Work and Play Keep Incoming Freshmen Busy Rt Lit, XAtBAXPIAN Sponsored by the counseling center In co¬ Included are a tour of the library, a movie on Some freshmen won't he quite as bewildered operation with the registrar's office, Ihe dean campus life and a preview of fall registration. In this fall by the complexities of registration, of students office, improvement services, the addition, the students are given free time and orientation, enrollment and campus life. physical education department, the health renter, encouraged to visit the campus on their own. These future Spartans are attending summer the office of evaluation services, the housing The happy dividends from hitting the books office and ItOTC, the clinics offer tentative counseling clinics that last four days, and are de¬ student* many other advantages. are explained by lb*. Stanley J. Idzerda, dean of signed to orientate the student with campus the Honors College, in a talk presenting the stu¬ living and offer individual counseling experience. MSf faculty members from almost every in the large Midwestern universities none dents with the newest of MSl 's academic pro¬ department in which a freshman might enroll offers a similar summer clinic program. N\ hile as well as high school faculty members are on grams for advanced students. many offer general orientation amies for pros¬ hand to answer questions and clarify campus In the opinion of l»r. How land H. Pierson, pective college freshmen, the program here is rules, explain student organizations, fraternities acting co-ordinator of the summer clinics in the liesigned specifically tor those students plan¬ and sororities and offer ideas on possible college absence of l»r. Thomas A. Goodrich. this is an"* ning to attend MSU. majors ami related careers. r.ach prospective student, upon tentative ac¬ "inspirational talk for better academic perform¬ Orientation test.- (speech and hearing, chest ance that i> appropriate even for students who ceptance by me university, receives a counsel¬ X-rays, swimming tests for men as well as may not turn out to be candidates for the ing clinic program. reading and arithmetic exams» are taken and Honors College." line key advantage of the summer counseling evaluated. In the past five years, from to In per cent program is the amount oi individual attention Itormitory living offers experience in adjust¬ of the fall freshmen class have been attending rucn student receives. ment to college life and in making new friends. the sessions in groups of from ir»o-175, for a having taken his orientation test.-, the stu¬ dent is interviewed the toliowmg day by his The student may learn about year-round total of about 11(1(1-1700 per summer. counseling services available to him. These prospective students fill out question¬ counselor, who interprets the results ot the naires at the end of their stay, expressing their analyzes the siuuent s high school record Not to, be ignored i* the social aspect of col¬ feelings about the counseling clinic experience. attu makes out an appropriate temporary first lege life. !iic*da> nights find the class of 1%1 According to Pierson, almost loo per cent of term program of courses. in Ihe In ion at mixers, where they may square the cases indicate the experience has been worth All this is impossible during fall registration dance, social dance, learn .MSI songs and meet Even theugh they •ren'l enrolled or haven't hern in one class *et, next fall's freshmen can't heat teat*. Here they take one of the orientation exams in Counseling Clinic. while. week in the maze of 20,000 old and new students. each other. :fi Michigan State News a . T* .• f*V*i . 1 iji ■m VOL. <10. No CAST LANSING. MlclllO \\ TlHTl.-dbW. ACtiCST 1. 10",7 PRICK r» CENTS it* Senate Sees Little Action Promotions, Transfers, Leaves , • • * WW Mile I'urrm . . , a new position Lawtuu ... a new land In Civil Rights Debate '■ ( Riiowlaiid Ag Board Appointments —-t—„ . . (Ihullciigps W'll Will All eelA Aff All n r 11 Education Workshop Democrats F r'v-rune appointment-, counting, Frank Cliffe Jr. a*- Colleges f rniatio-i Services and t '«ntin- Open Classes Monday H* M'/ITTE RVWSEV sel. "Improving Instruction m Jury Amendment M-tant profethsf'i of politiciil v.- Educati-m. Aug 1. Davi 1 Junior H:gn .vitnc: ' ("h..n. < <.aii*c» 0|»|M»»ili«»n :A. r 'y-two foreign projects *p- » State News Iralurr* Writer •-Mcnt.s and assignment-, e: cr. Lewi- J Edmgor, assis¬ 1 i,i.nan, a >«Hia"f editor of uni¬ There is stii! r«*Hi» availabi>< Blaikni.i: and William Wa.w., •mro-cn promotions and new r» tant professor of political scion.-e. versity publications. Informa¬ for those who wish to enroll . ; and •Improved Practice '• u A S H I Ni; TO Ni/p! - k- .«?u.»ns, (our transfers, eight l;.»bej * If. Horwit/, assistant tion Services, Aug 2H. L Lyle the Coi.cgc nf Kwiiicatioo suo - Reading bouuction." Byron V i » Sen. Knowlaml (R-Calif ) .raves of absence, one retire- pro(e»'i;- of politiral science. |w»rnor. maintenance engineer; m«r workshop*, according tsor of political science; Ho¬ Couiis* ling (.'enter. Wilma Foe fc ? Anyone who is a graduate Material*." Itm Edelfelt; "Rr- . graved by the State Board of ward ijcarrow. assistant profo- Kuns, instructor, Counseling student is eligible. *earrh in I'erMinnel Service*." filibuster upnmM the Civil Agrieuitur* at Uieir mem meet- M-r of p*>lrtieal science. Center; Josephine Morse, assis¬ There are I wo-week sesaions Daniel Irdcr. Denver I'nivrr- Uipht.s bill. Oliver P. William*, miktitit tant prt»fiw»r, Counseling Cen¬ and three-week srssloru, begin¬ »it>. "Elemrnlry Srhwil I'rinci- "If there is .< filibuster, 1 am Included were the appoint¬ prolnmor of political orirnrc ter. ning AugUft 5. The two-wetk palskip. ' Ilrrliert Rudman; "Sr- in favor "f having it now and ments of a new dean and two Kathryn E. William*, *reretarv, fvsn J Lehmann. instructor. workshop* give three graduate rondarv Sr hool Principal*." John I osier Dulles, left, rliat* with British l ineim Serretarv fighting it out." he said department heads. remmsniratisn art*. 4« 5: A. Kvduation Services. Floyd E credits, and th« t hire- week Byron ll«n*f»rd. and "Heginning Selwvn l.lnyd at the disarmament negotiations in London. Dulles Knowland twad.s .t loose roah- Dr W W. Armisiead will be- NirhsUk Vardar. mmtIiU pro- Overly, assistant professor of workshops reward five graduate and New Superintendents," lied sod that the I'.S. is hopeful some headway ran he made soon by tion of Republicans and North¬ •* dran of the College of Irwor of speech; Jamr* race, (ommuniration skills. John W. credits. Ve*roJani the |.»s| ami the West (Story on page 3 ) ern Democrats fighting for Civil Veterinary Medicine, effective a**i»tant prole*nor. teacher edu¬ Carson, instructor in humanities; The topics for the two-week The topics for the three viek Rights legislation A .g 10 He will succeed the cation and € ontinuinx Educa¬ Warren S. Thcune. instructor, sessions and their directors are ge*.sion* and their directors are • Pr Chester F. Clark. Dr. tion. business education and secre¬ "Higher Education." Paul Dre - "Creative Experiences ofi Earlv .Memorial to lie 1'lntnhlislied He predicted the Senate would tarial studies, Durward II. Dyke, Elementary School i.'hildn . defeat a pending amendment to A .»tcad leaves a similar posi- Adolph E. Smith, instructor ,=i William Durr; "Guidance, Wil¬ write a broad jury trial provi¬ of general at A .1 M College of Texas. in electrical engineering, hkr Dean Chester F. Clark assistant professor Pf xherwuwd K. Hayne*. pra- f'**»r oi physics at Vaadertilt J. Graham, instructor in electri¬ cal engineer mg; Mahnwiud A. business. a-sociate Charles professor A. of Rogers, general U. S. Joins liam FarqUiiai ' Base Education.}' faiward I'i p.vnc .rod Driver sion into Ihe hill. Some additional Republican. • I imeraity, ha* keen named Melehv. assistant professor of business, and Labor and Indus¬ "Advanced Driver Education,"' and Democrats lined up over the H'«4 Of ihe wt and aalrnnnmy. department of phi- He will lake ebrtrical engineering, Dorothy Arata, assistant professor. RmhIs trial fteiations Center. rasl M. Hhield*. imlrsrUr in IAE Agency Richard Bishop Others iimum •Teorhmg of Siircuiiihs to Cancer weekend in opposition to any such amendment. Knowland v j| up k»* duties mi part-Ume and nutrition, Martin U. Hurtig, police administration and pub¬ Family Living," Miss.Maiy I.. < raid, and the coalition is ready ; a assistant professor of art. John lic safety. Ab|. I: Thomas I". WASHINGTON, bPi . The In¬ Hurt; "Research ro Homemakn liean ChtM- r F Clark. 3". di¬ in luucellml* and pndilrnts of for a test vote at any time vpt. 1 and fall Ume Feb. I Mat |)i8. fohh. imrldr prole—or with ternational Atomic Energy Education." Mi B» at: it e «> !>«» 1- the Uoilcge of Vetcr- liKViiii: |iiiKKjuction Knowland said he didn't anti¬ asaisiant professor of rector "f ,p John Uteem. MSU staff physics and astronomy. Kenneth dean of edocation; John K. Jor¬ Agem-y (IAEA) came into bemg ncll; and "L*«>ikhioc Education," iriai Mi-dirirte, died of cancer A reside nl of |.a*| I.a using for cipate any further statement t ' -*ror since 1949, w as appoint- Kuemincrlein. instructor in Ay- dan. aaaistant profs—ar. admini¬ July 29 with the stroke of prt - Daniel Fusleld from President Eisenhower ori Juiv 2H at hi home, 1101 Dm - 3D yrars, he was a member and ' s ' «>ii of the department of din-Visua! Aifi>. strative and edwlional service*; indent Ei*enhowrr * ta n signing Besides la-dig op« • i" giadu- the legislation This made it charn Dr Ea t Iatn*ing. trustee of Edgewood Peoples s ••■c.v and anthropology. He Carl C' Taylor, distinguished Tho—a* Ay lea worth, assistant up the United States as a mem¬ ate stutlenL tier** .