I -.■^2^ Vv. %et« t»»r:kV ... ........ s***" - .... ** r* r i .1 Mirliijtan Slate Neu «j; 3Iidiig:m Slate News No Gilded (age, Ellher Champion* Grid Fort urn Rebuilding 311 Published tcrough Friday inclusiv, ...inter .Student and on Service tU«( ,la » To the Editor: spring i_-., fcead Daily by M*I * 2.V"«ft student* and Faculty lions: , olidavs; weekly uin :nu.-' M- P.-nn is right ierm and one special t;.xX\<.s:v the • .ti* • - \ ' ' ■> p..~ cif our boo v. - • td net I* rrnpilt .etvveen Entered as tummer second anil i. Ut . ; the IB) aef ;i< *•- of F.ast March I.ansit-.K. . ■t Mai! subscription g V ante •< r.i..-. lor one S4.00; tor three , tern:, - . H- r ah i n. Toe Associated Pr. s ' . r J. r.»: Pa ye Two B..g« vt ii n :i f .ilueively iu the '.et t Vol. 50, No. 1«1 T... cin '■ 1 at. • at:on oi ill the ^jci.'r— L' *' n tnis newspapt'i \tvei -et it > A (\ till' MS A P News Disnat he- lient'. U. S.-lled Relations -• wer* aftirr,'-> » :r.an a Sa* Helen Conner . . . HIGH REAOEt a: *ny her *trr Ilainpei'cd al Home lrprisintfl.v, thev* CAMPUS CLASSIFIEDS KVEIt MKF.T X »:•» ' »n ' don't have -ini-tt r -mt'k- od cuded lips. F.D 2-1.11 EXT 2 ft l j *' ;t t: ?nr net ween In fact, the on!', sir. •• cr ter. ii Russian and an Am. t it ; • }.!> c. ..r l ick of a DE VDI.IN'ES: 1 p.m. 1» XV HKFOKK PCHI.K'ATIOX FOR Tl'FS., W i ll Till US.. AMI FRI. BDITIONS. doiible-hrea.^tei! VION. EDITION DEADI.INE: 1 pm. FRI. It'l !; iM'llir.'ltorS. h,<1 week MS! !• ;.nf our < ttess. ft. is not for us • • • :'s to l'!»',iu •- ot" I Jofl [s to EMPLOYMENT HOUSING jrovernme»!t m » . — of • - out not Mecessarily A NATION AH VOW*. k-i tei'i'je accept the it -oyui .. ijw espand.' »' ROOM? GOOD COM < their fheorie-. « vf» u f»fsm Spurt In this ape of n.«-, re. ,!tl urn overwhelming UtA- trade F.a- . l«" QUICK 5arv , •••: ••••'!• for error. We technological ad\ • ' ' • '■ar own r.§ ,»w*- Fie. S9UDNUT SM0»1 te ft; H-.e true motives and if W't-te Vlarjofi* Murpr.*- must reach muto.-il m ' r ' • . ar.'i River peT.'.tt HOpM FOR Itl'ST .M ii'f.i ».r l.cau- 21? MAC Opr-* : . " meanings of ojiponiMp to verm*; t.» must he understood, • , Ciisine#* woman ,< ■■<■• --r graduate -"adcit or t'hnne i'[) 2-1174 (6 u» ■r ' ' f.indinK am! insijrht can TV -RADIO CERVh j Only through 'he ■li a.r CO AO! 'ATI NO SALHIKHISC .'>57 F'l/abefh K l.an*i .j'"'np*d to d«* trov our- TV Technician* Conn 4 43M '"i Hr IT HAS ni KN <\!l> •' • MA-;\A'OX hi-:i sun . x?cr Michigan IV 1-5538 it solve*. If you want' f.-.\ acc.pt this fataltsm. then ipctkeM - u»ed entr five n.orfn« ->,+ 2 or* i? -ii'M. FT> I*'!®! two rw 1 - 17 ROOMS - WINTER TERM Br do so. GIFTS ARtiN However, If )»>•• «.»»• tM»lv »'7jA 415 i1ov»r. Ph .nm OX <-fi3»il (tn.M'i ,.r IV 2-S7 t\ t- WI SUGGEST: tr*rff & individuals, we have the power <«rx ■.i*. ai n.n from - • ''a* co*>* In thh fanta-t-. Ilv udvan.ed ape we cannot allow so¬ t pi— Ch-urrh E Lansing tf cial conflicts Uo e? '.»■■■ p fi.v I r.t »o >:m'. ">nai conflict, would Ik* lethal. Conflict* can h. averted n th«- internetional scene by Uig 10 Grid Glories Recalled To tlir Editor: ■ dies sine# Norway's King Haa¬ :teld in a violent argument it to DECORATED CAKES DEI.IVKRFD P-r . j 'or deUcr- IV iurtiw 1* 4-232! birthdays oa*'ri#» Ku »fa•*.-.• > U I • ' *"8 - at i-eaiu't find cont' f; of , !/-. If. i y > ««»lve our immediate clock that IU night -♦ r» ~r * H- » H .rill, bepinninv at home It we IV'. Big 10 f.mti.aH . •».•••»..•- kon died u Vn. 1 t- weaar.' l*II »• > : •♦* > SPARTAN ^ALL * THIS CHgtSTMAS conflicts we stand a much tie?t.»r « tuioce of olvinc the nud an a'hU*tu- - tb.it the ba-ir problem t'tcugh .'cars this fiil a jug past -oasnn to hnfut te.uns but also the game's ■eaaon at Illinois, the team fw SS'D f DiAVfOS'T) RINO* Or. c. ,i» are* > «».nfr.l •• • t ■ aci a m e: . is one of inadeiptate f ! i comn. ouca! en. W'MHly Hiivcs. <»t Ohio Stufe in carl.v seatem |»la> r i'i pl grea'.c>t coactie- Men like Hurry Up" Yost of •••I • as '.<> no gainer befly achjeg. a vict«-: • '/up rh.--- • » --t .• rf» - mr 4.. • A • * *r • • -,-j iff KYKN <>N sn sMMI '.ii.- two- imp! relationships, i »t A MO * D *-O.I ii AIRE . » FU . •*•«!.• a*- 4" ml gtxHit 'tu.ililv otTicuitmi* The Michigan, /.uupke of Itlinoi. re narked n> .1 a miajimlerstandiny <>; w.<: «.»n h .o! to dp a ' runs eon- frt'lui'ps .ii Put due h conch, .lack S'agg of Chicago. »nd Bierman Ml I a*-k 1* f t :•;*• c-. n .arc I lift. If one person w;ii w«> lu- pi voe io» c enotivli to seek Pr* VS ■ ilNi ' \ ' FHl VP icnH'it.f. wetc hurt when of Mumesota, to name a few. ■nyeelf to tie re**t»ecfed N" '• an understandimr qo •» u'« i h. con'. «» « an in* solved. lla>« didn't. mmK.- hands aft. They were rterv compete or* Think back over lb. • i n» iqfoaon vim eticoiin- Purdue and OSB d«'».1l'». ked m but. ' ev wie gentlemen And R.iv Ft 'd vtnv -.Pa -nt ir-.*. .! u:ii have understiwai a 14 14 tic thev had s.miething which is /uppke suit Hrttii) in-'c ud) SURMlSlNGL* (OW lertHl—would if have help.., \. i i thorouchlv At Mmnc.ipoli- MSP Higgc •v.H'fiillv tacking today — thev Vh-' . proleg.' Jr.