WHAT'S INSIDE Michigan State News Kind to start rrl«ay against |».« WINDY grV'Wlnr* tofrat Spartan PJ Mostly rlonifv and Mlndv tod.iv seniors ®' *** We*k ................ P« tttth a chanr* of »nnnr fltirrir*. Vr» MSI" branch at Oak!an« P« T limine rnldvr tonight. Winds aorthwesterly at 20-35 mph. Iluh VOL. 50, No. 102 EAST LANSING, gaaa'BB!Ba^^*MB^^B!g= MICHIGAN—WEDNESDAY, DECEMBER 3, 1958 aasasas i i f ======3===: i PRICE 5 CEMt , . . eaw^MBBM——H—SHi—asss State Income Taxes Proposed Cigarette Structure Revision Possible Felt Long Overdue Fire Cause Scale to Begin al 84.000; Sneak Smoker (i9 Rebate (Rvcn for Fowls rrturn la ft IVrhapa l iable Bv DALE FRANZ CHICAGO i/TV-An expo; ' State New* Frtltor-in-f hief State New* Photo by Hon Murray Tuesday came tip with u Tile State t.eyislattire's Citizens Advisory Committee TOO MAWY CALORIES? No will power? Maine Moore, New lot Cily fit Aw. demon*trate* the rr-during machine, theory that a cigarette — aesday night pruposed n complete revampinpr of Michi- recently la Snyder dorm. She says the new concession stimulate* thoughtlessly flipped into a itt's tax .structure in the form of a personal state income tone. Jaot step on the ramp, slip the cloth conveyor belt waste basket — may have tax on a graduated scale. iaoefft • dime and lean hack. Strike Hits , started the disastrous fire "A tax a a .space age," .e t commttee chairman Frank Hiwsian Visi torn that killed 00 in Our Lady Sen Inn n. hould not detiah- . of the Angels school. • he mode* >f the Vlct trian Ag« MSU Anticipates Sgt. Drew Brow ing head of the in- ioan, driv¬ police arson Chryslers » This tax revision is lung over¬ due and is an urgent require¬ ment.*' Dodge Plan I squad, stated that the best The proposal a final reeorn- theory about thp case was "a Future Exchanges carelessly discarded cigarette, tossed into a waste basket by a M*«. JOHN HANNAH dlnm drl.ll, coffee hour planned for fall term graduate* „f Ih, fee hour, annually given Male New* I'hotn hi by President and M Knn llnrm HFTRfHT cVt — Sev.u uendation bv 17 of the 20 com¬ mttee member* present, •at the Iz-gisla'uie approve: urged sneak smoker." with Hannah, will he held tonight from By SANDRA DOLL tit %N li-r) Dave Hall, senior rlaaa prexident. and 7:3t»-0 p.m. tousnttd United Auto Work He emphasized that it is Dave Cow tea House. 1. A gradn a'aii inc>rne Molt*. chairman of xenlor coffee hour*, The cof- tax •r* in a key i'hrysler •MSU is lookinir forward to more Russian pxehature* in 'strictly a theory." i'orp ■amnitig with the personal Ui- (hefuture." Clifford Krieksnn, dean of the College of Kdu- plant went on strike Tues Tne of J4 (Kin [•tien, affirmed Tuesday afternoon concerning" the recent Hut invrxtigatoni eliminate the pAxxlhilltv that the lid «•) KIii'iinIk-Iii'v Siiimiait Minted day and both company am 2. A five percent corporate I i»iU>f nine Russian educators on campim. Mate wax deliberate!) touched union said the walkout eouh ' ome tax. Ed;rk*on expects the red tape o( approval and financial backing off. idle r»o,ono in IVtroit Uhrv- I fer an exchange of professors t- Ik- alleviated »•< .»f the I* s Off.yes -f k«1i- buna! nf thp young victims <>f t'AW l^M-al 3 >tilick « hi> Trie personal income tax cf n expressed the hope that pirin* ran (>«• .> 'ked c f..r -m> ler'v Dodge main plant, a par' •ak lown went ■ tie nation's third worst school 1/>NIN»N «/P» Khv Allied as rollout: is exchange, but no definite decision can be stated at the election »n a year or *o. Mac- tn other •oak'T r»r all Chrysler division present • re in 100 years. leaders can.e .>ut Tuesday for millnn'v development* Tue*- | ff The flash <>f flames in the 40- talks with Russia aimed at s«M- k«cn follower* to yirtuVe him iay: - - m h dispute over work stand Couple, \ if income no dependent* No I stadenl exchange program with Kttwia was first heeun (His e.i"-M as take part in a toq- afd* under M (ton building Monday srvifT- t'.ing the whole quexte»n of dj- Jevc' conference t. Mncmillan made cleat thr-'me ■ntmer as M American student* enrolled in l(u«*ian universities. on the problems The uni.>n chargerl Chrysb Ne' t'<*t ■d out 'he Rves of 87 children vided Germany of F.ur-'iH hat iMixttivv Aided counter- with 3 4 (MMl s j« As yet. MSU has not been asked by the government to »nd three Still a --peedup. Chrysler dene participate nuns. in ht.spi- Their views <>n the Berlin West German Chnneelloi Ron- S ti,0(Mt 5 :.i,i program, but in the near future .to exchange students from n1« uopM'.fds are likely to be ptac- t had titer uised work loads an $88 were TH others--75 young- rri.-dg were linked with specu¬ :ad Adenauer told lawmaker- nd $ R.hnn | |u.m will in? entering .American untv. > • . s . ♦er- a fireman, the school jan- lation that a ""summit meetinp. in Bonn that d ln'fikre the Ru*sians <>« The its production stnndam 510.000 yt.72 Aa Er.rkson reiterated, the Russians expressed gracious, favorable negotiations with cere comparable to those of it »or and a nun. with .Soviet Premier Niki'a Icrman qtiexMrm. He viid thev ihe Russians -n Berlin — and al' $15(>0(» oinpef Itorx S4KO | SptttlonJ of MSU. The Russian ediKV i. v.rt. surpt sed at the Set. Brown, who made a mi¬ Khrushchev may be in the Germany—should he possible i» lay be uitcussed 11iur*day Truck driver* who art f "he university and impr»-*ed 't»v *he mi.Ming* mind* of shutth ( ouple «ith some Allied states¬ 'he Allies remain firm and unit >• hen Parliament debates for two depeiidentN The large number of students enrolled in the College of Husines* nute inspection of the charred art* and auto bodie* betweei fax men o if inrnme under building, said hi* theory ed ign policy irioii* Chrysler $5.line iha mrprised the Russian* as they are accustomed to little bu*i- wax But 2. plants an Income taxed on thexe Ireumxtaneex: one united resolve quali Adenauer. President Fisen Foreign Secretary Selwvi emirer* of Local 3, but did ho NV» ( .«t | am instruction. In general, they rrpnrtedly thoroughly enjoyed i fied Western willingness to ne¬ bower and French ,!oyd refused in propose post •rike $ K.dno, $ 't to* four-day visit on the campus. Premier D> immediately « Every gotiate It was that 'here nvi • ion in g 8.000 lav. about 2:30 p m Jaulle all have gone on recor< supply ,,f nuclear wrap A $ioq Ember* of the administration who were with the foreign edti- , tie no surrender to Khru*h dievN ■ns t.» West Germany and othn union spoke-man -aid the till (Win ' iovs bring waste baskets to th» n favor of a summit dig ussioi 1 i»eeri sail • instructed t<« >?av | atari stated that after being on campus a while they relaxed a oasemen! and the -material is plan for making West Berlin a ■n* the issue of German unifi \tlantic part powers in Europe «• j.»ti for the next i«i •15,000 vim pri* deal and enjoyed neutralized free < ity shorn e»f -tay oi their visit 'turned' later in a boiler bv the at ion \nswennp tiy» laihor Party' Tha reciprocal visit "•ingle person, no tax if ID- was fir^t initiated by the protection of U. S.. British • 'ic.cn nftatrN *pokt Miian An a gt-'.up f American .pinpor. Live thoiisaoit alkeii «-ff th. under *2 Olin. I ataratori They did |hl* before the cur a me who toured USSR last May and Jxir. Both visit* were Near this disposal uoint Is a and French garrison* nun Bevan, Ijovd stioNse»l th»' «ds,. enl Berlin crixix" blew up. '« i scnihly line ' hen* In. .me I rrar.gH under an agreement hed between s" Prime Minister tUrmill^n Miied troop- . i reu the two govern- >. is washroom where a lad furutalion here including !h I i t1 in- ;.«i-.*«••! without -1-tOi- N 4.000 $ G I lts'4 last January for exchange of misMuns n cultural, technical might steal a smoke. Did ex* told the Houxe of Common* he still wnutd support the idea if xuggextx th> * •t-imails are being trainc« cut ,,f the di pptc By '■itc • o.ooo sin ■d educational fields. tmination paper* also were stor¬ urole to Khrushchev 10 day* with these weapons, but Amer it promised i »ha nee of tours later, 2.haa other* from 5 it (Mill j»;,7 Aoor.g the many impressions stated bv the Russians*, ne which ed in the area * ago serving notice thai Britain pro- can force* ontinue to control rrexx. tamping unit and foundry iwi SlO.iMiu $4ii «M surprising was their amazement ,n learning that the University ArchbHhop Albert Gregory mean* to atav pul in the former •iieir use and custody. •ined the .strike and close 515,000 Mftonum waa not fovernmentaRy supcrvr-ed German capital. * * * .7. The West Berlin 1870 Me\er will sing ,i solemn ponti¬ city gov • odin tion. l*he fhren He tMd >U«*enters ' , the Taming down an invitation to attend a Hoard fical high mass for the young a questioner be f eminent warned the Alio I h|, the educator* chose to attend the New of Education meet- V* rk City Opera victims at noon Friday in the, r- ui-c readv to negotiate ss - on .Senator. Premier ■ gainst accepting Communist •ie Neg. 