^; ■ssiy* - JJN T .,41^ ' -r'1 .. Harriers Host 20th Annual NCAA Championships-^.. t*-?W By DARWIN BENNETT Two Spartan runners. Dave Lean and Jim The 20th annua! NCAA Cross Horan, also took 1 Country Championships will be held spill in the Bronco defeat, spoiling their scoring chances. Lean was th:s morning at 11 30 over the Forrest Akers golf course, with host spiked and finished 15th while Horan failed to complete the race. Michigan State shooting for two titles. Other top runners that hope to challenge for the During the history of this national meet, the Spartans have virt¬ top spot in the field are Tom Skuta of Kansas: Ron Gregory of Notre ually dominated it. winning six team championships — more than Dame; Dick Donohue of Holy Cross; Joe Villarrea! of Texas' and Jack Hill of any other team in the country. But they have never had an individ¬ Iowa. ual winner. ^ Notre Dame will be hark with two of Its five athlete* thai scored Mirhitan State, winner of the Big 19 and IC4A crowns last week, for the Irish when they up*et the Spartans, 121-127. will he pared by Captain Forddy Kennedy, who hopes to eop the In addition to Dave Cotton and Mike Haverty, the Irish have found first individual title for the Spartans. new depth in Gregory, a sophomore who ran second behind Standing n the way of a 'earn ehampionship-for the Spartans Kennedy In the IC4A meet In New York a week ago. wi!i be defending champion Notre Dame, Western Michigan, Iowa, Michigan State will enter a seven-man team composed of Ken¬ Army. K.in.-a^JJoustnn and Drake, a darkhorse. nedy, Bob' Lake, Bill Reynolds, Iavin, Horan. Tony Smith and With 27 ml I r ccs and universities, constituting a field of over 110 George Tatu. Both Lake and Reynolds could also enter the battle runners, entered in the four-mile run over MSU'a hilly new course, for the individual title. • Kennedy will (pve his work cut out for him. This season saw the Spartans place second to Western Michigan l"wa.trunner-up to. the Spartans w,!! be .ed in the Big 10 meet this year, in the Michigan AAU and edged by the same Bronco team in their by the.r ace runner, Charles "Deacon" Jones, who edged dual meet competition. Kennedy m the conference meet with a time of 20:18. Traveling to l»enn State, the harrier squad upset the favored vIai^ s will be remembered by many as the. runner who also edged Nittany Lions. 21-32.. to register their first win of the season. out amrner Kennedy Forddv's brother, Henry—at the 1955 NCAA Continuing in their winning ways, Michigan State copped a tri¬ meet, n ope , • -he closest races ever witnessed in the hi>: ry of the race 20-year angular meet with Notre Dame and Wisconsin on the basis of a 21-37-82 scoring performance. Another threat to the Spartans' quest for top honor* will he Going into the final stages of the «ea?on, Michigan State won the Houston, m-u inner of the Missouri Valley title with Drake, which Big 10 title with a total of 43 points, the same with which boasts Jerry *martt. a runner uho they plared third In the meet last won last year. > year with a 19:41 time, Kennedy was fifth. The following Monday, only three days later, the W.s»vni M " Spartans rnpped gun. winner of the Central Collegiate and Mid* the IC4A meet with 79 points, folhmrd Ame- an rr \vns. will be an. ♦her closely by, Notre Dame with top challenger for State. 107 and Army with 119. The Broncos. hv Art Eversole. defeated MSU in a dual meet The meet can best be witnessed from the clubhouse near IOWA'S CHARLES "DEACON" JOVE*. winner of the Rir 19 early -his season. Ever > came in second behind a the 19:57.1 per- driving range, where the four-mile circuit passes twice *— once at sith a time of 20:IS, will bo among the top runner* entered in to. forn ance by Kennedy, but WMU lint VTOVH .11 KKY sMABTT will also provide a challenge for won narrowly. 27-30. the one-mile mark and again at the two-mile djr'i national championships held over VI>t\ Forrest Akcrs golf Head Coach Fran Dittrieh. in his first flag. top honors in today's 20th annual NCAA. Cross Country Champion¬ year as the SpartMM coach, Referee for the meet will be Karl Schlademan, who «,ur»« at 11:30 a.m. Jones won the national title in 1955, explained later that Michigan State had keen retired last ships. Smart! placed third in the national meet last year with a plagued hp Injuries. year after 19 years at the helm of the harrier squad. 19:41 time. * in Big 10 Conference an State News COI IIF.S Faculty Members fnw la<« nichf was 19 inch today la It, I iclit »iww or rain ta likely Control Athletics With very Uitl* asa. By LARRY U RfiRI FtV«KI EAST LANSING, MICHIGAN—-MONDAY, NoVFMRFK 24. 10M PRICE 5 CENTS Am't 1'illt rate Editor IKFHTOII'S NOTE: Tht* column i« I Hp fir^t of .*t *en»»q (Wrihing the role, hislory and backyrmind of the Big 10 Teachers' Union Seeking . 'conference in control and regulation «f athletic*.) Who really conirols colleire athletic*? i>> the coaches •find athletic directors direct the athletic These are some of Ihe-fjue^Ions which the average cot. legate .sports fan prolmMv y m > no r» •! thought. Kach Saturday during the football • n, the fan pa-s t«»p dol. To Double Faculty i»r to see top collegiate coaches teach the phi vers ?".•• ! i r nc vvwu c !!♦• knows the .•< m - letic directors execute the poiir-* of the individual schools, Krroneouslv the fan conclude- that the regulation and polking of the a ports are handled h> thf eoarhe* and ath¬ and t )*#* ath¬ Wages letic directors. While this may be the ca «• of--other athU-ti Debaters ITannaVs It is certainly not the case in 'he H / lo wh- formulation and regulation of a'rieta: p-> ' ic 1ft faculty representative- Ever since the formation of Get Prises Support Hie 1". h«» fK.ucf of In Tourney Requested « raking policies and princij of •••)•'- h.i Ifpion'tfvd to tr« conference Faculty H#pre . • ' Often overlooked i* the fact that the l!ig 10 i* officially The MSU Forensic Union took titled "Intercollegiate Conference of Faculty Represent#!* part in the 23rd annual nrartley Ask* 20 Percent University fhrcn*ir tournament tne*." lilt H\ltni li TLKFY. M*l '« (tig 19 faculty Atiittiiil Pay Riiisr representative, pro- held in Peoria, 111 . Nov. 20. and Certain leaders In the r -'Vrc.^ ,« •» - t raO « r have a rrx—s -"me of liut prod ctous paperwork which passes across his ♦hp number of awar ls won indi¬ free-head with recruiting r » and n< n--iar>h.p grants-in- . df»«k every dav In addition Is heading MSI a 13-memhrr Athletie cates they did an outstanding Tho American Fwloratfon I'Wl to athletes, 1 ownnl whifh formulates the university athletic policy. Dr. Tukey job of — is also head of the horticulture d« paitment. Charles Herbert. lariwing soph* Toucher* LotaI into, rop- At MSI;, Dr. Harold Tukey. present Rig 10 faculty rep¬ (See POLICY storv on P4KC 2.) fimore. and Dunne Chapman, St#i» N>w« IMmto bv *1 MiiVr* rM«»»nlimr MSU faculty merit- resentative, a>Mime* the rcspon-ihillty of controlling alt- Muskegon Heights freshman, won WINTER HIT EAST LANDING in the f« rm of high winds and a lior*, rt'contly submit ted « Irticx in every* phase. yuueriof certificates debate sporadir snowstorm Friday afternoon. \ preview of coming weather letter to I'lpsidcnt IlAtirmh . . !iv Athletic Council contest and in the the second divi¬ conditions was evident Katurdav as frrhle rays of sunshine were "Without faculty jurisdiction in matter* of policy, the in rpijui'stintf hi* support in • sion Raliih Wilbur. Lansing jun¬ reflected from a thin la»er of ire on the pond in the garden behind Big 10 as a conference would he non-ox T'ukev sa.