• • MSU Welcomes 50,000 for Farmers' Week... WHAT'S INSIDR Michigan State News PI K l*"' '» ■••'"y p.4 lair and continued cold today (terra Down Wildcats M and tomorrow. Mich today range* from 13-1* degree*. Very light UiPN af «*• Week p« wind* predicted. VOL. 50, No. 124 EAST LANSING, MICHIGAN—MONDAY, FEBRUARY 2, 1959 FKICt 5 OEM'S Fanners' Work Exhibits, Banquets, Virginia Public Schools Displays Scheduled To Begin Integration A *nowy welcome met wn« rolled out rnmpiiK wide thi Binrninr. (rreetintr the farmers and homemaker« of Michi f,n to the openinu of their annual Farmers' Week "home tominir." For Historical Opening many as 50,000 visitors ,;r» I fxpfrted to attend the annual 11 iMh 11- • u atfonal event, which ruu- Antagonists , •jrnjgh Friday. About 40 luncheons and bnn- been scheduled, and f.'hio. . Thin-- No Trace Plan Show have •i 'he And IV,i- rry 200 educational program ill participate in Of Sunken . , e planned. More than 40 »s. He ii',o I orations will hold annual meet- Highlighting Tuesday's Of Protest pro¬ f mp. gram is a feature at x 15 p.m. In I Initiated as an extension of in- formation te the Mate * farmers the And.. describing i 7,'OQ milr trip lie hi nd Red China'* 'Bam-, Danish Shii | shortly after the college was Imio Curtain," hv one of the mid Official Forc«cr« ndrd mare than a century we*t\ most prominent agricul¬ tural editors. John Mrnhm. It is Irp Chunk* lliinW Smooth Trmi-itioii | u«. Farmers' Week was dr*iw- 4 m an educational abort rnur*c open to all students. ihmf not able to attend the Exhibits. A'};:rh vit! Smrrli for Vfwi'l f«r rem un ii RICHMOND. Vn. t>V) — | cotlefe for regular Inatrurtlon. place until Friday r,-ion. will he The first public school inte- While aimlliar to events spon- af Spartan Stadium Concourse HALIFAX, VS. (,V) - I yyed by other atate colleges, the the live-dock pavilion, the inea* "RrilF.r AT I.AST" tfrntion in Vinrinfn hlatnry •wo Mir VS. Air Force So say wives and girlfriend* V(SU event has thrived and laboratory. the barns and (arms pa¬ starts today at Norfolk and ' jro-A-n through the years while ,igricultur:"pn basement tor my seas off (Jreenland Foresters (fit school officials sav they ex- 'tindny, searching in vnfn jh'cJ no violence. Ralph Tenney, director of ■iaii 1); I (Vrt courses, who has tliiwtrd »!f event since 1924. bHimr fiu 'or ish n trace of the little Dan¬ ship Hans Hedtoft. Loose, Deport Ilmvtvii •'f"ii;i :e t At in.'VT ,cgrcgation!«t ': >■ :innounc- c,\ pi t- f.»r ficfi'-rHtration. Surface Willi Dermis 1 •he continued interest due to the vt'hi: If- and rcmc vessels were S'ratford Junior. High :n Ar- I diversity of informational pro- ■ifc-n wvapons *'• forced out of the immediate bnatnn will open its door*, .it State Mrs a fhnio kr Bill Kidman area where the Hedtoft was be¬ 1111 IISAMkT* for the Mi«* MM* title are K 45 a m. to four Negro pupils Hotly Arnelt. Hark: Margie Koha. IHanne Tllllt- lieved ln*t with all 95 aboard You roulfln'i bring your rhoot- (l-rt: Front: I'at Bnrgman. Itonna Arnold and son. Joy Teaeb and Jtan Cary. after in' iron* to this affair; or your along with 1.070 white young- -trikimr an iceberg Fri¬ day. boss That's law. FARMERS' WEEK EVENTS The search ships were a fighting 40-foot waves and And this ruling wasn't just a At 9 a.m. six sernndary srhnnU lf»Y, Senwationalium OiNniNM'tl freezing 00-milr-an-hour wind* publicity stunt type )<»kr It's in Norfolk, closed by state order Although hope has been virt¬ actually an ordinance passed by since List September, will re¬ ually obandoned for the Danish university and enroll |7 Negroes anil TODAY officials forbidding open Kaplan, Prior Address MPA passenger-freighter, one of the gun toting or riding « dur¬ nearly 10,eon white students. 14:11 Joint Dolrymm's Mrrlinif search plane* reported spotting ing Saturday's "Forester's Shin¬ The school'? will ' lose nt 12 39 r-/*: an object it said could possibly dig " Mala Auditorium. Krlloirx C enler p.m. after pupil registration. have been an overturned life¬ Firearms and horses '.' pre out¬ As n* Bil l CAM AH\\ desegregation becomes an Kaplan criticised "apologetic game time, h®< been better dem¬ boat near the lledtoft's last re¬ lawed because of the unfortun¬ It :M Brawl Amorlatlnn lunrhr* State New* Mf**-In-Chief statements" in the preaa about accomplished fact- four %ear* onstrated than in athletic*." ported position in the Nor'h ate night many year* ago when and 2'iI days after the May 17, HI, T*a room. Krlkixa Ontrr the t'.*. satellite program and Keplan explained. Atlantic. some red-blooded lumber larks The Michigan Ml.M Supreme c'ourt decision 91 annual Pyrxs Astn held /convention at satellites rwnrt from those uhn Kiplan prai«ed the MSU phy¬ choir this occasion to ride herd banning public school segrega¬ 11:54 Ayrahira Rrmlrr-' AMnriatinn do not know where acleutifle sics department and said that The CM. feast Guard in %>* the deah of studimts' home K e 11 r. g g C^lffi r Friday and York said the plane reported ->n tion—the Virginia legislature Room 101. Krlkufu Onlrr discoveries begin or who do not here, as elsewhere, it is the to »hoot it little No harm will be standing by in Richmond Brow* Swlw t'atllr llrewlrrs' fwl.iimn SaVirdrtv, DrsXlovph Kaplan, realise the significance of the young graduates of our univer¬ the object appeared to he a up ,i hairman of the U S National 1 hints aren't i|Ulte so wild to gauge the ? rfecf The legfs- : results of our satellites. double -eruled lifeboat with a sities who are making the im¬ Gaaraaay Breeders' A—wlalkm (Vim mitt re for the International ' One hundred million dollars lengthwise black stripe, and uontv anymore, hut the !a,ure..h»s r?*! i? 'aiiMy accepted portant discoveries. "forester's Shindig" was sllll a token integregaf ion as inevit¬ • Caaltanial Ronm, Krllnxx Onlrr Geophysical Year, spoke to the is small convention at Friday'? dinner. a price to pay for u At Saturday's luncheon, the A spokesman for the Royal night designed for making a able Joraay Cattlr Cluh In his talk. "The Sky's No nation to learn the lessons that member* c#f the convention were Greenland Trading Department little traditional whoopee, the this nation is learning." Kaplan The Arlington chapter of the Rag Cwlar A unit II. Krlluxx On let' Limit."* Dr. Kaplan reviewed the challenged by h talk from Frank in Copenhagen said the object usual formality of big ram pus said after giving that figure Prior, chairman of Standard Oil I'ro-Segregation Defenders of Milking Short Horn A asocial inn formation of the International 'he cost described could hardly have affairs nas forgotten and stu¬ State Sovereignty and Individ¬ as of the Vanguard Co. of Indiana. been a lifeboat from the lled- HI* Tro Hnnm. Krllngir Ontrr (Jenphvstca! Year (IOY) and its dents rut loose in the manner ual Liberties announced its program. Prior lashed nut at sensation- ioft. lie said its lifeboats all outstanding achievement* and they Imaglne4t their predeees- members would follow scbmil Rati Doolnk Cattlr Association . The scientist said that no one? allsm In the press and urged were made of aluminum and praised the accomplishments of «ors did sir beak when MSU buses en route to Stratford lllgh Mlrklfiamr Hnnm. krllmrx Onter the IT S. :0* Aaiaml Hanhaaitrv Apace Agency, thai the earth Lhraatork Pavilion is pear-shaped. "This need not ef education sod for "Perhaps this is because busi¬ nessmen aro trained to deal Reo/ien Sales Juniors Eligible nation take need Because of enthusiastic stu¬ second more with facts than with emo¬ I I'M Sign ( Iterl.» place when it comrt to the scientific diseoveriej it ha* ef the future. tions," Prior said. dent response during the last For Annual