'i.itor* broke <-«. «Mk< strike deadline after havilu • qtosal •limit who were expected to German v. With his conservative Fast German border guard* an. minority reports urr? |Catnpany production the first evening of their visit Northwest armory at Kedzie net airie st ' spending the first day touring the College of Education and ind North Avenue*. government facing a genera! Hold 8-llour Talk such as agent* "f the Russian* •ours continuously for 24 They agreed to mec' .vrone 'irton. Battle Gillespie. Midland. ( John -which the Americans, British leek; r,.C. Has a pren conference, rounded off rain today. by the opera presentation, Cope John XXIII sent tele- ■now, Hillsdale, Tl>e State New a Moscow o»h — Sen Hubert ind French appear already to iter* mi Advertising not In vtait the Earning Public school System oil Id not reach gram to the Arehdlorexe from t»e doing in a limited sense. (hem for corn Prtntnry and secondary education and the instruction of Humphrey (D-Minn) said Tues The >ent. were of vital Interest to the Soviets, VaUean City. any after an eight-hour talk West Berliner* fear the practice IFF Creel,• li ce/,- night lead returning from the visit* if the public school system in they reported that they found the build;ngs beautiful, the ing As a signal of public mount¬ Chicago'* mayor ordered all Wan of Year' with I*renuer N'ikita Khruxhches •hat the Mtuation in Berlin is • ution of the East German to diplomatic reeog- Re-* I'el i I it ms lleadv vice Leonard Moodrork, Detroit, prexident for the CAR a •fraught with danger — plenty rgtme. ••aid the Income tax excellent and the system as a whole verv rewarding flags on the • ity's public build¬ *%** "not On Campus a of «ianger." Greek Week petition* may !. soak the rlrh* program" second evening on campus was spent in summary sessions ings to be flown at half mast hat The Senator emphasized how¬ oicked up in the IFC office. 3'.' wax dexigned "to change homes of Dean Ericksnn and Dr. Robert Hopper, head of until after the fur.eral*. th* Educational Service*. Thomas Hamilton, vice- * * ♦ Thomas D'Arcy Brooby, ad¬ ever, that hi* long interview had not changed his conviction that Casting Often Student Service*, any day, 3 3" *» p.m.. according to Bill Dure!' ■ ourxe nid of indaxtry," Mirhlgan. for academic affairs, said their discussion centered around vertising's "Man of education of women. of IBM. will be on campus Fri¬ the Year" "the United State* has a com¬ For ( hilt Trail* IFC personnel chBirman, It will relieve (fie mitment in Berlin and burden In hnve far more women in higher edneatlan la fact, the nnmber of women involved in William* Says day" to meet with students plan ning careers in advertising. keep it." we will Try out* for the Children- Theater Touring Company pro¬ Position* open include hairman. the chairman genera <>f IK( i >w income families and greater burden on those v p The meeting will be held In Humphrey, third ranking >ing. leadership confcrenn the t'nited State* feminine pro- duction of "The Utah Trail" n ability to pay." Woodc Safetv Bill ¥ 33 Union from 7:30-8 p.m He ii la be Iht guest of the member relations of the Senate f rneign committee, was asked _ vill he held through Thursday vork shops, faculty tea. IFC-Pan Hel t»ar exchange dinner- aid. t in various faculty home*. The Soviet >1 a new* conference what in 4« fAud from 7-0:30 Committee Secretary If.ir uuiverally'a new department »r he p.m pict, vesper ervice. communi' guests" according to hos'osses Mrs. Lincoln Dunvard Varner. Relaxed enjoyment of the festive Is Necessary advertising, and k» sponsored hy twn advertising hunnrurle*. Al¬ thought of the prospect* of a compromise on the .Soviet pro¬ mm. men There and six are women, role* f»ir and nim cast¬ irrqect and Greek Feast irazer. Ann Arb/>r, denied, hi ver. tnaf the (ax structure •ad interested • step toward the romtnun participation were evidenced by the Soviets. posal for making West Berlin ing is r.j>en to student* from nil Gov. William* said he'll again recommend Tupxday pha Delta Nlgmn fur men, and Gamma Alpha C*hl fur women. a neutralized free city. He said department* in the university. 'I'ajuiiia C«mf' Tnlrnl utllrieti by Karl Marx in 1! to the "I would not ascribe to legislature a school safety bill Brophy won national recogni¬ he saw none, so fnr. The play, based <>n a true Cidilinuro Au«liliottin|i a Sparta Claim designed to prevent tragedie* of the sort that cost the live* of SKi tion for hi* work in He was founder and first advertising. Senior* Plan .Mrrlln* story of tne pioneer- family, will .lour Michi¬ hardship* of a tinue ' Pajama Game" today trymits and Thursday con in rrptiofi of the tax as a -ft ach according to his ability presi¬ gan cities during ach arcording to his "needs' in Catholic school dent of The American Heritage February un¬ the Music Building, according Santo Needs Help person* a 'P." For Exam Elimination der the direction of Mr*. Mary 'o the following * hedule: Mra/.cr -aid. And M Monday. Foundation, responsible for the Jane was wrong when he It will call for inspection of two-year tour of The Freedom Watkins, instructor in. Tofiay: Acting, 4-«, 7-10 pjn Seniors interes'ed formu¬ graduate*! inrome all public and private school* by Train, that curried many his¬ m speech. Music Aud, Singing, 4-6, 7-10 tax vvc lating a proposal of waiving final The' production destroy capitalism." the Stale Fire Marshall and torical documents around is already ■ m., rodrn 143. Dancing, 7-10 the < xam* for graduating senior* liooked to play in Wyandotte. p.m., room 245 rncadav, Sparta CIhw' helper* State Heath Commissioner every country. — ■should meet in 38 Union at 7 Monroe, Oro*se Pointe, Grand (Mat worthwhile if the effort* three years. No school building He retired a* chairman of the p.m. Thursday The proposal Rapids, I^insing and Fast fain- Thursday: Acting, 4-6, 7-10 Scrum! Spartan which failed to meet the stand¬ board of Kenyon A Edkhardt p.m.. Music Aud; Singing. 4-0 will be submitted to the faculty sing. Rehearsals will begin dur¬ acre directed toward the utti- Christ mn» basket* for n—4y ards could operate after July 1, last June. Academic Couqril. ing winter term. p.m-, p.m., room 245. room 145; Dancing, 7-10 On Sale Today mi. 0 The new issue of Spar1, 'by Stymies Electronic Calculator "It la aa appalling IteogM to magazine will go on sale tod- (lie eircum*tanee* our purpo*e fare •# toe < htragv frugally tout and sales will continue he better «erre* by Mtrkigau haa mm rtoatoMti throug. Friday at Berkey Hall, Natural from our pUrw taw yo*r. fur •tola iuaparfluu a| arfcuula LOUISVILLE. Ky. Vf) - Thg "We're set Science, the Union, Short fur Bru towards." Williams said. up to figure * card, get it to our printer, get b* itucrnful wit*, electronic calculator was a won¬ maximum of nine. There's no of a different card" Course, Student Services and it made up and check the the Education rtan. Wo *ro Ifcere- According to Dr. Lynn Bart- derful machine until Morgan Again Lawson said — several Building. place to put a 10th one," Owens proofs," Owens explained. let t, state superintendent of pub¬ I.awson'* new~ baby arrived said. hundred, if not several thous¬ Spartan "2" features a six* ta a moat warlta- "And that's not all," said he. and wires. lic instruction, Michigan, haa at Now it juat can't cope with the page jaz* photo essay by Italo La^-son suggested the "You see that payroll calcu¬ L'lauo, co least 1.#00 schools that must be situation. news¬ What to do? Scanga, currently displaying a paper use a new set of payroll lator? The boatda would have or «hoa considered a fire haiard. moat After tha youngster (hi* 8thl "Ju*t keep punching your one-man photography show cards. He found out fast that to be completely rewired to take n card for nine dependents In¬ Japan. It also contains jokes of them one-room school* in waa born. Law son asked Ed wouldn't work. care of a different card." Owens of tha Courier-Journal stead of 10," Owens said. "At and humorous stories. uta every *• »f rural areua. Owens pulled out one card Law son could aae. The cal¬ Bartlett noted that 33 schools the end of the year, you can accounting department: with about l^di tiny numbers culator had II will bo ore* akor if "What will 10 withholdings several 'hundred collect the difference from Un¬ 4 MMMMC oho eajoy in Detroit were rated us "com¬ bustible" in a survey of schoo' .ne payroll card do to our elec¬ on which, when punched, mean wires, if not several thousand. cle Sam." Graduation Inatrurtion something to the electronic ma¬ "You see that needs thereby "meaning these tronic calculators?** machine," As things *tand now, Lawson Fall term chine. Owens continued. 'That's graduates should scnooift would most certainly "About I1QM00 damage," waa our figures he's in the position of pick their Sparta Claua "It would take us two or printer. It would have to be up Commencement burn it * tin eUrta." too reply. being forced to "lend" his un¬ instructions in 108 Administra¬ _ three completely rewired to take cere cle *2-33 a waak. tion Building. Hir.- <#6 mmr**"*'- v „ r* i \ e ; Michigan State News Arab Unity! INFORMATION *• I AMERICAN SOf lEM 01 r.r^l li.nl* by MSI's 25.000 siixlriiis and f aculty SPANISH CU B p\S ORTHODOX STI'DENT PERSHING RIFLES International C tub. MECHANICAL F.M.|\,,N 7.30 p.: In# Munig.in State News publi-ii'd by *tu«terit* of .Michigan Stat/ Ass\. 7 30 p.m.. 11 Dem Hall. M RSI.R5 A LANDS! APE 7.30 nar^ 111 Old' H.» q I'mvei »ity. l-cl Lain" K Alu ifii at direct fatuity »u|> to h.rtile any SPARTAN WOMEN'S LEAOl'E 7:30 pan . 224 Ed Bid*. Seminar' Room Hort Goddess' bet v. fit- the two wiiclirer l' t-oiuet 7 30 urn r ove winch v ould tin e ... edge 7 p m. . 32 Union. Pit rtges will DAIRY CU B j Sff INFO. Page l Irom *> iti'tn tn' win '' iii.i'i out'itli* .Memtier of "the A'- •« -lated Bhiii. Pre**, Inland Unify I'u I A i.tb'ri • • H« I'"-* 7 30 pan . Anthony H Vol. 50, No. 102 M.-iltii'-.l.iy, Doci-miIh i 11. 