fa.I."* ——- ttMM T"11 HAST I.ANSISO. MICHIGAN—WEDNESDAY. FEBRUARY 1, IBM «ai M W^ . vi'-' wl 'he .nr.uent ;i* the ' ,1 If rHoyrlav to keep thd ship of (.rrvrvc-.e have made some «»rinu* prrvutrc on Allied iifn- m » •Bf'llltV JL dvllll tat* afloat, m - -he last 40 years but lines «inrr Vfo« -trw launched it* y dtirinjf thf rash * fnrtry hasn't," Strobm campaign last November 'o rials C .k .. I. b* W<«'cm ••HIV s r Rdiim agrtenHiiril Berlin. tf.wrrs out of 'A>,t T|f*|| ajf t?K Tte state Administra*. v# gated that agrleultwre i« ■ofirnalist. studies his notes he- .4rrt mee'irg s-jth Q?v '*■* '» fore his The o »u I • ; M t. -J* k- '<"« d p la f Mna'a fat Ore and talk on f hlna and its . • |*1 - Mo,-# sppr-ecd further vfh ,,r,d I problems, git en to a large ol'liei "*p« five A on 11. »,i ||\ | |m^ A'-ks in -ai*-of-s'ate Farmers' Week audience in the the . rive !»ccn stnppf! r. J travel, and Fast German Autobahn oew urhs -n « pur'h aa#s .f checkpoint at Marienborn, just Four' MSU faculty member* e<|«iipmen' .r.d supplies and art*«s from the West German virtual »re »monj the- seven candidate* a standstill n hiring.? '<» border, *ime 1 05 p.m <703 vho filer! nominating petitions fill j>er*onne1 vacancies VIM f'AROI. FAFVK. Mill pre-veterinary am FHT > M >ndav. won the grand ribbon at the Mtehlgan Heel Tat¬ The hoard 'emporari.'v for three "uirrit student shows dee yd- hw irrigation, better m»- 'pit* her rhamplon black Angus at Ihe tle The Hus*iat>« demanded 'he r-hodu'ed to he filled Feeding proleet shnsr Wednesday. The show M against teferring wrmer.»s I a* more land are the in the Judging I'avilion. The l.ftl.Vpnund senior rslf ww held '■:«ht so irj*pert the r.irpoe* aa part of Farmers' Week. to eon'rarfcirs and \i,ril 1 election supplier* and p Chinese are using f'orp. Richard Master* of withholding avr-ien* a primary '-leDon will be 'O ioeal psre produce," Strohm said West stork bridge, Mass in government*! , necessary Feb 11 to reduce 'bo uniU and .fhttitu* h Chinese ara uaing cerne- command nt the ennvnjr. follow • 'ior>« kkr more farm pPld of rand;di*e* to «i*. area and ed standing V. H. %rmv «»rder« ■ , tmg to Mr? Thelrna Mr- lypfidn* btrth control to and refused tn lei the Russians H was estimated the Rest «f fjnuga'}. city clerk |p*« -h# population Kven A[)[MHntment Vote do ihe re|eeted proposal* Agenda in* mnre than look al the would Tbc IhMr indids"** on new efTorta the coun-' a c: mean bis K-irvi-r A. manliest papers * temporary saving o# Litfl! riffering from starv- Vew , «-K ■ ecfing* He ignored Soviet suggestion* D-uitln* Dunham, of 44?0 * hoot tf million m 3d daya %p- mc'hcela .f tju.clr Marigold Ave t Jfrnhm said. >x ■hat he could drive associate' ,ro- prosimalelr t| 5 million mold • rg, new *-.;>»•« <.f iccde the trucks teranch of the e*eet»t.we In farming ,? «a« u>d that I Hop tlekets will lie '•old Charles PesterAeld. 141 Beech senior, ,i« personnel director •Tiber estimated tfte approved far»n-'"'-ored . • i»h ire ^etu'ive- at the door Friday and "Sat¬ S' . professor of mechanical en¬ and Julm Ifanslovsky, Fast I-«n- 'litharks would -tye atvout r.a'f ly xmsiiff'e*«ftii r. .irf»an nrcu- urday nights to those gine-ring, sirg *ee-or. as punfy reiationa The « oil...on dr. .c* He stu¬ Congress Hi*.nes« and po.n'ed patioris. Kdwnrrt plait. Wg Metros* director re!.i(i»Mis out the tate dents who hare not already Stat#? Affairs Committee are now «".uld even^.ia.'y In lair-.' action Mr hi gar. - Ave, assistant professor of me¬ Mis- Meloy **rved Congress Ins# oy purchased them. It was an¬ ,rsparing a library of National vphhold.ng piymen'i hlghes* uiry honor the 1951 nounced bv the chanical engineering ret resenting her dormitory in student to eontractors ra^aua* • would I-Hap ticket Assn. publications for Dairy Pr^urtion Award, wen! John Ua?r||, incumbent. of 1951-57. und her rxftertence in bo 'Kit 'he usual rash committee Tuesday. Campus Ci.est will twgin a AI'BO use. diaeoun? H ?