an State News irbook *«ory BAST LANSING. MICHIGAN—THURSDAY, JANUARY 29. 1959 PRICE 5 CENTS 1 ■■ ■ i ■ in No Disharmon Sav Dulles V Ike About Cold War Riimimi Tonfulio Favored l»v Ike ui\ 11 iras. tow* pamm WArrotnrn or l c.pitol hnildlnr Aartiur rrnovation work whirl, will nlrnd ra.t Irani ol hlolorlr .true- Hort Prof, ome Blame Crisis on Willi: Succumbs -OP Awaits Credit Message Rs LVNN SHEPARD .«» 've 'iv re i-conomlcal" •h*r» p Sew* Capital Reporter io meet thru ,;ts MS I' i'.d the I* of M in st.ite md !h« MS|"# ornate spokesman wb!»can legislators were in Sep, Michigan «wffered Paul Vmincer (R-|.an*lngt al«» Mid-see mood Wednesday HlAmed Williams for being "pri¬ irsming of the National marily responsible" for the unl- Stats New* Photo fcv I rank Us»lt»r sf Detroit's Tuesday de- versity'a rash rrlsU. Rep. Mar¬ (Ol OMI. MF.RTON NI'SMiN imrH Jerry MrKeitna am W -ef'ise further credit to William l.ugin«land, June graduate*, both wf Lansing, certificate* ir.d University of Michi- he spokesman for Photo Meeting aa INsllniuitM Military Students Tuesday evrwing. They are ae- fiih.w'an Utuversitv. |«* Republicans felt Gov. »• ho umver-it5 %ll publication* phntogra- mmpanied by Nancy Sullivan, eorp* sponnor. -a o [»-*' message to the leg is. phers will meet tonicbt in ■ pinch." but r* tentatively set for this r«mm 30 at 7:3#. student 0*. may offer key sugges¬ <+r\ ire*, I el (.herb Siitim/it for a Wolverine ts T-rt.hv of comment, Pleture. All are requested to km GOP lawmaker* took Ail bring cameras. % bn*ine*« veterans enrolled und. r i irmrtunlty «a Maine the the K"r,an bill PL Sin will meellnc will follow. mar for the atate*a finan- sign for their Jan ur-. ' erk* psWems in general and the »c< -ting to 'he following old llunrerford (R-f.ansinc) dr. arsbie* rriala in partieular. schedule • lined In comment for the Re¬ r Edward Hutchinson »rrats would support Williams' •nrli Clash Willi Rebels oiggestion, expressing disap¬ pointment in Republican "tin- hfh—French militarv headouai vr< ♦v'tonabJe" failure to support the I'hit 2(«5 Algerian National.s! R. r.e; . wet governor s plan. hedajr. it was one of the heavu ■ • singe- .< if ' ;r-year-old rebellion Two ma » vi- f»i . stro, 35 miles touthwes* ' \ g Oul.iuiMliiiy Junior f* were killed. In the Constantine r. g j IVlilioniii){ OpriiH ■ a acre reported killed after leav.i g 'l< Petitioning for the Outstand- ng Junior Award begins today ano will continue for one week. Yoiiiik Pi-ill. Iii lli-ar 1.1'apern fhmhlr Prices Any unior is award, annually given in con- eiig.ble for this Tax Peoblria Talk 'Sanford • T0IR 'iP)—The New York Time' and Th«- %»••« \v-' H' Brown, rtgte treas¬ neetion with J-Day. Petitions urer. will address tonight'; are doubling the new-stand pr. • >'■ daily editiom mar pe picked up in the Uhion Feb. 2 on sale* 50 miles from NVv y < The- price •». :1 . meeting . of the MSU Young uncoil rse. Democrats m 35 Union at k 30 rmed from 5 to 10 cents. The pr.t* ..*n..» rents wi*hi» Last year 15 wards were giv* Mr. Brown will speak to the *^t»iitan area.. The Times ami The Herald Tribune already to student* judged en Out¬ group on "How the Tax l»r« charging 10 cents for daily edit -old bey-Rid infi standing" m campus jnd living lem tfitn New York City. Sunday ivtiti n p.- <. c« #or all New it Effecting Education.*'and unit activities, religious group will open the floor to questions ^-papers will remain unchanged work, athletics, scholarship, and after his talk. general >lty iife contribution to univer- The meeting is open to stu¬ dents and faculty members erine •aw Disclaims Red Discard — Red China's leader* echoed Soviet Premier •chev Wednesday' and disputed reports of discord between ** **;* Communist countries. Mao Tat-Tung. tli- Hcd Chrna *• killed ** ** 'he Soy-iet "th« correct leadership" of Khnish- hev. the "glorious in science people" and the "shsmng >urr.mi!s" ..f their and technology. His message *o *nr •: -( Con- Sovirt Communist Party was read by iicd Chinese Spirits, Whiskers Are Crowing hoti for the anrtual "Forester't r En-Lai. Mao it not attending Shindig" to bo held Saturday night at Dem Halt One of the mam events of the wild and woolly evening will tie the i*ard judging contest with WXbTON President Eisenhower vigorously disclaimed pfir- rtt4y *ny nft with cikirf Justice Warren over school desegre- ea for the "longest, shorteat. * best and hell try." ftythlng else. "Irrespon>ib!e reporting.' F. -enhowrr *atd at his news conference about * story that a rift has A prime contender for the b«»t try ' title is r5 *vren dictated a terse statement calling the story Forestry Clun ' wlhuut foundation." But Eisenhower still drchnwl'to say president. Mike Moore, latnsing -;kes or daahkes the supreme court decision which out- junior and self-styled Paul Bun- segregated public schoola fc'km Weuater ^tipped pp. In his major work be define* yan, who measure unfortunately does not up to. his predecessor • w bearded argoh. bearded dar> in the beard department. iel (not Linda's brother), beard¬ Though there are an InAniie f/° in Insurance Scandal • ed fescue, bearded griffin