1 Pfp^pr, i • :.r ' iV .iPiifr T:: -J WHY MOT prrice Michigan State News Saturday'* football gamep.i WE'RE OR, SO POETICI *» w Soviet threat p j Thoii shalt have rslni, Farnlty appointment* p.j A Ioihv »1»y 'twill b-. Society new* p n That's lost thine mind If thus pleasath jre. VOL. 50, No,*ff <) f : t&'W . V I EAST LANSING, MICHIGAN—THl'R.SDAY, NOVEMBER je, 1058 PRICE 5 CENTS Spartans Play Reds Take Kansas State Steps to End Seniors Take Final Bow In Last Game of Season 4-Power Berlin Set-Up By ItARDY ( iici-] State N>us Spnrt* Iditor Fourteen seniors will make their • < 'nr. State Owes Occupation ilv when :vc ptar'ers Tapt. Sam .William*, iG an #»'i; To MSU Desired \: Kellv »H'l Mike Panitch. Cili/rnt to St.ind The other ten inclmle Iii. k R.,V,r < 2 Month* Buck Laip.-e. John M hlleton, Archie Mat-won, Jim \V . \r Jehu-'m I » ;.n Ravments Due Firmly Oppo«<*«t Areral, Ron Rickens, Roh H.!• . r M''Far! a ml. MSC'b financial RF.RLIV uTi—The Soviet ( oarh Doffv Daughertv has devi-H narate units for parent, Union Thursday t k the the Kansas State battle, tine to eonrlurte .1 three-* ear ca¬ N>w» ■ Afafe photn by Snrmin lime* the State of Bit tl\ftOf.|l TI'KI'Y. f'narh Duffy Dauchertv. and \thMir Michigan, is two first >*tep to '..Id up — . ;r* reer for the seniors, and the other to start t new tine. Diii-rtor Itieclf Munn. left In rietit, di«ril» in .ispert of the M*|' months behind in doling out pmigherty plans tp st^r' au .•» •• .v*.- : eirie« athlrt vet-up daring the disrtiNNioit held in the Inion Itiur*d4)' |»ower riccup.'itii.n of 'hit . its ?2 million monthly al- former German capital. thu§ night permitting—and then come on v.p». H .• .♦ ;rti:.v lnwancff, the university's defying U'eshrn d*-twrm?nao lineup" for next fall. "We'll start with the «eniors. fellow* who have contrih- I nlv.'\. Huffy. I5i»i»ie governing board learned tion to hold on.in Wgat iWr* Thursday. lilt. !•:, ..i« nt John A Hannah Soviet Anib'ivnAdw And-#! i rio of livjH'i'ls Speak e\r Aci ■».r.*-et ." ire 'o «he that Stdle tViurd ec:« lalive np- of Sm:ilT'>v ck'led H > '■ e - "ir d pt usually rernved in ' A * 1 12 "j'lal *ti.in'-:ly installmenfg, Of Sports had, Ratnor ■ere tia - >. - iav, « rhlnd $f,4 .fid S4.2fft IBB -v v'.'.'.'l millu.fi probably it on of ft* t W:t!Y H IIMIII I \\ «■ KI IK" I. i\» ' ' rth ' r t*(»!!t"/e athh'ffc*," Dr. The ie>at,| v.-'ed »f» seek a \y i d H. i-.M f. i M R'/ i" f tyoo iton v I'M. tentative. *;• -1 : ,.M —ti» the Ml'h- i.l* 1 'i • '.r -i-.v i t. An .t'r- jih«r»' t.f tmnuuiljt.y and friend, .**-•?» '.'a'i'.nai Bank • • • eel i-S vrml.iT expi ' f,n \nu lie saving. keep the girl of amir rhuire out'until lletalU "I of the it I APT. SAM WILLI AMS ne\\ o rkikn In other hu*ine««. the Id- surprise smir« f MSI* St • Its > Spartacade i nt . ♦ no* - Vdenaurr meeting were sec¬ St member hoard heard report •.. Spartan starter's reach I'nrl ok I he line , ., !'• >:' "!.C mer' I A a ret but the I'.ussMn* already faculty 2 round ' romparinc aalarte* ■ ;V r • r -ad*" «•»« at .Ut- at have disclosed how the* 'I'M enormously to two Rc*olutioii t*-.j.,n organ:* >1*1' with other Itlf It *ehool* pr>j|XH* • •. - , e to •nd the t'ntvervlty put the S'liieete . n the Amrr- *.• ?.-f "le «>ti of ( alifornla. vn iuck this time an- mi.' I». „ l< ans. Itrltish and I rench Iri Hopes Fading for More * v - ' ;r i:»f u«* Thi*.Jineup will prnbabi* h;t~\» W ifii.i uis nd IWir k•* ■'! T • ' vs! A MStf ranked ath for profeg- West Berlin. «i"rt. "f *r.'. cgpU.nH Vie '« sional pav ' the ends; O'Brien and l.aRo-e .it jth at the associate * *' ' 1 ' IT hi tjick.e Middleton . f}4».« i!mw1 »j ,•« of •t-. ■'.# a'h r"c j i .-r-m arid! ->ver Uf and ats:*tan* >vel» and lat in ?h» f 7 • * •-# and Kelly at the ctianl* and .Mat MStr'i role aj renter. by 'So Survivors of Freighter t>.t««ed rosin- «a a msmwr, ifi>*rue!or pav. roMr ■ of til W»"'(-rn A i»w -«.r, in the trackfUihl. the t:r V mi? "!' IV " r if '' • ;r : t UVujtf Of \t time* remark* hronchf Hie Sx'ard a!»n nksyM pJang it and rat: .'e* f> r -r»# laughter from the audience of » ■ »r jiiarterhack, Wulff ami Johi:-.vi iiii'i Are »0 people. Hat the panel han* for •!?'■; a'1 '•-« of 'he univer- At f: hack; aTv's '.Ve*»r«>rn II ice .n H;t*a Clf AI_!f.K\ DT.V i/V) ■ Ibipt >if fTrsdidg more ur\i\"f.-; "• ' ' n to **>.• . . » , m r,« ne»*. .mi. ff -i, . . ,t w. . aotne' Cay u>e »ne M, •. , nd junior group u hj<-h ■•*.,' •«, i»- ..uca-.m ; • v M:,rm iosrri'rvl -he athletic Ik in state Tr.