Michigan Slate News Michigan State News Landlords An lib Ifcsl PllDUMM SB CUM Myi MiBflat Read Dally by MSL's 25,000 Students and Faculty through Friday uieluNva. during (ail. winter and spring Unas except holidays, weakly fr~— Til# Michigan Stat* News Is published oy student* ol Michigan S»;tfinfh«UBD. fvmjp. Weetlnfhouse, '"d ,*» »,d'* poup Exceller.t rliy«e-in ■><*§? their composure just because a resdlutlon has been passed CATHOLIC RTCDKNT 4 toyi . !»•••••••••*' e*«oo ||5 - - - Toidv aeiit. ft — Mdies "—"n«,Prtc# * J~ bnxx lint, Price include* (urni»hir?v s-.i fc' ORGANIZATION cation it going to have a lot to aay these days gbout those MM qhnes Rife 7. Dke "ex. V> TD-D- cn en *Q eqiilpment Phnre 't-div -- . So collect them? ( dtyi ^ I f-07*7 19 tails and appointment ' " 4 p.m.. Catholic Student Cen¬ who Ho and win. Tha ease in point la Raymond Wuriel. .ertson Peterson Realty Co. R*»!to Thto Is where the "enllylitenlnt; fact" becomes evident. __ - ter cafeteria. Coffee hour. additional charges CRArrSMAN CUSTOM CHASSIS; IV MWU gv>ntn«». ft) 3-* There has always been thai faction of students who have CANTRRBimY CLIl the Port Huron Republican who recently won tho chair¬ radio. TV combination lli-fl at less; • . man's seat an Mirhigan'a House Committee on Education Mr Mrit wwd m II than 'j lt« rot? IV y-TRJI IT constantly complained that the standards of this university 8 p.m., All Saints Cburcfc 8c SERVICE If your memory U sharp, you dc, RAcnvrr hi-fi ( ABInft ,nrt •ro not as high as they should he. Also amony this emup Work party. ^ ipenker svatem Eifht inch mid ranre * SATI'RDAY may remember Wuriel aa the WQ MCAKFAST I0NUS •rt thosa who ara taking potshots at the financial state 'eglalator who was temporarily AIITOUOTIVP I WMV/ 'IV C Breaker and hifh frequency tweetei Ideal fot «n'all room u«e IV GOOD C«Mf, PF.RNHfNO Rirt.FN if this blatitutlon at the present. Invariably, these are the 7 30 p.m., II Item Halt. Nigh disqualified from the IBSt •tac¬ FRESH Spuel-;'i earns people who are h.ndirnplnir the library and student corn pass course to be run. tion campaign bacauae ha was USED BARGAINS-'TELEVISIONS. I QUICK Serve, Aenrlng a* a state representative I rOfriFrratoTR. sutomatle washer*. body by such a device as stealing hooka. HILLEL FOUNDATION and member of the Fart Huron Iff* FORD P• c'ub tsds*. Rs- I rsnfi * Major brand* PMr»-s Mart | SFUDNUT SH0» HiIU-l H'Hltb, MS OondvDSr Set vice Store 1110: A talk with library officials served to emphasise just 4 p.m^ at Board af education at the earns /J2 MAC Ope»« ti.« te » NI'NDAY « % d'O, tester, Ita-ds-d trs««mi| E Michigan ti-S4 e- haw much of a handicap this lose of hooks really Is. Front CATHOLM NTI'DKNT fim#. f'se. Lew • CLOBT. IN BIN blerks from down- TOUR DIRT* W0« 7:30 p.m., Union. Topic wt« fbtahl sash Volumes as they have ne IS afttee with man ay far alasaraain ^2 I'-eeii I a '#» e»'« Capital Punishment MODERN. PRIVATE, three room, 4C< cash «-d s#'*y *re- o hulldlnga, raaaarch pro)aria, etc. PROBI.KM h> not hidden undor a bushel. Mature INCHAM ft KNI6HT AUTO SALfS bath rompleteh furnished UHlitie, hy reeuirtng atudento te sign included I-arse r|»«et* drawer martforo laun:r» nU raalise the neriousiirs* of the matter. II C han presnlaaory notea pladging what spare Adults IV MMI t( IMC L Miakifre 40a N. GRAND LANS Hft «tmplif>ad tha rattiming of the hooka by their generou* ffuatarmen rails "a guarantaeo ONE OR TWO xfniiant. to »h -w p m. ED T-4TD5 n AVAILABLE t'EHNt*ARY 5th Ft* RADIO. TV HI-II ta •» t4ie atudenta themselves. Tiie university has. after all. been By El) H.Ol'RNOY — • i-rptlooelJ* nice urniw N la f.n College v\ alnul Lane Da* af "4 eatabtlahed for Ihe atmlonUs. Y\e are just repaying it for BEYOND A DOUIfT. "I Want ta Uva" opaninc taday ftirdomalir ED f-SSai) II ft.her bus S*» (V 5-1575 17 7-33(5 Ht the Michigan Theeter. Is tha strongest diatribe against Tha lewmakar teals tha com¬ E SIDE FURNISHED two-bedroom' tour LAUN:»' mon* mods hy tha MffU hitch¬ oapital punishment and new .paper sansatlonalism that has hou»e or Aral floor onlv Utilltieh, fttratton's ifor if car cintkr dulie* shower, parkins IV 5-0944 17 EiCKiO UF AND Dtm«ia hikers he picks up en k* week¬ reached the American screen in tha hlatoryr af filmmaking. Itif t Ml*k.