ke Reaffirms W. Berlin Stand Scholarships to Give Help Institute Pa rtici/Hints ;0 Ground Economist One hund red community- junior College and high school 0 Soviets Discusses science teachers will be support¬ ed in a summer institute at DID YOU GET IT! MSU under a $180,900 grant prf.iil< nl. 0"He* Commerce from Foundation. the National Science The grant,, to be used under pi»ri- determination to re- take the lead in the new de¬ and em-e uiathematir*. will lie ,, from any course which velopment of world trade, Star Schedules able to earn 12-18 credits dm -jd .handon West Berlin both for its own survival ing 'he institute, .Inne 22- Sept jujsian domination. and 'ho survival of freedom MSI Program 4. 1959. The rredits may be at the graduate as well as the un¬ reaffirmat.on carne after everywhere, an MSU pro¬ and Secretary of Elisabeth Schwarzkopf. Eur- dergraduate level, Button points -wr fessor declared Friday at • out. 7d"ulU'S tia.l discussed the the American Business Law -oean MSI' singing star, will debut make Field ens:- at the President'* or in the And trips, laboratory work m headquarters, at the . Association's southern re¬ Hill! -da\ and •» series of lectures by noted l1 Then get out i-jta National Golf Club. gional meeting. • concert, scheduled for scientists will a u g m e n t the 8:1' "course work *i j.a'f-nent afterward deal- Dr Hctidrick Zwarensteyn. 1 p'p., will be presented m Special empha-is • »' cirert Series "D " will tie placed the latest de¬ Soviet maneuvers alm- • • rlth onetime Dutch on buMness execu¬ M ■ Sr-pu at .'kopf. the dot" of velopments the »shoving the Western allies tive and a"or;lev at law before m scientific roiitd'ess perfonninnces in J.on- •field. "jj divided Berlin, Dulles the. Netherlands supreme ourt d:-vn- td .'••n Vienna Sal'bin c and 1 -««- Dutton reports that financial The implicati ng of In. I'd .,■:••■ eh nor American debut assistauec will hp available to TIIOM\s|.\ M WIK tS. left. YpMUnti «• . Foreign Trade for the president reiterated o«r senior, and Joyce fkakes, Business Igjw in at Town Hall m Now >0 communi'v-junior col leg. Teacher" and buy it * Albion graduate student, threaten ^neat's firm perp«se that each other with snowballs while lie cited several VShe cade her tirst Ameri¬ teachers and 50 high school on a tour of the Bavarian \lps. \s yon can see, snow falls causes for sited Statea will not enter early the recent increase in American can ■our ri the autumn of !9"»4 je.u hei s. in iay arrangement or em* that^arra,jdvlng ski enthusiasts a long season. foreign trade which, he said, and .n the summer of 1955 be¬ Xpo'iiiitiitns -houkl !h* sub¬ * any coarae of eonduct 'amounted between 1958 and 1957 gan her second sold-out tour. mitted nv Feb. 16 to the Science Liberals iron Id -lag have the effect of the reaponalhllltlea Propose Hides to .portH a 17 and percent increase 40 percent m rise im- -n turned In I'd">»> Mis» Schwarzkopf re¬ for a third U. S lour and ter, M.i'hematics 51H F.ducation. Teaching Cen¬ "die Tnlted "State#, with exix»rts. hiubi ithlcd by a New York .m- Britain and Franco, has ••y assumed for the free- md •-rarity of tho people CodlilTon Curb Sought II.'' "Since the end of World War /waren«teyn pointed out, pearance wbi-'ii. for the at hi-tory. was sold out for a re¬ Carnegie firsi time in Hall, its \l lii-|»'cli<)ii R*'|>iiiit An inspection team from W "some twenty nations have rome el' a I programming Gennun lie¬ »l Berlin." Maxwell WASHtNOTON. — Two which •vas j», effete during the into existence, with more to All" F"rcc Base. Ala der. began 'he annual 1 (titement added up in far-reaching rules change may 81-.' ( '. Ml gross Of 1949-'-0 follow in the not too distant fu¬ two-day in- \ re.Miiient of the T.illl l,eh- —«pection »f MSB's met to fresh rejection of be proposed to the H<>u*e when This rule i! low's ture. These new entice Air the rules' nations will Medal. matui Schwarzkopf Force detachment this morning proposal to create a Congrt'se convenes Jan. 7 as group to hold hack bills for a need a structure that enables ha-, also received the award «»1 * demilitarized city of West max in um of 21 days, MUr them to participate in economic the Ort.o d'Oro as outstanding part of a nvve to nib the which 'hoy may bo brought to . . CAMPUS CIjASSIFIEDS . cooperation with other nations, singer n 1955. —r-. LOW COST power of a coalition . Republic¬ HoilJ•e vol* by the legislative . Soviet proposal, mado a without disturbing economic de¬ . . O sgivtng Day, was coupled ans ar\d Sou'born Dem«*crat.s. COSJSMUt toe .vhich velopment originally ap- on a world wide I Kremlin declaration