«* MSU, !i.< • . ap|>ear that Administration for¬ rhurrh. He also was affiliated * • ueveed Dr. Charles P. visiting professor. Coiicge of prof*—or of teacher ednc'ation; ber will bo practicing teacher* .Srheriulerl to retire on .Sept. with lasl Lansing Kiwanis rluh ces in the Seriate are now on * who resigned in order Science and AiU. Jan 1 to March Arthar E. Moenkhao*. inatrwrtor The Senate ratified the trra'v Ing from all over the state .m l I dean "f emcfitu* for lea- their own to get the best term* and a World War I vrteran. ■i« vve full time Io research 14. Madclyn M Ferguson, In mechanical engineering and tailing for America's member¬ other state* ■i;. of poor iiealth, he h3s Ircen they can for the bill «' aching assistant pubtiration editor, In- Continuing tdncation ship on June IA and the US. The student* will he housed quested that a memorial l«e e«- The Senate is entering the 111 • • ttie dean of the college xincc "her appointments Mary Jane Rhine**, instructor, was the 22nd nation to ratify. in London and ( amphell I.ike Demri Clark's family has tr- fourth week of its debate en are as ir.i arid a professor at MSU "*s < (effective Sept. I ex- Farmer llilrs Far foods and nutrition, and Contin¬ uing Education Service; G. For the agency to come in in existence, three of the world's all workshop*, these will l»e on an informal h**i*. with , many since , 1929 Ho leaching career tablished for the dean. Fund* the legislation the" bill ha* been In this reduced period from *• *here specified) ' B Bri/ier, assistant pro- Stuart Hodge, assistant profes¬ atom power* had to sign, and —rial activities planned. '* brierv 1ntenupte»l in ID4B one providing for enforcement (If Cav't .!>:fill 'Aii- ' landscape architecture sor of art. and Continuing Ed¬ the United State* was the third. Those mtere»tfd f 'cont.oi when he became Ihe vetermi!- of civil rights in every field fo >1 ucation Service; Robert II. Under the setup, the presi¬ their enrollmt r * off.eer the one limited to the protection of - iraan planning; Marilyn M RCX HRJX. Ca. i4V_-An en- . h,r the -tale of MichigMi-for-- Washerman, assistant protwc dent may enter into agreement# director of the do red *or* voting right:. 1 ' tepper. instructor in eorr- raged farmer bit off the car of M. three year-. "•--.cati on sktlis, Bernard F of mathematics. Terrcnce with the agency under which *hop. or tr.r of I'ndrr the valine rights sec- . a government .credit agent dur¬ ' assistant Allen, assistant professor psy¬ uranium 233 would be made workshops R. . ♦ Rr;;. An MSU graduate, ( lark was lien, the Attorney General would professor of ing an inspection of his farm. .dered rf" • ,eatjon skills, Bruce Sle- assistant professor of na- Sheriff F E Jenkm* rejiorted, chology, Safety Center. and Highway Traffic available for other * countries distribution for |>eacefu! n tration i» Augo' t 5 graduate udoi! ar. Inu res " I cn - • oti an outstanding Piority or. cattle diseaxe* »nri au- he authorised to aeek federal rourt injunctions against any ■Jh ■ The victim was Rav S. Step¬ See AO BOARD, Page 3 w« . i <•' t known for his research Oscar Tebnada, use* of the atom. aged to enroll a trie prograo- violations or threatened viola¬ m •< icnce. hen:-. 43, county supervtKir of ■■ m natural science; tions of an individual'* voting the Farmers Iforne A4rr.jni*tra- *** • • '•<*! V. D'Antonio, science. instructor tioni(FHA>, which m«ke« Uma$ Every thing From Damlelion* to Caeli rights. Persons disobeying these Injunctions would he subject to • *S| * ' to farmers. Abncr W »Vhcelc,«, H L. Edwards, instructor trial hy federal judge* without the farmer, was jaiieti on a Beal Gardens Form Study in Contrasts > ' -r'frmtcx, and Bureau of a jury. mayhem charge after the inci¬ "T'or®- Research; instructor Edwin in R. ac- dent Jenkins said, gbd wa* re¬ leased yesterday in SMki bond. a . his Sen. Javit.s (R-NY) continued opposition to the amend¬' 243—acre farm U ment with a "retreat no more" ' r"ich Comedy about eigiit miles frtwn Alihe- Br MABY T AM ABBE ed iimilM to their families. To Ihe visitor's surprise. there tamed in a world-wide ex¬ opjs-ai. Have you ever seen the tar- Math as Ihe MB— ar the fern*. arc 106 specie* of weed* f-nm l change program Native seed* arc "The time is now for the ma¬ viEe, scat of Wikrox County in axacuJn officinale? is placed jn the gaiden. Dr Pa rrr. it 1 ec transferred across many bor¬ I "Start Tomorrow: South Georgia. Unless you are a botany ma¬ hy categories, like points out, however, that many der* for unusual seed* of plants jority of this body who »in- Stephens wa* taken to a ho- - in that district. cercly want a Civil Right.* bill jor or habituate the Reul-Gar- dyea. fibers, ar awdirine. of them have quite pretty flow¬ to stand fast and tell our op¬ >wre." French comedy pita! i*t Hawkinsville. His ear field Gardens, it would not ne¬ Dr. Parmaiec consider* the er* and that they have definite Nothing, apparently, is too win he ihown tumorm-. was not recovered and he tood for Ihe garden. The soil ponent* we will retreat no more ctar to you that It is only the pitcher plant to be one of the value* Dean Cheater F. Clark —that we will stand united ^'nrday in Foirchlld The.- underwent an operation for common dandelion. moat unnoticed but yrt one of Twenty percent of the plant* was (ompletelv changed into try skin grafting. The hospital in Ihe fear aad one-half acres arid ronditton mi that the against further parliamentary re¬ Started in 1W7 by Profemor the moat interesting of the more "fhtfu! tiim jii^, ^ witty Fer- in one role*. of his most dr- ft was produced ported his condition as In Atlanta, F ministrative gooii F Dna-u. «d- officer f<* the FHA, W. J. Beal. the gardrn is the home of native interesting and plants of special unusual char¬ greenery. name are The flower from its shape: the leaves rounded and cloaed so that gc'.s its that make op Beal are transfer¬ red to the greenhouse earh fall, hot mauy are aaauaK llealh family, (ami popular ipemher is the blueberry hush), could flourish. may be sent to the College of Veterinary Medicine. Surviving arc the widow, gimmicks to split us." Vniun Bomrd Sponsor$ Ifl Plant* are even growing out Muriel; two sons, Dr. John H, *r'"fp4 and directed visited the Wheeics farm on a acteristics. PhD. George W. Par- they shape an oblong "pitcher." Three full-time gardeners arc by Marcel Allen Park, and Andrew, East Sttrial Donee Tonight Fagroi routine inspection trip. Wheeics malec. curator of the Beal gar¬ The rup of the plant is lined employed during the sumim r of the walls' For an example: "u added these details. Stephen- den, emphasized that it is spec¬ udth hairs that grow downward, months, and. on occasion, stu¬ the strong cactus and various Lancing;., and one daughter, comedy boasts dialogue, , Marjorie, East Lansing; three The Union BcmM will .punsor - < of subtlety and farce, car- begin cursing and making threats ialized in caring for plants and •o that ence an insert find* his dents help out. other greenery are peeping sifters, Miss Elizabeth Clark. a ,oci, 1 dance. Ausu.1 1 in the without provocation, and struck shrubbery, unlike the Horticul¬ way into it, H is trapped. The Expansion into more geogra¬ through the cracks of the boi - A1 * by Fenmadel. and Stephen.- on the cheek. The two ture Garden which grows fruits, tike others, was phical flowers is the new de- der rock wall. Fitchburg, Mass; Mrs Leon Union Ballroom. Returning at tuppuftiog cast. The story "There are no guided tours Green, Ashley, Mass., and Mr*. < 30 p.m. and runnini through vegetables, and ornamaat*! found in add I velopement program that is in¬ ^•cerns M honast actoool tea- struggled and fell and while on John P. Carlson, Boston, Mass, II the dance la pee to The hanks of the ravine are volved In the garden. Species of through the garden except, with p.m., ZfL who (ma into a genteel the ground Wheeics caught the class and instructor," ex¬ and two grandchildren. summer and trodk. Staph—'» left ear with his teeth ihot wealed; plants that are greenery found in the Mediter¬ ™e film the different sections ranean region are being sent plains Dn Parmaivv, "but signs Funeral services were held gueau with fee arieda. The Ed will b* and ripped it off. "He is more '■* PJn. — of Michigan are grouped togeth¬ hero to be used and studied. near the plants are self-explan- yesterday. Burial was In the Berry orchaaWa under the di¬ are «r .leas bitter with the who* er there. for the plants are ob- atory. Everyone is welcome." Evergreen cemetery. rection at Dam Jnhanu will play. ivaiiablc at Um the Sheriff-id. - t mm i'ifv III In TTis Opinion iiftVlilrt SJ.V.AT-iS \ / HOC KABD I , XEHL THiSL, vksjo) ujriAT CHARLIE BSOa'N? I | I'Recent Purge Leave? Michigan State News- / \ I JU9TCAVTFO PEACE Cr ] Read Dolly bj MOTR 22.999 The Michigan Stat* Nr«K is 'published by without direct Students and Faculty In the World Crisis Satellities Confused I. .. ,1 v i e of till* uniN.cjs.ty or of We Biuarrii b.Viv. l»u« wlule w*in to set w the best inteioU of ''°UL t'^ilhethe? I* t., t.atti* .inv m..u ivii... from witinn the uh.vf.^tv pi,.,. wto.h w .old Jmv. .. wedge between l lie of Uw AMOitaiea n out .Ue Association Inland U.-ly If* — lutei collegiate Press Association and A»*H.ia ea . A«So!uted The Pen Is Mightier By UII IBM L. RYAN AP New* Analyst The Soviet shakeup w,.