> •ireabj# throughout 'o a 72-vcar-oid 715 Collincwood Dr for prompt payment* Monroe farm¬ He is an new program Monday fo inform . |Vfe. itr'hm aa»d, was the er Burton iCnapn Knapp s a■ engineer with the Michigan Hell stiplenf* -.f ?ne hari'ies i? The v.ard taid M Hste America" cam- -.ne if 't.-e :ira* peo; > b Mich¬ ,41 k :!0-''.ile to West Berlin along the Telephone com par. v. (,rwlm Srlullii If A lOnw.-a^e ;n fhe t 'ninn ia.n- in ion Itotin I eous.der *hw more b-Mtu aber- might re- ■ k eru-oiira«a prr«duc'i ill I>** held Mar. b 1-g and v:li Halmstedt. just IfK) yards over e wiii r»rir»g i)*T'*re Congress a vance III million ii« tat pay* dales receiving the rno»» v>'es 'o 'he Universitv. !o include: rtn art show, ''ultur- the border, and talk with them. ■ft.-' arship snd proposal to finance 'he trip of a menu, due this are declared nominated In among* them¬ •al," March 1-5; 4 fasmon sho e, spring. (Mhee But a repartee, wha drvre selves. member of 'he MS 17 delegation general xprmg election, the —who "Classic." March 3. a ,s// show, The bst of i* a!, Gov Willusm* DttoOaaal Pffiod have a Coumifman Runaeil Itur.rju resident for Honors ColJege; mr is serving a* general criair- ■ chance is talk with the \mert- onti-oversiai pinn •» mortgage Alaaal Mmbm-UI Chap,! are not hio.es Dentaon. asyt ' it Africanwt Callft* Coaimitlcc l'r"Kr.,m un rans" He said the trucks were seeking re *e Jet ion *o •,*- .resident Miss Mi feel f'ctersen, Slulf'Tnlh Slnifil man of tne event. r»*.her committee members in¬ •he 150 Fund -leared .ts ftrst million Weran*' Trust parked beside the highway. *»c .Jfy rept"«enta!.ve c», Xc«l, tte. and Kldon N'mnamaker, On II orlil'ii Fair 1ST 4ff*»W Inn HUM*, Or«M hurdle The fosa'Ae Taxation Comm.'* km isp. Aathnat aid the whole 'ning had been . Hall AuHMortum faculty representative to IFC. Ri|Ms I*, uiiirM* rem r»»f» g darted by 'he Russians to cre- MSU'i V Imofli in 'ee .o'ed *,» tend 'he four bills Mirhipaa Sliaap Breeder*' iworialinn >> an incident— possibly timed Ailvi'iii.inp K\it« Mike 'he Oldham, IFC prciiram, chairman emphasised Brussels representative World to the Pteaaans *aph; Karen Jem l*M«iS«iii. l.lnSimM, r.len Wt in '.he package program 'o '.he l.itartacfc PaOlioa Fair. Chuck •HIVis. Ill *r Ka* rharpe. vtllMale. Mouse hsvir vifh Secretary of State Dulles' '.*» all ac-'ivc* and_ pleviet army me interested should contact v, the following schedule: Koihu Hi, ARtlMNIA Hull Buttefwofth was one of 200 Water Carnival rush for 193$ authorities in. Frankfurt and Wayne Patrick at the retail desk P-S — Today U. S. students chosen for their vill be held tonight m 3t Union Berim. any afternoon this week. T-Z —- Thursday. ability to *peak French. lernw Pnwwakt. iMUak |». I h froan 7-id. Wraua. rwMto. - i«cu tnvi'ed members of to attend ail classes the rash . for - commi'tee member*. Kaaaa im. KtUagf Ccater Posit, or,* AincaBaral Kcaaaaic Vitait tn Miim'om iUi.'bOA, it a .pen m. i'iirt pro- . FaircUH Tkaalar IX>NDON — Prime Mim regulgtioae,.- youce utpt serur.- 'vet, SonaUpy ud Aathropolug\ ter MacmitUfi Tuesday was re¬ •sound, tvc«ss«,nx. king afto gbting ml Kauai im. KlBagg Center ported lust .ibfKit certairf ?o v;<- qimfl ,1«u;, be me and it Moscow *i^n for talk* with continuity, prwgiwi>>, r-iaay aaS Plant Palhuhut? Premier Khru«nehev. puolici v. ^-irtgas 'rupnies. ,«od Kauai m. Hart if alt ur, HuiWing The final decision aiiu public reiaiMo*. hinges >n »w Tiawfa* Luaehiau consultations with Britain's .•!