< - • WK*-»/-#V l»iW' »«» t >"} I\Ii«*lii*ran Slillc New* A ioiiikI I lit* $ »rlil in a Glunee His Visible Means of Support Capsule Views of the News Read Dail* h* MSI 'o ?*.MWl Xtudentx and faculty "The MtdiiCM ^i» N«»i i >.u ot Mo tionn Bum |,'( -. • : lU . tn.t -i t of.HJ.ai I .1 ? ■ LwflM'.l' Ml- nekton* ♦ •-» wry* ' » t'« •' •?» '■' *>*'■. ;ill V VU(^< v^ion l,ill .1 loHil the l.'ll A--.OI \» II '* hi,* , <&s S' '' RIGHTIST KI'PPORTIRK primer Chiirlt- de Gaulle dorn- rntige Atias <11,325 miles; firing ?r.i>sile was matched Pr ■**-,. Intend < fi- ('•«- > week *nd by an announce (>. - »"» •'■ '1 . ma'ed Suri'htv eb-rtK'n.- In W: 'uat Russia i,as flown an *• Mr If. riil.#-r *». If'** I ';i:' «• TWO yi i'. a-, tht V-iA • '>\ i Vol. 50. No. I"i . Kr>!.. THE— of tne Fifth Republic of Franct '•-pjwercd phone. Tie Russian developin.-r.' oo* r !:• going do An 'o defeat, the ■ = i ''I Ihe •i'flU fg'ih • i"' '■ ■' uorted in Aviation Week, Comrnuni't Party til or lost a'' ,t.-rirk,\ -afet> bill designed !< rgarded as valid by high S'Ncws Demands •» r»-d 10 of *hc 140 *eat! thev he'>; prev'-rH. tragHief of the -0:' tha* hapfiened m Chicago th: als. in 'iie last assembly. rek # * * # \v l»r.GAITI F.M H.H TIOV The bill will «»H f"r in»pe» DEFENSE SEC RETARI tion of all public and privau McElroy said that he was Open Judiciary - French Dresider.t -cenied axsui - . ed Tuesday after President Rene r. Coty announceo he would not hal and Sta'e Health Cnrnmi • Russia has test-flown a ntr • oner everv three years. ,rc Department 'h ffu .ans might have a "sli* ty *' election on Dec 21 >'»y almo-d ^ "You will he miBpWdletl indefinitely from the »imv*r*Hy. Ccr'ain'y "i,i- r* "3rc i«fhVcking a" »»«•!" over the United State# A* oreiiderd. DcG.iulle woni.-i -('boo'* in 'he city to make rei nth a Droject. but added •*Y«n» will U "tt .»rirt «li-< «j»iim»rv pnilui'ion for the »»•« have authority to bring diout .# *ain 'h/i' previous -nff'y viola here is no plan to chanin- jnuirwlpr of this t# rtri " number ->f hi.« polines, mainlv !iong have been corrected Ameriran pr<#gram because » "Yoii will remain -u ■*- ia! pr*»t»#'Uinu foi th»* «*n*l!"•• quar¬ Algerian peace One Detroit classroom w as o>- ;f. - ^ ter.** # # dered closed Wednesday in the ★ ♦ # FOI.LOWING A onferem# r- casement of the old Ben SET"*' or HEALTH. E" "You ar» h«-n'», p'.-cmI • »ts- v.arninp'pr'-biUum. Augusta. (in .>#-• weekend. • < hool there • on and Welfare Flemming Offenw no ritiny tb««. #r:f»'n<#- ran ami •!<» nuipc from . President Fisenhowti and Ser' 4 4 4 •hat about 16,400 studen'i one*kin? extra f'**l "» the # *h-»-» r again indicated that the Under; • ns "significant social. w',n<,». ?;: Was the ntudent riven a fan trial I' R'ates would reject the Soviet , For French psychological effect*" ,r And The gnawer* to the-« question* will never lie known to plan tor demilitarizatK.n of the student# and their communis## •t'y. # it it ♦he general public + # # GOV. Mil I.IAMN >igned Part Iff, section V Ar»wle l\' of the AUSU, r#irwtitution Democracy - RRITIsiH PRIME Mihe'e j»er« Wednesday—after a ,-je » flatep, "Heahnp involvinv -t»»»lent ifitrartton-. of university Rarold Marmillan wro*e a ie* >f four years—allowing W > rep-iilation- ehall not la* o|*-n t*> the public, I he jtlMtifira- ter to Soviet Prime Minister Nt #in authorities to take for- #• kit» Khrushchev Nf>v- 21 -»f de- 4»'i of beating a non-«*r v ■ d what vow were rhaiveri with ami what sentence you were r-tfpe/s—* Ma-rnil!r»n told ques'ionerx m •« r,i< v .(» Fr nice .re now employe during 'he bitter *• « Wie House of C.'onitnon* l' widely"exjir#,s>«*d thai, jrlven." in: .-dor** it 'he Kohler Co. there m <*<, week that he i* willing to ne¬ necau-#. of 'h«- number of IN TNK FIRST place, a -dintent who commits an offense of atich pravity that it ner#- versity Jtidiciarv rive- up all claims he may have to pri¬ sit«te< action by the All-Uni¬ Conlin lax Comniitlee gotiate with Russia on 'he fit- man problem. ♦ * * iffer . ihlf't. .-!#•( led bumllifig 'o Pirlianrien' 'hern-elve; OauMe's coattails in Often Door i h.ir.'e* Dr- vacy a« an individual com erniny judicial and executive New EAttT GERMAN ('•*- morn Ttie ea'lei himself, who-'- Polity Poses action on his violation 'phi* tnav in *ome ewe- '«* enit>«rra-tnp. but if a few tnore student* brought up for judicial action were embar¬ Taxes, Repeals Sought Politburo member Matern *nld Thursday night th.i' corrimen > girboer* from 'he VI#*''»-ii , f yon >t • 'i. f.4» .:•« ■'I •• rhe Pre-.der.cv 'm ,s n'tle 'iej»>. 'ed more #* is ex- 'h«-. e?> l ire Haztirtl Vly l.tltRV HRoni.rWKKI Famijic* in the low tncocie A 1220 million stale perxory.il rassed there mipbt not In- I."inn pin- volumes nus-inp from Wev' Reri.n fto ••!#- Open floor* to ftairwebs Aw't Mil Pair Mltar bracket would be given relief income tax. a corpoiatmn ' - His implied t'h.illeng# r-«■ juversitv nuildings -ouli in a tinirle term . t-a the library from P ret en I *ta»«> taxes through ci»n»e tax of 4110 million and » If the promised state income We*'. Ger".an Chan -x ■ K • i ji*za*?«-: here Aurv • a proposed nine dollar person additional levies on insurance TIIK STI'ltUNT il l»M I \ICY should »m open to the pub tax went before the fieoplr to¬ • rad Adenauer « a--,-- cgnm.- >f the Chicago school ,r*. V *♦ lebate on the sale* tax mm pan if**, banks, ia-er buxiness lie an«l the pre-* 'Phi. is the ca-e in ail courts of law in day. it |<'•. n '.h# «f 'he department of members, representing • er««*- estate* The new package calls for forthconiiiig •afety, said Thursday aftei-." one which i* much more iniis»rinnt than tin- fact that the .eition of Michigan*; ee«>n«wnv, Ttie committee »aid the. pro- ci'v p- " • s:t«»l 1 mi It ton m new tax#**, election Sunday A wxKlen or pane votifj Tues#lav for the plan. > .* shame arising from the public displav ot a person's of¬ which would lie ottoM iiv *2.S3 f giam won hi f.ike higher* in# omr- .ghtb-sslv Three members refused t<> 4*4 ■ placed urine •• fenses may deter him from tiecominy a liabitiial offender. rMiJ|i"i! in ti"Iu#*tion* repeal--' pay gr- up* pav - 4I1B7 million AN |N$|.s|H#$ll»K u> stairwell, >n sign 'tie icport and two of the mote than t.hey n«w do. whbe "w«r 3 hlockti.j, * This is the concept that ail court- should act under the of jin-orp taxes, f": a gain of mem tiers oed a minority r#*- eluded Wedne> oat # . > •->r open effectively ie«' i . business «axes would be reduc¬ *137 V loiilion in net revenue for rttehial u«>k enr.osed stairwell xrrutim ot the put die Tht «••ucept ha heen well stated jairt W#-»lne:day describing the ed 431 million. n h>«»i fire he •!<■ a* ,# - the ale •he lives, of H7 th '-n »n ! -afe emergencv exit » by Mr. Justice Oliver Wendell Ibilmes. formerlv chief pis pioposed reform* ax "sufficient¬ "The program i all# for a re- Tfu'-.c ruiisHb-niUoro were de- 'ire.