-'L ior Student Services. campiiiyn to double tearlier and Steve Gfonner,* Lansing The controls on Big Id afhwtir- w.-re av-uvm'd to the faculty w hen the original policy draft, r-.nic in Chicago, to establish rules and standard- »r 'he regulation in Tukey Told lo Oppose Sophomore, The certificate*. were following undefeated. member* wow Herbert, superior; Ill Toiiiphr- I.-C SitiVh salaries, to Tfir local M ifi<»nit acked iti Dr. proposed Hannah salary wd administration of intercollegia'e a'i Although the faculty representative* receive little glory Plan to Ease Recruiting ■nd Grower, Herbert. Ernest Green and Harry Bungh- Wilbur. Apir York Cily ()[>era D/n'iix * At;i culture, to thf1 MSU's State Board of governing •un. two esrellent* earh. brioy. and no pay for their work, they take a direct hand in hand¬ MSI"* Athletfr Council Friday fnstmcttrl Dr. IUroM Six-hundred student* According to the tetter, union ling regulations covering scheduling, u-e of athletic facili¬ T ikey, MM - Big 10 far ulty representative, to vote senting (10 colleges and univer¬ repre¬ With Mozart's Srrnxlitt'1 mcMitjcrs "arc .ifliTimiivt ration aware and the that the State ties, appointment of coaches and *t.»ff. training regulations, against, a proposal U> eaae li itf 10 football recruitinif regtt* sities took part in this tourna¬ Board nf Agriculture thl» year ment, the largest to he held in Tonight's presentation of Mo- csncevsjonA, recruiting, outside competition, certification of latpina. the United States this year. A rtar singers, preferring fn work .li t for several years to mm# rar'.'s opera, "The Abduction »ow.4«d all artel whole their athletics, reports of violations, television and other mat- The measures, to bv voted on few of the activities de¬ from the Seraglio" open* a two- in will not have the money to islsO Wo. 'he conference meeting hi Driver Convicted bate. discussion, extemporaneous were night stand tu the Aud for the prmeritatumt. tries to The give new talent roles of company .salaries to a decent level. Ore of the more recent contribution* to the eontror'ing ChiDee 11-13, would allow speaking and listening. New York City Opera company. up r'mte a# sw>n as they "Hut they will never have the tf athletica was the a coach '<■ '■ *it • provpevtiv# In Jluyride Cii-e The proposition for the debate The second night's program will are adoption in 1955 oy the B./ 10 fac¬ ath'iete hi* he.me sod permit was the national topic. "Resolv¬ be La Boheme." rc.'-uv "Ttie Abflurii-'.n from ihe H«*r- money until the eounlry aa a ulty representatives of grant-in-aid t*a-*ed on need. whole deeidrs lo support lla edu¬ a #rhooi to p-»v for' a boy's visit O-Var Rise, 3904 Loweroft, ed: that the United States ban The NY. Opera company has aglio'* m an English translation cational system realistically." •This plan has somewhat alleviated the recruiting prob- to -..he cairbus. I-ir.ung, the driver of the ear the further testing and develop¬ been m existence 1(1 year*, in by John |i!< . u ,* a light frivo- km which has spelled disaster for other conferences such The IJ-mem her Aih'etjc Coun¬ that collided with a haywagon ment of nuclear weapons." The competition with the Metropol¬ lous opera aixiijt carryings-on in Tito letter also suggested that •» the once stable cil "■ a'te un ,f CH < 'man T' key, topic for discussion was "How itan Oocra, oriental farulty members t»e given a 20 Pacific Coast Conference. ■ carrying 34 MSU students on a presenting new an harem, ompleto Aibic'ic Director B ggse Munn, can we Improve relations wtth American and European works, with tontianis yf percent raise every year for the hay ride Oct, 11, was convicted secret inttiguo •even f-»c j ty metr :«cra, Starr Latin America"" and intimate operas not suitable five (Neat: History of the Big 10 Conference) and pageantry next years Kcesier. aiumni rviauont direct¬ of reckle«s driving Wi-lnesday Tuesday, the second annual for the larger Metropolitan. In the featured roles The campaign to Increase sal¬ are: or. two a umru and a student in Clinton County Circuit Court. dual debate with Wayne State They also inalrftain a repertoire |*h v rlts Cut tin aries was Initiated during th# as Constarua, rej^reacntativs. baJ' .fed for Tuk- Support Sparta Claim ev measures *o rot* are No" when the two brought up for in Hies Jail was and The proaecutor's sentenced to 10 days payment of eosta. University will be held in 34 Union in the afternoon with four of better known operas such as "H .heme,"- "La Traviata," and "Carmen." Juequel Moody J»r,rretta *% Blonda, Frank Belrnontc, Keith Homecoming game, airplane flew over the stadium when an 6 • m ijffln office lr»»pi>ed debatoa A Urge oil can trophy Ka!deni>erg as iv-irillo. Herbert towing a banner which read; convidrration. original charge of Unlike the Met, the N Y Op¬ "Rahc Faculty Salaries " the ftioniou* will be presented te the winning Iteattie Ostnin. and Chestsr Santa Needs Help as 41 the Big I# ■»*!■■ and driving. school. » tra company does not feature Ludgin as 1'atha Selim. Hannah gave faenMy ■rnnth. there rertsinly wttt hp 9 pa? ba- ateaaea imp prtortly at a mart Ing lengthy fhrsuiiu nsnruing prsposal ta allaw the maehss ta Conducting (lampaign on Campus •f the HUln Bam-d Thursday, they am a must fat neat TtsH prsspeeUve athletes. ^ k mtnittptU m • miqw Clirl-toM yenr. Volunteers Launch Drive CrMMi rirtl W - — I— 1 Strong yentimant la *ure to ba Against MD I cklUrra IM U»»l exerted by Indiana, Iowa and in his report to th# Mmesota for pa * sage of the bill. Hannah revealed that MRU ranks .1 .III #» • ■»*- The geographical disadvantage ninth among Big 10 universities to .M Ifm Ik. »««> •— of these tchuoU promp-u them This week at MSU local vol¬ es to that there are owrre than an without warning or family cough or gneere and there id for professional pay, fifth at thd to vote for the law. unteers will launch a drive to 209.000 and chil¬ history (J (he disease. associate levels, and first for men. woman great danger of suffocation. If adapted, the anaaars weali earn hot a mysterious and crip¬ MD differs from other forma instructors. _ w nm Ik. «— * — »«•' dren afflicted with the disease. There is a great need te die- ssnrUaa esashea la vhdl prsa- pling dispone musrular dystro¬ of paralysis because only the Hannah also pointed out ta Ctoklw k»tkrt. I* .kirk Mere than