfour Man** it would have seemed on I* the Ann Arhnr Stor* 1.1.1 S. I nitsrsiljr part of discretion awl better , t .11 III I.Ml!-. pic Mlrmandy 3-1733 Ann Arbor, Mirh. OPEN COMPETITION wisdom not to liair rust liei in M,Phi«.p iii*1 w • >i K u romantic role opposite a white male lead *•'» he iiuii l> • • t i M 1M..1 ;f 11 a a a v: \> ... r . MUiiH.i. i' • 1 ...... I VV i in i I;M Ilolden-Reid Friday Night & Sunday Afternoon th ■ t ! I li K.-.M H»U i iHaila.-'. Ita.ii.i h.tilPi \- ' Owes its fil 1-- night voinmem :*'.t iiixjinir.K ti» nHimtc!-' pa Mis* Smith w ns i I.e.m {i t it hv . faculty eon,nut Ire M < The land 'ill fair i»l ttie earth Success FRIDAY NIGHT ONLY, MAY 10 Miter, a xeio- i inil-tmhs V . i aiwiMt aiAiitl.tKMt wgiiMie null; 1 univcfiutv hat up a. i me i Jul | la • ttu i..t«v > f& U in« Put ttist not named '• ann«>un«« hci bring si,in slur To t IIII.IHOA I'NIil-K 12 AIIMITTKU HtllE WIIIA YO ? w ithUi iwii % ~' The uruxpfKlt* admptrrl ubeut si'iiior das* ACCOMCAMEII l»Y AX Alii I.T. ■ " ..o umietmaduitte Ni-mim. » this ■ V fS f®for? iiiif, leci) Tto fiadwati st hmd intrgi Mini for sevei.it has .iwlrri Nationaliy Advertised brands EKIOAY XK.lt I' TIME TKIAIS - 7:00 I'.M. vx aii | ;■ i I'll.- stair l.-iitlcrs iin.l |i,ir.--s.-lti-rs in f.i»h- 1ST KA( E - B:.'tO I'.M. SEE WITHOUT GLASSES I ion urt- tin- firni> mIio I.lank. I tin- t lulliin^ inark.-t roast It. rnasl. I li.-y sot tin- Ir.-inls ff' ami tln-ir forinanri's in ri |>nl.iti..n« art- lias-tl on |n-r apaalils. Sunday Afternoon Mother's Day A r<-|iri-M*iialiw <-\ain|.l.- of llii« itronp, |? »|vl!' ., H , Thousands now woar Invlslbls Vsni-Alr' Oroovod nswly dsslgnsd, art- tin- titakt-rs of litis Mi-rk. hi- art- I'alui lli at li wear, |trooil In tifft-r llit-ir Special : fY* !v. CONTACT LENSES COMFORt * UlTRA-TlNV • LlOHTWIIONT "Canliiiin ritt-r": soil with it a 111.11 Is fa«liionalilt- rri»|i, t-mtl tropii-al i-milraslin^ i.ihn, k„m: , "K.,i.t> mu. m: (.1,,.\ A. w iKi t. ^'' ALt'DAV «IIIIX Tlll:v I.IST 10 AMI I I LODES. J Why wcoi vfttigHily ipevt0il«»' Todoy thow»ordi weor »r*V>»«bt« Vent A«r Grooved Con'Ovt t#n*e* W »h xoorpie'e, slat-ks. 1 lit-rt- art- a t-olttrs pliis trxtures to «b ' ti'-l doy »if'Cut OOyOne lno«s;ng. rlittt.M' front. Iln- t-||st inhlt- is sours rout* TIME TRIALS 1:00 P.M. ft - , A T' ii oieonr-g nt* THIV d'Cp. Tht 4 hreothing ccoi in «ti cidntivt dtiign giv« yow-r ty« M fieedooi for notwol breafhtng oed ttot fCiw. $0 BRBATHK ic»*nhfic diuoxcy i» oi tiny ci o t«Of* 10 eoiy. lO »impt« «o wfor. |tlrlt- for C>7,V0. hlto|i ami in- sort- at lloltlt-ii-lit-itl * 1ST RACE 2:30 P.M. FOR ALL CONDITIONS !|i (enter ore tu' dcy. Get the Ml detail* today I LANSING SPEEDWAY lotetf Advance In Contact lentet Medically Approved at COMPLETELY SAP! \hiT oik timer* rtiR % rAYMINTS iiinonstration HOtDEN REID it l>lt. I trluxixely (IbUimblr At IIAKOI.P A. SIIMPhlt I #100,000 BLACKTOP TRACK* 6 MII.ES SOt>TH OF _ ' oeTUMi riiisr Mall C«url I'rasdi.r i'mlrr l*alot Beach. MiKhftar A An** Syuhnrir LAXS1XC ON D.S. 127 AT (UiJDCE ROAD fr«dar Coaler hMH MM M "ll—lm » WalMt frHsl BETWEEX HOI.T A MASON. fHONC CD WtlTf CadMIU«w.wl> M MntaM. MtsM MMSt IU I'raadar Art. — Smih tad ■.fcfc !•> W» iliu.nobd Mao. Tharm. TH. •M N » | >f V R. G. ATWOOD, PROMOTER « W tie . boo.lei Y§ IV 7..-.35S _I»W_