ammergeier), bearded titmouse, (the number of beard ing the arty style* includ¬ Van Dyke, the rjeareri tortoise (the rnatamatai, WlGTOM (^-—Teamster union President Jmrt f Hoffa was *nd tivarrtcd goatee and chopa, Moore claims teal (Erignathu* that hi* non-luauriant version ^ednesdajr aa involved in a scheme that cut uckaess •asurance batiefltc while raisin* rates for thousands of and jarbetus). is the "Usnea Barbate" variety But he forgot to note the or "beard-moas, fungi-type," . -^mbera. Committee investigator* Martin *y testified that Haifa hand I en negoiiatMrfis which they Uhlmann and ipecu a which is currently over- To defend his sparse growth. ruaning rampu. - the bearded Moore has the fcduettoa ia benefits for Michigan Teamster* Union ready answer «« a raiae forcAtr/clutimember (MSU vari¬ that "according to Caesar, the ia their insurance premiutn* in 1V52. Uhlmann ety). late growth of the beard ia fav- •oated the Taft-Hartley Labor Relations Law. because These pnetjamena art spvoute uraolc to the - development of °°! • Inmm U Um Mod. ing chin-whiskarg |g pnpan- Michigan State Vw Michigan State News Shep's Simla- mfonmnon Ml Published on tnaieai ••meet CilJ: y-j through Fr-.da> utciui: cchi*v« Capital Roundup Read Dail» by H>1'% » Students and Faculty REFORMED CHRISTIAN -A-tnt er and apnar tpnsr -er-j FELLOWSHIP uchdaya, . -eki> weeicj -^r'- oana* - rem and one wrecuj t-* Th« Micaiain sue ?■«** a caaasaea e* rtucer.t* ol Xicnigan 8t..te - •• '» Ej,. u: facaJty supervision It » 7:30 p.m.. College House. Re¬ between ir.- n ? va:« a.: :*i irsi-j o: ft the s'.uilent body but while t.VNN SHFPARD freshment.-. Kr.tered a* aecor.a cLal - — J" to «r.-f r«T' r-f-r .: ■■•.:■ si-rids -c-dv to battle any der act of March 2 irr- •* 5 Rtate Near* CapiHal Reverter GAMMA DELTA oitice. Eait Lar.j;.-.f '•*- "" «r«Lsr 1 7 p.m., Martin Luther Chapel. Mail sutjfcriptidaj - Press. Iniana Da> Pr? a-r t • W HEN GOV. WI I.I.I A MS presented hit* 1959-60 budizet Important for ai! those at¬ vance for ore :»r~ ■4V»1 tending winter camp. terir.a. WOO; fir three Vol. 50, No. 122 T!- January 21'. 1 ray Two Tuesday the reaction of state legislator and university ad¬ ministrator fell into a familiar pattern. In 1957, the year of the ,•ho!d-the-line,, budget, Williams Campus Feels Loss asked the legislature to appropriate more than $36 million to MSI . Although $7 million pith* of this figure was rec¬ ommended for capital outlay, a 50 percent boost over 1956. CAMPUS CLASSIFIEDS thi* section of the MSI' budget was far below the nearly Of Professor Lucas -'Jo million the university had requested. MSU had also t-ked for .533 million lr> jreneral fund appropriations, but Deadlines: ED 2-1511 1 p.m. Da* Before Puhliratinn Thur*. and Fri. Edition* EXT 2615 for Tu-« TIIK I.OSS OF f»" y sp«-n- H felt by many Mon. Fdition Deadline: 1 p m Fri V\ i"inms cut this fiyure to $29 million. th«»*e with whom he pt'uple aero*.* -be •:.xfrt\ u«. University officials expfessed their dismay openly and Bills Parable 1-13 and 1-3 Mondav through Frrfj. has worked *ino " *'-g f-*r«fes*or :«t MSU in 1911. < n-k»»d the legislative Appropriations and Ways and Means Dr. Lucas was r *r* tr.av an orU:iuit\ professor. He committees to restore the $22-million Williams had sliced work in cancer research. To Siit'sfv CLASSIFIED RATES Ma'ority • became na^i^na^t *>-:• •v.i*!'«nai organizations in hi.s auav. The request proved to be a case of barkinjf up the HOUSING He was a metr.'»**r ?>f m.#?. wronjr tree when the joint-committee proposal further minimum IS «ord« FOR RENT profession. whittled the MSU allottment to $25 million in jzeneral 1 da, Kc Dr. Lucas : A »-'r » >.*b p»"'o!e and plants. In he experimented in plant Sem• v'ormalily of J-IIop funds and $2' j million in capital outlay. The "austerity btidpet" of 1958-59 went through the re- 2 day. ' *»v »I4» tl *s ovr breeding. and dcve; ;»»' vare- i- tvpes of wheats which are OB TW0 . still grown in K'w -p*- A* M • ipat; State, he experimented wfftb ftinvi and - at: effort t«» find tumor in- Explained by Letters qoestinp-protestinjz iru tint let in almost the same manner. The university asked for far more than the governor was wiHinir to prant. The Williams' requests were in turn hiph- « din idiyi 1 ' I? IS five-roomtnunappjr $2 SO UXFL'PNtSHED : - * ed hibitors for cancer To the I flitor: •he J-Hop f'V-.m'fe. additional CHARGES eluded F\r v:r/« Mav ,-.i Februat er thiin t,he lepislature would permit. The net result w*as He became we -kt - e student and faculty popu. In to the Letter tr. :rii " ni iiPNClieOrdovP 15 N P'r ' tOt!.; 0/ ■::ne month* an appropriation of $1.10*1.000 less than the previous year. lation for hi.- work it. exo'aui •■ur position ron- formal Nlfht Never Sellout THE 1959-60 RITH.ET reachnl the first plateau Tues- { r LANDING theory, he *er up *r* widelv-t ublicized "Apple-a-Day" pro- ccr- ■ "K the nomi-formalitv Th: Mmk is doe.e for the iw r •lay when *»ov. Williams shaved the MSU budpet request AUTOMOTIVE (pteaaant roor" • - * trar.-e »" ,-er J-Hop. of a" Htiider.t« f*nf.