half the known muscles are affected. cover the causes and a cure for the board that according tn thd >r*u h—im thereby eaSlrtna phy. In most (Maui . M« «•" , victims in America are children MD. To United States Office of Educa¬ MH k» -I— tr*m » M them te accept a sarSala afjer. Muscular dystrophy (MD) Hi other types of muscle weakness help the Muscular Dys¬ Should the second part pasa. on incurable disease that attacks between the ages of 3 and tl. or paralysis the nerves are also trophy Assn. of America tion. land grant colleges and uni- ■» < kuw km. It would allow the conference the muscles, weakening them Of them, few snll reach adoles- (MDAA) in this search, volun¬ ersitiee averaged iacreeaee of • k... -mm* mi- —y un;vrnut;es ta pay tha initial 'and making them useless. In There la nothing now known perce^ this year', while wader sonco, and almoet ail will die teer* are conducting a local tok VinUI CIM, ■—— time the victim before maturity. to sciendo which can stop the Michigan's austerity budget sal¬ visit to the campu# by an athleta. drive on campus todsy through If voted down, however, the The smart cause of MD la un¬ progress of this disease. Once Friday. Contributions can bo aries at MSU were not raised. to. M> «M —*'• mumt T7.T te a gJumjU groups would eon tract -it has oo this known. Research has indicated thai H may be caused by faulty it starts,v It follows a steady downhill course. While MD m made in the Union Concourse, In the letter to Hannah the MrdM, TwWil "pky the athlete** way. re- The MDAA, a volunteer or¬ local said that "an equitable in other council acttop, wiatsr nationslity, ago mrtaboliwn of the muscles, re¬ Itself la Ml fatal, the weakness ganization, gives' financial sup¬ •alary scale for university pre- ititdasl wbe take# part to MD is lated to tbmr inability to utfttao It causes makes even tp>irta schedules were approved, ZTZ, the* kids • including a basketball game ba¬ a eoo- vitamin S. disease dinfarotm. To a trifling an MD port through research grants to scientists and pfcytiriaijs in the feasors would be:** Instructor 110-13,000 per year tmen the Spartan varsity and mens body maintains a census. Heredity la responsible for victim, a simple cold may be a United States and abroad to Asst. Prof. 13-19.000 " " Use r«a Tawisr. But authoritative estimates by -third of all cases. The alumni Jan. 1" which is an addk- grave illness, as the wasted help find the cause and cure for Assoc !*rof. 16-19.000 • • fun uou to the capsrar srkaitnla Mmlllsr with MD test¬ B impossible to MU. FuU ProL 10«000-up • • 0v ■ *'*• .- «.:< • wrMn'< r? Soviet Actress Michigan Slate Mens Michigan Stale News Depends on Who's Welching 3d Stuacrt# Srrvues builoiugt'lio'igr* ftoad Dally bv MSI'* 73.000 Students and Family —_»= l'ans NET Hollywood YORK. '-P A S • Publi r»-a 1 y. on ..ea ( ,i... tl-' .„,ut civ* Mufidiiv eiirm-i -and «a.i Umin oicnmr ler-m nw'!»tft urule tin* .»cl ol March >pr Hie Michicnn Si.i'e *-«' screen attrev -a.-d y th.u d rlass 3 I8i!f at tn# u;;»l tr.wv. i--U>. F...M L.uv,.. ^■rSoiptwM you'RE a dirty'AGGRESSOR have '?•' tor o.ne term $3. tor ix i the official von .• i.i I Hollywood • >vii's three tern;# PWrtlO" S> ",v"nc* seeking t» serve u.< l > much • ontcitaircr'-nt and too. ...... <4 j-.r Associated Tret* inovo which v-ukf fin • ! hett.ri tile II A "Mil . little teaching vin,"t ..1 Ill* D»l" Pr,s" *na within the tin." Collegnle C rtK- AND an imperialist.. from • • As>< Press. In In i ul Daily I'rrs and A Tamara Makarova. talking to I'llII Hallharh. .I#.innnn< I.ark |>a» Xelny new- men before n- -unc t Campus tnitiir John Barton Sandra Oollahan. Caul 1 Ldimr Vol. 50, No. 97 Miimliiy, N'ovmlicr 24, 10.V4 Pain-Two f.'hic sriiri 'ho '. verv Mirlfiv • Fes'lire Id.lor ImiiH.-hb Clatsifled Manager Man s,„ Me hi I rtilorv Mars Huff, Id sehrlher good." she eop!«* some¬ I rcjtr. I'at M«l art* iill»;e Manager lilane Raihbur*i thing." In r.mr* >' • redrtte. Bill .Sharon Coats Miss Ma k anna will go to Wire'Vdltore Barbara Anderson. THR DETROIT TIMES Friday In 11* "Crcmi /••phyr" Hollywood after her Chicago Campus classified" ■ . • Low Co.t •dition devoted two lines of banner headline ami a v""«l Visit. portion of its two front piore lead Column* to an "exclii- give*' about MSU'a gridiron troubles. The -headline read "Rebellion bv MSI vealeci." The first sentence went: ".Michigan State\ foot- Cridd. r-*- Re- CAMPUS CLASSI FIEDIS hall team has atatreil an open revolt about if- squabbling EXT. 2613 •oaches, The Detroit Times learned exc'lmiveh today." ED 2-1 ill We assert: f i»k\ih.inks: 1 ,».m. dai hki'hri: pi'lil-fcation for ti'es.. wed., What the Times discussed wa- neither a "rebellion' till iis.. \m» 1'ri. k0iti0ns. ' 1) por an "open revolt." mov; edition iieadmne; 1 p.m. fri. 2) The story was not "exclusive**—exeept in the miin- friday JU.T tn which it was handled. rills i'ayal.l, s-12 and 1-5 mnnda, ihrnugh Here, in the words of Time >p-ut Editor K.iiyai Haves, is what the Times called u "rebellion:' Is "THR TRAM DEMANDED and pot a irrievaiire lieariiiy classified rates housing SERVICE with Coach Huffy humhiiI \ in mid week before the Wis. minimum 15 word, FOR RENT cousin frame. Dnitirhi-rtv ua • the <»!e roc-rutu-r of the tult 1 day 15c present, (.."apt. Samnt> W illiam arram/ed the se.--ioii at XtETINS T0U0H0W >J the players' insistence. I i.-uir to 11. \t.i confronted uith in¬ 2 day, ft «5 ; Pm «OOM j i, UN on staller's of contradictorv order ami backtotinp b\ ntatt 3 day, $1.95 ITiembernTThe players demanded il cea-e. The nieHitur was « day, $2.25 so lengthy that a schetluled scrimmage tia'tl to be post¬ I day, $2.50 poned." ADDITIONAL CHARGES n-IRf.F ROOMS AN'tl " !■■ - in •' • I2A r?iun«»n» i»fter 7 p rn It ., .; .•'.#* pop h and ab*d TIIK TIMRS STATIN that the players insisted through vie. i. . o. comments In •-pirit .md good taste In criti- tr\ — probably from hi* own , » n H.« o. c. Stat*- N«*«s I-4.M I'l.V MOI'TH Tt'OOR . og.irding ttr ■ i/ing tho-r present at ions one point of view. rnptain Williams that the meetinp be held, whieh i the ra '.c. arnl *:'-a»er. L> < l:> ••* 'xe. 6ET THf SOCIAL !00»t only basis we can sec in the .--lory lor#i alliny the incident ! ' "" C ' Ui-O: C-Mipl,. | n oi,j.| like o! p..an-. must ditfcrcnti.itc hi'twerrt tpctt- nu-al iw-rfe tion ami musical in¬ I still bcliev© that icianship and true musical enthus¬ mus¬ Ml) l>a I #-4i3*»l or *e»- dotirlHion *345 H"svix Jon** St«n« Molen Tan WILMAMS. I)A|t(HIRI(TV and our own source - which "Mer* Productions? than technical refinement only.' :i|- kiM,-.. o.-,e ft a*, and *>ne EMPLOyMENT . . Tli"»i Otto Bunemann • i ■ •*.,. >|.. rev «f . I ,t 'I*I*e* .tn T V -RADIO RFRVICC Fr»- *J ■ 1 n- th.U renrmmilKT Any mm-ical intcrnretxi.ort hv Taken WV aSBUmo-to bo as reliable a tbo-e the Tillies employed, the font ha * * * ir * .i ■■ ..■■" r <••■■ T., ' nv iOW rafe«~tn atudenta Vev iir . J t« of i«44'» 1-1,3 students will Im aornewhat Icn- rxrwrioNAi. oppomvvrry 1 ( t> >r< h T"',!