1 or.tt I'airc Two CAMPUS CLASSIFIEDS Court Throws Out ED 2-1511 EXT. 2615 DEADLINES: 1 p.m. DAV BEFORE PCnf.ir.ATtON FOR TI ES.. WED- Racial Sports Law THI'RS., AND FRI. EDITIONS. MON. EDITION DEADLINE: 1 p.m. FRI. a federal coi'rt rtilitifr In-t week knocked out a Hills l\n;ihle 8-12 and 1-5 Monday through Friday Louisiana law lianninf' sports competition tielween white and Svitro athletes. shows the absurdity of such ]• HOUSING SERVICE This action by tin* court CLASSIFIED RATES HOUSING legislation. In I!lri(Tthe Loti-iunti legislature pite-crl a law FOR RENT minimum IS words FOR RENT prohibitinv Neyro players from participating ajruinst white 1 d.y. ISc ROOMS players in athletic competition. FAST STHFI'T NORTH 470n Four 2 days $1 45 »"iath. I'ppei Pit-, ait » In recent weeks the law has rained havoc for Stiyar rnoiii and J n.in«ev K-.h.i large - "sinCLE ROOM FOR man or wo* Bow! officials who were sea re hi ny for an opponent to play days $1.95 IV washer ,s d drver dr' , • ..iffj• Or.f "rule 'Ton: rju»pu* 4 U furiii f.fd *» per ■->eeK pi... ">m* n ght baby* Louisiana State. days $2 25 -CM IP fitting fD ■ flight tre'a^f Al.tr r.»dit THE KOWL rOM.MITTEE had been looking t.. the \ir 5 days $2.50 i Capital City Afrpart tV water i rat l"'ili»«e» •. i._ti»ri ANYONE IN7ERFSTFD IN Inex- Force Academy as a possible opponent. However, the Acml- • i pt light Ad ill 'iol> Fv » ..«• pei.viv* living, "n-.tart Deal Cooper- UNIVERSAL ADDITIONAL CHARGES refeientes Will I" '' u "• •wg ....a- H it, .ltd hoard Sl.Vi per term, ELECTROVtrc SPECIAL itudent r«*. tuny embraced a principle followed by both West Point for oacls word orror IS ps.i'dinent *1? ' month IV "t - F.D 2-MM « tadio repair Tube* v kti p»» Letters the Editor s.-ioM _ ami Annapolis that frowns on a seyreyation rule in ath¬ to BLOCK FROM CAMI'fS. very nice 122 ED 1-8227 Woodmara. E. La- tc par day ATTRAt-ilVR lll'NCAkOW kAB room Group or individual I.aun* letics. The Air Force refused to accept a bid to appear in railifru* living I ""!h latnet'C Hi - -Irv facilities. k>unge Phone FD- TYPING MANUSCRIPT 48 THTsr- AUTOMOTivT iiigcraUX and optiimal In;* 7-1011 • Disciples? Move Over the Sugar Bowl.- eti on elertrlr type < w j . ' nredlatt- prw .e*»ion IV 4-27.VI F * R N 1 5 H E D i vpt-rience Reasorai > , FX' Fi t F-.TIA Idt.st Friday a Negro boxer, Joe Horsey, appealed the K *.; »1 TY i "ie 1143 Abbott KXi'KPTtONAt. IWH MO. mlrlgot ! chs® to the appellate court. The court alter deliberation Bilght-red. white wall* healer Grid' FAST LANslNfi MAH Fa< 1 RADIO. TV HI P7 « >« , ' To the Editor: ★ * * ruled the law void. mileage. Ne.nU new tire* Complete in*-"er lea% > t" aiiipo* DwP"1 APPROVED SLEEPING '\n» Monks Radio TV s . , U winterised ED 2-Wlt Fm- :o IS Will ir-,1 -r i -. he'I r.« IA pei week Walnut Lane Tubes 'e*-. hi the Treginning J C (jerry In a move to cancel any* p»» sjble loophole by the Louisi¬ II Approves S'Nevcg BID - 48 I'M II. L l'lr 'rlrll I AO VPal "!li i , "a r * n ■n 2*2345. i ihtHlevi created this deathless I a- |i> ,r l>ryll • * fa: li ana attorney general, the court also tossed a stumbling i-i-'M' tha* was nothing less than BL'PEM M Oi.f»^ I «.i Power 'i i»hed ret • '•••'» fi epla i ROOM FOH IHRFF I tome rvmvnrTFp. rf*-t\' « »h- I To the Editor: »te#rtng brake*, uii^. iieatei i-im !>UJ|'-UI lange «J»»- Am K-. vbout nur rental f. e .a I block by issuing an injunction preventing enforcement of i puse And he said. !.ct there fires i2tkl miles M.V) IV 48 Twenty * - Iea«e at $1«5 i .nlr.hle Phona IV •*I2D ' We N. vtr k-A I shoud like tp compliment b.H* 4.33 t Wathtofton the law. light " and l»» there was I'M r, the S'ate News for its edftorial AUSTIN HEAI.Y. new Ms :*h?. And it was good. For the and' SO NOW Till? courts had struck a blow against segre¬ of Nov. 25, "Foreign Languages tire*, new verhauled last gummer. IK B top. mw paint, eirgn • F.AST t %NSlN the < a infil WAYS TO Cheat t.n • .. . Av ie .i. . i' A'ts Lvan.s It- all ok» TYPIST ANN BR >'• ' Ana nut ,v the f.b -f It « ' ^ i n ■} ?W- athletic scene. Stars like Will ( hamberlain, Bov t oinpa- t.. tne, .1 i b hi i It ft a fon gn i guagi requirr- .• e • r laughing all f* e w «v t». ?M30 Flrwir-i • c . - <* b«nk Ymi can tn- !<»«• if vuu .iper« g id tii* It - nella. Bay Bobinson. ami Alt too (iiloou have proved their r enf tv. in re-ir-'* 'n'e.i g Mo ir h imlivMiiAi worth on the field of roru|*'titinn I' Therefore, no one has the legitimate right i<> legislate fid FOR SALE- against these athletes. I he mini* line can not be dei» rmimsl It t jmc to Pas* • i- s-«l.' > a we!. I "lie HID l t HNlxtlFD III V edu'» i when a person compares batting average^ or the time of a h! n'ei' • II" au s i t* •vf 5'' track performer. • . in u i m il ;'ir .14, in. i ACti to iv»sml i.' it) a-ldi- iim 1 he v> fit itl:!«. th' st. '- • nil »h;e "u !*-. (••('•rnts <.f • • '• IN NU OTHER are.t has the • n'f i' -nil the ,M ' I • ■ 'iv e K i • * e racial tinderatanding made in.le than in the world of the MSt iii-ijced " LUST and HOUND m ■ « (HP VI F r VMM , sports. Here there is no tit finite line of race, color, creed e e th. r. mil • • th.- H4.ii- f 'frii', oi, i.i 'r ■'•(Ciifemrnt I .H a:».t f." 'he H A di.t n-•' t. »nd or religion. The mam thing i- piaviim the game i • . ' k .. . ,o s|AK* Ht -H-v -*ei two v «' ••'. f»ni gn antI abiding by the rules. Tberetoit. it citii-. irratioual for An.I «»«•• T> • he !«riR".4«e gtiid.v a«. g HH|iurr« such a law to «\i t. s.l ' .I'.' . ♦»»* If V» I tV.i.,1 li:' 1\ te- >' THIS CH8ISTM45 G . The Louisiana legi-lattin when p;i*- \tw the h . iiVI'l'^ • ' Fie « V"»4 e iipJH' l '» Ilead Itept. »i IliilMi t'Miketl all these aetolillts. I'llt court's nillf ■ w:t < ; we! tt • I. I ; .v lirt'.V.-M M-t Riivel II Nve ' t. i iMiatv rlh- PERSONAL It certainly was an unprot ituioJe pjet e of It I la. Piiu It tie* .on i* i . * * * ing th* d»" Nerved to be alKihslicti. ie •« • 1 KFVNY DAH* ORCHF«TRA~Fn • * ' Vii! «beii- he c.ene uiil" hit. Sitpi hhIs Duffy Hvmv strrrR wanted ■ » I 17 tf • a de * -2 •? - - »•-, ,s : ,«hi'*i v "inm*'n |:X MA I AH' at- Nil" F.S\ ,sr Oft M rw fUl.LY dee. To the IdMof !' ■' •.* -nt "iianon , . • t f"T »' "5 • * -v Detroit 'lakes Bcalistic \i"w IT,e '!»• \ y'rjjt anil h«Mi 1 "• A- ;ii,"Ver in "I .gii-nrui- \l.il . I arui w "ii ff.rn t. ,-v ^r* NArt' NAt IA **(.": 11" $ nl e 1r' •• f • iv 4 >/2 nr. f* a u (tv ler _'f • . J "U H .s.tti -Ss all 4. M V «• » ippvirT- real estate^ ' DKTIHMT. IT Sl I MSr i taking i( be.ilHn leek at its « i of ti'iflv lioighei t>, Jle lr*Xr K# "i"f^ il(lisiit'e«i M'« mlucation facilities ami deli» umcie A committee ot mere "tm flu Ibis l»4% . . ." ttr.Uid b*- (ftiiiiicd .4* !»e-"i I >'- SUtM'SlNSL* IOW »»' H A»ut .1 l en r d thmi h i--' -f';*eIv and FOR 5*0 ON TtfMS TO Sec than 2.00U citjren-». after Is onsi.ihs ie-«•;.»•» Ii. advi-ed a IV i > "in tn- TWO STt. lUNTs-TWI" ...t 27 M-l ' • • • te: v He !;.• is« u i aieal hike iti re«|iiired cent « for high cheol studi pt-. !. cm. !' if 'h»-v VV h.» *••»»'! i«n 1*1 th/ * UhH V . ' I • I I- -N 11A V T A s#'V hosne Iiha^ls on electi\e>. att i .i rtmie definite aim tit tin fotii- net! II "s ,nf..iin|fv v t . .* »i <) 'M am • «k c! f:l FOR SAlt ^*;iF high scbeol 1'iegr.ito f . <• I |.;lt) n«" 1 i Tho coniniittee rtsmtotm-mb-d t foreign language be in* treduced at least b\ the iueidb grade te a student call • ■ Milt s "II ttirs ev»M s,t ' .! •"» «'. frt « * t'l, « ' Why Ill IP-YR R I, ' "*>« • y revi-tu> oid « ! •* 'o • 'Sw fi'Ml »i i ner I^sr.g Regit*. Tt OS T vr,' ..itTw V *s , •< F * T • . • . t'.weritiK is »nh • An < Itnhrrt TeWer TH»rr nmHooM* *QU-.MUST IE SATiSTfm have fottr yvars «d sludv - .n graduating from high ' ■ .Hi He. n.-e ui">. Mr" -■ I , s* e.. '««•»>' pchoni. h '"•» I V ,11 f ...» I rsn 1 »# % I MODI RN (.IMIt\1l(»N The report >t»tc«L "Two ti •dtid\ i< in:nl»'uuate since a the v.ih of K.- • •• .■ ►> .'! hai n\n»itK r rtw •, H W'*rf** ^ps G*»oi •»* «# WM. H. THOMPS0N| It rarely makes tt |»«»*-^iltl* t i -tud*»n! "irv.i ! att-irn*' if *#.:» E'S-IJ- f »< t" s|»eak or read 'Hf il'r. ttw rt'-fherri light* lg »i T#„- A*tf G*t An.I then • E'n tv | 4* . ¥ the language with rea»<>nahie i-tel v The 11 re c he v of . and ih. s '.ml. ii" the con (it k\. .m » ie- Mu*k Qu"4 Stg'tv HIRFE he-i world affairs make- widespi* in -lei.v sit other Ian* T ■ .i- n- t.i vout leaflet •4s % va tl'Hil te". f! TV *llb>ITl».:n All W"V«*. ft e.Mia- .4>h« tfie ! V - II l|ll*> — F#» M«l guages vital to our nati«»tud \* ;.»« " Hi. i revile ■ -.o •• r . . a *t't B: Al K fVPfk' ha-' "it the %ur- .» H'reu'o u.ale depei dabie id . This kind of thinking gn« boost of adu! a fajjh in our v rep neper*, «rner#i typing f taken o-nter Fl> :-og*» often egoistic Atneitcrui mmicIi f i ' kC 'i Wh * rti tn? Ai rt RATE w 1.4 paiver tyn«nf Free nt * (5pTsflot C.KBi •W 'he • in reurod.u tion Crossword Puzzle 4 •> I per..** v.oti* LLC : hypel h»» < _Aiii-lii#un Slalr V»» 2-2778 'B L A S T l N &BC u,f«'s (9*87AN GASOLINE .« - e ACBORC 34 Part.of # Mis HttwV nc OM t o "Hlesved Are Ihe* . . 141 P»(t.,i»ne«i tlnOeoi en R*r*kei rlst* dsv* Ruil0>ng 5t g«. - • •# M vk'sjs • A P • •" en e FD . 31": - TRANSPORTATION I Shoots gsi n ent PTm CPBI u O Npl X" .I i vv t-p'. an I C ">ug i 1 rdav lueliMis* rttirtne tali, I t pi **»# 8* - a r' - S« 0" i -- service ' TWO GIRIJ4 WANT ' • T\ji k rap St. M,:t a'l>[• ' - ' a sy ii"*-: "1111.1** and v*eea I*. meting «ti;nng k Mr* »\r*ct •.if— er •*« OOW C"iV'*.A CO "he- t Nl 1 HNIsllll) A " V H r V r " to*tl Lansing iron. s» • tevr:Air is utile idea noinwri- i.C♦ dalle* 8 3ft or 9-S P t • Infant i 37 rng.o** .RiMlCJ • ;0 N S ' ,... u- us re-.