- t political shock to East Germ.,,,, Stalinists who rule the roiiuir? luliegr I'ress Toqrents of double talk from lumped for the Khrtis.t,., IB. N • V, I'liiir-.i.a. Ani'iol I. l!'">7 ■PaBf Two Hy (TUT STAinTKI.I! Russia's current rulers have bandwagon, hut a purge sen YOU sv t J'HAT »;AC= C- A'AD li'Dl'.D thrown Moscow's satellite em¬ unlikely for a while. Americans have always SRtALLY T- N- : COIVE ME CRAZY, Ik me their host when crisis came. pire into high confusion. Popular unrest continue 111 Our Opinion When the cards were on the table. A picture emerges of Nikita ticularlv among younger The regime has been c We have always cleared our name.' l) 'tf £ Khrushchev intent on reasserting total Soviet domination over criticizing graduate studei- balk at betn" -hipped •• Once a Pioneer We've stalled and hedged and waited, Europe'* communist nations while he tries to avoid the label lage to work at low n.i & 'Till they thought we'd never start. U ) J< escape of younger i of latterday Stalin West Germany continue When the chips were down, we've battled. The satellites, discouraged and unabated high rate. And we've always done our part. confused, present this rtielanc- Best off economically Always... MSU ' holy picture: satellites, and most •« PtiUl now. We flet! Korea. "»«■» Wladyslaw" C.omulka. Polish from Moscow's vie\vp«»u S--E \ UlMAT TM!^ lU0i?LD SEED1? 15 r And we're fleeing Asia now. / wOP-D DO V0J /.V^TROOiLEDVADf premier, recently admitted the Czechs, too, have many •• And we turn our backs on China, 1 L ANT rtA,r shocks to the Communist world, For example, they adim; , N an? stick to V beginning with Pognan's bread harvest losses last year. T, \yr , j. ' i » 11•«• ?-« u. ,pt «• kin*! lirfiefiN t >:»• Mph srhnol With its flowers, jt la Mao. ,V,ND rx- y '<■ and freedom riots a year ago, and continuing beyond the Hun¬ But Czechoslovakia i- portant industrial supph.-; I Ml - lllr - tiutl Jlllil thf jM'llpie of tin* vfM.U-fCs. in-'ittifi - . Mirl : 1 ami ("Mt.f tir. ,n in c. r i'ial an- tri-ttitur <"i! W'\< siimnii-r. of MSP's Holies thinks the Iteds Are. to quote, "A passing phase." And Ike directs the Congress in China SfeK I; garian uprising, had seriously weakened Poland's Communist structure, brought ideolgiral Communist orbit, and ••. important in Soviet for. I icy. The shipments ol at- chaos and created mutually op¬ industrial goods to th tlo-re have U»en workshops of • >o far. « \t\ \ •.it. As thouph working in a daze. described the .m,,! vl-;,)..- " Ami Hi. I'.ave been attendeii by =igi i r'^ posed groups. He part* as a convalescent after East is a prime exatnp!. from all walk- of life ami from practically uho . Absorbed with petty problems. grave illness. There is some fermeht in in tellertural eireles, hut in « \, < 11!.<•■ iv able occupat i"i) We ipnoie what we should see; ATR0U9CE0 AIND IN A TROUBLED WORLD IN Economic woe nnd politira! purison with that in I'ulun.l I P,. .t 'i;. 1 work .hop- in mu ic. journalism, an.l sppwh There's a bitter war in ptwre--, A TROUBLED WORLD!:.' A TROUBLED confusion grip Poland Gomul- Hungary it is negligihl.*. jitt-t'.i.Mi e.-'Hi.-r ti i term of MirhiVan •With Asia as the key. ka's regime has tried to set up UNIVERSE ..A.. worker councils to case indus¬ In contrast with oth.* ' f , .1. |»>i|,il ft. . Van.' t«» tile campii- ruled lands, there is t.,1 f. u week- of wofk .to.l pl.c. ami tliev earrie.l home We must fiyht. It's now or m-v.-r 7f trial unrest, though making sure the Communist Party would do¬ dance of consumer gv,. tb.. practical ap|.li« atj.»n of tIn ir art. whether it was con- N'ot with bombs or -hot or sli»>l!: Czechoslovak stores. Bu* ■ minate such groups. ; . riu-.l with pianos, publicajions or plays. With the pen. Cor mind- Cor future Gomulka criticized Moscow's still is a shortage of • » . We had better do it well '"harmful practice" of putting too still insufficient education P.ut import. ■'? tb.-v l.H.k back a part of MSP life much stress on heavy industry, cilities p»* phv whiidyw.ll Ih- -1 I to their aciinaint- which he said had bad results The Communist regime • a' .r-. a1111 Wliich in th. I..M- I an a-hb to the yrowth of the in Poland. mania staged its own iv; 1 niw-r if \. -In Step W illi S.'i.'iH-.' The wave of arrests stemming the Soviet purge and. in f fill compliance, held tin- \n.| the III . onvo. at ion- Im-ipM toreth. r fwople of Ileal I..'g-Slapp.'i's ■ from the Hungarian revolution farcical series of publn continued to plague that country, a'.-- in a , p.-ria'-•.«•• I I i. M u:!b MSp unboli.'inc Iheir Insert Control along with a harsh drive against elation" meeting again r YLaughter)"and Debate common under tamlitin "economic crimes." Almost any purged. offense now can bring the death The country seem- apav- p.lucntor- in all fi»*'.I ». re riuHm' the summer II* KHII BAR RUT But the regime take- no • penalty . --ion. |ji»th th** -In.I. nt a «l the Pniver itv rain by this State New* sclencr Irature Writer n* Tilt %*M»rlATFt» |»BPSS It is concerned by an jtrrnnrem.-nt tor t e.-ts lis diploma or credits and I he Kvaluatim- a new tv pe of n-.-. 'icide pud contrn H th. Civil Bight* hill ha n't Hungary'* puppet rulers saw- unorthodox ideas. St-naf.' P.L-ht over In the Soviet change* a sign they Si'hool furl her spreads its philosophv. So vie tiled of the mo destructive onion maircot an the uinjs of two of tin- ma? could not relax the struggle Most K.i! fVnti-r .otitimi. to live tip to it- reputation prig.' ring, the fans would have yelled, against "revisionism." This lite*. Bulgaria probahb is pha-i's i»f research on ins.s-t inii»rd on in ti'<- Cnt.imolm t' t>, S'atio- " llirm t Ije-ulence Ponferen.. ''c-i.ini " Commission would have considered meant continued total subservi¬ shabbiest too. Its regime a.h ,. I »epartment. I'oth these proi . . are i . aded i-v Hr. Cord, sing to many ten* of thousand- I a- iiHtamc. d'uine th. *• summer months, t! <* f .-liter whePa-l th' • 'he ftch't r-.' pur . ence to Moscow. tdiver, assistant profes-»>r .» f entornoloi'v npp'du table, pim .n led coolly en th.* unemployed. Almost dub m pi,tv s host to approximate!! 0.0011 p.-r month . o.fhh? The* bi-ii :! 1e i. F-t the hi.tte•* of i--'- S«-i ■ i'.i'i he gathei'.-l !:om th; Fa.dt da* 's - With some Russian help. Hun* announcements that young wori "-tfalU'ers" who s.nm iwcome "friend thrlr life evele and t«» u-r their p 11 v in!-: - import.ii VoiTSUpier rrs are being deported h knuwti i-. *v*ieniu* UHrC . he. n lit if *. ail • «}>nrikled with fh. nota- • In e*|»rriineitl« during the we Kimts an i taoed wage*- in an in the Soviet I'nion. pi*..pie attend e\. i v imaeinab'e t rojiferet'.-.- from ill- .lit'.-, t ft. th. trr it »s easier to f»r' attempt !■» calm the bitter uu- th ' . o»i mobil.- home-, a»-d act icuitnral enyin.-.-rinp to IVt»f ill that th.-\ .III- ini'tir i form enntrnlled experiment* e , t i,. - • .. . p-.- Si rri'.ir t.-'llsn;' in the Soviet order- f n I'l 111.' (..nil ..f I : r .1 >• 11; ' tv ' But price- wen' up. too, in t that fht». on iiv-"tam.- and honu-makinc the laboratory than in Ihr firl'i an inflationary spira' goods remain large!-. »»> Itci lill to Pn* it-**: f situation Bulgaria's purg.-. two v.e And throurhout the summer months, this fall's fresh-, it ha- iMi-ii nl.iff.t hi the The farm rrrnained -ermu^ Hundred- «»f Moscow's, wa* an ex men come t.. the . ampu- tor the Coim-elinc < linie's ses- i.-vv. of h.-mg *t>« ' • >r T'ev r«piM> rati1 of the Kremlin s th-»u-..nd- -»f farmers have quit Mai' Ib re thev ret 'he pimp on the other tiew students nit the plant '•••pefatun* -f TO Most isolated satelbti villages to seek work in the - the In (he i-.i -e of Iwan- Dr. Cii- r A sample I* this rtrh.inge lie!ween sen. S.»m J. I'.rvin Jr.. fB-N.CJ and soon iearn their wav around campus, MSP sponsors I r.n v.»a-t . rtt-.s ma is in constant tor1 has fiMimt lhal the svsten h n 'o«lte 'i >n ' and sen. Joseph s, I lark ill-Pad: !o» lart'i ' t v p.- program ill thi- area • t Hungary continues to deport split in the regime i «rrtIcicle, taken Up bv the plan* .d law r to kno v every hit of the to Itusjua "troulilesiMne pcrs.uis," The current leade: Et These institute- ha* e intevrrated and varied programs e. it- grown. i< effective in •" ill mined -itpatde amount •f law but zha has t»een in -criou lulling the Mr*han 4«ean l« n < law ' jfiostly youngsters, to latw on Ini♦ ail have ..tie overall yon! . . wider education and a Soviet new lands" Sivi'-t Albania still follow- Which fei i- i.rt he in phi».' living continuation of the pioneer land prant philosophv Ah I, If inhite' • the spi >« i i ■ ti.K»j.» remain to preside over pattern.*., ev»'n to th«* so evident at Michigan State Pnnn ;t\ . . service In the Mon.iIc disea-e w hieh oniina (laiU th»> picture of national diaster. punixhing Jam.iiies--of •• Add hila Frvtn i* a form, .State of Michitrau «n*t 'he Nation. tii.nsmi't. <1 '»* insee'' f »m hif.*c!.sl he.m plan' ' • i An • Ma Io. i- up with a if* f;' foe iMiHiii maggot t fllltfV heatthv one Campus Classifieds ronducUd Mirliii»;ui Slalc News Test* arc wow bring "It is argument to which you d«» not subscribe." Tfalonc said. hdt is i ii »'i if Ihr bran* arr still to r.lihlr *rr after u«ing Ibr gyntrwili* s< "If you like it. il i* a profound debate " Insrcllclilr and If Ibr flavor of Naturally this brought ' laughter i." f<*> \i I" >.motion thimiitii Ail | > iitav itti'Hi'.ve duitni fall Ibr liran* ha* brrn Similar rvprrlmrnt* with var¬ affrrted. llorlfl-lliih' < S.t the dt l ate went on ! s« naior - tia.xsl laws back to early ED 2-1311 Est. 261." between England and ix-vond Thev hs-k.-l at stale laws. The* ebasrsl the Ilriarilinr *1 on.lav 3 I'.M. l««ur . h X IH' ious **«trmir ln*rrliridrs are Put.!..* |t.* i'*h t»'.* FX i" t laws of rqui*.v annitid and around And the sweet srneiJ <-f coutpro* bring wrrfwrmrd *»n pot,itiw>, Wildlife .mi th.