*di4* 32" i '' Ulan -a e* tree • iha « g say that Williams n-<|iu"ded tin- me. tint on hi own. not • • n't t i-f -o-.i'-h ti pnint- ited hv tprhr'i .»bitltics l3'» To the Editor: FOR a per*, r tratrird * F'"*rt» .v i-,i rn :i-i7'»7 41 at shop, 8:00 an- -8 30 t n. Niiiritmr to rondix-t a '; «<*>-*» ; t'V Technician# Company (i because of demands bv the other a'hu G « hsvic u (Tu . »( one i'MH'U olitv *'st 1 ■" piesen- One question ha* plagued me (Urn ;or « o« a. v.ij-e*- U»SI i.A!>ir> HRI-7 * .1 ■( 7-o.M' F >»*•»- *ili or »h« •mselves. The fart that ttie .. .i ieni coache.- were ex¬ iin> appro*- fieri llic line et ate not at unknown u, F.uro- . . 11 f'hii .-a* t Iim of '37 I' a—#3. - 41 ■Illlf m 1 i.'iTn iiif. few people in tin jK-an rmintricg as the reviewer TV A SI'ART AN' T2S ' hio»»d ;• you NEED cluded Is not sufficient proof that the team raked the i.mrts had axle Kv elleo.i ■ "nduion. Chiute ft- •oaches over the coal anv tdco how or 2-M1II4 kfter |? hmui 4 wm NT*' SRAffTAN win ic tti» tray ivms gulng For The meetinjT, termed "so lenethv" bv the Times, la-ted Athletic Council Policy ttic !,(■ ?. tvv*' n-ason* anyone who SHORT W'AVF RADIO *1* her :* Ktt ,ST- nut VERS rn.l V dee. •emi-jHtilafii# tup'snure nir'er m fii.,ter) akr t ■ ir.tf 141 tor hImiiit 2 hours. Sipiad meetings aren't usually that loiifr, n iiirlt'ly understa .U fnothal! m»n i la (ii unit model X F-L) sS'1- • r A * t" 1 , tv (• 7523 beC»ro t p.m. <<>t t . -■ ts'i n able to call the play deliver* tf but neither are Spartan lo-me streaks. «»n ,>ci.cn? of »he time The following i-* n resolution panned l>y the in-memiier* WHAT TIIR liKRRN Zl IMIMI said about tiudotisv Sec. .. I don't 1h !ii ve th Atlilctic < otmeil Jf'rhiay iifternoim: a* SAVE ON OAS lf«rer i'i do no» give I'nre I'll Service gailnn ie** from R .*#• l'« « real estate " Btnoinr personal!'.ie- soumi.-d not 'much more reliable than •1 to le;i pie* C'liurutl | a ■ M t? the talk of rebellion The to ure-. Have- quotes an iicciir- i nig the material on thi "H is pi riuipH miT>-.irv at this time, a* it «hin.-mmalK DECORATED CASKS DKL.IVrHI ri¬ -g FOR SALE ~ SPARTAN GASOLINE NcU'il : do I M 'ilfVl l* is. t»» reaffirm pui»liei> the fact that Michigan State l*ni- ale. 'J'he insinuation nee! a little more lookim; into-but 0 !\ lhiflvy fault te V'lU f'.r (,«>'.#• h*rii-d V « • V n<»t on the front pay. of Hetroit newspaper - versitv is a universitx. an institution of hivher leaming, filler de.ui'-.s nattriea K#'- T t ft i-« o ■ .1. • lumiiit-n:- I h.«\-' iwkrrv l\ *c-r3 ' Jealousy ntnoinr team members over "pla\l»ov" ,*w tic - bv th .1 eo.ip( ra.1ive eitlerpri-c of teacher* ami scholars, charred V M STFHF<)"liONIi TAPF their coaches is nn absurd topic to be on 1-4 ,1 In tIn slate of Michiy u with the education of students •*■ r. f< .3 anv front paro If the athletes lire that |wti\, Mr. Ila>. "We at MSI' are concerned firsl. U»retm»sT. nrrd aiwavs ,«e ■ *2t> *tm rO ? «' ■' A> v.? b-.-i win don't the* . mwjg the avvtsta.it WEBBER S SRARTAN SER> k reln-l against the student bo.lv wliich uudoubie.llv live it with the exchange of ideas, the communication of skills, !• ■ IVl I i.,' - «, >. the stimulation of research, the disco>er> ami d;--emula¬ HOUSING .b E. Ki * Up an much as anv coach on I'riiluv nivtit 4 Inlle. II Kalh* -9 tion of knoviledKV, the service to the community, that The last tmrayraph. whndt told of lb. cm Muim ami * A * FOR RENT" aV • 4 — •# * pHlll/hertv heitifr "tar hettei I ew anleT fi>i..u, i., mark a university--in short, we are concerned with the Road S«r»>r« ih«n the most iearneil professor on campus " |, ;* t„ u i like the Music Recital preservation and extension of the humanistic, scientific, TWO «STI 1)4 V|'« TVWNO EXPFHIFN' FD 7 ; only iKiinv in the artitle worth talking auout 11 d.ivs democratic tradition.'* «■• ..hie IV Ka;iid *er, ,ie Clxee • .lovr-' after Th tbi- I (titer: H Cherrv Lane FD 2-i'>«2 ' uii event. To the extent that an intercoMeiriate athletic prop-ram •'Artist* Fnt ,\\*!\r iiRAND r>e UARTI'OHD I At NDHY l.l * ' Uar- n M.-n- contributes to the buildinff of physique ami character: to LRS and Diaper Se' .'. r I> » ' state New the extent that if promotes such value- a- competition, ♦ * \ Grand Ri\ * t ^ Crossword Puzzle f-c ,'utk to Su'i.rc initiative, s|mrtsy;aiiship, and fair play; to the extent ♦'at OR 7 1897 TYPCWRITF.R RENTALS a # « t- to ui t «* -I.! our rental nyrr* yi' it contributes to the cohesion, morale, and spirit «»!' sfu ■ ; r.e |V R-131S4 rtr n . A< ROSS Ji.t |> :.k* • r \ i u>\ bail'i 435 il tVaamnr'' ' " $ * . dents ami ahimui, we indieve it i> compatible with the . .. tv | Algerian graiN.rl II .»• -e ' • : at tier cotigift'u- broad educational objectives of the university. |'*G IREAgfASI BONUS GOOD C-'G# » Wallah* 9i Ly'ulJll, I "liames, naturally, are pla>ed t«» win. ami we tuqie tha. 4 1 ■ v.. risk of no' 'he- H • ,1 H' tR4r,r4.:X. I Sir a, n • MSI Hins at least its fair share of them. Rut et 1? is- |V Duhopdf »1 \,x ! . ■ .-..i »«) favor of mak- : f !> > RSiS QU'CR S#-v ' ft. vn Inn# k' ->\n tnustcnl trv.i understotai that we consider intercollejriHte athletics r* an Home to - ancillary, and not a liominant part of Michigan Mate's service SBUDNUT SH0» |l Do * r..ng f4 t.hw.llv ■ ■u- ' c\erylx.«d>. ale 4 I ■ e "T.X} ft? MAC Ope- ft a ' " |4 Samlara* #• lauslw.A total academic enterprise. V-« U i • R. 1 •" - SRAITAN AV ATiON INC. »fw |<> Ail.i is., v "We at MSf are not interested in emphasising the WHIN VOU THTVX ' «£ . . . HOi SING MAHHtrn i trunk of tlia MTL-O-STATtS* 83 || Ax «T Sound l |7 |H v. CWi>r leo in ii}i(-r4 INFORMATION necessity of athletic victory beyond other equaiiv or more aM> i |T-|82t « ( inqHirtant values ticcurriiik' from competitive sports . . . rv -»■»?: - MICE S IAUNDRCM*' IV TVe Luin 41 t'lan >r r.1.1 :-2*1.1 AM *• ' Mi- Ha II Undev.l- 42 A!-. Ml t il \ I'll! HMl.t)N "We emphasize that, in the first instance, MSI athletes j 2*02 fc MfCr* * ** optd fluW'gf 4 ". Tin I -|» are students and MSI* coaches are teachers. As such, APARTMENTS - J Ih DIM IK lit mill IIRIVI DR0R Off FOR SELF SE»> *1 •n Tin mng 4rt I nlv»i t*M Iwth kroups are entitletl to all the privileges and immuni¬ Capital C t* Ajrpoff IV I-M4) 10 1.1'Mg tooth I 41-1 II lilt>11 V t BAI4T VF VT TO «MARf •» u. St 'tl Fit ik«d * '3 D*y " point H'U- 3 W. It t.i'r,. >gy f*o-1er.' C<",g« *nd 4fl I I ' 1 ties of an academic environment. They deserve protectant n.-ale ■#: q.x»-' ?1 - i m km is. Smith- WE SRfCtAUZE IN C»C» |l Act l h» In It .. -n rx..;,e IV 4 <*7* f'r-.qs. 4 j ; on at. Th*. 1.1 ElectrW 4a Huh in the 4 Hor n I'KI >l» l» MH II II from unwarranted outside pressures. They have our confi¬ j;. '•■eir Jt k H- HarTt* I •UNDIES FOR STUCENTk - ?t», Gaulcn ■ ,i; nale • particle 1 i v \#t Si int>b> FicM NFl-R\JSHFI> A »' A H T V t \ T IV R-BAb? A i.iisian!y toot . dence and support." ; {■' * - JHhi t»n* n Ku.fi VaiU,*.r«r». |4 Capable al >it (ijHikta rt>»-» "•>»;»i* a«»4 MR |» .ii 'Can# C.onliKt Bud-Mor Agemryr. IT Cube tool trip to state heaith Ulv Tt ans- iiie* X< s H-Sitm Pfiom# tV 2 ♦**3 IV ?