a • --qua*u 1' &' -a-mmsw-* < t^mmmo^amamaamaUBUtSiSSSSSSSS DISSENSION IGNITES FACULTY REACTION * * * The MSU Chapter of the Am- erlciin Assn. of University Pro¬ Joughln, staff associate In the * Plan nwl. tw* eomptelnta Joughln replied that he had K n Department fessors (AAUP) said that the campus chapter Saturday was national office of the AAUP. Joughln said tha* he had re¬ with regard to I. That a new i riculum had been or re eived no direct from the various staff complaint! members "Seemingly group of complainant* chose to Piatt . and Hi# Staff Criticizes ceived a letter from Prof. James wot being approa-h the national bypassed by chapter Supports the complaint* alleged imposition of new curriculum and that the com¬ about Piatt, former MSU er now on speech teach¬ the staff of Eastern Missouri State Teacher* imposed t. That committee* were on various departmental being chaired the ataff. and allegedly involved but had heard about the situation only In an indirect manner (he received instead. This procedure placed any complaints outside tha pro¬ Blackmail plaint* had originated letter to the A A CP's office in Washington, DC. in a national in which was an College, Plat; allegtod that there element of unrest cxist- by younger staff members. The charge* regarding eotnm skills were in a similar vein, the letter from longer at Piatt, who is no MSU). vince of the local chapter, and It is unfortunate that this chan¬ nel by which the Engineering in»r A statement released' by the complaint was MSU Chapter amongthe MSU teaching but it wion *kl"' Hepurtment thi* with Dr. Louis vulge. tion. proached by romplulnrits with national office and from By DAV.R FRANK 'he request to take the tM-krri'l in [Wrnlt nnri Inrnl action. various press releases " State News Fetter-In-f'Mef ^*.pfiprr« h«« rovpnlml Cnllejre of KriFineerintr faculty member* tbls weekend that any itlanenalon whlrh fonfirmerl rejKirts thnt 1) morale is Michigan State News jr*. eaiat i» prraent In « low; 2) senior facully members have been pressured Into im«H perrentiiir* of the tin. teaching service courses end other ussi(fnments they did not want try l)enn John prtment'a ataff. Ryder; 3) junior faculty memtiers and (rrndnate assistants —Tfer# l«. however, terlnu« .on. have l>een iissigned to teach ,pn In olhe* department about hlyher level courses than their seniors. gt tantstlve propntals for rc- The iTigifM'»ring of the romm skill* prufrMors, who did not wl||pge dean Open Judiciary Doors IrvVf »** July, 1934. from lllinoi* Teachers' •o yHnr »nri has been cooperating Ifnl- jhw then to insure that the em- veraiiy. of )M-iog directly re- «fM>n*lhle f"r the re*igruition of j#.Hf is pfsc#d on reading and at leait 10 srtttng rather than content p-r ♦•nKirteming |»cr*on- nef The rettlarerr.rnf*, lnr.ke«t Union Hits Discussed in Interviews 0 on t»v aenloT The proposals for reorganirs- far»dty a* Rvfler'* fa af the fnmm skill* curicu- falr-haire'l r#>n*ld- )ir»y*." are )rn renter around the insertion if ir?re content material, hy Should Student ered by some a* competent In their fieiri*. nut no* ihoae they are replsring *iqterior to Dissension 5# fttsdjr "f significant doc- Judlrfnry I!enf|er*rm Justified his feel. derson Ml** Me idle asserted that he#ring* be open or rlneed* Pour llie .Htste New* ,*oureef fifed »?<*>'« In the Ameriran hcri- person* rbely rrmnerfed with Ing that the hearings should def. the hearings should i»e 'dosed ■> •perlfir inatsncea where Ihe TiillrUm Should hn »M the elimination of for- the inltelv t»e closed by saying Hint J'ldielar? Board were asked it ieiin frea'ed i»*iorly men highly lie Madr jr*' speech instmction. this q»»esri*-n and a unanimous "if 'he judiciary svxfcm is based i* organirsti'm set up a« m l»eing lehatulilating and edurs- ri «|«ef'ecj fr.r 'hetf work', men Dlrcflly' fwf. Ffward Bleekmaa. wha "closed bearings~ opinion was 1 I'm a I " I'.htjflcrrd ftv ,,i|thoHtiec cm appointed the new Head af 'hera|»rutir or eftucnti»»nsl en- on a* ♦<•!»« He mil, ru.i.AiMW Vol red with varying reasons. Joi.n 'ft uif« •i engineering The fle asm ilillh department last vironmenfa. then 'tie heinogs director of men's .niirre* were Hlala Vrwa Slahl Mllof Ihrk S*"*r. p»e«ent rb'nf division of 'liu'c firm in 'heir M-'lef jus¬ • ' •» »i• ,.ff. sistf d 'ha* tice«»f 'he Judirtarv Board. »tat- should l»e chweri to further tM'ne- Hvder tie lid ' fiot ws« ffiref'lv cd the hearings (build be rloaed fl! 'he student " how ' ident* -re Irving to Offlcara of I ha MSU FmU il l ff»rre fSMiJfv rnern'icr* *■)»#» Isrvirtdhs a# Ike aria In the (' feuief»t oy o|ieo hearings " were grkilisi rammlHe* far Wit- berauae* 11) If erst Ionr»f Tnnrhers, IfCir-al 1 t'AiM that stii- the hearing* were The aim of the judiri.*rv ■ o cMmptia l»eff.re Ryder to IkkliM wblak —grated that open. )e»ard, 1310 of the American Fed- dee»« wroitd want the »nf«rma- he leave. Henderson went on to *«v, the tt. i« t-» ttiike fhe of¬ to tmtitlanal freakman Fnill-h tkrn disci Kto.1 (2) there would "Some erst ion therapeutic value would fender-" recogmre the of fhe ypaplr he Is nf Tcnrhcrs, AF1«* he eliminated from the * prnhebi? ;>e no improvement re¬ be lost lOacccpf- trilng to rnielfy ml rwrrtrntnin ef Hie new sulting (3» | don't feel that the as rivll court prore-ture would ahilitv of 'heir art ions " well see known a* f'lO, Sunday expressed dis- «* he la." an* «nnr»e «ald rest of the er.