«re IN DORMS ly drives to end from Fort Hu? A few years age when Barbara Graham, notad "Good-time •n indicate the students would s»-b :5c » * « girl," lawanir thr fnurih woman Is ha axarutad la Calt. he willing te aecept We plan. IS!* VOLKSWAgftN Wavh ft C-y C- « I LANSING LAUN9FT fornia'a gua chamber, there waa a great daal af daaht loads w one ehvtot>< LOST gnd FOUND ivit fo."d. Cs? io pCO*. 227 MAC •'* alauit her guilt. — these who ha*. She he«l been accused of tha murder af a Mrs. Mahal » ?H THE nXERT IN , PUvho plan lightly had ! indin. Phone a 19* ButterfieuT t» ( °m#0. 1 Mouaham of Uurbauk. Since har formar aeaoelatae Parkins Mar w Boot y ore*ena. J* * their eyes to the fact test a' v«iia and Santo refused to absolve bar of guilt la tha criina aha coalition of Do* on nan end l«*T P VI— or n vk-m- J*' **°" ».«<»->« i IV <-<:;< 11 'V »-*»* the Mil through the House with executed after a length* trial and aavaral appaala. I's-ds'd WIIX THI PERHON who ex- A MMIIV Jtvrill# rs* enough momentum to escape changed a hint-blue tnpeoet become a charter , member of Phi Ri^ma Kappa Meet; beta IV M'4' Gruhatn, too late, of course! * igan Higher Educational Assist¬ S2HS you at open rush Monday nigh' Don.j ' Tlte great deal of doubt about Miss Graham's guilt in ance Authority to aid needy 17 WANTED the actual case is all hut removed in the film which con¬ students gam a higher educa¬ | MARTY jAMiraONB DIXIE-Land 1 1 11, ,==^?.l r- . tion through staie-p r o v i d a ti 1412 MG Nte tot f re [Jan B-nd Pa it-tax 'danvwa. *treet! CLARINET PLASFR clusively shows her to be innocent. Nevertheleee we aae the wradet tunarais T-4I Waal Bhaxc.itor Dixieland Hand «. g low-telecast teaua t Off Erat — »a * * Maaosh. T41 W. ana* EO i* public officials as well as the news media at work ta pro- on OAKAO. XI"*1 •" The detaiU are complicattd KWAtT BAKERY DEUVEBS in- euro a maximum penalty for her. wi Uividuaily dixuratad cake serving It I«n «• and will need "much study." wftkCOMi rtAOfs lof IS SB Phono IV 4-grsi Mora WHEN THE FILM was released. H met with opposition says Wurael, but the reasoning on ant cars I SB am. tf trout several people Involved in the actual aaea: thay ac¬ behind the hilt la sound am* ca. roeTwTr^r-.rf * Wurael predicts "Uw uay things cused it of being distorted and highly firtionaliiad. Director Robert Wise and writer Nelson Gidding insist are going thaaa days, ws jus' EMPLOYMENT might need something along EART-TTME WORK B fll .our that Barbara Graham's innocence or guilt i* not the pri¬ thw line." arret Named male fc or alder mary issue, it is the existence of a judicial and penal eys- Whether etther of the Bower »r Leoaing area Appi< Sis E Michigan Larvaln, anvtime our- man plans survive the many tcm which permita such a situation a* this U> develop and lag tho dav |f legislative Pitfalls still ui store be consummated by execution. far thorn is mare conjecture. At .'•AavtrrrER Sadat, between and la-u, Enday What thr viewer thinks of capital punishment may large¬ Hi neat, only one ihu Tranaoortati»n pi irovidod *..me even- ings. Wan paid Contact Nan. CD- ly influence his opinion of the film, but by all mean,, R is guile aorta in. 3-4373 _ Saturday or Bun da* after an interesting and well directed one which offers much to Wurael Is even no ft a* with amendments which trill think upon. Indeed, the viewer even witnesses the entire FAiT-TIME 31 year* or strengthen both kill and resolu¬ Vomty Cod Co tit aieiwi execution, cyanide eggs, sulphuric scid. glass-walled gas vlminber and all. tion. Ha seems deteftnined to sea the opportunities offered ky mj eJHH Susan Hay ward has become so export at playing dawn a higher education aa tended to FOR SALE • T#i.» I-. a c*<+*> U' all whe art capable et taking and out women that we are often inclined ta forgot aha •««.- umm ad lings of them. Hte eteve- TV a a T^-c*. (.«-« Is acting at all and consequently begin ta fast that Hay- tion te the educetten s—mlttes • ■* S.V. Alt,-.