** S'cere «aid lice of the United States Supr««me Uoiirt. ly vicious to (lUMuuratfa rniddle- durtion in the burden of to<>> jhree nuii* in Chn ag - M c i.i ,i n i mined liy ftn i ili/en Ad- imtane families frcno "t .gin.i'cd n i ,".oldei a p ■ !? a fire occurs n a making ia>rne bv all Michigan fAndlie* - '• >•!.' ■* in the Chicago fch.no hi* with incomes under IVOOO. th# menilerl to the Colilin la'gi-la Holmes had some know lisle- concennm» tiiat of which he This report was submitted t>\ report said. if :f 'wo stairwell dwo > * nve Tux Study Committer foi the stairwe'l '#e« ■>•#'« P|H»ke 1 po-s#-ntatn»ti to fb# l.ejlsl.itu.r Tyrone and K (' Gillespie, Hsvdioy* of Midland of lfl'l*dalr ' The increased load to ne I iiitm Mini Slml •oen. • .ni.rifv 'hat speed* and •> JI'STICB HOI.MI'S intellect waltzes tin- principle that the in .lamiarv lo; • •#n--i.b-ralnni rariied by 'be highei uuoim he !:re *o ail floor* • " fii'U'-pi#. :« .#-.«ivta|i' to Iht gioups ranges fiorn one-haif of •ourt* should always act with the teeimp that thev are in the **pubtic eve" dimni' hi- dviense of mdicial privilege 'tefeate-t II ivi-u i. ifi xtioidd 'tie Ii' "n- - plan la I'm # 'In- pie*idem of the l>«»w Ctieuucai in I|.»vi\i#w is a newKpapei oiie.#peiT**nt f*»r income of th e Ity ( nitlriiclnr >en ' itw door tuder t« di»d » all the $5,000 to $7,000 brack'< l.OS \,Nf,K!.FS -P b-m-latiirsor ifovcinot A-illhave ^ hall fire of the press in Cow lev \s Pol it# i I ,7 Ma Supreme pllbti# Ori. P> 2 75 uenent for those vvi'h e»> i<* toe re#-er.'.i * to fonmilate another prouiam to Ttiev jiM»jK>se>t * tax .'.ilKtr Hff !i 1,1 * ■us >1 1 '.err. nniverxftv wf.er. Court of M ess.. |KS ref'um iii< onie* in excess #>f $10,000 v <#t»t.*i(i ue'lirviai nix Ia< #-ts. today '»«• i ot ••#• based on a rta'-ra'e * #1 a sfairwe l *r • •neasure in Tlie iejw/rt dt*clared ttie j»r«. up • Me State-, "it Is desirable th.d iiu iiial » an «• *b*»U < ho \ #-\\ k Pi.it !tie pi -»i;I a • 'hi CalHflt-d to H li'h#*' p#>'; #' pv.' to •a* at Iw11 jui jtoved tax structure wdj p» ■ >#-•» #: uppf bike place under th* putdn • ♦ Ntif iiecaiii-v the contro- - iil t>c m f.o ,i (ong-dra .vii (iyhl Tnt check of three < r pOI'il greatly unproved in terms -d ill flie I legislature R.sb ri. k M K« n/i #' #4 Ver*ie> of one Ctti/en wittv another ar# matter of publit c.puity,'* 'w'ill tie i'linbuive 't> .. huiKbngs rhttrxdav #"i- • chiii u„-A. ... 1 ,#-! ' , rrveaied six *fau wep 1o.■< • concern. BUT tss.oisc It » of the find!# t inonietil that Thr riimmittrr pnipiisril tb,#' The committee feel* that t* i'tonumu growth ■ * > • m Michigan, frtcn •,.-:• • ■ A :■ >nt j iii'1'or II I be ji «l»>»• • # I p« I -.111111! ilttiot v'npha- /• bin vn-agiy -nd wit! urovide the money the :«: ocratelv i»l<>< nen #, •*; those who adnuuMei -hould alwav act under Hie • ill# ol! a ■ M ,!>1. 16 •« H.I u! ax he |h# kf\ ii-vi'nui piodn H*e tar ' thai d ba- lieveioped .a 'ate need- "big R'Piert W: sense of pubiic ivsjw-n-itMut and that everv citizen should Hi,'# : M;»• K' i. bus; It liiK'-vi a ft at I ai# tax . t Pa'alued jirogiae- for 'ax " >ff .c' who conducted 'he Ihe Ul Mould hit tiaideft a' ,<#».' '..f p.,: 'el* ■( U; • telephone and telegi #pb e#>r»,- Vewrnaii t«> co mplat n tha* THIS RI'LINI. has iaen u»ed i«v instm • 1 hroiigiioiit the 1'he ipaouateo fax <>i ja-> p.,it of 'lie whole." the Ji-i>.ip ...tines, uublic uUlitie# slid ta . • ».#s hu 'w >r -•■i a- in oiite». Mintid ti n; a' Citizen** Committee ivjairt «ai>t nation as-^ea>«»n to iiftiwdtt tin ("ncept ot judicial privilege and TV fliius. He o N» • 1 ..,#■ . a- 'peli ent and run up t. g U. yy llfi ja-( e- 51 is*- i#-H -A *»si io Holme-- ei.-tu (awci-nf Ttie burden win ■mimr exceptions, ic nation #>l Heir# 0|jen and to .cave Legislature, would yield an c* Newman a ,1 iiit-i The «iniversitO*»M» rnj»t s e~cji|H P- ie-|Nm-ihilit.v in !aH i,p. ?tie middle income liO'iii ui.iiv oual iMc.oiiP ill ttie |»r<» o|jei# ' •-mated $13H million a year but Wl : k New MUSft no lie : ' 'se this aTea bv saving it i> »».•♦ attempting 1 punish students. t . ( making *.S,U00-l3O.tKK) a gram would find the commute# would Retnen.pm brum in n#i immediate and !■»'-( 'if ing M i. K> yea i unwiiiuig to «upt»i.Mi the re- level op n,«ppen here i; but rehabilitate them Iht -»«nis ;» yr mis statement cash fned - and then (V# '' Iff inaiiimg n-eonmo-ridatiori* of the university's actual aim Cuneiitly. tlvt state is fared »h# ui! son off;' Hi' f >eo, i ■■ , Fintficiniore wlini' e#< h with an $H0 mild.in den#.' i! What the university is »■.;,'!< irvme t stop trou- mvuiiief of ti>e commit tee woii'd ble. and keep a cUan liotis« Uliis .oimirabU ami iimlei INFORMATION ot»leiieve* that ' brought be tore the >uduiar\ will l»» treated tairlv and ft.- >y er-alt t J.nem# *tn tf piogiam tb.#i is & Ar r t Mt||. St It N( » SIMINAK 4 Proh k.ia justly. It is for ihi- re..-on th,#' the unliiuarv should be pi cm tiled should be given thor¬ open HI! Ht MANH that tin- tildH'ialV Im- o|M'Ueii to the pub- U< i'J mMMt will vpeak on "New ,1IC Ag Halt Richard lb>n- ough consideration by the pub- lie " Here's the Breakdoivii 8 A.acs '.2 Smad r.m n .'fi-oif r 1 in Agricultural Kxten Li ve <: Mad ■ Major ilrntft m ihe pmgiani 14 Ice#and:C included: Ttie follow it.g is a breakdown of the neW Li\ kti uctuie or "•ed bf\t #** -tarrat.se 3- Ajn.dit W# ^ieniam! that -tudent- \n !#»vv#si t#» sit at judiciary /OGMMiV SIMINAR bv the Legislature'* Citizen* A#ivi.v»r> t."uininit;#-e (hi ir>;:.oii*j 15 Degenera 3.1 Pfr<;*n 12 4.'»0 Nat s.,|#»jm G %INS trials and observe tin* manner which their classmates n.Kiii, (.on fairy /unmermari will >p»uk .»n A I. Personal income tax $:.!0 It Menu. 34 Shut nOi*.;> «m treated. Stu#iv of Noting in the Cat- f. A 5 percent cotpdTation *ax *'!0 p-cture J5 Run.». to uii#* *t v••***«• r • • We demand that the pidician oecin !»• function in the i-.lii J. New taxes on banks and other foi,. . I# Take baseball public eve \l I'll % h VI'I'A l»l I.I A insUtutiong » $ > 2d Heaveni> engear.ee 36 Moitusk DORM 3 Ftitered 4. (fwreaaexl business activities tax 39 t'ndei We demand that the pies#. U- alU'Wed t#* sjt at judiciary I tt|.UM|l II hi % •>.»dy #ur.'aif of .1 Topmasl • • Flower H j-. Hi ka#.oit> lauuigf $, New levies on insurance prenuum* * meetings ami rep#>rt the pr«Hveeduig> . H. Net sales lax ga.n* (before rebates 2: Pdlar •ne foot w-ppvrt » Reciin«4 I .ill! n! V •• <63 til.a» If these d em am Is are tgnoml. and we are fatrlv certain •uppvi 4o Made oxer 2 Poem • III HI I A RA 1*1'A —, million to individual*i I :$ I.Rtei ♦4 Prei* 10. Keyed •*» they will l»e, we demand that the judiciary change its name 3 €akuUt« 5 n.m 3rd tlooi. Union t. Tax on cigars and tuba# #o y 4 2li $igrr an 45 Age* il Men-.* i* Id A!!-University Rehabilitation iUiard, or belter yet. Kan¬ I Ml KAN* Mills 8. New levy on b#.»r tnct gwn.i * * -t-apor! ♦ft Sa.io* 4 Fiat cap sdur.u 24 County ;a ♦* i Box# An 14 Fits' H p.in I'eopUs Chinvh f. Inheritance ami gift lev ies 4 7 \ Prep4iefi»X garoo Court. Wiaconain tor eating genua garden GIKVIA.N I T.I H It, Increased tax on race *ta*k betting si 7 2 25 T»pe *4 Arrow 4 It Plai t of »xe H pin t»2H Hcnsoti Si Mevf Cap ta# ti . »quare* 49 !i.aefam>.» at interuaUnual TsUl gaiM P.gpen Brasil / «AV I A.