«ue with 'fruttt further «lsled that "In The »rurlfltlofi npprrivitl of fhrulty-ndministo rsmfwi need* to "i(avel rapping and proeeas wa* piff suggestion Caused r« know (4» Fr-ri v"me of 'he er¬ rail* for order Jn the "Hirt." vntng Into the student'* private •ilmnly s mailer nf plaelng I trhlion dissension reported | *t»te nut c»'tta5* u»*s PtNUe a* Nit stir »m»>ng other depart- TllltI F MFMHt llk ef the MH|t ror* bv S'»«e News staffer*, Itfe it wnntd not be sound for ousllfleg in Fridsy'i Detroit News. Hsvers dlaemharli from a Capital | person In a joh not Airline* Visreunt it f ipitst f it? this to tie opened to the in tha university lad Airp«irt Sitardir night. The flltM question »f the paper cojld print Henderson emphasised that student In hi* field In so sttempf to Ttie union offleors said that "kg from Vetv %'ork lo the fart# body " humiliate him lo the l.ansing brought the group I* the end if their as they are." the judiciary hoard did not ia- point of they flrat heard of the rhargeq ft those professors who leerns tour, whieh included right weeks in leaving, the vourre saM of d»*«en«ion when they uw a f»ermanv and Franee. Taking aae sentence* hat merely Inter- lie err>i»ha«i/e f tha* there f •Jfwatlsfled* with the a dirr>e*nt rt»■ palnl. is a The new men. the source mn- pro t lea eg the *ladents and (hen check 'he (opy of 'tie paper in llrlght'el . »»n judicial y lewrd by •ioued. wfio curriculum Ganges and not Friday night, where they werp After 11 Weeks in drsrtar a# men'a its tat an >.a«seated step* to be taken by the sdmlnistrali arc nandplrked Kurope However, he « m I the new department head, by Ryder, *tsy lor* enough to meeting with nffwera of th« the d**u nf student* and al< » stated that In 'he ion » the«to dem or get 'help FhU's and Jeave for specialising in Speech of women'* sad aren't divisions more Warne Statp federation !• dl«* gtefary baai ra-e* decided Uffin by the t fee| the* will have to do aho'hey arhool cua* nlant In thetr r«h!# study In order to »»h!a to reach the revam»»ed PI avors I ixperinipcs la the HcM af lervlcw - He fay the? thai the »apk»*k»4 of atadeot affair*. Dr. f.aureus Beadle, assist;u| of Michigan.' In ginhi Condition the annual university beet r,n« Home professors with tenure A«*n. of University Frofesaorg r at MSU said there was Frankfurt. Nurnberg Munich. Thursday through • bit <»f fem¬ have had no r/**I (AAUF) during thn past few Jlf littla quarrel with the pay r»l«e in Obcrammergau. Hcidellwrg and I„rATence Mever, Grand Ra. inistic pressuring. three vear*. the aourcea aeid "eek* krwfw that no action wag I prnteaed W by Blarkman, fterltn in firrn.^nv, Vcrduro, Or¬ pid« freshman, and Robert Scott had hern Jarred until .men "A ral*e n like .i •aken by the AAUP tn Inl'Ja'a I pMpte were tfpeet tbu year when the ma'e* relent¬ «lap in generaII* leans and finally. Pari*, in Mossison. Hillsbormigh. Calif, the fa e when you realise some inch dissension. 0 manner In whlrh these ed and permitted a change »n 'he France, alt offered the Flayer# sophomore, were injured when of the new pet/plto are getting "f'ritlcism of thn administra¬ 1 had heen put forward rules tion should be Something different And 'he 'heir Vol k a wagon driven east on $1,400 rai«e«." one declared presented direct- w"t Blarkman had not The race i* •**« by the y to th- administrators before many am.iiier 'owns or les* Grand River, struck a Mercury re'ay A department of 24 men, one f triad h a dictatorial man- well-known cibea each team 'hat can b*«t cmhine fa*t had ita twung nushed onto thy highway source stated, got $17,000 in appearing in the press," Macror- . k had even admitted It running with fast mp« iesaid in giving thn vlaw of thn own special character frr»m 1212 Fast Grand River at raiaes, while several other* got He etalmed Blarkman The rlgnra sf travel became Flarh team nae 13 runners who MSU Federation nf Teachers. f b*4 tha staff that 7:54 p.m. Saturday. virtually nothing. those who oecnnd nature after the Initial The Mercury, pushed from a work in relays, poshing their The t tlkw U eanree said • "»• could look for )obe adjnatment. drinker in a baby carriage driveway because of mechanical have the i The six women and nine around the iH-mil# vorsity men. troubles, did not have ita head¬ and defend Ikimaslven. This In course. including the director, Dr. Stu¬ light* on, according to Boat clvk aeevtee peg hikes wee nn4aniy a oamman iaatnny k«4 art Chenoweth. At each of flaw the okayed ky Ike Legialatore aad alipped easily Lansing police. stops i fundamental Ameelean peaeeaa. Into a routine of almont-nightly drinker downs a putt of beer Jeka Meyer and Morrison wero aHknngk ana aeraainnnlly Ignnr- performance*, long tnpi by bu» taken to Sparrow Hospital and The girta nominated Helen ed by anck men an tke lata Ann. or train and cooperative work¬ 'hen transferred to Olin Health Clarke. 21-year-old psychology "The dean brought Instructor* feanpk Mef'artky. ing and playing. student as their drinker in *nd paid Center for observation Thotr them within $100 "I don't ilke beer muck* she bf the pay of associate Teachers expert th* same But the real reason for tha c-ondition waa reported good profes¬ said. "Can I drink gin-" sor* hired rourteyy from administrator* tour was to entertain service¬ Sunday night. by the former dean," •nd usually get if. men. and they presented "Tha Flee wine glaan ef gin were a department head said. Only once in set eut for her. feroute she thn last 10 years do I remember Tender Trap" or thair Variety Under policy, raises a new Show 43 time*—35 shows at Thrill am Diiplmy will be based r*n an administrator at MSU public- merit, not y criticising faculty member** posts in Germany and eight in At Uttla Art Cattary across the board, which means, v?>rk before Frame. •tale .n effect, the "old guard" of discussing thn mat¬ •e proMw af what The master's thesis af News pt»M« ky barm Mm-* ter with them. ! ka tela wtto eaaab to- Tka raeepUaa they gal Nn a an Hrkaal faculty member* not in th* "Thi! 1« not to say that the las Meffltt. Okeraoa grad stu¬ km Ike awtlek In ItgM ap Ike Mhfi f for deans i Tko —Mirrs and airmen waa wllfc- , good graces "are Just aaaaMaa vaa to.