Honor Veteran* enrolled under thr "Feels are generally pretty week of Wolverine sales, the announced." Kaplan said. He said Ike Mttou must strive Petitions for - Outsanding Jun¬ ■pfMi He explained that the achieve¬ fer excellence mud huleuc# iu dry." Prior said that perhaps that sales deadline will be extended ior Awards may be'picked up Korean bill fM.. Yto> will situ lor their January check* ~ ments of ipace satellites are not education end tbi one more week, if the publisher in the Union Concourse thi* I* the areording to the following wOt reason that "while the based on fixe. week, until the close of petition¬ sensational makes the front page, agrees, according to Boh De- schedule: "If the Russians have rome "I know of no area in Amer¬ ing Thursday, E-J-——Today the exoneration days or weeks Bruyn. business manager. up with any significant discov¬ ican life in which the role of AH junior* except members of later get* a quiet small spot in K-O Tuesday eries, 1 doubt that they would exc4,llence, where the individual More than 1,000 Spartans pur¬ Junior Council are eligible fur the back of the paper." . p-a i. Wednesday hesitate to reveal these discover- w -ailed on to play the role chased the annual during the the awards, given annually In T-t Thursday ieo" of three or four at the Hoo MICHIGAN fUM, Page I connection with J-Day activities. persons sales campaign held last week. Brighten Up the Morning Coeds Write Poems for Milk Deliverers With the tightening of «cholas> Four thirsty roommates And Id, when we looked on A calorie-connclou* couple left tic standards, you wouldn't think Four thirsty roommate* the of the mom next day following: See how they drink anyone 'A-ould have time to write We were sorry to find that See how they drink As >ou know we are getting humorous poetry extra-curric¬ We ail drink milk at breakfast you don't own a sleigh. much too fat. Refer to note of ular-wise. time The milkmen even find car¬ Jan. 22, 19M. Also according O But the <•**!$ in Van Hooscn By dinner we have none on toons awaiting them. .In' one of the latest calorie counter choc¬ do, and for none other than which to dine them a milkman is pictured their milkman from the MSU And then we're forced to bring olate milk—200 C; white 170 C; bending over a tape recorder out our wine buttermilk M C. dairy. and explaining to the policeman: You don't beieive it? How s Leave eight quarts behind. "It's much easier than trying to Therefore, because we are now this for a sample? read her notes." The turn of the yeer brought dieting In earneet, our choice Milkman, Milkman, duty of One particular artistic cus¬ duties, seasons greetings: for the fMt of the term, we as¬ tomer decorated the. following Leaving seven quarts for us Morning is up sure you is Just buttermilk* four beauties. Bo of good cheer (Please ieeve cottage cheese.) Darren Hcndrkkaoa. dairy It quarto plaase. milkman A rather lengthy note con¬ foreman, has made a collection And a happy New Year. Happy aomhttsks and black tained the following melodrama: of these notes along with those cats top "This little epistle is to in¬ written by stodmrts in married Two* the night before morn¬ Pleaoa leave as nine quarts of form you el the little calamity housing, and has them an dis¬ ing, we worn tucked in our bods yeur wttofea* brew that befell us this morning. The play in the kaaimt ad Anthony ol eight quart* Smilo at ear pumpkins number five bottle crecfced. The Hail. pn—ihle gtaee to eur esophagus Other attempts at peatvy to* Watch «* the Hot* Goblins didn't bather us, but someone elude the faltovtog (to hp sung They'll hp flying inadvisabiy left the drew open. * to the ttoto * .Tim notes w far the Mice"): v -T^K " H Michigan Stale News Well, One ef the Others Made II INFORMATION Michigan State New* Read Dally by .MSI "a 25.000 Students and raculty it) Stuaenf, Service* Building lust Lansing Michigan i •' Puniitbsd on rla.v day* Monday Friday inclusive dllr.Bt The Michigan Statt Nana I* puniunao by ettidenta ot Michigan Kta'a • all winter and wring terms; weekly during summer ten.,. „.,'n» University, Kmt L^nr-ing Mich without direct meult.v supervision It is CATHOLIC STUDENT .oetia trestima. netween sumnwi and fall terms Entered ' not the official volet ot the university in ot the student body but while ORGANIZATION aecond clan* matter under the act of March 3. 18711 at the pmt 0ff,c, eeeking to serve the He«t Interests o| ho'h stands ready to battle any move which would rlriie a wedge between the two whether It comes ♦ p.m.. Catholic Student On » •«v.nw *or on. t.rm ,j. from within the university ot from outside Member of the Associated ter cafeteria. Coffee hour, Press. Inland Daily Press and Associated College Press VOUKTIAU. CU1 "ilwrl" « Ihi" mi"™* D,u» .M *, Associated rnllcglate Prea* ♦ p.m.. Men's IM gym. Vol. 60, No. 124 Monday, Ki ln iiary 2, 106'.' 1'nirc Tiro PHI KAPPA SIOMA Editor-in-chief - Hard. Chrl.t 7-R p.tn. Old College Hull Managing editor l»hn Murph. I Open rush. |!u*inc«s Manager - | YH'CA STUDENT HIVES Circulation Director e»»i iMh., I Anthem Still Silent 8 p.m., 1I09G University Vil- Jage. English lessons for for- eign wives of students. Di C l»> I rill I dltof I'ase Editor U. i I dti Pa«e Editor Pllil HalUraih -»«vrc R«*bb Mar* llnlf K'lsht ards denHeede, ■ In Sporli aim Uonnvll Edtinrs dnrelte fhui-i, Ratines ' a, v.! j.. "" , Editorial L'arloonlst Lee Madden. |>rR|NT. Tin: l'.\ST WKKK fhp mihjurf of playing flip Anne Garrison, instructor. j„k Ltindsfrtim llark Room Mansser S«.rm national anthem at home basketball trames lias risen to Spurt* »dilur •*'"» H' i'|M tdaerllsitii Msnsser Ih, k shiie"" , 8 p.m.. Red Cross chapter sorleir-l ealnre Editor »»•»' Rohh K.l.ll Man.... i'/';" I ... Willi. | Patrick the ^|i»tli»flit amund the enmpua. There has heen pressure house. 1800 E. Giand Rive Niehl Editors >,',^4.Tr.?"h-. Classified Manager Ave. Seven-week home nurs¬ si oft. Par McCarti. Pete Walters v Sin I ami favorable comment in this eriilnrittl column and from Kir I rickson Srhribef Ass't. L'lattlfled Manacer ing course. Jin charge %ss'i. Nishl I dllors Sandra Ooll- loan I Student Government. There has been a favorable reaction ahan. Sandra lagaU. JeanM"* Meyer sale* Manager* Arnold from Athletic Director Clarence "Hippie" Munfl and other- Larhins. Walt Sunlre. Ifoh Jane* g,lh„, •POSSUM TKAPPER gnirasers \l I reddle. Jim Wall- Ted Capplen 0,rt ttlflce Manager Diane llnhlnin members of the athletic department. inrion. Illll Klelmau National Man.... i OKLAHOMA CITY WV-Mrs fire Wire Editor* Editors Sharon sn.rnn <- "an'. — aim. The only thing missing was hearing the "Star Spangled Hen H< n Ruriis. Born*. Barber Snderson, Anderson Sundry ertisinr Maria*, Advertising Urn.... I Anna M. Elklns wasted no time rharmln I'smpbell, Jane Wsck- Xiani v Turner Banner" being played at Saturday's basketball game when she found a 'possum in her erbarih against Northwestern. » hen house scaring 13 chicken* The fnnf stood up, approximated four times during the Simnisli Group Forms Party She blinded the 'possum with contest, when the MSI' fight song was played by the Ac¬ a flashlight long enough to f the hens out, then locked him tivities Band. Again, in the final minutes of the game, MADRID (/V» — A group of regime is based arc lorb-ddtiJ inside. by law. liberal and rightist Spaniards spectators stood to get a better view of the action, and to .The new group see over the heads of those who were leaving, Sunday announced formation of \vn< Jo.