... 'Pajama Game' Opens Feb. 18 - Tickets On Sale How... Of) ISC Win* OUM Off..' »•». II M Michigan State News rij>a> •»»»• »■! WARMER TrMMM WlfcMtta .j T«»d.iv' will hi- rlniirtv And .11 n C w M |J mrmff wilh *oiiMiw-«t«»rlv winds, .(■I rr.»sin ; in IMS mph 'I hi* tow will hi- Id-It .mit thr hlrh will hi- 2)1-31. VOL. 60, No. 125 EAST LANSING. MICHIGAN-TUESDAY. FEBRUARY S. 1959 I-IMCE .I CENTS Counter Reds U. S. Considers Virginia Quiet as Schools Integrate German Plan 6 Spartans Attend Riot Sounds WASHINGTON (IP) — Sen. William Eullirljrht Model UN Session . (t).Ark) | aid Monday nljrht Secretary of State Dulles is (on.iderlnf a countcrprnjiocnl to Russia on the German seriously Stand By; — issue. Represent Byelorussia No Trouble Automobile Fulbright, soon to become chairman of the Senate Foreign At Montreal Conference Relation-: Committee, told thi I'ieketiii!; \l»-«*iit [Permissions to newsmen six Spnrtan* left after an hour-long campn* curly I hi. morning on n field A* Color l.ine Falls eonferen e with Dulles at trie 'rip to Montreal where they will represent MSI' at an In secretary's home. ternational model tufted Nations [For J-Hop session, Feb. 1-7, &poh- ARLINGTON. Vn. OP) - Ife said Dulles sored l»y the spoke frank?: University of Montreal. Knur Nepro rhfMrrn iittpnd ■n n review of foreign policy i«- Students from over 70 Amer 'd thr fornifrly nH-uhi*' I The *ft:y Ms department of granted special public per- »penert \lm. flurry of Kla . senior: Jon Schuster. Man '*ho NVitrrx" - '' rof and Friday night and 2 a.m. Satur- the sometimes conflirting viev • a •viique ivr-t ;md senior: James Bern* I ii> evening. J-Hop programs of 'he U. S. .Britain. Frame M g dairy meeting'. Wviindofte senior, and Seven rattle Robin I t'jR be presented when enter - and West Germany in the new their associations he'd Murray, a junior IT'S A NFI.r-kl I'FORTING, M.»!e \rwo I'li'iln b* Ma* snulm^n I ftrs* discus-ions ;tr live- from Aus¬ |ml«rthvl-nr Air I* pumped Into il and a| women's living units after German crisis tralia trwnhftuw. That's what the ag. provides support even «k lolli-d for Dr. Alfred Meyer of ttir engineering de¬ under pres-ure of ire and snow. The I bur*. m ■ judging to¬ Politi al partment rail* it anyway. The greenhmi*e work* greenhouse, Three h.' • day. Jk'iencc department developed hv the ag. engineering depirtinenl, is • ;,rl di.GjruU I The jungle setting for the an- I u I bright said He made no t!k'-r| nn' of the The ioinifl the group as advisor. on the time prlnrtple a* »elf-lnf1ating life rafl*. .'hfiol in pro* I iuaT affair will be compliment- specific huggetlinn Ui Itullrs Mi-hlgan Artificial on displav lit ronnertion with larnter* Week. •f Breeders Cooperative presented against 't- icnce of the I 4 by the muaic of Tommy Dor- Hut he said he urged the sec¬ Farh unlver*lty group will . iwards to six supervisors for • ' And another white girl I or's band Friday night and the repre*enl a member nation of I Jauter-Finnegan orchestra Sa'.» retary proposal to Ut develop some Russia's counter demand their a ork m encouraging and the I niled Nation*. The MRU Hannah Sp«'aki» on Ui\il If ,i. -cnt home diiririg the day ound hieeding programs among n* ;n • kinit derogatory rommei.l I rlay evening. that Allied troops withdraw group will represent the Byelo¬ nollt the eh'Xil die farmers with whom the russian kovlet Socialist Repub¬ ..n, '.»