- dent. majoring in fine arts, la t lm Deal af tka Daka fkmdar ntekt krlsknae iniosi Is not vitally Interested • Andy Heatwnrtk (I). going to have to sweat it out" •eftoult, arba Oaatly 4a- on display this week at the LJttle Miaa Clarke i i Ml aeailakle NJ* jHdtr, lepiananMne DeMn Tan Mknrl or leave, • source stated. n the principle of establishing ■J* •1km aalaUag aMhoda •Bites. Art Gallery, A-T. South Campus DeMa. aad a grenp af a policy at MSU which insures "Tom key# lo agree wMk By- "i "The tour was u«qu^«tirtnably mor# consultation of the kutntaUaa la to der to gel o rsks. to key* faculty one of the high points of my a teaching career." Chenoweth Finals Have Yon Confnaed? fetor*." he eMd. "A ketf dees by administrators." sure «M leave eeee if M eee- •aid. ttoeee aa M kM tke la "It was a wonderful- feeling Joyous Tidings! Today Is Thursday arged faeeMr to see the Flayers enjoying themselves so much and at the Ryder, celled e "controversial figure wherever he goes," was "Departmental faculties should •am# time to know that we ' described ae a man in a hurry hatre an effective were doing a real service for ar pat aui a* to* tor, wha doatt't consult his voicp in any Itf ptotun. Thoa* kfbaful, gaatrn- ta staff, curriculum changes within * a people who needed it nm bad raaufh tk*t N* Mto kaito. II D caaity a* aat and ha*a a moral but dose what he thinks "And I couldn't have asked aomic, rattful day* wcra Thurt- bbat. Tbough * littla rough for right particular course or department, Glnanjr Monday, tonab vaak b Itondlf. day aad Itiday, right? So. now and runs roughshod over rather than having these tor better cooperation from the •head and thin* took bad. patriotic pcradcc, red people. changee MAI aandbaad' Waa. ton thuto y*u'»a got to pa nocoa, Several faculty members said imposed upon them." kids, even when the going got blue hand* end Dnpita tha pratoto *1 yarn thb totoi ton an toawly aad white .now Ryder wee involved in instances • little rough," he commented. Aahwilly wha should convey tha Iraditinaal Id«t spring the MSU Local aching Bonaa gov dr*« jruiwaaM litonBr. Ttok* hack to TtM*rr akan tba daapi Bee BTAWW CUTICHM. The tour left East ^ansing out of bad. gulp dawn a Into spirit. Pa#e 4 considered the matter of the re- Day. I Kg—yaw kaM. bat waa*- waah a *«■* aW" carry. It ogranitation of comm skills, but Oct 2 after two weeks of inten- ctind cup of coffaa, and —aar- Or oa a mora practical wi toamawtokr hi.i tw* mat- kaeonaaa rathe* Mghtaalnt. *«- tread, after debate decided to take no ilnce Monday il not aire rehearsals and briefings. evsmith! Mar at tly head off lo Barkar in tha 10 dagrM mornang mnUgM (?). ical day* ad «w itotoa? Tka oaaa bapb, Ckftohaa* falb In in- worth much anyway, why not call H frldty Christmas Drive stand, according to Macron*. as yow had aat to Ida anrly la tha nianalwt. to MP Ih* laaat, aad start tho woofc off la a Air Faree Baae In New Upon rtacking your d*n tdia top wtoMa I ywar Bat hob Sputa dew now has about waaOtor (wtto daa ratpacb to faativ, mood. (Must admit tka Ptayara o'clock you art gratlad with tha pa pan. 4500 to carry cut plane to die- Whlto Chrtttoaa* toaatica). Vary TGIM docan'l haw too tame joyout tiding*. Tour Af" - — " "~ Mto toa day* .aapto W* trada thi* btlovad tribute Chililwa* ketoets to de- wain't rcquir-d until l riag. aomahow). toe i iy, via a TWA icft Inilldai Mr toa tourth of July, serving families la the Lanetaf- TO save tha day thara b ae a whale." all— bf Ika rkartered today's not Monday: It'* Tiur*- •d Thb a*a*apfbba* a doub!* aom* IWitary Air Traaapertallaa Jar- dsv That it it's Monday to to* It ad* baaan tha da¬ consoling logic In tho whole affair, howaaar. Tomorrow to 'VolIMtoaf Collections "to?" thi. this for year's mtion "Th* of 01 •—»- tke Collem af Sat MSU Mayere. page • auici, tana wttid, Sparta Claua wUl be taken to- Friday. I'g torn Bee Tmhm Mw. page I MHRStSW-K M9 Ylirhigan Simp Vv Michigan Stale News 'IT SAT5 MfSC H0u«VMlTAWOSAYS Kt RtaOent Nervlr*. Hnii*,,, KETMOVTNOiAS THAT TMfSC « SOV£ Puhlnhfd f>n riant ,j», t . Read Dailv be Ms|;'i Htiidnila ami I arultv INFORMATION kWWKC.Ifc.y doubt as to twe oatt BE! •MC5E,15 fiBWM Uio.ufh rrldav inchiv a fj winter holidays; apd tprlng weekly during (er„ .. . ... * •ft.# Mhihlann ftta'e N*v« »* puMuhed by Mudenta t.f Michigan P'Me WK? 3* Lf55) term and dne special fre«Tv , be'veen atoniner and f tji.iveislll. F««t louring M.»t» v •"."ul dire. • facility *upei VlaJ"«. M'.MA rm rr«iboN Filtered as aecnnd cU«> I mien> bodv till' «le. act of March 3. IB7' ,• ; to pin. M t'nloM. olfhe f.a«t lJiii«in( Mi». Itmva which would die# » 1 M. ' •«• «•' I \ I lit.Ill I.N yvivkn Mall fhibacrlpUonn dsv-c. p ftotu v. 111'i». tin- tin' i mi|i • '■ vatmsi lor one ten, •pi«j.s, Inland Hull* I'rpw Bud At- ■<•• !'»«»■»* « oilier I if h n'i llict Wave11 v Hill* !?rl. '»• nit, 14 00. for Ihrre •». , , l,«neln« Mis Terrtll St* The Amioriaterl prett i Vol. RoTNo.'105 Mni|iliiV,|l; mln>r X. !f"W F'lijfp Two w if** ni the hewt of the Forest- e • Ixlvelv In Ihe ute * • alion of ill 'he local op i 'Opt . will hr host cm foi in fhia eewapepei ■«*{• tin annual C'hri«tm»« party. A I* New* Ditnat'h*' Civil Rights Board mi'mImi* hring sewing KussiaV Paslernik tti Miss Noliel Award Presentntion V i *'i-i inl I»»«!!« will l»e ftrcR«- C1 r-ii !