i- VFWg Tit mi ffl fO Pick innouneed r-ar.:sr?« . Think and Be Thankful for Our Tradifional Freedoms... ■M app snu 'e of oie WHAT'S WHO! Michigan State News terrr;. 6 pov.vsa a 2 0 si!. Mil n« ] SNOW AND COLORS -«r RmD'T Pravtew p. 4 be pick. I <>".?» It J,. ,.o4 • MIS BMk-k* » I Mnitljr flcndf, Windy »4 rntd- »r wltli mow Durrln. Wind* 24- builainz _ » in M* Hl|h leOay 2S-12. VOL 50. No- 99 EAST LANSING, MICHIGAN—WEDNESEIAY, NOVEMBER 26, 1958 PRICE 5 CENTS West Big 3 - ~:%i Negotiate 2 Russians Invited to Return Berlin Plan IRS Air Traffic Control Pwo .No Problem Lafayette As 9 Experts BERLIN i/P)—The Went- Uncovers t-i u:t mere B i ft Three Tuesday d;:*) behind a new secret reported firmly Gambling Visit Campus us to counter any Com. ijaif attempt to freeze Purilur StiiilenI, Point Out U. S. Deficiency be mouth of Berlin. Alakr Arru,alion* said the agreement ta reached within the past In Math, Foreign Literature nlng di.vs This indicated the al- LAFAYETTE,Tnd f,P) — r.ai resolved any differences Police Chief John Rv D \I.F FRANK and RANDRA DOLLAR AH Wein. p yv to react should the Rus- Nine Ktissian educators, who looked like glum American tITT F Band over to the East Ger- hanit, a member of Ihe professors in double-breasted suits, toured campus rt-j eW-rol of Allied lifelines force 24 year, ami rhief the Tuesday in the first hours of their four-day visit, f >y.i*ed West Berlin. asking and an¬ lant 51 rJeiirned a. chief swering a barrage of questions about schooling your H.ei officials declined to techniques ste3 p?. .-.utjhe details of their Tneeilay after aeeertinir he in I'.S. and t'SSIt school systems. y. }B. hail repeatedly MSU plans to invite A. I. heir *l»een denied Markushevtch, assistant Soviet minister irt- Mkmt uM. Wmiw, thai of education, and A. A. Smirnov, specialist in child permt.eion psychology, to mtrr Uw alia tk» Ikrw mil to .top "open return for a term or two aa THHFF OF THE NINE RmmUr ediiratnra cur¬ State News Photo hy l»ave Wether visiting lecturers or exchange profes¬ itm it iilwr E**t Onuar m pamhlinir in Lafayette." vleh, first assistant minister of eduratlon and sors. rently touring the M»C campus Tuesday viewed leader of the gToup. and a third eolleague listen Dr. Markushevtch told College of :er»* A Grand the new edueation building. A. A. Smirnnv. Education faculty In aa Edu¬ r lilted air safely center In Jury inve*t!,atinn left, to an explanation of the cation Building coffee break that, lit hia pre- ha* rhild paychology specialist, l>r. building's purposes. opinion, the three greatest M Berlin. This controls all 'wen star'ed following ac- A. I. Markushe- differences between systems are: afcor Harry Rillintv Our s o, \* V. |r nffie In and eni of Berlin. Junior chin* hitn«eir for cu«a':< n* of open gambling by 11 IT. ft. high seheela pey le*s attentlen I* meet eelMMg sad lines \rmy mathematics than Russian secondary schools. ?.t List German Communist edit..m of the Purdue Univer¬ •lete k--i Walter U1 bright, spelled ROTC pht \,uLLd ar.ft A.'«n Gross, who Ki.rrnsics Lnmn retrieved the MSU won ten decisions nnd Dave Rheuholtom. f*n*tng Wt* wd the security of Berlin fyji- wrote tre«h- Comparing Russian and P. ft. iuion >' t-.e* oil ran trophy from Its rival. Wr rie St.i'e, eigtit. The man Harrv lloughtun lutmtng wnh- iors m average «... it" ut gambling for the judges curricula. Markushevtch pointed g -j»f West as indivisible. •more sieve timniifi, l.,.n*ing X at aa as r. Phv>ual Tra.ning test just pleted. com¬ F.xponent, the student newspap¬ er W.ivrte at- -nd S'.tte annual University In dual dehAte. the fi -m MSU and inrmhers of the a|o*e«-h department were Gladys ..•i.Jiontore, N' \ , I'arl «i>|ihoinure, «lrl»ilrr We-ihury. ll»tii Hailing. Flint nut that American* can graduate from secondary schools without 4La Bolirme* oinior. and Tout l'a«e. Ila/el Crest. Three debates were held, two tiipv Nixes- this- Out of a p'»«,)>le soo join's, rtefore entering the Jury room. Strahl. Jaek Carter. David Mall, Ill 'senior solid geometry or trigonometry. .ove, itles the juniors scored seniors 200 while do?-* behind w.th HiU an I Gross said they would •el! t: e jury of seeing fellow In the alterri'K.n and one in the evening. The notional topic T'*d Smith, f'al Downs and Murray HuwgiH. "Mathematics i* ponsidered an Marks (Hose Tax Plan were u*wl h»r debate was, "Resolved: MSl Channel's essential for any edu< atvd eiu- iper- w 272 Terry Purxel Rtirnham. Pa.. student* losing money at var¬ ious forms of gambling in pub- Mrn)»»-r« ti, ipafed of were the fjar\ Union wito par¬ Near. Ciia* son in Russia." Markushevich said. From his visit* in second¬ per¬ Of NY Opcrr Injunction Lifted I'.i.t- WikmI* •onhonxire. fturtv 'lc pi a. e» ,n the city. Purdue la p m aaaoriATCH HUM Junior, received the indiudiut n West Lafayette, just across Drm/linr Sri sirurv. Hluttim t)u.the < hapihun linliana *«»phnn>'«re. ary math classes, he noted that Rs lilt HARD MUNN high wore of III. lie dol *il MioKr«i.»i tleiyltls Ccs. Williama Tuesday nut-^ the exercises' yn of be! what he would not accept pushup*, ?ll situps. I* pulluiw. M0 •he e'te. Waoash River from Lafay- Deadline for I l*»»ihed Ad* to appear in the Dee. »re»rith«n •.phtimmr t»»n Char lej llerhrrl. l-oi-mg Hill Aiulenton l.uding- By County Court more elementary were "somewhat and simple" A sprightly .itid touching pro- r.e of new taxea from Jumps and ran the 300- I edi¬ junior and Hill TilloUon, W«» than in the USSR. ( for t t»r tion jurji'O Channel 10 is now officially fjuctinn of Puccini's tr.igic "La b W Legislature, yard da«h In IN.'i «ernnd« (following Thanksgiv¬ • Murkuslievirh mentioned . »• M ilj.n Witbur. l..th»itig junior. Joan cleared of 'be iniunction regis¬ a Hoheme" presented to a ing! to I p.m. today. full thai- nosh flans restated hia position «ce*.t.on to added consumer --- Individual h.^n each category' were' sc>>rers m Prof to Head t )c ji|m I'eie r, '"ity met. to James Den I son. Opera 'wn-night lute, c — incomes. He put in a plug for his favorite tax a corporation profita with gomery. with 51 15 pushup*.,, Gi.^g M Mt- £ •«' I.ar,.