that B'-th proposals nave the hack¬ provd mi'tee •tteni The Rules V-m- seale. ALDEN'S SpMdway SERVICE itwar, four-power occupa- ing of so-called i.s me a legislative corn- "On the other hand, shifts in liberals whose ! Berlin ia void. mit tee. ■1'- main function is to 'he traditional patterns of world ranks were swollen by results Mine dav the Bia»aaal •erve as tr.dfie op for bills trade may be expected by re¬ Ut the United HUtea aaid of this yeas'* Congressional apptov ed by legislative corn¬ gional arrangements. ,urh as the AMIES'* - I miry never will enter •lections. mittees mj agreement with the One change k aimed at 'he Tlie s'- ond change propoxed recently Market of established the West Common European Di I L Talon "which, whatever Rules Conmu,i ; ' for •;•• next Congress would re- nations. m. would have the end group through wm.-h legislation Illte '! u- number 'f ugners pe¬ "These chance. In our inter¬ MiniHlAN Avr. n* to force national .el.itions in I Berlin to hoetlle dom- H< acta :s gencial and can tie votod H.KW . e on lulls txittlcd up .ii our foreign trade picture m nOI'lll.K I HHOIIV - The commit ft slaiive committees, e.iany Soviet plana gave the been dominated bv 'ho .*«!.»;itn>n years he *h are headed by South- particular will make demands on our American business I.OI.I) HKM. • ! s six months to and •' exe¬ GU T ST.VMIS ON \\ IIUNKSI) \A S n • 1 ... nv •< cutives of tomorrow. ato negotiation# to estab- hi " , •• i mynuod . • • . • j free city. _ committees Its, • .11. . • Hep. r said that if the/ ,H"A at '1' Si-'.o. plan • , ©acceptable "th«?n There To break the Role Commit¬ would exist any kub- • tee bottit n.rcK. the ill" . , alt: j fix .talks," and that Russia proposing a ••torn" to *n;il .» ! ;iq the plan into effect. known a> the 21-t,.\ mie. "hizart Sends '.leges Money f til' not have to borrow LIVE IN E authorized $900,000 from IIKOPY I.KOIT? bank.-, to in vet its - ft this month, accord- R to Su't Treasurer Sanford totaling $8 million & * »t '•"< MSU, the Univer¬ se* Michigan and Wayne Jtifti Acro>« th« 8lrc«i University for ftate money on. bari been given authority WAWAV I *800,000 from • pri- *** 't 3'# percent in- 'e meet its November aim rare to borrow up to 12 Vt BARBER SHOr i to make ends meet in N if further aid pay- 117 N. Harri»nn 1 hlwk not "forth-*"*!-- •' f*'-? about $2,110,000 a tor. 'be ita'e, U of If North of Krll'.e* Crnl.r tt.TXi'100 and Wayne Hit,000. E 'TWtkTtUud Milk & It* Oram CASH & C4KKY BUY NOW... EN NN H Cal. Crade-A Homogpiiiaed QUART (AVOID IKE CHRISTMAS RUSH) Hint for • Remingtoo, ask for a Remington. 32c 69c If it get# really desperate, buy a Remington yourself (lt'« worth it!). It'a the smoothest electric shaver around! RCMINQTON SOLLKCTRIC* FOR MEN * .AN INDEX OF! RCMINQTON PRINCESS FOR WOMEN 1201 E. Grand River A rr»l nuu. wwiU, and mtdi, a real man'a ahavar... Gentle, feminine ithavrr. Petite, yet with four timea a Mda-sizHl Roll—ctric! Six diamnnd-hnnnl cuttrr, an much tivt "having area a« any other .. ..largMt hir .having arva of all! Exclu.iM Roller ladle#' shav¬ Comb, roll skin down, comb wh.ikara ing implement. Exclusive Guard Comb# make It ao sip to get yonr safe it can't chafe; you can shave back 3055 E. Mich. Heavy Beard and Hiidtn Beard: whisker bases helou and forth— Jtut Weal of Scars ordinary shaving level. You get close, feat, comforU able shaves that last hoar, longer! U0V, AC-DC no need to worry about which wide to uee for lege or underarm*. You can nrr'n a deodorant immediately. UNF0R6ETTABU EVENTS Three chic color#: Ivory. Pink, or filua. AC only. MM PMWGTS CO. , Dtvitto# or spcssr **mo 6o>fOSAftoa, Mioueodt a. oonn. ' •— ■ ',-iWWN!!!?5 •*"» ■a*-*■iStPF^r ^.^•v r» *1 , r * ! Michigan state Nrws Rand, Stouffer Vie jS «,| December 1, 1958 Pate Foot Clinch Title 195ft Soccer Squad Receives Colts Athletic Awards at llanquet Stampede For Starting Role |Y \I t Athletic Director Bijrpie Munn announced last week that 18 members of Michigan State's have received major .letters, unbeaten 1058 soccer team By 49ers, 35-27 Veteran Seniors in Battle For Guard Position on Team Gerh.irdi firenir. I adillir BALTIMORE (/P>—The Baltimore Colts, trailing by 2<> Horace Hamilton. I una Island, X V, Junior goalie N'ofi Drago from A Mo I i.nii;rn, Helroil points at the half, reared back for four touchdowns in the Rockaway, N.J., won his second I'ele .MrKinnon. Detroit last two quarters for a 35-27 victory over the San Fran- By LARRY lVROBLEWsKT letter and ten sophmoores were John South.m. Detroit Asat Edit Page Editor awarded their first letter. Re¬ Erirh htreder. Chlcajo I'aiil Minther. ■ Island. V V. cisco 49ers and the Western Conference Championship of > 1erve ceiving awards were: A letter also went to manager the National Football League Sunday. With Michigan State's basketball team's ,.p.ncr 8minr* mlnntnc thrlr third Iritrr* Ameche 'six days away, a hotly-contested rivalry has ,lei. Larry Sierra, of East Lar.