! The I Tickets are on sal« at the from West Berlin and deal with | M ticket desk. Fast German? on the future of Berlin. work '.I fn further action, the Nation- Dairy Product* corporation lic. I»r. Meyer, »ommuntom. will brief the group on an Byelornssian foreign polley. expert an Racial Crisis Should Aid I froRomi™ Colloquium Fulbright *aid he and Duller presented six more awards for Purpose of the model session Mod real mi i". I I It** kwr Andrew Frank, assistant pro- of economics, will the economics colloquium ad- discussed various including one proposal that both Allied and Soviet possibilities. tr«x»p* be efficient dairy herd Tod*?'* program will feature the Judging of all ronleat rattle production. * to focus' the attention of atu- lenf* and the general public on To Strengthen, Unite U. S. In another disciplinary action three white hov* «»-re sent home for tosHlne firecrackers from a current international problems. |hi«day at 3:48 p.m. in 34 Un- withdrawn a substantial dis¬ in Uie'f.lrMari Pavilion. Far- The program to window. But school official# said receiving wide He SANDRA IMill kIMN to any iwr*on within it* iurl*- m. tance from both banks of the . tverage by the Canadian radio, > ide ibs'/ii" thev did not know uhrthrr the Beef "Not in decades have (he Hit tank win be "Goal Am- Elbe River Cattle Breeder*. Angus diitinn the equal protection ta'ed pisode «a* related to integra¬ television and press media. •Vneriran people been onfronf- of Hannah • I aiwty and Conflicting Stand- This would leave a wide rone Breeder*. Hereford Breeder* the law*. Harm, tn a ted tion. Polled Hereford Breeder*. Red The three ed" with a situation so chaw d I r* «a approach te the study through Germany devoid of resolnttoiM the Foil mark f general with prejudice, emotion, and "Although > e r,ave n-t full s.»M .• ,.f uldcen I g rfanisetkm.'* either Soviet or Allied forces Breeder* and shorthorn A Mem My will Breeder*. i onsl iter are the Immediate bias, with the bhslr farts sr. achieved r great ideal in thi •a ho > »'••»• i'. frrre ('ii'> Mon- Agricultural engineering will evaenatlon and Internatlonall- clouded, and the verv Interprr- I iv >5aid the N» 'udent* were be the emphasis of the day with ration of Berlin under I N dl- lation of fundamental * •. ui\,ted o-tHi,»nd "ba* FARMERS' WEEK EVENTS reetlon. e«tahll*hment much in dispute." :tavd f're *!;«-»r hi!e Groundhog's meeting on soil and water pro¬ of a - -a • ib- . • ';iily peaee conference dent John A Hannah Saturdav grams and power and machin¬ concerning Detroit at the flu the international ery programs. Arab-Israeli problem*. and n Governors' scene r»e- !• t SW-phen TODAY and Farm crops, Dairy, Forestry, Home Economics will all elimination of foreign base* In Asia. Conference on Civil Right* A* chairman of the Civil Forecast— Ifannah reiterated that the I nit- must "remember that Thome "I right next to one flight* most of tlie people* of the hold meetings Canadian Prime Minister John Commission, Dr. Hannah re¬ Negro mid had lunch More Winter throughout the en I* BmTICaltk ami Hoc Shu* went on to say that every na¬ maining one-third of the wnrld'* wdh Hie white Muileuls in the day. Alio meeting are visitor# Dlefenbaker will deliver the tion must population (which i* nut UvMtork Piviliow Interested in poultry science, keynote address The Hon fes¬ encounter public af¬ now -choOl cafeteria A school of- fairs from time to time but the lirmlv allied with Russia or the ih'ia? reported that during class¬ IN DntHml p*rM veterinar* medicine, sociology ter Pearson, leader of the Op¬ Overcoat*, earnfuff* and ga¬ strong natioruwould emerge the United state*) .,re not white." and anthropology. position in the Canadian House, loshes will probably continue to es they reacted rrormally and Al—■> McaMrUI Chapct stronger for the experience "ft Hannah •w ill a!w> addres* the group. Thr be the wearing apparel out-of- went on to emphs^ire popped Up with questions IN Mrjr Mwtim Hon. John Read, one of the five t* my belief that in good time' doors for at toast that "if we can onvineo At a brief new* confercnca six more them Heavv Snows . we will pass through 'his crisis, Aathaajr Hall Auditorium justices who compose the In¬ too and he atiuoger and more week* that, ii we believe, a demo- school, the four Negro tru- e » ternational Court of Justice, will That if down ■ ratic society offers den** told ri-tjorter* nhut But Day * united because of it," continued i*. to earth greater po¬ the day the weather forecast* litical freedom and passed pleasantly and there IM KaManr Cinlir Auditorium Fruit Crew Maatia*—D»»rf Appl' Tie*. Have Crews supervise George Kennan, former Ameri¬ mock court Hannah, .•rid we go have by 'hp groundhog's value opportunity f<«r them than economic t'om- no untoward incidents. were can ambassador to Russia, Alv Reg*r4Hiv the civil right* predictions murnsm doe*, then we nre likn- Room 205, Horllrultur* Building Yaath Pracraa Snowed Under Khan. Pakistani envoy to the UN and former President Harry ronlrovente*. Hannah empha- vised the! the American tdealaf This theory of future weather forecasting was introduced in ly to win. if we cannot *o con¬ vince them, by word and action, Spartan Tliree S. Truman are expected to at¬ equality af appartnnlt? and 'he U. S by immigrant* from then our future and the future Auditorium Ranamrni Orumblingsovar MRU'* snow? On Sale Agricultural Economic* sidewalks are not limited to the tend the sesalon. pratertian by law waa aid and rhertohod. Along wHh the Da- Germany and England. Attention is centered around , of the deed." wnrld looks bleak In¬ Spartan number Toilay tnree ia on FairthiM Thaatar ,>ode*tnan students — Campus r I am tian af ladependenee, the the woodchuck* action*, alias Agricultural Engineering lla> landscape Architect Harold Senior Women preamble to the Constitution, groundhog, on Feb. 2 annually. /.) Omen at One »a!e n'. all campus newf 9'and* fAutner reports that his main¬ and tho BJU of Rights, the Foor- If he appears from hi* winter Mow beginning today. The sale will Rata UC. Angrirulturel Enginaaring Huildiag continue through Thursday. Faraatry tenance under. crews are a too snowed Urged to Petition teontb provide* that Amendment no spreifteally state shall deny nap on this day and observe# hi* shadow there will be nix —AH PRETORIA. South Africa 15 men on a cricket field oP» The "Comeback with humor* magazine it being sold at the The coat of overtime and ex¬ UanN Room A. Kallogg Center tra manpower the la«t two For Honor Right* weeks more of winter weather. However, if he doean't wero knocked down by light¬ Union, Natural Science, Short Hin Economic* tee hi* ning Monday. No one waa fcor- Course, Olds, Student Services Union week* alone mow cost as much as removal all la*t winter. AH seiWor coed* with a 30 Veiled Meter* •shadow he will noi return to hi* den for another long nap. as ioualy injured. and Her key. HartkaBara—Houia Gardanin* Lautner states there has been all-university average are urged winter will soon be giving way 2M, Horticulture Building more a* much ice and to Jan. IB almost snow as there normal¬ to petition for Women privileges in the Wo¬ Senior Honor New Mystery to spring. Since Monday was bright and I Nat Grow an.' AMOdalion men's Division. ly is all winter F.very avail¬ 207, Horticulture Building able grounds maintenance man Mortar Board will present an 185 grant to a selected Honor On Campus