Michigan Stale News Umiy'Tv nhruor.1 Read Dally by MM '» 23.004 Student* anil Family Starling Off in fhe Red Maraliall Tito A Hilarious (, irl Questions Yh* Mtotiifan Stale New* u euhltsl-eu »> »tu'iniil» ol Mii'lutM» thiivri»Hv, Fait UiiMnr Ml''h nut the of final voice ol U»« univenUty m itl»>.ut illM-.t hi« nily arekitig In n*r\e l'ir It,it «».!• i*•-.». "I atudont hotly hut I vmii'ii ' ■>•»» #tuoi!s really lu twill* hl)i» (iompletCR Hussion Diplomat9 Feilorin niovo which M.nild oriw ri.MH Mill .11 Hit •> Uiii.tr i'x Ol "If tanm, M>« tv.o Mln tl.n M • fi-1 oil' "b Mi-".hi i n| tlio Ai m.i'eii Fastcrn T0111 I'OINK Ifiahft »' FAIT ilct.-. atr tnitii'dV Inland Dail* I'l. . -"»» Af o.lrth-U I uli*,!* I'.. . ,tprl in 1 •• k Hii «" «»ipht- .it Ipwgth Hy J. %f. RDHKHTM "You're afraid*" V'oi. 50. No. 120 TiH'«"l«i. Jniiiinry 27. lO'.O I'liiro I'wo Associated Press News Analyst . ,„t smiip'b.t .1 it!'.** 'hi - ' lav erted. Mi„ „4r "If Ihe penple behind the Iron "tf I Way back during Woild Wat Curt.lilt are satisfied xvlfh were afta.d Two Court Killings . II Cordell Hull said who 1 galn*t us. weren't with that us those were Coniminiism. why ilers «f those cnuntrles mined. .\ ,|i tlx tPCTi- are Ihe fro«- P'lt It t«» be "here," Fedonn In general; the iibouf 300 politely .7 • It was an obvious reference Vj |» Kt-di.rm ' mght. .is topics, but there were Favor Integration to Spain about Indeed. a* World near , as War II possible came to_ ..... IfnjM.i- infik pa t» t •, in ' .t\ \V;ishinKt»»n, *' >0 "m world affair* -Soviet DC brief moment*. ?o One questioner explain Russia's a.. ■ < 1 proving that, in a world grown in ihe Hungarinp" "MASSIVE KKSISIANI T In ill-it*trr«'iratinn htt« *»♦•••»» "rll "The mall, true neutrality was a "mn-T-.m-r IH-uurytH artions of the ilealt ionic ma- ihu !•« I In- Vinrinhi Supreme four!; Nevertheless In Ihe last year , ;i , ,, , Junior C'fllegc ..renrd with an agree,px ,t ^ the other »•> a three pulee le.h ral ttMrict rmirf which Is «r Iws Ihe West has begun t« f..» H'incii'v after Ixx ecu our government 4rir| lhj 4frept as a means ta an end >|P (J,., f' .f iir.fi revolt. of Hungary." the dljib.,.,, emia.wereil In rule ntt whethei late laws eonflict with the if m>t aa an end in itself, the What K.d'.rtn plied. "%%e Intervened thp r, t 1 i»n>tittition iif the I niteil State*. benefits of I He>» ilireetlv to Vir¬ Ily In area# «»f the M«rld whose iron Curtain." then blandlx meut." gin in alone. Ihit Mine that late timtertook cmiipirtiotislv full rooperstion In Ihe mlg tsar > unw in d Into a brief disrusslnn Another, lourfiu'g ? 11| intei|.ose Its IM'\ II■iiment lot ween the people imtl the rannat yet he rspeeted. „f ||1P Hoxlel f nlutt's relations n .1 1 n " peaceful .rf .T Front thi* standpoint, it wemv Willi it* satellites. (heme, a-ked why he taws of the t'nited State . the ilerisjott's indirect si^nifi- it when old Bob hex , j. quite probable that Marshal TH<» \y,„ , no*!''! Is tot Havd eanee in confident I »le. \f m ?m of f^c f ••s>v< reitv of Idaho written that Com." tias bean a* gi»iwl a salesman in In brief, the inaintitt of tin court deelitretl that ttl- Asia as the Wet could find •. rt • • "" Capitalism wen? it.d that only ttunitfh the federal Supreme t'ourt in throwing out legally tight now. tioni 't.CH V4I1C .Ties one ... Tito has just completed a tout vat) requirinl seyreya'ton in public schools invalidated the \ ir- "I.enin's work- of Indonesia. Hulma. India and an ,.ry v, jrinia t'tinstitution's ban on mixed school*. its requirement Ceylon. He conclude* "lhat Ihey "%t.ike (tint atisxxcr lien u.ibJe to u«. but •■ \f, for maintaining "public tree srhools thronghont the state" firmly adhere to their attitude \, . •-t nueitmn " ,s H i* absolutely p,. remains in force. <,n foreign policy problems and hi florin said. That if Virginia wished to abandon free public education international relation*, that they it must la- done h> amending the < nnstitutioii "in the man¬ are uncommitted and indejten- •lent countries, and that the. ner prescribed therein." That although the state under lis fight to lessen international ten - police power* may close schools temporarily it may not. divest local authontie of their control and vest it ill the governor. I ha! while the state inav make tuition grants to -ion " To receive such an Impression Tito must have found a frlendlx CAMPUS CLASSIFIEDS audience for the story of his El) 2-1511 EXT. 2615 individual pupils out of funds appropriated lor the purpose trouble* with the Kremlin since Headlines: I p.m. I»ay Before Publication for lues Vied. they may not come from funds withheld from "some public he decided more than 14 xrars I burs, and FrS Editions. free schools." ago that the %losri»w brand of Mun Edition Deadline: 1 p.m. Frl. Thus Virginia's own high court lias demolished its lifllrn In the Editor I ommunism la not always ap¬ Rills Pax able i ll and 1-3 Monday through tri*D« whole "massive resistance" structure of laws. plicable to other ropntries. THK E*KI)I*)K.VI. rot TIT ruled that aside from the "Con¬ Burma. Ceylon <«nd Indonesia 1th Inral cs.m Letter CLASSIFIED RATES have .ill flirted stitution of Virginia" The slate could abandon its whole public-school sxstem if il wished. Ituf it abandon a fraction of its public schools and keep others may nol selectively To tlie Idilor: Attacking Record-Keeping RebuttedIn*lone to the Young Sorlalftata. mtiniam. rnu'ie teprcMvc •itnic The local 4»it!" in India goxcinment mrasiirr* party is-• ha» j# 1 *« 1 d*y minimum 15 Mt FOR RENT HOUSING benefit when *n employer wants while Delhi ha* seemed more '«.p o|»cn on a segregated basis. For "the 'equal protection' I in* ii 'trr i- lint* te ti n tie* hiivc hrcri usinprsl hv MSP WANTED saTUDEVJ situation." ind not he alarmed when some¬ not given directly to the em¬ The effect of Tito*" dory f« 4 d-yl 12 H • Plir»,ved apart mart • **•••»»• I It in obvious else linds nut about them ployer, but ia interpreted by the ;.152« Furthermore, should Virginia withdraw from schooling von hive biM-n one ImNlcr the belief th:d oitti'! • i day. uso mi* Informed Most employers Mill ask you its children and turn over this r» • pnnobililv to local gov- ' •■mpn'ent personnel in Ihe Dean .in avoid 'he K'cmtin t HREF ROOM M'fC. .iboui 'he purgo-e of these and this dirertlt. ant M ay. >f Students' otTices onto a t.ui without going oveiiionrrl f »t th« i- i M Prixste cm erning txxdie*, "the same principles , , , would be con¬ how tin \ ,ire bamlUsl formCi He*.i lent A*->i*t- dard card ADOITIONAl CHARGES tan week, 711 N .. Lar, • ■ . ii whieh *tav* :n tliat West, eithci Hp mm.'f h»« In Itie firwl place, ton are not ,0. aaeS -o.d ov.r 15 trolling." .