-0 A urui Center at $391.1 80 Proloa"i AV? SO, Pf VJiL-PAi.. (:0'.T- v- v-.c ,Errre J > 30 p.m., for tian.sportation |.Ox»M V • in»en» b.i ># I 4titfT CLOSi AS N0M. es\v\,- — t tMll H 411 til H 7 30 pus . Tower Room. Union (•TI NTED INDlAN'APOt.lS i.-P» AMRITION A teen¬ I, 1, Reductions in corporation Repeal intangible tax law franchise fee- $ 45 $ z* J n zl 31 Spear J3 Jew.sn Tern hobda> party Hillbilly* xvel- age youth with ambition* pf be- I. Iwvy tangible personal property tax >niv CMZHt 6*Ch n' #•" •«• Sipiare dancing, tieax- on inventorie* si20 fr 34 Requ.trd eoming a "private e.ve" suffered ' 88 Rydiir.eo- u:r tiunt# a slight setback the other 4, Insurance tax repeals *r" $ o q '8 day A tary pr.nee> 9 HAW All AN CUR 7 30 p.m internanunal Centei KATI Kit \ V Pol ire caught him and two other boys driving a stolen car. A search of the youth in ques¬ T. 8. Sales tax rebate of $9 per person Repeal chain store tax « 63 * 0 $ _ u M ■il M plea 18 Greater amount ST. AgiU-.e IIAIKV OI'iN HOI ST M 9 30 a m ♦ An i.rv woMrs s asj*n. , Anthanv Hal! tion turned up a tives badge and a pair of hand* cull*. private detec¬ ^ f*Ul Rimv Net tax gain to the state 12514 $137 7 I f i ■ • Draw >ng room ?.S. Oi\i.1 ele*er\ I p ui, All Saint? Kpiseyijiat The would-be sleuth wt-ut Jo Jf 18 Horieba-8 fame i*C(C Jji: WI slTA 7 pm I OKI VI 31 Union Nigh I Staff Ml 8tuaviits Mrrvittt* HuUOMg Cast Lansing Vildugao Puoiu n«« on cUm oayrs Monday ih rough Trtdav inclusive, during r 38. Bab> • J1 Valorous I ?> , CAMHtHt RV C I I R fall. Hintri ana spring terms, weaglf dunng summer term ana a special lieoHha# liuia between nimmi and fall terms Tntcred a* 1 I 13 p.m. All Saints %l«IH t itllaf ' Siurllr KfiU'ry 38 Image Chuia v se#-ond cUse matt#. unde ihe ect of Starch 3 IS7V at the oosl otHce. 4u't Nix ill I dttar XAtid# U|«ti Ka-* Lansina Mici. •0 38. Heagbooe Visiting Okeiruis Old Peoples 81. Rabylon.ao V.ire Tdiiur kaiiarx |MUt#*i# Mad «p4tscripi'#>iw jiavalue u> advanee for one itnu ill (or two Hume fur Chnstma* »tvi-to¬ Uimv, M ror ihre* tenns $» NU.II » «it J*> IU#'»jlW. Pun# war gak gether Metvoei n< .the Inland Oa.l« Free l uinv Hi'** Mn«, J #i#i*l I'rlrf*. 48 Corrogg X*.**.vialed Cnlnrgiaie Pie* t> 30 p.m. u'gulai meeiing. x'l.umi lit 48 Ar«8 # suilfg in Brief J Museum Receives Art Exhibit December 3, 1958 Prof to Address Phi Beta Kappa From Okinawa University Your Key to Better Value* . . , Campus Classifieds The Lansing-East Lansing Assn. of Phi Beta Kappa, national Wide and narrow-mouth oil • honor society, will meet Friday at 8 p.m. in the Union Faculty jars of the special Ryukyuan Women's Assn. Lounge. Thomas pottery clay that can be glared Clark, history professor from the University of Kentucky, will speak on the Changing South." raw for firing just once, and a Members are invited to bring beautifully decorated cake box * guests. # * in black lacquer. Eye Appealing Christmas Bingata. a characteristic dyed Viewpoint to Discuss Nasser fabric featuring a multi-colored shoreline scene and ship motif, Gifts from Wallace's "Nasser: New Arab Saladin" will be the topic for and a delicate kimono of Viewpoint over highly WKAR-radio Sunday at 2 p.m Major John Barron will have as twisted silk yarns with the de¬ his guests Dr. A. F. Jandali, assistant professor of political science, signs woven in rather than be¬ and Lei be! Fein, formerly information officer at the Israeli Con¬ ing printed. A dancing girl doll sulate in Chicago. and one wearing dally clothes illustrate native chess. SPFC-CHAINft in brilliant rhinestones add MAKE THE glamour, ke*p eyeglasses MTCinC.AN STATE VEW.ft In a safe, convenient YOm MORNING HABIT plac*. SUN • O L A ft ft E A keep out the glare, put on the glamour, Political Scientist Visits MSU profees i o n a 11 y - XnrtliwHmi ground lenses —for A noted political scientist from India, a participant in the foreign both summer and leader program of the International winter wear. Exchange Service of the U. S. State Department, Is paying a four-day visit to MSU thia week. He is I*urushottam Ganesh Mavalankar, head of the department of political science at the L. D. Art* College and director of the Harold La ski Institute of Political Science in GLAftft CAftEft . . . the MSU Forcn- Ahmedabad, India. the fancy kind, in • r.vcl to. North- leather or decorat¬ ■r ;•: *v today to Your Key to Better Velues a ;v-.o-day Cross ed cloth. Ideal for Tournament in Michigan Stste News carrying your Wal¬ lace glassea. ;>nd univer- Campus Classifieds TIRED OF 1 ■ •elected Atrtr i TEARJERKERS? >:nte Woods -ury, ILufT- SEATS NOW GRINNEL'S i THIS ONE'S LOROVKTTFft dlatlnetlon el be* rc; Carl DETROIT MAftONIC TEMPUI DETROIT 1 FUNNY! i jeweled styling that . . ; Y, s :.ho- MASONIC adda a special flare t. Onv.iv AI7DITORIITM « Performance I DAYS ONLY Dee. II. It. N ^B MGM's made to eyeglass weiring. ^B • * movie comedy igN f from the hilarious j> MAONIFYIN O Broadway play!!' » GLAftftEft in a con* A pic \fptnbpr ( lumpn venicnt, purs.) aire p -t tr"in wilt h" a com pan- Irk Cart-r and (tl b CINEMASCOPE ^ that fold . . . ana are eaaTly atoweo b timber* of the speech away . . . when not MM pmtm » I0SCPH FCIOS ft'ductus •a "* v rounds of de« •t v r.'d topic, He- Doris ""Richard PAARION FRAMES DAYWIDMARK from our unbonta- ble selection will be a welcome gift. At¬ nu.ri, Profc««ional outline of Knole* A Snifter readings Hwrnofm' tractive all age#. atylea tot GIG YOUNG-GIASCALA By Mills Tutoring Service of Dallas eye examination! 0* dr. w c i essen. miniarf I I Di.C. II. I». MIIMH • P.M. *«€• CIMMN V DEC. 10—IN P.M. ' LATE NEWS — f ~"( At VAPI'INf." WALLACE OPTrCTANS Main floor 11:3#. HM. ISM Balcony IMS. I1M, Ml# VKXT ATTSAf.TIOV *ldh# (herb paikls an4 Mil in Maeonle AlSNoriMR LMffrtl -.r»s«>nt»4 for * .indent r#feren4n— vole gi.irjtion Of full-time ttudenu for Wlntof tone in* •ffTWVf AS AMfVfHO TO Ht AO: Ik Ttrttirjcy thali be fill—d in th# spring '< Stf a» \ii-1 r.ttrfrvlty Judiciary la U»# fill 1 P •»>*■ nor»». 'hrr» junior* thf» . t» B its* rr« of too f »#r vie# ihe luphnmorsi shall fee a la—4 la tatawHi no— paragraph U the vantr.) for m# junior sardines on iso Caen, aay aonstnaUon will a >!rt»t-d •ppri>*#4 h* a majority »s# of B«a4*at foagrooo. i ttt»* jaalaf* approtrd hy Congr#** «»ll rhr tmo junior* approve# by (eagres* srttl —rvo for two voafo- IPMui# HMmiIi t»«r a gradual# »ui4#at will So ■—laaU4 la M tfela ano-yonr « sh«U ba nomirui'd satn > by the aomiaauaa tonaIII—. • Tl. itontinatiB, rnmmitlrr for th# l|l-t'niv.r«i'v Ju«Ur>ary shall |oav-4 oi n, I'rsvid.nl of Of -l id-ni • ■ >' 's"*,» P* •n.ftiuo with thy ihrft mymbri* «l in# ur juditiary ry?.»*c»F>«tirj theu jynior year |ft"J F of >b« tiro,. on .Ul-l nlvecaUy ley at ihall h-gin ui tfit jNitanaj iy*1 sl54ll he rundticlrd for 1 ti* nomlnaUn* eotaialltr. »l !