>*2 4 br.nl Si U.' ju.m 6 lam- MSI: Athletic Council U TIT 1ST ANN BROWN |» ne of one P>.nut.011 t|| V Shop P*iwra and ti:e»i*. aiao genef* 0T fcvei *iae* CUCAK UNFl'RNISHED THRFK «>r *.le/, Drug J)0 Al-bott R.1 ; tad able .10 ;> ;n Ii»wt Haw. C»rwn « tile bath i Usked Hrd.':ee3a>*, * . r«wwn or 11R", E 24 Gt trlirr ' r* 7m • " ,4 * i iniiii.it mi HI vr u*# ««# xaaemant Itiuu.re *■; Bet, I Grand River t| A FAMILY JfWIRLV STORE 51 t *t«l-,V.Mt Lax ting 4J t>Kl.1\l/1TIO\ l~~ 1 21 Itsgrctn C N I V E R *A Et-KCTRONTCd with a fgpvUbo* < It • J 2" Iniuc. t M' 4"at; oisc Student Cctt- DAi nnoRs DFMGHT ruRFi;. «PE* lAL Xudeat rate* tt>r r\". OUAUTV MIRCHASD Si ideal (or T ..:«*» *hev*ked free •. 1 foftre h-iUi pton: tutr, »• CtiUUM It A vK-oruere. F Unatl uitone SREiOY SIRVICI '1 2-t r u>i M.V« I I INT Ml I A|U>l.lN.\l twu wn »IJ weekly FD I'MJ" * || ru : a:* u a*qv« t »e M1IIN1K G fU fa* A# ©cca* « — '4 4 2M G.p»» 4 >0 Nat S- BOOMS sett* we cant C»ovi tou to - THE MOON »ETi BUT WE CAN Watck. C-oci a-i » if Ii gentleman l«lKls|K1 Nl.XIN.4N j' R|R AIRING 32 1'ifitvn* V0>{ rou COAST TO COAST! i?'' — 34 lUiruty 3 pn 2T Foivslr* ROOMS' — WINTER TERM W" ir If J* N 35 FI.mn I'OII IKI M lk.Nl I. sl .MINAR TIRMS TO SUIT! SHOT EARL* 34- Fein It mt 3-jKJ pin, >iv»i»0 tWi An- MNL-'Ui—1« W UM OUi IAY.A-WAF Rl*N V UaiiV 1 OO-RvtS-t* 96 IV An d H 3» W.»h I II* Mill 4»4.V \N|» I'll 4KX%- La*f» WM. H. THOMPSON 4i.! » .Oil m»U uhii'dl . iilUHil 4 j,t M-XIN IK i'ititnet * /TaT\ 6c« •* *»a ra cacfc jc-oir, mfci V; Vv ,« Tavf fftftda; )*-' * 41, Stupid illl.XIHTKV . 4 Ol.l 1H#( II M f TMB*AUU#Sf> Coe*»c'tabW lobby »-tA T V. PXm IV . i,i 43 Glacal u >4 u •Af Sr*ii a*d mackiaes —|- A par 122 Kedrie. •-•rcae trd Ba" V»,« Vpe Rvem ridges . l.a-.d'Y ♦a--'i-ti«$ v«-e t* CaTFamia TRANSPORTATION 44 Capital pf fa/».-q **d TtJcpkora* Norway RXaet Ui Ra» Rtee i$t«e«ta BTAfF MTMBCR DEAlRI* J4> 4C< Hawaiian gai iantt .Mftltt Staff t*r<% ttm Ca- a^t IV B.M07 daily iluai tram arrive • Uniir-l • oa a.m to P" w- N If hi Hill CUtlihA* " SfARTAN HALL RADIO TV HI-FI *ale, ,n(| ^r. 7T »3 4" Abraham'! .*iil M(i«l Mtt»r KM tiUk.cn Lj * »'■'•# >t'ViA■ R*c.„ TV Sarvkck 9I4B ntphr* Hue Miiur Saudi* PatUhaa (0 WM ■WANTED RIDER> TO lie* * L#*» , SWt - Louts# Xcoior iS-3341 * Tuhe. te.Ud ire. ED- point# along Thrw»a>- . » — —T» 9.1 14* ' feU »,*1 J J6w-y« Thanksgiving Dinner. Too! Aflrr I .rave AF Cadets See Flight Ope rations MICHIGAN STATE NEWS November 34. 19M P«|« Tbr* Russian Educators Itofitvcll (rets ets Twenty-seven saw supersonic AFROTC F-102A cad¬ demonstrations nf the interceptor Capt tal CVv Tneofinre Ktr.y, left Capi¬ Airport in an Air Fmce MAKE THE MICHIGAN STATE NEWS scramble procedure and o'her C-1I9 Fr.day. and returned Sat¬ VOI R MORNING HABIT Plan Tour of MSU JSeiv Position t flight-line operations during urn \ their visit to Rirhards*Gehaur Ri'hards-Gebaur is a defense Paul Bagwell's appointment Air Force Base, Grandiew, Mo bi5e ho ;-ing the Russian educators and education officials will headquarters , Nine as director of scholarships at Friday. of tho Centra' Air Defense a four-day visit and spend Thnnk»jrlvinir pay MSU was approved. Thursday The cadeta, accompanied by Corn- ■33QQI3!I!QBIB liny here this by the governing board maid ,,,, k. The visitors arc scheduled to arrive at Capital City appointment is effective Dev. I. The Campus Classifieds I,«w Cost + NOW! ★ \ rport Tuesday at 7:15 a.m. B igwell had resigned as he.id . . . f ont, from 1 p.m. The group, headed of he department of eommun- by Dr A T. M.u kushtiVich. ^tca'Tbn In hi- new position he will direct the university's program JW Educators arranged -■> » of si si public and d.irships provided private funds. from His Kewpee '% h. V du*.' will include the coordi- r~ ipaganda has become a nat.on of scholarship activities /Y y word to Americans, even on t' -1 'ff campu- and with jun¬ i1 iJT t ' i.jth they are surrounded by for toe v:.," ior • tegeg and high schools in 5m.-ay •■'■o MSU educators acreod °n Viewpoint over the Plans ire being midr Russian to hate the state. The position was held pre- 49c SPECIAL 49c (U < X'MOI '1 visitors * p »• n d WK R-raH|o. vin j-1 v by J. Robert Stew art Thanksgising l» iv and have the State Stews rt»«W« br p. A; •• • rearing with Maior John n. the program's hc«t. traditional holidav dinner in the homes of f.irm families ^.CAROI E K\R/K K fright) and Wasne Recnall (left) nf tan Spirit look on as Pat Norman nines Spar¬ who resigned Aug. 1 to become ath'fie director at St. L"iti§ Snli-ltur) yalong and fac¬ Hoffman. 1951 Homecoming Queen (cen¬ *■<•«* Dr. Hideya Kuma'a. .. ulty mem tiers ter) draws the winners in the University, Mo. Since that date 1-llop "Name the Hand" contest. the position has been (tiled tem¬ Slrak professor with the Univer- Tt C ■ Winners were C'burk VanDenhurg, £^J^}rle.inS l.itcbfield freshman; Richard porarily by John Wilson, admin¬ Communications Research T, f 5-\ $ pt.- liar nor. Fast l.ansinx senior; Judith Hates. I'tiea. N.l'.» sophomore, istrative assistant to Dr. (".•.or, and Dr. Donald- O'.m- r heck.::, and Mar? Ann Desrochers, Thom¬ yV' d, assistant professor of S'- at K- ( Saginaw sophomore. as Hamilton, tla-linl PailaliH-. ; ■ to c ,gv and Anthropology. who IT.r: r},■ • P: »• sr-i taw difficulties ahead for Hannah (•rants MABD1 r .1 phc olm«tead S. in the cold war. rrltlrifed our M.id- will nice: wi'n nffu all i aftf the (tffi'rcil IT'S TIME FOR A TUNEUP Hot \ rjjit.ililr C'nlege Of Fa 1'I frrttfinr approach" lo inlcrn.i- p'l««i»5Wae for falling to take cultural dif¬ 4 master's degree at — I Or ferences into sptsiunl. We-make the false assump- < ed ir.rary sch k»I are 1 for 19'»t»-ao by the A--n Carburetor Check Timing Chrrk H.>me made Pastry v- BWt'flBH- • r^«... »crr> Al OEM'S SPEEDWAY SERVICE .... ♦ r." he said, "that \v-c • «■-ifidf ? I to >od K j'".a4a scouted the idea " to us mus* other peoples." found pi- C • \ ML • • r- s, to the I anting u Piiblir iii> :r. New Np.nild t>e • Y ;a11 m k 3. mate at N Y. 31 Innl lo Spartan l.an*a) link Mirhlvan Ava. R»M my ' ' • bin Tn.,i v -i ®l3(Wja (4 in.» C INCM**-aCOPfi inforn r. — jv Fast sennee .M F*. A can make i'\wrV";"".'-wrr s works alone He said that study of gr. .• Minol J(f pbinnrd Wed- »-d f : >rn Dt-an 0'g»t»d, ' ? 6* ncsitav nmrninx In the after- » Ha 11 pro- Uganda indicates that the noun the group will tour s - successful effort* are (hoc* rural school i« arranged r. which words and deeds are b\ the ( ollegr of Iducation. to Marine* to Giro Tent c will ir.'eres'od the Ub^-bv f.*r in becom.ng An announcement of special interest The assumption! under 'which r.e Corps officers. an .nf'.rmation program is . d i 'ed nas too seldom b. -■ • , . . HIGH READERSHIP . . • to fall CAMPUS CLASSIFIEDS graduates carefully examined when it . . . *''*101 to the kinds of effor- we arc looking tor." < ' • • '4 p m. F I * . • r v '-«i Air- Ths Collagi Biks A» Heads Picked I .»»