tunny our n't help but animal see friend could¬ his shadow, PMMty Science—Management and -ome 27 machines have put providing ho awoke from hu ■— tn much overtime. Woman, which may be used for A new mystery at MSU. deep. Hi, Anlhoay Hall any purpose, Clearing and sanding MRU's not necewarily The case of the brown paper Even though a woodchuck aad Aatfcrapolgy Maating 27 miles of roads, 53 miles of tuition or book*/- bags covering the parking met¬ wasn't observed by this writer, I 100. KoUogg Caalar walks and 84 acres of parking All Senior Honor Women will ers throughout campus. or anyone at the Rotter Park aad Pint PalMngy—Tomatoe* lots—a total of over 200 acTes— be invited by the) Faculty Wo¬ The solution; more free park¬ Zoo, there is one fact to keep have resulted in the costly over¬ men's Aaan. to a tea March 3 ing. in mind. l 110. Natarml Science Our calendar shows time and added manpower. with Mr*. Ruth Useetn as guest Thi* is just one of the many there are 44 Dllllii Pnll Breeder* days remaining un¬ Lautner asked the under¬ speaker. university courtesies being ex¬ til spring, Mar. 21, or a little 111. 101. Aathaay HaU standing co-operation and fore- Last year at thi* time, nearly tended to the expected 30,000 over six weeks. bearance of mak¬ 130 coeds had petitioned for the visitor* everyone on attending the 44th an¬ ing special request* to the honor, but only 80 are on the nual Farmers' Week 11M. 221. Aathaay HaU program Paaar and Machiaary Program ground* maintenance depart¬ itot now, one spokesman said. She urged coeds at home liv¬ now in progress. Hannah Attend* ment. The department, he re¬ University official* feel Hut 110, Agrkalturml Eagiaaarwg port*. will continue to make ing off campus to apply to re¬ basically MSU ha* always been Civil Right* Aleet every effort pocsible to keep the ceive the additional benefit* be¬ an agricultural college and be¬ side extended hours. Coeds lieve thto gesture will help to campus clear of snow and ice. President John 1140, GMaar HaU reapply each term for Honor A. Hannah, make the guest* feel more wel¬ chairman of tha Civil Rights i with AgrkaMaral Ecaaaaika pnvtleffM. come. S'.Ymm Ad Est* i Commission, left campus Satur¬ Free parking to available day night for Now York City. la Chrmtama Traa Farming Repmri tm RrtwU Dtth Where meters are located, in the In Now York, tha Civil Rights A aad & KtUagg Caalar All State News Vh» Sitn Chtelu metered iota and in special Commission is holding a hear¬ areas thai hava been cleared of ing on discrimination in hous¬ Charcoal Making account aaatuUuaa snow. Campus police have re¬ ing. port to Wayne Patrick at the m in. Hi, ||HI *n quested that regularly posted no New York was selected as it retail dak any aftwain this , at Sawmi* week, either In parses or by trMi parking cones be observed by offers a brood cros*-s*ction cf la Chrktaua Traa Faraiag » «• hmmtm housing for persons of mixed then* A sow li*o( sususks Although parking at no cost races, religions, gad nationali¬ A aad R and eaecwBvsi to VOfl >m- will >—Ham all wook siudoots ties. two nrmi r- •A nbIMHI ot tho M — M* Today Dr. Hannah will return In tha hssimsnl af toe And M — MM* I parking i Hull an* that tn campus in time to attend the Week. The IHMe hog toe here eee SppliCOMo «• tlMHto Farmerx* Weak luncheon. toe dfeeto to liefporter Lectures Tonight John Stfohm, th# only Airier* .VfSlJ tton.il m#n< won (iiv» I Suturdav the Debate annua) at invita- Tourna- Hall Staff ican c<»rrp*irondent to visit Red Teacher* College. winning five China, will appear here tonight nf d* debate* '/> pi urn firs? n* a fcalfirr of MRU's fnmi ■pmr" i« kicking t»P their h*rl* m #r®rv.r»«-»♦. f a»l'»f. II..ml. Fast ...pi, I attaint Rf.t.rrt vnph ; Itcthanv M.ll.h.n, I .ruin, Baldwin. Nf, Ing from the (inlverslty af Illi¬ nois store then, he haa tagged ANNIVERSARY SALE «. «.l rill".' KH.al.ll~ I- « « ..