- • n Ues. and particularly ia laiap Mugaurial BaiMiag. Parlor, A. H- C "n the ■ talks with Secretary of Statu WHETHl.K IOII ■ Karf CaSar a awl & KellogK t enter Dulles who.,. flew here from • MitUfaa I'M awl Grain Dealer. Awocution WA.N'i 111 .SEIA ■ Washington Tuesday. ■ Wr* p%a Mm Man Profit 1 Macmillan pf»bab'y would W . MtlOlllbn >«»* m not leave until the West wofkVt out a united view on the latest m want to Soviet proposal# for German? iaa af Coanty School WASHINGTON ulV-A group ^ nf Micnigjn r«fid»ntk planning .a* tic Coltege of Edaeatwa to build their oWn community I BaiMiag on Alaska's rugged Kenai pe¬ mi I aaWrnf Architietara ninsula made an unauccessful pitcfi fur federal help Tuesday. Both the Agriculture and In¬ terior Departments rebuffed re¬ quests for suruius food supplies nnd other asaistnenee t and other mitt met ia their jspsip® )is§~~p /i •' WWH v'" mmrnrn ' •**•'+■ ■**» -o.-d •' ■ xtiriiifiA* ttttr xtwn 'OMtimer^ Recall l ebrnarv • f>*»* fage fhraa USE Farm Celebrations 1 an nlrifimrr?" CAMI'US CLASSIFIEDS an R&-Vf»ftr-filf! tfrntlemjin who atti'?ul#rl a fore- nf farmnfa' War If berr on cHnijuu hack in |JMi5 1,000 *torient* were enroHM in MAC.." S(i :.'W' ''■■MS M 3 ;ked fhi* ff »»*•«? i«*»r. Only More f'.r »he ,,t y- ■ ,r»f>v nMti»j'f*r«" .*< W " 1 f be t'-iFsF old ' oldtimer" re tile the Firmer*' relehratlon n b«»k In |0*»*, «hen bl« rnmlri ■4fi M n n on Mr a tfr# % ,r far" plowing rnnlftl. i.i . in gh' up wnd liv"'l ihe divi wnrn Days i'<• *' 6 ' tl 3i c.»ri nk wa« wjth a twp- f~ - • i '< ■ jl'l' M rpp'r cufta .in ■ IB Week - t - »o iron 1»1 • **4 vith 4 wmrrhm y*.A il Shepard's r, » |Vf iv.kr i fr i,,rd no*' - Ife 4«it«*e'1 hii fafh"! m bar ft'ontinuod frnm fage l > ee'iMg inn «'»e« of « V.rat be • F«n«lec 'r !»•*«* *>»•»* torn grain hinder* * era known. y\' tftllSf < FflVfirriOV In the \« herded Into the H1 * Km 4 tea «ApK I n.|l«> », H < ,|« 9rtf\ rxited MKl friii« r>f Miiiw *tiuV»(nn view deplete a le|e«er»pe aatellile tranemlltlng telavlainn piefiire* fi*m It'll rxMhlllan hall for the farmer*' Wtfk dUptsr. while MM P»nf,.n ll«'Ki» ,*.pK «',|,K Vaeri (I,,* t*nv by band of the «kr. viewed hevnnd the * blindfold of the ilmnaphrrr ' pngrnt John Jane* 'below, n|wr»lr« 4 replica r»f the in«»de of a F *P»e M, fattier im ne»| -he nr .* 4* af III i-il IIIIIIIII fflfltHfiir Fo ground «f«tion« nn Ihe |'««| «nd Wr«l eoaata tmllbwinimi tilro t J4 Army lank, whlrli i* replacing thr older model* f> *neh R«i|ie f.reee Oif»iet*A** ■ "P u" ip n 'run f.ie • ifev II" tulle FF',en. »,fen I Im phi air a I (»b«ervatnr» MitaibU *41 fire prriprmed «4le||||e puijrri III ,*.ph Fl«nn\ Ftf»e* n»f»le 1 reel tfe are'i • . .ng •• uh our Id prorfuee eelenlfleallr valtnble four eolnr of the «kr CLEARANCE row >' v,nev lltlne, F"» I t"« -til* a map •<8* fr. vei > |l> .,.|>K I ia4, I K tftik'M. Strminf FFhaer v aforv I* In fair# kiln, f w I if «.,pK In, »n,t> e.». • iKI'» If «ue rti«K p H«rmin|h«e> jr. Iilan* I vie,,4 1, • .1 I-en, fin hi n-lrnd #f FFaedt rnrteet H4»ti»e»re »«a In IliHi-tiMM I'imkI Service «4 *n»e .tie ' l„» • «l • '»> e I 1««I»| ««F»*, «Ker-e M»r< {Millrmin v* bo retUlered in •e|l V If I»I a >«»f,K li nn, H vmrn IM-i in Fbe fir«! terond year I nrmiln l»n» |r IKtr* «eam*n * aaf rhorl rrtnrre I •••.in, ft I>i4t Neiierlaa hr.-pital fr.'.'l f rnpK. ft P»t ». I,«4a Hilar t rail H-r,••>••• K ,n. flenfrrn NrrKnf »r *i, VI% t • '1 ne 54" hi, ler r»(, r,d . a 1 rrk -li«, u««inn (»|»rtt liitiiylil till 0:00 IMF 4MUW F»h« / t tar ,,T I I it r.avvi, Wli rill pi •••eh ao-rto M.,44. toph Ie4», apeofl'f 4Aviv rea W •!,«« /emper Rip.4. Rorhl R«. near# lre»»ol Rive In* -Vhepards""" I t\ ,rri 'be depnr'tner* /H(pE S • f fre^U tfid rui'nfiHH III jr !•• f i#rk VI,k«Kor( |r I nnnte RK/>4ea *«'kr Rivet llkla p live n.Kerlaxo 4.^4f'.»4 •-pk K vie R'ikin*nn 4tnl)ii.