wHArs maroc igran State News nr flxilte Vl»ltt AltrrU p.j COI.O AVIJ WINtiY r,nll cxsm Khednle p« Rain or mow rllxnilni to *nnw Kwtr. L«r» president flurries rritfm ■ 9-* today. C«4rter tempera¬ tures and windy in the afternoon. Him 34-39, Winds mph. VOL. 50, No. 103 EAST LANSING, MICHIGAN—THURSDAY, DECEMBER 4. 1958 PRICE 5 CENTS Syria, Israel Exchange Heavy Artillery Gunfire Over Shepherd Incident JERUSALEM Mb — Syrian Ifnlata and Shamir village* suf¬ statement said it was followed and Israeli artillery exchanged fered damage. by a barrage laid down on the heavy gunfire for an hour Wed- The Jewish Telegraphic Agen¬ ~ Syrian villages of Derbassieh, nesday in the pastoral hills of cy Miid the Syrian shelling pin¬ Galilee ned down Hafr.and Hilibnieh, and the Fin men. women and Maatnoun and Tel Ililnla posts. The big shooting was set off children in villages along a 10- The l\\R spokesman said Sy¬ by an incident involving shep¬ rnile front and set a huge fire rian artillery "had no other an¬ herds tending their livestock. raging in Shamir. swer hut to avenge the peareful Israel reported one shepard An Israeli source said Gormen, Arah villages." was killed and three Israeli set¬ Ashmurah and Notern settle¬ tlers were wounded. Israeli vil¬ Both sides agreed livestock ments also came under Syrian lagers wcte terrorized and was a factor in the incident, artillery and mortar fire. which flared in the central Jor¬ damage to their property was The Middle East News Agency dan Val lev south' of Israel's *4 reported distributed a United Arab Re¬ Tmllion lluloh reclamation pro¬ A I'M spokesman said Ike public Army spokesman's state¬ tect . artillery duel ended ment in Cairo charging the Is¬ at night¬ From there on, they differed. fall, 15 minute* after a UN de¬ raelis tried an unsuccessful at¬ ntste News I'hnls hv Al Jlnvre The Israelis' referred to TALKING WITH Hr. and Mr*. Hannah al a reception held »! mand fur eease fire. tack on Arabs in the El Dabbous "fl«»ekO which suggested the Cow lex House Wednesday evening fnr graduating xeniors is IJehby *'««• Sew* PW»# fe* At Unrre Wadi at noon Wednesday. The REHKARBTNG FOR the annual Christmas eon- . _. . her. Fdwsrd Richmond: Lynn Beckman. Gi UN truce supervision organ¬ animals were sheep or goats The sehimmel. senior class secretary, and Rook Shank, senior Council JI #rrt !• 1* held In the And Sunday are members Pointe senior; and faeulty member*, James Au- ization observers are preparing Syrians sajd they were rows,*... member. if the MSU rhorua Ineludinc (I. to r.) farulty mem- tenrith, Ethel Armeling and Gomer LL a report The Israeli story was this: State College* Need Money A United Arab spokesman in Republic Army Damascus there were no Syrian casualties. said Soprano Mrians started the hostilities hy firing on two -hepards tend¬ ing their flock* Inside Israeli Amendment Approved Although it was reported in Damascus that the Syrians had complained to the Israeli-Syrian Highlights territory near Ihe Jordan below Gonnen settlement, Sparta Clans Receives Hannah Asks for Productive, Mixed Armistice Commission of L-C Series Israeli Border Police sought to extricate the hep.trds. UN. UN spokesman IInching From AUSG of the the Thev also were fired up. They said that up to Wednesday night •hot back only Israeli's complaint had been Assured Source of Income One of the sheparda was kill¬ Hv HANDRA IIOLLAIIAN received. Op-rnlic Artiat ed in the exchange. A MSG approval of a proposed amendment to the judi¬ An Israeli Army spokesman President John Hannah Wed- "It is her«v?y ins-anse it said that at the height of the A|i|»riim Tonight * ciary section of thi* Constitution and a Tinanimotus vote of run- rfed to its illogical end point, it ■* Iie-i>' Iff issued a plea for more for Mi.higan colleges and trover's oph th.it the economic etu.ritiin phiio*- 0 through the'brok¬ dressed congress for the last prosecution attempted to estab¬ The fire broke out Tuesday- den in ets can help spread" he > work.ng here on his doc¬ London, and tours en window, fanned the smolder¬ time as a congressman he arson {* suspected—and lashed us is lish that the two defendant* re¬ f Chr.s'mas throughout Africa, Australia ing trash and flames quickly cheer early by torate. He i- a member of Sig¬ our public colleges, and univer¬ by hot deaert winds up to f>0 and America. graduating this tefm. Janscn moved one specific watch from »trfbut;r.g to the "Sparta and 'o carry it through shot up. the unenclosed stairwell staled that in the two years he ma .Phi Eps ion. sities. mph raced quickly from the Before giving her first Amer¬ a top floor storage room some to the second (top) floor, where (Caus" fund drive which begins Dr. John Henderson, the pre¬ to completion. Half measures inland slopes of the Santa Mon¬ ican reneert In 1953. she studied the fatalities occurred. has teen AUSG working It has time las| December. toy,- Bill Livingood. member sent ids •■■r, has stepped down will not suffice " ica Mountains to the sea. music In her teen* at Ihe Horh- grown from n standstill to one VanEandt was arrested Nov. ' executive Hannah observed Sgt. Brown pinpointed the of 'he board, said from this I'ost n onsequen-e 'hat Soviet It cut swath of ruin rough¬ 'op functioning organi¬ 7 at Mullikcn when State Po¬ a sehule fnr Musik in Berlin. ^Wn<*riay night. Russia. providing education place of origin by the heavy zations He stated „f h;. app.j.n'nwnt a» Dean uf. in ly five miles long and eight Her first professional engage¬ on campus. lice found him in possession of > Collections will be made dur- Students .it W. Illinois U. for " its masses, "has learned charring in that area. he would like to see "all the an antique gun collection miles wide, charring ranchlands ment was at the Berlin Civic alleg¬ I class hourg in Berkey and from pur experience and is tak¬ Investigators have said old students give full support to ail In other action 'he council and nwring down half a dozen edly stolen from Maynnrd Dox- » Union. Donations Opera House, and her first lied¬ examination books and news¬ will also passed a rev.sed IFC constitu¬ ing « page from our book." He canyons lined with homes. congressmen representing them slo of Mullikcn. He has been > taker, in er recital was in Vienna in 1942. papers had been stacked at the various dormitory tion, the nrst revision in three warned that Russia "is deter¬ in AUSG and to the congress bound over After the war ended. Miss foot of the staircase. to Eaton County •If ten a lines. mined to beat us at the game as a whole." Circuit Court on that count. years. Schwarzkopf quickly became the Wtr.cy collected in the drive. Biich a supported by many Tu* organizations, will be- wdl President he held Steve nounced 'bat the IFC work.