■°r .-wl'"s ' " '• ' ' t.» ■ "*-^rs? r? •>• l» ■ •.;:•■■; ; f PMPlPtMMrift^u.^ >»*r-^.iU»HWinw>. iuwm mini we# a i 'i i ii i i " **■***-■-***"•">*•*«<•*»■ j npi . ■ ■'* tM - , i 1 11 9 The Weal her I m Vol Michigan StateNews .0. So |.|ft KAST I.AN'HIN'li. MlrlllCAN TI'KSHAV, MAItCII X IllMI fjxpiKx.-iSf3i.v-tr.it lliirh I'nlay l.ow Mufiflav I'older. Sitotv . IMtirK r, i KMf :ih HI 2."»-.'|n l ,i m R ussia Agreeable to Conference /I ITijr rriircc (Ummiment ' -U | o DisCIISS W csi Berlin l')iml A callable \|iril Sflte'iltiIt'll I'lliojliilih Ihiscd l*i»r Ni'):iiliiitMMh Oil Mrcti, Aliilily : \|(I-| f»\v i*<*.» i «pr»-o<| MoihIu' i" 1 i'l sum Vpplii'iilinn* were iipeiH-d .Muinlnv for limits fi*om Ihp orcipn mini •»nrt* ennft i NmIiuiihI heleii Shnlent lamli Knild, which Whs ejaluhlUh* ♦•nee ♦»« West Merlin ami » latin fireen'a treat ahltitv to |p.i|> in ihr mi «,,» . hMlor'faeho e |i Mlrhlaan Htatr'a P.1-71 tropin im, «d VV in oii*ln Mu111t.11 ids lit in •••I la «! \enr h.v I he ledentl and stale K«'Veriimelili ill ad • irrmait jmncc I real V, I hnuph ||Mll*oil rteldhon*p It.ulBPi* Ituli Ilo-On hill In H >f» |.iren\ um PC reel Held with MSl!. •!re-Mainy that it W«diM still ||r »io|» him <*n Hit* rrlionitil Iml i.u .» shuuk I.m.m lut |« irhimiU If ■ »'u»n hi.ink* niav pn fer summit tnlks. I tit pidnt In thr R4iur ill .1 in- I ,-i'hi-l in i« i ..ll « IVo-Poiiit M A ■ fr»«'». it V Mantwl'ari A .fid up s to nu*«uin Hi ' * ills i- of ,hull-Ill 4f if.WMV- sl'pti'M tlie dispatch of ISlalc Ml Capers Heal tti the St'fh u! d.uh t.h Sns «e* g.*^l lluiu|uel i ...vift > uw •• i o,.»ro iful f#» West f.-ef inotylertit the Wosteon fieimirfl'. of the H g •• o hvisconsin, *>.'»-7.*> ' • ilu-ir k»".i h>uh i»i Ihr *4 iiool fir eligildr ft« Ho* loan dii'leida tiiiial omiflain - In ipiiiitri gi tidual ma who o| an AI Guliles The sit will l»e diffmelit t<*- 7 III! fltl finalists for the l amlola ( hi Alpha man. Il.aiie k inter Ion. I ansing Ire-, 1 western ence the In Kremlin proposals for a eonfer %lenn4 or heneva and foirht at Hie Coral Oablee •• It Junior UN Mitren i| r» Manrv Johnson, t hiraffo, far*. I.aiolni snplititiuoe |m»m hrf t air rested It started |p April S|iiirliiua Win I'uiir-I.anie * IHKP • sei 11 • -dy n 111 a! i fl piiigie** Nveragr toward ml •1 Htiafonvi* III to S ho ur Imioioet tiall foi the fltd AH I'ldvei vlty til. Junior. Carol \lrholson. I.erov. N I mora. Mien Wcl'eah, ( has (In falls. .> *• •• •* teitti." *t*ted Tom K'»le*lab, III 111 tmsketball crown Inw «hip* ami idhei* rrrrhlng 1 li.n.ft'l iiu htdilig Ik'jrtil I The Sparlana ahoiild u. In 1 victory over lowlv VV . I . . , . ail*>• itl.tkr '.■ M ovrt •. ll* wrnwl- !.:» !.' * *ll|»rnd* nt lr«* than |MM»« an no*lit are al*» pllalhle ■\ppiu a'li.iia cvtil lie a< -wpletl i»test'leu' of the Velv, "hut we feel th tl a flintier should lie held fur evptv St inter*! campus " Rose Bowl Contract Oieeslion • »• ■ r • , - %'x ,t rei'eu'wl Mikovan and 'ha' Uw Uial in Him IT i»u jaigrteurl woi S deadline Tke triumph cave Mate * four m r • iiiiI imifr tli lul lr« III fii'il Match Ifl A' i tin 1 tin..- The f oral flahlea' doors wtN a i.* rvr» uHims'iim I parr rlvala (al«-M ay llr» In thr 0.1 i ti iu r areiMW In nlher than an* olhrt spuUn h llig 10 aciun. M 1 ,kr|h ill lr mi III liislul t I. . .1 I . li'i !!'». 4llrt tin I..M i s rn • -.sill . •* n' ii.letiI•; he ralegone* divi ied that a summit I Pip Itadtfem played .H I i ...,■ • .'. s?-■■ ■ .. it i.|»f».u ha< katoiiu te who r» aae limit The all run ran eat meeting was' "Ova grastesl i . Hv I VMMT HNIIHI »H*Kf I A \ , 1 ,.p 1 • 1. u, . . .1 af'ei in''e* j. « the .h- 1 • to leaet. .n rlr- dinner, en a first rnme first - IptantaKe on llir board , . pit' i-.i-iiI.iaI otihiyioe of 'fie ll I* hrltrvrit lhal Ifie new .■.(• ii rue h.i'H*«ft chance of arhtavlng positive re ituul.ov 01 MTiinluy served basis H for all Mall stu¬ suits. ** H «.e Muwl Will Iiead the agf-rida roiifpreupp mil the twurnamrnl the Hlg 10. mesnuhlle. has In with hi* bed |ip i for mi j nr» t S'uderil* w a« ideoi c dents. fsrulte and stall, at VI tohslllutr iHild Jim NtoiiHri r.i of *hp sprlog !*•'< 10 mretlos • ni Hose* rnmmillrr want (he received other howl offers, the f ne R-. VI»' fuvefhme tiarkg'"iin(U pu1n«t# auprnut |»ir»p In IV pelnU the pfMifoteoi p fai ul»y »epf *«"i Rig I'l lo rmilliiue ihr Nosp Howl I olton Howl In particular '*« -'d '»ke in riinHw 'ha hujn The record 17 victor it** ui ■< ■ • •• c 1 i>t p 1 v ut preparatpm in Athletic IJirew no Htrfte Munn tot Ives and alhh-(i« dif.'oi> contract If 'ii#- faculty irp.i 'a'ive« •ha' i's jn"ie^*l will mrfl Sup .. i t . r. inalfiema'.i j anulnrei- will preio-rvf Him Iff ami Vide Ik vet in I(130-31 t»n Hig "1 mi ri .«• ' 'v oi. ••ni -if l"'S' Vets pla pir will go t« the vele w.-'h Um S«»V!ot I'neai a?, I Tlip Sp.irt.iii* III-'- (• w ■ l> ' Highlighting thr Hop llo-al u? a 0" 'i er i stiidenu •*»«» are eiiyldtl# tan with the hirfhesi all I'm- Ho I ll» A I ',«-r ftta'e* made rt# rnnUibu- Ipuiiitut * III lit h IS I tilt Its i>l 11 I, ni n oll.et .e«j»eet, who air vmitv avr 1 age, wiu'v fralernlli •*♦11 f cretin* Will l« the f I' • i. •.. '>* Uw »u»o 'd srnadimg |k"M »f mI |lu*e M"» i .-in.no' •t- ■ and will compile if nt \ \ • <1 tig in a 1 ui neuiufti uttier lt«.}»fiiye llirlurle oh# to Ali*lta a %po< Hlg 10 ai ' al Hi* at it# f*ermany *a. Ill, March II-14 those -.j* 1 died in the Hi*' tee app*iinled in |)e« « itihio d'Oi-1 tii.1 ' fi ati f "hi Higiive f«« the htftxst house ni hi'tor* »n the Hie lit 7 he Rose Howl rommillcr , ' a \ I. i , old* l.»-e»l»-d * # * IW fmar -|»mf lead I* the l.»nr»« • » ' iwro ca'eg-aiea. avei age fall term st»* 1 one to h.i Anderson munched mi .if !•»•»• r0111 posed nf ( hairniao lir Vet lie i.i • i,o- |t th a contented look .- • The etilmum amount to ho Phi Kappa I'si foi *Stu moa' freeman. Pindue « farult* rr illher Hem* on the scrnda Mililar> hortTk *rta»lsstu» inipruv*eiient fall loaned U> Individual will bo pre«eiilalive. Mlrhi**ii'i farultv lln lode proposal* lhal would "ttf substitute to ii«*l 'lt< o ■! an nt," explained An»l« i • II inm per year. The aperil# lei m represenlallve %f«ri us flaol and \1 ..... '• . • ' '•. -M .