«l r.i.n l II III (mt.hllil lh.« I! nhi,. ,r.. unt, |,,M. 7« countries am a correspondent If- . I. \mm h»f Ri.min.h.m ...t.h . anil *,,, In. R.,.i,i.tt» and haa Interviewed sweh Hirrt«i» a : Ami «.ll.h..n H.n |r l.~~ ln.« ~»h prem- tatt • set, er ptatn drees haee llnli.l. n.nl »l. ient nn MmiiI.i, people as Mahal me Dand- hi. King Ihn ttfnlly "martinis## ' f.et veer Hand and Pope Tirkcb rait Stilt- ill I nioit Pins. J-Nop apparel cleaned at Mils Strohm'a. talk will t»e given In saving! teday. d.e University Auditorium In rl'ujumu (iainc' Opens Feb. 18 -operation Week and i.egilis Ttiere rharga, will with he no »♦ Psrrr.ers ft;J5 adiriisMon p m. 121 r. irmif m«« • i'...»ma t»an> ." mnrtern mttaieal corned le* that i. wi 'he f/imous -or.g • have «lemmed from the new *| here" and ifei r *< i . •trie Wr«t eatahlUhpd hv Rotlg- en,' and her art' er« and llammersteln with "Ofc- ■ftngcil-riinoing rrfttr ; •» Uhami," "f arottsel," and "South r n New York 'lief Pacific," hy whieh the aonga are Will It# presented integrated Into the atorv and SIT Players in F?H' »« %■ nigh Saturday, f-n If» p m., plus a <• t'.t- rarrv r* It.red it forward on I'-selltng novel. Ml. hard fliurir. 7 4 ' #n'«; HOW S ifay »l t p m Rf- iPwrk-erf.'hexMonth THAT . .•ir 'i j ■ v ticket.* itre on ■-»> •t. ■ M.ja t.'r. n ticket off u e i by (ieorgr A hi Kit' ind plot <»f the mu»tc > fiiSie'' ;lir. *Uig« by Rlfti- RING ifO a union-man# g*>- d A lier and Jerry . Ro*>., who r.vl.ct. m, vro'e the vinga for , Damn rf lined fSldi. |.an*in« Yanaees." i i larr superintendent up nn««'icn||f(tta production pa Intent Jam.* norm*. en a The sast rompanied anri by the ph'.ruse* the are University GETS AROUND f >r< he*'ra conducted by Dr I Inds Rohlhof f|tah# i(an« l.ampl ChoreogrHphy ui |i«m *oph.. the union oy fprrothy f'leveland, and «'.tge jrk»»ncr-raaiai(li»e utievtton br Dr Cuiby Lewis. win he fall* In love with I *ternl* hrr when *he Die other employe* to r l»un their huirini *ew 1 i i.-i on■ STATE whine* ptelimtnary to a VI 1. BRYNNEH I in ' point to Hi ft I | "Tks BUCCANEER w *hnwn ct rt loyalty to h. »■■■• 7 It * 10 I 1 jr. the girl oe "v- J#l - ry » time-study . " Kullv tin.il *tlh Hfiritr Yvlnn f-ilx Jh.Rrllnt to ylv, e '.i. Hy Terence Snyder, \'"7. *r Sul) * . WEMISOAY Tbra FRIDAY! ,dH«I ttormlh onri dr.no-.. II# • '(hi. Jl.e, p- Mary 'if 'hr pfe"> »-**>*)» 0W' I'V-O soph., Oi H' Si*- R.i.*ico'-t r-- I ll.«t IV I vr.w SKKIKS .11 |V1» KMTIOVAI. HI M I-HKSKVTITIONS' . Tareyton winlrr jnd nr»l. Hurr> ' Hurry' Hurry! 5jre»-d«Titf J,»ne> T;i/iOr KM ii sivi: KIIIVt RIM: ONE WEEK ONJ.Y! »r>. B. Iw»n ing ar»|'> (in rnvH.h) "»r romance rui.mni through thif Story of REOI I.AR lift'. flirt llimr S*>l iiHE< I II. •v* i Froth JVr|rli s Council ki'koff coffee hour will aZ a* " »Pw*..j Week in the Old Cof- . o i Hal! Feb. 10 from 3 10 to Frit pmt4, will be giver: land Paul llollinger'! Combo SKOIIL PURCHASE! •ply the enterteinnjent. a welcome. Pu*+ l Feb. ]ft-12. BATES DESERT CHUKKER BOOTS Camrl -h*ir for Yr»r 'Hound W>»r sow showing HE'.I I.AH fwtara At: M Ut - t:M - t J* - »:tt tl.l.M ONE WEEK THE TAREYTON RING E ONLY £ MARKS THE REAL THING! (m (Or Orn • (.harr* Vrnal I MS Kiesm tSNMI IS FIITCS SSMIM! Frcnti Mr. Mo and Nff't «h TartftM t ImI filttr f to • Icai out to Calif . U l-MH Illicit At m tAAgli Intel tea: New Dual Fljtei Faun