■ CW" !■:; -. • Michigan State News ft4ME K1UKV pprrrtlon I* wh I IMIe rhtntt In the «Hthtr In nun when he l« too vtcl for it IntffiM for l.utav. Trm|irr*lnr't Mill trnt.Mii in Ihr Mill mur Willi Uil n.* lit * r.iln returning („ do him *ny goo# nrra-dniully lliioiicli'Mll 11*«- da v. I olrrli winds will JifMir If 24 mph with klronin gust*. VOU W. No. 147 KAST LANSING. MICHIGAN—KRIOAY, FKRIlCAIlY J*. 10-%7 1'KICK. 5 CKNTS New MSU Branch at Grand Rapids? Finalises A It .S Names Bi^psl it" In Projpcl icers \«» Itoartl OkaAn lOO Acre Silt' • ho the Governor and hi* wife rrrrl allrndrd the "May sci aside t*r on.- .... them by .n»eni.»u»»iut s*utl.'iits the legislature Milligan. Liiliman Win Crantml .« f*w "i» l ours. Tours. Tours Koui'il I'resitleneies MSI" may imp'ii.iv tjMtal'v- liuh a fiMir \ca»' in'aiicli i.-l Karen Milltgaii and ld*lly I.uhmati are the new president* ■f AW S ludiciarv It'gp in tJiiiiii! Kapiii- Foreign Sliulcnls • am! Activities hoards, the AW S an¬ T'lit' b g if.' t.f «•«»iir-*t•. nounced Thursday night. , fiumey pifiiuti'tit .lol.fi ll.ttii ib' Vox*. m.-Mlier *•! i*.»i •c.s ui.f t.fid ,i 3U--nuib Grand Knpi.tv TS Busv With "Day" • • ■ • ■fo .-* t . iu.1. t»ijt fot.iUs oVAra'l were votuut lurt fhSi'gatniu ■•»! Ag-ifuMnrt* .it Mi.- n,-«%*b.f--g Slate . 11.»• • I Tl.i.n- \ man in flowing purple r»>l»e,- GnuU' into tie - • •c.. « • ■ i ■ s.nf "o.u <-r s.o*l ffwoj i.ivf >t\e To Motor i uay a I.;..Mb thai' Hi** fn'legi* tin- next tm»r leave ." he foutul fte'.s fon-e Uirtt lug AWS an aid .* not an*I a guide jwih.e to Men to Hop Sixty-four |uesriilations were made .it Ihe tuie < otihrll ;Stale News president; liert sheppard. toaslnias- I'lltMo l.v Vllke sliiilmni tun- to jmrf. Mippiv thi- tituiucnii slip- - way t<» the main room of the l-ansmv Civic Center, -aniiiul. AKrinilliii.il II.hums banquet I'liurMl.ty ler ami entree and I'aul Miller, dtreetor «»f Ihe • We tsMjlfl mako Mil' I.e. I -ere he yot a cup of coffee and -eat'clud for a talde which mi eiv «m catnj'iis " .. tf v*m sjH*t an unmuat nuitv- night. Srln»l.itship• award, d totaled V?,l!.'e At eooiperative I xtenslon s.-rvlees. slieppard re- aV%ida4»!f Hutny,' Hannah s!.i!*;il, Nt •. t uh"Mtn Port Wayne, the name of tils \friean countr t»er »f wswuen drivers vvecivmrt Ihe head tattle, letl to right, were Sandra t ope e.ived llu- award tor 1'ie asrlriiltor.il student hilt l!alt tsmtnvg* fit ftfl The t t* a'VVs ttud ArtlV»t-e* a* land. Ilarvesl Il.il) queen lohti sehalri. Axrlrul- ■ most nuistanditiK in student activities. • . • d«»wn the "dnssts this i* ..iingtmsof Mi*- legislature t«» Sitrns represent nt>r the count tie- rattyin! from A A !' eVM.-nf. .t tier duty evening, j*. to "de- i.. .Hue it *' rt Sat unlay things Afghanistan to \ ugoslavia) I'ur k.« found hi* mar the \t . <. an-1 maintain a imsic pro- • •! ii|«5_ by I'he ..A of the r»«»m c: aelAltat in aCismiafiee sUndd The fii.i Uick iasMV' to normal Mill b«. i:l- Warning From Far Fast Fxpert in* body, Ac Itourd. Al>l "s govern- approved thr future And the *ecoml Interna!tonal Mi; I• f■ ?> hay in Michigan. •** wish**, arul n*s*t> of use of thr I OA-were Graham I x- MtUied With other people i': of her tvpc* of clothes cicvivt ;n eset>riing their "Pair ••Sfs, A-ti.ni she t»eiintent station, just west *t( Tensions Rise in Indonesia MV>resent> • I ..on ' •<» Sj !iis;»T Spin In a< - (•rami Kapids. site for -stly Western i who w.-n» other - and sjM.},, in as a a • IV »V rs. Chi(Mr<, t4i* .•••Y'.nee enh Spin tradition, branch college • r language* • v ■ ..v uv. prv> ue f pit w i out of the dr.v- « 'ue- tus-n <*n the t«uwid I »r ! kti ald S'f 1 fours begun *»M»n that took to* IMio foreign giu.st> • • » MMt for the tuglvt and re- .. • • s11 ■; a i a. . t»UI.*moluie plant, tine man commented. "I've already .. a » v, >««ar t 1'iiiit lu-'tw lei*ri*«ent.ug her xoror- Gsinmui •-he tuis tws'Ti ArniMiR fur .« riii-ij- i ri<|ii'Nfi Sjrn tiekets. dinner, corsage all minnal *lutu-N As f'ivil \\ r,a- !l.wr*l V. e '» p ' 1 a O, l.UU e in ttie And. vv re tn-ltie: f .♦ ' • ..I '• - : ..!•'• a ' • | . i he II11I roMimroted tlits has led llauoa to tnrreaslns staled t-p n u-T - 1.1 . '.ev .' 11 I be « '.iiiitium ' . 011'...'. 1 ii-,. f.h iati*>. .» fini a! on ;.f ,.u t.. • -• ii in,p.. . Coronation f«--!iviti*- fi*r the It • ... • c • Moiirt* Miss (irea h. ll.iiin.i, \" I dts« nptrnt and rebellion. i Hi'' 11 I«i a i.'-.i *i ai'e.iipi t.f !f t"l e a ,;r • ■ .n a. t •»» M s'«; MSI" are plann<*H 1 « .1 . ... I- * . :«.■« •; ,«■ »,! • ffchtr.l for a tor 'em -ion S»rf V.-, it:.-, f . S'.,ft f • . 1 - •'.'d Aimther rpnllirt arose from fio.n i.i.i . i i-1 K ,.t. ; unique • is " . . • • V*IM o'.»r.o, ...irfc s c K.i, mgtit the Ituleh retention of Wrsl «. al. I .11,.ii n M ao > i d . t • entciAadiiiont l.1 iilwi on • • . 1 .. !!,•• n t» '■. Sum ■'. .. . •' Nfa s :«,r 4 Pal.- for U e lanee « sit t'^e hng- I). I'l , ... .1 !' New fiiilnea when Ihey tprnr«| t.'.n* t .f»ua a.ti.ta n t;,.d . . . lis. ..'1,1 (ir.'1't .. :■» r» ! H-I *<» i >n.i >1,. «.U| d'M-rit want 'f. If.enllton •«." vnns-.ng (hire things it must do it k !i."» war.t to nixlnc are BULLETIN 1 ... a n igli .Iff If Wit ft eUiier sade , I It ltrind all A l'»5i < hrvrolet hurst into aireetnenls with the Ikoteh, a ing the college. |-«s'l «vsit»'ec at 'he, d«*»r, and Ihmcc Marathon «kt'telu-v loading ehafaidee- Haines as attendants were at N Fill ally *»f Ihe I tilled Mates, of 'IVriii (itmccii t. di tf • lemptiiiff t*» draw gasoline from Manna revealed n 5 .. I.Hse.l v iiueieal 'Mi • V . .• , i"' .♦■. riarut n.ai■ the tank at the Kessler «*i| ( o - it- > <•; i ,111 ami Mu 1 1 'ii... k f I...: i l«c among U • t •*. . Ifc I V..,. ..l! f .If, , .4 service station. '»l« S- < edar. .i!:>*ri •-,« T» Feature ,4 . g .. ■ a-.sua: f ii tf.e ev\ tfo. rx.r •' t ' • It i It ■», .!. I tti.'-i • N| . . , !.a.' tier, aUlioUrw e t1...' 'lhorsd.iv night Ihe (hrvro¬ 1 . . • . , v . granted 2 a let. valued al * ' ".lio was ,» total I f"l. " ' " A' . ! ... .. n »*g.' I * , :• sum s lor a the daln • 1 r» .•■ «t»n .1 1 •• t lows lis l rontenl.s oss In was the I0.1l.lln5 ami estimated at 2 Comliietors I I • >. -. 1 Hu bum.. n.i . .lofb .1 1* »i ti v* it- ,p"i. .1 fo; M." •••.* 4.e aliit aid if.. ' .p N i»u !! ap| .. • ■• • ISO f.VNOO • II 1 ' \ I. I• .1 loq. )>.■••- have fa- u .1:1 ••a".pu.- under reg. • • 'if -l.f -.filing (I.I. i • -, I .. ' r < 1 , )tU ,, ,, { , , . ; . F « ' « M. s . ma a - I . I' ll- .'I. . I V f !,*M. • '•red oa-r inV U'tvuiti p«»> 1 the iiitlii»■ - sta'e Sr«i llioti' t»» low fisher • • ■ .V n ,r. tr. .. a ^ I ■ - I v !' Ml Mi" lie. I. l*!,. ami nudnight Sunday the ..I. .l.o Internal iomtl Students «l Ihr Capitol. l • • * ' • avs a: i . '..I ..f •!,. - -1 . -n (hiiil Hannah urged ' the P.; k> ' f »r Hi My fa t Ca t ' 15*.• ej •! * 1 • J . ! ! •.- f" .1* lit .si 'I giotip to organise jo advisor* . • .. •!;. J *-ril the** «hd * • • r-uf. I v J .1 kl".i lot r. »•,« • are keT,.if,., »n -».<• t«»lay f.» »:i in t.'a- p. r tsmtp.; i-i '• « < • , !.«••» . ■ I! i" I f 1"* So "I ' I)'' . .. 11K am croup i to determine the tvpe allege needed hi ttie area. of * • -i * J; ' 't V , ; M'hiT tour.* w»' ' \1.*' If~. . *, ■« ra* ;■ -h t ; I • • p. r ; ■« p -Ij.'1!.' 