--' and our st », ig't enter th. teairii li'.'Mr, tUissuMi anil tail lerm* M *t .ri, b 3.J itie* ,fo; - H"' • <■> r Ftj I' • MQv'NG NATION W'DI E It fr rivef 4\ T'« t a se#| D'a||S L LiO S "i ."-elide-intellectU»"st;- F> 'erest *« »te. act «-i Maivb . non 3. cia«» I* •» ■< m.*»rrr the un- pml WEIIfI S S8AITAN SftV CE PIUF en»h#r if WANTED T' tl Wilt «' *'* *»" " > ■ . Aiui »h* :■ iNMliting; J. Hs .lil- in lite f a»t lwn«mi Mis ' »S'4 E, k# « -a #. BACHELORv DELIGHT Tim: 1 . it W««t#m 42 Me»»i FU 2-n« oav vtil# fn avt- til- s-irrt , , t.*<- 1 'it - H*mi»ph#ro Tardy >»■:•* i*»r on* terns $.i (»i f«>- '.yo - t'' '' ' He* t>a»«l tl." aeefcls 48 Me t. i III. 'liMt IHCIS t.vjb !«>! .It It •** *4 sk' K.f 1l"«* tern y As ik, ' LI J'87gb •t MEIERS WANTF.n ^ II ftnak# Vs.Mi.ijrt e.» r*."- City To leave aiuo* 50 West And *" n the eari ?r»#-t• - r< m eom.ed (•*4 Swnei ■ 1st-:\'»lv is> •»-,* i-e If" rrooHi)- El'RNIsJltD TURF* rtm>VJ « ,-n i I-.bet T». Contact N**- • •N qu 4'kl* ' 'i.i J I who tint umetits (Vs>i- t" all ti e To.-#: n*y»* n lined *!"♦.! a. ir OX »-«<»#* 5(420 y. FD 2-AS3I IT. Droit ttono 51 Egypt talutian »f Vrttedin Em«»»» 4.1 ("CMS 4%1'fl t»'.-| sued - i.w *»."-* .v ueli «» ail tt Hi" OH 1*4-8 1 HFv l>H 12 pia er ethe Lan»> g 48 tultan .V p \*44k |»i* ats-tie* tsb.n mcklt-i Neail» .in. Rdpi'1' RIDE WANTED TC. 1 It. Corpulent or long elav rtcnrd* rm-luded »?! .-ember 1$ or *o»sn after _ H 53 Manifest ON E AS r MAIN . le ,n if. fee tt Wtnflod Vlkl lira* 1 .art u t GOtrrge Crawl*). |V 9-iy.ia 2-5021 riawn 215 2 Arsttycplir N Gr letter -4'C'i » Hi i nn isath pm, iiisbed »*« • •< tl Was ft.'s Ke|seat alter « . l l t.l»r* IS'ifilil Staff stisv* private uai.'i **« cofnuant 5b Mt chain 3 Hs.ye.i » Sea robbera • iu> M* \v birr kor J V ler si.vr.th IV 2-"171 tl RIDER® WANTED TO "!4 tS Lair 57 Flower plot narrow *ii ip 10 NeesCe- v . , unto Htwing'vv flic thmgs CHRISTMAS TRIES SCOT* p' .e C.ttf Latviai * e« 27 *.««'»d 4 S".'nri • 2 lu 12 An* ee* in plairtaltun ru 7-«7(M tl Gieanland M M as .nti s>- hsped .1 «>, Herri i^vvav s and to \»*hl ».1.H.I Mar* Muff •*7u » nl Ire e Rrt noen 100MS every week¬ «iuC4ht tha.-, l»«t Mshi iAlt'isr R»l> j<«nrt aott!#m«r.t . I! Veblet J t tip- thrtrgy at ate .It"."* end S*< RIDERD TO I-ON A««"*» • Mire Idtitvr Pawl Van K.oken MNf;I I Nea U» • 59 Guide 5 Slave 14 R(X>MS FOR -vers 24 V»al« or eJdar Lea* t r Made Hej u.. • on Nn HI vi»i| *harnn t eaO*. Jne* DOWN « I'n.lr 19 IV4 ales |iuv******4 "ITiisty" llruntfair He* Rlrlfo lAVt ON GAS Ic oe» iaih>n ie#* hern#. 1-srki. Available I2tr* o» 15th. Martr. F^) »•***•• amend* 'i ttu not t>v* stau.p* Ruwl# Ha.tev s< ID •• we Siiaw Halt I Side «»t 7 A i*ti glum 22 Pad i X in RtENCED ID Jap outraal an rur# Ur. service atSkt*' (Tons Peo¬ MOTHER D E * tl Nomtcid# animal bird :i Nun fy ple* Chimb E Leitttn* tf nlRKs bl"«-A frwn ban* lilting da** in n.tme One Ba ke. RIDERS TO WASHlNw-C* ' J 30 Herat Hail Ef» 2-2281 time after Decern be: .J** after New Years ED J-4-" ' ! i i V s r.»vei nf * 4 'if- H ll ■ J 28 51 si e k rned at m 4Ui 'dig a-",, tsTSSi °*m"* TWO DIAMOND RINt.S. One S4.|t»- «/ hnuai' f TWO F.D 2-.W4i- * *" DOUBLE BOONS Apptr •• ed Parking 410 CUrsnAm H" ' TA PING elerutc '^g' rtegrt* Ten ALL KINDS >e#r» ED 2-5548 Manual and ' a\p#rienc# cot- J® «r NEW Ch'Utma* YORK CITY hoi (da * * r «• " , 4 29 Kvavateyt twue A* IftU -caret e- k.-gener» THE FINEST IN rr«'. music Smith- % 3t Coal *e and 4»r*i.",ig band CD 7-187. «b ROOMS FOR L.saman Combo The Plavboyg, >9 1 n .V lahriC 1*1 A MON D SOI ITAIRF . fur maty n G# age »>v«3 ST'DINTS parking, r IV- • V r .s k«ruv Rnvthrr Steverw Jack Braun Karri# WANTED 32 Wed caret. j.T8« 214 S Buttei. o Kings. Valtadeart. h & *v«- % 33 Enterta nesf pene< • tslue-ehrte Ui'1 Jewelers and fiiicrs. Contact Bud-Mor Agiary NATIVE nU0.CE jpoi'iMl 8 ov irted h» i acuity owner IV 2-0O4 \t jy •> i teacb child ofmentarv I •-«- fyi *untplui>u»ly M ji¬ rr^ V .15 Collection EXj 7-04. atler) pnv 47 f* ROOMS — WINTIR TfRM TRY CHARUrs BARBER Shoo [ me: ' ol.ege Drug «•-, Abbott Bd 38 Bird 40 HOUSING SiNGLfcS—tl 50 Closed Vtediiaod# jrA, 119 AMABi S f"** rs 1 . -1 ■ Headl.ner DOUILIS—I# 50 Grand Rtvgf 4.I Peace H ff M g.sdite-t fi-i FOR RINt j LARGE WAtM 1'S HUdtSI IONUS C^LY TEN twtk rusMAH. Q« \ . fi. 44 Girl* "ftnir tent to share t®*eH SHOPf#^ C*OOD CeHe# FACULTY-EAST t ANSINo WASHROWl (N fA W A1 j ShyWV H 3 45 n.cknane Come sw DA>t* LNT'v I rwum kinfurniklted brick duple* t>eUiiM*i<.- i-s :»el true bav ir.f: t Ivu 0 -lamlo t#bi« Jotfcy » •* T 'RfSH Spod"wt# T.-F14J • m U • 4? Dutch near scritMl $SP pint utiidte*. ED- 0 JiaO a»d s m#_' v. QUICK S«*vka ■MawTWT*M4 5, 1 2*1 H«8 Sd . »» vhee»e m if tt 48 Cragny ACCOMODATIONS FOR~* T 1 V F 0 la-"dry fg:. 23? MAC mJONUT SHOE is-rtwrrw- '"-1 hilly male •*uden' 0 f »•» "g a'd Tf f c .rk Open 4 gm. ta R ®.m • Anprovee tiouamc n 51 Kinsman private entr#n»-e. ED- enrage #»»ace. j ON't. RiOh'k WOM CAVP-'S TV RADIO ONE LABORATORY * 52 inhabitant 2-n#M or ED 2-jK*u *9 :«vy i - are, |0 SFRVICE 'special 4*4 7tag w-e - 35 m ol »uf!sv ®zs FURNISHED HOUSE • I3M~W Al¬ spartan HALL -»es luoenu kr#* New up# gi-.a' u*ed checkln®' #«t *41 — •#na.«e 54. Caster* 10 2 2174 • a m -a R ,m ■ >.a* « legan 8< Room tor two n.aks #h - rv t # p m e« _ USED LPBIGM1 Oh ilkaSTwTa"" fc» •— " - ®enu ED 1-7754 *M ED 3-MM. 48 "Tmnfrpr^ffl !W.yTpp»-yyv • '■'"— -aypqWUNMIIW '' "^rr-CMWRf c'-j^suKszrj&jf- •—T. C MTriffGAV STATE NEWS nrrfnther 3. Final Examination Schedule for Fall, 1958 1958 Pan Three Spotlight Kali Tern> U fursclHV. Dei ember n All final 65 Foreign Countries i lor •vet: in actordanee with tiie following schedule '9 ' c>i 'he ex.ui.inati'ins in B.mir By JOHN MARTINEN * ' College courses Is given below. -oom- will be announced by the mstruetor during the last student •—Faculty Teclurr-Concert Series Representative on the Coinm nncatlon A'a'n-a! Science 1 Science Skills Wednesday, Dec. 1(1. 1011-12 15 T'-ursdav. Dec. II. 10.15-12 15 Frldax. Dee. 12. 10 15-12 :15 Contribute to Enrollment 11alvr-Knirlaml. Australia. •liMWnilie. c.-iturday. Dec 13. 10 15-12 15 Of thr grand total enrollment of south Africa, Brazil 'c l x - H..iions in sect id:'. - other than Basic College courses 19,516 student* at MSt* — East !i r-c inert In the da\and Hum time the class Is scheduled during this term,-there are none from the District of i K- ..i..11 .i-.ioik uili be given in the same classrooms used tor Columbia ami '.ansinjr. ■ rttrmc tl-.»- term only a lone woman from Nevada. However, 65 foreign coun¬ least im.i >it the days and •' ■iirs follow the regular pattern, all tries contribute to the Traveling around the music . ic.-tiiii-tor- and rnon schedules will enrollment—from the Netherlands or!d has become b" com-<•« i* il-.e ret|u»M ot the department automatically clear in to India and from China to the concerned, the final Hawaiian Islands, been *« Iteoi.led b" the single hour lecture section, and ihfabeth Schwarzkopf, w h ;.-v« .• ... s|. «,ent- cnciiiinter conflicts. In that event, iluv- It is interesting to note 'hat • — •" --lu-'-.ici b\ the . la.- meeting two hours each uc-ck will •resents the final number on th» < or.,- the examination schecTuled 'he College of Home Economics all term ! he exaouii .tion will by the single hour lec- ■ lainis two mule student-;. uarried students. The tola! tn- session of the I^ectur - be arranged between the student and the In 'oncert Series. Thursday nigh- ent 'equextiog the special xiheduling of its examination he College of Engineering there rollment of inan'ied student* . tiii>tct> tng exam,nations »A>m 8-10 am n the Aud. ,«t : e«jocstvd and from 130-3 30 are 22 staunch women. 1.732 undergrads, and 2.298 frajl to terminate their examinations Her program promptly so that And then there are ihc inde¬ will be varied •id hu'ldine- may he cleared tor the examination pe'rmdx which students. Deluding folksongs. Mozart an i cisive 1.342 students enrolled in ' r'-F ■ :M> Friday Dcii'mher R (Ml- III 00 12 VWK 3 I.1-.1 41 3.7(50 devotees. Princeton I'rof nounced for \tondav 1955 It wax T~1 >T F tlio A: I • : in til-. . I! 1 c IS Saturday a atively nil, To Siteak llrre new- promptly void out 9 30 Dei en i.er 13 MTU 1'hF 10 15-12 K> H INI-it* on caiein l '■ M Tickets TTh 2 on Monday Arts, has for V .-■< Schwarz¬ •!UT lb Ot. U(~f,\ an enrollment of H7n A n economies CUsrftte flrls for Friday nights "Gold Nntr" 1* • f Ill 3D T)# ember 1 30 De- •-'■ her IS studen's department feature New York night cluh kopf* concert are ,iv }»r»ie *«> i II i i.'.-i i.i In hiding the 'w abor and Industrial Relation I style entertainment ■a rw rnr H 'Ml -10 -Ml |inre oitl be (I-r) Arlren Gatherum, Lincoln and atmosphere, is scheduled studon's- at.*hc I'nii-n Ticker of¬ o-.ale -'orient- the Cohege •titer I for the Cnion Tar- rfh fill Wi'diw-Mlaj MU'F .$ 00 Wednesday seminar will be belt fjA «ophomorr. and Gall Wildes, Clinton. M.I. for*. 8-11 fice irt exchange Home Ei on om us includes 74" p.m. for activity to :to Dc, i-irber 10 v.rr.F 3 30 De. ember 111 >'hur-«lay at 8 pm in the Phys- joni»r. Thr 4VBRS sponsored dance, which will l>»'k coupons. i 1 30-3 3d MTWThF 7 00-11 00 i. ■ major- s-Math conference room. vfwF iT ao Xliursdav Kn'iiiU'cix-t... •Mu-.c W.rn Mary Martin" |.d! Prof. B. C > ! J'Tl F ii :«» Dcieinber It I'Th a mi I'luir-day Roberts, visiting Spending Increases . As called one of the sc.lv.'