-jyer dy l*f e«*. )if'u(lqiiiiftrrn fit I he i harh'\"i\ < <(aH| r, prnup. rlo it* er.r ' / *1 '"I .nd t',r'• team," Continued i'a .i r • i iijrnnvv avd n1 tha •;,*«■- \ tf#» • 1 men', f B«- kv Haii I his alternate ele\en prohaMv mil mrt-i-t ot Dan Folli* •f *H.VH»'>0 and Dave Northern** at the end*: Paul Ro- pianr.mg new fore«'.:y facii.tieg len at the guards and Don Wright at center. ' ,'iv ..rtavh the Kar.sa* St.t'e irtie M, •• I'aij MSU II or II ilh It, ,ls !■ *«>» and One tie, and K.itt-as .-mm ha? three wans aiai • rt 'bat , Saiufinv .ark Fttnvrra I nfoltl >n- Tile ' •.f in'erett • I . lav ■U'.g ? six es. .re I T.lt ar.d spin' <-<•• rduig 'i Sherry The * It V>.fd ia - *r ■ '•* I omuht in I ninn - \nd whi|c the Spartans hate ln«t their la*, fite In a Lav n. puti.i .'v ■.pa.r-ian. ts .»*fc a,. f ('harJevti . f - A. J. row—the ..-most successive lo**e* the IP 17 cam «ent Plan* and formation* were, 310 f.-et of , v.-r • pAfi;nt nf a ''dm- 'If./!.. V/KAb '' I '. at I withe mmp.e-ed and o-rgani/4>d fur "e K'wri iK»'i.es have (.««*n Mi.'.! J *,.1 ■' .r r-*r •* *b»- '.V- ' • -frf-vf ' r. f -n ganiet nut >s» *■ >n • ne-f mrth rc> . • ed ®f their last five. i", DiiKhsrtv a|t«»kr out in favor of the merrf>AT*hu> n. viced < ■ - I -r .-•>•• a up K . if tntrnl" A total of I Ml Inr hid¬ • ' a'.- r t' « .r f If there's any statistical advantage at all. It should go tirkrta to »i? .n 'he section, she i>erson* " •'• .«• (t .fi" ;(i a .,jr that u on Id rrgulatf rrtruilms sail ing state pohre arid volunteers. -n ' ri.-| Dr. to Michigan State. The onlv two * -ne* ga*h*-re-t 't is | « i i, «•. .-j of prosprrtlvr rligihlr athlrtr*. Joined'( oast (tiurd foot patrols TV , « *-a-:r . a- Tha Block ' S" .eata are r.r»w - '■ y^ar by the Spartans have come at the ex per:-e >>f nun- . .T' 0 Ht-'if • -in t .«•! h '•?«!• of tin* Island* |ri„the vicinity of jr ■.* - a- --gv i.nrj a .'oro- avaiiaoie to the^tir.eral ctudent cc- >rence i*i hu d:«:.kf ' "■>*• f urrrnt the sinking Ui hunt for ■■gy. opposition. Sororitx t olled* H :o ffidy. more ■■it vne The Spartans, although having i grm'.',n- ».-! ;>r arum bodies, pie«sible survivor* and >t ar " VI Rig IB record, : ' - U Fatal for \ewly v. - - h :s ,n • equipment from the Hr*dlfy. Mi fcme beaten California and Pi??-' sob-conference tilts since Li&uy er'y 'And r, ?he pa*? !"• m-en'coaon, the \ '-A • . « h#v'i"g gjvinu aherty urn* ' ;*tr :T*>r " ,'f-t . -n ath- 'By L'nion linnril I'clilion, A physi'.an dosrniwd 'he ''"'n '• . • t -re Kf.'f' •«- ?'-■ n FroJ's Seel; Umnn Board Week petition« tnrvivai uf May* and Klomrng ( lav Till- .#-1* -k« Okiaf OT To /teller Lot ■ r e; .rrans have won 14. a in ' a* 41 ir.'ed . '» to • • ■ afts of • forma would, an athlete for pubfidty, decoration, »rt and i* -in .i.i.rt/ir.g >f iiuman 1 fam.e. .Q The Wildcats heat W voming and Nebraska early in the •ndurame' Me n :„.1- -v .'id plrk 7.i for an jiu jnow. dance ticket* and expreaned i.e. i: r u n ,s * |y .. i,n- season, and defeated Iowa State la*l Saturdat, lt d. Fhev , ;ef there httle for The -Deal ehap'.ef of 'H# . a .e «• . ..'i5r id van..' '»tf»' ;n«'e«d sperjai events committee* are was der A 1 r "er *•.!» A; r A**r: Univ. hate suffered ka-i* to Colorado,—IT ah State, Missouri, "te- Ma- t tne |.r«*>ent -aIji-i, r. ! (jet a avanablc uj 'he uftiyb Con- otr,er$ ever. > y chance, lame .'.ear Onondaga. • < an f - * made It to :and." i'r ,f^s.,ry ?'.v heard Oklahoma, Kansas and Oklahoma Mate. y rnt- Ten ff in Last I.jlh>-.ig. >etu.r .lest4 'type >t prei*urt" course. W s 11 e r Adams. winom .t s, Lfh Kruil, Kansas State quarterback, is the top gunner Saute Lame. Bill Oil. TIiom* Tcama Koliihiv Service charge simpty don't .iav# tha? A.*r»•• »n 'he L.-u»e**ori gutr". ?• a,' . At YM-VWCA ?;«k*- an ait'Ve : rpruV- HK/ .ng 'heir ,*t> ;.c fv.tv n My*-* - Look What's Coming Out of the Huddle! St* Th. Convocation VM-VW' A traditional -ill Thanksgiving ["»«!>• ed 1'rof president of -:iscu**i"n JI.»f >/.f Me '.-n if ?»rt , harder, five hem is try, pn-'pc-iag* chair¬ Sunday u». | p m which v.:.:! r* voted o« Doc. 2. -Set' one, 'wo It's 'he Durifig half-lime intermission apiece ff»m Camnbell'i, and a 2€-0 Delta Gamma virtCfry. -n 'he Alumni U'.vapel. Bapbi . . Phiifip rranke! wiii speak. J"hev ire «id ftmu'.ar" mil* Su'-the voice Mum Powder Piff of 1 Js5® wiil fourth and fifth place winners, Gamrra l*hi Beta captain Mi*s f*ubiy*htht ef ihf foe* that K is am d:»?;nctiv fem.njnr' Coe-is d Gamma Delta Gamma -or-r.'