m fy*jf§n WHAT* INRfMt Michigan State News I mi !• »"• ' ! r.a, it i.i. iNnw 1 voting 9.4 I n„IlM* Hlnm — - 9 4 *l*r ynnt Chl»» m»rrf AM v«»tir New V'«f, («•. %fay V'" flmli h» h«t AM may A'* k» »!»»• roe. yOU 60, No. 100 EAST UANSINO, MICHIGAN—TUESDAY, DECEMBER ». 1'r.R PRICE 6 CENTS Reds Shun Berlin Election Defeat Soviets Agree West Prodded To Test Ban To Leave City I). S., Russia ( looperatc East German Communists In Geneva Conference GENEVA f/P)—The United States and Britain Seek Total Demilitarization obtained Russia's promise Monday nijfht to BERLIN f/P)—The East German Communist*, cooperate with an In* stunned ternational control system to police a ban on nuclear we*» by their crushing defeat in the West Berlin elections, re¬ pons tests. fused Monday to let All go of the Soviet free city proposal. three powers approved Anti-Red the ««. 'ind article Premier ' Gi atewuhl feeh- of a draft ly -rhned Moscow* < France treaty palling f-ir setting iwi'ion up a that eontrol organi/atinn and the municipal election# speci¬ "have nothing to do * with the fying the '•)>ligation to cooper- .Soviet bid to turn .Ve*t Ber',n Election ale a ith 'hat hndy iittn a neutral demilitarized Hut city. Boycotts the commitment was In general terms Prior to Sunday's election* The control ar¬ - *»*»# Sow, in which the Red* igain failed t,v A| Rnvf# rangements themselves h IVH JTtTF.'* JOHN niKKN leap* Mih Irtln the sir over inn Favorite still to he defined. »o -leuf a single candidate >n Bntler IpUm* tn«i teammate H*h Andefegg 123) lo lake * rebound l.anee the 133-«eat city parlinrnent-- |f)i.on l« In Ihr haekgrnun*. stale whipped Holler, 72-lfi. f.,r |H, wrond straight win ef the early *ea*on. See p^e 7 for tame There views already the next rllfference of between Bast and W»st l« developing During UN Talk Communist* urged West Berlin¬ er* to support the Soviet 'he pro- iodav's 3'j-h our conferenre Venezuela'* r#o<5*i with 'heir vote* session, the Russians intrmluced a long definition of their ideas IVexident Ahead Algeriiin Debute Oroiewohl hi* p-iiUamen' and tiling, to'd IT S British an* IIiuIihIcn , Four SparliuiH on f.ntrils - ideas which in¬ Irks Delegates Freiuh trrmps legally A-ere ob- clude such provisions as veto ilgalc'j •«, ,i,' »f West Ber¬ r.ghts and other concepts unac- CARAfAS, Venezuela f/T^ lin But uho-ving '.ittle funvir' .»» NCAA t'N'ITEn NATIONS. N Y. —Romuln Betancourt, it left- 'hat the At lie* von Id Proposal ccp'ahle to the Western powers. i.it who once won Venezue¬ Grofe■» ■ 1 added 'hat The three powers new ha*e f/Trj —♦ Franco walked otik -,e ■ >\ approve* the ftrsl two article* ready ! negotiation* on ,<'■ I- la* presidency through A Monday on a LN dnhato on ifig quest,on* iffec'mg 'he a«-,t- blight of a treaty hut stilt fare the coup, iippeared hended buck French -ruled Algeria. Diplo¬ ern garr.son* hard task of gaining Fast-West n*r Affect Aliens Twr Assoc »%rri» ewrsi agrremenl of • eontrol setup. on artnal A« approved, the second arti¬ operation to the presidency night through a free elec¬ tion. Monday mats said countries were working on a eight African resolution to have the Gen¬ It **« a talk* an* Western recognition Hi* regime clear invitation f«»e when the Invlrt of «ig cle represented MFtlRV ' imidi MAS! MSI"* Tie future of Michigan State harriers Forddy essentially a Mounting return* from Sun¬ f'hrl*tm»s tree, kt.uidin* across eral A tif rn b I y recognize month* ultimatum for aeeeptanee Kennedy combination of proposal* ad- day's voting gave 'he 50-year- from the I'nlnii, r*n he «.een from many point* around the city an* "the right of the of the free r|ty prop«»-al run* t Bill Reynolds, who paced the Spartans to a NTAA title vanrert by U. H Ambassador old leader "f the anti-Commun¬ Algerian out. Then Ihe ttuxvlan* «ay campus, ft shine* In wish they Dim fall, wflTKahif on th»' decision of the Jhtr-s Wadsworth and Hr.'- ist Demorra-ti* Actum l*»rtv, 1,« yon a merry f hristma* an* a happv people to independence." will transfer la the Fa«t German* Biy 10 faculty nh Minoder New Vear! FkVo French delegate* iaft the of Stale David their rantmla over resentatives and athletic directors meeting 017,310 to 025.5 to for hi* leading %IHe* air. Wednesdajr Ormsbr-Gort» conference gour- opponent. Rear Adm room when 'hs General Assem¬ rail an* highway lifeline* In in Chicago. • e* said Wolfgang bly* p'llltieal r^rrarabal The third rotnmittee »r>o|| Wert Berlin. I \* W T man in _ FW-f'.to group *'i!1 t.e n Hut the .Soviet's document on thg race, Rafael f'aldera of 'he KcNiime IbdilM-ratioiiN up 'he question of what to do I^to i\egro Vote N< A A fr;ek ,1-1 ontrola con firmed Western views 'hat the Soviet Unitm Is Christian Socialist Party, trailed ba llv wi'h 315.510 atxiut ian France the rebellion. four-year-old Alger¬ had rad West German Cham-el for K"n- ;»ei»re<| Adenauer'* government. ap- determined to pre** 'he Georgia Jury Locked # • » »•» vn- Authorities, hearing announced the rumors of boycott .Ve*tern big three for iuucstions A'o ifnre V\r»r« an m- diacontent in advance, She ron- ■ ,, T... i; ; : parent over Betancourt's victory, extended ap¬ an •»n ;< that Algeria i* her dome*- •ompromising Soviet pro(io*al A highiy reie't.on of "ha try cnampi-mshnw We nee* •ir mat'er md no'e* 'hut place* On Jewish election ban on the liquor sale* until Bonn .nformant Teniftle tilfist If this? fusing yi«<•••** !h«» r'Hi- the State News Is eknlng V'N ,» forbidden aid 'he A !e- up tewlav at ruem in » 'move to help r»y it* charter from oauer government believe* 'ha rng.i mee-ing wdi V chjin- shop fee the teem with tkta. keep tempers under control intervening in domestic .Soviet ultimatum vhmild tie 'lim¬ ne'ed to finale Ah. matter*. fi? NCAA ronvfrnti'»n oer yea, hut «*• The Democratic Action Party ATI. A NT A 'AA—A jurv argu¬ ed down cold. )f> fmriiinati nrt' m<»oth. will return af'r Mala an* appeaierl f ir calm. aeted s ' "it and 'hat Tunisian delegate Mongl Official* Refund* "II h*« tnlbn to h<* other festivities Jan.. I, Ike The organisation nt ing the Jcw.sh temple bombiOK R»-'v. «m< H" i-r.g, h other uf *he Slim, -i^-riing the debate, ex- The West vould be nper.it ■•■g a Pike Hetan* no.it* '.C'.rgi- Bright ,e- fforn 'he wor-t jyt«i'ion pr,*«- live defer,dar.t.s, f.rened To Take Oath the WAV Mimi r'M'hf* »rf t'dng first day of mart'* flemurratle Artlon Party, ported M in day it w a* hopeless¬ 'be 50 'he profound regret" 'hat ible..'* he. added, if it replied 'a 'i my. .f -Ivrnnn'e that, blavthrl Fren h had not mil and rcrrwllln* winw," larr-«l in. Ike nation, «ee«ningly ly dead) r^ked", hut stayed to •he Sovie» note wi'h a '-our.vr- tfw judge the Jp'vuh miles away fr m the U. S. and ottsoi bouse of Worship. present their argument.* I MONTGOMERY, Aln. W) I hdrlr, wrstern (Kill) irark Waller. roarh and North- British position on this subject. of tk» magnetic personality l.arraaahal, head of the JunU sent ;t t»a-' k to resume deliber¬ Bright was the first of the He sat* (he committee shawl* iroposal for an Ka*'-'»VV<* rr,n- mrm- ation* ferenre r.n *e.urity k* * Alabama voter r*Kia- her .»r the *taff for '*» ye*f* Included in the Soviet paper that rale* Venetnela after the The fore»Ti-in five men to be pli«c* „n trial. rerommen* negotiation* between and sn fiermanf told Rujicrior France central fturot>e Vition official* fiefieut FJer' n. da*. Peres Jtmtnes last January. 155 p m. 'F.'»Ti tb.it 't.e a Germany |*l*ral Civil Ritrhta Com* Kennedy the flr*? Spartan to interfere with the activities Betancourt, in politics since were divided 9 juror* ■ I :,«i -v.:bin * u-tf hour* f.iv- speak* for the rebel*. He sat* hould We and ce*-»rat F.'irotja Mian Monday and refuaed of the control organization at to -t He i dn • ore#t ruor ule Chey .