—1.„ jWicliil*CSVfl*fll »b ."•■"••ut ORfitNIXATIDN nl hul ivl.llt- il to ,, ii> in.I Oir t.mvtxl II'* in . o.ni* 111 OaXUn «... ■•■•kiiifl In »*«v* Hi" • lii<«*i I VIIII'lll I s Wit! « in 11.4'i ii i .iiurn ■I u m Ciifholl. \ , Mi." A.""I , , , III* uhiiri^li .1. I nil '14-11.11 • >| Hi* A.« in IoIbiI H I«M»'» Kv Student Hull. Will.in l#-r I'M. a*. lulaii.l I' l'lv rrn. ti.i.l A — .. H.h .1 I ..!..»•« »'■ •xlf.XI V I'lfl l>f I I % , , ,,... lilt «n.i I'll! HlHVtA KAI'IM Vol. M», Nil II!' Miinrtm. Ii'iiunri I''-!' I'niti* T«" Tn llir Iditor; xni it.kmi I, ( I i n i'All I Mmi's IM fix in um, m c Aren't we nfiident.# foit imiti- tljnt Slate Newe edJfoilaf writers vipyov stt wr< Rebel Fidel Caslro, ore "smart (some) and cnnnotatlons piogreslve"? nt !>£*(? *pAy Nice P*£«£NT>,- I 60T MCEP -I PA 'p ar Iloxv else, could thi*y fleparate " aWt rj iff CF 51VIMiHe The Lesser Lvil? (lie pi4-.4-otiitioM of American history Into scholarly division* £■,£« <.KC( CrfKi5THAS ANf SOU Q of (t) real history (the "hone*' IT IS TIMi: |»»M»|ilr in tl»f I'nitrd |Md kidding lhtMn*clw* nhoiit Ihr i.-fiinr *»f I iilui' ( n-dm idlcling that mivnili- «- ji intli'. ln« I»I«mhIv Ivninm rb.vrlx pur iltp«' •••! I'm- ident Juan i*'ulgenHu Hat Mm. dntnti.i Fidel view") and (If) history in terms of cherry trees and ("platitiidlhou* further, after P*P"t rait-splittiny iiuellng Ike dis¬ L „ . Q 'Illi- exrnitielM I 'Mtiliii 1 fil «»\ tjMlu have provoked hoih* puted p a a x a g e. our editorial comment in tIn^ n.untix \ «•» mnnv |n««»|xb- htixc either ly writer rkelorlrallv asks, ". . ,/mom t- OOl TWO, ano sou $6C6l[S tuned (lit* bmlnlitx "i hi ui'ioiit »r have fell they ccxiild what korrlkle fate •up|Hi*eillx ( //ANV' G'S" , yjug rtittip nut be a* bud ;»•< the purwi* ItatMa him*elf i* reported in awaits the high srlitMd sludeul |\|N (50661ES xx ho «lodte* Amerlr-an khtoi x 11 M /" Mow 11hv•* cnndiieted from Ike aociologii-al er minmnli how laid HutIhIu'm o I hr fact* m i* llial n<* out- imm* jiM point mi view M The writer now obviously Im¬ |xurye* win- iVn^oi hip .tunny Itu- IhtlMa regime made plies that the disputed p.p 'i -n reporting of the*r nrt»\itu* extremely «llfflrtill. Still, Ihe is just a "xoriolugicat or e«" I» S. finrr-pi'ttihiit- who if now in f'nlm. aome of whom have been ihi'ir I'm uxn.d war-., hit aunoig (lit* beat Itl I li«* husinc** nunde point of view" (I'm not ill re which). In any case, wc (he opinion within find out that 'he dlapulcd yjf? ■ J ii.mm ASTROS i i tltl duif Ituti-tn ami Id* henchmen piiKSiige htcntlics the same air trspon-ihlr Im flu* •Ir.ifh* of JO,(MUM'«tl»n«i-t IxeeM trim, ax do the discipline* of econom¬ CAMPUS CLASSIFIEDS wfit* ic* and sociology It input Inzer*. (Name Withheld hy Repuesti W ASII IN (J TOM «A*> Ah A broader version would ban The road t« enactment for *n ADOITIONAI CHAXQES i.AST mi\i\k iii! stiu'otl Ida war fiitne trial* lieforr A .Undent MAlnv JA,„ thonifh the rwntltUtton tin* been any tlinilNtirm '»n slate poxvers I to# eark word ovg* IS ' j»,, ua..i »•■..- amendment pr-'p-wei, ai*avs IT.tVMl peifona in llaxaiia * $?* million Spoil* I'ahire. Till* rimeiiiieil only in health, education, transpor¬ a, oc r*mi i,u jay |•*!*»!»ti, .1 J J tlmrn In 17(1 long, is even longer since the ,,, i i* a xtranyr seftiny for the admitiMration «»f tu*tlre. tint, at TIMK niayiuine ha* an id, it xt.t- pfitiat for a modern veura, nil |»»«»!»• •*olm b»r ehmifinf tation, voting and other fields I xx 4* mere farxeaod an Ike Mftx admission of Alaska a« the hit' Mipli I Sta ff AUTOMOTIVE , KWAvr t»»e. I it addition to two-third murt. One wnmld aallxarlfe a ..r || M Chr.na IV day Madame PeTaive In ahori. the trial* d»» not, ami are the tl<*u«e thi* rear, vote in hoth Senate and llomu ; • A XI XK i I * hoittier l|aul Im* eiliiig —Slicp's Shot* 4114.1 irtinalOK. t «!»* 21 anx'ima nf A,.{U» ntitr dor VI® REAL ESTATE hrak'ir»*»l that "a thousand max the" at the feitiltune vote No fewer on the income fas or otherwise II Capital Roundup Trnotional feelijiy* and a Ihir-t tot rexenye are to he than H 111ui*4* mrtttbere offered limit Congrrsa' taxing or spend¬ XXA-rxil HAHV MtTUl I". F^NSALS cunai right*" auieii'linenta Hr |, ".Or* ■«- atona and inatituto reaponmhle irovernroent in the place of Amdtirr fruhtrnl r»wlen«lev Two would carry out Tresi- I -XHA'.r Ait", iwrli rt'l "O'. rtril »•-,f.r.r la •ludUPiH «| (he oleet4»iat ml HI.. ".(Hi Hrr !(•>'. I'"'.or 4ih -aort rtprwi".' •».-» I'AMTIMtN I'Ol.l IK ,H ^iitiaiilesl trin|M>r«ril> In the deail -I... - * kvrannv. dent Ri*enh"wer • sugge*.ti .,in.4i laMrrr. Mil' Dr.v* ' The 114 year old IMngmaii bad it|ipenred , What is wor*e i* that it nulhtie*- •>»»■ uii-.d- tin- letielr- V'.olHttoii* ret this llwino *« - amendment wlxiih limit* presi¬ :x>fc ".r I * CiMfided l«« atk «»( the proponed dent* to two full terms. in the House chnmher JanAarv 14 to lie have been ftKhtiny to e^iat»'i h t'loim o'tilil yain mm h uri,"MAin 'kf'-t ix » hkii Miu'lldhll lit* line weald pre vide far sworn into office a.