1 ' 'V " ' ' » ' : ■ . y -..ti'"' To Televise Hal . d H U S ' . G and If.,, - inj? Stat«- .1'iurn.i Mi » .. *» !;♦■ IMJ- Talk an tnicrica MfioMti-'. « rttrtu ■ ' ; • i ■ m .! ,«. I's lu.-'f v. I •' i in, ..la- Hie ".1 fI d. a-g.tfton ill .1 • ; •• ' 4.1- d .!■ ' '.- Original I'lav ■ ratof . «h«! V * » -idden'*.<"r . . for •> . ,r • . ■ i • ga.r«-.t ' - •> < ■ ' ■ If n i <1 i.C.,1 Tin -1 ' • ";.f iI ! •r.it with Ii• ♦ i • a:. .. A t»" . . V - .. Scl far I ivivfmint I»1|S-1; "I."' If.-.: a ... • m lb . t f ir a'Of . il-al if Mii'l..-tfao |M I'.' he' S: ,v,'h "Jakarta tried to establish a V.. - 1 - '.nij'.' .Son Ch.-ago. ■ ■ .'e t... ot4r ne*si l>* "ffo hfMil »»f 'he ) ll»J strong central internment, hut 'A t W:,.,f o|»j> \ ;jf 7 " » k H ... .1:1 .4 , t - ' ' .j. . ii' i' , .... ' • |Mrtn.ent of literature a I neither established hu* h a gov - I F. I' ,f •'! Ml Jill' • » ..v, j • .id ne i ... 1, 1 loot A • - \s allfnl t h«-tr ' '•? .... CP-Up I ' . . . .go I I>r Mi!- h , . ■ of »hf Um 1 'VI «otidu<" Hi SIIIVI.I . at ! hi' • - taki II. .i > ♦ r« >•< ' ••• '• « ' . ' I bill ft I'aiifi Meet Mun'ya;., a"u-dant di«n of t* ■ , ' ' ' ,t of . . WKAlt r\ A iii ll tin wt- i„! i f: -t„rv C'i. itf v »« v" «»f fdue.»1n»n, w*»l! Im> "f M.ij«tr ,l«*nn lUin »n M.ilr ( lilll'rliiiirll .1- < V ; on, w it ti V• tt.f■ »t)lf.l 111 I « , .' Mat .'f-tayt- of tiiia "I »I (l/H'iis in Jvnisaa C»V. M.e Si' Ij.ii til I in; pi" 4 H w.i- .< ki .. , .>< 1 1 1 • a , V.ew|s» tit over WKAK-t.ciio Male DiM h. hi ' • vi ho were net in# h" ?..*♦ I • !"l iikMoii • , • • MS- '•• iiui «'|T. I . .4 \Fqeib.n f-ff a '• • Sen ia.\ at 1' pre. e, !' ». ;-f »• tioiiora, . (in,| Hi. ' , - • 1. 4 t ■ •• . •a (iiftU'irtK ia'tr 1 • >v ■'» '! ^ « I.. «,r», fit !• »*,'■<• a*■!! 1m* "Amer.' a - lb . n o " . 'A • • • • - i • :. «-. Kvti't ( v, |'h It I 51(1.4 I", (llaiiDitii h'ftf .1 a. r-j!p ia a C.v /ahon," topic* auc- . turn to ti t it »i**| *» *■ ut :\» • • »' u a |l I. • r • :» .. 4. .S,( y 1 , bi,. t .: inifi'l *V a> . K' .'e t b, . new by Max |i' bv . -■« the iat* t • • if T' • t * t-e . I an . . - n .1' -i ib'iM f • 11 lamer aitfi the same title C. h'.tia- ' r and bv ; ' • ! ha f "f "»!!' I M I u» < t - don't ivutt) U-* ' thj>/ - -o» •• . \l 1 A- i a- • • 1 • . ur,*f» i it;- -» .• . . . • u,.iri fur ' ItiM l» wi ll riled a merit report *.f • • e :■ fgt t > ' the -• If r41' »•. • r,i '• . In • i! the Kusselt ( ommlller a » .•' V i-dtor. |? it - ttW'« H For Vein O11I1 »»id \ - . , ''y '.lie f«»r llati'l 1 .»!;£!,' b. ' • ■ singled out the Grand w Kaput- hn h ♦ -• |H'«.*|»it» T>- ' ;• - -ay H* Uo. ir ¥ I* " • 1 h t H-ot. I s - .' . i<: -.'-n I.. •. ■'> 1 "i area as needing some kind of •• i* tiui.o-atio »< a',.' • . "ii - VV »,.11 4t »a- nts.:*' r»a «t . e,U an- of,edu> Pi. •<" tib«4AU*nee c • k 1 I 1 1. ft Miry* ' four tear institution for higher A ' • * ^ ■Mit.!,ur> ttKiay thrtM>.h 4,f t« i J;. „ t-l -.o" I -» F » •. pi- IP. •I. h>» ' — _ • ' C . W . . *.!. M Sa'ib etfueatiml 'Ihr committee has S." ,f la T.-e . i.'i.s, i.,-. Utr r»*gis*rur s of- ib. M i*' . • • ... . a . been studving educational |Mvil¬ t*i a. i TburvWy. Vrt> - S' • • . 'rjp,-• rmn't - '1 li ins in the state g '.4 -e »a> .e-Mgnrs! d»b T . > , .--a. ■ 1 M ' f t o» .a « d |M)inOlt. it .. f- 1" F-Mi ' ■ 1 g11• 1 M< • i.e. ., p.H . ,f . ! • .. . «,i| ■ ff-e t 'r.. i t '• ' ' ' " ' 1 i -1 • jo •»:*? w t . : \ -V i !• • •<„ , • ., ,'t f V .a ./ Uvire T'»Uy I ' ii V M 1 !-■ vor ,!«■,. Sen. P (j . I'fl I ! • o | \Un .»v (., |i I . ! ' I ■ • f ' Mo- f. •»> Sfttf Is to. 7. ?. • A • T'4*»lav Ira Mars- II . W «stjnr»lay i f- ' o{,. , awn-up jaTi'AJ 't PieOMO I Urns t .lipid It. . S 1 'i i inni Iburigordner > IN* • K- ' ( ,• M. nis -. .f M »- -'.*.-ft ;ti< id' i' ' in* Art—Not Heart—Recaptures Romance " ?! ' ■! t •f Ml. I * .Of ha h.f, ; , .»!*> •: I' t MP I i» a , , •pt.'nii >r« . Ifafmr l llrufi i '. » ■ •.-optum'Tr A*'»'t* ft.*r-' i.f't i a.- I fi'«a H »r. ILupuP YHll.U/m If.IA 4' - I'.t, • !h»- «i5pMrx*'« weU known - The a i f|i " tu.t. qui«o VV in Fobs net I > • n • •• • 4 l'4vc», * ^ave it FtiilatlcS- >»s. (rlM'+ wdh ttnj fu-n. #■ lKW|Mt»l tcdtfiwt»ii J.Wii'-t. H" > tr,<- ? -.U'-b h.- fUMn'. l»i»'A-ri M- . (>i II eallicr ( ail.ten ptm* .. f-e>ti rfairt V»- • •-1 if I lake Ft* - hffM'i ftiiJui •» tiiM r.fyar-ee ThiW-Y-da•, but it »:wj „rf student, call* hen-f f t>i Ffv.Jigsi ffurvey 1 gf*"*• Whi'ul'tt. barking C,hanfics .)■ I I '••*jd.' > fMC»gh- ; wax *.~t f>'k tttf UhM t»l»*I ■ l*.t 4:-.^...'» puritU-r one fan he lt?y fi She >;irfj}>«" I'>.li htit di't'!: ' c >. i and a ft -Hi* N Y Ju- ■ K .*4« i K' '- S• . f» dyeer , bh-e g ' ir rap*u*c# g«r..u.' ' Abe sbid I If |r r»"■ I iff I TV* ii I! that ktem on .< • IVrfiup* • • • i k£.-■*«* . ur'ii fg.ror uri'v iu>! - »•/. aig ehU4»g«"s se*» iwt fctr t«« rwwr form* fH modem art, but Pv« •*«- We g'Vai frie't'l*. bit WK.AH-TV Will ii-Mdifku* -. k« '« f.gii nut* 22- vast--i,4 1 lurvry Umdrk}. O tpbl' ii •• .4 Whit ; * die > f iJJiUi* fi.i\.i te rii eUrry bus unique vrne*» »»f hwlf- irf Ihr I,*.*. I.inr I p for * Tour, eir-'srskber pre-laiw ytudeht w» *onh fail me'' pr ■ >pi i •' I M '■ '" k p« U i th>- .'*• jff not i'o.Vigeri. ui. I w i- h'Hir live linitrur* fh#»J* l'*t two pa: H,;.;.' }«- p .ekct arrived by .litri Mi -p.'f fitu > hu'.« plus* f'/r ifMiriuge during tin- <-a.na- of he,, rnvui'iy tauiddknis, a* T«- >p « rtaiveradx. ntyf 'f» The pine# prr*JuK-e»h Cut, a|] hi all. thr r\|« ri<-nre pn.vnl In U- » -pruf„ui.'l f.-ram fb* K.erir tfi tse FbnacJi re- Biurutoy, Gloria clutched Uir tii.imfi .« i <•-; Vi rth I have work to dfi lluivcy *j-u'«ng a.'if-g With the *iat*'s ot trail t?w lki;*art»n«-t«t qj Pu t a. Su/e- *i- miration of boi |iv.i uwt '11*,"tiff in ' - • w»rt -t said Thursday T» ff>p-e broink'mt. wilt la- anntiUM-ed a> I a* A' has brrfi bang«-l r**jue*M*t aubkfuph a»Urg arvd in bold writing over fi'.H'i rn.« -»f U.I' •"<-.-ft.-.rs|»i»ri4 fk» we'll be K*--*"I . I ...on >r VVil'.wm. in * bri. f afl.-r- a era v - <•: - fri.n.l.hip." %A t4oM.fi viwTitnsJ in 'die gi/1 v,i-n, Uie 4*v.ra»c, -"pour M.- whMb qve/v 1 P. -*"••• •*' * tyjtiv ff.-etHM- And I don t kmr* how vwn ,m the vtu'-bnt ortfumwa- ft'i't yi-ffow ' hi gnv!) ami lad talk. Ile'thank.-! tl • •! i" '- f'-r thr • "O* make their final plun- i- frobi to >eli«»A The?*- \< pa."a-kioa..to,... (»,<«■ ia Sigafs," us sf it were a wr> due -■ ' F'f : "iv* h tl«*t f* lendship e«mUi huve tit* '» rr>i X(*ri,.n, c of uri.i. n.!«,olinr iiinl K.il'l'ino, of i*tnj; " , to '#«• S 1 Mil iigtbeTH'd in •» besSIxt w.iv ad a di b»' itiaiigvst Utek U» IJrwctaity''* p.«w ukl it »*•> * ti'ifjf 'riiff♦*.«'£ •' v.. • • pif t: '■ r .ch friendly jw- r ut'tcr irtijr lw* rmuxtce ttun^ huppn tit *t en. 1 ^ > ever n -• -*t ' •' -• -re I:V r'..ti-.n.. - - |4an.f rail f,-r n , rt' •• fjir." she rftaptodtavl ii'-'p- 1- a.-' Harvey, Winvrrtwl ovcrriigiit \ f«*>hw»n id>. »*a rehearsal .* tl.*' department ratal jvt*s Gf.wui SegkJi. alsu 22. "!• »'! t.lf. t v •» t-ii<1 \'.-V he J«-ruii.p to William M prwident of Slichtran Bell rvu. I te uved, war by hi* cyirit believe it I muat be xtuhi fee* U- ?•' ■ fr-nti a tepjft ajtrriirw of pica. •» atuHiulesi for StUMby fitin l-S Parking U#t 1" t» !ti U'ttei" "'l-'.