-m w AT HALP'TIMK, TOO. the fans were on their feet on Night Staff political party opposed lo the regime of Gen. Ftancisco Franc*. a Joaquin banquet Jan Satrustequi 20 F»»nn , v the bleachers, either heading to the hot dog statu! or just XlgM Kdltor _ . - Held* front The parly, called Unio Espan- liberal monarchist made a stmrJ KM to stretch their legs. All of this was spontaneous, and prob¬ AuiiUal Hob Jonev cila (Spanish Union 1. is illegal speech against the rcg:.rC lv ably more disturbing to the stands than a very sedate, Wife Bdllor NlgM tMff tlseek, MlgM Ad Staff Marty . Jane Warberbsrrh Byron SUmmo. Marts Do««kortr Bsriene fomeli Ivccause all political parties ex¬ cept the fnlango on which the Madrid now is awaiting ertiment's reaction q,n| polite stand for the playing of the national anthem. It was soon after the bleachers in the Purdue fieldhouse collapsed in 1048 that the national anthem was discon¬ r tinued at the MSlI arena. The Purdue accident, however, was caused by an engineering fault coupled with a r|m>ii- CAMPUS CLASSIFIEDS tanemia rise from the fans in a standing ovation for an outstanding player as he left the game. ED 2-1511 EXT. 2615 THE STANDS IN .It •tiisnn Fieldhouse are safety-tested, DEADLINES: I *.m DAV BEFORE Pl'RI.ICATION FOR TUBS.. WED. at least for seated spectators, according to a representative THI'Ri<., AND FRI. EDITIONS. of the Department of Public Safety. Two members of this Letters to the Editor MOV EDITION DEADLINE: 1 p.m. FRI- department who were asked to comment on the safety of Bin, ParaM, i-IJ and 1-6 M»nd«y throat* Friday the stands refused to commit themselves on the safety of a standing group. So .,, to date no official approval has been given by the Americans Losing Friends CLASSIFIED RATES LOST and POUND Department of Public Safety, and therefore nothing will FOR SALE To Ihr Editor: realize that by thnlr cynical living happily in a group, shar¬ change in the immediate future. Unless, of course, some¬ ll * LOST! QUEL'S QOtn To Nixon ing the joys and sorrows with ua> they shouted In avalanches of criticism on the front of Snyder Kt Ple.t»c tall fill thing is done. It is time that leaders of safety on the MStJ VpmpzupIh, "Yankee go home!" formal Cuban government, thay others, feeling reaponetblc for a-QSII. room W7. hut/ 7 campus realize that safety is not. relative to whether it is' This was truly * aurpriw- to are breaking the threads of the good of the group. t day. »i « the fight song, a spontaneous ovation—or the "Star Span¬ many here who always thought friendship that atiil remain. Now, let us look around and I day, im THOMPSON $ PERSONAL I of lAtiin Americana ** very too whore in college one may¬ gled Banner." Fidel Castro i« the hero and 4 day, V » rinse friends. The cause of the liberator of the entire Cuban be able to get all the good prop¬ FflRUART SALf incident, the American public ( day, 1210 VITHANS^ VITIIANS' population and as so accepted erties of a college life. was told, was the work of Com¬ by the rest of the world, yet if I have no doubt that the co¬ »TOCfc PfnU' Vdtl. AtlOC-. ADDITIONAL CHAISES FNT Bf M MPA Convention *r a Successful munist propagandist and initi- to Judge by what is written in most American papers, he is operative houses which are, in fact, a phenomenon on Hie lor oocb word ovo' IS 10*, scv Ckccl Tkose Tlri-U THE 91 at ANNUAL CONVENTION of the Michigan The fact that by having sup¬ only another unscrupulous ty¬ American university campuses, RH* ddy I In N-.* ported the legtmc of ex-dicta¬ rant. are the life laboratories f«n the WHilf STOCKS LAST !*resa Association is now history, but we feel it served its tor .Fimeuer, the United Stairs You are neglecting to realise great number o( student*. FOR-SALE y."-:fTiNG tomobc v • pnrpos# by leaving several significant questions in the had made many enemies among th.it it is easier to coexist with Offer Benefit# 7 mm. • Roc-n Ji minds of the newspaper representative- who attended the the Venezuelan people was friend* than with enemies and In a co-operative house stu¬ («• k hardly mentioned. sgtt. »t* tr two-dav meeting in Kellogg Center. it is as friends that the Cuban dents not MARTY JAMIESON' s pIMr I . This friendly attitude toward only continue their * BOSK COLORED pi HI. «iih rhtf Jar/ Band Partle* d. • , Dr. Joseph Kaplan's speech on the International (Jen- Latin American dictators has people want you. You can re- school activity in home-like fon ( boot, at e |i 10*; OFF dlvidually l»l< — - de«.i , prated neighboring countries. responsibility and functional c*kr *• . in tha world but aim in the universe. impartiality can back your own end H One fair ah'- one p«" 1r« 8tH Ptn IV 4 n» be It was not until public opin¬ leadership, helping friend* and •k**ee. »!•# II All tcr l»* IV »-t5)Z Saturday's luncheon speaker, Frank Prior, chairman of ion became a mournful cry tb.it willingness. receiving brotherly help, serv¬ Standard Oil Co. (Indiana), urged the members of the con¬ To promote such friendship ij ing meals and being served. the government stopped it* ship¬ vention to "dig into the facts, form an opinion based on ment of arms to ex-Cuban dic¬ your responsibility and If is It seems difficult for some when doing so that the people MUPBEN CLUB Sf*c tator Batista. people te realise the deep-felt • these facts, and make your opinion known." in Latin America will regard U riav through Prlda\ ' "The American Mission ' delights one experience* in tee¬ •HI W Grand River, f.-i This is the purpose of the annual event, to discuss com¬ vow that »« the symbol you are ing • cooperative house oper¬ VACUUM a EAVTR SlNT.V" S17 tNe. Not only win he supplied mean! to lie. Tna»ler, 1) RosaWi U e,i|nghnn*r mon problems, common needs and solutions, and to take ate, Everything is decided by • ! wrh arms hut even with direct NasMs Cabrera |I9 Told-- *ea» tl I Adir* bowline n • ■ DON I'LL xrr von a* the collective decision of the j Kappa's open ruah bnng advantage of the opportunity for Michigan newspapers to military advice by what was •hoea, M/e 7. hke f»*«, »J Vl FP- house members. 1-4*737 pi ! OM College Hal). " grow and develop to fulfill their duty to the public they known as "the American mis¬ * * * Here JC, OFF serve. sion." democracy reigns with HAROHTt""HI ri CABINET and the highest efficiency. Flan*, speaker system fight inch mid r*ng. ll is no! too Inte yet to Of fice eneaker aed • SERVICE Offer high rrenuencv tweelei It is an honor for MSU to be the site of these annual - (loop*is ideas and suggestions are pon¬ (Seel for email mom ute IV -rsamnaBMcr-r these and many other mistake.* ~ meetings and we extend our gratitude to the MPA and its dered and deliberated with the 18 •19 IRIAKPAST IONUS nvute in, the past. Despite the deepest attention. Every step is members for supporting an organization promoting high indifferences with which we uarn BAROAINS-TtUCVISfONX • ' I'OOO Coiu. taken with Democratic motive: one im¬ eern aerator- •utmnatic *«a»her* standards of cooperation. res|N)nsibilit> and public service were treated in tune of criits, range* Major brand. Price* t*at* • FRESH Spud^uti the people of Cube want to be provement of the houa# which St U1 Qoo«l*-ear Se-vtc- Store < ■ 111 among newspaper* ot the state. is owned and operated by th« t Mmhigan tf.ft • OUICR ItrvKt friends of the American#. • *. - individual member*. StofONUT SHOP Experience Are the people in Uus coun¬ nx»ax>. waist ai teg, m iv • A* • '1> MAC try showing any desire to bel¬ Obsr't a - bii le relationships? CIS'DEBn4.A LOXT IITR • c, r-.' * + + *h«e - TVT»fST ANN BROWN r vme ■tuat tell ball mrmata it is not by ridiculing and To the WHsr: 11-13 Beet od'eea gouna ID g.M-j -ire r.