WHAT'S INSIDE DtGaullists l*U French Elec¬ tion - p. 3 Green takes final Frosh name p. 4 xisl' Wins NCAA Cross Country Championships ■■ Partly doudv and colder to«» — p. $ That'* the weather In store for vou. Ma) be rain, probably snow* M'i With, 39 la low. VOL. 50, No. 98 EAST LANSING, MICHIGAN—TUESDAY, NOVEMBER ZS, 19U PRICE 5 CENTS Western Experts Plan Ways 1*5 To Smash Possible Berlin Block Professor Receives Tank Led Tlireatening Letter Convoys «■ tJ. ARMY CONVOY drivers step on the ras their way eel a# West Berlin last week after German territory before reaching their West Ger¬ Display ou Russia Attacked Considered man base. Russians have pa earlier Military wnvoj had been halted by announced their Inten¬ Communist border coards. The tturks. tion of turning over Berlin traffic control to Fast For Having 'Pro-ReiP Articles W. German- Balk rolling Germany, threatening allied through the Weal Berlin peninsula checkpoint of -tary garrisons in the divided acresa to their mill- Al New U. S. Plan Dreilinden, faced !!• miles of Red-ruled Fast capital. Br SANDRA BOLL-BAR A threatening letter was sent Dr. Lincoln Pettit Monday BERLIN (,V\ — WV.tern Plan to tonfer Willi ( iovern or concerning his exhibit on life in the Soviet Union, presently on display in the main lobby of the Nat Sci BuiMinir. expert* Monday studied — many with yrave doubt* The anonymous writer <>b- proposal* to ram armed con- Teachers' Union Poses viously considered the display »oy» through any Commtin. Ways Ike Orders to be pro-Communist. Apparent-' i*t blia'kade of West Merlin. lv written by a person of foreign native tongue, the letter indi¬ Talk of tank led convoys and To Raise Funds for cated first-hand experience with Evaluation armored' trains is heard from Pay Hike Communist-dominated countries. some Western officials in this In event of an East German block- brief, the letter proclaimed the evils of Communism and ex¬ ado of thin isolated city. The West Of U.S. Aid By BILL CALLAHAN supportir.g ~c pressed vehement regret al a Germans are balk¬ on'erpnse in "Money should Ftale Newa Night Editor Which a come through display at MSTJ of what he con.-" ing at an alternative plan under we fPfi-KH." a '..ix.ng system that is more, aidered pro-Communist articles. study by the United States, In it* campaign to increase In efji/.i: .* th.in the one we have Britain and France for proposing Ihc first of the IVttit. recently returned from AUGUSTA. Ga. fJT» — Pred- accept¬ teacher salaries, MSU's Local motions. ll'Anionlo pointed out nn-A D'A-. -ir.io sai-f ing Fast German ••<>ntrol«~on the Soviet Union wiiere he spent dent Eisenhower COEDS MODI |, the riilorful earrings being worn «n a 1310 of the American Federation that if faculty salaries are "The »f a 'ax in that it is Mond.ty order- rampiis this nonrecognition basis. suing five we*-ks visiting Soviet week by girls helping in the miiseular pf Teachers* AFL-CJO, unnr.i- to he increased in the Immediatg a - -• <.f erA'.ng ti c govern¬ «»d a r»enetrating evaluation at dystrophy campaign. The "I think it is ment Tixf* schools and universities with the "Dell* for Dvstrnphy" earrings are "ilanring doll* for ilie children an-impossible mqu5ly passed twq strong mo- future. Mime way of obtaining don't cost — they the US. Military Aid Program idea that the Western powers Comparative Education Society, whe will never dance." They are on sale in the . , , ti -ns Monday night at a meeting funds other than state pav in the long run " I'nion concourse place themselves under the con¬ approp¬ arranged the purely informative with the goal of bolstering free along with Uhristmaa card* sponsored by la the Physics and Math build¬ riations must he found. KcpreRcntativcx »f the MSI' the Muscular Dystrophy trols of the regime in East display. world defenses and he picked a Amos, off America. Ger¬ ing. local of the tearhrm" union will many,'• said West Berlin's Laird The first motion called for re¬ meet WriineMiav with William VartiMN explanation# accomp¬ blue ribbon committee to con¬ Mavor Willy Brandt in a radio Mcnat. educational «on«ultant to anied the several type* of Rus- vision of Michigan's tax struc¬ ture end consideration of the U. K. Labor : Gov. G. Mennen W'illlsms. to «ian literature and cultural dis¬ duct the Republican study. William Draper la»a«.• ohtainj.'.g perience in hey government Jobs. arv committee of h«» Britain'- Labor pjirn • c.x ;» ws'l cntr ' ut.oris fif>m er had read the explanations of Oui.-t.aa tore for the pool two years. The industry, in- Draper. #4. directed the Berlin rion. seek to neutralise O-filrai K.ur- each display, perhaps hv would committee will submit lis report »-i Support from alumni and Airlift from Washington during By LEON PL ANTING A A 'ipe. Formosa and :he M ' !'•• .• •..'.(•i. have understood that it was party •pokc'-man summar¬ <>f public entertain¬ the Communist blockade nearly ized > the legislature la January. Ea't .f d win- merely an inf<>rn>attve display, The New York * "it y Opera lumpany presented the fir'if. Ade'i eiel »1.n »wet m nv. ment }6 vear* . ago I. The security cum pus police said. installment of its two-nisiht atanil on »f Berlin de- The motion, proposed by Wil¬ elections expected to be held h.- Ken. M-uTorie *aid that The President's appointment campus Momlay nijrht Jierid-s "tl !iu.» soli.l.o ,!y of th# liam D'Antonio, instructor nex* \ ear the puni!ri?v during 'he Campus police are checking o# with a performance of Mozm-fF's in ,i;f!on* Draper to lead what Eisen¬ delightful "Abduction from W'-strro pvAvr sfcia! In* r. wi ucing -La oor' sjt H into the matter in order to ex- science reads: t o. • e ;tig game ar«»;.sed in¬ hower termed "A completely in¬ the Serajflio." The ecurifv of Berlin and "We recognize the necessity of party lea.ir-r H .gn Gai'-kelt terns- f*-.m several other l r! t \ixi>n'* Html Fail* Pet tit to stated b«« "This person san assistance program was an¬ man^. was ' n serms to Felix Von Eekafii. »oj,i a To Hothrr .tl/oril «-an and we neet jfj gun ho it. hiC'cnacv or nu¬ ferred for 45 minutes at the However, his vehement protest¬ •he ungi'u' iu banality of the eonferenre *hat in the ibserue Two promising solutions arc clear brinkmanship, but m help¬ Augusta National Golf Club libretti whicn Mozart dignified "f tnv note from the"Ttu-.siana i.i?»rVd July 1, the fairer than a rales tax." ore through, n leufraUsiitmn of all a' A. ford'* general election Tug adm:n:-Ark). fund* and Santa C'laua to Western Powers will art with and Hungary Arms would m gut m billion dol¬ bert Beetle, basn/, in ttie com.' deserving ch»l- from ike floor, praised President A:ford d ri was a "People's BALBOA UP) The Panama lars. dieu. "unitjr and firmness" to defend cut ,n th.s r r.e. m i- car weajxi'rf — Lbn Hannah for his stand on vic*orv."' b:- de>. lined to other- character, Osn-. n. banned, east-west forces with- Canal aalvage tug Tab<>ga put As for chances Eisenhower Claus, West Berlin against Communist **i*ry increases El the State w >e answer Nix--us comments. The latter stole the show with a an AU-Univvr- dr i wn out !u sea eariy Mondav Ui aid might ask for even less for the threats.' ft«*r4 of Agriculture meeting tutu '.ion In a letter to Hays, the Vice the Amen, tuna boat Aggres¬ hi* acting talenta. The leading poir »red by the He emphasized 2 East-west agreement to an next fiscal year, Draper told a this united Tksrsday, and urged faculty re- President said Hays was a "vic¬ tenor, Frank Vets* Club, will hold a meeting neutrauze the M: Id e East and sor. which radioed for help after news conference here: Porretta, was stand to dispel reports that it# ipsssiiiilhf fee finding ways to tim of demagoguer and preju- running aground Leone* Is¬ "From shaky as an actor, and, during, hxiity :n 328A Student Services United States, Britain, Franco take the area "out of c»ii war , on my talks with *be t*crc»«* salaries at MSI' nnder ds •• • «nj •hut his defeat was land off.the Pacific coast ->f Pan¬ President, I understand this the first half of the program a'. U All dorms, sororities and and West Germany pi-i.t.. » ' ia were split Ryhig-ns a notret I y budget. 3 F •! mo*a should be neutral¬ the most tragic result" of the ama. The boat normally carrie* to be neither *n economy or an¬ worse as a singer. fi a'whit Jen arc asked to send over how fur u» go in blocking c ection. a crew of IS. Aa Uosiia's nWYe The motion, as adopted, reads: ized uf> ier I' N* administration ti-economy drive." the eveing progressed, 'representative* and to drive 'he however, help make Western Big Three *"We are gratified by the stand pending lelf-detcnnina'ion he improved. The of- out of the thee an annual affair. divided city. Quen ,v Alatau ar. i other ch«*sira played discreetly and ?"