«mg. The Colts clinched their first > were: In the drive an® Alan Aimah. Ghana. Atrlri conference title with two more John Nell Ruller. Ml 4 lrm« n» The hooters record for the plunged less than a ysr4 for the yuan! position, Anderson feels third year of play showed cigh: games to play in Los Angeles |t- v <%l Sarrla. Topayan, i olumhU the touchdown. The contestants are veteran about the other : Georie fiepelyi, Detroit consecutive victories, five of and San Francisco. Their vic¬ A 50-vard pass from Unitas Tom Rand and veteran reserve i Art Southan. Lansing Jordle Taller. W'atervliet them by the shutout route. The clean sweep brought the tory coupled with the 24-10 lo-s by the Chicago Bears to the to end Jim Mutscheller got the J:m Stouffer. This battle is be¬ starters Co-captains Bob \nd*r# r I.eo Vender H<*r*L KaDma/oo two seniors who are using Colts moving again at the end tween 6-3 forward, and This John Bird. .Myeraloon. I'i three-year unbeaten mark to 22 Pittsburgh Stealers gave Balti¬ john c,r» l.manuel Bruce-Oklne. Ghana of the third quarter and Ameche •heir final year of eligibility. 6-5 center, arc Hernle Cook. W IllUmtton. N V. games, with only three ties. more a three-game lead. permanent plunged for his second touch¬ Last season Rand capably re¬ lures in the front line 0,|-OU> The triumph was the ninth in Th* down on the second play of the placed Dave Sct-tt ~who was addition will be H.r4.e Walk grrjoti 10 games for the Colts. The fourth period. scholastically ineligible at mid- 6-3 forward, who JjdUJl lone loss coming by a 24-21 uas A couple of minutes later. season. srholastiralh ineligible b« V the New York Avoid the Holiday against score Moore broke loose for his daz¬ The 6-2 guard doubled with Walker wa? vt • Rxcrtin Giants. The defeat was the sixth • zling run that took him down Jack Quigzle. now graduated, in the Grecn-Wl. T.: in 10 games for San Francisco. the sidelines, bark to the center in handling the back rout a*-' pumping in 28 p< Rb® - - RUSH - - JOF. LOt'IS, the ex-heavyweight champion, explains his plana six The Colt*, in the seasons, proved their cham¬ NFL only of the field and then straight ahead to avoid a series of tack¬ signment. Although Rand never was a great scoring threat, he son, a 6-4 guard. ... fill the other guar . . - ft Ion to form his own company (Helen Productions) to film 39 half-hour pionship claw in their laat home ier s. was a steady performer on of¬ As key resen A-drr r,-d- Urine votir rlothen in television episodes baud on his life and ring career. The former appearance this season beforr Tittle's passing and Joe Fer¬ ten*e and defense. He closed lists sophomores /,-♦ q 37.557 of thrlr devoted fans, the ry's running mos-rd the 49ers to out the se»*on with a 34 per ring great will appear in the films. 6-2 forward, and '• now for expert second straight rapacity crowd. their first touchdown, the quar¬ average. Davg p. They trailed 27-7 at halftime terback sneaking the last yard. came 5-9 guard. r -1- dry cleaning Michipnn State New, and looked shoddy in the bar¬ Rand ertainly was a solid .State's opening enronnter Unitas evened it up by run¬ the rnlversity of Campus Classifieds bet to star? at guard this sca- Detroit. " gain. ning three yards to score at the in. But Stouffer, who got into year the Titan* l»- ' R ' FAST SERVICE AT >0 Your Key to Bolter Values , They smothered the 49er of¬ end of a 85-yard Baltimore , tax* 4 „ 13 games a year ago, has had account of themsclx c* |n t „ """"dr Ri • EXTRA CHARGE fense and steamed up their own drive as the first quarter closed. for a blaring three touchdowns + ♦ * Um T CHRISTMAS SPECIAL in the last Memorial rocked quarter. Stadium when Lenny f rally Moore Clew-land X Rally Real* it-hiiiytiin, 21-1 I Ur weave® his way 73 yards for a free CLEVELAND, "*>> — The touchdown that tied the score Cleveland Browns rallied for u [ Parking 1-8x10 Silvor Tom Portrait 27-27. Steve Myhra's fourth 'wo fourth-period touchdowns plare kirk conversion gave the Sunday on Milt Plum's clutch 1I In Th# Rear shirt laundry • at'osi from student service* new dry cleaning bid® (for adults or children) $ Proofs Drapes Included Colts the edge for the first time. As a fitting climax, quarter- b.'i k John Undas next •<»< 7-yard pass to end Ray Berry t d a passing and the running of Lou < irpeu?»