-ne Co. and ireneral ihairn—n "f the event into P in, »n tin* l?nf»n ' , • . .' .1/ a u-V *— dreaming, for kale? flow can" We run learn «o. nvueJi fbfii a ratayibg b«e.t< r, ini|u;> fo. is-'.'ifUUon than iikwI unlmptWivl i, "<■ added that Michigan is the only ftate to date that SWkph. * j«*srr*od 'ike reocb- anybody W? Ill never the i.M"ief»ta. .*»>(*'. .w»i> 'dees- <4 . e -c*xl to ail hi» ?rreiKl bad to thoe in th« l/nfim iVfcud fa»b- IVl* thow Mailti j. hd* and littisf U.I* UVyt. ilUviv.-ii. i* being ni-idu i Vsi ttie vstui gart wiib it" 1Mi iai j C'UIUI ^ itli id ♦V 1*4 .4, - • le!,l. juch an affair. i ■ £ t E,hUCJ3U(U:to8 ,1 Michigan State News A Lack-of-Progress Report life (m B« ■mrf IMIr t>, MStTi tS.M* Klndrnli and FaraHf STRANGE NOISE i Hi® Michigan Stat® New# t® published by atudenta of Michigan Stat® University. Kant Lansing, Mich., without direct faculty supervision. It is HOBBS. N.M. (A1)—"I've been not the official voice ot the university or o| the student body, hut while seeking to serve the best Interests of both, stumls ready to battle any move hearing a very peculiar noise out. wldch would drive a wedge between the two. whether it comes from witlun here," a woman caller told the university or from outside. Member of the Associated Tress. Inland police, "and I wish you would Dad> Tress, intercollegiate Press Association and Associated College I res*. come out and find out what's ; Vol. 49,.No! 147 Friday, February 28, 1958 Pass Two making it." Police sped to the eastern edge of the city where the noise was fj • Editorials a reported. The woman had indeed been hearing a strange noise. Police found a cageful of lion? | AUSG Rabbit Ears belonging to a circus. They wen- asking for their evening meal In the only way lions can ex¬ press themselves — by roaring. ; Prevent Progress Night Staff Michigan State New? "What will tin' Slntr Now* cay If wo upend Ihi* money! Nis M Editor Ll t Tro**«*r MarJI B*ar*« What will they .-my A*vt. Night Editor B'lr® Editor Tsl Mitariv Campus Classifieds Aral Student ruium*** pliMltlcd through another legis¬ Sir lit Ad HUff *all> Hrantir 111 M«ht staff Rill (allihan. Tom N- Your Key to Better Values , . , lative session AVetlnestlay night, worrying about what the |»-a. Ton! Snbh State News comments wmiltl 1h» on a profKwed bill The bill that's got those stalwarts so on tenterhooks fttmut editorial comment was one that proponed to send a congress woman to the March iM-'U I'N* Sersinar i'l New York. Campus Classifieds Congress, unwilling to spend a suggested $7!» for a .rip, the re|s»rt from which could net them some value, was ED 2-1511 Ext. 2613 afraid of "what the State News will say." Faugh! What does it say? ' Dealine 2 P. M. Every Day It savs you geese had best re adjust your honk and start settling-down to Mng'a responsible wing of the student bodv. CLASSIFIED RATES FOR SALE I PERSONAL It savs von sheep have accumulated too much wool on inmimum IS wdt H'w-ve fri.l IctiCI) SPECIAL STtTDENT DIN\F r your minds and can't see what your job is. 1 day .. *0c ».r..e |t:®ht In stvlr !•••• •1 w d.iv Tueaitav. Wednradnv Monday Deerheicl i, T« " KD 7-nr,*! .1)7 1100 • f It says von ostriches'ought to pull your* heads from the 2 d«yi Mt'Sir FOR DANCINC, sand and recognize your own hoped-for dignity and respon¬ Idayi $1.30 .taekman Combo 1022 Eureka sibility lies in what you and your constituents think of the 4 d«yi $1.50 »* tke r.art-n" 3 e f> p'e with prestige offered bv your starch and not enough with Mass Kcsii'iiiiliiHi 'Matte to Ortlt>r' •of aadi oard ovat 15 . PERFr/'T DIAMOND kOIITAIHF •imd) -1 fe® d ('. er. what's under your buttons. 4c par day u c.'M hnnd '. rami Si r»q. « MarquSs-cut d-a- •• lie Ph.,n® FD 2-wr2» af'®f f"tir p m 150 0.55 cvah a«d v®-, - You didn't quibble or shake in'vour. boots to spend an Czechs Play Into Soviet Hands INS J OF S ATlN-SIMtEAD an«l g<*"" ,r»ed to fl-ew th * t-'.f b«- • • extra $ 1 fiO (over initial cost) to make your public relations 1 ,-t ,| M->v( i.>l'-t. value *F (-l,- i!i"P Tf •«. » - - -. AUTOMOTIVE . film in color. ,» »-it? >1-<.n"nt T'(•11 didn't, have a hassle about spending more than »v #♦ «.- - - a- - ittmoRS NOTK: ThU' h outcome of the university elec¬ tiorw. and acting in the manner 1*4* FORD RTATIONWAOON K built motor, brake# and traiiamtaaio.. Wm. H. Tkompton, your eo«»'- $1,000 of student money for Spartan Spirit. (Which is at the third article at*nit the ('am- tion-, held in Prague and Brno made famtms by French Ca)»i- (iond tranaportaltnn 4-'-" I'D 7-!®5'*2 • f'tfSnt J®»fl®r Ekoe® IV 5 0749 an all-time ebb.) tminlst overthrow of the 4'ie- in whieh the Communists sue- neTs. twelve Minister? «»f three 118 MONfTDR A PA ItTVFN'T - SI7F And if voii offered $100 to aid deserving people in mak¬ rhoslavah government.) re««dod in gaining only 20 of the l®«htica! ptirties submitted their I J'hinr p'•■•■♦•me \'er\ <•"- Bv MII.O JAN KIBAN VtgfS resignations to President Denes l«4ft.t HVICK SITEH i fl lent rr»®vhani4 al eon-tit ion M.I'll.• heat®r Ne » Washes five rstunds ED- SERVICE ing the I N trip, why not another $7*» to send one of your ('Mnmlni Art pi the hope «>' forcing an etui- j brakes 1u«t turunt up *5«» M>® During the summer of 1947 DRESS-MARINO. At TFRAT' own congressmen? With international aitua-. election. There was , IV 7-01M" »»7 the ConmjuuiMs inti-naifknt their the ter one HOUSING Pl.in sprin® wardrobe row t>- When we heaf that those who most actively opposed oiTe'n-ivo' amiinst tin- Slovak tion tsMrin.' unfavorable sign* thing wrong; they assumed that ' 1*51 KAISER FOt'It • M.i- ■ •ervte* Madeline work TV 5-5054 ruaranti^i (" the Convnurusts would act with- tire« bodv lair Itiiairial '• this worrisome ftill No II are part of the ingredients in IVtMH-rat* ® hWr tnulol in '» for the (Vimmtmiata. au**h the ■ ®r f 125 MIS Weber Dnv® Phnne I\ MM;I F ROOM APPROVED hnm® fadure of strikes in France.- ap- in the governmental framework TV SERVICE SPECtAt. b-w r. the At'S<; fm»t pourri that make the governmental stew un¬ vmt of n small coup rpiiarrh'd H-RW5 to atudent# Tube# checked fre» parentlv prnapeets in the even t-» a »lef«\it bv many (iintvpiv as a t«*st |nmir shop New and uaed TV «e-> palatablel»y seldom participating you can indeed worry ra-e for a large'. nation'-wlile- ittHM.Miiing Italian elections, an i The ntuyc was tailor-made to 1354 EtEMOUTM ' ■ ♦ r ♦ b tvpea TV antenna# T\' Teehn-o about what we're going to say. the growing Belgrade-Moscow the CunvuunisH plans, and tiieir F.. irri ' i MODERN SfKf.1T ROOMS for #tu- Cnmpanv 3n» E Michigan priyfiretion . *rts . '3 •' V den'-, pear rumpiM Tree parking 7-5508 Open lam - I.IOpn- Wbv don't those of you congressmen who believe in the Their (promt target was the diseoril. the Communists deeM- madhine itCgan to roll The r .>) •• (.-'■■■ Ph..n® ED J-8M? 149 roup d'rtal will be discussed m KENNY DAVIS ORCIirsTR \i worth of your government and function stand up and say Notional Soma list IXirtv As In tsl to act sometime early in "S 4 1 f--4.fr bslf- 1 • APPROVED MWRINO FOR *irt«„ Phone ED t-T» Slovakia, s**nt* provoeatenra January I04H the la^t installment.' tr) O'S 'o- »• i e - • Thrrr VB.-Inrie large attraetiv* what you think? I'on't spend so much time shedding fat r . TV RADIO •PHONOfiRAn were uaivt to compromi .