«icer;t Hannah has taken in West German offshore aland* ahoutd b«- re¬ tastefully under the direction of Mparts Claus v»aa the ambassador f:v-af top priority to increasing Juiius Rudei. Wilhtdm Grew# backerl up DuJ- 'a-T.iy raiaries, but in Michi- stored to mainland China Bri¬ i-hoftcn i«r 4 i-smiius widr party The real hero of the evening tor !«.»' contention that there was fir.» tain w ;u!d actively work for the deserving children to he present financial crisis admission of Communist China was Mozart. The beauty of his held Dec. 7 in Jenison Field- no major differences about how a-rr..ng to the legislature may music wag the most remarkable to meet Russia's to the L'mted Nat.on* bouse. maneuvers. mt enough in the year ahead. 4 Uncnriditior.ai suspension feature in the entire production. "**» urge that the adrturus- tpeculatlM about ia Whereas in Europe almost Student* are nsked to «tgn up bstn.n recognise a responsibility of Br 'i-sh nuclear, weapon testa •pill from a reported Americas every town of any rue has its in couples and bike the hr "<-• ..»i.-,g ways And means of regard lose f what other coun¬ name of readiness to deal with Cast Ger¬ All hydrogen-oomb opera h«»u*e. and opera .1 avail¬ child. tries do. one They will nick the man authorities who might re¬ able on every hand, the vast patrol fi.ghts over British terri¬ kiddy up, take him to the party place the ftovlels In clearing al¬ Dynamite Blasts tory should be haded disarmament conference ghould A new •majority of Americans are de¬ pendent upon traveling organi¬ and wards. then return Itlm'hofne aft- lied traffic to Berlin. West Germany wu reported Jr. High School negotiate for destruction i>f ad zations *uih City Opera to make ai the New even an ac¬ York A voluntary contribution of vigorously opposed to any such nuclear • weapons, missiie bases 50 rents per oerson is anked to' limited contw t» even though the In Vic Mexico and long-range bombers. quaintance with this important form of art. cover the cost of tne party and East Germans dealt with would to provide basket* for deserving hm regarded a* agents of thu The enthusiasm of the aud¬ « BBS. X. M. families. The basket* 01 food Soviet Union and not as repro- OP»—A It It* * «>ca.T.ite thrown through g 2 Egyptiau ^pies ience Monday night indication that there is a ready may be an will tie delivered by member* of entan ves. of an independent the Vets' Club in time to he'p East Germany. Jpadaw-Gr skylight shattered a audience for opera at MRU, im-hool here. T^e school.. Shut by 1 i»raeli that future operatic effort# will be welcomed. lhi**e families enjoy the Christ¬ mas holidays. Nixon Fly* lo Enalanil been integrated four years. Security Forces The two hour affair wilt fea¬ «« The ' uiiding was empty at ture Hanta Claus a* guest star, On Cowl Will NMon *• •"1 they " «, snd several neighbors hesrd a minor explo- TEL AVIV, Israel <&> — A« army spokesman said M>>n<1ay J-Hop to Feature pius the Men's Glee Club and a huge Christmas tree for the WASMINflTON Uet — Vic# President Nixon winged away young and "old" to • it I 40 pun. Sunday. n.vspal Ray Haynes said kiiien and a third Uken prison¬ two Egyptian army spws were Duke Ellington enjoy. to England Monday on a four- day good will mission. r.-i been up difficulty er in an engagement with Is¬ The J-Hno Publicity Commit¬ I'.ommUt*. Slat. Open Accompanied by Mrs. Nixon the integration of •at Negro xfhBe raeli security forces. . tee announced that Duke Elling¬ On VB Variety Show and seven staff, members, Nixon students, which Unit He declared the encounter de¬ ton will be the featured band took off at 2:4A pun. Among a *!*-r '•as in September 1M4 veloped several days ago when M the Ittfl J-Hop Positions are open en Union ■mail group of officials seeing there any indication an Israel patrol noticed suspic¬ The dance will be held Feb. htm off at Washington National Board Variety Show commit¬ J****, he added, that the ious movements near a save in i-t. Ticket# go tale Jan. 19. had any on tees. Airport worn Under Secretary * f*ct relationship to tne Miahmar Hanegev area. The gve winners of the Name Among those position# te be of Stat# Christian Herter and that about 10 percent of Troop* encircled, then caJed the Band Contest have been the British Charge D*Affaires. *•* fllied are musical director, stage vhiV'i', enrollment is Negro. those inside to emerge and w he notified and will each receive a Lord Mod. Hiyr.es manager, pianist, and alae peo¬ said there was no there was no response Bred a pair of free ticket# to the hop. ple to work en seta. J*1'- a bombing. -So far," maer.inegun into the aave and They are Btetonrd Hajrnor. Bagt Variety Shaw chairman Judy • Mid -there'a no indication threw hand grenadea. Smreral Lansing aanmr; Welly Kocian, Bu hanan, Birmingham junior, TnginRrr' — Snto anything but van- grenades were .flung back. Detroit senior, Judith Bates, says she want# people who arn The Taartaa Bnglnew" la at Israelis reponeded flre when a Utica. N.Y, sepli—tore; Mary "willing te work ifarcLTor a euc- sale today in the Klertrlcel En¬ Jnieral, slat# and city law man finally appeared saying *«*cement official# Joined in two of his companion# Ann Dm roc hers, Saginaw soph¬ cessful show." Those interested gineering Building. Olds Hall, omore; and ckmk Van Den- should contact her at CD •• Physics-Math, and tfc •cvesugaUoPe— had be. buift 7-07ML Course tea K ■nz+'frf,■*•*&!*?>' ■'rr&f •*'•*-vfawrt sf.» * .^i W(9Sf& • ■ y.Y. ■• «ih mr.iv '•""fe" Michigan Sl»lc \rw« Civilian Control Vowed in Sudan .111 Published on titnaent Servlret Kuiirtinc class Qav Michigan Stale News Do You Realize! CAIRO. Egypt Gen. Ibramhim Ab- TT« v..-Ufa-. S'atr St*- i* t -t ■ ■ J ■ '•'■ of 1 ;;n military clique will return to Politicians who served with* office Mail East lainsins. subscriptions na-. abk Mich t not the .ittscial vwi« :'»• - '■ .'I to h.lttlfc .tt'V military life when stability is ♦he old regime can enjoy equa .jure lor one term, S3 »xt 5* Oh: for three term, «-• recking to wn* tfti hes-t tr.tet* whether it Awociated come* restored and "the country is in rights with "'her Sudanese "am • tins. Associated Pres.? novfc w* » n '• .i'l «!'-« # '1|"< • ;t 'he hold any honorable j'»b to can Th. hands of hone>t men capable ■ •VclUJOV the iron. v. .• sin n < um •< • m «v the • will n"' ..... J'reav, Inland Da v l'i- »n« A of leading Sudan ' to a better '.heir living But they , atinn of all the in.-aI be allowed to make statement' in I nis newspaper Vol. 50, No. 98 Tti'-'tp ■ N"v-'"■• I"'"* PW Two life M The Middle East News Agen- to the press, he said \ P News Dispatches INFORMATION Foreign Languages WESI.rV OEXERAI. COINfIL J-HOP EXEC C OMMIT H I Required vol NO REPI'BUCANft EXEC 7 p.m.. 36 Union Should he MM BOARD H .10 p m., MEN S CLI'll 34 Union. 4:15 p.m., Wesley 7 p.m.. Wesley sttidv House. House Bible C ATHOLIC STUDENT ORGANIZATION 4 om, Catholic Stu.t. 1 tnr at all levels iti the 12 noon, Union parlors. Dr* < ANTERBI RV I I I B ter. Coffee hour. FORKlfIN I.AN'-1 UIF •;..ke>t ilepartmetits -if edu- Herbert Rudman, Uncoln Pettit. 5 p fn.. Union Lounge Offuei- •JETA BETA BETA T'nited State- i one >t * he >v. and Carl Hall will discuss their m.-ebng 7 p.m . 35 Union l> • rational -eurm uta experiences in Russia \CADEMIC COUNCIL Boas will speak flrmrge U a-hiitg'ton. atlvo- DEM TEAM 4 p m 21 Union - countr;.first fYi -i h nt l*K OMEN % DERM Scientist and his . Our ATHLETIC ASSN. ■ h his "Farewell Address.' p.m.. Women's Civm. WOMEN'S FORESTRY CI I B rated a f«»!icy >>■- i- - •■'i-"1 BOARD '. »■ chanped. 1 III TA SIGMA PHI 7.30 nm. Forestry ■ . I'ut in over 17" veurs thmr- ' Women's Gy i 6:30 p.m. 30 pm„ Spartan office. Sandefur will hi* gue--' i*olatM>ni«t«. And we ran I iungc. Americans can n«> SPARTAN PIMTOI. (I I R er. I t riumtpe* to bow to ||s, PLANT PATIIOLOGV- no longer expert fa-oides •' have little «j'Hvlinvr of their 7 p.m, Dem Hal! MYCOLCKiV SEMINAR C AMPUS I II (MB HORTK'lXTl'RE SEMINAR 7 :30 p in 312 Ag Ha t«» learn our t.«r;. »» . ".v h» • 4 p.m.. 450 Na' Sci 4 p.m., 204 Hort. native language--. relations with most of the ; We have carried on Countries of th. \a • . " ii-t romnnmieate by means not speak their tango.<pre-. Mia'ivts often nm-" For Everyday Values Read Your Campus Classifieds of interpreters. Kfferiivr « •n.munieaHon and understand* in? cannot poasjlify to act ;• ■ vI in this manner, WB SI I FKIi aaaistance program- Out KKOM tao . ijre deficiency technical experts and edu¬ In our. over- CAMPUS CLASSIFIEDS teas cators often go abroad with only a slim knowledge of the ED 2-1511 EXT. 2615 eustoniA and language of the «<»untry in which they are to DEADLINES: I p.m. im BEFORE IMPLICATION FOR TI ES.. WED . teach, . THI RS.; AND Fill. EDITIONS. In contrast. Rus-ian reiu.