«r for a 21-14 victory »ver the Washington Redskin*. ♦ ♦ ♦ m ■ - v for the last touchdown. It was x?_.- i Original $11 Offer: the 23rd straight game in which L'nitas threw at least one touch¬ NFL Standings r4sTrit!s coNrrnexrr i I NOW: only $5.88 down pass. It tied Cecil Isbell fi r the all-time re¬ hun Cleveland ~ L z T * Nrn Vnrk 7 J SHEPARD'S... cord in that department of the t IMt!shur«h • 4 * flrnup* • ft.0(1 additional NFL ST# L. par head A feeling that the Baltimore I hira;n 4 ar4< Z ? 1 r;. ' bubble was about to burst went Philailalplila tit WESTERN' CONEE.RENCr Void *ithout Ihi- ad — Offer End. Pee. 4 through the stadium when the ✓ 49ers X-Raltimnre » 1 • #M swept 80 yards for a Chirafn Hfiri 4 4 • 4** Coma in Enrly! touchdown after the opening I »* tnirlri 4 4 • 4*4 • - kirknff and piled on three more DETROIT 4 5 1 444 Afar-Kitt for Appointment in the se ond period. San tT.-inri*rO Hiv 4 111 4 4 4#9 NfH tir*»n III J rA 1 But the positions were exactly X — 4 ttnrhrd w*«t*rn Cnnfcrcncc Studio (M ED 2-19U 205 M.A.C. Ave reversed In the second half. The Colts charged 62 yards to score Italtimnrc » |r\rlmit *t SIIAVS RESfl.TS 35, San Er*nr(*co Zf Jl, Washington 14 L u ji l.n* Sn;*lr« r«. 4 htra;» I'artx 14 after the kick off. l'nitas com¬ PlttAbureh 71, 4 htrao near* I# plete® four passes for SI yards New Vorfc J4. rhlMrlphia I# RAND S'l01 I I Kit ... battle far fifth spot ol I jam . hif eye* on Rind's position. played in Octroi , but i-owo W rk:ng with earnest from the' the Spartan* in (he THINKUSH practice in Oe!>ber, minutes, 71-59. * opening Stouffer has loomed into the This season ve .-a* OM spotlight as a possible starter. Calihan has ac s "S'o ;ffer has come fast this height, but 1).' fail," says Coach Ford^y Ander¬ shortcoming s | EOT i sen. "and ju.:?_ might take -the game expv: -ncc. ■Vi «ffl( pla.-c away from Rani It cer¬ The tallest :n«- •Mffl tainly makes for a very healthy tan squad is 7- situation." Corbctt. who Stouffer shone® off hi* cap¬ skinny.185 Kngllthi CLOWN WHO BLOWS RUNNY SMOKI NINO® abilities in the Grrzn-H'hile a •enter, wiM»o game little mere than a week vide hackboaM. ThlnktlBh trmntlmtloHI In thw-rint circle*, this fellow", known u "Mr. back. The 165-pound guard dis¬ Detroit gets ■* ^0. Funnyman" (largely because hi* name_i* Horace P. Funnyman). When he . j 9'% doe* hi* smoke-ring act, the tent's in stitches. Naturally, thia world-famous putfonn chtswe* l ucky Strike. "I like the honest taste," he says. A canvass played He hi* was hi* passing court and knowledge. especially sharp with playmaking. most .ts other season sumption. ton ji Ano- r> ir« ll i Stouffer also was consistent with ably one f h.s 3»» *iau j (or tent poll) of the Big Top shows that this is no beak sentiment. his jump-she* by eroria® 14 s4X'ut for State. f *l.'» ... points. So at th* starting time for State's scheduled opening for 3 ? ti- f the basketball team approaches, ih Jenison F:e!-th •- It will be interesting to see the are admitted to all ^ outcome for the guard spot. games by showing "t v :2.| Wchi|M Slate URivtreily Give every girl sheer, sheer « * « FUEMR FILM SERIES A.\ TIC BERKSHIRE STOCKINGS pTMCBtS fm*rv>i rtrort tad i )LAY IT ft MART! Ghr® Hot Berkshire* — "ah unusually tk* oood movie!*! ih® only full-faflhioaid Blocking* wttli th® r Ntlaik* Kantrun Top and To®-King. Tlia t'» Herksliirv'a eaciuaivr knit ting met h« »d , guaranteed to atop runs atariing at top or to® | "HoncKcd with delicacy In mi entering the sheer leg ami. ■n* Hn*«ritanding! —ho 'f I Berkshire's new sixtmletw stockings offer j "A wpirlit British film I" | the same seitsat toiutl guarantee! No ruttsTri>in 1 I', P — W«rM tfg'om 4 to . top or to® can enter the sheer leg area— thanks to Berkshire's amazing NyloC. | [TtuHih* ksauty F'-c- — Kashioa Not®: Include a pair or two of L* - f h Berkshire's new high-faahion color*! For Her . , . MAT Wt Sl'GGKST Gift Certificate* far ahsea Vrvm I. Jit the pair . . . ■ullgHOIIIt SUppers by Gonial Green Nnse by Berkahire or llanes tPCAK THINKUSHI MAKE *25 Leo tor® Tigftt* Jusl put two Word* Inptlht to form a M« Ankle and knee aneka or Longlee on*. Thinklwh w ou •■*> you'll think of e goal of every col- cials. try at football, he had become Only one Spartan, goalie Joe i'.y wrestling tournament, muit Selinger, |s sure to make the trip Minnesota If ... ,-r- •• t.-r, but to be chosen A year ago. an i unh .