- Agrif.tral nose hung ovci the Senate. v r.n tw< cucumber*, and lettuce. Ttesearch -.tvi. cs a e 'v • of About the <*M»ngi"it words used were on side i.ssue*,' The need f-n the '-eeotid jdta-e For I ditor in t hief Miry Martin of Dr Guver's research arose the that t* s. u«e government DDT ?" ronti ' the ,-»>•••- v« c vemple CLASSIFIED RATES FOR SALE Managing I dilor Knirr I'ark* Sen. I'aul (SmicIis (ft-III ), i former economics professor, gets l.asl fall when cnnaiderable dam- gvpsv moth ard Husuirss Mnucrr peg Simons ann«*rd when law vers act as if nobod* understands law but lawyers, LAND CONTRACT «.' age was done by the «*ni"?t After many year*" est t .-nee I irrillation Director Have lie aril maggot the onion crop in DDT lurlhermorc. hr thinks the* no! only understand it, but also are td«r •• * month and interevt giuirjinlee full rf- w \v ith the agnncir have Retail Manager I lontr l.rprl Slmkhrtdge. Mich Cfincluded that, if *prav. .i a read* to band down final judgments. 1 dayt $100 Bria Phone ED 2-3011 t it* I dilor Lynn Slirpord It i* the larvae which cau-e )Oy, IIJO I folic lllllett gperifid manner that man. "When there is a combination of a senator and a lawyer,* Douglan tn KUomtoNic riA, Cmt** Ik and advertising department* \pplh alum* are not limited (o , Street Phone ED J-e5rv* thev lay their eggs there Tha one ounce of HOT on a plot .»f to be a lawyer, but to be lawyer and a senator creates a drink *tu«lrnt* of journalism. \ll slu.lenU art rm out aged In applv. a damage to the onion crop would land measuring Ml feel on a -*de t.SM which sweeps away the *cn*e of nearly everyone," AUTOMOTIVE l.rrT-rtANDP.D tentioo Match set r.oi » n < • n'mue year after year s«iuare feel similarly rhipiMne lion Made • How ever. Dr Guvrr •. mosuuitoe* ran be ronirolled. But the mood soon passed. STUDEBAKER STATION WAGON Rdwannahle See J-f P' tempting to combat this n two In rm time »t all Douglas was happily quoting not only from earh- Ilk'.4 ts me rrv)«-» CoenpO nv—• Crossword AVSMIII u .vt First, expertmetital plot* have Iteen *ct up to evaluate the Internatmrva! rctw.r! pvilsoning that there under health ha« P-rv agef* jo* n.r* nrt >| English law but his own favorite authorities, Giilwrt and Sullivan, h»ul Jutv 12 Phone Evenings 7-»rny m a» 1- HOUSING AtROxH 34 Amount of »ff.vfs of different sorav* »n and !h»» it can wU W medicine loov AV.TTAP1 r • 1 Side of a ro toii ws coqtroBirw the adult fhr* and gerous il aptdied direetlv * = the IfECHCM 2 KNIGHT Street For man Ph»>ee } U tangle 3ft At tract the eff.s t* of dtfferre,? tvp«*s of tu*U 4 Cletio nt being insecticide* apolieil to the sod :* profeepng m.dr.o^it nf PERSONA I 3v» • ♦51 lUiCK 5-pc 4 Hr/-». Pad-o 11 Age these union maggot* are being people >n warmer climates pom po*t NOW is THF time • CASH 13 Seclude 40 1 hrigram: developed In order to stud* malaria tl -s'" T-. - to-s - *•* • vmjr favorite marjfi'-e 1 . 15 Journey abhr, ON IWUK «*• <>e.*• officer come hi 21. Project 54 Pur-1 waring name two tirketa to the P- " 1 animal t- Chmeee 21 Confronted * cool Hi ink- New «ftjj bsdrry $)9S, 21 Cattle 19. Pall behind measure 21 Amid •twloiure 21 Divine betng Inlr.wluiint; our new formula USED •CICHIM ft "IIHU Lot KNIGHT If iGrfa;*!4 rxpfatrmcRD trim vprwd ortewtifv Peectotofi wort SERVICE rytrxr*. reae h- "* -'*? ' \v Phone FD 2-NM> for tasty, flavored 1100 I. Mskf«a («4 Helmet) ▼v»trr ANN rpowv «-■ *** loeomf, Mickifas S.SSSA rtee*eif. t- -eu ' " . ' Km« (V 24141 **aoers and them** AH" t*'*-'*1 BOOKS I o» w*aovff n«T A«T> " A'* ***«r v TXiw>n#w. Jewelry, W MAC *4 jog RENT rtmtnjhrp studio apart- » Afym* PH^vrw~» * "tT< MRWT._ffrprplt bath. Picture wtn- r»S pant* "'•'•nlT7n *,.H UnnUi «hoo. M4-R *> 47. Night before , T : X & ,.sstr lane TO J-*W „ 41 Turmeric I "T 49. Toward tha Stritd abm in our T.V. Houm SOU SALE Teem TYPING Dene**. DON* »h*me« IN t' stern MMiobla rata* Phone B) ' s 51. Huge wava It 52 Label TIm litem deuce** »ith-)ou in mind CJUNVRNIRNT RNOPP^'", UNION BOOK STORE 54. Peacock Liu.*niae butterfly 55 Compara¬ beb«r tive ending ■ ■ ■fr Prand.-' ...ngn Mirmr.iv sTATr vrws Ag Board Appointments Arms Talk Au«u« I. IMt !*»«' Thrr, (Continued from Page 1) and assistant home economics. to the dean of Makes No (PiI Supply Appointments for the Vict- Project were matte as f»>t- Mahhatical leave was approved Cut Asked Progress Nam for; Donald K. Marshall, asso¬ Nnvs: ciate professor of philosophy Howard W lloyt, deputy ad- April I to June 30. 1958 for HHNGTOV (.75—Presi- LONDON iA'< — Secretin of vber. May 1H. '1957 to Aug. 51. study and writing In Mexico. i.ou«• askcxt oik irn- State Dulles said July 29 the 1958; Marilyn R Westermann. Other leaves: Lewis B eompgroc■s east Of the May- US is hopeful some practical .. sivretary. June -9. 1937 to Aug. hew, associate professor. Evalu¬ itcginnmg to disnrmdnietit can wr. their, crude ?1, 1959; Wayne W. Snyder, ation Services. Sept. 1 to Dec. be made soon by the East and p.ufs i>> !'i» per cent. ;»«.'ialist, June 13. 1957 to Aug. 21. 1957 for research at Step¬ West W'.te H.lii-v said failure 21. 1959; Milton J Hagelberg, hens College; Finlev A l-looper. Dulles flew to Iaindon at Pres¬ w it u the request assistant professor of humani¬ ident Eisenhower's ropiest to instructor in Continuing Educn- ... ■ n :attd.»toiv con- ties. Sept. 1. 1957 to March 31. judge the progress of tin- *nad- • |i»n. July 8 for approximately 19.p8 for position at University negotiations in the l' N trice months. 1 of Michigan; David J Luck, pro¬ 1 )iol of foreign Virt-Nam police specialist ap¬ Robert B. Anderson, in a White director. Bureau of Business Re¬ limited accord el'.-n to 1 mii.iir national pointments fur approximate two House ceremony. July 29. took The is that search. Aug 1. 1957 to July 31, He emphasized the importance V re !isoniruf .ear period*.—Everett A. Cham- the office of secretary of the 1958, research program for Ford to world peace of Eisenhowei" f '.••!» •. : • jisoourages bcrlin. Norman I,. flower*. Fr- treasury. He succeeds George Motor Co "open skies" inspection plan t. • •arch th .> for 'icx M. Fabian. Robert I.. Goll- Humphrey. »•! 1 - Frank C. Florv, assistant pro¬ reducing 1h« dangei of surprise an i p!!.:cc too milch ints. Kavmond C. Johnston Jr., fessor of mechanical engineer¬ attack? The ktress he placed on (euro or: i supply that George IV. Newman, Carl I). This Is aerial view* of the Mackinar Straits bridge showing what will he virtually its ap- Hunipf. all effect I ve June 34; ing. Sept I. 1957 to Aug. 31, an it appeared to be esperiiillv mi:-- To Cm ll.-iilli- i>e ci' of:!' in an emer- 1859 tor Lansing Community pearanrc when compteted next November. The-picture was made July 23 after the final section nficanf Charles F. Sloane, July 31; Mel- of suan was Ifftrd into place. chief source College work: Henrietta Eppink, The secretary reminded airport vln llandville. John F. Mann- pull, Daniel F. Smith. Fverett assistant professor in nursing n« wsineri in a prepared state¬ Training ( nmsr Middle E.i-! t I pdike, anil effective Au*. 5. education. Sept. 10 to Sept 28, Tried to Rloek Roosevelt ment the Presidents plan was In lad. i al-wi are Cokmvbian Project assignments 1957. military service: Llo.vd G Wilson, instructor (research) in launched at the Geneva Big Sin unit conference two Foin veais Traffic Safely the ("ant- Fa t Wes;. eluded: Kirkpatrick I.a\vton, prefes- botany and plant pathologv, July 1 to July 31, to complete Hitler's Foreign Policy Papers Show ago •Every and added: month that passe-, (Iff cveil I IIIj . o •') e«l i by the the basis M.r >'f soil science, assumed t.f Ph D. work: Dean Chester F. withou* agreement magnifie- the i Palmira. Leonard K Kyle, assistant pro¬ fessor hoal effective (Extension) economics, to Aug of agricul- Palmira, ; * Clark. College of Veterinary Medicine. Sept i, 1957 to Aug 31. 1938. health. Retirement was approved for 1940 Presidential Campaign Pressure WASHINGTON (Ah — Captur¬ who at the time was dealing in • otml Amcriean |M»lim b\ problem of disarmament. • Now we are engaged in ne¬ gotiation-. toward a first step agreement which will include .11' secret il Sea toe. tale. coo W :e of - - Ih-f • • ph. r v f Aug. 2fi. Ralph Trafelet. Alpena County ed top secret German war docu¬ various oil matters for the Mexi¬ n. J, ws ' measure- to reduce the danger 1 ..? Lalh-r I. I, Roger, professor and Agricultural Agent, effective ments made public yesterday by can government, "paid $250,000 I mdtiereh wa rat'eri "th. d! siirpi ise attack the Whit • rtl of agricultural economics, July 1 the State Department report an to the national and Pennsylvania : iTvport.rm o! thr forces org mo "The I'nitrd States is ho|M-fui, »• ■ ■ ar.nouo- .tub 1 to Aug IS. 1957; William Resignations and terminations American oilman made a $250. state democratic organization? " ppocng the wi 1 rlemee.t and lu-l.lo as is all the world, that *ome ■ v ,i a.-ke 1 T Ross, assistant professor or were approved as follows Ooo payment to the Democrats It was reported that Davis "in - presi-nt poln\ .