<«>*. tor that government "represent* the held in the future, 'be runner » win 'ho national 0*!e hi* university days as a law say which n form an'. • ■ way. tnd f've d. m't 'other people of Algeria *aid. "but not now. testify about Neifro vot- in th«* 2'». w,r history >•( the •I! levels. student, is hated by many, but ask The exchange lasted >' i i."ai >r a mistrial— an* exerrtae* not under tha Th- Russians avoided meeting only hung jury control them." pressure of ,n "f or any other meet, and H »n<>; i», who ftni h- is followed loyally by pha.se of the Weatern demand that 'he more. Lnnor union vote* many three minutes. Ir» 'he -i f rd i mistrial. It French Premier Da Gaulle ultimatum. * r Work. ed flf'h, a ill ioc directly a/Tec'ed helped R.irli'r the 12 men ««ke* Pye proposed 180 observation post* v»* repf.r-ci 'be ;!ate planned disclosed in October that he had The Wert German* thu* by the rui-'-i: if it .« ac eptnj him sweep Zulia State. Vene¬ In rrne«t hi* Inslrneftmf--*. on- *eem- lf-*« of Ui»m even declined to scattered about the globe and zuela'*- principal •o 'aii for irnrn^tiate re-'.nal of offered 'o bring Algerian lead¬ -* ta he adapting a tangher at- i*s the o*lh as witnesses. In addition. Kt Gravdfn and •he oil-producing rernlng etrrumstantlal evidence. Ji r t« Ht ers to France Blade toward the RumIm pro- m'»bile inspect ton teams region. 'o negotiate for tle< !. ni Mi* Wj ■ n,; f.er of Hamil¬ Br-ght, a Van, balding engi¬ officials should he allowed the right to R'-uo-n fiti: and, attorney for an end to hostilities nasal* than the Western were ton. Ontrti i'-. >•-nid ix- inciufled Ho served a* provisional pres¬ neer, i* one of five men acfuvcd They re¬ hig Had after several fb-o'-rt Bow: plied 'hat they would negotiate three The Negro wit- under thu ruling Gravd -n i* a ma«e completely objective In¬ ident for two years after a <»up of b mi bib; the t ample ')•' • or other of British—with *nm# test,fie* that vestigations and 12 a.'i'l Wi. .api A.I'm, two only in a neutral place and on \meriran an* Trench hacking- they Were frev.msn criwc country runner inspections of that ousted president Isaias Me¬ The jury h i* thn-e po»uble Ikeated from registering sole-. suspicious earth tremors. dina ver¬ ■>f *r.t> •tne-r defendants, asked all aspects of a r»4*e fire have been advocating using the and Wii t f rubber w.l! »'srt Angar.ta in 1945. then dicts: ac'tuittai, death L^ute <>f their race. Some Before final agreement can be by / o~- Pye !<» i t.e • r rases of 'hose Sbm Mici/ed De Gauile for Rnssian note Berlin hia aoph'si. re year on the track handed over to the dern-ocraf.c- trocution >m for a or life Imprisonment. t'AO tried next. asking reached at this conferrnce^-the ally elected president Romulo the Algerian rebels to 'ounter-proposal thai wool* »et j*• siotfTlrai*"«. team th;a winter. Wallers aaid that among the Russians must agree to open Gal legos. «n! Testimony »t the 'rial intlu l- that of James Ix vorc. a city P>e told *gf'o'mey 'hat as ra.se the white dag of parley*," •»p a high level ronferenee on tneir large and secret land to *oon as the jti. y 'disp-ce* of ?h» which they said meant *urren- dlvldr* Germany an* Furopcan were college grad-* SrhooH that rampaixit Ihe m'wl Gaiiegr«s lasted le*« than a prisoner flevorp was a cellmate ' * ho attended famed Tus- such complete inapw tion as the year, He waa overthrown Nov. Bright the stale would Icr. lie fold the 81-nation com¬ •-.eetiritT. for alien track athlelea are of Bright and fas tilled that Western powers nave to say which of the other mittee the logical way to end * Institute in Micon county, art willing la 24. IMi, by an armv criup and, The Bonn MHHIcan Nlale. N'hraika. Ok¬ Bright 'old h.m about the bomb- defendant* would be called for 'he war was through republic and »he do. with Betancourt. went lato exile. political A'estarn registrar consented to In*', P** rail Hrieht declared he rx.wer* will try lahoma. Houston. Michigan, III* (rla?. ■ negotiations. *o but gave the commission ' h r e i h out 'htir differen--es inoia and Arizona Male. Noma 4iptamala sat* tka t re*, information about the al- The Big 10 h*» a rule '-hat afaliaw ta perparaUaa in a hen they m,—* next week in I denial of voting rights of the Parts at the Atla.-.'ic Pact ,'or- leg.slalei agamat o|:t#r a'.en Afrieaa graap af eight I.A *ele¬ e gn ministers conference. athletes for every year Ihcy gation* waa I* ealt' far aegalla- |E* 'Herat fact-finding agon- are over 20 at the time of en¬ Haas. Cnmmtmist officlalj tn Berlin privately cxpre«.*cd ?la*t IT ,Jl* fir,t day of ita first rollment. they » /car of They *aid the Algerian*' back¬ it the •.utrorre ;.cj i. failed to get voter rc-g- of tq® West P.»-r- liun records in eligibility- er* would seek a long general iift elections. The any of the Coach Fran D.'tcch, h-ad debate and then put (''irr.mu".?' n the reso¬ praties KgaUoti has into which the in- extended. track and cross country '*ch lution as tha subject for fur- - a press .Sid the who!* *hing *« fare® and a fraud, tnat terror "" at MSU. c m-rented -I voted for th«f discussion They said France at 1^4 cf the commission mcm- "mformer the 20-ye«r ruie bc« aw>e 1 *h«n* was lobbying for a short debate the pul's wa* at the root r,f -he vote. But 'he cold, turd !.u:t Gov. John 8. Battle by M**r. a. it U right, but ,t i* unfair to b*r urging friendly countries was 'flat the Red* had' art: urat¬ later rebuked the any b<»y compiling »n aihie'ica n»n to speak. f for what he said ed the Socialist* would sweep just because he cornea from an¬ _ *an effort to cover to victory with the Christian other, country." Democrat# running ■*r'r kf"iUri* Vwed by otx Negro voting. the defiant stand may Sparta ClaiiH But they had expected to eorel. gar¬ P r**; northern year as a congrew- strong argu- Slate News Earns $700 ner cent. more Under than the a paltry ! 9 'A'est Berlin per¬ ®'**<» of a tourher civil election law at least 5 percent law. which he aaid, Ad Staff Told Collections for Span* Claux n required b> «eat a candidal*. adversely to us in hit the 4700 mark Monday, ac¬ k'-d to you in f frfuaalg to testify started Alabama New positions for the adver¬ cording to ber Bill Uvlngood. mem¬ of the board of directors. 671 Fall Crails > tising staff of the State News member of |h* Macon were anounced by Ray Schumak- The group aspects to To fief V : JPIII'"*" , °f ffthtrars.* Grady - **' >i at first to answer Rng- ex. business manager. Monday. They are; advertising director. WOO by tke end of the "We want to thank ail who collect drive. Diplomas Fail commgncement exercises but declined to Pat Wall; retail manager, Dick contributed and participated in for 874 graduates will begin at titration procedure. Shj, i .. a M rvti.il, Marge M'- thit successful drive,'* Uvlngood • this evening in tha Aud. ga'a; national manager. John Mi., Contributions will be ac¬ *'•' I hie Edgar Harden from Northern cepted through final esain week Today Murphy; classified manager, Mary S»c Schntoer; ass't classi¬ at the organisation's office in Michigan College, a fsxstar MSU faculty member, wUl be Student Services. t : wUeh k"* fied. Joan Meyer; sales manager* the speaker. Candidates L '^ 'n*h*ta The money donated will be fag de¬ y tor Sparta Wayne Patrick and A.« grees will be presented "1 '"t~ da aa Srtvitaa. today at H4 ncr; office manager, Diane Rath- used to purchase food for deserving famillea bankets deans of the eoUeges and by the Pres¬ i i| is the ident John A. Hannah wUl }- coa* ■ !-->rv.■ ■»- t;; r; nut —*** - -— • - Hf Mirliignn Slnlr \r,v, l,rllrr» / rv, Tiif cuv r.oo r A 1lt *tn4»nt **rvlr»« ffiiH ,.f IMirliijj.'iii Sliilf* News I mOUl t)l<0 CM F."i? Hi5 ".'• I'liMinied iirh rrhtav on ela»* oayi Ineltiqiv. -i ,..., ''» \l'PMHOVE PCPAMV,J ffn»rt |t*ltt lit M«l '« *i|llll)'t»l* 1 Mil TimiM* Slmfriil . mlrr iiili'l'i vi. and "•lift nri'l firm «pr-Hi| Afirln* vraakly florin* f«r),, / lr».TIfflft, li.