-hop this year Witt a? an¬ W wr.:rh we ourselves invented," and added: "There is no question about Army Keeps recognized star of the Vienna Opera. In private Elisabeth *1 'to provide 1 the needy families Lansing area with food Michigan l\ ' He also-declared that secretary Dick Schlaff and our tem adopting the of education, Russian as some sys¬ peo¬ Mkile Plant ftehwartkepf 1* life, Legge. Her hustond la regard¬ Mr*. Halter Wttlj, he will attend the Atlanta As¬ ple think; they have alrrady ' Veterans Club will ric- sembly this year. adopted our system and they At Huntsville ing director ef EMI. (Eleetelr and Musical I ad a* totes t Ihe rem- the baskets, to homes se- IFC a.s<- announced that pe¬ "propose to make it work better *ith the cooperation of tit.' ns for Greek Week must t>© than we have beep able — or WASHINGTON OP) - Th«- • "Angel" label. i Lansing Christmas bureau. in the IFC oil «" by Monday. willing — to do." Army W#dne*day won Prwident Her program tonight will in¬ Eisenhower's approval to keep clude selections by Purcell, Mo¬ the Ballistic Missile Agency at M. (.loses 3 School* Huntsville, Ala, with its bril¬ zart, Schubert, Also on the program will be a and Brahms. liant team of space age scien¬ number of folksongs from var¬ tists. Cities Start Fire Inspections hower But, as • compromise, Eisen¬ ordered the Army to turn over to the new Civilian , ious countries. the Tickets are still available it Union ticket desk night's performance. for to¬ * ™« tiwcuTU nui> tions as a result of the disaster. Space Agency the jet propulsion One of the budding* »aa a laboratory at Pasadena, Calif New York City Tire De- The Civilian Agency, set up this Student Talent Needed "•'nent fuur-story Hebrew parochial Wednesday .__c I o s e d school in Brooklyn. Inspectors fall, had hid for the major part Par IB Variety Shorn yP f %■ 1 - school buildings after fire said fire exits were Marked of both imallalk— in the face wera discovered in with lumber and desks, rubbish of star Army oppotlltosi. Trjmit, for Union Bowd V«- • From one of them, a pub- and ohftirueliuns cluttered ball- Pstnhowai mid the two fed¬ ri.tr Mm. u. acl-duM for way a and stairesse w indows tod eral agencies tod worked out Jan. • and fen. II «t l:M pm ^••errentary school "In the 800 pupils were evacu- fixed iron tors. The school has tie pupil*. the school currently la In pro- an agreement under which the Space Agency will las the un¬ In U Union. Ttlmt i, M dnnuvS to itu- -m ique capabilities" at Huntsville L7* closing, grew out of a Another Installation closed Other cities that began a ru- an • fufljr eaapmattto basis. feuU nr. utm* to try out. "la to roof inspection of was a Hebrew parochial nrtvKil or—T for th. ihow to b. ( »ue- check of their school facilities In turn, tto Army will con- ; oty's 1.500 public, private dormitory in Manhattan. The tau, It wot hav« th. mpport ' parochial schools, a direct building was not fireproof and included Kansas City, Phoenix. Mr tto MB year a pro¬ at th. rtuMol My." Mid clulr- Ktnath of the Chicago school was strung with open wiring. Newark, Indianapolis and Lot gram of ■g Judy Buchanan. school from which Attfifies. tto ItUM In—ml put of Un- ■ iJ*biCh c,*im*d M lives. York was one of numer- The Bronx 800 students were evacuated >« Statewide inspections Army * BMrdl activity, and p»r- ordered » New York, " American cities that began a five-story brick building, PS tto mr* i hold duria, "! «•. •. M. Maryland and Memo. I, Mir. M. .. ff ' ' ■«*«***? " dCi' 20 va ANKSfr Life (m Be,., Michigan Slate News INFORMATION COMMISSIONER DRINK< 08 COLLECTIVELY-' Read Daily b> MSIJ's 25.01© Students and Faculty ' EMERSON .N..T OP) s UI.INO ( LI B _ R rtudent* of Michigan S'.'>te ou«h Police Commute,nr>r The Michigan StJte Naws l» publi ned ut direct farwlt v super vision It i* 7 gq p.m.. 32 Union. j Uiuvertlty. E.ist Uniting Ml< It m pph A. Brescia drink not the official vou» ul the in .v« • m oi Hit* Mudeht body. but while \\\V( p executive ' t ..th s'anel* r«M'1v to battle t-nv At R r jot. -as a beer taster W *i-ek)ng tn Wfve 'he best 11.t«-?«•*-' 7 p.n;., Union I.oiinfio. . move which would drive ■> ucdRi the two wIiethet It comes general meeting Will Li tcriologist for a br»-• . \ti i- i t of the Associated ;i troiti v. itmn P.- r.tu •' i'v ' • Hut Breccia clings •, Press. Ini.imJ Dailv I'"' A- llcge Press l. •I lice motto that drink • fiAMM t BF.I.T.% driving don't mix. Vol. 50, N'n. 103 Thursday, Hw'pihIht I, i'WiH • I'am- Two p. \. 7 pin., Martin Luther Chapel, bus to work. PitF-MFD SOt lFTY 7 30 p.m.. Ohn Memoriai- Airline Walkouts Hcalth Center. I ItKNC'll ( M B •I European Nations Ready » to Become One Economic State Michigan Stale ruin,,, Ml Itndeat, ••»»!«» 7:30 ii.iii Intcrnalional Crn- Bv j. M. Roberta tr. ■li r the Netherlands and zation Benelifx, and set out for The three small nations will Published . on clans a„y. . irrough Friday inclusive . ' tr:. Chretmas purty. AP News An.ilsxt "fibourg ah organ- would be become virtually a single eco¬ what ' Provide Problems they knew a •inter and spring -,r , N \ \( V on dosigncd to eliminate cco* -long hnul nomic state The borders be¬ iiolldayt; weekly dure. Immcdiateiy after World War •erm and one special ec 0 30 p.m., 36 Ufiioh. frontiers and suhvtihite They established a common tween them will be almost Between summer and II three of Eurnpc's smallest era tic,'i f »> r competition. !arlff system toward outsiders, meaningless. There will be free Fntered #% second claw IX THK I'HKSKXT nirline dilemma canned by utrlkn, KAPPA 7 p rn , Pill CI.IB Wf lev House .,nrl wrst shot tip nations Th. .• anted their economic rr- md virtually free trade between movement of persons, capital. iter oiftcr, act Of .March East Lansing. ,1, j«-. ,-n ,c two points tnke focus. ! '•inched ;« tnovi •• cn? ...