•f ♦);. United prartieal beginning ran s«m»ii he science, July 1; Wilbur Glenn in 1940 in a vain attempt to February 1940. acting through ''.Ti'- made. If it he demonstrated that J. Hoffman, assistant »: RiiKikovcr. director of the block President Franklin D. Walter A. Jones, paid about .1. That a group of "prominent death an professor of hHmanilies. Au*. b lis,news the danger of surprise attack ran I',v e.m of Educational Research. Roosevelt's renomination. $100,000 to the representative of men and politirians" 31; Peter M. Kenyan, Instructor he and will he redurrd. it should J * 1 to Aug 31: Floyd W. The documents contend $160. t h e Pennsylvania democratic headed by "James Mtmnrv of of general business, .March 31: l»e more possible to nuke prog¬ Reeves, consultant to the pre¬ 000 of the money was for "buy¬ organization for the purpose of (■eneral Motors" fatorrd urging Kathryn F. Krilick, secretary, ress in reducing the burden of sident. July 1 to Aug 31. Virt-Nam Project. June 24: Bar- ing" Pennsylvania's national con¬ (11 promoting a candidate in Rouwpvrlt to send an ambassador armaments and solving the grave ItriiMi LhI\ St'i«*iilUl Promotions were approve*I by vention vote. opposition to the anti-German til Berlin (the p«ist had lieen haha A. Frederick, instructor in political problems which en¬ Board as follows: The 415 Nazi messages and re¬ Sen. Guffev; (2 > buying the ap¬ \ .icant in protest against Hitler's To €oi\•• Talk mi communication skills, Aug. 31; danger peace." David K. Berlo. from instruc- ports recall vividly the davs of proximately 40 Pennsylvania policies), assign a new ambas¬ Albert T. Martin. Instructor in the blitzkrieg when a prime aim delegates to vote against Roose¬ sador to London, and suspend Western diplomats have i»«•• -n professor of com¬ • r V> assistant communication skills, Aug. 31; apiv- of Hitler's foreign policy was to velt at the partv convention in arms shipments to Britain pend¬ munication arts. July I; William Radford B. Kuvkrndall. assis¬ saying for two or thro, wei-k keep America out of the Europ¬ Chicago, to be held July 17 " ing fresh talks with the German th.'-. have little ol Iio h- no th t • Th. T Ross, from instructor to as*i«- tant professor of communication ean war. 2 That "Lindbergh's;, attitude government. Moonrt was not th. > uhcnmmittee mad. up of Fit ;.,nt professor of social science. skills, Aug. 31. The documents dealing with b to w ait and see w hether Wilkie otherwise identified, nor wr'e repi esontatives Of the Umtcl July I. . Ihe «utd Pedro C\ M. Teicheft, assis¬ such efforts ore sprinkled with will he able to avoid the bondage*' ant other names mentioned as State . Hntain. France. Canada Vew designation include: Fred tant professor of economics, the names of such well known to Jewry." Further that "the belonging to such a group ami Sov ic* Russia will prixbiee Iv is th nr aiiir I: Rowling: and A. Conrad Po*/. Aug 31; Merrill J Roberts, pro. Americans as Charles A Lind¬ circle about Lindbergh . . how t That the iat. Hem*. Fori etlective agre(-ment soon to both assistant pmfewors of fesaor of economics. Sept Ford. ■ II sail lb com¬ !: bergh, Henry Wendell tries at least to impede the fata! •.( ? riaiiy pro|«i *" T»;o •.>• n -arm. Tin gap h. twren Ru a i ail* r»r munication skills, one-half time Dirk A lwabo. assistant profes¬ Wilkie. radio commentator. Ful¬ Iwloi. III?l**i .iHaeke.1 F'l u l th. West en several bre w am t«rt in the l.ahor and Industrial sor and assistant director, Bui- ton I^'wis Jr. and author-journ¬ lb. I'iiiiI Ibiilxchniann I'd h" Should puidult (lei in v seems too wide. I In \» >M Relations Center. Kept. I. 1937 enti of Business Research, Aug. alist. John T Flynn, Th. -. diplomat- have suggc ' to Au* 31. 1958. Bennett T. 31 George M. Belknap, assis¬ .iffrriri* Slnnforil Cliiiiv I h.owi-ver. there may still In- llin* Thoimm then in charge vindefur. chanted in »tatn* tant professor. Governmental . t-.HMi chance of agreement i>. of Nasi Germany's rmtuwi in Dr Paul J Dcutschmunn, di- from acting head, department Research Bureau. June 30. Erl- Washington. raided Berlin reg¬ m tor of the Communications i.f geology. to professor of geol- mg J. Tgensen. assistant profes¬ ularly on the pro* res* ol hi# Research Center on campus, i- »*«. pept. I; Charles P. lawnK sor of Aug 31 Virginia chanted from head of Ihe de¬ II propaganda campaign to encour¬ takmg part in a school admini¬ Long, sivretary. communica¬ age American isolationist senti¬ strators clinic this week at Stan¬ partment of soriology and anth¬ tion arts. Aug 16. ment for neutrality lie spoke of ford University. ropology to professor of soecio- Wilhau Fenelon, assistant "sperial methods" and often Over 190 school sujwrinten- log* and anthropology. July !. prnfes>i>i, administrative and ed¬ cautioned that German efforts to dent are expected t.» attend the ucational services, and Contin¬ David J. Luck, changer in influence the 1940 presidential clinic, the first in i series plan¬ uing Education. Bept I: Yvvwum .u «.* from professor and direc- election "must hr rarrfulh ram- ned bv the California Associa¬ Waskin. Instructor in teacher of School Administrator* ' the Bureau of Business aflaged in order to conceal the tion education. Sept 1. Harold A. Reoairh to professor of general German end." and California univei sdie*. It Price, assistant professor (re- LsJuly 1; Joseph G. La- Thomson referred to use of end* tizmorrow senrrh). Engineering Experiment acting head of poli¬ intermediaries so that the pers¬ Station, Aug 31; Charles D L'ut- tical science, designated acting he tler. assistant professor of art, ons was trying to use had no • • ' i' of the Bureau of Bus - inkling of the pi earner of Aug 31 Jerry W Gaddum, "the "«•-. Research, July 1 to Aug 31; assistant German hand.' 3V professor of mo thema¬ .am J. Finucan, changed Thuttiseti tic-. Aug 31. appealed often to fMHTi continuity supervisor to Berlin fur more money and then program manager of WKAK Barbara Guthrie, secretary. in a top secret cable dated >•. July 1 t Vict-Nam Project. Aug. 11; John July 5, 1940. he made a request, James II vistrativc assistant in charge cal science, and Virt-Nam Pro¬ could he destroy all his financial ■'( public relations, changed in ject. Julv 28; Halter D. Cork¬ records about his "special meth¬ title to assistant to the president ing. professor of o4mtalatrative od" propaganda efforts'* m.'i director of university rela- and educational services, July 9; Thus there seemingly exists no July I: Cert Morton E. accounting, Aug. 31: Charles A. available checks on whether hi# Munson, assigned as professor < rarle* I'. Hoods, instructor in claims of success were valid or 'Military science and tactics Norford. assistant professor. Au¬ simply loose justification a for !» replace Col. Harry W Oor- dio-Visual Aids and administra¬ an expense account Sept I. tive and edneationod services; The German document* were John A. Morrow, assistant pro¬ Transfer# were itpftroved for lakrn from Ihe German foreign fessor. National Project on Ag¬ following. mmifttry and rrirh chancellory ricultural (omfuniratinns. Julv • jvsell F. Fink, from associate archive* by Ihe ailie* when Ber¬ 13. • --r of social science to lin fell at the end of Ihe Europ¬ i nator for Faith, assistant pro¬ ean war. In cooperation with Ihe Continuing Edu- Carl C « -on and asmx-fate prof.-n.sor. fessor of mathematics, Aug 31; Brili*h and French, the Hlale h Department* • College, July I; Walker Satyi D Dubby, instructor of historical divfcton b' from associate professor in U making them public, volume statistics. June 16. Ia\» F, Sch- • r e:.J P«» I ""i Cardinals Clinch Leadership Yankee Magic -By LARRY WRORIJWSKI- If PaiUTson's Klate New* Nlgbt RdHnr Nowosl Foe In Winning NL 'Squeakers' enough r.f an attack for the Prior ascended from to the All Star Kame. the New York Yankee third place to the front of the Americar League race, and again it looks like the Yanks will walk off with their eighth pennant in the last nine years under and a 10-4 mark in those (ids Prais<* v**«»rivr»i» r*i** lit tin run club to pull away. ngh? games m*kf* involving extra innings the watchful eves of ageless Casey Stengel. If winning rhampKKi, and it Of the Cardinals' Id extra- Many baseball followers, including the Yankee oppm, a < hwrftt to the Card*' ,M7 per¬ hrlps. the St Lou:- CardinaK the five conten¬ inning victories, eight have come IVoiiifilcr i 'otml* arc the one* t" wa?ch in the centage among der* are the Philadelphia Phil- by one run and two others by en Is, wonder in amazement at the success enjoyed b. Mti< ni.irlii r five Team ftip-fl*»4j> Nation.*! lie*. with 12 vlrtorie* in IA two or more. They've Inst three Casey's chargers. league r.oe ore-rnn game*, a .032 percent¬ overtime contests by one run, the p.eing "a doubting Thomas." Al Lojh»z. pilot of th* The su» pn-in.: Carrtinals have si-: \rn i < r im f.»r iim.l jw iv the -tust impres- age. Milwaukee'* allowing i* 20- other by two run.*. second-place White Sox. early in the season wrote u-. 15 for .571. Cincinnati 13-12 for to Si article in national periodical dispelling the Yankee charm Cincinnati runs second vr .lark I 'ml. n tb-.t »iw reeor l ;> «-c -«iueak- v5?0 and llrooklyn 14-15 for .438. Guns in overall extra inning a thinks |V|r Ita rh.r rrs"' one-run gam«> and extra < >ne run games, of course, can showing with eight triumphs m Lopez, who since has succeeded in topping the Yankees in |!)51, pointed out the flaws in railing the inhing affairs. Won't make t In¬ mean two things—either a team's 1.1 game*. The Dodgers arc 7-5 A cheek ■ •( p'.av take j is 11 iirt i< .in« pitching is generally good enough in this category, while the P.rave* Yankee* "Mipcr-human players." through Sundav - jho*> lie related how his team would dethrone the Yank t >i\ mj'!- to keep the opposition close or and Phils have been held t«i a \v h n St. I .our- with iS-9 won-lost draw in overtime, Milwaukee hitters are unable to turn up I.'ailrrna. h. r >»• . ree»»ril tn gan>«v» «teef t«~i by one winning seven of 14 and Phila¬ Lopez expressed, "Our defense is sounder, speed is our Batter-on in a delphia four of eight. Inundation, and our pitchers rate with any Yankee flinger* |n»tent hatting attac* A hi*. tl . 