-jpy with college and drop, ,v5n ; ?von straight .lie nt the Intramural offic* by 1 .V vi*American on a losing "r. of ped nut. Bcssone will choose one forward •iiimiis in Mkmg it> second Big .1 p.m. today. William*' %n it ::e ■ fort 10 baseball t>tie m tiie la^t three Participants should I1' outstanding feat. with hi* After working si* month*, line and one set of defensemen report to the IM or -o'- •♦. V- Williams entered the N»vy. Her* to accompany Selinger. seasons. wrestling of- . ...,. ■]* lice today for the weigh-in. vim groomed himself into gfiitfan'-was voted to the No 4 , _ 1 pass receiver. The reo-rds a top* flight flanker. i '.V- . •: ' starting 11 by the show he ; . " • t •r 236 i •.». ..>■ international. yr.rds and three 1 returned to the cam- >ueh i"-.< u>-. yu- .n :*'5A ard began the lt,K year #r"«:h lhr mnt'on* of a •"," ,,.j» the Spartan* went 3-S-l *ea*on. On many Williams on in rally i me "hrr'b ilu* rave? *-o outstanding fevr a first berth position, steady play received LOOK! profeeslonal scouts. l—jflonv the -pirit and inrti- In ."ue Hams, basing their Special Studenf Cleaning Servicei ItiduJl p'J» °f William* prohab- -•election rn Wt ham*' service responsible for State .v<-'nt, drafted him before h* Ifcrrtins * winless season. /> ' • j single minute of college rjf l-'iir Toiil* Cleaned and Glazed _ I y a "is. hails from a remote contest which the Bears won, 20-7. In the line play are: Bears end If,- of Dan-ville just 25 miles Th . Williams' play ha* Ralph Anderson (30) and hark Johnny Morris (II) and Lions hack STOP Slicdc and I.eallier Jaekel. If,- ■ Lansing. '« 2T years old. corfmualh if Coach Huffy Daughertv. ,.t:rarted the praise Terry Barr. Yale Larry made the tackle. PKKVICR "U .Men's Hals and Cap* ,»>n the National Football bine draft begins today, Wil- I)aughert> said. Sam was th* Stuffed |j-c *-or't receive any consid- greatest end and captain "I've Toys liott. The 6-5, 218 pounder inn 'he privilege to work with State News -College COBCh." Cleaners IS u drafted two years ago by I , Angeles Rams. One particular plav ii-playg M ndav Williams was W. .en*'spirit Again*' the ITnU i the v.of-'t valuable player •'«' i»y of Illinois he broke Shoe Repair and 1-amidry - d by hi* teammates. This ?h'"U«h the line and hurdled a «s him c i-ible for the Chi- - of Ilhni—blockers to block (liVsh and Carry. s\M Willi %H« 'N- enemv's punt. § Tribune's silver football. • VlRht Sport* Editor — tmivln^ft 620 W. Mirhlcan ED 2-1173 . picked hs pros in 1*56 f'lhor Spartans receiving hon- December 1, ItM I | b »nnu«lh awarded to the . , , •i >ble mention were tackle Fran Pare Five r voted the Big 10'* most O'H.nen guard Kllison Kelly" t player by a committee . . . LOW COST halfback Dean "Look. . . iJi.i , , , CAMPUS CisASSIFTFDS • , • HMMINI , . . HIGH READERSHIP . . . EYE HI-LITES WEDNESDAY, DEC. 3 j Your ooooooooooooeoo «iuestiotM care will he answered every week In this column by THE GARRETT CORPORATION Dr. Joseph B. Gutstein (S*« addles# below) AiResearch Divisions. Dr. Outstrin. l.xsl Lansing Op* tometrist craduate of College of I'lty 1 New VoiR ami of Colum¬ Will be on campus to interview' bia University, formerly- Awn ENGINEERING STUDENTS ciatf Profeiuor of Optoinetry at Monroe Colli w of Optometry and Auisiant Urotossor ot Op- -.niie'i'v •» Chi- ago 4 .dirge of • •IIIHHMM PhiD, candidates « — Onlometry, hoth in i nil ago Au¬ thor of "A Stu¬ dent * Goule to | ROT i VMP\NTXLV paralv/rd following an ger catcher is living at home after his long hos- CHiiometry." Dr. (iuiNtri'i holds j TJic Garrett Corporation Is one of die most Induslrial liirlinchar^er: and martneeqnlp. ,ffidrnt nearly 10 months ago and his f.tml- t>lUl seirr From led to right are Mrs, ( am pa¬ I llrenses lo nrtr- lir. J ft. (iuutrtn J diverse research, engineering and inanu- merit, and are supplying sales and service tu?« Optometrv Mjrrlr inspect the Thanksgiving fnrket .it r home in Glen Cove, X.Y. The former l»od- ttella. Princess, 8; Ton*, 8; Hoy and Itov Jr. It. uptomrirut • (aeiurinp: organizations in the uircralt, to airframe companies, airlines und the Ni { missile and technological fields. military. ' >■ 1*0 from AiResearch laboratories h.ivo tt)rs|iile Three VILA Champ* l^i i li» fUseaun t< l'rojcct work Is mndnrted !>y small conio pioneer developments in aircraft and groups ill which individual elfort is more miinilc components and aystcms. Today quickly recognized and opportunities for ITunkers Face Job Re <»rr.ftTii».vi My daughtur has giic »■« s ,«. 90% of llio free world's aircraft uso AiResearch equipment. learning.and advancement .ire enhanced. need1: them With company financial assistance, you Rt MM!V WATSON Proving iiadiy. but retin¬ lie o is tops in the "kfiected to do Garrett divisions and subsidiaries arc ran continue — N<- nal Champions, distance Held Hllb steuart ■ v .