>min , gram whereby -*udec* vilurt" -r> ate one apple each day. A fie- •rurh careful -tudv and ■':? . Mown $3 million to a *28.4 million figure. At this stage His work will be re- ,te'c<. 'he • ue J-Hop vva* j rr.ent THRFK ROOV f :• His loss will !>*• !*• ' mam. deljhe) .tiop .ftnioi Council and ■h««"-ed from a nnr-muht dinri*" MSU officials have declined comment, realiiing its ques¬ • Frsv.i-e « e , o*r week L» member*! by nnui . Bu* it w :f< !h* difficult for anyone to •he .J-Hop Executive Committee • t.,to a f-.vo-night dam-e ' tionable effect in years past. * i«f4 *0»D 1 reached a decision to change the But if recent trends in state appropriation procedure LOST and p0UND ' follow in hi* footstep* forma! and formal', 'he latter ft >•••♦*■ .F-Hop to semi-formal both ha< never been sellout. * O't a hold true this year (and in view of the state treasury, they -»?• c»rer - nights, thus dropping the tra¬ In fact, last year there were LOST FAIR probably will), MSU and its sister universities will see i . ditional formal 'night ■ , 3 a 1 ?. . - 3 ; biuck '•* I assure >ver 500 tickets remaining foi v <■ fhie was n< legislature as • body. I will rnr majority of the students. Many emi-fortnal evenings all tickets •'» ve*y c «4" a-d i» -do »*?«»« jchaneed ^ !< of 'hese students were complain¬ would be fold Putting J-Hop on Perhaps the gloomiest part of a generally-glum picture i '*«>' ca-a'- 2- 6.. »• t' « j me In th- P , . Prc<:d»*n' E:-cr.h jk'i. S«reta. Duller and Vice President Nixon ing of the high costs of rent¬ is the university's position in regard to its faculty. The i .'■> 'a uri a profitable basis is for everv- | • d c .« « -5 have joir»st to make .* ••>*■ *" when they talk about the possl- ing tuxedoes, etc.. and there¬ Kus-:an.- thev are talking of 1 ne'f benefit since this money leading question In the minds of many administrator* may b!e utefulne*' o: f rVrrrg »:* •ne fore could not attend the dance nays for the debts incurred dur- no longer be "How ar* we going to build classrooms to PERSONA' rhs ou*.«irtc ft-an-i • ue *o financial reason? and i.g the freshman, sophomore, house the students?" but instead "ll<»w ate we going to ttS* CADaiAC •. " • Dulle?. esneca'.% e» *•--■-• •? t tfu-rrU to maintftsn ajn air of < an itv of semi-formal tickets junior and senior year? and at- reavmableru--- • -• A- ia?.- a- Tuevd.v he had retain our top-salaried faculty when we have trouble even l.oss of Money ows a graduating r!»s." pre¬ $4.1 el that n«»a>oa-. •» • es ?h* sent a gift to the school meeting our payrolls?" WeflnesKia- be go" r ;rc rO• I ;« thi H-mi-m <*!> In p.o? ye.u• the .'-Hop • • 1 hardly can believe that this Another intriguing question (and high officials must Foreign AfUirn C i H» :t ' 1' lit -Hid. is. formal night bar U*f on the av- . motive is one which will Invite have trouble paining the courage to ask themsehes fhi« to .Him ad of in- • .i.-e of *4.000 every time a for- r a : designed to i"sr.' *:> - :.r. -le remarks from neighboring ternaNonal i"'-nirr"o night o stneed , one) is, "How can we be expected to draw top fu ilt\ KH AS universities, especially when our He went »»n » o-j . • . .« mjuy! s •n ew ha» (H) P:ivt experience with members from other *ch«»ol* when the state treasury won't IHCHAM 4 KNIGHT *UT0 SALE. . cultural neighbors R0 miles from ••• clear .0 .1" •• :«i >u ! xptes*toi»s •hanging the formal night from allow us to pay those we already employ?" ere could not makr a profit on IJOO 6 ■ M H,9#n of •!>«•- vih. • !?• : .' •' h..'111 day to Frulav night has their one-night formal J-Hop. Taking the o>i»* ■ «»t tnip;'ove«l flu- ro':diti'»n AM Tfi tV 24'4t Nixon expressed . •. ■ r •n- et? to the sem.i-forma! >ell tHker Wlal Oraces ila-'-W.' »t.hin »e# firv week, while the INFORMItlCN < •i» thaw * r, , Speak i.g of allowing our the ice v h .rh *• • 1; ti.ifn' ha- never come *ch . •> - > •ha' otliei mrth'Kh Although w*e do not make a "ome other social graces which ■ arnsT ATt DI NT FNION PRIKtRAM A R».<*> %IK H »h«»fie iro- a .«»-«» p •" K» 7-uTi»5 r, must be found of bre-k - i 'aige profit on the dance we do must he learned at college be¬ : 15 p rr. . 42 f-.. n. COMMITTEE The rmr.d Ma-. u.c c >? 'ha' bu' goe- a <'»(. have to clear enough to meet side* how to put on a cummer¬ Ht«H AHATEt R R4DIO 7 pm 41 Union. EMPLOyMENT REAL ESTATE farther in adrr. * *r» v •« t ne* 'Mated w»luti n- may our budget and to pay off debts bund. rim APARTAC ADF I NEC B<**RD n<»t be found, arid w f Hiring our freshman and «onh- The first and most Important ' 7 30 p.m., SO? gjevtrica? E « - 8:30 p.m., .'<28 .S'tnWnt Se Fcn.Turp wowr.N crottpv POR $AL$ •» in t iki tie it#«i i»m1 i. ,u«. I nderstandin>. intlirult .1-1 •( t'.n • We must also clear foe any college student is fact. nee-ring. vice* ; - -erien. e ureferred Pi-ms The d.ffau!:> ' u>. j. . .• etiougb t«» finance our senior Included in this category U the 1111 on ship or Rti ir.ioi s *»KI I I I B it Mil: up ti» WAs re-e- i.> » u iuaiions about vear't activities ability to know the facts and I IRFRAI.S 7 •• ■. w« pin. Union PART-TIMF WORK to fit 7 p.m. enur ,rwp fix.