- * i .i> HOUSING ON TIlMS T0 . the other person - ts v» i nil ., o., n-ofe Mutin. d "« fiitlv * hie-CDj! ?h«* Marl color •ten Y" 1 (lev i r near e And this commui ' «,«• t»e applied to the •. ■ '.ru* "? h ' i'T I'll.'. I :spla\ e.l P ir r x.i ? «.:c .,t*« r .in IP.n »; - '.ak.ng , h".d >f ♦hr»i!***sve rc» *FNT' international scene «(••> M tt.i 1 or! tinic the nine I mii! uiliS the of which M ' .gan g.nne. Y *st .m l /uim. ! he pic--. t OSi! if> «. 71' IN* have not fwen in the 'win ke were discnvererl .till on 'he Ber.rtv Mill .1, ■ " d - c'. %• » Russian educators wcr» nt> . uspn- there wt're many times -.*.•!» • : ill rte goad • ai-'.c. vtif b-'4- our communication \ p» a, mt. tp? r broke dow n ,• ' -t M«r H . f.k vl'f Kov y ■>! Ft HIM". •*1" 4 r v"id .n 'he. KJ? • i«o ev cave cave a 4 . ' ..it■ e». .liw. * > rejicbi'tl The Complete under.-tnndiuu! «,<- connotation of e\»-h one v* r,t uu.iiti ctuuipe I lie whole INFORMATION • i,'"'kmg g* •' '.her s-;#cf •• Ft'HV.t'J'0 H*. •«» • dm i\ -JWR- it Hi .Her >1 • HI l . •)■ *OU MUST IE a t; meaniuy of a sentence Big 10 foiith' the ! of '»! u- •••->• •( ■>* j ijl vcr tl« t INT A 'he »eiv '•» of 4 'toe How often Ibis pioiccfp nit m.trout our t'l'vcnintonfrt tOl Mi III MIN Rtf* t \tf l*'.nv Km ROtRII A .. n nif lounge, 4'h rt' or ffireiyn diplomats l! »\«u» ■ •!• .0 Xuq I'o-.'in buy unit" 7 p nj 41 1'ntor. ujrai > In .«»: jra< h Oi h> v »*r LOST and FOUND IT III there can be r<»niu- ••'*. -i;.i»iuinc,iti.ui. the misin- aa . If. ) rcrt-w • u* • Ill MIA Itl Itl I Ml MY •'HI VET < I I N . terpretatmiv—of si-i.ti . ♦ «- ■ ■ » •- ,. |.i t -.oi. ,»i different . p . W.-Mei It.... . , 30 V iu.. Gil'ru r itn!. fu HI 4M K AMI) HNIHI I B. J. W.-. c H ' 'ir native tony in - uou>! o» nr. id p'» ■ til \ \l V " H 4' in .11- I • ion 30 4. im Ar.'fi f • H* AS HKVO'H-.|>> <11 !t » ' of art ifi'.>!.t)*\ .tf define I KH \IMAN 4 I l.ri K %l« ;• .1 \i si.-i vts. n.'tailerl AnalvM of * * »- I .»»* . ,11 ,'4.V,, cj aider ED i-iW i • cracv we can never ■«« ■ • t i; iiliPlii Hut if We ASSN. i : aptei of the A M P .e Pro • -v hi it urn i • ' -vi i HA ; t want to fieht commuu < in to understand it. l'-■•-ed DUfing 'tie lar*.' Meei . . IU p ir . \w> . ■ iii.i' Mono r.u'lef He. .• ,f! typing '■ SPARTAN I'lSMM il l H In :.e Aim N : • Da • i >;•■» it<-iU scfn- We do not have t. , •» wut • and everyone's VVuk " ir. t itrinh.rUi-n ; n»it • <• Ai • ■ * .1 ...Ml a! ideas to have paavt oni ! he "u h v " %i ni.% I'lli *»itiMk p m . • n • < u* thu-c H MVS At rmill.M H« • A It 14 , -.* ctllViRM -nils and others e i" t'fuo" Pe PERSONAL Why some p» »t"i w. • . . . cv i.'b w ilt speak on nrtmd- p hi , 34 Uiuoi. •).l» di'i.Vc. ."k. i ■ SPHC tAl. *'.id. id»o T * repair - ninil and others - - do not Why some vie.- it v. • ■ II M TlOVs t IIMMtTTI I .-•l_ •. .1 *.i'k » . :1 v KI NNV DAVtS OHarrxTRA " ED- -« VVuiHlrneie when they're p'.oi W» pt 'ft >M.I> insist nil perfec- I I I Ml \ I \ It \ »IH t \ I It IN AI'Mi ' ■: ,.c G up I' a ' • 1177 ,f CD 2-KJ27 ' l-'H St...lent Se. v . ' « ' • 1 ' 1. . W t V A a «u (can deimwrat> III It p.n tloll and of tier- allow mm . iivv f%s: dm ivLRx fui. i .v ue . 1*1411 ONOPin t (II.I I )(|I II 31 his h»*.i *. puffing an « 4 • free- j. Hi., Mil Kowafi fi I*< • ■ -«s' *.;g 18 'or (2 h."> proclaim freedom ami K V- prevent !l A.. !ie..d of *t»i.1cfit 'e.o h 4 IU put. 303 iJerkey, Hoiart t R.'i kne • vmii.'U •;»: fi) if deiive: -ne ■ (V 4-3.12*2 belore ? u in Mr jr doni. TYPINti JAM iiig. will show- slides. Ai kermaon'w ill speak un tn- Glpjl. I 8U4t»"»e ' 'J r.iveil i" Las «!.\r< «ti on elc. in - ►pc*. PropoMtiunai 'lite:est ii In.', game"" VIM I'MOMEVtlHKN terpreting the •t.Vu »•' if ill REAL ESTATE t'vpeneiu# '•■5*1 Re. • p m . W"'uen's lion v Ca culu* ' Crosswof^Paale meePng for menihi*!** 1K%VHPtiKIAlltIV <11 N *n 1 n . f.MM.RAPin it 30 p.m.. IIORTItllTIKI SI MIN AR 400 Nat S, , NIAIINAR Old y.VKf I've g. ' 1 I- V-'re V>U|» !.••• •; * H'H. »c e- " biu-.v wbti . 4.- • FOR SALE ' mi o\i u. tiovff rvvn .» vice RADIO. Walnut Liiue Monk* Radr*) i*\ Ti' Hill •» WHONS a to p.m . If. Union S-3J45 t ANTI KHl K> t I I H 4 p r»., -'04 Hurt • I AtUiO-irt. PI INI P % I lit II IMiA • Jerri t aiMdn • 4 nut.. Union laiuiige Offueis rVHINO Al t. K's ' ft.rt *-> trie. Ten .... MVtUllH.t al MIN AK . - *.ng ■ 4 t'rf. k of •tge ilegre. ED I Mtt IIEMK 4 p 111 , 430 Nat s»ei c«rrt» 1 .10 p in.. Wineec - ti y in al AI laf ll a | til l IM|I II H Fi nn Lrcture TYPEWRITER REN > t'llMT «kUod iRI.vt V tJSTA TF> itpD- about our rent#: .. I ho re Studio. Trv.'Ut* for 4 i)iu. 321 l»hy»iL*»-,Vlath I 4N Phrne IV' 4-13!"' r U InUnticn The nsntMiur* degiaiini#i*t pit .Ueii FORIIUN l ANCil'ACil. HIlPI nnnutr- bsU'g 4.15 l '.V as.'.:';, IJ Haci'hs c • 1111 4 s I s ai nngiiullt VI S( M'VRI AN AkhltlNI V l\M 4 I V p n», fourtti tt»xir Lounge. TYPING EXrERtK ntli#r. t» > ached tiled led** h*« Seen ( O VI VIII I I I l.it>raiv Dr H.ins-Sachse, rr- vTtemjon have a new Itume Rapid Mirvic* c'l"-« It A»iy tn-m pmtpoiird to |»ee. % fr«t thin '•in.ii- i-v.n «*• iimh-urowm <**■ B Cherry t.aiie ED w.ndsaoi 7 pm. Spartan tipu'il t'irt.