Him hair quit kly beioine the big >a»okc on Amei icain tain 1 tf ma sttrc.anf li leparos car i fivisnrg action at jMIKi * c-j'* w'h'.s outfr fit tar.. , Why %or It't IjecatiiFlbe unique Dual FiL 2 *:">■: •hsibcj '(oriaihrtafirg*cfronot tcr does mote than just gne you high hltra ACfivsriB tasrcoM n i vu^a rc-nt lion. It actually tele«t* and balance* the tiller *na *afraofgcisfy purifying abii flalor element* in the -incrke to bring out t'f 6-f Actsv itd Charcoal m »-dm, knden !o )» ■haae dafi 317 EAST CRANK HIV EH AYE. the beM in fine tobacco uvte. Fry l arcy torn ntUtiy prc/a£ -; tna EAST LANSING today—in the bright, new p.u k! pit a r.-t-ira'■ aer and ■sr-oe'rar. IL XJ ruwiv or muim) ... crrr runon lot Mi MM VMM m BKMIi ■CAS MTIAMI J Wi nau: 32« SOI TH WASHINGTON IVE. ' "(i ter vrauH Ga- IUIUH NEW DUAL , LANSING |oiior,'aait*i iirS^ y-R is ikolt iM.i r uMNU un DA emu ■ February 3.1959 Sophomore Dave Digel Wins Jeers hose lle/n Polano Outstanding Swimmer Award H* MARY WATMON As a member of two National 4i-*;int coach. Bob Mwerggt Sophomore Tanker Dave Di¬ record holding relays, 200 and More of a conincider.ce is that git broke into the winners' rir- 400-yard freestyle, he marie high Dave's father swam f r Mr- ■ !e two weeks ago and did school All-America for three t'afTrre in his first high ; V»1 equally well in tiie Minnesota years. Dave also co-captained state championship in 1931. meet. the flattie Creek Bearcats in A physical education major At Iowa Diget finished the I9.V7. Diget calls geography a favorite 200-yard individual medley in While In high school Dave object and may »rrioo*!y con¬ Ship'n Shore' • 2:17.0 for first place. This per¬ swam under State's present as- sider teaching it. Most of his formance brought him the Fliti spare time he devotes to h's Campbell award for that week, family while s<>rnc g'-cs to his the no-iron J each week a particularly out¬ standing swimmer Is recognized. Although he finished second hobby, carpentry. Dacron-pima ^ behind Minnesota's Chip Peter¬ son. again this was a good blouse with showing. Moreover, this may he an Indication of heller thing* Entries fnr alt-univrr«i*v bad¬ minton ing?« - tournament, are to come for fliget aaya he does¬ everything I f n't like water kicked In hi* fare. As a freshman Dave was se¬ now being accepted by the IjW office, IV supply room* or by calling egfrmdm ?»Bt. lected as the outstanding fresh¬ man swimmer. Coach Char leg * St * McCafTree calls him an Individ¬ Tim |M off Ire is condor'ing a ual with h great deal of poten¬ special free throw tournament tial for all male participants in In regard to his competition Farmer's Week The I9S8 Horrrr Temn—unbntM Bif l» and MMwoat thampa. he doesn't worry, hut only^doe* The contest will be held at t-3 ids best. "But of to win." eommentf Dlget. course I like p m. on Tuesday, Wednesday era Make AIl-American Ilia and Thursday in gym I of the specialties are freestyle and but¬ 1M building Booters Voted 2nd in Nation terfly strokes and since he'l ♦ ♦ * I teen at State he teas been swim¬ Second round all - university ming the individual, an event handball tournament line- » that calls for an all-around According to Conch Oenr Krn- team thus wound up > '•*, for Tuesday at 9 p m. Three members of Michigan ( good swimmer. there is little difference Impreisive series of h-vr,r« Rice vs. Srhatl Rta*e'g soccer team were voted to nev. the All-American team at the between the first three teams, three years, ever since • Mastro vs. I.ange . , recent National Soccer Coaches and all three received certifi¬ the varsity program, tt-< Abry vs. Brown w» mUr LOOK TO Little vs. Mongcr--o« As*n. meeting. cates as All-Amrricnns have never been bea'en Th«- | we *y MWS The undefeated hooters re- defeated streak of 22 Avellann v» Maidlow Al "Phantom" Sarrla's por¬ ImlHlnnfa. .nMnn. It', Ship'n SnA marred only by three TIIE BARBERSHOP Rusenfeld _v«. Pnstuta tion on the fir«t team was pre¬ reived another honor at the ♦ (« nrw Travrlma!.