- the Miko)*n visit. when to use them. 3S Uni-TO. MORTAR BOERD wheduie V'.urird >v.a'e JI r>t ft Id- p-;te n Htudents Apathetic l^ir -ln» area .. The deputy ptrn iei, f; • • • , r>abiy .. m • a : rw'fli1;. /ed thi i» respect for fellow students p m., 35 t'r.ixn Sfa'e C ATHCM.IC ATI DENT c 'He d.c. 1? ,rt>rn Pe-e' fundamental;. h* I-..--x: H.:.itwi :ult to do this due to rie- and friends, pome of whom find Treasurer .S«nford B own w i'l OROAMEATVON .» agains: inter IV 8-ism F national Corrmu!,i$n. • ase$l intemt in formal dances the cost of renting a tuxtdo speak on ta*« and eJucation 4 p.m.. Catholic Student Cr¬ PAHVsl; rR RKTWCKN* 10-U =rr U- r..i .v We• • rnmen' foreign toward one. sake of "sophistication ** 4 30 pm.. Jemson Gym AH 12:10 pm, Wesley House DRIVER PART-TIMK 21 seur, . F'ISH C- over A|)|>:. Vwmifv Cab Co I If the student interest were Although many adversers c*"»exis welrnrre. Shakers wilt be the Hever policy Wixit'i' ere P 1 on»irg C-'C. la-run v. ' -!• I would b« happy to rec- will say that "clothe* make 'he f.RRMAN CUR ends John and Virginia" Kt uar . , ... 0 p'.i- rig different ,i,u!uri pe' ucx' year This hn? been a prob- personal .ability and a good ter. Mi«s Bohncedt will sftow EEl.LOHblllP t7 M*r Khrushchev - .....» ■ ... ■ . .» •• r itmunift Par's i .tr ;tnd neui appe.ttrtii'» m meeting in M >**-ow en* or, many campuses through- foundation in the social graces alide* on Germ an v. 7:15 pm. 32 Union. Eveiv- Flu,n.- IV 7.,, m :g. . ;> a. • tiK'nr to peace it won't hurt f »r fur •ut tl«» country recently. We are more respected and admired MARTIN LI TMIR CHAPEL one invited Ss * ■ ?, .r-o,, nil ptiket game he Will be sustMrcte.- . »• trviug to Confront this by Jeha Hrtalls CHOIR lowing at Bethel Manor, 003 FOR SALE *!•.«• i m-\t means we see possible < •-C hairman. J Hep IMS 1 pm. Martin Luther Chapel... E. Grand River. F 1 '»N>RFO PVRF «!X < I <' > sh-»w some school spirit rvfist ASS R* xk'aii .» ne-.c A«rn Per- t.&M E.e. Crossword Puzzle id campus of student J-p.-n Mela Maes animal • h ttie ■ theaia Awkward . Spot far Crawling ».>ers end ►-J0 EI) 7• I *57 tf •ninth v l4*''s attend the 1»5fl -I H*»p and have a tremendous PARONrt HI-M CABINET ere T V-RADIO StRVi *X grioM weaker -i .ten Fight inch mid ra n-- time. , t In favor of Bill llamplen _ ja ' eciui-oai « v Jfl-i" >" I • Rat* f • t>ED HARGAtN'S-TELFVlSlONS **n fV la 1 * * * refr'ge: a»..rj. automatit a-a^hers r«t;gea Mainr hranrl* Price- start HICKS LAUN04CX/* |g Rer-enw 1o the MHor: at MS Go'tltem eerviee Store 11 (A ;«C? ; •■■■:- ■* be red E Mtemgjr ti.ji M Heat Thi." is in reply to "an un- 0«O» 0» '0» III' >"■ 15 Introduce known socialite " j1 TWO PAIH OF -ki boots, 11 s" E— » ' a-td )» One skis on* MS Krank A> you car. well understand I skwtes >we II pair All •23 iv* S-2412 IV * WE SPECIAL Zi iN "* I* Ro«< laser hm»i your letter in the State IUNOIES FC4 S* II Contend Ni." vith mixed emotions. (V «•**«' t DEt ORATED CAKES DELIVERED 1* Protrude Vout admit at ion for MSI' »* »*ev- tw nartie* t»niht)a\« Many ot net jn Small •delicious peetrtea Hea». table orlees WHEN VOl ritJNv- tainly justified, but your refer¬ ft 6 tumor K«as« Bakerv IV V-WTU "* ti UiinX ei V M« St^ ence to the comprising J-Hop waah ihimrnitter and your interpA-ta- ) VACUUM CI.EANFR «I\CFR 111 ~ ^f/> ^ M >4 Poplar j Toaster U Roaster West ins hoi is# RADIO TV J' i., iu»n of sivia! amenities certainly (•13 Toid* »eat. |L ladies bowlmu Monea Rade. T. « J7 Meth.»t»cd the mark in my book. *d»es »i.-e 7. tike nets. 42 S»» ED- Walnut Lea# Dat m * ' U L'nreflr e f 1 J-#7r metal Traditionally the J-Hop ttas CRAFTMMAN CUSTOM THE FLNEST LN iK-rn th«- largest AU-Al{.uveisity CHA1SIS » In greatee r»d:o. TV nundination Hi-Fi at Lm» Jack man t<"snpA- Rrauv Rwentily H.i .cr. providing what has been 1 ite «ut ~~ IV 4-7*21 17 Robdv »tecena J*-" wpies$ed a? one of the nights Jackson Rhythmn k"5*' anu others Cor.'.aC Buu - i ■f'udenU remember most from HOUSING |V their college at MSU. To roa aim A 8AMILV JlWfl-7 ^ ai range thi* evening every • tk e -ae- i* -• V Grow TWO BEDROOM HOUB1L funT- OUALltT HIICHASMI 4°Mh,# M Ptwine ED 2-aaia after 4 p m Sr" ««npu» ip4 Chaiacter Letter In IW EdlKNT on the CLOSE IN au Mock* from dosrn- •we w ir*' in Obver ttnnuh AnlWi■ Mmg aM| hi toa-n Lnfumuhed. pleasant three ■as T*a'' X Next ifm rd at MBI the Mnate Dmpi wPwto Rwl . 1 rmn Oak) mt v*" -• TRANSPORT AT ninth the Iimo kg# MARRIED COUPLE TO BIDS WANTED TO W r Fortdke* house B»b> sitting required, ae < - tien Md Hw Mai* or VP Fr■aa- * ptankd and a wwk Raja dayt in ut wxcnanpe rschande for nrteafo 1 " Phone Bat B>f«r* IV -■"* foM M Fart «f ft MM aetlvtif RS4 garage and uae of kitchen tVm chancel rrpnraled to •tor. IV t-mt after J am-^reek- ar aE day laturday and Bun- * 9 \ CO Ceren oaf 41. Arrow WANTED po;aon OMfMSMT* cuuuvrr ruAVi" *- 43 Finest 41 Likelf Might Staff roanl. <•-"*«< furnished MILL, T»u STUDIO VU1-; JMHIS!7^!'T4? »"*"• • ' 44 >>Ai ISitor men mM want VM.t Expire .. .. wmmate «K a n onth. ED CO S-S1B l-Slk ONE OASACI »P' , 1 .... " 45 Seagull A*«»U«t I, M. CasUtt T«~. -' 44 Eccentric w*r >au«r piece hi-jht RUM JM4V VU »MI». . BRIV PRIVATE, three rooms , S.I6- COOSMW1. kWj Kr>M LlUit.., UU » TICl AI - ' Mkxmmi, a«a> aiipfr . Jaih clo—m. tan, ™ndittao. M ,-I.H- Iwsil Bill Suffers Setback Jaimarr W 1959 Michigan mif wtwi • i 1. «• t ■ ■ • - -.