• I... .• Mi h. * 'a- n. >h. „t.l p. hind off ■ i" Bark Ike in Berlin amount glten aluden* will Alhlelir ftlrerlors link I.ark ins. •- th jir>.'»ji.-. (jve a'rii-i#. (»y | Hp wan nut mui»n f - '•>' if it Hp eame any a# Ohie State, and Ike Arm • I< ' 1 ll - .-Oi'rt-I a*ipf|ll.l "f A ah I paid WASHINGTON m — 0. • "Jiev'e alwtx been good " hr *4id "We've know deter ntinrd Ibe knala •# be •. y inc on M,' Tirkrl$ strong. nf VhnneuiU. will pre n oiiih in tore (.hi- "ii.'i.if l v« ' •»* f'.rr-ea aro ready to bank ilk tot na in thp Ohio Mate niw too need, evelUMItt* ml fnnda and 1 evaluation ml arlodaalir abllllv. sent the factual slulv I he far ul l'"« It ip |*.«*i'ieri1 f, ftrfifnyaer t a vow • Stouffrr entered u» i*-..» f ■ ■ • ftivlrlhatton af Ueheta for |y reptpsenlallvrs tie e«|ie«lril from • romfietttive and fl e»! dctujTii nati'm t# stand torn 14*1 ii* m ,4nI uae»l for legit- Hanh 11 performance «♦ JJW fur hia highcM .*c--i »i'U'W J'. h Innate- edurattonal puipo** »ueh the the Hetdelhurf Chorus will In vote im a possible policy nira Ma in I ft I level, the Hlg III can't ' ... ... . i-.g , h. : f -i Amur.-an rufdg in Harlin, |l . ..N,ltll Sight to Alxlt I • H tul'owi ami la*-ka All sure. com plain about the Rose Howl (ia'; si jfrsi.? V our* •d/ liefense Neil M#» a it i mm whs at.kiit i>u. . hi.- «* *a r>».tfi begin Wednesday at • a in Kiiuv tuld femgresa . The ft'is# Ihiwl paid A1 Hi 'he pad Ke«|iiire a ( average for athle- Vf-autay. | it mi. The Spartan i .Mt. • loin ajuiUi at ton* ami pr onuaaory ia the sec and. Horn rherh Milt 1(1 arid Pacifn Co,id l.i; I' t. .* won 12 of 13 games tir eligibility We •'i.i.k «• nova a dehrdk# note* fiiar. minora moat tie co- room of the I nion. I oupsm » •I signaled "gouiti . .. h* . • fi-ieme i|H'( • expues aftm tf.e phi.i-l .it I'a.olcha fh»» II.g .1 u *»-r dude •* f» « . '■ ' ,e super;,»rity uvor ds# | h-otrt ».gi>«*l l>y a patent or guardian. will be eadleeled IMh'l engagrnieiH Hi* kham "t the gii'e * spppiai- junior 'U.:»n»- .,r .•«•»'« i-si, ft i-san* at this lima," McC)r<«y i iu«l hlrw my lop." he quipped | ch> thai unrr In a while 8 "Tble k the crraUM federal The 111 , which ha* viitsd to riwi'rty *100.000 annually hi'snciies iit-u.'-hali-" v ejigioie i i n -Imumihg u»a situa'i-di I k.|k| Ik, lull m Ml ll. ».« »l> '."I U" "I"" *">" 1 aid te edu« alien in the reentry ,N divhajvd the riiiM of the cm T'or l(os<* Muwl agreernent ih '.'ad uf es'antiAhiitg a year * *i'h 'iim h'rtiae «pa< a csit/iiitta#. Thp play wan It actually h j.. .•»' i« • v • In an John Truitt ml Ibe men # VISIJ ChaiiilN-r lent s'Sdernic yea' h,«» gtwn in iginaliy was for five years. ins.'ieiiisi M' f..r«iy said tg^r# ata no occurred in the mh . ( i..y> v - diviaien rommenlrd. notice of t#rrmna*if«i of the Thei# wore two exWuslons of A «i. coi.feierpe surveys n- .» »? A '>'»* V, 'f.'rty|)l/a bovsus# I,. '•"■rt the shot by Ivan J.-::* kf; lime, the team started to -.«* * •», W • •• N ' **' '' '* Appiu a't-aia fo» rnen n..«a' he (In-lirslra to Plav lovwl ouotract to the- Hig- 10 lu •hi is* yeji* each, Theui art oj«en vu.whg Ut« ipte-Vi-'h, »f aha' I# '.he dor-perurtg crius r»v«r» •inon11la-1 to the men » divtwrt It* place H Uie Await uf Wc-sU-i n eiul t-mtract was Signe»| mair»- happidis '*i a'hi' '<•* l*'d»t Uy 'he ->* * campaign W» furco th# Kith Ornrn leading Ihr thr spartan* lumped it" margin te Concert |M| III tlx millul.. wa* I.rr.li li.wr.l Hi l-*i l.».kfU I.. M« ,h* and app i.aliofa the writnrn a diviMun of student for women to Tonight Umveisttleg msile ip uf C.'ali- fnrriia, SuuUiern CaiifurnU, UC- talhlng mteiv Kech Vie rolatiuiikhip indefl- was passed hy nar- heM.tra will play Its winter term Evening Program lormblf for the last tin ♦ a«an W*»d in with JH |*oitit*, and lif ro V\|M oN-1% 173• — BULLETIN ooricurt, curvducted by I*r. er Hudgvun, l>eed of the rrti*s*« Walt¬ NEWS Fashion Show Slated HAN IT A11- |V3 »- department, at PmidW 1" FT Tonight Hi If Mi IT 11* the Mu«c Aud, ^ri. f i«. 1 . « 8 Sis 1- 1 IS II HarnpMirt. 1 lbs1* t k 7 • * • IM i J ll • — nrt iiswtttu ru. ii. ft thunrf.r.n, iyn, II rM>h»l Tfar public ■ tend the cauevt given by Id ar¬ invited b> at¬ IN BRIEF • ' fi 0 12 4- 7 2N |{u««in. c llrrt .Ml 1*4.> MtrUai tist-tear hers from the music de As tlie flrtt aveiiing »•. a 0 t- I 1 Premier§ Agm pi ugr am ». f 1 4- i 7 Mrphana. g pub, Pk.lir.r IV U.ul Ik* partmcrd witfi a few advar.ied of Union-Board Week, a "Claaiic" • Hrrbtak. t « • • S MOSCOW \AT) - Preimcrs . '< *. g 1 3 ■IOMI >u4 MX VII IMP MUM gia.iuatu aral undergrdduat« stu¬ u •- • • Khrushchev tod M acTn rl I an hod,."it show will ti# held at S I- 1 7 llackhart, f <4 Ik* ,«klcl, Ifaltaft "*** dents. .lrttrr*on. t 4 J 5 IS agrssvl Murrrlay night tharr 'aIks 1 Mi tonight in the Union ImII- teas 2 •- 2 4 tally. ctrfsert operw witfi the worthwhil# 'Tbey Mill*. I 1 1- 2 S ruv* ba#0 Wer • 1- 2 17 Tk, **0 priwuiii W "Darwe Overture Na». 2" written ro'in, 4 t- • • Mkl they were frank, with 1 •- 1 2 Murray t Ik, Tt-la*l kwhtaf rmrkwt in 1V&V by Lloyd Taliaferro. fifty-five atudwil# will model __ —X Hde holding t*m< k —- mm. —, »— mr.nl Ik.l ■ ll-ymil «*M- This contemporary work la fol¬ clothes from Campbell's Subur¬ IS 17-25 71 * * * M 11-25 92 pi.ua yrnk* U fn, ut S may lowed by Uw "ftuHe fruan Or- fee." w»«h Manlwvmidt^ mum* Inm Voids Treaty ban Shop snd the Style Shop, I IM lkf*a«fc «w »!