«nt. I have completed evalua¬ •ifTii-e along with the detail* of plaved both"''mis and done fair¬ re«iwired h. fill In your afTllla- tion tarda whmh are. in effect, be p*. day •OOstS This federal court division *ets up a presumptive prece¬ any disciplinary action against ly. well for Yu«o*lavia tn the lion* «lilt various ornaiiirAtions, a rating *• ate of your partici¬ von, rtie information from IIlM • DOt'iii.F dent in the wav of any other states which have enacted hut you asketl middle appro rr, or which contemplate "massive resistance" statutes. Thus yntir own are Irenrfit tn do so for pation in university hf< and of • ard* also goei on tins mid This may nol appear a xetx AUTOMOTIVE •eu 1 * tx- wmelfi, bn narking »* -• ere—!» .... if %ou -rr vimr improvement in Ihe seve¬ %'nu are mialaken when ■ *»u vf proscgregationiste have been constructing an obstacle ashamed In pot doun lhat ral are.4*. Again, this is for your happx or upstanding doctrine tkM JAGI/Ah XKlin cnuoe D ec--. you say thai )«*u are not alfnurrf lu hut It has rurlalled Kremlin cours* to delay implementation ol the an1i«egregation de¬ see this Infwrmatlun Y»u fill W'.'-e .•.,.ot-M..P iM •»(,.. Attxerl !<• ..'a-, Ktl ;-tOTS» r*'eliei,-r I< LOST and FOUND power In the Halksns and sup¬ uul Ihe rarda a! reglslrallon. cision, then the court* are well along in cu t ting harriers plied Anll-Communls|a in cast hM.I I 'll M»MI» ia5H Xn»ii* tie- IA 1ST A PAIR INFORMATION . .... and sum mav ask >«»ur K.A.. or ' «U. h W it?M ■ l.,rk rlm« In vlrtni' ern Europe with a limited anil r ?'.<•- across all road* save those which lead to compliance. . - the Dean ml students s! any I'l ■ A.- • . •• i n -1)705 i etunfl C»m|iin Bmi> Toward Ihese, the Virginia divisions, taken together with not hopelesslt uuallalnahle oh- ril . I '403 lime la discuss >»wr etalualion net* Pi VMOCTM %AVf»V K* PRtlMI \ VlHRs Jertlre. • i the ha yet undisturbed North Carolina code and the Su¬ |r.xr.r ('4111411 If sfl'DrXT card. lit...- it., at it, i>e* pt"''* HOARD OROAXI/ATIOX Kmplpvct * di* not re thi* fn- Tito can and undoubted'* ha* e..~f« tea I 'rt v (»lmn Kfl PERSONAL preme Court's upholding of the Alabama I'upil Placement 7 Wo" «*ti's IMHbft'd to Yov'wbiVirt s Ci "iiO"T.r p tn <. v m l pm. c atholic Sftident Can- fomirttiori, eit ici. but look .»• 4 MARTY JAMfkOV'S Act. are pointing the wav. N A. A I P. » \lt Htt %441• foiilt from the Placement ...in* ,«* p.cniMrc t with hi* sat- •. cafeteria. Coffee hour. hui- HanO Parties !»•> • A STATU. to l»e sure,'might achieve tem|s»rarv delays 7 pn, Hite ncighlioi M»« >• . si '<•• • .irartc* luneral* T '! 4'.' t'01011 New ml or( nr*i* ••an which you complete. A% a KD 'S; •M ,• -,(.«! of « .'Ml'll It '• Of Cih,i -p niemlu*! by exploiting threats of violence. It might abandon its - : .lit p m daner at nil to, Wo- graduating .ett.nr vm max al> > A or* . Hut at 'he *ottiC tim- '»'• KWAftT flAKFRy whol# system of public sclnsdiug if it so wi-hyd and were 7 .10 cen's <»>»! a"k tw.» professor* to rotnp!r!e thong nation* which *tiug« EMPLOYMENT • > idtiailv rteio'er] DF :.,'. t »•- p>i, . it Ftc-.n Hi ig fating arrlt for you which c m IIM Pkone wtiiiuK to pnv the heavy social ami economic price. I XION H04KI> |V « • ' si" ide lie ,m additional gltr g for economic » 1 . <• Ft'ii.rivtr wox'rs .«'m *.«> •' IM advantage On the other hand, it can accommodate the still intense till 1% *!<•%!% Pill pm . H"r< e IVorwMi'.iri, Phase i«tirig caiU* must tn- kejc •hut 'cex need rtid go "n the Hui- )'.» s ii t « n vMom commit'ee doctor •' #?•*• > e-. --ert P» . W'» HI VV% OAVI* • racial feeling* of sonic parents b> granting them indivnlual '•ofiUd.-niiai in order to ptotrct tMii Aovone ln»«'te«ted tn trstng % Ml lilt \N SIN II lb Ol At* he professors arid ai^o U» n t tuition aid. It can adjust it* schools f«» an\ educational ■ ••it for t'tl Week fashion I?' »ll M« AI K'JXX IXt.lMIKs is security lefeiblicis fo» jptx - King indi- •' i«» p ti A* K r.uec .im >w may attend Coed a ei noiciil 1 m wit ion* mH lane* VHluaU impartially according to merit, not according to «hou!d wear smeaters, skit's •r- r-r J-Hon ike r m rii% hi i i \ i m.r % ftememiM-r, you make x.hu !. AdBVt .at A- "II ..nd harts New A'a.-Uaii - pace. . t» 'o . lea room, thUnet own c«ord. and yea, should U 1-0441 HI INK AMI RKlllir. f \%IPl 4 I || And by wiping racial segregation compulsion* off its : ;«h p »0 pm It.* A.- H*i» proud to show 1! to an employ FOR RENT HON MPAR PHI n Anthom. el. or the rhan t Orauuate statute book* it can hrmg it-elf into coti>i*lem\ with the Olliciul I.eaiU »i".g f.|«cn -n t rRtNsPORI ktlON I I I H PAX ORTIIOimX MI DI XT School, or your parents. The s. t! >re kn«>vis *»-.< nation's Constitution, the avowed ideals of 20th centurv a .tn pm. ;tri fnH»n A**4M I4TIOX rex-orda only recmd whai you do democracy, and the e.\|Hvtationw of the peoples of the IROhll *OPII fiFM RAI. 7 34 t'nmn and «•*!*! ,ti uder to REAL ESTATE world. t til M il. pm. shown on St Slide* Sophia will of thmtigh johevd, to ge» fhr most help >.»