«og Park If. »>»oe* Af » r « Vetera f.roaae lie |r lo4i Rolen 'lie Held •eft We rev Hkohaaaei rlofloo. I lev elao* MaaHvorl si #r fthlo aopk, tlo4< SI Fr keih Car alien Wr bir/ falalilixlir* MASTERS DEGREE CANDIDATES Al Ormonwli iHion I hill peak. I k agrin Fllh llfcta If Peg I • 'hkeraion r krllnvilte III •"a* In KiM*it.rioftl fCnffinMrinK. Mw hanibRl KnginaaririK, RU4I# Mease petrol! aayk Mill Mr I enihao Rem r* III tt HiiUjmlf Hftttnl 2 I l(ON|( I LSI Ell J Mnlhemabea and f'byaieg Army Shows Ueajxnis I roll oetr at Ml If It* aopk I Ilea • fr Wng« K airman leer* glelarhe, Reverlv I»#»t4 R»e I a own a fie IVOfAVAIfiMH '' I il ' *» ' *'■ 4 A I. > \Mi •r#» InvitH to rnwRt ItopreaenfRtivto of IBM on I logaef*. Rlrmtnakam •opK a ar |r # r,l UlAMLI.Ii During Farmers' Week I title I IKY tfl A II . lea. Mat *4gl>i'e "fig ne< .id M'.u/ia-. rol4 I anting 1 t'og |r a»e# Menoiogar afrr 1X4 ua • * lieerlieia I lev elan4 III aoph fill* aopk nolo tea Joe | Mv her aNon# s»i>ki!. «iiiare bn* a*"p a "I f Mtrroii tim; i c W'tt appointment, plnwnn wmlaar fair fhii'ga f'laoaananf Offira. jiole i Wootoe |r f • et»* A •p*rtacul«r Cnitf-rl muep* Irmv ph Talking •" fie* • el e tt A" IBM. f hill Weaatoora I tire ft haoev ; tli* Army wive* tax ii»»fl;ir- i- ■ •it exhibit at Ilemnnatration iimatwirl. fraeer ft llPf Fanl *len*l'ii '• iet»ivr»«e AH ih R.>«» / pin* prrla ' bit rlnrinif pAimi'iV \\\»V M ihatoo R**oa4»ll. a.l.m Mamhora, SI 11 aopK p Mop Kirbv ve.<1 'I.a* Catherine le-n ? «ea «ar Wa«b • INTERNATIONAL Ht/*fNKRft MAfiiflNKg COMFORATlOM *• Killer Hat «it» |r Maridt «»»r •veb of T aro»> 4 , held *ha TS* »*hlMt •*ran !iar>*iy.''< <1 mm eartrblge I hi* lnrlude« a Weatern *a""l' old reemi f.f IhR day* ^ I Oiled Motor# ta *am pus In three f»tg«> Am iehen Walie I ?*n« Monday from fhi'*** Th* rotating gun rark dKplatlng the Fran Ward. Xar** \I »* Kirb plan# to »tay nn Jr fralned speetali*! new Mil rifle w hlrh raplaeaa •he dafpole until feh 12 »ft *ha* nma can Rlao hniiw military TlfRgya Mr InatBaga Farm < XHX M ARfrf R her ne-a- rerord will aland a I "erwfnat aee/»mpanving if m lhe %fl garand rifle the .11 rsl log ton anpR- 'Ralrmaa Rirttia Woe thlte .V># afai'ed ♦he endjr* a-wrd ttf amergenrie* tar bine and the ral auh-ma* •r 11.rroii Talegn. Ohio aopk aopk Jim i le*er Jem I nodv Re" jr «n*e teat nf» Aug I* in an in-.,, f . al . ■. 1 TX# exhibit rover* »he «j.e- rbine gun «,#rv I*r4«n Irwoaan ar Rria W-r let Welv lo4«le ft Mok VHIrrfc— la ted h « " a * ' breg fr r- i mnrlcrn Army • The Ai ne ■ • ' •. f'-'r * /too*' III*. Ir>4 lr oar WeWfaU tl *H ,# e and •-.* 'ee- ..gt Maumer. lan.ioa Bob's Texaco From the n#we«t milder . .'be, of a"ra*''; -fi* T a leotoo It I Irv4a | •oph Wary frar •klelda foiego 'It hasn't hear. too bad ••# ground warfare standby.. •.In'-iA'..'*! Mu>" i* ' aignifl- Ohio Jr. I ati'S Ffna Mroaae Roioie via in Rosa *a.d, e* en* when and personnel earnest. .,n? deve'i'.pment 'he '^gh' ervoort's »•>** ,n • n eund hl'rw# and il as .Mive fte 'i T>»e >! 'an'rv la the missile dl*plav *r* 4 M li|if|R4lin4l Frea Mnkame.# hi', »n plenty 'hi* w.fdet Tho 1.101 E. Grand Rivtr > font arale model. of Ihr Hmhora, III ft. rkairman Joann W . . iem meeting f«F m acoou SPECTACULAR IWfcor » 4 Fa .era AeeX. wui'tM! au»d >m r*n-;i'« spectator* to 't »o WKAM '"1- «t 2 »nr*, down" enemy mis*i,e*. Roilo Orfiiin. »'a'e repraaeti- SKI A similar item enable* fh# Uk\ • 4rid Harvey Hra/er di- to sight projected 'a:.