*em »r, Speech Dept. Iut.it week, almost two weeks efter 'he trial. Judge Simp-fin nice." * but who single Hu«sihu author. could not name After pathetic Inst act death engagement. the curtain fell on srrne thn 'he istl* pushups, ft i.ert Me- Dr John Dietrich, one of the of the Jack-on county HrcUlt Aftked about bis audience gaye each fainrlte performer a Kenz.e, Oken.spmor, with 52 officially ted 'he lifting of French author of the tilth cen¬ full round of } Governor Mid he under- nation i leading speech educat¬ well-deserved ap¬ aitups and the 30(l-yard dasn, the injunction and the dismissal tury, Ihe student told Marku- plause t that the report of the Con - M'-n'g- :nerv .n 43 3 «< Mnd« ors will become head of_ 'he of the hill of complaint filed hv ohesicti be should ask Ms sUtrr From the first, the i study committer will be Montgomery and James Chin. d*i»Artment of speech President production the Jackson Television and —a sophomore In college who It seemed to warrant nraise terr.i'g next week The re- for its Canton, Ohio. soph, more, tied J k-* i one str.kc by ner, Television Corp. of Ameri¬ Sparking the second act with sr.< state aid %h local meeting. "Literature and g»K»d t»ooks court order Tuesday. Tvriio»i a "Diamond IJI" earthinvxs ca, have only the completion date are not considered school work, Was second pfijsiblc wa.K »ff and «ucd Dietrich holds the Ph D. de¬ of March 3 set by FCC to ac¬ but Jarquelvnne Moody, partnered are read for enjoyment. A to halt one a. '.i.iy effective as fr»ni the with Cheater Ludgin as gree University ef complish. taxi ctmulfeur or elevator Iviy a con¬ Thank> g:v. ■ g holiday travel vincingly frustrated Marrello. ta Clans enowballfsi \ttM-onsin Purdue, and haa Hisrensia. taught sad at Ohia may with talk of 'failing In love' Stendhal" (a French The most impressive perform¬ The Air Line Pilot# A^n hon¬ Btele. Library Hours elist!. nov¬ ance wa» turn»*d in by 'he or¬ ipes Plans ored strike a court order against a of Amer *n scheduled for Tuesday midnight. Airlines He will be president of the Speech Association of America the The Library haa announced following schedule of on Rather than wparate students the hosts ef ability, the Rus¬ chestra, sary conduct sxl Uudel, which added apatklo and by the neces¬ life to the Julius * frr the Sparta Claue National Airlines and 'he Inter¬ during 11159. MfcftS'd WHAT HAFPENI D to onr Indian Hummer. Cold air and open hour* during the holiday sians play it "ae la life," the opera. iit pas party began to take Dietrich ui author of two re¬ mow frnm northern Minnesota pal a sadden end ta the weekend: national Ann. of Machinists an¬ exreptioa- educator said. Htudenta werh » 2*' -. *.e shape Tuesday at nounced agreement a con¬ mit books. Play Direction" and ally tang nana weather with which the Lansing area has Thanksgiving, closed with the*# not necessarily l»ee* on 1JB Yule i •7»g In Student Services, for-.mmees were organ- tract, and Eastern Airlines ask- ed an injunction against a fl.ght "Practical Speech for the Tech¬ nical Man.' He is 45 years old, klraard this fell. Thto. the first snow of the year, arrived few hears earlier than had been predicted, IridsJ. a heralding the definite* Friday, B a.m. - I p.m. Katnrrfay, t a.m. - 5 p.m. the phasising same Intetektual level, em¬ the importance of Program Set for Sunduv . married and has two children. theagh tardy, arrival of Jack Frost. Handay, regular * - II p.m. each person's rule In sorlety. engineer*' strike. the information in ______ t/ HyT State Among contemplated charge* The i News accurate. The Veterans article Refutes (Mil Wives Tales during the next year, th« Rus¬ annual Union Christina* program will be Sun¬ Hoard , R sians mentioned (1) a switch a not sponsoring the day from 7-8:15-pm. In the Un¬ fc-t j from their present seven years ion Lounge. Grad Student Raises Poison planning the event Ivy—On PurposeI of obligatory training to an rely with IFC. PinHel, Included in the program will Club, Excalibur. Blue eight-year piograrn, and (2) all lie the Spartan Hell pupils finishing the right grades Ringers !ed Also Green Helmet, by Wendell Westcott, Beaumont -will receive professional or vo¬ AOCS, Circle K, Cam- Moyt people kill poison Ivy der.ng parts of Canada and "Another variety ef *poison If they spent the winter outdoors. cnriilrmiieur, and 'tie Men's Glee 1 the plant on hto body. It worked cational training. and other organixa- Mexico and Bermuda, but some Club, directed by Edward Rich¬ whenever they can Out William oak' to said to be found rin the Now. he Russian students rhoos# their of its cousins are known and wonders how plants very well for many years but mond. Gilli* is try:r.z to grow tne West Coest. I hope to receive own fields of ta have the Men's liked throughout the world. In¬ from tropical parts of Mexico he did It once too often and specialisation, but Group carol singing will tie three-leafed leper of tiie plant competition in Russia's 745 in¬ _ cluded in the family are the some of thto plant soon so I manage to grow accompanied on 'tie organ by - Nag a Ma pactf a»d world. naturally, lie nearly died from the poison." stitutions of higher learning la cashew, mar,go and pistachio. can see if It to different. beltevM they may be a different Hill Gillis, botony grad assist¬ Although men have t>een Gillis spoofed old wives tales keen, the educators said. The -*rr% ,r, The number of different types "In any case, 'poison oak' to strain and is ant. 1 — writing aoout potson ivy j.nce anxiously awaiting about poison ivy. "There ia littln particular institutions therefore of poison »vy Itself, however, ta Ray Miller, Okernos 1 un ChristmM to one of Captain John Smith'i not an oak at all." '.he arrival, of some seeds from evidence to support the idee that must often select applicants on junior, U-.-iut, G.Ids' prime concern now. Mexico so he can find what dif¬ will read the nativity, and Dor¬ Chmtmu bAl- men suffered its effects in Vir¬ Variations of potoon ivy the basis of examinations. '. He believes, for instance, that ere ferences exist. you can keep from getting poison is Jacobs, Ik's plainex. 