- mutative- usually understand MON. EDITION DEADLINE: I p.m. FRI. the particular lanpuap* ale' culture. of each country Jhev racoyni/.e. Yet we wonder win we seem sometimes to be Rilln PayaM* 8*12 and 1-5 Monday Ihrnujth Friday making little headway in foniirri relations An American educator wh<. recently visited the Soviet letters to the Editor tTnion said he wa- a-ked f|ue«tkms in Kmrliah by sixth classified rates real estate would be fantastic grade children. In the I > can In Russia over lo milium -imtant* art*'at inlying Knyllsh, while statistics students were early thi- ve,1 studying revealed only K.ooo Ameri-a the l»uian lanyuave. Sports Publicity To the Editor: Forgotten among Criticized all th#- con¬ " l»e dormitory inorporated into contract. jrrtrty f dey ' d«y« minimum IS word# FOR RENT hal'ift'ihs dfuojij IKITHISTS rnitKF- «f fear of "bti-yin? Iiehind" MSU hur for troversy is our position a.- -T77i 3 dey# t:o:"* ert ;iu» bJe-.l 'nr'.Hie «n RKASKIi IM f lCI SI a 'Flit* name of This would tend to reduce ■'■m IM interval between lent* ot «n in>titUTton of high,-, ... i n t'Ul • paid i1j .«eeki* J{u- .iii'l otbet fnrei?n \t.tr-,'~i»i the Most of Us air hire any undesirable attitudes which 4 day# If aTTE.VTTON t'W, have brouyht m-w nmr-i^ i». Si-jdeiitbei and fJfreinbei. domi learning night result from student# be- ...tr ic, n T *i-hfM»i. iintv t'i - if i ami adult .it MSU for the purpoM of ob¬ I day* .»C0MS tlahi# ( ape I .iU tanyuayes at. rleui»nt;ir». hi?' ,, • i.i.i?fii ihr sp.irly pages of fhi -ng uninformed about thi* maf- T taining an education and --be¬ level* duriny the pre.Hi i,! x*-a» public pres., throughmit thb mature members of so¬ •cr. is well a» to aid thi*m in ADDITIONAL CHARGES ,tr»* oftereii Hut when .'.(•••ii: na' "ii. the hi'inelaiHi of coming omparing the cogt of dormi- US W'NTER TERM ' At MSI II f< r*'u*b i. nv . for eech word ovor 15 — Ml I..11 ft IF r U' I!! !| f)! |s fotllMi i lie niation. »ix fiv ng with uff-CHinpus fa- » Hn H' *cl ' • rofttparetl t*» publicity has undoubted- il, as 'h»- textbook ?ay. 6c pot day S'N&lfS- It SO Thi >niiial control ir a factor f»f ma* ciipir? rrior# accurately DOUBLES $6 5f service Jacking. i s.-wed a- ,, ntudepf-recruit* iA II. rd* w-c.h ilni'- not college students MS IJ i-t the ouh -ii, *i I 1::' u.i1 «■» |n a B A dei'ree .iiy il. via Krosb have poured Into K.t (Kind lo noup Fug "irifv. •should thru learn practice th:s Boh Bur Inch AUTOMOTIVI retjuire of < '■ •» ••• I ,aii -intf each fall, coining from runtrol over themselves, at least in the ( t»lley «'»' >i m n« ■ wiuU* in public Although a lor#-.go ..i" ' . . •. I .| • it,I \| . Ii Ill •!. -'. til! Old Sol.'hu'l. poillts a K.Ik K.i We-' VP Animals exhibit no emotional Itad Publicity - m.." t i. ..fa . p.iiitt control Bv.. at'.ci lmg ao m this degree it is now m, .uU-ru yilha, soU o I'M the thrill id tut ton of higher lewnrng. wc f« the I dilor it#a PU kAlH) . try rHANI.lF'S nvai't wrtti.'buiE tn Aii-Ainerie.ii. j»er .\ e* f'oile^fr On g 2,<) , # ophy, phynifatl or biofo,- : .i !, ' ifunirem»nt sCt'K not to lower mil -elve* lo -3e»v I take 'hw opporfum' • = ,i»eu W>«lne»rt»v* . i to. Ml ill I 11 sotl Sfremrthenifir <>f th«» f«o. •tie level of the animal kingdom, (i pongrafulate alt those who . Greed Rc.ei uoijjil nN«> ad ! ««tren?!.; ' \ ' . api .a if i.in fur a I'Jil Hcliolarxhlpi but to raise the leve, of human¬ uaxe gyugtit the valiant right Jo 1 VtVIRSJV. CtJP : f\t SRaR*a^ hall atmof MfT'Mti to allow tin MSU campus of.im- i/Kr r.a fxi ri i • v . We ity ourge the I Si'F'i I,VI Ai.uf.-' • Beta Kappa chapt* i _ to dot line It tv i "Klv-Bv-N ght- Xlj'.p »»ifer M» I ED 7 21J4 •cfiu reo.air r.,i«e» * •* •■'.tie of afT-'i' s in the event the State New ii'u:•' untax-til W'lWi! eie. F iat . A 3U IAIT I \M,I \c.l • ' \« ••»!" put* inft. tipfia i' iii-« un.lt'i i;.is! • ' VI tie-t d . nptiasi/f I ' !!,< Ht'luilai tup I'll' I,'. ' decide* umn as to wa, p. mi a rtcru' col¬ suggested bv -III «»rs" ■hftaieri who :hn»w and butub risks at Negro Jewish syn- employment Ml DENT* WII.L fd T -r.227 tiotl here thii fa-' ..tlemu !• '• in I', (• pritMUii' ial a»:i It-adci, tbei, may 1 rceoi'i i.cint • Igogue* i»ti. ssi opi-onrrvrrv t f-l.- KS from 5tu.lv. In thi • • ..St .1 »,♦ i claxea. ■ lib a ' Marty i" itlurnn i>c in-t-r; i'u xwi.' lf».' courage anil ner»..i! J ' ,i nert ,n r >. m A , Ft i ; Ffj 5-36.H i ht lad n . ., ., . in mean- "1 t.. ..... n > the' i ed t.exl to it Heir ' •»■ en.be .%>»"* it >ftu ramp^gn at- , »b. MS.r • r • |f! ."Up >■' ■ ■■. 4 t o'irsi' ''.oi ... •• ?r< •"■< I the piesci)' ditik hfKp • UllU insert their nai • _ jr.p cbnirable yuahtie* but your •-.Ac ' ' Fill fl,„ • rvpfNO vi.L Ki.sn- '•> b ;gi': of cuuunon setrae a-id re«- lr.« Ten e..r r. .• • .".i. :r ackliow le'igmcli; f .f t.r,c i ■, • v »' * a • ece vc • K v Ixrmline:.' FD 3 . I'ivuiufr » a and b, • r Ii 'ii acbievt'iia ui to; iNiit catnpNign tic ; an i.-ed inexcusable e*r degrei ' •• liu'it Vi t» lap mi\\ not t ■ •n is c Nonet he • - . mu.-?. u - . < Ifonr tor Survival wMainj> in tax 'I *»• 'tin him Efftcv Overdone for sale T V • RADIO «w»v:ri onlw iM'bniti the u»i'. er^.tjA. I ii [»•-, but foil bebiml I MM tegalu* its -via • race revel tun; back to jts p'c- f wc-uid :mnk t"-#t >uu the FOR SALE iow rate. »o «tu«ler"- \r • . t#te¥i«Mm 'sales tr*r ' - i-cr ie,ii'uiIIv the Big In and national eva! instill t * • ore per!e, t j i. ■ itia1 ii if: ni ikf.m.H it shop # 00 a.ni •« 30 IJianv Amei can irt«*- t-n * • m i TV Technicians Puiroan* oft,. I .! 'tint I ("tr-C -.1 i .0 ings. we cannot la-pc to AUn S. R|(Iiiii»ii l.o'.-- v.i our nvw not-'iu'we cam- hnprox. on /, . • ». i» . . . 1 ,, Michigan. IV 7-335# !"h! Ibtfi t'sf o! II suivive o an inxtitution ol 20.- it * R s* i :x». though! tw be a»i".e«l n-w >?>•??>,, ■ 000 h. '-dot ••!.inching, scream* '..is * i tr i.'Uk.i:, a S-ii»re?ne Uourt ' VIMNO FXPFRTF N F" dents rmi-t Anient an- mani'-t W.IL, up ' t.o ' '' ' 1- »W Jt'ilpe of mllci-p of s r it throwing hab¬ Medium ♦ Diii'in Policy in uniuug -fin" FUuiii serv B (■).♦> ry •* I ari# v.. FD 2 l «' lew o! uti" lo the Eilftoi oi gree ALE«ED AL I . net- Jo .tic- us figy , | Knot Iier e"tf!itrV- ..»c« football thai 1' would seem that the polu . Wetc!> R Pec- SATiSFACtlON |H»s|!io|| Of W ! ..•.; .; u-; •...i-nt.on it f» .#ht ..in \Ur TJi "f ' .ovr . "i'J • . ' .. pic* f hur.li t Larwii'S tf >n*o 11iki • "ti-ie .ue w ho elan. tar ii»„v to ge- home Th .nk*- • '..gii.i ;•■ iar.g eg un uteri J. •.i A. 71 -b 9o "B I'.BttP til ■ ! FT in'« .. . tu-i' and » uttoral glviop should j-Ccetve s ne coc out tuilx a- ... o> they tivei • uri UHA l tD AKf ■ 111 i liF HF .) rn 3*.-e-e -v stdoration. ! D *' !,*•■ 5. * *F,,i ,.% . . Kb. people mm' he next toe ' i ' <• the5 <• W ;!d I" « -a ■: •t •: "ct :*■• .... Crosswor , c •. ' .d»;«ct(' m*tries K». In \ cw of «■ xfum'.i'- • no vidua!# t;kr # ) -I «!« I, they n«,d of f.nei.gt' student.* •■.-!;!,in he; .!»:••. oi st.,',- student wh.o a "end MSU vouiMMver u.vsa-s >cu '•*■ Vsnsvei H ARTfOHD LAt.M- : A< RO*x Ris ipave T',' empire inus'T be f r b*4. • HOUSING SI# rew«vd I'tv .. r. RN and I'taper Aer% . "• * M -e !.»!• i*!it'.f it xxduki seer nr s able to h if. 'luTiti.K a na".on-w <>* iflfc N Grand River Ia i si, t eg N 5 A a M M at :eai*t one dining iomn up«- RENT" • S. Jim Triiii m-andal. ^ FOR ■'• » t tjg^ gprc*r*q AAA and. fwi tidps iis. « •, tt i.»t ii- mi Bad I'ubta it* PERSONAL TYPEWRITER RENT A: rental ou" •" • K (ubl \ .!fL ■M [* c 't P L'AVM tickets t«» those students for iti« It Duffy* har.g , ;ad t» .m •bout pnene --ur iv s-jJi' «'.« '■■■■• " tm: ~ jr. - ■ rjm holidays frtco'*- balls 4Ji k Waaiunglnr' I'olivy Scored « Perip.1 r a! t.uc value a« 12 Ar • •!* ! " °f: vS'' ' n J|T q+o Dorm Tulirfe* •hir-.g ftgretablc but n-»t un'or- UTS' •16 RIEAKFAST BONUS . ■ u C is t. 15 5 KtudenU who cmf vx ithpoi A- (nan* jetabh* n«xxile*4> pub! city and MUT.N6 TONlTf GOOD Cot' . ba-'kbo;.*!. ~u- |o«Vu To the Editor: .to .thM ta'.e a;« ungual*. .»> bad fcelmgr could nave b*H'n Fast . fRESH Sovfl-.N ' Ac. editoi .at. is ueualiy the we weic. tt'a? th«'u> are extra avoided. ^ ROOM 11^. UNION •% 4 Do* n L ' ' , 3 il QUICK S«r% « lor examu'.e 3'' F hali.uMik by whirb a leatlei -haigc* tot o "" .lory privilege* In the future a little discre¬ Hon fo'iit.en Vriterday » pmi*!# i«t. SRUDNUT SHC* 1# Mischief 41 V : • r lUdges thi intt'Leetual level at uvc! tfie i-'ht.-'u.as vacation. a> tion and dipionuicv wonut br !•*> 'o«r bedr-'" 17 Slronr 4. f ■ IHIWV II Hd. 'wad a newspaper Theiefr»i<\ when, we;I «s a noiicv of nm vetv.ng more bectmung of people ol uwJicu burti-ir (»- isngr .-««.•»» ?