< n the 50. 100 ae to wear tnern b. i .n o your education at Lne ucqjbe . JV >::■ .h, Frank Modtr.o finished' first in both the 410 • 100 yd. butterfly, "'hey make her look ruiuiy. p crtaUug a variety of products, including Luring universities, * I'.' v.u.irt, constitute >d. and l.'ffl-. meter freestyle '"i.i M-dley, What ran jj* don* about '-r ' " - it >* McCaf free's prtn* In Ihe Nf T \ us well as the TYPICAL PROJECT ACTIVITIES - .r# <"ie« Tyson m an • • I - h: ueasoft against Big Ten meet, steoart then, is !,' t.ri a*u«'.roker who will ANsHFRl K'-d yowerhouses Indiana, Amrriran team. uch * » ;«• bquad. In *d- rw-rnle sir data computer*, pre* arc ratio trams - yariouilyjieu of mtesilc*. ' Your daughter can try to » -.rd Michigan. Other r*turning !ettern-«tt arc > ; v aunomoi es is re- dm cr in'.truincuU, electrical ayaicota anil motora arul Air finti vapor cycle rcfrl^pratfon fntfifnai, :-n. .selected a« an Atl- Jerry »ii Dave M <'af- have her glasses msilr In generator*. ftydraulic nod luccltauiailiy driven pru*t>uru«tiina > lurr. <•••. aa Denn Raker. sr "in ,n -,ne 100 yd. frce- ir. o, Dvti rki '>gtr»n. and A1 Cott¬ framea which will he attrac¬ Preliminary Hmiyn from analytir*) and throrrtl* Com p ream r*. » r-ge-i u' Garry Morris on. tive and styled t* be flatter- Mil conaiderations (or high lrvel tif-hnical work ill Jet cnuiiie and rotnlinj* rnaduncry dmi/m oiwl 'mi a 1 his event in the Chart-, rk . 1 diver in 1958, peter Peter Pumkin f alef acrodv nuniirat, etrcM analy.iia, thrrmoflynamim, hrat will -in. '.hi- md:v]- in* to her. nnalysis involving combtiKtion, lurbomacJtincry, ggg * *prmg» He was pr-'-tMi- v Had a «ife and eouldn'l transfer, cryogenics, pneuoiAUc*, nuclear 4S.5 dlals meaile." th .eoswt whiic this ah* Can. nf j-owcr and d)n tmicA, iliermodynaniica and aerodynamic*. keep her Oatlirrniitira. Gaa turbine uuxiliaty pmmuaUc had |huerv,„ holds the M*C rsr- McCaffree aili csantmu* to back wt to rontait lens-*' vkTHifl rrcofds for both th* 1M up Mcadtne m the uca-.tstrokc, So, he fxiughl % eo. The only way glasses (or Amiliiirj yamm unit* end control aytema for power unila. SPARTAN 2. : 'f » d. freest* le and Edingtun wil- .ftvi'ch to th* but- con tart lenses) do can the ; * ORIENTATION PROGRAM , i the medley and ftVMtyl* t*rfly. . stale's ouuundlag «••• patient any food la if they he received the Clark Tn addition to direct assignments, an eighG and work with engineers w ho arc Cntst.mi • »»»rd for th* IMS ***• month orientation program is availahlu to ing in their fields. Your orientation will Ij-i 3 Day* |Ai I »ooh're Modino pick- aid you in job selection. You participate in include familiarization with taJus uul GOO Art ion Qt'ERTIONt • twe NCAA rocordg apd - Hit* GaueU project and laboratory activities tract administration, — s • ipot on tbo All- What do you think Of Sun- tpr»c swam th* T tftWIIHO . .HOW! »g.~T*M« glauo* from tho drug tutto* •»M 200 yd. breaststrok* In Hit. No. 1 1:110 • 4:00 . 7:»S - 10:10 I havt perfect eyes O JOS OPPORTUNITIES and 2:25.4 respectively. Th. llif llranlinii Story of a laboratory Engineering Missile APU 4 the new surfac* itrok* wise, but tho aun bothetn my AaaVKeal •*it year. Modin* wu Tough Bmd frw thr IUdUnd.1 Aerodynamic*' Oyog*n,cs 4 and Development KUuilo AcctiioriS Pneumaiice »• aetnber of State's medley Mogamp Design gad which nlac«d CombustfoR Anoiyato Mathematict liquid Oxygea M^NCAA a,eet. ANMWERf Chomicoi Engineering flectrkai Englnagrfcig' Air Turbines tsnaitiore lensoa placed before the Air ond f reon '4g •yen should he Compreiton CQUiH accuralelv j Cat TurbwM, Welding Engineering. j ground and polished, ( heap j obtom Fiorarae Aoalogu, Ci Sensors nnd Servos ' | sung loses dtf not fll^this re- ike ] oolrement and generally base j FfHmnanf Cyda AnalmM Connecting Notworfct in 2nd Hit Shonn 2:30 . 5:35 • 0:10 distortions and EnglxMring Aaal^O Control ir. gin—dug electronic Flight Data ^ ahbrration* , Ffcytic, Computer Programming Controls and Transistor which are definitely harmful tarikes i U tho eye*. Spot# PWytkt and Air Conditieaiog gjrflW a aw mmum « .y| \ .'■! • MrcntGAIf STATS NIWS - December 1. 1958 hit Mansfield Proposes % r • . Final Examination Schedule for Fall, 19SI u •r y 1?;• Food for Dollar Aid The c * i nu nut Tt >• last time day of classes for Fall Term is Tuesday, December 9. All final tuns will t>e given In accordance with the following schedule of Wic examination* tn Basic College courses is given below. Examination rooms will he annminnd by the instructor during the last Photographs Tell History of American the work of five great "We are receiving two prints Theater flair tor th« dramatic, wkia . t( .vcck of t lasses CommuiOration Skills Wednesday. Dec. 10. 