- mo-! MTWThf TTh 7T7*- 1 30-3 30 rTufat" ' .1 30 December 7 iNI-'l 00 n in 11 w neaig i'li the 'he laigo-' D-erh'-'tn suli-eatego! : ofessor in Princeton Univer apjiealing packages l y Tfu Sat- rI.,t ;• 1 v' - economic and politlca' It 30 Decemher 12 dOO student* enr-a'ed urday Review The Jan. 9 -how 1 30-3 30 MU'F 4 IW Wednesday n 'he Kn •lence departments, will speak by~*ho MT'I -F gineerinp I'olleo- Science aim lawmaker Asks Changes is means a n-.a'ter of 'he MWI lino S.ilurdav I 30 Dp'-embei- 10 ■n ' Wages and Price Stabihti Br ads' ay M r ! F December MTWThF 3 45-5 45 Arty h»s eni oilmen* star con- r.g and 12 30 13 of 3 Jin he British and American K\. MTM ThF I 30-3 30 singing a fev- gongs The coed- TTh 4 .Ml -tildents; ve'er:!i;ii -. Mied.fiv- •■nenee" fr=, ITao Thursday Sfonday - pan.v -travel? with 40 people: a 4 :»0 December rlaun.s 424 entollees He will also di«=cu*« *'Tr:idf 12 30 December IS II 3 45-5 45 H would In Federal Income Taxes 20-piece 'hat ' orche-tra. a dancer, 1 30-3 30 woimc •nun Drnorct n-\ rti Iireal Rri!- guitari-' and stage p«wonnel CLASSES •nay be allo'tisl two ncn apiiv. n aiwi the IT. S." jt a coffer '/ "iT iJ.ixr Mect-s S our Exaiti Tune A Dale in however. »ppro\inuitel\ ,,pc Mechanically included are a ~ on • .i>o<-(Hed by (jte Graduate .llr'is ""-it " v. W TtTe' 5 Monday. Dec 16. 7-!» l» ,M. ur.l <4.11(12 out <»f H"\.e limousine a"d a " total nf "et»M'*'»mics ("lub in Old Colli>gr Kill YORK The N 1 ( -vr...-n r rrn ,.ner 5 Fi1da\, Dec 12. 7-9 PM 13 139) of she men origin i'i.-s ill Speaking Tuesday night to an Ma k truck for the stage equip¬ W il't 5 Wedne-.tiv Dec 10 enrolled a' 'la!'. Kndav at 2:39 pm I tax ran in Confess ra. :< 1 !■ •-■ . tax i< g. \r Th 9 7 II I'M MSU »fe married students white ,'i. audience uf tax experts. Mills ment alter ThursdaV, Dec 11. I'M AH interested I ? f^sv night for changes in Mills Asserted the federal said the steady rise in the level The Uf a V Y Daily Thv*- NO FlNAt F.XA A'lNrATfON 'WW ■nlv one. ■ v'h (I.3fl8 out < aou!tv an- students invited *o and attend «•» 'Hera! income tax to i .<.-«• feimiir total W 3771 system can not stand of federal outlays over the years in review it the ■•'aimed of thf w-omen o.'H, i-.'.H revenue made necessary - are meetings (he strain «>f continued red-ink made any tax reduction Im¬ that if Miss Martin had an I fcv m inexorable rise in guv- spending without serious injury probable In the foreseeable fu¬ idle moment during the pn»- I j-rent spending. to the eninomv. ture. T'.e call came from Rep. Wi!« A 1 ,i tar;• o* • ' he grarn mission it was only during the inter- Tiekr* are •»» Campus Cla.-lficil* WARM IN WINTER .... Ikit Mills (D-Ark), chairman of ... s.g T' i if i reasonable ex pec- t" '( '- r v.: <»!e at the Union Ticket Off S'our Key to Rottor Vuhioa I the • I er House Ways and . Me ' m.* 4 ! i Ot government . . '.IV ■- 1.) av _• ':v<;•, lV,.rs- spend¬ Vote* to »«u: T»- ' Bu^ili. • . ng \ ill 't er off, he said ♦akex • • of tax civ- vou By J-eji Around ti.e led that a deficit' of I Mllii-r Bool* With W rid ' on the Travel *••; r ■ INFORMATION »g . than 2 oilllon dollar- i* ►r 11.»- ore en! fiscal Saturday n ir* Th*- 'rp ong- *+ 0*r ; y. Overwhelming Fur Sn»p-Iip Cuff (Continued from Page 2) n ' > x- June JO And t.ally rook .nr» vr.-ir Th- HI.000 rule* eoVi-red ie>;uued 39W# * . > on the. ->t mots 'hat revenues H t,re on tM stag*.''/ screen lb -f %v*liable in \\hH«, |D( fRESllirNTH AHSIMBI Y ■ «ed-f,»r level* •even npiete set* of xpr ng* * .vi m tnd 2 100 lirav agi' tilMk pm.. Alpha Kappa P i gallons .'»T i* <• ne Hv;sp. -■:£ year Mil's <*• i a Thirty-sexen fiat tire* Ir.lurr Sh.»wn 1:11 »:1J .«■ere <»n!v - •hr,-.- to five billion Ihstory ci.ru " a minor problem 30 pan., Tower Room Un."i :»»eted 'he idea of Robert Mallei tell* ghaut 1> J'-hn Garratv will «p*\.k ft "V ' sx!es taxes as "llnlland and the notch** on the 9 and European t"n> revenue final fall travel feature. Dee If. vrro'ies." |Mm. work rj.m m i'' •• r n re '• ■ r.< ev; < • •> ■ Mai v Martin'* TV 'he pr >i»i« I .an soil to Attend i«r. Roger* ani Hart S- ng- |Rr.Ml * fPtllON Pill ifKik.' is >e* f»w t BS of) De- . ¥> p m 14 Union. Ear: mr king before 12 16111Y * . «P1 %«H meet-.ng >1 S .v A-- a Science Meeting A'istair Co»»ke ho*' wv "fhTi- 44 p m, Women'* Gym. ci»t. r. of M u ' u a Sav •nibus. w.nter • l,a\« «on. head of i* a 'enn lectur¬ ceremony,. Bans V "• r«v.p!-.'ed 'ha' ■' !'• • er. schedu'ed for Jan 20 |lHOp PROGRAM t.a.x"» it.- 'h«- '?iiv a 'ernxttve •teii-ep department oiMMiTrrr n.■•■:«* ' in a confererice 138 p.m., 41 Union. Vi K.\K l«» Kro;tilrit*f laxpairr* lie said must he 4 |B GAMMA MIT prepared to late tile taxYnn»e thr ugh ^ orlil'* Fair IVoRmni bxktewwWP'- iv;"v rtcuNmcii* t ?m, 3d Union. Visiting iWllfflOiSilSsBri qiiemes made iieress.irt ha a . ui ,ri W« - ■ iigt'ift D( P""# R. K. Nam van w.il A -jxe w»! program. A Sound Imhore between lax income and The '•o'lfiMcnee. *tmns«.r«Hj i»y cm the culture of India. B .e T» rough th. H i-e outcn Va' i•; ■■ C 3 o o. SHOW |n*ii Y hoi • ' • 'unitv en 'iar.gr de • The guide for fhi'y . li.'u 7 MM! llool* . iMO pm., Wed need,, y Jfoon • • u- . d: he fn R, ^'-t • * -i» vpr .V rig >ti#rice curricu • Lunch «*r> • • C A • \ H ge r >f WVSO, k • I '•m .n A" «-r-' 3 |m »rr. umbm bu>:r.-*si taxp.a er* who r »■• en- • truded m the sequence. in¬ I.ATE SHOW FRIDAY NK.HT III:.Ml P.M. jov « wnoe variety uf pr- president John A Hannah |ir.inM)Mr n.l-B MP en.- »• mgiris H orn per*-eia ex - sdl address 'he Ann Arbor '*> i m 310 A* H.IL . erupt --f' ttongs «* • n- Rotary group frii» noon—on the |»T\l,l|> 't M-SRTANK erti t- . •••' allow an e* and problems and w ipes of higher" pm. UuonMt M AT- dividend »r.< ■ »me credits education HOT'' Mi • - '• ■! the mutual **- ng« Dr Hannah plana to discust i ' HI HISTH V •he various conflicting opinion* '»_■». J12 A« H.IL * Dr. Ktlth b.nk.-rs of the ' ix V i f.v ' or .A-. ou »cco*Tif base '*» and present' status of higher Siric'Strap Style "til a member of the anv increase .n r.'es education iGctugin Health Department, *7.9.1 *•11 sp»'ak on "Protein Frac- Uor.itii,tk" in Cnrilurnv IfcttML BOTANY tomoiiii'lw is sitf.k MICHIGAN ■ JjS p.m. 45h Natural Science. flAltll UN pay: "" |V*TMf« AMD ASTRONOMY now'showint, "" - ?• nr. Physics-Math Con- SEE TWO FEATI Kf.S — COM. I KOM I I' M. Room. "MAHIll I.HAS" and -(.M.I" Pi i'-u JtWHJY .-ji'- -- % IS KtJlS VHNT.EH HOOTS FI , W VI KKI'ROOFKIl TOO . . . m.s.u. •take you to Ibese cott. comfy, over-tlie-sock Winter Bool* have rtxcs NtwOHMnS a deep-pile lining and are avaiUhle in your fav«»r> 1 ^ lie color*. uce keepsake diamonds MS" SHAMPOO .» CCA.0® IX expert « 0€ iLWi FOR MEN IN UN1RIAKARLI watch '" PLASTIC I ST ARTS TOXORKOW (THL'rs.) DEC. Ilk P«*«Mflaladl w Swl ConditioM wfcito it cW*v 1.25 *** z 223 m.a.c. Statical cmpw" °* -Sir Fair LaCj" H' «■ . Gigi M-C-SI COLOt! SHUITOM taM.ti V T I « i i : l?}/T Coach Anderson to Start Rand • T T f Th /T I Rankings Bv THE ASSOCIATED CRESS At Guard Slot in U of D Gami Louisiana State's football J' ' N- ' Timers Tuesday held the na¬ tional college championship to complement their first Titans BeaJ all-winning season in 50 years. . Assumption The Bengals, ft0-0). the na¬ tion's only major unbeaten-un¬ In Opener I tied team, won the final Asso¬ ciated Press poll by a landslide vote to climax an amazing Br LARRY A,,'l Edit l'J;r WROBLtn-J comeback. Only a year ago they Editor ] wound up with a 5-5 record. Coach Forddy , I.SU, champions of the South¬ made the ln<- eastern Conference, thus gave lineup chanye the SEC the national title for the Spartan Cheers T,] HALFBACK DON Rl'FORD of Smithrrn Coll- I fro throws, 2) Itiiford Intercepts, 3) Ruford the second straight year. This starts down sideline, 4) He tries to elude Irish "meet the prer<" fornix ulrpt in to Intercept qnarlerh.irk George is the first back-to-back con¬ «<■<,;, Do's pa» and Mop a Notre liamr drive when the guard Al Sahal 165), and 5) is finally gang- quest for the SEC since the Anderson v.;i .... two teams met last Saturday at Los Angeles. tackled. Notre Manie won, 20-13. AP started the polls back in Rand at guard ,r\ gv mi. Auburn was awarded the season opener ag.-ii-.v MICHIGAN STATE NEWS versity of De'.n. ^ « , championship for 1057. Auburn fHWRiber I. 1»5» fur lw T llllllt ( MImI l< I'Ollllllirl wound up fourth this year. Sncc«r coach Gene Kcnitajr with Leo Vandcr Horst "(I.) and Art Southan tip-off is slated f ,r 3 Jen lion Fieldh' .