--tPt ~ completed ai rangeinents for award, forced Pasternak tn de¬ k'.v. T F»or-> \T Frank an ' Igor Tamm the hand- of the king of Lite (an Bt. ft \N I MI t YRht FM They've gut alt the chairs count* cline It Existence at Slake WedriesdH 's royal presentation. ANIMALS REM Ml So Swedish author!!ie* have ..den 'hey wil receive the s| YIIN \M #>d and assigned for neat Wed¬ It v ill be marked t»v the usual V'.iwl go'd o.eflat. the teathei NORFOLK, Va »>und diploma and the prize our acres of land to the h Till-: nvif, IlKillTS rniiiniidfiionV pffpt HviMH's- im m s| Y||N \ It Pasternak. But there Is no chair, no prr- Pftotertiak'n medal and dip'om st.'ittp.g 447.420 • or ttie Prevention of t fon trnrfivc Iwulv iituli'Firrtt"- H" ripl'l I*1' t*»*Ihv im thf are In a safe for him '<> P' k u The ip c (hairs for the three , . \ yj. p.ai 'tut Hiltnet Three of the famed Russian stmtaMun, no gold mrr sliver Ynimals. with a few If he ever comes thl« ,wa\ h- s,, c.ri. nirdi'ine winner* ,»>«•• • cnnimikMlmt MtiiPlm mi invi-Mtipiition »»f **:tilrpriviiiinn hairy tit tiki. wiiter's fellow citizens, vioiicr. nor trapping foi Pasternak, who . R» adtr. F'Jward Tatuu ft must look after a p*- , 7 0 'urn. I2'i A'dhony. of the IB'ifi N"hrl prize in Phy¬ was ,iwarded the IW58 prize in «he $41,420 prize has gone hart , ftf IJiP-right tr» vote, horninc «»I I heir rnlnr, "l citizens uf Jo hua |/»derherg ne*f t ery on the property, 'sk* I YIIIOI.lt sti niNT sics. arrived today for the ward itemture for his poems and tr into the general fund. of her dogs Atflhrntin. Ruscinns on the laureates and use -h» p Rut the three Soviet nil-tea r Oltti YM/ATION ceremony, hut Pasternak, win¬ novel "D'k tor /.hivago.*' a bit'ei Stoekhotm con- erty aa • shelter for Howrvpi*, the commission h;»s met ;t "stnmhling hloeK *r,.« datf.orm m the i ti m . Cathnhr Student On- ner «»f the 1Mb award f'»r llter- ••nmmentarv on life In the So¬ physleift* wilt he there, uttinj And 45,400 was left to hall here the awarding on the rve of the hearings An Aljit'iinni jinlpc hits ilefieil t»»i. coffer hour. ituie remalnetl in the U.S.SR. viet Union aftei the revolution in front rri tlie SwHiah roval V her dogs. f-ieroonv take- place tha enmmissjon tn make him turn r»ver voter registration The Noire I Foundation ha The Russian* railed against the family. They are p. A. Che ran rPCrtrtla in hi« nmtoily, 1.1'lllTH An important figure cm the hoard i4- MSU'k President John A. Hannah who is chairman. Rpfnre heading for Montgomery. Ala. the sjte of the hearing*. 1>r. Ilnnnah riinferreil with President hi enhower Questions CAMPUS CLASSIFIEDS ED 2-1511 EXT. 2615 on "thf peogreaa id' the ronitniHwion " So now the eye* of the nation will he find on the even l>< Ideational DEADI.INFIS: 1 p.m. DAY BKFOBF rCBI-ICATlOX FOB TUKS.. WED, tusl progrena or shortcoming* accomplished by the coin- TIICRK.. AND FBI. EDITIONS. mlkkion. If *ome headway i* made, ♦ h«» commisftion wniiltl Riatim# R more •nana. potent and commanding role In civil right Should the commission'* work and program prove Approach MON. EDITION DEADLINE, 1 p.m. FBI. Bilk Payabl* (-11 an* 1-1 Monday through Friday Tu the Idilor: fruit leu* it certainly would lie senseless to continue aueh a • Mi l)«i. 3, in a «pe»» h before board. die Ann Alhui Rotary Club president John A llanah said: HOUSING HOUSING HOUSING SERVICE mrr BRFOIth the group meets to unrover and diaenaa ' To em ourage more stwlerifs CLASSIFIED RATES ' |fa flndlnga Circuit Judge-tieorge Wallace ha summoned sua BLACK. TTFIKT r.« to gn tu eollrge, desitiihle as I FO* BENT BOB RENT FOR SALI purptp Aappndpi.lp TMpbp* A forceful warning. 'hut would Im1, would only com* fhlnlmMiR IB W0f4t Bnppm gpnPfSl 'vplnf EIpp^HP > plicate .the financial problems TiaiLMI wri»»r hi 7-1— Th# Judge threatened to jail any cotnmisaion agent who I day FI'RNtflMEli rtVE-Rf»OM M'mim In • OOMl nf tiistltlltions already struggl¬ Idmotng. «»n» milt froc < *mi>'.* tried to gid poaaeaaion of the itnpounded files on Negro I day* .. .. 11.41 I'nntpct C Rrnrnni. Ell t-4770 in u»*s fJENEEM. *»' npar rampm OMf. WI CAN T MOVI YOU ' ing iindn heavy enrollment f*. PDUonallv g'^»d pon«tl»lnn Rpb- Voting. Ho Maid he would overlook the fact he had been I day, »i.n EACULTV-RAST LANSINO. fm.r thi MOON TIT! IUT WI CAN loads " .. ... a-nahlP ED 7-OS44 •>»•* • l». ■■ mow unfurnished brtrb duple* two MOVI YOU COAST TO cosr •erred wdth A euhpeona bv the commission for the voting I wonder If IV. Manah with 4 day, .. ... ttM hMtrmm. htil, ntn hiwmint. avallahlp In BrpT""*'! M^n-p tat arheol. MO plu* utilHIoa CD l#R7 OCNERA1. t« a 4R RaretDni rocorda of two cnuntien. Wallace feela this is an encroach hi* «ii«^>Jenrlv fixed on the tn* I day, .. ... 11.10 near I-IIM 10 m»n Hp'1* mBrfp dally, hltrhtn fa (v.ndUlon BPII »!»•• wppX l*»i cllltlp* EIvp rnimiiPB from rampu* PMon* ED 7-gao:i ment of the authority of hi* court Milerpiatelv financed programs ulna oIIipt p*»raa ' am Hp "»n m.v SD| TtbUpt Haven ■ •f Mlctiigan - colleges and unt* ADDITIONAL CHAPSES A'COMOMATtONa rem r i v r for wintPf tPMn. IV Y *bzi oi IV However, the judge must realize that the commission m i iiit ti.t topped to consider n.alp iltidfuli Aupfnvi ivpn h'>H«lr-■01* *o lo. hcI ward mi IS Prl< at* piitranip ainraga rag# «•>*' p E'> ran nak the Juatiee Oepjirtmenl to ulc a "ktlk\ witness •lie divrrlminaiitig. uniealPih Z .saw «ar ril I-3MU 49 rr.nilMInn Will lake t MAIT HTUDENT Til aharp d. HIP for contempt" in Federal Court. • pproach that i« taken toward 4« p*< day nam. H'PnMfa,' rvMilahlp and fiarX EAMI I ANMlNfi NEAR Eariillv oev rppllrnitt to out college liiPinlHiP (Paving ratnlom |lp«prnl>pr ing Phonp IV J 7mw % Ihlt. Hie pro-aegregat i«»ii|.l - have found a public elect ml oid urtivi r*itie 15 Will rpi.i armf-furriiahpd. r-igiii APPROVED SINGLE nooM LOST and FOUND official who also defies I he* new federal ai»cn« \ Alabama l» treru -aid and I*, no AUTOMOTIVE fmdn l olonlRl two yaara r.lrt Mouap •ralP «»iiflpnt hlial l""> llprX»- - »»• Rfd i*n mh/m v». Ma* Iiimi hPdrfM.mR. fan.lly room. nail IM fhylnlrin SI ri) >-»rtM7 » PI I AMi *11 VER Pa-kPr 71. C#M«" Attorney Henernl John Pattei <«. .1 . oi -iamP alampprl Rp V( *i ts • IIM« HI.Al'K »'A« HARM Hoirif MtiMi-ln rang#. 4iaHwBat.pi #t.- Jan. PJ, ha* told the six eount> lion his <>l mipei visors to dudeni- who have done welt in EOR RENT DfM'RI E tonn. Ap mi llf-dv »nd i'ortiin Sgilla Rp- h»«» Us Pe# h#» !»♦—#•« I I#II#iii iTindilion At* in ea uintei TwpiiI* niof.Uia I' nap a' llflY ,»r ■ ornvprt for W'.ntpr »p»m R.t • ..rd sk i Marians. A <•* R>.»