* a ninth-term legisla¬ fa*t sinr - iian" more preMiue ami homtf in ftit exes »i| the worht hv stop, StMifhei iu \\ nuhmitttsl .several emergency reeeastllatt«Mi ef Ike -.oi# nrt.r- W""* (wlr..-• " • i piny veiiyeful inurdei** ami o*tuhii*hmr a Hue tieimn'raex House ef Representative* If ila tor, but had been forced to leave *»urn af- , . rt— Ii.*' Ijiilv ». . pi i >p.• i,41.% 4»hx u'lisiy inapuod hv 'OIlo »-»»f I-X }'*• in at rite torn t 'utm. 'he Supreme iVmrt'a integration membership were derlaialed la let ward Ireciiiise of aeriotta illness. IHw i, ro(itl ArtM nao IV \ ,121 M -ol. O ila. i»» While in the pnae** ruling* and their efftvt* One a sudden war. of m,.K uv "'u dmmutit i i*e to weutit fwtdd frstei nt Inlei ferelH And would man's death, coupled xxith the ab*» uce of e one ieugtheii rr» Hr--,--i-atfln I ontarl SERVICE |*»wer, manv ohserxer* «-«m i.ipr.l i astro to la* the lesser \*'!»\ igieg.itinn (Mtn-thmed hy pieseiilativex' terms front two howpitaliiexl Hep. Joaephine Hun-inyer (l> '• i;a n vtaflooi'rt |)efroit), depletes the i>ernocratie vote tally " -vrakifav* or of two evils • tale l»» xear* t» four. ••(* IKAKFAST Judy my from, the exent* <«f the p«*t two week*, we are to A3. Kcpublicans are able to muster all of 'irOOO IHMtVt %N HOUSING certain he the le*>e» ^iicstione Ike's Stutcsmuii*lii|i their 5T» membera-elect. not mo i» 'USM Spv<»' • IHNfiMAN'S VACAM ^ vaill Iw fillexl followimr the \p. "iUlCt 'j«- » fO» " I NT A atate election. Ilia dlatrtet. the Wayne 10th, ia sotkltx xayiONUt SMC* Crossword Puzzle l«» Ihr XV'.cp tdinw M f -enhi'sr. he'd an ierxv I i» do not deny that he ha.« the What J do l>emocintic, a fact causing Minoiitv Leader Joseph Ko- right to * fox next pixM i.mfcicine pi-' gn.-ro opinions expieui-it when walski. also a Wayne idth legislator, to look toward the tyi'fsl xvn bv-a". r st.T tut,4» Ha. trie n a'ovmi affi r 'tie fall cleclntn*. he ui-m- ib«-v are against him, and go election date aa the turning point in House control. ■ RQual%«i ■ i.rr» aiirt rxi pel'ill bed tl-ai Mir ill of twfore the public, like a little •»um4 nl* xx Koxxalskl count* on Mrs. Hun-mt'er'* re u* n IVnorl die votet* x\a* m contradiction '»oy xx ho ha« had hi* hands vrr«vK» -#ff- ■' » « t CwctMflwe M» I-rt-.l-r.rt X tn M Hark IS W.thr>o4 l.e fw itevrxi Itxat his piewtigv i.ren xtnfustly trea'ed A minoritv bloc capable of toppling the t ru 7 .xa il > OSC IV -o VU-i 4.1" ! * J* rn« ,»iHian»4 xr* - It ArO a I'rtifx At U-e p»rs* confn- any member* hv illness or defection in Ihr rrc* .'t aala* tear on matters of Civil Rights rviAo-o Of |U4lf mcnioaitsl lw-fore, he xx a* v« willingly I doubt if I would Tuprr HI*,VI » ! RVNHfn • ■* It PhlhpfMOfl rank,*, A minority party since early New ".*-«( », 'iiit4. an(.r«tx«-* anrt oa"* iwrn-fHc ' • oua"" * - * P , iiuiy angered by the fact that i«e x ritual of hun now. Had he i*r- *!' V ' rtf- o \1 IV T-M.XS WfTIO •i.' piestige is, a fxtimei genetal heal day*, the liemocrat* in this Toth *»•* rwwIunMk salolton I# tiiiio'i IVstlo i»rcn a* willing to battle fx* hu« ft. Cop-1 sva w lUrdnv ha.lo t tuvugtM -he itWuil* Ix man light* a* eagerly as he ta sion exhibit more unity thplt their liepu'di .l*wa.nipxw AM c» rm«hri» HiCrt ukuwotCM*-^ I M Haedhnrr anarxwrtox •«», -«•-# ♦0 Croinrftw .» ... s»»i- It low M our w to tight in matters ecom>nik, can counterjmrta. The Itenuatrattc "cross |k Loon •*' ftflurr • CI Ion K* XVomai^Ti N- ix d is obxioiis that if the man* people might have re- IOWAIJAI oxer" is practicallx unhe.tftl of. 0404 0" >0» ill' I" •' I m la thai aott IMsrpie • xx an'j are in direct eon- ijiexted his desire to try to tiflo t HflUriU it"' with Um»c tn Uis part*, tv m-n -J It topntrkor •hapod VVHAI rtOrt " .♦'.■rtattt* , ^ MofiSa dadiu TX "* * If GUled hahon'-, ps'iicies *% they xvere ever, that has been ignored, and Novtmbar, aaya Kowalakl, so Kepuhlicans are flotinting the unborn fM.TiHimx IV a-Tiafl li iXainux L*n« Da* «» « If Motoof that ta that part of Ma char¬ Mok» Diet* evpiesxnt m Mr. Risenhovxpr't Siate of 'he Union message, and acter that exhibits heretofore volgrt y refusing to ahdre their leaderahip role with l*em- j *'th ArrwArrtw. THRRE ROOM f 044 ocrita. HW MtK ur".ro.«"rtrt . THR riKV*T IN *» riis*f- vxili further be ckprpssed unparalleled statesmanship. In raflr'grraxar infl -»,>*» Clow ta Zj-rkrnan ' Combo _ T1 by tMiiri • suggectiM legialgtion. He is dl»- INt, Mr. Kieenhower said that DON'T KNOW how thex can look an apple In the eye •ftOHi* Aduin CD *-XAM tf Bobbv .lacAiwin «M Maaawhila Spoaker of the House Hon , UUhtxrtl XI W.ljM the reel he had the RuaUltcahooa tnvkMlart 14nra clroata. tfrawar ?T0M pcupie, arid intcmis, along •Aoo-r Artui'v IV «*•*»!