.es are Phi Beta tar rvitsea selected send AU carr1 j* a reproenutivo, frater- gift Studios. certificate* from Mar-Kit Gray looking add* forward that to her a '.earn game "is of vi<-p The l/mveraity wf: liffong in- g.ven Serv.ce, 'aker. id an a! 'ne 'he w nterns- ter- • d M-il versity tional salary mwWs put the I nk- in ci*«« A4ITs acale which rale* ». in the na¬ appropnately attinoi. '» this an¬ VanDervoort's Hardware will fun," and everyone u in/ g'»d tionai agency wh -h ics readying Lor 'he anr.uai prov aehooi* in ralegoetea A A to f. award an engraved trophy to spirits." rvl.ef and rehabilitation to pow i#r puff . * footbati nual 'queen" contest. Entries dents, stu¬ Asking' that "rrcfnidr* '.each— All are weleome. . game, scheduled for lb a rru wiii be judged by er* of the the winning sorority team, Miss Korb. captain of the Del¬ ing summer quarter be paid at |a:ar.iay on Old f - «e Field. *'»rontjr coeds, here '®r Dad's Delta Gemma coach Gradnon ta Gamma aggregation, says, toe same rate as 'they are for C>''acnes ot -h« v< .ads are comments that, except for the "We're going to go out there I'nHmiinler llumrtt other 'juarters. bra iiU'-naily from Day events at both ':ousea. '*■ cam pus Amending e*;.«?.ng faculty MIKE PAN ITCH frs eja.'.wi. CW for'tfte This year the -queen" will ba lota of Mary I-ee Gardner, in¬ and play our be*t, and we hope llnniU in Rriignnlion ©t* for loU of support from our $*tiiraU n str*e. ture • •. Sparta, **nior* pliv final rnllfer ,am« .. • Dr.'a Gamma team, and Beta awarded a 115 gift' ceruflcate jured this week in"~prectice, tha William Burgess, postmaster Iri'ludifig a tear jng facility T-cta Pi for the Gamma Phi f cheering section." from CampbeU's Suburban Shop, team looks good. .We're out la of Rau Lammg, handed in bla member a* an eg-r.ff.ci* mem¬ ' Bt* Eipht conference. Ife'a also ranked amon* th* Head mantora J:m Hayirn for • crown for htaw*«/, and a dec¬ win and think we can." A pre-game breakfast for alt pUyerev-coachee, and cheerlead¬ resignation today. He plana to ber of the fitate Board of Agri- ■ * top paaaera. Gamma Ph; and Dave Gradison euiture. orated paddle commemora tinf From thy opp<-<*j',e s»de of the ers fbusboy* frem each house) into, private #n?erpri*e. for DG have ar;r,our*ced start.ng F.siaoLshing top target* are end, fed Price and Joe \aHr-r. fiffensivt iine-ups as follows the event for his fraternity. field, coach Hayden ays, "the ia scheduled for Old College tem^ua. a faculty club oh 6'6" nophoniore, haa 14 recepti -na for 1ST yard, and Gamma Pfci lieu Delta Gamma Critena for selection are list¬ Gamma Phi team ;t stronger in Hall at 8 am. SiTurday TL7F far Theme ed as: 50 percent audience ap¬ blocking, has a better and fast¬ The annual contest betwera ojchdowna, and Vader, 6'3" junior, Km nabbed 16 Pal i«*#« f.le»4* *uw»*u»» > uood for 177 yard*. sir* Von Or«y. r*pt c roiua<»r ' t/G k»ha MirOoiar i«»» Ueoay or peal. judged by applause; 40 er baekfield. a bigger and fast¬ the two Harriaoa Road house* TGIF, "Thank Oosb ff§ Exrhmng0 Concert Sana W^utvortia percent judge appta., ar.d 10 er line, ii in bettor iptrta than Is played under regulation in¬ Frank." h the theme of the Un¬ The University of M.rhtfen !*0 team,, have met five tirr,.-«. with the Spartan, ! arol Aaaervwa U l.i»4a korb. rape percent sex appeal la*t year, and by rights, we will tramural touch' football ruie*, ion IJoard dance to be held Sat¬ Woodwind Ensemble wjll grv# i a four-win, no-lo,.« and one tie advantage. Lait ) w»r Ifcir B«n« *M (hUPI Two runner-ups *.il receive wm," >hd c.fficiala art Irvm tbe 1M Brr Mike I.H Mariana Must# urday night from 9-12 n '.he an 'exchange -onceri «n*4at eg gift certidea tea worth $«2»0 Loot pari fam reeulted im dejmrtmaat. — r.fina canto front behttid to win a 27-3 verdict. E^«<.i«u Urns Joaa . Utuna Baxsora, Ibe coat *a 17*. •a* ii u ■ :y;.fT£ >;» ' Mit'liigan Slate News Russian Intrigue CHARLESTON. W. Va ''v Michigan State ... i.l . stuaer •s.rvio Uullam, s services Bullcung. tat Lansing. Ea»t News U»« Michigan Mlcl.lt... Mrs Thomas Shrewsbury of Puiili-t'.ed on .w >- Mondav through Fridav inclusive during Read Daily by MSI 't M.OOft students and Faculty M>1 ,.s weekly during summer term .ar.d a nearby N'itro saw spots heforP ,;i . iff .mo i . -■* 0),H ninTtinet and latl terms Eni»r* SIX ®*SOl'»4T - in..i«e • • ,pie • e'ed "here for uuch word ovur 19 • 9c pu' day FUFF aiirsi AUTOMOTIVE •ft! V4SII HYDRAMATK C. -A ,. , i • «r-' >t «■ •• ' f.d » . I N! st Ai VI (. V . 