« (at'orful Life « .10 p TO . t.t I'n.on ' <-»«J fomia satisfactory job, and to U»* n., fh'rt' Ha': i if!e range Pis eg ^n«.ii!ie* Thu jart»per*v H .1(1 -choo'hop pm. 324 Student Stj- Slurp-shooting »xhih.!kat to * # # oncopt ot > fuii neen >t«ted and m ;d. -> Crossword Puzzle v I- IV - he given hy t.* Ir^vt Coy- .»n fjiki'ro ;« i ke he '« "• MM-, rji f.iu-m ix grt.np. F.mellert rime %W* At 11% IIO* R4I%KI» ketcun of 'iir MUhtgan State /'iw/cr Ifiiioninrv *cn.»te <>f V'ic old ncv* 4W!h norm 1 u*o it' <-.uaoi* rv Pru* ineludri lurntaCj ••.I equipment Rwn» ii.rn.. .C.'R Student Services. date d .ml "ail# snd apTMMntment H *-■ M Minors Police an 1 rou '»e» >mr see F * "e • • ei 1 «r *••«» luggage rf..«n Ta Ihe MiUrt ixriera-xfi Re*,'x ' %%I\I».R III IH1II l»RI%» CO- pi %n »r*nov n n# "fm govcrnm * urrer KD 1 HV> ,) IV IS fnlrol a-16*6 Evening* FH . • t II %IK%I» X In this Institution of l^srn- William Hie'.*. 4«- ■ >RA ' TP XKEs lirUVfRt ll K ing, •me would expi-ct the «ur- FAST -IDF. CHAR VINO 9• Alteram p.m. 3ill Student Service* Physics • Math Initiation *, •; |»i. t.-r.- • never 'nr M*n.e» -rti-thdast Manx ctr.a? of - . . . d*ltla>u« >.*-?ne^ RrAfc hive Uedr-fom flrepM » » 4 «o Tier IXII KX %IIONAI. Rll AVION* new members rounding* to reflect the islura- 1.1%ed In an laloo able heal Onlv *1* TV. John Van K Rak.'t |V «~«7M t- a a« 4 I I R | tional ievel of the Fished ■ ifml JJ.Tun Con?, tl. While I waarden will majority «f hunted II* ins f%Wl 42 Article 4 g tn.. 33 I'nton lien .t.vhn Kucltdcan Geometry " speak »n "Noo- the student*. However, if the Relied or on whale tor hluhher a for speed writ. OR r»i ,r<4 At TOMATK r*b;« starter c%a FOl'H v>eidinan IV.3-7121 H<- • Fd 'arrl O itacker On (•• * ' 42 Prep t>*« 11 Daniel will -peak >*n l\»m- things I -have seen lately are his food. *PIN'*rRR SfPL. ectton I.'. L P t Varum* wpe n--, lightly hat Prtni iple» of the Cold manifestation* of the level *U H 30 p m. 304 Student fier- »f 4»r had a wardrobe «•( one fur »early nt* ■T'awnat'ie C-xniag? SERVICE Rlrof ludwr* mm 44 Impel m iw.ait War vues l^C'tratlona comrruttee. education hrie. I am wondennj; if perhaps 1 am in the suit. V 3 matter of fact he * t>»c»- r.er.'fr Lansing all irt- rrrvw'c* d.s afxer \ o ro .-H»r T|J N IV uragdar* Stagn»::a or H« I4KAK4AS7 ICNUS hotitmi wrong . 1) 42 UxUn te'woea •! VfllfrdO l Pulll# placa — uient of the Ciwir-T. s ,i, CiOOO C9**f I am IV Order 44 Hfilhrf t r Indian 10 Mclel referring to the various Aa*n. at uie Bering *« a village HOUSING FRESH Spudfivt* 14 To iHWters advertising coming of L'niikkleet, where he live* rt nui mr 11 Turf 0UIC« Sefv*. CM COUDttf *• Swim city It Snapping 2 Half 14 b Mir at events which are placed m a conventmnat frame house, F0R~RENT fiumeroua loeatuxn* around ram- lie.?/ of spuonui shc* UMndm beetle Ji'fllX r eh pi f-w f»fp xtx £«*_-• •» in ONf OR 4 Ci utboia 14 Mothe pus, These ara ttia eriott I ihe AU sa Ugiaiature. f '.cmed TWO iU.vient* 31 tn IV MAC (Joe- • • - 9* Coc k »)ow%r ■»lure A.. ,aa V.,?.-, ,f#fi ftitdant Near tl Deme* 22 NuiMn.e have seen; •he samp •0 Portable 2 Hebrew path t>f work and real I'M U.i* I'D f-Trdtf If a Mm if 24 Hot) I. TssmsmWm" — thM sd TYPIST ANN BROW S »b*ltei letter for 'earning which cArriext ••-.my 3-?.dd Elect rw tynewTit". * Ym and a 1-lAKg f\ MX Uloeka tram dax,n. 41 Remnant I Curve* nutw) e Ci Amcrb irt pioheer* to pblitieai 1*'»n L'«fwr'H*nedl. -per* and theu* ai»o re-- 2> Park uleanant. three 7 Implement sail hath Vers >ng DOW1I pnvmirxener .-lean «n • Romaik 24 Si- Aiuei l* IXeeef- I Anting He ral aid jj CXPSmKHCft) TYPI-T I toft ran ammat lo bar ha f Sunken trpe term papers and gc.-'id ?t school hooks for hM cdoealiwit MAURI FD COUPt.g TO share mineral fenre- tpie poen» house U*b» utting repub ed n op# IV *-4442 after < 2* Jeutl al the Utile Seward Heoioaola aa wtfe •»wk (lax* Ui e«rha> «a jur urtxate r rr r- village eg Ha 1 cock T V -RADIO SKAVICt S r r- •*0 Heeret A f*¥*x «-'-*e and -.** of P7" kttfhei, hP C , Phone fV J.UX31 »n*r j rate* ta Mtidauu Sew 31 Repair ,,-n week eviaum galea Free tjhe *-e r1 I h darn, «c all 2 " 32 lie .nr..<« All thrd* these day Saturday and Sun- n 34 Small l»u 4 wtiw at poattd in one room m atrocitie* task), tutored Mm through two seers 01 high school there. **» 1« 'hop Tectuucfaaa Comosp* « a m 444 r - A1-- ' w T~ fir □ r HH 34 Tennv- toman rharai let Berkcy Hall, and ;f t.-«, are representative of the total nunt- Then for 23 year* he wa* a rarprrtTFr and union offuial. He RASkMILVT 2 HOOMA. AkAtt MINTS haiZ ga< canTrV WHIN 7-MM YOU TWIN,- n , n rr i 1 34 Sper al un cantuua, at tnelhing -reads stall make* hi* living hy hii IV* 4 •y*|V*'# •r?r*n*'* Coiiege hu» , think of tha Mel-a-SU-rn i ir r ■d fr ir apt tide 44 R « to be done Carrtaaaness may be the rea¬ egular trade, doing mainte¬ nance work hn the White Alice C.ROt"ND FLOOR \gwt% det-n| Maw* Ya m-n Amm TV M.r? Mr . • » u oi % 141 □ JT 43 Trvpiv A tfUlt son. or norance. it may be jiui p'am if- Wtutavet the cauaa. it Communication* hystem which * pert of Alaska* Distant Ear¬ •Ttuea vfxed tc urti.mi*he« rooms' shoiaer Pa king- ta* Furn - ■I Law Dm at •*»« BP" •J" Pjwa* IV *-*.15* or IV »«S1 Stuoenta fcitrtm SuiMMm. taai UMtag fut.or*« #n claa* Oav» Mirhw ' the persona raauuiiaibla far thaaa It- naaraiaf m an/uriuahed ^UTaaST: — A MMif Moanuy chreugk M4a« tnaAmave imuw B:±C 31 Ch Oredonf i-.t uirot una spring term* wurkl) during wmnwr terms and • and other Doaler> begin now to I«mn«a Adnata CD 9-Mgg tf ,. mm • 'gX4» M 32 Public (i«v. ,»i«. M'e..nu ,*la*« n:*ttet unttrr the a«*t ui hetwern aurhmei and «*U ce«tu« tatrng ■ proof-rood their wArh If they MOO9Mh rdUA ATT. <*r— 04MUP «e*CKA-- u wr.ve) arte* March 1 I4T» at ttae poai ofttee h*Xh CMRDlamiv lurnauied last ta.ising cannot do this, than thay had CMitke* Mwh ' During hie political rite he »«% faded > «**IC4 r - pr* 32 CanadiM Matt tubarription* ecvaom la udvamm. tat aaw Mm 42. 