■■■ Tk* mlMlna a Inw mka- arranpud by Oavd. TEHRAN. Ink (ftft-Th* »"v- which haa atom in Mt Lan- U,k *U Ia karl Hiaur IV The early HUM is followed iti Unirm ha# been infunned sir»g and feiost (amiiing. by another wwtamporary sum- thai Iran regards aa invalid sr- y>a Uw mi,a nu Many of Ute outfit# to be fei- •way la M kaaai amt pertion. Hstety Stevens "In • UHaa im # »-yeor-old Ueaty turtxj were displayed on the lata a aalar arkM a kaS Mirror,"" — " " "* giving Soviet troop# the right to pagus of the February Issue of Iran under #»rtair. condl- AM " •^itwetto." Mademoiselle magazine. Bar¬ Damaty furvign Minister bara Bloom, Midwest coor¬ * * * dinator fur Madernoiaeile, will i UNION BOARD VEER Horn Now Approved doscrib# theni W»»rking with her will be Arm Si ana ugh and K B. f® ■> B ' J IW I—III wnftMkil Ixulk- Swanaun, student c*#nriient#tora. wmk - J —1-a-hKMk Sh*w TODAY ri iufT • Hallroom s»» wiiii ii a St rMpowi w •a kklkk W Ok kUW U ftarkuKura S Oik Their around th# th4m# "Heart of fa¬ shion." fortune telling cartD will remarks will cwnter raf ... atktk SkiVknUr be used to divide th# program mm TOUJOiir into will categories. view clothes designed Th# audfcnc# for' "Adventure" (class and sports Vat Chsck Sigsop wearj. "N#ws" (suits, coats and imiMDAT dr eases), "FestivityM (dessert "COOLT end cocktail dreeesj and "Love" (bridal wear). t mON IOAU HODAT Th# show will teetur# Made- 1 Week, Jedy Meefeagle, atf Have M#r*a% •uU ».wi •vssvsir moieellc's three now spring eoiors—gypRf tee, fortune cookie kairaiM af Mm Maybe? partMHs anbiir.i# cxzl - -»— «i pkdM. saMrtal wm la fltoa If Vlafbaf « ' • v ;r_ — ; f "'y- ■ ''!!esl !misv. Sin- - There Are vo Sr-eis i\licliiifu 11 Slate iScus 111 it'll i^n It SI;i!c Nimvs > Of A ilihM t liiriiiii''"' V-' INFORMATION ..I i.»i» ■- 'r' ■ " IS rail Dill* t»» MM '» ' ■ dim slti.lritl* and I m ull* fall rtli , ,r I.,'I> • »M I I I 111 \ I %Rt MH I AIMtN iittri im.lri llir >•' • a . , i ml : ■■ ... V' ' I' .J « I t It m r,.Ki . mill 1.... • !-■»" 1. K mi. m •M ,11 11|> ,.«•"!.!# I"' »« pn, . Mfl F. In.mli.»b Ahi. Ir SI '-r " 1». I" r. «V tram Irtlrll P. 1 ,. ... 1 tfii 11 a 1 d , < llir"'" "P- Mri.l.ri ..I I'-r I"1" l II.Uv i" inli iiib ul. w ilt 1 peak '"l Aram 'ulr.l 1 "M> #i«lr I Sit!,! *|M.rts fitih.r* ll.i.ib , Wind i« I vp. t led of Y"U A« III* mil.ir J.'Vir M.i».k «■>!• il... W allihil...., |.i|,M \ Ti ' I .III (•#■» Irtil.M s(a»* Hull SrlillrrS. H.i.rll, Ma.ixr* n, .1 a- *«. I I rt'l Paqr ( lll»..» II.IUM.I. Mln MrimrU T'..l Mi. \i> II. I M I.I' II'm'. I"" If trilN'l Ni l I4INT I'N'ION I am.1 Ul i »ri..mil*( laniH.li.nn I.M s(s.lrt*M. 1.1.1. ii.i..i.t 'Mini". Vii.m it,, . I'. p ni . 4'/ I 'iiloii Mi- D"i Ja. b I 4II..I J'". M'lM'i yrt.riil»l»ir IMI'MM (M.h Hm,a, .%<,«•! Ilrlall H.I'M" H. 11!Itv HPwu will ipcak "fi MSI' uiiiily roiiio Srti'.i. I"." M.'M. I'airlih Srld* fr.Mll, (A Dot's AI lilt'l it- Aid Week at film icIm. M-hi I.III..I* i I,*«iiir.i S)«.ta|«f Stsrr Halt. Cat VI. ( all* Crtr WalMM. 1. Ii. Ihr r Ill l.l \ DMM HON Mil ^ (1 „ 4**1 i holfl'S M.i'ii.i i . (1 t . p in il Mush Fie. fiun <«f A«i'l Nlfhi I HII.1M kawtra (I..II- virirr ahiin, Irph jr....mm Stir, vlai.a«fl* Anu.14 ts«n,, • .PTinT" Impoi laid I ..bin* Will k.p.lH' H«.h I""'* I..I I «|.|.lrn ('Ileal I S. Youth? HI* til I AN IMSIDI (IIN r.iqla, rl* SI I tr.lrilr J I... SV .11 III 11. r ll'WI'l ll|4..r II«III huo I .IN I...1 (OH H Irll" ... SlOi.tMl Vllli.il r. lull, |h„,„, , p m I b in Hall H.injU Mira S.III..M Hhn.ia. I.m.IV, A.l«r(ll*lhf Vf*.i,|,i . 4.1(11 Ii HI IK MHtnKITV Mr.i M.|.»* Hafh"r *.«.!• .«..!». b.ili.hv Vj.t.V fill Met *|\h (OMVIIIII4 I I, ,..i.i.i t aNU'hrll. y'SH" W *« k M \M I'OI I I l.l i". i.l. ii' ' ' t ■.... h hi' . .III pin', Women s lauiuge, arbartti hi. ii In mi' iiii.i h..|»nr .llitrTti fr..m |.r.. *' 111**11. I.H ...In. .' •'! "i"' I1"' '''Ii Yol'Mi Rfl'l NI It ASk II "i "mill I In- hn.k "II' On it 3n pm. 14 Union Npciiki r: CAMPUS CLASSIFIEDS ■ ml tlir .'. >11 til W ■' l.'i '.iiini ■ of M IrhlKMli quoin John Niiiu i- t.unii-i I, Ii .■ ..ml -oil.,! linn, ii» il «U'imIi Uncoil House Sli-dig. of Mejiieseiitattccs lit I't* *MI<1 ♦ inn) r« invent ion plans be Tit* nlhlniif iiAittl.it • hi|» I're-»denl \ U bihit v (ire (I I **'iissed ko z-iati kxt. 2«i* H«»ltl of YnW* l.ti.i a lulm- Iin • 1 imet Hv mnliiMtt'r H AI I'll A miTA Till I A llrarflll.ra 1 p m Da* Nrfnie TulillralloM for Tiles , Hot, I linn and Tft. Milium. «•>•( rtlii. .Hi.tittl iw nitlli'i mtr |MT|tflialftl . .*'i*ti*» i»f tht» . 1* in., *t'e« Itoom CJII'nei PNIItlT.NADKRM f.XM IWItND M.... Mitten Deadline! t p.m. Trl on Amarirati youth ' Win ' lb tiii-wuM npi'lled it «»«it: 1-17 and I I Hondar IhrnUgh Trldar 7 Women's (Ivin, IU*mi Nills t'avahle If* nim in not tin- tutu, ition of that \«*utIi toil the imi- ' pm. l>am practice follows. tortmmnt'itl «»f • '> fi.lfi not tin- welfiiie of the athloto (A t VIM A Al.rilA I III b .t tin* pU'ii.tnri of (fit* spt't lalot AWE OITSTAMMM; ItivH to'hool Athlete* imight mui « .'Ml va-ea pm. Alt .Ibfl Htuilehf inmohots (nil** S#M tie | ClASSIFItO minimum l!» woidl KATES PERSONAL IHI Villi liar .. nn.i athletic *i holmhip* grunted for truly wliim- p.Mem in no btunuaM ensi b» M" *J"I If yen ha'# 0 handled ti.in.il ol»HMt»*iM "* Hum mativ recipients. ipialiftrit iittd raw- AlTHA rtfl IIMWIA 1 dayi ...... 11 "lei.u.' 11.ami M" r. for a rollri t' educMtion would In' *l«»nu»«! tlit* opportunity ! days - •t . ell) p m HIiideid set i h es Weje Athletic achoUu ship" abolished I MTI RNI RV ( I I N 4 day* , . ..... %7 I1} An es AH* AITIVIVIIA . p n. 3»lt Nludi'Ol Scivi. ri. employment lulerprvthifs llio Vir.s Slalp Depart mail Policy Defended h v HOARD 7 30 I I N ( ARNIVAI I nk pm Set lint I'l.iss •tftut-. M-inm >ii l r«iai» a" I'.R Write nr. u rioNbci !»■ ■ nfn'.na mgr • row I * -•">» T' JOHN ♦ 'T r Iff trap . . Offieials 5'' Al R In (!losin. .»•, »* .ji % Hv I M ItOtU Ills a f '.iii.rl Hi vr< F I at.<■>.>• »0 A-. . .»p '■. Rf t ■ ■, , ... l A»«t Ulril I'm* Noo tllllol ■ AflR ( ARNIVAI r for V NIGHT N il \ l. DM ORATIONH I OHMirtlT Vh# Western uliies apjHMt !.• luxe won a r.iuuiry a« the. diptomal* of I MUST II AT tHI CO»A| «,* s I'Vl'l To the I tiller: million of if- inhtiliiUnia. Peace- K pm. ilOH S'udent Sr. , ... ■ In their etfoiK to talk Jso\ let llu-a out of fh.tfc,. .-ourp 1 ii*# which hold ou> vtAhllirit \f» "* FOt THI 2 0 0INNII At'Si;« tiHincil irAki-i Vnhm ki of the t'N d H \ 11 R I ARMA Al Jl IH.TH v . u • DOM I rut iterhn tint AUinnier. N.O " ■' .