111., sen¬ v, Minted b, ih, ginia more than 300 years ago, i ' -I there is no such species a* pois¬ numerous, ha said. Some have ivy by eating e leaf from the Extra-ciuncular activities, ac¬ ior, to mistress of ceremonies. Clevis* Gillis making uhat appears to Although GiUto has planted cording to the educators, era V , ' be the first thorough stutly ot on oak glossy leaves, tome dull. Some both indoors and out at MSU, plant, or that a breast-fed baby extensive in the USSR, Organ¬ -At least. he said, "I have have flowers sad some do not. ftmiis —• « ■ •:» , M, ' the plant in its environment. he has been careful not to plant will be allergic and a bottle-fed isations are student-run and Dr. Hannah to Hold »5e not oeen able to find anything ore vines, others are it where someone else might wul* Ilk, to Mrart "Several small studies have baby will be immune," he said. supervised. A student commit¬ puts 1 Xa ud ——' —— bee* made and good preventive* that I would call a separate shrubs •ed others are creeping come in contact with it. "Eating a leaf may not harm tee to the body for expressing Recrplion for Grada i will b. end remedies for the poison spaie*. However thto been herbs. Boms leasee are notched Aa*76r himself, he has never some people but may lead ta individual wishes. ■* Ok. T. J further investigation. and ooom or* not. Some leave* Dr. and Mrs. Hannah will hold "taken" potoon ivy but docs not *roa< have been developed and put on "So-colled 'poison oak' to sup¬ ore on inch tragedy in others." Student publications in Rus¬ a reception for all fall term *®a* »' th, the market." said the graduate long and others, a risk thp possibility. He takes t He also haa advice for the sian school systems range from "• posed ta be found in many pine foot. graduates December J. from 7:3# w.shing to co-Mbuto student, "but even professional forests in the southeastern Veto¬ In preventive regularly. public. "You have to be an ex¬ daily bulletins to various de¬ to B:00 pm., at Cowlee house. * -~e ihoultf oontact botanists know little about the trying In geminate «-. t"-i La.'.fii'i! • • -• i* >• • t t tai-ulty «U|» rx .mm ] Mlii' > itht >l.iff Fdilor Paul VanK<»lk»n Judy Vanflnngrn second cl.isa mallei unde the act of March 3, 18#'j at the Eos' Lansing Mich .• n> t tb» official vote- ni «h# ur,..». 11v • • . ; t• .*• sV.n.ciit body, but xx *i .»f M-ckinl t-.» >« rv# ' .«• b' :t .»?•*••-*. .! i • t»i -'..iitl' if.irtv to battle w.o' e vktiich **»uid dfivt * *•■<.< be: • wur-ljrr it cm.. Ji tr.,rr within »:.# unr.ei-.t. <*• im . < i ct the com* - plaint* about the Bed Cedar n.h.r \ ve continue! with ADDITIONAL CHARGES j ROOMS WINTER TERM i # TL,. « fn--i j-* :C-». p ... ■ • for «ach word 15 —A ,. verity. Now. at hut. a temponirt solution is umlerwav. over • trra<..T« c; h q-.- SINGLES—IS 50 By next term Broflv men ami tnarri«-I ••' . h-nt- will fondly 6c per day D0U8LES—-16 50 find a cleaner, fresher -cunt from the riv♦ r-ide. THIS CHRISTMAS AUTOMOTIVE 1 * - *F WAR V ' -hT, When Operation Big Stink tva- hoing vt;.red. two silent- wasmDOWL IN EACH V^eX. 3 ^Ive* were proposal to .-olve the odor probfem perma¬ ft '>-a- » a n i, -r "-a " • n • A dri-sj" :e (2) joining with Igmsing in a •wwat-e disposal sv.^tem. As SfOPTS CAR CENTER • i a. H- j («- ' v ti- X0"rt * / neither of these permanent solutions are feasible at this • P* i "i i-0 Vt' r A. tel e>r c point, an alternate solution of a more temporal nature )«'9 ». M * . - ONE 81 OCX FROM CAMPbl will be employed A new filter system and chloriuatiuti pro. m*» will b# in operation by next term. SRARTAN HALL EO 7 7574 I Al >k- SURPRISINGLY tow »o - rj According to Pave Barrel!, who conducted ti e research on terms to suit 191) CHIVROIFT * 1- TWO FIRMSHED ROOMS of the "Barrell Report" in last term's operation to correct I n en £ ■ !»Mr December 15 B-t r. the odor problem, the chloritiation imwess will treat the Oicrlooki'd Hook Shxiling $4*S Bin »>x F lainim* »1 fit CMRYSLlR APPROVED ROOMS MINGLE er- ' sewage before entering the plant and then again before en¬ ij"uhle Private p/mk'n* entrenve ba'h. telephone A the Red Cedar. five Kmin* l"i Librarian Says Edit Failed tering WONT YOU TP- t •'udent* Maying over Xma, vacatioi if4# KAISER S Phone FD 2-2*15o jo EOU MUST IE S*r,Sri3, AFTER TIIK SKWtOl: enters the plant a vacuum coil i VET ATI'DENTS wil l *et u. 4- will replace the old drving beds pr«n es- and. Bu* % » v filter aystem To Hi# Till tor: Vif ind *? Wayne 1 <« " ronspfiuently. cut the process time tremendously. One coil WM. H. THOMPSO'J ' W r# g »**'.* >m.vi which tWi*»# ing bed two weeks. Sludge w ill .,. "<•,1 re elipit m "ur , f..- t Y" nod it w as originally in I " be hniil«! away. Ill brief, this new puses* should eliminate I (.1 .41 iH> .i' 'J " oh' " j; ■ rT'-if ' -■** -.■#•* Tb;» •' :#d to have a rlos# check a? if ftrsl e*il fino, each of th# tl CMlrSllR « - i the Big Stink. Hut the '■Conscientious «•; i-ut If »V : . « «» j I* VI v F R V M fi the T«- e-hrf* CdWf "-il rearfin* iimilar i fOR SALE «PH IAI >• K ' »,ri*!ii.ntl.v \ >r rooms r • ... fi ■ 4 .•: n Now. as to the two permanent solution* to the problem, :■ - « |t- ' '• JO 'hl.l , hook V> • t ■ " - r "v. I-- the arrangements in th# new TRAILERS %» tlirhum W a«hin*ton State Co' university officials state that .then-, are no funds to build Ham# • used l»y soru# 30 ot 4" peoy?' ary at P*»T»N SREC Ail ir, 1fv <4..Mu- " The k ■ nr.c"' «•' ' our lege a; Pullman II «:i» fell that m.t, trailer :t new power plant on the Bed < • » .t I he nther ...lotion W • -» r Mg ir-. sig.'o-fl or. oj,s-8i C.f'vw 4 Cf 'i •# would be mad# be¬ uhim: that of joining wilh hair ing in a unified disposal .svsh m , votii c.ntoiu: Is vihis fa iur# • • «* other-a . «# «i mat tween room check and n smglt tv ping v a t —is, being negotiated. ci'tidiMoo l»o(.k theft whifo \'> 'hi-' br.vv »i lb# tv ve»'b of tier, 13.Y6. The C00I. e now Hp - Fx - • 'Tl" .. i ; » 'I>r. n-ru-e Re.-.- Va(*t Lansing and MSl* puntU operate the present dis¬ •be hlanie to a Unobs!ion to *•'*• \t... ivtgai., *.'V> '" #• *r »r» ohvinu* and over due moht efter 7 o m LOST and FOUND 4-IMWI I posal aystem with Ka*t I lu-inv hutidhng tin- technical in mind that •. • ■ ! • ,(! :». Ml t' •• st««.-» IV 1 mare- #• » ..'.2 h- »r»lo When one bear* All OUT OF STATE Ra y. .s. . cm .nrtvi in avonieo • >i, oi« aarr-e »»«!;.#» a; V!ich»- the c Hint ul minion* b.**>k« m operations and MSI' c« ntributmg its proportional 7o per- • TH) AKO, r\er svsiem, folic) or 'itii»ngV' a-o v-ur editorial is m#; e!v a sai.tp- cent of the costs. Thus, Ra-t Ransfng and MM' are cur¬ •*?.« men! may It# lis effe. ' ff mi- mrv •* rrsfn Iirigi a p>.int not made clear in EMPLOYMENT rently working together to secure a coordinated system, li: servicing ,»»• "• ■« Up complete'v **" the sour editorial). It seems to in. with Lansing. us the Mnhigsn Slate t'niv#'- ov# ? w •UKl-r-t neater* tn •Hat should tc*' even nv»r»' l,sbr;»t\ w. h.vc atvv.. > char*# out IS#-.- bnofc* a fact i. .: e' that th# book thcfi un lousing was previously demandine exces -ive pavments fcelowrit as far- i Ahiih th# »#• •';* #dat .oat f* * rti : .1.i- n<>! more di-hn** •o H tn is •itriv condemned •ert Eeri 11- from Ka-t Lansing an*I M>IT for th»- past lift\ vein* of " an «n- fO| evei HI 'o <<■>■' ,,, * cl- - T -o mor» ~p< .nt and 1 am Lansing * disposal operatton \ punt sewage disposal h\.. . < an t XiTorrl ha; ire. i a done Theft is id le.