# MMitgN" S'»' lint# N»v* !« puii'M1"•! in >>' »>♦ ii#i'A «>i>o summer »n-l roi ' ryf-S I" .,M. 1■'! I.-«M MtMrrfl M ««nfind Tine, rhfi«i«, ' (rilinzes , l|l» »,f it- it* I Villi i». In'lln act nl March 3. IMS #• '"if nfflr*. r,tf\ ng. Ml' ■ ti <• »«|M i li» A ••• Mall subsrflpilnn* r«av ii,u „ tarrn. «:i • vtnr # fnr nn« Itflh: for iiirfrf 'rr" fJ' JiiiImtiii'v ».«! H»"H I »• in. Aftw>Haf*4 Prn*« ,,, /, li.«lva|v tr. Uia i.c* k, Vol. no, %'ii i on i ••• iIn\, I »< 11 inl.i i «». 10'iM f' l ' I -Ki ,ii»/ifi r»f nil tha fneal f,r n#-. • . In tl.ia nfA-apapar •• |„ II,,. I itHnr A P Maw* Dl*r>*frh»« Moil. Sffov, KiiHsiim liitclligt'imr (lliief, In Deinitlt'tl Lack of leadership S| OL • ;',. li.|ii ..HI fi • til l,I fii! I'i'liii.il Hie ,fi,»Ui larv < nii'io' • I'l'lffl' H'l't' i 'in. |.ONI>ON rii ni riiifolUlitPil »/fb - Ti." «k»vial M'.tirhiy filgii! ki'a KhriMheiiffV Mr't'lV was f i'lfff ft Irtfrlligrn e r.ri his fravols fpflurp mm.lion hot not I'Hrginn thin iifttiiilly rr»"»'is dp f.iviPTitv in i- ffprifl. hnnd h«»< h'Hoiafi whn e*« tor ypar - Sta¬ ■ Uhl rditor Night Stuff * R r if tv.I hli"-' i' •* t«t *tlfh» filUnr Sn/fM. .In a «i»ep|*||«i In «r rleelamd a fmlthr ii • -I'lM'ei - infelligenrp tsffrffv .• Ivnri f>.'rnv, 1,1 d . he ...Ii.iViit of 'Jen. was Cause of Apalliy. ,ii'l -vhri -'.'as Wire rdlfw »•»,.. n.'l >1" ,ip «p, Mil*, flii'f, v/hn «r»rvff(t M'pn'fjw radln s»ir1 hp had , .»iri4v *' rangpf/'Tils »n'l hn ni.r".'"d in aftpr gta sight *t*ff lav niMHi, „ l i.i' ii1 I iirn*. Mar* R*«tnt, nt. .-.,pi i hi/flvK'triril fifiil Ikpi, ,t il'Ik.I !i» ntiipi v.Mik hut mum rtpprirtatif.ns - in'It , iili'e 'Innth >n. Janat ffpfara. ",k .1,1 ,. :IK< im f»i| I'l i'llllpl Ni- ftj'ln I on ."hat In B'.viPt pi 'i fyriP fit hb pieflpnrsAOrs »/*A Iurt *ii. ' • ft'iiOv bnnw IT lU'filVH In «|||" !II Hint till- Mi l-Ill IIIItirl- I||||||| nun l)is.l hi t.iniiv < ;»-nv H |if»f A.iii j,.,, npnilii tin. Ihii-II II mi-IIIII-II"' I"'i"ii ••»■ ni-lni'l ...1 i,,M n'l.1,1 In. I In nppnn CLASSIFIEDS ■ fiii-l.. Til. lilimir tuny liiim ill h«»iulx. iiii.lnl iiiiiiii II'" "Mini' I I• i I'i'I'' ifti >Ir| ii,Hi nil!) \ :• ni *!« <| Hi:.* him in f. "O1 hn "f the |c rirvPi (iniimlHInK CAMPUS A* I- nftffti I In' «!•'««> »< Ml. H.i: *' •! 11 i • Ii v I. II.. ,m-h tnv KXT 2615 mil utiiilotil InmIv ln.il .Ii.wii l«. «*•»»l.ini •»»*•»• Hmu.ii lurk l|ij» .fillir" rn.i. < Mioi i #m»hH"..« If i- • F.D 2.1.711 of ituflnltp rothiuinalii- lewlei *M|» m'"h« Im,. i.li I. » Hii»t«.f|l lo fl«- KM III INKS! I pm. flA V RKI'OKI-: I'l TII.H 41 M.N Kilt TI M WKD* IVlinknlh the ftuff til l««lv I'm i i • •••!•:•»" 'I""mI fl'M'l hil.Hi.lt • TIII'RH.. AM) HII. KIIITI.INH nndlruj ■nfitp Irt provltli' nn It liMil't I0p I "f..i t «.»..♦« U t»>. I I'M .«»••.I- If II,. hii.iiflhi WiIm (h. jiM iffit pi nr fipnnt '.in MOV. KDITION IlKAIlUNr.: I p m. I "• |»f tllplfOl t'l"l|Mif|:il.ilil \ I I *«'•!♦! l»ll"Wi'll I" li'' I 'll'.M IH ft'ti.H tfilii'lnil, n'l On n rnnipii*-*v Me I mi i* H"* Al •. • ■ ! 'ipp«. «• 11 *• •••pop- :111111. « llill. I'mnhU M-12 *n«l l-R Monilnv Ihfmith ItiHn, poil fit (nil ii'ul iMii'li- in m .11 •nlitili. .. f. it" NffpitlMff IhhUmm ill II" lnH'1 "I « " I' •' • it i'm n i t " . • li h; thi ll ' '•! SERVICE fi» PotMiirf flii'i* jiffnit ' in Hie i»it«*»*»•• I of IIim-m mihh » i iimi! • Irill'i classified rates housing housing housing TIM 'S, Till ntOI'I N . \ I mm for t ill * i li'Milei .lop <4»i«ite* llffMitf minimum II wrordl ' ion »INT ifOR RENT EOR SALE *»*r. pur* (a. Bi.Anc, dapandahta. nwfr Th».-, r.*». tjfl Into Mm Denlml rli.innnl ' »»*M. hut, «•« mm- «h rv In «n»\ 'I'll ultml,. vnr* 'iltfti fl.hni.i ( day Ik mkiiftf vnpnm. |»naraMyplnf Rlaeim, t'onm il «tr» v.-» \ Ii4 4 !*• • ..ii'sf nn I iv« ........ il uppmm 111;>4 f iH i ii Ij i i "ffi.'ml. "I '('.lit fMi • pi ri- iMHrrr rtvr-nrmim f,no«p work to Justify fin If «»\ I he i n i'm. 7 dayt p « ..1 ."1* ..I <• •• 'le 1,11,1.. > Mini" TVT- RADIO tritee obit nv« v mi | •■.i'pi'I . im "• rn Miiu ■, unr-ni r h.mim r.- 'OS i fiF'/rffAf ■*.' n»»r eanifi'l* rata* to atudonta Mm ar>"l RTRVif1 \Vn nut not uii.terifjiml win elst < .oiin.il mm n..l luiuM ■phi \ nil *>»"! iriionh' iii111 n»» J dayi no ' rlani !•« r. iii,,. ir..,,. • 4<| t , r,a»..r! ".nfU'lon ffe»- low ••(•vision aalaa frao luH# lis oh" Mi-.rlnl 4 I? ?S '**" l A' iivr, S.,.11" S »i in 1 "i.i» rn 7■'17-ia s m m •n flteir »rop« of nefhtfien In im ln.li- hhiim!huiy other Hum I \ i >i • p. i'. n ffoffffff hniim. ,,,,, '!'»,• h'ti mm i ridmtto m h' "mii I". h iM« " i m.m ! !>«- 5 dayt m- .« f/ SO m *" ' him n»n,i *» ■•■ill lifrnrttM „t|f|,.f| M'»*l •"II Mil* 10 * Ift r*fp||pnt '«P*lt f^'t Mn-hlfan. irr-sr-"1 Trailer j|»v*n Fll 7 OH'il lust yi»nr> .Junior I'num il buttle ;i pvti-wwmlltv 4«>p in I.. >.. Hull ii" mii, hn" eofinif-' ADDITIONAL CHARGES MpRl," ■ I MRU (>vrn 71 ' o',kno Hep., I'M Phnn* *pnT»Ntrn»i MftfM nnnw t*L **"R to prpif ahaeR far lit* HttM tllrffcthm wHun tin t «t»l Hit- IimII toUiitp f«u lit. M<- ;,i! fin Hum .,! ill. i -tliti 'l. I- »m Wi- Hi. pt» ♦ St'l'lMP lor aaeh word om IS ..it i., fll«li:« **l.ei l.*«* at 01(19 p.rk'i.P fi.,Pft 4'tf. F ► e"-" Ft> 4 >■„.• aoarR R"» *hfm • at (Ra IrhA •instruction of H U*'\n iiihimiHntiMl nhiileiit ceiitei mi n 4c f%t day "■.ill' rn i ii*' am m.t «hoo M MAC 1 lit.Im vo i '* I »l|t v all n( III. j AMi'fi'ivrn rrnrffi r nomi i.., CAmpitA. r.n I, lit nil Hlii' «i'le Vet -it' I FAMJ f.A*l*l"fr; MWANfl n*« UP : '""If •i.»Ip.'I» l l"W •' ■ l • • I'll* UNKORTMN ATTI.V, thl* pro ff*'( has Ih'«mi illvMetl or thi- i- In HftrH in Hull a automotive" I rii,nl«hpd. fwo ita'lro'io,. il h p I • * i o iii, pi*.vp (II* I.(.ml 'I.i.pH, ii, i '"p • (' '**»"n» '• !• • '*'"• •i'.'-.'pl T>U ' lltl'i im 1 p■ • v' iost and found mm AH9HT* nnutnir ninny other oiynuHi.linnii lion vein \"t onlv Inn pels I li ' » |. i i il ItffffM loRt, luil Mm f'oiiin • I. ii . M fhe lulu ol H , iiiittiininHi hi-. I., -1 i.lr,.»■ mi.| la.iilfli •!. yovrrninw lM»ilii'H, hio. Im-oii inli.y.'itf.l In > i up. -.on,.! I'M, .1... , A ltla,i|.i*ii. i\- I tnn. SPIVII* ' 41**1 Fkat f«»F* , , , ,l*ni ••' fft*Mvi4if»>i dtrttin. ».ini WAV rati n. . • 1 *i e«"b' >i»i ♦« r«F,»i i"i'! i iirvMni n ti'Tioft ,n. iVt Itttpff (Itlft in Mm fniill i»l IftuliMiin. i'" »' Im 'I - ' ip'l „,|,,l,-ll.4iel o»«Mb , tilHUl .... Ml j-"'«| in," p." : , : v, ,rnA •fa innrf (r-(*,»,» at d»# yv<«t , ft imp,.. r.n j.. \l M." >. ffVffr ffXpfH'tni nun h ntnii' 4mm i In m i-iuiin il. nu.l i Ml, • at f>"tfk"ta« fta tka ,. A IIJ of ki|kap 4a><«o« mil in citnei'm linn Immi rfltnpim nltii i«*»«. •« '• . ,« AMMM.'VFli Mill ii« Mm ff*pr»>i«iott y." », tinnv. lint.- ilutn. ..! I'lj. . ai, «l"illK ;»Mt Hli.' 14,'ftr li"' 4 1, ii.,. .in.,■ I HI'. CHRIITMAi DIVE « iTitvrritfntr Innlirs nn Innj?or mpmn ut .. t»-i .1 huii.in i 'i«. r, t" iiii.W- Hi, n M.i n MA. KAMO U»A.«# Ml,one Fll I "*•« «lf>nlfft lull mncnil I Imu- .imI Tin- 'M-npu ni Hi.- .• yi>.up • I.... vi» il*pi viln'r> iwii atff.rvTH rr, pi PAR* " I - t P! RSONAL Sv •tki'g Dainty #pd N'M Has hi \ UniMiBli »T'*i III f l»» 4. illnt-lf (•■ «|'M» • im.>.U In l»i» rffvrtmpffil «n.l fnl-itiM-.l i" mrri 41 -. i lu.ny. ■ ri. Haip 'nA'V • ^' Far-t a p-f WR » • A 'k'^ iieg t#>*i .luiiioi i .min i!, 111• m !.,,•( • prfC IMM !!««• ■ , . An mi* illti*lrnltnl l»y Mm IM."*V AI "i||\ fir A l V n#w MR a'iar » . , , * 4 ♦ it*-, nalnl. lit niw MAN AF.I M»»i' #4 H»! M to flO",p -n»nt ar# tunny rmiu'H tin ntinpim In wliirh rntlm i?i .lie 1« ...l» i ».|lnl I41' tilln.l ,n;; V AI A \ I* - • M' ". -a'ty . . •fltip rntt ffuttnlt imlivoU In* npplm.l mai r vi* i«t • * »'<••« #' t#»( »f h•«'-fe-i© . ,t II tvniiM Im noil for Mm pro rut l».»«li»--- !>■ Ink.- . 11.• » . IM >IH .» IMP I SfMirlan , »|r. P , • H • .mi l.aRiei »»'4 lit* !