- a «M H*< J is wsixl is Grsham. A good supporting cast, some excellent chairmanship in b* second term (on •01 COLOKEO GUI* *Uk cocktail diaoa. never worn cr.il-1 Per.; •SICE »l«?J0 WITH fHA n«MS mark him as a rising indueoce CI WIU CCNSI0W SOME T.APE •IHari black snd white photography and editing, and juat the in the state Rcpuhhcsn party i*4"* Sue 9-IS ED M457. ongi-val tf right touch of contemporary music create the necaasarv C.1 all! rer a mi wbe never went to L.N04L1 IIAiTY COX*ANT atmosphere, but the iwal show is all Hamnrd'a, mt aha mekaa tha moat af H. > seems ta he dteng a dSSw&SMwi Hi* 8 MakifM Am. xw.ne HMBHftHfai"! -j#k» v m&iL i . - ■ Wiancko. Kichler (o \arr;rtc MICHIGAN STATE NFWS January SO. 1950 VISU Travel Series to Show Miehffsn Stat* News Campus Classifieds Vour Key to Better Values Page Three . . . Films on Yugoslavia, Franee Attend Church This Sunday ►Yugoslavia." (jer.e narrated Wiancko, will be shown b y ated Arctic Ocean. from small ship* in Dur.ng two the countries and brings exper¬ rchj^TI . ■-If-. -f; , VJ EAST LANSING MyosBttBw •oriay in the Aud. in he Arctic, he produced a years iences of people in far-nff. fas¬ The color film, which appears Photographic documentary of the cinating lands to his audiences. CHURCHES ■ ft? •►rough the university's World He has made educational re¬ , > ■. rarely seen Travel Scries, will begin at 8 strange land. wonders of that leases for Encyclopedia Britar.- ■ %' 1 nica Films and Coronet, and his : f T. Wiancko, radio producer, nar- A of C alifornia graduate of the University still pictures have appeared in -martin lutnir -ut ra:or, writer and explorer, was f'»r his authentic Wiancko \% noted portraval af leading national magazines. _ university lutneran peoples church christian first church of different ways of |ifP; his nar- rations the attitudes and bring into sharp form chapel church east lansing student christ scientist and reactions, Joys dreams of the people—the rral and student center lands. meaning of life i„ other sundae srnmrtt !B Wart OraM Bleat at Mtrtilgan foundation flranrh of Hi# Motnat Church Iha Firti Churrh a« Chnat In making his film "Yugo¬ (National Lutheran Counr|l> slavia, Wiancko encountered Manilas • Worship Mbaoan irea and 11:11 BKV C BRANDT rEPPT Partar SrirntMt BottnU Ma** i n Kmnd) Division at Am Straai 14* • r.rana Rivet many obstacles One problem •to E r.rana ««« 4hk*N Etal Rtvar wa-i that iTno biocha North at Barhev Rav Joianh Portar. he had to make his Haiti Minutar motion picture of Yugoslavia cuapci rn /-ant ^ PD J-MT1 ar KB ?-?1U • '■to STUDENT ROUND TABI.R without the permission of at Coltaaa Hntur the Yugoslav authorities. He env¬ SUNDAY WORSHIP t-tv ami* sm«y Mr ■I'NOAT RERVlri SM oi »■'he A tt:lh» Worship Bart lev country rr.W the Tha Service: §:M. IS IS, ant tt:,l# at Subject port hern arr.c nl Slovenia to iarmon T«ptr: Proplra ClMirrh "t.OVK" the southern wilds Cort tup par. 'of Mace- communion at aft morntnt arrvtraa do;..a, talking privately to hun¬ Cawimj Patta Program < p.m. "TMP HOtarHOt p OF COD" Sermon Toptr: Hf»dini Room dreds of Yugoslavs. His great¬ 5 :to ill w r.rana Rtvar est hv Dr. P Marion si mm* Campn* Vaipart hazard, however, was in Patpara lill pa "1IPAD TEMPTATION" getnng back out of 'he country, Vunary •Inn. luav I'hura f i t". Mill Host HporUn I'rllow.htp 1 on ana lam under the nose? of the customs Vaapara: l aa p m In first rxiliontr prniram »pnn- - t p a Interim patter tn Donald Ovtner aorag h* ChrUttan Coutirll of Work guards, with 3.inn feet of cx- Vaapart Toptr: Frtaay P"wd ard-uncenvored color film. Its* Paaa Ave To|»lr; » am *A OFN'ERATION OP Churrh achaal GENS WIANCKO France." 3 color film narrat¬ KENNETH tlCHTF* ■alt. ITCItlMi "Chrlttian* latat Only 1« Ha ed Mlchifaa PAIR" by Kenneth Riehter. will he L'tri Hv tiort .mil lor \e illhar In his film "France." Riehter •tie A.M. >r» If years an exploration geo- shown Saturday in the MSU II.to AM 1'iirpoir" , attempts to explain why today's Paraonage Ma. Ok i-.'M Stutfanls ana PacuMy Walram* All ar* Mriroma to attana J >vm ist. He was in charge of Auditorium Frenchman behaves politically Crth ream uirangh nigh schaai asa 1'iarxona Walromc Srrt lrr» •trading ana \i«lt ana um Churrh the ce SO-msn exploration' party The Iw'ure-film. a feature of Room as he does. •y*p work led to the discovery the \Vo;!d Travel Series, will The audience will visit the • -*e world's northernmost gas bi „ : ,• K p beitiiiful cathedrals and castles I *>d. «t Point Barrow, Alaska. Kenneth Riehter. photograph, •of France and will learn much st. john church methodist church of Kf »!so directed a scientific ex- ratory venture which oper¬ er his and lecturer film work in the enurse of has covered St about the geography of the ed6ew000 eastminster east lansing country and the way *he earns her living. They will learn thp i cathouc student east lamsm6 peoples church presbyterian trinity church CCIV Schedules Exchanges, effects of two great wars on her soils and become familiar with, (enter her social problems. _ •M N BapaReeu church I fa Spartan A venae To Consider I Vroposilions Roaa Pr R Ratananth Ml M.AC Pr IraMa P Elppla wesley foundation II hiaaht uarlh at Orhna Rlvan Rav Rohan L Mnreiana Mlnlvlao io A Hihle I'earMnt Mi on tr¬ the lantar of l ast I.anting T fie k ha* Council made for Christian plans for a s« r« the Wedev Foundation Me'rojxt'dsin travels to Methodist STATE SunSay Maaaaa WMaau N TeaaanS, Rav Ray rnimnn A Mnrnaum Miniatat itv Oivi.Mtn ►treat Rahlnaaa O Lapp. Mtnl.tav SI NOAY N*y K EtGfNk n of exchange meetings, U- Churrh ;n I*•»*r*»i* for a week¬ i'koi.hvu WILLIAMS. 1U l t i E L Jr 1 '«r. its member groups, fur end S to • l«:to • II:» High Srhoo! aiv Ahhoit pa Patter wm.nar on 'he Inner-City. | t purpose of debating, d»s- The group will observe the (Dahy rtttlnc at «:# A • M a.m. Churrh Srhool jnd ind considering four fu'.i v ac »f 'he-Department of IS to htody- 1 ••or.a. Aduli worship aiRvit aa Maaaat) offrrrd Tc propositions. The mo !- p m!,c Welfare R ia a m A it to a m I chrlvt and 'he Detroit «* seen m «•••- lour tiot- it to a in '.vUl be held on the tli -t Pubic pala Warrrn II Vlnrrnt. irathai (.od'. f.lor.itl.m Housing Commission DaBy Manaa SMI » Sito y «# a m ha# YOUTH SUNDAY* ? Tha Ilia Tr.lamanl Proplirtv of Hit KarvanH" I s.-diy of A N. Ca«*r hrhoot February. March. A jc.i el discussion on ' The One lito, k Nttl at r Herrtaee R« llarrv •» Wise tearher 1 \;r. 1 «nd May. **Chrif1ians K\- Em«-:g-.'ig Cni'iirr of Israel" CirfnhMI mb lito AJS b rrmon hv Hrv Nnhln.on ft 1 The ctrrl.tlan Faith lodav !:•»• am. On saaaf Dr l.*pp Tom t.rarn. trarhrr Aim j it Only to be Used by God" will be field it Hill"' House at •:» P.N. taller Beaary) Tilt* Carol into Ml.* Baihara Malt 4. Tha Way of IMvrtpla.hlp II* Madr II Aialn" r.n be the topic of disrti.s «n 4 pn <.cnial.iv Sunday, mem- It am- htata Thaaira Rohan Mnreiana. laarliar III'HER RFRYICES I e Sunday's exchange mect- •anrSrt MM R f:to-sto PN XiiMrry for knih Kanirra 1 n a in yundav b>- * Hi • *a!l hmd ,4 -kj'- l«;t§ am. Nrhool with • W'or.hlp and . ronilnnloc rla«. Inr loitrr.tt. student* i ir.g ' i Y.i < 1 t ovirt Pub- CATBOI IC Churrh Sfhoot 1 hurrh *r»d* .od hrtnoil under tor thilrtrrii third t Th# Fellowship of Religion* lu i.nk. t" .wed by ITI'DEVT OBOAMI* in put rrliillv Collegiate |>|. slipper at Ion *hip 1 nit ri tio. | otliersn I Corrals meets Sunday evening the II.: • H US'- RATION NPPTS SUN DAT IM • m Collage Claa* Wrairt nil » u 111 .it s r 111 ink iirni iaaoilallon mu- I & the Union. Guest speakers, I 3*r.ard Du/Tey, associate pro- Will The ur.ivrt •id n •. YM< A YWCA -paUh party m MUNtDNQ 9iN PN Mnti*a liiiS a.m. ah Ate* (•titles hll'I'IN All Cnlvrriii* siudanit Walcama 3 win'et rue ■»« catUr School ICR Clam - Il ea I s. r of English, and Carl he Lan-ina YWC A pool Sat- Phona KB t-SVN TWO TOWERING Hifh irhato PaUowahip-i la I professor °f English, will 4v evening. Refreshments 1 am STI DIMh WLLCUMB I .acuts Zen Buddhism. he o Mt-d at the Y House. ANTAGONISTS Of "TMi TEN COMMANOMENTS"! au saints SOUTH liPTUI CHUKH Jmn Latin' idtm Hmtom a* Gtnwto first wesieyan methodist church Amtbtm limkmml episcopal church •aulh Bathlagion At Moorra Ritai Drira •ari P SuB«*a n n •to Ahhatl ImI - BD Mttt Bramoa# 4 BaU .unday trhuoi - »«» AM Rat Johe P Parte* - Chaplain vim t, in* W or.hip - M 110 %M V oiiih yert ir* !• to 4.M Blhla - t ea I'M trhaai Bear, coltaga Claag lausht STYLESHOP to t»r ivriling Strvlea — , da I'M Bevl« Watnaar. watorai Raiaaaa bapx.. mm SPECIAL INVI1ATION■ Unmarried Madron i« vanng p*ap|*r In Ray •cheat rlaav taaght ny Br Burt an Thavn, a Michigan Mate SB antlan Canaaltam MM A N RPBMON 3 lunaa?