22. I .1 . M ' • Realignment Urged Amrriran l.eacue what a glanrr would indirale. figure* show al Ihe standbies "I but power doesn't the Yanks have a more Isijm z continued decide on the eventual pennant winner to direct his firm beliefs of the Yanke. to weakness of the liench. For I,'ague Officials The first place New Yankees have been involved in 30 one-run decisions, winning York losing this season "In previous years, Ihe Yankees had Ihe "big man," sometimes two, who could come off the bench cold with ATLANTA i.T*< — The Genera! Manager of the Memphis I IF for a 033 percentage The Ihe tension at its highest pilch and win the gamr hi 11n si- male exhibitionist* sport llir latest thing ill rye-catchers for Chicks ha* urged a mint meetinK of Southern Assn. and second place Chicago White Sox- getting the important hit. tin fellows The model at the leit displays his orange, purple ami Texas LeaKue tsis*dg4JS officials to discuss "iMissibilities have played 31, winning 18 and "John Mize and Eddie Robinson were two such talent. : green ttr A A circuits, position behind the Yanks. Critiller's II itloic Socks said con., ,. Tt-.e i.. advisar... -ha w.-:i ; for .« t . future events t • "I think it intelli¬ Hut the experts concede Ihe fact that the Yankee* their heM brand of hall in the months of August play and .September. II orkcr's Compensation gent planning that ing "f the r» sjnyt.\i- .< agues be meet¬ Even if the White Sox fail in heating out the Br- \ m tieduled Bombers, they furnished an interesting and valiant di-r- ,r. Menende/. his yersmJ ol not sitting down anil dying like previous contender irs \i:\\ DENVER (.-I'l ( olorjulo'- Supreme Court Hits denied year a- t'huk li-'tierai manage;, workmen's rum pm benefits to the widow ot' a college Emm the Yankee camp. Stengel acknowbulges the >i* , suggested !ha" «.«>'rge Tr'»u!- football player nil the grounds he wns not paid tor plaviitK nuui. preside! ■ •? " - r:.u* jc«- ation, but gives no indication of settling for second h«»n r O/ini .sfo#/, l.ewjv AA.M I olleye pridiron team when he on the I-nit gue . I-* jrevpat sled t.» p!e.-i«.lt a! "Early in the seas4»n it seemed my hoys rmildn't get Solid 11 in suffered fatal injuries in a trattie. The junior collt'ire is at such a ins g their loot forward and our relapse could have been m ue Krjlunmoil ryma» 10 rf*r*t ll< .-perns hi southwestern Colorado. months hove mrnlwnH a rwi- disastrous, l ellas like Hobby Shant/.. Kohhy Richar the surprise team in the league, I figured Ik tr ;• In hi- Udtrr which he plan¬ Ruhr'1 W Steele was tn be the stumbling block." l\ mm II ned t<» mail h»ta. Mrncndrt I he high court, m deny ing was «|iH.'ert as rw*r»e of Referring to the performance of his players "Case" sac:. Mrs Itillie IH>nni- "We made many mistakes this year and winning the taruvfitv In Ihnluet I ri tiil s«.h. held th.d her, the tr. wish to project |*'>sinUM-i in¬ • fo our thir.kii.g. r.ut a- average nunt hasn't been such a breeze. However, any real let .tou giialily l.dc It.IV Herlieil Ik'Uiusoti, w . inteliigent f»u>u.* sctes ! we mu J is unforeseen. W e're champions and we plav like champi' i. Come in ami nut p.od i- i plavuig f'M»ttmi 1 "Ihe Big M," Mr. Mantle, shows how if* done to three Al. llrnwvp \ round GASOLINE 11 Suite i< •• i' the evidence d«»e .in v contractual obd- ri"t tar* the stars real *• n-.peetive leagu** i>t ou< cvtuati-»r..* swinger* who have a pretty good idea themselves. I rom left to the group also includes Mirkev'% teammate. Hill Show not, when it really counts." New •• < • Consequently baseball analysts have blasted •« ll.i* Limrsl 1'rirra In Town right, hie ago * bustler*. Minnie Minoso and Nel*oit I ox. t.. play football, the em- oil 4 establishing a sort of momipoly on the Amer¬ a I Miiiiiu Room Regular I'll II I I \ork club for — plove i» liitioiohip 11.h*s not exi I and there is no i ican League championship. Bedroom ami Giving K 30'K»l. 33',, would support .i i piMlsation urate i IIcIhtI II.';ob Ih'lcgiition No other team can spurt such an astounding mark the Yankees. The club, since taking its first pen nan' w MtlTOU Oil. court Field ltbil, has marched to the head of the pack on HI 2 Kill, ran* '1.30 l)«nnjMM» Jill v |est scouts, and the mo*' 4 TOP HITS TIIK SUM'T ri.AVKIIS IJi'ug Hawkins, Ford. Fkl Furgol, Fred Lionel Hebert, Ted Mayo's Phils reliable sources of information of baseball talent in trie various areas. CREST!m • • Kroil, Dick Mayer and Art Wall ilv 'Teahouse 01 The WHAT TWr IHt kl\s mil Jr Gall fur Gahhy 2. On the fiekl directing the twenty-five player* truly great manager, Casey Stengel. Comprising the grex' * FRI. aid SAT. Harry Moffitt. 1X1A Presi¬ August Noon' (Ol THINK HM INiti. PHItr IMtoiu. Mjrt-Ihf W»R» |M»- dent, said the team was selected CHICAGO. 0tV*ThP Phila¬ coaching corps in major league history are Frank (_ro>eUi, by John Patrick by the PGA Kxecutive Commit¬ delphia Phillies (Bight do well Jim Turner ami Charley Keller. 11 NO Ii KARKNIN K\HM\ Al — «l »: I % table "talent mmC ftul Owt tee on^the basis i»( points earned 11mi *i •*r\«.ito\ui io n HV -. ii nr.# f'oniplrtrh. ( aiHivatinaly en* ani be pablng bkanrM U<« to buy manager Mayo Smith his 3. A lavish ownership in which Del < Webb and La" by Wve player* finish in various 11M. .T» "TRAIT/I Mjirilns (iiiu l ollohiigidz * Hor4 Itelif hllnl! tMestbn then Ray* after heme designated tournaments and by own private taxicab Topping have fMi-50 interest. Contrary to opinions du! I 4ii<'A<>i« i * Tony ( orll* in ( IMM AM ill't. A COMtR Aug, f» through Auk. 10 s»*pee4ed fraaa bn be art (m- other rules of eligibility. It seem* Smith, enrotite to such an ownership only breathes unrest, the two haw Sliuvvii Olirr at lll.ilil ball (warbtng Jeh by tbe IUg the ball fxirk in Milw-auKre with Ow mi Ihnr rule* require* Sunday Ala liner It I anfereare far siatatiwg tbe his coaches last Wednexciav proved otherwise. lhal MHpnbrrx must bave played I. The best welfare department in the busino- Br n MlllS MNIS Hi HUNKS IS IT HPS. CIUSHIS. lO MSIMTS! AUK. II • I l\M. league » financial mwltarr rrg- u la toots In Ihe laal |wa n.\ NaMnnal right, wound up in the front seat of the taxi. The Phillies Sidney Gaynor, orthopedic s(Hx:ialist, Dr. Jacque.* Tanmameni* Moffitt mM Ihe NOW reaving won 3-1. specialist in internal medicine, and Trainer Gus Msucr. tbhv rale Baseball people being super¬ mi make up the leadership in this department. i*. stitious, Smith tried the same *TU AND SYMPATHY' (IIAMIN mete Jtanny Dr. (Try MMdleewgf Demaret. neither and of seating arrangement the next A public relations department headed by L «r* by Robert .%ndrr*on •ban played In U»k year's Bit dav The Phillies won 5-3 Ftshel, which uses every device to publicize the it,i \ TIMU R and TOI < IIIMi fnunuMurnt event. The skipper had the same ation. rxperience! Hebert automatically Ixecame idea for Saturday, hut mto a roadblock in the person he ran ♦». A strong promotion department* headed by '.r» member by w inning that White and Fishel. IKENNETH T0BEY-FAITH DOMERGUE donaio owns Jul) .10 IhniUKh Ausu-I I a tournament Burke has played of a taxi driver—■might have been a Cubs fan. The Cabbie 7. An honest, efficient ticket department, topi*' In more Ryder Cup matches than explained that in his kind of Jack White. I (Ml It shown .il I .'.00 any other membrr «*f the 1957 tram -three Kn>!l has been ftrrudtirs.' Weiss stated at the beginning of the season, "Our erg*' twirl.' i/.ation with the right breaks should be in a uonoerf-ii Summrr Film S-rir« position to win the pennant for the next 20 years." W ho is there to prgue against this statement ? ★ SPAGIIKITI I'r.xnl- 1 ★ H'l/y.V *IW CHUtf CUSSK... ★ HAMULI ★ GIANT SANOM IiilLS ★ MIM>IKO>K Mil V TOWf ★ SITMONI -SFARKUNG CNHRTJUNMENT ssd GOOD FUN l37mnttMMML $425^ I FERNANOll IS m la^u. rai fid on nKrau WDNMRFUl Vou rail lie sure lhal our 10 *AICH" int'iiii oill ineluile sour fasorilr seleelion. Slop by Shurl Sukjcdl Ximm l>Mlirr'' tonifthi. or phone Kit 2-Mu.i HU. A SAT. - AUGUST 2 awl 3, 1957 m GCVW. Fairekiid Tbwlte - ,7i20 P.M. for Jrlivery. Hm tin — TwW at *:» wl -ktoilek or nut rouir Oat it 34b Bi-mt | I Croon Bay Beeman's Net Career Traflo % Tobin Hole Now Rates as Sideline i\ Parker•«' \ri IM Duties New (loach \ir- Willi l av ii A»i oil! hxioru v. 'iff;- To Occupy . Was Flash . ' . . ..... Mat* Xi-h% t'linfo b\ M*rsh*ll j» • i' I ' •• Ml . ■. l.-T. file ]tr. All of Time On Diamond Show This view of the M*»C to he held .Aim. Ice !9-?l Arena shows Talented skaters a group from all of skaters «»\ei the practicing t tilted for States the hi* C anada and summer l.urope Ice •. ■-.-II I:.. . are taking part. Heading this list are the famous Heist trio ot ( and the women's champion. i-.-t New Trunk llrinl Tifrcr Slur kllt'llll. Nancy, one of her chief rivals, and Bruce, one of the he*t junior skaters. Former Opponent Fornu-r id norr. uri.rrr H» norr. iiu.i:tt There Arc Brains Miff ivnn Staff's intra- Stair Nnu Sports Fdilnr • ;• i: prov-rsuVi. like Topsv, Spartan Varsity Athletes Shine Stan Proline, who upon en¬ -• «Tnus ami prows. The rolling at Michigan State ,v-t »! • , 4i»* of the man who has Michigan State varsity ath¬ Flint ball — ftieh.ird Barker. medical Robert Pearson. Soduv Dr«»bftc entered the ormy rent are craft* *eterai»s in tl>e qr.. ,».le" the l.M program lete;, turned in outstanding re¬ I.aitsinc. phvsica! education It > - N V. Iiasie college \l\iu >a- i» — was sent to Germany in 1945 football wile-, and a spin'.-! where he entered ttu- KTl> cords iti the class room dut>ng liert .frwrtt, .Mason, ptnslril sanko (3F»i. Monongahela. Pa., i ? n- Frank I let man. • battle to*tween the two i- anb- In l.