*». duhwasr.e* . rpia.r -. ev, 71? MAC Opes » i* » * Ueei *1 \ «> -• y the purpose of a newspaper is ■eali. over Tluinksgixing, vour aeaumcd intelligence and Twent* >ui 0.» ai »:&* u. s >•••. '""* YOU THINK t ie faculty ami etu- la Ga« et th# Vi to seive Cbi.'Ji.as and spring VNeatmo. •natftrity l am quite sure thai •r-wnth Ft* #mR» ulink at a IuU"Hri * o-A:. ~ * "a- I 4i ;j : ... hoot •it M ,«• Of t.; .i.- nel o- »« C, i v. rien s »»f a iaigr university, we we .'*•*' this ml oi mat ion should Duffy and a lot of other people f XXT LAN aim; hhand <.r» T-li iOT 3'» Let Hue time 4it.lt it? edit*'ii..ts stp.uUi bedroom 4 u p ! r \ fuf'y. >m: rtl t*" " ■*< XI Uv • • I »>J • 3 11-. C',, II' •will appifctau.- irore TV PUT ANN »RO* N . Wfth Mm* rfre halh a»»| an intelletdMNl —standard V Mam's ,ei >ev 3.' Shai i tih fthei < ♦ A'!. I , b blit s..r t. i ter lie of word s ot the majority of t! xudi sdiiwt .Sight Stuff t# si on talent Noi-e" if you rexerve for "Malting the b.a jt for the li vTVUM-tTELY ! m.imir f il 3 >*m; F l mniSttiT* "l\ jj-JSiSa i bapert and thesta. Tnectr-e tvpe- • *'■*' ■ :■4 A*. M to! t m# Ma d* i M II \ . leader: is, \i»hi I ailur Wall *i|iuin bleacher* of Spartan Stadium. bewm * i.ui'hr v, nmert tw | chanted "U# e: Vj Oi.r* i - ■■ :»l IV heSv cen fn\tr Vaib'Us eiblornda U .i b have Hilt l.gltiir J r« ii nine I arkin* fwgt. Urn Hinn- J. H c.ahriel **kaid hoi * - itf college student* M» , * FAMILY JIWIIIA S.'f! a heiier a .. . u .etitly ap)H'.ued in the State XUII *l4tiiirriir waiaMe tale* Phwa IV *-«!U£ Br. » rH « rtC - |h Coiii 1 ofstevl 3D T»ne» m W VII hope K.i Len*l«ig , Uncover# S7 v« ill News have drtimtcly not l»ecn QUALITY MIFCha-.: it i\ W .,g eoniplimenlary to tl»c mttUecl riuac HocsiMi marrihf SFU0Y SIIY'Ct lea** f«i \ uccup:ert ktubem' faculty or student*, ■Nm ' a and laste ot 1 T rn « » » 7 • 23 N ut i d iwuxmg .mil. five room* foi > St. V AS C::~ . 24 set • l .mot's Irratrd Mrong Acr.w* irom camnu" l# 7 iou GIT THE SOCiAt ROONf JX Met hen el tp f-wl a»k f -. m, iuuia, « Wstck C'ect *- f)t notmnl* it*olutiujt to that of Gestapo »'»* after i *" WM. H. IV W' Id r« 1Mb t»ctu*. siviet police atni Naz¬ y®ge Ke-ac- Vr« "C"! SC • ■ 43 K et* is in. i* not what the reads'!' of #*»•• «v y-ito 13 w bottomed LC this type of newspaper should II #4 »> boe' 45 Royalty be treated to If.J»n> of us want STUPK.VT ROOMS AVAIL A Hi F, j DC a i eee a alone Thruwai v lift 4> 47 Cxpeit to us K>« SAlf to i*7-< u r >': 43 Drink The itoitor and *Urt are no APARTMENT TO SHARK wllh f > *' .W slowly doubt try ing to U' broad-mind¬ 7,' JtfSZL&L T^rz. wanted 4tt Reimt i4 Ji &t Fueg.eo ed about all the Aspects of the situation, but a certain point ia W w P Indian 53 At hum# u ached when being broadmind- *>t must Rive way to being real¬ J^SSPS^&^'S: im.m s • R— it i-«i »•».»ii:*adsrar^ 7 :*ii" jks .«*««-. MA..IKO *223- WOVAY*°:-1M 44 Ml bmiUi % ;■ istic. i*y,»: s. l!. .jkXw- i r 1 Rightist Group Leads/ "A rof Describes In French Experiment Tl Panlurlinn "In iiin.xv -.etieditled j«K"iate -..men "rntiati, n To !xe irrutip called De tfessor of natural an- needed to ,11 fhe dn.-iMiied cligib . Caul. II,1a will be rWin* hijrh in France's new bjv~ Paradoxically, they may cause Premier National A ssetfi- •istant to the science dean of the Ba- and ftjH'rti II orksliop • •a*' cues TXvo ate of »he :11,11c iitTicult nem math tiers hi n o a i.i t. -tudent and mu«f sophu- t*'!!eip\ Grain.y Talbot, pack of trouble. - De Gaulle 11 eh discussed (••icernini; the his re- relntion- I'lans Tiro I'lnvs I*-, k-- back and forth between who mux i.ith IIISE ve .11 A-. n ic.bitx ,nd * he cruel Tne big friction point is Al¬ p of ribonucleic a id delive¬ Dr. pan ,(J;d Hans J.-*s aio.> ,,iu.-t ger.a. \ in/mid Fin# rs to blood groups. I-tmpb of Vienna! Tailmt ( 'isrdworkiiig -,ti- have m Austria, is directing the Mst' nnr with "• 'heir moth, Fr >m results of Monday's first [Dr. Market's findings ,m unpredictable' 'em- round assembly elections, this mix he opera workshop, They will per¬ all-college av- "i first step in the chemical form Flies on Level two operas Dec clear; De Gaulle will be t; title- ar.-en-j far.irtrriratinn of the Kb sub- of the works .or "The Boor" by ;«M-.ng with a hard core of nee. The Ith factor is one of Donurmk Argents and "Abu deputies with less liberal think- iparentlv many vi 'han himself on that North Afr an territory. A solid chunk Of Old (do r\ oup substances human blood cells. different blood normally found Hassan" by in Wclwr. addition, the opera woik- - FREE 1 r-'t Blood group substances xhop is working with ttie posh -xf perhaps even more conserva¬ RICHMOND. V., lA are department to product* tlw ■ >-#• J*1 tive deputies is expected to be Lindsay ,\ j,. |iown jo be inherited HnckrP-. ■cal cmedy, mu\- 1«» oz. Coke. Bool Beer, to Paris from Algeria in day ,)p ii* tti through which P.ij discussion developed over l"phfn.l.,n „„ ship—one June 22. . lid were made on the WASH PANTS pjr, ||f whether this might n«t amount people from 1921, left, and July X. 1921. x« Minn and v 11 In hi | Marcos wax used by rigid—ax Ihe Nan Virginia." the late Gen. Billy m qiiist-nffielal reeognition nt tention .1 battleship was Mitchell "to prove Ids con¬ the rehel organisation. vulnerable to aerial now ix trying to bombing. Ihe Navy flatten the submriged hulk--a few Iret below SPECIAL for (mlnm* ijtA'OV. the xurface—which Gaulle has been the rau»e of Pe jymi i sweeping five-year piar earlier had pro- inned what A seven shipwrecks. Bring in your simian* and all oilier wash panl* Goln' homt over vacation? for •> '»';ng the economic and v • i-.vl prev>ed tine million -tatus of Algeria's de- North A?- H> n< O! gsnia na* • • . G'• 1 r' ,ii • .. ., v: , ASte-Qnesriwnetl now al pair or a dozen. (his low prire. No minHntim, bring one I On r. -.ns. a t>lan with a high price ta. vn> ' Fnnce. trumpeting allegiarce \ : d:n... rl.'i 4 O'. those with -1 1 *; A ,.v ' ; I'lavement Bureau (.oal LANSING LAUNDRY •9 rv Gaulle, a number of 'he -a • I DRY CLEANERS To lutm/ieaa Win k Plan , lr ... M'tidates who scored well ve - I- a..n r *e*tar find his Algerian thmk- . : 1 v - 1, . Tt tard to stomach. tlmoml said html I.mini111/ lirimi h „t Mondav statement he Stiidpntn intt'rpsfod in 211 • had He Gaulle would have pre¬ illilted .inv thought o| never .1, shntild chii'k the working in Ktiropt* "this summer EVERtatKEN ST. ferred a substantial moderate Ing the di»|»Ux - opportunities carefully, warns the American flag ment Bureau. Pliice- h;.«e in' secrfhd him on Algeria T ~ — J -hi; imi art as a counterweight to •I: «.n shingleton, assistant di- .ire iv.ulal' the lie-hards. :h» rector .f e iboui 1 the Bureau, recently fishing However, the vote all "••x.-ive-i .vnfd from the State ships other ,tt Norway, .mi ttiere are Sh EUROPE hir unskilled oiien e>- *ed Deparir.ent on the American positions the serious minddki S'uiieiit • Information available. jpxrefti'e opposition. F.x-Pre- A.siSi in organuratlon ilmut Service The nax for 'h*-.,- for LESS on Tt- Pierre Mendes-France, for h'eh from 54<>-Mr: ,n 'he promised to ftn.1 farms, while (lenerallv -hos,. .'tlu-rs m wfuch -to not Fiiiov die finest cultural •Kio ope for historical and GOING BY -m u» s* t'nion for the New Re- ouiltry desir- not jtiovide XinviK.iri Voii'h Aim. 'he xtudent v.iir' college xtudent* I •mail dep •: it ue« • i.i !x 'o uoiio biMit -n,i., IS ing farts .onrerning the students m.«v ek- fhtnrt's votes needed M«»n- alleged pei-t oTpax anywhere from BASIC ECONOMICS! was service sii». Sample trip*: B» f«r a candidate to take one" d the 465 assembly seat* riioM*ii \sis i.aini,un.- ts offices in »70 a month. riexig- '•♦* Aa far as trauhportation costs, W. Kt'llOI'K ««u • rent ..f James f i !.auf. II eotinlries, "i I da>*, S!H."» all¬ I S . ... uicd f«r metropolitan France or AMIS Ihwrt dx persons were running pnrtucii.l. i .• \u hi •' .1 ,:-I.»hn. nt ei'ir. ii living in will ilightx In Frankfort, arrange economj t.ermsnx. ey pense. » Lowrxt tare* of juifclic esrh Gx-naanv H 1 • seat, Only M came for tiJIh. These IligliU max lie trhnxjxict AOu . a*e ttarnse.v IJiirri?. NV. El'KDPE II countries, fit tlavs. s*ifr» all- it.on! | Breach. km hv 'he wa» camelled in whtrli raxe the ... Danish autiioritl.- T^e CVr.munfsts are in re* student must $l(i!i;» » Frequent departures! Quick-' '■> ii« n'inue his activities ;n xx.iit until another all-expense. Compare these low, | ^** * e. fhey include Jacque* )eri " .«rx be«-..wse he failed • ecnuomx llighl is made up |»e- U EIBDPE plus SCAN DIN WI A •*' time to many citiex! km Isnml | effective nead of the •h'.atn work • lore he or she ran leave ... 1". rountrles. permit." for <♦«- Last | .insini* Trans portat ion Htl days, i\2Vt all-expense. 1 4ir conditioned |p"*' in:! Jannette \>rtncer*ch. .••I.?' f«■ 1- whom he. had obtained iivm Frank¬ romfnrt: "he- a.'mg furt to tIf Wol fxillg 0» *t:n.i' .11 ix.ct.ire window to party leaner, Mgbtveeing; • k .n farm t onic in to t .dirge Travel tUfirr i tree Thoreg. For 'he hrst lime m sparta- The will he arranged bx the agAiic ■ for lltl l information fully equipped rextrnom lletlMII ,xj.