•(."«» I' ' look nt Mtffir *urrmiti.lnitf - ami johu-i Mu ii ;nh\iii.- .. i w t«l r f 1 » tan AfARlMl Hfs At fk*»* «,# ah.-pu 0 .nrditlKly. Tim rmttll wmtlil In n Imlli-t mmn m- . out employment S ;*RtlSlF4(»L Y LOW M CM Magazine ! «l'-rp IIP r II I,.". 1 iiiunitv nn.I n *1 tonyri nlinlcnt Innlv, ' .i r.il I'l.tins ON ritMS TO SUIT «,.t,4l,i» ,4.ra IV » |«a--vVty Pastavd #♦-( jY« llrhvnt' in i lubiinm Ilia si eil > A ft I I IMt W"Mh !•» Ill "Mil I ■.•til INF IIP 14V" 1*41 k - if Ml 11 *'• M'*'.,.a I.- il.,,. *|i.4> |\ i ' • /mi r <>• 1 , OFARtfrr ritANiNC. Of MOfill 1 NG AFJD V/.anpfd M,"I*'» •, 4lr #! ,.r „l TM •jur Mm IfHlnrnt t 't\il IJii'I'l ' < oiiuni , »i I 41R11 -'p .in, Ai>nl< us •VOF. ' TCif TRV |J5 %r,» ntAf it UtilHt V Mill III, Hp,It AM Aft I MM' 1 wrtli Mill HIV '.OMSTMfN'S l.Ff.iA ' «lnn hn* mloplo«| n "tut rriivnt" pnln-\ m p . . him mi ium III! Mtttoiiiir !•« (I'-iRiiatl il* 4 414. 111 il 11. *1,1.llllill V . I J' VOU MUST •( SATIS* ID' 4"|| t* Fn» Iran, A,m>,■■>•'! H» (iiinliott of Nov in \otmy r to Ml h hi MjiI-mihi I 111 III e llllill"' 111) •' Ml •> tr» 1F4I r irf.4 a T lON mil entirPMipil ps. Iiiim rlr sslfh for rent My nmi'tinir Mm rhnllfnyr <»f AlnMnnin ilofmno'. tlm i om M Al F I.P AIM S 1 ( If Tlffiiff. VACANr.(f'. mi**imt Mill Iffjtt |Ih |n»\t in--* iHl.iri I In- \. :»i «>f< I . it i! nj-lil I'llMMM > » •1 II t "44 I II All Fit 1 • M M I U l|- nl I ' F ti 1 J" ■' WM. H. THOMPSON 'ii Inw, In look nl vntinur t oom.U vtlmiu \ninn \ mlal i.»ikh nl InyotHy »H'cun*fffl, Should Mm ronult of (hi<* . Ij» h 4»*• f.-i\oiid'lo t.» Mio i nn lo the I ill tin . • r.illa i- ...in . •'!#«• in Ilmt' l4i|r lie anil lui. arailabia 1.4'U' iH.ill.lr. piinia.iV H,»'e I|#M IK" l»l,l Hui 1 •• •*■• .-il p. 11 t VI Mr F 4« A- , M« LD WiNtfp ffBM ) AftA* «, JV RHONF 1 tm Ya-ir »9*n IV SCI** ■}' •«, pihima .41 ah api f miH*ion. m* Wff *int oroly liupo it tiiil ho. n dofii'dto pn«» IMRKIMl ai'i 1 ma rr Tur.'H* a-d w*., H'.ioN >1 AW AMAUIVIOMP M.'l' *•"' ! * vF'-NA OA,VIA otM ffrsrilA tD- ("iwr ivpinf r,a* ham*- v» ilffiit f.»r nil fulntff . moh i»f this ttnluri. will bo o.l.ihli^lio.i 1 4M HI -F P\ All. Ft >M i rit 4U' 11F *1 "„» j,1.' Ian I HM'Ut. « -' H77 »* ■ rap.'Mtuction aro aa* ma»» r. An I 'rt'^iik'nl, llnuunh, t hiiirmuil ol I ho roiniiiissiou. olonr t HiHi'.nip ♦>*» »n*i 11 in I J7TR k li»4"»l III %.p, "lartiala 1 ... .. 1 ,-i KH ,*«.»• nrM4'F»IS rt/LLV .Ian. • - „ ly ntalrd Sutt^'ny, i»n> .'omprnniis. on t heAinhanui on • 111 «F, t*f«, s 0,4'• |Vlt4 * v, »*.' **r»lr. «*U".<•# (UIMI4I-.-- vi,>v* CmiiUi neirmiNO IN «u-- • r1 * l W»Ntt» "ttM ' I, IV naii.ta I pm ,rf'a 1 • ntart Jna Rt> I 'AOI would roduoo tlm commtAsiott and Hio oivil rip his law t. n*r« IV * 4R7J ,ir , <«"Mr ff ' for sale S'NGIB l»9C imthittif but pffpot ontiho*. t IP-viMrr>N vau n « .v h DOUIlt5 S*W 1, , f -laalv I'or'a and work gn e - 4)i. .p.. in A. in# lalavia.nn, Onu A" 'ft. IV c -c »■ '*Tr* i. V • . ■ • ,»f,uit if.,- '*>••• * I Crossword Puzzle A.s' ' B*y\Vq t ilo'o P PN APPRIlVUl AM ARTMF \ I F "(f Ji; I MKI v nt V naailla Of 0 O i l N\ f tk i ( o , IUIIHM4'. Ulhwm* .1 it il'1", real estate transportation ACROkl • I B.4 i A.--A i mm I tiHIM'** t.anl na.ki.'C rn t HAi. « WAfVTTD TMO RffiKltR h VC S I OH"^ f T A Il I I .ng an.I ». ' , t\A I. . 1 Vary »iwgU w tn>i.4u * 4:1. 1- *411 » 'Hi*i.l HIM <|II *i I li " Ml FI > H HMMItli W ARM • IOB '.*1 I j t«"ig I - land I>«a*» It. 1>. i4 P9 • I • Drill .13 Pa" Ill't the *)imn MM 1 llH.I" 4|)4rll)l*nl Xuilnl,!* I lit ♦ Ft. Hi. '.man. A »" * I Intact S T t 1 A T I S •nata aiuF AST MICIAl Fi.P facultv <»r TWO RIDER* WANTtl) '» •tallies Cu Irarn . k to A I. '||o'o>||. L|h two APAHTMr\1* NFWI A .lr . ■ - '•<**« l'»r 1 lavmtiil uriar 1. firv Tiontou -Slii"* * •* *' M Gei m«a m Two I N pBvv A ..jo AST nrrtad tlrtil*. iiimkii '«r *,» ,if riflii «' . I in** In ft- .-.-nxM. spartan nall IH*. Finlar IBUt. iitvlng Hart.*'a Allan. Ef» nn* or In."; ' >■•*»! » I ♦ '•* . \.» More Uiurtut4 lar.t "mk-ra U , *'*,! VW 44 10 7 1174 we.gM wheeird m, n RANH IN VFrti ■>» f-A ■ aS. Vo l *0*N ■ «'c o S'iT^ | (.l and Hfvar ffFino* Kl» 1-163# V Hllir. Vhmrta* WANTED Daiarnhar TO li M- 3N* Tow ard Adam A*U ■ t > VA $|§f it an ■■a i> ONI V l*t NT. A It ' AAtlUH IWO twit.*.,: . service K. * u* ED T'tfll. »« Tand *! *1 p ts t*ia \ bulhoi SfbDNUT SHOR lata* tna kitihri' ru«i'. t6A IrraakU*' n.Mii, dIu« uUI'lia- uv *>-.. TWO mili\t* WITH A.t Ik % ngld ! ('MM A10 •*•# .VI*!, AlfReO AUZON *111. 1XAVE 1IW1V II « • Owl-..A of .M Ok" *1 a a - v. r. klv ,4-a «'f Imu upsta.'i »e , •nv artad *i C'CMM. a. WitoO) • Pull-f -m a in rjo tbrnugt, AngnU 1 '■•/* I daiii run;',* Kt> J ITU! fainl", m* WattF tone ,vn'.(VHic.i1 iw'-1. »- farrad V Rrpao < it v. Chicago Haighta, K ank**** * HFIt.DR HI-FI HrviiKO plavar M""\! I "I, liiMFF . R Wortbleta 44 \i-a-v now *i S Hi .Mitl \t .«! tl' f "i. ii.Mlrt \e.)fH lie* Stipplv I'liv.'l' tplraipa ! ii* vlumti. U.4 nta.v rac.ud rac-m-ftn• I net ih) ait tiHlu«la«t IT* *'S ai'i* "man 7 Futnirhad *' 1A-4 Knott> rnn# j>«"aii»iy Panaftfla i'*iking aval! SATISFACTION GUARANTIED I t I. n - part of wa> Vhong Jua. E L M R.44 14 OKU U HaaiahlY btstv k!" ' . SyinitAit ia wwrly l«ikni|i m b.„„. .-...I., iv H«'JSrssih'IStSST *' narking IV I4ITI artar 3 p m .IS •?* M- «»■"»' £D 2 ,42< : 2-hm bafor# 10 p m. ' I w ii.t! pn USIIVEHAITY HOlsr jat V*nt#t - 1 M £n , —C w ft; W.!-i 'I V: 1 HHISTMAS THt'KA SLOTS Doubia tomn av«tUi•"> Mllwauka# !'• * m"iT.ri'.'tir'nTii''i''.',— (Ftitl »a> r,k» I •t :4 f; MI* JV- InJ »n ~tt gliMi.iU* 'ota' of 7 uilmMis ... and ii.li.*,':' 1 r j^ior two man ITihtia. paid. All waatc- wm «• j-—- O1 UBS.I altar «. Lo.,. A Ul 3-^' '■ mater* M m 32 pai{o.« of humor mas»/uto. •« Stare S4 T,iv . at lt» Mikf s • uhritMv 2ti advertUrmcnt* *ie jlwEDI-fTift ' ti TWO EVANISHED HOCJMA in Tvv,sr. 4, , Kill)- lllDt WWn JO *" iJ • »i s. K I-AN SING 1 J.I Kanharrr Dt 14 E*p tr» n* Hn * « v'.. -S Vh 4 -rur,t ■ .. it \ ft ur# ura Oil tin Aarlik^ aa^T»S sarvtta, krw (rom T^!!.°n# •#•'* ,rM*n AAM Stora Naw r '•»n,,"P iaarc ^rrie. fD J-V-i* " ~ " ""si »SP*W6»* *D 3-*H ot inq«!i » I 4 ad V ^ of tin* a irss, sx ._. . NuturnUv •....lirtruir 94 hov.al Tier* Cf "i*i a ,1 St Otui.b# pia« Church f. »"*»■'» *<««> owi, -t TYi r-c. EXI F Hir.M ED TYPIST °JL mn ' CanU of Indig a cat * t* typo l* cxpcitMvo to publish arm (i>p.d irn„i- t').,** • ,-.n-puA Ml on Dw#mb#r ISUf- WJ u 2* s.s -n.h DrcORATRD CAKEs DELIVERED | H 3-m-V GU ED »«HI. f» Gi letter It urim.;1 v rorUinly thr t»f a.ivorUsin^ X' cii#; »t I Ana rn ,1 hf'.pN aHovuio the coal, but _ •li ^ COLLET.! MEN TIIHCF ntock* SINC.I.P AND DOUBLE Knotn IH4 • II AH I It s •r r, , 8ARHEH AcN.it S,«. HJD«" WA»»T*D TO r7 k*d W ntnudafe or llBVk E. VwiiUy D#oambar IStft ■» r tr-nn H \\Y Jo no* comlemn the pre- IP*8"*11"' * Ihtuiia ED l-OJi'4 j l^f-r Raaaoraota **}** ' rnona rv aiM j-JgTi Phona |v- Niand Rlvai H ri round trip. Contact Dave Ha l T* T~ ^ BROWN Phone TU-i,v r 1 r -1 Pt far'., their quality quite Alter 4.*>. 443 (lru\r VNfCRMSHFD APANTMINT, APPROVED DOt HLI Klx.M 1 'imi 2f r « toi a hiyh '.n ' u» would like to see *v*r,r"' s" . j".-'A., "C'V2L*T5i2 ' *'Or«« WANTBD TO *>• t ~r T" I'ltiirf SNOW TIRES, ,1 n,. U'T Kf c it* leavi vtng ■undav the hunun that was present in fi.ndvrar Raca()a Euburbault# bmiita (ftaiU. tra.u!« IU#* ^ * HolmM .mop# CD l-JRl alternobn. m Contact Eti 3t' tfa.tr.I M U'm ATTRACTIVE ATTEACTIVE U LARGE DOt'IVt TT IV 4-3113 r n "5"* ioit.v s,iaitan issues. WHEN VOL T U-'t p.. v phot)*. RR THINK of *. Make laugh: dare )»'. par per- tft'hk of the MXL-O-fcTATXRg m RIDER® WANTED TO N** P1 *** :7~ rr 12 * us we SECTION At. SOrA. MAKES Highland A v.- *-l«J7 *,IM "2 leaving Pitdo* inonung wo? r~ 7F TX w f? 1 Tom l*»uk t« in bad* IVrlaM# laundrv tub Fiva pair »ie 30-IPcft atactric rgi ^ SSfST, ilST^iiST.