40 nU Rip?'handed d-* itdr-sub- • « du.»i «c'ii P-.-rhent neniiimt H l?5 Rnrnmw after 7pm U Moit Ib'iillili'AA Pros IMl radl» -and he»*# r PI.V VIC" 'TH triJf>R ve*i,ir Excellent "ve-i-.- antral /»»din n «»'3 P on* 4 03*11 ... M - IV I ."** Mar d- Colt odes Weeds I he Garden arrl gtntlnh O'inif R«ve- t! « UPMtlr nntprnpt " *b d ( he*!pi toil, am» in not *»♦ hc»p Mr nil - education is man nut tin the At'"*; VPVHIVIFNT TO Sit AH iCv >ii feet !b»» a tvan-e' n* if; • w-.- older «inle ttndenM TTPFWRtTKR RBfTAIA . i«4ume. then, ♦ha* . evetunfN IV t n*7fl about rental • .u.'w • unit a ••iitij dcientifii |it• >i■■*-** »n "kse g * •he New York gidntr* our pur- >•» Iff? Ft * MOUTH » • -- /« ® Phrna IV 1-1313 We deliver < e'tueatlnnal de¬ •■f edii«.»ti.u. Mr tf'V.'g*. ' . > i both Hi< 1 untn ntttrr RotiMs AND nam quiet i« half* » Waehter'^ ne If finf ml«le/i'l vmi hMVr Keen d* Ante-1 M"t"- ■ (»■■■ ip. I'wt .,,| dign.rv -'ean and i>*-htTig Pai'iv furmsi ed siut uiiiniee Ph-oe evenmga tv- T.V. RADIO SFRVjrr .ir!v kill I It'll vmi Vt §s» *'»»• g a 'di'-l'iiffl "hot - cuiTtfemjtttiuH* t.imr* MI tow rate* to iire fn| Michigan IV 7-MM 4 appeti'#•. |t ie d el •»*» una • on '• -e t >ir>- A'h* ihN' have tp»|»i*c,'>.-4t fun (hifi y gitmfy .ianerr H A' !IF! OR « nn.IOHT THRU- All OUT OF STATI RATH M»iRht* lie aim re 0 *0 *• a*- • «g' Ho' »ig' n and . >1 ' r Ideal for "fie it . u rt'ldlea waid lit «eekly TMI SAM»' see ^rnrkm F0» SALI The RerniNic wUJ- not if • 111 • i enjoy *v,. eti'h'-ritv " »•» I- tft The ibit ;.»n 'in' ■>:> ■*:;»tee f»-. BEECHAM A KNIGHT Osr 'owe* t»"W ken AUTO SALES t»w#» «*v i*f|«« *•»♦» PERSONAL '•» n 'o» a **»* re -• AM»t»CAN »f0 fAll IV t-MOV AI r.FHA riOJys *i EMPLOYMENT '■» •«iimate» Keep '« ' ft,U " T.««f5 heat* i fRID%% rx rt'TltiNAi uppcwrrvir.'w F« lR * |fi»r«.tn 11 ed :« r.«.d« 4<>P>lian< A rF0 SPARTAN TYPlNfJ FXPFRIPS FT' II\\% %ll %R II I D i.i t amer* -i » Rhop fUoiti arure cloaa • i."» "u rn . Ir. Vr ''*■ '* " *0 ft '". erfi. K> J;-'#} k. I rlirevt (. I VI VI % III I f % y.»u to t. building ttiei* III pm. Mar'*r a o could find farts jw«! Ple'ge-pi»un*r*> KEN NT DAVIS ORCRKRTRA fD ito rttliff rea-.tn R pm.. Martin Luther < hapo' l>G |»|A(FAST lONJf • i rdtioatinn bull ; Ita 'liaardt P®rt> and -»C-0 Co-'-* >f Huffing il with •igiT hunt FOR RENT K W AST .rti-d NK. DKI.IVCRR im ;nt FULLY 1« fnt rtee- «f *V Sawd- •* fm *4 j»o not fail Rl tit R %N|I RRIIM I n'o»re IV » TlTf «e|nra | em lor p :n ldre»hsrb Pav.- tavitii mivt deUva- \ tf OU»C« S»" • Crossword Puzzle append a c riuin.i , I iltia IrttctTt.icnmui ve*tt»rfc, i m. MTf.tin Lhapr' SRUONUT 5MC» PARSJSC. Sf'AyF »r»H hi ivy •ice a dm »•*>«.>" IL.HIMM**. meeting REAL ESTATE .M2 MA""" OM« AC RO*k -|J rr'.ephona HM Wilis - I lAtlklll RV « I I N • Ocean ti .It> »■ -i \L 'hi*,! Ave A to p#n., 4 CliptnlctA Ni'iiii c'hn h Mot? i;»t » btif h % tool II I III R %Af s|| MAI VVMKI RFC Hit .FN A'* i)R a MASON n.«ne' >» t»i be ** • ♦ _ . • Deadlp %««*vi«»\ >m f i.h < hufrh t >tippet •otwta ore 7 3t» p.m . IliHei H •* ■"» • »n Sea hath aeryirea H b? p.m. Untveratty tutf»ei.m RALLROOM DAN T.NJ g'eea •• C'THlWe « A I llol It All DINT » uith f*r«tgTam |> Rniier* •"•truetton oe iwr ; **" f nllnty | ardner 4 A 15 pm R*;.d •Np-e'er *tll «i»eah i»rv -Tin Sw mg. Fox?r«A - • Hilton at IV t-73f3 'or -r Ne» Teat a men! Speakr to Our •MONf Ok f ID2 *li "• »Oib *bv»ll* ORf.ANIf ^tlON reeardfnf apecal yruderv t'. nTer t'afeteria <' h !>a« - — •>.' edu. a'lAii* v.hi winlet • MlMCJ! HI' r'»r»ot.r I M% » KMTT H THtRIA I V - eduir.1 1.1.*rt > NfW FRA rCRXITtRR, SORORt- A f»«nir jr»m» y~'< he •• f ivu to 'lowed RiR». R.J5 t»m, CaDmt'i SluderK iln». '**' H» » >«» 'iiau * very «""d • IIdof«;**>.•« ph.-f»e War* w -a • *•*•'*" ' l n-'-t'ii !'"• aviAic'e. and stayed Ontrf CH>Ffl h>3u<* • I III l( N ->i-at»«»u . h* rtv r «t" Id IS pm., PafsiMtaga ;ie*t *tj -er ., A' ■■.* il \ F IHfli't C«. QUAliTV MltCMAsS >4 • • »* the tm*r-veiirj and helped Mill. M1IMI sIMINAR iteaktiHt «|I 2.,* »» FD y-iyo» Skfiov SltviCf n r . a.'Ia <■at the ompty bud- 12 ittattt. 312 Kg Hall rmrerflly Iwifhrrjn Chuc i h rvamsig* a«Hl tumUia ¥) II A Ik al« \ in tcpihr «>» what y«»u /IHIIIN.A slAIIWR N-udeitl ihkty dMt; F*i ulfy ION HA Vk A kt* borne -&n, A4 C • » I t FahI.uh 12 ruam, 4.M> NaT N* ;r»vy 'Tea. her. - • !". » » u." M*. FP'tf "1 lhr« tw o-J^rtrrvntvi e >. Wa»tN O.t iM • ' lit Tw'»t*.