«• th- The mass organir-dions and If4 C" I - - ' h vine ares adlneent to vampiic fiver what someone else will say. ph..ee FD J-ATt! 147 Ouaranteed service TV antepri.i party leaders A pert of the especially the lat®»r unions I®ttcri4 Monk# Radio Shop *14-B Wei- Whatever is said doubtless will Ih» weighed in the light ramptiigtt was a fantastic bomb apcarhistded the ottack Their ROOM AND/OR hoard Phone FD- ten® Phone ED »-»48 Per five p m 149 of what you're f «'d 1354 FOR0 V 3 44 -4 ,! h e^.rs a accomplishing It will be said just as this is. plot in whleh hmnfw were mull¬ ^inventions were to t>e . WFIEN YOU THINK of Radiation n ed to two prominent National points of the February 22-29 j ■ • TilRFF ROOM VNFt'RNTSHFD think of th® Mel-O-Statrt % '..00C a-t-.it v.- #par»-"ent escept ktlrber- and din¬ 2-5005 Sorted (wis tn Addit ion to Jan week,., when pciflletllartv the ' (*«-..<.« f ette N®v»h dm'-rated private twrrti , Minrvk who was the Foreign trade unions ami the farmer d . " I it tk t Party Policy Mix-up ..rt- nee Close-t" r-t-are available Minister This cam|wdgtt of In¬ timidation was not re*-trlc*te*l to organizations Prague were At their convention*;, to gather in Poll Asked I IH4 CHfVDOLIT I - « 1 Adn't* ft .m» -n'v ED J l*n n" atudent* or p®'" 149 tmi srudnut shoe Ope® (o* b»®8B#it iu»«k Republican anti la!«or union forces c to i ti'i Commission. Communist tmpwdtion |n»>d feform. .ft was made a* ' l" iiurtm#"' e*n*e w< frv*-* .»f rndtOMCtive fallout A"? KfCMIM I KNIGHT »tb. t e-sdn'e 4'udrnt TV i-ookin* Coventor Williams' appointee t.» Commission. Thomas Whde it oantKit f 0®r®'al t otiwartl pa* C/whmtov.ik lj»v i* • I ii«* d.s'mwatot ROOM AND BriARD for two fern on the grounds that confirmation would amount to giving fa* that th* (»f the tekeea »V J4141 »n® T ».*.«« 1 • ' t.acVe 1 »* t»*,»r»Tt> re'-e- - . teunoCs nefrst ;n line with > ' f- , • p , r.f - I'AW CIO head Walter Kent her a voice on the board wi»rM have not s|n>k*n out •«.i ,e »n,».-e On hus-lme IM' JACK BRAVN AND hi# inform instructions. brat; * f - (he It. ■ I Arm* * ■> ! IIN EORD TV DOR Heater (.■'■> V 5 »W A.en'je 11? the continuation of tre TFRM PAPERS Dt'F sue- ' fisu. and- ot>a hti h thev Anta-u v»t:r-g the ke- ;4i*nin.«r testing Al- r.H ker panels grill ami pan-.' •hem . ta~n*d in pb.me ED 7-«W mv hon.-e F» frif certain to u >i *h4 :r 3t » >t- ( !■ «' »* » .(' of then* »s • FD 7-055) en«ed Howe\rr. |{cp. Walter (I S'akktila (R tiladw in). House t-s-**t S(fbw-eB/er has <>»me out e.nt -niatotdv »n ih- ele«rt s n V»*' '.:oiV» the d»*M'*'!*ah ibs <■•ct TERM PARTY* OIF' K "- Rabor Comniittee t hairttmu. said Thursday that the MF.SC > ht ns» further leitin< Dr I'*52 PONT! AC * APARTMFNT F- H TWO a - 'd ■••vi'r.i! re- |»'lkt« -iin.'c the Commum ' nut CJond tees an>! r-'V.ed On, M, w I,, ahopprt -»f hintol ■ ti»T>« TcchnoUtgy bus • #<»und IV 2-St58 F!> ? \'V? "When the key men ott the Commission staffs also hap¬ versa Is wtueti apfeo»- ?» have wv a ts®»Mklisting Uxo r drive (■>: t .• - ■ I TYPtVO DONE IN o • »' tt-e treiiwvkkH %Utmeg* th-it etrperlene® Ptvme IV i _h»H'n a prote-t of the jwop'e t-voluie dominatmn of that «1 »*a»# pen to be key men of the Cnited Auto Workers, then - w - " be rriused nir future againet the Communist taeti#-* g.ot of power The Communis'* there's reason for an investigation." he was reported to g*»r>erayon« VOORItFIS ORCHr-f One of these events was the rnfused to cvuifidcr th.^r ot>;e* - JTSf have told a reporter But who* have th* common EMPLOVMENT I *T ''niithed ext>erienced ind - For the cause of MKSC "solidaritv." we hope the anti¬ petwd* pakf* Wher* Is th* TWO 5HARP KNOTTY tune n-w.' Ptanntnf 2-8111 a oprtng part)' Pt. vvh-c* r* Is our children and ARK YOU OUT cf work* See »"' 'a't Sow home Three men) union leaders get together on the matter Greater !.afuUn® fmr' Ar Center' Lanur.f 11 INFORMATION cmrw wKo «r* t>* ng killed bv t#-*< in • Michifan tf r T.AVStNC APARTMENT *' .ce ' )jrf • JuTtMijiTC] J u*n cond-i dci by fb* I'nittnl CitRt FOR COUNTER 4 tiitMi • neliiitii f»>r male grad-j Crossword Puzzlfr eork e.fht •e o . »• ®t*. and >'v ' >I(|a N t • CBU'P, 11 fc.--i»re r» a r- eleven am.. M.-nda*-Frt f,- ai>*1 Ru**i» • ED 1-4' )• in; p HtlJ 1 TOD teV Kt-NDAV TV *1 where ts the voice of hu- Eult-ttme '■UiturdaT Awp'v in j*- tjgs l.ut|j d-.ut Sr X.V M AC At IIU4S 34. Overturn In o t MHMtN til B ns«r-«!\* Are we for this Con- . rv JW XPNtNC. > • ■ TTRV a %-TV DENTS th* htU- ®e- Ar-> , I Fii*'h 38 lleli •OH.liS," t L Ljp Rrtmv wtvcA t'e«-t-4»n of officer* ♦ • et "s'.i^ebterln** * of our FOR RENT v-I • -T - M... »■»' E*c®|}r»!l 1 IMC. V 0 H tBl I HI Unncmg - . • .jd.4-1 ->« ! -.4 r»:,• free p*rk j 4 Wa.-tinl iroantaat T t<> jm -1 jn pm and 7 3'-) fi*®*-*-* grr>*>to'hvxs D» vtvi want * • r 4t ft. * arte- #rve - | f&ftet tr*8.-*s chart#- i a mha*o ,i • 'olci, 3 pm Speftan Vd'.ag# Hall ' , ♦ - *hi-k that v-mi mu*H vmir ADDING VAC II INK* TYPE- A-reet F I arwinr 13 Syunt •>( Kr • ' AJ(L VQ CHRhrtAN UTI DINT W < >"»v*r i-b;) f ,-vr gm'vlrhiM t* b C SAL MH'NDATION metal r II *h rrgai ii»MM\ DU.T% d-' —med I'm sure that you baU# IV S-1313. It# W Shia* me* 14 Clear ot 3t> Uy mean® F s Dance (1 3»> »> m . Chrtsrt Lutheran do" *3 tf LOST and FOUND SEWING ALTERATION'* "XV H 30 sran-ttre*» Children • rjithe- blame n m . i*cople» ChuMi S*- Th® "ita#* New* claim* fo b* attintion 5tudints I 4X47 OOl.n KHRYSIJTR hehf- wnahle ED 2-8RSI 15 Shaded cm! Ifnll HTRIRIV «nt>IXT the vote* r*f Interests er el library Initial# !>AS R,*»m * a'W tf«t a TV *et •>»)• ai-c- to b~v* *u ED I-.VW1 ARABIAN KNIGHTS INTERV LtTHFRteN uTCDRST DMHlinOX of !h* l»*»v and fticultv 147 «ION f dj'- n I? I >a » n $**•'! weekly «e*t8i. entertainment »r Solution of 1*#t#'day a Psu'f A««IKTATlOV Oed 5 ii*w Mow about a mtbDc ocink*) noil 'rrm parfiaa IV te-S4R> .(Mt(ir«k I'.iJinhuNW IhbV StiKt* nod So.Hal Hnur 8 . o "• I *ti vers rt v |, uther-a n on th* subiete* I have fafb MUNT7 TV REAL ESTATE OUR MClAtllt QUALITY 14 Loafer 53 tiiegutart. " ft About *30 pm, ITnlvervpv Luther¬ Oun*h eeoucb • n our ?t\i»Vnt.« to )>e- lit t KALAMAZOO • m IV 1I4N nttne fne le®# ft rt«ar®tte« - * HAHLrrr 1« MtNUTTS from II Utt.r on® Chtm-h P'-vgmm bev* major it v Xitlnnk on' life' Art*# Au»" be- 2« SvwlKw (or 1; >* S.Trt I Bu« rr ot an tbat the lanr* Ope# every evetuaq b!l ft* p «n US'- Full b-r* basement *<-.>•.— *»i*«p hM. a r»ru+i US 18 and Ok em eg Raad One ' .drulx <}***% DH T \ 7 n •• UwvwMt l.utt*,er;*n when fh*v seriotrsly rtimite {*>•• down b®vned Tncir Coat# fiu kc' miws Contact owner ED l-JMJ |»# u, s..ur 7 30 ,*S.*r.*h tv* on e*f:o« wlfl C?*"* out PARKING SPACE J.I Chen r.g pm., Martin l,uth**r |0t Crotr® EI>- TX'PTNG term PAPERS intrr (lirivTiiv «sn*DrVT #*ro->*tr ? 5I5T m ♦uhtta'Ke II Chatvet )t Tf stvklenta TWO YEAR OIJ) fmtr hedr"-rrr, —E*n*rt®air*d WH« p'fk miMMTlOV fh* wr*-'t *«w Cod Suburban F Lanatng 101 35 Jmt® Lug 5 K. l not U CANTKBBt RV CUB n-*r (fid this th* loa f¬ deliver ED 2* Met re* 3 Source uf .)t« Part of i 7 30 p m U.S.# V-"tun er* ■ of th* " **» JRwrn® r, V I flMM . All Soiots'* i 147 TYPING AU KIND* hy . water chair 9 ■. * ''.