-i*e. The nationwide panel of So the Spartan Tineup l [J of D Football Coach Soccer Milestones, Statistic have and forwards Bob Andd Horace Walker and votes out of a total of 212 and John Green wi'h I %r.re cl Fired for Poor Season 1.904 points. Points were eount- Boaters End and R3nd as ;hr DETROIT (iV) — The nmbtttons University of Detroit, ed on a basis of It) for a first place vote, nine for second, eight for third, etc, down to one for tenth place. Perfect Season While the Spirt.ui* eluding la*t-mimit» Hons, Detroit vvhinped u-pr«« prePl iihontinjr for national prominence with a stepped-up recruit¬ S-iuthan and Vandcr Horst tinn College Vfonday night By LARRY Ol'STIN to 28. This year alone, they | Iowa's Big 10 kingpins finish¬ were co-captains in 1938 and ing program, fired Head Football Coach Wally Fromhart have scored 4** in comparison to ed second with 17 first placers Third straight undefeated nine for the opposition. Southan was 'voted Most Valu¬ However, the I' e Tuesday because of his disappointing 4-4-1 season, and 1.459 points, with Army's season. No. 1 team in the Mid¬ 3. Individual honors in the able player in 1957. Vander opener is con-i i»- . d * v i Ki'cnh'frt, 4"», a burner Nntri unbeaten, once-tied cadets third west for Jhree straight years. er." When they previous' two seasons include Horst is a top cadidate for the ro« i,. D.'ime quarterback, had a five- dent in .charge of athletics, said with 13 first placers and 1.429 Winner of the first Big 10 soccer there i:; "A complete split right All-American rating* for Al award this year. Sarria was Titans will be oLivina a year record «>f 10- victories, 25 points. Auburn, unbeaten again championship in history. "Phantom" Sarria and Angelos captain in 1957 and Burdett and losses and 2 ties as head rnaeh now on whether to seek a big but tied once, was fourth with What is left for Michigan Vander Horst co-captained the uf the Titans. name coach or a man with more nine and 1,396. State'* soccer team — a nation¬ 1956 team. Tin re were indications that of a local background.1'* Oklahoma (1,200 points) was al championship? Butler, a hustling fullback, Detroit, independent in foot¬ He said no official contact It's still an fifth; the Air Force Academy possible. The Spar¬ was Most Improved Player last ball sitire it pulled out of the had been made with an candi¬ tan booters are reported to have dates. But he added he hoped (800) sixth; Wisconsin (797) «ra«nn and has hern an out- Missouri Valley Conference two seventh; Ohio State (571) eighth; an inside track on the "myth¬ to fast and expected to Mantling drfenseman this year. years awould i'o after a big move Syracuse (340) ninth and Texas ical" national championship \smah broke into the starting name coaeh to keep pace with have a new coach signed by which will t>e voted upon at the Christian (311) tenth. lineup al right halfback and Its yearning for a bigtiine sched¬ early January. National So cer Coaches Assn. The faculty athletic committee, Louisiana State will receive bas been a standout ever since. ule. meeting in January. The names of Otto Graham, headed by Mulroy, retained all the second Associated Press na¬ KARRI A HITLER Tatter, who has played both Such a title would parallel offense and defense, of From hart's assistants. One of tional football championship tro¬ was a former Cleveland Browns quart- ♦he United Press International erhark. Crank Leahy, former them, line coach John Hay, was phy. Pilitsis. Ray Burdett and Iamj starter last year but has boon football roaches poll, and its a reserve rn- t of this year. The Notre I la mc coaeh. Eddie Erd- named interim football director VanderHorst joined them on the l\ Nix of the elite ten, headed by biggest prize would be prestige. elat* of Navy and Joe Kulurlrh to take over Kromhart's Job un¬ All-Mid west tram. reason a talented group of I,HIT, will geta ehanre to display A proposed national tourna¬ new comers. of the Washington Rrtlsklns til a successor Is chosen. Team records Include: their prowess In the post .season ment for soccer, which would I at ere mentioned by booster* In Hay, 34, a onetime Notre howl games. LSI! meets 12th have included the Spartans, has Most goals in a season • 49. Coach Gene Kenney says ht Dame center now in his fourth 1958 believe* his forward line may the l!u* Morals Foundation, an ranked C'lemson In the Kugar been postponed for a year. i»e even greater next year. The organlralloii founded three year* year on the Detroit staff, thus Most goals In one game - II Howl at New Orleans: Iowa All-Midwest and All-Ameri¬ defense may tie hurting, how¬ ago to pay the way for higher appears to bo leading the field faces 18th ranked California In against Indiana. 1958 if the U of D decides against can teams, whtrh will he rhoa- ever Returning are gianv reg¬ quality athletics at the II of M. Biggest margin of victory - the Rose Howl at Pasadena: Ok¬ - an in December and Jannary ular*. including Erich Streder IIOK \l I U\IK1X John H Mulmy, vice presi- bringing In a big name conch. lahoma and Hyracnse rlaah In eight, »n 11-3 win over Indiana, respectively, are almost certain 1958 (co-champ with Southan in 1958 , , valualiir gssft . ,, I the Orange Howl at Miami: and U Include several of tha Mich¬ Individual records Include: scoring with 11 goals). Bcrnie TCII. and the Air Faroe collide igan Male greats. team which air. . ; irici.il Most goals in a season 12, Cook. Bruce Okine, Gerhardt In the Cotton Howl at Mallaa. - enth in the r This is a good time to stop Al Sarria. 1956. Grente, mJ)ragn, John Southan son appraisiiis In addition, the fifth major and consider the accomplish¬ Most goals in one game - five, LAST WEEK! ments of the team over its Commanding h:.;n p- - bowl game, the Gator at Jack¬ Al Sarna. against Illinois, 1836, the Titans. ... sonville, Fla., will match 11th three-year varsity history and Most goals in career • 31, A! bett. 7-f ... a ti¬ ranked Mississippi (8-2) and particularly the 1958 season. Sarria, 1956, '57. '58 mer© 185 poufl ! 1. The Spartans are unbeat¬ it ;• C 14th ranked FkjridiT (6-3-1), Most shutouts in one season - will Dec. 27. Florida gave I.SU a en In 22 games, ever since probably ati ;hr five. Goalie Noel Drag ., 1958 rough when he f terrific tussle, bowing, 10-7. they joined the varsity program Santa's words arc closely in 1956. If three pn*-varsity with Green S\< . , A.,-vi The Gator Bowl figures to be followed by Art Southan s who can n 01:nee the closest of the five big "ones. games in the spring' of '56 are twice had 11 in one Season, However. !.e .. 'er t The early line has Mississippi included, the streak is 25 twice had four in a game, and A*MAH TATTER traction for tm- " v * a slim si* point choice. That's straight. They are also riding ha« a total pi 28 goals in three a 14-game winning strenk since Ray ARwe. 3 5-9 . 4 A.' tha smallest spread of the five years. (Art's brother) Horace Hamil- gig to Co.- i.. ?-i Iowa u favored by 18 points their last tie. It is perhaps misleading to ton -and Sepetyg. BOOK 2. In three year* the h—tera bee could ea>. •• ,• over California; Oklahoma by give goalie Drago full credit for 13 over Syracuse; IJ5U by 16 have wan 18 uf their 22 gamea the shutout Here i* the team's .three-year guard in 'in- r.« ■ ' record. One of the over C'lemson, and TCU by nine by shutouts. They have oui- best defenses record i MSI! score Out), A litre who pit'! itirf in the country, in¬ over the Air Force. •cured their eppuaeula 87 |wk cluding Neil Butler. George 1938 like « pint-surd lhil I.Mtnt i rewrote the scoring Sepe'.y* and Leo Vander Horst. Michigan I Detroit, linisbrd his *rpM was hard to penetrate and kept Renyou t ♦he pressure off much of the year last te4Aoe u-nx 1 1 Illinois | point average lhr» time. IV he a ton § fort was se«und is The 1888 leiMn faded three- Navy pier | .tie) Mike Walsh. year careen far ih men. Mouth- Purdue 4 •«. Karrta. Butler. John Awnab. Teaming with A.cm 4 Vander Hunt and Jerdte Tatter 1987 tain John Be ' -•'* ■ A I •re the departing sealers. Michigan 3 (tie) ward lasff ycm. I Navy pier ! itts) the Titans in ». ' i George Kepetya. who was allow¬ . ed to play aa a freshman during Purdue 2 Assumption w : :t • » the DM Trial" varsity season, Illinois f Detroit w.r, I ri will IV bra ton | and height th .n he the last of the team's "Charter members" around nest Ohio Male • ward. Ralph ' '■> f. | year, and will he the anly four- Krnvoa 8 ward, w ho a v. . Indiana • a game last yeo. ;s year sereer player ever. the team» moil Southan. Vander Horst ar.d 1851 SALE Sarfla were ahooter. the last players Indiana Tech 8 who were or. the pre-varsity Piltsburg • Khould the TiUn -«| team under the Spartan Soccer Purdue 9 eut. Caliban hj» »«■<•"* Club. However. Doug Malcolm, Illinois ft rangy bench A tr»» ,,f s a veteran of those days who •meres ran br r»*d» inwr* • Ohio Mate t dropped out of school, is ex¬ 3 VVheaton $ Meanwhile. M>' pected to return fur next sea¬ 4 Slippery Rock • which has sj'un ■ son. II Indiana S adequate fte.gh' A is without ?he I coach dcci»ms *>f '1 team is grouno -.i with damentals, and u ier *' boards fashion-right are The final p.•" • * a n ^4' eyewear strength for the v;!'''"4 Green, fl-5 center from Wallace's literally jumps a- w at Take this smart frame by Harlequin, for example. backboard, paced the rebound* last ve.ir B< Green also was *ht Designed to bring out all your natural beauty, it's Spartan scorer Jt4r just one from the Harlequin collection . , . ex¬ 18 points per Eao.c In addition, SUv clusive In the entire Lansing area. Come in the moat uudcrra «J P , . . GIBSON'S look them over. And while you're here, why-not in the Big 10 in 6-1 forward it wsua *J make an appointment for a complete eye examin¬ RrmrmlMT ...we otter von but ha makes himself te*" ation? —> FAST SERVICE al NO hit court play. Doors open **•-Sl(ite(,(mie Duvikins Wilis for Detroit Kv f.ARKY r.l tTIV i Mich bran State's f c »» r «•» *ct i* d'Will WHS pynHll/ed fo» H|»eai- 'i •Ma i w inner of 'lie lleis*',*?. '•m, 11-.'. Tuesdav niuilt 'tie ea« lies! 'tie Sn.iitiins Menu trio I T'ii|»n\ j- "he mr thvliku and Hie Wing*' Forhe* re 2.o75 fans at the seored -iiMinxt he Wing '••ltd ' < rnP.-g# 'o,,«iMp piavi-i A:t'f .t va* core't on regular Kenned! Iialtled late in the f,1.!i t,iii ice rink. thiid period. Kenned! '• *» g ,' «• f. .