*r, eenfly returned frnin a year-* N trier smith, wilt ipeak on Alt rTCDI'V? t APART MEN LVAit w»i.,aiu# (.ape (ax) j yoau 'or only • rintge t*rtn Ve*; I'aii'i .i- CU.s tt Shall**'.nc Sc fcl'f #f Vftlrrdq i Fw«|l« .Student boivice* U'ayhmg asMgnuient ji* sectHid- PaiJne* OAluueu E.v rn)» month Move WHEN VOU THINK ,Mi , 4* "Some INsU MhUinrd lis «i»«re t.L> 3-Ji.a ritht ui> 1 miUi'l John Murphv. uunk al the MEL-O-& 1 * ft" by «Kpios:on V AIMS arv schools in (reruicuy. will Electronic I ampsUIlM i\ ■ »auu Warner Long Realty, Tf-' 7-1887 1? Moraitt* «» He. UOH * 4 Bioklifl si h:t'»f No meeting tratay See vtni at give an jllustratud talk un A-rr {SENT tf II Uiltfr t ' #u*i n Aluni.r uni the tern* parly Ki iua> Education >1) Germany To- .1:44 p.m. ItMi Hurfcrt aii.ie: t«-si-i !*;> c«r» AVA1I.A»LF: « :d .UHitt>- ~TYPligT ANN BRoW |« Calcktial TOIAJNIAJL THREE BEDROOMS 3-Jtd0 ESettnc O'.r- *atki«g • SPARTAN Asal.MRI \ dav *' -iLMae jivo 1an.1l* 1 »rge 'uitig room tasty k-uehdl* ."8..a*o Ri 2 41 Si room papery and the.!* a a th tmiAi.r Eilll .lining tU Forn-.ai l(f 'A MM ltd 7 30 p.in Student Lounge, H%s|( ( 411 I 14.E i room C*art-e?ed (tjltrial* Praise H.cij ,nd a hall Oi* heat of tna•(* tt* Trial Student Service* roiUHII'IIM hfkm V> ST • o Com t: Mtt*. IS Oow*» 14 Pi.ce tOI Mi RIPI Itl K AX t I I H 7 3d p.m , Lincoln Room B, . 17wt ..iia' »!«,!«•.» f\ C««,f,r )H(I ,-.*74 rVfcn^v SHARP. wiui aiiU QUiei . Aiuuuruwn it a .--ive -g.-a Niilmg .iiiortriaUon. *i»n T»<»->ai «a»v term* garage For TRANSPORTATION 14 Intranet* JS Grow* old V 1 ST 'Iw /t,' *. \ a.:«l» '2* Mart 9 30 p m.. 34 Uphmi Kellogg iVnUr, Sttuleni tides I fiarUe\ ED 2-WM contact Hall* 4t> HlDERli WANTED 21 Se.'U -RWhtl ixa APARTMEN T. City, leaving R « " 2t; §upt»rt f*' H • AI!,t twfl. «i. "M- Kit) CEDAR THREE bedroom*,* ED t-HN 31 T.ke betd Tw (he Ed 1 i*r , - TMA.T'5 4U. C*VIT SNCOPV . AMrfc sui S HootsM P*M»na ED 2-<*WH two path*, lafge lt*in« room with , V 1 ilt.Cv in H«t» art to thy g'UUD of }vi.r,» ' X vg ' ilace >iil Unung iw.Hn, laigr rider* TO LOS v e » ♦ lifi- UP£l»TW*l TkiT kiUl«-R «»TUi breaa»a,t , L iidU-s who >0 rmwterfui;} ape., G«t< Kvumaiii* — - •< " '.'-i-'i nook null* IM* 84 veaik or older. I d 4 ■i »H Put Up Willi FiUS ON TNt liTCSN ll« dtcd the Principal - Freshman H-Al.'.L^OR* h UELK.HT THREC- "e^t !vii!iiture Carpeting, tiraperm*. ana »wmf iJtn or 15Ui. Mail* 1 . »i i -a.-'»vi ,j,m tU#*) v,i ,,nr ,n included. Geragi- Tor rut- Sua «*' Hall 2" T»nn»- CUi.tWS trtei aUorinatian, 1 interviews at the r*ctm 22nd o*m 1:2 aerate vonUvt Sally Hart- 1 —Aonisn , annual Higti School-Ownm un¬ rT» i-ataa . u In, RD 2-dKH u) TO WAMI! i lac ». Iff time after Dei-er.be' f t'RMSHED THREE-ROOM - ity-Junior College Follow-Up aith after New Year* ED ♦ is V.pcri '-«ih,V:.i, ,uta OK 4-4».fc s*;*' > SERVICE Ir JO liud Kif . Conference in thy auditoriunv- L*»7a». « +a I' r V w ham Thyv handl-u the .ct*ow d of. Tift FINEST IN muak Smttn- NEW YORK Cm . Thar si 1,700 interviewer* and studen'-* o\ East i?AiN CIMM IM* Jfc.Sr.ao Combo. The Playboys for (T*ri»t ma» holuu !-•»■-1. *v.m un'-uusivetl ' M evcrjii Bobby maveu*, Jark Bravip. Hams 7. it )1 Sm4U n«M.td with poise aid ',n:**!8 IV *-?«*! I UtilitlH iMtirt AM J.»i vapr Rbytnnin Kinea. Valladeary. evening or afterno*"- * U V 1 u itUnd Tf't.y had comp'ete amUol ut the situation at ai' time*. eccl oir tra Contact Hnd-Moc Agetn v. IV 2Mjg24. tf WANTED u Sl.aitinl HOUSING 0 fj t* ;*» A11 this w tone volun'«r> ALHII0 ALIZON L'FPUt CLAFSMA.v ittia '(> Pleaue accent v>ur ^rvti.uoa dent to share to- • Watch Repae K>« MNT . Rent lew m eachans' 37 Csiaibto for doing the job so well Wh*-«. '" «» -iteHi are aca'eclatcd evening habysitune ED 34 Id.•>! Dr. Gay HIM 0 *1 Kr J w mm $» Throw hfhtly 41 Dru« ptidl Or. SU\ WaaMR d»ut.ie ARHROVED kuuus Private iooms SINGLE and 2l?8 Uegt Ottawa HJt Satisfaction guarantefo R« Qktmw, M,ck, fO j >471 ROM RON I MT|IU»Tlf ■- V/ narking, eatraiu* Lt*i st Sa#Jan %->peretta — 0 PT 1*0 4J Unit of conduit}* il|r 44 H«ul Mftht Stuff n.*8ui|»iame uuiienu **«»,.,g «vm >'n*r.e ED 1-KUe A taw five roonu 01 xrw* vacation & • 9 Alllt f«it 6' CCDQM . "on* .1 O M* ubmwro«I l.N,f- n i#J 43 hlahi Rddair k.8 %•»(( TRY CHA*Urs HAHBER hi. *11. i " ' Orcanti -%»»t \fihl 44il«f Rail »«wur THREE ROOMS AND bath Shop . Qu.«t. over C.illege Drue Y fRIre Mil* I.incim I *An •r*'v p*r«:rt furnisher' ai,u utu- ci«*evi 214', Abbott Rd ! VXD UPHIGHT ' aull Rev suites r«a «auia IV *-J*7t eyerung* vtrdpesdaja, ae 111'* £. i til «u"< - g Grand R,ver. ti V -.'0. '■ fe f «.;-"-.^ ■ - • Ji': ■: iii'-Vj--:i :,V «■!; Wt7 JSfrV -f. z'-m ' #■ Ilolidu v Concert Sun do v NOA Progriims MTrmc.W «T\TF NTH'* 3 ■ ff A Pa*» Thre« K:> "flfeff Tr The -i Chnstnwi* Goncct .itlitififi.il i« t'Tiivci ;-ity scheduled v m ;!! he spaced at 'he In-ginning, the ntiii ri and a» the '.'lose Set for Vietnam fhirtio prosramg about MSI' {•■-s humnu'cr • fm ilio Rocks of the fur Sunday. Dec. 7. in the t'nl- cr--*.idcn«t The hy 'he Voice eit ,uch vcrsi'y And. at 4 program includes French \ a j-uhiicafion. p m This rare!