- hltTkm •«.),» nFf -wll parrel May Pressmen S §:!il Face To Catlier -nv ■*« rsrt;. 4 [lections At Kellogg V froou-al l'u«l*t nnnunl Micbltrn«* \ : ;i' tn mflke the Wayne Pre** A**ncihti«»n (MPA) l^j'e t'niversity board ap- convention will be belt! in v«;ve rather than elective KelUw Center Kriday and Saturday. m* offered a probably fatal •.. panting up -enlor picture* . . ... admiring the end product .. Wednesday follow, Nearly 500 editors and pub¬ lishers from Michigan and thelt No Gimmicks. Many Gandids approval by the state wives are expected to attend the convention. After registration F rl d a v ! drew three more only 21 favorable than passage morning the program will start with l?'13 pm a Kickoff Luncheon Sidney Bernstein, ed- at Wolverine Takes New Approach in 1959 2Llv- •ted t? jive it immediate ef- and organisation pictures 1 are on re 1 ned with what i« being • liimmv" copy. Tlie prartlral Ate. will speak on "Newspaper?' erme Jake* .1 new ai'imin* House passage approach to taken by photographers of the done Mum 'he ■a ho. when, or om-inesj of turning in picture* P'.n e in This Advertising Age" the year a' MSU Edi'.-r H"h student darkroom. where." ind written copy got under way i »he governor's endorsement "Fvervman an Expert" dl«cu«- Sladc. w no says he dislikes The 1959 yearbook is. Event* national and interna¬ with the return of a full •♦aff | T'-.v.: immediate effect, the PROF. RII.EY Will speak on pattern and include the student April or early May, and dls- sa.d. The Skv'« No nbution will be announcod Dr. Lucas Dies voire, tpeelal event*, athletic* in .a^s.ige vote, divided on Limit " :he State News academies and service*, student i.n***, except for Sen Saturday's program will start For T. S. Eliot Play it nual » business am with the MPA'* business meeting. Af'er the meeting expert* with an¬ (Continued from Rage I) bv eating an apple a day. Dr Lucas' wi*h to have flower* sent. family doe* not In- group*, unit*, varxltv team*, graduating seniors, index and advertising. living Br.rn n Vienna, Austria. D: Th»* Msr Plbvers have -started rehearsal* for "Murder wrrbb presses, static electricity and off-e» printing will disctm Luc«s gradua'ed from the Uni¬ .dead, it wishes to have a schol- Planning of the 1959 Wolvr- 801 a iak versity of Vienna. He received • rship er'abllshed. called He ne liei{->li nearly A lull >«■;«■ in the ( athedral" hv T. S Kliot. This poetic drama will todnv s printing procedure- his first doctoral degree at th« ! .u< .is Memorial Fund, ..eforc the book will l»e readv ha\e a unique production since it will he At A:4S a.m. Gerald, director which Ki\.i of 'he Kd.nation Building. March 4-7. "Juliud Caesar" played in the of Michigan Innid Roads feder¬ IV'xefsitv of la-ip/tg. Germ an a Me worked • ill provide student *, holai- 'or •rim disti ihution photo La*t assignments spring foi this i1 in Austria, doing ation. will apeak on "Michigan's lups spring event* were made by the ha- '"en rancelletl in favor of "Murder in the Cathedral'* re • n 'liat 'hev oe with used the to¬ .Hiok's Work ayoiit ,»nd Approach. R«Ranbar, \» . • if r» •• C iV^ti* ' ■ *ta(rs in 1939 and has been 1 during the «u orr ds " S tn the Federal Theatre •»f Indiana will speak on 'In¬ professor at Msl' slnee 1911 .cholar*hi|»f in meittorv o'.nths l»> the editor m l the morris hitch in HON York m Lucas Thorr H. *»!.• A; no, • ..p New Citv Since then it dustry l/»ok« at the Grass Roots where he also earned his Ph I) (iigiavitig ompanv • , ned the voa r eiatkat .ft c. ! ;M A D Th, a* Iwen played hv Hie Old Vic Ihess" at the convention lunch- In hotons In 1932. r'tan Vorrii fR-Kalama/oo) ''ompanv. New York theaters. eon at 12 15 pm He «■ 0 «. " known tn fore n joined 12 Democrats m op- Drimi schools universitier An *11 Mi< h s*n dinner wii FREE • 1 -'4g- ,n- Thomaa Beeket, and Claude Agriculture Dept. I'n.'ed .State*, .vas ol m»Ui .m - shirt laundrv • dry eleaitlnf Hun-I*rger. Philarleiptua. is the porta. than hi« work .t*» if Mauler Mavefci «D -en .» T'.c Ui h<< . -,nt»r .cted into ab- erald, Pr est* are Richard To Give Awards , e He donated much *o bring fore VARSITY ORIVE IN archev and platf- {trundle. E'bnt, and Ronald gnera to America. >nd revelvee studenl service* bMf. tramrk i of im Ike hill eventual a* a /tract rm Weaver. Three Rivers Kmghi* The College of Agriculture •he support of many ither *tK»n- (ED 2-6517) aa put »•« which '"ge'.'ier make a will honor it* outstanding stu¬ -or* ;fi this art.\ *\ »•( Diversity uf Michigan U- I? -*•!'. ' li • ,nd te.-np'ers are' Don Rom- dents it the Ag Honors program inio T a. Hlot is known as a tre¬ /ardner, Pont;ac; David Bate* a wftont Hare an n the. Union B* Iroom. ♦onigh" Chelsea Gerald Bate* F^at I^n- durational empire too atise and critical dramatist and at 7. w the leftslatore to eon- poet lie is also a teacher and .ng; and Jon Brokenahire, Clev¬ The main speaker will he Dr lecturer in England and the eland. Ohm The Chorus of wo- •'art Hall. Professor of Ag En¬ "f orktail Parts '' "Familv Re¬ •>en are: Lynda Myle*. Wood- gineering who recently re'urn- I xould re'egate Wayne •« mere SY Judv Spangler. Dr- union." and "Confidential Clerk." ••d from a *our of the USSR ! rta*-» of a "Detroit annex of his other well- iro.t; Thomas:* Mamkaa. Ypsil- are some where he studied Russian agri¬ f -he U of M." known plats. "Murder In fhe ,irt. D:*nr Egei. Nils*. HI. culture and education schoo l.