#»*« Ovr day! for *S st a i4 Mtir. isominsly t- Stou»a» • ' r)" PL" '*'•» UUM*. 'a»rs After '• ' ' ' *u'» ® * Be our guest for a pleasure test. , «' submit led for spi-rovil ov o- 'lent i ataacy- L*"* "Ui to throw-.h a irannns ivrtwu : •» ' F W s: «nv tlra^ aarinc the training p<-n.»u th# nommry* pro* THIS IS THE ONE FOR WAOONS! 1959 CHEVY t« tue coart they may by niie.-d "| thnr da"#* |ft7f * tarAtiey areurs, L" * 'He «i'ihoHt» the Vrrsideiu of th# «»u—N«h (ho to app«-.ni tyinp'-rar* i '•«■fr' * ' a a—laatia# «a— P. 7 b# tiut.i proper pe ^ .n.ni -«.d mute# in this ra*e will bo #— paw4 of tbo PraNfteai of *la4oa« Onv- E* •" as •■my tacamrie*. Ihr i»r»*id#ct .i-.ouid f> » a .yecp.... • • .n.meni who will act at ehatrmaa aa4 two ro»reaealat|»oa fro— tbo LIk.L. Vu-L ajtsrsttr (Jtetrolet's P * r" Intel Jiitlttt pot.t.on iron* the ju.t.c»i J»*r m more oa the e.»urt. »h* "»• Jo4*cury eiaotog ay Iha AN-iaayanMy IHibif. flea stunning Wifm, m smr mon bwutlful or Inc. StMy PhU Otsss aB around, station tea/fans Jar dutiful. From low-«t bwdlifhla to bigger, anfar brmkas, anwnthar (haw c^'t Jaatieo aa4 »he AttoruK thief Juitie# nets '59 PT> tstUurx .nau he wlecled from -he - <>r tn.mhfr» "l «ring->hlp«J tsilgmt.. th*. '69 Cb»> evar Fall Coil apwlni aad s roU> are shaped to the nets I a <1 Wl','# waiority of the court «nd mt ii«c ,J,r. r,' , .L nfo roU-u art M mat looking aa anything down nor window (alaetrlaaUy opal- ■ is ** w< l>*an oI Sludeau The Ctoief-JoMiceship f "a for one year. American taste tcith fresh, on wha-ta. Thay'ro just about tbo alad as aUndard agulpmH ou ths handiaat thiaga on vbaola. too—from RhaIm*4*"* *hj|| yr#*ide at all rottrt •»«*• "*• authority to pr.-.df •* •»>' how#yrr ,h# A*J fine Slimline design. And K *• u,-,u *b"10 ta* ,J th»ir ovarheodburring vindahMd to *ft .bah fiUe4 ras# of a vaeanr* a* explained »n la Section t, part »- < *"'• they're beautifully practical their longer, wider loud platform. rukT4YV"1 nt ,h* Vklef dlattice and th# V, .ciat# Chief iw • XI ; f :? i ..f< if j? / •} ? MimtOAN state news • i ■ I)fr.mh»r S, IPS* P«« F« Movie to Show Good Cheer of Soasoi Michigan State News Campus Classifieds Your Key to Better Values ... Travel in Jeep u ■i . I ! "By Jeep Arotin'T the World1," a color film narrated by Ted Inspires Holiday )f0(l\ Attend (hurcM&uThis Sunday Bumiller, will be ihown In the Aud Saturday. Thti profram. a feature of the World Travel Series, will beg n The eplrit of Christmas has invader) »hr. and siirns of the season are evident ever. The trees are trimmed, snow has cover, and there's a (feneral feelinjr of good at 8 p.m. keeping with the festive mood, Christm; EAST LANSING CHURCHES Ted Bumillrr has hern cllnf eRtanslvely in many land trav been planned all around campus. since his college days. In "b; Lambda Chi Alpha will oo Santa Ci Jtep .Around tha World" he decorating their '.rce this eve¬ . shows what you might sec and Snowman a- ning from 10-12 as members and nosed Reindf- MARTIN LUTHER UNIVERSITY LUTHERAN PEOPLES CHURCH CHRISTIAN HOT CHOKN OF do aa you follow him across the hifhwayg of tha world from the dates gather for an old fashion¬ home at r-e • day he started out from N'ev ed trimming party. Christmas '■ • (HAPEl CHURCH EAST LANSIN6 S1UDENI - CMOT SCENTDT York until he returned one year will eponaor a ay Other evening ' later frorti his solo journey, at Slrma Nu p-if ' tha port of S«n Francisco. f hriitmi* party lonlght front heer will o' (MImaiiH kynnd) AND STUDENT CENTER Interdenominational roUNDATKM 9:10-12 at Ihe rhapler hotiae Delta Ta*u Delta will alto hold >)dlln Chi, a:; rrianglc. III Abbett H»)»S ?8n writ orand Rlvar at Michigan Spring time If Sing Time at fllvulnn at Ann Hrrrt MSU. g hollrtav fathering Ihls even¬ "Hoily d - ' Chai'tl M» J-0771 RP.V C flRANDI TKffT. Paatnr 184 88 ormad Mm Men's and women's residence ing from 9-12. heme of the " (T»o blorka North of llrrkev Hall) ;a turd ay Rrv, Jo!av r 1I«H, MiitHfan which will ha a 0 10 A M. 11:88 A M Dec. 6 the traditional words of the sea wms CHRISTMAS PROORAH Party at CaUtga son. "White Christmas," an« r«ri«nai« n<> ox i nn [ rib room through high acfeaai ago SZSS m." 1:80 * 11:30 A.M. hold a party and danre to the theme of "Careen C hriatmaa." .am ma : Surdav ST. JOHN CHURCH METHODIST CHURCH OF EDGEWOOD EASTMMSTB EAST •a Pi v.: j Delta (.1 & CATHOLIC STUDENI EAST LANSING PEOPLES CHURCH PMSIYTEMAN July Returns rWi at Chri- «.m i - Intardonomlnatlanal CENTER and \DT»: ■ 888 M. Ragadorn Rand ft R, Revanauch Pf. f f.lpplo WESLEY FOUNDATION fl hlocha north mi Grand Rlvar) To if- e»SQfi ij j . 177 mac. Aaonna Row leftett |» I Re« Trnman A Morrtaon. Mtnlalnt ncl the ' Wllaon M. I to • ftunria* I 43 ♦ Maatoa 18 80 II H Ooorgt I Tonnant, Jordan Ret Rohlnaon O Lapp, Mlnlatoc Christmas! •CNDAt Mlnlatora t (Baby anting at 8:81 A I t if Rigi R-aal. MR AM WITH State ( hunt Church Rchool at RiRR aad ;.w>i "bu CATHOIJC RTCnrRT ORGANI¬ ^hwrrh II At Shade, of Crib •'ina! ,'.vo • 18 am f ollog# Claaa We Way mom lirowfi Jantor RR SATION Mini IVNDA1 A :. Rohm Powder Plak, Aqua, Soft Coral, Maire . - 1:88 P M 18 10 am All Agoe ■enloc Rich Clam • U MR t firs' ,r Had I'rdat Rrlivol nd MS'' > phono ill »-»"• High Rthool fellowahlp-1 |R R R4 HOLIDAY JEWELRY V.f Sparkling ALL SAINTS SOUTH BAPTIST CHURCH FIRST WESUYAR METHOMST Gold, Siher, Crjslat & Pearl EPISCOPAL CHURCH •nnlh WaahlngUn At Mnorm Rlvar Howard P Rugdaa U D rale Kv rlkIfhCOcJL . «<» **!'*> ;Xut\AjC, 8lM« Ahhntt *»»«• - irici. (« John I Ion*' — Chaplain FIRM -ItuU 18 Ou A.3t Bible Rrhonl Roar. Cotloge flaw Taaghl S m H R T UJ e fl R '*^ iy Or David Warrmar, Natural Balonoo Rt'VO 11 RRRY1CM Tiui'.' 7' r Dap L. MRU Mat lanatnc Mat r m A M. HutT lommwnlnR 50c 11*8 A.M "RtORT WITH OOD" • JO A. M famtlT Rsrvtoo and \()\t .v '\T (hutch Aahool flAR P.M "OOO'R PINAL NAT" EAST NOW 1188 A M Morning Praytr •» Rnly SHOW1NG1 MICHIGAN .B. 148 PM Adwlt iPtMB followaRJp CANURRIRV CLUI r jb P M Runday THE NEW SCREEN MUSICAL M GORGEOUS COLOR Rl Ml IT NCR ti'RSDULN frm Ma anrvtm Mnvtwg Daw and farm Una RRR AM. aid Ml PM. I *1 mvyraf l>ri>atiurr« lium (ampua 10 lu i M otlrhrial MaU ParRIng lirongh anmpna far fnrthar inlormaHaa anB IT MM Rl CM by tho compoMi of AND lot MY FAIR LAOV 10.41 A.M Mutietlleld VICTOR mil iSstH to >o A.M thaw Hall Parhtag Lot la ss A M Ma»o» Hall PaiRinR FIRST CHRISTIAN CHURCH Tank Lot Molmee llllarlplrt ul Cbrtat) and kuraha RUreta VISIT THE UMVOOTY aura Forcei 1 ilk lou|K •( hparron Hospital Return* To heme Point# Altar t him It sin • MOV • ri"| Churrh School f.G a m Morning Worship 18:81 aw ilil Kho 0 oo pat. 1.11 841 pw r' BUS It ni hi . tagrt 13-18) tar wi * (oUcro ago) Ofc, RAW . HOT PRESBYTERIAN Xf drama: OLIVET BAPTIST Call kit 2-3880 Net. Rundaj ns o Milium CHURCH »'ifs-l st Michigan llariman. MIA1 t J'?,f 1 INTER CITY MRU CHURCH Indoptadaal •887 A MICHIGAN Rnndamanul Pro-MUIrnlal gariLvaa' feVAN HEFLIN TAB HU Mt mlna Worship 8.W8 A A A tvuth Ot«MH»a 8 Jh P.M Nil U J. TCIN8TRA. PASTOR iW^JBarpm. 