«t on tem should effectively. *<> \ r * he problems of .the I,V.I Cedar Mi-h'Sai, Slate I'mvcr i'y i ■I fit .* #-\# t.':« •I .-.us Inaccuracv in your FOR SALE PERSONAL P*»e and re«uM if» a more efficient m -feni Net'oti..?i»uia are m.t a >b ' all'-rtl :fii ■ to cm edi!tii.a< The siandavd ovei - <; H A D I A T I \ A* "RlPfrjM • v •" B * . ' > i #ti'l going on ta tween Lan*ing and the cooperated interests ••• .i 'icil ic.i ling. t'f read.n* iiiom* u pn'V.n* popu¬ n.*ht circulation in our assign v x., YtVuX m -i •< " AMERICAN «f Mil of MS I an«i La*t Lansing. . :«««•■ ol 30 o- 40 fUiuiertts, m i lar ttria •d reading was apparently quit# •iieakera i-miI urvl> IV s 5«'» Tt .rer «e'.e . ur «ke*es RU ART DEL1VER4 »X*I LY rtr (t«. km» %4a#lable Sitlen unknown lo the writer of you. . •riAte.i ■ .A• - .ng !,»r $j - . I l|tM i a*»ign in- i A't ■ :« ta* h* j* f»* f 'ij editorial Lastly, replacement P* n. IV 4-2522 before 3 TIADIO TV III-r » om !• i •' M". 11 STITIEVMMNCFIIN ran hi' h |,-i term when * I«-: the ge!irfa' •;-,#•••.or. r».J *'.# order* for all b.«oks ' U»t" lav - rFRrt u*it. iMi j AP) Ive r... , problem we* fay.*? bioui't ! into the ope: and Ihere 'were'' ii'hti s' uttctilsi----fh* wiv rvistin* tr.-rr: th# v*. -at •t»r ng and retjuired this fail « . « .| i.'i iiiete ecreee. . 2-334* many pr«»fhi?uiL- to t% so'ution One of the proposals was 'urler.t ,g' i I learns tcH.ling- te at seek othr hi* than a rvH.ma which ir, p....*-', tn# fOwafd re* L-h-«r> *f,0 '.e#d ue;>- ginning :r,;*!Aied before of this fal! term th# be¬ REA^L ESJATE ' TYPING If. If \U ■ that * simple chemical pp-c . n * be used, but John PRAIRIR *i Kv.ra m-'ie. FOR SALE >.i , 1 n#i. .itiij el.*.'v. hei« fur s»>m# »>s»#rr. *f i |.*r . iickuin Tiwm, » « f '!• 1 ■ ieee degrei .r A Hellet. chief operator of the I:• d t.< • ii*po*a! system, \\ he. -he i c- In* similar t-» mAt at An*. Ar- M«l librarian countered th.d th;- would tneyeb co\e? the txloi with an¬ »• • |». ..oll> removed from the ..\ ..r V. V-. I" '•>' I«0 T V - HA DJO si !i rat#. -..a." • other Mild would rot mctuaI i • anc.l reading r«*»o. ? ■» iMIITflR"* NOD < i l»lon e» 1:»* soiVK iP. problem. 1 he fallsmlng ortalnal poem was suh- .* U if N ".I » i. ,,.g it h.jri 11 y surpriv.in: milted l« the **Ute Sew* lis IP Shew t banc Lee. head of the HAVF ON I.AS It #er geli-.ri , TV ret I.; :ur. b.i: i hu:h pi..pertIon o! a* V « In r 0 # ve ••«lr,ti» Ru»°c,U- Thus, it seem-, that *imierit coucei>y can and does at'- foreign «tudle« department, "with beat wishes for i joyful I ...» O.; X#n.«l a «» from )> - ,,, «. »*> n> ■> Mwhigan IV 7. • * Ih-oK' ih'V I'loj'J'il, in View of , tompltah results—e\en if it takes almost ip inutitba. fhank««ixiW4 Iht for all.) P> member * of out fa« - DKx'OR At ED x'AK» DF4 IVFRED FR\ «r- Til XSKSCIVlMi £. vou I '' r>»r?iei hirthdayi Man n Wo • > rs*L -.c oUiei deut-Lou* puttiw Kwe-i Pft.s; Crossword Puzzle cN Cl v t « T I B4tTA«.S in When mm, the opened new Jjbrarv build- wr continued I. t*'p (fivft thanks to Tfice, ri-Krry IV 4 3'.75 i.'.vr. Bt/K K '•> canvi 0 N BM'O'bB«[Q>C V i»i*l of if"."Tv, Lorti of love. ACROI* 32 Young man A tBS r o I N V* llTil e 'N T|| O, & ,nV t». i ■. v 'tic.v*' .-.f closed 'hat had bee. ass'gn# •• Tr. * cr*---»L' »n* unvrasinjri.v. ^HOUSING i,»lll* fiairn ■Ht. Price »o aeii Apxii' pi. FLqKt Pa-e.** I AbtaA# 33 ri<>w#» c t-\.i' m the ft Id llhrarv art Pr.i.*# Thee Lather, thronwl ainive. fO* rent" Caftifal C.ty Alfpe-4 ijTEB ww f I»MP2> M • Bod * b#»1l M. ruih * "Thu arr (fivmy and foryivintf,« ATTENTION HAVE A home |m V tsrftpi ti.as in the mlcrcsf new a \.wi laa.lei i N oBbV* y[CB8i r |T of .■jHtucc.r vymgcslion two ii.f- . HI Of K FROM r AMPPR ve-v m. e ... •» (,.be.?r-,K>n-, n- TYPING KJfT'T Hir • Fiver brsAtnjr, eter bleat.*' v'LNWbC,L l *pe { sal )* yUKt!9 fOI m Umbr#n» *' T 1 («•- we f.ioup - mi.. Sue. Laui - S)r\ly M K#fl»cia.4 ferent ar* gne! reading dr**> di '.ai'ililtea loiiiif, FT - nr Ej> SiMfld pail ft'I Bfo t A'f'n'TSlA n V\# would thank Thee in our living, T*U'it r 13 (io *«U## «1 T'-na 1 Anally (o.o.o lamed separate iUhu*'--were mim- in our w,»rk and piaj aiul r#*t m " *' He*.tV.r,uV ri&A^55Dr,?MJ-Ax.' I* I>nl An.** 4« n . *.N °'"1*,^ sic^1^0 I nrnllntrnt Inereaae * TTRAt TTVE PLNC ALOW RFAR J1 KM 'N Gr.n.'i t< . i on. i . i.miiv. fAfiiefed He- p\Vf T*l .6,N .• trr* 4a > ..i -n#rlf I c »"p A The u»c of assigned rermtuk U. K«»r gvasl prNiple tfe cunir to know fngei *f<" . «n«i .lux**' iu>i.< c !>».- SERVICE TY'PrWRITFU Rr ' N D#IW«#oCf 4>» F.f. I ivMN1VA\ faculty memberV grow rap And a' k»Vflv thinjra.w# 4#c; m.-tiatf pt»ar.«i.>n TV 4-2731 nft'-r ahrut nur rental n bl Aitew 5 .at t« Phcne IV 4-lJif a *«' * ami deviM 'pcd out o; is' ball a Wa-.! i • i»11> F or Bread of Life by which we jrmtv. 4» k •? Cuvw »>ta TSLSS'tsstes' • poi*. •oiwt.ea #f Yesterday ■ #m»I« « a# prop'ttiiin to our lucreaec in *AH1 LAMINO NE-AH Eat oily *: P-;. h And the Truth that- make* u* five; me miter ieax .ng k«ifri>u» D**.# i er lift IIEAKFAS' ICNUS l« S##*aw wr.ghl I Ta a 7 W'.ody enitiiimsm ami our faculty 14 Wil rent •»")»• ftiiTtikheti. For the eigr.f good c Cur#-alt 9 Outet growth, and ihu in spite of the js»wer tu fiftht temptation, • 19 Determine /iti- . ft! Nerve * - "onrm f»<."»fnial t*n imi .i',rt Hmiae' - It Brvttiii# of a ttrdto) i *. FRESH St »• • net* or* casing t Wiktfoat maintenance of vtv huge open And OHiray# to correct wroriy; n* fm.iUitfi fotu* i*o lemii* nwln. liiWRlet-e* Yih 1 QUICK S« re* roort tt Utt#i ft 94 Cauler.aa toe shi'T divisional libearies. Stu¬ « |0 Asiatic F «-r forfivnicsji and salvation. hinM »r. range. ii»ai» v, #•'>•< .ett 91 Silvrr 95 Blent % Gate t1' *• Icinuv dent* &c« king as.-igncd rc.uluic* T»»'lli ■ ... tli. lr«x* at HAS tx i SRUDNU* SMOR coin 9* Hanicia 9 CloM'f It Ogle We thai la Thee, Lord, with this song. month til MTto jk? ft* Submit* V Desert ■ had to ...Und tn long, lmck in the 222 Mac Ope- 1 - W * I t l«l T.*»ue v-vwridors only to be told when Ska# C haftc Lee *> ftl.pt*. 9 i ra»ci> < ?i> Ciariao.l *a8l lanhlnf. rkasu wd xui-j ftl Clectr e OONX shift n* liny dually reached the coun¬ fi.tnuihed two t>edrm du#iee ! •asoiini TOO THINK r»> 2.1 Indistmcl With Move t ie '..am .toMrta. foil fhlrk of th# MtL-O-S* #art»ci# I Repsis# vonis ter* that the books they sv>ught 1*11*7. 