-rh -,«wi said his proposal Cathedral" was a rommissioned Sha: »n Muihern, St J eeph. ann systems. i muntrr to a merger plan Fran Del»r.g, Grand R.ip:d« plat for the Canterbury Festl- Ag scholarship* ea-h aw am* 'H by Clarence Bilberry, A»*i*'# given to outstanding ag jtu- htive process would result .a the de.*igner of the show and dents. Students particip*t. >4j ,r i higher caliber board. Waymon Underwood m the wob- i on'# bill, w h I • h Cnffrr Hour Slalrd MSU Judging 'oama will also nk*l director. receive Special honors. to ha House, would in- The department of mass com¬ t e and doughnut < I board members be selected will be served. nt ma aartv ma ^aa 11 Araaaat aoaoo Ha* mo I «n-rg Wayne alumni. la fta ft Cm* any aeca*lnn that call." for gay. U.U. fpminini' drena-up attire . . . formal" Eut LMMfaw. Mich. and cocktail (lro«"rs In "Mirliny full Dht CM* I «kirt« or ifrareful nht-ath «tyle» . ..' St'* Ska t, net end a pcr-onal invitation for you ■IclH-tahle color" fa"hitinnl In | a anma ftto Mr haute tad take advantage of beautiful fabric", ready and *M*arfal saringi. waiting tn launch you into a f party mood. BeautifuO)r tailored SKIRT*, value, to IK), now | H-j *»«M •< value* to J24.95. now IjCSi S-'«rtft OftM BERM1 DAS, value* to flit, | ptimd at IS. begaat fWSATERS. Shetland* and fanry knit* I "flirty pSmTH^O, aow IOI CUa*ic pull- I -»*r» aa* aagdigaa* sis Thia mm Mala la weak talr. «nd* f*b I. I' "jn't ba Wlaat. i to oar hoot* bow and aaea. Sincerely. THE SCOTCH HOUSE til X Grand Bitrar ED T-0371 /- x • J' ^■*-1 ig't a • I plan Bad Time for N'Western Maxwell's Cagers Toss Out Etiquette Book R, ( tlt'CK RICHARDS 67 Paves comes to social etiquette 1 v ■ ;?an State's basketball p-j.'.r.- aren't particularly *oc- ,y t inclined. That is. where concerned. As hosu th:> basketball in v fokend for their guests, proper etiquette book savs F> • Coach Forddv Ar. the in or* happy not to let them go home Golf Match 'in fact, they arc generally Saturday to ' •« been teaching his Actually, the n0 San Dieao 11 4 v,':«:ie- would provid« i'tm Odes-a Tex pro «hot an •he Suartans • late. two In-M's would a fi-l mean Icagu- 4- individual 3J-34—67 over the ".K .1 par 3fi-3fi — 72 course and hi* (and almost assurance of los* ing first place), and team of Mlly Roberts. Bi'l Mol- a «« Inulrd «n Hip M-!«. In an Intramural aamr Mrdnr.dav obstacle, and the foremost since nUhl Trdav ;hr pros be;in 'he 7?- it romes fir-t. hole Medal P!hv ovei the 7 000- The Mild cat- Packers have -ire. -peed, and yard cot 11 T. Sign Lombardi a line cast of shooters. Fojemo-t candid.itr in the Thev have .me >f the finest •irld .»? ah.nt f»o might oe Ar¬ nold Pi'mei. the 10.78 Ma.-tets enters in the Big 10 in Joe tuckhck ( point- per game Champion and winner of 'he C R F F V BAY Wi- Thundrrbird n league play» Trey have one — leaving thf Giants." Nvnbftrdl effect, especially during the lilt- Invitational last V i n Gw-'hardi •f the be*' i' whose of* said. Sunday a' Palm Springs. H« -hooting guards in fi tor stage- of the 10SR NFL cam¬ fie Big 10 c ■ > — mi: wi/.irdy help- won this event the Inst tune »t ,n N.k Mantis "I'm looking forward to the paign. ml the New Y'rk Glints was staged in 1937. 19 1 And 'o i the> have one of V i* rhal'enge and while I'm not a# he trickiest t-ewards in the ftin on«l F -»tbol' League <110- . familiar with the Packers as I 10 .n Willie J me- U.Yl). i . V. -!i. ' • m ivi»c t« f.»rmu!ut»- «m '•ir top-* Utt i-toti H'»b Anderrgg c *.f-l for cuvv I»nr iuCJu fireen Bay with official* I igh'.h in the league with a 19 4 di. who na %* %-ti tfss formula. Thin year Coach Korddy Anderson ha- .va* Jun lnr.i» > of Ihe Parker- on Monday. >1 a blark«?r»ith. deyignsi S^v •nark »nd Horace W ilker. is vnbltri near-perfect formula for ha-ketiwll hucci— HAVE YOU a n 'he 147-p«>uft(J oia-s 1 m n the unique po-ttion of »f the play* try concert wro .*4th with lit 2 Guard I an nee Gone are the days when State will rte|w>nd on a OUofi has lu ir.i '■•■rv happv to have t">l« Howe I Hut. more tunes ttuin one-man. oe« n hitting at a 10 4 thfl*. Instead balanced scoring, « tiirht impreirnatile de- clip • 'pot unity iii.i vet., to e not, fie myrovised with telling ' But not fme, outstanding rebounding. spirit, and an entire ti>c only effort are the stepping stone- to -ucce— and irreahen /earn reason S'a'c •* favored The VIET THEM? • •V-T-'l THE SIGNIFICANT factor of thi-* -quad i.« it - collective effort. Thin team lack- the biy name pl.ivcr u:#h S; percent from • ,' '.«• = ia-t - 'i>.vc >f ?•■«• •- . aptured roound'. a • ' p cck but still enough 7 Iluffa loAga iust Flay ■ |»r.