-- wtt h roll-up ilrrvn, Imautifwlly meeting. They were voted see- The hooters won »M e-gM Meyers vs. Bott-CssenmacfMS' viously announced. t/*o Vandw , ond In the balloting for the their 1958 games ■haprd urnvfriiM. collar. SupctWy niflwMc and OF PROGRESS (winner) Hirst and Bernie Cook were placed on the third team "most outstanding It. H. tram" They won the fir • H:g I » qulrlt to dry... no pill, no lurz.no dwtnlil Wh*n, tJepole vg. Chernoff award. Since there Is no other championship in hUo.ry J hnhpartrh. Sim .10 lo SB. national soeeer rating, this fives year, were voted No i ,r I Scr our uiMmi SSy'a SSpcw ti darp-tamlpMarw *mI Ararirmy them the dlstlnetlon of being Midwest, No. 2 in the - J Award the No. t aoreer team In the and placed five men or •>>* Midwest team and three a| rountry. ,r Show! The booters were named the AIl-American team. No. 1 squad in the Midwest for Sarria, top scorer J the third straight year. Joining years, Vander Horst Moo vJ R.irria. Vender Hortt and Cook on the All-Midwest team were liable Flayer in I9f»« ler, a great defensor • « •',]J Neil Butler and Erich Strsdef. graduating Cook a' s-rel The Michigan State sf»crer will be back next se* J RD 2*1819 jldiislly 109 MAC — NRXT DOOR TO CA8A NOVA'S '/j Gallon Coke, Root Beer or Orangi with 2 Rrg. One Item Pi mum An Invitation to DELIVERY 6 P.M. - 1:30 A.M. VARSITY MNVE IH Engineering and Physical (ED 2-6517) Science Majors ' Lorfchaad MMb Syotama DMdon k (yotoam maapr Sr MMk mafor, loaf-larm pmjact, aa tha Navy Maria IRBM, Q4, X-T, Army KiaaMwr aad athar hapnrtaat opaaa, rmareh and doralopaaat yroaraaw Tha DtvMaa waa hiaorid al Wa fliat National Mimila Induatry Caalaranaa aa "tha onalmllro that aaatrihulad moat h tha paat yaar la tha davolopamt of tha art oI ai wailaa and aatronautka." tlHdparfo tor tha DHdw «ao laantad at Swaj .ah, dtkmk, aa tha San Fmnolaaa Mdaaula. Ramnb aad Davobfmal MMai art In tha Btanto-d laSiditil Path fa aaarhy Ma Attn. 0th» Its whats DivWan laoatiaaa an at Van Nuya, Santa (>wa, aad Saala MarW Chhfarala; Capa Caaavarai, Florida; Akatagnd^ Naw Mariaaf aad Hawaii. Taaalhar, thay prarMa ooa^loti fcotlao with tha ktaot idmllli and lidialnl mlpaal, WWi*o« t Ulht anW advaaoad onmanllaa oaotow la thaaalha. fcaWhwUtaaw up front amas tha bat h tha Matty. that couiy Night Spnrt* nilfor John V mrtrri Ilrr4r %«*•» — lurry » Ffhnnrj1 3, IM9 P»gp Flvft Indiana Sets New Record Intramural Beats Ohio State, 122-*12 ■? rnrfu rhihrd* Results JIAP1H05, Win. (/P)— Four homi' plover. tnnwl pn !7 Armstrong I. U l, (jnlvcnltjr of Wt«cnn«ln, Mnmlay niyhl. a, Mirhiwn „tt roll«d to an way. 88-57, llip l« victor*. M, Anitorcw and Dave r«h« I Konroc. l-anw OI«on and • treat deal to do w ith the L Hand of Ororn Bay. alt fome of the eontest. otil- . 1T Wiaronain prep Mara, John (ffeen rimtirmpd Fits — pia'nimontal in kc-pina ftppctadubir phiv a' renter El,,, state untouched in .tending .ill g with IH point's by Ja( place in the Bl* 11. and rfiiiipMely controlling the CA MIT'S CI.AKSIFIKIH w fenwer three alt hit in back hoards. . . . I.OW COST . . . Pr flfure, alenf with Inn Horace Walket u hn also . HIGH ftF.Af>F.HfifHP . .d p, apart"1* to torn the nor a big nigh* on the hoard-. i n , ■ ■e , rnnte. state waa never through |f! jvitnfi to fptinrt ^4 m rnnnhir tta wlnnlna bid the fine balanced smiing In five ntrnlfht and II- Anderson substituted freely — ill fher are «-l la leaine the w«re rinsing minute* p, heep the down Another 5'ft" guard In from turi_uf H iilei nine JO-'»« V- pl.t vers Utiles in one of the |\| | took the game, too Intramural haakethall games Moiuliv night ttrMgan nipped Illinois. 