4m- Mm batter turn back to studying and met and malrrted a white public •Pare AduRa Large HZ 4-1444 t loo & _ t!f province; term*. »i tot three term* 14. tf learn how to spall' rr *bbi II Pwwaa# . Matrber lum utni ««l the OnltearsTe f Inland tit Dail* PrM (NMMe mthbeld by In—II health service nur»e at Unaiak- ieeU on Nortou sound about r RANOOR Apartment 'or KXAR una rVRNUMKO WM. H. THOMPS n* two Newly A l.ROi miles from Juneau. L'tiUtw ear, ' frttfOMKRY. * Ala '>'*>that who ruled -A ^o'h r..iC * treet. r ,, ^ X .re only pretended iM thai ■, , , . rt order refused to dipl -rut r» , . . jail Monday for ' 'd a» fhr r% hr Lf. S Civil flights ifUu (otrrnJ « |li«t ludge frank John- It dismissed a contempt ol I f(iirre against the fieri \la , e*-rlrfdlt judge ^«Mt instead a reprimand ,1 trtused Wallace of aet- ^Ipmr the rommhalon in -^Ufjiion of Negro sotlng a I hn/nrtilf fur Italian final / h>' OlflpMt and I in ml /'j I It Calrmlnr If rime in f.ant tannine I Henderson amferseere- tars of state «M leader of (he I * delegation rmnhasivetf in his ..pening t»e*rh that the t sr • •00MS get must remain C «*mmunt*t e*. panston Khrtiihihrr liliitm l.riiihinti * on hilinr •ggr>■' inr» ' t, mt - ,,-*y I". S <>fTjctaii .-or »afr,», j-» ,% \ lari '*itempt hearing !;<• » quarrels • 'h j\, hr a '-he day whi< h showed fei V ra-judgo himself who »nd de» me ,.ie<)ge t AlllTft invites the J959 Graduate 4|fewnonal lyfnrtuwities In highly qualified graduate* Company pntyipe lay a firm groundwors for stimulating and rewarding canert in ttie area- .sted a hose At IBM. ~>ou will find reapoct Vw tt-»e individual small te^rn epeeotHina ear'V roroftntmn of merit i'**i financial reward rmtagandmf romr>any-[Wid henefita and many eduratirmaJ and training peograme. IBM a lata»ratoneo and manufacturing ftnhtiee are located in F.ndtrott, Kingston. Owsfgo. I'oughkeeiete. Yorktosrn. N Y.; Bartington. Vt.. Sen Jose. Calif Islington. Kv ; and K/s heater. Minn. Seiee and *er\ . »-* ntficea ere located in IS* pnncqwl cit»ea thmmghout the I'mted Siaaea. If you cannot attend the tnterviewa, ante or tail the nais-gag UUP" 47. HVt of tbenaasaat IBM ofhea. 1. 'Ss|» ll i4—% :&fm • Disputed SAN JUAN f/P)—Orlando Rookie of the year with the San Francisco Cepwla, the National Leajrue's Giants, was f- kAi^iSfiQna NEW YORK m — Pm- V. i charjred with assault. Monday after Sunday's Santurce- moter Bill Rosensohn iiihI Mayaiftiez Puerto Rican Lenifiie playoff frame ended in lii« lawyers met with law- a II vers representing weight Champion Floyd Pat¬ terson Monday to Iron out Heavy¬ riot and AM the action hander Philadelphia a forfeit. Rulx-n came after right¬ Gomez of the Phillies, Cepeda'* AlexOlmedo final details of a June title Santurce teammate in winter match with Sweden's fnire- mar Johansson. league play, hit a Mayaguez bat¬ ter with a pitch. A similar inci¬ Borders on dent in Pittsburgh last May. tt is expected that the signing "f tt»e match will he an¬ nounced today or official Wednesday. when Ruben was pitching for the Giants, set off a 15-minutc brawl and wound up in $!0o Greatness Tiicre have t»een no hitche* fine* for Gomez and Cepeda. mce the principals got together ADELAIDE f/P) — Alex Friday afternoon a few hours Cepeda was released In IMii Olmwlo stood on the thresh- T9:n WII.I.IAMS la all smiles as lie signs Ills 19th Red Nan eon- after Johnson's arrival. tract, this lime with Hasten General hail an the aaaanH charge Mon¬ hold of tennis trrcntness new Manager Stanley The alt# has nut hern deter¬ "Hurhy" Harris at Fenway Park, Boston. Williams led leagne In day while Carles Oarrta No- Monday, n tired and arhlny mined and will nnt be aet for about M days. hitting last year. Amount was nnt disclosed. Estimates ef last year's salary ran up la 9133.909. redas. President ef the Puerto Rlesn League, studied umpire re- champion looking for no i t.-w ;HC\ "A, new worlds to New York, l/w Angeles and ports of the incident. conquer. AP Colorado Spring' all have a he wants is peace and rest. strong plteh f«»r the tight. Jimmy Brown Second The gume. fifth in the semi¬ "Now | tnke it easy for a si final playoff between the two while." Rosettsohn said he received a said the 22-.vear-o|d MICHIGAN STAR'S Id Pollesell takes to (he victory Friday night. In the foreground vViro from Arch lllndmnti, a clubs,' was halted and forfeited Peruvian court eosntion after iee In an effort to bloek a goal-bound puck which nesota's Have Koviek and skating in t«| National Boxing from Indiana, asking Assn. official that tie Bob Turley Wins Award, to Satiturce in the eighth inning lierjune of fan demonstration adding the Australian National Championship to his recent Da¬ Goalie Joe Selinger eagle fashion in the snared in Spartans* 5-4. last typical spread- minute rorner is Gopher Wing Jerry Xnrnua. iroj give serious consideration to against Cepeda and Gomuz. San- vis Cup conquests. Indianapolis as a site for the light. He wanted the show to he Pro Athlete of the Year turce, which led 4-0 at that j>oint, now ha* a 3-2 lead in Although favoring a strained stomorh muscle, Olrneda crush¬ held on Friday, May 29, the eve the best-of-seven playoff. ed Ncale Eraser. Australia's SutTi't'tls Julin .McIIale of the 300-mlle automobile race. ROCHESTER, N.Y. f/P)— R"h Turley. fireHallln* pitch- The fuss began when Gome* i>est remaining amateur, in 'he In a news conference at lb-ri¬ itiK star of the World Champion New York Yankees, Mon¬ hit Joe Christopher, Mayaguez singles final Monday at the ver, Gov. Steve McNIchois re¬ packed Memorial Drive Courts Detroit Tigers Name and Pittsburgh pirate outfielder,- ferred to his conversations with day was named winner of the Ninth Annual S. Rae Hickok the first «*-». 