«(•(* Houke v-''ve<1. wxaild ait up and take ♦nd evn*ry*r»n*d aacrvtar# »__ IArr»IM)\T *T%tl«3N STAISflJRSS STEEL WATER w.ft- 4 M»..f }fc n.ffi.uUy •« V—ers no»* iwm Rsectal dtwmuet tr. MSV it*d t®®» n b-jT»T*nitv How DBTOBATTO CAKES DRUYTRED eucb-e 32 Negiigrnt 33 Faucet tfcmi 15 SSZ A.t ritrativltt kvmbmu'r I IN| R\|k ® so — ss Ibdon zhov »' «•••* Sew%* run that pv^J* Will you te dlMr m 8® part Ma deHctnu# birthday# Vary paati >a» Raul - -at SB un auto radvo Drive- rr. aervir® Car RAG B*dv> A repair »"'• TV ' li H.ll!:. .1 Raker® W i-M H 18 10 » m . Musw \ud Ittt III Cart GrWWr W Mmint Hop* Phone IV I *4** A-,.*oi' f*- »-«m tSa-d* GUARANTEED USED TTRE5 Par" ♦ ♦ ♦ fame tn an Ma" * g) ®8 up Gnmfj t*r \ TV SERVICE CALIA take- MTtUDAY 6 r* "* SK - »reir 7«»!e4r, CV*e- S®rr)ce Stoe® 111* E M»chi®#n nine t#m Pmenpt ®rvwe fr» K CU B xntMtv CU B J.-.md-vg Teluquestion MOBILE NOME Mat* N Bl®h Phone IV » * IV l-W ifryer fa#. Wgt*» h®a*er. Piifa Party ■** *• «t» t> •.. i jr r.»«® Emat ktVhen Kief #®U ED 14BM * pm. St John's Stu-.ient r ® to \t»* st T* nm Hilar Caalff » .».«% c. Miitii#i|i Sr*t* fmvrrmty h*a renter RICWABDBON WPU8ETRA!L.- CBFATIVtTT SttePUMt M fl^fRPIIV Cf tH received * from India « letter I Met Enur-peerw b«tb tav1 ■W Of heat offer ED BEAROSIABl.r 10r 10 A.m*, Mmic Aud 8 30 wa UtnuntrwrsW at the De- tewrhar 2 SH* pertitwni Fieetgn RuJw® So POKMALS SIZE* It • 14 Ban—' Iter we have been un nary aerfuf «4 length On® #iir IS IV im WE WANT TRANSFORTAPON Michigan State News 141 in «»ur attempt* to kmate ton®- one who can desxtpher the al- TELEVISION SETSGUAEAYTTED ; TRADES • ft#w Sattofaethw) r® «pf*| r*.-han®e 1 RIDE WANTED FOB t» r ' >41 Student .Vrvkxw Building. r»»( M>. n ««n phabeL r ttmlr fNM E'hwa ra«®e »7 tneh t fm#n Spartan VtUa#r to downt.^' ti«d «e rt»»s a*r* M-will n through rrvts* dui «M« at Meh «H# M« C ' ta»wtw* and return. IS in If there here iiaM> KN* hrtsse* semrr and tstl 1®rrr« r®t®>®<1 a« r® n» th® Inland Dait* bra. Aamviated f*r«« and «h® AiavuM MOO. or come to room 7 Raaic R*rrt*» IIS W Grand half 1 rk worth of KmXmmmmm CnB®tiat® f College budding !« » I»vf»nt* Twa bua kaa# eka# Rao f. • I «f eveetVW achnot EoQ baanurut carpeted bv BuM ft ie®»>®4 RMI with |iM Sown ML MRMM 111 % EM*®® IV 4*MM. Uiijf MKRMAN RTATB MCWM Dances Complete Social Whirl Faith Groups Prepare for Weekend Devotions February 20, IMi . . CAMPUS CLASSIFIEDS hi "I Masquerades Set Party Pace This tivities weekend's provide a tween devotions and ganizations prepare religious ac¬ contrast be¬ fun as or¬ for meet¬ •peak Rare?" on "Why the Armament Canterbury Club has set the gather for at ing 5 a.m. i A student-led forum evaluat¬ winter term's program hnved by open Catholic Student Center. Wesley Foundation forum will house at the . . . . . . LOW COST HIGH READERSHIP . . . . The various compus living are Asher FToufe for women, tim in a series of two Bible is meet Sunday in .32 Union. The traditional roast pig feast. - have scheduled a full pm. East Mayo, R-9 pm. a To carry out the "At the Bot- ings, discussions, parties. services and Series Sunday at 5 30 pm on set Sunday to highlight campus vespers fur Christum' Student Sjxnker is Edward Jager. sj»ec- STUB BOORS ^efa Tau Alpha, ti-H p.m., and ia! missionary fi*om Liberia, who | J,,«'iten,l headed b.v term parties Xorrh and South Wlllitttm, R-!» .t.tni of the Omtn" thonu* of Presbyterian Christian Fel¬ "Easter and the Pa rubles of Jes¬ Foundation, the panel will be will talk on "World Mission of All honks numbered lem jr.! it*«0ue«k1es. their annual terni patlv. Els- lows-hip will have a dessert at us." The second, "Meet the moderated by the Rev. Joe I\tr- the Church." ; vita Tau Delta's and their p.m. worth I T**iise will be decorated <• p.m. followed by worship ser¬ Parish" visit fur Canterbury ter. CSF dirwtor. will dance to the music of Soirth with Club, is the agenda Hillel Foundation will holil its then r.noo will he even Campbell hii« planned an array of tlsh, mermaids vice at l» 45 Sunday. ' Six Days on Newman riwh will hold a | *j. "»iv Ddvis at their annua! a pa»iy' after the • Spin." from, and a sunken ship. Shall Thou l,cibor" is this week's Folk dances «»f various lands pirra party Saturday in the annual Purim FAirt.v, "Millers lo IFt' • I'an • Hel Honk . -•er tern party at u local 11:45-1:45 Friday. Gilchrist will The JL'ivic Cpnter will repre¬ will comprise the program at A-P»»i»pin." Sunday at 6 p.m at topic in the Christian Ethics and Catholic Student Cynter. A .. hry dub from 7-12 pm, also hold a "post-Spin party" sent a portrayal of an exclusive the weekly CSF folk .lance F«i- the Shaatvv Z«\it»k Congrega¬ Drive. Hooks must be from Industry series Communion breakfast will fol¬ tion in Kin-sing The program f ' 1-2 am. night club as Alpha Comma itay night. low the l:W a.m. Maaa on Sun¬ Siemi Chi's and their dates Delta plans their annual tenn Fellowship of Religious Lib¬ will include Kosher Cold-Cut claimed Friday. Feb. 2ft. The F»| t'pnilan house will he day. Newman (lab election* are • ill live In Uie debonair and party with the theme "After erals will meet at 6:39 p.m. Sunday's breakfast forum will Supper. There will also, be transformed Into a medieval aKo scheduled for Sunday. I 2. castle Saturday from 8:St-l? discuaaiomi "What Other Philosophy Club imxSihg at |m> Friday at their formal. The P.m. Shields, battle ayes and a Decorations will include a mur¬ tin Albaum. of the Department Churches Believe." on r* will R ! " p m Sunday will l*e fol- f.«r llillel tri»phy, an Hillel Queen, and election «»f |iut><*nal matraiine la apansarinc •■It *f armor will he the appro¬ al. top hats, gloves and cams. of Government Renearrh will a social. party at American lotion priate decor Thugs and gunmolls will bo at the "Baron's Ijljil. and pravidinf appropriate Ball." which la the .fraternity's seen nt Asher House for men | .ration* welt as fphhtt annual term party. The menu Friday from <130-12 p.m at jfhiln*. pin-ups and a four foot their "Hp.xl Daitv." lVeora- Attend Church This Sunday includes com is h hens. a deli¬ . I fiM»it ofTeelnf a taaat to "the cacy from medieval days. Ton* tious inelude blackjacks, guns liiftM Chi'a and their Play* Roman trio will provide music ami other (past(enable article* The Spartan Wives will pre¬ for dancing. a »*h»*r tenn narty. the The- sent their annual fashion show t'hi's "Red Carnation Rail" Sigma Alpha Epsilon an 1 Sunday at S p.m. in the Red l>c held this Frldav in the their (Lit in .ire following the Cohir Sehool auditorium Dec¬ • Center. A nostalgic sum- adage "When in Rome do n* the orations will follow the "Spring garden comrlote with stone R omans do" Saturday Their an¬ Fantasy in Fashion" theme and ami fountain will highlight nual -Roman Toga Party" will background music will feature ,(prorations. feature toga dress. pillar* and Roehelle Segar at the piano T» tie In with the "M* Fair II j»t " theme. Alpha XI Delta's are Ikoine a social hour before the East I^ansing — Campus Churches l«i.m«ter'* Spin entitled "Would- i *t It Be Loverly?" ■vend acumen's living units • a'so planned "pre-Spin METHODIST CHURCH OF ALL SAINTS FIRST CHURCH OF PEOPLES CHURCH CHRISTIAN STUDENT .■>" before the dance Thcv EAST LANSING EPISCOPAL CHURCH CHRIST SCIENTIST EAST LANSING FOUNDATION Rriinh of The Mother thnr.h CliooN* Ihr t'alyerxlty Cealer Ctirl*! Interdenominational AT Ptul'l.rs CHt'RCN WiImiq* M Tmnant. Minltler Ihe I ir*l t hurrh •( Srieniiwt. Rotlun, Mm M Wed t.rand River at Mlrklgaa la W. Grand River CoHbri SundiT Sen Irei Ate Abbot I Nnad — ft». 