*!i • up to be ri.tu-r; Ih# ar-M hemselves. uoods and services. Financial Mail aubicriptions pa*. >|.,« .i-iiop i:\u crivF - . poli ies, 'including .nice ftir one term ' * (1) The failure of the antiquated National Railway l.a- COMMIT III. has been .spp'ii-iTig IS ! GFVFRAI A H ill 2-1277 Good ELECTRIC RFERIGER- ««ndttloi P»ione FH- ir FO* KENT FOU FENT THE Jui kman FINEST Bohbv Stevens. Jack Brauc Combo, IN mutlc The Pl» s-iP» . dicted that aome flay, it could happen soon. In- would create AMRTMINTS ROOMS Jark«nn Rhythmn King* Va'ua or Ft'RMSIIFD four garage <'inl>nl* »r IV S-0583 SB Sult- APPROVED ROOMS dii'.hie »,,»>, I'm ite teienhooe t-.i-king. SINGLE and Al«" five room* for entrance, IV 2-0434. WHEN YOU THINK of mu,ti tion services would become easy prey for a strike which .. t'Klei t- -t.ivlm: over Xinax vacaiion think of the MIL-O-STATFRs r I STUB. Rt.'NK BEDS Space nil day* 12.50 At MSU? FI.J 50 7-1427 r ,. tiea'er Fireplace healer. Cheap SOI TH FAS' I ANTING three could freeze all transportation. ga« TYPIST ANN BROWN Phc.-i# V If Congress would act rationally and pass a transpor¬ ADDITIONAL CHAOSES Ml A I)' A I K sT!'IWA'T«I ROOMS • ."•r»o Electric typewrit# T- * i l.an- tation law a possible disaster mijrht be side-stepped. How¬ for ooch word ovor 15 SCUDNUT IREAKFAST SCECIAI Hi irk o.ipers and thesis also general t.y. To |hr Fitltorr T.'U ENf- OF ever. with the labor interests controlling Capitol Hill such — I w.rii't quite a\v;trf of the Ac pot d*y # o So.rt" legislation remains doubtful. . fin: tq.it gtnderits rutin an ui- & •■.on utution *<»r higbfr for thenun'tve*. learnimi. '<» a degree AUTOMOTIVE^ • r ill Shop. 232 MAC ONLV ?*r (.'oulfl Disnsler Oeenr Here? >ii f. h . r |»; 111 wntrhing gubbliiig Nor wa** I aw an and hot- SRUDNUT SHOR VI FN' TIIRV* f NO MONly DOWN 6" 0. GIFTS ARLCNTy, • ■' I A I 4 , that Mieti a degree was valuable ?.1»7 .WMl tif ! i • THE LOSS OK "lit livi's in Monday'* ChicHpo school fire n olit lining a position on gra t- , win not only a heart break in? trnyedv. it was an ominous ItSI CMIVBOlIt Be.*«:.» 4 A S 3SES warn in? for all educational institutronM to re-examine their Si'ii •• th« future of MSU dr- d n. 6. ?>• , l'o«»d>R FOR SALE 1 ' i.n I George Cruu • 4 lift b't a* fire safety precaution*. i-t fid i*ntirel> oil the quality of i Qoq <■«! and >r A „ riAiifis ■ i 'Hat lar» ■ liK.ttMll team. I vi'4Ke>' The full tj'a?eiiv of Mondav's disaster can not be fully ♦ to-,fc ,i 0 a.-icirf i • miSTMAS IHrr- co#t:ft-«» It t • . .ii l\ Iih a ha 11 pl.i\ers and thowr '>• 12 Am >rr.- ,1. ilat'.iii 11 V. ■d appreciated until one reads the account- nf the fire re »♦ , • enjoy watehing the game. " Colin# M l oor. eont' O-'fl to *-f latin? the anguish and anxiety of the hundreds of parents .: hot-dug.--, throwing tmlet mi FORD UHiD B«1.o J't of ■$ ti who rushed to the hospital and mi»r?iu,< prayinv their •apet and v«ieaming On •dmit- t-es'. ev»'d- -# SAVE ON GAS 1c par «all>>n leas El RMHHl.li . "• do not live at a inn Rtwaeiu le.i loved ones were n-n anion? the dead or injured Many of t Oil Serviee a<-ro«* from Prn- their prayer* were in It's be«t not to desecrate the « e ra^r. My S h " ♦»•#« pie' C'hurih I. Ijintine f/ THIS CMBISTMA5 GIVE AWf • vain name of MSU hy connecting ac¬ a<*"'»ii> (trow esss. and de¬ g„ termine admission bv the abil¬ initnai vttp j DIAMOND aOLITAinr. ,„,e» #A a- '? cc-a \ Miene.i blue-while. $2nn Jeweler, MOST OE THE HEATHS were due to the fact that the ities listed above. Aptitude test* ' pt-tp"» 'y •njH.ilr.d ptm tiled •»* tanilty ownrr STI'DVIVG r these abilities will EI) 7-0475 li • A tol«« o' a.t ? •' t iv children just couldn't get out of the buildin? soon enough. to measure afli'i p m 47 ■ The building had only one fire escape, and it* exit wouldn't !>e * made up hy the coaching BEECHAM A KNIGHT 'id HOUSING LOST and FOUND open from the inside. A < !»•* 'ornci-tone of this, AUTO SALES It was nece*.*«ar> lor a priest to run outside of the university read. Pioneer Iwuid FO* SENT |1 ."I.Air -iheat • • , O SURMlSlNftLE ICW >4 IS '.II .1 -nil Si,4W lla.i 1 building and climb the escape to open it, wasting precious than' Uoi rge >>f Football au.t • 100 Mictiifan FURNISHED HOt t li J-ihI ' Horauo Vaidet r» ON TIlMS TO lU'T time. Applied Hysteria,we must,, Tel. | legAii si Ri..in. for u i Ta m p 1 e upstart intellectual IV }.»i4i dtnta Piianpiiived r-.i ii- 8«».-' fully t 4 f" APPROVED TV o SI."N«*IE . r. Another factor involved in the high death toll wa* the i tienIs ED 7-1124 ni ED 7-a.m.s ■4* E hi M> • j> <1 Phone e\! S h W'#pccj ideas into tlie mire with out >.ir fact that all the classrooms were located on the second : iWi ED 2-5352 . This is E AC!'LTV-|C ART cleats our duty to our IMI PLYMOUTH STJU running room unrurtitahe*! LASHING, brick dupirx ivvo fou. PERSONAL floor* It was nece**ar\ for the nun*, three of whom lost • boot. Hext price Better than Phone tieiliouMi, «.>- - , • ON T YOU T*y US FC: ED 7-B272 ' in • - * > t f.rv ri EMKN P(*E A* A NT DOWN their lives, to roll children down the steps like logs in order Barry Jar»b«u»n im near «ihi»«>l. fW p)n» utiiiiie«. pn. T AIRs »>>n' »)eet>;ng r>w»« . • • # 0 I. r» ,r,l„,ay v«. a you MUST li SATISFTD' , to get them outside as quickly as poNsibh * * * E.Xt EPTIONAL ;H Mriaht i#0 I0M NIG MiMtgel white waiU heulei (Dent „ ... ... - - IV VJ • ¥ Ml Vhnia Had there been adequate exit.* to Our I.ady of the An¬ niilrafe Near It AiTOMODATlONS t OR FIVE lev Trtivel new j„e, 1 ..mplair »lu(l«-iita m. All KENNY DAVIS ORCHESTRA >■ Appi »te<1 li'i:i« "* |tfMJ i- YHI E FOR i gels parish school such a high death rate could have been am' Emm"" Mm ate entrain e al.iiage apa.e ED *• ■<4i*n»fi h R.i « WM. H. THOMPSON if 2*H>NM OI ED 4(i Snaria Hall >13 Len «r 4-3323 ' <" r belnre l« 3pm for UltS tor F*g«e tv S-0'44 \ri 4^Wi J.NUI IV t-.i? t> nuuning nu expeiietue dents ED '-7.JM ED 7-.to." In Berkey llall'.' t'» oi 43 my o i lent ton a p'.vs Arm iv HE ALA R s EA.NI STREET new NORTH ti.x i Hint- Mihjcit; iv > 'e*•"> titfth t'ppr: I'rlvnlr r *l'E BLAi K TYPIs: 1 I At 5 r ti tr®/ ^ a;*- summer. IIX H. ED trance* E*t.« Urge .onm» *-«»> piete- ■ v. ate dependable. The*# AC ROXg 30 Sea eagle L'6, \ Ve A'D'D'C k 1 A Mt:R,l]c hcu n lit is N.u ! uit the Iio/eh thi.s tllVrtk adnunonati.in (iiiwn Mlllt pu' EMPLQyMENT I electru 1 IV "titer extra* W«nhvt Iv turiiivhert Ii-X>|imIii>« spinet ail,! clr \ •> 1 tewing inacln.it .nut many Automau, radieut hot Oot.w run Df.M nij' Hi. paper* writer ACCURATE general typing fD 7-04*0. THESIS Kiev A vater heat 1'tihi.f* furnlshetl r* per typing Fiee paper t Wa laba Heid of wuuUt ii'NU.t III aUllir l>«d »TH H NEAT-APPEARING »i-o» Iigiit Adult* <»nh Ex.-hAr.er ejiroductton pr«H-e>« 4 Halloa iii.iiiv if mco.*uic* .ire -trot " lUHiMis nee.led to dflixr, Xma* leteienee*. wdl f>e shown j>\ *,• K Poit tiMie l5-2u hour* on iMilntment. »l>5 phone i\ V Pr. i e J ' I \ ut UB D't'Og-.