• S.o« rh.ik wa* Tiie • .-.»<• e the Wng a vi" .i'ile x . an* o _ H-.th state yoalie« loot . ,| swinging uppeiriil* before the ! (... • : >r the first two prr.,i.i fight »>ff He Til'tl a *■ t ,.* ,f, :.v a , *hui|) Joe Selii it n ,de nomoi wa* broken up anil no pen- ' .. ' is'. .1 $ • pro* !'«ik over . un p '' alt! railed. «o ivi'i low a * ra< ii hi* *tin wa* Hut when Ken¬ • n t* third sfan/a to Halt iv Human arid 1 .SI' * H fcnii " nedy left the lee lor Ihe dre*«. .« nt Kid ui V;.T» S|ivtu»»..k e .o f annon {f.f • *orv. ./i 'he v*»tIn# hv ! itit . emptily nig mum several moment* later, ini»ie"ive durmg Ihe i" • - *|o»i'- • Sofht'wooi© Jim A'.aik tie was loniidlt luioed. iiiiat i»»-i I and n half. Cnv«. h I tie I -a! HlilW uie i>-1,1 M a« t or i- spartan* with tu.j . i till'. I'Kiiltl I H of arm uliiii for a growing familr wa* nioie A"i.» liumed the two ilnv »* vho didn't .coie, -a l as 'ui'teb t»\ tt e 1>...v r,' - • s V i. n-' h Hrodsky added the '' pie**inr than a I liink-gh m( Ha* IiniIIuII game hetween Middle he mO*t nu' in vie into iteicd b\ :< giotii i aimg SpattMit* - v'.cJ^-Mj^ec a «|. b,wK-. rotor TirlMt state's defense* were *ucres»- l>one«*ee *i »u- ( oliece out I i-nne**re on» pas Iwen feu I'olyieelinie ln*tiliile Thi* in the game. I'veial I J.i w K • a ' * • ■! -«»}«» -»• tul in keeping Oetrmt. Caat honieliound. ninth ntifo-d molto i - TAT NAfPINO" a He.shlv killed rahhit between kfler Ihe game. Ciordie llowe, I " , tt ■ ,1 Oak ,Ml. IV.h '.*. hm dm Howe fruni her iaw* soring a a diorlfol down Hie nodtlle of the field during a Ked Ming *lar lot ward, attemiil- .five ills lUoii.v at "v > (iidl. hut seven other* were aide M \r %TTR%« IIO\ Iran simm'on* t|iiitklv rail ml otue out. *he l«»*t the rahhll in the melee that |o|. - in IIOMf AfWr DANK" t» hit the net*. ed to explain the two fight* dur¬ I .in.- I mile- Vgaiiii— ■ i. A l .•.* Ml' i o.o. .Ui.nei a low ed ing Ihe contest. ub, tonight \ k Mo koskt ted ?h» r ■ As ii,*. V\ erl/. I.one t VW. e been Inn t;tf •(. lib!# .«n,*« k with the «. Charlie Hoik 1 1... i. o ; keuueil* Kleeleil t .iplniii piartiee# duilv the een a ft » i b-vr \SMI.\tiTON. out triitleu UC Sift "f iiii-i i a ' • *. play ... .t!ee and .! : >• . n '« r?e:v«whU» each I Med it \ ■ Wei t/ a 11 rt nu: fielder (*at B; McNeill. (ivr M i» " erin'i 'he.- * II.. ve ..1 Harriers Kara Praise t ,v ' ■ • • - ;«» Ho-!..ij s.| mitlloidc 'tie fn t f.'th? to ger. 'i< n \ *i Uilittan. and Tom M- « .!>:■ , I. Fr«»»k le.ni f ; n/y»«k« aed W • V '! e*cl| scored one o Miiisiii^jcr id tu* Indiiiit ' i : e Ifoiii,.'* .- >1 a g l'.« <*d I .«■•*-et< • •: jo...**- of President loim - S,-,M '4fis aria five u> . 11.i \ • !'••••• "R vv • VI.inn and retinnv ; * i-.oi-'.H .i t ,» bam|net held Toes* 1,,M B'«'h team* u*ed ^awrhuk two goalie* DEC. SPECIAL and Julian kiintkm worked lor Detroit. the. dw'.* it' lt»e kelinger and I liimi l" N" brook Ihe spartan Scot, who raced M > Wdig* split the time fur i over week *.id« the in >n four mile hitlT * iron! of hi* and roiir*# Nnished nearest op¬ last Ob SWEATERS .n • o«l w ;th only two 47£ ponent u al«o tin* year t truck the first (LEANED • .ii iwr -• - • apian. • » drilled ham# It. ' ^ •;» efit *ao gOaN .'.CO Spartans caitie i.„. • • *'» i> v.#i ■ore at the LANSING LAUNDRY . : < ■ M gr.,l„1 •*•< as Broctsky took "u , • , . up-., sed. A '«'• "ie blue line and tinned V r vp nut kitting 1 pas! SawehUk O• o .:t added A DRY CLEANERS three more '** ' *' • period, thi tna.ii ilmiu.il .1-1 i /'.'#»»/ lull " ' IIII In mu ll ,r'd four m 'he a -it*rt A n front ine t«- V '. u*ure the w in. Ihe ion be1 has d.if!» in he an iu;ki.ku.\ sr. a* win- P_. IN Sdwdule ■Mm u*i0 > p.m I v.; * " " ' >• I „; i. •• •» » I n. Bntm • i Prom-p#rfect... HOMER or for would have loved one an any dat# ~ | OtymjUm, precision p^lfl It't ea*v to w why Arrow White Siiift* arc the most popular on cam put Authentic ;n every My!* . * imp wumiii v iw iwmg pm gg gg% mi U0^n ■ ^detail, the > rr the hrn.t-1 ittmg Ui» Ullfr prrltrt |M. ltsi Fag. Flames Sweep Hills Pilot Training Near Malibu Beach In AFROTC MAI.IBU BEACH, Calif. (JP)—Devastating flames, fan- Manf ATHOTC cadet, srt„„, •il by hot desert winds, awept the hills near thia southern vare of the opportunities y ■difornia resort Tuesday—much as they did in a disaa- e Flight Inatruction Pr .... : MSU. rous blaze two years ago. Thia program provide, Two fires broke out Tuesday five days charred 42.000 acres , uince for flying instruction e i the inland slope of the Santa and 90 homes. fonica Mountains, quickly join- iper Tri-Pacera at Capital Cv. By nightfall firemen had .irport under the guidance J l and raced toward the sea. massed a force of more than partan Aviation Company J. Thousands of residents were 1.000, Including men from many us. Cadeta may be able t'j acuated. nearby military camps. Several expensive homes Were ualify for their private p:!ir, Half a dozen planes dropped >orted burned. fire retarding borate solution on reuse Ground at the end of the curie' Imtrortlon i, JU, There were no reported In- the blaze — mostly to no avail. iven on novlgotloa. ries. Heather nd CAA regulations. Tinv' Coed By late afternoon 10,699 acres TOM KOI.ESIAK The purpose of F1P is t, AMY ANNE POLET notivate ere charred. fjualitled AFROTC -i. Two new fires burst out ndd- Senior of the week and journ¬ Tom Kolesfak, general bus iris to a var-er in the AirFirr, % to the disaster. One was in alism major, Amy Anne Foley,. incss major and the father of rncourage enrollment in rate.' opanga Canyon four miles east f the big blare. Another was Wins Rose seems trends. to specialize in reversing two "boys Tom is is Senior of the Week president of the Vet ;nry Kpilot) and eiimina'e Pji0, applicants who laeh tbe oaiic ear Thousand Oaks, four miles crans Association which his the aptitudes for Air Force p:;« Last year as 'advertising man¬ est. Both could join with the iajor blaze. Bowl Title ager of the Spartan she and her staff, in spite of the recession, largest and most active mom- bership in recpnt venrs On top training. nf this, he is productions chair¬ The scene — brushy, oak-dot- nearly doubled the magazine's man-tor the "59" Sj-nrtacade. ha- Gibbs girls fed slopes five miles inland PASADENA. Calif. Of) — A ad income while, at the same from here and 30 miles west of green-eyed blonde with a win¬ been Spartan Spirit publicity TVfK TOP PHOTO la a model of fhe flr*t im. owhrnnk Hall - Alfred Vlilaon. the residence of Mr, and Mrs. downtown Los Angeles ■— was ning smile and a yen to become time, maintaining a 3.05 all- college average. Consequently, director and has worked on the get building •! MHU-O. Below that It Metd. Water and Activities Carnivals like a glimpse of hell. Flames burned 8.000 acres in • social worker Tuesday was named Queen of the 70th an¬ this year Amy is Spartan bus¬ iness manager. Tom's clubs include the So¬ top jobs Now Oakland Branch Opens the first three hour*. A vast nual Tournament of Rosen. Amy's enormous activity list ciety for the Advancement of pall of whitish smoke covered "But I'm too short to be Includes working on Campus Management and the Finance the mountains, blotting out the queen." said 19-year-old Pam¬ Club. In addition, he is a rnem- Chest, on Union Board Week MSU Extends Its Facilities sun. Ashes filtered down miles away from the flames. ela Elaine Prather learned she had wan. She told newsmen when she she was publicity, and for the Spartan and Wolverine. She has been J-Hop Radio and TV chairman i>er of Excalibur and Blue Key. On top of these many activi¬ ties, Tom ha* maintained a 3.30 sure when she entered the eon- and Water Carnival national ad¬ ail-college average. In New Educational Center fleeing at mall's pace test for queen of the New Year'g through choking smoke that ent vertising chairman. A season of semi-pro football day Rose Parade and the Rose Par her sorority. Chi Omega, disqualified Tom from trying visibility to n faw feet In mm Bowl football classic that her ft «he haa been active in Intramur¬ out for the varsity team, but as areas. Bf JON BROWN Demographer* estimate that Opening Its doors next fall to feet 24 Inches was much too al sport* and I* now recording a fuliback he helped one of the the number of 18-21 year-old* freshman class of at least 500 The two flre* that joined short. special Cottm for Cotlrg* Womon. On# of tha world'* most dts- a secretary. Vets* intramural -teams U» the w-lll be la excess of loo.ooo by broke out near Calabasas on RiHiidcmcea. Writ* CoUegt thou Ungulshcd etttlet — Meadow- students, MSU—O will offer de¬ the inland But the Jndges Hfced the way Amy has key* from Theta Sig¬ I9"i« independent All-University 1970. slope of the moun¬ ma Phi and Gamma Alpha Phi for Girrr Giria at Won. broojt Parmt — It the site of gree programs in business ad¬ tain*. They burned rapidly up her 110 pounds Is distributed— Championship. He has also play¬ MRU's bunteonlnjr "a I * t a r" Adding 1o this petenllal Ik the ministration, engineering, liber¬ 34-24- When she graduates at the ed basketball for the Veterans. fart that in both Oakland and to tho crest, then started roar¬ fytharine tchool, Michigan Stoto Univer¬ sity — Oakland. The estate, along with $2 mil¬ Macomb counties there exists only 'me post-high school edu¬ al art*, and teacher education. These course areas lected by residents of Oakland were se¬ ing down eanyoni toward the sea. In their Daihs were homes at Pamela was chosen Monday from seven finalist* among 1,900 end of winter term, Amy's Im¬ mediate plans Include a job with the Chicago Tribune, a wedding After graduation in June, Tom hopes to pursue a career in ad¬ vertising. promotion, or public Gibbs SfC»«TA»iaL SfC»ITA»lAL lion, wtt Riven t'» MSU by Mr. cational institution — a new and Macomb counties in a and graduate school. relations. Malibu coeds who sought to be queen. BOSTON 16. M*SK*CHUSITT5.21 Ma''V>'8«|» iC" community college In southern I.ake, Lake Enchanto . and Mrt. Alfred Wilson for the special survey of the need* of She attends Pasadena City Col¬ N1W 17. WW *0M . . 