^ '« n~I«,—• 1 Frandor :ttt MM aafe far Tarn. Im, 3* ri .Hcr Id I ar ,"mJ « do'ubo ' WAMTtOWDt WTO »'J jt (irv.K'i;-' *1 Jim I'rplier iMiutui archvb *4-1 Child tixil ta ' a LYhr' Hall. its, aero* from 1,4 io- M-w., D«.»»'ID! ,21 • mm, r.d a Rather ... ,,:,! ANallabie tNiamba; MM div.* .»a of with tool*. ti4*krtbali backboard with 7*3344 "'4li xhare expeneea phone ED » f i _ jr TT JT ■"* hoop- ED J-A1HT *" " thr f.u ;h VNEirRNIAHrD UEStRA HLK "»n Z'ILa *,m"T a',d "pn - TYPEWRITER RENTALS *™r ^ «t> Cut WWW. THREE toom apaitment- all pnvat#. W1M' w •" Abo a«k' u w JT LOT TOR HALE 'ilim *llm >Utigr :L( A r:.ir rrr"41 w>ourchae# pb? RIDER* WANTED TO H u'-'J w V JL a j 42 W»» 4.1' Its! coin Spartan Village All new home*, -• a"* in gpartment building Centrally to- ■ APPROVED ROOMS """ " Privata parking MNGl I ami entrance Fhrne ball 1 f\ «i i-UlP 1 Waamngtpn faUm R,m. H < 'nnetlcul ar Vicinity tea^ J. IE am. Al fainwr. E* «J Pit portion (loinma Seuoe owner ED 2-AlgJ m _____ A«t» five rooma lot ovor Xma* vacatur - 1» » * '■ iiAcmoNic. ROOMS IP 3T" 4ii Mee to downtown Ian- 1 M"""* •I FOt REN1 * I taw# Weet M4 Apartment pnvilepea I D ill 4' V ("t . a . mllegiata anvirunm»-nt. una vacancy. ting Entire necond floor. Rnck 1 f.-.i"s .. of. hi*, own. doutA. hour* five bhwkj). Itont eapiui 7T ,7J 4S Watn -'— reaionabia IV 3-4,S4 aftei 4 p.m. » Liv¬ n an.i. S.ate News. slip, —- - ■ nS,?ST ® wijuc; smith. WANTED <1 1— JT t '.i is : <. a sh«w> a;^o. a. lack, r«M»m FACt'LTV-FAST untuciuxhed LANSING, four | nru-k duplex two j APPROVED Hi minis SINGLE and ing ioom. two twin heiirnomv Pri¬ vate bath entrance. Two to tour 1 V."V Bobby Stri-aiu. 'An Cotnba The Playbov*., 3r lUrnt li 4ft Utr i.p . un. *1 mm 3" r U ti Ct'.l.n of, e.'Jisiui, Hi»( Lauren Kixhii. *Jl beiir in MW. r nun- kcbool. g.ftv ' "it. nil* Imriiu'iiL »:D plqa utllltirr ED* dnubb . One hbx k troro eauuiu* Tlu## j minut** from tiarhev INivate ett* 30! tram*. Pat king. fc.D 3-3IMI. ir.cn IV H« until •» pm. 47 net uk* ftirntturr and decoiation* Phun, Hn mi Exrept„.n.',lh go haZ? I." (i-Cg""c' Kingv, Valla dears. fi mauc rnlahad IV i-3T7g keb.it ,-n-DOrr to largo apartman term fr. PfM P" m TiiUcy, Duffy, l>i«™;ic l<> Join VI I-ppppW ». lot* mrmr.As statu ytwi Fare Thred 1 ui1 r»l«tlort«. >lrrUr.rti rK n,r■» Tukey, MStf Toe |0-gnn>e schedule, , |^ . •fnfivp, C'»arh Duffy o-'cr. .•••.!ih| he effective in how- ■ vx:,., flf* AS /AA A* I1MM • 11 so** 1 » ru>u>rn»nt. Ml M IS u f't'l Afblc'ic DircFbjr A', ♦ travel «• mun'*rt«nrr> h'iTin»«« » r»n«lr »Vt FaA ItA 'as It'• A* Ihjy pre-'-nt each |tlg 10 »rh'K>| p ., „ Mm- 'i '.'ill Hm f, I'T I;. A • '>rr,'"ii'ilraflrm *■ (.'ataf* 7A AO It AO gAlf'l % * Ifrt' f.tf all* v •A AO W AO p!:t/< a rrmviMuim all sched¬ t AfSA h .j* f tf 10 h»ndrfti*trb ,r «» over VI AO 11 10 ..fer if ule MM I t i,!n H'»fp| In Chlrnr-'f# ,.f nine gnrne* and between ' * itrruntp. w rnwrnt « fnhftr IfHaMr.rta IMU MS H 4% •iw fnpi"* r-iPipintf from rccf-hf. • rMr|. •»r»rl seven conference till*. t f r.r.,r. «. s.tpf.iixa' |AA 'Kf 11*11 1A »»»• in ttetisrsf hunt t-.Ak 1100 II p»A The »(lt|i r M.i.nrin, *.rAqnt Ij,. [.••'' p* ,ir l r„i. i gnwf-ln-old, the Part, and n pus* Me conference fnu'hill A »• up t irijr rh-inge which irnp'Ttnnl final artion is a rerruit- Would item allow f AA AS •IMA AO •in* n «A»| AO t Ml IT ft ' I'• f lyhP'l-ilf "I rliioii «•>') af >' I ""■'to to vicil prospective alh- STinrvT nivw t'.tni n.,4.»r him* Li Wedneodiy through h t -, |e»es off the campus and aulhor- • lUrarf MartrfU In S'n '.f . \i» 1 Untrppl I raffia tppaal « nttft MP''' conference echools f/» pay 2 *11 Cppl"'»l'r f .|Hir lar • MO AO • osso 1 »m »•' ' y rare pus vi "it AA AO M I Hiih the rolhine of the pMrl- eyiiense* for a l w-afc ( nmrril'iai Arfi'.ITUa ?AA AO MA AO MVS AO pro ip'v 'ive alhlefe Ig, («j«t ( inference fl'fTi nr *f I j,!, I, Ilia ih r .• , •f |h' H 10 I. ■' Mill's A'h'etic IA AO ?l A AO «l Al IAS »* t AV* IAA JO present Hmp | r«H» llrtP IV p.,bp ft'.Al ( pa,'- i| Ifp.'r.|'iiv| T"key If, vo'e IAA AO M D.rlm.nl >„.p M"( f»*'T rrr-rniting in »«li|.„!r, h,vMpltp»t ti'ifig Vith MHH's Fred S'ab- IS f'nst.pr«u>rtsf#4 rn •4|n«« Irnnka rn irlnil |» I'. F-»p- .pl|.rr. t'tarflnr. « 'AA AA S ">AA0 I.- >•( Manager Warren P ii itri t ■ Murtt 11 Uf.'.'l *f rutin* « 1 AA AO • M »A « t' •« I o lhe fi'ir .» op I tsjociales 4«0 «0 »» IA .'i on Wednesday. fiAST lnvat.rt.rv ■/*" .1 Ike 11 .at....t,t! fffflee «npf.lU« '• rtRdT t.n han4 l*f»f» • .4 I wpanaaa S 7 AS** A II il I I ,• ,/. • ' ' .'I MIIOVV Srentinf* llatrir.M* frnm f smnii< f ees* *1110 nAvf n»i h . a. p Viewpoint Topic Peetnre 1:00 P M HI.. —I 1* * I III Dulles • i ■ 'i|t iif ' i,i Shewn 'iNelirii's Indln' r s*ln4l» a»*» Mjmm.» !• renew " taMrtrllpiita 1 011.11 \s "f Inn' "FA I'• I* U.i * II f nIvartlty I - v . the n •t lh» vflrtil( "•t a Astanr# nf ffMSSf |« •>.. df.-l r , ' I. "Nehru's India" will '»e the In Ifm/nlal • ■ lit .fhn l'l"| ifr, 1 |.«M Ihd . "I ft , • for Viewjirtint *»ver WKAH- 2 I . , lio Sunday al f. pm. VT a Treaaarer jot r off .1 ho Itarrori Presented will have as his in the ,%|| | nlvrrslty ifudenf riovernment fseremkee I. Itdt WASIHNOTON l/IV- c '■ P '• Mayalar kar, pollt- N pp. 1 . ,| .»!» fr.. |cnt Klirnhmror visit. ,Tt fip.rn India, now in . .. . . .■ • rot' • i. • ' • I ^ guest ,,f the Stale , ..rrcl.rv nt Klntc linilcs ♦ »np k lone •oap.hf (>".|.r,p-,| j.:irlrr>» rd and T»r 1 a Harry , « \ftcr Herd Army Hips. for a 10 p i imp font hi II «ehpi|,ilp m an. asci 'anl professor of ll . ,i Miinplny, In reioltpf. M l » |; mp,»tf»pr i sripft/ r A'b'r'h f otinrll »♦ her r res-ember voted for II,p bn»'ct are- pFPsiilrift went to the rooe-l robin rnnfrrenee fp.-.Hi.li i 71, 'The frrigin of *t.e flni- I -I '«• professor of journalism fr 'in 'he Inflamed roion HTAHTH a Ah '*ti hoapitali/Pfl hurt ll'(, Si'ly I hi lr* '1 Jeiu Paul Kartre 'Part |f < -t m w»s night. in ward R Tt»l« It I or II inlrr Hush •/1• h ■t Truman of l»r f pi dosoj.hy, Zerhy. ahrl pro- the Tomorrow! 1:00 P.M. * M'ttrison, pastor », onta aulte uaed by !'.e «"»f |M • «i Bht *♦ r'.Ve, |( wn* u »• I I It ttii-M Totirnrr p frillea I veara ago whei. |.tnrpr.'i« portion of hia rnlou hmh ill fir fur firal fit rP^rtVP'l Dufiea pinna to go to Paria It" I Aigaman, Ra« in*. Wis, •«*k, a* arheduled, f»r »a*e «■', lent and Marn- t a«f l.ansir • la.• with Ailaritic Part r»»l mesa i g «op>t'iri>ore. o ! f',r fir-' place ,n (fie Dmon rm BIGGER je *r •i » • i A I "niversity fh • 11 I TW 4'nllmrflt preaa rhirf ! •. . i t • n* fta*il H a I k I d e i, »i>niliiifi f liristmnn Wi i'e told his nr» . rVrrr# r « w.i' '0 r no f "Thlii, there |« e« rh.mge from the in- gave you yenfer t.iy " l-ifls from II allare'a ,, finr $pl««H on Old *5plra Af»#r Shava f^dina, Feel your GRIFFITH • fARB fat* availto up and l«vef So I >. >• «■ hrvlnlpl meeting* »' twA U* your skin.. •o good for r»'' [>''p'tahfy your ego ftnolc a« sfl ore SO Monday, dh Irree/e. "'ego .^tera of Old s.piee mike* you fer| like « new •■'A r t Drltai'., man Ornfidenl. We»t Oermany. T>>e ■ an I arrr.CHAIN* »•» >n Aaatireai Itelsved Ynu In/.w /no>4 r :• *'t '«•« iis« .Hovirt premier — ipppj "HOt.i.yvtPKiii mmi." St yoer hesS arris smavi lotion r»riilian* rhinestrmet add when you iup ofl your sh*»s with Old Spice I pi a *P4( I KK•• i .hchev'a IP i»r»'teiA-a| ta glamour. ke«-p eyeglasses * t.AHIIHIN W IHULTON r ?in a "free c /'' »* m-.iithi ,n « sals, convenient of big f'tur r-'ia'i«,f,« The Atlantir Part place. flATO) loreign ministers atarta at f'^rla. IIN O L A * * I * * Ha ve keep out the glare, put on the glamour. A^^is to pound—but without theX Profess i e n a 11 y • ally hilar I ground lenses — for both summer IfrmBunoH, «v-Miwiw winter wear. km*ny of whom dally bnva i didn't let a Utti# *« I bat bothar them Uf. liIntti# 4«V) delegate* are here TM:r,| tht annual acssion of. OLA** the lea'her fancy CAIKI or kind, I* decorat¬ you miss the whole idea of a ■ tmclnn of foreign missions, ed IMA Ideel •toojl Council of Churches carrying your Wal¬ bSjnr on bag»n at a mid- lace gli *"* hot#! 