-,il»!e to lead 'Mereoce haruUtv. mcptifin beintr Ail-Amcricnn center John Green. •"?" State's *tartinif tive are e\|»eriencetl antl vwll-coached •v Ander-on's desire for perfection. So far thi* season. game) kl In '.v c ia Burton -cond .v, «.!.•«•»» in to • Michigart** ri' pel lu Revolt-Torn Cuba State ha- conquered some of the nation'* top team- The MONTREAL Ml — F a o K I.e,?-. when he \v,»< told of record i* now In win*, two In* sen. The onlv defeat* iwinsr a., i- Shaughnes-y. president S' : meiei h rrnnmenU »f MfHli.ii s Interna'. '), i' •- naffer -aid ' ' r e a « u e vi North Carolina State. 7'MJl. and confen n. »• rival Iowa, Ia»guc. -aid Wintm "day its up ■ houl'i continue playing in ( una MR. «» clul. omiui" lo i* the tmie* . "we ate shown fact- un¬ Already Minnesota's Ozzie f'owle* ha- rnneeded State as ic.igie s annual meeting Fiofay known 'n U* now." tft# team to beat for the Hip to ehampion.*hip. The whc'hrr 'hev want their teams Spar- u play m t'uba again thih wa- 'tat are alone on top of the eonferenrc with nine league am outfit* left. In the front line State ha- probablv the highi-t iiimpitig id Shanghnc-y a report " at Buffalo plan- vv i •• ciuinenting SAVE UP TO 2ir of 6-3 forwards in the nation in Boh Anderegg and o .ipp«'-e game- on the island, while ' e Havana Sugar King- MID-WINTER Hffkce Walker. hi e neid in IL franchise since ANDERBGG is < ruirjrod p*rfor»nir «ho i« x bulwark of •w.pth under the liackhonrd*. vlilr % N C v: uljrlirig ni.KON. h4«kwt)»4ll «tnrd: Mirhtgsn Sickness 1934 1*)te' f|i,ci>iion is one f1, m At center ie State', greatest pivotman, jumping-lohn cago hospital with amoebic hand it'* still a dangeroua situ¬ Thia 6-# player, pos.easing unbelievable reflexes, Stota dysentery Chri*trr.a*. »inco shortly after ation," he sakl. referring to the Kr.r AllrrntinnH ♦•cent successful revolt led Written, by hi* feats, a legend in Spartan annals. The Da'e* -aid hi* prize #print«T Fidel Castro against former by SERVICE •f Green U astounding. He is still learning how to proiMbiv would recover in time dictator Fulgenciu Batlgta. Rrxulxri. Short*. Lone* the sport and there's no'telling the height, of •o compels next spring in the 4.19 R. Grand River A different stand was taken outdoor *ea*on. by Buddie Schaffer. RD 7-9171 that await his amazing jumping legs. A Ik.VI Olympian. Murrh.xei * general Kit I II lamiM aid St.iill— manager of the Toronto Mapls The experts hinted that State's biggest problem thi- WlflU ihuik * ports gtfltor eligibility at Weatern M. higan Mh harks baa expired although be still is ■ would be the lack of experienced and competent gs-iutant I srult* \alnoe Jwiurr tt I9S9 — Pag* 9'ivp a student, lie planned to r«»m- llt-lluUr C>».5(l to M5.H0 But Tom Rand and Lance Olson have silenced their petgf unattar he<1 m indoor meet*. ! if THE Both have contributed Immensely to the team's MINNESOTA game, this backcourt twosome See gors. of EUROPE *49.95 - '59.95 - '69.95 confusion In the enemy camp by sabotaging the nt with SI points—Olson collected 17 and Rand It. THE HSU SKI CLUB for ag cost by MIUV UCOITID TOURS GLOBAL OTHER* IfiO.nn to 155.00 _ SALE 5W.SI to $120.00 JThs car alio discount tht valuable performance of the f players Hko Jim I tiiree have Stouffer. Dave Fah* and Art Go*en*. stepped in to capably fill the breach when Also SAVE on Men's 8PORTCOATS SLACKS , f"1 "Pon. =*£ CARCOATi [ vkat thia teams fail* to do Individually, the MSL' qum- * mm Regular 4AI.E Regular NAUC Regular MU ihu done by a team effort—100 per cent. It is the type 'Performance that has thrilled and captured the applause ☆I 99 134 OS tm 914.9ft tm II1M ta •9.99 II 99 M399 !• 414.90 19 tbcal cage (ana. 999 9# 449 99 lit 14.99 44490 -bUm far Value* Value* J4.99 Valuta • NOTICE 1 HMTI 1 Ih—tton t 1 UMTS MgtWMi U . u. M DAT CHARC.K ACCOl'STO to W d to »«u | >ia>0iaiia 1 Of .1 >M A.M. IVUt MORNINO fpt Mn M: mmn 7 1 *1*9 r 171 WVE-M OLEMCRS to nn 1AM • Npl Sslwto. P.M. 31 MUHK TRAVfiL UFME ■aw-nmaapAima Sst^M 130 Wast Grand Rivar a HOLDEN * "f'mmmu Hruodt for Dad and M" REID \ Motoar. r«b. 2 FRAN DOR SHOPPING CENTER ED 2-6667 I to Erase Sior* Oin - * rH„ MM4.M-1h.n4ii.-trM*** MICHIGAN STATE NEWS Jan vary », IMS Foreign Studies Prof At Campus Ag Week To Retire Next Year Slate Service Awards Br WAVE SZOBODY ' Dr. Lee received his educa¬ able to remove many petty rac¬ ial antagonisms existing among For 3 Farm Leaders A mall part of the East has tion from Lingnan College. Canton, China; and Ching Hua the students and gave them a special luncheon for ma fie a sizable dent in the West. Three of Michigan's outstand¬ College, Peiking, China. He was sense of appreciation for their Dr. Shao Chang Lee, distin¬ ing agricultural leaders have -it Farmers' Week. Fa- • also a recipient of degrees from various cultural backgrounds. try guished head of the Foreign been named to receive awards Week is a week-long Yale and Columbia universities. Dr. Lee's attitude toward life event i* Department, is the snYail part fx always expressed In terms of for distinguished service to ag¬ of the East. Before romlng to Michigan the Michigan State Univer*;* relationship with his fellowmen. riculture at Farmers' Week here And