( XI %\ and June a group in . Skwp Engineering and Science nf \meriiaii rUursiors \ i«iled For lligb Offices the *ux let I nii'S. Included in th.il rr«»up were two MM' (f* Al National Meet ' ull\ mrrnber* l»r Herbert Rud- F. xli'iiilt Rett a m imn and I>r I inrolu Feint fhr*f %taf! Several a Iminlstra'm * In he met several |wo members nirtnbrr* of ha*e the B.a • M.S. • Ph.D. C "tf ,f Agr.eultur» v ere Ru-">i4n group n«.w touring far an . eentjjr elected to ' lrr.pt rt. it America 1 at the annual m«et ig B t* •». +i * f t g«d F.n jayahlr Locl*«*d SyftanM OMiion h«« rrertod a numb«f of special, now opan.no'. w 'h '■a Arrrrican Assn. c ' r'. . . T'ir.t Colleges and Unix -r-. t/e* •nusual oppoftunitl,, for (all graduate, in elactr.cal anginaaring, machaiucal «ng.n«ai.ii|h r '.ra*hjng:on. DC •aronautical anginaarlng. mathamatici or phytic*. Dr Paul Miller, dire- »or f -c Tliankitirlnt 4 Tha O.vi ..on ii tn.iagtd in a broad program nl baalc rasearcb In all arna^ of *ci- \ no.se suppression: materials and processes; boundary laye' conned, electro magnetic -a.u »j- jp-ire. was named secret a S " propagation and radiation and operations research and analysis -he resident instruction cmr. « Lockheed « system, manager lor such major e -rt long terra protects as ttm Hm Polaos rPRkP- Km Force 0-5 arid X-7; Army Kjngflshm and other important re March and Her.-ert Berg, as>tstant direc'or levelopn.unt piogi.ims. if the Mirhlgan Cooperative Fx- (lie Dhrlskm mm honored al the first Natlorud Missile Industry Conference is "the otqani/stton "•ns.oo Service, was re-elcded I hi tw peat yaar to toe daselitpmard ed toa art at musdai and aslronauUca." *■-.eta'ry of the north-central re|)o:. of extension directors He held the position for si* LOCATION tears, - - Headquarters Ibr tbe D . .. .no at Sunnyeate on the S.tn f ian isco Peninsuln and new modnm . Research and Development tacilitias are located m the Stanford Industrial Park ' in nearby Pau) Alto. A four thousand acre company-owned static test base is located in the Ben Lomond aiounteina thirty milea from Sunnyvale. Other Division locations aie at Van Nuyt and Santa I Maria, California; Cap# Canaveral, Florida and Alamogordo, New Meiico. Toqether, they ! occupy mora than two million aquare feet of laboratory, engineering, I and provide tha latest to kuanbfic and technical man-la.luiuiy and office oquipmenL ASSIGNMENTS _ Upon joining the Dhrtalon, yqq are assigned to your special areas ot interns! and n^'l. di-e- dy under distinguished leader* in your field. The company encourages and sponsors individual "communication with other vclentists, the publication ol papers and nit.'.'es and pad. pa- n in symposiums and conventions. Every opportunity is given members ol thu tecnnicd. stall to perbcipete to the iiUhation of advanced technological developments. GRADUATE STUDY PROGRAM Of special interest to those who wish to continue fheiv ad/sr-ed education, is the Division'* Graduate Study Program. Undar it, selected students with quaiif ed academic recoids may obtain advanced deqrees at tha University of California at Bmve -y or Stanford University, while employed in their chosen fields at Lockheed. All costs oi tuition, admission, thesis and toathoou or* born* by the company. IMPORTANT Eleraentaiy... my •n your dwr Wataon' pk ) »*"«•'* ''Ns t) eerf wi l Jl Happy look Th# number of Ihtso special openings Is limited. If you are Interested, wire collect directly to Mr. R. C. Beverstock, College Relations 962 W. El Camino Raal, Sunnyvale, California, giving your majOf, and Administrator, please degree level.. . you teem to he er fT u| tjedure you ar* imtit'ift* Cv * V si ssyttery about why Coke at the ^Li, fgvonte . . favonta eaaa a tuck taate. such apa B \m my always » \oi Cool sit* or woo ram ftrfMVVALC. PAIS SITS. VM HUTS Lockheed^ ftAETA CMWZ, SANTA KAMA. CAUFOSMA MISSILE SVSTBMS DIVISION e CAM CAMAVs8.AU PVOAlOA e ALAMOAOAOO. MR HUUCfl ImM W*. '*r Acm C* C«-M*> w L.4-UUXC CM » <"L'VrTtKO COMTAXT ' , tnrvnoAN state news Campus Classifieds Low Cost Green Favored Over ... Wtwbtf «1 1>5> Pilt Tow a Swingline Stapler no bigger than a pack ofgum! White in Frosh Final Are you 98* going Teams Out To Impress home JWINGLINf -TOT' Million* now in u« fjncondi* Top Brass tionally tuarantced. Make* (aid book By JIM WALMNC.TOV r*. fatten* fn this week? cover*, paper*, art* and craft*, mend*, tack*, etc. Avail* Spartan football fan, ,<;t| able at your college bookftore. have the opportunity view future MMiiran iWINClINf st.it jrrlrt material in ac'i n to. day an the freahman n-rM and White teams pair ;a the finale of the (.run. Good • • k. 10N0 UlAND c'u, N»w *oe», N White aeries at 3 p.m. in Spartan Stadium. Going Into the game aPh tw. CAMPUS wins under its belt, the ' ..-j team will be favored to V- < off the Whites for the thirl CLASSIFIEDS The Green tearl. tvat favored last year but the Wh:!#»s the Greens to settle for a lS-ta deadlock. F,D 2.1511 Exl. 2613 The passing and running of the Greens cxidosive"T7rKT. d may prove to be too much 'or BULL It OH It. of Northwestern, wa* one of the many coir he* the White* to overcome t-» attending Head Basketball Coach Forddy And«t>nn's rnaehr* rlinle Greens can go over the '.Vv held here Friday. Rohr (I) dt*ru**r* the rlinir with Anderson Interesting Eye Hi-Lites bet ore the Green-While game, held Saturday night at Jrni«nn. with I^roy Teoudermiik't p, . j, through the White line cn b'ts-j BRING BACK about rontart lenifa and irn* oral eya problem* aa elicited by fullback Carl Charnn, «n| by question* commonly naked EIK0AND0 * SOYtMAMURA around the Whites on the speed of Gary Ballman and Tony Ku- la uur ufflre*. EUCENTTrENKE FALL IS miega. Submit your question! to Bton ay r* iu*$ NCMAScotfe • CHARLESGRAYSON . The Whites ere not u mf as their record Indirgtes. They Dr. Joseph B. Gutstein Dry Cleaning first JOHN HUSTON . hare moved deep Into enamy $6.00 for the Or (Sou address below) OuUtetn, (oral |jn«ln* Op- NOW BHOW 7:H r.M. Feature Shown 7:20 9:3U territory nuny tlmr* only ta lose the ball. Larry IIiMm. (nmrlrltl, ritv or New graduate or * ollef* of Y»rk and pt Colum¬ - TIME! Byan and Miteh Nruntsn, she has the only White Tl» *re d*n. For Complete Program srrou* at all times. The bia University, Whites formerly A**<»- Information Please also have two quarterhark* HAVE YOITt St'MMER te YEARBOOK! rlntr cf of Protestor Optometry at Monroe College Optometry Dial FD 2-5X17 CLOTHES CLEANED HEFORE count, en. Klim. The difference AJ Lfpinxki be'wren th# and Jos and Assistant |>rofe«xor ot Op¬ ■WEDNESDAY! PirrTIXC, THEM AWAY squads ha» been th Grp.-,'f tometry at Chi- WAI.T superior line play, r- K Q\.n. rai'o College Optometry, teith of ' DISNEY'S "WHITE WILDERNESS" FOR THE WINTER dine the and best Art receivers Bran ar :« i .••er art to art no Chicago Au¬ thor or "A Stu*, All-Cartoon Peaturetto pushovers on defense. T «Gr"» n dent's Outde to Inner wall has st i - PLUS - • r: ^y Optometry " Dr. Cotatein hobli "PAUL BUNYAN" White thrusts at cm ;.