* A MMItT JIWIRfc iflxa/Cl * .'J flail* v ,k xxith ho, partner, Mr. Ni*on, to , Txir that oftteo. Mo haa damon* Pun (R-Buehaaoat it sticking to his ong- }( *«a%4• *' ~ 7i IV rt «C ,irated unoqualod sUteemanafup « to Henior c!>ange that opinion *o that hi* iaal plaa of aot giving tht Democrats any- WANTED XTt'Df N'T TO ^h*t* *,n-; OuALiTV MltCMAN* *1 it CV*»»Urj-» xx ant* m matters of State w ill bv spending sis years hi that thiag awrt than "our aympathiea." Pears to,I be X"Oxi office merely to prove that he .*< T* (O i4 That in was right IB the Ant place, ■iiaAuarnil coounittee Appointments Fri¬ >rn* txmpt to hi ha* the right to at* change opinion if he day* anming RepuhlicAn ehairmen and xme- ,00-i WM. H. THOMPSON If K»vt\an vat• Majorities to all important commit, (, DCHflLR APPROVED fmm .aa «xa*D raoalad. t»o Mark, i* T> »«o tuo teas escept Wajn aad Mean* where the ou*. parking M -ark CD 7h .W TV%o,t it igvi.cw.m Michigan State News Hi VarvMat »,nukoa Sas< lasasg GOP waa gives a M margin- Heoiocratk amjnritied were granted oa 14 minor com¬ U Struck **ux>livr>ed i tin das* d*v» Mt«das Uxrexign fnOoy mit toes that seldom meet. in., a »a>a PAIR nn gtaaaaa. coxmla aiw tmmr ct4ldr» SUMMER COTTACS * ] - »W!»r aixxS swing terttx*. wevgty daring aximiv . U K«m Mark |1«.U. fi«vmtva xssxm b*«w«M axuitmafl ana fad Mi Pear*' appoiataienta retained Rep. A mail Kngstnxn (R* row. In rti inifv rtt t.'nk , nr a«h Sgarfx to* «**»«'- -M hi.n.o<»»t If Pi (ummor -rconrt class msuer under the art of viarvk A igts at tka M i Traveree City) as chainaaa of the important Ways ami 5?T'H, rn *—« »>-■». rtw. ib MM tm mmt« ,Q MM — ta*' L-i.sins Mirk 3* Pa ugh tor Mat' MibsinptHim paxaoie xa m Means committee, while Rep. Rolio Coniin 1 !*«»» TkfM Unedy, 'Friendly Relations Only' lixoii U-i florern men I I)eeitlin# Sought iiv Finn-Red Talks Missile's Official bale ■or I960 WASHINGTON' 'V, If .the >'* Wider* '1 h | but not hnlfoon* a# port «.f the l|lrlll !!««•» mi-'llft fit in. 'In i hit u.iia i whe.rt 'in I|>.r |'n*l«lrwnr LMIIV.TON i/1 v- Hpii. >[<( i,rn\nrU (l)-A!u«*) #••• As def.n- ij,. rn''i! Sen, John >r.' ! >'IM> ofo- .Or'. A? M ' 'I of MamtnehiitifHii I " .>'1.1 u. I Jtfii!»1# • '.f • ,»ror4" «f I)errtorr«tic A.''# W'»»k*i» #i-i Vir eniial candidate for T*ft » , fttat fi-f.if U- -'i v- ">•• i.'.r Of I».1tf!' |{«- predicted Viri» • '» U I »l '.'.I ,/e r wiring fur n a>#'«;ifi i»od immI* . f»ip thto f ftftoiltor't toklridlg »totod ft j(l Richard Nixnn v >> . aren't 1-1" | 'he Republican norri- itto-r * i 0* ;,a■"* rate - Ihto onlr r.Htoto thtot havp Ui #ft|»p , i..., s , Coeds of Hi* pr'ihkm f»v«ltft around with kl#l»i hanrlnv »»n their ...... In • the g. «pf»lir*tion «if the Walth' heard* Ah# l.lnrfttn'a "5Vl tin rnfillntie f , <•»«? i* the said House Adlal H»il»r \/f U» the alrrraft and .. > #■'>i » j »• v. . .. •l.rlntll.M III , •Utne I, ihnvi. I,..i| »n "" ,h* lh*' ««r *«n Phillips. Soydor in.inOle liMtuitrlri I nder thla .... tAhl'h '.or hltotnrr ha# fnrrntod ,, *i,uM »/»• "the wnilinl ..J e'e'.tr; a! .HI. .h. ........ , »r rmiH nominate " law preialllnr pr»»d urers minimum »n»i*t w»f t war* the «rt •* Irp and «n#.w trhfcle down ,oll„.1M ,il'hlne h. „u, «.»ip „„„ old Mi*t'.rri» «• Mosoa, aad r. f *»' h* ptrty'j etioire bp lh» ■i a,i,.. hl« and (toift, fiiun m#nl t«if lh» In w( with " thto j»fto«id»ni »»!«! jp] »».es and AbboH Halls ttonlnru ••'tfofti'" pr'-dyer* lnelu'led. 'i/r. I*kef'IW. V/h'. i« 'he rr.utflo rnakera aid to?,'lined tot to p»J«*lU# NOW f it#v» U afi. ftr.!--* erTipl'#y#r« ha!k#d. MICHIGAN Tho shortest way • >*»! ''K vils N6RI0 BERGMAN pftorm Itomwrill# |e«d- I aplain ^afnmt Milti«m« > Amu '* it MM president. Watehes aa foothill wiphnmnrr Jrin f aft, \tl< / OF COURSE I Curt jurgens is naar yea. ( »»r» »»dred in aft »»ethear4 at m» | MtOLVIUNE the Hinterland Mlilrl -afnrda* i.lrM villi jd \\t. .hkh K.atlnf fen. Kfnnrth J,. ( ^ robert donat Louis ,,, -|r, 1 "l I far Nr* Vftfli kktlalnn - *— ... ti t f(rat lt»' I'#*50 Ijrrt 'Kt.iO' {oiiibilitiH .tofi.#d Sff.