*»| \mer.s-an Embassy at • 011 tbrxe .md manx otbci I I lllll'l. bargain*. T.e C(:mr,jni*ts lost eade historv grneriT theme hut the ■ "id will not '«• I.rt mi all Sren.cruiser 1,849.OOP a •la-nhagei: -«iso rwriw-d a earned you make all travel 11* help Sorvtcr* has been > hosen for the displats by them. rrxervation here and abioail schedule*! uun* frdin air. Hhtp or iuix hv "It an American at 110 extra rhaigr' I*»*» wrtared with the last !eg- ll.lhv-.eie. 'ions in 19'irt. The- % in the Itook famous last ;•••:( vho '.ad Mcgi,tration tor Um servi.-v ... til-en placed **• words is thu veal's I heme givr-li I»y the ICS SUCH A ar..\ IS 44 percent of the , ;.. .X *h« iirvi. r. ai- .i tge .■ . * x!2 ..ltd Call toila>! COMrORT TO TAKE IHL k'si vote, .r. ot .idrtjt-onwt >f»0 -i.ust la- AND LEAVE THE OU». compared with a .• . - ..Dt .fi..!,, Mr f. on' W 25 7 percent in oilier ^ 11 11 ft., DRIVINQ TO US! -c.» «:ace 1945. Besides the letter from the ' ah? \ll COLLEGE TRAVEL office "i Mlit 11 Ax ^.er are likely to win fa • • /" state Department, three coeds Id MM I pile Ctll VV. fit and Biter I asf *•**» than the 145 tha' \ rough dralt nl each unit s from \|»l xxTide to the xrniir |.gti*ni|> *hrm the displax must he submitted to the Phone: ED ^-hj»#»7 I II J J.Hl't biggeat party ir. asking for further information _ committee fter. ? md 4. nut provide iur I aid par .lament. 'The ••n the summer program. The J definite ptaiia must or submit¬ material thev received was giv¬ ted hx Ian. 13. to ihe 4Ute Newt ta he pub¬ IB IFeefc Headii, en C««n m leg member* will 'be lish. d for .dher interested xta- available 'or o>riiei»mce wdh denta. Workers Chosen unit Tuesday repr.-sentsiivex ar Thurwiav '• e . *r, e t x 4- f.. An ,'.tion hnHefin scot ,iat.-r 'hat avail- '*1 Lnett, Bfrmmgham 3 p.m. in 125 Student sen aA-'irk -en- ,n an> of the coon- -« The !a«' theme advisory meet¬ • js to beat-but without the r,,., ri *)eeti ciwwen -"-fnion v>> 'he wrvica ia 1 F"** genera! chairman ing wi! »>e Feb 24. mainly farm work. Aoma j«>ho at-largo of the o^ / ■ ^«rd Wuuk ehairmor. Altrnlion j (r _ 1 immlttuus tnciuoe C;.ni|i..« < 4-umI>. 111 IK g***' *rJot 'r ♦v«nta. n i ;ui 1 sophomore: Paul publicity, b-troora .r, aigelow. Sue Jew Marrold. Gretchea New tchllier Wotlte. Barracuda Type Jackets you miss the whole idea of Martdr Sfeann hi; . Springs. Ill »■< tU -M'.na. junior. Barb rtne BDphomore Chtnburg. Arse. Chira Clnnnl A Wa.rrprnofal J Rati - Lansing aopbomora. Through Hat. Psoa.flem, Ml Pfeaaent sopho- Jarrv l^ndy. Detroit aopho- {be tancv Dr..lett Lansing fresn- -Pur long. hda Bobinaoa. BslUmotr for only is to srr.r1 e-but without flavor * *•«> Wtlaon. Rochester. e>P».i«-ir,ra. Ann Lasio. Laur- _».pr,.Kr„.re AH Board. Mthe * '♦ 0|H-n Daily fiver. Ontario junior. 8 a.m. to 9 p.m. miss the whole idea of smoking! •"' f East t^nalne senior b ' *• e Ser "airman. -era i. ot the the OWWtmax Boerd of Saturday Till 7 p.m. you j da Ann S-OM BWbausn 1 Hour Dry C'lMalnc I I.nm I umor tttident ser- ilmk KlML c I Hour Shirt Laaadtriag M^na. pubhrl Al No Kiln Coot t1te perfect i christmas gift IRfxlrophjr DoU, ^iifn * pfam kr m.d. immkk 0\ SALE 0N CONCOOaSK NOV. M-MAb FRA.NDOK SHOPPING CCNTU - ■WSESc3'" ""!" " *7 .. "s- ■? ffttrrmhfr M. IMS MTfmOA* STATE NEWS Michlpsn State News ' Tart Fouf LCA, Rather, Stooges Loudermilk, Brandstatter Lead Campus Classifierls . . . Low Cost Top Leagues in IM Play 13-12 Victory * 'i I,nsl 4 Hays Lambda Chi Hail and the Stooges Alpha, Rather lead their In Theta the fifth position Is Pi with 215 points. The Beta Green Team to Feature lt15 3:15 respective leagues at the end fraternity points basis is on Wire: • 5:15 • 7:20 - 9:30 of point tabulations in the intra¬ three sports. Greens Pushed Down to JA»» IANSIMO » rwowt 10. »>«««. mural sports. Rather Hall leads the dormi¬ mrt: MflU-tCMMD Lambda Chi leads the fratern¬ ities with 245 points, with Delta Tau Delta in the runner-up tory leagues Emmons Hal! with 129 points. follows with 127 • je Whites Show Might First Time and Bryan is third with 120. By JIM WALLINGTON UVE'SCMOKI position with 235 points. Sigma Nu is third with 22(t points and Bailey and East Shaw are tied Art Brnndstatter'a perfect place kick gave the Greens SMA Of TIH ATO places fourth with 219 * is. for fourth place with 119 * 2 a hard-earned 13-12 victory over a determined White squad •points each. in the final Green-W'hite game Monday. (S.MHNUI jrf.tf The Stooges' 140 total points Brandstatter's conversion ' Old King: Cole leads the independent league. Heir's eleven to overcome. The The Dogs are in second place came after he caught Leroy Green also had the atleky hands Was a merry old soul, with 125. and Evans Scholars LouHerrnilk's pass and went for of ends Brandstatter and Dick place third with 117. Hcdrick a touchdown on a 65 yard play lie died laughing Oxendlne. House is fourth with 116 points, to tie the score in the third On the passing of Joe Klim Reading SPARTAN 2. with the Vikes in the fifth po¬ quarter. and Lipinski and running of sition with 110 points. Buck Nystrom's Green squad Mitch Newman, the Whites im¬ had to comeback twice to win proved with each game. They in the contest spiced with long were pushed all over the field pass plays, ihrilling runs and by the Greens in the first game, rugged blocking and tackling. losing 21-0 The White men iM^ The Whites *rored flint m an scored in the second corftcst unusual play. Tackle Bill Timm Mil m itmr ici wm swift row which they dropped 21-6. Then grabbed the football from the they made the Greens work for clutches of • Green back and y WAGNER WYNTER MUNIER1ANGE-DILLMANNORTH-HEN rambled 51 yards to paydlrt. Monday's win BOB Bt'CI ELIDES Green tackier Tom Wlnlrrkl after Inters-,, COLOR by DC LU*E -ADDII)- Ball carrying Is nothing new to The most spectacular play of the series? Kumiega's 97 yard ing a pass on the White 10. Suel escaped to go to the i,r,,n ,, I ClMBrv*/- ' cOPE f'ARIOON A M US the 220-pound tackle as be car¬ punt return for a score in the yard line to set up a TO. The Green pursuer coming up it |»lv| I ried the mail aa a Coldwator Manders. Green won the game 13-12. 4 soon! -party girl" |? fullback. Loudermilk teamed with full¬ second game. back Carl Charon on a swing play that covered 65 yards Sport Had Early Beginning nf pass knot the score 0-6 in the Explains to HEY MOM!* second quarter. There was no further scoring In the half, but the Greens were Coach Schmitter WEIIN'EHIIAY threatening as time ran out. Fencing 1 Veapons AOII.TS tte Various . . The Whites scored the first Gel the kids' ntil from under your feet while you iimm'.vs "While Wilderness^ CHILDREN . tir time they got their hands on the ball In the second half. Flint •re preparing Thanksgiving Dinner. Send them to halfback Robert Suci intercept¬ By CAROL VALONE the days when fencing was K double touch le- ! .rout continues u to i the i ed a Green pass on the White must. The foil as a separate en¬ our hig Thanksgiving Morning Cartoon and Com- in and scampered back to the Fencing is an ancient art. clear touch is m.r > <4, it's Kfow Orleans' Favorite festival of fun! Through the ages, it has evolved tity developed in the middle of 33 yardline. The epee date* htrk U iS»| •nemv .the 18th century. Its ancestor edy Show .., two hours of hilarious entertainment _IW Cr«.S1lNe _Wb -ft, From here quarterback At from deadly combat to a sport was the small sword or court middle of the lad crntur* mtl ! I Lipinski went to work pitching requiring finesse and wits. Al¬ \va* developed in I r inr* It I with their favorite cartoon pals. It's a hig llowl- though the real beginning is not sword The object was to kill vt to Gregg Orth for eight yards the opponent by running him evolved from the duelling known. Charles Schmitter, MSU When the law began to tutl and finally to Ed Ryan for the Idnv fun fes! so let the kid* tune up their funny fencing coach, feels that "in all through the body. This is the touchdown. The play covered 25 reason why foil rules make de¬ strong steps against durlhnr :«■ times and places where swords yards. The extra point try failed, the death, the epee became jx'p.1 l»nne prior to the hig turkey dinner, used, intelligent people fense manatory. A man must de¬ but the Whites had doubled their were ular and wa* used t • The elcetrlc epee ha* a spring ball game. Both teams started way down the bmk : point which is depressed by a drives that were broken up eith¬ The weapons include foil, epee and a po.nt. Hits : pressure of a little more than er by their own mistakes or ag¬ and sabre. Women may only one pound and a half. Two wires by all three. gressive play by the defenders. fentfj foil, but have the The target is fr men run down the fluting on top of The game ended with the choice of all three weapons. the blade lo a connector under point where the THE WORLD AT THE TOP OF THE WORLD I 1 Whites threatening on the 15 The foil has a quadrilateral the guard. This join* a body trunk of^Jho !