«* spring term recently co-m- education: Dave Kaiser, \lpena. business; Jordan latter • 3 ti • tournament. the finals of ripated. #*nti»nn« Michigan State this invitational tennis match p>ted. With 4<» of th -m heuig geology; Itlamhe Martin <5.5'. Hateri'liet, basic college: lee A '• • • : »."> I teem an w»- a he lost to Heeman 'ledited with "B" (3.11) or l» V Itiver Rouce. pre-dental: Jim Vatider llorsl, Kalamafoo. en- IM IIASKKTItALL Drobne "•ei tp;tde averages. Ninowski. Detroit, business: Rineeriiig. -if the vauiiv trim: - returned to Milwau¬ kee 1040 F-xitbail and swimming ton- Adam Hiemlttski. Swoyervtlle. • . It •> .(-..ri- and ea|)t.i;in ,i in and participated T-acK -C.-.'u ' lb- during the 1942-4.1 ■Sparring- not only in tennis, out also in h.:>etul! and basketball, flasket* l«'d the list with tune memhers ,ri the *'B" or tw-tter gtoup. I'a.. phvsical Suave, Detroit, engineering Inm education: John :t ♦. ball dominated the winter mon¬ S-K*c.-»r and track had six ea-h Vershtnski. Mt f'armel. I'a.. , .vh. .• .1! VST* that re and basketball had five to rank SjHirlan A ths while summers were shared Business: Don />sk. firand P.'ri'ia lord whom he ha.-k of the tv. leaders. with baseball and tennis. • Haven, !3.Bi, economics. Ah.i t. tie gt.idu.iltd r The list of athletes with (1 vmn.b l!o B u.1 Pre-ently The*, have .n lie excelled Kt at base in grades of "B" or better follows I:i It\ I.AItltY UISTIX— f»nrv. fnd er.Cifo rma daughter. Kn' her ru. . .'it the semi-pro baseball tour Hi - l»s sports, with point averages Paul. .In N .I I allow me graduation. Herman State m'vvx spurts Editor-Elect .* IP i( A ment held at Wichita. Kansas. 3.5 or aliovc shown in paren¬ rm.'ering !?«'«•', r\, K'-' . continued pl.i«inx tennis in the During the 1*5? season one of theses. Du! itti M (ifffi AGO Clarence Peaks and John Matsko, ' • pair . ,mi\ Bliile stationed in tier- in he rntrred the J*>f trn-at Michiiraii Stale football players, arc in town a his waukee teammates team on a was local Mil¬ llarve* ike.elm I --Iadiis lane, Me,ires, C'll- H*Kl»y Iblt.o- «. W tei physical education mpeg, Man •. «•<,.;• • . I to Invitational tournament. It preparing for their last yamc in a cnllcyc uniform. The Kuenn. /Ill-Star shortstop now Kenneth fl Warner. Adrian, Swimmim: !)<•>' F. here that he first met Stan — M ' ' . S*.>I'»' < tu> two are prncticintr with the All-Star team which faced the plating for the Detroit Tigers. journalism Ifun'iniltrm Ind liriibaf. new MSI' head tennis . ph I 359 world professional champion New York Giants at Soldier's Basketball—Rotwrt Anderegg. ence; C ,T a C'le , each whom he defeated to win Since his return from Ger¬ \T au'iM W, baoc eoli-g -. ihr tournament. Field Any. B. mane. he had maintained cor- . Pla.nns, LI , huvines .1 f ;. ..ig - Ferguson. N* Provi-ten. «•. son. Highland uitiii ..ixtn j i ;mb l)i<»h «* teamed Th«- Giant* are heavily favored, as the pros always are rc powtern e with Itceman and, f! , I . biological science. M. x; Dave McCaft: <•#•. Y > Ui-p •'' .* .'ioUolCs t»»Uft IMH" " in this irrid classic, hut this year the collegians figure to .partially unlet hi influence, , decided enroll Lim ine, pre-medir ,!. Dm. \1 .- .■ »\ ■•if.ii Kfiii.e .! . to in Michigan agriculture; 1-irry .lenfurigs, C*»t- give them a real liattle The buckfield is one of the best Stab m 1955 r»'v. S.,e>n,.w . j*h v i' .d «• > , ,- ; i Heights, Calif, physn d •• i- turn p.»n N;. • . r„y I'm? •• I'.., itt All Star historv Besides Peaks, it includes J.»n Arnett, ft was during 'his time ho u« ation; doe Reading Cry -\i! H-ia! cm' •«• Paoi R« i: k« > SHORTHAND Terr\ Harr. Jim P.rown, John Prodie. Paul llornnng. I.en f! Fb/abc'h IV» n- and All- I-iko 111 general business Ann ■ • c f ■ I t:ock»\v player. triMt. sori.b •! -t» ! k-ati I i 1 tawMiti, McPonahl. Jim Pwlolev and A he Woodson, Fencing Steve Artie • (4.01, Jacks'*. nre-no- ti B- • Thc> v.c • t led and have • among other*. Wvarcio'o journalism. Forrest Sarenae. W< • A" Wc., . . -ii • Ph.* » Ed J list recent lv ud»t}»'ed a cute . in 6 weeks Speedwnling Mari,. Battle Creek, fine arts, KiCiil ebura'i'C. .• I'-iitr .t\ ot Mi. i Obviously a team iMiastiny these platers must he taken seven-moiith-o|ion m the 1952-53 sea¬ Kumasi, Gold Coast, aR^icoltllre■ TYI'F.Vt ItlTi: IN U W HI RS of Um Intra Mural the fTmnls a hard struggle. sons and the Itig 10 singles New Sports tr v tyiesT' **r M...xes '• •• * ' champion in the 1953 season *ou l«i * v » i f ' : *n-RF >t Lta* » !-.w»l- or i.- «•»■*< Peeks, whom we have followed since his high school ■ Michigan. State. ot niifOt liiMx i*i, t"..-iiu eek» W re*. pt>or.f> t*t ir for He also captured state chain* HHOF KIIINE <«n-w davs at Flint t 'entral. was » shoo*in for everv All Amerieutt .i !.«'• (k ' .tiMration — 4 pionship* in Ohio. Michigan and Hports F.ilUwr — It our Pnirtt FOI'It RARVHRS I H t »a- near}* a .-ero r team until hi< iniurv id ntidseason last fail Clarence re VVi origin if- t» fHsts, and (»»•» - in be' tr, ; NT ATE Ntmn eeivod a torn knee cartilage in the Illinois game !?p till In 1955 Stan Drohac received Ml( lllfiAV August 1. 1957 E»ge rive Dotim'i Barber Shop LANSING BUSINESS UNIVERSITY then the Spartann had been undefeated, but the loss of his niAsters degree in I'hysicul FRAMNIR CENTER the versatile halfback was a big factor in the two defeats 13d M Ionia Phone IV 4 *P>4 I duration and is presently work¬ the team suffered. ing toward his Doctors degree. "Pae been running a lot since summer started and the This summer he is directing a Major League tennis elinir at the East Lansing knee feels real good." he commented in practice. Just how much he has recovered was indicated in last Friday's Intra* City Park for approximate!* ion Standings toung tennis hopefuls. He also squad scrimmage. is in eharge of another group The highlight of the scrimmage, intended to ghe Coach of youngsters at Flint. AMERICAN I.EAGI'E Curly l.amheau and his aids an idea of how their charges Regarding his appointment as W L rn. GR CASH varsity tennis coach for the looked under battle conditions, was a 10-yard touchdown run with a pass interception by the 20ft-pounrf MSC half* Spartans, who finished sixth in New York Chicago 63 60 34 37 .649 .619 3 — 111 hack. Big 10 competition /or the last two seasons, Drobac hesitatingly Boston 54 44 .331 9», tic Peaks, who stole the ball right out of the ffngem of the commented, "I^-t's hope they do Cleveland 49 49 3»n I4»t AT Baltimore 46 32 .469 17'. intended receiver, gnnde rt beautiful drifting run during better in 1958." DETROIT 48 49 .495 13 The only graduating member which he shook off a couple of taeklers and evaded others Kaaaaa CM* 36 61 .371 27 of las! term's squad was George to go across Waahlngton 33 63 .33#. 29 • - Urn, !»d th* ^twrinf in 1954 with after twin* held sew* fourth inning when pitcher Har¬ low Ju-dson and catcher Merle Thompson both hit home runs. Judson also struck out 13 of VmiMtMn Anytime i»». j't ' & • the opposition nil DAS Mumi R THE C0I.I.ET.E INN SHOP AT Sl.ll TO b EP Mtvr or Jiirr FRFHIl r.ROl'VD BF.FF *TI« itm W»*SRD mm ARFEN SALAD WITH ONION* « TRCM H FRIED FOTATOER IS*-1 It W. IONIA m. iv 4-mis GIBSON'S I fM OR BITTERER VEGETABLE MRU BEVERAGE. UNIVERSITY- BOOKSTORE «* STATE Gin* A*u EmR NRM. MAN" IJS BART (IN TIIE PEOPLES CHURCH BLOCK) .IVMRInRMM mm Ill mm Mlf lllUXN MTATC NTXXs ■ Swnl I. I'll f't' s„] Itr. 'I'avlnr XX ill 'I'rarli (iuiirw Air Force ' Lorcn liciifi Hononiwd Sociologist (Irlrhralrs To Sjieali To I isit l\ISI in H intcr liirllulav » ctl t>i "thr t ail f .h-ait ttf Tixl»»f. often ml! Atnrtfcuti rutal Jtr aufhi'iitv On Tax|mi, an .M-hriMWledjjrd tin' faimrt - On Campii.1 t>r. I iirwi f> field. pre>i l inii.isiii- -, wax «tn,»n»{ fhr Til t '«► •km itilttjii-(•. "will a ilisft't l if the S|M*Ttl A'snrlati... Stu in ."xO ^rar* ir.ti»;nlrr (In* clusr relationship Ciii'.lit'il" xisitiii|j |»n»fr«n»r al America, wilt «i»eak hi th. Mirlllfc'an Stair llllivu'sllj, ttm l-rlys rl'li fai nn-t r»r« atil '.ill "I ( Milx iship ami v ir 1 .if 1«*r 1 • it* rpH.V and fmdualt' til. In, \V \ . 11! \ I ! • >N r 7' IIIK W'llitrt f«'i "i t|r alrca-is h « . CViUrfir of ('utiimiinii . th Pavloi. an official of tin ■ I.t,-uirsr. rvrh tlir , I ' Nmjh-I I TN I »« |i.ti tinrnl «»f Aiciicultu • niiUili a fits) VMhmn- ra ttiis Alls on Align-t 2, at 2 ihi » I \ I i t an,I 1 > I'Upti» t t.» (•»»»"»,. In room 22 <>f tlir Union it. tm lira 1 s -!x Wilis, will tiMt ti t « a rout-a- iii Thr Anwflr.tii j.irtr fhr m*i rsfi.l Vtilunn* -tui iiig ||>K Itr will sja ak on llir •' K.liinrts Movrttn-lil I>rvr|,»|t in stav at Mil'hiK »I Hi air of liniuovilig the t.'ai-hti liiuil ,,f mkIi mi Kat'U/ilthHis a tt.-f.iir joinitik' 'hr I'SMA. Hpccs h anil romiiiuiili nti.ift lh.' iilrtHK«' Kai iii Hiiirau. 7 " a hut' in- rivrtf most ,»f !>•»' IlitrH-.ti'il Ji«'rMHis .,ir H, tiii,r At hrjuf nf tin- .UxiTtm <»f J>l ttci.l |* profesM.r til mm. I'liitii,. t-iH»j»»*frtllX'r.s a I heal (lie mniinei heat I .im imputation ami rural hfr. T*s rm I r«ir, at ttu* Unlvrmfy of M, tin 11 |,U',lrtt . ssiil In- co\< 1 o c,l 1»- r.ixl.n ism .Iran .'f thr ColtiiidUa, Missouri and t t'tir |ti|,»Ki * wliihr ,' mailuat. m-hi'vil atnl •! v»n>t as visiting profev, (pPIIIIpIIIPII stM look t iirosIii 1.1 0111 s|ic Mulls c i iiir ti for " tt'iir old I mil lo llollvssooil I., hlil VrlU, forniril* of for •* mo* Ir cm err inrnt ss a:, apcroxe*l at «* rue: " Malr I*"»1 l •>! Atn u ultii" Ma filial tin mil t«f «« i"li»»;s at N.tllh ( atoiilia Slate i'«»lti'r.r Anil*' SoillluTII * thr |*0 rt h lf»'«a'ldlx h«- taugt.* Mat s tand program ic « AT Wili'pholu» and f as tic was also doing reseat, the putillr rareri nf i > orhshofK I'rofrnuits I'lmmnl Stints srttiln.ii f»t nirtnlH'i ■: , II (he Kurat Keieltternenl Xdmini ssith liriillv i'sn«mi|.'