| t - s Buck Nyrtrom, the Gr-m , n ■ ALSO - — Fr»* Ilr. Ol>M.n«rv OK«Hn.lfl» coach, wilt start: In New York. WALT ^tonlilU^ "A Peoplo A Places" I crsY l.nu«t-rmilk — _ UR New Jerxey. llllnota Indiana and DIHNFYM . •■■IHW Production Parking Tonv Kumlf-ca , ,. Michigan Ite fisr* Ballmsu ~ has lira honorary I afl Charoa degree of DOS. • M* NOTE . In Tha »hirt laundry ' dry cl.o-la, Ditf M.intirrs _ rit Wednesday Thursday • Friday - Saturday ocrott from now J«hn I iiDlnsr It. Toot qrt.MTioNi First Show 7 :(RT p.m. First Show ID0 P.M. Rtar gtwdont services b'dg I'H* W'mlrrHI K krl.» —. sr. i r Got It? What can bt> am cataracts, and what done about them? I Jury tthnrrri* D O Osandtn# Art Br^ndvi.oirr Green subst.tu'e* w ___ f :«• ST IF Hi ANNWIRl M;ke Bri'kner, Ler y V M finer, A* aimplr aa la possible, eat* NEW CAREERS FOR R.ndy Mirk. Fred Mi b.c A CHESTEflFIELO i ararl* ran be described aa ' li b Jewell, Don K . < IKS MEN CF AMERICA: t.ewand >wski, Larry A WOLVERINE Uiat condition of (be eye, In . '"T, %tbicli tbe erystaline Icn* Bill Dcrsch. Dick I lose* Ms transparanrv and Pat' -'iron, Larry L ■>, LA I Dawpm, James Jef? n i 01 Ik-nines vision opaque. The whirlt reaulta depend* Ins* of CIVIL ENGINEER Wilt# Coach Gord.e S-rr riC J t'i» the e«ten*lvenea* of the S'a^: ,'Tr 1" on their At tlplnxfcl loo* of tran*paraney of tbe ten*: the greater the opacity ■SnBsS^SSF* •*. Vii;: it ■» MAjmfg.ua. Budding boom coming from I.iigrrv Hilda* _ OH I II If th . ■. » coast to coast Needed 14 It* an . eh of the ten*, the greater 'the ijRirra HiigttS t»t rub Jn* Hridfn - - ■ c Get iom of vision. The he*t odvieo by 1970: nawiy des gild, _ . . u pikr fliontta It. In regard* to ratorarta (aa . inoro efficient systemg Hn I'aktn , BO well a* any (ieorr# I "Ribardo I T other eye rendi¬ Pitt I .mm .. - Kf tion*! t* to ron«ult your eye i of transportat cn to hindt# . - (!"« orth ' specialist aod follow hi* ad¬ 4 million Fat Murphy SS mora vsWclei. vice. White subs will be: .lie K.an, Wanted, mere civil engineer*, Got It? im t.stioni )low cart I know If I will be- CHESTERFIELD KINS ream pec# Rob Svei, Rob Carter, J.m C*r» giat, Mitch Newman. B»*n 3«"h- el. Keith Bay ha. B v Pur "*, Ken King. Rob Szwast, RjwU*4 abl# to wear contact lensoa? Mara, Buddy Sims. ANNWKRt ($6.00) Ton don't! Conault your eon- tart lena specialist, who will Now's tha Time to bo «blo to determine whether aultoble patient for you ore u contort leusea. In general Get Rsady for Wintorl your desire end determine- lion (In other worda motiva¬ tion) will he a very helpful faetnr In aasisting yonr doc¬ good v. tor In eomplritu the fMttug of rootart leuaea to you; QITSTION: Can a "pertun. who is allergic wrar contact lenses* ANMttFR: tieneral allergle* do NOT aerm to preclude correct fit* ting of rootart lenses, ('ate* * bare been reported where even "bay fever" sufferer* have been auereaafully fitted. Apparently tbe factor of motivation aerm* rape hie of overrenting seemingly in¬ AN INDEX QF surmountable ohslorle* ever. I would rauiion (other How¬ rontart trua specialist* have borne me out tn Ibis). that In the raae af "bay fever" suf¬ UNFORGETTABLE ferer* the ahould be fltlina of lenara completed before the ao-railed "agaaon" beciua. mudc1j EVENTS . . . Send inquiries about ■ all eye problems to Dr. Josa<:b B. Gutstein Top Lengthjop Value,Top-Tobacco Filter Action.! OPTOMKTPIST XL IN •IS W Prnddrn Michigan tanking. Mich. Hid*. Ave. Notmnq wishes use chesterfirj king SHLI » «-M« *■»&w. T ■' >• Kpfpz.jfo Harrier SijiSEsi Seeks Seventh NCAA Title (See Story Pttgr I) FREE Jfi nr.. Cnkt, Root B*er. or Orans* with tvery Regular one item PIZZA varsity drive-inn 1217 E. Grand River Kant banning DKIJV KRrSKRVIt E — KD 2-H51T IllUa REYNOLD* FALL TERM Spartans Fin 26-7! GRADUATES Losing Win Over Kansas Si peak Makes Duffy I hippy Order Your I ORIIDY KENNEDY Broken Thiffy Diuipherf v indav but he was u.ts -till doing' B.ipji ;» to ' -in'A 1 • win n frame t»#mi nutlet neat h. Sat- r-.e Mil IIV K IN V tt\«r»v t .1 m . • '"4 ' i -♦'.of th»' ->!'< . \ ..' IS • M ■ 1 * ititom i.tioi i'.' iTVern vo «• liams IIAItllElt SIHIP StM'fhini, ' NOW i - v. , I'flMon on 'he '».i'-i .ir,d >•- 'I ' 1 oH-.:!' of- . n , 11 • . . ■, .* on M •<>!. • .'f [laugher'v ami dthlrUC due. *■ lu-.l \i-rn-. Ihr Slri-rl - . . i »• Kanna • Stale. B '.i- Mm • •'That wa« a totally unfair . s '• a |>rolons.'» 'i Mnrj." he Mid before spartan an*one • \ A-' had a rhatire to ask him about it. "It was written h a man. who . I ' . ' . his ne\er been on <»ur prai u< r It \RHKR SHOP field this season. That meeting s|»l» \rwe IM| 10 t»* hi Snvre was railed bv *410011 William* 117 V Uan isi.n I hliwk M" 111* UNION w - I Ml •» 1*1 1 I v Hf •-* I» -drop *,it1irdav. a* it BOOKSTOREj ar partli to apeiioKire for losing 1 »•' '• ri'-i. 1* tht* hilt weekend Ihe North of Kellogg • enter - ■ • -.g »»--«vr, to Indiana. 3. - « • 11 ,i t • • • *v • • '' - I tina» Or ,' • ' ;( ' aI»«. *" ; I •••isti Km-vs .ate '« ttfi-pound ' K. n 4 moron rmitd watch "uir State "i hemmrd three V • ' - .• r»r i* in b* sperten in . t res ar 1 Know there « W- *iii gave Mile llirer wins •1 inrkei trig * News U -i fur |o«se* and our lie iJaii.orrtv also ♦a»kM riis-u' ' e • h. sMMin- anti tipped t iurh \\ llilr- \\ in. 7 I -!i| • . terl **feud ' iM-'weeii A' ■ 1 LOOK! ar. t him. | |i. i>. hinghrri*'« rrrord -i,'4tiH»t - r<-afrrenre romprtitlnn "Vnn hear this stuff about Ni;H S|nOti I rtonr I ('resident (.|ohn> llanah puttius ll«r u III Urn 10 n ulra-St/nad Came I- " a rat on me that's ridiculous ' Noienther fi. I''."iK I'age Tire liaiishert* to ItisVIe; insisted he «a*r "| me owe m* a f»r»t M Special Sludenl Cleaning Services real rhanie to phi at **ra- l ITt.il- ( li-iini-tl ,-iinl l.l.i/t-tl Illraels 1.000 Fans nr rose Me woe as Tlose 4* an* . two men rould he. nil; ei itna r I'lll'IIH llll^. \ ' ' w 'h,* OJ ' Itiiiiiroal. W ali-r|irni)ft-il 4 ! » srriHtrriri 'he • <*> r 1 iih'is in \> I.IKT ' » ' •--» b-wnJi !«• S'.('» ynt an intrM-*quud eg -v. ti a iiltlVI'. f;-r.-.- fed '.n "''' "' " S'i'e li. '*(■•' the *p«rf init l»a*e I alls finished siuff,-,l |'(l*. passing patlrru fur S|.|l. l!i'»i;inJt IM ..ft Highlights i iMi- mu fir tour marked the end of i M n ■ iu'jm r M«t '» fothall state seniors. ref old careers P e r fur It also t r e it t *iih s'.iuiiei storing from foe IN T O NIC. ii r S r'r ON s\l I! Co 1.1. lev; i-; Cleankks f 1 » t.mt Kansas "state, with I've ' » ' ■ • . slitiv It. ji.nr ami l.aiimlr* . !! IMllN TOM (II R.sR ■ » » and on etie in si* meetings Whi A : ' .I •- V. . • . ! :• K . - t .a-li aiitl (arrr \ ' - yet I'.s ! ■ ' ■ • ; . * MIV 21 2hth (>g(l M. Mi.-lii-'an - . • • •••• • »• 7 "!'» 1. •* I ' N NFL ■ Standings . : f a a. the ' -• .*! 