8-1111 IN K. (.rand Ulver Siindiv, Marrti 8 SI MXV SCHOOL RFV t. IIKYMir TUFT. l\t*lor |:N a.m. - W'urUilp He*, tierdon M Jane* — Uertur It Lights 9 it ( niterUty fttndeMt • am. Hreakfavl turum at Cnlleg* Rev. John P r>»rter - ( hapUla II tt 4U inker« Pad Cedar ftrboal Home iMvriitviun Will renter on SIKMOS Everytine It W a.m. - Churrh Srhinil StMIYY NlKVIiFS Sl'hDAV "t HKI>T srUVICK JISIS- •• ia and II ib» A M. •'Wli.il Other (Tilirrlie* He|je*e" • l« and II a.m Worship servlre* , . Red C'rdar Srhonl II N — IKM'MtlVi; THF W AV OF I N A.M H--I* Communion Readme N.Nine al People* t Intra It. One Hlnfk *>»| of a Harrison Ad. lit W t.rand Ulvef TIIF I.OHIl" f.-n • at 4 H Famllv Servlre and |i m. Cnmpna Vr*|tera at Col* Ox Sever |»». Mux., luri. 1 bur* I tmnli S« hm«l t a m - S p m and 1pm - * pm Sermon In lie* pill lege lloiue lireiiining Willi tinffet Il:iw Wor*hl|t Service Wed., Prtday Mipiier. I m»r t sp'er* will lead « II N AW Moraine I'rxyrr nr Hole • am. -9 pm. •tale Theafrm Saturdav Ma - I pB tin iint evaluating winter trim* ('otmnunion and Sermon Chnrrh Srhnnl Sundav I pB ■ I pa Akhett Md. 411 are arlrnmr U attend ( bared IK AM 4 M. Cain|iu* Vesper program- I AMI Kill KV Ct t'H her* Ire*, and tbil and **» the barxery 4»*il»fcle I VIKYONK W11.COMIc A it Ueadiuc Room Crib room ibrouch high *«h«m| age f w Sunday TORIRHT AT ODAM S TUXIDO BROILED STEAK OR FRIED SHRIMP MARTIN LUTHER UNIVERSITY LUTHERAN EAST LANSING ST. JOHN CHURCH EASTMINSTER 1W *»•«-•< «••< *t I^IM ••'Bag »»nfei m »»!"« aga'.a • 1,»>4 MO00 COMPLETE DIHHER SI TS CHAPEL CHURCH TROHTY CHURCH CATHOLIC STI Ht-ST CliSTIR PRESBYTERIAN •I M'm ilvngnw tea v III MAC Avenne Saturday — llrolled U.S. Choice 10 or. Steak (Mlatniirt St nod i (HalMmi I Btberan founrlll 4 Nible learning Mlnlalry >81 MAC AT*, CHURCH Olhfr SI > Ir- f«r Divtiinn at Ann Street Complete $1.75 la Uie Center nf teal 1-aaWnp Fatl I .anal n g Junior High SiKchiI tag Abbott Road (harlr* Rtinfcairk, P»»»»r •••day Maaiea IN t 41 14 it II It Aim anil ladir. t KlitSt WttllAM*. Patter IHINT rVHIfiKT SIMJAV!! Donald W* Herb, ( ampu* Pastor NIS Abbott Road worxrip apRyictt from *6.93 chapei pi* i-arta rhurrh til l-SATt Dallv Maaa 4 41 A M. Rev Robert I. MureUad. P»»t..r ITALIAN SFAOHETTI BUFFET partnnage tli t r.il ti ta axn. Pltt SI RIPIItIS FOR A par towage til t-Atlt PONltlYI ||»t si it It 4TIOS is An EYE and TASTE appralini: lluffrt Tahl. nf Confrtulon Saturday MW l it I " Froa Real Italian Stvl* Spaghetti Jello moid or chef a vxlada •I N04V at Ml 1*11 R •^ AIMIAV St Ht lit I P Sermon bv Rev. 4 tt to SM PM • Ml |« *N P.M Mnreland Her* ire* * m, 1*11. lilt am. TkouuM l«Und or French Dre-mlnga ■ A |iR AM %TIC iSsTAScr tlP Murning VPorahip IN and II an Rangy French Bread and Butler or hot earlir butter Coffee and your chwtcr nf a aherhet or ice rream I niter.il* Firetide It IS a m. Mill* PRIFTPC TISfl poMtR" Neatman Club Kvenlt Mr and Mr* HI'SHAV It M A.M. 1»m t.reen. Leaders Cout Rapper, ' Ill III R %S SI ( lit ST 4Mb OVNtN BPRVICRA a pm — Supper Mr. and Mra (heron Mill*. np»a«»re ALL YOl CAN EAT FOR f 1.23 Gamma Helta Program 9 pm. S 41 am Bnndap Betamd WMb • Open Ronae flnnday f ($ p M. i m> P M rlata for CnlveraMp tradeata ( of fee Will He Served Xtal lo the m feet ihvneii wim. kk sekveii •the |«rd« Slipper' •indent Center A ll pm TRISIVV t tH I ft.lATR i iiioi n> p.m. Pl l LOW SHIP Bunday Brboul Moderated b* Pt.lor Klinkalrk Slal* Tbratrr PR UPRHARII Ml 4HISl.tR All I'niveraNy for WrtfRrtdn t am Phone PI* 1-STli other dinners from 12* p.m. I rlbbery Pavtor (ammunbifl and Hirtllid I to * in Prayer and MM* Brady THrungta Junior High [tmitun *l«lj O II A M ' S earn Wad. UtgAM i>nttu»iai*wni ~- "Two Block* From ( ampua" i-a.is IN4 F Grand Rlrer FD 3-M71 EAST LANSING UNnY CENTER OKmOS BAPTIST UNIVERSITY CHRISTIAN EDGCW000 4?i w GRASP MIA t R RttaiP U MILLAR. Ptotor MORSISG WOMXNIP AT II AM. CHURCH CHURCH SPIRItl *1 GROWTN- PEOPLES CHURCH Hunday s«n«Mi| I SPAR (MP < AMPCB Marble «MM) % mu (TATK NKW* .rkrwrinHi rtttr—t IM EUROPE 1958 Campus Classifieds . . . I-ow Co-t Results Siirtlitrnm 31, (larhu* Bm.s -1 I'll llidi 3%. I"afiwlinii*f 21 Vjnnn.ird% II, Vtlt III M lovrrllmf) .Ml. I.Ion* 22. Dldltr. to Cagers es Saturday All Games Wrestlers Travel to Minnesota I'urrri 24. I'mrlrn I'lvr 2« \>IKR»CAN YOUTII ABROAD •Ir4rIrk I". Mm 21 . It'll llrownetnnro 2«, AtK'S II 23 "llic l«'"" I'merani "I'inr Art." I'rtienim Mum milt ton* 31, Van'* ll«>» 2# Ma Jnnr% M. II.k KMs 33 llkrt 33. fill Met 12 From Now In Final Match of the Season H*|t|>a I'hl 21, Vrl* II IR On Crueial ronriJTH flf Rd Trip AIK S I 3. AI NOTI » !»»}» Tour Kl li.rll'* 3, limb* 0 Itig Trn T.S.S. C olumbia ; CI Montreal <1113 CAMI'l'S Cl.ASSlrlKDS By (iTJI'l K III. IIAKIIS a 3 -1 *!at»'. makinj a victory of victories was snapped last I ioc .\rU S.S (iruole Itert "• se%» I oik 91343 . nere.sMrf for an "even murk at week a«ams! ,\i*chisan. B> HARDY CURIAE (ill). n.vtt thuufht The Michigan State . IIKJH nEAtlERSIIIP . . the finish. Other changes in the? lineup - . coaching was ri> t a/nrdous » will find Joe Marchal starting era travel to Iowa City t business. The Michigan Sta'e Don Ntroml will he making his Hie fen: Holland, In* land. I ii*i rntmurg. flrrmany. . . I.OW COST assistant wrestling much was last appearance for State on the at 12.'i He nudged Jm k Koehn in morrow nijiht to play • Switzerland. Liechtenstein'. Austria. Yugoslavia. Italy. piaeti to seize tin starting San Marino. Monaco. France one of the Spartan?' best all- mat hut Ken Maidlow, the other e berth for the first time. John vHawkeyes in wh;# Spar* time wrestlers 1 >i Jv, ..., prat lice lie is slated to wrestle IIAVI: (it'NTHIR F amilyV nes?lay. He is in ti e hie pit.•; now awaiting an ept ration eorrect the damag?« r» V, in tiie 147-pound class. . . . Ilawkrye lop nrorrr !<• a a." ctnuh we'Ne stated the 'The only niijtie is to do thf p'.oi ^ HILLEL FOUNDATION , U'undin it one of l oach Friul Frpshnicn interested in be¬ Seek Seventh Viin pte;sil»le aful hojie for tfn- !•- ley f oIIIoh top prospectn and The game will bo br.wi. ing manager of .MM' Tennis ill town will he in the lineup when the over WKAR, WJIM arm \\ I Keith Di*on (trimmsts Face Wolves ... team contact SpaitaiiN take the Jaunt In Mm and will rtart at 9 p.rn Purim-Party *" neapnlis fur a Big IB dual match with Miiitirwlj. I D 2-33.14 for information. • • The Spartans will go into n> (P,--; record i» at -take f- , !.: M.inil'■ unt« nten un- with a season record of I Tonight at Ann Arbor A .300 .*. was game "ililltis - A - Poppin" S'ate in the year. The tfie final du..l mi et '•! grapplei i a ?»wn •he ;",41 d nff.-red II..r*..i the injury and stunid'-- string wins and Ave losses. those defeats have conic in it Four 10 competition. The S pal tan gvmna^t- travel specialist and a very consistent Hi* best events are side too the t'nj^er?it> of Michigan scorer While the Spartans and H. ion I'ositions i\ tonicht f"r a" dual nui t in tf-.e horse and paralb ! bars SiiimLiy. Alurt'li 2nt|. 6:00 |».in. are slugging it out. the jnl r mural building I'esta. also a all around man. two coin|wt.itors to the rf.r hi The Pagoda The if record present l.v -tand.