«pr withhold access of the ceroids to the ciiuiiw ion hut, . tuetl do poor Iv in college UP't Nnw iiHtl tanh m f RiB'i Mi mi.nUi Eli a-A/Ml bo W'p*I Ifrantl Rivpi V IV 4-MOT -Ir» r l» • '721 Si' bit#* tin true of ■ v .ooveiM is Patterson fiKiires the records are private and confiden¬ 195A At'ATIN MEALY, new M * EART I.ANMINO MHANIi mpw un ' Nl VCR HA I. njCCTRORsif bitflr f .nlai.pu «*«•• IipiU'h.hi (I I tial* He also promises to implore even legal rccoui-e to (mm* Can it , h it ii la . ti'M-l aid that all tlu* si « ludentr With *invr IIIp ti hath, i l»«PI*. f.i'l u • « PERSONAL ■PEflAL idudpnt ratp* biMnent Phonp Ell ?• nasi If-So ■ »dio rppair TuhP* i t.P xnd ft»* keep the files away from the commission lie Inn also given it" ult of deter'initiation in otn fj; W'M.dmart. E Laaa.nt »(•• inr.:i ti.UR ,«ua« C)*r..- rWRNtAlim SEVEN Hi HIM '-.up ED I-WT7 •» order to jail any commission agent.•« who tried to take the it *i;ihi • and b'tbarg* ill tlie tiilli fUrtio *f».t lipatar 4171 IH'«i with narXii.p latlliup* IN m.iip ir-.. UNDfg NfW MANAG(M(Nt recorda out of his custmlv • .IIP* J.,Mi. W put Eil >-Oa44 Ml . a" i"i* Availai.l# Jar. t Phonp El» •PUDNttTR' MMM OOOt> No doubt thi ha- some reb > RUM YD I «B, k t,< V(»ur shark for « Apparently, anti-integiation sentiment i« reaching a van. » Im I contend llr.it thr m e una, h Ruv itien at ih» apartments ,i fthot» ?« MA' breaking poinl in Alahamn e,|ud> of the cubic giadllig »>•- During the past three years defianre el Hie government feni of our high schools a% fiti EMPLOYMENT I EXTRA LARGE ROOM ft and halt ' _ EvPivU.u.g furiiial.Pd !>*!.» wrlioir.. ha* echoed from different Southern states who cling to. ,i* d affect* eniiame into rol "S\ pp» mown, tv * a*i7 *. DIRTS ARLlNTVI R.ARV HITTER MONDAY thru lege i» in sermns need "of an out filiated ideas and feeling- toward integration Emld* t IVI II. Phona IV i-114.1 WOOD MAR APART MEM ft IJlf ! ov eihaul pri >47 after I Now the staunch defier* of the federal government has Marunprllp ft* ihip and l*o t»pd ! AE S'j:5&fST- Miwl Infliirnlial taken a firm hold in Alabama. Hut what seems to he over PART-TIME WORK W» fit enisr r«*wj« •vallahlr flw 41'hi «l 10 Im- We realize that in all Inst art.Pd.ilP Nlarripd malp SI or oldpr mNlat# pmsMMi I . Mid • ' Mta bt t>* looked by these minority groups is the law deluied m the tutton* in some instance* there •»n rar l.aiwinf ..pa AppIV U*' »•» w«lwm.p siov# _ tPfner. 'OMR. ftf Clf*N'NC- AND I .Vll.'hlgan. I ai.aihf siHIlm* tu*/ that Uiti federal Constitution. w»!| he individuals who wil not n.f Uip da • IMODILING 0 '-at ge-t>*wt» ♦» receive irtote than a (' regaidless Sections I and 2 of the t*»th ainendmeiit state the EIRftT EI.OiJH I4TUDIO apailtopnt ►t l9'9 ir»«'«|t ©f ,k» | -t' posi of tin caliber of their wotk In FOR RENT Hop or |w<> nialr a'odpnli Pllvalp lion of the federal government. # >at co't* hatti ta »-» view of tin-, and by reason that hath. Piiiraiup I'atRliig. uMMtr raia'f ef k.ghfz Vt at» ■ In Section ! it *h\s W ll.UIWft TRAILER COtfRT. Wil o.'id till E Kalai-armi V> INFORMATION . the goixt recommendations, not ' lln-intoil LaifP lot* avallahlp. rr mentnrn A PAR f MEN I Hit.Ills OF CITI/l:\S of the I nited State- to vote to scholarships, seem li.piit patio* snd runawav* Will J '1'• N I s »| E |i ,I,„p|.P :ONC(RN>NG VACANCHS THIS CHRISTMAS 0IV| J|WL»f shall not he denied or abridged bv the ('nited State- or h\ to fall to the children of Hie handle m\ »i»p trsilet Rate •*' i-pt '""V IT"',!. . mouthi Thr« Three moutlia Ire# lent •" Aoholt Ri| Wli.tpi tarin El» 1-9. FOR most influential parent*. Wr all rollegl W NT|R T|RM RMONI beg# iatudenu 40 a"er * .*• S©frat(..f| Ca -t/ a-s n • any state oti account ot race, color 01 previous condition of ROOMS WINTER TfiM must adopt a more etpiitatrle lAMlT* WALKING OlHIANif - 0 r* -aoi e p'ae 'ml qt -• eervititnde " P AMINO to I UK o. IV 2 4724 jHilicv by which teal scholarship Th re# r.Hiine and nath s«..vp ami rp- S'NGlfS- !• V 0 A (riaprafoi optional I'rtvalp rntrwo-,. if |«re..prt- «ui r » Section 2 outlines the governing lmd> who has the and individual initiative are re¬ MAKE RE1ERVATION EOR he*t DOUBl I V- l* AO power new l> tlptoialpii I'lnm* Hi 0 A dhfi te ge->p - #*♦ R* warded anil by which the few term. One bloek irotn downlown E J.a,Jt ' of enforcement. Lansing N Mock from Grand Rivrr .1 p«-*o-e ty . . who entertain obstacles and HHUM "M, P.... ••Congress shall have the power to enforce the article truely represent the pioneers ot ... : Naat IW'O nioipv OR TIIHI.I »«.. I'lork* men from It i'» 0 a loito #♦ 'ait'ef F'e-*. e ,« by appropriate legislation " das* progression may obtain an FOR SALE | Phimp III ? ti-VM KW'/v«T DEL IV ERR EUU-V dec- • .i *er » it for UK These two points seem clem and definite. Someone should ei|iial opportunity in college PNAPI'HOVID APARTMENT EOrt • IV « IMJ neii.ra 2 pm lof A l P>e7 federal commission. NICELY El'RNIftHED WARM iw . ' possibly be accefded under SCHICK VARMTV RAZOR Rran.l XJTZXL. .r"S -Z.J.—Xl—. T =r- 3UBB Irajt'fulb Padaitd a-4 ooin apmtn.pni SuiUl.ie (oi •».. existing circumstance* But if new. . ED I-4R3I. room 3M. koft " '.male •tmirnu Phone Ki» a -113P4 g. FOR SALE wo would attempt to equate our SPARTAN Hall fyh Wreppad. 'LPARD REMINGTON TYPE- TWil APARTMENTB. NEWLY UP. ID 2 2SM T MR EI tilD»R>o.vi I RMHtRfield applicant* all by (he same scale, Excellent condition |v^ n-oin t«.r aix «>r ptgh? »nt. .« .-age Luge I would hazard to guess that a 7-ggll denta i 'loae to campua RpaaonaMe i»: .»r,! z. Oft T rou TRV US RO» , > ;!h Mpln.n U 10 Uanltil 333 W :v IV a-H.A.1 »«k Donna Smith SOM|TH:N& SPEC *-' percent shift in student back¬ Vl xi lor 04-m DIAMOND 14 k while gold n rif,d ft I ED ACROSS 33 High ml AC. 1 bed ground would be.-ome evident, mount Dunling *43 AppraMal furniahed CL!1"" ",%rr 1 ",r Tl) 3 VOU MUST N SATISR ID 39 Pre He '(live* Program # 2b 3-30*3 *o NEAR CAMPUS TWO heih .am.i I Com at 4*1 Man » ••am nickname New York state give* an #g* MUST RELL HOUSEHOLD (urn- I large kitclin. 3A* hreaXfaat plus ru.