*«»• t o % • t','1 e rerfeit Die vohint.u v fnim repiecnt.il l\ih» III evfee 1 and (OAIHITTM I Nikua Khrushchev. o» s«.. t -v m of fhotiLind- of lutliVliiir. In the which honor llieb pixnit-eN ■ ■ «y. MSI tin,! , p.u 42 l li.'fll. ji mmv in»: da re wfd. h thei iiMve mode wit" m • PI:-. .» IV H titer* cinUemi. M te «i ». the Mele -Seui SilHiian I ain't canip* Atlogrfh- MI'ANINH ( I.I N 51) J mi! v Is*. A fill* In*! week. * 1 !" • > d i :•» « Ml'ot irfl in. : !,t- i in. ei the Dultic iiidioii- liHVe lieeu In our requiie.l itu'iai *» ieu,. .10 11 in . Inteination*' C>i»- hWA-i UAKnrv i here the umvevsPv makra • aemimltti piU'l* ^ l- ^ «»r* #. ■ • •' • )><'la % .»? y.«- PnUe l (f 1 »*»st of 1 million of their ti amine lei III PreiM'ol.l will g > c *H for sale ilivuh.aii, s.' s* ileuiuud f'hi.iia < t\ . t of H*. N- . -V . i tin « i '.' I rt .iiUl hk. nuUioii UihabUanl* In S011W1- a a(te< ia! |*4nl ill tea. fing ' dr illu-.fi P.il talk. I.e IV fivm the lieu-tin.-.* '< ' et 11 Itii'«*'u and Die C'uik .i*{» mm 1.icy ' Die separation of ONt lll.blN 4 lew immiU'i tvlueh M'cut . ♦*■'11* m»f lu» pi nt *o A'o e Ii.. ■ . . entile natiorwtliue* of SfiOOUd power* the U'vel* of guv*'" • .'10 \\ oineti (. ■' •' Iiv i .'Oinpletei* foi*..l- . n ha rltMMMUVf ^iwimit-*K V\. . i e,ti fi were »iptsl out foi Ihni men*, the ( •UjatiluUoii Thee an* fui al' nun net* and l*ne»i-4 • N out isI.Um lat stale* tlliiT own Ivneflt, following Woil.l pi Mtcipfei and ulett* are n«c p edci- Hhriidii liri » Dmintl* rhenge ' \\ N«. flue gi. Hint ■ Wat II woiih the p»iu*r tliev ar# wii'- %HI A sll DIM R* HI VTA T*w OH'f h >* lM • II mil' ! I'' en,' .All 4' t witt not tiikr tip the Hun- f**i 1 ofi if they air no' • I'NOI.R AAI A*i tspo'-n * «■ ■' ' • ' • ' ' ! . A.iihiy Ml.I - g.oian iiut*.'ion urnc u is »ni» parlirtl bv «n anainie' of fee H p foj u* In ISIltiMI I Hti' our ■4* 11 flee. M s M.r.Mangl"', 4- REAL ESTATE # . r» tl.rm n \y >1 m'1 * "• .0 i il IMUllIv tin- t omniuuivi ft iriiil* and diplo¬ an" pnifc*"' of imiii, w.'I We s«>ttDI also f.uget the Il would seem to me afirr method* foi helping sue HWIKIII ROAD luitPiMi of .ipn mut . ' mats di.*u.*« ('•'* *<.aip Inu ti».)r OKI) ^i*| tVUiui, *, OS M.ki..o\ »K M l 1 i■ -1 l,«: w! '! .ii.' IhfM- saintv hiiin Ma.*nil re w hen* the I 'mii rem! m* your rdltoiial aiuf Ua lu develop an ihtcrci' ip ■ u * m'( ». • lal hr..e." IB4d killed 11.000 |».*ltati Mild.cr* In idea* have eimled in It • .i.'Wii say p#i W tti« llOHOI mill •'' « >0 .li 'f v MO Ih ,• lui'iii it mm it hca.i l»»*»* Uu'tr di el. Flu* meeliiig is' tor bolh IV -WW Uie USSIt la a mind* of so many a* U> ian*e •v« Wmi c*wuudeit hiuf'.o u ■ s. ;» • ■ « • . i 11i<11s,i «i ;«*4ui {«• lto>siana. N'ei eiihelix. • YWCA S!Udelll* Hue i d I'V UVVNTA 4 La.,- t»» ' : •• ' t* .1,vlovtng country and a ft .end grave rufaern. H> !u mi| • «v. "i 1 ' • . 4 iMMIttlllOll VI IllOt lit M Htudv (iroups and anion* esse will, al ea Thrrr he. Al'Mi nhamefvt i«me rraie-alii... Ims lHo«u *l»e Ol.l.-I o' .«• Ml .1 to of all oppressed *w*oplr, eiptsial Ai4i.hi w ho is illicit*leu !»•» (imn*n l\>lt«o | nrlrm Me i .tit it-it,' luitoi. books I\ '.hose *MM|iie which tiave not I applaud tlie one diaaciiting ( athoi.m hti dint housing j 1'iixi.e HIi -j ana. hi mi«t)t.1 ity \t t'l I I.AN.HIM, anil i.r • *. . * t no; (h ffw N*ek**,*»u-..i .vf M • • ti l-i uoaht UuiMOii t '".i yet nana uinlei llieli *s»nlrt»l ♦etc on tin' question ami lev on, ori. animation level e Hi the *e >■ 4 I'gltioli. Shine.'' 1 > :t .OR RINT • "».« *eii Ivaiii.i.e *„i 1 ft>« unci# r ii'aat'.m i»». < t „ . v »'« .. When H.'Mf |»pt-kn«rillH| IneMent Itieii.l t«» tlie oUun Cdligi esameii p m IS hair.* |m) Curtnm yvH'i'et »eu \ . • o »».••• CtUUsitiei I'll thai if ceHa.n people aie intei tei 1 afeierta 4 <11 h« ui. 1. wvi* i i,,|| ha*"",ei.« l «H : U |1al.ill lUi'l' «* feted bv the American tran*|Knt :,r rt' 4 -.k',77 unere^smi »H «M «.• vv. e i. ml .i nitsiohiumii invitevl fo speak somewhere on fcerila • • v plane and the ta|v tectevhng side lug.14111 County to a pnvj'e AVMV'I. nillgr hr.1- SERVICE iiMMiiuno' i> tm ivie.»*eil only a few Siivt'H '/ill's in«:; t l.i/r » w Inch was -r, r.irniv.'f Tw-. bhu.k* He m-uttt «u • o>*n!i ilnith'wn i. o., \ o ' u }i uiuch no-: i»n,v once, attn group of people who want 10 get bub prlve'.e.i y: e> rv.t mi\. . , - w»vki a»io Anibaavador Men*hi- I'.jiM* M Phone t\ 1 V PING Al.l. KINDS ... w ..»•'! i.t* uevot pernuttvil iiivpj ration fiom him >v T ■Ml (Jcnuan tn-pcsUu» ko\ irfuMii h> Itatrn to the re- MINNI AMOUS fT*i A »i*- (.ev* t .'Pi IT. v.,.., ow .'t <14.1,11 II m eitremelv aiutineful for i "Ilea# (erndiiMle I'D ? '> " KM wmterunee end teturn *»» t to !!. voiding and or help ».»l\e the tfu* univeifity ttiat the off trial nsonths-old baby, choking oh a ih'viiMve »•: '.his* ruiiun'oai* problem quietly The t'ongr«#* student government went on re- iaige -wooden brad Momiav, ap¬ hmm«v the Nt.ilr Dept dtfi uh-.t niel* seem to forget thai the S»h.H.l »'*' Peon* »D 2 IIM> 11 "i»' Hie I'mniuut icU twd voire cord 4a supporting such a visit parently was saved by a tmv bin minting American flyer* may be Crossword Puzzle In i»ou or t»* tinjum nwMtu, and waiting ui Huwian prison*, hop¬ by an official >4 an unfriend y hole in the U-ad- that let enough APARTMENTS i ami ro «er mohk ..ui m vmr • v.ph vhemisirv and governnicnf. I am sure the stat¬ air through to keep her alive .and heiter «>-,(!•» slid no- rwii|ta.re tiietn until ing in vain fs»» active Anmrican Mr* Charles I'tigcmach found i k'UMlv NFW TWO-ti.iriK.in a- "•uraen . ure of this great university has » l sureiiger ».[) ?-a.l5y. Tna 1 gl Siheeieft lk» 4.1 partrnei.' K.M'ut un.1 hath re. ten- puhlte *up*>ort wluch would been towered eonniUn ably m her daughter, Julie, violently 1 tmn mom -it), rtrepUt# Furm»hefl W.th Yuu hi Mind " ft *wt Alter aatabltahuif dipI>>nt.«Ue cause' then release the eye* of many people bv Una g.i-«ping 'for breath 111 hn cr«b. lit: 1 I.' 1" -Uler J u < 12 TYPISO IIY CAROL ft) ti Pe»n*W n a!ion* with .*? that time, AUMi at amis on aotut gioilmt 15. mil |me# ihi* morning 7c any uaM . resolution b CleofiMv^ (Mtedinl • OM&reb •heey b'1 Cerenev«S A*h the 1'omnium*!> proimsast *0 re- 1'.. Amum ice f.n citi/en riitds for Comniuii- txt Kuaaurn .embaa»y official*, Worse yet. evctf New• laments the exclusion of the Slate • A aquad worked over tlye child flie department n-.