« M< Kf'i- • (a/nn'ilY Croml 11 loin Is . %hir! iiondri . dr» Vteanlnt a • Hymtfifton '#f M> \ rtrmns II inlrrlniul II /i/r/ serototo tr«wi n#w t jt> - III N%kf, III MAVfc III N.ttl *tl H\t| us *s\f . -1 Or in *.hr plCtorw, ' «9| a % \ I ill %%\| III t b t"ft r- tothWI | Lf/t'*- Jnhrif4% "f T OI'l. \ IIII) S. III.. Ill.l. \ISt. ; Jlamrr nt X*w Jrrarv •to> | * . *rr« >f Mfhifar >' i Gov A'llai Strvffif.' • t a»Wr#i ahont II**ir %hepard present... at their \ :• * jr ia*i arid MrCurnH' 4* * i af •frtnUMi. Hhll* any tnlvrfni-^ton riil< rl«m*r< >n ■ • ft r It" to' 'tod M cm CAM'-rs ST()]# Rrpublhran lira#] I lir du'it.f thf I «•«>r i rutoiiiiil totaleanirn • drum tltan and studs; *s-faculty ; ■ '■ L ctSan ItaCurmMli prntlrf- of "tVhrn thr *»aint* t#n Afarrh" ELECTRONIC ENGINEERS I |&rjia» •>• aatd Prrtidrnt inr In " tJia I«4 him U»» PHYSICISTS and i |%rr, I and a(.i#M#nt«it«riU, p*r- «th#r matura," Pre|».»rinj4 Nen \«»;inlt At Bendlx Radio you will ba m.s.u. personnel i C-rr-.a- fe «nid R'* krf» Ji**r : ■- ... • k.» aanta to wvr SAVE! 8AVE! r »N sAVE!j i * KOM It HI k > SHOES SHOES SHOES! january MEN . .. WOMEN ... I lill.miEN ... I sale shf-pard's semi-annlal i sports wear - AT LOW PRH.bii - At Bum** Ramm tNd aemmplHhwwnts nf mdrr CLEARANCE SALE? am stepping tamwc lo oontinued Uadrrthip BocnorKnart TUn » no reatmf an «w Icmrii only Hlrnil) toiwtM quilt, fwi.nr . . . iKrlatomt "ntEEMAM- <~i 4 either indlwiuaJ or collect**, . . . no w»tii| en a mpmertwi etree^y wen. * —4 "PLYMOLTH f#r" tato *fANM.CK OP , (Our unmWieM armmplnhee* ace hfr rtawi hr today ... and far dm M; WM10.V,* "KK KKRTVOX," OOATS future > u# "ITUMA." Ht. Itr j •** £ TKtot it w|»v work SNNITS nwvtt ahead mptdfy at Brndt* Radio and why #ach day new, lUmulaUng cheJJengtet. 3 S»U: All «Imm taSM fr»ai Mr rttalar ilark. No ".porul far.ho/wo" or Maaa- That ii vhy the rev* «rdc of tuccew are great . »od why the scope i4 farlarrr'o (laaa-'laU. AD okraarS'o ftaolil> ^bor» ukoa right >.(' oar okaftra y*it future at Bendix Radm » unlimited aato goiai (I prkri >m aoa'l hn.rtt! 'it :» importanr you—the young engineer—tn uart your carper o# r#n the r;jht track. You irsfl be Ycu will be on the r ?hl track at Rendu Radio hundreds of pairs v-rlir:^ w«h leading ictentpus ir^d engm#*™ «fn a*e ptfneen in new held* You will he working m a rvdem plant with nv«4 modem equipment Your work will be of a reduced for clearance proyert nature, and you will LOVKR MAIN- see projects through from deugn contrcs to manufacturing You will 50% rereive ample 'ei-the-job SPORT SHOP rrj.n«r»g You will working na| atnvnphem of exceptional accompiwhrTen# c> our earner is fnOr where the importar LP TO fotr^wed . . whrre the attitude, the way of work and the way of life will encourage your best efforts'__ ON MAIN FI/XIH - kAe HPMe ahead when you to •■rev too** row #»krt "cntnes. v#ur future with Bendif Radm , , . and be HURRY! HURRY! HURRY! SWTS - MATS • SNNITS - SHOES BENDIX PADIO in 5:.\. Hmwi Otlir MOV far UlLiUl.A> SIATE off... nrr.\ urns. n r. rin. viae * .All MS 1411 M liku M* MU M 0411 Ml >411 M» >411 M4 4414 Mt a ' MirmOAKI ATATE vrwi SurrrnilrrH Sword iMMry 1«. I*.1t Intramural Tankers Sink Goplie Spartan Fencers Lose to Titans, 15-12 HT I AROI IN VAiinxr ia ftie Unlvtrslty of Detroit cauiht Brown for the fin Tho Spartan foil team, con- Schedule n tsKvrttxi I. < »i n r i Steuart Sets Another An ancient Colombian sword fenrltig team defeated the MStf to take tha match. Mb.g of Charles Schmitcr. Jr. « M lllho | tl. n-'hrr 1 Ihrk lawless and Terry Olimn. I IE Rathe, f «• Ralhrr 4 •*« hanged h.ui'l* nlijlit fcttrrri IS-12. The reA|Minaibll|ty for tying ■ w RafN#t fl o Ralhpr s The trophy, a Spanish brrnid- the «p-ore ami preserving the did well, taking si* matches s.ja Ralhrr Jtn, Ratlipr f sword, was dotinted by two II • park of victory fell on the Schmitter was the p*>werman iiiisr ii «»f D alumni from -the Republic shoulders of MStf captain Steve with tiiree wins, including » w iiHUrrllrlO I iiuo.rioM r k o 1 of Colombia. Arbeit, who made an excellent shutout ag.iinat Paul tlimelh(N-h i w n.iiirrririo I o noiipriiPiO ] t IS NullrrfirM 2 v* MuHr »f|rld 4 F«»r the jwst two year* the showing against Mike Kecnan. lawless also took a perfect is nHiiPittru • a vs. onoptfipM a prlre has hern In the (♦onsrsiiou hut could not come up with the match against Mimelhoch. SO0* 1*4 < |>«-ti «. mi l mw«H« i vi 4 mitotic f nlfht the Titan* came bark to The two men exchanged lion -Hie \IS(f team took four ; IE 4 mhii.m | vi 4 fniiooi* 4 I'laim the trophy in a thrilling touches until the score stood contests. Carl Knight had a two- 4 la tmnii.ni I *». 4nunnn. 1 • t* 4 mmniii s « « 4mnH«« B well-fought contest. four-four, hut the Titan captain one record, D«Mig Jewell ha I a Tho oeore was lied It all with came through with the final one-two record and Art fr>jwd 44M 4*1 •»« threo aohrr hnota remaining. touch to take the match and Ihe also won one and |«wt two IE EA eo I Ehl toll* «i 41 R R«ti Nell Brown and (terry Huron lee meet. The «a lire team, Arnct. UNION yeeaaned hark and forth 10 a The victorious visitor* took llrown and |Mn Johnson, ha k- hahiier shop four-four deadlock until Muro- nlec, Ihc Detroit anordman. thiee decision* In foil, seven |rt sabre and five in epee. e«t up by reserve took two matihes Dave Stafseth with Johnson Intramural and llrown winning. CAMI*BM.I.K NI'HI RNAN NllUf I'AMI'MLM HIBtRBAN MHO!