-k. utilities II* SERVICE Ing riN.m arid WM. H. THOMPSON i Larfi eoeortment of otlier TWO ROOMS WITH n.Uh. S Vegetable 41 Concerning animation to all graduating high Nf N. Cedar. Lenatni iw- ilerr* <10 w*ek Male IV dent ED 2-17Pi. family SPARTAN AVIATION IF4C I weekl* caie of two upaleus »lu- " room* pip m Keel billed 43 Incl.ne m Iuh 11 seniors and by this Rd Vcwr F a*de' iff ferred *n cuekon 44 Joker equate* the schools as well as Fnn IV Mf** QUAY YVR 3ACI ROOM TOR THREE m ^ Wot*h:p $A httang' 44 Hop kiln the graduates. Possibly we could S7.- i B apartment LANftING Two NEW male fuinUlml atodenta nr Private ent.,..,.. Tile tl*w *r. 44 Propel a - Knnttv-li^rip paneling IS Eragiattce Intal adopt this procedure as far as CHRISTMAS TREES RUV e needle •mplviwd men Private hath able Met) KD 7-1 HO Parking college applicants are concern¬ freeh scut tree fToin Gibaon* at f x accurate thesis and \ 14. Crimacn N» Domeitt- fait freah . I _ ed the Teatee Ereete. 1307 E Grand n-iwr typing Free paper 4t* IB Surfa.ee cale* I NORTH HOMER THHwe ro*«na I'NIVLRslTV HOUSE mi . Ri qkt he r af ekeHer tn repreSudttes Pfoceet «m ». D ■ Rodent 43 Biblical Solution to Friday* Puttie I am aware of too many aitu- Michigan a flneat luy^tlrJf Ruv dtreet from (ronl beeeinent ,,,lh- furniahed IV ' iv t aeaa Eirat flo,w end St Dim hi# av.ul.hle Rpjt i Capital C.4, AlrpeH IV f-014* W Ruddh *4 character at ions in w hich the high schools the grower end aeve able rent, aee Mr Jnhnwsn P m •acred language *4 Noat.lity Ml Eternity DOWN t Sf|m»nl at virtually permit -no social mo- RACOON COAT SIZE t# GRAND Oood Two-room apartment, furiitthed. A3 RIVEN AT Penney Iv bum - ; TVPIKG AU e- 1.1. KINDS Manual and Tan • ear* experience transportation a circt# 'bililv and >ccm to diligently dis¬ condition. Contact Jan. ED per month. Private entrance end TWO rtHMftllLU col- 19 Kin»man 39 Chamtwra I Coach ttOOMe lot • «r leaiee ED i-MA Ml courage college educations for i parking IV R-3I7K after 3 pm 3n ien Avallahlp fhee • l*i IS 3.V* KHir.H, WANTED TO H"!/1 m Inatie tk) \d, quale t Identical • Look llaikrt E. i C .tv Te leave apBreximateir nil!i I-among B Halfaneei a»kance many. an*l in fact impede ap¬ STEEL BUNK BEDS Space rYPLNG f'XPi HtENCED TYFIST 1 camber 3T. Centedl Nancy Nt»ue *1 Fall behind 3 Of the tide* BACHELOB , DELIGHT TH H. I heater fireplace get heater Cheap Rapiu *erv»te close to Ml >-D l-SRSI r el V»M(Ii for 4 Yarn a Foreboding plications by offering itnperson* ED 1-3*94- « rooni furnished unit Ideal for one APPROVED ROOMS GOOD ig NEW YORK CITY , riders •-><*> I 0 Browme liquid* commune long with grade transters that IEUDNUT NKAKPAST IYICIAL a, r..-* jr..-" IKY 0 Dteontpoaea S3 Bilter vetch iinaitt II Total E LANSING 123 Krnberrv Or aid* ED !-♦ I aa si I HARIIf. £ Co.segr Df HARfiER Shop tor Chriatnika hoiidave E*1 | 9 Kuidhneii in no manner represent the TlU IND OF TkRM r f 2M'i Abbntt Rd evening* or efternooi a 14 Afr One bio, k fiton AAP fttoie Se«> SINGLE AND DOUHU < j'»cd w erinodlja, wr URia E • # Tee Sp.'d*utl Kuwtti —~ type of work done. one-bedroom apartment unrurm*hed pine approved Private iiatn Grand River antelope 20 Like I am an adviu ate of this ela*s # June except atovr • " — * and refrigerator. Adf— Tile — and parking available ri-rtma Phone IV- — tt^M.-nday. i RIOE WANTED n,w» wnaiM, TO Ntnaeap December !». cdfrtart /<■ >» , , ■ TYPIST ANN BROWN 31 Worked mobility and believe that unless # Colter 3i> i w?n Electr e typewriter Phoue TU rU-;Mc(uc. Tana ED 1-1411- "I with the feet ut* adopt a policy of find equat¬ ONLY 24c APEROVIU double' room I.., ruuera and u e»u a'.vo 22 Old- t Mr.N THHEI block* turn R. im! Evergreen No cooking irr- genarsl tjrp- WILL LEAVE TVRSDAY >4 » < ing all students on the ba»i* of SYUDNUT SHOR rooma furmahed. Ihrar k am Go through Angola •' ED 9-47fW. ■— So worr.anisb equal tests generalized h> cover 211 MAC Opc* * a.m. to * p.m fireplace Oarage park* WHEN YOU ity. Chicago Height*. Kank**" R* f-mx THINK Of _ . 24 Beseech nabio rtMMM ATTRACTIVE I ARGE Loul*. Mo* weel te Coiur r>ta * all Inteiests. we Ere ittseourgging DOUBLE «"}!£ W the VIEL-O-STATE * 24 Ranks 1 room Separate phone aa 30 per pe-- .-i«r "S ■ w.u take up to att ?****, ''''k I 2? Item leadership in real individualists mm ri) ?-3«»' Ji.l Highland Air oi part at way Rhone . ka east of Erardor Wi RADIO TV. HI-EI aelee" 3-444S setagg lg |A human resources. lio TV Se 32 Age LARGE TRIPLE AND double Wan, i iLTre 'iS WDCRR WANTED TO I JS Show ng Rlair Ylohnev rCK.in* fur male at idenU acrmw from 2-33*3 u *ne and Mil one way »" N'' L mercy CHRISTMAS TRESS. SCOT* R-ther I l«th llail AvulUbl- Dc, taav via Peon TurnpikeLa*. I ^1 ■>' to It* Anr tree in plantation for both winter and srrir-g TYPEWftn ER RENTALS Aim a*k camber 19 at altof. ED 1 JO Flax Aber A ♦ # term* ED 2>M*3 v. 97 Wood oT an BOOMS FOR OLDER students 14J t 1 tree Ron*. tD I-MM SO APPROVED ROOMS SINGLE 43 Negative OilierHeiiiarka- , double PriYat* parking entrance and DOUBLE APPROVED FOR nan bath, trkeptvune. Alao five inoni* foi 41 Cr lettae Private entrance, narking telephone • Indent* etr—— —— *— 47 Apart 1o Ihe Editor: Phone ED 40. Goods Periiaps when Mr. Hollis 51. Lichena gets into the business world... " 92 Lamprey he will learn of such things a* S3 Brown k.wB veiled sarcasm, mneundos and SS Negative satire 1 suggest he start now by M w.id goat CAMPUS CLASSIFIEDS If AiRrmanw# i(heading Mi. Ren's letter. . HIOH KEADBRSHIP . Ban McKinnua . . . LOW COST . . . Ill Gnnnrn F.\lr;idilioii WOMM» WATS MS* Opinion Teachers' Union Dissension sriSoP (Continuod from Page l.