- -. urea G.,a| w..»k „vr. Xma* h..h- «« 12 Burm » L iL'-C- N E-tSCi It half the uiuvei»itv « dar» Phone IV 7-37M 7.11 on. 47 EAST :wta »to s Huti HAVE A iiiu home TRANSPORTATION *p.i i |1 f'alh cf i 3« Uommcn* pla.e r u't. S«jy* Tjh I cMoiimctit movttig into Ohn PART-TIME MEN t»-3H. tc meml.er LANSING teas tug NEAR ramptia Ea. ullv Des'ffi .her .... dable r-;>e ow1 l c.ki . 'ao-bedroom i* ynurt toj n. iv ex., i RIDERS WANTED TO M«*. Ce heaienly 2H Am* in T»*Tb ■•■AYTih'i rlla.A.N Mem. nut Hoapitai leaving liter IV 5-Xtau i Tirut-nat art*. Neat IJ. room Will rent »einl-(urnsli#i|, emnt Colonial two year* old Hoi.-*; 200NS — WINTER T|«M 'art per month John ... Move leaving December ITth ar 2F'h to. bed v 2l» Auto :uet i xjflo x.i.b.y iountUxs living units he idle t l 30 p m four bedroom*, fonnlx :■ .vn Si'fGtlS—H SO w""'*r l»o"« ReaHy. Tl Murphy. - tjr. Bob. ED 7-0704. * H It.d*r 41 Sci-d YtV»Yl^,y fi.M i the accident - burvlvinist "lirnt WAV* TO Cheat WAY* (heal mi mi Cnlleg# College Dnished lf,n,,V"'<1 rev room two "i euu.e- DOUSLLS—|e SO ToBn't iliVi t'ii WANTED TO and HIDE Haggatd container ahlcw ttlk" ' Lxain* it* l«» «i| *11 4 a biu big tokr. ,„hr hlll hot built-in £,ul'**}n rang# dishwasher et> INiOVF IDEAL FOR jaiultv or Ma:n-Sheperd St. eicintty. ft** ta'' htroin# 42 Keystone Walking from OUta Hail to luoii r alt the wax to the Twenty month* leas* at 4UW in. s u pp Ami i.nr he toil, 4i vim he- month, ED 2-if7gt> •eiu t r> ae Wdioom* far owner.: 4-5 Eat 2441 IS Plane t»b!« Siair abbr. taiutien ef Veiteiday a Ruial# J.tci key Hull, I felt like "Hune » stiidrnl-Agent f,.r cnt.e "Vavr t avutx »u>vi t-iM- make payment* , TWO GIRLS WANT ride • r 4J Art.ft. al # - tx.m mappihi 94 Loop and 4 Mortgaged Hi inker tminus ailvor akatca) » the humorous book rackeu , A, , ^ANStN . tlR ANO new un- « <:.)••>pp» Photi# ED 3-3101. Must see' town Lanaing from Suart»'> V ■ -p It Flaat w aterway taking e\»rv > ■ vampu* nm|>u> .n in the me h"'»talied. .. w.«h — . stove twotile tieoriVin. il.ipln AVPre. ia'r 4i datley • 22 or »-5. Phone ED T*-)4- Why doesn't the university uo bath. i f: It Lar.al 45 tlurl knot 5 Work unit •i-ouiitrv b> itorn. H.g .«»h mm- v ' * Vl Phone ED iti>«eU. 2-4Xi|t lull tf-L. • s*. j after 4. ♦» 10 Above 47 Pronoun 53 Very poof 54 Worm a Father •umething about this? iiumioiis mimtH. or drain ship*. avaiiat'le now 1' Limited a. t tm- iTTiv'iJi RNIUHED • ' SERVICE 21 Deduced 4R Hebrew 7 Wire Vlvlaa Ytalvrualika • n rdiatelv Send 411)0 t.»r five differ- elR^int ftVEN Ri m hni»« RIDE WANTED TO Fiend- D* 25 Ocean abbr. judge ent ka.epte Ml*, and complete' in- iwkw» (..ol.Lrv j. m»le eembrr 12. 13 Will snare expert S $>; H I'm »>f 44 Ldt DOWN rnrav.ii# * * * lorn atom Nu forther inxe»tment »• Hhonf *.D > .IK •;MES b..b*»«*•:j I 0t daw MOTHERir, home One D T.. Ut 3-0S3I. William Kukuk 4 •ii- f 50 I Cavity n a I liare»t reunited Omega Sprci*hle« Com- 50 * Dor B«uk«v HaU ED 3-2341 $ fr conduct.n ity |« Wi.ter of Feo.al^i ud 51 Babylonian bone 9 Sve-I v Largs.» Athletic* Value nam An*etnu>. 4H Oak California Knoll Avenue, San 4s w vVw-t v hn-neii ri, MWI-V DEvORAitU ...... Bt Nl»A», .. , SPARTAN HALL - 44 City. RIDERS T*» WANTED TO leave approxtrr.a'r h« 4-> n« I Teraonat 1tR l (»W ....... the I'aalma moon go«1 near ramptia (.npe'ed Urge belong.ngi continent Tn the Editor: ' IMMEDIATE EARNING* FOR men '>*«"<'«*"»• '*»• Mi>«ni on hr«f (0 2 /174 y tN(. AH KINDS Manual and lumber 37. Contact Nancy New*ten |R Spen of 12 Direr l 10 Camera ot woman, with piveaing PeiMmahtx ilr. #nd option* r ; dttrt-r Ft) 2 5546 Fvvenence. col- ED 3-4131. — n « *' >ean 24 Go aitray S-A-tptoe Rend* INrhaps when Mr Penn gets and ear. whn r«n work three hours .* •* *"*731 alter 7 . 41 RIDE WANTED TO Florida rv ' . xl.NGt l HtLH) \f Ft-n 11 Hold.n| at into the lniainc.es world, he will during da\ or earl* evening and "TTlwr »i-kr*t>iTi.w ... »*,-« .v typing KXPFRIENCED TYPIST 'ember 15 or *ooa alter PKoO* x-< T— jr- "air r- V r- r~ r" r- u i»he« to rani ahove axerage m- -MAKE Hk?»>R\ATION Soft iigvl >;'!*>' t ,i * LI*»h m > .iirpu* 2*5021. room 219. *' i find 621 nobody how 7" IV.. T m bndi* tfl Aontanct good that your football catcs» team was, o ' pm c mils Phone ED 3-4124 between 1-2 |t !rr",_°,,T ,dV'" T"' Lan*mg !j him a from Grand Rives r >rnng ED JiWa •oine night : Lane in 2-iui*3 t| * RIDERS TO LOS Angelas •'' ' ,#c -•» or Michigan. 335 Delta |0 Leaving D* « IT S;uead hay 32 Old p.cee all i* forgotten ag to who won PAR T-TIME WORK..... „ ... your ANYONE INTt VrthFMUt IN ^ r V "If* VlJi Z-' r,r " ^HARUr s BARBER Shop Abbott Rd 91 )fMl« 2T,( I3tn or |5th. Marty, ED 2-« Wo 7" sr it" the IWt Bowl, who U NCAA Married male AFAITMINTS • I . i of rloth curling champ — ju*t what kind landing area II or Apply 513 older ■uiii:.r.t3» sr—"«» t 23 Herbrve Lenaing anytime dm- ri'RNISHED APARTMENT RIDERS TO WASHINGTON *«-» ~ r T" 24 Vigor of grades, and if you are tough THKIE nwm» private Imth and en¬ TV rv - ■*#,,« radio service Special time after December i3ift 8 • BUXK i MOM i AMHt'S. *«rv nu* 'v rate, to dadenU 27 Seaweed enough and smart enough to trance Three n.tlee from rampu* Gump New «nd u*«d after New Year* ED 7^7*7 * ' ■> ' r IP ii Is Tr HABY SITTER WANTED five dev. or individual Ln-- I D 7-74U4 44 £3 i"6;S5 3 . dr\ ftdlilin. (4 29 0**n Scot. handle the job you are seeking. a »e#k in mv home on cameo*. ED- lounge phone ED- . rr- 31 Oldhciae True there i« a great deal of 3-0.0)3 2" EXTRA LARGE ROOMS d halt "i?"' 44 W ir -11 w«5jas a FT - E ■ 33 Hobby Ldenj needed to throw a'toilet* A .. . r„.v..,, .. NATIONALLY KNOWN com- .Everything fwrni»hed. bahy welcttmv. CNTI Yroom FVRrirheD p'j pgr monUi. IV 4*v.V". 5i> if . 34 Compendia K.NOITV w vr paper roll with either hand with i ui exoandmg uttii a new and pine 1(43 Abtu.tt r-- — 1 xLxct.ox.c, —•*n -- F1 — w ■ C ir fr urn 25 Mart ted • ©man any accuracy, •but of course Mty-~ Penn . . , after you have de¬ - •Itx d Herein" eo*metic Rue wteties rep- nuti\e» trade tutrninaa to take eere of wiltmiied.'"Htah Uttiver- ,wuna. and bath E- LANSLNG. CLOVi to «4s""0pf»eV* wtTh atove^and L»*« fuin ai ed Ti ree irtrigc - H« one COLLEGE male *tude." APPROVED bLElPLNn J.\ ' .i ^dnjefg. : T .►.."it.'.rtiM £. E. (anting at WANTED - M Famoua veloped your talent what oomm. aitd liberal Bonus plan. Set «tor ttt Lncluoe* heat and -i -* water [Sf? lxr 4-338-j "?.li ,4ia<1*n! »5 after 4pm t>e: we«k ED 3-M3 NATTV* FRENCH STIDFNT' W W aW . . , your own working hour* Free train* ~ j* rnH wn N Y ati eel 97 Strata are you going to do with it? tug Uiand Write Rtw-r. Narjorte Detroit Murphy. 