* rn'.t' >< Michigan < ta* »? »d* j -•? ■ ,•** while operating the 'auk : • tw will deliver add reli¬ mmrrandar and gunner controls f *'!mul#t#a the maneuvering es regarding Michigan a »sr •' the iirnliieifi* Army a 90mm ranv-r. la the Ivr-phaar Hrt M the ealllMt real eduea- Irrhnleal I gler Curfiital Hi»«I» SAVINGS! mtereat la rrested It ahowa I** the Army baa hern able U» W iter Carnival ruah for ail prndore bettor prndmU at lem .rr.itusa member* w.J'. fir '-eld | •** thrmagb •toatfardlaatlnn to tfir.nlht »n 31 Cn.on from 7*9. save *20 Mrk held* mtoalle manufac- •to taafctolwlh* prndmr imported rosskopf XDM toe. to Ira amatrel. e#Hlpment | toM*n, and M##ta and bolts" <4 agon uaa*f pamzer skis ! tow, #f Army bard w are pr«* bdtaa. S53I«^Kppi9TI5 A'« * 3 B OF" « a'l. iiel with aalll iraareg Mleai—piaa Ue bnwnd heel and lip, beveled 0*her k.bit high! 1 gnu uf the **- I'oVi.gl ■4" in Hi« includ# coOlifni'Mis run- |N < • tin faVn hiallae IIM ^•ig . 'Viea showing Held u*e X new weapons, dramatic color bet .re* of tha newest military •<*^«prnent, foll-acale models ot aPEClAL ¥•* Dart, Larroaae and Little lvj\ iTnaiilto. and • mo NIMBMn -mtM aim hr Iti the The lt*ti ntftttlHe tjttltilebi will thin Big 8 Entries Predict Trouble i» h MMl!*MM fit lie'* ItrtMtrMtil! fell ','fl ♦rfltti rait Hrttt fatti'llnt frwndfft f>nt#» hrhlti.| lltrm fhnt*e IV 7 5051 ,fn*t *hrtt |he Ritntlnni shut 11-1 havg a rhiirtre In tila* after \ (trail t I'ltitrra Mtmilfif (iirf NnMmn til 7? I and Wl»rntl*fff iWrt 57) ninf M in (Iter \ltmitti ♦ Itr MrehrMrl, Ml «H tor hrflti* MSU LEISURE ♦ti matte If* Mil IVllllla 4 *ltilttt|lai Indiana Pftmr nf nuttlti-ir nl^ht ♦.> »hMtv the Spat Itt 1 lentil's futtl ft tttii-tll Istaf tan* Hie* lni r no Intentlnn nl \i t-i |»t tt I, M|t- vrtt«Ht dtnt ittil I ♦ It1t» Ml nil H It* the flli III Mile the alumni. 5 I n |Mir»t|l i fight Itl single*, |,WI flntar r»f Mtr ^ Ihr ttllltttnl rlrfflft-il mil fIt'll Ilkl«*. SHIRTS tr milted lit * •ri-HMit plat r He tilth Mlrhlutt tit-Ill, |l T « J Uni t MM!* 'V- ll.iifiiiinti.il (Itili In 1 imnnti tt lilt h tin one rnnlil ahnnttl, defeated flupf )'fiR«-tt I Itr l|tnl.in Hirltnlnltin If Mitt «• lltrt pnnnilfil llllltt 1.1. f it •» ti i tii.fi qi ci.it I Inli ti III itttrl fient 7 In It Mllr It* « fttitlil ahalletlns t 11 - • f v, defeated I 'hit q»lltJ» Initlcftf In llttn • nf I Itr f*4 ti t „„tr In Mtlfce Mrtlltttr • I in 0 it. ll I m a |m HnMillnf Here they ore. Spartans! t«li dlana 11 hn thl* rnnM hate «f»«ttn mIwmI In K-H'i Khtihlr rtl Iti'ttp qt.it I fit, ii | rthitnnl defeat ttttil ilt'fitiif Slate nwttn n d I t*ert»ftf Rtld Smith pulled a mti**dr, itr lnith | •} ttttnlilii tfinllv, in flnl'lt rlnfvnfi il Unit' Rtl It milt* RlntliU im* with Hi |"ii«- .Iriill'H V r.«t «. r-.'tt.| iv||| If 1. 1 n It •» lll.lt Hrlfri. On! t ti*th ftirtWi Indtfnm i |it< (It i Mint tin! SnfiM'tai tt" fie llttniMl. ■•t-fi'llpil fli'lt HfMt*. Immriflite * nrrt I* rnrtlnr. emblem you love . . . two ttnttiit tip trim* hiMIe II HI 7 1 thr |r*m pit-It rtl It* n Im Ihr title iittl .»*» Irlfll-'.m |1ir SplttiM* 111 ilrtlllilM*. ft>ifi-lilt|«« 4»1>| In anmr nttufrta hrfntr thr in ate if rut-lie «rv|Htif Melt 71'ifi'»flt'*rf. *11*11*, f|rfi»«!t"l MM • iillt Mtalfhf vi |t* *— Mt>>tf tti.l qn|tin(li*ii 7 5, I " Tw >i tejp* if.i fhr fl| Ht-Mi i rttnl M«t« Mi - 1 'f'lir til Mtn lltle ** If mm lltrt till V4t"|f*. ilrf (i(|f»'il Rttnlifr Imf tn Ml, htgin fitt' da* • lain nvl t< Intlilf, ft t. 1 fi n 4 fhrff Uat tuttti |lt» •**« I'ltf flfltftlll fflftl I* 4« f.'Mi |.-im« mrl again Im lltr Hn*l |ii'«t»tl tif fttrntlirt * rtf Mtr 1011 rl*»lt nl fltr •rutin |ntll*n« Olf III r|tlMt|t|nff*!*l|.' Irltltii n tin IM« tin# •i|*i*il 1'ltn tn*Mtf« «fie i>!oy n.fll mil IVdeiitfo Atmthrt tlimt tint* ti |t t* 11 I r 1.1 >11 till' Mi-IVa IM MtlllrMl'H f-'iiiMtiiM •loir C«*» \Ol!B kind nf oli.np ril!!l|'ll» •Itili* !il ^Hl'H kind n| TOIIW Htm IMIMW |iliev*«? II e R M T i|«t tliM • ftile mHmi m tilt In igltl * ■•'<< | ( •Iitr |«| fter lht«n hn ill nmle petit. |i»i>«i i fat met* Wei'li The eimfstf H'ill h* ftrld i' I W I yw Itvlat ant ?'•••• Uj * llrm t nf the IM Urn'hug The Welfhlllfflng M >.