- bv the Chorus and Or¬ ' .1 bccirming Dee 2. I'h is the The-e pr"«rams will he broad- term, Ktaff of th« c«>nrert ;> highlight iw th? * chestra.' as well as a perform¬ -t '..n Tue-dnv- in Engineer" ha»-. sought to irn- holiday M\;nn ul^erv.in.e of Vietnamese tin ance The Di\ ■prove 1 tie magarine The staff ne M\i»tery. a •' -h< i--uavv radio at 7 :fc tximpu.<. and :.nt ubtic is in¬ Parab'c 5 •» ;• I'iir.ttmat" bv tan Knginc would appreciate it if students EST;, which •• vited t,i attend is 7 30 jim. n Us ]' The concert :s l.lywo! vn Gdmer (the pen-name t,.i mild take note that this de¬ arranged and conducted oy Dr. of the direc'or. ne in attention exist.* !)r. Jones*. F.levcr: i.f -»ir and * Gomer .tones. IS minute pro- n'd ah. • • So!oo,ts ii.it • f..r tie Mvsterv'* there c a lack of materia! In addition It» Chorus and Or¬ are Kdward Hichmond. tenor «ts «.r, Acre prepared on the •ring jtibhh put mto the magazine. , M MSI' campus with Infonnatinn chestra performance the aud- narrator. K'hei Armeling, cor- S.-rv ce< and WKAR-radio it n c nun partu-ipati in carol 11 alto, and I.vnn Beckman. so¬ Campti.s Classifieds . how Cost 5t'- .r—S* sinking, vait:: ivhev.ia! a.'com- prano Jame< Autenrith is or¬ pan intent. This Near, the carols ganist for -he cantata. a* W--#tra* T. «)(K I v ( OVORESSMKN mpcl -with H'est HANDBOOK ■urt at t .immuniat "II lltr I. IKGE.S7" mill h'ISF.ST [ln Mtf«r W'IIIt Brandt .third from left. in hands, rrnm left ""'"tier III.M,. Urp, Karl Rep. r cnrr\ g Berlin city hall after flying to the isolated l -< ..nspir Brandt. Hep B.nne lla.vs . (rnm Britain. At a new* conference, three 11 ("onrressmcn drclirfd thr I*. I should use op Berlin % Irtnk Uintlfh <|> Miss, and Paul »t »m/i/i(v of Miwl.iiie *iii>i>lip» in Flint OF senator lor fVfr moan* are necessary" to keep Berlin ment. economies in ritv govern¬ l.aiminii." |,e Milfcr Eiltranrc l{«,(|nilTincnlw Tlie Universities Plaiuiiit«r Crack Down SMOKE SHOP Across from the I nion CHEMISTRY „ PHYSICS yw . id university en- -u: ;■ * • ■ d .. •;u- high -iii.mjs .-••• -nts in the fu- •'•o' be-.'t"e prestige NEW I Dili EDITION - Jl ST I'l III ISIICD - WITH OVKIt 1 ' ' « st *;)! 'oe "There « ||| he rvmg those w i'h a greater em- C'ci'c-' fZK -*ng have been pha«i* on *eh»tlar«hip." h e -.1 ten lie po'entinlity. JOO PAGES OK NKVS \M» IDA lSK.lt SCIENTIFIC I AITS that J JO o'her* would - t, «r< *■ ' •«•»* n stressed. I»r. Stalnaker lauded i '"•c • . »fer ;..it - n colleges ^nd the M ,m- tmportam-e " "— x j* •- '■ annua' h t* Dr tk ;..d tG 4a I.AST 2 DAYS' ^..T-rior College Follow- •Here •' i*' rr ,j _ re •!*.'" i ^fr*nre •' MSU. s.'C • ..•>* *" CtioaS ■ 'h " s.'-h.iiar- gkninl in*tltutlon* and sh«{>< a* ' e -A ' I'd i>e art*" »rhonh will lead mi '.♦H n - tn in,) v.ork op- tr-oH he *aid. portunit.iefi " * re a !' < f r ■ ' ' v-e:;th« .1N0 wf't gro'.vH-.-p ... *> p-p pr'''em of ,ncr» t«ing attxir:* biR 1 1 :(»0-7:0Y.10:10 :♦> •./> -har apt - i e prt- •' .-'cd. "Tuitions ■tide " i is i*-wv LXDD-BORGNINE WT fg-a ."sMtu'iODe may reach Tre vpeaKe viewed !:«e!i- , , no a year." '• _ii. -illV •: ' • A -.0 - j plus *he hf."* - .. G mft r the college-age • u.n Miff v*r I • •. \ ii# into ■ « add to :hr pre«- var: * Vv' He VOIKeWd w c ii# H _■ Afl II EG I I.Alt SIT DENT f'RICF. 0.00 ii-> ' V-4» I'rirc h .Iim tiI |i\ |iiil,li-.|i«-r I'oi* t< -K.:t J',.,00 Ctiufx K' Sliil)- I'liivi-r-ilv Kumlli ami >linlrnl«. 0 Milk 2nd Hit 2t(l Uirlii^iin Sliilc I ni\«T-il> i« L A jgggjmj .mi' of -.'icriil 1 m. v-iii,'. !rr I CAM I \ ( Vlil.'Y rr.itn ^TARZANS ftwrroRUH Ii-i'lril for llii- Milr .iii.I our »lorr mii* -G-.1 • 1 i- ilio |.l.irr In hold I In* kiIi' in Eii-I I ^in-iii". Out of this world! oaoodtcon MILK EGG NOG MTARZAN STARTS TIH'IIS. | If Gal, Gradr-A Hnniogenizril QUART Spue* traveler*—U> on the alert' Maka GIBSON'S •tire there's a rar^o of Coke tuek^i away in the rocket' You may not ha •♦TOssaajf*. 32c 69c ' ijtn una cn wra m i CM able to drink buy your on thr mo«*n favorite spark Imp ahout the only place you run t . . uhpn you're ready for the hiL- ! -•. >ure the cheerful I.ft ol . hut that Cora-ColA -o ust m 1201 E. Grand Itoir >1 Ka»t l-in-iiii; PONTIAC V-8 SETS goes along! skin or good usrt l0tfl«d under outhouty of The CocO'ColO Company by I 3055 E. Mi. li, ECONOMY MARK I.A-HALU iO< \ I OI.A BOI II |\«. ( OMI'ANV i-r-itw lloiik SUirr (In J In- I *i'0|ili'— Cluiri'li Itloik) Just Wml of Seara Liniini, Mlrhiiia LANSING FARM PRODUCTS CO. COAST TO COAST ON REGULAR GAS MieMgaa Slat* Uaivartily More i H - blooded sklom rhii-p nftrr < 'mikh)- thuri anv FOREMN FILM SERIES nlhrrngarctte today. is- FOR Thr Cuinid blrnd of Iihh novf-r Ixrn voatly tobaccos prrwnb equalled for rieh fla¬ "AN UNUfUAUr ONLY vor and eaayKoiiK! inlldneaa. It atanda to lea Hon: the beat tobacco makes tha GOOD MOVIir beat Hinoke, ■ -MaroM 1 * ■■ KumIM with delitocy odd uodantonding I" _ H»« TfW* 1 mm PER MILE! Inn loth and lanty Hug la htflnaan . . , "A «wprior British film I" In * NASCAR luporvi-ed - Wand tahg^m t eoast-to-coazt run, I'ontiac, '"•caortilat* bsouty l"-<- ■ powered by tha remarkable new Tempwt 42UB Y'-a econ¬ Have a real A.J CSONINS omy enttine, crosteci the •SPANISHM country averaging better than 40 miles |ier hour at a cigarette- m 1 ■ " GARDINER I co-t of only one and one-half rente |*r mile! What's more, have a CAMEL * this record-setting V-8 deliv¬ to* WVtea ers full premium pep oin regu¬ / lar gas.. .saving up to b cents on every gallon. Come in tor — PLl'8 — all the facta today. Walt Dtaasy's Oku Winner PONTIAC! k*t AaariH'i NwMd 0 And Cm Taaaiay l**Mfe*r 2 iL IK1JN 7t00 A 9iOO P.M. PONTIAC, hM. FAMHi TKATRE S240 Michigan ED 2-Mil "I see your hutband's after her Camelt again!'' it 50c *. I gtmrtm %>|m aa..