* •-wyjn • to PN RHBMON east lansing unity centh isfofi • to PN IMI fan MOBNINB WORBH •V N A.N. ir'nss- -NOBE UTATELY MAN MONK" •nnRny BaRnm II A M ••IBDIE CIBCLP mtrnm BELEM CLARK * ' •UNBAR BUI It IBM ► Ma aaavtaa Maatoa Rue mm* Perm Um IN AN. Hi IM PN. WaRnaaRav MaaMng •:« p.m - atudv clnaa •xraiajsrs. TEXT - "HOW AWHNtoR WHD Utolp MhaR to ChUaMaaMt Ltoi hRBtol I URED TBL'TH" fan christian (hunk wrl'i • tBlMHIto to ChNNi VISIT THE UNIVERSITY CHAPEL wd- ,V:'t'* IIN a.a •MR l« C.VP. (« PA I <»• m m ouvet baptist CaB BD R-NM fust presbyterian CBfTRAl METHODIST nth-city WartRip •arvtcaa at « to aai II iN BBS • i SM P.M ftonr CartoN iito pjs •.-to a.m RRRRap Bitoa hrnnto "Termite from Man" ITMR 11 to am Mamlm Nsrahtp •• •a aaR into Via pn Yntrth I, 1* tm PN rwa naeepertaitoh Mnvtot T.-to pn Evanlna WnatRBp Sarylaaa William Dv.Aetata pararhing Mr Knhyn rimiir to wth Drr— Shoe* siaias MS SBRdP 9 •••Ray Sahnai m n# Tanna ARnlta lanRgf lot NEXT ATTRACTION Catotto N R rniBRN CharaB "A iANSMG CBdlAl FKE UNNBSAUST 0kb40s baptist 7.90-10.90 HAM ESCAPED" MHNOOOT CHINCH UMTANAN QNKN kthany baptist Sport* - Flat* by Coanie ERtoB htototo ..ooLtarBfiasTa^. '■tor TIA* . . an .IN aa syrn nsstJi •MS A.M •SRHtoc WaratoR It MR a.m •lit R4B •ill P.M a* • UM mm w Ei t.-m pto l*M» A.M AtiNfM Nnpto NrrHBb N«R Baiatoj-ftto n» cwRfe « m Uft RRBP* um «a« crra-.taniT® ^jmtAJsar,nsr, f*aaaa *a« ».B »-«Tto tot a ORa r'-' - •. s ?• f Iiiurj 39.1959 MICHIGAN STAT* NEWS Page Foor Gymnasts Face Ohio State To Purdue State Ice Team Off Knline Signs Contract Minus 2 More Performers Wrestlers To the Northlands GYM CHANGE Ski Report DETROIT W) — Al Ka line M flie site for Saturday's Alum¬ Thursday signed his 1939 con¬ Capt. Cal Olraii afl- ni tennis mwt has been changed irora gym 3 to gym 2. Both Traverse City and erfae Cab- reported excellent skiing tract with the Detroit Tilers to so Undefeated in three matches far this season, Michigan star: Stan TaraMa, Big Carry Six conditions as a result of the become the flrst player to close State's gymnasts will meet their 19 hortsesital her champ, and Will Battle Michigan Tech , . . . CAMPUS CLASSIFIEDS . HIGH READF.HSIMP . . heaviest snowfall in years. Hol¬ iday Hills has • 42-inch base. a deal with actlni general man¬ ager Rick Terrell. second Big 10 foe—Ohio at Columbus Saturday. State— sophomores lata Daniels and Chuck Thsmpsan, who have given the sgnad hadly-needed Sophomores In Weekend Series for 1st The Buckeyes are also unde¬ Six sophomores are on strength In tambllng. trampo¬ Mich¬ feated for the year, having If CANT READ, jumped University of Chicago tnd Ball State already. line and free exercise. Sophomore Hal Shorr will igan State's wrestling team traveling squad this week as the With back-to-back victories over Minnesota to its credit Michigan State's surging hockey team takes to the rosri f THE PICTURES The Spartans, already operat- ng without the services of in- join the tumbling crew, but the grapplers go to Purdue Saturday for their first away dual meet for a two-game series with Michigan Tech at Houirhton. 'T>&*Xaws. eligibles Ted Muzyczko, Dick Spartans will be a man short of The Spartans dumped Minne¬ the allowed three on trampo¬ Coaches Fendley Collins and sota last weekend 5-4. on suc¬ rald Fabbro. The Coppo line h. Becker and Sandy Horn and injured Tom Werthmann, lost line. Gale Mykles are counting on cessive nights, to elevate them scored 72 points In 13 games wo tumbler-trampolinists this Ohio State, known for out¬ their wresSgrs to pick up when into national recognition and a 31 goals and 41 assists. week when Roger Tuomi drop- standing divers who often dou- 'hey left off last week and come possible trip to the NCAA M8U*S "power Una" consist }--• > v"* ^ - . jed out of school and Tom Tem- bld as trampolinlsts and tum¬ championship playoffs. jle was added to the .ineligibil- blers, is expected to show its through with their second Michigan Tech is one of th ty list. strength in these events in the straight dual meet win. hockey surprises of the year. Th Their main strength will come person of Tom Gompf. The two met in a quadrangu Huskies have won 19 gam* lar tournament earlier this year against three setbacks and hav State took the tourney and Pur¬ a 5-1 record in Western Colics, due