>■• ■C 'I W-", lOi: l-RWiUAM IM OltMATION IIIM. y&y teefttroesaShSmB yard line The Green three game series team took the without a loaa blade about 35 inches long with a round smooth guard about three and one half inches in wire which goes up the sleeve of the contestant and out the cludinR_tne head sabre is there' weapon and is f. .• :GBnoii • ri l \v hark of the Jacket. The body scoring 55 points to the' Whites diameter and a vari-shaped han¬ same idea of art i Land of " in j-shij II. The passing of Loudermilk. wire Is plunged into a red which as the foil. One r dle. molded to fit the hand. pays out and take* in wire as Adventure who should he a highly rated Tho target la limited to the •nhe would U> a lhr< ' the fencer move*. The reel i*. and My»lery, w> contender for varslt* uwarter- area Inside shoulder tea ma, be¬ wired to the referee's box which Weapon. TODAY* bark neat year, and the running low the top of the collar and Fencing has been of aweiomo 4V : f" 1 Wll). I ' Danny Ka>e in "MK and the COLONEL* of Ballman. Kumiega and Char¬ inside the groin lines for men, haa a series of relays which •it MSU since l^-'R . I cause a light or busier to regis¬ on proved too much for Gordle eight, and —- . or around tho waist for women. ter whrn a hit is srored. the few sports w t A tooek most be made with the legendary animals... .. »* The touches are electrically require any prc\. • • Sometimes Savage, lAMIIhlJ/ffUl point. Five tonebco constitute a bout. timed so they are scored to one None of the rr.tr.- year's squad had ex; • eometimes The foil was originally a twenty-fifth of a second. This or to comnig to M>'' Ar SUM. means that when a man makes interested in the rr < N blunted duelling sword used for Humorous «. .nii .v i ki:. niont: iv. 2-983 i M. J «• _! u»_ practice by the old gentility in a touch, his opponent must re¬ tend practice m r u i ■ turn within one twenty-fifth of Always Emciting' -) PI.KASK NOTE (- LAST TIME TONIOHT Jenison Fieldhouse f .-m 4 : a second or else the return will p.m. State's first b.urr.ar ;%"V1 / Jt SCKCIAI. MIIIMCIIT show CLARK DORIS DAT CIVIC CENTER Wed. Nov. M • • pjl not be recorded due to a series of relays. The electric epee was will be Jan. 23 when- will host University of Dctrd TIIANKSIilVINfi KJ'L tVEIf. NOV. 26th CABLE — • ! I' U/ofoOi I'HKVIEtV KIIOWINfi OF — |N "TEACH KITS PET" Harlem Globetrotters — pins — f.rst well developed enough to b« used in the 1936 Olympics. AND —— Tomas Cowgirls va. Load DJ'a The target is the whole body and the objective is to hit first. IM Schedule | white WILDERNfss •NEW ORLEANS Fiv# touches constitute a bout. If From toe Bold AFTER DARK- AUcy W BaUfT 3 ROW I ISO C'W mm v» Bwi-y I A Tfu» Iff* Adventur# Featur* ^ TIMT — blushing stage STARTS WED. J-4 W Shaw M Fmauini 1-i llryDn I I j v*. V* v« Iir> W *hL» R«ifn«a» * f t l-M lUlhRf 1 V» RiiMf • hit of sex STARTS Tomorrow! TECHNICOLOR* SCIIMHI.ES will. Ilr*t Show 7:00 TIII'KH. Thanksgiving l).it Friday - Saturday P.M. in the FAUIRN «;» 3-4 Bryan 3 v». Brvjn I S-g I mmoai < H kimmoM 1-1 Railitr 4 vi Raid, r t*l# C mm on i « vt. pm 1-3 RnUirr t v» Hiiii'-r I ' » BjBSBB SUBURBS! « FIRST K110W I PO P.M. MR OMITS MTM KTMI ASwHr—vRsmiTso THE giant WOOOSAU/v AND the ■-(Mm IJOSIPH KtBS Duly UrnUr —* • waaaonw GRADUATES !. i blue ox! rooucTK* Order Your Jit ' Cap and Gown WALT DISNEY'S N0W 'D Wtk «A e*Ds U u7_ * toUii-'"*" \ -u t <'Sf Jianry Monday morttinp whkri i mo*) irtw the Forrent Aker.« ('„•>, mOltj, , ,• n , ' |. Kennedy Trophy- "!!.'!»' rotim- ?h»» Kufcltlv ■m i Tgl * ic » r. Kenneth- of .\!i« i iiMtt N.tlit s,..trt. I ilimr flin W.dltitgloi la>«d the Spartan* 4o their n-.er-l . sir1." ! he itiiniMHu cr's v'hi r cmckletl over the hnmthpcnk Niuettiher •■». |M*>H Page five fhatnpi'tttahipa. •it.-.: KrTirehy, a .Hfl-P'sinu j>ir " a' Head Com h K: >tn T r-'Tito, thil* fi f,,. srwrtan run net become •■■■ • "|!!!' > ' ti.nl t»ech .1 \ 1 - *• w . Icoltlen Hear; N'.i' -tok* tip honors in the nut!•»»».«: * ••..#< t'oa. h li. * In Hose. Imiw : . a. )>'. Xt \.\ . .. -rddy'g brother, Henry. •»:- • . US! i !,ii • !(»,■ .(,!■' r-.- i-d it in 19n.) ho! • , 'it!,, wimiet ii.'Mi \l.. • , oy Iowa s Chair* I). ' S'.ife :n the Jll * ear. the '.c . Meet! Mr' I K.I-' la.-. • tew fee' . t>\ a f ii»ii ■ i! # . I tlRDDV KI N NI |»V I II \S 111 r run It • In addition the former Spar" 0< flosesl battle- Put c. I. Am The ton 1 th Mil lllf• \N tan track star has p-awv « NCAA htsdorv s„.,n-l, Ul \TI * IHKDD4 KIAMIH has won all hi* ra.es *1 .• .'i .Ml "I 1 t- completed a 'loss the wire Jin, Iluraii. this *ear except the Itit: in coveted "grand slain '- ** ins in Michigan Stale, with 79 erl I., r.. f hir.igo Monda* Kenned* ailil.-d to . n« loui'ji# ret-oul. st*. a .'|f» tiiiish to h.s impressi*,. Hie Big 111. II 4 % and NI \ \ •oinls, pvrned up an old store 1 op ,he record the final touch—the \'C \ \ title < naeh fun •« ' : /:1) o f ■ Hili |.»Mtion mrrts. \nd Dittrirh predicts the „,th Noire llame when the Koran hm-h.-d Ditlnch has hern even more impressive this O P P onl* two seconds year, his tram winning team the His Hi |( will he even stronger Aexi * pi runs covered the snow -co* Imiii |tcoder liehind \rm* s and \f \\ tl,|„ Somewhere In the crowd- wa* *ear! C o LIE ' | lOiirne to Hni*h 1-5-to-2.1- points to earn \rni* third place In the stored III Karl track Srhladernau. former head and "1 have «. fi-.- 'UFoin or. >■ HJ.S l» I'or 111 cross rmintr* rciach |^>unip|nnah|n S.,' 1'i !.'• Irish the meet I tie . ,ule|s were il*o at st.ur to, I.X *ears until hi* ..... Switch rrom Moist dofet i.. third the .v three- m It 4\ a icq 'hat ..'V-l 1 teliremenl last lulv. Srhladr- •-* To Jjnow Prafih KQDl f * -tv-. uP>Pt 'he S|).ot.o • is .«ht n<".* " the -ti'.i!j,M11 \• nuii directed the Spartans to r, ■.? .; « na'ional jrreet dual Michigan meet last St.,*e between *<•• , tr. Ih>»s. Six-I'aIts Puss ti*e ne*er pre* ions coached train an litles individual hut ai Spa 1 'an • D': .. li. iiiic'c ohiMi a navy ex. lieutcn- lain . ! minner .m, ntid cm'-.ma: ler nt 1 P..;' tr in '.he j; i Semi's: Pi ha Is Ton i» lit - , 'nii.Mu eruft, : a'lied Mot M o * 1 y itionwm! Schlad- . -ntiTier squac. Ed uih .'i -tins- 1mv« frit . . * a .1 Oray.lon, la .' / ;.n Dittrich. w»n the Ht W . a 4iid Fitch «• 'he '; ■ » •• '0 'he .>• 4A 11 ow ns -trg; w f.,1 •> r I'nr • j UN* a y... • Keituedv's |iei form.nic e l'"-'- ni'i Si\ I'ak-. attpf «wej a i-c.ss MSl's1 new golf • trig 411 arid 7 f> p. or its i ■ • wiiuiiiiy s«Mni-fili;«f c<»ri- •* Iff :!, ist have felt Mondav .he received the Ralph !* omi- . .r, to' complete tw'"- M'Mulii' flight, will PHch other tonight nt 7 ti»r Voting trophv. which was ere >' '' s grant! slam ' ated this year for the Individual Houston\ lerr* amartl. who championship at the Practice Kioicl. /rand slum constitute*, winner of the national meet. .nierenre, 11'4A i <1 ^J4.a* and supposed to «i*r Kenned* lours roiw|Min (ii the hat '• ' • .r■!-■ i e Pistol Squint M.i State Capital ig.t'l ' Pho M«>' ,1 : t ID run t« put the dwm repre- V H ilv" .. win tie r«»r tup honors, hiiished '»lh • •,. , t,',, vTnlallvea within ny.e tourh v Have* (il • • •*,ea»i or..* coach. ill a *i.■ « ' on smaitl the h»sts hail ,.r .1 stated Ml iT^'tnue suiida* utahl • .• . M-. , • • '. Tr-r .. ' . dow n. rt.. M lla < MS .• i \ . . • II ins Trophy ,iii" a.V ■*",i I'he Si -1 "t ■ > rid a higr j . he lore thr meet that t t lie - ,1- , . > ■ 11*. 1 ' e * i the -a:> 1 at- /a 'O ,n P - T »»-It* ,|l *1X AlHLINtS !'; tne Ha' ici ag.. m.t "M1- tm.t ... | i tries Hear on" Junes, who — ' t f; » •:t 11 ».,s k The of i* .ted Kennedy In the Itiu It) > H ■' Then 1 .v ;du row-11 went to tii)* IS ON ITS WAY • 1 A ■' H a •. mo met in t hicago less than two Max 1 ex W I.o an IVI'I- noli* ago. the ^paitau ol ;! Ih.g. The, I I'd 1' .'.I'BC Kie'd r,„, M e I 'er . Mi't'hing ! | mark and t.wii the lead at the one-mile at ' M > •. xaai-.e f,»i "lie !>■ . « "» . e t n , iih'-,.. in-etial \M • ;m A \ r AGAIN . . . never relinquished it . a 1 r* • er TH pa - 1 '} b u ci a ae-A- ed Kennei R ither came to life a» in the • . s'.r on again. In f \ a e- T • Ha ;ger- ''>11. the second fit !tie - over 3's miles, ■, • period 1 ou /.i* |r rr.'c- ap, \MI Wt W \N| ,n e, Chicago that I Ir.ivyto'd Kenned* Molt •tntied the canine — crew with a .. e-e'.»,• n Hi .'1 K ,.! 'he < lacvutc, bellii Siuina Pi II inn di'Akf state ;u n: I , < '.j ,• - i>*' r \.r net to Mil i! - e 'lip business Itou I. I /»• 1.1 1(1 s|M-ss •iv t Id VanderHeu*el h'ifle Team »!