* following (he meet, Highlights ranch It Charles Mrhmilrr sold. "We paid 1 Ihe price for Inexperience. "We have good boy* "The Suburban Loob" *oriie All University handhalt and single TIPS! If remedy somnhody could give for tncxpcrirnrr in we'd i '-gins obtain today. the Participant* ran schedule by phoning 2 H he all set." Ext. I'lUII. « RARRERR * Natural Shoiil«|«*rN . . Im ilitlion |«» Comfort * •3 Discover for yourself why the nation's leading OPEN ft-.VM Ji clothing manufacturers are going natural. The VAUMTMK E comfort and superb rtaftsmaiishlp are readily + mmpi i>avr mk'aprsrr i»o. i«u it- *.t»f •« -.mm.- ai CLOSED RAT. It NOON ('■am, toorlm Ik. ml,. M tkr omtl to Ik. «M-»rtt mmll.r rrUr. apparent to the discriminating man. (live your- * hlale wor. *■' self an Invitation to comfort * * . the natural 2 ft shoulder "Suburban Look.** 5 I-I i IIPMTMIT ■M -HIHib if "A MAJOR eve NT Of The. DANCe SeASON A MUST!' JOHN man Tin. N(w TOOK riMCt EYE NI-LITES 4 Prarf. $11 offer IMf BAMS OaOAMlATtOM For oahr IS.H Rrlac lltl" A4 mcbmm4 « mi ib s.bome- fnr — OFFER VOID FKH. 4 ■«*> la Mi Klin k» MarKitt For AppolalBwal Dr. Jtstpb I. MsteiR MOM WITS YES SHE MM Studio CAM. ED l-MII Ml B. Oml It,— ttr. Outstetw. Wsl Untm Of W M.A.C, AVR. tnfoetftst, tmUtnts of lVll»(» of OtSfllC" emm* City of Nrw V«| ang «t Colunr aim wvsstisiM itmmiim awes wvssnsnt rnmnsva Ma pnltymit. formerly Awo- GAUNA UlANOVA *uta INWf*mnr of oytomfir) ai Miwr><« I'ulWn mm s*b|ii*i oueee wia«* • oi Opliwrlm o We uota Oo»'s w—m. CoiMU 6oho |nl Aalatant fn-hmnf altf I twHn at Chi* ran foliage «4 Opi.»mfirT, WotW Ooroen. Au¬ thor of "A Win* Um Day Only WWmfq, Jaaiary 28th gent's CoMo * A Two Hoar Performance , , .Matinee 2pm.- Rve. RM am tV*o«notry " Outatrln Dr. Holds WILLIAM r BlOOWritlD. B S I t. LfHIGH, ■«. SAYS: adults i|2J (Inc. tax) It.rrtEra to twar* Children Mr tiro Dptnmrtr* Tickets Now on Hale Mew VorX I Not Reserved) for day at work?' .Terse*. Illinois. Ittdiana and "Join *«'» Mirhifan He haa tha honorary mg a de«ree of no H thai tor Mrm< hut M Krt grseeroW roundatiow. QirtHONi Will Hill is Plant Voicf Siprrvioor for 1m Jerxey M Telephone ('«»»• Don't eye movement* nr movement* of the rvebrowg psnt at Ibover. lie p»incok IksWfde man haa fanad dm kwibb - and he gs*m wa ma e Met en the eqespnweL* Any Longer i qf the ramwn eye n Let aao further MmM ooo of the i (faratghted orally hi Mm roinoro- Buy Now ly an thee they are ft am the ryea. My opto I (i aanwaaly the rlaaay they ere to It ryr ae la ( larnd the < "1:8# p.m. After hmck, I look in "IdlgJL Next. I drive tha WOLVERINE on • aver ta Ipthtdtomdhq l'li\ and t«E«m phone in»taHatin aupri- ting loer TlHH) local tele phones to le answer. Aa mm aa I gat them out $6.00 the condtttoo la omI hi stkot, foreman and I diwu** pUn- for dial -ersire tontonvw night I gt» mar of tha way. TM chert over tomorrow's wML the potiont ooo tot running cable in from the luglioai " ftnal ar rangrments with the wpsoiM." work achodaJo — then call it s day." falrty etoor rtataa brtf at tho » "Hell, that's mi job. You can ace their'a nothing m«moto-*quare-miW BRLL On Sale area in A-1 o|wiating unlcr It's a big rn^ontululity—hut I loxa iL** TRL.BPHONB Hill BliHHuhclti is nioi ing ahead, like mativ young engineers in wiper- COMFANISS liaory position* in the Hell Telephone Companies. There may Iw oppor¬ tunities fur y ire-hgi'iic Ihir. ri* DlHdd Hamilton and Terry < - r •■■i' former NCAA titJi*i tfnronev on tha win». The O COLLEGE BIKE SHOP ■•J ■ - ,.eM accounted for *ev- Murwrko alw* won the hoc- * if *h# tan goela in the aerie» •/onlal bar, *»« irionl on parsl- tf'ironey scored twice Friday rl bar* and .id* horse, third in H|tit and one# Saturday night rr'elvad credit for free nrrflv. tied fee fifth on ll.'a«li|UHrl«T> For three •till rinc« and was seventh on *«iftr. Hamilton had tlx points lony horse. Hike K.'IiImU ilm, rnm\ng on two foal* »od \TSU A»-.'t Cnvch Prank Hai- laur aeuttf Pol ana tallied iwiee d j - t, t.'»•«• exercise, placed 0V< aaaiatad on two scorer.. on •ra'nfwilioe »r,d •#/•■ fifth on ••••* hr'f- Fi< hman O-ini TW anMandtaf player ef *h v.ii fou^'h 'n frrn ex. fSdir'i fame wae the little "1 for jlnif ml Cfcrhtafferve He -n parallels and car n' ,04 | •wtkweltr pla—id the Minns- (fh':r Spartan* u\*' r.g ;n the PUfc Setter m alfenea wHh Ma bnatltnf I'M •■• ••>,;.or. 'Acre -j i r •. Dur- Ml.m Ml preaalnf laeHea when RUM •. " «■ for "fo. mid *,*: *s 'ie for b*i ku a«h ,n short a man In the penalty Iinert renin rkvtruke in ; » • nth f«r W.'ig **h o' free Ixrr> ri Ma*»et tie for ALPHA CHI SIGMA gopher Coerh John Manun, •'.* .'