710 »*'» and In half a dozen canyons V0NTCi»i*. WW Jl*«v purpota of Mtahlixhlng thia new Macomb county. CAMPUS CLASSIFIEDS 13 t» ,m,ua* I, post-high school education in . lege and plans to complete her GIpp Club . . The eduratlonal atmosphere of leading to the sea. These In¬ FROVlCifNCC 4. KMODI ISLAND. tf(*«i |t center of learninR. the two-county area. education at San Jose State Col¬ . . HIGH READERSHIP the Is further heightened cluded l.atigo, Triumpho, Cor¬ On the grounds of the beauti¬ area High achool atndent* and their lege. ral and Udell Canyons. ful 1.400-acre tract of land It bv the existence of the Big majestic Meadowland Hall, the Three automotive research head¬ parents participated In the Mr- Tho holocaust Is Jnst to Bm She llkee tailing, swimming cooking and puttering around To Prpspu t palatial 'home of the Wilsons, quarters. The General Motors vey. east of Iho MaHhn ftro that the yard. Social work with chil¬ EARN YOUR MASTER'S DEGREE To determine the best possi¬ which houses tome Worlds most famous paintings of the Technical Center is only miles away; les* than 12 three ble curriculum, organization and started Dae. M. 1090, and In dren is her academic aim. Yule Show AND PltEPAfll FOR AN and other works «»f art, at well miles away Is Chrysler's pro¬ presentation at MSU—O, one- EXECUTIVE CAREER IN RETAILING as many rare book*. posed research center; and Ford's dav seminar* are being hold in PLACEMENT BUREAU The Women'* Glee Club will * ine-motith proyram lot each of the four arras of study, (B) Banhatmb degree (Ml Masters (Dl mi Executive direr*ion in major «ti.r«# While the ktgr manor honte new proving grounds and test¬ sing its annual Christmas Vesp- daive'ailrd *i'h la<*rtv,in work. Total pay for afore nt which top authorities in each tree Is tofltantofl, all dsgria levels are eNgtMe le Interview. la technically MRU property ing renter is but 12 miles distant. ers in the Alumni Memorial work *.V»0, Cn-r i. Srholsrahipa. Holer five Jfd» o'Ree. Cooperating In developing the field meet with MSU official* to OPENINGS FOR TBE mrtit before trrnduation. Ca. I. apprt now. the Wilson's hold a life¬ Chapel at 8:15 nm Friday. new school U the MSI'—ft express their ideas. EMPLOYEES POt » n*'INO MAJORS A ia wt 81. !M». Ah>h>ljr now Write for Huiletln C time leaae en It and will eon- Foundation, a committee of 4o From their recommendations DECEMBER A I0SI Eighty-two members compose Mnne to reside there. It will community leader* from the will come the foundations of the Tbxaa Instruments Inc. physicist* A Chemists Elect. A thv Glee Club, under the direr 1o GRADUATE SCHOOL OF RETAILING someday ha eon verted Into an UNIVERSITr OF PITTSBURGH two rowntleo, appointed by Dr. four curriculum areas. Mech. Engrs. tion of Ethel Armelin, assistan art center. Hannah. "We meeting with these DECEMBER I A ft. 100ft Also on the land It Runset are Boeing Airplane Co. Mathematicians A Physicists. professor in the dept. of mu*.< Terrace, modern smaller men in closed session* so we can the All Engineers. For the vesper program, th? home of the Wiltons, as well bs get their real Idea* «>n how they four study E T. DuPont De NeMoun Chemists (D) A Physicists (D). Glee Club will be assisted by several other residences and think the area* A Co. WED. tTXI.V should be organized," Hannah All Engineers (D). This firm .fame* Autcnrith, organist and farm buildings. wfll also interview graduate Lauralee Campbell, harpist. The t'l million was provided for construction of the first ac¬ ademic building. which i.s well states "We won't nsk them how they operate their schools because students in the above fields for summer ~ employment. A traditional gram, part of the pro¬ the processional and , los¬ FREE we know that," he add*. "We DECE1 0. Iftftft on Its wnv toward eompletition. ing recessional, will serve to want |o know how they would Cornell Aeronautical Lab., Mathematicians A Physicists. 'i Gallon Coke. Root l!cer, or Or e and will be rendv by next fall enhance the atmosphere ol the Inc Elect. A Mech. Engr*. This It will contain 39 classrooms, 4 do it If they could start from religious service. With 2 Remilar One Item I'iZZAS scratch without any tradition* firm would also like to talk to physics and chemistry labora¬ First songs by the Glee Club tories. 2 large lecture rooms, » library and faculty *J»nct admin¬ or taboo*." To date seminars have been Engineering course work students in with experimental will include: "Glory to (!< d in the Highest," by Russell; "Quern VARSITY 0 ' MitN istrative office*. held in engineering, teacher ed¬ psychology or. Psychologists Vidistls lMstores'.'," by de Jong 1217 E. Crand Riser ucation, and business adminis¬ with courses in Engineering, A modern Student center for "Mary, Flower of Flowers.'' ai Eimt Lansing food sei viie and social activities tration, with the workshop in Physics or Applied Mathema¬ ranged by Russell, and "No* DEI.IVEItl SEICVIlE - ED 2-4517 liberal arts scheduled for Dar. tics. it being planned and will Hkoly Phillip* lVth.Iei i of the Btessan Waits," by Car be cuinpleted bv next fall, also. 13 • , Physicists. Chemists A Mathe¬ vieux. Atomic Energy D.v maticians. Chem., Elect, A Official* point eat that MSU— Home of the country'* top ed¬ ucators are participating in the Mech. Engrs. Mr. Autenrtght will open hi* O will he a "commuter college" Shillito'e conferences and in light of their All December A March gradu¬ organ group with a Par he I be at first alnre there tre no stu¬ past experiences are being ask¬ ates (B) interested in Retail¬ organ rhoralr and fugue o» dent living quarter*. Arrange¬ ed this question: ing. regardless of major. "Vom llimmel Hock." ment* tre bring made, hen ever, Hallmark Cards for itndent housing in nearby If you were starting from AJ1 interested (B> in Sales, re. The Bach'in Dulci Jubilo" scratch aud bad Ike money gardless of major. U. S Dept. of Justice - All interested (B) in Immigra¬ hdlowed by the carol-prelueh Although technically a branch EDGAR HARDEN you needed, how- would you Immigration A Natural¬ tion Patrol work, regardless "Greenslecves" by Rowley. of MSU, the new achool will l»e set up a program at thia new , . . to address fall grads • • • ization Service •f major. This traditional C-instma Institution to train the young virtually autonomous, with lis celebration is free to the public own facultv and administration people for the half eentury The relationship between the Full Kwreiw* ahead? Spnrlacnth ffeorf* two schools will b# similar to litis fresh approach Id educa¬ I.I, In, mi chairmen foe the one misting, between the To Graduate 071 tion has captured the imagina¬ Kpartacade should meet with W« jm DmI WaH to Tall University of California and the tion -of much of America and the Carnival's chairmen University of California at l/»s An estimated 671 students will ha; been acclaimed in many of Thursday at 4 p.m. In 111 Ym: Angeles. rccoivo degrees at fnll term the country's leading magazine* Mud ent "Tharo will be wo connection commencement* exercises Tues¬ and newspapers. mcopt at the top level of admin¬ istration," emphasize* President day. The graduating class includes WASH PANTS John A. Hannah. approximately 47 candidates foi The tremendous potential of MSU—-O is -indi¬ cated by the fact that almost educational doctoral degrees master's degrees l)r. and 162 for Edgar Ha at en. president of mi 35c M.ooo men end women 18-24 year* old live within IS miles of the Meadowbrook estate, located In the eastern part of Oakland Northern Michigan College, will deliver the commencement ad¬ dles* at the 8 p.m. ceremony ir the University Auditorium. Hi> imtmud Starrhml and Prruad Tan. . Fri. Open Daily eounty, near the Macomb oour.ty theme will be "To Whom Much Milk 8 a.m. to 9 p.m. Hne. Is Given." A ' Salnrdav Till 7 p.m. Ire Cream 1 H*ar Dry Ctasabm • • CASH S CARRY 4 Hear Shirt Uartfrni At N* Extra Cart - •' How to Find 4 Gal. Gradr-A Homogenised m 9MIT -THE POWER OF PRAYER REVEALED AMead*«ffff befcre THROI'GH 32c 69c Safe Deposit CHRISTIAN SCIENCE" John alorxyi did takt thlaaa la* Herbert t. Rtefee. t'.a.U of |odUMB|mtt*. Indiana Member tt tbe Heard of Lactam*!* at fhe Mather tbartb. Tbe rtnt Cbarrb at aerioualy ...like that habit at laaUaf CbrtO. aeteaU**, la Peatoa Masaarbatetu. 1201 E. Grand Rive hit Colw tip la a sale! Sura rvarybady •:1ft PJI. MONDAY. DECEMBER Mh East l — likes Coca-Cola ... una tbn'a *9 Burehani Drive. East Uaoiag. Mlahtgaa nothing mora vrleomo tbaa tha mad S055 E. Mieh. taato at Coca-Cola. Bat natty— . ALL ABE WELCOME a sale juat (or Cokt! Ineidostatty— Under the auspices of Juat Wert of Sear* know tho eombinatioa. any oat? tint Church of Chriat, Sricntisl East Lansing. Michigan SIGN Of 8008 IAST* Ml