'he bat flaw into the irg room, ^ b b» f#r. iround Finally one and around It delegate rase LOIONITTII al is to smoke-but without flavor and took a mighty It t:. hat with a rolled jeweled styling that ljK*rar.->. adds a special flare He missed. 11har,» m>» ^ S* bat ■*».ous",y as (t had flown >ne the aeaaion end- disappeared Juat at ta eyeglass waring you miss the whole idea of smoking! 1 meeting room. MAONIFTIN O OLAMU in a con- ! Council Ebrta venient, purse siae that fold . i *rrk Codieaal are easily l*^> *rC:*l> it a number o< Al- ble selection will ha Ciiwr., Hno tad bit acted a welcome gift At¬ fK IOC. 1,1 rrent! chairman. tractive styles fat all agaa. ' OurauM, Matt pfeanCo ttt BXAMISATIONt H DH. W L C il*'*". ItSltA. ■■ ' ~ Jr "7 —p»amica ctopart- cv.lpiquliia, an Tund.y WAI.I.ACE OinTOANS I ai.?- 'n 10* Imltb ■to- tm. mot 00 "Soma Dtot. Ob- .to. oHx€, dov1 Ut #• Vi '' OactTBtoH Oomputa- wm ■N" IW8WV;?!' ».f*we ¥-! ■■#*Lj -•■•-■■■■ • "r-" • wicmmtN OTA nt Nrw* I'liliirntor Public Hearings Gicc'k VWfvmWt 9, !«*■ Fag* Font Spi'nki on College Oakland Slirs Interest Olsen "Pta npm|«i ftf MNIf-Oflk. MflU-O bflWhtlfd# have hron "Don't go overhoaid In agrra- Raps Generalization mnrti reoeareh for «ur^eaa We need to IvMp Alabama Voter Lists lan-l !• •tfil nln# twwlha away, itlrirlbulfrl to Interested stu¬ log wilh lb# critics who spy 'Duly who are alow aUrterp. wlM ■»*- for nureeaa. m»t hold the fhreat hut fru pppllrp I l«n* dent* and parents In .in Mirh- top student# should go lo col¬ lore lata, ata, to point wt that montuomffv, ala 'W a hut »in«u'fe**full? to ragl.fer to arvl f«fo*mint)nn about IhW n»w Igatt rifles, Alexander estimates. of failure over jroungatara" iim^f {o lege'." many of thaaa "amifa" lM t ofe at Tuafcagae. \f «rnn Olron waa on* of tha re '• ire# ffdaral rlvll rlg>de eommlssl'dt i>hnn| cutiHnti# In pOUr In »»«'h MflU-O will ripen In the fill 'fkit warning was sounded by "below average" high aehoot upgf ,nd home of famed tuske. whfTp rj;e fiU'si'!" •' » Monday got its hand* on the pilbfton da T- of JWftu fur a freshman hum a Michigan ediirator at a MRU studenU to mat* km eontrlhn- «p»r iallRtS at th» two-day Joint gee fn«tltiite for Vegroaa enntlnnecf VfAer iiaiR of Alabaroa't Ma^on conference of 25b School RHp'T- flona |o o«r Amarlaan aoalatr. eonfererj^e of tfi« M I P h i g fl 0 #h«llanrinff tho ,,, rr.m. •"Aml #f# getting mall only, "Sl*tpr" pehool In MRU f.'oun'v, foc-al po r' of m in- Ma' on fooha'e Judge William Inlendent* and school hoard Mueatinn ia growing in Im¬ rlghf to r|tie«f|nn 4 fudj.;,| ,m R'hool ftoerd A««'»<'laf.i'»n and fjuiry Info U'gro vr»ing r!gd'« 70. bro'igtit eight vol Titr'e* nH only fiotn Onklnml* with tlii own odmlnlsttallnu and members Dee, The speaker portance In the world today and er nf |ha *tafe. Sfore, ior» Michigan rlt'ea »« wall," reports four-year tihdergjndiuiie pro- education, Unlverflty of Mich¬ spend sorr.* "rl«k capital" In pro¬ tl viollllana end ««:# ftnf A )r*aMtl»f, f-0 dlreg* in engineering aclenff, alepf. ohjaftad ylgoro-nly hut wh.-b « noi liog >'.« first publle grams igan. viding adur-atlnnal Opportunities aaa nn ground fur nh|*. afTalrv. tppi-her education, imiiiupm ad¬ vainly whan fha lie's war*' r.ear.ng in th»a deep sr,u»h cap- te»r **f "The ronlputlori that 'Only fop for as nnri7 youngsters aa poaa- r.'orrf Rtrrlm I'.rnnt Tha itt/h.- he stated. Olann than (Inrrlbnl not work for failur# hut rathar Ap.oUh A roerlean or F.^kimo . the day the r-nrn- •ba' V-i.'-'-r 'ad no ;cgal rig>-t »rdn an'e«»ry to reraiva a grant from Firller In »/#rr only ■ the AmarJran Miatlonary Aim miokl'in heard mnlllpb rwn- »/, 'nice 'he ra*'of da from hi* votar*. Th#y «•!'>'! of the Hoard of Home Mlcsi'irr- plalnta of Vegrnaa, wmf of roun'y rords 'il'l no*. ~r. ,-u OfM loaigkl HI • 'd the ' oiigiegational f'hriatian tham with high aaademie da- The ' ft' ,s*i ui'a o t'-y, viae chair- presiding, fhn f|uaofiofir<4ir*a Ch'irrha«, Tlia grant totaled graea the allfiroe* tentlfled rnft'. aubrnilfp'l by -ha 1 Rfti'l the aiof? had no Jn- - that thar had triad per»Wan!lf SHOP EARLY art SAVE! »7V> i**r#r» to votar aj,P. KODL KR088W0RD No. 11 Fellowship Offer Sn ejtri'jcnr F* }rjfar».«i »ff«ir« nnd piihlic * who will ra#«>iv# June h«v» bean ' {torfimity '/» »pp. . «h.'r»* fo tfijdv »* lir)iar«ifian Tha faliowahipa » ir««»r plug #oi "Sf' fe| lor.t?-rblp IpprM in tofpi value Bafirininf fhi* will wry# fhraa t ft'I hi to ,'igf.r.r-y u % dnt.lfrnmnt r> » govarnmr- ♦ In «#hOOl aptior, «h ffl'in'B Mi'iftng ^ Santa Says: Son Soars Far ali a* r»f AI.»oa" or at fh» Unlvart; a »rd Tanr.ataa- EXPANSION WATCH BANDS f 'umpiation of r,;r.' tr-nning pariM ar.t Gosh fiosh! i Who,* Ita I iitT d-oa p« fi„ it part 1 fitn ta m y ZMSS 3M pr*n' b cmiF R*f. i i What tM i-ttnd —.1*ripH'• nam# t'f r P"« tri'ion Tha/ • »r> 'lagr«» 4' bflVd ym mt*k m m «rnWkT Catih •n I* lh# M Ihil CoM-Cata U til* , laon ft. I'pnoi pom la m.u N AoF C Ymgf frie nd fiwrfcli two romplatirtg dxarrnnpUorTH univar .'-a* a • K»p drink on rompuo, I moon. Alwnjro Youl find ifyUt for won and womon In Hiodo 4" 4' l.mia *-nop gnodfJlool ■fo Show Fresh For aligib.h'y ftthaf inforrnn'i »r '» * drink ii, too *nyf Woll—how about low prleod Qrouptl Evory ono flrtF auoBty, foe. wrt'r !ha Feij'ri , dropping ovar lo I ho dorm ohd downing s apnrkllng Coko or two wtlh Chooto your* in yolow or whilo foW- Rrkoa fkm * * * KGDL AoiifhPfri tlrg.n ,ai gy.ifn in i'oo - tha hnjra. Tha man who'a lor Coko Fod. lM, Ham up In II Urtivaraity of A..« Whaf • Wmi'tofful ilifTereneo arh#n ymj J. Univar*Hy, A ■»' h Iho mod lor uo. SIGN OF G000 IASTE •MICH Hrim OiPI.—dlill MM* awitrh *« Snuw Frenh Kfaol.f A* on## piuktion dagdi.r^- four mrMith feel" rlenn and rnol . . , IfeJd. oH» af Yka Coco-Colo Coaipony hp IrMMtng Mtahtgan SEARS in Frandor jrnur throa» foala ho»l, rofraahadf M MMf cm-a nn.A mmiiNfi timrANT Enjoy tha moat rafraphing esiorleneo Ik amofelng Amok a Boot,,,. wHh Diirm Guincii fniid, mltd menthol... for • rleaner, ■MM he. t| Inahar tanta at! tdrough tha 'lay! Names Heaib A Mil le arevfde fnr a Mf»»»t«a mm #?«#«••# «ia»ea H*, VI aoo> sivtd vou a ohoici - aaautAP For Sno Hulll a All Valvar*!!* tlMraiaaeaia af Mtahicaa ataUanf aialeUa«aramenl nn*Ululi»a I'alveraMv « Vaarii WP pma-lift WITM riiriai par. It Tha faMaataa aa»»»4wi»i I* Ik* All-linlveratt* imimI rmvera* Tha chairman a/.'1 aienl -( «a*t!l«Uan ahall ka aia**«le>! fat a aiuaaei faftraaitim %nla he#*! hav» ta'- .a e gnrln* Hie haarr af ra«l*tradaa af fall-tlaie Madaai* far Wlaiei letaa •n fiRNiiy I, a. ae« I, IM* Hall, tha ill-,,iv.m fuimaj fjanca «,-or.v,rr»-i •er >i Tha #te#i*Ml l« I* #lara« kafate Ik* fallUwe ala«aa*a af klrlK I fa)) A.* f It an Slate I'elvrMltv Bkall ke a* fallow* • Jfr'*1 deuce C Amm«meiu Ma, VI ta Ike i'aaalllatlea af Ike All t'wIyaraMT atadea* will oa habi 41 14 from 9-12 Tha two gar ami #v4 '#r f irrTtaai aa awaanrn to iiapi lirfiomi raravktit rtipi an«*h ratpacflva <.o"»'. *:» •»eU*a t feayn.in.'* pertlon t I oinpo*lll<>ti gai/n Vppolh Ch.-1,. *i i tir ia«iit •» ft ike All t alvarallv dadlrlan *kall ket aae re#- i*i I he |w«tl* af Mudenl %fl«lt«. nae »e#»e*ewl- teaetilallte fium lite Men* liitMlmt of Ilte liaan •>» atudent* Offlea. naa •imp lica ilte VI••men • HI*Ulna ol Mndeni Atfali*. and eleven »ludeni« re|tie«enlatlte from Iht Women'* ItlhUlon of aindenl* Offlra, aad aa*ea n-«w Junior ,» lean oar «| ihr*r •indent* keln» a mauled aladeiu ana an t»ll- *intlani*->ai lea*i one of thaar «indani« beini a martied atadaal. oaa aa Tha 'Vlrrr.