°*nhMi * * % i it ,i u; if tnrRir.aV •»u f- MTCmCAN STATE NEWS ITalts* Brfivrnii flurl ■ Sportstalk" Biwwhll t, 1958 Pa ire Four MOKTHEAT. 'A'I Ji Bell- 3 Spartans to Play Grid Review — an _,vcau, Montreal's star center, en¬ tered a hospital Sunday^ night f In East-West Game ' W« Jist Cut Wail to Tell .for an operation on his 'finger. -By HARDY CllltlsT- Yoi: KODt AMSWFR Throe meml>er.« of the Spartan football team—rapt. Sam SUt* New. Sport, Fdito, lAlClA'CI I (Al|AWE;rG'W Williams, tackle Fran O'Brien and sruard Ellison Kelly— THE GATES to Spartan Stadium once aprain are WASH PANTS XiH H{ I oil CiWH^A G G^lJ VC'ePSES (Toners will represent the university in the 34th annual Shrine East-West yame at Kezar Stadium. San Francisco, on Dec. locked. The roars from the crowd, the thunder of onr-- S T £ A Mr HliNiS injr linemen and the music of the marching band are : L TBI 27, it was announced Monday by manairinir director Wil¬ ONLY 35c fBQp AI A S •QjTOT P;E_N - A k!o'o l liSjB liam M. Coffman. The 'hree Spartans will join Ohio State's Frank Kremblas. memories. The season record with excitement.- looks dismal on paper, but it was fir Starrhrd and Pressed F,R E T Si ENDS together wi'h 21 other players Wisconsin's Sid Williams and Tues. . Frl. lAElTB|MOiT"H^Ji from 12 universities and 11 Michigan's Bob Ptacek are the Playinjr in front t^ie'r ^ome *ans» Spnrrin ; lo s|f a-tTsHu s m;a t.itp-- on the East squad. quarterbacks. formed fit their best. All three victories came in >rar Open Daily A'M*UtS e Hi 'rdt'.-: Michigan State. Notre Halfbacks include Don Clark. Stadium, and the electrifying tie with the t : Ohio State. Wray Carlton, Duke R a.m. to 9 p.m. p a'r'a d ftI'lf, Pittsburgh and Ohio State Tom Lorino, Auburn: and Dick Michigan is still remembered. Only a penalty .... , v • ,t h has three players on the Sulurriuv Till 7 p.m. [EiELS&S team. Haley, Pittsburgh. At fullback down run prevented the Spartans from scorim ... A v I Hour Dry Cleaning Switch from Mots Beside* Milium*, the ends will be Notre Damn's Nick their Homecominir jrame ajrainst the Uniyer-j v ,f \\- FRAN O'BRIEN nil linrlude Jerry Million. Au¬ Pietrosante and Wisconsin's Jon 4 Hour Shirt l.numlfrin* to Snow ResH KQDL con sin. , Spartan Shriner , burn: Boh Pep*. North Carolina Hobbs, At No Extra Cost THE 195S SEASON was filled with news and nmnry state) Art Cioh, Pittsburch: and Tom Franrkhau*er. Purdue. the jrridders made the headlines. Hardly a week IT'S ANOTHER OIANT SPECIAL ton O'Brien, Km:! Kara< of Day¬ and Bronko Nagurski of IM Schedule when the public flidn't read startling but erratic new* <- the newspapers. Notre Dame will form the ROW! I NO First it was a wholesale shakcup of team per-rrg*^ tackles. Don't run the risk of hatinu your brakes At the guards will be Kelly, Alter l-t ft *haw 5 HI p.m. v*. W Shaw 9 Coach Duffy Daugherty, Then rumors that Michigan > 3 Rive out durinu your I rip home tor X-mas. AI Ectiyer. Notre Dame, John 1-4 W S-G W Shaw 4 v*. W Nhaw Shaw S vi. W Shaw 7 would he put on probation for recruiting violations.* Come in and hat e your brakes ad justed and Ouzik. Pittsburgh; and B« b Nov- 7-S W Shaw 2 xt. W Shaw 9-IG r. Shaw I v*. r Shaw S I It was also the first time that an MSI" coach wa« har., agratz. Army. The renter* inelode Dick Te- 9:39 p.m. • in effigy for not winning—and Daugherty received • inspeeled. I-? Bailer 1 v*. Bailer S It "honor" twice. teak, M'iaconsin: Pan Fronk, J-4 F. Shaw G v». K Shaw S-G R Shaw 4 Vf. r Shaw 7 Itaruain I'rice — $ .99 Ohio state: mod Bernard 8 vend - 7-S R Shaw 2 vi. T. Shaw 3 NEXT CAME the so-called rift between Daiiphertr sen. 9 S-IO Rallev 2 v«- Bailey G Athletic Director Biggie Munn. Offer good this seek Mon. -Thurs. And at the tail-end of the season, a misguided atnrr • there was wholesale dissension among the players printed. A SHIRT I AUNDERERS RED'S SHELL SERVICE THERE WERE INSPIRING moments and outran* play during the season. 710 W. Mich. Ave. Near Kellogg Center Capt. Sam Williams, the great end already drnfV FRANDOR SHOPPING CENTER the I/»s Angeles Rams, remained as one of the yr- ?