9-2, 3-8, 6-3 in inning Christopher D'Amato about a defense. "Professional Athlete of the Year" Award for !9.r»8. - was hit in the head and left the The handsome, chisel -fcTttir '"The only person I've had The 28-year-old hero of the game, but was not seriously in¬ rd descendant nf (he Inras im¬ any dealings with was ('us I»'- World Series received ttie $10,- phy at the .inntial Rochester jured. Arnatu," he said. "He said Pat¬ 000 diamond - studded, - gold - Press and Radio Club Dinner for mediately mii hailed as the new Gome* Ferrell to GM Poi was booed every time king of amateur tennis, and terson would defend his title in buckled talt that goes with his the Polio Fund he came to bat, and fans began there was talk he mltht dupli¬ Colorado Springs in June or selection by a national panel »»f The choice was no earth-shak¬ to throw fruit on the field. cate Hon Budge's July. I am still relying on his sports writers and sportsenslers. ing surprise, hut the unequalled ease with When Cepeda protested a de- feat at winning the Australian. word." Turley was presented his tro- whrh Turley dominated the cision at first base, bleacher fans Wimbledon. French and I,'. H. nrtnorT Rick Ferret!. «•*»■'••• dive until -nch time as we wide open voting was unexpected. shouted for his removal from the titles In - for cahrlldate* *i He a single year. General Manager" General Manager finished far In frent ef one of ba enall's all-time «rcat na:» »• a • •* SPECIAL Jimmy llrewn. rererd-shattering hark nf the C leveland Brown*, game In the eighth bombarded Inning. Cepeda But Olmeda merely shrugged his shoulder and looked disin¬ catchers. Monday was named He i.iiiiv !,'f *•,Ferrell rule f»ut 'he po«si- could make • said "it pie It's is up not for u* to them to 'n t was by fruit, i»eer temporary General Manager of -»'i?:*lar and eld Arrhle Menre, the light joti now " • terested. ,i us I'anla — Skirl* — Sweater* cans and bottles while trying to the Detroit Tiger* At- fhe club heavyweight hosing king. These catch a foul fly near the bleach¬ "My main aim now Is to get Anvihing is possible in ba«e- I leaiinl and twe had a rinse battle far seeend back home moved quickly to replace John b.ll he aid "We -aill weigh Ferrell. who has worked I IWwd ers. The young first baseman and enroll at the . ly with Mr Ha ie the b*i and Ihlrd w ith Jehnnv I'nltas «f University of Southern Cali¬ Mr I tale nc arrfuRv. We will not missed the fly, picked up the son* In various rapacities 2 for *1.00 the Baltimore Celts nnt Ian far behind In fenrlh place. ball and threw it toward bleachers, R appeared that the the fornia," he said. "I have been away from my books too long. McHale resigned suddenly Sun¬ day to become Vice I*rc- tent hurry 'hp matter The Detroit club i* forTanate to have ri man have full authority trades. Hla first hh hsJ Following the big four Not much tennis for for and General iihp Ferrell :n 'He organization at came tall struck a railing and trounced me a Manager of. the Mil¬ Stan Musial, tlie great St. l/iuis tack onto the field, hut one fan while I hope to play at Wim¬ waukee Braves. Just 24 jr« hi teq i.-i'i) in emergency situ.i- will he to zft the ID the Tiger roster under i pb»^ .Cardinal hitter, jockey Willie bledon and Koruat Hills, but I ti«>n bke 'hi*" Campusr»l7Drive-In E. OhimI Kivrr Cleaners Shoemaker, Hob Petti!, of- bas¬ ket! mil's St. Louis Hawks, and claimed he had been hit. More fruit, cans and bottles bomb- harded the field and the umpires can't ment play in the French tourna¬ because it would inter¬ latej* the 33-year-old who has hem Director of M: or la-ague fVtHwvru-l uniw Ferrell. Mc¬ Mrlblf's resignation stunned for the 1939 season. Si* signing* have fere with my school work " club officials. ||e said he took middleweight champion Sugar forfeited the game. IIale. ttecam# at least an interim nounced but sev.-.r the Milwaukee job tieeause it Ray Robinson. Tommy Holt, U.S. Perry Jones. U S. Davis Cup -eplaeement. crs have o — Jnr he remained llarry sts%i»n met with peopjn within it* <»rganiration. He coached four 2 pound Turley posted a 21-7 re¬ Kuharirh has picked Dick Evans, under hi* (Jones') direction. Farrell Monday and an hour later made the announcement at Harden indicated the door is Detroit but was lit c «v cord. the only American Leaguer one «*f his former assistants with "I don't mean to sound con¬ the 1933 season. \hepardi t to win 20 or more games in the ceited." the ?i-year-old Los An- a hastily railed news conference, the Washington Redskins, to He said the immediate a* -eries he shut grles tennl* executive said. "I j out the Milwau¬ be "his line coach at Notre Dame. Farrell had his suitcase* pack¬ /H to his fingertips. He is like poe¬ '.\*S formed «»f|e -f the • in t >lnnclt 11 |ihV,i Highlight ga-r e'- try. Poetry is the spontaneous • in Mi««flh it. Hrdfirk 2 overflow of powerful feelings." n'o.*t famou# brother batteries, will •Muumc all of the duties of cm-XT it Harry Hopman, Australian i 1# I inn* « ». frarpu % 'be General Manager as » S Davis Cup captain, was less acting 7 'in Vi>U« \% Werhanir* COTBT REAKKTAI1 FROM THEIR REGULAR STOCK dramatic but no less emphatu Ml Manor *.'!• Iln» Nan Mice %(. *» |i«rkrr* lillli M lll-UI I t i in his appraisal of the Peruvian ForiI Frirk Fini'x IM COIRT V Handball court*: Won. Li youngster m a certain future «4 a te mimijh ti. WiMrala 8 a m. to 10 p.m.; OH champion. 7 !ta vnrirnit ** YMUCf kirklimil. If fiy/ier • ll Viko Hour*, spartan . 5 p.m. 1 9 )• spartan Hall »«. Vmca*r*« Tcnnf*: Tues,, 8 ' ^' NEW YORK. -IN — n»«-l«l! fOtIT VI \{ 2 Thur*., 8 a rr -3 jt SALE . f. u flTHtn t In* Commissioner Font Frick Mon¬ H. Hallo, • II Nramia (Ink »» vr New p.m-9 pm.; Set. I day fined Willie Kirkland and • 1# R*aiti u Rink* I link V noon. lomn Wagner. San Francisco 9 M riMt ang WUMlUe ,t Hawk* Giant* outfielder*. *230 each and HOC RET Badminton: Tues 8 > " banned them front winter base¬ »o * arralionse « W IVuticrficM vl l»»n* It Thur*., 8 am -3 pa: S l «« V t«U« 5 ball for one year for breaking p.m. I RURRY! s their l*uerto Rican contractu ' '♦ «»>« la ae tad «s shan West Shan ti sis-Pak Volleytall: Wed . Ttur* | 2 Frick announced thi* action, mm i ino 4-7 pm. the flr*t he ever )u* taken Alley a M agair.st a player in Caribbean 1-7 W Skaw 1-4 W skew Table tenni* i - m H-:aj baseball, at hi* office after in¬ S-« » Skew Ml Frt. • ajn.