12225 2t. klu'tUgen * two *ivmni*.two Mi 5! AN I'SCRIPT tiivim THESIS, a-1201 child elemeotarr Tren^ W F ar?. -- ■» '!|*»|] 11 yeara • BE Dave Media ^ cc — — sfl 40 Par'ake • ks; swrwnrfta a.r:.- vs/."r" ^bone IV- 47 GIRL TO apertmeaL Rhone after 1 ED SHARE «u*e . •-*» w w 41 Satti.ro m el picture FOR RENT RADIO T' ssr*! iff Night Stuff two KOUU4 WITH kXi-tw HI-FI sale* and • jr Jr 44 Tale color WOOD MAR AP AH I .MEM * tltcee *19 aeck Mate IV. '***— »»« SOMEONE INTERESTED IX fr WILLOWS TRAILER COURT. Wtl*! Marpuerile St O and two bed . . 4R Pleavwr# M»hl t (itiii Jay re R Itamaton. Urge lot* available ca*1 rpama available r«e Stab, sue Im- evrnuig* 3-3345j • Y ut ea tr»ied free. ID* ing ox-er management <•' ' " W 3T tt houae. -Write c.'o PO 432. U.'». ^ I jaunt •A 1 ,. ■ ti — 47. Gtntelogp A»» I Wire Vtthl Sditur tdtioi Rarb Rh Ertek Aaiei rnent pattoa handle any sue trailer Rate 224 PPT and runaways WtU mediate poueewuii Two * nail cuiki* ren welcome. Stove refrigerator, CAMPl'S CUASsiPltlJS RENTALS A tew eaR t rs Mtht staff Annette EraeWT t month. Three month* (ree tent far mvrvicea furmrtied ConUct Mr*. «... *-5nI^n-OUS2it21 ^.*a Muit l'5IObeWlicm OR NJ" • :j. p IV Lavkka studenU. «g i Chambers. IV 9-2S32 20 ... HIGH BtADtKiHU- . . . ^ • he deJiua* i Rim- Im good conditn»ft De Gaulle Oilier Airlines Bicker l>e«ember I. ii:.* MICHIGAN* ST4TE NTTV9 Page Three To Travel Strike Settled AWS Slates Future Events (it TWA Iii Algeria it\ The rut tssm i step 13-day strike of machin¬ I'Kiiss erican Wot id Airways and the Tiansport Workers Union. The College An our AWS fia- Ha1 tf-cji a*- Bo: 7 S. r.e.-uied p ir >t jii on r .tan. .(Tee Old men. Pointe Or ale Joanne IHOnia. Grouse Wood* sophomore, /.iuinski. and ists against Trans World Air¬ Detroit sopbo- Mulivatr* Plan lines was tentatively settled unmn has promised that it won'* interfere »• :.»r .*»»• • • •'; U:in. fre-h- more. Tom I'rotsman. Vuma. with Pan Americ-irt ■pe-;. Cry,. for the. I».V» \rir Junior, and Ren Wisen- T» EiiiI Rfhfllion Wcdnrid.ix. but other segment* "f the industry remained in a opei at inn* while it* contract de¬ H.g Si«».-r p. mm ire (Jail iierg. . mands are being mediated • »> n 1 •unnoil of labor disputes. ng -ophoni ire. American An'ine*. 'hreaiened • i .It- f Personnel iv i .i . Holt -.ooho- rn-rhairmen, Delly T'i*' t».MK) members of the In- IAI.OIERS OP) — Premier by a ,-tiike of die Airline i*.'■ * • '..iwson. Armada sophomore, Thar!" I>* Gntille launched t»'i tvitI'iriaj A*sn. of Machinists .V>n pas asked a federal court . Cii I H Un n ioj •A'in'er term •nd Hal Hunan. New York City ).•« tmir to reek peace for till inn-' ratify the TWA amee- lor a permanent iniun U»n IP "Si Driv < -lOlis.irol .•o--->on*., or r»phoni"re: coordination co- •ner>\ but the airline against a walkout Igeri.i Wednesday with a • ailing back the 12.000 began AWS A »i\ * es .mo Me A- • chairmen. lir.> e Judy Willingham. other ♦ivitie# Council, pointe sophomore, and f;,;t to the heart of the have I wen an- r-npT.wrs it laid off during the 6 Dot-tor.< to liltlrrsi rio -n< eH T ' r .•« Hi .hi f.'x. Cortland, NY, jun- ,fhel countrv. He was ytiard- walkout lam r il rt»-rhairmen Gloria fiyhter planes nv. hy jet In Miami tirgotiHtinn* he I'rcMrtliral Society Dnnati. Meant Vernon V \ H ■ >k will be received «t erhea't and h.v paratroopers tueen Fasten* Air l.lnea and The'Pre-Medicat S«x:rt\ i on lor ( reek and John stettrr. Kittle Stun l> • 10-1? from 10 am to striking Hie lit engineers appeal¬ tin tor publicity t-u-rliair en the ground. ed to lie in a stalemate Pro¬ hold a meeting tonight a' i 30 "••ii and 1-4 p.m Gaulle's ftrst stop was at gress Mas reported, however in in Ohn Health Center Crmitsntine In eastern Algeria PIIII.IP MAT ' Irfti M«t vice president for negotiation* with the machin¬ Addressing the group wil- "#• j.Jt he did not stick to the city. business and finance. Is received in (eenterl la Dr. Ralph Rmiiekrr. chief advisor of ist*. who al*o grr striking six doctors from tensing ilir- He dropped in on tiny commun- Vlet-Nam President Ngo liinh Saignn h>' the MSI' group in Viet-N'am. May ii on an In- against Pastern. eral Hospital |)iscu*«i<>n ; *' jtjrt to a*k about farming con¬ Diem. l.o»kini en apection lour of MNl 'n international programs. include the philosophy of th- There were no developments ation* and family life. Osteopathic School if Medn nc Gov. William* in a uspute between Pan Am¬ and fhe role of its specialists. • He vid'ed « special adminis- fritiva services (SAS) unit at 1'ropune*: gifi.AMd. underlining one pur- pie of his visit SAS office. biv» oeen *at up throughout Alferia to help raise the stand- Aid for Mentally III Children SAM iniikt-o h i mi Is Ills OM.Y VI MEET ME UNDER THE CLOCK*-] trl of living and give Algerians By I HI: firry! Wfs^kenda and the holidays tlMH UTKII I'Kt s* pofdanoe in the French Moore said there were "1.500 culled for legisl.itive action on I.ikc **am. jroii ran reduce sour ear are so much more fun Gov. f». Mennen Williams •it more" persons troubles by retting on ItRtKK'v in waiting for aprogram which would: De GeaHe Is «MMUng the Wednesdayprop<*cd *hat the admission to state New York if you slop at mental insti¬ 1. I'la «» all state medteal, Till up before leaving for vacation, We ■ wr,: la Bene, the sertlan en- Northern Michigan Tuberculo¬ tutions. The Hiltinore. traditional favorite* hospital arid sanitorla farilitiea bet you'll be bark! *r ef the elsehlied harked sis Ranltorium at Gaviord i>e He added that the under on every campus in the converted into a hospital to .»c- judge* >ne head—a doctor-ad¬ Teahiaa freatter to atop rebel eommoda'e 2k0 mentally retard¬ were "very much concerned ministrator to be railed 'he country' Economiral, too. with the lack of facilities for state heaith and hospital com- ed or afflicted children child mental patients." missiitner. He would be em¬ 28,9 Reg» -33,4 Etlivl Write tn our College Department I p Algeria. William* revealed the plan at The judges committee also powered to devote the>e facili¬ Oil for spermI student and faculty The Premier will spend the a meeting with the probate ties to any public health need j Alcohol pit of the week in Algeria, vis- judges' committee on mental 2. Prohibit the admission to $1.39 2 gal. can |"HrYour gal. plus tax - rales and reservations. jf.rg the hinterland and