24 Tuber heecmcrft . Pl.otie Kl) 2-wW; U-> M* 25. Tr nver wer* all tn use. r r- f f r- r- n i TYPIftr ANN BltOW ^ n | — 1 51 Gipsy jvh keibook too In order to sua re tunc taken m the student bottle-neck. fomi'uttlv Wi«i fiouA# eur.mrukd Couple wanted tn * are) six RMI P#r* Lid fJRW'U-lc the».». a: !>.- *#«« v 1 1 r* r qr houMt w.ih tviiege etxidem, Kea-' 2« .Female lin#-upv. to# Library cvimmit- -nnahia rat#, Piuwie- IV l-aena. IK)\ l. iabi.t 170 W. Mt Hbpe Rd Lanaln* T~ H tpo unaniniouslv endorsed the r TRANSPORTATION . 24 K India# establishment of h system of ,S»*«!AN GAlOliNi i. t., f.,,t _ sheep APART MINTS W" T" 72P open-shelf reserves beginning a « «•!» •• » M..-.;,,- A .... 33 Sampling niUR mors to year from last September. fOLi.FO* —_—HRH9— MEN *THBXK ,! d.-it #.F tTia SAY Rearing D*vc'o!» of Interrhange Perm-; - _ TT »le v a# — block*, rr yr Ij was also arranged that the _MSL* Si* rxwmie furnithed. bed Ihre# t6« DOW ChEMiCAI. CO. E'er U-avo Weditowtay Ph' wi ^ Jl .f TT —J jt'f miM rr fo ir ; •] 34 Self 35 Ifapharatg books might be returned to a "TTe-h. •x ^ Xi. KX,^ I. Mai all ' J TT J«i An awn 17 Metal 10 to f.t ye«f b.dfjft. WANTED ■ STUDENT APARTMENT AVAIL* WEIIEt S SRARTAN SIRVICI JMM ~ 1 Engulf INFORMATION -i 3H -ABLE winter term Near Campu« 2S(0 £. II'icwm MARRIED WOMAN rr rr tr m IT rr IT 41 Captain ot ^CNT Y*X cOASA Parkin* *n»ce included. ED >.3131 lel.ed Uxroo-rovm al m J3~ a Nil# tmat 42. Sea bud PV^-OiT^ *-^4 KX k&cr U"»>| i* w « f-oni U-iveu't/ IV t »fj* nuOio apartment EL "•» ' W nM ID Ada- A C&JX M- - ^ 43 On the srwuv STUDENT ROOMS AVAILABLE Road kn«« UPRftR CLAOOMAN w w %W *r bt »ny deep MI.5l.tV lORIM T iS. " Till E IN EOT Of muak lent lo ahare l<*-e if 45 Always lan». ia enehad*# MM . p.m . 31 Vnioc. I w To 4d Whale tWTt KHt HY 4KB u™u Pl*r«>0Y*.1 exenln* babywiiit. 1 IV 47 Card with H EH A RE with Jar k«on Roythmn R li.av 'vailadea'r*!' ROlfEO.Vt ^INTEKI" TO JT" p n. Hex ihmci * H e ir three puts lAIHOMC 9*Ft DINT W One of ~ TT «7" tIKt.AM/\TI«IN Hex .il • t'NIURN1AHED APARTMENT.I Dum' mm 3 L4 ■n *hii«iiA>phy Club. ' • Studer.? 2?Yffr.su*r Mftgr; U If TBY Grand Btvar. (MARLDts RARREn : ,.is*ssw ,if & 1 UiSO. CD 1r«l3T. .' ■■ .. ■ . ! . Sr^a. . .. .: . !'rjir >'-. 1 ir .yvWSi 1 1 'jjffi &Z % fin:l E«r.'n:.i!cn ft.'.cd 'e fcr Fill, 1>5S Student Typing Service ■« IM. ATTCniGW STATC VFU'S < •••• i ■•* ft ' ei»ul* -, reui* Added to Union Facilities fM Ito II rors I lie Pants?9 Tire r.i.-uhv Will .John r.:i: ron has as-his guests ..€,: , ..: > !h .■ ft) .4 ii-t; 15 My SHARON COAI>V tickle i)i. of lmuiie lom- Dr. Ronin Drews, assistant pro- rtu.: ;!.«*.. r-v n. :<# :>-•; i> The Union Building has just made in.''!"' Fr:d::v. IV 'J hf '*-13 "• possTble another serv¬ ican -"rietv on i -.sor ut social science and Mrs. .in-. De It. flJ-I3I3 ice to MSU Viewptu WK.AH • students—typing. The new tvpinjr room op¬ Sunn iv - »: n o . Afvytle Hcu!. tssi-tant professor posite the hook store on the main floor has six nv when Mil. of social work. type¬ writers available to everyone. The machines !"Hiiv. the e-cuU? ell j are Olivetti*, — —•— ONE PERFORMANCE -v M (let crimen! . i • •- j •> rtr*T In t model I^xikon Flectrie. The ONLY—SUNDAY, NOVEMBER 30 *.r:«Se ' .- ,tverne«3. »-x :w* •ecx^io. V e !n»! and I I price .. 25 cents per half hour.» The electrics (Hill Offers ('lass . 9PTURN fNOAOFMFNT BY POPlllAR are situated on DEMAND em*-, •• cek » II ire'ai •n* ..r|W --vjr j«n-- ^ | «tan--ls which can be ad- tar Expectants «• .wtenc • ~ And . ire *> ju.-'c.: feature The to different heights pica-type machines all extra-lone rarrlaer* to Expectant lort-ni «•'.» be¬ PETE SEEGER gin Dec. 2, Ohn Ibxilth t enter Rccemmndatr WITH -.e «■> i'Mtjt; nr.- <1« »Utfh 1 leeal dncumeniR The series. .s|>omoiv.i in the and business papers. Health C'lRmutiee the SONNY TERRY *•» Several keys are present on munitv Service-- AFTERNOON OH«.9ES Council, will v' x the •vprwritcrs which are not continue tor seven weeks, meet- HKBV IIMIBEBO. Front. Mnnt.. wnlor. jnrt Ant -jll.burr f. . „>lr nnr of Your e*.»n r Y. - (vco I : f»n v •• iard models. These portable and normal inc. each Tucsiiav evening from S INC :ym these A A include: 7 3" '• o m • f ALL ADS • Pi uts —dor. rumllir on, ot th, rrrmatin, oxrnx al • * hour? date "• e number mfimnu, :« hiriT? rr 12 n tabulating keys and several of ttie baby, family food habits, THE WORID MTWThF repeat keys. rrn » oft labor and delivery, panel di-cus. I Willi Variety Slum s fl .10 Deceit her It rrn 1 .» -djiv , The idea for this new service sion by doetoTs. hospital tour, 8'ftO- 1ft (10 ' MWF o gin a ted from two different familv adiustments and infant There »$ nothing quite to :» »0 F r: d 1 IJ-J AS »• uries 9'30 December 12 . care A S2 registration fee pei' Compare with Pete Seeger'f V.TWThF fl 0ft-10 no MWF After couple 2 .'») m?r6*x many of the offices, or per will be woy with an nutficnce." S, GI s in Germany . person TTh .9 00 Saturctuv ■1 30 De, MTWThF :vs* is previously housed in the Union, charged for the classes. F,.r fur¬ J OORSEY CAUAGNAff en: her 12 Df?»OII KltMl'.', veri - fl lift - Id ftO to Student Services, ther information, those itilerckt- TTh 2 Oft M.r-d»T tt MWF 10 iX) • re were several empty rooms. ed mav call IV 2-1281 Monda% Sundoy, Nov. 30 8:00 P.M. IKeep Players' on lloof V ! 2 ** £V c- -*r fS ; F 1ft to Dc,-ember — IS While the management wax MTWThF 8 Oft-10 lift treating this ' problem I'nlon DETROIT INSTIT0TE OF ARTS TTh lo H) 1ft .10 Wednesday Decernher MWF v f: F i.» W« --^Bdvx Bmnl was discnsalng the need Tlfki-I* for Conrrrl 10 1 » rv.e" re- :« $3,30-$3.S0-$1.65 - Seah on Solo Now I'&tertalnfnf iwvfeettter) at r.s ha*iw in finrmany ha*' li oo 1 30-3 30 Thursday MTWThF T .»».% vopnn for rental typew ritem. The rn1- taboralion Ready ill I nlon Now RECORDING j "between the two Tl.-k.'ls EXCUJSIVELY TtrMTS At GRINNftl 5 TICRD OfflCf l,fpt the MSU Players occupied fur the past five weeks. M r ThP •MTWThF u :m December 1 30-a 30 It | m 1 1 V X) rhuf"«J»v rvxe-r -e- U Idea* resulted In the typinR kopt, -the Kl noted > iliclh Srh-l Kuroimin op- FOR J CfNtr« MUSIC SHOPS, NOPTHI AND ond CASttANDj He the a so ffh ii .4. Friday I vet. po«m-. rano. who will appear «n i.he CAMBRIDGE BOOT ST All, CASS naor WARRINf 11 30 Decen.her CAMPUS pre 0BD SHOP, 6140 W " OK 1 3ft-3 Ml 11 \rw r ♦ »- We Toe machine* are furnished Leetur»-< .ncert -ri,,.- Dee 4 foikways ; MtNICMOlS - e lax MUM*.iBp wrnto SHOP 18075 on a concession basis by .an of- will be distributed 'his morning WYOMING MA r 12 Oft Saturday RFCORDS J Dt5C SHOP, 1210 S. UNIVERSITY, ANN APBO# m r r.".F A' : w i nr 3 4* f W •t fl 12 3ft Decernher 13 • sup; .y company m Lansing. at 8 in the Union ticket MICHIGAN office MTWThF 1 30-3 30 ... V?