.one; Hoh Uendy, „•■• »• f'-i free e* He'd rnthar not see MSU SMOKER i u 4 . - f t penalty, because ever- ' ' fin';; late * - • »# '.hey do, Chriatofferson n er grappiey . '• v- 'be toe and then we get •• ■4,n ■ r ,n the fir** rouh'l Only on* »f s'a'e* rime i y.vhe re" ft-j. Mill finer Urde, another ^Jcra was >liU outaaswj.I ax low. •ophomore. Spartan Conch A»no He**one Mlmrd mil b- ad, "That pair of Chrlatoffer* Rowing Train There will he a meetln* for ike Rowtnc Team Umieht at 7 n m Jeniann Pleldhnnae • 1 and Glenn MartVmald »» sr est defensive penaltv kill- kopliomore Vtikr ••eniit. aiain ■ I n;t n college hockey orrvtling ••birds v's fame started fast o elf ht l«i> ilasae* ritove bt* •tirftri*ed briMVtrl|hi lark smith with a k r, draw. SPARTAN Ella H%RBFR SHOP IIT s Hfrrlenit I Mofk NtiRM %N vol St. North of Kelhtgf ( enter Fitzgerald •Iruacie* utth Jerri f ane aned a shot paat Uw •ait-streUh- fearlier* in '•atiirdat \ lfc-10 .trior* d list# of faalle Joe Helin«er tonn*. »h« I '.O iH.ond riass. Mini Ibr notrh K 'ti *u minutes rerriajruiif :he fame. Pred DeVuonn .•mittn* ni» 111 L. ad tn fh.tlesol who pa«'ed pound tilt 1-t «.*rr Panther l»a%e IM|* f.ur- 'a Uami ton in front of the It lonked like pir spartan* lardo I'e.krd impresslse aa he fa-Tiifw •.cored to put 'he [ipir'aru n thd lead 5-4 were ithrn »n |nr for a rnufh afternoon Mafltal found |ea*i. • *.M>k .pfonent tbarir no earl* and bad his the run rn'M of Ihr They said it couldn't jLtCosrf. Ftesaon* Mid, 'Satur- »M Kd Potleml'l top fa ne rr Mill \|r Ne il Uk. fast and lime ft *M bi« ftrsi dual mee*. •mart the initial e h« career both offer ..vel, riearl* in match galnint a fall in the first After «in be done... »v defensively, and the her* round the speed* visitor racked l#*e I've over aeon a "-i>'•**■ up el*hi point* *h»ittln* »ut They said, rvobody in UfraMnait play." Marchal in the 11.1 pound bout could do it... Miekigaa Slats Uaivsrsity F0REI6N FILM SERIES f L'M is '■>Va prfWfllt •Tome REALISM AMD VIGOROUS ^ with. ^ ART!" More taste to it ( Mrxirait FraiaraNf - |iln» — tuiiiMicil Color l-irioon 'L'M is kindest to your taatc I-ijuk UU mtnbirws tha twu ,-Mntwl. nt modern -raokin*.'" mi>» TV's J*rk [awnulie. LOW TAS: l.*M. patmtnl til term* |«ue» add* ratra filter hhera «fertrra>tatK-ally, rrrev.* i+- to the >trram of srnas .,. makta ItM truly I'M' ih Ur. HOM TASTf: L'M'« rkh mature of .Iw-bunun* tohwit*. teirj* you more nattn* flavor than any other iifsrttta. Live Moiun .chmqe to inkm L'M .. if"7 f: MICHIGAN STATE NEWS PLACCMtNT Rf'REAIl Surprised Coed January 29. 1999 : i Pope John XXIII Summons (Bl fUcbetofa dagreg (M) Mast era fill ftortora. Where gree la todleatod. aM degree tovete are eligible to Interview OPENINGS FOR THE aa de¬ Mistakes Nash, IArses Clothes! | Market Club Tour Planned Historic Ecumenical Council activities id FMPf.OYr.RN The annual field trip for the the the fill.LOWING MAJORS rt-i& ^ JANUARY 27 A 29. 1999 MSU chapter nt the American year. The owner of a yellow N»"h body and soul after her death. Cent nil Intelligence Agency Ail. Keon (M) (D), Acctg. (B), Marketing Assn will tart from Other meet rugs haw CITY. (A*) Pop* hi hit full authority at Supreme Rambler must have had a hard VATICAN — of USA Kc«»n. (M) (I)), Chemistry the Union Lounge at 2:49 p.m. tentatively for Felt jjf. I Hut Plus XII, before proclaim¬ , poftlff ef the Roman Catholic time Sunday explaining to his Wednesday. March II and include ,A Physical Chem. fhn XXII! Sunday summoned ing that dogma, canvassed the (M). (D), Fi¬ Ecumenical Council of the Catholic Church aimed Church, cannot err In matters bishops and archbishops by let¬ M.dhemntics fM) (I)) A date what a formal, nylon hose, This trip to a local advertis¬ Daniel Douglas. ,eKJ - , „ 1 ifnin Physics fM) (D) majors for shoes, lingerie and accessories executive for Proctor of faith or mnralt. ter for approval. ing firm, Reurmann A Mat' hall, h r. «l uniting the Christian fours were doing In the beck seat of ijtr. Pope Plus XII, predecessor of The fall by Pope John for an Research A Analysis work. will Ih* one of the highlights In mf the world. Hi* action was John XXIII, might have railed hia car. Ernmenleal Loaned underscore* Psychology (P> majors for fcjtortc and unc*i>ected. _ _ such a council for hit pro¬ personnel Evaluation work. None of these things belongs the urgency that he feels far The 77-yesr-old pontiff rnsdo nouncement In 1990 of the dog¬ PoliUrnI Science (H), History to his date. Instead they had fit announcement on the nn- Ihe atate of Christian natty to¬ ma of the Attiirnptlon of the day. (ID A Social Science (It) ma- been placed there at about 9:30 at\p'ur>' of the conversion of St Virgin Mary—the tencnt that jcis with a minimum grade p.m. by Lynne Hulbert, Birming¬ Paul—who us* felled hv a Till* concern Is especially deep Mary was taken Into Heaven point average of 3. for Be- ham sophomore. tlsioft of Christ while on hia over the Orthodox Church In search A Analysis work. Miss Hulbert, waiting in front grav to IHmurui to pnrsrrute Soviet Russia and the Catholic JANUARY 27. 