was last, but Mykles expect? iate I Jockey League. to meet a stronger squad. State has won three, lost tw» DO YOU Undefeated Norm Young will lead his fellow sophomores into and tied or.e, petition. in the same corn Overall the leers »r .9-2-1 for the season A swec, competition. Other flrst year I.EAVE THE DANCE FLOOR of the series at Houghton wouh I men are Gucciardo Jack Benson (123). Bill (137), Duane Wohl- put the team at the top of th* I' WHEN THE ORCHSTRA PLAYS THE fert (137), John McCray (167) league. and Mike Senzig (heavyweight). Michigan Tech will send one MEL CHRISTOPFFRSON Gordon Johnson. (137), a junior of the highest scoring lines in making his first start, and sen¬ the country against State to¬ ior Jim Ferguson (177) round night and Saturday night in Paul of captain Joe Polano, Ten out the team. Coppo, John Kosiancic, and GcT- Moroney, and Dick Hamilton : right in bark to Tech s line ir. 1 scoring with 70 points on KI OPEN FRIDAY K: 9:39 TIL • goals and 36 assists. The Huskies have best one goal stoppers in the leigye of the I I in veteran George Curulirk. Cu- I 2-DAYS culiek has averaged 23 5 a game and has' allowed ? ? i | FRIDAY * SATURDAY goals-per-game. Backing up State's po i. ^f offense will be senior -Wry-**, •nan. Ed Pollesel polle«e! •* SALE fourth in team ceived :anw a scoring, and re-1 praise for the gres'edl college defenseman e.rrl played." in last Saturdsv'«-«in| over the Gophers. SPORTSWEAR The Spertan* have another I r' — 1 • RACK — strong defensive factor in M#|l Christofferson, who ha: enierf.I SPORT ed as the best defensive forA-arjl in MSU's hockey history Courl-f COATS ed with Glenn VALUES TO MEM Christofferson serve* « — NOW — "penalty killer." Abe Sapentein Propose* Mi I Deeert Del roil SAN FRANCISCO OP) -A* Saperstein, owner of 'he Har« Jem Globetrotter*, said Thurz day ho and a group of !v* As. gelea businessmen are dickering J • i for a National Basketball Am riation franchise for I/* Ange^ loa. "If the NBA doesn't cone 1 the coast by 1960 it's crazy.* lid. "And the to come out is through res'uf ment, not expansion to 19 citts The loop should get rid sf P troit and Cincinnati." He said Detroit is s bawbalf football and hockey town whil^j Cincinnati goes only for ball and college basketball. He criticised both NBA r ident Maurice Podoloff mi \ NBA --/jg Buffalo Fencers Here Tankers Ho|ie to Make I fencing First Boilermakers 3rd Victim the EAGLE CAFE State eoR'.vroRv LA.xsisa Harsity Event fS9 TAiinclads |]n IM Building Naws^P* Michigan* State tankers are son The ;?ophomore ii coming out to rack TRY OUR CHErS 8PECI.AI, uo a third Big 10 along well, but needs time be¬ Get First Test Victory Saturday travel to Purdue for dual when they swim fore becoming a real threat. Billy Steuart ha* consistently STRIP Srei OIN STEAK meet. Toarh rharlee 8ehraltt«r'a *'»f" 'art, rait., At Ann Arbor CViach Charles McCaffren will turned in excellent time* in the distance event*. His top time » I.EAS MEAT — M..W twiny I* <"rt for mutant — Carolyn Valone take a full team to Purdue with for the 440 yard freestyle l« Convenieirt „ fir«ta tonlrht. January ta. IMS Michigan Stated 1959 tn- a lineup similar to that used in :37 70. Steuart ha* also been P,„ F)r, 'previous.-meets. il'mr track .quad will receive valuable in the 400 yard free¬ [ ~-e ntardsmm have the hon- Although State won't reallv . 4 tiaa'tnf the ftret Inter- its first teat of style where he ha* been push¬ ATO the meet top competition vanity event In the ". pi buildliif when they Rom/IS Oi cr in Saturdays Michigan AAU at Ann Arbor. season BOB A NOBS BOG. MleMfta diana next comes week. Purdue to East until l^nsing cannot In¬ be ing Patterson. In the butterfly. Art Maftwtil has taken over the number one on the n]o at I hi the gym. They Univeralty of % E/», .