8MM88 at t LESLIE CAR0N QUN1 fttning heme# fall) Him RRN1KR « m r* #.«» a m II no a m 1:«, pm iandaj Bihla tahnnl Morning Worailp MM aatf MM WBLKJ Ihnraday l;8d P.M lou'h titoupi MAURICE CHEVALIER rianiportaiion 11.,n»l Hous* » M leaving a.m intorna Rnnday at f :8t pm. Bvening Inapimunanl darvMg (Nnraory Ba-oraantaeg Par Bettor Sorvloo) ^J rail IV R-RIRI l«t • ((lutrii BapUet chnrcb to ( nmpnal for Traaaporuilna call IV R-1I8I LOUIS J0URDAN SHOWN AT • I ■ < • AND HERMONE GlNGOLD • EVA GABOR JACQUES BERGERAC • ISABEL JEANS ROT CHRISTIAN LANSING CBITRAl FREE UNIVERSALE SC.": ALA* JAY LERNER • T FREDERICK 10EWE REFORMED METHOOLST CHURCH UNITARIAN CHURCH TVMCENTE MMNELLI CHURCH I Rotmoa at PraapaaO T48 Maraha II RL (t Rlochs Ronth of Rpnrrow RaR) Morniag Worship — 11 mm. at. John M H of nun. Paatav Runday Rorvlra 11 PR AM- Vouti Rorvtcw as Il88 P4B C hurch Reboot had Naranr? Morning Rorrlc# It A.M Admit fellowship lad Ran IJRpm tvenlag Worship • IJ8 p m. On Campwo k\ening »oi*lca 1 PJd Pray or Mooting Mod. Rvvnlng-I.M fellowship o4 Rallglowa UMlli Run I p.m. - Boons M • IMm Thou who drv.ro traaanemUM The Church af the Ucht mmi to chuTgN roll Mr Boll Mr. MuuolMun 1 4jUJJJ S^rVfAsSSTo'Wa; aaowK . !:«i •JjM \ ■ '•'•c Pinnin Ss Religious Groups Plan Yule Events Engagements Playboy Motif Planned December 5. If).»R MICHIGAN STATE VFWS Page Fl I ALPHA fHI OMEGA PHI KAPPA TAlT The campus religious organi¬ ALPHA OMICKON PI For Union Board Week Campus Classifieds . . . Low Cost Sue Leslie, Grand Rapids sen- Alice Burnham. Michigan zations will nring the term to Carol Johnson. Chatham. N.I., j-.r. to Plato Rantii. St. Joseph City junior and close with tree triminrg Plavbpv .ftrr Horn " will be G<*nrr.i! chairman Alpha Chi Om- a junior, to Herb Arkin. U .M of Union ,,, nor and Sigma Davenport. Battle Creek senior, Nu; Ksthv ega. to Rod Burley. Chicago ' anri Christmas dances par- this senior and Triangle. of I • n Board We H ' t .-f-k n Jonl Lysett. LATE SHOW TONIGHT AT 9:45 P.M. III., junior; Eileen Rebmann. weekend March 2-7 '*<"I i---.u- " ' o- Bii "'inaham ALPHA Pill senior. Other mm- Feature! 1:30 3:35 5:10 7:55 10:10 John An good, U of M senior wit! • • - • Roslyn Heights. N Y, senior, to Catholic Studen' Organization Joyce smith. Plymouth ,n • h->*v, iie narrated by 'u"rr inad* include* publicity. ar.d I.)elt® Chi; Barb Taylor. John -co¬ - mifhve ! ed'tor f»t "Madern- (argo. Jackson sfnior; hui planned a Christmas tree lor, to Rodger Peterson, p: :<■ Mug« Fleischer. Detroit sopho- ! Rattle Creek junior, to Frank rrankie Shinault, "i#'- V Magazine" in .-onpin' Dearborn, to •rimming party for 9 tonignt mouth senior. Mio'-e: tickets, Jijdy Hoofnagle, -jchwald, Cleveland, Ohio, juti- Rum Johnson, in ! a Winter wt'h ;i!l the men'* >'ore« m Fas' F.irmlngton sophomore iand Alpha' Tau Omega. Milwaukee. Wis. Wonderland dance ( III OMEGA I nrcng decora- junior, Barbara for 9 and 'he Stele Shop ' ona. Fred Holseheid Almhurst. DuCharmr pni. Sa'urday. Jovee Diskette. Chicago i ALPHA PHI Birmingham sophomore, to Bob Lutheran Student Asvu >n >enior. to Richard Crega'r. MSU • ■ O'her event? edu'ed' are !ii . junior; special events. H B. Jeanne Paurhert. Knappe St. dure Shores ;un- •neiiibers w;!J meet Sunday ..ta^uate and Delta Tau Delta. Coo!. ' the Swanson. Urawfortsvi'.le. Ill, Detroit—*en- ',»r ja." • how utvle; the ior: Lonnie Chr .stji.a- de and : r to Mike Plumstead. Birm- Johnson, Jackson » or a ting Margaret wraton. La pee: pi . «;;ceeti , John J • I A' i» the ore. .,*■ j \j: Theta. VanAuk- Ingham PI KAPPA Pill h • «• o'u!'-:- •hc.fo-'ii.ii of Jim • f)(,nald, Ba»- •r. Mt. Plea in County 'le ( reek nt, to Dirk Mogg, Rehabilitation CVutet Ann Womelsdorf, I) e t r o i t Hire-en. C.'-inf! {hi;! >■ I • nmior: sophomore DELTA GAMMA Mt. Pleasant junior: •'or a C'.".ri>tmns Ci-Uii!." t dnnce eve»d •••:'! he Betty Wil¬ get-together soppurnoie and Uhi Oh.mj. i" Mary Lee Gardner, Trenton liam?. Rochester, NY. gradu¬ 1" low.ng the part;.. Robert •mder the dSte.-'ion of.John S' cemiierK Larson. Long Is mri, C.erman» I'lnn I'tirlv junior, to Wayne Gwizdala. Bay al student, to |»e| Parker De¬ '•Mil timet 6:30 p.rn f »r a <: - NY. . Mar'one P' ■* - '• ' junior and Sigma Alpha troit graduate student; Pauline • oti mi Intrrfailh \\*r- Schenectady. N.Y.. sene-r ..-» Judy Buchanan. party will bo held i riday at 8 Holland, Lansing senior. We.slev rh a .'! rr.ee* a* 7 Hedges, Buffalo. N Y s. Birmingham junior. p.m. at 921 Ben»eo St., I.anstng LAMBDA CHI ALPHA . Sun tav i-ventng 31 Union f ji Ann Ewart, Pontiac junior, to Pill MIT . levotional service. Fo'oc.c uig Die'-tonscjousnesa ha.* George Evankovich, Derub'uti Sue ll.irrlgan. Mount pb-, • '.he erviee. i embers will nove e-| use the per pets junior: Nancy Haines, Fort Lau- 'junior, '.(i Torn Donaldson'. I- 'j W. Ge House p, decorate a -inptiun of lettuce , land aouhomorc *nd Be'a 4.A pen cut ■ ierdale, Walt Fla., sophomore, Weyler, LaCrange. to Hi.t Pi "Peta Chris'.ma* tree m the h'belay s.nce before World War II The CATHOLIO STUDENT 0R6ANIZATI0N by .-,ging traditional average An e.-i an now i,sy» r .phomore; Lois Nobes, Detroit ar"S .*.in'I * he ' PI KAPPA PHI • ee about 19 pound* a yeai. junior and Pi Beta Phi, to Itob Jarkie O iu-r R a! O-.fc t arter, Lansing junior; Ann snenpard. Sault Ste Marie sen¬ jur.ror. ' . Walter Barnes, R . M preoenlat Oak junior ior and Phi Mu, to Fred Nlven. K'-nmore, N.Y.. junior; Carol Nicholson, LeRoy, N Y,, sopho¬ tlitTA (HI poilvann Bdvi iiu. Detroit Avoid the Holiday \ f ull W eekend erf more and Alpha Gamma D'lta •i Dave Frost. LeRoy, N Y »oph«»more. l> Mob Ituhl. South- ga'e sophomore- pa' - - RUSH - - CHRISTMAS ACTIVITIES Hamm. Karen Ifoffert. Grand Rapid* Jr r. M' junior ,.nd Alpha Xi ■ M MSU graduate, to iHek De'M - u> Tom Woodruff. Ro¬ Judd. Dowagiae senior. chester. NY. junior: Judy Bring your clothe, in FKIflAY MGIIT fjreur Detroit sophomore, to PHI EPSILON KAPPA Linda Rothman, Brooklyn, Ray Miller, Cikemns junior now for expert I REE TRIMMING'i'ARTY 0-12 "'1 N Y., freshman, 10 Angelo lea- . HIGH READERSHIP . ilr\ denning la. Brooklyn, N.Y., junior. CAMPUS CLASSIFIEDS FAST SERVICE AT Ml SATIIRHAY MIGHT IN DOWNTOWN LANSING, IT'S ... EXTRA CHARGE WINTER WflMHKRI.AMl HANCE O.I2 t - the EAGLE CAFE SUNDAY NIGIIT for llrolM l.ive l.nh,lrr» J&L Free CHRISTMAS l*\RTY 7-11 and Tender limited Steak, Parkinf SIMvOAl, KIIMHi: slldW In Tha See ynu ill SeTiurdnv Matinee at 1:00 P.M. We honor ibirt laundry • dry gfaonin? the American Expreaa Rear •croM from na«r auperh food! ON Y. HOI It OF F AKTCM INS AM) Credit Cards •fudont KryicM bid« CATHOUC STUDENT CENTER ('O.MKI)V Plus a Thrillintf - Kiddie Feature! Engln*«r«l Selantlstal Were (Poking .51 FbRWAUD TD ,78 MEEHN& YOLi:' ON SEMICONDUCTOR FRONTIERS U«N»* had the [teaeuw of maeftni mao, meebanln. bvpennnln. energy eonvenion. .olid can help 'beat the heat' at 200°C /- i| phyuca, nuclear end pinama