•; this program newest mod¬ One nf the most ffh 12 *• Monday TTn Students tnus! exchange "it- Aspirin DETROIT IAROR fOBtIM Interesting t» De 11 e's will always l*e available. pon • K" of their activity trips was made to 12 *1 December II ancient I in- I 30-3 JO J 4& 5 **• drrhop t astir, built by luduif EVEMNf CLASSES II. the Mad King nf Havaria " a v • r M. •Is .».v» \ ■ FV.I- T- - e .% fv»'e a In the ISTrts. V MW .ce: 5 Mr.nd.lV fto- '.3 ; ■. F.v 1 TTh after 5 t'r d.tv De. 12 J-i F M A no W fit S Weditr-x.l.iv more ile.' !< ••• »• Mf Th (Her 5 ' TYd.x De ti ". '• F M WEDNESDAY, DEC. 3 and NO FINAL FX Ax x\ BF vilVF.N !' IM" of 'he VT ANY • ME OTHER THAN THE REGULARLY JK HF.DIT Ft) TIME EXCEPT BY" FACVLTV i wherp ACTION »RR—MRtRM»—MtMMf »f» • • MSU Music Profs to Attend 'Mlh Annual IS ASM Meet THE OARRETT CORPORATION "urn? n- * I >- •' of •i f? 1*10. - t'r W'v tttd. a:.d Walter professor of Hodkv g.-ther Th« 'nee' e*»" , itiie i ;! brn* to* AIResearch Divisions ar-.t .« l" ?»»*- triusie defiartment head. .vt!l ' I'lve • . •• • MSI ,n S* lar.'i.s r - ."fmrnti h»M '« nf nf "He -4 .*ur •;n;ver«- d»- will bo on campus to Interview ! «v an I Saturday " t' ' ne <4'h p.,':.'K* x >. L 'i «• 1DMAIS WII HKLMSIS mnual - ■•eting of the N'auv-nal the I'.H ENGINEERING STUDENTS in ,. It present film leflnre , « , A of S-h" Mn of Miei.' A ecnoert i- - n •*-* St VnU has '>een a ntemi>er of Intll# Sv"ii.»>.<.my Wiil h'tfhitght Film Lectures s asm -i? - »■ •he "meeting Hririwhl'miliieliuii Ijlatnl fur And Srlu-iliili'il ft»r \111l GtGGGGMGGGOf ■•Si - M.S. - Ph.D. candidates I r.'.-n !oc' ;res on the Mack, nap ■..it t *.'• tft#>ud Friday and S.Fur- xim will be I.- • i WE WANT TO WISH The Garrett Carpnrntinn is nnr nf itir most industrial ttirhnrliaru'l'rs and Hivrrse rrsrarch, enginerrin? and manu- marinrorpiip- ment, and are Mi|t|dying sales .nd wrvi>at I p'S"t 1 program! art fMturp* of ■: ! Tratel Sent*-and It 3 YOU A PLEASANT & facturing nrpani/atinns in the aircraft, to airframe cnmpamis, anliiusx ami thr i-,; t* " *' 8 missile ami In linnln^ical (ii'lils. p.m. military. = I JNiv H« man Ell if will ■Ni " • cot r film "The M« nnr- *- A .1 ' '. . ■ ENJOYABLE From Ailti'sr.irch laLoralorira Imvr crrnii* |iione« r Project work iriaiiea aro ran continui: your CAMPUS CLASSIFIED! isluialiuu at Inu; uti^lv- [fair m I nion Gallery . . LOW COST . . . ; • Bariety of products, inrImling btwint; nuivenitua. -«• _ I ?fc# »rs 4»n*rtmi*n» la dlsplay- I • «»f of tfc# work of Fraa ~~ '*• TYPICAL PROJECT ACTIVITIES M\l( f'KNTKR • |*ti '* ••-ma ijs the Union a-' Mry. T-- work exempltfiti Parkin? Med - Nov 2« • S p W MI MM. nrt—" (4 imsslfs fftportry trends m *rt. uU, fktmal and omit** an4 Air uid vii|»dr ryrle rafrl^Toftnn tfirbfnem, |n Person — hi Tha t*h'r t will be open to ih.ef io ,n^ey • gmrrslnni hvdi.iuiir niul • FUv!'.c 8 i m. tfl I p.m. HII T ' Th# $tll«> ^f'tn t'om "•« Prrlimin«rT iV*um hum anaKdhwf and dimnlL uM-Aji.iuujtly diiwui [>iowifi/a4joO In- Raaf C"iuprrA.v»r>w A-"l Saturday and Sunday CM AMBEIU-ADi i for high level trrhniTAi work m Jn engine *nd frgtittn? m«*itiruTT dewicn «nd r— jo. i thrrmodynamm. IvaI EnulyHis involving eninbn tiun, turUinunInnrry, ym dyuaimca, thrrmorlynAtnirx ami iwrodynamir*. USE On* lurhine tuxiliury pucuumlic du«i oicatao I.AST 3 D*VS CAMPUS CLASSIFIEDS • ORIENTATION PROGRAM • fn ad'Tition tn iTirrrt assiftnmrnts, an ripbt- and *"irk with engim-nrs wlm arn nufsland- nmiilli orientation program is availaldr to iny in liuar lirlds. Your orirnLitinn will COLLEGE GRADUATES aid you in job vli-ilion. You |iarliri|Mtr in itu iudr f.uniliari/atiou with ^alea ami cult- Goxrell project ami lalsiralury .utivitn* traitailuiiiiistr.itioii. (Salary *).«<"> to start! |tTATF. GOVERNMENT OFFERS COMPREHENSIVE Jj • JOR OPPORTUNITIES • TRAINING PROGRAMS IN I fhemwfynomlcs Lgborntory Engineering Missile APU AnoTyticol Desigo Avrodynomict Cryogenics ond Development MiitM* Acctuorin Pneumatics GEOLOGY Mogrimp Design and Development CofnbvGlioA Anolytic Math*mcitirs liguid Oaygen •FISH AREA BIOLOGY Electricol Engtneertng Air Turbines MtcKMical BRginNruif fransislors Air and Freon •FISHERIES BIOLOGY Centrifugal FnifrumanfotioA Wtsfr ument Dnsign Compressors •FISH HABITAT BIOI.OGY COG Turbine* Electvontcs Welding Engineering Str«M VibfOtioR Analogue Caopul— Sensors ond Servos •CAME BIOLOGY Pr•liannory Design Cycle Analysis "T Connecting Networks Gngin«#ring Anoiysi* Control Engineering ' Electronic Flight Data Systems, FORESTRY Phytict Computer Programming Controls and Transistor V'brotion Circuitry LAND APPRAISING PUT Wt MPHI Gffi FMC Cngtr»##ring Spoce Physics and Umscutkms Air Conditioning tand HmG Cior Design Soles Engineering Nt Mirk,,,. A wrr.nl —l Cim hntN ti lllill ■ pr«TM. aee reeratuai •arllr«»u A nuwber et Iraliw f Rill WYNTEK HUNTER UNGE HUMAN NQGIH WEN COCOA fey DC LUXE **••» iBvttlviaf hNaaiiTt M-Uw-i*!) ievelopmenl proeraHM ^JNjMeScOP^ W idled frwi ikla esawhullte. These po*lti®«» le»G * mtnataMl Ml IB t S<« tl'ld Or 'NTARTS SATURDAY *••••!•( Hff VO "feCSArrTfBU.! K bbB to toMat* v"1' ** la to | nujan hbbIwB HMtdlN !• ''»» "tout .uhwlMiM ,1 maacrtpt- •'«■«• claaMa IMZHR »«5t 9. YPAVrBA mcro., AO* Inr laatoaBaa lav ■mua **• u aaa^uutein toturr Urrrmhrr It. i| r&'h *4*»uractumiha. tot * nam* • ain*»bamch »anui Acrumina. Micluaaa Clrll torrlat, Unuaa 11. MtcW«an- It |/IV*»1«/AI. • ALHO f>H<+tt4LUUU<+ • A*ti Weague £>po#TS N til Simti. I <1 i»•«r IB »S | »»\ • j;,.r.k-. (•* ('i.icuflrn ruhn* home-run • 'Jm , liihn 1 illrfri) llrfrtc November '.*> Ift.'e rate Mrr ' it lil t' • i i •* -11, t v sk'h" named the National I .MHl'twS M ■ t>'.«- er of if*5s by an overwhelm- iuv man ii Depth and \\ illianis H.iik" . » -»• johi.H Louis Marty M«r(or, grent, a? Wu ■ .wr's'-iix to capture Th- Height Are (iandidale •' auard -ince Uie oase- -r-- •-nk over the vor v Marion won ill the of* !*»44 despite A :d Problt M11S Fee Donors .2H i- ••»*■ "i: ave- i.»e. H% I Utltl D IMIItl IM - K! M \l • f (lit I'.isr I ditur '• IM'il- " intramural ct,l s-.,t,.\ i..,vkeT • •I l»ut i h i •' lit »•»! I'firl.r Highlights :•• »-\ • I l in- :• M « * *— I lie -an » r in, •». <» -H •••.»- t! U- OF |I|IT% T%l l»l I I \ ii.it tilt**. Mm ! ( wants lire| icnlcrhrldrr I,,, •-i • i« •••' v\ it». ?»• r ill* and tram arr < kiirHhic ' Dennilics ami l*.