- scored J'f points against North¬ In iLina and Purdue •< . AaaA. a— miamua li»'*»r»i luvcslig itimi < .iiistriirlinn a' a very revp? . table, H-l. tfn- western. the team high! his sea¬ playing at Hl'kmiinglon. p. PUBLIC WORKS <>• f.nlv he-, coming a' th« hand-, son. Ilis hest events are still In other conference Sliarrt'% /rtlfk I «»n^r«'^alM»n •Ibuil* Itriilges •iewers-Slorm of Illinois rings and side horse. Saturday night, Ohio St ait , |„i I week 'fu- gvninads coin- t'Oth FMfilMPFDIMP cnainunmu Drains-llvilranlir Struelurrs- Tarshis and fleeker ;•••■ a' Minnesota, the l.'mve: • imiiiiinis n-ater works f»le»elv 'oerpowered weak individual events specialists 020 l.intlrn (»ruvr, Lansing Michigan is at Illinois; .«>. 4 Norftiwestern sfpiad 81-30 Tarshis ha- Mifferyd ' only one cousin is pitted aginrisi N < liiirlt llfwrrr Sopub be¬ def« at tins season in his event w eslefn. See ilic Itepr.i-*. nlativ e «f the lieves his squad has rraehed it s the high bar Kosher fold t ut Supper, lliimanlaschcn, Skits, peak and should he vietnriouv Meeker l- undefeated in free If statistics mean anUhm; it Hcrtlrr the Spartans should he fav.tre The injuries of Id f.acnirr and the only.Spartan who Flection of Quern, Sm-ial. 11121 II. Mi. liiftan COUNTY OF LOS ANGELES \» ommissioii Id I ole. two Michigan Stars will rxeri.iM' hold- sucti i re ord te defeat the Hawhrov Thf certainh hamper the W»lier- Othe» fop performers f»,i have the league's best defrnsn I or Itidr Informatiiin t all I II or l.ll U-.s.'Ms I ueiiireriiig It? i niitiriPitt Sen ire and held goal shooting mark inr's ehanres. Coaiti S/vpul.i s t< am will be S/vpuhi wtl lentrj ,i well -e.»- t'ap' fill' Paul. Ton» Temple, and als«i surpass the llawk* . ON Tilt's C VMi'l S M \lt( II & nrd Angle Fest.i, (i^irge H«>p« ly Hog» r Toumi and Tom Werth- rriMiunding and scoring • fined 'f|uad bended hv C'al (»ir- mann State has an average Our hnuhuic is oil fib in >?»ur I'iarcmriit Office Sf.in Tarsfm and link Hn-kr The Spartan- d. feafi d Mu lli¬ 89 fi. points against 73 7 f«.i I • (iir.ird I* an all 'around gan. fSR-331 v. last year an ••>. 7»i 4 • • i DANCING PARTIES For LoiittTiifiitT ami Froiiont* Hit > tfiem latter h«ve 30 4 t«» a floor sh'^gillg 40 8. fMi'fciKr and 40% OFF p... 40a t.i 3H4 . . . let our routtmun pick up your launrir) T«i beat Iowa. h'CAe.t AS MUCH AS iind tlr> rlraning . . . garmenU rclurned Spaitans wi.l have tn.v'.-j eonfrrenec-'.o n>o-1 fxrtent sparkling like new. two M-oring puncti, f. . Ij.jvc frunther and go.ir.i Evtry Sahirday 8:30 to 12:30 PICK-UP »■).'. Wordiaw. and Admission 50c SK! EQUIPMENT \m: AI«i; i I liAltlNf. M l. iit'lt DELIVERY he%t an game ftunthcr is eurrentls the liur scorer in the Hi* rirrnir of 31 point* I o «u Tho BEST ia GOOD MUSIC SKI PANTS _ SKIS Serv iff . i,f r.untfier and 4H »f WordJaw thr.r (Mill.. Ht »hat louedry * dry eledft.nf the earlier game at K-t SKI I'AIIKAS BOOTS from oco»* new when the Sj*artan* Sluj: g u.* ( V» Al.'.ili.ili.' 11.'%.•nijj.'*) |s game V FRIDAY A Have a WORLD of FUN Vaint Jtore / » Tnvt/mtti f IT4 FRANDOR CINTIR Ml? IV 7-03*4 A Unkkli—mkh !•» C«i MARCH 7th 40 " rooi MARKS THE OPENING OF THE Orient •w ,i. w i» BS CREST DRIVE-IN CANDIDATES US 16 - THEATRE - E. LANS. Chooso employment or K.-iiiIm-iiiIht ill.' Ilulr! I'lu.i l.i uUa-utl graduate study MS. PhD CANDIDATES Choose disect assignment As an RCA Engineer r*- •"> ' 0 \ • ■> V* -l( I - . ; ■ . | ( , *"" I »| i»n*4fit>riil gmd* 1.. ,i prngir** > ■» mat r.jw- i- » . ?, H« \ «•'< ! :»'r v< .K . ri«*■ • .(fftmrnl. n. I, ami drvrtnpinmt I ■ c »•" \? '.<,!«• > ■•!» ir riK'fH * ' ' ID N > k- AM « • • <11 4 hl'tv Him >V rlc» (i >mn « . , i '» i .»>' n >«•!>,. *'>.1 .•! . '<-■*' hr-ef MAM in the v a r-jiuj-MM-fil fwU- a- »r!} *. ,ni-i> fr..n lid#,, t*M H*!rr Hi * |>4*« if-r toll < •*! » V- • n.i». I .. a I I . ,.r, '. \t\ n il V- < I ! H in. a
    rr. I «*»ifNtWtl!< 9 COMING MARCH • »•••" *'*<4 *t<. n,«n tinned b« >)* <*f N ll|M» I W»WMti IW H-ghaa an»o«n** campus interview* • * mr*tr |)iri * ritintvH »»itere««in* fb »<•!; riMI ptHcr * »ltRrfr»>t ji#»b 4hr*J •l'-iil a.. Hi \ mm wen *f!* ra.reer ^ ni far Klrctrtcal Engtnssr* fil \ !'*• »,'< •»>•! I V*« :.«$*»*r«l Sjw I itf the«« la. !«, In hmU' a wj»e ijc% ai«>ut 1lfrI |#g>n |»% • .4.1 lit * engineering inanAgrmrrtt n j ?e- M.S., or IA.[K degress. f.41 ttrne ...» t4«e»»rU MM'.'ab'C I'lnr. •[ ■ i 4.M|'H»\|(| || 7 Consult |pair placement o0ice now Jar an apfnuntment. Ilifht 4*. <«r v,,wt |7«. f-H'-rtlt .illi. 4f I.4J » |!)4fn| 4«>A' .HI « ! n-r ! ■< ymif tnh tviru \n.l jfrt \»»«n ».yi»A I iill.|f N« lilmii., Iw |»t t K 11 i>! it if liHhhwi** t)-*l at*" *.«* 1|» #*;I y.»« «n «»* t !«r Riilfci I «f Wi tin »•< Ht 1 j-*. t«»4 If *.■**» rr li»M ti|> %Hn» Kt \ »rr|-ir.»ntitiiit«»Ht m tr«.la rr.vmif »«» i aniiII • 3, >m Jrrirt D rlicalr hammtrrti *«dd Matched l«» faahkm mh»r< Ju>t I»«n kit cxvtnna ».f trAnvn lemonc* n het* todky f?.r b*i st RCA im iv. t ii >MV r^,-*ffMt MtfO (OMOMriON •§ AMERICA WALLACE OPTICIANS Male tWakr MRU. IM UrrIn n U» > ai'l U ho is still unilefe.de I 111 Ids hut one-beaten Frank Modine against a strong Wisconsin push the Badger star t.. tie: best. stMvinlity. Deacon9 Jones and Cor Spartan sophornon- sensatioi a By DAVE RARRFI.I. squad. S'euart. however, -uffer I hi- III tl'e, event tnh«l has done on excellent I null the purkalrr, Into tonWO—the best team ».■ (ace.I all In spots hut year Wisconsin s|M»rts a good gmup • time of 49 5 in the !00-freestyle. i ^are ahead of (he Gopher* who pion. has yet to lose an inter- we have some mediocre or jmi the t«nm deserves credit of first stringers' but appears to Fat'erson ha an unofficial 50 4. I t,M>k over thai position when for two well played games" eolle«iate race. downright wank events which . have little depth. Wisconsin tin • Badger I k kstrpkei T<-m Wiss- mean that some of the other I Mjtr dropped (wo tight battle* Be-soric singled out All-Am¬ Jones has compiled an im¬ ished sixth in the Big to last iiif; will give St11; tan Don Nn h- men will have lo score more J t., North Dakota last weekend. en,\ui candidate, goalie Joe Se- pressive and string of major titles added to them when he heavily." year. o1-. treiitde in tu- •■pecialtv Wi-• - 1 • get* and !{•»•■ Parke fur line Wisconsin f'apt Fret W t nil t con-lderi'd l)\ Mel "atfree For Coach Karl Sehlademan, |v A! " on the line In this series | l.i> against the Niskiks. won the two mile event at four phal and State's Ai! • Atne: i, ,»ti II tlx- se, i,riti strotigc ! Badger •"Ss, un-herald Big 10 different eastern board meets retiring flu* year, this meet will Don Patterson v. ill ,l« h m , 1hi«at I y i.ii'.ih is out of the running This will he the last appear- Mure January III.. serve as a team tuneup for the top sprinters duel Wi <■ >i, ,m mm who could pro¬ Big 10 Championship* at Cham¬ •>. five; losses in Big 10 p! iv. anre in Spartan uniform for At this time he tht event Ttiis- will probably he one of vide points are mostly used m a ,•(. need* bfrly « split with three seniors: ('apt. Bob Jasaon. ran paign, III. in 8 58 6—'his best effort to date S,» far thLs |riesot i to glVV hustle they've atelv the threat that the Hawk- r-.r July 1 after 44 years of couch¬ fast skating GRADUATES stalwart for the displayed all hiikiH., eyes will pose for the Spartan ing. I (.nphers is Mike Pearson w ho F.weotT tmth night. Is at 8. 