10:13-12:15 Great moments in the Amer¬ ican theater are captured in a sent "players of the last 30 years. of each picture," Buell explain¬ coupled with good thea'cr the photograph, are 'rL Natural Science T; tiis-lav. Dev. II. 10:15-12 15 Covered ou'.Mardmg plays ed. One set will be placed in .nv,>,at . Opposition V unique collection of photographs are Forecasts Drin •S.K-wJ Sco nce Fud.iy. Dec 12 10 15-12 15 the Library as part of a theater They not only give the 0vr. ■. :L £ Humanit.e- Sa tarda v. .Dec. 13. 10:15-12 15 The tune of examinations in section* other than Panic College courses being assembled at MSU. When completed the collection which featured Helen Hayes, Katherine Cornell, Alfred Lunr. collection which I plan to pre¬ Idea of the play Itself bu. '• - . E- To Foreign Assistance Kike i the tern. determined by the days and thn lime the class is .scheduled during Examinations v* ill be given in the same classrooms u««-d for is expected to include about 1.000 photographs, offering a Lynn Fontanne and Evans. Maurice sent to will 1)0 the University. The other used for research and photos can be used f» ,,,,, of staging, scenery, costal ! r lis* meetings doting the term teaching purposes, and on 'Uni¬ and directing, chsraclcr;,."T WASHINGTON i/Py— S"n. Mikt- Man-fifM (D-Mont) pro- If at U..«*t tun of the days and hour? follow the regular pattern, all pictorial review of 100 of Am¬ The Vandamm Studio since past trends In the theater* versity of the Air* television ■ •.ckIci 's, instructors, and room schedule* will automatically clear. In | greatest theatrical pro¬ 1923 has been exclusive photo¬ po^erl Sunday a program to «t a!e down foreign aid costs by i t» w" tolirvs. it the request oi the department concerned, the finul^ ericas grapher for the greatest theat¬ productions. Buell believes the MSU cm I substituting food for dollars in hungry world areas. examination ha- bten scfieduled by the s.ngle hour lecture section, and s'-n-.e instance- »'uaent* may encounter conflicts In tha» event, the ductions-. The pictures, reproductions of rical stars and play*. The Van- "Because of the Vandamm*s lection is unique. ' lamination scheduled by the class mrefmg two hours each week will who pecan workirtg • Mnnifieicl. aasistant Democrat- t ike precedence over the examination scheduled hv the -ingle hour Ire- originals made by the Vandalism damms, Campus Classifieds . , , Low Cost Studio* of New York, are being with glass plate cameras, spent ic floor leudei nnrl b mem lie r of tore The examination u ill he crranced between the student and the department requesting the inl scheduling of its examination. hours in preparation for a photo¬ the Senate Foreign Ro! Committer, • lid he and s*»mp •»:- — |S(*|)c|f OPS Ml Instructors h. ving examinations from B-10 a in p m ire request_d to and from. 1:30-3 50 terminate their examinations promptly so tout selected by Prof. Don Baell of MSl's speech department with graph of a single scene. Dem't''.if# will oppo . a -nd building* be cleared for the examination periods which the aid of the Development Buell discovered the photo¬ EVERYBODY IS r,w... other may follow. Fund. graphic masterpieces in New billion deH.ii increase in K mum aid (pending imported under tidciMtion bv 'he Eisenhower ad¬ n- Investigate ■MORMNfj Diem CLASSES AUKWN'OON CLASSES Begin- * With an Buell selected Initial grant this fall, 115 of the Van- York while seeking the theater field for vision work at N8C. materials in his tele¬ GOim TO TIIE.... nine 1 nirg at damm photographs which repre¬ ministration Instead. Minefield : 40 December 12 MTWThF ii no-io do mwp Monday Shew Today at ( 00 P.M. When Secretary of Agriculture eteer infiltration of the coin Mi i r December If Tlh DO Saturday ~ • E/rii Taft Hen-ori *f»"k ».30 December 13 MTWThF to 15-12 is Mansf ield said. "Wo .should at¬ machine business. ft 00-10 00 " Monday tack that problem by armm-:eg Four week* of* public hearings MW — 10.00 Monday December It scheduler!, beginning M TTh F Decern i>er 11 • system by which we «?