29. 29 A 39. 1999 of Abbott Hall for a ride to her Ch riatian*. Church In Red China, where The wording of the Vatican Statement indicated that Christ¬ Collection efforts to create a Coinmtmi.M-dorniiiatcd e h u r c h separate Gen. Motors Corp. ( henlists. Physicists A Mathe¬ matician* Mech, Elect., Chem. A Met Kngrs. sorority's pledging ceremonies, conveniently left her clothes in- ian churches outside the Roman threatens a schism. the car, thinking it belonged to invited JANUARY 79. 1999 Catholk Church may to participate In the Council, nt |m«.* aa observers. Ecumenical On Lincoln he One <>f the major subjects of Ihe new council therefore may a reaffirmation of Ihe Sylvania Electrie Products Inc. physicists. Chemists A Mathe¬ maticians for R A D A Pro-* a sorority sister. After going search of her Inside the dorm in sorority sister, she means world wide. church's stand against Commun¬ giamtning. Chem. (B) A Met. returned to find the car, and There mi aai men teal Immn-R been an Ml* far nearh a _ Acquired ism. In the world his very first address to following his election Kngrs. for Development A Production. Mech. Engrs (B) (M) for Development A De¬ her clothes, gone! The owner of the car Is asked Hulbert at Sny¬ •antan. a«rh a manell fcrlma to contsct Miss facet her cardinal*. airhbUhap* Ileil{ration Slntnl on Oct. 2«, Pope John spoke sign. Elect. Engrs. for RAD, der Hall. ED 2-0911 about the schism that threaten¬ IVsIgn A Production. gad Mahapa af the charrh from For Frliruary 12 ed the church In China. He has Finance fB) A Oen. Bus. Household Finance Corp. (B> II am the world. returned to this several times Cohan Trintu Hrtume majors for Trainiog Program. called in 1999, and It was the special subject YMC.A. Recreation (B) A Physical Ed. Tha last one, A flrat-PHtr Uncoln col. HAVANA <*1 Mnf- lh»n imi proclaimed the infallibility of of prayers offered hntay by the (Hi rnaiors for Physical Ed. - lection, acquired hy the MSU I'ope. directors. Education (R) A witnesses are exjtectcd to lie toe P*»rr. Th'» '* ,,lr Homan Cattudir tenet that the Pope, Library from the Jewell The Pope se' no date for the Social Work (B) majors for summoned for testimony against speaking ax-cathedra, i» Stevens Collection, will he Council, a ponderous meeting of Youth Workers A Adult Pro¬ a captain in the Batista army the hierarchy of the church- Directors. Recreation when Havana's war crimes re¬ displayed and dedicated on cardinals, archbishop* and bish¬ gram sume todsy. (ID Psychology ma Jura for Feb. 12—the IfiOth anniver¬ Miss MSU sary of Abraham Lincoln's ops. Fully a year may be re- <|ulred !o sr-t the stnge for it# ( amping work. iTrMi JANUARY 29. 1999 birth. deliberations. Rattle Creek Public Schools All Elem. teacher* (BL Rvc- Camlulalrn Michigan State, Initial fore¬ runner of the land giant college ondary teachers of: English f ID (Mi. Math. (B) (M). NiiiuImt 2ft tyatem for tome time hat tough' Ohio River, English - Social Studies (R) an e*ten*lve I.lnroln collection CM I, Gen Srlenee (B) (M), Twefity-eijrhl candidates "to tyml»olire the Interest «»f our great Civil War President In Tributaries Biology (B) (M). Auto Mveh- anlm (R) (M>, Speech Cor¬ for Mica MSI' have lei-n ae- signing the Morrill Act which rection (B) (M) A Mentally Wth! to comjwte for the created the land grant tyatem," explained MSU Librarian Jack- Flood Areas Retarded evening in the Si^ma tains more than 1.000 pieces, I nil—* Di-n-lrr Motors Corp. for Indust. Acctg Training >iu house. including more than 700 bound Program. volumes, 900 pamphlets, letters, Sexen finalists wilt then !»e a. far >,ion«i» nana manuscripts, maps and pictures. Cum pus CI«HlfWd( ... High Rradarship ar'«t-trd. From this group the. Swollen WHtrrr ovrrflow. At low ot $774 from Now Vorfc . •. 40 d«y« qinvn will l«e chosen and the "Mr. Slevewa IM not alrlve finalist* will reign as to bring together all IHe eg It tons lug the ic-rhokaH Ohio Rlv. •the ait rr and Itn trilnilarlaa Sun. N'ow Pan Am ia ofTerlnf a fabulnu* aeries of eprrinl nf.n*. -.,i he' .>n»rt •nil variant* sf a work aa haa lours that feature the new Boeing 707 Jet (?lip|M-M»*.. e.« cxsrpr'ina In 'Or arc- been tow to the largest Unrein day Ihrealrnod mor» arraa 0m' rJ ituiur at# Moll) At MrII, rellerttona. hnt be talbered Ihe Get Your world's fast ♦•at airliners—lwtwe««n New York arid Euf«pr. V."1 ■».«** M 1V'"» Arnold, of five alati-a whara thou- No extra fare for the extra s|»*ef| and comfort. p. a-vt. Ohm |t. Pat ttorgman. Kal- major bnportonl books needed m-»Tm ->;•> «|.ri«c* B^tl-aia III, fr Hu*Hell. (i'ttn* fnr the atndy of I.lnroln." Town# aanda alraady havt barn mm BALLMM BOOT Of all the area* of the world, Europe is most suin-d •«> n pointed ont. "The l ibrary now laft hnmataaa. the type of unusual, adventurous travel you want. T' - -• tt, Chtcago Groaw 111INUntr -H>0 TrtTJ Col- la provided with aa exeellenl The Red Cross estimated IJ.OOd are literally dorrus of tours for you to choose from, n.