• 'he final Tops .n euttal • fifty I Ku - M.. i M11 h I* John Sc-hwartt wax the hig p '»if h-f.'t S'i. ?»♦•!« man In the Bryan line Sigr.a P .tare. I k oil 11 to : nt ni to l.iic tvn< -1 .• •• like mUc I'li h iieeo iie»-|. -ciii. it it Monday J Ores t \rt I sole I.astern Mirhiiiau up lie Hid ,. Western - ft,}'. * ei Vfo h . ' Ml "1 tossed two trasses thai went lor i a pit it is in iM e- ili a Ai k.l *«'• ap the nfth \ll.1'.' It!" 1 h'-' w a i- I- 41., 1.1 lligt.fs 111* h t * will i*||| He ne ccsiuiied mi touchdowns to Hcount ami I.old .« • • ' • A a. K.i a-. "P iH ' ■+i I lony ft odd 4. Kansas schedule r a* a 30-degrer jn-» "llale, . e Mi if stein, fcoldstein threw a scoring i to * dead stop' J. . - ' • • :tki, * i1 ( drl "1 ■ ,m 1 : ■ ,f.,ss himself with Johnson lit* . i t ''iii F 1 (H'tHkitNl. MtiRI HI I'llUMd II -•/tad f*»r several minute* be a Hill >Mb Kansas Ml \S ktlU ft kit | tf k N lojiirt'tl (iriililfr •I.e. IP ' a ' 11;!r l aw .,*.** target, to .0 • . ... -• i-oo'iniiing aixl fin.-i.e.t « William Ke*mild* Mi. h. \! .g .n :n 'he f *' . 4.'«-e e I '• H R P • O kNI MlttlR kilt I IVI IN Hit MORI II Hoi H. p .,, ! ! 111 III ,ll V Ir.lVlli I flltl'l* V) with a 23 OS tinK . slate . j ■ . M ( ,■ -,P . • , ( h: i . 7 I'eler t lose • . H- •« ft- Kennedy. 4 native of M.i*t"idi ; si tohn ». MI Ml I v«tUnd. I * ••-e Ihan went fift> on feet l«i over win ten l'» X larrinl Mnh 10 Id \shniore Western 4 1*11 ( KM KIC COLLEGE TRAVEL OFFICE I **l Mm higan * I'd \ anderhen* el d William \ heir Indian 1. Med - Nov "!»i " H |» m. I hotned* to**. the duel •II I ." I lit W * one - llarlcMii l.luhetrutters • t <(t and If 11 nt I * 'h femes at Chleato is the In lorn II Klordatt. Idaho st ile featuring Mil.J' (the still) I •' '» hleniish on the Spartan Ml 43 I- If 1 sf,»,7 11 lla* id I'rrlle Jteloil .'III. l.l A U fl 0 hi* ( II kMB! HI. kIN |M ner « record this season " « I'ak* If I;on I oiib : a ; 1, n Reynold*, a *opV» m«> ■ Indiana '« II |.l Ituri (>reiurt. Notre I lame • promising future piac Al 1 KJIH ? t» 1 « x ^ > 't a 20 39 oerforman' •u 17 «• Dog* 18 6 ti H - It) ' i west in front 14 Hob Cake Mich state. Mil' of v > Peter Cio.se Clour w* I.V Hnan tra*is Kansas. »« 71 ahead of Hevnt < nniplete team scores KQDL > I Mil »IM.%\ *1411 7i i Western Michigan. H»4 KRO86WORD No. 9 IM Highlights 4rrn*. \ Ill 4 Noire Itatne III Iowa sj ite lt», d. Kansas * a K-Mth *i fc.-n* t I II. 7. Indiana. 173 H low a. a • IS |\)R the A -t *. ?||' d Uk ansav f id |« f_en wneatnng and gvim-o-'.s tral Michigan. ! . II Drake. re ■.'»w being taken a4 I.*4 |». st.aruse, !N9 |1 Duke. " ff-ce - 107 14 Miami iHhio lis • • type IT Ma'-kmaMt • S'I k.» igi~ Use.y M - *«* r •lift* CAPITAL M ' »-M h'.it «ai r'c-n U h •* <• -I cn «> t*Mag AIRLINES »S« . igi'Mlm U rs— s»a 83 K -s4 'J nar'M* c 'ar> »'• t» - ^ 4 ink M CUr»sa» I*IMW« VIM ■•tflPUUU ■ WRHHHHFW *1 * Has) ti 4* IMC* M *M M Xi^.« VI • It — m X -a Vi cUd |» km* Ike steak" has beep settled and *<> 4.i»« f**Ul is mm Mi DOWN M r»ia» •r-f*g way again All f lie hi* w ill he resumed on 1 M»oa • e> rm "meg M • dagat; !•»»,'• We'iraafrr H yaa'vt keen temp»rarll* Inremvrh- ***■ He'rt •• Mf, re»dV ani kapp> U> «er%« vou again if w* yaw travel aaenl Taking Nloek? woihwful dilfefcmeu when you Taking thick of jc»|» o|ifihiti,uitie«, tcx>? f>* Ira met) vour college liatip meeting new friend* the thrill uf pna Capital ., ink' to #ootl a«ivantage leyardlt*** of y..ur motion* the vacation* wdh Kn>cr/ the wnt refreshingt*penenc» . |M|, in cmt'ktfif, Sm«.ke knnl.., uttk . ■M)or — in a vane Iv of exciting |u ' Ca|J or write tadaf host have no jocym,.- toMi** V tfgnil* PhiJIqn*, 420 ! ML IPUP KT MUHt he»**g|*ricfiie will n„t «t,.p y.».i fi .o» W fndufttru) ®ef*»rwo sou jtr-rowticn *«< * see ni *v iu. e M vi> r Dianne Atchley, Chappaqua, 4tie B-ekman. Lansing sopho¬ that a new member-at-:3r?e : -1 N.Y., freshman, to Roland Cor¬ more, to Bill Laidlaw, Tavvas will be chosen from app'i:3Rt, because of the absence of o-» nell, Pontiae senior, City sophomore and Phi Delta member during winter term. ALPHA TAU OMEGA Theta. IK Nation Study Group Coleen Reid, Livonia junior and Chi Omega, to Bill Cooper, PHI KAPPA SIGMA Requirements for the po ; ;oa are junior status and a ? o ail. college. Petitions may be p:c*s! Culled For In Proposal Ann Arbor junior; Shirley Pav- ka. New Lothrop junior and Maureen Reilly, Grosse sophomore and Fi Beta Phi, Polnfe to ed up in the J-Council of the Student Services brnHing. ifi Kappa Delta, to Jim Nelson, Ken Warren, Detroit senior. UNITED NATION'S, N Y. IVP)—The Soviet Union turned Grosse Pointe junior; Barb Tay¬ doun Monday on a proposal by the Unlioil States lor, Battle Creek junior and Al¬ OFFER GOOD THRU DEC. 2 smiTl other countries to set up an 18-nation study group pha Chi Omega, to Frank Meh- wald, Cleveland junior; Cecily to lav the groundwork for UN exploration_of outer apace Larsen, Winnetka junior, to Oss Week Special for peace. S- * ' rvj>ut Foreign Minif- IHek Barnwell. Detroit senior; Mary MacEarhren, Detroit, to rri SKIRT. SWEATER ar tn V, on 'fie- I'N n served notice P" ♦real Committee Engagements Larry Ridcvllle, Detroit senior. DELTA DELTA DEI.TA PANTS BEAUTIFULLY CLEANED ft PRESSED hi i .vould no: take part Mart *r ft Doughty. Fort AI.PIIA XI DEI.TA FOR le tn #rv -a •? ir. of th«- study group Wavne, Ind, sophomore, to Gor¬ ©n the mirb'-: -hip l>ns:s pro- Mary Poe. Fort Wayne, Ind., don Edison. South Bend, Ind., t It.: e-'i Fa sUrjs-'-*t. rFe.t'njted States and junior, to Dave lingers, Bay City senior and Psi Upsilon. irr MODELING THE CLASSIC errv neek and are Bill Hanley,. Detroit Junior, and hla- Hob .new roat sweater with a Paisley ikirt. Complet- inc the fashion picture I* Tim Trmnbley, Grosee sophomore and Lambda Chi Al¬ pha; Gynt llaga, Grand Rapid® Mm with «fh Salt. Drew » Cast U. S. Ambarsa- DH.TA SltiMA PI Tointe Junior, who models a definite wardrobe junior,"" to Jim Clifford, Lincoln Tor n :«c - » <-n •Ihr Henry Cal^ot CndRe of bad faith -I-, t'y or v.i'e negotiations Dolores uate, to Hal Fletcher, MSU grad¬ Pattullu.r'Wiimette, Keller, Groaae Polnte senior. Ward Harrix, Mar- lette junior, xporta a raxual Harrl* tweed suit essential for many MSU men—the three button Park junior and Lambda Chi Alpha. ONE HOUR MARTINIZIN8 OLEANERS and Howard Sperk, Livonia Junior, combines the lius-coaL Rraiitiful Martini,In, — Ik* MOST la Dr, Clnaln, for Ea-'-w«"' agreement that III., senior; Carolyn Hoag, De¬ DEI.TA 7ETA Krr, r.rkln. In Rrar at Star* to'' .:«e»i -N* TAeik troit junior, to Norman Nimltt, Sue .Baron, Grand Rapids "N'i immiiH of vthtev In thi* Dearborn senior. Men's Fashions Never Die — sophomore, to Bob Trumpfhel- 125 E. GRAND RIVER, EAST LANSING fMnmittee «r the fenrral »*• OKI .T A RET A • ler. Royal Oak sophomore and tumble can r»mpH any slate to Jane HarH*. C'hesoning «ojih- Pi Kappa Phi. Ivy League Style Continues ••operate with any study group comore, LaVcrne Skaryd, PHI KAPPA TAU tnlcu •Hifreed wttfi that an endect aniline atate In *A- Ik' Owcwso juniui, to LAMBDA CHI ALPHA Carol Preston, Grand Rapids, to Dave Rlre, Hesperia junior. INTHR national ladies' ttara Mm." he ieelared. mm • t»a*l* ml eoopera- Joy Butter,' Chicago, Tom Burton, Chicago, III, jun¬ III, to By TONI ROBB ' Garment Workers* Union India, the United Arab Rt»- State New* Society Editor ior; Nancy Whitworth, Portland senior and Chi Omega, to Gor¬ Men's fushion^never die—neither T.va'. talks to «ee If the deaoit-'k cmtiil t« broken. ior and Kappa Delta, to Mark Banfirld. Elmira, N Y,, junior. of male dress with This year, those rarely changes radically. who flair hove taken the vest .dress • narrow stripe down »he edge. WIDI-TRJICK WHEEIS . FROMi Cue Tyler, Institute Director, ILOfU Trelnlnt India's JVfettM- Minister Krish¬ NORTH WILLIAMS « equally na M»r.on sparked the move. Verna II h I m a n n. SufTerin, nut of obscurity and boosted its There is also an ular four-button version, pop¬ and Give You SUI>JM«I A DIFFERENT KIND OF JOB OPPORTUNITY Tn® three jntroduued a res'i- N.Y., soptiomore, to John Cum- popularity to a new high. Act¬ ually, the current popu¬ both stylet come in either light, hition eslbng on the two big mings. Snyder, NY., Junior; even medium or heavy-weight yarns. of this style is nothing eoae la your BETTER IIIE power* to reconsider the matter Audrey Miller, Saginaw sopho¬ larity It occurs to oe that there are n«?w. fTrice middle-aged English¬ They also come in either sleeve¬ an! report hack on tin- urgent more, to Wayne Magnan, Pon- have been wearing them less or sleeved version*. student bodyeho eould be actively interest.l Ks;i* to the political committee ©n 'an agree! and practical ap¬ tiac junior; Run Ire Ham**. men for years, frb teddibly