Sahara hospitalisation. The judge* re¬ 2 VoutliH Cheat mental h<»«.pllals of persons more Container quested the meeting to discuss than «n >eam of air whose pri¬ l ocated 2 o:! fields before eoming to Al¬ methods of cutting the wading QUAi.rrv n 11. t >i n r i: tera. list* for admission to state men¬ JeuiMOii Toll Gate mary nerd is custodial, rather than phvehiatrtr. rare. Blocks of Campus Fast on Av-nvo ot 43rd St., M. V. 17, N. Y. Da Gaulle enerie to Algeria to tal hospitals (IlSHI.INK \^Otko S. Return 'o county care all AT (IRANI* CENTRAL Two Utming teenagers were on Gr. River STATION irt ttm hand new information The governor said he would ■t -sue hi* program in trying to arrested hy Campus Police prcM-ntlv committed persona •latfY MOTHS The It.irclay Park tan* appoint a citizens advisory com¬ whose flurry ,tf Anho/t, President Tu«"-day night when Ihev at¬ primai v need is custod¬ jut down the four-year-old re- mittee to weigh legal aspects of ial. tempted cheat an entrance to rather • than psychiatric* »' ion. a p(**sih!e transfer of the Oav- gate (>r. the Jenison Fieldhousa cere. outlined a Ave. Da Gaul la haa lord tanitortum to the Mental 4. park ng lot. Rnquirc reimbursement rear plan calling tor distribu¬ tion nf 923.000 acraa of land to Health Commission It tinder the Tuoerrylod* is now Sani¬ Police said the two were ap- pErhenoed attempting to driv«» from buck .inin'ie such failing patients. Tlie reim¬ to take s260 INCI.rUKSs M s em fanperi and develop- tarium Communion. ♦heir bursement would lie equal to not nd Tine THwseoitT vrioN car out the entrance gate -wt of agriculture and Indus¬ About 30 tubercular per on* of the lot. the ordinary •>o*t of care of sim¬ IIOTKI. \(COMOOAIIONS try to create 400,000 new joba. are now in Oay!-»rd Tbr ri- ilar patients in general county stitution has a capacity of 17A One of the boys jumped MKAI.S to rtoa pay and Hr topee the ••ontro! bur to raise Ihe gate institutions. patients. THANSIHHK lanrking ewiHllftewe to aaoal while the other drove out Judge \rthur Moore, TII'S 1 those in European France and lirarate rdweattonnl and pntltl- tiae and head of the of l*on- mdxe« •hrough the entrance gate, ac- • ording to point. The nom.al Hive s WORU) OF FUN! nil.I.IK.K UIIIIK UTOOIKS eemmittee. repeated a prev ion* ;»ro« .dure for TANKS |um and mineral resourc- William* gave no in t < ..bon n Lansing Township Court Kri¬ MAIII .11 1 «).-<» m 'ft Teet a large part of the he would taae such action ds mm A a— v - -w- IMS g t of the program. iti (.isii;it \o\v > Gaulle is expected to re- -fi Orient f to civilian! on his vtait. e carry the I 4RC.F.ST and FIVFST MS-F -MM* 1*8-. jovemment control of Al- P»ul Daiouvrier, veteran r norr.ist. Gen. may a succeed mppty of tmoliing »upplie» in Fan! jAlm low too* to Mnk' I't, i—»s A(win ism «i Rt*u! Aalan. the French mtli- •Usui S*w4f low IMP „o w 'a.7 commander for Algeria Laming." tow* "»• wwia ti've M Tow Tttg *•—t »"o i «o has been in charge of COI.I.FGF TR IVRL OFFIf R v'an aiminutration. ill W. GRAND KIVFR KD 2-RW»7 TRAVEL OFFICE 130 W. ORANO RIVER ED 2-M07 SMOKE SHOP ICoffee PoliticalHoar ScieSetnce The last political science eof- *» vjr of fait term is set for Arnrsn from the I'niN THEY SAID IT COULDNT BE DONE - BUT TODAYS L*M GIVES YOU- *»y st 4 put, tn Parlor A« Un- Puff Lesi e. Fm* .red g* guent Purushottam speaker will Mavalankar, by iticsl scientist from India. He I • participant to the Foreign ' t Program ot the Interna- Nan Eijoy ) puff Iduenttooal Exchange Met at the State Depart* & More taste His Cbristaas Tavalarfctr tothe heed at fc txai anence *1 I* D. Arts and director ot the Har- "1 Lstkj InaUtuto of Political Hon la Oaa Of Oar Ahmerafaed, India. DON'T SETTLE FOR ONE WITHOUT THE OTHERI Home Ec Group Chang* to CM and gat '*m bath. Such an improved filter and more tatte! Better To Initiate Nine Casaal OanRgaas taut* than in anyotlier cigarette. Ym, today's l:M combines thtsc two leaential* THKY SAID IT COULDNT DC 00NKI ol mtalern MOuking enjoymtrnt - less tar* and mure taate - in I : t For Everyday Values Read Your Campus Classifieds mi ** -v/' ■' ' Roses to Dittrich -By DARWIN BENNETT- r IY ■ * COACH FRAN DITTRICH, who replaced Kar! 8cMaA». man as head track and cross country coach last summer V' RALPH'S CAFETERIA can look back nn the 1958 season with pride. Although the harrier squad started slowly by lo«:r.sr dual meeting to Western Michigan, 27-30, the Spartan, f * picked up speed as the season progressed and won the R: rf 59 KEWPEE 'b 10, IC4A and NCAA Championships to make Dittrich first vear a highly successful one. But the former MSU track star is not a newcomer to the (TlirltSDAY EVENING) U coaching ranks. Previous to his elevation to head coach Dittrich was assistant coach for 20 years, two'under Laur. | For: Coffer, food and short breaks! y en Brown and 18 with Karl Schlademan. # * * ANOTHER ROSE for Dittrich's growing bouquet of 49c smcmi 49c WELCOMES HOLDING THE IC4A, NCAA and Bio If taopMn. lb* dpartan praises was Captain Forddy Kennedy's 20:07.9 winning per. formance in the NCAA matt last week. Kennedy is the I first Spartan runner to win this title for Michigan S'a'«. Harriers are (top, I to r). Assistant Coaeh Jim Gibbord. B«b lake. In addition, this year's sweep of the league, IC4A and nai HAMBURGER ROAST STUDENTS Bill Reynolds, Dave Lean, Forddy Kennedy and Head Cnarb Fran Dittrich. Kneeling (I to r) are Tony Smith. Jim Horan and George tional titles marked only the third time an MSU cross Tata. country squad has made u "grand slam." With SPANISH SAl'CF. FACULTY Following in the footsteps of Schlademan, Dittrich faced the task of building a team that could live up to Miehigtr >1ASIIFI) POTATOES State's winning tradition in the harrier sport. Only last A Wo Jost Coi'l WoR ft ToR year Schlademan won the IC4A meet and retired the sec. HOT VEGETABLE Ym: orfd permanent cup for the Spartans, more than any other FRIENDS school. Brown, who coached from 1931-1946, retired the ROLL mill BUTTER WASH PANTS first one for State, winning the meet five straight times, Dittrich. who ran cross country and competed in track it MSU at one time, credited this year's team spirit for I 'MSU'i FAVORITE EATIRG and MEETING PLACE' ORLV 35c nis achievement!, Dittrich explained, "Forddy Kennedy did I a great job as captain and was responsible for a great par; I Slnrrhrd end Prr»«ed for the team's success." Tim. • Fri. * # * FUR AM. MEMBERS of the harrier squad this h», Oprn Daily and every night 8 a.m. to 9 p.m. •e<-n a year of surprising performance. Kennedy'.