| "ape t od i* uxm for ©nl* a- ue gpi*#m atiivs |*» thy nm* RfXiPi.K iSH)l CAUF* iai •73 ;«M1 TChtwri 5mO» f»i." Iv t'apila « 'ii'.i! get a little gioup nl «tu- A!'«a«n cmuomeAi. '3*ft t.^ae 1191 0U« UTJVW»« v>ai Nam 1Rd llAa.ee, Ft". »-«/•. 4 yu-nt# l.grthc! an.i v;n«»ky al 21 Uneven Men who veer* »ysie»n- A. t u-« *iiw' iTw« amueameni o* - * SERVICE J3 l.dt them e*^v»C- WM. H. THOMPSON 24 I'hem cal at.callv atn iked »t for four bt ^*"4a' it'tt compound veir* utnied into rtpe acholam. 3V P ♦ ci |Yi hape .ir t I'M Id wink out a 3d l.isvk RayR eii-. 'iar c >H:m Once ujk«fi a time eminenl TRANSPORTATION m l .bVRioal i»i. fcsv.wj. va eniId piddle awav M MHbcval «1 ati essay whenever they had 21.1'iA id ice •.he urge aU "Copry" uf Hat- *a»d(olfi v ,.Td aiNii Iau j A« ton "f Caut- bc idgv Nt'W, it is. of beTHtiy U Tropical (rud that they write wvlumm.njjry 39 Tcp»« on. for the moil part, needle** 41 Fly U«p» * 43 "Rpot! "^t U»»| "'I4 Marallatul fkllawpln 43 Mi'ham- Profematn Lorch of the I'ni- nved * ran* vec »»i> of Michigrtn h*d the ;aat •inlaw wwrd on, the mwjdon of an in- 49 ham ib* 47 Kxclamw* aUuetco; We Ttn' Tiere to d«* tuvn vriop what is in you and. net W re.Lb to mairiMi you tn what ia in 4* 1*4 eni»9 The aim of ectiicatitni. il tavuld »ceu:, « to engender mi IJ -• wamT,wCTCT«^-». MSU News in Brit?] MlOlir. \X ST \TF NFWS AAppointmentsApproved November 21, IflS# Page Three \foumAors Take Pavcli Exams ... p Krlandson and Dr. Paul King of ■ took the preliminary examination* of- he ot b v,..miners in professional psychology -.nations lead to the highest earned the ,- ..., r,... An n>«n Six appointment* and new n«- signm.-nts. ten.'v:nati"r.< and It ieaves of absence were approved Thurs¬ -;x recitations and siud% •< Aug Don.tld T "-'- ■!! and : • iiHio travel MuntRonier.v. Tirol to , In Sept. Study Nt Philippines and phytic< I and vm. t.» U.-uver-.i - Del ilon, II.'. 1 .nt I at Staniord I mvcinty, IBS!', to !)«• ,-ismmj 1-1 » 1BA8 to *«*rvt« a. lo U s 31. prof, tc.iiher eduraticit. Ufft't, to teach Ue<>rge Itruit* ntn.-e «.r rdue.it .. -n GLADMERmi v ti.'t: - piionh iv. 2.9«:ti . ■uv 'tion ■' r '<- "*.«< Frjnty. Hrttrv Leon. of day bv the State Board oi Agri¬ !.*' .if 'i.« •■- )>■:!' - status in the American P. ••<,ho'.. - % ;A dep'i phtlorophv. sept 1 l;».v». • . '• 'he di-- if the culture. governing body of ' i A ..I i »0n. ■ 'aIT Ot «he MiHivan Co¬ n o av #s ii o v\ i \ t; „,.P -vus in the field of counseling psych r The MSU « Hk it. v rite a litmH re are pro operative Fvb'b oi Service -:?llomats on the faculty. ' "'f ■ surh * * * ment- Appointments and new assign¬ Krivtoes. ito ai.idy \pril 1 editor, Infnrmattnn li.Vt. to sept it MSU and travel. 30 •Acre approved Thut'div by tho State Board of Agriculture. p -....Xjffci- £&>**}**■ Oe« -sfr Ksrjr phy*'cat plant d!- \V'i>on i'.tul Utm-tor. I.ecture-Coti- Uunlnils to Exhibit Livestock rsclnr. Oiklapd. Ot-c James Mat- .ert set , . June 15 1MB to travel They weic: The dawn tes< tH):u«-,'vnt,e jtirdliwtor Con* i ! . t. •• i ., I I .>• -1!\ ,g. around ...uld . .i- i c i v ■ , ttnumg gdiiestnrn. Stov I. RiJUTI Other v. - ii! ah*ei\< r i• »:' ■ t.■: mi • . : tpi-tn »• N o 1, a vk -A Bridle Club will present its .nr , | Itane» ..m « auditor hu»>ne«< offu-e •T • 1 V'.K! s.-f -fl tor .*rna- Nv.t lo David S'.erlo, irad Ai.vancrd If Uiaduate Lri •«•<** Show at 7 pm. Friday in the x . k lMV >n . ssnsrsi lomii'jnicaiMn arts. Dee i !.. s t.v. ; \t ir,.»i ,i| stud ir. "Mtn .'jx lb of . f,, H. ,-epi reatures the fitting and showing of -1* * l a new Kaye • - un. •'« ItifAUij dire- tor ot aiholar- a -••f . i i'.tul !>»-.!- *y h\ efltock •hins I'e.- 1 J w ifoffmsn. Ulreci- scbmatiii atloit art* ■J5U ,'j-i- nts. omn.unu prut. its oi division «>( *nrtncering research. ■ e'd ui Dfiiilill L! * * nxxin nrm.n !>-• ! Kdng !«<••• mer'eld n*i'i * )-■- . . . new head . . RetignaU. • and Ion* mstlnn* Tear Iters-To* Be d' »' id •' iw -n an per via- - Denny's o dor'mn |/,'(/(//(» Majors to Convene at I ml N'rn Html *• ... tdwm sprafue iratruct. r natural ' • " • pe ■ De jI lMrv.tr \til.'s ilothmg and ie- UlddleU n Start New Club res<5urr^fjl mco.«, >* «• "A meeting of Radio Work«h->p wii: 1 ••♦e.t .rts Deo .1! Hr.,nd -rd V:!!ar. < Kitfhsh pru I Jan jl His. A.een Sofktnq ,Y ■pm ■ -'4« Aud. AU »tudi-m«. intm--.-,i m ,RV Mh,„ .? Iterlo flrother* tevttviok edrl.-r MSU The MSU chapter nf the Stu- ire .nvited to attend. * # l/tpoinleil f*re-« Vov -V U-.il*- fltidotpe Nohfl jw - Nov *J. dtv t will N i'iMtijJ^Fducation A*sn hold ond 'A •- * Apn-vr/ment of Dr. Dnvi v; '• Vx.s .»s,.»k* prof, contln* an or ; miz.u >nal tporlmg 'V) Give R.'H uiru o«.. iit'.n. New ]» meeting at 4:15 p.m m 113 Fdu- ESQUIRED to Reading at II ,pa,. f . ri.