phyuca, ad¬ YOU aula ■i|inmiiB( and Kience Miuon during our mil <4 to the can put. At a mull of our ditcuuiont, a vanced propulxoa tyttema. .pace flight, and the afTacta of_high lemperaturca on atructurct and gratifying number chote to join our com pan). I/nd'T ffie hot star*) of infmrtd tfifw ^nsjinror li foAffnsf thf newest WtU be back ncil »cek. and tbia notice u matariali n hi Ileum powvr transutm oj>rratir)K in conjunction with totally nvw beMixtnr tfrn^'ratiirv fur invitation to coma in and we ua. Boeing i« alio the nation a foremod detirrrg leoiilig silictm ivktitur. Thit is 4yptcal of FLfCrROBIC OlGINfFRS aiJvancftt mjfjneetuig irmiHon in wljicl» >ou «r.» mvitret to shair at and builder ol multi-jet aircraft. Production ire If you're intonated in joining a company that'a Texas imtriiinvnts ... largest pruthx cr of silicon trunsistnrs .ind a inajur • IttifrT ia fidda-with-a-futura, you'll he inter- cludca eight-jet B-52 global bombert. KC-135 jrt •fjniGr of germanium Dttnsisfors, vihcon diodes ami rvctiiicrs. aMed in the advantage. Boeing can oiler you. traniport-unaert and America'! brat jet airliner, At Tl you will push out hryond exnimg bmifatifms into new emiewpb the famout Boeing 70?. . Boeing it in volume production of Bomarc. the and new product!. This pioneering appfoacfi has been so nictenlul aation'e longcvt range defenw misule. and i> a kapaoding program, at Boeing offer out.tand. Ifidt TtUk Instrument* wle* rate has gnmn 20 fold uvef the laxt decade prima contractor on Minutcman. an advanced tng career opportunity, to graduate, in engineer* to a current |!15 million volume i gfowth .un elei ttt d b> ivcogiutiuu ing. Kience, ma the ma uu. phyuca and related PHYSItAl (.MfcMISIS '■'• . ui iudivuiual achievement #«. tt growth you vau siuuv. aoM-pvopellant inlcrconuncnui balluuc muule •yttem. Boaing aiao holdt a Phaw I development field,. Boeing', continuing growth, ia addition, ■*'. \Ay aoatract for Dyne-Soar, a manned tpaca vehicle offer, promising opportunit.ee for advancement. that will orbit the earth and be cepabie of ra- We hope you'll arrange aa interview throush VMlCOHGUaOtl AUG OfNCI COMPORfN^ Tnnmtori diodes, rertfGert. npi. your Placement Odfcra We're looking forward citors. resistors, transistor circuit application*, test equipment, aatry aad normal loading. mechanisation for tlta Senttcoiuiuibw-Conipunents division* . Renaarch prcjmM at Boamg include tilnliil to tenog yon. SDUO SUll PBYJU.iSTS HKVGONK AMI HKTVOMfOUNKAl IHAIATVL Radar, infrared, sonar, mag. iretic detactinru computer*, timers, telemetering, intercom, optM% nutrowava systems*, tramfurtnen. lenws for the Apparatus division. m-- i» aatm ruoanar •ASK AMI AMINO KSEAKN MS ami PhD level inquiring into data svttentf m. and earth science*, solid state physics, materials, and devices; concen¬ • ana • trating on semiconductors, electronic components ami systems, military Oeotue • wwawa • eaaiaevrao. nar too Hftcfc >-our wagon to tha Taut Star...work at • pknt apparatus, data handling, geophysrcs at Central Kaseatch Laboraturyw within the city hut away from downtowa tra&c... bvo within minute* of your work or ptay — your-around recrea¬ Texas Instruments L tional amusetnent and cultural adivMiaa. A Tent Instru¬ * *54 • ment* representative will be on the compos in a few days to give you mure details. Please mnt—I INCONPONATKO 5! Mi fikwemeul nftce before — mm Lie,mom eviaui • dallas a. tcaai t t|] J;i| ucksters Open State Newi^Q^ II;i.IiiimiI.»ii Moid *s|;»|.-»| Tonight Hockey Season lio.mtipr Vifhf tllW i, sport* fdttnr l|.|||M Ii,'.* Page von 'Profit' Plan ace North Dakota 'Is 2-Game Series Rejected Bv Owners • o,iters will open . ... i , nil/hi ;j.< I hey o|»o{>e npili.f \\ W ASHfVci l'lIN* V l b- .< iriime srrie.H a! the hem iC.jl nii±. |.- Major l.enytie club -v- iter v.rh («>ntesl.« is x p.m. rhur«» V • , -si'OIX \V"M Mm lns( the ,n\ ir r, <>f gotlir ■' ti'i!a' »»•-«- >n radio and •• »• y-.nd Willi. Hob filers u ho was dei l.ireil Itll I <*||».W>N . *.on The*. •A'i'hdtf.- a- Acre r>tn iltelieihlf In the Si \ \ \unth . . sinus all-\rirfiLjp *!»;« e'lier* fr't -g wi*f . . , , a- j •ce \ 'AA ti'le er netrniiitler. 1 ..m 1 or rest, •nr r.wnrrs '««• I esdar was and. M w..iid was the killed on a hunting .rv*. hftory at is Behind C,e•'*" 'Uf 1'.. , ! la iinreslrhjed platers passed draft bv of first sear the minors jf\ «e««hn ers ly Me: t • - .• - \ er ,ir»- WTO 4> TVif Wednesdat. . S' SiuUX f"; .1 -day ' ad qu e) If • ; • III a minor league i>l*>e et so II HIT) W ".! '<• the • f tmpiaiftl) a' • si-is >e u aft after his rtr.d feii r r>. ••rs for out- <*ri defrriM" u-sv.n in organi/ed l>»«ehali r»e * Jis«»ri The Sp a ii! no* uero'ne «ub.ff ' to •:r .f* .une j... •,.! "ue < arrt- •,-♦•• wa un*il he »ia* been aet.ve fi'-r, '-Antriirj i's >• Came m -* A •mo to four -ear* depending St'lUY tub in Spok* *r- ,*d •>» the cap¬ upon hi« ieague cl»*!-iftr«tion Th# new proposal goes mm i Sum* effect ne*t vet- and wllJ r-ner proi.W'M-, a'e for '»nlv one year pending a ■ he r'fd when ! eview t»v *he flube. <( . but The ma tors j|s« i «»led for «n toe sellntrrr in his third »ear - .1 ujfut- inter-leagne trading interval he- ill the nets Inr state, i« one uf . •••m 2*r 1 u-i sea*on. tn..ii Nov ' I and llee 1$. the finest in the land I i*t <1*4 ■sd :w«*n advised .rj .. when no waivers will 1^ neees- '.i.ii sellng er \%n% third in the r "... \f> - gr.' up horke sarv. This also will not go into Willi, with a I t gn.il*-jIIoh rri ■;vr and effect until nest November. prr r»inf ateragr. Jiid this \r*r ii" S? Lolli* i« the .tiief CmnnuMjofier fort Fru a. » hr hope fm All- \inrri»-an i.re i led <»vc )-ie joint merging honor* t VsV'.nal ,.r and Anieruar Iteil \\ ill«X« K# r;ill ii,. ••agues, declared he was not r» !llT»||ft l.llot''#' of inter-it-ague 'rad g Mill K.-f «nd 'old *he riulM 0® r.'oght a~e • i»u* . . , n ,. »• u'.*- so .re; •.». .der their de ssi ri a' Iiu-er - • ree'.nga jn Pi'Tsuurgh neC July. and I • • • ♦ P* Tt.e • v tied 'o ',.,'d ... . . -he .< • ?•..'! ' ■ - .-l > \|rt '#> fbv . eir annna! :«.\9 wj.n'er -n.eet* Ar.hr Id-- f.g n Msami t'.each, F*a. anu>.« .in.*) k ■ t hI i • ' en l>e S*» ' ng f.e*• car 'he ' f'e.r. \ •an la-ague 3i.d minors • •! ho!4 their v-n. Witt Or • , . en'i'tn* sn v;.ara?e fitie* i \ »• atiNc.ru ,<} ■•. r,i O/.M, i (ualie . , , •' How to Find PEACE • UECI PRESENTS IMS PARTY COMPLETE LINE OF »k.| Off Urtvr* MONDAY i in i|>o». is»w i it oi I H.-fc. . i « H en wen hi:\ miu.n uiitori.il IIItlSTIAN SCIKNCK" at Inaianapoll*. Inaia*. HfOkrr at V CHRISTMAS SIP PLIES 11.,« rt - i • ■ .'•»■ l»ip The M.ilH.f I hn.»h, Ik. lir« i bntrh DEC. D at • i»ri»i >..*'• Hweofi Ma*Meh««et*s « IS I'M MbMWY. I)M I Hill R >th |.a*l I arising High Nfhool \uditoriMm All lyga Xnaa Cards - Faaay, Prafty, Evan Sobar Onas '.«t Kurrham Hrtve. last l-ans'ing. tHebigao ♦ il l, AMI. MIMbSI "Yog Km* Whara I nder the avspieeo oC Dtfl Wragpiag Papar in tbaali. rails, and aaty Is taar-off beiad eartoni \ iretf Church <»l Christ, >!.