\# IV " ME 3« etHfi i*. W.ioi'jr r": wiah/atton of property in l\Mnnuuust Hu.v\ian diplcenata f RESH Spud •I Cr«fcM* a.one. ap*terently, and "on ia44*- from the academic- center* of the II tea. Tlie baby J«**t cou TO I'AMI'l'S v Iran Park-{ OOD Co»f,« K.ioiii) put the*e pnomiM'a have et sandy surfaces." a»v*»rttnvg to ! teg Ni.e f r «'.,•! ,.>te ifudfivt KU- ! dnrinunuK m K»II natnuv What do they have to ne^a several timiw before flre- 2-3.-V. LI vuicr Sr. t U Htrmm iu'i t. "f«»i |.m*!v:i Ttie RuAelans the «uie New* editor, cai the f r i r**Mid 'Jie -t.ivywyers* b.!- offrr tti-U we rannut get else¬ meo go! her to a hnapitat. ' n.<>*.» to I AWI't a fv.rr.iu,.! . , e principle that honesty, libellv, SPUONUT SHOP #> t.trW*eH» '■">«» for U'nil UM*e l«>an» of where at a Ikftter price" A surge* n pertiunwd a h I :!"'•< .i.M.ime,"' two r.".»u»* human lights and abiding bv •4 UVi owTuMi ah uliiilm j? MAC CS>, 6 .. * : pert •eiutfce ef Veeifde* a PUM»# W I W.ti II lw she cold wit, Mlmleat. *19 wmergenby operation and ie- •: the international tivat.ea are i gl> J-.kAR) Jy At Br ire move*i tlie bead, ab»u» iin inch TI PlbT ANN BROWN Pi K.»v#n W.i and the tlertin • H I'TtHvf. k Introduced «• which moie Utau 2-3'<*i' K|ec'.rl< *•' R#v »c<:t*na*l Pa.k.rvg Fb 2-;eo2 POWH C Soak) v ...-nyion of the oppressed jHyi- fhe Nfate Dei>art.m*iU atandi >WS»at reatrtcDeaa ea travel pU>thing was no! known W rates lo utudent* New and Fire I'ap! Axel Djui 'ion, evlsinrv aaies Fiae »anr c-l.e: Dree* is# * C*.#• 1 t»:.C t Scamp e"* The rwoiM ha* been ap«v- on validy surface in taking Die ar apeeeh. eapertalti aa a partial ROOMS -TWO Dot BI.CS' .two 2 Vrencret 1 •aid he bcl.ev.vl a t»uy h- .» smiles i separate bath shop a am to 130 pm d« feather* tutyentin# t«* vs'..r posdnm rtiat the niimentaUvr* Saat* If Meaahthev raa apeak Sprtn|-Fall Ttchmciana Company Jn® E *1 Mournful *0 *td. ! .re re»#rv alums f'l Cuivson. CD i-UI] il Me tall.* itrurture of 4 *l4\e»sta^e do not have the Is WaaMsgtas. be abeaM alae W through the bead for sUmgmg element B2 fiCwipet* S t'|hl-*nbe4 It EucharotMl tn the l(43(Va Kiriushchvv Ub- aflar • p m tfu Mn_IV 2-iMa rights of travel in this sMswetf la «Hk la Eaet lea- allowed enougti air to get m Trunk of P3 l> »or m fltrure plate v -.'.est the I'kvauw of neatly 10 name DOLRIT AND SI-NCilX for WHIN YOU THINK > ■teg—«» through to save the infant's hfrt man tntnk of tha Mal-o-Statars f'l ; -1 Ume I Ireland 13 Therttor# approved dean. Naar campus. Park- THEN THE HIT TWINS i 20 Hire Ji.nr ( oniniriirrniriil Hullul fO* SALE »;tk a repctat-oi * measure saorsOurfaj*7Wfi«w>.. quality mitchan: :i F 22 Crouch tn TiAILitS cr WHO WILL ..KALI ATI: IN Jt NK STM0Y SUVICI . V ~T~ feur I as A STt'DKNT 23 M ther. ) '■*' ROYCRATT TWO - bedroom - or THIS VKVR. I PREFER: ! iraUar on lot in Traiiar Havan Bircn T Fi T T* of'Peari interior full bath CD 7-063.1 » WM. H. THOMPSON B I 27. Kr»er\ed IT" TT 7T 31. Gat iand 32 Short ana a ci SuoSay. June t I nu'iv I«u ABC estras On lot u .1 in r»» Traitar Hatan I»a,«™ Yawr ffadae Km (VI4T4* Jaiatb' Mti* samtica CP t-*wvw 43 5T Jl' 33 Roer P Ti ?r . barrier □ Sunday. June 11 personal TYPING IN MY I y: if"i1 ~ ~ TT 35 Diminuhej F j 37 Ordinate M my ir you tots cue I EXPERT TERM PAPER * Tlir riSitST IN ~T r~" Thararfay. June I* must# Smith typing an an •Metric 3 *ntj J# Tragrant □ typawr:" •£# M id C* T.FC a* RXV? TMeN Jack man Combo The Playboy* 1 1 1 1 tree Rcbhv Staved* • lormally Jim icar^awnMU^ IV 2-r~< rr W "9 l.vric ptjem _-TCFVaWM(AWa>DV! jSnorha«. -Ti.k fc/aun- Harris Jack- □ ID REAPS! transportation J wjLj 41 Infant as Till: II.VTE roa commk\( I:mi:m U»' «""r' *f?I l«'hrrv Contact ~i> . . IT IT t □ZJ !. 4* . j * *4 :t Subject of cermot* 4t> First nam# 1 4 ■ f %% IN»>»t i»» ballot hog at Name J FUwl-V|nf Asm. > IV J-. nil t 1 I 50 Pronoun K.ver ^ MOT* UJ ' Gramj »«n. Contact |* lhi. " Lada " " at T t v • -4 ■■ -■ '• '«• ?i I •iHMMi jtgierDZcr, # Alt I'eofs Srliol;ir*lii|i i'unil l')*l.il>li-ln-il | mrillflAS Marrh A. Itltfl MTATf SI H I r*ge Three ^ Stroke Stl'1 I 4 Discuss '""'I -«•• •«• •' of A of .iri./ti# gfu- J it ii i i . I.i. r.nii.t-, up. Iin.'l tin vi* tin r1 ! «'li i • |, .i . '* ' "'tru'tig, e.'T, (ampui morals Lans'ut'»• 1 *■ **' » •i a«iH>- ".<•# will *.•!.'.•» ■' -4, 'ill .Hrvni.il a..ii(| . . •> 'ii« 4-->i ft'* r.fil' ruining !n«n* l ■•' r i . >, 1 Michigan yi-.'.-n #. Jo m f it m >1 u ,,f ii..- -yt, i * I. •*.••• Hi «•' '.«• -• .»Tiilily ai,.i (iiMin-.nl IU-INI. .f w are ; „ul I'! I .'I ll» lO." lit lit I . I MIH V t«n., Mil I » It Will .11,.| Il.tr Are our tt'g colleges! Ten Uliivru "l #4 (I'll,. I'IMI. ,,f A .'ii- i.iiutUK .1 '.. ",.iri 11 til 1 i , iilli.. ti I'. '.tohi,I. r..|#.rl«A.l < h» .i». h i- i,r .. ,.t fun f-I. '-H I Vi'% " I' l# '» • .oi. ■ tiiioiiltlrn ..f, |'io- 1 of Inlining , V* /lt«!«t. ?' a H v.-ruit y il"' ' <• ■.I .Ijl.lli/illii.l. 'o-|.ill# • t 'l.lllMll .-Ml in .'*■ "i Ii • . < le .a' It ilii I ' i.i n-f.i y I ''ill.lull* V Aim! I HI / - . . 11 US' I' .t. ' 'Ti lis ■ ..il M'lll' 111 V ' t|i I "f H 11*- II I Inn k.ng I .11, hi:." lir till S|H it .»!(# .*» till. Ii#tit iril/n on ill bin (pi'hc • ' II, Ml.'. > - HI ' I • • • li.|."trill I. |/.Ha! ion, ill /.Ifjlf'l i lo I 4.1 .Ill- -, , .. ■ .il, a tl.i- y. • • ■ .I I'ljoc ..f 'in n , on i ti •ilillr I Mini « I - f •Ml All,.1 l . il iln t, • • ■ I. • "i "loir, i |ii|.!..', r.ii.l Mlh th# liirtHi-'ii i "• . N . M,. hm.io. ! i, iikm i illir m ii i \VM| iihiu alrit in otilnlilr pro hip nil i nl > i <1 m 1 '-' ' ■ ""'-a'- .y t ,ip tip-:, *m ■ I,Mil l.n nlhnulat# rroiioinl# ll« (mil ii"l UMiglit groulh in ih# itri Irit • arra. trurllio' Hi.il m fill* a# • Ii oiloic ia PP hr I mill over (he a*ilgh M .11III • «.•# «'». Ay Hill HlrlllMM a growing .Mill p#o#|i#rliiv roil limine World W»r II, It* r fill! tl| III rrfn in Hi# aoutlirrn part of llir r<(ii«lrurll«*N ♦»** Idg •tai*. Hi# nurtbrrti area haa been lurk ill MmlrrUU, Minor pi M«r of »e«ra tmirherl off |» - |,#I , .no mil poi ■,• ii.irf11ig ml. i 11 '<•«•' n v.lilr, i! i <•*■ lr v "lUry »r||»n»l In S..4 • i'm foi ri -.lull, *•« ion of "i.ilill t >• 1 " n>.I o iiiiiiy Itwloatrira «»f Hi* t'i",#l I'PllilKitlhl r.T f I• I'»iir prlvatp ..ffi c* o„r fr»»- ' J.i.lli'. !u,l ll-.