-partn cn ihtmn building. across \ ^ ,t\ •f '-al -•> lunlpatHW art SaM-a* j' Vivo of absence The purpose of i'-o i 'ub i< to • •NO »*>A«y IV » !?•? "lft r*Xtt dent '..rest Fronce 1 vf.« ed Tl:ursd !v by :h M.I *1,1-1. Ki-ld-r, pr 0 L. Abbott of the foreign Ian.". . • :t.. . «; }-r» -. r ' 1 to Mam .11 u« give prospective tv.i dn is .1" op. » .«■ v ptittip Tboron. »»»t Mr Mr IV vwtth popular Michigan >peceh. W. w w : A rr.t'U. c i" ' e.-r.ii".>«1 enfiMeenng. Sap! protunity to become afft isted cm ke-A W»:e." at the fall meeting f 'he Mi ' l. g to ■ I •' r A ig 31 I WW to study wdh a profetiional .prcnnization NOW. A. SAT. . ■ r t) .t t nlversity «f Mh-higau, Ornaiory t-j »*. W^yne State University Satin".;,-. v. .»* S'.' 1 to Aug 31 IW to " the field of edura' "n. The * # 4S- St. l-rro- V - a*, e prof a:f SNKA is the gtudent division '•I'll! 11X111 clish * ~ ' . i llll- ■ '■aval in 'span Fdilli of the Michigan Kdocation A >n. Kil l Klf Ujienker Staled D-'■ ' 'if x .- foreign language*. • r to Aug 31 lwf». to and the National Fducation A«sn. AVI' I oi#w» Smiley, national field ,< y, • HOT CAR filRI." k. • »n, will be the guest spe.iker •»«.- TODAY IS SI l»ER HAKt.MN IUY! (23033^0 •• . rna'mnaf Club L ,M f h in Jl Union. Smile)- will sp..,k M'SXIOV-TIK" on Nnmiolenci ■8 a ^nr-i of Achieving Social Change." VII Ma* Pro leu W St* T*o IValiirr. • STARTS TODAY! THEY'RE IN A CLASS Hot SEIIOA r* iintl "VI \ltlll r.RAS" BY THEMSELVES I litors Meet Show Timei nntiuuuus frnm 1 |t,tn. I Please Industrial I < ri sr ,t too : or in i'ome Karly' Much I'" t\p ansions Kri A t»i » mm::nleationV i« Friday Rontons at Kellogg in In- 'he DUtof-CllffllKM i •» 'f. The JCrr-vird ' :■> peakers Atkin. will of m.a!:sm; Max B iss, in- the Wp-agiiNIiiMeif mmCM er T actor Co., Peoria, Orleans ; Angus McDougal, Interna- \ Har i .ier, t'hieag.,, and Brims, published of ; ft**- r Tr«rd»" magazine | I '-'-A 100 fitters are expert- 'J5»X:C r -i„ f«r 'o. event, -o.aponsorer! IfilWG'IHKlfWDOIilH Si > In*t::«tr1al Editor* A««ri — \l>o — ' k.g«n, in ronperation w'th i MSt* School of Journalism r ai.au iiwt r... MS|T I^ibor and Indust- DANNY K^YE CURT JURGENS ggX Oflbaog Hflatu n* Center. * 44 NlCoie MAURfY FBI.-SAT.. SUN. V iMB 'Vnu -r»i u Cou).vnir 4 SI XII IS MIX. at.lh 3 BIG DAYS! "tti.li via ia ir ur*mf ».M« tumirtt *.a«--t»»a rwarl an*p«ii on I.All MUs t UIIlMlS *- I'll IN f • \NI» *%f,\\AKI" - \N|» tlimYs •*I 4HT \l - i) VII CIS ST4KT \T - HsBUiNKESL #,IN Till; MONKV I (Ml - 7 ltd ' "p - '« Ml I 37 I (HI 7 - '0 t 07 • - B 31 VII U '. wiS*', llfil bino%T" v -A- al I • I '.5 • ■ M m CCHOm by DeiU.F. (.148" *1 1M - ft 44 - la 3« LATE SHOW TONWNT DNxJl LUCON^ AUIANSINO > IP UMI. l l ent lire 4 omplele Show at 10:15 P.M. 12 :50 . 2: 30 . 1:10 1 t WOM| Shown' »»: 15 « !>.*oo • 11:05 ■ n ipia -t p r *•*?«. • -4* ATTXf *5 tf r* # + •e- *r% "»*"* - ■ 1 MUI 1 ^ • ' * ' t . ■ BCYER - MIMOI VI SKI VOI R I'FWV Mr.HT . . . \ Hlf# *I((|AH HI \IIIM»IM. UIK I \!l -IIOVS \t I'l \\ V M nR»r H 1* A l( T S SUNDAY!! MIllW I.M I'M. CNFESSKMS MAK mUMMS MSP! tart.i-uw v^i ...at* rnmn ttor » V* •** nmw oi >»n«* t>a«- ipitk. trftom flA—O • •*•... IIUM |=^| ■nzrii. .ii WT-Mf fMKi ii Mtffff—E-MttFm WttO-WtflB EZmzl Nrn •wiiaLiiiiwrM IN LOVE ANDWARj Om haar af Cum t (Mm, ■ Ih'."'"* T«knkwtar t'ralur* ■ ml - Tracy A Rkhart litart la "THK BROKEN LANCK" Ill 107Ay coioa *r oc .u.r i ,i« i iom ^ T»| m *>« nUO I vlt CtN«M*5coPf: \„4 s.rrlk. M >**>,. J. '" "■'' ' ' "" '"illWW «(WV- -r—i. r->? t i MirmOAN STATE NEWS Kgitabfi tl. 1*51 nil Em Leek to KRAMER'S LARGEST In Annual Green-White Game DISCOUNTS For The Cagers Tonight at 8 IN TOWN t Best Buys In — Anderson Unveils New and Rebuilt By LARRY WROBLEWSK1 Ami Edit Pat® EdtUf The game It alto part of the Basketball Coaches Clinic which Green, candidate Btate's Ail-American and high-jumping though diminutive in sire, is a smooth floor player and play- •ki, who resembles jack 0„, fie. Tom Rand, who capab'y -u, V'-' I maker. He reminds one of the k & STARTERS Students and Spartan cag# followers will get a preview opens today at 10 a.m. Some 300 coaches, the largest center, will give the Whites height under the backboards, quick p!.y of Dctrmt Pigtoi* stouffer ha, placed Dave Scott son last year, will in h».