- N»'AA | OPEN TONIGHT un brought praise not only from the spectators but .V- S;il"rrliiv Till 7 n.nt. fmm every member of the team. Sophomore Bill Revn y 'til Christmas Eve t Hoar Dry ('Irani** •■erformanee in the national event was almost overlooker ■] fr I Hour Shirt Ijunrfrrinff At Nn Kiln Cost he shadow of Kennedy's feat. Reynolds plaeed fifth nis first bid for top honors. ,rt And teammates Tony Smith, Jim Horan, George TV>, I DIAMOND and l!"b I ..ike remember that the performanee of I | Lit Is-.in. who finished 49th in the NCAA meet, enabled >• to cop its seventh national title. Dave graduates this term but will not soon lie forgotten by Michigan State for his I [ performance during his four years at MSli. SALE Tee owsnslrl.il tm Belter tans Trar Needs NaroM L Staffer, 0. D. Retail E. Bants, 0. D. I Eyes Examined • Optical Repairs P Glauses Fitted • Contart Lenses & ValnUeCrapM 50" THIS COUPON IS WOMTM « fl SAVE UP TO *50 A SHIRT LAUMDFRFRS FRANDOR SHOPPING CENTER *.»U COI BT NO appointment necessary FRANDOR CENTER Onen St on.. Thar. Frt Ermine, HI t IV Mill I diMMfldi rtfwlirlv Mid lar S SI H S VS i diimandi rtguUrly Mid fpr t 95 »p SIM : lay TRADITION Diamond* with icomplato coot- i dliflMndi rtqulirly Mid Iw SIM H SIM ; dcncc! Seirt it tho largatt Diamond mrchaot in i dipmpnd* regularly Mid Ipr 1775 H SMO i diamonds rrgulerly Mid lor $350 to $555 ! tka World! Annd tvtry ring it backoff ky Sanrt la- ' A diamond* regularly Mid for mora than SSSO ' moat quorontet . . . "Satitloction Gaaronttad Or ,* bill to |.r.Hid' »«r (.("rndniR net pr»p,.«rd Yoar Money lock": PLUS tka fall tola prka wkaa lu the AH I imsr-iit • Miid'Rl i.«irmmfid (mUitiutoa. Imrttdmrni Nn. V| t traded ia on another Traditiea diemond within S the wiudeitia «f MtcP>«aa »uie I Ritrrui, hurt; ynnrt ot parchnte! See. It ment fh» fnlinmiBf umtdmenl tm Mm 4D-I MentHt MMnt Omen* ( on «t Hut ton sMU be greitnlrd lor a ttndrnt rrterendnm tot* di.rint the hour, of re«i«trati»n full-time Undent* for Winter term »n limiitt S, 6, end f. Hi» 7 Carat Diamond Solitaire Amendment K«> ficurrnmeet. An . tt Or «tt-l aiverttty Htndenp '50 A tiny in tick —Html el •CCTtONt At AMFNDIO TO MAO] * air i Tn ..»tl—M HL^4A Amid A tana yattww m wot to para* it maw I, rampositinn ■) The Justice* mf Uie %II-Cnlter*itv JudRurr duO W: Me rrg, MM f Cm.M-t2!fT,OW# ***** ol fimolw bdddff, mUtlve from Uie Men'* Ittt'Uis.n «l student Allairt, ante rrpreual- m. !■•«*»» «HT the AU-UaleernMy reoeniatite from the JOHIary thai W; m Wen's Dlvitlan nf Urn Dana off Undent*' OfDra. «»• Ml I . kllrt Irani Uie Woman's Division uf ntudenl IKurt. ant tletta Madeau rrprrtenuure from the Women * Dlvtiim off DMfftRU' Office, and "!• I WITH COUPON ' leati ana n| llteae iludenta brtni a married ttadrnl, aae an «ff- St a dent*—at least one off Uteaa undents Peine n married Mndent. m l" 4 Dbraa female Undent*. oat lot aMl rttn rep- aft-rampna undent, and two lamala HHiM i M atndent arrnrrta* vnraarket toad Ml loa*ram early la bl Vacancies Mai Pa mied m Ute tprlai term m tPat Mm mem Per- Alf of Ute AU-tnlvarUly indlrlary In Uie fall term «PaU Pa roaipated M *** Aim Ad-tmaamwy JndtrUry nUI Pa twn Roppamara*. inn v aappomurea. tPraa jnnt»ra three aent0f«, and two fradnaie atn- inn Ramoa«. and ana cradnate itndenL At Ma and aff tPatr Urn (TPt raw off tPe puunph la Um una.) »**»•» taranaia* on the Coart. udarad Any aaaUaattao approved It i h ma>erlty vata af Made at Concrt fbd Mm Jnnham appraaad Py Cantrm win nrw Nv twn yanm. and »*# twa laalar* tppenvad Py Coa*raaa win aaaaa fat twn taara 4aab Mall Pa nenuaaUd aacb yaat. tear a *radnata undent will Pa aomtaalad la fid MP ana-year va •f Ma ■tMlniilp* rammttlat. 0 Tba naminatlnff tarn ml Ilea far the AU-l alvat Pd cwnpateff nf Ute I'retldent of the atndent (taaemment «Pa UtaU Mm M r Pair man wtUi the Utree member* b d I vacancy dartag * ttatam lattice tbad Pa appointed M dm d mm M dfMGgl campPM •>■ Wd d *• InaOca wpaaa placa Pa pan TbaffV harm Mad Pa anly maul proper aaad ba l« M* aaeanaie* TPa Pt Mtttmla Mta cam wUI Pa campoaed af Ml Ma Tba aaattaattnf * - a# Madam | ■ WiMiy M Ma CMaff JntUaa* gaggm *** tadwtary **"* u, vPairmaa and Iwa amtrad mm dm at mm# an iPe i Ad-LaMaeatty alactad Py M* Ad-UMaanttv f| Vbd CfeM laaUca and Ma Amactala CPMt IwUtt af M* Ad- dMMU JadMUrt Mad Pa •# lea tad fnn Ma aaaMt mamPar* off Ma "|» dmpjt Ma|artty af Ma «—* — - Ma Offfftra of Ma Bana at yarn. I Cblaff Jawiea Mad prattda MdaPI CPMf inaUea MaB CbMff Iwttct tPad Patbat# Ma anMartty la prattda M Ma aParan af a tPa «at nam mu, . ml dl MP CPMf SnaUcn- h «Pa caaa af a vacancy M Me Hildiy Ml aPad Pa (Mad aa aapMMad M lattpa iTpart fniUnMip. Mav ». * k ..(^ bald far ana-Pad ^yarn bttkMpp af Ma IN PHlldd Py eecP af Ma . iil - llddPl af Ma CPMf Jatttce pad Ma AameMM CM kP fefo M Ma tprtn* Term tn enable Ma aat-cttn* cptaf M WaM Mam Tbe paw CPMf taalttn pad Itt.ttP CMef 11 tVPPPdarp "SS> fiOL - '•*. '.>11 M. arridge Gives Up Post ? State News rft Arinv's Football Coach May Leave the Point American League Chief s 1 cIII SimoIs Nllnr NEW YORK It'.nk nt».v re; gn m.« F.a.-I i Army foot, Red) cause ous »f a situation reported inharmonj- {esigns After 27 Years nail coach after 1H December I. Itt.*»8 years to t,e- •. . . Insider* have cautiously . -me an executive with a major intimated a la k of cooperation i*i lustjial company, tiie New between the office of Gen. Gar ■ ,. \»|IIV<".TOX «V-Stately. 72 - ear .At VV.iiii.m Har. Pro.- Teaeli Jeers York We .fournal - American said Davidson, academy superintend¬ Inesday. L .-.-iyneil WwlnesclHy a" pn*i>lrnt ..f " VnierVan , . Max K:i*e, sjM.it- editor c»f ent, and the athletic office, head¬ ed by Blaik " the story said. |r'. Irt'eball In its trmil.leil ... lie -i.i'l linn- m ,.u miny. lliifkcv Spurtuns Leuru paper, m;»irl that lU.i'k has turned down numer- i* business offers in tiie past, although Gen Davidson's decision to Mile-nut-any bowl competition , pri'tly roan f. ,-r »•:•», »,.,.. lor the unbeaten Army team ... ir. he F111111 Kt'tl Wing Game • may accept this, time "be¬ nettled ■•>••. . feelings at the academs. ' ••;_." . .• •• trim, mrttculou •> , y,. kc. .... ,»ri' gentleman, ruletl .',j • v. ••. ,.r. League with .1 1.. • •«•• <• ... , illir Hv ItAltUV ( iirht . j, He had grr it ba-eball players state Neut Sports l.djtor !v i-.itdtal relaturns 1' v i "' ttunil. nt ;i 'est „f Jt rollegrp , nni. I.til th- Sp,.,0.11 Open Friday l;.1» in ».0l iKMufl* I" "" Ii-anioil ii few l.