-l I |.i< fltf I !,.» Hi'. I. IK , pioiiio- ',»• l-irge iiiiioi.nt i.i mi # •lal offlfP if • - .i. I-,. 'I-.- 'I,.. -.i 1 a «*ffc«h»p unit a if -l> i T'O" ••»'-. 1 j#»i 0141 ui if 14 'f ' -.Ii. * liiriianlna f»»r ilori|« ,,i 11,01 a A • ■ » • f.'i -t. • ti Ml >•» 7 lif Itig win-.. 1. I In hil In.lav J'ire ('netIs tour rupv •M ftrilata aa Ml al*« »»♦ I~4lr0 on K»ig.n*>rr!nir tmiMiua. . . . \ veer Mgh rai# of frowth v :v. ■ A Hi# all# wlirtrvri oi-tg aritiea are aolrt' w o u I it h# r*i|iilrr«| Ui pro- 7llie /inn IliiliiiH /mill III ('(iff MSI) f :*-* t. .l|. I, I,, ,n iiil !k vlil# ailfftrlrrW .1,1.1. #rf ihr ' a r.ttm #inplor m#nt op* a , n in Seel; AII S r' I •' !ai v.g * >t m Hy (lumpaiiy •hit lit Hi# yeara ab#*«l, #ltli#av ■ •a.I, --U . I U I' ; e.tn.ai j p'.a' it it i* f. fi.au a''4'* mf O.p hy • af4 tru« at^,r... uu»"..a>ra»fy • •»» ti.ni .li-liM'tv till. ■ I u '.II H.p ool'..,! pi''-.jaM|a f- .or i«t #i..t reaort if mil, he f.»r ••- ai. I 211 i.A.C. in hunt I mi kin g ED 2 6655 l»OSI ran h , l'i\o - /s- -if th«- f»t•'■'.* ''«i '-ruir '.mlyrt t ri N Ha war. i/ist M ' j/l <•! .;.> i -1 ■, A.M.Ho -il »<#f l.la ■ A »t» ... '.*!# *- >4 V..ii it i iii i' i * ■ ' i *in. 'I A ! '« ♦(•■••.Jt (ami Ptr-.A#i. 4 itf tj » *»«{, r.,t gf'.uurt a ri.I : a, m Hi*' »f**» 1**1 AW1 r... . , .... lr. "It woulilii'l Iw «afa |n pul a M o ».• • ' i(. ... Ml I.tih t»«Mii|rlth, M farg# luiihtioa (lirrr ' |>m aairt. i 'i a tin i • ,i i •<» .* i • ,i t" »' •'» i'l*' ' '-ail f»»r •• a'l 4 ai.«.Hi»-r btfihlirur Hi* poi|M»«# of Hi# hihirif 'If f'ff tlif m#«l taio. il 4i «* mio I* i<» ml Ir.m I ^a O'ii.«) Calif ■ I1* Ttm I Mr motrd mp to fir f t n uf III a* rv»i« t mmi4 In l*t JI but miotiunir ||ia I «3S. a i. «•*•!, Mm lay ) .III k II* l',l\* I' illl' r>va Ak Ih r V, f'r » . ,.t ,,f 10 yruiin lett'ling »> • ,.'a w» fti*i .f i w#f»i o .. t t*-f, *1'* ;. #!•• 4.1 I'r • If- ' m aa o.M.iiliI"*i< I ...i,ill •.<'.(« «r-.ui.<1 ri.a p..i« J h» fr'.IA All wi|irib» eity «»f l-ir.Mfi.. la f»p lh#r# Hi |WI baa*n I a ■ louuit It art" On# pru)*« t will inoli 11.11 it# ) hr iviiivtl, ti« l.'ft h to ftrl#noin# it.# I iik k 'if (■>.,. i Umi . vi.-ii«1.«-r «.•»* or hi. r Wl hlkfliwwy mnMa#' (fir iluUI till ifl*bri* (loin 0* I n . i>ai dull a it Awar.i K Ml t I' *4# g|.n lr» « ' ill \|t. bigaii, I hi*. . 1.1 ..... V. hI .I InnklliMI projfU'U thru {,*•« ;. . JfUfr-fi H ia <«f import fiur m iiMaloig ■ * r pn>Kr«fin . i i t p • ' • ■' 4 aalrf till , , ' i** T* •» A1M.I «*• * auppllra lit* it M^l Mtiaie Minlciiiw t wrvima wiU h** l a • •- 'rf" iiri! H . - a* * an - thought i.i vara ft run Vt t'» '"0 i \t wtrtMiMlay. |!\ >)K U'. u tf. St. 'WtrM* or (nil frrt In ilrplh hi mho# I «> MniK ill I'niiici* fit fufS*t 'M •» ,£'■* **t I'f.a parU of Ih# lower prnlnaula It VfST ii>l» aflat# 'i « a .1 pfovaaf i. !• i Tf (v« rtiC: '4 ' -r tin I Vrofirnm - # trr.O) 4 4«tiv *.»a . <«>*. ■na* b* 4a rutarfi aa I 'Mf'l f*#t Illtraimo I fXfUig In o#t»lt* Tho -#.* f..r •» in ?! . S Hi,a ii,. ' h*l all#nil* - • h<* to Clergy I': . Mjriljn Itrtwrilrr Mmnaw»»-(. fttt-n M •; a a# • >t *-th r*- • '.f w=#.W Sc- o- , . !u '• i v foi anil il'iilii'l A .ii-'.* i nylatr«tlon« hava a' - .... ] • V i '.!»• lr A#- i .# fit 1.4 %*r h• w >f Kh«*i thn halt-way nm. 4 , r ,.' »»• ai.«t rr, • (.*£»• a in ■##4 f.y a ■ i-af'O oli «»mi|o«'. < | iirmit HUIMI lata U-.- p IW. Ph Kj «* " «»»VHI«S a* i ia* Ai/i.nd At ao:vii.g -i • fr.i' if -f 41#*1 v*.r• i« h, g Ai'iMriUifd km Jn-y .1. PMiHri ' " < •'" n i^r ni a iiu. * '0 T.n^ »t»»0 *ig *ur »tmiot*t4 prwtital 'i*i« V. , ^ r»rni..l 1 "• h# .m tuanfr mfo v*. -4 ' msi' pir-mim tJ.ia >n4 Ki M ' " kto «i«| ru/Ml cicitfyn.m ittong ehurch ami i n,inih««1 r 2 ' yrugranta. .h,r.m /Imnt.rm.n '■ 1 churahan may oOtain Uomtv t- ■» »*>» t ..'km about Hilt pru- th# Rural Laactarah.p p,»,..n A ph» n "f hta hMA«l Al' r":l"<" *' |b <«( C«nH». f.ir. f.. if. *u Acttv.tl*# r'urtiival rmaturwr co-chairman i Hpftr Strang* r: i K'ranga, of thr Mu h- limr »■ ' " of RcprosentaUves. Who ..-'I ft--'- W'"' „„u, . Ik*** tha Young He|»ub- M,,, /.!■ .-II ■ • Union tonight at »d«i!ir •» p" ,!' ' ' "" k lopic will bn 'Convpn- M. ;> »* lu 1 (Orga-«at»»a o THE TAREYTON RING W MARKS THE REAL THING! TIC KM, TIM M MliMCSS .. tnc am mm m m tomcci tastii lore's elf Toroytoo s Deal filter skik* filters as to stogie filter coo 49c hey wert inUbdu(d only lait «rme»ier, akin* 'I 1 1' ECi#f.&ir-*« fig U'ftir.g ami alre-iriy. New lliul Filter I airvton* f Stays mist and Ann throughout pur shave! are sweater •Cliofl Of I £>b'g #.' *!» Q'wtff fit'BC . , big; smoke on Ameik-in cAmpusei! Mow . the sport?*b»rt comcf li'» becauve the uriirpie Ifuol triter ? -wtbfbe -V:Kir i\i » U.-gf Ire «A'.f4Cif$i*r# pu*ifyiV'i -#fi1, tale toi.( «b..*# «>l aaentwaard ef trgijlar in the unokf to hrttig out the in hue it, of Actfvt'..*d Chkrcofl #1'*', Ar-owo fb ywiNtt ^**4 Umtw defi- Smooth Muse. Bofh here «kb. tbuh OW >fn i•* ' Pucksters Win Covetcl Mil llliav UtATK XI WS World of Sports Man* I. 14*9 IM Schedule I.iko €>l«l Time* ittmrRiii, <«» Kra«i« IM »« t'Ot'H T III Irt tioutmeie % K >u On to Evanston! Michigan Press Tropli » ■« Vr»* t* Swln«rr« Campyliach If 1th Bums i «. e SC Kmfcr.lmfc rise *« Met«»e« |V| roi'MT IV Ry LARKY WRORI.KWSkl • i# r A IV *» .'lit Mrinint vtro reach. F!« l.^-T-e hatting rage Itt the rlivtrieslly 11* $ iii llntli lllipt st st Hum VOs * || I'tiisi* WITH ITS FIRST ontrl»rht Rijr 10 luiHkotball rhampion- 'O fov.-id-faced gv.y Wilt t'«- *!.t# powered wheelchair he calls his • 5* M V Km Ill's s ss %l I k » 111 I'OtMT V ahip nlready clainunl. MSI- b«!*ki»tluill fever will s.vn l»e \rd f*rv '.a: and »v > r Sluts 9 St a Mitts s ImildinK for the NCAA playoff* at Kvan.vton, III., March Hvlliical ft: .:«. * » If • -• > IV M \ s« IOCS I sbouMv. t he* K •npane •« Wa.-ung ii» lakr ?>.•< cu'.x mis a :i» llrtl 11 t Irrs 18-14. u*ih an ,| lnni.lv. puke s Students wanting to see the NCAA revrioual playoff* can w - Ks. k o • 9 J* kltnuriti st Mulll "Yi'trrt eome f«*wh«»»." smart¬ IM t'Ot Kill ko- luake application for ticket* at the Jenison llym ticket of¬ Ilisr 10 Title « » Vntmalt st Mtrlns I wilier ed t'ampy. referring g on<{ n *t it r- - i* IMikes st * rill Hell ''t\ k«\l ' the fill* i» Pukr's recent r*»le »« a .