*- CH*.r*% at* J»»n Ctrjf, taminf tonndatton on which to balld a families had lieen affected by O IIM IJMON M ' Vhm I .•# Gardnn. Trent oti offering academic credits. And what's more. ihvr. « W N » Hilfim Farntinfton It collection of I Jneolnlana of onl- the waters and that at least «»♦ H •« vrt Or Iran. \s ft for lb* plenty »»f fr»s« time left for you to roam about on your •» Van Aon Uoamet SHmttun aot>lt stondlng algnlflcanee." 3.900 homes destroyed by floods inat From Midwi-st and Wist ComI Citii-a, other d:r»-<' |.tt»o* Grv**r ISnntr ir Tt*e collivtor, Jewell Stevens, in parts of Pennsylvania, Ohio, fla-« Attn I \ *«. H Ciroaar I'nlMte »t Pun Am services arc available on radar-equipprd, Dougu* i.at rirth ltttm»ngi.aio Ir , Jraitnr Indiana, Western Vltginia and ' C0SM0P0UTAN Is head of a Chicago advet Using Ym'II IU4 iHnla, iIm Arih.tr built Smt"—** lei*** ww \r New York. "Sujier-7" Clipjtera. V-tr at* gixaemat* Wrxrr, tan. agency which aiH«eialires in de¬ Mmbt She U hA nhrr. * The known dead reached 23. Call your Travel Agent. Pan American, or send »?; 'he and layouts for religious ji aoil.ln- »h . riti it|«r *■*•• Knelt M-fcr. prtitat signs Governor Michael Dtsaile, •■H****,•*■—,. em.m im,« KaWin.arno »»i»h publishing houses. Hit interest But tmi km «ifM In. SmMm euupon l»e|ow for full information. — - a. M.ot v-.iOv Naalrhu Hawaii, of Otiio, where a state of emer¬ m>r" Carole N».h«v|iu.n. UK"*. NY. in Lincoln led him to become *4N»MMta 0^~» J,«n «U« nitta Sa-arnl, H*fin»u Ikeuatei. t"Hag*in I'alla. Ohio, Ir . a leader in the Chicago lunroln group and president of the Illi¬ gency has been declared, esti¬ mated the death toll in Ohio aluno might reach 30. BALL Send tor I C.*i.fle'M.fl r Vtofh hhi tHr t.-g Cleveland Fail t.»n*«ng H"T «»•! Ohio, hrttv aoj.h . U. Nancy nois State Historical Mr. Stevens' collection con¬ tains two rare manuscripts bear¬ Society. Red Croaa offtelala said too • • 12 pjk 1 Bkt0Agur |Qf ftoftoMl / (imirge Gardner, Educational Dfrwtor Pan American. H<>* 19ns. N Y. 1". N. Y. rv*u» -«•» Art'-ig* •*>. la-atttg TWnte Va t» OwnerJo* •-fh «ih»H Teach. TilUttaoh. Maty K»> ing Lincoln's signature, a framed agency waa feeding nearly 9.000 bams Is aa In it ebnrcbea. arbmtts Fdta, I'lra-r-rnd fr-r P in tm H.-l-'iag •lOS hnok* let on .S|>sri*i Student Tours to Kurofw. f rtt M O-and Rat'ida •••»«)*. commission and an endorsement In which the President orders and other public butIdtoga to ^ t»»e release of • prisoner pro¬ Cord* InrlfrW la Tour Meadville in Western Penn¬ 8& Homo Management vided he wilt take an oath of allegiance to the U. A. govern¬ sylvania was hit by the worst REFRESHMENTS TALENT SHOW 125 E. Mkhifu flood in It* history as the French ment. Creek backed up behind two big IV *-7S»l Rr»*hman eecd*. wh« are In- One of the letters eon tains ice gorges. At least 3.000 of the ---.Omn . Mo.t tort^'ed Un home economic* arc • an interesting expression of anti- trriAtmr to attend a meeting Lincoln sentiment. Copperhead city's 29,000 persons Were forced from their home*. Wodneadav which will o*n*ut of Susanna Daniels of Wadsworth, At Pittshtn, Pa., ruacue toama p tour <4 the M»*me Management Ohio, wrote of the President's Budding C«eAs ear meet at tl»e assassination: "Ctuess you heard appeared to bo winning in their fUmr Y.xworrne* Building at 9 49 that poor al«e lincoln U dead oh attempt to plug a Urge hole m at the Home Management hain't you glad of it.the black through which flood orators of abolishiouista art all moumiitf tho Susquehanna R»vur poured Budding a*. 7 p.m. m In hi,h plntn. amnkr than L>r him." into n hard-coal mine where 13 The Lincoln collection was ob¬ man wwre trapped toot week. .ny nlhcr ciKarnttn today. For thr loth tained through the assistance N Therw was little hop# thai tho atraiRht yrar, Amrrica'a rral ciK-rrtt, urn MSU Development fund. men would bo found alivw. outwIlH .very other —avery Rlter, e\»rv 1 II kinK-mie. every regular. The Camel bler.il of coetly tobarcM haa never been equ»..M for nrh flavor and eaaygning mildneu. Day Left Today aa alwa>i, the baat tobacco mam* V4 GiImi Ctkt, Root Beer or Oraaga the beat amoka. with I — Om hn Ptoaa To Get Your'59\ DELIVERY 6 P.M. - liSO A.M. Wolverine (ED S4S17) fi Have a real LOOK! oigaretta- Sptdal Sirilcti haveaCAMEL A •& Far Cool* ood Far Fokrin Cboaod owl Clooid •fc Throw Rag* ■jV Rolacaoli Woterproofrd ☆ Glarw OKI STOP ☆ Sard* ami Loother Jorkrto AAkJKYKJI tV Moa'o Hoi* oad Cop* ir Staffed Toy* I te- College Cleaners s -V ■DS417S 'OtotfltoffMNT