>2 la 20. With nearly «*> en trie- In the Btate ward Starting uys: taaketkatl for¬ 'The IwHiewt In a overlooked as a Boilermakers, lacking team bal¬ threat. "Hte l»osifion. He will have to ehop j tiro he luuhtiif far their tn IM J-cvent meet. Coech Tren Dlt- h couple seconds off his times —,e» •» to eeeaan. Cngc Play •rich l«n'! (nine «U' on a limb pep rally la an tndiratlon a# barking af the leant. Mr The heme ance, lost an outstanding per¬ former. backstroker Eversman, to score in the Coach bigger meeta. McCafTroe plans on 'reenyetlnf ki M -fll be Br fOIIV IlrtTTY o orcrlirl bow well his 'hinrled through graduation. gJaiilltar, Jr., Dick •quad will do. ••urt hi an advantage and a pep Frank Modine, breostatroker, to Alpha Tau Omega. and Terry Oilmen. Tbeta Ch: and Bo'a HBWB Tbcta PI The Sp,-lan. Win have a M- tnlly will make the team aware ad the spirit behind HfPm." An- f'aptain Dim done well, hut ha* not yet bit Patterson ho* hK below 2:20 for the 200. Al¬ ready thi* acooon he boa better¬ A.'X —n - wtn fee eat te keep wm* vtrtnrloua m IM basket- man -earn competlnf with some deregt la referring to the Pep hi* peak for the 166 yard free¬ ed the NCAA record in 2:22.8. katron't record rectiete. te biTl game? held Of the ration', Z feet meet I art weak he had Thursday in gnett runners Bally to be held tonight at 7. A style. He should be dowp to Jen is on Gym when -he starter', rm echo.- parade will begin at Bntterfteld :48.6 by mM-lftma. Army Garnrrr PoinlM ' ji |M record. !n one of tht first contest? •brooch Yost Fietdhouae. Army ROTC riflemen won the i Hall, prareed to Snyder and Pi,, Jidinaco. captain Steve ATO downed Sig Ep. 52-20. The Titay', orc'imlnerle. wilt dr. then to Jentmm Fieldbonae. Bruee Netzer l« alated to iiret of a Ifetl Brown ■ and will A TO'* opened swim the 100 along with Patter- up a gup 0f l!» ci'ie the partfdpenu In Satur¬ .igainat the Air Fonce ROTC points by half-time and eoas'ed day's dnal, and Thursday night in ROTC intra¬ pa ten Meat Cart aeKht. the rest of the fudging bv the mural way to victory. ttamea of the entriei the fieirt trophy competition. I feed, aad Jtaa Clary, wtn Marty Klrva of ATX) ■bettld prove , aa an-Aai rteaa ta raa- dropped tntereeting. tafeart nuaraaa, IT la tddltlw te rocket skfd Mat", wane waa a *et ea Ike I* R»ilp\ Atterkerrv aid Paedde lew _ —aa lart year, i :in Slfma vfe. Cht *\r v? not KET8 *f;n if. the Male at Mtrklna wfll he repreeenlei f hhoilttrr announced rome in 16 point? while Sir hy each mm aun| aewa Thuraday. Bp's Boh " lew. Mauri Janmk- l>>e hit fo; J5. John Yon go and ka Celea l.aedaliam. Tern Safe- ^ Hip'er, the only return- A1 ■ lenerman, will be la uni- Rerggren put in 13 and 12 Hiaen. Art Rveraete. and Pete a tonntht. Re haa been cut respectively for the victor*. NUng*r. j a beck injury. He could HBWB, pared hy Jerry Geou- fue's .34 point's, routed Spartan I^ndatrom Stanfpr and Bob- ^rc-hen the eyee team. in*on arp all mpmher* of tht [Mailtier ir eptlmlatlc about Hall, 77-37. Dan Mohler, with 18; and But h Perry, 16, were Michigan tram favorpd to cop , - „• "We would like to fhc B:g in title this also big scorers for HBWB. year. An- /r* the pump' with a win in other Wolverine who will team ThrU Thi took a lead with a nnr building," ha raid. with Land*trom in the four minutes remaining and pole •laved off a late rath hv Phi vault, i* Mamon Gibfon LITE SCORES Kappa f*l »« win 35-34. Pete Iaand*trom. who hold* thr Otaon of Phi Kappa P«i led the European title, will find the Klf IN. OMffN IB pluckv flttlo Gibson, who ha* .Jim iMk 91. fir** n •rarer* with 14 while Barrv Zendet pared TheU C hi with cleared 14 feet, an eifeellcnt '".Voftn'r"' 14 hallenge even though they are Beta The*a Pi came 'Kith on the same team I I up with I T*. hNM lit* « another one-tided victory *• Stanger holds the Big 10 out¬ IVMNWO they trounced Phi Sigma Kappa door low hurdle* title and Rob¬ j it. wuff m 81-12 —* following a 83-3 win over inson. who recently set an Am¬ NClitr* H Triangle last week. erican indoor record in the 220. r j umiiii i ATHtK arONRR will complete the scorinf punch at e» ji. n k rw »§ the Wolves will have laoonrr imuvation %K P«l II. Triangle ti rarmhotinr ?«, ft* PI l« Ml aaoitM Set, I a.m.- ■A P«t *. P»l K «| lit' IT. Tirtta (hi I h* pst n ,ii. ton i» ■ tNt., IM |JR Plate HUM Sat.. • l.amMt (hi PK Sic IT I»s Ptu II «1I M lOTi 4( 4 I. MM a (forfeit) Your tint n. /«r :• pjn. Phi Drltfe t* «1i.