-(Sat. I *m-\ vestigating the situation. T-* I shaw v-4 10 p m. WHII.E THEY LAST Kirkland wm piaymg with the «-!• k Shaw 1-1 Wrestling: 8 a.m-19 c -'i Sanfurce team and Wagner with I'M thru Fri ; Sat 9 m " !»* V shaw hi kMo: All ehooe Ukre frnm ear regular sleek, Nio "Hps. Ponce in the Puerto Rican 1-4 Beilcs |-« Deadline for en'r.-s League. Both w»r» among the V-* Relics ?-» •lei rsrfhwH"' or Manufacturer a « lose-Out* All UMf> leading hitter*. !•» Banes 1-| in handball, tabic " 1 *»!• Bailey 4-1 badminton ha* bet: org's Quality Mwn Ukea right aff eor tkrlvn aal getag ol prkN ym we«T WHtvi, until J p.m. iviir IT, ^ Bid*, hourfc M-r i S,t. I «jv-> p.m.: ?r-| u S National Advertised SHOES 5 - m 2 •»rr llir—liH'kinp ROOTS (Mexieaa) 2 i a HUNDREDS OF PAIRS RKDITED i 2 Aalwalrd Calar Cartooa 'i f 2 UP TO 50% gf *" III CART OIAKD XI fipM i/Ki | lanawn I UVKI AT s 2 lailpjk Itasj ! | ONLY ~ MICHIGAN | NT ATE OPEN WEDS. EVE. TILL NINE MVS m MVS m «»| w »AV, »M iavc m uu \ i so* Gophers Beat Illinois, 81-70 VIUI • • • mi Yardlcy Sidelined 3 Weeks With Broken Left Hand DETROIT (A*y—George Yanl!ey*« broken left hand was Spartans Michigan State sophomore halfback A) Luplow scored a fitted with a new ca«t Monday and the Detroit Pistons' scorinjr ace will l*e sidelined for at least three weeks. Still Lead touchdown the first time he car¬ Doctors a*. Detroit O»,',opa'.htc _ ried the ball m his collegiate Hospital, where 'he hand ■ a.* day in a scramble under the career, helping the Spartans win x-rayed Monday, said Yardley basket as the Pistons lost their their 1958 opener from Califor¬ Aould have ;o wear a huh* ca • sixth straight Rig 10 Race game 119-118 in nia by a 32-12 count. when he return* to th»- N-v.i'-nai nd a 28 point mIvo . |«e Jotineon whipped II- Lg 81-70 Monday night Pistons in NBA Tilt a kept Michigan Stata U, Hi the Big 10 baeket- j driver'* neat. •L n-phwi eonfronled Illi- a ronttnuoui reliv of J ,„_«-fnot-» end over— 5 ... mini -peed and hurtle "mo; rounter Minnesota'! rai, of the bark board,. ••rrgnuind uj 'he Gophers' «-foot- •ting in tmj *,rket urabbed 1# re- nrma#. . ,s ,-h wrecked Illinois ti, eeond half sconn«. 1^,. Ike IWnl'a aeeond BRI'fi: mm "OS captain of I mumnt 5 and high M-orcr of — tnrre easfrresee vtetoe- thr first intra mural »M*kctb.tll game in the "Men*. IM Building, put* r7on-< •— •* • In two point* for hi* tram Despite hi* effort* I mmuti* 7 was \ir- w n„ I# lead. Mlnnewla loriotiv .50-38 Ileal I'.mmou* .1 New ronihe former pitrher is Hm followiag places with the to* \ngele* Dodgem p noiC onl* answer to MP- and with thr now Cinrtnnati * towering rabounders Natural Scisscs Bsilding k, ,,ipho'nore John •-ot-7. and Weasels drew his fourth Km 111011s 7 (ids First ltedleg». i* on Irtal with his twa brother* on amault rhsrgeo. Ijj before the end of the half, • M< Kid«n vement that '.aid in his opening i* Berks* Hall Ulys-et Ross, 33 pGophers ; 24 for snardd 48 rebound* Illinois. now led through *h« fir*' Victory in IM Biiiltliii" •' '■*. Ka.it e Orange, w»< tahered out tavern abruptly on D<- J;- Shod Costs* ' . f minute* before Jerry Bu'- nil Johnson moved the ll .'.i* 5T McKeoxn Tying to talk 'n New-on-he ««/i Ro»- Usios ibo'it a friend who ;iad been Info a 13-12 advantage. « Gophers riever trailed »ftei • j;>p"«*dly birred from the tav- a week bef .re ;> StsJost Services. 3rd Floor »rd had a 41-33 lead v fume. Wh*H Ni-*f(irfil* M<*« pre*«ed 1 he point and Ten dc- ied i? At MsrrioA Hosting Thursday Night i)"M brother, Norman, snap;»ed M. !•*» 7? Ofeia Stale 0n.o bbite pulled even m" ' e he- k ou» "of here" M»- 58.00 For Yosr "Isdsx ot UsforgsNahls Evssts K,r •■■* n -aid Don then three „a t the Big 10 Baske h., ):•» 1 out r '<• • e 'ire* K, Monday night with a re!a- •veiv rasy 88-72. Win It l* Bu-keves an identical >rf with the Hawkeyc* forward Dave Gunthet lM »•« *he li^me's top scorer * .•> 1'iHtr lirailr# Hit I points. Hut Ohio State' man- j-rsn defense held Bl;j 10 bulimia llim/Hlvr* wrag leader Clarence Word- Bl/TOMINGTON Ind • »■) — pi to 11 Buiifrt rid 5. 11 KtilUrliflti 7. I'.'tif '.ViikuiJMif.. ind.'.,na Umver- •10*1 ,.r, i 1 Urn- Siegfried with 22 ind 3« * frfilv carryover eg Huberts with 21 led 'he Vcr.v* ' 'I -.e:r» BuTtvrheld .. . -h« . i58 \\.g id Ba»kf'T>«U ur Lscyes' attack. de» • - . , - X- . .p. f-nl#h t'jUOd. •*•#* js let c -• fa and ' am- 4. c i «-' ■ aiiv itie.kg.u.e •n two haaketa by Gunther its*eg ia fraal until 8:13 irft in the Aval half A Meg • aketd I C": . Vale was never headed w'f? th;.t drttchlng its lesd |i> pointa twice during 'he bv. -sif and building it to n tttsr'y as 'he ilrst ftve minute* m he **>ond half, Ind. »f"' r Itvtrun erUl in the Ohio wtr '1 >t Indiana s "2 g-mr* »h,» mm t-e ;«tensive work and ■a-oft .d had played ■ n »li of pMmg of Dick Furry, w ho ?n f ■ fie had ■••oren point* fib f.rd .»if helped limit vVot t- BN 1 eily two potnts In '-he |wxi r.slf, he shifted tter »nd stifled him with to Gun- fcir'.rer r ad uoured in 15 in he Tarry grabbed tl rebound", vd rwniy on the Ohio *quao I fciirr*. who picked ofl 15. '•il jihI Kllio Tail b Golf Tournamrni MM JJtSERT. Calif -f' - n till Jr. and Wn Elln Jr. 'ire-i *!-•■• • bi»d a -he-stroke lead in '..he igx m h*. r-Y;r..i ,f tha 87.300 36-hoic Camps' e- u "■ r.ed Chuck Rftft. fcoarsao Pro-Am Tourn.imcn? . Minn. a veteran of "It'* xn honor t«» reeeise kway. They scored two-un- - .* 'V iurrpir.g 'port k^ar -n» mrlhlna I'M "" "'I**- * 'hmigh he ArnnJd Palmer, who won the t i.ini— Ithl'i' »• ■•■ni-ed 'ii"r feet .llhnuin I illtn' u» Thunderblrd (nvltatipn r.g ■'-* pair of "unners kwiy. * a* a shot back at 71 , 111* I »»• 1 ,d ( 'en'itig » wifh B»>b Rohburg m, .