« ■ Snitl «. Shirt st lltmir nil* fice. according to Marv McFadden. a*a't ticket manayer, 4 1* li.isirr It tt'i*o team finished fifth in the ? be si an KiVm' h "v», '"<«• i\»!-ip.itie;U, the Wildcat*. S0-i»S, to advance to the NCAA semi-final*. now defunct Western Inter¬ 1 « Ituitetfif 14 V it Peltry 4 V. ;> retired *.* Hit' sideline* letiwselslititi («mr) THK IDKNTICAL two club* could possibly tangle in the n IM*H ii i. collegiate Hockey League smtlei fralernlis regional finals. ~ with a 9 11 record and an 9 I TO st Stent WM Kentucky will represent the Southeastern Conference in fr * n m overall record of 11-11. lo- d I't'iibir t 4 sit ma \a »• Mil Kappa Stc the regional*. Hut Kentucky, the defending NCAA cham¬ r "i dav they are on top- r ^ a pion and ranked the nation's No. I team in both national ^W. hoil^W STATE polls, received the bid by strange coincidence. In conference competition, the Wildcats, coached by the The funmst, the Miur ItM^ur is tvot official!* hut tho conuvi tum n 4iul the teams are re- the league the ^jhegatic/SallihetelJ' Incomparable Adoiph Uupp, finished in a two-way tie tor v. (errtng t«» Western ftiter-imllegiat H-« krv TI KSIUY thru FRIDAY second place. Av.n St.s!e'» record t itj'.e in ?. flier itm ettowtiaei MISSISSIPPI STATK, the Southeastern winner with a the Will A is 9-4-1, f si fsi a \ vx 11* \ Q, * ci urst show 7 m rM. 13-1 conference mark, refused the NCAA berth by invok¬ I'eivetvtas*. U I 'AMl Kli AX eandldate goalie Jee fteltnger eamrs i ing a "pre-Civil War" policy which is certainly antiquated Traibtvg un- Snartntw vvith * **h«sst al 7:99 19 99 Vtirhuvn frch Cspt. t'rtr tlurhmann In a ttuakie drive n4 n • t?-7-l record i* North lhi'U and illogical. • with ■ #50 i»e«v>mtase Muh- hpartan drtrnvemsn Hob Norman moves In to rheck HurM TUS( IVTCKMS tCllU" The Mississippi Stat# pres!d9nt, Ben Unburn, said the ml tkr yUf Male wen 5-2 te clinch a bid le Ibe NCAA C tgan Tech t» 8-7-1, totloatng school'* team would not play bscauM of au unwrittem seg¬ ship Finals in m m I ami their iKnU'le low to the Se*rtaft» regation law. U*t weekend, and Minnesota '•« He ruled that Mississippi State, which compiled a 25-1 ruciit behitul IixjIi with an 4-6-2 i ' on Amenain Express season's record, couldn't play in a tournament in which other teams had Nogro player#. It Mem* that aom* people will newer grow up and face nviinl. The leer* wt rtghl In r*»re«eni the Wr*« In aaly earned the 'Forgotten Team' SfudenfTours of Europev reality. Thia policy undertaken by Mississippi State U hyp¬ the NaUaaal i allecUle AlhleU. Aun playaff Mala. Nil al«e May Pace Tankci ocritical. the Mlrhlaan IT, irtwwref, however voii travel. your heat THIS COI.I.KGVC says ft provides an EDUCATION for a result ml the weekend • «wti nee of the finest service if American Kvpre>«! hllliusa. American Kiprrw Stuiient Tours of Europe ivu 11 students. But when it follows such a backward policy, it the KaiifiiiimuV Diving Could 9 earorted on asciting itir.anthes covering aucn (asc.n- doesn't deserve the name of "educational institution." The trophy Is »w*nW V» team In Michigan which ha* the itt( fountnw as Kntland .,. IMgium . . . llernuny There are many people who are glad that Mississippi tH*st nvi»r»l agaitval other Mich¬ (live Spartan* High Finish F, a t • Auatria •. ... Switxerlard .,. Italy ar.d IVanco. A*»a you'll htvo amol# freo tun# anil . .. Thf Rivieraa BfceiyttdKhm* State will not play in the tournament. Remember, this igan team*. The State Journal, Ann Arlxv N»*wn. an.t Houghton It* LARRY MIl.t.F.R f loft of individual leisurt to n^ally hit Iif« abroAdl — nrs — tournament is open to only welUteeerving American bas¬ Mining Oa.'ettc I'reaent ttie ' Y««t Itmot • * . teat urine distinguished leadert fnd (irril Allraellonf ketball teams. 17ns w» the m-ithI year tn a r\»w Wlien the Hip 1o swimming: meet is hcM thl*| frv*n4 prominent col'e^cs as tour conductors . . . 4i) to (C daya.», by fsa and by air,.. HJf7 and up. Khnssn al I;}) Onl«! In addition. Auburn, which tits! Kentucky for aecond, that State hat been the state in the Men * IM jh>o1. Spartan hojw»s of finishing was eliminated before it started the season because it is shampion in the final team statnlinK* will rest to a consiiid At touchingty by wo ti Uno • • with fiprrifncoii oacorta . 44 to y. day* ,,.1111 and up. tsndar at under NCAA probation. hie The Soartam are lead.r-.g f,*t the mythical big in 10 tent on the performance of the almost forifott^ IN AI'RI'RVS CASE, "dirty" football tactic* of paying racr ... team. mb Ton MMk from 14 day» ft ft and up. -THI title and need only U> spilt w ,ih high html swimtnhJ players under the table resulted in the school's probation Benwk of the ha la nee showr .. • * •. _ KIONASfiKS Michigan thi* PtKlay sod hal- with h'HY* "i Joining I b» r•.*! c. >iu'« i v a m » penalty. urday mght tiling team here. Yot nt tlwtvt Trm.tl Now—l'«y Lttu frh.a rrs tfiro-.tgi-. -ui the duai season, thi So an interesting rivalry wilt poulblv be resumed in the The Spartan* «te 4-t-t agamst Iteeanse af the vim- 'iiuO to Ih* the fo Amarican Evprrw! v finals on March 14, if both teams successfully defeat their, nig 10 achia'U Miravraota u of time involved lid «ui rex-ord. Mffnhort Instituta of IntarBBtiooal Education ar.d sev.nid w.'.h a 4-3-\ record, vv aa pal able ta join Council on Student TtaicU semi-fiual opponent*. A"..i ii '■* :'■>« ;t'4vr. that # + * wh.'.e Michigan trail# with a i-5 Se: - dive: Toliy Kaufmann U until bis Jnnlar year ] roc completB taformaUcn, ar* rxnir Campus Repro- re* Old that lime aa bee pat! mv Wll.L 1h» the site of the annual Michigan Amateur *h' can to ne the State umtative, local Ttav-ei Agent or American Eipresi The undermanned Welveitnee Trarol becuce . •. or aimp.y mad IP# Uand>- coupon. • »v ;• crs M*nm badly uetvied HiK'key final* Sunday at 5 p.m. have hounded hark frean Sr%» js .