-,d a.,,'; | ,..T \ ft GENERATORS peek at this year's Michigan State, basketball team tonight. number to attend the clinic, are expected two-day to watch while Anderegg, who. averaged 14.9 points per game last sea¬ Dick jhown MeGuire. vast improvement thi« ve.r and may be the answer to guard corns for the On - Harry Turak, who sv.i , .,J I ft WATER PUMPS The annual Green-White gam# it at 1 in Jenison Picldhouse. and hear basketball patterns discussed by guest coach Bill son, has uncanny success with his jump shot State's guard problem. Head lac the Oreta -ah action with Rand. a year ago, will *■ Holding down the other for¬ ' ft FUEL PUMPS Track Meeting Rohr of Northwestern. Aiding Rohr, Is MSITs e##ei- ward position is Lance Olson, renter INrmee Walker, tut sr.. Walker w Th*?-^"'! Admission is free. in* capacity in Jenison The . i„.._ ,,v| the important sixth man last ft CLUTCH Plins < Inc staff of Ferddy Anderson, ' season. Olson, a rugged play er, Ineligible. He Jnmp# almmt as There will be an Important Bob Stevens and Sonny Means. No Need to Stall, Fret or Cum ,,. See Us ! track meeting for all varsity and freshman candidates at 7 Co-Captains Bob Anderegg and John Green are expected I# will strengthen the White for¬ ward line. high as Green. At the forwards are two soph- Doctor Rules I Wholesale A Retail — omnres. Art Oowens, r quick, guaTdr~wil! be Dave Fahs — p.m. Monday in room 209, Jen¬ provide most of the scoring at¬ At shifty player, and Jim Bechin- ison Fleldhouse. tack for the Whit# team. and Jim Stouffer. Fahs, al¬ For Norris KRAMER PLENTY OP NEW YORK (A»._sr rt» , AUTO PABTS FREE PARKING motcr James D. Norri- ,..if ing from "advanced heart" 0 • MEMBER A. M. A. sease" and it might oo fats' tea e. kai.amazoo Your Key to Better Valuec ph. IV 4-1x1 .,, NLY him to testify before .1 jury boxing. investigating corruot. n So ruled Supreme Court Campu* Cltisslfieda tice Jacob Markowitz, acting 0 ^ Pa a medical report, in quash: Serve thf D Brel Burger* In..Town subpoena calling for \ - « pearance before the Grand He held Thursday that N-Vt jjy FALL TERM A Ob Sesame Seed Bun* ris to appear would "enmr.Mf his health and life." Judge Markowitz decision on a report by based ™ El1 • appointed Dr. A. W Dur E GRADUATES M a New York card in! The examination sought by Assistan' I>:a-J nart torney Alfred. J. So -, •*•>> n.| that Norris* testimony might of "vital importance to th* 1 vestigation." STry Our Baked FrrwhHourlyPie . • « N Phi F.paUan Kappa Commememenl I0W E. Grand River Hr«. 7:00 a.m.-ltM a.i Phi Ep.ll.ll K.pm Health I success story FK. R honorary will meet ,11 35 Cnlon, Sunday, at "7:je| Announcements FOR THE MAN WHO WEARS GLASSES Prepare - Now for Entries Due Have Arrived Men who wear glaaaes should wear eyewear that is an asset to their appcaraAce. Nothing (OCTREACYFORI Thanksgiving For Fencing #eta the tone of masculinity as th# proper pair of glass**. Illustrated here Is Harelquin's LTMEHOUPgygl J and Entries for the AlM'nive-*:«| GLOBEMASTFR, Just one from Wallace's won¬ rkismm — fencing meet must 0- v derful selection of men'a bold frames. office by next W-- Bring Your Receipt Ue, Avoid the Rush! See — Remember, We Give meet la open to a cept fenring letter en numeral winners of Fencing Coach . nu Schmitter reserves .the' .-.gy You FAST SERVICE at No declare any other yf siderahlc experience* meU.ni extra charge ' Farilltle# for prartirp mill 1 araUahlo #poa r on tart MmNlw al Jenfeoo MeMfe UNION BOOK STORE Awards will tv c ' first three men ;n earn evea' sufficient entries are .-■r'i.nedj The meet will start Morutaf Dec. I, ia th# foil; T - i»r : 3 in th# Epee; and Wedw Nov. 9 in the sabre . In the event that it is s th# remaining matches weapons will b« held 00 Thur day, Dec. 4. —r-rr^mr Martin Traded Br van (i Your T'pr State Tops E. S. TO Campus Cie««tf?edp m LGA, Dogn JNotch To Cleveland • \n*ember Jl. !**>* XT»ht lim Sp..ri» H • |>;n tdonr Page Five IVI Wins Tliursday J SENIORS karleski, l-atnlida Chi Alpha and the Dojrs advanced another notch toward the AIM'nivcrsitv Intramural foothall final* Thurs¬ WANTED 600 Mel Ott Hanks Firr day. Both teams scored victories, with IX'A defeating East |[ossi Go Near Death I Andy Phillip Shaw It), 14-ti and the Do** beatinr Kmntons 7, 7-IV. Wpdnesds\ beat. Fas? Straw nigh? Bryan 10 to enter the g in the third ynarter and Neat- SENIOR PROOFS to Detroit ~ sT I.Ot*IS >4*i- Ben Kenter Lav.mis chi icorptl' no .h tie's pass to |»i<-k IWrker*oo-iv^ In ato»d far the extra point. I pFTKCIT •&> — Thp IV- . THumday yin" Hospital NKW ■ iRLKAVR i.ni •eaui- '"•tig >»• :V • ner ;n and vherai to < v .» S'r*. MISSING FOR 3 WEEKS Ri* '•» a* h ■ *he Si Ixhh? a> • .