«n h.Uk '» "" ■-••i fk« * hen '"?•.# rtmd* and fey Dcmaret .nd I did m.« '"•""'I m' the i ** -4 1 ft# 'An. I'H"» (- * • '"nyhmen' I.,. plii'J "• m»'1' *nd " , •v i«* talor* is* -c *a',' „ | did in th, II '»•' 1 Ac »tr ■'> xnd >n pl.ird pri>l'«"""' "••""" ■ r d#*«y 'T. ;he »no*-- ssre. I'm one *l of Get satisfying flavor...So friendly 1o your teste! to eoRimfte ou have ;- Sm how Pall Mali k famou- length of Una *g«au>. lUa' tobacco travcla and gentle* the »moka NO FIAT makaa it mild—but doea not filUr out FIITEREO-OUT that aahrfying flavor! FLAVOR! NO DRY SMOKED-OUT TASTE! Vi GdhaCtka, Root Beer or Orangr v «Ml I-Om Item Pian* niUVBT 6 P.M. - 1:30 A.M. 1R€HM0FH»€$amWPPW€S5 Outstanding.. aOOwr an AAildl (ED 2-6517) mm MICHIGAN RATS NIK! Man Is Murdered January *T. 1959 SrsI While Band Plays Rirdlaml Manager Stabbed During Fight at Dance Hall NKW YORK (/P)—The lljrht* were dim and befowed hy emoke a. the IVplocn hand awuna into ita cool Interpreta¬ tion of "I'm Through with Love." The r.t. listened, iw.yed, kept Ex-General time by hand or foot •* the con¬ tagious rhythm of the beat got through to them. It was Bird- Talks Today land, Broadway's cellar citadel of jau, at 2:40 o'clock Monday morn tag. On Campus near "Then we heard a fight start the bar," said one of the let. Oen, John Wilson O'Dan¬ musicians, Hal Kuaick. "We lel, U. S. Army, Ret., will ad¬ could hear shouting and scuffling dress student and faculty groups but the bandstand lights were In around the campus today. our eyes and we couldn't see Belter known aa "Iran Mike." what was happening out there. O'Danlel will iperk an "Am- JOHN GAOOMan I. tortrt4 w«k a Ma.kto tlUr tolnc br» From the bandstand, you can't bassadara In Uniform" at ■ naon to Uw Mrfu. frato . Itototo mIm Tk.rto.ir .1 rtit«t«n. f, see more thhn a yard in front meeting *f the MRU Men's elnh, ratiaa N«to.rk..a> tlrrr tonl tkrowk . .toa. Ir.*al.c 4". ml, of you. MAJ. jrMI'S ROSA BI.ANCO, a faculty •rgantcatton. Then at Tklrtr-thrr, wrr, mw4 .M lw,l„ »r» -III aUa. BI-yrar-eM army man with S3 "As the scuffle continued, we 4 p.m. he will apeak an "Com¬ went into our finale, "Cherokee,' para af duly with Cuban forces, enjoys a bite of lunrh In I .a peting Strategtea In the Cold Cabana forlrrw Thursday a few hnura before hr urn In fare a real wild arrangement. A Military trial In Havana. He *a« raptured by revolutionary fnrrra Jtttst III. VNC'O *l.ind, with hi, hand, ,1,1-4 to I IVar" at a meeting af the In¬ a man yelled, some glass crash¬ wo¬ Truce Team Investigates ternational Relatlana Clnh to In Orlente Province and la arruard nf varlnua "war rrlmea " Tbla seiilenrc nf death before a firing squad after war rrlmea trial to ed. We finished the number, left room 32 of tho Union. plclvre waa wade by AP Photographer Harry llarrla who. with Havana at the spurts stadium Friday. The Cuban army affleer was the stand and learned Irving prwaman William Cilover, bad an exrluatve Interview with Hlanru Jnat before the trial. eonvlrted by a Revolutionary military tribunal after a trial on charges including that of murder. IS-haur nre All political science majors requested |o attend the In¬ ternational Relations Club talk, was dead." Irving was Zachariah -(Irving) Jordan Border Guards l^vy, 34, assistant manager of Kill Israeli Soldier nnd everyone la welcome. Re¬ Birdland and brother of one of Radio, TV Rim Placed on W ar Crime* Trial freshments will be served. lie also will visit MSU offic¬ its owners. He was stabbed onre ial* engaged near the heart during the scuf¬ In tho university's fle at the long main bar 6f the JERt'SALEM (SPY—Jortl.tn juinrds shot and killed Chauffeur of Cuban President Arrested, ■mistsnre an program in Vietnam club. He staggered back through raeli soldier Monday. It was tho first serious Jordan I*ra» during his one-day stay. a service entrance and there, out Among O'Dnnlol'a nnmerone Imrdor incident in months nnd Unite»in Itliineo, met oppolnted to The scene of the trial was Navy Dtotingntshed flarvlca A hat check girl described hirn sector of Jerusalem near the Is irnyne Stale courtroom and permitted the de¬ him moved Medal. to the hall of justice of MardHbiium Gate A ^vokconan the arrest of llertberfo llernnn- for the lif t tiim- a| the as "a hopped-up ja/r enthusi¬ drg Espotidn, ehatifTeur for pro- Visional president Manuel Ur- fendant's counsel study of the charges 5'v hours to begin n and had only a 15-minute terview with the defendant arena in¬ tiie Superior outside Havana, War Court )u«t He earneq hi* nickname, "Iron Mike," because for years he hag ast." The man slipped from the *ai-J the dead soldier's comrade* had to extricate tus body under I'ndertakinf! to before ttie start of the The about iuu-n one of the Army's top Wednesday*! Stat® N"w» yutia lie was art-used of hav¬ procecd- prepare the case. courtroom seats club immediately after the knif¬ fire. trouble-shooters. correctly reported that a p ., ing been In contact with two Inga. Sflfl persons. A court off tclll ing. With him was a dark-corn- A Jordan mihtarv *pok«*rnan Hut ('apt. |l a costs, who also satd seating preference would A career Army officer with said the soldier was shot while t*nn tour scheduled this s'-irr-rJ plexioned, heavily made up Ix-lt.itlsta gunmen now in the fnltrd States. These trial of arrangement! for the Ciipt Pedro Morejon, Is wen drfrndlii! to armv ( apt. More tan. brad quarters at given to.the press. service in both world wars and K'«rea, O'Danlel was military man of about 30. with a wo¬ long trying to cross on man'? land is being co-sponsored by Msj and Wayne State Univer«;*v Hetnxnder, desoritied uf a 34-yenr-old career officer of the Id. Jchus Mlquel Guerre, tec- pony tail hair-do and a long fiear the gate, -if final check post 4:30 am. today to begin study- attache with the American .Em¬ The tour U entirely »n undsj Hrutenant In the reliel force*, Cuban army, relary t«» the revolutionary tri¬ white coat. To the hat check gi/l. (jet « eer, the armiftice Une> di¬ marked several Ing the Itle of rbargrs nf assss- bassy In Moscow from 1D4H-JV0. taking of Wayne State : -:v* was arrested by Socarrns Tru- bunal said the "suspension of she seemed a typical broadway changes from the trial of the and chief U H. military adviser viding 'he city, ond because he o'ty. The only rreinefi.