47- sophomore Dave Rifhe*. played I „r M.C. Burton'* Hy,-i two free vith four seconds left, hk fir*! game form in a spartan uni¬ Schedule u infinra set all kinds of ier- The vi-tiirv Stale ir> * ^ n annhillatlng Ohio State ffitnmandmjt position the M;g *.»?. to remain tied for second 10 Monday's win. coupled wi?». r'«. 4-2 marks. Saturday's R!-72 triumph ovej f sronsin, which lost leading Northwestern. !rf» -hr Spurt an • ■rtr Brian Kulan (appender- practlralfy alone as favorite foi rd end center R*v Gross 'he basketball . Town. <.*>e hP\ —ft-ia'ion) a few weeks ago. have never won llc-Sf Irk uu»ngb» p no matcS for the red hot Hut only the leturn bout a. i»h in 1 ot iir \ ta'OrS h \ SIC llnwlsnrt * flrrv Wisconsin could be classified t<. ; III \rilnMK I'M \« 1 brll jut* hit «n about 10 percent a breather" for State .while all s to • olttirl. \« Sbtrlln I II I h shot* after experiencing i in the '-est figure to be total i.ihlri vt. linrktri tough on puje'e finding the range curly counter*. t ot M l « latter "» i. in V MCA u. wild I *!« lire game Once they grrt roll- came io \ |«ta« vianor vin« lb point*, g V>wever, State moved to .ii 8 50 Mil* Hull V*. NtOOiir. I#-24 halftime lend and com- llusrlnill lram ik ."'* s .iramugn •I :» ytntna Vt rurloi lilt ,• i pv-v iomlnated play. was I fW Spartan# le# hr aa much It gotnta ■« en# stage af the (loinfi Sim ill pml half before f'earh Ferddv The Michigan S-.fi is^pivHii pprww rleare# the heneh. fcaru will partlcii.ab in an Actually, the real glorv be- eigiit-'cam round robin spring # Hum# linked I'iislry pfni to little S*9" sophomore training nine bull 'oui-iey at pre b-1 Dave Fah* it l)#ii<*1 looks of our vool flannel Regular 120 slacks. A spe¬ /imcricas second largest fctrphone system f cial purchase enable us to save ><>u 8 15 on each pair You'll Diyhmg up leiephonos in the right piece at the right, time 4 th# * ant several . . . for casual aort of catoring service Gen T#i spec>ei>res tn. dft s*. for the office arwl even As servants to over 3W million telephone suoecribers, are strive te io! active sports Pleated or make commumcotions so dependable that no one reed ever give pleatiew model# in burnt his phone a second thought olive, charcoal, brown, medium And, in the growing communities as serve, our job 1% to enefcle grey and banker's grey. S.z<*« more people to communicate with one enother. JS to 44. indeed. Gen Tel Is determined to give Ms rowing "fsorter nothing but the best Theft why we never ceeto in our efforts to devefoe new products end services that will moke the telephone still more convenient, economical end useful. knowing how vital tha telephone is in modem American Ufa, Oan Tai "invests ahead" in new plant and equipment to made sure that our telephone system will be equal to whatever teek II is celled upoe GENERAL to perform. TELEPHONE MICHIGAN STATE Febrwmrr 9, IMS We Don't Care If Your Name IS . Gutenberg You Still Can't Print Your 0 WN ... WOLVERINE The Wolverine has purchased one week's extension so you can siiL get your yearbook. So the price is now $7.00 and still a bargain you can not afford to miss. SIP Union -1-5 p.m. Wolverine Office — All Day Long 334 Student Services Building