1 Br '• ..ti m« ' ' ! "f li" rough • I I.IIKN KISftMM » i.e. one t .h i -tfl.lv tiers. • •• and the 'f • a •f "-•• 'earn w r •-( n •.att Slate -n 'he : I ' HS « »»N» I HI M »• people tlrnp in for C;imt In than W I " More Iii Beta any othrr « ij. I.M i.rrK-iii ' * "* 1 bcHt ttmtike The iamrl blend of H. " I I costly ri.T i'f .» <»U *> V»rv. -■> - W«o..i» HI si | I s • tobaccos has never been equalled fo# it rich flavor and t n tu-A * a eioi^rt' ii'fi.a 1 easygoing mildness. « H,v.u ftH.fmli * <■ < • >. if lte*r«- '* IvI.IKvOl T '--v r* rht'»v« • ."it . f\«•:.* ' -n luntluv U lio*" Ha* I# ' • • . ■ . J'h o. . ' i'-'v Tt v e 1* ' - * . • ! thCAT firs! s.s- > t •h vooct plviy fr»oM Put fotit nnti fancy OwR in tlie poet . . • |uarterbe< k f 7*- SI-MORS »» n it W.rrs v-ptl » 13-yari ;-ar <■ ..' sue Gray, who rat. Have real. . '•* rung 43 varcU. a W 1st! BE W ANTED 600 cigarette- SENIOR PROOFS have a CAMEL MISSING FOR 3 WEEKS DUAL WITH DUE BY . URLM MKBER SHOP WEDNESDAY*- NOV. 24 OPEN M:M AT fl OSED SAT. 12 NOON SBARBERS 4th FLOOR UNION BLDG .. and two cartons of Camels for our leader!" ma) _ . ,v-.Wr , r . * . . .y ,. , .V . ,f..i: ' wi aln|« l- -f i S I MICHIGAN STATE NEWS .) 'i November 24. 195$ '»«» Sit 'The Gold Note' ° MSU Gels llrod, Radio Schedules Architecture Film Slated for Toniglit 8280,271 •i f "The New Age" is a dorU. :i The department of urban U Night Club Style Dance planning and landscape archi¬ •ncntary film prepared by Time t's 111 Donations ■| ' me. featuring such architects tecture will 'present n film en¬ "The Gold Note," a New York- liaihter to previous professional titled "The new Ace of Archi¬ Frank Lloyd Wright, Mies Van .ight club style dance will be performances. Helping to round der Rohe, Edward Stone, WaU tecture" in the Music Aud. at GUfU anrl grants totaling $2R0,- iresented bv WBRS, the Brody o«t a toll evening of entertain 'ace Harrison and Eeron Saari- 7 30 p.m., today, according to 274, Including $180,000 for a Radio Station, December 5, 8-12 meat are Jane Hamlin, a pan- nen in addition to other propp. in the Union parlors. fomtmtst. and Ron English, a Angelo 'Lucia, assistant profes- •ummor science institute, were r of Business and Public Ser¬ nent personalities in the build- accepted Thursday for MSU by Don Jacobs, chairman of the •oHartoC ing industry. vice. tt governing body, the State dance, has organized entertain- Tickets go on sale today Board of Agriculture as well a* social dancing to the 'hrough Wednesday at the Union The summer science institute Jim Hamlett Trio, a. dfujet iesk between 2 and 4 p m. cornbo The evening will have will be conducted June 22- Sept. its share of singers and other 0nd during the week proceed im 4. under • grant from the Na¬ he dance. Prices are: $1.50 per tional Snence Foundation. The talented act* u ouple and 75 cents "stag". Female voea!i>i- include Mrn- •.peri a 1 program is for commun¬ rla Brltton. Ren Witte. Fran Ward ity-Junior college and high school ind Rev Calloway. Sam Harris teachers of physical science and Utile hoy blue mathematics, vill present some exotic mus- cal vocalizations with his Hi* horn for A $18,.'II" grant from the I'.S. calypso singing. Air Force Office of Scientific Humor, will he infected Into Retearrli. Washington. D.C.. «"■« the .evening hv Fdriie Flddetman. SPARTAN 2 accepted to he lived in nuclear whose comedy acta have eel off altiriie* hv Dr. George Board and Dr. William Kelly In the rfe- Stair N'rsi Photo hv Jim It. JnhttAon partment of ph»sica and astron¬ erf hy the Floriculture Forum last weekend In the DAWN SfilAEFFER. Atlanta. Ga.. Junior, of . omy. Union This is the eighth consecutive year Kappa Kappa Alpha Theta, and John l.einrferker, Kala¬ The ITS Department "f Agri¬ culture gliuitr.t $15, IV.! ft foi a mazoo Junior, of Alpha Sigma Fhi show off their Alpha Theta has won this award. HARRISON BARBER SHOP i studv being conducted hv Dr. prize w inning entries in the flower show present- Air conditioned Lyman Bia'rler in animal hus¬ for your romforl bandry to and- processing improve the qua lit > chiiracteristu^ of Tryouts for One-Act TV Play Begin Today SHOE SHINE frankfurter and bologna-type, Casting try-nuts for •Trace in needed courage It Is the only live television ■au'ago-like producfsT th»* Valley." an original three The plav is befog adapted foi series in the country which is Dr. Malcolm Maclean Jr., in Corner of M.A.C. A Grand Riv.-r act -plav hv Faiith Larson will television and will he broadcast completely w r 111 e n, directed, tho Communications Researrh be held IihIjiv from' 8 la to 10 over WMSB-TV, channel 10, acted and produced by the stu¬ i'enter, will continue hi>> study • f. the Coi tent of educational p.m. unit Tuesday from " 30 to early next venr. The s-rries is dents. according to the dramatic Below the Style Shop television ti!n•• and audience r-» !• pro in the Studio Theater. sponsored by tin- dramatic and director, Jerry Bate*. Mary Hen- toagoodslart The play tell* the story ot one television honoraries on campuf. -hnw i« the television director. crtions undet a SIf» «»nci *rt .ml happily and helpfully £• j- family's, resistance to a new¬ from tho Kdiirolionai Te!«'Viviott and would-be dictator who in Jumpinp-Jacka and Radio OnU-i. Ann A:K»t comer Originals with one- A $14.''.on grant from the Na¬ ha arrived m a oner peaceful piete heel and sole. tional m Rcience Foundation w«v iwarded to Dr. Egor. Hii-drmnnn physics to support the ro- vallcv. ./ess Talbot! finds that lie is the only man capable of standing up to the Coger's brutal Off Cainpu* Living Unil* Only I CHRISTMAS SPECIAL Shaped by nature to fit precious little feet. earch utiencv in ultrasonic*, high frc- sound w/im. udoleianee, women-folk but tt to give takes the him the MARLBORO CONTEST I -IxlQ SHvtr Tom PariraN Flrwl Prize (far adult* ar children) JUMITNS-J4CIV' Itfovi to fff tooojA THANKSGIVING WEEK SPECIAL II Piwift PHILCO Hi-Fi Drape. Included th§ tomafiva faari For $4.99 you get: (hi Di-plat in Union Concour** Original Til Offer: Famous Jumping- Jacks fit nnd sjieeial "heel hug" feature 1. I,uIllicit!inn .fob Nov. 21, 2:i. 2(i NOW: aaly S5.95 make this shoe perfect 2. :> <|Ih. Shell \-11MB Oil for graduate walkers. .1. Cur Hash Group- . 21.(Ml addilinnal Thi* in what to do I. Brake Adjustment __ per head $5.95 Kt'jjiilar IVit't' $7.2.1 1. I'nllwt *« many empty Marlboro Producl I'ack- Void without Ihh ad — Offer End* Dec. I i'm.' h e //ore t'hnrge Accounts Wl** a- possiblr, Your lit Card it Your Bring Ibis coupon K* pi res Nov. .1u , C*«« ia Early! 2. Thr livine unil collrctinK lb* mn*t parkaar- »ill ' Cliaryc-A-Vlatt am. .1 pri/e. in all. Mar-Kltt ' For Appointmrnt sit |:»| 326 South RED'S SHELL SERVICE :t. ('ullrrtinn will I- announced lire. 9. ka-alinn will Studio Q,n En 2-3914 203 M.A.C. Ave Grand Fast River Lansing Ave. Wavhingt»f1 Atr Lansing Tin Mich. At*. M«»r Krllngir ('aalcr h« prinlnl at a future dale in Ihe Stale News, BREAKFAST ANYTIME... IS A GOOD TIME F TO EAT AT ODAMS LUNCH DINNER Odains Special ODAMS OR BREAK ' TRY OUR DRIVE-IN Steak on a Bun Cole Slaw GRILL WINDOW PLENTY OF French Fries FREE PARKING only .75 1040 E, GRAND RIVER