- slnafloit, bomieldr and robbery. television and radio (coverage) |||lo, ehief of the presidential first defendant. Ma). Jesus Sosa chorus-girl type ignored a warning to withdraw. About IfMl y« itnrssrs have been wan ordered to avoid harming in Saigon, Vietnam, from 19S4- MSU is that Dr. Dieter Hnn-cfl A 15-state alarm tabic# police. Triittllo said [•rnandeg was charged with lUauco. summoned charges. to testify to the Hie sensitivity of the Cuban lftSS. Since his retirement in tftfig, for the couple. was sent out The spokesman said the Israeli* used smokebomtw to enable weiler, assistant profe geography, ix leading one •ontartlng ex-police Col, F*fe- gnu Blanco waa eonvlrted al people." O'Danlel has served a* chair¬ them to re:»ch the tewiy. and of the tour for Wayne vi>. ban Ventura, now In Florida, P « ni. last Friday and sentenrrd also fired on Jordan jiositionf, •u,t ex-Ken Molnndo Muderrer, to die befnrr a firing squad af¬ man of the American Friends of Vietnam, a civilian group dedi¬ Clinic* I'lnmipil bu! without bitting an-yoru- Dr. flounced Brun*cfiweiler » that if credit , now tn a U.S. immigration de¬ ter a tit-hour trial in Havana's cated to aiding the Vietnamese, Jirdiin cmcluned to the t'N tour i* to be tran~f. r<-d tention renter In Mr Allen, To*. Ainaury N<»rrt«, chief of the 17,000-seal sports stadium. To Aid Freshmen Ttot e ^iniervH-i «i Orgam/atiori MSU, approval of the ■: The sh"' ' tit wvi.-i rerd only a Frequent interruptions by tht ate dean's office is req pobca deparlmoiil's legal divi¬ hoot*. Jeers and laugh* of the Tta , a ta i Shot*? The usual summer Counseling short time after Israel instructed i • sion, said a letter addressed to Center program i* l>elng plan- •K-lVanident Fnlgencio (latista crowd and the radio and televi¬ They Go to Schttol! tied by the Coun*eling Center. |t« UN di • Abba K>»an. to i- i :al Security coun- Was found In Hernander' hotn# sion broadcast* of the proceed¬ ief an Draeti shepherd The revolutionary internment attend one of the summer clinii» Capt. Aristide* Dacoata, the hadn't gone to a movie Wednes¬ -») thi- S\» an fmrder lav? Friday* Monday banned radio and tele- day night. Fifty-eight percent of the fa" arVI other pre1 ions incident* Platan broadcasts of Ihr second |95g fteshmen attended la" Supt. Jack Meeder said 'he trial of Havana'* alleged war ( nmpus found the theater narked summer's clinic* Thi* program ClasAifieda Low Cost trtiwlnal*. Navv Tennis he drove Into Monroe when for a Is available only to those who . , , It also moved the trial from movie during one of Michigan's are tentatively accepted at MSU. Sel Info Visit worst snow storm* in years. The clinics give Incoming stu¬ 72 Hours .\ccded The officer procurement team! "When I saw ail those |»eo- ple," he declared, "I decided students could make tt my to dent* about campua an opportunity to le.irp life, get i*»rs«-T.al FINAL REDUCTIONS counseling and take some of the mm tar from the office of naval officer To Sli tilth urn procurement, Detroit, ami naval school." testa required for freshmen. «lr station, Clrosse lie, will bp Striking (HI Plant In the Union through Jan. 30, CLEARANCE SALE rORT AllTMUn. Tex. (/IT — from ft The a m -8 p.m. procurement team will ANNIVERSARY SALE ALL . Union, officials wild Monday give information on all naval fragc negotiations with the Gulf Suit, 6It Co have broken down and programs siirh as line, engin¬ rul, or plain drra* rlrinrd a . supply, legal, Intelli¬ § meeting will He held with eering, gence, medical, den till and the¬ unlil Jan. 31 for only yl./j .INTER DRESSES Citpan.v i orderly official# closingto prepare of the big for ological. The naval aviation Informa¬ l>r»«ti<-.n> Rgifg fuflnerv here. It will take *? Hours to rlo<« tion team from flrosse lie, will U* TAYMMI AND IIMH* I1MWI M - m tei to kl HfKuUr 129.95 lo 145.M ■ #»wn the sprawling works. The provide Interested student* with ■n.rri... to -to Ml,k.,l WlM'x Itowwk to Ik., 4M B. Crawl Uw fttnirk plant emHoys 5.7iH) information on the two programs vi.iito Ik, kM, .Mmntoto toft M tortilto. r*M. Tk» ton M Workers. 4,300 of b#r* of the Oil, Chetnical and them mem- \\ hich lead the Navy. to it comtmaalon ill Ihrt.to*k,r. 1,11. 4. .to Mtoktol. 4. toktto Uw Mlim - Wi.ll Higa ins .w ho told newsmen he la "Mr. plater*• naa." Im partial MM atara NOW Your fkaire ttomie W>. The Union Worker*In Union • (OC- •tatement I 111 Fa-liion Show At Mid. "It aeems that our group baa be* n single t out by Gulf Tryonl* Sel Tonight ftp tear down the Jobs of the farkrri." Tryouts for the Union Hoard fashion show, "Classic," will be Start the day off Right Rcgabr *17.95 to l».K nlw The Union said the company bniisi down its la*t offer to pMitmue in •fleet for one year held tonight from 7-ft:30 In^fttH) Home Economic*. The fashion show will be held Breakfast at NOW March 2 a** Vow Choir* Um presort contract plus a ft percent wage increase as ac- Hoard part of Union Week. Mr*. IVggy Math¬ Ralphs "Kewpee" Cafeteria *14" pppted b* the Magnolia Petrol- ews. Midwest editor of Madem- Dim Co. and other oil com pan- oiM'ilc, will comment on the ftaa. Pay mom averages 12 71 an clothee provided by the Style Srtotar *10.95 lo «K.M toImo Shop and Campbell's. r« Fast LOOK TO rt NOW THE BARBERSHOP ITt PM to ■ Im •8" OF PROGRESS IIMVTS IT tfPMmT tlOJC to aaftaa KD MSI* I MAC — irexr DOOR TO CASA NOVA'S