• ufd de¬ have i*rtin 3 13-3 45 MTW T1|F ft (Ml-III INI liver tome of these commoditKf Thursday, in the climax to a TTh ID 1*1 Wednesday M\vr Wednesday to hungry people* rather than yvnr-lnng investigation by the 10:30 December 10 MTThF De( ember 10 1 30-3 30 MTWThF 7 i*i-»ii0 p m. n«vial Senate committee on im¬ giving doltara to their govern- KTwF" U DO -fbursilay (bents." proper activities in the Iabor- M'i TfiF ii no December 11 Thursday Mansfield aafd he believes mn nag em cot fieldj MTW'fliF 1 30-3 30 Drtembcr U 7:00-0 DO p m. fotnniodities tike wheat could br "We are endeavoring to dltt- nn n (ui Friday 11 30 December It the extent of racketeer distributed . » fhi- way without eover J 30-3 30 MWF Wednesday disturbing the system by which infiltration into this mu!ti-bU- RfTvT" 12 00 Sn'widiiV N11 .»r Dertmher 1$ MlWThr 3:45-5.45 tome agricultural surpluses arc lion dollar industryChairman M TTliF 12 30 December 13 MTWThF 1 30-3:30 being' disposed of abroad for John McC'tcllan (D-Ark) said in Thursday a statement announcing the TTh 12 00 Monday December || looal ttirrenclea. 12.30 December 11 3.45-5 43 hearing*. * 1 30-3.30 MJUm^u^- PLANTl _ "The pfdnt would be to get Qus«> twrplu* fond- Into the He -aid more than half I M '.'"ur CGm Mm-Ii >'"ur K>.i'n Time"&'T)ate (a bands of the people of the world million Juke hose* are in oper¬ M. MW .ilte; Monday Dec 13. 1-:» p %f. who bar* only one and have no means of limine meal a das ation and, in nddition. coin- operated vending machine* ai> rnuni for the annual di-trihuti»n T. W afU'i "I li TTh Iftl r 5 .rter | Fndav. Dec Wednesday. Dec 12. 1-9 PM Thursday Dec II. 7-9 PM. |o. 7-'i P M THi-eiG-COUNTRY OPEN HOUSE food." he said "If IliU » TECHNICOLOR eod TeCHMWAMA more of two billion dollar* worth of NO rttUM. IXAMIMATtOM NAY HI OIVKN AT ANY TIMI ofiiFg ► Were done property. It eould he- It'hnJ'" ",<:l lAHLV Mlir.OULIO TIME EXCEKT BY FACULTY tome one nf the ltm«! powerful gooda and services. fort es again*! eommunl-m " T'e focal point of the Inquiry, Min»frId *aid he is a«?i fled McClcll.m .. id, will be to deter¬ SATLRDAY. DECEMBER 6 • great many members of hi* mine whether labor unions in Student Wives to Study Meat 9:30 a.m. lt:M f • this field havg ls»en formed and party, which will have the num¬ t » erical control of the new Senate, operated for legitimate union The YWCA meal planning and tension Service will speak on Meat Cut* — What and How" Smith) art Corner of AMI any Hall are going to insist on a down¬ aims or whether, in many ease* family finance group for student ward revision of military assis¬ •'.is an adjunct to and enforce¬ wives will meet for the first ind will illustrate her points tance and the placing of more ment «rm for management, act¬ time on Thursday at the h.ime of with colored slides In January cm phi is on tennomic aid and ing in eonlu-ion to allegedly Mrs. Carol Antrim, 1418B Spar¬ 'ho group will go to a meat shop ALL STUDENTS & FACU1 C\ INVITED monot>olire the Industry." Village. to observe the various kinds and Ibe development loan fund tan Both Frefidant Eisenhower Testimony will center on ac¬ Thi- group is for those who grades of meat and discuss their and Foster Secretary of Stale John Dulles have indicated tivities In aL least seven state*— New York. Florida, Michigan, would like to learn a mure in¬ teresting or delicious way to uses ami The group Is identifying marks. oim ii to all stu¬ Feature Shewn at «M • 9M Only! | RRING YOI'R FAMILY A f> F'.MENDS they already art thinking along Illinois, Ohio, California and In¬ make their food dollar stretch. dent wives and there la no WED. Tub Iflunlcr "DAM* YANKEE" i lines. diana. Miss Jean Gillies of the Ex¬ charge for the meetings. 51—j j.i/o, I Stai Sy-stema injtli© JkJLr mxr*' The mirth ofclcaronfnlmo Ac 4fwcr Agr hhrinc quickrncd Informarion resulting from Hughes study in the fieldi oi toult ol ilughcx work in airborne electronics ivstems. iir-t.wiu And biil?*nc guided mimics is u a preacntiy paying dividends into die fund of space know ledge, One unh development is the Hughes ElectitMuc Arma¬ ment System, whuh pil.ns hi.rh-*pted jet interceptors u> Hughea engmcen have developed space hardware udng enemv targets, launching Hughes air-to-air guided missiles, high-reiubjlits wire wrapping to replace soldered conneo* an J Hie* the plane home. Even more sophisticated bom and rainutunrcd "cordwood" circuit modiikl 10 alt Amumciit Svstetns completely outstrip thswc low high compiMicnt density, pmctidy re- Udsed tor publication. Tlu- ativttiii rd nature of Hughes electronic system—in W orkmg on sp^r utilities, Hughe* engineers arc active the air,«-sa die groiuid, and for mJustrv— provides an ideal in tlw preliminary design of guidance and control s. strnu, growth environment for the graduating or experienced conummuation and telemetry systems, Mrtuing Jevwo using engineer interested ui buiidmg rewarding, long-range peoa infrared, optical and radar tcvhm^uca. tcsuonal stature. •(raft op ' Usui M a)