| acrnlia Jauirs Fu*, protiiinen! »' si* I :nisci'Ml« tirpai ttnrtil* ah I I • HMSVII It Ks i.-1*X |lr a itr«th»n sthkh ease him a issafor . 1,1 sv ill.' liaiMlit sSllfl llffK litis 1 , ta -pill III 11 am I nf ,'llv offu'lrtl . .peak! i and |mlltirui t.| hand in the development of suit «n s Aet'iii v. a spi iKtit ly ffrn- rhaiK«'"i Mst'j, intri nation.•! pi,»mi-c,| In at- what rould the lair eighteenth f'.n» . T\ Srmiiiar I'Valiirrs home*lea«li and land fhr> uilenre Uln solth an atfil, IMnIv. •««»•'! Mr rrretvi'd tu>- Ita. in I hi* Xeron.tiilh al Ititlitan pi t'ljl .lilts me pot trie* lie alio w a* arils r he ilntir ,timid Ins riHtiplaintn. . .■In a,i,| vigor to Jt Ails Ih-giri- frran (innia irl ti|> mitlrr Ihr rhlrf «ti;t«.«I i#r I'|hmi r*»tuplrfliMi nf his Jon in fhr planning deselopmrnl Ir :c in IW*", 7ns Master \ I. tutplaiul at tin- iiiayot t Top iNrhvork Ivxrrs fltrr <>( Ihr % t* in X oil Vie I In Mori It II I legi it from low , « onr of mllil ii \ in 111l*iii Srxrtal <■! flu* 11:1 * I •»11" ■ I •|» tl'll'X |S|II|| I'VlTlll IX t". xx ill for the ford t ounitilkin and I rnlral X ollr » im.plai'! lh.",! itia.iHaiu- -ssrai XOI It M\l XX J IKS *r».> X I- (.'II \\ til K' htt|t \11 v t " Mom the I s |> X lis PXKTXII NTs « XII lilt I Iteut a .'*» i»l h i t a liniialal i«'»i in I \ |»r nihii'tiiMt fu 1'iliii jilni .Helmut i,. make a .d i n u ,,f« ;• I tlXII I V HI llll S'M XX s r> , \r rent ilia lit ha • - h i S' Kiintfamrnlaf- "f Pot, aial 1 '• >tiift 1111111 \ Icatlrl Hal lt» 11 it'll 11' 1 s itf llif IrlfX iiiuii lie a-M-tct with filial lr\« >v rtr.t «t|fi, c » • • -•» »' III I If I 7KII I I Of lit INION mi:', a widely used f *' India »' . 1 liipnn-nt pt«»Ki im n III II HIM. Iti.lli'.t I > '• ti nip1 ll'K 1 • ,: Ii-mIii. «• iiitslc a HI-1-. I ha' pi r -.fci.f "• *',• In addrr.-. N*to'i«i|>s|£if a! Smcic? s Ih'iiimi i 11^ I hin'i s Iccliii'il.tKs into tin* 1 oral arc. Aim-it. .111 X . I \ i , is , .1 ■!.• ■ -1 Still Itriiifi Sought This Sunday ili'W flit ti' .I.1 1' ...: a. , i. ,M i , Mi I . t •> • ■ i HM" W.i ].( VV X lit. 11 Nfll s Xl.llnrr Thrntrr 4 itsiii til41114 suits ssill «|»r,ik 011 |tic X|| | Irn role ttf fhr li lt's |*ioii iirotllti ct 1 fit.Mtncr of ,1 l*'i"|.«vhsr •1 mil,,11 > ,s no .• l -i itfisri. ran .smiplrtr tti IvinH n> ',» fn» »;is i ll I'titn ah,'11 ss 01 si,II tint 11 • *: tfir k fn»',■ Attend Church ! i \ ' . « Ml; .ill »i lis our srinlnsi AIH ii- f > '.'I on . aotpiis t , M V. • .( Ml . , • : . • 1 , > I m! ' 1 n.M- f,s tin' l,w.h rlii iOlnirnt ! (M.X , . t. t , .»> I ss „i Is •! ,'f ft';. i ■ , : ! . 1 t'. i :• .1. M. i k'" •« tl. ! • Nils t, ss in, h ! 1 . \ i , .1 I IK ,•>, SS II, > H lirn the « ir niilrit thr I i , ' v 1 , ,r In. 1lll^tiss as Tl aff I, Saf. 's l r'i't 1. > I'l'KmiililK ttrisris a hot ft m)trulloiih m nh T«-7 pi 1 . ?« S I. ■ ' 1' ,s i'h li-m i'.-ing •amghf !.» art as pupil loin. 1.1*1 iitwrMrit. W (iiiutm. IV , • I*., > . i, • US i:: i"s ( a mispliis rrs. sfintrnts a, I (laiiipiis (IIiiiitIits 7a. ll!!•t i oil 71« ait pi in. s Inii-rtt oi 1 l.'lHf vs 'r laansiii£ 1 ,'!! It ■ »' Fast , - . I'll ' ss isrs an- all rligitslr l o thru h ut made H oho imn.Mi tin Ins anil ntoir I Ivan •'» t.oo ot» V . s . , Ii f t ;,»• miill ii, funs ss 11 ft for fi.i. — ,,'■>( mi fhr onlv chiuflr irtsalnut flights moil of Hunt Mr si J\ pi.. Sr» lions air vrtirilulrst Moo |t| Mini if I of olhrr n,.lions 4 ml icfasri i»t ,11 s tIti.>1 Krntiiv af 1 ah-t ' hut if Hippest .'7N 000 pounds of I S!,t- .• m.»li.malls famuli, pyploilirs in itiorr llian t 100 M> mi s Mtlnt li iii.I nm* a pin. I'urv.tas an.t TIsuisiIav at |..>tttl>inc minions ft»i' I titt'r ft'lrs , I,I«'. • ,1 11 - I •» 0 • 1 . ,i'i>i MiMhl.iv an t VX , 1 4 ti ji m Attiiifion ii Sunn, Xmuvl *. |A.X| ST. THOME AQUINAS EAST UNSMG FIRST (HUNCH i.t - a 1, I *.. \ v \:t Kuril** rntri' i :! tlrn ii • •,. •. • ..(in: ALL SAINTS ss -s . 1 • mm,," iti li u.-f'ion ss ill ho ii v. " •.»mm limn. , xx 1 \v 1 !! ■ I i If |« ao.t .'I .HOI of! , . I '"O . ' .1 9HitIIft • , S|MH' XX tiller. , ss i ll kiioiiu jasia t'nrvitas an-l riuils<1»s PEOPLES CHURCH CHURCH TREETY CHURCH At', "i t iim'H M. .'i-i 10 000 . , n SO* • aiillior nut Irrtuirr, arils r for lis |in Mir nf falls' Vim,!',' ss 1 stun 1* hs take lh. EPISCOPAL (HUNCH Of CHN1ST, SCIENTIST EAST LANSING titans sens 111 Mil* Ave««a tm dbbnll M'.oit » 010 r sh, 11, t 1 all tl.r 1114;11 ss as II1!,'; VM 4 ' .V »»t*rtl |si ocr.iins sslio Is tlir lonisrr I.alt Saltlv iriifi'l. Siviio'l r*i lad iiutxl 4ts»l teorhin* Miat*t»* X 7 ! ».; 1 ;«.* ' ''' 1 ■»■ • 'I NIXf iiuhlir srivirr itlrrrior Slic InltFrills tplsi*ril I ruler ,X Rlhle r*tessi>n 3MI . 1> VX'rlV* Mail Kioiitov Xlissrt Jinttfl. til MtciWJh 11 unset. .i Is h«*» hiiossfs for hrr ssoik on I nt r r A f n ami 1141 t«»n a I le the | enter af foil laoW>| t- • 40 mm 4'v,t ft on , : 111 000 t«,; tsrt.sir t'iava\s si^it J in, <» 00, 10 ta "llliU thing SrhiMl." « Novell *#♦%!»»• (I *|n liiian fM Xhh.i.l *,»«* - Hi - till W n l,»,*i»,J Riser R. n i.lRI Will lldi roam fisMtt 4 peak .»f Ktvomi ,111 lO.iitt 4 Hfgutnr instruct no a' staff ttsr ti »: U1 I to* ivhuiU lii N'hlitmn !»> srtninai f •unr Td p m loMlo.Wn siliirilot ' " , A t K.o.'O .. rii-.v limn .ti n S\ :".l .1(1 Ml'tlia! \S •» Msnxx mux ins •rnrnm hr Rrs R«» 4. Xubromin I 99 i(L.i Jit and. i to I.i o.wi pm Rev I hides Rrwwh*. iigtM 4pr*»" • 1 ,«»- •! .1,1 1-M . s\ hu.'t m: nil'; I I'll It'U'X 1 l"l| pnsgl 4111*. SX oh l it* hr*oo*«r li'HiKl MoiiM f 7* r «»l mi and tss'st ,»f I'll- 1 sj>m 1'n .vinnc* StMrfriiii t 9 .M .4 X1 •lolj' (MUMW* lulls Ru»arv fur Sflkirrt OTN9R »»RVIt»S i(» , .»• I *'»«? \ lull"''! to ha anost hv VX KAts t\ 1 9»0*t»i Raaaa 9*4 W W»M ill" t iinlr*«l«ii * I* p m ,.f ,i ! to.I »,* ki t*}Mt».Mi 0 I'. i ttf a- rritu)'ir , I a chi ,%xi ftiotnmt lour* •XOI II44 r. A 9 4* a.m. Pnndav kikwl .>•»»' I'M's 1 • ant aiiv.ustt l ss,„', 9»*M: i Mi'idas. Ih.i,-.„i,i,s i lufe lioeaurm a on 141 I VI OR TX4f»- A:l* pm TRIVI14 l«>|||l.|*fr A 1 7 \ ^1 anl fi.on fhr Vittt.ral • Ail p .TO A-M,* 9 ant -f im. W-m». t»e», ihnra finowswtr \ s ,U Ml f it it 1 4 I * Si 11 a 1 ; rr i 4 M.4l » 4t MI\ |*aliar W>4. and I »l. i# m Mrt. Own t.enhelmrr. (««rtf spot" t s llliltlr 'I |»|Sss|M|s {il % IP Ml I-!t t mm • ( RwriSi V* is>h--J fl H,'he*| kit s roii h 4«*'l n -mts!anti'"i: net work I;JA.p.m. Prayer and Rthie si*e Jcffvrson Snirs I,: ,• . ill us* mxi 9 mm t i« Sat tr Xxilliam I itagerold, Am I. ilia He, niv, ts thr ss *! | •RR Wed nub i saw i Starts 011 M K I It IN AXI d-i. 4 1 r m > f m vi t ■ t i-M.l BE MONEYWISE ... ECONOMIZE if AT EAST LANSING UUNDAY • • t ..K- ' I ' « .tl'ffio sn V OKEMOS BAPTIST EAST LANSING UNVBSITY HAITM LUTHER . .O H. g . >'a*t •' KWSIX. • .to 1- • 11. • S.i'O ,1 227 M.A.C. WKAli • 1 CHURCH CHURCH Of CHRIST LUTHERAN CHURCH CHAPEL '00 W' ' IV. S, ■- .0 '.••••. I' ' t: 'lriiii">rr» far CIIIHCIIKS » . , . ; :»•*•« . v t.uri 'v i'.i • . Uift ' . R» X M 4> IttMX TRIP r4Hril In* Or* MNIhtt. XeM ros»«» loitm ms Use .Xntrifran t rgl<-n | iN'illnnai I uitirran C'annt lt) I Miiontrti is fi'M? > Mtirl» 2,*tr UoiMRl . Pets Ire IM Ah A MS Mr mart si tenia* Pklsle* Jt A»o Si reel* . M 0 . t'livvi ,SM .V 1 - f»V • ShM.s MAomI It I* on* «» Xoifr* imrt A M poo All AAbaft Read h. •'* ! V J ' 1 ■' 1 •' ' 1 XX ,i*li mill ilr. fulilril Ilk* lit. X«»"« Teneir* 5 a »» t hlotks Isorih of Itrrket H«U • , • * .»'»■' 'its -."••• <•»' " « 1 • 1 • NET PNESIYTERIAN »«o*o XiiM sour# »Mp'S I in. i eff w i>und River) 1 , ( .. . flAOdilW«S i (end * I iNlfl III 2-**?l I hope I » |* M'J» Mr: fOMOI*- •1. ■ \\ .1 Oi'ft.M. • (HUNCH PWore rail »l* MM t« A fide SEE WITHOUT GLASSES! \', • ■ 7 « >. ' -.n ■ I'or MHsage » |) ! ** SIR 4*11 IS . KNimtr OP 11 Waff I'ashji* C-RlMkitrh ,, ,» l r N .' •• 1 V • .* . ; — — 4-*h .;*t MiJOiM'MM' 0 UOmOtl' | dfADAX R-hie Study 1A« m iCfllHI riskO IXwt* Im.S W«fihtp Hans 714941 MRfUU do Kiiiuw s, Kok.o, ximiao NET CHRISTIAN Tsentag Service• A tl p tm SI RVIl AS |v Ret Posld * Veorelt REFORMED CHURCH I •19X1*1)49; R'AI* Study 7 J« p is » OA — IA I* Marming Warship *.*• »•*- *«ii*ioni xim,*io 8- (hurrls A writs'* Aihcsi MIS,. - 1*9* i»W Zlf MXRsgXli XXI. Tw« htm A* herth ef U>r Wwiikte Mttdr - tee pm pundav Marnmg, tl tm Student 1 ntan an AMMO R»»« IIM Warning Serslr# j — It OA — s*n4i» SrlMMi | tHl lVL * U« Hi* IMlUt.l 1 * k Jt s'Mlfl 7.AA — fsoi'l !OSH« HIWMS Student msie Mondost — study 1.JA p m DR t.VRH 4RO MIVI>I4«'*« Thousands now womr nowly Osslpnod, TuosfWUHeo rtoot i tnslolMO Vons-Atr* OroovOO PENNSYLVANIA AVE. Per 91* 2-MU W 19 1-mt Vttill H. gORVSOV. MtntwUr tail tlu i huo»« |,»r other oriisiu*. ra»«n* IAPTQT CHURCH f' CONTACT LENSES VITNA.VINV • kltNIWHRMT lira XI. r«w*»swi» Xsroo* SOUTH BAPTIST CEHKH r£, Qevere J 700 D AU'MV Why weor ufsighfty »pecfo<>««9 Todoy COM90RT • fhogtondi w#or Weuord P hORtii *idUM*»R at fUMdet* 9 9 Clyde I OS |ar im tad MtrRigAft Radio Basts m**#*9 irv.ubl# Vent-Air 0'oosvd Contocl with e full freedom fot noturol bteothing end teor tor H - •iMMi «*»••. ' Swn riitmi Mul»(Twm krs l«t*t>| ,s»n flew. So quick, 10 eoiy, »o umple to wear, car IT l-WR Pne A Bode See You ficlunv* iihI»» pmniii ki(ii ipml f«r««nl msl minJ. FOR ALL CONOmONS Knwrt* risp "* lwo h«M»r* |»»-f tense* ore lucctiifuiiy wrOrn foe oil condition*, in Visit •psih nst-h mrl iKUtsrilmi lo Hi* T»- • r»p.t With rfvnamic t\»»* complete comfort oil day. Get tbo IxHI detail* todayl ||£& ms-rr-phnfw. radio attach, cortl. Lote*l Advance In Contact Lease* i«« ml* tona villi Mpfi. c»w». Medically Approved at COMPLItKLY SAFE tile DtVIOlO PAY MINTS S?25J00 VISIT OUN OFFICES EON A 0CMONSTRATI0N TAFE Eiclwtivoly OMfaiwablt at University lilt. IIAKUI.II A. SIIMIIhlt 3335 K. Mkhi*»n OITOMETRIST . Chapel ED 3-1113 UiS Mall Court Krasdnr I'rntrr mm mmm