•«» A.M. In 9 P.M. DON'T FORGET EXCEPTIONAL SALE! MOM. DAD, BKUTHEK, SISTKIt, HELATIVES with Men's Top Grade Cordovan our of our mail) Shoes at Definite Savings MSU SOUVENIRS Jaaahy •- Rhgt - Paaa aad PaaaHs- 816.95 Shrffad Aabaala - Swaabbida Far All Agaa ^ Saarvaa - Oaiblaai - Mags - Qlasaarars K»*»UmuI «f •■««*■ mrUf erM Immarf lr,lk.r tilfnu. («r >'U *(IM; IHllM-HlS •«. ,n«|. m..» h» » Itmmm mmkn «*• will , thin, . . l>«* hul UIM IIW » «»"•■ in Hiu .* IU«c*. lh# h^t ,wlllf »flrt* II mwt *3 u ***■ M *>'—* k»l*"t u *** O -*• CAMPUS BOOK STORE .tost, ro» Mr> _ ifitif rums TWO DOORS ROOM TO ROAM I WO FI.OOK* 7$>:Km hN T NVrmflAlf 0TATK IVRWt Blind Children to Light Sprrrli, H.wring December 1. I95R Christmas Tree Sunday New Society German Communist Warns Western Airlines A vfiait* ru? of tight will be of all the menibera On C(impits BBRLtM WT—An Bast Ger¬ 'ern at a Red election rally whether the Bast Germans In¬ traffic If the cept a West refuses to ae- Soviet demand to turn West Berlin neutral city. jnb» a gtie«l on a blind chilli'* oliMUfe fappmsltnalelr |nn» ,,t both man Communist leader said Communists are trying to win tend to begin interfering now world Sunday evening *1 7.30 houses. Th* new Speech and Hearing Thursday night commercial air¬ ':eats in the West Berlin parlia¬ with flights of Pan American Shaw Ifall Catches for the first time. Snoi Society will Christ¬ ment when he or ahe ftirni Ihe awitch Previous to 1011, the huge sponsor a liners from the West have no Airways, Air France and Brit¬ that teft the unlventlly Chrlit- mas party for all pre-school legal right to fly into West Ber¬ Matern told J.SAI cheering ish European Airways through ma# tree aglow. aver green near the west side of fommuolats children receiving speech ther¬ lin. Ml*'implied challenge came meeting In the Tiilt In the fourth straight the Union building, was decor¬ apy at the MSU Speech Clinic as West German Chancellor heart sf West Berlin that the thre# air corridors linking Ber¬ Final plans fn* Snoball were yeer on from 9-12. Jan ?| In -J your that the. Chiltiinag tree ated and allied lin to West Germany about 100 innounced last nigh' at MIfA lit by the university Adenauer campaigned Jn tb« commercial planes had Music will be lighting rereniofijr will tn» high¬ without .Saturday at 10 a.m. In 125 And Merlin streets for an 'anti-Com¬ no right |o fly over the sover¬ mile* away. president's Counil by MHA provH, any formality. The chairman for the event. Bob Smith J»ck«'in '-jn«t f.j lighted by Hie presence of a society _wa*v «• tivafed munist vi' eign Cast German territory and But his statement was re- The program will open with tory in the city par¬ Burnett. The annual semi-for- sing. Total ext)#-.., , young boy and git I from L»n- fh* choir's presentation of "The Wednesday by Student Con¬ liamentary election Sunday, 0 declared: "This situation must garde*! as an unmistakable mal dance co-sponsored by will be divided by slng'a Michigan School for th# gress. The air issue was raised by t»e brought In order." | warning that Fa* Germany will WIC Wind 12 Days of Christmas" and "Sil¬ MHA and W1C will he held this Officer* are president, Mar¬ polithuro member Hermann Ma Matern did not make cletr try to disrupt commercial air These children are chosen ver Bells" The npei tators will from the lower Intermediate then join the choir in a few garet frnirtirg, Kwst I,arising sen¬ grades on merit If they have popular Christina." songs. The ior. vice president, Patricia IIro- "good behavior," according to Charles Wetr, MSB's dean of Student*. lighting of tire tree will culmi¬ nate the exercises. gnti, Musing senior; recording secretary, Rosemary M c y e r, CAMPUS CLASSIFIEDS This program ha* been con¬ If'nrlohofi to Coitvrnr |,anring junior; corresponding ED 2-1511 EXT. 2615 certed Jttlnll* bt the Helta Tan secretary, Jtidjr Kails, Central Hellas and the H Beta fl»U for the pss| nine yeare and will al¬ The thlnl Workshop will meeting of ftadio ire held Sunday l.ake sorrti'imore, and treasurer, Cynthia Sweet, Ionia sopho-' DEADLINE": 1 p.m. DAT llfeFORE PUBMCATION FOR TUBS.. WED, so feature earnllng h» g rholr at H pm THIJRS., AND FRI. EDITIONS. in ?,4« And, more. MON. EDITION DEADI.INE: 1 p.m., FRI. Bllin Pajrabl* 811 and 1-5 Monday lhroo*h Friday CLASSIFIED RATES FOR SALE HOUSING HOUSING SERVICE minimum 18 words GENERAL ELECTRIC TOR RENT for rent EPOMET SAff DfP|»ioJ AT'iR Good oondltlnn. MOVING NATION w4 I doy It« i-raw. ROOMS I days .............. $1.48 NORTH ROMER three rooms APPROVED D*it'Pf,P l»n*»M fnr J doyt ll.fS wo Fvnri'nnn. No 4 ind bath, furnished a-eaa* find fl'sop and an rr» t-»7«o cO"hln^r doyt ............... tl.lt XTPPI. HUNK BIDS Ppsca nil haR*m#nt IV I rnnma! LA ROE OorpLE doy. $1.80 hnninr rn t MM yimpfarr gaa hnaler Cheap i mmru ,„d hath, HOMER rumlphnd first fl< THKPE »r a'.d room ATTRACTIVE «5wr> Tw"«-»or.fn apartment. furnl«hed lis f ARf;r TRIPLE AND dosihla fAH # Two Spudnatt fi#r month Prlvata antmnca and f„r ,,,a|w ,f.tdaot« »■ 'r.#« frr.«n eo* »V» p*'S»y # Jwlea parking IV i II7R aftar S pm Vt Ra,p^r ir„|| AvnMahl- IWnmbn- t'B Mm#) | II E#a»t el fm, AUTOMOTIVE # CcHpt "l.*.ir"ri/.B room furnlahad « or.llr.MT unit n.xrr- Ideal for on# i J^,, % "'fm• rr' ^ 7 * ""'"J! A*tri.«» Pi<| 1,3 | ONIV 2Pa or |«n mm Utilities paid. 912 war* Br^.v»o atMct r .->h IV » nor tPUDNUT SHOP iv rti » man tf APPROVED ROOMS. srrfr,i.r aoo II? MAC I_ I double Prlvata narklne, ant-anra Oprn 6 a . to | p.m E LANSING t*S Ranhnrry Dr hath, talaphnna Alao flva rooms; for RADIO TV RLE! w et i NO MOMIV DOWN Ona hint k ftnm AAP Sf-te Naw ; tttidanla staying over Xmaa vacation vice Monk# Rtdp. rv WRBTOR - - Hi n RECORD plat — plaver nna t-adfrrrim apartment unfurnished Phona ED M"*1 B® "alnut I.an# Tube# . labia modal ItSI CHIVDOIIT •elfatra 4-door. Pa of lone Nearly n»» SMpply- a*r apt stove and rafrtgerah.r P TH< ' cnlact play Fncorda Inrlndad 974 »»ih air tnndlUonad Adulta fti graduat STUDENTS R'tciMS Gaorga Crowlay, IV #-oa|H y.isna S" ailahte c| tr, dn dm, kr»tr». Powsrgllrla ln«tmrf after a *n >• rig Entire «ernno vji'nsn nn»r f an. rvrrWRfTER nE'fTSt .a | I, Ltv- about ovir ran«»t rufM COLLEGE MEN THREE Hnrh hforks ft"»n capital " ir.naa five Phone IV •-171 A. #lee. O'-o "»l hrema a«d tan . . CHRlRTMAX TREEi. R* OTX j ptna ' Mslf m# ro«nia fiirnlshad ihraa ng Tu'im. tvvn t-.-tn r-e'lrnoms hall # its i; wsthinetos flnltk. Tkit it a rjoed cbas tar 2* **70 hi If Any traa In plantation wsn i,adrnnrn« * flmflar a t'nllaga Rd psrlt- M,t# tia'h entrance Teo In four ncan avary waaS- .. g H-amnahla. I'hnna IV 4 RU 1 rn 97 per f«m> Esrept wily la fond cond tion. Bo »Her S W I'hooe TV - RADIO srevp;* isr rale* to itvwatt '•» • RAVE ON GAR le par gallnn lays STUDENT ROOMS AVAtt AfU E ■r##vl#tnn ta'e# Ft— I Iff I POPD Cllltora 6 4 finer. Padit. aa «t do not giva atamna R»«aalla fr.r wlntar tarm s>r>gt-« and dmii.!