^rli?'k*, »*• limi-ki kiadrni and Uttre female (indent*, naa far aack daw rag- aff-raaipw* tludrnl, and la* lemala dadaal*. tfcit.v unci 40v#r: tkl Nominal ton* la fill reialprlp aaaarrtp Bodprrw Fitr HkV'r, * made In Mlndeni t on|tr*« early in Fall Tatai T«»m \teCragor, kt Vaeanrie* akall ka MOad ta «ka grt*i farm aa tkaf Ike meatker- •%t (hi* lime tat anrle* *lt«ll ka filled *o aa Ika alatdaal man; ddaordtirHdi, r»- " *k*p »f ia* All-l niuliUt Jadtelan la Ike fall Irtm akall ke rwmpuaed «f of Ike III I nitettilt JinHiUli will ke Inn aophomoroa. Ian Juamr Dap Moina*. low» in(re gu|hpm«irt U»ree Jaalm* ffcre# aaaiora. aad laa llifaai* Inn arnlot*. and one nadnale aludenl A* Ike and of tkatr flrat tear af *atvira Ik# aupkomara* akall ka plered la <*i»iM«i aaaaiaatina H«; Oauchd, Ch»c*« deal* Ilka ra*« el »k* raiaaraph la ■« tame) for Ik* laaiar varanriaa an Ika mart Aav aamiaallan «OI ka raw r#fra*hmanu. Patt. S*«- aiitaieil apptoted li i S malorltv rote of Ptudaat (*air#w Tfca inree jaami- agpravad kv I nncraaa frill aatva far laa gPafS. aad Ihe lao liitiior* »|t|»rnvad It* « untie** will »rt»e lor lao teat* Kaek lingame. CaJ.. iuinn: Jitr * I rt.In tie (Itidrnl will ke aominaled to fUl IkU aae-pear Trania, Monphd, * tk# a (adnata «ad Ihe nominallnc cammiliee Othara art 3* it Tka aniniaattaf goaiatlliee far Ike Alt l'al«eraliy Jwdlrtaiv ahall Hack, Monro# "f ke reat|K.*ad ft Hie firtidrni nf Ike Mudeni liavetnmeni n»i.< *11*11 Jvrry Light, Ban ton H» *• * * e •* iHiiran auk Ih# Una# mamkait of lh» All I al» er*ll» Jiuiuiaiy Thr aka are ke»innn<» iliair aanlei >aar l r I nnmntattni rotnniliiee for Ihe AII-l'alteraMr lakriitf lor, jnvitatiooa and •hall be ront|io*rd of Iht I'trddenl of (he Undent liotetnmeal aba Judielar* who are krcinnlm iheir »eniat tear All taraaclea akall ke ttdlly PurcalL Wortr. . ah-law a.*ail» »a*a» akall kapln Ill Ika Ogen gaUUnmaa Ml *p ahall aar»t pa rhaltman with ika tan naaatber* af Ika Ak»lalvarflll( sophomore, und Di * •' •araed aaak «l «*• *aria. announced In the Mlrkican Plate i niaraltv atadaal aaaagaaer aw at I'aaf »•« taparali da\« durim ihe aeak pilar ta Me keiainlng af ge- Horwyii, III. frpd" rauitaatiaf *hall I far at la*»t five arlinnl dav* N MIoni>k for Ihetr *#*!» ilprn peiuntnin< on an All-l aivet«M« level tdinmeht, Brit-* " Ik* ttriRbrt Ik# BalflMIW imlilae »hall Inlrnliw all gellliatirra at**11 bo randurletl for at lr**t nte * In rta of a varanr* during a afndeal a term af efftce. a aaa Ika grpaldenl nf Ika Hiudrnl l.oiernment V *' d* M a aaraiMt eeaara. •fadani |ti»lire .lull be ap|to|ntrd la like manner la complete tka kate «kf ai.tkorlty ta appatal irmporart )u*ii«e* <«> Ike »*»ur«. term of Ika |u*Ute t» iio*e pl tre ke ita* taken Tke nominal'a« raa- DVD TOT RW*' l«,eir let at hkatl k« «alf aaiiI proper prllUaala* and aeiecUun ran ka mlllae in IhU cp*e mil ke rontpoted of Ike President af Pfadaal fiat- . »i*c• ta ika iklal dark*n paalUaa Imps Ika |«aura* afca Mat atnmani who will act a* thaltman and lao raptaaantailaas froaa Ska All-taitaiaiip Jwdiciarp aiadtd fey .Ida AU-iaitPialty fadWaff. 0-Th, h knawn towttaP? u the ' rtfil m r> ed aa* year at mora M Ik* aaari- What *r« ihe oih»r a-" f» .M Tke fct Ik let a *.mr'e Ike Oftha Jaatiea Pad ika AMaMpM Cklaf daaUaa af Ika AU- latteinu JaduUt* »kak ke aelacGed fram Ike arnlot memkera af Ik# m»>orM* af tke ra*H aad taclwdinf Ika rapeeaaaif ft ika kaaa pf Piadaaia Ika- Cklal-ia" — A wonderful match UOUlUiU ...us m »UJ put ■• •• J - 1 • I ... Pt •*% .ql » •XVIWC= - '• | iuu * 'ctu^j *--'j mwi* t kief futtka Ja*Heata akaB kava ika wiiHtf M prealde In ika akaaara af la ika mpp os • v—nap la Aw Ckiaf-dnaUaeekip, Iff Tke rklef dwdUeaafefp af Ma ,—, > b: you. »nd pfrirnc i* mnimy. You'll t* paid kblbobi (ke oriau 1 kief tan akall ka M*i ka —plBlPia k mm t. M 0. hall fat aaa-kaU piat fey aack af MP • jW *W» you CM put lo good m» • In, ukry ufaUc Inraing. YouTl mm IMy « xj —— Hhkdwwd collrg* oductioo. Fsr*55cnTc tk, •elerOaa at il take #i*( In U OMPt 4dteNteP gad Ike Arakatate Cktef daatu I tPCOl " Cklef a itantobditF AltUchlpaaMI! «crtlnf *t« friMck You'U k, workin, 1 1 r m^mg1 fgwraj] Mali Jo- k, to train ikan. Jvaoea akall aan*»» • ICarit fillrl daatiee and aadniad A t kief da ahpfcoM iwyoy ko • la plruut uinoundingt. You'll recti,* rtVp] Ma) 1. J nlu|v nun. ■QLiS In Uaa $ id) A aaorum far fdd Al- "Job. **• P0"* lo. Why not fO tQ lb, dcuiU iboui Ita telcphooc Job fo, you? Coil "eollnt" naa w »j Eu A u 1"- me Bfaaaai Ji Ida Wlar eaUat mamfeer* " PAVOB Pecttaa Id. tk# af Ma upmiwte- 'TT' . ctmf to Mio Virginia Phillip*. 120 it*#* . af Wt OftiM af Ike Iteaa af Ptadeaia laata appahHed keeutta IP. •enuiue* of Ida dear Tfe< aaatmar Jadletary • ■mini ta low—orerything InduUrial Bldg., Dciroi: 26. Irlcphow af Stadaato* enrrgt ky tke prrwfral af Id# Ptadtal UovafaOMal VPdaravarpaa- Obh libpbiiM job! No «- WOodwird J-9900. E*t MIO, fewia te aatva 08 Ma i n tmmm Sfea dlrectl) fe> Ika PreaMaat af ■» fetwdeaS Pf iswiaal CawprMP. a o9jp3j MICIIIAR KLL TiLEPIME CliPANT SWIrf.«omMo« wm> «H Congressman Shows Need MSU Honks Hbl in \otion flefember 9 Wllir.1V STATf VFtfg Page Five Of Federal Aid ft ll«iisin«t In Unll'Thnet 'jnrollnu' lit hill Big ear bill, cramping your tocial Ufa? c? '■■■£ Amrrv ...n utfttfOTOff M — A fop * ..., f .:,»! hounln* sp'»k"s. Monday borne r#u11 rl- ' ' r .1 el rnnre construction federal aid flump OT>!*e?-.e< in ;; RAMBLER Re;,. Albert ,/a>er <«"»* For '59—and Savo! - . \1 • /»r. A'*>. chairman /»f *he . ^ i- ■jtxommltte* of o,e a. / i"ed for n hike n • fund* u«ed 'o *«ip. • .-,'KjerBfejv pnr*d * ,i. ;.ared for a n Kansas -.tgolfning of infer- ("if.v. (,KT IN ON THE S?' r r 4 V! "» ' * i denifig dif'Min'c r. :/•• na-e C'mgie.} I.HVR (I.OTIIKS \T - >i,r- .r-nrie, arid aVhuustiori ,» 'ed'"*' t'l'h'.rity fr» ,UT,. II A l/fh-iiiim-x . , .. s -rrfl jon^enflnn £iferp4* j.^eeh were cllntribw'ed here. Sftlwl I.rrliirrrK The Coij.kge Ci.kanrrs r»M Mil* •"* #»Hleu- -ft rfn*« A .r.men U *ee where all Uih noted yfvip ,.f - liKFOia: vol f.O IIOMI \M> I III.Y i.«,. ho • gis-. 4r>, ' « #«dlp» *•»"• mv . yioba " r '0 IfsrriE.ler /i- «e ->u » "n* H«#a»«f pf*««oet|twi do .-»",r'fe't ?■ *r. WIIJ. Ill*: KKAMY U IIKA YOI I'OMR H\i K gsllon. «n "s even ir>' rMl WWUMflM* |*irs fwn »o t/|1 r,n rompsrsbln t-doof tnrs1»t* ( /ill i ^ than iMMMllr In faun «.iMiTf:r» Itirr. and [.nek firat • ft. ih/ed fV,rt»f'»r» A'KArt • »d,c re ^ tiMf fehraarr. »»f we mar r>r|. ' id 'is I aerlKiTial sr»fn front seals Tr'i i h»rr.M»*r' i ^.It r»*» (Ha (Hai'f a# a *er oe-aed (.«*♦ 1 • p rsn. • the MOTS AND SKIRTS TTMK ^ dump li» Hmmlnf pragar- seven Sonelay*" IIM.V • VOUt* NIARBV MMILIR «m nar( Am/.ng !he . /ale t;n.ver«,». 4Vh Tin iomim. vitir:: Appointment Lag, ■itlilnff t»»* '»( t rM(| Uvity." and Vfsrgs The ftocial Con Stales Pierson fat Maad. »nthr/epnlogl««, f/e-v 020 W. MM IIIK. \N I II 2-17l.'l York. pr«'*#n»in- C reativity ;n Tha Cwnwllng C#n«»r refte4* I r.„ '••a Cultural Partpwjtlva •* ♦at mar.f «Ui4an1a have ewper- daiara In getting ap- rtmanta sdtfi coufwetor*, ae- »,rding »o Dr. RnwlenH Plaraon |p (MM OPEN TONIGHT ,/ />.a raaaon for ffce delay* It SEARS " *t«pdent* have t»een »«• -ryita i appointment# 'ban vss 0»t,r.g >.* a*a during th# *eme quar* and every night til 9 [ ar aat yaer. fit aplte of the j v 'hat sa Aill- ... until | *}ea *v/r.«elor gtnee gept. J, the I »ur>ber of itudent* already seen r *N» Canter !• apfroalmataly ONRISTMAS EVE il percent large# tftan for Abe . h 'arm of IM7. Perv.n promlaffa th«t every A Giant Selection of Gifts for •ff-.d tpjnin'roent* at the time most *• var.iant fur atudenta «t 'ha vffl he made tn arrange Everyone! FOR tJ ! -r* ?n ar»«4 dalav, however, rtu- fer*» are snrr.iiragad All regular merchandise ... all reduced! to re- rat- iroofntrntnta ill tha early if rfti tirvn. Kira I'.rlmr in Interviewing BOOKS IjhHm' Fifiire Si'he ** •tr.aduiaa w#ra aat f aaparat# intarviaw- 4IM> IA 8"' ax up a» *4 Paramant Buraau fall arm '* * ^tovera vifltirjg tha, ram- | ;•*'a >-*<-nd(«w> >*'« graduating ntu- «he To* *nr%* A-a* a» »f mipfoy#r« ! 