* r ers in the nation. Williams provided inspirational Va ship not found in many, and proved his ability by V selected on the United Press International and 'he Am can Football Coaches Association All-America ^quad* this date. f WEDNESDAY, DEC. 3 i to After every came, win or lose, Daugherty praise Williams. "He's the finest end I've ever c-ary- n» Daugherty said throughout the season. "If he's not an American. I've never seen one." CS5 THEN THERE'S DEAN LOOK, a fine halfl.. k It some of Look's runs that gave State fans brief THE GARRETT CORPORATION Tomorrow? cheer. Look led the Big 10 in punt returns wlilj a yard average, and his touchdown jaunt against \v>*, 7. only to l»e called back because of a penalty, would j AiResearch Divisions 1****** spelled victory. BENT Ix»ok. besides returning punts, also proved to 'm» ? will bo on campus to Interview SHOW v' punter—good enough to rate second in the conference a 4o-yard average. I IN And there are others who deserve praise for ink. ENGINEERING STUDENTS TOWN U*A VVOzTS ■ IDU CITS' M n U done in a losing season. Fran O'Brien, a fighter game enough to win back his tackle job after • the shakeup. And Ellison Kelly, right guard, who ii*pU -v* apectacular play throughout, the season.- * M.S. - Ph.D. candidates £. A GREAT MOMENT of the year was the sr>nr' student and player response after winning thp K.ir- ««• ♦ j game. With a fitting final-game triumph, it see.n^ed hi The Garrett Corporation is nnr of tlio most industrial tiirbochargers and marineequtjw like the Spartans had just won the Big to cb diverse research, engineering and manu¬ ment, and are supplying sales and service Students poured onto the field, congratulating ♦he :-.<\ facturing organisations in the aircraft, to airframe companies, airlines and the LATB and the players themselves were seen with DufrV SNOW KIDDIFt their shoulders—and the massive shoulders of Capt. missile ami teclmologie.il fields. military. FBIDAT MATINEK liams leading the way. From Aillesearch laboratories have Project work is conducted by small NIGHTt SHOW Now we look to 10i>0 with hope and enthusiasm. A groups in which individual effort is more WATFRDAV rome pioneer developments in aircraft and l:R PM. captain, Don Wright, will lead a new Spar'an missile components and systems. Today quickly recognized and opportunities for which will attempt to regain football prestige in 90/e of the free world's aircraft use learning and advancement are enhanced. tan tradition and come back with an impressive record With company Right now, we've got champions ahead in winter AiResearch equipment. . financial assistance, yoe spring sports. Garrett divisions and subsidiaries are can continue your education at fine utighs creating a variety of products, including boring universities, . . CAMPUS CLASSIFIED TYPICAL PROJECT ACTIVITIES KQDL KR088WQRP No. 10 flettwwtlr air data computer*. prr**urr fatio trans¬ various type* of miiuuleab —- — ducer innlrtUEcnU, electrical •) sir ins and motor* and Air and vapor cycle rcfrlgeratlM generators. hydraulic and nrhanirslly drivw praam real iim Preliminary deaign from analytirat and theoreth Cofnpreaaora. •at conaiderationa for high-level technical work in Jet engine and rotating machinery Mp mi aerodynamic*, aire** analytic tliernwdv namica, heat analv«i.* involving combuation, turbo machinery, gas bander, cryogenic*, pneumatic*. nuclear power and dynamic*, thermodynamics and aerodynamic*. Bkathrmatir*. Gaa turbine auxiliary pneumatic mi il—Irft Auuktl power Ball* and control aystcma for power uuita. ■ • ORIENTATION PROORAM • Tn addition to direct assignments, an eight- and work with engineer* who are outstand¬ month orientation program is available to ing in their fields. Your orientation will aid you in jolt selection. You |Kirticip.itc in include familiarization with sales and ( tract administration. Garrett project and lal*oratory activities • JOR OPPORTUNITIES I lilt laboratory Engineering Missile APU Analytical OoctgR > thermodynamics and Devolopaianl lar Mr Aerodynamics Cryogenics "* Mutilo AcceMOffitt Pneumatic* Magamp Design and C Combwfttion Analyst Mathematics Liquid Oaygon Engineering * a Chamicol Engineering Electricol Air hwbines Mechonicol f nginaoong Transistors Air and Praan Centrifugal Inttrumentotioa ^ Instrument Design Compressors Cos Turbines Electronics * Welding Engineering Stress Vibration Analogue Computers Sensors and Sorvoe Preliminary Deiign x Cycle Analysts Engineering Anoiytis " Control Engineering ' Electronic Plight Date SyfteEHb ^ - — * - — t - — — J K ..ilit., Computer Programming vomrsu ana Nuausar w^Eiaty Vibration Engineering Space Physics and lanitarioB Air Conditioning and Had €MT Dawgn _$ole» Engineering vim4n eaeeeete THE CORPORATION «»• ' A mruLvroA atvo.. iac awoei m «, mupmri £i r ItAWBieTMtfM. LM INMlia e AiartcaacN MANvracnMWa. MMM a ps >•" AMRggg^ aooc otvta vow a CMoec-atouuut Nnt «• ea.-.KiMa-G'Zc WITH ruTtei f gggubM 9 AlEB9 iRteMMNg # AMI OitffMM a AUMUMbMMM AWAMN EMUMNI q»GG*,are»*>w»iii. i tu 11,ii n.^ SUU Th*'* leers to Face Wings State Martin. O'Brien Pieked Pros IM Highlights Draft Tu•o Spartans KNTKIKS for 'he \I!-Ciuver- O si*> iivirjna-'t ios -ulmutfed to the meet must Intramural be of¬ play Detroit S'trhi Mm Sport* Walhncmn tailor tu r. OHnen Pllll AHKI.PH1A S'a'e. a ieft e lacklu Mich- Fran Hams, wielding the los.