-w • * '-inso Electric typewrite; condemning that friends an 'inert and Uiesu. alao genera) won. If 'tie Unban convinced that putting to death people arr How is an institution of high¬ er learning appraised and what Student*—Or AUTO P<»ur month- old BATTERY RX1 BE *L ED :s«-r off ng TV-RADIO SERVICE Soera' h are the tools to evaluate its ser¬ • •tea le etudsnta New and u»» u i< the lust way to punish those nights a»k <»r Stan w ho by their murdering and torturing became known over vices and contributtons* To ttiis question swers may different he given. One whkh an¬ Delinquent*? Men I.ADIEk ED 3-470* * ii/e once %!> each • • Lad'c. .-3v cvtalon SSlee r*#e brbe ehecklnr -'•op 1 .an 8 am <-chniclan* Comnarr IV 7-8818 « 8JD n.m 3«*73 l dailv Mict ihe entire country, on what fOTVTOI'* NOTE: The ar- • IS grounds can the American peo¬ might constantly cross hie mind llel# is which IMs letter refers SNOW WHEN YOU THINK mu" TIRES ars a 1* N-M-eles* is the degree to which the stu¬ ab^ uiUtt. aS Fireetone Suburhanitea. I u b e I e » • • §•-'•* • ink ef the Msbe-Stateri Ft -I ple criticize'' exreXM— A ■ iswr, * dent obtains * well-rounded ed¬ Like new ED T-7S33 alter » x> p in War Criminals ucation, or learn* how to Uve 9 l-eceiet* lis it not by death tbaf many rout lAUNOR* of the criminals here are pun- cooperatively with Other people HOUSING 9 Neck ie*e ry PtCKIO UP AN0 OILIVHI- iMH-d? Wasn't it by killing and how- to function smoothly IN DORMS 9 P'fi #»{( b-oo;"*! those notorious war criminals in a society permeated with POi RMT Skirt* . }l( KNi'i • SC. that justice was soul to be estab¬ complexities. Ye the Editor: 9Wikl< oi'sfi a»d »ttgi Waik ft D-v 01s a pa-•« lished after World War II? Of course, in some circles the t call your .mention u* an "two bedroom house i ft. IANIIN9 UUNOI* standard of evaluation u only Ithrd. on double lo* Nr a ll i* not now that we want article in Hie Jan. 2J edition of a 32? MAC academic achievement and fact¬ pnone ED ?-**!* after 3pm 18 IIH9 OPPi 15 2 • » your opinion The time was long the I1 (faf'ry . n, Hi; While Beech. Lanatng annihilated and the enure coun¬ Higher tirade*? seemingly a min.ir ]§ Jackasn ■kPHuns'lDaf*. JackasB Bki Va::*ir •vent compared to the 9 if.i i •! and ij* o*r g«(t and ethars. CMMMI Bul-Mor Agar try was being turned into a However, one may a*k wheth¬ more • APART MgNTS huge house of conuplion. er the higher grades in • col¬ outstanding feature* of our 9A »«a | Threads ef Friendship lege are going to make a man newspaper. I tee! that ample THHEF BOOM APABTMEWT with Mice* uunnomat full hath, atove and refrigerator The American public should capable of managing space should be provided for a UUbusa f urn varied Private entrance , ICY OPP. nn I MiCNi»*y tribute to a courageous band of eeww umci Spartans who. amidst threaten- pf««» 3*»»« ••** ot Healed |T- 9 FjiiMti *W0w* w 0y C..--t ,ng gesture* from the enemy, STUDIO APARTMENT. UTIUTir* wi meuun m o*o> o» furnuhed Private er.trame 9 Seme edd «*w watckej one small newsboy, threw- his Ma: • MNMH MA STUMNT, eeuplee only SSI* ner tnon* IV- newspaper* into the strret. 3-4*011 after .1 3f> ;g 9 A itm D .,r» | m.iMttf Only the moral code of this INDIAN HILLS STUDIO apart, MCAOOW PUBLIC newspaper keep* me from hon¬ merit fumtaried Two w men want1 TfftMSi rsnfsla. Bent a Pa t ♦ » oring our brave heroes with ED t-airs Pdrty, da ma. or me* maatirg xpc. 18 superlatives they deserve- Caik — ttttfi f«» bip>'8l«4 «e> rataa tar i-Mfp narue* Ute Con'a ' H ' I am ashamed to share the MODERN PRIVATE. Uinae remria. MrAtow rTBi Bryan Mali- Bry same classrooms with these tofh. spMsktob Bsrnianed Ctilitira Acto#l caix va;o« «» trade- mladle. Now you know, chil¬ •Jaetof "ThA~CUjCSWING Hi tret la* ^p. AU MMCHANDfSC 8UUE i ■> dren, why we need supervision. lb the vanquished foe, I apol¬ •OOMS " *ua»*NTM0 ^aS£Hr-''- ogise on behalf of my fallow LARGE furnished fed, IT'S JU?T THAT IT^«0_ C.h's so faoyO - - students. double roam Newtv decor.ted ,!o»* ITS SO Sa^*U.ITS. w. MB7PS WATCH. Arsr-mss^n, IV 8ev„ •V S074f WjlM S;|| WANTB) Protestants Caution February 1. IR5S AllrlllfiAN STATE NEWS Page Three Pope John's Appeal Michigan Press Association Meeting A "imiplljIR of •opinions of Protestant clcrtry'men «cro„ fCnntfnued from P;»ge I i He said that the 'grass r<«»t« can on the community level.'* Albert Schweitzer, and her ex¬ the nation Indicated Sunday generally eautlou- interest In Pi. r said the top problem lias grown with the na¬ Inez Robb, nationally syndi¬ periences in world-wide report¬ " P„pe John XXIII's call for an Ecumenical Council to seek of the-nation is inflation. "This is really a more im¬ tion strong. and helped to make it cated tured columnist, was the fea¬ speaker at Saturday's ing 3 Christian unity. -< — _ portant Issue than the defense "To keep your voice strong, closing banquet She called the newspaper bos- tot pl,P.e was speculation about what he has in mind. ^ KAR Studio program, short of war itself, for one prime reason: you v»u must do more than report," Miss Robb told of her exper¬ Iness her "labor of love," second only to her family. •4; ". Juat can't Priop said. iences as a newspape» columnist, F C II lvhow, publisher TV Pope announced Jan 23 have military strength unless of Yt'U must weigh the news and gave an a toOnt interviews 'h<. Hillsdnle New*, wa* in' •>- .ould convoke the 2tst Ecu- have economic strength," ,,„|ca! Council Ui the history of the Roman 2.0(tn t'ath- Holds Tout's you ho explained. its meanings, form opinions, and influence people as only you with the famous pen Prince u Wale induciing and Dr. dured a* new president of the MPA '•t Church. No date was set. It KAft will %■ M carry several asnrcscntaUves of othei Chris- special broadcasts this week as ,,in cmmunltica, In addition to part of its extended coverage Job facts from Du Pont i:> f"'r Catholics, were expected to bo durlpg Farmer's Week. Special broadcast, will F. J. IIOIHiE. president af the origi- BnlMHig Corp., tnrn* ever the flrat t h*v -jemmy,?*? ^Ecumenical means worldwide. nate from the Dairy Depart- shovelful of dirt in the construction of the new PI Kappa Phi fra¬ • _cr,srnting the whole church. ment. Agriculture Economic.*, ternity house. Onlookers Include Mdon Nonnamaker. IFC faculty ~ Edward W. Stimson, pastor and Soils Department, adviser (rear, left>; Kim Jepson. president of the Lansing Alnmnl J Dundee Presbyterian Church These meeting* will he YOUR INTERESTS, SPECIAL ABILITIES high¬ As*oe. (front, second from left>; Mra. " Williams, housemother, and Omaha.'Neb., In an editorial lighted throughout the week IHrk Ramsdell. president of Pt Kappa Phi (right). , church publication, wrote: Tuesday, Wednesday and afrrtatnlr ' Thursday morning* the atudio* Hill he open to all Begin New IIoiinc ARE IMPORTANT WHEN DU PONT r irnuliit i for guided tour*. Virginia Wel*er'a foeperattoa with oor brother "Home, maker* Hour" and {Utlana af the Raman Chorch." Art Bnr- In Oklahoma City, nine mln. ouah'i "Farm Service regular WKAR programs, Hour." will Pi Kap's Break Turf tllt. rcpresenllna Methodist, Twdivtcrlan, Pentecostal, ttap- Christian. Congreca'iratal churches, host the rhitinj; and farmer* during their ea*ts. Refreshment* homemakers broad- will be Pi Kappa Phi held an official ground breaking ceremony for IT titer l arniral Rnnh MAKES YOUR FIRST JOB ASSIGNMENT rS I, it t h e r a n served. Intent of its new house Sunday at 3 p.m. questioned the I President Hannah's welcom¬ Jim Hodge, president of the Water Carnival rtish for all qounctl. ing speech at the Old Timer's Huilding Corporation and Klin committee members will be held BENEFIT PROGRAM MECHANICAL ENGINEERING Hurt,|u» t will he aired Wednes¬ Wednesday in room 31 of the Thee saeeed that day at 3 p.m Jepson, president of the Lansing Union from, 7-10 pm. All stu¬ MEANS RODEO INCOME PERSONALIZED TRAINING , ...ded aa a rereraal of the Dr Paul Miller, MSU vice Alumni As*o. broke the ground. dents are invited to attend. • • MOVIE AVAILABLE Mrstant Reformation II eoold Rev. Jack Harrison, campus RELATES TO POLICY OF saanlta for those president of off-campus educa¬ !»