-« at ah op • on inlt , 31 ET. PINE rac ■ bralgr, ©u»rd» wp. On« Purejpll Rarvira arrr.BR from E#n-, Na»r rarnptiR I'arhlng apace In dates 7 parking e 'ranca shnwttr TV rachniclans "'"Dsay olea Chur. h E Idtnalng tf nludad Eli l-IISI 4* UlvRlgan IV 7 MM everything private Imlbnrj#. Mick bsit#> ft-#* proved 97 Eft 7 t>»7 Save^ DECORATED CAKES DEI IV'ERED' UNEURNISIIED ATARTMENT Drive aa THE FINEST IN gvsraq# fcofiddten thronfbrnit. tr» you for patties htrthrlavs Many POUR rooms tnd hsth »94 j.tns it'll _____ ( ' " kman Comhn. The lhar Utile iffllrlniis . paatrlaa Roast iU#a Wt S IMmra I'hnna ED f "osi Rnhhy Ste\-en# |,r tffl DQD6I Cwwd 4 doep. Hadji UaMr^, IV_9->0tt 7 FOU SAIE kast•», ti'Pt Id# EURNISHED THREE-ROOM »Hh raw. Rrsdy and HOUSING hath Motel at via OX 4-MlA. BOW s TPAIIIP5 ,v *m" Moiw v#»y cltaa. t edar. |.anting TYflRT ANN RSMwn p4 FOR RENT ,--u, eO*»SS> I Ut9| GENERAL pr nesf ran-p.is WSe Elac'ric typs Escap'mnallv *ep«i g d cr.ndltl .»< Res _ •pert and meaty a n p-4 BEECHAM A KNIGHT EURNISHED ElVE-RfKlM hmiaa In SINGLE rooms For man N-sr snnahle ED 7 'tfW after 9 jn laiulni, nna mtla ft4141 IIN'JI E and lyotj : APPROVED R'^'N «>l Tr.ller Haven Phone ED 7 9.1 | FACULTY-EAST LANSING '"'•r room unfurnished hrtck duple* two double One block I'M nnpus Th.ee .9oj GUTS APllMtEl I1 hedrmms. gas hasl. nice hivmtnl mi.lutes from I'e.® Private en ' trance Ratklng ED Vi SO 19*3 CHAMPION El' One hadmom wi ri.VM*it'TH RTtl.t, running near achnol. gw plus ulilltiaa ED Ha«l •II"* Bfl fan l>a llnan. ed Ph-sia IV 9 139* wi sueeistt ft tin Hattar than iiink. Ehsma STUDYING tN QUIET awrrnund- ' *" Kit rut it M EX. ruriONAt, ia*r MG midcat f rrr;:rz iX' "f1 ;.nrvrr« ■rrodttpi will lake nffeew • A fctHg b t e* Vnu Improve ttSmnTSTiJ: can lit i't »7is' iai*« le.aaa __..iplala. % rtH»m tlnsa to campus a.M^I Prtvsta out rv_v • l^a* to-' - rt '' li win I nlatlrad ED RIIB f-Rtll. Emmons) • AST trarrr uimrn _ „ | trance aomfoetahla ronvantani -vi -h LOST and FOUND j lL# i'»"d »#'#•»" • tootn ami Path Upper Prlvata rn- ( i,lln,, _„w ,„r 4Jt • ?^#t tcct- b ,»ri - I Grove *-f trances tstia large tooma cnmplata- AUSTIN LOST- T RAVFIft ERS r It E r K HEAI.Y. n» IV. washer anrt Or*.* rfkl..!.!.. Phong at, St «•»,„-« ED aI sfia IE1* vi lUIM'g #1 k»ffc#r lira* new t»|', h>p new pelnl paint. engut# i ' i *Mhw dryer, dish wash at, I ' - drier containing checks and cur- overhauled last summer, it* B, E|». i iu. 1'*"° i APPROVED TWO SINGI E rnnma ency Rew ard ED 1 9' *» a |-mi »® nXV a*m^ A..^i.^ JUST MARRIED! — 1*9J mstic. mll»a -- DODGE CLUB Radio John a id Waril. heater ID ■ -n roupa l-Mty |I7A Oyn 4] v dav or week jn "JEAN M *.,t htsric^'e-t MEET Spartan 1'smeia Shop and I II giva you ba'k me al by the t Inn a #A dst>4" pcio«# hy • A to*«a ta <*-(! . . . iatb*| <■ J has four had r ««»m r. spartan Hall, tit Lewi*, EU I 2.9 71 my spat pin Jim B" 4ft ftnlshwrt family room B0 rec room fwn ffrepla.ea : hulll-ln range. dishwasher etc WANT TO RENT gars re In F APPROVED DOUR! E ROOM for Afi 7b»sa •'# gu' EMPLQyMENT Twenty month months Fl> l-«7» lease at |l« per gg male students Chwe to campus t snslng du'lng Chlrstmat vacation i Phone ED tAHt 44 Parking Call In person after • M- SUEMISINGL* LOW I BABY SITTER Goebel IXD Oakhlll Sn MONDAY thru FAST IANSING BRAND new un- KENNY DAVTS ORCHESTRA ED- Friday, t 9»-B IB. rhona |V I-II4J furnished, two bedroom, ON riiMS ?0 '1 •al 947 alia. B m With stove, tile hath, duple* TWO DOUBLE R.V7M9 Approve.! ' * closets, full "tflni WAYS TO Ctiaat on Cnltaga basement Phone ED E-gOSI If-in rnTinj'"1""* ri» » e*» ";1, w n„.,rf nraled RWAST K«.<1 eabe nri.ivFRs nntvrx. c» re brvMis serving nnxT |f Im - mm •rewtf^y Tfhjtl j Es .in. lis all ftdt A »r:»3. a Mg toha. hut EURNISHED SEVEN ROOM house r»h..ne rv 4 9*29 before I i weia laughing all the s»sy tn the ROOMS FOR STUDENTS, nlcelv with narking factllhaa. m mile frnm furnished Garage and parking |V- delivery hank. Vnu can he too, H you ha- centime Available Jen. I. Phone ED- 1-79X3 lit S Rutler Si me a Student Agent tor "t ulle- WONT YOU Tl* US 1 Covera * the humntoua hook lackets REAL ESTATE SOM(TH)Np SPEC ^ now taking every . amiiua In lha NEWLY DECORATED RUNG A country by alarm. Rig cash mm- t.OW near ROOMS - WINTIR TSRM YOU MUST M SAT' available campus Carpeted, large FOR SALE now* I Km Ika ImI OhrishMs Evar nuaaiona Unutad living r.Hun, two hedr- Ufhl4-4M° in Contact John NO. 1 ROAD CAR! B« t'ppar With ttov* and refrtger- # Padiaf and Talapkeeaa Murphv papers, ... gtor E7D Inrludaa heal end water. ItT Warner Long Realty, W- writer gneraMyp BAIIV SITTER WANTED Rve daw 1 Ph,>n* «r07l9 M ONI ILOCK (ROM CAMf'JS week In my hunt# on campus F.H- ACCURATE THESIS «-o*» f TWO STUDFVTf-TWrt reams kit. SEAR TAN MAU SERVICE H|k _ In make rvrn Dad rnviou* A NATIONALLY KNOWN • chen. private hath Completely fum« » 12174 srruss-.""1 : PASTAM AVIATION MC. panv e«(winding into a gear end 7*" ___ _ ; — (l'/jr a milcj-dicspcr than new thar leather re-entalivea alt\ trad# to take rice Ratmnge unlimited High' 'wfunlver- ^ "f*"' WAI APARTMENTS Rlt9 Maruuente Si CW end two bed- "^en student. One mile from SINGLE ROOM FOR men er wo- campue TRANSPORTAl for cumin end liberei bonua plan Set! •••'leRle Me. 9T4g. Ill# Im- 49 per week, plus "i night bet-v. pumping a bicycle wur ow n working hour. Free Uam-! poamaaion 7 we amaU child- elttlng ED «4ME UnM WAKTTD TO 1 II* -I uig Write Marlurte Murphv. 19011 , wrtco,n»■ »»* lira'I ANYONE IM M. D Id' 1 Giend Rivet, Detroit IT. Michigan _ easier to »lccr than *i«lrr'» aled ± i Chembere. IV gg peuelve living, cow tact Reel Cooper- i stive Room and beard MM pat tarm FIRST FLOOR STUDIO apartment ED H9R CapAil Odg AbpdM IV MM) FOR RENT . One or two male atudenta Prteato — hath, entrance RLOCK FROM CAMPUS, w EXPERIENCED Sm R-Brira R-Kake I fti W11-LOWS TRAILER COURT. WU- paid 1119 E. Kalamagoe. Parkins, utilities m rvo"> Group or Individual. JJIRES ^bahrsming ED- Mock from Rerkeydag! u» MOTH TWO GIRL4 Uemetun. Large lou evelleblg, ce¬ ment petfoa end runaways nawara WtU wiu w-Tw'i-BK ™8K* ro°ma 18 M *Mile D from APARTMBRT. campus on I — - , T i I-W1T. dry- feed it tea. loungs Phona w. SHsra ObritksM Ml if Tsar Draws handle month any alee trailer. - Three monthe frag font ^ AhtnAt Rd Winter tarm. ED I-S990' EXCELLENTLY FURNISHED.! TYPING AU. KINDS w —— j — ■ WANTED •II SB *n*r 8 * M KNOTTY tune rwn 1«M Abbott ?»*Wlc. Ten railage etudewte. CAMPUS. jgtn gap WALKING DISTANCE. rAAMNO Lit Sail MAKE RESERVATION KM RMrt Three rooma and bath. R4ove and re¬ frigerator optional. Private entrance. Clege to iwirlE inaratad Phong ED- ga. n I CM Cbsny Lang. D hi •erm. Ooe block from^ Maab»9 t i >'i. un# wm mww ISM rWIIMi SRRTIAA 'II SS g m anatng. H bl jBS I three Jm new home FOR SALE srusrdr&R. AL MIKULICH PONTIAC. live MUST SELL lahinga * able rent, aw Mr. Joftaaan ' repair WANT 4944 McMaas Asa. BO t-Mil ssr-m. zszrzjLSiz itUtttaa paid, parktag. MD S-ilM. M b-ra. aft* as y Fend ShartSak MS. ■ 14 ^TaJLS£A!cSt^mS g s s tab YA i