-; Haai. Nana er Saaeaae wtlh Twe (2) Ears .7:. New aad Rebuilt Haak, Im er Saaeaae -Ilk (toe (I) Kik T-k (2) Eat*. Aay Style Om (U Baa. Aay Style . . ja M to ☆ Stark ef Paacakee. Ratter aa* Syrep Waffle -Mb totter aa* Byres .4l< fret Cutiom 2-Hmy tinting renter .411 i ☆ Cat* Cereal -lib MHb to Half * Half . to i HMa Ortor af Oae (I) Iaa .IS n thaaw luttroua pnmpw Bat step inU> , tprlng •iKhantmwt Hito Ortor af Haak tocaa er Same*. to ur du»rin«! FlNttoriag, Upsnd. udhuatakabiy unart dyed t« I er Twe (2) Ueaet< .15 ■•w J-hop formal whatever aaciBng. daring shade ww ☆ . . . , m. Thay'U taha you tola tha waa hour* af the morning in .10, ad high or ftanch heel. Full mnge of AftimtUTES —Mb Ci XI ,a- a a a a.a a a a a a a a a aa a a n. '"ml to ML IM «r Cm . . Ste V»! . Mo* Todmy 9:SO m.m. to 9 *.«. 104# graaW rfvrr il e. PARTS _ free jwafclM* hi fiiiimii a ■ a a a a aaaaaaiiiitiii rrar a a a a.a a » KNAPP'S BASEMENT STORE X — MICHIGAN STAW NEWS Januarv M. 1*59 I .1 ! Parties Pace Weekend for bound. n the theme of the Union . Rv NIT mm: men and dotes convening a ! . Costume parties and faning ate the renter of at¬ tobog. record dance from 0-12 "Back-Board Jungle.'* named Board dance .Saturday evening fr" 0-12. in the Union Rail- Up to 4 hours froe pnrhinf! of the basketball r» - fwn. 1 ' if traction in the social world this in honor when yon shop (loientoirn »nd. The Forestry and In- ifional clubs are sponsor¬ designed to keep the SAVES - SAVES - S WES - SAVES ing dartres You - Do • It laundromat hrn making purchase*. weekend swinging Those beards the foresters It top-loading agitator ws«her« have been cutlvatlng will be worn in full glory Saturday 2Or Wn-li lOr l»ry evening at the annual Foresters' Trti Miuutr* Shindig. Foresaking the tradi¬ tional forestry cabin, the forest¬ OI'EN 21 HOt Its ers and dates will dance In Dem Hall. ECOHO-WASH Dancing will be amid ptae- 2011 E. Mirlii-;ili treaa and all aellvltlea will be Arrow from American Rink Dri.r-ln supervised by rani Banyan and bla blue n, Babe. Her majesty. Queen Roglna. will be crowned this evening at •he International Club's Cosmo¬ politan Ball. The Rhythm Kings, ESQUIRED Mat S«r t ! Nfrht* Ue | | Kiddies l> J-hop known for South American boat, will provide the dancing music Intermission at the Cosmopol¬ itan Ball will feature world *nnps and dances presented b) NOW—FIRST LANSING SHOWING 8IIE-IICANTS OF VENUS! J-hop members of the International Club dressed la their native cos- tumea. t p.m. Tha dancing begins at In the Union Ballroom. lanUMir the win on a war . man-destroying . planet ef . ef J-hop Heat-Nib." nickname far llie J-hop female*! Heal Generation, will find Delta Taa Delta and dates esafsrmlng la tha aaa-ranfanwlat vsfw thk evening. All your characters will favorite story-book be roaming the Theta Chi house tonight, as the men and date* gather for a J-hop Ilellpit of Arab Tmw! masquerade party. Titles repre¬ sented will include "Lost Week¬ end." The Roaring Twenties will be •tarring J-hop relived this evening as Delta Sigma Phi holds a "Speak-Easy" •party. There'll be flappers garb¬ ed in allks, baubles and beads, escorted by Joe College S|»ortlng SUN. — "ENCHANTED ISLAND' A "GBEEN ETED BLONDE" J-hop Plus-fours. * Delta Gamma formally pledges will In presented U tha earn pna this evening at a Pledge JWil LAST 2 DAYS J-hop Prvaenta party at the DG hanaa. The hills of East Lansing and vicinity will be Jammed with toboggans as various living units J-hop partake of a favorite wlntar sport Emmona and Snyder halls will Invade Bancroft Park, will Sigma Alpha Mu. Butter- field hall, precinct two, will J-hop toboggan at the golf course. Hock 'n Roll will fill the Delta Ch! house this evening, with the Startn Sunday — Aradrmy Award Show J-hop »-'jj J x7v v#»L i J-hop WE J-hop \ h&A i '' * STOP El 1W itnafat tiw nyoina i jmt |M a bw oo tug J-hop J-hop *-m* i Y J-hop E J-hop A J-hop R J-hop J-hop B J-hop 0 J-hop Xmummmmmsmmim 0 2md Croat Hit! J-hop nbliant evening jewel* to apaifc K J-hop dancing hours at the J-Hop. One ol the glamorous nights of the new aeasou, the night J-hop for getting dreaaed up. for dancing and ringing and bring your sparkling best Cone tee our late SALES J-hop date fashions in floating chiffons, mailing taffetas and laces, many combinations for this momentous SAT. J-hop occasion. In jewel (ones and soft paatria. latest fashion silhouettes .in Misses and Junior sines. A! ROOK J-hop KNAWS 1'ONMAI.rt — $25 to SSMS SECOND FUIOH Vj X%" '.i i