> A. F. Hertford. Jr. I rod tion. will >|»e,ik ;it the leader of the Presbyterian FOR A.S.M.E. MEETINGS pes as. dairy church, aud Eldon Notinmaker, Pit Pont personnel repten ntntne PROMOTION FROM WITHIN banquet. The hip,id ,ut time ' facuhy representative for 1FC. The Rev. Theodore C. Spec" »will he announced later. assisted at the ceremony. MICHIGAN Ju*t wh.it docs a mechanical engineer ilo at I)u font/ W helher votir ebnsetl Of Central Presbyterian * * * The new house is located at Su-Cb of Manhattan, remarked: held i« research, rleyelopment, design, As par* of then 111 White Hilt* Drive on the Wlieie do vnur Interest* lie ' What ex'ended -Ift the Indication ol a d r- overage ol Abbott Road. Featurr Ai: 1:00 rnurses luirr you taken' What air production sii|s-i y i-ion or plant rngi- during Fanners' Week, corner , friendlier soirll In Rome WKAR will 3:13.-*:»• 7:39 - 9:9? iteming, you II find man) of the present "The Food The house i* planned for 31 Voiii s(MH ial ahilifiea? Ihifonl tiie* mot other Christian". That's We Eat" to match these faitor* with art liable aiiswct* to tin- i|iie»tji.|i ju the inform- Tuesday at 4 30. men. Plan* Include an addition ttr rxntinf lhln« about It." ative film, \lerhanical for eight men afier five year*. o|tenings to drleimiue your fii«l as¬ Engineering The present house of Pi Kappa nt I hi Pont signment within the (armpany. Honorary Pint Phi was sold two years ago to The true liner the assignment i* made, the From start to finish, this film ha* NEWS Display Soiiphl aid year financing the project. A Ifl- mortgage is. held by the (loiupauy helps you apply your knowl¬ edge tn a problem right away. Vmi been prepared witb the young engi¬ neer in mind, lis express purpose ia president' of Huilding Corporation, which is story of, learn by doing and by consulting with to show him where he fits into the campus honor- made of alumni. pie- IN BRIEF aries who. have not received a letter from Mortar Hoard con¬ have The exterior of the house will a brick finish on the your atiprrvisor and others working on various phase* of the same project. lure what kind of a--igumeiit« he will he railed upon to handle in the cerning n proposed display case ground floor and redwood pan¬ Your iierformame on the job ia ehemiral industry. | fit tan Execution for t.» honorary pins, contact are asked Lana Dart, 330 Gil¬ eling on the second. Two men's rooms with built- evaluated pori«H|irally to a«>ist vou in This is a realistic on-the-job film, know ing where you stand in the eves HAVANA on — Cap! Pe-Ito christ. in beds and closet*, will compose without frills ami fahleial. No pro¬ id your management. And. a« you I Mvrjon. first to die in Havana *; The permanent display pins the stvond floor, fessional actors np|»ear in it. All pho¬ along with ?lon*t foiget the "cytias*® of an'cm- might guess, I hi font's |iersonali/ed irvriuticmary trials, attempted a description of re¬ The house is scheduled for tography mi* done right in flu rout I luir^e an hour before he was quirements toy membership in completion by Aug. l, and will l»|(.\cc lieiictii pi.igt.tm when \ou rum- training i* eloselv related to ita pro- e;»«*h honorary. motion |Mdi« v. I'ra» ti« ally all plants ami laboratories, and every¬ ft routed by a six-man firing tn- occupied by fall term. f»are the pth anrii«uiii plan aud paid no at ion. i/erl through mum departments into •mall group* — small enough so that si range to see this llufont film. Mechoiih al Eiifiineering at /hi Pont is available^*! no cost for A.S.M.F. the new man* capabilities ran l»e SHOE SHINE In addili on. the f'oiupanv sponsor* chapter meetings, fraternity house | Demi M. GOP ^ a tin ift plan. After two rears of serv* recognized. Thl* type of organi/a- lion, pins th« Company** ateadv and dormitory allowing* Write to PASHIVOTOH 1*1 — Ren by Ruben •« e. for everr dollar rou invest in growth, produce* many opportunities. Room 12421 Nemours Huilding. R. I. I s Sir iiig* Bonds the du font de Nemours A Co. [ IMre Minefield fD-Mont) pre Cnrnrr of M.A.C. ft Grand Rivrr Gimpauv tot* (Inc.), H Sunday the Democrats aside 2$ rents for the W ilmington '#t, Delaware. pui' hasc of SIN0 FOR INFORMATION R00KUT I vil offset a prospective increase Below the Style Shop i ntiiinoii «tiiieiil for J'Hop Time! • | mesne with outgo. lliie.i Hot»ni 121*1 Nemours Huild¬ a copy of one i»t these lunik lei# wri'e l»» T«ny Cnrtt* - Janet Leigh (hi font. 12121 Nemoiira 1 ing, % ilmmgtou 'HI, flelaware Building, * # * K'ilniington MR. flelaware. | frmie l «r Pending Daa'l Lai Thai LONDON f/D jBitrta'ut*, fearful Iruching — British of an ap- trade war, announcefl I laediy firtt eounter-meesurrs m- Do Vou Think for Yourself?! 'ANSWER THtSK AND UNO QUtSTtONS) OUTl* / It vmi wfn ahout tn buy a# autnmnMa, Imiftn Europe's gix-eiaiton com- I* buywa a radto. would you hr •D-° , lew market. After Juat a month's ■ Bemtion. the market already la Wfiul'l you (A) aturfy lb* rnart-t—t r-ixirta in lb- ma(azin-a, or (HI alacA wHuomm mor. by you? I bating British manufacturers. Subtly bifhar pncoT Violin Concert When riinlf lad wttb • art Wbaa danduif aa what mavfe la aaa, | Tickets Available Iota ol lomca tormo, do you what ia ia aach dab. or (B) I waitrr'a laoommaadation- (A) i L da you uaually pralil Aim- that (At limrtia,. or tB> haua a Ticket* I *J«ein'j for violinist Nathan Lecture-Contort per- Park hit < In Tht tun •croti bvadry • dry tl*eninf from a#w When invited to play m §1 Ifcraancc Feb. 10 An the Aud tn unfamiliar Wh-n you run inin a lumen pbraw tn •tudaot sore,tot Mdf game, do you (A) refuse to If" fcr obtained at the Union play until a textbook, do yuu A rat (At h-ad fur you fully undnraUnd the rules, or (B) a dictionary to And the |fkktt Office. pick up Lb* nikn mm you go along** try to dope out tha moan in, youra.il m-anioc. or IB) | Student* must present coupon | y of their activity book*. When invited to a party. do*you fA) accept, hoping to enjoy youraelf no Wh-n r-odin< ih» paper, do you (A) catch ynuraatl eoneantratia, on 1 1- t matter who attend*, or (B) try to aro LOOK arandat atorwa, or IB I xp-nd your timo who will be tbare before accepting? on aowa and aditortai mattar Jpaciil Sonlcoi I* ckaoata, a Alter rifaralic. (A) art you aaaily awayod by bold Sat—, or (B) do you Fur Coal* and Fur Fabric# Cleaner! and Glaaerl think lor ywuraall and atirk by your aatuiia? ^ Throw Hug# •fr Raincoat# Waterproofed II you're tha load ol prrooa who iSmkn far Gkivr# futntlf . . . you uar judpnaat in your ONE : rV Suede and 1-enther Jacket# choice 01 cicaiwttaa, aa ia aveiytkiny atoc. sroe Men and a—I who think far thrmarivr- •fr Men'# Hat# and Cap# . SERVICE uaually uaoha VICEROY. TWar r—on? •fc Stuffrd Toy# Boot in tha —rid. Thay know that only VICEROY I— athlahinta—i'a Alter and a raailrind man a taatc College Cleaners •//pan (AacAad (A) aa Ihrar our of Ifa fire Faainiar and Laundry /oar ——in, and (B) oa foe out of ikt Qui Shoe Repair ftm... pau raa/ly lAiah far paaraal/.' Cub and Carry ED 2-4713 MOW. Michigan Ea* MiholMnks lor Himself Knows- ONLY VICESOV HAS A TH—KINS MAN'S FS.T1S... A SMOKINS MAN'S TASTSI V •% v . •. • Spartan Fencers Frosli Shine in Michigan AAU Ix)se Again Another frorh runner who -bowed fine form Saturday was A tricky Unlveralty of C.'lf»>toH Ward, who placed sec¬ Buffalo fencing aquad out- ond in the two-mile run to Oar maneuvered the Spartan Williams of the Chicago Track aworrl.men Friday niyht to