-ssoil* wlivn L \mirlnn I.MI" "" " l.wiiiy to t lie 1 lot roil lt«*il W inys Tiu-.il.ivjiistht, entered baseball 51 I Hrvutnr and his team urnt to BRIGHT IDEAS • >•<1 Wings t,..ik tot «-a ifirt ilt\Ml'H»Ns l\ IM gymnatirs itopt Ron 11-;'. and exhibited «nrk tVednesday afternoon pre- iJ,. , a fulfillment »t a l lloepfner. fmlddttr) 1 1 sa (1 ■: ee Kronenlterg. I lank (.entile (bottomi |»enny Drake. Paul John. passing. skating; a parlng for a series with North i-'-am. He was draf'ed son. I rank Mehuald. Dakota this ofa« r "•»< * 26-year-nld IM (.luinipious ( lioscn 'I'he VVirtfj-s skated f.t-'er fan. iei* than state, ami pa- ed and tans* ire arena invade the Spar¬ fori two-game all from -m ... .< ^--enger agent on the and »h<»t with more authnritv. series. Friday and Saturday . . . our fal.iiloiia in 1911 when hrirj>: Henry Kline, told him irom (ivnmaslsaiul Wrestlers ( -.partat) ontinually atresvrt the import- ('oaeh Amo Bessotie nights. '.We'Vf* got or work l.owcr floor Gift G.-nlcr -if ou' ,g.-vic *n work for Ban . ■ ante of sharp passing to hU ' »! u« this -enec." Bessone under of the Amer- _ j. r i.f .c ' as his .secretary. \\ iUon Sijzns fr e»i rampua and and °,M' I^ee Kronenlu-ig took team. en Tuesday. And his point w«» prov¬ *-•»iH • Thev've got one of the -ruled If arridge said. .iighest |eam« that we'll be . ..t- ,n Jmi.nn Oym T''' WW'"* Despite 'he Inpaided -tttie. * i mg !lil« \ear, and if we can : ? inn** lasehall. know Never anything piayew 19.>() (!oiitr;iet , ( 1,1 weir .. 1 ,! re . f'»Uiui Lee Kronentieig ,,ng:ec title, followed i>y taking the DicJ( Be-snrie was impressed with the phi*, of 'he Spartan*. . ome tm :c« up with a '-ouple «»f vie- we'll l>e in Rood shape " f 5n nv life " Df* i'KOI'i' i amtn al Beaiuiry, serond. I thought we ployed ! " So >» *e although the Detroit clash I tho* llarrldge beet me a loyal -• »>!.». e on -.he ujv T e Frank winning double^ Oimlute team Mt We -one -aid after the game. proved nothing a» to the ^ ,n iron-listed Johnson, and ,,, , . |»h>.i; lohn- and Frank seem to be it nv.ie >»'- s'tength of ttie icers. they'll ".nil ,fJr« later l»erame president Mebwaid, and -ncond pliiep a" <• 1 .-am at 'fii* stoge than out lul> one! their future when North -ei place ov en'. '■» Charles Hurek and v e acit- lust season " M the league. • • 'he Dak. a invades - MTtls - 'ike Chock Litwm-kl. ,(» vms elected third la" . I)r;«ke ' -ok The >Aiest)ing .vents were fSPOa&mp* i-. h' by barking 01 John S'een bv won Larry (inetz in 'he 117 ('.atuskev. 'he WhiV \ i i t Roman" and ' Hon* ho •. . !;i-v. Martv Funnon at 147 with ■ • ' ,er b.»uneed anted into r.'o John • 'he St. I/m; o, Vve ;»t 1A7 ' l», and Hio.y IM-»pp at 177 lii n> nr. MtrSWman f.nnt (Rg Ike Author if "Rally Round Iht Flog, flops.' "ood, [ v.nv doubted that liar ridge Rarrfoot Roy mfk Chttk. ) Lid Mdd bis imn in a rongli n| touch Mine of listbghts and Derailing among players I a : tamed well liorr. fi¬ AIIVKNTI'HKS IN SOCtAI. Sf lKNCFt NO. I st .«*.d that the 11 «'»•»! the GKVSTAI. GOCkTAll. sHT ; of pi.'vet it 1 he pr.tper -iii.lt I.;' iitaiikm.i - i- ot.m." sun) Ocffrev f'ltaui tioat or hff*U'*a, Shaker, iix glasses and . . became president »• it,.-se tautUsi times it i" iiaitiriilarh pr<'i«/*r t.i »tu.|\ inon b«.w >'lllillg I.Mt • • ••■* Bill fhekey of 'he he Infw nnd w..fk«, au.i (jutlieirier C '.#?' Aentnlingty. 'ins column, noniutllv ilevoted D.HIKCK MKT U4S Ut -l.ifwladb wnggeri'. will lr«»in time to I me (urn a serious 1 of Washington ey§ on tiie vh t»l M'lencea | 1 • .1 dTith Stan . i-. ■ . •V Dirkev wilii, ■ . a 1 In nmkiiig the«e «... t. • .1 >h iHtrture* f bnve tit* s sn- 1 .. he plate and free- pfo. n| of tli»' lu.tkri of I'l.ihp \fi.rrt. t ignieth * whoe# interest • o not only in prnxi.ling \oi.ng Anient aiis *dh hne 11 knew (ticket* to be a gen- 11«netten, in it. (ile-slv blended ot iinf ige t*oi»;»eeo«. and I knew Kesnnlds to grown with losing en re *nd hntsested lev* than that. with 1.1,tier mm v, then .tired with com- I no However. p. - -i.tfiMte piiftente nnd rolled into 111 in • fan remained that the New ta-ty tvlintbrs and bfi-.tigid to von io I.a.g - /o . r rrgnliir; in soft 1 ritrher had caused the pa.k or flip-top Window plater trrinut in- i>oc. at pricea Pinch wreak no havoc on the most stritigent of * lUrridge said at the time. b.ide.fs, but who 'ire efpiiil. eoo.eii i.l tvtlli l>ro;»'|.*mitg tl»e mmds wn.i I*! f.ned Dickey SI.000 and agtr Fjdwiti Antler-on extending ine o.teiieet.».*! M-t.%# ot eiery noilegg ■■"HI him for JO days " loan and tUKiian! • 1, for one am riot at moved lo tl.i* great-henrtednena. and though 1 know .i i- , oifi.lt red i on lit* -« day » to di*|NtrHge «>ne • PIZZA PIT riit|iiovera, I shall not Imb-cd I -hail mith. blushing hotiv. gave up Hm wi»«ae thing and kennel ( lull I.»s4s nl (lift Itrms for Had ft IJld went into the cough ilrop hneiiie*» with his brother. For lung year* a'tcc tlat embmnic* lay i,egir«ted while the mnlinlly in rile* world bu*ied it-elt with otiier thing*, like the hirtb (if \ ulor )lr. nnil Mr*. Hugo, lite laet day* ot' l'«mt|«e»it and the Bunny Hug. .Christmas Gift Then one d tv whrle living a kite during a thunderstorm, 'he f huttine American. Henry George ,!«o railed Thorstein \ebieo di«- eovered tlie law nt dimini-i< ng teturna, and then, kllMMI Kpiliiri.ni hoy. the fit * to it'* i"tth on un> suit or lofwoal w»s in the tire! Before v.»u c.«uld say knife" tiie Industrial Revolution wa« on' Mhham/ation ami steem power nwuited nil II lull llll-llll l lt •K*rp|il Auuir Glolh" in prtwiioeebf producti(«. l or evunjJe, before the Induainai Itevoiution, a \Vet«li artisan, r.amed Dylea Mgabme, utwd Ut make hor-e-shore by hand at the rate # ilng iluni Industrial Revolution, with the awi of a ste«gR ewgiwe, SifwuM fowr e dey. After the 4a.H0 Kr.lu.iioH V nnil on any Sportroal •ae able »h iiiake. entire bor-eftl CANAPE SET Clear moulded pleatic shot with Hi* gold fledie And *o it went — factories rising from the plain*. eitiee t«s»r- rich in appeerance, yet ao practical , , , gg olteilienee trial georung emund the lactones, treneport and fA.NAPK TRAYS (4) II.M l«ur —uiiDl Uvdav thanks i" eeon.tmiea. we have Sunilay, llee. Till woua, ud eeowowM* t^gtiosok* et 17 ft» |wr aopy. CHIP 'S HIP UM A nl the II0LDEN * REID 9 i.irir ( enter a.m. la 9 ii.m. I |i "t n mull< I KWOOK /fronds /or fhd and fad" SttOHriN.i Ct.NTKH Dtf mmkart ut Rhilie W«rtis uiulprtlmnd uippl* anil */**<*'(