correct, The non rardigan. or pull- In a job—and a challenge—that otherfof their Wallingford, Conn., junior, to aver, 1* the most basir. and generation have accepted and turned Into e re¬ proach to this problem Rolando Aurpaud, Lima, Peru; old ehap! I .edge prai*ed the author* of True, there are a few break* therefore the moat variable of cording way of life. Darla Mellnn. Grandville jun¬ Ihe resolution "xinrerr wen In the. stream of conservatism style*. The rrewneek. which » ior, fo Hubert Vnndenherg. waa once knit only in rather The International Ladies' Carnent Workers' with the beet of nwllVfi." Hut and tradition prevalent tn men's Grand Rapids junior, Dorothy he added he believed It wwild Ahren«. t»i iv; Lake senior, to clothing, hut theae are usually Hiihdued color*, appear* now In Union conducts Its o«n '*est Point,' to pre- atrtpe* and bidder color do "more harm than good to try Edward Scollon, Latngsburg Introduced hy a select avant- hold pare young sen and eonen for careers In labor to compel further eonseraations senior. garde group. There is the ex¬ combination*. leadership. T.'Te ono-year course combines would only agiratatr ten- treme cosmopolitan polish of the Fabrics are the big thing this classroom and field »ork. Those who complete lhal SltiMA AI.PIIA F.I'SILON Lueinda Uendnekv U ot M international type and on the year with shaggy nndjairs on the course are assigned to a full time Job eltb the rise along with Shetland and li f i Ho eorue-'od that the Soviet Vrnod cuuM make an "uniquely to th« senior and Pi Beta Phi, to John Pro*t. Ih.rrult senior, Sue Miles, other end of the scale, the ster¬ eotyped T-shirt a la Brando of the newly mined Beat Genera- brushed wools. Another ivy essential 1* the the union. V«s*t:ab!v'* our.'r'ibutum MSU graduate and Kappa Del¬ shirt — preferably in Oxford With the job comes the challenge—to provide st'i-1 r of outer *|»*ce for peace- Hon. ta, hi Boh Leonard, Fermlalv • cloth. Along with the usual the klnl of dedicated and ethical leadership ful but declared he Bui in th# middle of the cos¬ puT|'W*l, senior. stripes and plaids, there are also that till maao the American labor movemeat »!• a had been ••.Mired by ex¬ PHILLIPS HALL mopolitan group and flie Soil of Foulard and Paisley pattern*. the creative social force It seeks to be. pert* (hat a fiirltu' villi! v could Barbara llutrhlni*, I'ontlaC Angry Young Men there is that be made even 'hough I he Suviet to James Knapp, happy medium —• the college sophomore, man. ThU phenomena is gener¬ The Training Institute Is noe In Its ninth Uiuon b veiled It. Orchard Lake junior. MMUI CAMPBKLI. HALL al I v* conceded to be a fairly con¬ J-Day Executive* year. 125 of its graduates noe hold unloo office ill the ILIAD. Virtually all started as Helen %>r*teeg. Romulus sen¬ servative Ivy League dresser, p~ Snons. (old ior, to Hobart Rogers, Lansing ten ting to limit his ptunimuge Choo*c Chairmen organisers—to learn the labor movement at senlOf. to muted tones of charcoal grey, the grass roots. While some continue at this Co-chairman Lee Harnett. Chi¬ HALL brown nnd IimIcii green. mission as thoir first and enduring love, Itrim: End to RATHER On the MSU campus, the av¬ cago Heights, 111., and Rusa JVp- Judv Selby, Suttens Bay jun- others branch out to take on responsibilities erage male usually follow* the pet, Chicago. III., have an¬ iot, to Robert Snyder, Owosay as business agents, local union managers, ,iu« Extruded Fall jutiioi VAN < uni'le HfHBEN t imper. HALL S)>tm; I..ike example of his eastern brothers and sticks to the casual but neat look. nounce^ the following junior* as committee head* for Afternoon events, J-Day: Marilyn DRIVE PONTIAC! £9 catloral nnd political directors, area super- visors, time study experts, ete. air •no a- from The *Mook" Is apparent all Ncllesdre, Detroit, and John AT » V.r t«i! ;i *ud- junior, to John Hugh,' Lansing Yongu, Ithaca, N.Y.; Dance, There is nothing soft or eushy about any of junior. over campus —from the class¬ summer MASON HAIL room to the most casual date. Kyle Robinson. Manhasset, N Y ; the^u Jobs. Rut thou we are not looking for mn.-l v !A. M i.ar-iitg h.gan for the and Sandi t-ainhera, to Pete SehulmeistiT. Flint. Flint tumor, As usual, sweaters seem to fill the hill for most Mrrasions, Publicity. Kutgstord, and Marlene Sparapam, Bruce ' Johnson AL MIKULICH young people >ho *.1111 the easy plush life. •ant those »ho sill enjoy the sting of^hal- '< p.iN' * res. I hour h the I'laxsir crew neck is UineiMiudi. Ohio Junl»r awards, lenre in the three-dimensional world of'flosh lor liar ..f • . la L n* dit Went her e. - man, to SNYDER IIAl I harm Irrrnuii. Detroit fresh¬ Donald Sheldon, Uun- •till mat holding and its* »wn. the new vest sweater* are also Mary llidT. Midland, sevretary, Jo Ann \t>V, Lu»coinw«»od, 111. PONTIAC, Inc. and blood people confronted with rae existence. He;, i 1} ,N.vemb.r Petttiiming fsr committers To these. »e open the doors of the Institute. .- dee senior. ralchitig oh last. ha* Per ;» oMe the wannest on will lake place during the fir-:* This tail's sweater erase .12111 5IKTIIGAN AVE. ED 2-.>(ill Rrite tefore April 151 IL1WU Training Insti¬ re. :,1 two weeks rd wudrr term. Jan among num is bringing out ev¬ tute, 1710 Rrondeay, Nee York 19. W. T. Tb h.^i ♦s-uipemluit of the Art Tlir-i- on lli-pluy erything Irom double-breasted 20 is set the date f>>r J-Day t!r* •r.. month eie «t- rush «s>r Horn the In l.illlf Arl Uullrry cardigans to striped shaggier wools Tiu* >ear," besides the f hi*' hnnigi '. norU» QUESTIONS) I . t A masters thesis jn art bv prevalence vtyf bolder colors, Do You Think for Yourself in m * nt I A c of temjw i atiltr Jim Kriley, yr idqale^tudent, is I hue p. also the tendency to- THESE dtftplav in the Utile Art Gal- "platdnes*"—that'* right, 'jr.*? 20 d.iyg of • that all ex- in iei>. A-7 Stiulh Campus, fl-ft w.uds ma.t plaids' WILL TELL YOU/ * / t U»e da a .• wnr dmh Nov. through Nov. 28. The lardigan, particularly the The exhibit include* ceramics three-button version pojiuiar- temperature tor Whf-n writing a letter applying for JD and jewel iv as well as painting t/ed bv l*«t Boone, is seen on 1. Do you find foing "off th* tl t :h< >. i: «nd iwo of* .1 job. would you try to make it th« axirtty lumniri. ami sculpture campus in solid colors or with U'u!"ti track' on a trip • A original and off-beat, or (B) Many of w.« oayn A cry a-; (A* intervaltng and constructive,'or factual and concise? high «* 1J-IJ lirtim ala'VU the (B) merely inconvenient? mean temp*"- ■■■* crealing an #\ e«» t*1 )?'» »ie»-v a arrutr . If you were getting furniture for 2. In a heated diminution would you .r~i would you look first for than %\viAt,' ,u. • Mod. a room, Tl.* »r>« »rw» the year ar¬ ^ f •■-•* —, cV W/s ratlmr (A) be the "moderator,'* A *1) mo thing comfortable, or (B) or iB) jump in on a aide uatng rived Fnoa> e:r..vn i-eveta! something colorful and unusuiU? hours oarisrr than jweiiicled. any argument to win? Jtiltcn rxplatne-a that * north- W.mld you pr. h r am wind m»vwi cioud* iast- 3. Before making a complex dti-iaion, r.trvl7. old established firm a job (A) in aa offering •r than a*prcted Warm ground Imiprraturrs i* your Firat move (A) to marshal the facte, or try to figure out ah«*d inornuig clung to the liratuhes a»4 ground, fur several —iiour* - what each day will bring, or face (B) problems aa they come along? o others, or (B) accepts responsibility on bis owit before th* tsititef sun appparvd to m*!t n;tiv>- eit Weather predictions fi* this week feature lower tempera- . ?< ben you step up to a ogarett* ture-v with a iKWSibiUty of a counter, are you (A) confused 11 Thanksgivmg stum. Young Ik-Hi- KIitI I'll |t«> rriuv wilkuiil . . . by aU the conflicting Alter claims you've smo, or (B) sure of what you want because you'vt tbougbt things through? A\ p—| ■( p—i ^—-L I I'i/JA i:# hrw Offirrr* T*~e MSU Young Democrat* Tonight SPAGHETTI Y«u win antic* that men and women I i if v. i:i mcrt tor.ght at 7 in 42 Un* SIHMAKINE SANDWHilES who think for themselves usually choose On the -agenda are election of VICEROY. Why? Recuiue they've thought of! . vr* fm the present school . from it through—th^r know what they want y«.-ar and t\ hotu> planning of m n filter cigarette. And VICEROY gives events for winter term. All (ASA NOVA * to then: a Ikakixg mam's filter and 0 nicmlwl* are a»ked tn b# on hand and the meeting will be smofisnf mam's tasts. over in tame bur thiw who wiah attend •If ymm hmve cheeked (A) am t out W the In the-opei^a. Aut hutting's oltlrtl he 4 g—tiims. smd (B) — 4 out ef the . untl hmt l...yem far ymunmifl CIVIC CKNTKIt #t*M.n Hod. • Nor. tt,. • pm. finest Pizzeria ji.XA* (OMfillU 211 MAG. ED Thfaiks for Himsaif Knows - Willi LaauniT Owi CAROL MfSON Mivery «» S