5 CinjbitlT Sibsrbn Step • CmpDII i SilDia SUp • CaapDU't Sdirlii {? MIDAS MUFFLERS ts 661 ami Gl'ARAN'TEED AOAIVST BI.OUOIT ASH RtfflTOtIT LOW PRICED Sorta I FAST SERVICE degree — — Trust and confidence are important in every — INSTALLATION FREE — situation. Hut double important is Hie ehoire of a pharmacist to fill your prescription, that's HltAKKS eundidutes why it's best to send prescriptions to the College Drug Store in l-'.ast l.ansing. A registered phar¬ SI4.95 macist is always on duly—-day and night. .Most INSTAI.LF.il 1NXTALLED Two Shops Campbells ORDER YOUR important your prescription Mill lie compounded accurately and quickly at the College I true at rxrlu-iv,- Itnrs of the corner of Abbott Road and Grand Ki\er in Millar Muffler Shop Auto l*arf« new Mprinn clothe. Fast Lansing. |?(l-l?l K\ Ionia St, J93«» V last St. <('*-27l UK AND GOWNS Phone IV 4-5015 Ph. IV 2-J0I4 - IV 5-3446 t'nion Hoard £r FASHION SIIOH The College Drug After the Spinster'"* Spin .March 3 7::i»pm Zr R NOW Prescription Shop f 1'ehrunry US there will he another j.m nion "The Rcxall Store" CANDLELIGHT III WET LS Swedish Meatball* Shrimps ( reulr ( Idrken Salad and Tuna salad Ham Roll and Baked Bean* bjLd rirfa*. Mh ?* | ■; K'llh the red door 321 E. Grand River Union Book Store 101 Last (Hand River Avenue Phone L Dye wood 2-HII3 a iii («> Jam. Scalloped Potatoes A Potato Salad Jrllo-Mobt-salad. Roll* A Butter ( offee Relishes u CaapDU'i lihilu Uap • tiaplill i Sditiu Shop • tiapiill i Siisrhi - Spinster * spinrake $1.75 per person at O I) A M - S DUTHOYUt CAPTAIN and (Mam's Kill Be Illuminated OMA thr String* of soft Muslr Kill He Plating with Soft ("andles and SUB COMMANDiB . .. II TO M |% "Two Block* Ir«m t »mpu*" Io(o I Orand Riter FD t-UtJ track..-.stalk...hunt .nunr each eocn other across 1000 000 miles N I .ate Show at exploding seas I W O LUCON^ I Alt IANTIMO » ewOMt IP A Tonite Sat. lo Jo P.M. at feature 12 43 • 2 45 • - 4:45 4 45 •- 4:45 4 45 - 4 45 It 43 I ranrols sacans sensational best seller . . . now on the giant screen DEBORAH KERR, ROBERT i / MITCHUM 1 ' CURT JURGENS DAVID NIVEN the ; JEANSEKRG Enemy MVLEHE KMONGEOT ? below EWELL m Otto Prtmmgef s BONJOUR TO ^ ARMS UK • t • MM ROCK HUDSON JENNIFER JONES VITTORIO DE SICA t*ps-un«M MtWWH M tm fM. WH ML Rug i« dug f»—ig kMU rnt mo turn m Starts TODAY! f? if ) r me me NmMai tm 4 *••• <*«» M ( i« - iii - i n - »•* r.K aonnraMK juucmciiico • Mil RNOAHKUIMt w»g|(il ■»«■»»« me i*4IM (Til • CMMoa • U**|i eeem MICHIGAN 1= •M EM M a I* ,.. bMb* Far CoaoM* Pnm IIV t-l»JI .. '!( " m1 ■KBOAN (TAtB NBWI Wbwry t*. ItM rseK Ilillel Groups Annual Festival Slated for Sunday The B'nai B'rith Hillel Foun¬ There's a Full Day of Shopping and Fun for You at Knappes Today..9:30 to 9p.m. dation will ■ sponsor its annual •'Hillel's-A-Popplrr* Sunday at the Shaarey Zedek Congrega¬ tion, 920 Linden Grove, Iwrnsing. A Kosher cold rut slipper will be served including " llama.i- SIwei lv Lovely in 'LfA Rischen." J?&.. ■v1 . Skit* lit the Purint holiday »pirit will he pre*ented by Greek hou*e* and the Independ¬ ent*. The winner will he award¬ ed a Ilillel trophy. A Hillel queen will ed from the following !*• select¬ nominees: Softly Drapetl Yonnie Baker, New York fresh¬ man Andrea Kom. Detroit Nylon Tricot . , freshman; Linda I-anskv, Ho.'lv- Br p-ood. Ha , freshmnn. and Mux- ine Mavorbcrgor, Detroit fresh- mar,. A sorial will follow. Hides will 1** available at 5'4"> p.m. from Snyder, Abbott. pi CJilchrUt. South Campbell. K.t t Shaw and Butterflelu. Sua llrvtl's Twin HU.I.HHINA limVN Home He rnlt SIMtlMi *X* Sl'MMEIt } Croup Fleet* President llvll Slwalli •Itarhel Dotman, W.itervii..' tUillei. ,i 1 | I. roll A JIMOIOi SIMtlMi ('riit Ci, Urge of 'he ' H"'( Chill- « Krmiornie 1.1 Pr-Vinre VII - «35 meeting held |.e ♦ • k» n* «14.9.> a' a lf> 'Chie.-u;- T'.e I*t..viru • VII groUp if rlij.it - Mi' hi;:.e.. Ilu not,. h»wa and Wiseon-m 1 hi- is what drtan - are made of Mi-? frontier was t di h-r .'e Sinn sl.dk of a dre - with rows of to the provim e t:iee?.Iig I . » lur king and • tit« hin« "Wiffi threi -rjuar- this \erv feminine gown is .Af-.ir She ha served a pr< - ti i^easy -tep-in front, fwlt to n, iti ti <.r softly draped nylon tricot that '•I Jade GriH*n. -i/e*- 1 to 1 ;t Mmantic ballerina . . a hght-as- president of ,l • Hon •- t * Club <"oum-i: air creation that is perfect for KNOT'S HTOM) IT.IHIIt cocktail parties and important 'I no 4.ron/in l olll i'lir evenings under the stars Has For YS I llisrn**ioii dialed bodice, net and taffeta onder-kirt. In Sutmet. and Blue to r>.> will t >e (.run Misse*. s./t^, n-.Mee Midi*;!,14 of S'uderr ILghu- a:.I We 1 fart I C- gre-s Bu-,!!»•.*- af:«l St.i'i AfT.I. KN.NTrS Mi ONp »|.(N»R it*. :t thus afternoon The coo- T"»;t** discij■-> the pmpo-., t«. ![ie N.if.on.t' S'u.un' Slivlrli ( '.arselotlv 'or, A - «A*.ati »n .:i JJH S* idet,* St ' i:nn"i al.-e llrhmro !\yIoii •i -osy; si/i; I lis M l.'' I ul Iti- I Ion r In lliMiur H inner- of Vrl >lui»« I lot tail Swiss s:i.T! " I Anvil Ss'lan I I,:. . a O. gl-: •*« tght ft' ,, . , • . .1 , -.III h ' f.v •;..!» W I'h All- Ml' ' op- .Ita I . . I *. -.it" id - ti ap >* + ' > . ao t I,! . and with"'/ Dnslvr... PtCTVRI TNNR • ... FUTURE KS NIT * ** I Itl • I I It mm: Ml Mi l I lilt IN THIS III lit SI IIII M.INi. •MWM6 COMPANY I I t t t I i i Budget Spurl »»wrjtr llulinn Ins/timl ■5.95 lllousr I'rulurrs < x ai he * i W* •' a:.d '«• \anir or Initials ,t. •. O a o • s t. •*".* •> ■ p ■* ieU - ' MIoh 2 Hffh* lor Ileh*it* r . .vfA Unilli, ho looking toi 4 solid satisfying *\ Ivw-r I'a;; 7/ie Vlu-in iar is * mrrrr pan* »ith a in a glowing uiduslis %#gn»ow* miii 1.98 • »,> .i-#(! A'ai -h- f vmIici. .* .aj \mtrn4ii N't lilin » »oi| ate I ouisvdlr. Kentiukv w«olds Jr IMA • • Bo fur I'ajuniiis. lis latgisc Mi.mi it .it loii '■ ot a if I ilttt*. dust ing and srotilating rijinptimi i out to! and liral II .1 I r. i 'ate |>| . I *j KN NIT * *1 I UNII ILtNIK *3.98 - needs gradiMti ri»gom»» to >' ■' t ... MM!. H I'lti* I. B. till rrsjsonsihlr p»b* in sale*, 'U p .o p.n dots dauv'li> ..«> ,cr«d tM-ritsfsoned. tr- dr.g-dr' -•! < mgiiut ting ami pioiitiition in i';C «i'h r* .*"« it* I* tirld eltiif-s and tunc ' If , .- U ntanuf<*t luting plants Imaitd >-\!-L in si* i Mir* KN Nil' * * l »;i I I II ton; KNNrr* sMttMl IIIMIR In |«i!» ol I"** \ \l will mftugutatr it* in *t tor no.oih Mahnnai llaioing o.unr !..• a M If* t glonp et rngoicrnng (iri'il't.lui' Sf»• 1 or Mllilflio! ind OHIn duitful lioo III \ \ l plodoits. In I utK.iir T. 11 sisit the (.olorf nl (.oslnnirs rampov in inter* tt« tmmsttd MMue on it F>IIA>. m\Ia ii i L()5 pW "119.95 Make an ip(*)itumeng mm. Nov fperfidy pruvd' IInucrts- thaiHtgh tiMir I'UiUnrnt tHftsf - pf-ione and tap itorage com par invent. *o(ume and tone controts. SxT" oval •» tr- t'-• vet * uric aw Air lArr N ; i.t'h l.v J'a, vs s»'#.yiJtJ el speaker and handsome carry ing case Tor office work- hon a? n..u?u >r*Mor- CwMI, toe. i- a*,- an '$&* >•' ^ ."•« < i s e.. s. ' «r party fun. iMtnvdk kpafvtiiy •->a. h< i .;.' ,m ) j,p1 . -»tuit-r k* } ■ !■ t »r "O, hra-i-fiMiif ' Oin ftv%rrs m n cimii C-'i'Sf • i h. MU2NMNL Ife KN Ni l' s s| HI IT I LOOK