all who have known Dr. State In 1943. he wai professor campus. Dates are Feb. 2-6. In his trratment of others he Feb. 4. Lee arc aware of his contribu¬ of Chinese History and Lan¬ tions to the West. guage and chairman of the De¬ ehooses to be guided by this set Lohman is one of the out¬ Dr. Lee, who came to MSU In 1913 and be a me an Ameri¬ partment of Oriental Studies at University of Hawaii. He was of Wesley's rules. "Do all the best you can — standing farm cooperative sec¬ retary-managers in Michigan and Local AALP can citizen in 1950, will retire visiting professor at Lingnan by all the means you can —to in the United States. t»hman is from the faculty next year. He will leave behind his im¬ rniverslty. Canton, China, in 1935-36: and University of Cali¬ all the people you can — as long as ever you can." When confronted with the also a leader in many state and national farm groups. Inculded Repeals Vow* print of cultural brilliance and fornia in 1957 and 1939. in his record of service is presi¬ The American The modest oriental scholar question of student-instructor dent of the Michigan State Poul¬ Association warm personality on those stu¬ relationship, he replied, "If stu¬ University Professors, in •< so- dents. educators, and townspeo¬ has s|>ent most of his life edu¬ try Improvement Assn. ca! dents made an effort to become chapter, reiterated its car- ple who have known him. cating and understanding stu¬ Simmons, who recently re¬ acquainted with their instruc¬ paign for further improverf,' Al! foreign students on cam¬ dents, East Bfld West. His only tired as manager of the Michi¬ in faculty and staff organ. purpose is to contribute n small tors, they will find dut that the HAS'IM OF TOOLMAKKR trad Ruh hlthllfM la Wa«rah,f». OtrmM. pus ran meet and discuss topics gan Milk Producers Assn.. is re¬ and legislative power on VtSVt link in the chain of understand¬ latter are quite human." Ihe kitvi h. ha, fa.hlon.d lata vmhlaan* a# pi common interest because of spected throughout the United campus. ing that must bind the peoples During his tearhlng career. Dr. Lee's foresight in establish¬ States for hi* ability as a dairy This opinion was in of the East and West. Dr. Lee has written a number ing the Intci national Center and cooperative manager and as a tion with President J *n a the annual International Festi¬ While teaching at University of hooks inrluding, China: An¬ cient and Modern; An Ontllne No More Delav foremost authority on milk Hannah's statement at a rccrr val in 1944. of Hawaii for 21 years, he was History of China: An Outline marketing. staff meeting to the eft-- th*' History of the United States (In Van Akcn. who operates a 400- there is need for further Chinese) and Popular Budhlsm In China. Dr. Leo'g work will not come School Board Ixtses Plea ncre dairy and poultry farm in Eaton county, has been a leader provement in faculty and tt*« organization at MSU. The local chapter of AAVP in Michigan conservation activ¬ to a halt with his retirement stated that it wished to ga r- ities. His own farm is an ex¬ next year. After a year of travel and research, he and his wife Nora will return to East To Keep Out Negro Students cellent demonstration land use even though of good its topo¬ record of the as endorsing '.he fourth "Principles of Facul'y. Administration Relation r:r« ™ graphy and soil type are such This principle MP Lansing as permanent residents. He expresses the wish to main¬ ALEXANDRIA. Va.. f/P> — four girl* were "not seeking for admission of the Negroes to that many conservation prob¬ states tha» faculty of the university fVof: the The Arlington County (Va.) lems exist tain rontart with the students crocodile tear* for their welfare." Stratford Junior High School. have ultimate legislative po-**r school hoard Wednesday lo«t its The presentation ceremonies and nlso plans to do some more but only their constitutional Jame* Simmonds, a school over educational polices w.rr.- hid to delav from Monday until will take place following a -V" writing and lecturing. right*. hoard attorney, said he wilt in the jurisdiction of test fac¬ next September the admission Judge Bryan, make another bid for a delay ulty. of four Negro girls to a white in denying any delay, said he knew of no This will be done in a petition to Swiss Professor USAF Sends junior high school. changed condition* to Ju.stify his Chief Judge Simon Sobeloff of WORLD Of HIM Lecturing Tonight Hive U. S. District Judge Albert Brvan rejected the board's plea, changing an order he issued last the U. S. 4th Circuit Court of I $ Atlas ICBM based on the contention admis¬ sion of the Negroes in the mid¬ September. The judge then had set next Monday'a* the deadline Appeals. Simmonds said he will a*k Judge Sobeloff to delay the Dr. Hans Carol, noted Swiss f/mfwMllfi admission of the Negroes until geographer and specialist on Af- law Ct dle of the school year would be 4,500 Miles detrimental to them. Frank Reeves, an attorney for .lots Sorietv to Meet the Supreme Court c;in tic ask- ed to review the case rea. -Xill give an public lecture on ways of life illustrated WASHINGTON