•> e-t lie t r«rt vnl fitt ttin'.|«r'i ' Mi Weighlllfllng ( luh ft m. I * * fmi * pt*i Nt till fin. thm) i B TMl'lt wriruia* I WALLACE OPTICIANS | Tilt *1 ltlif',1 li. 'it Strectcaf ,. f|)|,lt 1 P-ipi- H;|ii.il | 110- r I i. it 1... i- tnn 'It I tr-Hif q'p-ici p- A * r„ .t , .,,„i,i Vlnlll M„,|'*: lrtlf.ll I'Iff k « I •. •! 11114 ft.i ' , f til. 1 VV» - f ••' p . HvM Named 411MII. Ham., II,. »> Intt HI fill I h,i H It # 1 fl • f**r Mill ID tr*|tntiff» I I'tftt i'-ipp j it I (I ... I \1 I . I • ' • , ,» . p I. 1 ,iU If.-. f.tt. ,t t*i, 1(t p • Unfit-•; qa|f ii,.,tf I -.-« ,#•„,,, MliHnu rwi.f.1, lnppllim ,, Itii n Mp.v {,,,1; 1 , M . |u i( n»>i!< ^ Desire" •I ,■><: II ■' ' P • • 1 I «V I HI. 1... |ti.. -1 ....illlKJJlliril. Illpllliirllf«• A \5'feh f4r«<0 y 1 TnfStii* nliflil """ '-'hiii ftr-tViftffl H10 Wfttr ' II I IP, . . flit. » »r ^ r > It.' .,-fiWr *«! hoth font* living ttvM I..it ».„««. it 1 h I pi HUM/AH OURIISimMUN In p M ilh t»t».t#p r 3 c,.„if. •• 1 t i.i •* •" ii., wndt-«»4» .#•»* tvlttt YMCA iht'i 117 |'i.nil.i;it, f"i Mir Mf ,,„ i,iM ,| in ,, ,, 1 I' IM..I0 tfl |l|0 »lf«t |H I i,,it nn* fin ft ' 1*i hm«fiir « e »i nippff ## ">» ri*f|i4i f0» *' t- ••not, 1 0iritfitc fit pirrrta «ltrl iiiul.il* 1 hi A tit rm,1 F ., • ••'•fttttlf tl|0 Wonrr HI Hull* (1 ftl|| M »| | phi A SI tilts ■ ' .# -.. 1 !>•*• fif Iwn fte* itifni • n ■' 1 • tl ■ • ♦ ■« > 1 • |. n i |,,-;i.i •' i«t>rt , P -li,,,!,! 1 . ,|, iV „ „ It, rnnitii Inlir* 1 fli0 »iH Hipp* Sit ft*. « It# Itfui« «»ri» itif It! tiprtf | 1ft ■ •"'•ii? H In > 0.01 r> ill. • Imi-i tip n ,n. mi | i|„ |M -I, m -»' ill Mgblfl AtuM,. t»| J| |„ „ * i* >■ 1 .1 fl., y, ,.i. II..- •*-! ..Mil irrfli.it |li 11 m* TOMORROW!! 1, , .. •" Irnrn. » fir iilllm !'*:. I. It, ; -ti 11. I. I ATI SCORES 1 twt 1 pi e •q ' in r, . in im '',.,.l».i bv lift*1(1 11"f?rt, fin fb*Mi f„t Hit- „|f „„| t*Mp ♦ • mils Inuim V. 1. Bii fur 1M r'*4' Intuit* if ipn|»|| f000* 1# n*nv ODANT 4» (A* TVlrff Mtrnt Pitltlr* !,„« »h.#> 11 r», "" I. tpplf Hip It t irtlnl* • I. fin 111 ft RODAH K|DO . , I! nWnlt rt|||i|Wi| tb v illi n at r ifl.in 4i n H..I,I„»|,,> ti 11'tr#li #| until 1 |.ii# fiufii AN ArrAip rn otMjMBiR /w#*mtorn— , f if (!*•» nlttttri*. «l»f 1 r '• -f I'liffff *fi» If MI»11 n f l g f. r • • K i ■ >l -if 'l.p f>rrr.,« \ t timII,., »f f^ir»t». t <• thlt* f# fat fffj0«.*e»#,0a . «• *«p*tp«p ,. #•!»! f1«irdi» l.tiwrvtii* -f tl,, . ft.. Iff 4r.-f.fnt Met,, •* « | Arntl.i* fl »0(M Li in■.r•• epl*»-* f"' TMt'A ri»"i'v f.ufpM • * licit » i tjs .1 I- K TluttM tnr. 14 tan HIIM Inf. 44 . , »ri» *4 Ihr fit f t («»« M. •!«»*»•»»* It IfnMt t»f a|i • t piiii».in., 1 tfili -• •' t<» niflt?# f1„, Inn* ••»♦ m*»PM9 mt print* 11 n 11 p,w* *1 •• '* • ^PHP^P n—'i-tv i.'i '. 1 \ , (Ml fnntt* I'M** IveiMnt ftb r q, i i i 1 .. ■ tin wT^ h«H »»e t»»v r«H»i|i«r*»lv* CIllAKANOI] • • a inif i Mitf* I" ^ ■ n.r. AM nf lt-0. n«r» An til III I* ... tmrf rill Mh tlnt.4 «• 11^ L. ft%fl fulfil n*tn iifler *— MM I r«it tn Muoc fin « It — ET.t* pt^htpmtnU en* •!*»• Hip A'i'vi •' m1 |i»4i 111ntp. ,*1 1 1.,.., iv Md t«r * *1 RfiRlffM'K tt« ffMi|#p,l I'll, 4| ||L, i t»v-u« L 1 H *11 IHr tVRJf, *1*me r*i I* •*!«» if»fv*f#r1 *hp Ali1ti'«I« •« IHH* M. AnlmaN fl wfly 1**«l *»wi tll'i'R 411*1 •i n. »»» I iiij, Itf • I'I 'W lii*r I qiiiiitf, tiiiii..«i- 4">f I'll' t„# Hfti tiitini- Imiprl 1 n,a \\'< i,, I • Hi fill ■ Invenlorv (Mearniiee • V:t ii» V'i off Iff' *w#f H«11tll»*f ti|» • ,l? w Mil nlpiif PJ»I tl |j . (Hiiim H if Al flrv ivHlffvt* nnlWM't I Mffi Nflbki trnml hih# ISviV ( IHU'll mkin*s H!umsiiim;s ■«,-•# ™m I.