-j acquir¬ ed from the Bhilartelphia Kagley tense The le;nk*.', Hum* took """' Bu-« fice meet by will 5 be viarling at "< lit) p.m held p.m Tuesday The Wednesday, in the gym- u.is .iiafted in ihV_ third even Tonight at December 2. I»3* Page He# n 4 deal which landed quarter¬ asties area in Jeniston Gym. Ah. lound «'id Blanche M oft in wa^ though the Hill-pound native of back Norman Van Brocklin in sludentM except gymnastics let- *-.pp«.; n'the lourth as the Nir=- Vatlego, Calif, ha* another)em* -f*hila»1elphia, picked Dick Bass, termeu and freshman nuniera, ■ .f 1 Uwll I .cogue ilraft go*. of eligibility .,( the College of Inrly Lrttrrs - ... the nation's collegiate total Hall uf- iviipiers are eligible [)ein :f • lei VMr.en. .. *1 - Monday .-s'-stiing tackle for * • ..II..wing I* ihr ordrr of * * M«.urt«V v Die I'aeiftc number of H.isr was players selected ont. ,>r who h ♦ SIGN-CI'JS tor the ★ Hb.e t vei.' j hockey nritiMin i i ran litI 'nc ;Mah o the Snariaus (Aeveland was picked Browns \atiwnal T'i>uib.(ll l.ragur draft: IINar not mi — (irrrn Hav have These another choices, year in to-cnlldd ruilcgr red ui the fencing louruamenl wt ' i •t4i.dv Hum jii. Inwa lie taken at the IM office until wuarirrbsi k ! .V •.••ugh Martin, shirtji," tiinitfhl when the halfback. are eligible .■I . a I'liiladrlphta for droit ,.„i" ■ ieeri* meet the |»r.<- To ( ri(liters -ed 'he entire UI5H season Sngrlrt I. itrsdrd rhuirr Ilirk Huts, ~ (olhur " «<• In. ft, Hill id -ince their (u'iuina! nave class will .< p.m. :eiv*t today in Due to lack ..f the epee, the event hto ;n- •tie " • a knee injury, ue was graduated hv June V-, I Itettoit Iteil Winy. rtlU'd 'he I.os uigMiN, >|*|*t stair h*rk; Woli- .ecu .;jnvelled Var-itv ie!",..w- have been uy Angeles l.ji k Mnn Altsrrt. Hinlun iull.gr s.«n Iranritro. I, a, exhibit inn contest. tied *.» •(. iiU'.niiei . ,.r '■'i. * M,n;Un sustained the »•'- oklahiima bark: UHroll. Nick I'lrt- |l«vr u.iki i Tt'KH. IINI.V i'i hiji«.ri . iidiiy n 'as! spring's Old- lutanlr, Nuira lian.r lullhaik: I hf- Jt,ir 'nee IS H p.m. • < Statu iin, it w a*-an'ioiinoert I'i.hi fMutbaii . ' - game, and ha* another >agu Hear*. Mun (lark, Ohio hlalr Wing*, wno plav l»v Hig- FREE j bark; PHItbnrgli ilrartrrt ilodr* in ... v on; n gamt i. ih • Mtiiin. i.' .«r athletic- i-oi'ege eligibility *tW I ranrlkicl. Ilan Jamrt, Ohio tpartin (apt. stale onlrr. I.o* Anirlr*. Ihr IrlicMMniirr* iiiilurtr: Sam William* . I'a..I ,t .... Hail rusk. iu»v« llrrh %tltl.-rl<-*. t'tilli.rii-i|ihla l*a h.id already been drafted lh' onktmi. iiavlor larkle; New lurk. I rr l't., •• '.he collegiate .1 n - I rut Ilaroda. yilniM*. I'ark I»r I roll. ll.iker Mm yrrml. I iw Angelert in IM*. kwrrvr urottriqi, I'lrt rland. Kirk I lah quarirrbark; Krellllug. Illinois 'j (lallon Coke. KimiI Heer. ur Orange *rinnr. i\» ii t" h*$ * I"" ■ Mi, k Marker. Ian*in«. haltliark lim Uulft. injured fer rod: Baltimore, Jarkle Uurkell, Au¬ ' Mob llerrirli. run ^ndipnt i . niii.Miiitl III | jrrx lllelat, t rnirr burn rrnlrr With 2 Kegiilai One Item I'l/./.AS the mini part of Ihte *ea»«»i. »rniM» not Ml - tiretn Hav, I.Mie; I frtl ilmlrii. i.raort Maph<> »,.< ;;u -Spartan*. Ties Hawkins, Mouth t arolina kark. VARSITY DRIVE-INN ■Mm t ha.Ui. u aviii'.btirg !•* vi a* drafted by Cleveland in 7*.e ..rptfer of this gun e I in* iiiiiani MimioIiiIii. n.mi Mel i Idraga t ard*. Jerry Wiltwii. So IM%*ii ( hli ago.. III. IS37 burn rnd; Hhllaielphla. J. I). MinUli Il'.gri lloiina- y. .(H-key playei* iv» m, l.iMi l.lmoln I'ark. Han toll!*. (irn**r 1" * a quaiterbs.k Rludv Hire Urkle; Washington tlraded . x oest players hantpi I'tiinir, iinur tl.il.n. • liolre lo I.os Angeles) Muddy Hum 1217 K. liixnd Itivrr vtidhnut. Mob .. an sclei led by '.he Green elirey. Hav lor MSU Co* h tlanr|ili; Ia*m» llarne** tit* Packets, was the No. 1 I'ranrlsro. Bob Harrison, Oklahoma *an Kaxt I.Hn.inc krl InliiiMMi 1 Mill; II- A*-„ He.-.ne ** Till- II Xi'l't I III it 4if Ihr uinnrr. l.xoii hell*, landii.k*. Ohio. « III. .•ue ai tne ..nnual meeting nnler; Haylor lieiroli, guard; Charles Horlou ara.u ran sratvicr: - rat s-bmt „t the iw .ll.unlv.r.llv I.alto.r. |e. Of the «K player* »eleeted In r;yi:j « rhr key to success ;n jriVi'r h.wkey. The spartan* ,peri ' Practicing tne.se Dogs Romp to IM Title Wlnnrika. Ill New • I.ft Mrlroii r.t 1.1 butilla. Me\ lur. Pa « avlle, I'a Iton Paul Hot heater. Muiiana . Itirkent, I'rrt- . Mark Tale. Mirkr\. Walker. William*. IMnnv lour hailed southwest round* from of the t •nferrnee. drafting, nine wide open seven Air romlilinnnl for your comfort «v Downin» Six-Pahs *am t ,c.l»n?trit'a!s. i ill* W right l orn Wilton. Mrarhor'n. Inn Wnllf, I hl- I apeer. lion I com the southeastern Confer¬ shoe shim: pyv«;ng •£ the, most potent ence liir from' the Rig tlight • ago. Ill .Mill ilennt young. Iletroit weapon. :n—hockey' ia'tter* were ..'•• ■ avyorfied * • i ml only four from the ea«tem ,i.i He> ■: «'• "and the Bed f!u»-e i...hi, ,.«n Hob *ection of the ronntry. Curlier of M. V.C. A (IrHiiil lli.rr |iH"«rs I'lont the iii'm of Hennie Miller Mi'.heU, ,1'ii.or nvm.iget -Ui k give uti a good ,es- leti i he I loir- ..ui i,ei Ih'ti-,? n„. Angelo« Hams reap- t he ,u?r.