flub /ft 27.71. Spartan Captain Forddy Kennedy finished fourth. take the'meet 1(5-11. It wa« Brian f i«llr and Boh Hughe*, MSU'a arrond defeat in a» both veteran rlndefmen did not many atari... compete. Castle pulle a leg The Spartan* took th. foil mmrlf and Hughe* was sick. competition- 5-4. but lost both Fre«hman Ed Oraydon was epec and sabre 6-3. se ond to Michigan's Ergas I*cp3, Three of the five foil wins while teammate Jerry Young were by Charles Schmitter. Jr., finished fourth in the event. The who maintained his unbeaten winning time was 4:22. record tor this season. He lit the relay races, Michigan squeaked by Ted Nyman 5-4 in State took second in the shuttle his first bout, bu' finished strong hurdle, third in the two-mile, with a 5-1 and 5-2. Terry Gllmn third in the distance medley and and Dick Lawless each collected fifth In the university mile relay. one win "Sunny" A k pat a. a Nigeria* Art Dowd led the epee team ALL-AMERICAN BOB rETEBSON. af UK L'slvmlty ol Buff.l. exchange student, recorded a with twn nln* and one km. Hh DICK HOLMES, captain of Mat s pistol team aeeepta one of defeat cama at the hand* #1 fli make* > I) makra a point MSI,". Jim Clary la Satardar'. ax.ln.t MSI;', SatarS.,'. mi!'hmjl.h |„ %V 7" Jump In the hroad Jump. three first plaee medals wan by the Spartan* In Saturday's match thr nrw Mm'< Inlramaral hnlMlna. Prlrnoa waa Iwe match... it it it Boh Welch. Carl Knight aim with Ohio State, from Col. Merlon Munson. Willie Atterberry, who set a racked «p nne for the ftpartan*. record in 'he 600-yard world Bob Peterson, Buffalo's All Win 7-0, Irose 5-4 run when only a freshman, com¬ peted in the Millrose Games in MSU Pistol Team Unheaten American epce man had record for the meet. Bob Welch, a 2-6 Madison Square Garden Satur¬ UB epeeist, also had a perfect day, placing fourth In the 600. Michigan defeated State's Ohio State pistol team Saturday Di k Holmes (856), Stephen Donne! 1 (836) and Charles Mc- Comb (831) won the Individual night Don Johnson was In the sabre trio Elc took high man two ;S' Pucksters Split gaining 1.163 points out of a honors. Their scores were out ma^che* 5-3 and 5-1, but lost LIVE IN possible 1500. The Buckeyes made 1022 point*. The Spartans took the team of a possible 000 points. Included on the winning team were Holmes, Donell, MrComb. 5-3 to Boh Sawyer, UB cap'ain. who was undefeated Friday night. Steve Arnest, MSU eo- With Huskie Squad trophy and the three first-place Lothnr Willerty, Kirby Holmes captain, also took one bout. By DAVE HARRELL medals. and Charles Holmes. BRODY GROUP? Caaeh Charle* Schmitter wis Mi''hijrnn State'* rampant hockey team had It* foot ;n I disappointed in the team's show¬ r ing. "We hare a well balanced the floor Saturday niyht, but the Michigan Tech Hu-kyg epee team." he said, "and good ■dammed it shut by beating the Spartan* 5-1 in overtime, J Madison Avenue... MNIORS AND ORADUATt STUDENTS potential In sabre and foil, hut they're just not ranting through." Inexperience k a big factor working against the team. after State hml blanked Tech 7-0 Friday night. to The door wis that which ted fir«t place in the Western reach tip is East Lansing *onv»,;*-e afternoon. | Collegiate Hockey !*e*guc. State The Soartan* will Uni¬ T-, up and down ad alley you'll find the luil Arrow tilt StrMt I ; PNYMCS AND MATHEMATICS ♦ • meet versity of Chicago and Illinois needed n sweep of the Houghton scries to reach the top spot. the This Friday the Irrrs rrrat Michigan team In 'he I < | ■martest account exec* call for Coke during in a triangular meet next Sat¬ A pr - crful offense and goalie Arena and then go to Arn Arbor J Important meetings. The cold crisp taste, urday at Champaign Friday's •he rrat refreshment of Coca-Cola The Douglas Aircraft Company meet was the team's last home Joe Selinger's spotless gnnl'end- Saturday to complete the *ai. game series. | ing combined to drub the top- h\ •re just what the client ordered. So periscope ami take a look into the up MVim YOU TO appearance. Two ranked Tech in,:« r squad Friday Sel- turned away 36 Michigan ' former •ituatlon. A«l men of the future!—start ptoir training now—climb into a gray flannel SPARTAN ON CAMPUS INTmVNWS basketball stars Michigan — Clarence Means and Rob Stevens — *erve State Tec ♦bird *hots in shutout of the rejjkfhring season his Mramural putt and relax with ■ Coke! as assistants to Spartan head Bellnger was ilsn credited M REALLY REFRESHED,.. HAVE A CORE! RARRER SHOP FEB. 23 and 24 coaeh Forddy Anderson. with hl« first assist of the season when he fired a long past to Schedule 117 N. Hirrlmn 1 Work Plnrf oaf .bout H» tntenrtin, pnjlkm, aaiManrr In fDfrk Hamilton at mid-Ire. Ham¬ « 1* W Rhsw iw I cnitr tit v* W "hit ? tofftfd under authority ol The Coca-Colo Cora puny by ilton pasted to Terry Moroney 7 i* W Shaw S vs. W «M« s North of KrUofc Ctnltr furthrrln* ynur Mhmtion nnd outrtMslini promotion BE POPILIR • 10 W Rkaw t vs. W this • LA-MALM: COCA-COLA BOTTLING COMPANY who whipped the puck past « in W «haw * «s W sh,» ta Lansing, Michigan opportunity with thr world', boding nwnufwtnrrr goalie G?orge f ifcnllrk far the 1*1 C Ot'PY IV of alrrrnft and mlaailaa Oat facta on living mnditiona, second Hpartan trore. c W DiHfnnns t »«. Rmrn'm* ? 7 7* rmrains | »i V ! i.aaarch fadlltlaa and apportunHiaa to advanra pro s 1* rrarams 2 »i Nmmt I The first score came when de- t M I mmiMti 4 «i. fmmnni * ~ Morally at DoUflaa farlllHaa Incatad In California. fen-eman Ed Bollesel slapped iw rot py v 4 JS r Rkaw I »s F Rkaw T Florida, Oklahoma. North Carolina and Naw Mmira . - dhr the puck fir«t period home at 8 12 of the : s » R 71 r Shaw 5 va. f. *ha« Rkaw Z va. R Utj* * 9 Raanrva yonr auwr darMon until yon ha v. talkari vM r Rkaw R va. 9. Rha« l« Glenn Mar-Donald and Mor with tha Doualaa npmwitatlm It may ha tha moat IW COIRT VI ! ' !• oney made the score 4-6 with < IS RaNvv I va. Rallvv T goal* in the second period, and 7 ta Rallvv S va. Nall-V f a ta Rart'li va. CmsaSsrs Hamilton. Jack Roberts, and a W Hallvv Z va Halls* I Capt. Joe PoJano sewed up the SHORT rofhRR—JRNMOV ft I I SM YOUR DWICTOS OS RIACWUNT 7-n shutout with tallies In the a in streaks as Platm 7 M %rra va. Ikv Rarahlsrs third period • 7* IrinrtaRa va. Ilancrs FOR YOU* Mimvnw AeeOMTWUNT It looked like MSU had first • IR t'irarantcrs va. Ryn»i»*lis place just about clutched Satur¬ it it it r rot'rt rrrrrvatton latiiaAtaMaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaataataaaittttataaMtatt day night when they led 4-2 la'e In the final period. Gerald RTHCDCLF. Mon Fabbro turned on the heat for Handball eourta: Fri.. 8 a.m. to 16 p.m ; S^* *Va| l| Tech with a pair of goal* to a m-5 p m. 1 CM tndi you the Mimbo tw the game at four-aII and send the teams into a sudden death Tennt*: Thurt., • a.m.-J pr ; is i Ira lassont" overtime period. Sat , J2-5 p m. SHEPARDS Valley hell: We*!., Thurs Fahhra never cooled alt, he Fri., 4-7 pm k'.m kn.ariMNim.aw" 2:D7 of the extra stauaa he Tahla lennia room: Mm hn Hfled a ahot pool Seltegor fur Fri., I a.m.-lO p.m.; Sat., 8 a m kfaanlr • mm plaee. 6 pm. • Why am naa la aa Ante, WreeMhun t a.m. - 16 a* i rad mm tmm ranklr ,ad The Spartan* were forced to East Lansing Store Only VmTI M travel by train when weather Mon, thru p.m. Fri.; Sab, • -N| ImmIi, tk. Ank«r conditions Thursday, prevented Mdf. haan: M-F. I aa Thousands Of Reference Booh aay Sk, k h, m h> amy flying. The team is expected to p m.; Sat , • a m.-S p.mj> I. artlm.BHkaw Einal Week WAMaa ISPMOSy. FREE 9c And Up Serai Annual Campus Footwear Vi GaRon Coke, Root Boar or Orange with 2 leg. One hem Plana DELIVERY 6 P.M. - 1>30 A.M. IV 9-7AS1 vamn em p IttV, K. Nkkitaa (ED 2^517) S517) / NEW mUS ADDED DAILY CLEARANCE K: i .