* Jl|f'rv*l*. Mif* O TWv It I £.,••»■••<* a,M-r • It • Mlfflmt I oir* Mow J„. M*«m MW w*»i1 I. . ^ "•» «•«' t*-1f» in ii»f I mi v M in* mill SIMtltTSWKAR vrw v»»fr« 1* fill «i I'lnnural I" tl..,,. Ill#- , * 'I llllH'.p I »W f '<«• • I S I ■ • i-.M • , .f I In, ill ilx 11 1, trrtl ltnl, „l ll„ il ,,l ij>>1.1,1 |.rl. ,-« p. i nib S(ktdult tin llfill - »»ll w *»' f iiai'.r'if 1 I ! I Im«' ff» I f I « t #'k »H siniiisiiiins in 11 it jti ki is iiusii lit • fMUt » t IIIIH 1 ■ hp. 1 f f «• ti •«*♦•»' « a...| #,• i.lf t,|i,r. 1 „ ,M i., rVI\tits s| tl Ks - lilll ss slllllls T he Ton rrt#,.fi,, r. 1 it La «♦««« 1 Sho|i • '« |,« | ♦» *»«*» * II-i 11 • 11 . . . .1 Stvi.tll lls -Nl'OIII I lltlH I ifH'tlf • 0>i fl.1lfl.4ll >•„ "|» p'ral A ' ... Lv I •'•«■ I* |H»" %#vn|r.« <•! fl.f in-1 lfl|fi«, *• 1.01 ■ • %»■•«• » *r firti* n.-l (»..» tl'mt. I>«i.* 1 no", ttiini 1 w 11 n si in 11 m - 26.55." • ■ » M «hhii'iM t *• 1 • |1 . i.-rtp.l rtii Rt t ft. tr»« n.4« trtil.Hf |*»)*t.<«.,iii P I .1. ...I 1 l.i-iil,-| 111,1#;. I ml I iili«il,|( si#< * tit 11 Milt * «« Rn'WlfllW • I • 14 ♦ *• »lir«t#»»frM I #1,01* 14. 11 •* I I 44>'l l|0 ' t»* 11*14 « *« (HMtMtfpM R fp'.'t i« !•* •*! frt*4l!f «f M'd't I«II it nf •'»* •*«• ^ vritr* " Itiff ■ ••.p.- f «« *•♦*" 1 ,iiin«lli i*i 1 h i-fi.^i tiflpinnit Mliiim • ff *•*"• • fiilli.u 011 llffp. I ••(>» i|i»>t H r .1 t*0l |.««l —• • *4 * I.. 111 nit. n> »• M»*'« r-'ftt' 411ft. ■fffll l*tl «. 'If# mm ' 4« »WW""' * I .11 i»,r ri* *' . 0*1 *f trn ' I I * 4f>*M » 14 R* «I»»M !.0 | l«hr In 1 hi.'inn#' •» •»•»* Mu ■ II a *•»«• til 4 4 R 4Rf " * I II IU« « 44 fl «M« I ■ .i.».t. pi..! ulti ii-r t» t.i 1, |ti**fc ■ aP ikii • »4 W. 4R4" l 1 i 0ff ftlll IflR *♦»»■ I'V'-* «♦"»' Hi if it r 4>,m# f.vr.l rr-4 '»>• f.«. n I- N V V I, II V « 1 II S I « I. f f N I I. II I I Mil S I S I lit# 11,p if llr «fl bnfp Itt4.li-, • «••*•« to* tlM1b»H . •»' lllf.f » 1 4»lli, I1W0 t rm. lllrt.ti Hp «m>uM n»»tr» ivo pi* iTv.»- ♦. » •«« Nu.IIINII • I >4 fin I *4 *»•» | ». r* HI • put l»tt» 1. r» itf !•, 1 i« .1 r.« *| I m - DIAMONDS - AN|MIi« • * * -CLASS MODS - litriMaral M 4 II. Retails • Ml »miImi ft«0 I - REPAIDNM - M •« Walrl,** »Ml Ji»#II| U *»*•• »» ■*•'»• —**" •» I MR*, tl f>§ *• **»>'" • Vmir IM0! [U..0 , * a a BuiMip# ThMtRttR'aJtvalry 1 r€* :J1 0p*n*4 nut ,0. frill*, m M A C. At* . h*« 4m#> will k* '•»*•# SMMTUM karMH [4# Mm*r TNDMSAMS OF RIFERED DC DOORS U AND 2000 POCRIT DOORS 2 FOR 2fc ■ -f. . . - PLAID SLACKS new titles added daily 7.90 AT «*g*t*#ly 10 »• M tr Inn Ftr Tbi WW lb# I0O,»»»O< you »•»#, box •n*ugk *l, *• — ,« UNIVERSITY BOOKSTORE uronrttrlully pri.rdt finely-tailored, waihabi* orlon/ m wool, ilyUj w,lh telf belt, ride pipper choat* liom rick (In Uh- IVoplt'V jClnii-rli KlfN'k) bUnrti tl bluki, b.owui, rtrti, asvyi, #u»l». I0-I4 * I ' fa," J* ;Sa:. -. ■ ; Two Highway Safely Staffers RMftc-ite F.mphavlr Week, a Hott. wilt apealt an "A fie Met Lansing tnmliiitW tfse I*"" Testing Winter Road Habits • 11 emlndet ♦" P|»nr Fans of 'be Ittt- '..rial •'iro». e nt good tonnnera In ell tel«|.»«rtsbl|tf, opoo^'-rpfl hv Ppaf tan's Women'* i® being lint" today Woottt the shew *111 he held In at 1 p m. Ihe f'nlott f inrr»| hv ftuane ttf VV11 P and timer nhtNlTltM ef fit# Irplesl H"' •f ndent. Fid ileal Inn speflailred field and training I" n are fmporfnn* ■ptVrt tttettrhefa nt Ihe MSlt Highway 'tfatri* Pa'fety f'enter teehnb)Ue« *o all driver* Highway Traffle Safety Cenler the purpose «f Ihe pIM alod* MPff ,v|l» be able to full* I veag'te . |H lie show enmtnonfalor PWt to nearly everyoh# oft -ampo*. parMrlprtHtrg In aperlal tests It I* determine haw heal l» Mtlh'c Ihe result* of thla atndy. P\VF. an all tmtvt t"lly we ♦he ,f-i!it» Jewell modeling agenry bill a •mil#. #m ea«y manner, Hmigned to Improve the learh- demonstrate and emnmunlrat* The UHlvet.sl.fy « deparltt'eot . »f toon's •ervt-e organisation ha* tn e ttt h e t a and fit ofesslona! fihrl a knowledge of certain lief education nod lb* High pithtith'-d the h'oklef This