'dSf' any fall ever '.n Men'* quarter, ar- " "f Jaek Kinney. Plare- *o Kitfiirr Sk.iic K»ll> Vulnmalii- "» fJureau director. Sire* (Ml i art 4 * Q- attribute* two farmr* - o • • «.|* b* * n * be iew facilities of the Bai v»u *hirh makea It more ay «iiepi« '• fr»r rai«i«tf ,m4 i'teerins .rpatnrimving. and l••men. nislle '* r *> whereby more m- '■*"< •"'gam rat ion* are look- "< ?">r '...»ga trained person* I '' Jr. Bov*' "< or nduxtrMM *»irh a« atr* llorkry >kalr* NOW LOCATIONS *~i" feaf *r»d heavy machin- r *» •;.» Hard / «» aat raar ara era. 1 * i " a T.o.e favorable outlook TMK 0 year"* graduate Tha *' ■■ ■■ ve .nduatry ui cautlou- | •' '' .stic thia y#ar, too, ao *'"• 'i: grad- ••* o -t-rmg «nd aoMDM K.rmay. a | tenand and *rs »?1|| )a h'- Till R*. • FBI. • SAT. • MOV •'** «ud liberal art* eandt* I *"1 r >:viewing la up. P'faihlMf Kit With I frallON phkl OI'Rt.NO FA.WIS OVI.r M.I. TTIF TTATF. general appear to f'ihtr Mm K...1 ln«.il*lHl Cnnltr y n.ffmr m all field* J » far thu year. 4" Urgr llobbm Itbmiii Coeadl Hcsd M«clr PPMV J*| rest L**•••• b»t»r .tan J A r«4. •»->* espa.u, •enaie nM)tt#lrls« «.i, *ta*| t«(aie Ui <»mp lata l,%MU e4 «HH Oner |UN seep f^m- eo4 arms refre.h "I" "»'** aesmrsate Atnrui n»" "'«> l lfrt Sir* fUaefc an4 " r*4 INK POT GIBSON'S VH K. f.KAMI RiVBR IJ1 VV. (.RAM) R| V FR J**» Dob** of Jtduon. I ** < bM baa ttacud I •j.rn.M I *7 of g, Altanal AdrU- CowocU, aroarrling to an II x«nt br Sn Km Complete |2»»wcU11 I, to, of iMimi o« l, mttioM. Bsdmiston WE BUY ALL B(K)KS AT ANY TIME I MM Km (ram Set I o'.1'" *M at, tnm Mw i . "8 Niiugn #S3r^*»--. 'Tgritisiiwieig • ^ KuUwr Hmfc*th*ll IS-rt. In KM. Far I,Irani *r (>ul l-la. Stral SMra 1. C. NlMtei P •kuvi ta tm m •irmar [Tf MbHar a#*#' AMeftO le«tM- it it. mm 11 .a. « i m mm IW-BL »™ mt fkmi it m a... FREE 9T0BE-SIDB UNIVERSITY BOOKSTORE PUHNG (In the People's Church Block) * ■M-mjs Cagers Co,,2n,l Win; Full T'criu |{oiiimIii|i WORRIED ABOUT HUM. 241 FINAL IM Crowns t\rw Defeat Bmlor, 72-46 ll»: rnga»f S'atp'.B i/a«l Iflfra r. . Cham/pious > ,, , ' 'itrU ■■ fir 11, p . , • ,,r I'rofc-otUinftl oiiMine.j|f lit ft. Hnvrfer r£»,„ fti.a ?/-aa| f>ii PT ;e,7 , ly.-.M., nijrhl, i'l 1*1 i. ||!lf • T- ..'If, I .fart/ forrnan '4V :t, I, ?r He; i *>p M' in i loh l». Ifllon fifth 4or! ftSlla aigmt ' If »l I » r |». . ' I'.••■Ill' flit I fid ti,||, ' ' ' ' !'| ; J,,/| f|r (, 'he -p" i ' -.ni« Untir, ' ■ firmn g . .., l»- 'h r^-f r»eH« .» >4 - i I»..'|«|i»I M.-pt !pn^i,f • « Af•»»» 1R M'.». Ar ' • .''.'.t,,, fir** ,tiii erf If, r '.If I Pfl 1 fi 4'i|,ti>.<. , -, . .fining 'he P «• •' irUi ill ^ ...,p ,iicr.er ,(,« er V hd-"(fi'i>'-hl|» | . hh ' '< artw If' ' t iff1 14 urt'l f'n • i). 'd'f 4f,,| Tfifiv left • f.i'..,,ififi f »» I * '«• ' " - Av * ■A'^V.r |t • '». '-'.e»| r ' ... o, # fa) ntl*e „t,T i ..f ur 4 Hit I .. . .« r • l.'.M.r - The l»»|l« «el an I*Vf record of lb ,,„i 'fill; pdal pint «nd heal l»f I'i. gtintt r-m • 'he S|,3, lan« h j, • Jh,' '1*0 pint In T1|« in the finalt r xi.tii'llrig 14 4 4'l< if> for fhe title r»« t»i,» h'i r > •, affi'lwit, hilN-fVfr if. 'ftp (tmr MIjU'i T'.'tr n.'./>t I,,, iudihg 171 lert ' * ■ I f.il 7*1 fP.k I' Ijf.r.,# «fHfflirl |,,A the « if. •'•av fil'l «h»l» Roller Hill pret* baffled ttir .ip r . ;| f,e«« Ift''t Sigma f »,j f' ,n»| ftr'a * f-.< »*> ,'t • e 'tie r.linie "'i r jfiH [fuller m*»ti'»tf"fl f.. , e. i • f ifin t#i fjvr p . i.f: f AH.'** I'a 11 I fl'.4P«f t|.P Mwltdfig,. ' 1 ttl, >M »'V all nigbf ,a • F -'.My Aft'|p| -hi. ».i,. U iIiIimIm I op v, l r httnt ft 'f» help -|,.»fif lri-li r•I he h,.- iffnt c HP "Riled be fi , . In |ii' I* . f.iger- ill li>|i 2fl f.fililr 4nrt»Miiii'« high •oaf 'iftn are ranked in ... 'iff '7 If. H Eat 'i,r ^r. m, t «. Arwln .. ' i-iri \I.M. • | '*• = . fit "GIGI," MGM MUSICAL HIT. . i final.', •'i-rt, pfitvf/i *■ «• 4M'p b'ft't ?H> * •' 1 STARRING LESLIE CARON, MAURICE | fmfm » fprnnd |t4f pi4 h«|f IHP 4p4it4iit In uilh I? |n»ln*« CHEVALIER. LOUIS JOUROAN. NOW t'Ml" fiPifl SHOWING AT POPULAR PRICES • HI ,/• •i "t.r t;. «-s. Hpnrum 'fom »hr 'ftrv si'i'n.1 ».<•••• ftn'ir f"' .r j , f f •' I I "f* 'f: ',. WfjurlTDFOTS! ,. . • : I'm Si fill Hp ■< - tp t Pilihl finifl 2 • frpp •'>*» III t4hp i IMS »4n an* Th« irfentirol pictu.ft now tn itft Now 'o', long run I Mn| f V'* « ■ 4an.p OmiideTing ' * »' d-d a good j'»i» I "*» !rd our rM-.it foo* Nn-^ Saturday'* ' P* ■ ' .'Tib P oftfM. <) s »f 'I f-ail handling i- "■» -Hprovpinml and wr r*- ? n * rh pspfcially on J^V-p*<».• v>a nai a rune-dav 'a. -'ivarling to Sooth in-, to oppoae No'rr ** Di.-ing thia period MSli'-. •nil tuckle fall tarn P LVv.«. n« • Waiu on return home to Dei 20 La«t •i- a r Xehr«*ka upaet Wilt Cham- ur,M «n.l Kan*a*. 43-41. ^wir.1 ^ viii IV Chrutma* holiday# PkObuL'Q* participate in the Dixie "t it Raleigh, S C., on Dec. Th« tournament bring! LESlE* CARON ^Bht fop cage team?, MAURICE CHEVALIER ■' •re four regular*—ho*t 1 Carolina State. Du*e. LOUiS jourdan * Carolina and Wake Foreet. HEfci-OM • o EV» -ec j*coues Rr '.:>iC ■ &*af 4*<.i i- 'JUN TflSKTik l«Af * '"JIT " ■ w*"fc * Haor ih* M-G-M Jecordt iovid (fad Ah>v MICHIGAN '"•Mm. CONIiNUOb'S PfHC«yU44Cf6 a tlM kadi ,1M |aa a Fee He b-3.'.aiegi t *ao< 3:12-5:24-». 44 •4.34 #XOKE SHOP I»»! !»tVIII Ittl'RK^, unnrlil* pinffwnr «f «l MM', fiiul H«« |)lri«»tt *t fir rl|hl) •»»•*•» rMfl* Mailt'*, *Mlt»* I' t cnniiil 1 lemon I for lit* *•»!«» Re* low. t'wlleil 4r*h Rrpuhllr, Mtkitl In iMWiMrwa. I»lrliat»t» I* IrarMw* at ftrrlaw I nlrn «Hr wwrfer Ihf of llto rullmil **rh#tt*e proftiitn of l!»o l*» pailmetif of Milf, I *lnkr n mim lirrak nil Hail I.anting'1 alileil and final I It linllnn Cntf, Bool IWr, or Oronto MII h 1 llrcolnr (hi* llrm I'l//.AH VARSITY DRIVE-INN I CASA NOVA'S VUIHRIA HAPPY rn 2-6653 SEATS NOW DfiTIIOIT M AHONIC AUDITORIUM | frrfnrBiiMifH uiiiuiiiiiiiMiiiium NEW 'ONE' YEA IS! ST05 GIFT , CENTER Safe Driving ... r. t# r.M. • » 'l» »1 •*. M IB Cleans LI VE At'diimtnm loMinii ■4. iMwnrll BO* elope . : Men'* COATS & SUITS : ;: B O <• or '59s0 Krunlnn • Shnrh • TO Inntl* • "155"" Kxtra Inn*. • : 0* Stmil* o» We Continue To Serve * * SIZES SI lo si FREE ALTERATIONS *• *" «• •» * B" • *p Coift SiiuuvslimiB for Ilia C.liriNtiiio*! • •» Educations) Needs in 1959 *» *» Br Aoiv tht limit tutu/ion at ^ O 4* mm*. turniihingn ;nr p>iaooo/ H*r. m * n Kil* mill Jewelry 1.50 lo 2,1,1)0 * When You Receive Our Top Prices For •» «* n S|iorl Sliirl* It.'ll lo 21.00 •* • d(>Ioim S.O.I |« 11.00 Z •* a jwktin. 2.50 10 15.00 «► Your Used Textbooks Make Sure To Get Your Z Z D,,0•,• 1.00 lo 3.50 *• «. ^ a I'ajmitu* 3.05 lo 25.00 £ Stock of Christmas Gift-Wrapping Supplies and B 0 a Dri'w Sliirl* 1.00 lo 10.00 b» «» a S* ruler* 7.11 10 30.00 » » • o JurkiT* 10.95 lo 65.00 * MSG Souvenir and Jewelry Gifts For Your Z Z " lWl* 1.50 10 10.95 £ ° Vr*l« 5.95 lo 20.00 * •1 m # m a Muffler* 3.95 lo 10.00 Z Family and Friends. » • a Rolie* 16.95 lo 35.00 » * * D Slack* 13.95 lo 39.50 «► WE WASH YOU A Z Z SP°rt ('H,UOPUS 29.95 to 90.00 ? " * » a.m. lo .» p.m. * HAPPY HOLIDAY! Vmlil CHKISTMAS •> A. >ou look hark on Ik* i**r pant—ami forward • 40 to an *i*n Iwltrr year ... an .voa jaia *ilh faauly d» and frirads ia ( hrUlmas r*t*hratioa» ... a* hop* a* a* Christmas Gift 4P *10.00 Reduction on any null or loprfl you mil find th* happinm-. a ad Jay yaa no down*. g, m W» lakr this oppartuail.v la aiah yaa aril ... la ^ _ "Emt|4 Annie Cloth" thank yaa lor your loyal palroaac*. H* hop* la ^ »*ne you *i*a bttlrr ia th* falar*. - *5.00 Reduction on any Sporleool CADE'S GROCERY at 2909 E. Kalamasoo Phone IV 9-8540• IIOLDEN * REID! YOUR. BOOK AND SUPPLY dp A Complete Line of CM Beverage* R a> HEADQUARTERS