-imunii i«v. freshman wii-tinitet'sity footliall ef)nm- llelow ill*- Stile .-•r. ' pinoship ;i.x the caiiine crew eaiuioil the Six-i'uk.* liO-ti Aloiw :ve ;•,vjjes? harvest as the Simp t*api Sum Wiliui'" s letcved >vo* opened the 1958 college Although the Red Hints ntr* t>ag and dipped in for Ju¬ ,r %trm to In** to a rolletr lie star*. Th* Hams .ante up ng Ih i.lM lit "ruin's Most Vrifliatile : .pi torn, the* al*»ay» put ith III I KII liOOII TH 1(1' DKC. ..led ■"hi poof r Tip -"v old .< •v nine players, their regular )• * (t>nd shun, aerordint to iili.thnK . nted 'he •); • • VV*; I ■ ' * »U' nhis five secured ,r .pjitin ire tw»*a. •do* * ith other league v ti.oi.jis ironi m =■»!!.<-• (JOV. W On* Wt«k , "V .T ' .M jy. -:'». "he iiist period. r»«n 1 M ■ •o maJ.t s win giik* t:>« .» lis i.sged r. the pad t-v et: and -ear Detroit Cleveland Spacial ■ ... .» *o ^t't .«> iiaitk •• '-he ;M • -I--, .. th. Imiiiii* Ailiuitsion • San FrariCisco five each SKIIIT. SIVKATKR or , t **-»• r\ tar. " Bes.sftiie u>> I. , M"» .niti '1,'1, mi! title ••«»! - llllir: IIVKH TO i. ■ . fcaeh Hog •>.' - c h«- four-hour euloil PINTS IIKAUTiri'l.l.V he Hi-imd pertcxi, I'olif* I'A . jpvi ' ae spectators d - v, ,, • > 'ri" !<■' ■■ < :t!8 a rh.nrip|on».hir» "he plumed » .ill fbeen is a »ik—foot Bav tM»|»es he I MO- UNION t i KANrai a. pitKssrai ■o .y (Iownittg on the at- ■ j.att e I'n win the oAe !* ,.ac»inc uuartet- I OK Ir . -r ' ut ;>en.»d, they a!w«t* rhani|dou*hip Hie It \ It IIKK SIIOI1 a a terrific Hue* tint lo iti*tin«iii*h them- ■ a k ppdilrtit Tlie downtrnd- passing e*h.- • «?• which calls lor ONE NOUN MARTINIZINQ (CLEANERS went •»rk it.in i* ta" •e. »-tmr laulir lt»e ^elinger. Mirhicat) o h.imK ..I lti« Hutiran led ihr Rig tt in OS K. CKANII Kl) rat, EAST I.ANSINO one candidate tuial oflruse •Irfendeix ior the stra in I9-.I, with I.Hi* ?*r III-tmeriran honor*, uill » poitii •ird* in nine games. He rem- ui Ihr Miller mo the passer "parUiu onto the ire plrted IAI of IT"? p««vri for uled a second-team I HI* tarda. B«nti«n .»n »he all-IVIHI. league sll tourhdww us snd iii esirllrnl Mi pass iwn.plr iMt tear and had a 3.4 goat* tion perientagr pr lame average. A for loern Hav yiiml the bd • • »ne of the top . .<■ ekM d 'us oi oft. '.tie Ujs Angelc* eg - ite nation.' Bes,-.. « He should have ma • *fHL ail-*tar U*t H S t Fit team s \t < artan Mim e- j * t j, a!> pet game j\« Mr **• v.tigter hi the . on the *taitinc forward line •he lio hie llamitloN I red and Rill HarKeiuie •.t me exond line will •.* ♦ Mono Perry Moioney and ir her ^ fr ioi »*ie will team up s -i, s Hohert* and (i cn V Lior.a., 'mm the ttiird .ne ;h.-cn -.l i.tr and Kddte p.. - |:»u- >per. -»n delett-e .*»th P « »ei and B«.n N'riniai. J'-nd ti-ni Bob Armstrr.n* Ka Eayhg®- will form a I unr QQ3QQ hi-< l'r< u.]:«4-7:u-i*:i2 It takes a lot of spade work to build Ammicak sctfuu/ (aiyvat yyg/ffjf *•4. I*•*•!••. K.UH, t—o f,i ho ei ,H*m MMf !• nkM . 7** mil l* hM M >••». o*n 1,1 ho ifMHi from a am, aaamm# Ma Ma nairon't tacoM logau lawphona mnUm-« ami—hM . MM roakt amaaa Anwic* . tap is in aiaaa incoma. 7*a aroaanp Ota la. nam.ro* *- TELEPHONE ' . V . av «»»*• fo nuances in Europe when they return ta BFTWFFV PFRFORM WIS member* of "Tlte Tender Trap" rast visit tourist spots or just plain U. S. this week. relax. Thejr will have liven more than 3D per- MIS* BARTON and Chnek Ralson. ftroaae Isle tenter, aaaemhle, set up and for us the 600 pounds of lighting equipment before eaeh prrforinaiiee. Here, they adjust one of the light towers. tNLOADINQ THE REAR usnallv takes from trolt senior, and Margaret Barton, Lapeer Junior, RIMS minutes. About <100 pound* of lighting carry In some of the ffBips, while other students equipment alone, is involved. Here Al Aikin, lie- pitch in with additional equipment. After morn fbnn 30 performs nces. the MStf Players, tour in j? overseas in Europe .as representatives of the United States and Michigan State, will arrive home this week. •rial Stale News IMiotog This Is the fir«t time an MSTf group has been spon¬ sored |»y the government and is the fourth time any uni¬ versity group has toured for the Army, according to John McGmff, Cap and Gown Series coordinator. They printed "The Tender Trap" for servicemen at Army installations In tier many and France under the aus¬ pices of the United Service Organizations, the ^nieriran Educational Theater Association, the Defense Department and the Cap and Down Series of the MSU Continuing Edu¬ of servicemen and their dates at an Arm* TUB VFRSATltF IM.AVFRS ran do "The Ten¬ cation Service, der Trap" either In arena style or on a slate. ire Club in Germany. Here, they perform, arena style, before a (roup Getting ready to do a performance usually takes from 3f professional entertainers headed by Gypsy Markoff, »cconliani Markatf. pro,r< prrlnlraaac* la Owmaa,. CM IS, la iwnIlM ml- W aa, atalnaa aI .ciraaaatea, -lalk" wltk T»- awvrtrcaa Jaw t'rahuian. liter el the hiuavu hk-Am la la.aMOT Omaai.