^hrMtil Hillv Martin — I . Mel Ott. one-time National !l.v k>. the I unit? (lull The champions *t IJoy«' iohn Djivn (•».■ cd •virhrr AI Cientte fur h k' *ba!'. \n% varslt? lellerttten to- 'n (»arr Verhev I.e.tyue Muvrv'inir -»ar and a ,• .heit toi|,s. . • rrinnH's famed relief lion M""l unit Ray im»mU*r of Hall of H K,....rr . ' k- !PA'-hpe grid gas-, d'ovn |»hi!i;»'s 'He terested in hemming a hrr of ihe Vamitr tnein- Cluh c.'o n. VfiKe arc Merv::- C"ppingt.>r MiLcr', ). pg«< t"' d DIE BY - :'V3 I'able, ;t'• near death Thur.*- "h »•' Fa-> Ktf* should rontart any rhih * Iry.ki. »r 'he • -»i gstne-vi-viit infieliler ().«- da\ at d a hospital, -poke-- •.;.«* '.»•;>» ,» ng-'hve standout member f «»r itiformation or i-'urtt. K- irons sc-red . a n a e*?r.« n#'• t Aim*2 •h,. ji• major deal of nan "\er\ t prmed his chain es M'\ -nai A — n br I'nion a| ihe at front step* of the am. Monday, ''»m John Hank Ftpy sfppped Owpos. "i'h* n o (> « »'«p WEDNESDAY - NOV. 24 I !< gives Frank Mil I V -lim" re >»., I Wear letter eater*. M4RIIV V. # ;l, g..m* >«Ur s*» the Emmons extra pom? hp has neon • c A »'•1 f»: traded o! - >?i . . ^ to Tribe . Brvan 6 advannxi -ha» AT* . . , , m •rr -hi- Cleveland club 1 * L \ d •»,« : 1 » 4 r. "H k -.1 . B.:! i'.o pats a- s<*>d for iuurtianmnt with a "imp-:! fl ;,- !!£«. Detroit a mound C',;. »•<.« puUlip ■ p .<• Mf.ie arid '.he same ip'i'nd victory over I ( r:- a n\>.;'ation as ba-c- y.s. vu'-!«n relief punch. itoirl Hid Sri l» *">x id i|»e f .a'iK'i pi-ivuied the extra Wednesday nigh' Fu.-t J <. h Shaw n n v Si ti var'r f r»«•' bullpen has been a-* -h years and the For i n Icons * v • - K» • "•p am ila-Aks' b« bad- Brattle's pass to .lim Sullitan 'hieaf for Brvan 17-11 win was 'hp top ofTen it rolled '■♦o ive 4th FLOOR I NtON BLDG. a Brvan scored ■»«, o ,'afl, ie-pite ' the 20- i beer »h> t es» h PtiiL ip scored the oinntnt tonehderrn of t.s !.• :..":(iowri< Within in -ec- L , p.r'1,1 ,.1'H'CS Of Fl ."Ilk DAi.i An P \ y . N* v . s <; ■ t» d plae. . J:m Binning and Rill A'-.«dP|i.V :■■!. c,, , IN IMUVNKIM N |.AN*INC. ITS... -rcpq? reasons, has ton Rov! ■■:»! i ir .. a' mager *;.?Ter^(i . : * , . . "? bc'b eg- n'etosT a g.ant headache for • 1 t »•. -n« ^frn* efffe gampv " • " • JuifteT' suthmt- -nirtin. arguifed la*t winter Th.ii M«.t -lert) 'he ;• >pr.<\ g at the EAGLE CAFE I » U-pUter deal with the k an i r;♦». for tlroiled the I oHolers (its Mhlrtin, hit .255 JV ■ ! jm I lulled in F! r,,n«» ' II o-hpftuied -..ndftg* and Tender Broiled SfeitKs t* He placed short*, tup r 'bin 24 hou»« BOOK •• atviamed at g ,f the lime. » pnxltlnn tie ~ ti# t pli.M t»nly orrasionalh We honor hrolie Into the hi* \meriran K\|irt'v* in I150 with the New k i Tinkff*. kii|i|ti^_W iii". ( redit ( aid* I nafa ill \ Itllrtllllll r Indian*-' jjenrraf \ .p-* Sid ba«el»fl11 v o»»«' «n» a Kaupa «•»'!•■ .-ji marie n kmii s • A v r ym •r» i 9."»R he api -.\ai find hasp. the df • ■ . • .v. ,n far- .atc» ■' ' The Trend Is To Alpen e .dVyeat-old scrap- ■ hv F.ns' Vake » dtiai« ' 'ip »PP J IS V* ,•!*>' Mossi rarhed igue- at ' e • nr-T Loden (loth Coals , . W.r.n$ leveland in 1954 CORAL GABLES' t • . von ltt|)l«'lr IIiiiih i- 0 ll.ili.lll "|!.iylitUi *45.00 0 I Hilll >11.11 k« _ 0 >an11 \KS 0 S|'H l\l l/IXt. IN ti l klMts UK IT/./A K\ KKY WlINII XT IMI l» H I"! 1' M. 2000 SPAGHETTI FEAST THOUSANDS POCKET BOOKS U.I. UH < VN KAT OF REFERENCE 86c 2 FOR 25c A BOOKS OR l llll I \KK 01 T OKIIKKS III tl Kl» Mill If inula ANNIVERSARY SALE llttiiriH'k * 9c $1.00 _ AND UP • WIN I HI PER DOZEN Car Coats COATS 2(1% off J'« 1.1'IIRtll i.itoi p or III Tlir Lilr-I FALL DRESSES . xi J 5.00C 8.00 12.00 4 liarrnal (irrrn Hiinlirr* firr* BOOKS ADDED DAILY COTTON KNIT A tl«fnril UndWKAII CO-ORDINATES 20% off wool. » *29.50 at IN FOG BERMUDAS W off ' Al.l. ( OATH '•WH.rwn mtf >>' § IWPoaTMl WOOL, AND OKI.ON "» .ni .0»>, rwiM GIBSON'S fcv.l't" roc all-—„th,r ;V,fv SWEATERS '/J off KKST GKMMANV a Smartly Uil-rtd •( AM. M ANNER * ?y "• •• •Ml-aiva OTHKR CAR COVHI KHUN •' Dmih «aita*...«ina, MM SLEEPJVEAICAVotf • machlM ar tafc... Rmnlar II.IS ValMR Stretch Hose 2tamsc«|'$ • oanlffet <•»'..«■ litis ☆ —DAii.y M!>1 m ianiTl. w«p tm UNIVERSITY BOOKSTORE ■iJWlijtL tuuvcrstty Skop (In the 1'eople'ti CIiiiitIi IIIinL) I.BAND KIM R it W.A.C. (WM Jf ill I L',J *1 ,:.v-v"- .lM