> AT TMEIB MEETING fn "h-T (. Its, MARS THS rw Thr. Political Charges gingering but since frorn 'hat college was no also faculty came discussed, rdemher forward Brighton. Wa>-ne Stale union '.teps officers agreed toward forming and a \n MNlI take Michi¬ •ncmoAs WAR mm rocs MOSNRO HABIT tr» present a c-i«ie or a"k for gan Council of college uniong, A dtirrey "f public opinion In Rhplmyjrnn. help, Wl«„ rrunlrd the union took no.action." S'i'h a council would utilise )n political, trouble for ii 9 10 far change." Macrorle ing this winter. n m . M'»n-Hv .fun said. SPARTAN "» JOYCE OAKF*. Athlon rrad dwkat fjeft) ami W. State's policy of giving server leaked ant p * 1111 r « I t'»• lirpiing t»r,t|j t with a menn from a German waiter In vn- p rn., Al A Ik In. Detroit senior Frank* teachers burled at William* a I10O #alar>- Increment charges ware Wo'inrcl-.y. .Inn 7 fright), receive fart daring the MH(j Players law ml "What Is needed at as Germany. each year for Intimating that his nbjrrtive was Cl',:5,c i.'Em at 8 ryjwrienre has shown again and a period of four am. Thurs¬ year * jlio BASSE* SHOP U rata* Ms political stork Wisconsin for the approirbing In day The Jan 1 •i«»d»il/» f„r students Acting Experience Unique agon In the past 10 written policy insuring that fac¬ years, is 'This a mi ,s a discussed. policv we w.uld ulty members Ilk— to see instituted at MSU," p«o presidential election. opt •v «ti,den':» to s me*, those of tray- working in a group the areas of Eranre we saw. Germany and Jun Voorheia, pianist and mu¬ ing by having »o get the current and focusing the lights In rooms that were riot de«. n»-d pr .per spring that he saw no reason why the Faculty Organisation could not be rhanged and he £ iin leaders. vv.: i a Ui : o f'.r p m ao I 'hois# of rewarding theater sical arranger from Birming¬ a play than I would have suggrsied that the union present I.. M. Mathleu, excrutive vkn Tow W - .1 30 I .10 p m. k Ui any other way." he said. wo. ham, liked the Its concrete proposals for con¬ pfCijdcnt of the Shcb-.v/.n reception <»f The player< At f.inda ftohlhof, ftirmlng* were asked v ,eth¬ sideration. A an of Commerce, said he contemporary jarz—his specialty er they would recommend t hiTihomore. put it "Seeing —better than anything. "T is year the union ha* .of acted by phone. "He more or less Inquired as ' t-11 !'• .ife t » and vl a different way of iting strange places "Everywhere we went f found grent audiences for jar/." V lata,e*lata da* ftr Carl. Itvjffr prufesaof most in pre »'d Harry Maier, managing editor . . by the show's livery r- d«v» qiment ar auiliaa. of the Sheboygan Press, tai l hr also qui//mI , f uw Arnrnal in •he difference over in ttie weeks and attitude toward IAPPY NEW YEAR • t s J', .i .p* meet- !he ir's in Europe PRICED 92.50 - 95.50 - f4.50 kg 1 "Every one of the people In novT forc.et to stop • 0 ASSORTED CHEESES Reds Rejected 17. i-art which 'tie throughuut show grew witfi the tour," he said. their role IN TO SEE is OFTEN the "I was impressed with the • WE WILL SHIP WITHIN U.S.A. In W. Rerlin . far» »hat »ight we played to audiencea WHEN YOU GET BACK wtiich Of KN A-S:M were a croas-sectiOfl of A;.- erica. *oi'i»-thir,g that we Juat City Election d'«n't nave a chance v» do on CS" pus. LOCATED IN IMOD Lit.K ON FINALS! htttUtf UP) — West ftelin f homaslo M a a i k a• Mm yotrra early tori ay aoJidly r« <«"•' - thuusht the theater espertene# el the Soviet Union's t»: i t" make West Berlin b7 iwarnping the commur.!'- » neutral n' in ns* feeding >nsl rewarding, pr> sard by along In « foreign country. hut was living and getting meet Im? UNION BLDCL Frw MSU. [TORE I ike-i playing for a differ¬ the election of a new city parlia¬ Pirklnf ment fn -1 #17 f.rst H.r- ent kind of au'l.i.uire in each 8 BARBERS — dm 8 • ■ f dairy ew area we vUded,** «he said. la Th, Defying Communist threat# to .r the isolated n 'tit A senior fT'»m Erold, Mont ih.rt laundry • dry c'aooic | Bawtb M af Aatbeay Hal city, Wi>t , NO WAITING aerot# from turned out in record nufi»-«- • An. r ■ r an Fred Uarrv Undbrrg, found the trip Her new t» bai the Rfda \- ' •I t. | f«,r a i-r.ie pu!ar en- d'tM-rrient od Soviet l*ten i« r Khru'hchav'i projKwal to ouat The NEW Hoiy-cod Mors peopla ara loyal to Cas—la •i W"i tr'K»p# from West Berlin mui.col .n COlOg thaa «r,d ronvert the city into an un- any other cigarette today. It staads to trTd neutral island. by !(.» "My foil reaaon: the beat tobaeao makea tha The unofficial final returns lody" composeri. beat amoka. The Carnal blend of .from UflO voting districts gave The Very costly thu' breakdown of the ol the tobaccos bat never haw irnte popular equalled fas good t " - qiH -ha neb flavor and easygoing lalldnwi Na ketaliftg — B39.1M (82 2'f per* »ai toji'.t to be bodL wonder Camel la tha I«0. X tent) Chri«t of all braada ctgarattgj (17 93) an Democrats —■ IW8.67J* todagl N* Democrats — 81.028 (3 8) Csrr an Party — 31,882 (3 31) Wopfc* Party — 10.189 * tadb aad taaey HaU an Or Ua fOW) bMb.., Communists — SI,470 (1 98) would tou Have a real tvmw uk* to m an an unu cigarette- mwaimmt have a CAMEL «CAUnCA«H>NS 'An Man M LESLIE CAR0N tr a it" MAURICE CHEVALIER LOU'S J0UR0AN •S 'UM i ME,-'.' O'.E {.t. ,-.D ' E<- GAo MfM bcnC-RK ■ V3a JE*« •Wn,!, ru: III* Jf ItSHEI • ? RtOOBO 10CWE 'SiO vilk *tiT«S ' a-r. '•I'M*, *1 tala- TMtmumu ■O. ar Haar M-C-M Baco/dt Sound Iroca AiOvm J r«i '» dnrin, I-, P?''1ar» see it It ICSI naua n at copula* ' 0 eiiCEii •"9 Swit'i 1 Av,o,« COM^tUOUS h£«fOt'.'