> | ■ AT Save up to 50% Pm Sigma Kappa % iM i mm wittier, Ha') Vmm'i ami Children's ayrlf aid year around footwmr colony At GIBSON'S OPEN RUSH Greater Savings Thaa Ever Hurry. Hurry... Hurry.. . .. piaaty at patkiac ... dty M la rear SMOKER Tiiien km UNIVERSITY BOOKSTORE \keDorl. Cotch Fordrfy at 2 01.1. ri't <+i«r*'» prov'd thfir Captain Don Patterson act s In the 200 yard backstroke A1 1 Coxon showed well with a time rilind im m fluke, COLLEGE BIKE SHOP new dual meet record in the of 2:16 0 SHERATON Coxon. along with . <*, Nurttiweelem -quad JOHN DhVin.S and (hark 50 yard freestyle. His time. :22 0, diet' •!"< Play- Th.mp.on t»„ irmna.U wrrc Dave McCaffrec, Manwell, and in Mired in Saturday's meet with Ohio State. State also squills the varsity rscord. won «-4§, Pontius left Purdue behind in ILcrf-'f rirtwy wlrf-iwd •SVrmindiB* Ind m Iht Ttt ,, Sl-ira I,,:,,..,! Patterson's split for His relay was :4H.t; this is an Indleatlon the 400 yard medley relay. Diver Tony Kaufman placed Prepare for Spring Stwo R„,n and „v« a 4-1 it* "p>f- record while ind Indiana, the dot- t'o. — 1"" • £ * injured — A # he Is getting ready far Indiana neat week, and then OMe State and Michigan. third behind Purdue's DHrda and Dick Bachli. Jerry Bike Repair* Bike Rental* HOTELS urwt Accompanies A third record was .wt in the too yard freestyle relay by Dave Bike Sale* with u ShtrrtM Mbkd Inai .fr. ^ j bK »*ar." weneu aaM t ' •Diget, Denny and Patterson. Raker, Steuart, They swam to a 134 H. NanisM ED 2-4117 Student or Faculty n**ir estera ktm before aarene aagtbtag. •fU*f Gymnasts Victory new pool record in 3:2SO. Art Manwell and Larry Jone* are two more sophomores worthy aaMWH WW*A4 .BOJ. rA Jtad...rtr*rftdv^, Here'* ho I. D. card v so on* your *?»▼«! i« •'*. the Spartans It* PIT! of acclaim. Manwell took fir** dherstnn Hotel* havs i 50% OFF wwr* UAIJttts •*pen*e* 4 9? rrbounds while North- Mate Sew* Sight Editor in the 2"0 yard butterfly in npenil low rates for atiidsnta, W4f Ported to settle for 2:20 3 while Jones placed first faculty, and all other colleg# ju*- w.e Wildcat* had only four Michigan State's pvmtiHNt* continual t/i win meets and tn the 100 • lo-e tegm member- Sattirdsv. Iwiitinp Ohio yard freestyle in February !. I»5» Page Wee snnnsl during weekend*, var*. „v# rebound* In the second State, tVLlO. at dephsmnre Ernie Dewell was tiona, and wimmtr. Ra*eg *v. »"d Lanm m ?r«-»- exercise winnir-g .n the horizontal bar, where for credit, may he mad# (I). ifreak k> four ilghf • . gtan Tarshis. I DM Big 10 rhamp privilege* at Sheraton " ,r,r* ' •'K": 1 "r and .YC'AA SLITS & SPORT COATS Hotel*. The Shora'on Student- ■ > Mm* waaat faaad hi ari l I- .ml d; "V v.'d ».. **'- runner-up in the rilnc alone, hnwever. All - k*!•* a season win streak AIXO Faculty Plan j good at a!| 44 bow. d jrir.i! • ; ox. . jijve to finish ahead of Girard Sheraton Hotel* in 39 ritie* in th# . Mt In donMe flgnroo. An- "T ft. Oeoen edd- He • « 'h- •-*.«' ;>• ■ f-'»r,fid Tests BAMON SWEATERS . . . *1.30 U. S. A. and in Canada. i n Walker li. *nd Olson You muat preaent. your J.D xophomnre all-around man , saturated Mi IM Wrth eard »hen ou regi rer at. the ?UM b'.:.g 11*1 shorr who may find hlm- • epr >• jfrtfarl II. kb- *elf in a rouple of new event* hotel to be eligible for they* during the r > • '-r even?. •peel a | ribcownt* ||gGr*en htrf his hands full next week he# a live ot the man- i Joe Ruklick who arched yr.thw' to • k '!!•».h-^ng. power whortage, raised esehrous 6t( your Shetito# I 0 ctH fnm . n 4 his It points before flinicl* was fifth on tramp hen he finished second In £*ina (alnnoat all on hook and fifth in tumbling, where tomhlinc against an 0«V! team MB PAT OBfFM Despite the outbur". the in lury cut hi* e*ercl*e *hnrt noted for «trong lumhllng and g"'ege Belnhon* Deportwe*| I dung fo • 91-11 margin tramfmline eerpa • Both ill probably miss this •Sherotrm B> ildtog i intermission. weekend's roa \ with fn- ftTORC WITH TIIT Rt II IMM»* 470 AHoet:* Ay»« placed behind Tom J ,« [) to Green'a turn in the i: in a »rd:n* *« ''Mb Geo: ge {■ pt « -.>• •!«••> a'«j on HI K. firw, Ktver loAtoe 17, Maiiorhiiietf* I half as the senior center tramp- . ill me. 'he Burks to YOU MAY MEET THEM • r"fd Ruklick, 13-1, and jw .i>g wins fseid JAW KVnitll «1TI«KV1 40IIR SVHH III I- the Spartans an " 'wo events. Die Spartan* R'TTHI.IKN to lead* •*r»ri r-sehed II points on one ruTTibl.ng trimjM or ft w., ,nq individual win* t ne;'Kcr injury mu ds during •►.e o-her five event*. MB. SOON H -o r>»d fifths on paral- IftWaB Mils now nwna an Angie Festa. »n- lit and 1-1 in around who •»er,ior broke a '•*! > t'i'i itiil nng« and veteran A Campus-to-Career Case History Mke ('"• •€o rounded oqt the MSG so while North riefore * iojih- during i-v l> •nig with a third on side I (Ml sMppii helnw ISO nd never lived up bis Bk M. •rt v uinv thought hi | !W tpertsns ean take a com- p'»«entia! r at "he oes- day of idmg lead In the rare by his MSI.' >■<'", m S/vpuU'.- ffcng eff Wisconsin tonight words. I Bwtimn. Wisconsin hasn't He pouted w in* mi itill rings II conference gam# yet and and parallel bars, a «ernnd in llM record. ff,* eserri*e and third on hnri- | Irhigan Btsts's crack r r at relay team the Qusntko, von He two- spec- Kama* sontal hay to tie f apt f'al Gir¬ ard for meet sroring Mmn Willi II p»inu Girurd won id® horse, placed Special Announcement i Pens Relsyg and was see. on honruntal bar and still ring- 4 ■ world-record time at the was third on parallel* for hi* ANOTHER CHAPTER IN THE I Angele* Coliseum Relays fir--' n 'he even' *hi« /ear f the J91g season. and fourth m free ex NEW ENGLAND LIFE - MICHIGAN ST ATE MAWPI'intl Mt«9f \ierw.ee will ip<*ak and conduct panel sessions before both life insurance elavres OPEN M:W on the 4th. Thai same evening in a meeting: open to all student* and faculty, he will talk on "The Opporiunltie* Available in the Life Insurance Business" Appoint- CLOSED SAT. 12 NOON ; menu may be arranged for February 5 through the placement off»ce. Bill Huim$ (far r-ghlt r-/!>»•• <> pf.it* lor ctfMnJmg Sttafasa't UiillM44tMiM*mttHl>ttlHbtbtHillH"tM 'liiitiM, i m Hii U.-- inlf-froa railing at.m mlh u»wa fill..* tufi'i'luitt. ALSO INTERVIEWING FOR ADMINISTRATIVE POSITIONS 1/ He wanted mora than MSU PLAYERS m (H*M*en -Mk «• Dflirlee •< On February 5 at the Placement Bureau the •ale, executive* will interview those m a mtui MM"- mterceted in both '-he aaiea and vanou* admimatrative opportunist* at the horr.e '|uat an anglnaorlng job'" office :n Boston. For example, the mathemaUc* major will want to consider actuarial M'illiam G. Burn* majored in Civil Fn» August, I'Jul. a'« Supervising Kngineer— work. On tha other hand, there may be no direct relation to your course of study u'Hleering if I n ion College. But he hail Fi.Mdamcntal Plane, with a »laff of four .,t , J and work In* our underwriting department. Or you may wuh to enter our Career hie own idea* about hi* engineering •mgirwers and two clerk*. In this job, Or.emotion. Program. After a six-month period of indoctrination you may becorrw future, "| Avenled a job with a.'growth" fie •tudiee and forera*t« the future tela, •n administrative aaatatant, t bualnoae coordinator, an anuitant operation* analy-t, fornpany." he «av*. "where I could i|e- plione rirnl* of ctietonier* in a -lf{fk)- to mention a few recent assign merits. ve|«ip end move ahead i» a member of Nquare-rniie area, planning from thren to msnngernent.'' 