*i t, ,rd iftr|«n>; MOOirriip ,n till* tf.ir v v olo»f » >. t Ihiti-hou. Dimmer* and (tmur Ibr Dell- In t |»*lta lielueeti ihr end of ihr reeiilc or Sir All-r- , , m!;iih I'i On iv-il* last ivrrk !|?l» pin* In !1K *;v ' i.ui:anient are •• H orld a' 'he Intrnmura si tii'v I |r ilfeu |M". |»otiil- . .. (.pnf dr- ScU Total I'in Kccm-il a lid listed ,, »v ltn thr ri rr* nlllv hullnt tit her jdjv.> .ion an*! if t <'0 «1.|S, Ml » «*fl, Delta Tan Delta I Captures * * * ' A : HKW I i.mI -Mi Met t'ublirlf' iMinl Hindi >[ih 1,11111); ihi* \rar* Ali-1 i •• e - • thr Mohican Fraternity Bowling Title i.r .ii -Mate atli diliiin hi the raRrr* art- |.»rk .if . , niionMhip •• I flu* *ai,| iiir-dat that I knnu . THF rVlTHt .H'MI* ball in Irid.n >»«::»«( '» fiirHi MMr t ante •i IU m,| hriu-h i»; f. • !'ki. Dog- wl rr|)Urrmri)ts , I #prnc(l >!•»!''•» ba*kethall seaMm \ ♦«»♦.»I • • nl.iM (i t«»\» »■« t , VtidrlMin j k1 cat d.fitiit.h that Million- is a ». to'x1 Mondav at I fhe find home opener i* .mainst th, I m ei -Ut ■ Dr 11 'Ml Dec ' i-kclhalt teirhet N<»» »ni\ (Int 1 I'M11 i uididate for vcvu.il lit \mcri |, prrfn Ml, .-I'.lM !■ .Ml tit 'hi* A'rt»v' I iiig ••••■. i \ ed 'he ».t> enRtie si ' i Diek Seeks Mondav *i he "j.im Dcjfllt . |V •> !!»•• ' *70 PITH t.« • :tlH '\ j'h (in ViilU ,i I'M.p-sh'da a-; ft i (' .J,. '• an k ! ' f I i-r-M* ' • I • ...-Ji < i tun I'm -* ave a WORLD of FUN. I; hi* liejfttn \ .lisMy tar.! ;V\ Trevet with lITi » .4 V- - • ■\ \ ■ • • » ' Unbflievaht* low Co* I Ii -i UK which ra! i' .ti• "h h* ^Europe 'i .i as ,.n • Walkn ihrru in *1 point* 4>Q 0*1* .SS S645 thr v! fur nard platltK \- op- Mil (.II I IIOHSK Orient • iH'vilc i.rrcn (i.i ; rit 10 field >•«•!* the sri uiid half 5^.43-65 lii eili'hibf ■ i.; j* gou.. r*rt j.. h.- *998 ij..,ltif-,ri.ii,s ,*wt'v»" Ml "0*tJ ...it uh <4«( gri'l* liiict Wie»f__ sfivioi3 • *!«■> f |^ M>a'-v A •:Iv i). , • > ...ii ihi*t liii*y ft ion ...nt tfrtfe »'«e , , as v»« a 1 *V» , • .«•*! in die dorml* a.,... ... ,»»• I iin N tdrlwie «dl Hllltl.l I It Ml I ill I Ii I ii- I ill V\ f .lt \S|» IS I \ l I; . • ■ i -1 a , ..i»r thought* ♦»* I D '-km,: fi I bw n nvenotil *1 In idditioti. l)on S'lrhol* «ill . . ••t be *wirnmiiis Ihi* win ■.v. . • ... * r-Nhna drunk- -• I ^»'inr fo.tih Mel alTree u itty i,if i< .,ic«»«f(ouv Fielil lliii kn I I I ml an i);h»rv lim I aiiVrr rii'rncntfd a ho v* Fom ill he Itaeksli «>kt Kumnt. Dean mi**ed ate i ItoHii* lto««lin^ tiriTii 11 nil'"" tytfbt. ^ur' 'Ir'' ^al ^Un f . ifi prnblem i»i all » tiling'* WVH if Wk«l rlw Uiere *>4« |T»'lnr and ,lerr> t.arhns i c: IMV»- DRIVERS FREE .1 ! vnl: ItitlvV .(inuLr >•# \'.l MrM- t *>! .-UTlli! I. I Kasl y akcli "el "I'K I \l HOI IHW (I, III I I'llOMt Wl d ha; I - " * I 'Q-ff1 »", r ;«•«« V I'I .I've; ... .. 1. i hp M -.frK I' . t • v»*i,row* rising h% ■' {!• }»..(! !' ■ ■ I * - ' h •• Mldiwn Inmv# in "MK »n«t the t Ol OMil,' • - i rvtintig not I S" ' •' 'P 'V\"M * "I .lip MornS"" whi ; I* - n* i»tt«*rmeri ,f e > StorM TMUBS ■v •*►* > '*•» Who itro4 mrfv- |; M(<" MTiee ' I |k ;■ ' end *.»X"i. •• KTtflSAiU Ail * , . . ' -I . i |, . < ,.|> vin. hf»> rvs-fv- i*m idler 1 . Philip Vlorrv- -I Thtmhutiiiiiw MICHIGAN TMfATflf »♦««••• ' i . -.la, ; i r ik'» I,.,v \J ,riiM.ro* ,nd H 'lifi 1r| niriiow h i fti-ri*, Tniil.' NOW . • . | • 1! who ,h*s, not ' — M . . Mini Phtiifi Nlnroa; Ihj •«»* ' t *. (, »■ . ,rp- nillcHNifi m and • " oil • \|nf|»«.»ifc ,w.f»d TIRED OF all mine fore * *T.,»;,k, ! tori « * ... • -n. '<«•!• ' ch;d«- : r..Lh«*|» i-mr- v*m Wtiwf rln uill ngr<«*, wm TEARJERKERS? THIS ONE S riYNIS JOHNS CAMEP9N HIIDIEll To Give tf ' o ... .«• i »>n«l <4 i>. ,». di-a.- tn.'.e«r! Mirprk# r i-iii FUNNY! RE* THOMPSON V I; MCM i made PAITY HcCORMSCK ' Ml dinr to f#ive" *Hnwn Onee at R fr» » sptcy ** 'mom iomtiy m from {Tie hdanous ii,r 6rs)'i*'3f Hay" • CINEMASCOPE rfmhp^t f V'V ■ A iOSCBM ntlOS 'to* Dorit Richard (fl, { know von o « « dtdi,r t-*rt *i,«t ikvAfil io,C4c« /■ DAY WIDMARK <-> low-. Ut d«' 1 .1 .... . !:• U» ->mr girt'* NWMMM, «■ .■will wiiiin?V» if*, ru * . ,v<# TI«oti mm*# night wh«« vw»u girt v. Vol n»«r#' Um* I'«ai,u>*4# tNjttor yam piN f*ra- quietly, nt, «,* n|utetiy *m ull it GIG YOUNG • GIA SCALA y mtfh hai J^u# ami qtoetlv Mt u 41 ti» >H|(Uv *»U keep it i*m tliVAMTH FAAMR * EHZABFTH 1A»LS0»* JSZZ*•*' J -In king und ihe*> t ru « you »h«* muhl, aim! you will |*n*r oronae to it wtmI in»ke * «•»inud hu*t p» *urpii-«* your jprt with! l(eii,en4|M*r„ it i« Hn|*d*«tii fiery .Ui|«ir»j*nt — In *ndcW you#- *dl w# 'J* p*Mnii.,»o y, *f vi< anvlliuiy Mn«i1«1 go fume, »e~»» " ,».».«€ i y*M Uon t »i*ru h> ■* *u»l«'0' a "yti tot tter toiiuLiy i a" 'M INMM mua mm UWMM •'.nurtu, ,„,m - V m uu -W f*mt tfifl (,'uli fo H'tut kttnt fiUtr -it, ,» ,ut ftiubh in W ia«M u lit yu« IimlU windmi h lemi* mtul ChiU/i Viert* ta pour Rote antokmg friemi*. Hol/t rout# in m»l/ pmrk m m •o[»; t% km «l 7 «l - II si Onee at |«1N fl^u^ Lin, hwih to4 tumU Uu Uu UN tin* 1 r v -i 'i# *m Vimiriv •EhSF •.Hrr- i nr MTCfflGAM STATE NEWS Business Upswing Continues For Everyday Values Read Your Campus Classifieds JforfmbfT 28. 1258 To Stabilize U. S. Economy Attend Church This Sunday rch^TI WASHINGTON' GV) — The from 76 percent in April Pro¬ quarter has shown some ad¬ Commerce Department said duction of alyminum and men's vance from the third quarter suits remained at April levels. 'cvcl. The department announc¬ Tuesday the business recovery The department said consum¬ ed Tast week that output—good It being sustained. •'Production, smployment and income con¬ tinue strong." it reported. er demand has drawn support from a continued large strong and services produced—increas¬ ed to an annual rate of 3439 bi!- EAST LANSING CHURCHES flow of personal Income, which bun in the third quarter. The department said rising in October was at a seasonal!* Record August and September demand la being reflected in an adjusted annual rate of J5T1; figures for the total value of #*pan»ion of new orders booked construction put in place by businessmen Tt also noted billion dollars. new martin luther university lutheran christian hut church of the economic upturn in recent That was down 300 million ucre nearly equalled by the peoples church u dollars from *he record Septem¬ October record, the aurvey said. months ha< been- acr-ompanied. by relative price stability. ber rate, reflect.ng work *'op- "A marked feature of the re- •e-vion the strength in chapel church east lansing student christ scientist To illustrate the recovery pat¬ pajres In several durable good* was industries. nritfes during a period of de- AT tern, the department's monthly Branch ef The Mether Chnreh survey of current business cited Most merchant' except dealers reported their sales ex¬ auto limn:? economic activity." the report said. It aided that con- (Missouri Synod) and studbit center faterdsaomlBaUonal foundation The nest Church ef Ckng production rates for id different 444 Abbott *m( m West Oraad ilver at Mfrhlgaa ceeded year-ago levels in Sep¬ burner prices since mid-year •cteuttM. Boston, Mesa products. tember and October. 