«NCES $r» - > jf f;- . $• It •# mmin*"* «T*TF NFW* Beginners llnheatened raW, ». Ill* »"••» r,« Stall Criticism ol Englnesring t I of (Confirm*/! trim I'Age I) fr. ,<- The one, which 1* currently lacking med the following statement 'nd, sophcimore ranked along waa here In lftf»4 TOP Army'g jroid-pjntrri pioneer about the matter of dissension as ith team* frorn Aururtsna Co! The antagonism, whl h gmircea a representative from electrlrel r reported In the Detroit News HI plunged to a fierv death *ge, ffock Island, Illinois ar.d believed center* largely jn thin engineering There have t»een no f/ryola Cniveralty in Chicago department, w»* believed a nor¬ complaints about any policies Friday: 55 mileM atiovf North Afri¬ THR MRU CHORUM perferms In the Annual Christmas Concert The 'wo MSG debaters defeat mal variety by the d^an from senior staff member*, he "Any changes have been made ca at 2:51 p.m. EST Sunday. "The department la one of said In accordance with regular pro¬ put on hy the department ef music. The program featured "Th* •he University of Wisconsin Divine Myatery," a fhrtstmaa paraole, and audience caroling The two- fr*S -.or.g ' ) 1 - ,V»ur.d Milwaukee branch), Kansar the Id lop engineering deparl- Source* told of specific fn- cedure. Should AAUP make PRICES wh eh faculty mem¬ formal nose cone vis tricked to a /ate. Washington University, menta In the ronnlry." Ryder ataneea In Inquiry we would give had to Visit president them reply, of course I think height of ft* CM mles 'Wore the ".farcjuotte, Xavier and the llni- aald, "and yon don't have a ber* a good department without good morale." Hannah, whom they said de¬ served the greatest respect for It is significant that the local AAtfp knows nothing about the Voting Records Held lip fnrce whisked of the .,yk eVfxJ* gravity from it* pro tie '•rsity of Illinois. All over fjnal results .showee •he way he handled the situa¬ c,f ou'er sp.iee MflH third place. Augurtan* He "aid he lightened the av¬ problem " in For Civil Rights Commission point -ibout 9pm • At 'he nigh v i* fir«t and Kansas State *e<. EST Saturday nigh', it had nd. Thi* va* the second var- -rlowed »o a few ntindfed miles ,'v tournament of the term per hour, ftu' -.fier. »r ef| dOW«- Slowed by Red Tape Htev# Gronner. Dinsing aoph- .peed revived to an GET IN ON THE SPECIAL! wurd, - Its first public hearing today. groea have been denied the flerre heat generated hy friction Northwestern, Dr. H tiber II- ingsworth is the director of k WH.I, BE READY WHEN YOU COME BACK The commission declined Sun¬ day to my what action It might right to v'te r .cause of their race without a* 'hey expressed Shortly if'er 1pm F.ST Sun¬ forensic?*, take If voter registration offic¬ it, trymg to determine "who i* day the Army's je* propulsion f>if1ng the 'erm the Porersi- f - BEFORE YOU GO HOME AND THEY Jah'.ratory announced' BOOKS! ials refuse to produce their right and who ,a wrong" Union has 'aken jxirt In s num¬ records. Fturnout at TM " ber. of ae^ivities; Bradley Uni- LIMITED The announcement did not '•raify tournament, Alatwrc.* Clan* (> ratio* 49( TIME Dean Reh•rt btnrey. vlee PINTS AND SKIRTS ONLY chairman ef the eemmfaalnn, told make clear Whether that was a ):mrrif?ee hearing* and novie# Roro'o thai the eaeatlon of what te io Duo in Office* 4 *r t king station in Puerto ftico debi'e tournament, the I n*»r- had recorded the exact moment #t tonal Dehat# and rwen»lv If witnesses refuse to produce REST WISHES FOR THE HOLIDAY SEASON of 'he end of Pioneer ill. Jut I the records will he answered when that situation arise*. Uy Tlii* Friday f!c>r the scientist* in charge 'bey received the Oil Can Tro- Hy frcen Wayne State Univer- AND THE COMING YEAR]!! Class card* for final had_j < f 'he p ierto JlVan «U- sity. grades He explained that officially to bo ♦ ton would he the !a*t one ire delivered to depart- De- e MSU played ho«« it Sample tha federal agenry had received word that any witness might mental offices Friday. Fa' itty '\t« ,rr»\ ',n" the plunging rone Keli'gg Center to five Junior 626 W. MICHIGAN ED 2-171.1 no refuse to answer the subpoena and s'aff mem tiers are requested tiiit that it would he below the ' "liege debate 'cams. Flint **« of atation at it* Few Of to surrender the voting record* to ehc-k to verify that there I* a class card for each student. hor./ >n death. the the v-hnoli victor 'hat while the rgbey The commix*.on chairman. participated were The grading system .* printed Ha |. (»*n. lohn Medart*. rhlef B^tle Creek, Jaekaon, Alper.a, AH Wo on the fare of each rU* card of the Arm* i missile command 4ht\ Spring Artx»r, More detailed information I* declared the shot "eomp|ete|» Wart. GET SATISFYING FLAVOR.,, given on page XV on 'he Time Schedule for Courses" A grade .uceessfiil" in achieving it* pri¬ mary objective — to reeord the Diiilea Treated of "Inc" or "N" must be an- depth of the dead 11 radiation At Army Hoapital So friendly to your taste! thoije<| by the student's dean hand around the earth. Akfm And *• Wo RfHk hef'ire It may given Departments will be notified He said 4t failed to reach it* WASHINGTON '**• — Secre- hv mail or telephone a« anon eeOTi dary goal — to >kirt the ry of State ThJilea Sunday was Andersen: Maw Low as authorisations are received -w»n and orbit the «un — fm eported .n Mtisfactory rondi- Ina. law A RnI Betel# n fleers Ihnimln Appllfd Mwh, No flat 'fntered-ouf'flavor I in th* Registration Office If a student mien a aminatjon without, a «vf«firt<>r- final ex wo rear'»n* as off course .t went hut off three aerond.s too oo slow He *Aid its fw an so» u •n at Waiter Reed Army Hot- ital. where he l« being treated an .nflammatory condition VHnnina: ft Up of American Iron I.Ifp II later f No dry "smoked-out "taste! ewp'ansM in. n gride of si Vll he reported This rule Wi< 'F" o ne it* ve oritv failed 24 300 miles rwr hour neec to exec f 'he lower colon. In announcing Saturday night Brlnten: Idri* A Mom udr-nte i bv the faculty on Nov > clear th# eirth'a main gra at Dulles nsd entered the hns- Humialilu 4, 1344. Final grade* are due at tonal pull Ar.d he Mid. 'al, the state lepertrr.ent «sid i Knrltniton: Molh. Tables In the Regntmt.on Office 3 ok off from Cape Canavera e planned '«o *tay there *we i % Fla at 12 4"t am I'aed In mm| retirees hours after the final exam All . 34'urday 34 or three days for treatment fronhark: t dneattenal gr-idef are due by 11 am,, Wed¬ degrees fn»m it* intended flight Me .g *tiil expected to fly next Patrhelngt nesday, Dec. 17. p on U., ikMktWlaeek k, — i "■*» vMk, .« K* Hm r irpp the night before the pari*. tive. but wine aeem to hive mnrh patienee fill.I. iltVVK, Vf'irr*-.- «n