20 year* altead. He.then coordinate* Bill found hie 'growth" • ompany-end, the development of plana to meet future hi* management opportunity. On grade* need* with the various engineering •ting in Junr. 1'>ST. he darted work group* involved. Hill < all* it "manage¬ with the New York Telephone Company. ment engineering." /AMVAA Htx month* of training and loenla in Albony familiariard him with job assign- ilie Plant, f omrnercial. Accounting and Trsfhr functiona of the telephone hue*, Bill Is married, h.i* three youngster* and owns bis own home. "A own ha* to build hi* own •eeunty," he taya, "and Hading the right place tn dn it ran be ■ t is?/.. "A .if, (»1mV aw*. Then fame IS month* ae in the l/rnf Range Planning Croup, la October, I'tV), he perrwiag Engineer, wee engineer promoted la 3m> might* important. Choosing a Bell Tele- phoae career waa the liext det i«ion I ever made, I don't know where an ambitious i NEW ENGLAND Bill mm transferred la Syracuse *ia young fellow can Sad more or better chance* to move ahead in management." cAB'LIFE&=£S M Tiliipbaa. kewklM «m At# in MV K (MW TH*U oeiw m II i: Trailer Mikovan A««nnir«, Peddler Role in Offer to Sell Ru««ian Vodka to the United Slate* MICHIGAN STATr ™ vm 'Seniors of the Week' Announced MOSCOW o>»n says he UP)—Ana .u. Hik- offered to export I notl ,d [hey (the United (or a license," TrjHcr MUtoysn nomlc Affair,, lo whom he made February 2,115, ^ Jran McElroy, H i n g h a m, Miss McElroy. with State.) are making their oven aid. 'he offer, "regretfully told mo a 16 oil- Phi Delta Theta fraternity of¬ unlimited quantities of vodka to vodka but advertising it as Rus- He said Douglas Dillon, Un- the American product was not and Dick Schlaff, Crosse Pointe Farms, have been named university average, is a of Union Board's Board of Dir¬ member fices include treasurer, vice chaplain president, and rush the_United States. sun vodka without asking us dersccretary of State for Eco- as good as ours.' f« Hi-urt "Seniors of tha Week.** ectors. Honorary memberships chairman. include Tower Guard, Alpha Lambda Delta, Tau Sigma and An ivritafion to Voor qoertion. Pi Gamma Mu. She has been rush president counselor, and care will be an.u,.., corresponding secretary of her Monday In thl, Engineering and Physical . sorority, Alpha Phi. Mlaa MeEJroy has been treas¬ Dr. Joseph B. Gutsk urer far the IAWS National Conference and a member of the AIJM) Personnel Committee. She plans a carcar in person- Science Majors Qneition« nel work. Schlaff is president of Exrali- Altoat «y« bur, was general chairman for Lockheed Missile SyptCTnt Division i« systems manager for such prnblrin* Career Carnival, and is a mem¬ major, long-term project a* the Navy Polaris IHHM Q-*», ^-7, Will he ber of Blue Key. lie served as secretary of IFC, Arm.v Kingfisher and other important space, research an «*F red rush and and flcveloprnent programs. The Division was honored at the by t»r J. R personnel chairman for Men's Council and on the first. National Missile Industry Conference as "the organization OufstPln In JEAN MeELROY Union Board of Dire that contributed rnoet in the pa.*t year to the development of the thii column art of missile* and astronautics." pipfy Monday H' I g r PLACEMENT BUREAU Headquarters for the Division are located at. Sunnyvale. California, Last 3 Day, on the San Francisco Peninsula. Research and Ope.fT.Af (R) Bachelor's degreo (Ml Masters (D) Doctors Where no da¬ Development facilities are in the Stanford Industrial Park in nearby Palo Alto. Other irya Is Indicated, all degree lavela era eligible to Interview. Division locations are at Van Nuvs, Santa Cruz, and Santa Maria, QUESTION: EMPLOYERS OPENINGS FOR THR FOLLOWING MAJORS FEBRUARY 4, If.It LUCON California; Cape Canaveral. Florida Alamogordo New Mexico; and Hawaii. Together, they provide complete facilities with the What is Gla ir .r. The Cleeland Pneumatic Tool Ce. Applied latest scientific and technical equipment, including one of the m«*t ANSWER: Mechanics (M) A Shown 1:00-100-8:25 Mech. Engrs. (Hi for Dynam¬ ics F.ngrg. Mathematicians (B) (M) A Civil (B) (M) Engrs. Academy Award Show? I advanced computing center* in the nation. Employee U-nehta art among tha best in the industry. two 1st This disesflr of (hp an essential rhiri. increase m pr;,J I The Pure Oil Co, interested in Stress Analysis. Marketing (B) A Gen. Bus. (B) (M) majors for Sales A d Graduate Study Program For tho«4i who qualify and d*»ire to continue their education 'he inside the eyeball ?n(f directly result.„r |,r,m 1st) the destruction uf Credit work Acctg. IB) ma¬ inside the eyes |„ (,f Graduate Study Program enable* them to obtain advanced d» u" "s , jors for Acctg. work. stages of * Durum* the . at the University of California at Berkeley, or Stanford Pomona Unified School Dist. All Clem. (B) (M) teachers. University, hall het nmes stone v hardl while employed in their chosen field* at Lockheed. the eye is compleuiy Secondary teachers of: Eng¬ MiJ lish (B) (M), Social Studies (M), U. S. History (M), Art (B) (M), Spanish - English QUESTION: (M), English - Drama (M) Our tnlltgt rrprrsrntative W)mt is the en :* >( Physics-Math (B) (M) A In¬ in the contact mil be mailable i» •. <■ dus!. Art (M), Ifome Ec. (B). on campus for interviews on may get? fcnnsalt Chemicals Corp. Chemists (B) (M) C'hem. En¬ ! Corps of Engineers Detroit DIM. grs. (ID (M) FEBRUARY 9 ANSWER: At U. S Lake Survey Civil. Merit. A FMt-et Ehgra For appointment, 1 If you mean char**.! Ashland Oil A Refilling Co. Acctg. (II) majors. Meeh. (ft) pleoee fee jjour Plneewnt liirrrtnr now. prescription this is rtiffirnl Engrs. Civil (ID Engrs. Chem. answer because tit- nrrvrl (Bl (M) Engrs. tion in rontact FFRRt'ARV 4 A lense* n§ ft. INI changes. Goodyear Tire A Rubber Co, Chemists (B) (M). Mech. (R) If you mean changes (M), Elect. (II) (M). Indust. Lockheed ! rnmpieul| are necessary to (B> (M), Chcm. (ID (M) A Civil (ID (Ml Engrs. fitting of the ronl.irt |e»J Goodyear Aircraft Corp. there is no Additional 1 Physicist*. Elect., Mech. A Civil Engrs. . MISSILK 8Y8TKMS DIVISION charged for this. generJ FEBRUARY ft. Iftftf • unnwAlv esto alto. van nu*i santa c»yr *» » "»»». California The total fee rovprs ptl Herjiolshelmeril • ••i canavtaal. clon oa • atamooosoo. ntw mftmico thing and tin m* office) J Advertising (ID, Retailing (It), rovers I year's super* i Personnel (It), Ecofi. (It), nattNiu, Econ. (it). Mklg (ft). Gen. rare of the contact )cn* 1 Bus. (ID A Lib Art* (B) * Marts Than. * majors for Training Program. KABLM MMKTC tiUTRT MTI Tlmken Rotter Bearing Co. Mech. Engrs. (ID. Accounting majors. Send inqulrlci to Reveo, Ine, Mech. (It), Choin. (B), Indust. (B) A Elect. (B) Engrs. Or Jossph B. OPTOM»Tei«T 9tt Prnddew Rldf Aldtol Hall Witts |M W yHehfr»n to TODAY * TUBS, Mtrh- Snow Sculpture Contest Saturday AHULTft . Th CHILD .'IIMIIM J RHOWN i:f • f:4t "Th, Thinking Mill 8mok„ Viceroy" m th, winning lh»m, ■l Saturday', Anow Sculpture contort «pnn»ored by Womfn', Inlfr-RnkklK, Council. IT'S SMART,SENSIBLE,SPIRITED. YOUR NEW DIMENSION IN MOTORING IAUK" HYSTUDEBAKER Bum lor Abbot Holt, th, •rulpture Nlui*d b man — I thinker, pom. This is the ideal cu for campus life and off the campus, too. Costs little N*M -Mb Unl Term We're to buy. little to run. Only W Vi feet long, parks where others can't. Seats six iM to no nnuM." two in comfort. Minimum ■ibbhbii bi o "welbhw-better- overhang and virtually no "dead" weight provides exceptional handling qualities. Choice of engines: (both require only low-cost regular gas) 6 or 8 With 4-b.irrcl carburetor and dual exhaust . Halt lor "Arctic PInylend" fea- the V-8 Lark realty moves. Models available option, are 2-door, 4-door. turlng • lUggcddy Ann doll. RTARTft nation wagon. hardtop, Judge* tor the contcat were: MM Mary Boach. homa eco- WRDNF.MDAY! Many options, too, including reclining seats... perfect for vaca¬ ■