W« ttto'fel* t\'lf| display 'he latest ff>tma of behavior ate equally hie Of winter driving lerh- leafed n Inlet dtlvlng leehnlftte* tear nbptes del vet edneallnn learhet* <> av Traffic Pnfcti I'gofer ea-b Mo A' MSI'' 111'* l'1-pltrfe ,Ivies In spoils, Hat-time, rock- Imp'ulant In putting that edtt- Awisidf In •« t tir t* -»« Itelng r-arrled nut lhal Ihet mat. In Inrn. pam eo tear prepare more driver edit • five* Inhumation on to ♦ ill :»n«l humid vein eathni Info prarflee on Hlrre I,eke near t'llnlnnvllle, i a«| -o bo school* tht"0gb"O» • ftuM-.iu at>rl ii>.!»•*_ duties t i The purpose of ptlr|ttel'e Pirn qWf. ha* nl«n made available Ihla hnnn ledge In nfher learh the *|ale tt'att ant "titer Mlch- at.l eh a (b Interview*. i' ■ '-arnpu* and In Ihe t.analog rted by students "♦ MPt'. The«e t'otmrll MStt «taft mettihet* n«e In dther edneallnn ennr*e« la a main nhleellv* ef lh» atner Mo ver In Test if v , ...it ott'litilng evetvdaa ea* at "a •Ihlea, along wMh an et.ilr.gitr attending atr ftlehatd Hlshop. Ihe Ihmtsand* nf thllntt here or enttimertlfffy, tnar he old a I n- allendlnt Ihe le«»* In I et! hv atij Itllereaferl group for «i«.!*trtnl professot, depattrnenf i.f teaelrer edtt-nllnn. 1'nllegr of t'tofe«*t"Mgt te«t driver* ate n»e.| to demonstrate proper anH uphill Tndnv „„.»i l» . to b. no,I r• d!r,t lbtiled 'o fresh- tff slttdettls fhi- each tear teeelre presslntts «f 1fa|' frwm nttlt Ihe lasting he- „ foe .if f? by editing Obotda |rr A'tn^l Met.» nssiiri-t'e ,,..V >ie 'tie nnte *ot'«.-'»o firrmalbrn services and Ihe negotiating ettrvev nttil ttmvrt • tog from «V'd* rartlrlpnttt*. at mfttee on dt«»tmarnent. a gtnttp t fa*t»len show. sponsored hv •Irfl • «f Rasf t.anslng, nlll Ti> n ^ p ii1 w STYLE SHOP hf.fi.led ht ten H'lbpfl ||nm ■ hhrfinitin*' Sale let mastering themselves, will the tearh of ttttdeole tt'b'g p^*«e«'eer twhwhpte* * gtnttp rn»» phtrv ni+ tee t|t Mlnttl ttndrt Ihe v , tendon tn retvlral and ea»tern •tin * pro. I'M at tfttf I Inenltt Austria Rwlfgerland Italy The Bt'-iera* work surh *• I H CNttbp. Rnv "In Ihe pa*l. lealhenh and Rttmpo "i dinners dm Ing Februar y .. . . . . tl'd tilt| trout* enmee maletlalt hate heen weak and France l»»d you'll have gmrde free lime sr..I Tire Rlnanlan* me hi Ihe In Ihls area a skill rettalnls jrrls of Individual leisure to really live life ab"-sd' market for ant saleable wet- Impnrtant In Ihe aafeh nf all t thrdgef leers feregs . featuring distinguished |e*d*r» - handlse net money enn'tlhu Wlrhlaan drhera " from |uriOilfietif eolleges as tmir eonduetnre • tons Anv person* whit met Phlttn '• pat tleipaflng to de 4fl tn i?" days hv sea and by air tt.99T and rtp ohaudlse shou'd oall 111 a t?gg tern ripe how t«e*t to trtt|t*e ptth- • Vrhresffseaf thrdsel Isers ef feregs with etperlenee#! and 'he werehPttdlse it III he lh' tt»f"tmat|on ntedla to own |,v sea II tn A7 davs |Pff and up 1'leked up mttnlrale proper wln*es driving Pk*i fwrsgsse fsers PrsPsMs . frnrn 11 days Itff end up Vnil can always Travel Now—Bay IdHer when ran go Amerieao F'sprssef Mem her; ftistltrife nf fnternatlnnal PJdtfeatlen ged f'ounoll nn Sfriderrf Travel For emnplefe InforttiaHntr. see your f'ampue ffeprs sen tall vp, Ioral Travel Agent nt Amerlegti Travel Pot vice »o simply mail the haodv enupne git Rroedwev, Nsw Vnfk •. N V. »>• T»*wt s«»** pw^h. Vest riegse send me ramfbte Informalirm about IBRD Btudept Tours of F.uro|fe' Neme •••••.»«»»•*»<*•»,< '111**'. »lm« hit ett tl»l« PTiwtn'i MICHIGAN ■ml In *ttlr* ihnt arr mn*l pn|.iil*rt! All rolnra ami •!*** In ih* grnn|i l.'it "Tint rrnrvor ri'Mi ovt;ir;! n«l In wm HtI*. % OnrOn* Tmi. I'mtl*! Juno I r'ati I IkHk VtMnl . \WWW\NV\\W,WW\\WSWWW%\NVW.W I iii You Can't Afford To Mi«« Wolverine Office — All Day Long 334 Student Services Building