'have shown" little change as Chapsl RD i-mi ART 6 BRANDT TRPFT. Paster Ihl w Grand River 999 Oraad River The report said total output food .price leveled off and sub- (Two alocba North of Rerhsy I Plants producing all but three a# these are operating at a high¬ in the early part o? the fourth equently declined." bl'NDAV BCHEDlLt church to i-san S39 * II «• Church Serviees it a m er pereenlage of rapacity than Sunday School 11 a m last spring Parssiags RD l-ITM Worship Service And the report not¬ Mornfni Worship NW. aad 11:11 at ed thai rapacities Imve been raised In the meantime. NOR NINO WORSHIP Peoples Church . •:ll Blblo study Ancient and Moderp Nermiuaney Advent Inter: 7;M Campus Ve«per Service* Allies Mesmerism, and HvpncJ Sermeu hy Re*. Roy I. Schramm tlsm Denounced Copper refln ng, wood pulp Cost Sapper. Wednesday Commaalou: production and cotton spindle "MAJOR I NO IN MINORS" Group Attrndtng Reading Room activity have returned to the Oamma Dstta tw. la i*. I1:S» 194 W. Grand River Program I p.m. Christmas Program in production levels of September MSI' I'nlon Lnunga Mon, Tues., Thurs 1PB7. Jhe roj*>ri .mid. Vespers t:U p.m. 9 a-m • • p.m. aad 1 p.m. - | ■I t The only production drop Thank sgtvtng Caroling, University Olee Club, Day MM Rervtrsa Wed, Friday f ghown wag for sulphuric acid, Utrrtu Pastor. In Dsult Ortuat At Hell Ringers, Nativity Reading. 9 a m. • S p m. down to 79 pei-ccnt of capacity Untvorslty Lutheran Chursh UN Dsaa Asa. Church School Saturday 9 am - | put ■on. (Michigan Scholarship* Go Partoaago No OS 9-tMI ORADI/ATRt A PACULTV Laathisa, Thursday tl:M p.m. 9:S9 A M. U N A.M. Crib room through high seh*oi ags Refreshment following at Collere H .u»e this procram All are welcome to attend Chorrk Services, and visit and s«s ike Reading Room. 'I'o It St it doit Is Two atoiirnt* in edu ntion were awarded scholarships by ' the Elizabeth Stewart Schol¬ st. john church methooict church of edgew000 eastminster east lansing arship Fund, a ft A project to promote the teaching profession. 4 catholic stuooff east lansm6 peoples church presbyterian trinity church Vivian Chillis. Detroit senior, •i!id fvilores Van Dente, St. Jo»- haterdenomlnatlonal ! ' < i»h senior, were among 14 fu- tiire teachers given the scholar- center aad church 19b 9partus Avenua aaa ft. Dagadoni Rotd stops valued at $H!\0 eneh. A Bible Teaching Minlstrv Applicants for scholarships Pr. ■. Ravenaugh ft, P Rtgpta wesley foundation fl blocbs north of Grand River) ha the Center of Cast yasing Mt MAC. A venae Rev. Robert L. Moretjnd. Miuiiter must meet the same qunliflc.i- Rev. Trumoa A. Morrison. Minister Rev. 1, ll'GRNR WILIIAMS, ti'.ns as those reipured for State Sit Division atreet Certification In addition, the - R*y. RoMasoa O. Lap*. Minister Pastor I* I must give evidence of outstand¬ f:M - I M • I«« - IItM is 5 » ing leadership ami responsibil¬ ity. The Scholarship Fund is sup¬ ported b> stn'e appropriations (Dahy sitting a* •:« A is ea Masses! Sdbam Dad Cedar Behoof 9:1b am A ttda am • Mam SUNDAY Cvpanded PROGRAM RL Jr. High School, (19 Abbot! Rd. Church trhool WORSHIP SPRVlrps n ag P MORNING WORSHIP a.m. Dully Masse* ««• A l-N AM. and adult studv Students art Mb pm. and by contributions. Oae Blast West of 9. DarrMea Bd. wrlcoms in any one of (our cutset EVENING WoKtHIP Coufesslous Dally 9:9» A M. 9 Rev. Truman A. Morrison OTHER t»RVICES Slllilrnla •:M P.M. (after Rotary) Udb am Stale 9 tS am Sunday *rhn..| »un a lo to s m Morning Worship aad Saturday 9-9:99 A 9)M-9itt P* Moreery for both Bervteoe class for University atudenti .Si'lit'ilulc Trrin I'arty evpanded Church Rrhnol for t.tt pm TEINITT children third grade and COIIEGIATE Chnreh Reboot ad 9M aad II a.m. under. CATWOL9C 9TVDRNT ADOAM9- PRLLOW9HIP Thf» Amii rd Off-Campus Stu¬ »• am CoAepo dam Weatey Crib room throogb Junior High AH University Undents Weir«u« dent* ia holding it* annual term IATIOM MRRTB RONDAt Sermon party Dss- 3 at the Ku*t latnsing 1Mb PJl. trrgMUMv PAILtRK* Masonic Temple from 9-1. Tic- dialir Riga Clam - Udb Midaeeh Service TER Will pat Meet STUDENTS WELtOMI lets may b«* purehased at Hit Rtgh Behoel SaUowahip-9 so t pm. Student Services for SI 50 per roll pit CIVIC CKNTKIt au samts south baptist church first wesuyan methodist church fled. • Nov. ?t • I |i in. IUji eh Suede Mudrm lihihrtroltrm Black l.ealher episcopal church death Washtagtaa At Mooena RJvee Drive vs. Kiimn Leather !9.95 ward P. tagdea DA Desmond I- SUB North Msgnolu "*•» George H \ve et C Michigen HiU«n — Minister N4wilt 30th Hlalrru . tundey grhool - 9 U AM. gab Abbott Road - RD t-IStl Rev lobs r. horses • Chaplain Morning Worship - it ee A M. Touts Service — t tt ft M sa A M DthtO Pshoal Roar. College CUn tanaht bvn.iug Service * 7a p.M, hy Dr David Warrtaer, Natural Science SUNDAY prrvicrp SPHVtl, INVITTTION- In ma tried Slndenta to voung people.- Von- its* School rlew teirgbt b> Dr Burton tbom, a vtichlgao SUie I4e- retlon Con.ulieni Id! A M Dety Cemmuutea 11:99 am. "gates to god* • M A. M family dervlee aad |! ! Cbursa ktkwri tat p.m. "tbs coming of slp9rman* east lansing unity center II db A M Morutng Prayer er Holy «» W GRAND RIVER ROXIR O. MILI ER. Ps«oC Communion and bermea MORNING WORSHIP AT II AM. • M P M AdaM toath EsUoasblp can ttaut hi cLta "bPlRITVAL Gil TS" DiaciaaioNt " •UNBAV satf a iwraaoAN Rev William G •jadny dshool ^ A. David Ruben. finfH Moeaaag Wseshlp tm AM D*% 9. I. TOMIbd, PAbTOA S. feared. Partab Mtatetet »H imnii a la «« na )i tldS r-nrnT' " cuua. Ia*Hl rlW.IMrlM Laf ■istsi fiaadawattaa leovtap t gssr- ■' last aad HAS Rnhoa Woeship Service* proachiag as both Moaal Do am f JM na tea services akl MM at • « eaM IV MIR for a ttda. C ab Snnday eve "" tingle y« « VMM Maaair , » CHMtal k a nuaau €»•'<» nW annul UNvasAun u__ mi »; ' b:U P M M4B A-M. A t:» E* NOTE IP* DON'T FORGET OUR OKAY KIDDIE MATINEE SHOW ON ... ktsl-ta?r Pa# A. Chife, PaaMf SATURDAY AT I :(K» I'.M. THIS SAMEPKOGRAM .. PLUS C . CARTOONS I P ' f :