-|V» With the rapid increase of kvat hivkcy enthusiasm, it night drfraU In Utrir lent Iwe Kiufnunn slong with Jerry auiaican iisim tiivu saavici is appropriate that the tournament should be held in spar¬ •rr lev tor hoenung v»rUn»e» rtisdwuk, form* the nuileus af 4* Braodav* N#w York I, N. Y. m Tnmm j~m * tan Arena. Sp.u :an i\mch Amp brnnifif the >1^1 diving trtm and his UIIIOX coton gaid. " He is ih« taking the Mich- record thi» year la rertainly Yeaf IVa«a acrd ma iii. t h n* THE HOCKEY 9h«>w will provide entertainment for all 4 .gan wi iea Ufhtly m spo# ot •ommendable. About 19o9 Atudaut Toura of Luropa! ages. The tournament championships are to be decided —- Utf DAY! — fact that we iw»at them tw.ee T u Hig so has long ly-en nof- lie a a Jerry according to age baracket*. ».■ tar ttu* >ea*vi» '* t>: ;>,«>*■•' of the country*s Marlin Laiala This division includes the bantam*. 9-12. the peewee*. Friday the two teams tangle . i i . *:u> ::vw season wag heie and then g to Ann Art-v-r by ?k» mearo exv^rt»{)»vn. •Al War with tha Army* 13-14? the juveniles, 15-17, the juniors, IS-—0, and seniors, anv | Ctrr.................cms# •••••*••••••••••••••••••••••*••••••••••••••• 9tata............. * 'iritHDAY A TODtY' Aim 20 and older. Price* for all five game* sre 41 for adult* and students. to cUvse iWO the sea>.«n. S'.ate is tvplng to pick up two wins to give t.hem an at.-tone high et Yet pe'..*. »n, h.iiie it; -:ir spit*- e? the stiff v\wn- he ' uwiruiced t»> bring firat arui several • tee- rtn.i *M TB>m '.«*i» '« —atm wwiq u-viMiii mm Tickets saie at are on Kay Lei t ier in East Lansing, 17 v. uw tor one teswou. »*'-d ,'.ace hr.jv.r* aga.nst Stan# fm m sat mm « of ihe nuw* proikient fancy div¬ Trade to 1a>s Angeles ers in As Tan* the w o puu It: id Thr Rig 19 1* always loaded with good div¬ Makes Matson Happy Union Board Style Show ers. Thi* makes diving one af tbe kardrcl event* |a wkirk 1a Ran* when heeceefced ou< of a—lpt4a Wben tbe eampetition s tx» ANGOJ* — llewleu kard yau ve really gag tp work Wavied OIU# Matson said M n- the University o( >aa Franc hard la aatda them ** day that playing f»e tb# Us is 1452 T0N1GHP. A .grlea Kama w a dreain eoma Wv. **I knew the Bams had tba lerna pick tha'- jaw end 2 e\oc Aithough v*i tha team until h-a junior year, he** Kaufmann wun't varsity awlrammg -IT kvW Wire* year# for the thxvught th«y would pick me * apart aa an ti Ma'.von asst. -Whin thev didn't, managed to hold hia own against «sged. |I Praam Que ago Queag •e haw*** " the great *»- Cervlmal fulltiave w>:d I thought I wouldn't get to the '•hat competition jus*, the same. Kaufmann la sn ti-.a year's M,nnes»»ta meat t new s g new conltrtro-, Ra:r.-v but I did * member of Delta Tsi^ he collected a total of JJ2 pxiints. YW ties far# flw Cards A.thv'ugh no wwuig ehwben. tcriuty. The Kau —■egk play— Is fane a baity Matw« t« aa pec led to give the •km4 with the Rill Campbell W« an fc.pt* to v>u—ot award that Spartan Village ■ ka f«4 |M tS-yaar, Rama pleoty at striking power, is given aach week to the moat awaiting the *5>ig Tbay wara faar ret- aapeciaLp is bickotf end puna butaunxlmg team when a new addm! m Saginaw, a Breakfast uaditional for of i pawning groundi Dsytoa T 19-if, 1>-1 Ororg* Williams «*>if some M.chut*n / best div¬ Aaa Arkar f I9-IS. 1*4 at er*. Plaai* I He finished Dsylaa "V gefested I fifth m the state tow Callege It-It. ill Ralphs "KEVVPEE" Cafeteria y ALL UBS - All RZES II DISCOUNTS TO Now ihrw Merck 1 ealy - to Uot male rce km «r «■ P Quick Service IWikwo. Ess* H. Gallop Cml Co((ot "Portrmu Tk* Spsmk" HoommO. Pa.tr>' ■ Xl« Abbatt M. e. K«IUiiiuumwMiaHMtMuituiuuuuuuMuwiaaiMNM 'VlfViAN STkTI'K Hob knrirt.-i;t; u h> tnuiril t». i,< Wim-.mi fill IIIM' VVt*«*«n«in court |».*e plttrrs m Me «•!»' fn« *bo ImII dinni* {j(r spui,,,- wt ?;i Umlfrj Milt* At M,.>, m.i-Ml. 18 ■ 'I' 'I •"'i.iot i run ***** \ »a:.i- I , for y. ,.u,U i.n • .' et Thursday V At! '1,4 ...! t. • , ,1 * 4 * ^•liil Spoilt Mtlot — l»ti.«in I*rnbfi» ^Itrrh 1 tav* II -nt'i-! ho. r r*|e » i*e I*'' • M|«l4'i«si th* It ',«il f t- '»• r. "n I -«•' a «•.* A Kaiiknl Si*iIt Emission uih!IWJ;i ire First ('aipTs Jtini|» Two ■iii r n I IMJ!lliiriBBl t * lit r- al I III! I \>I ' •»\% Plans in AP Poll - Inlnif tssion l'« Kent ;,k* U ' .1 •• *» 1 ■ . tP.'it* lev:: -•••: LUCON w '' ' ' ' A? MU'h MplM't* 8* '''.it. a .»* er.» !'e»'i 'til jitlMiw'h f Mp I«» will I l.*t ll'a that lfi«i' t• tt I tit It « nr « luniplf « *;'.»• ;.,l k.l'.-.i* .*vv miming chatu- . » . . S'f.le l>* .1 .Molt, | a* C M phosfti eil l'»i et I- » '-a • kel i! .,rt» .not i ..'ve Lr-5LiC CAi,J« DiKX BOGAROC . -on'* iwui'ti. In»t M' ,i - ni4»»a«u* N-iaw * Atliif hum il)e Mi.MlluiM roiilrr thr end «> \hv •• riu e totirile*. i llnihrtl limn luili "I'M tbi* !0 to No K THC Pocrofls DiLCMMA tt t H t *' I' II t ->n!» Tl'tUV ,• ' .p tft ■ , J fight •• to it out ?**i I'lo-' t| i. *| I .11 . •.»t* «* the ,! I \KI M.Hill \ • f»l*i.t flNI M M'l I I \l K11MIII I VIIIlMl* -llitw I ( ,« .t-ar e\ re.: ■.« kr \ *• .mi the Mu•' i... s « « hiUrn tl-l * m the nr.* V.- . "IIIMMH1 VI % I IN I | VI i .10 »• *t I Pvh*; T!iar>.i.'* '<• M l» C .liloiHii riliw .1 J the final- U*i ' . I'oillt- * •«t»«i|,4o !li i ■ • • « s11««i.11 I , ||||M lt.tr j »lli III. *\ ee-!* .e \* .1! .f • I he *|UtUm II• a i(l mnnei- J.u i| •fer ..trit'j spt it .^tvM ,s ami .»«••• ' s Tiilicvll Lends Michigan ninirit up front ruhth i«» *i\ili pfair while Hie Mountaliirr it. *11* ii i I ill- •\iv t nci ir »*. * Thumlay ntfM > t.i* > even- me »«-. ki L ten'* event-* fur ik'.v Krtd.t* n'M-iifti. >-•' .* 0 Ixallv in HH-(),» J ictorv IM Schedule L 'w piiHM\.»>tii .»• " «■ r*m* iiwiv iTW-trt Offk-e I u n-u • * |wr*.» f«*r tturinit* .* *• I froeral eonuksum (o» ■wu p»lMil* L * Hill* Sleuart. the M»-*» defending champion. ■ mini M*in»l such iliri a* I ntal * rlf m Hoole* frtnii Michigan »ml Win.ti <. *„! , , | ■ri* Onekea from Ohio Mole ' CONVt 1AATION CNOfO Ponee Is the r»»m-«:-u| ingH%h: SCANDAL MAGAZINE I **.'- a: d trees:*.r « <-' k v.*''.» Nr.*' - * NCAA vtwn-.p..- WAS beat. • b* I rpRb^, r t hmhl'th tfrtlflAtlont T !l»8 t i/Hit* is put iiui l»\ .i Luis- K p * of his own tea i a lUiuol* » »•»!• point pi-»d«. ■ <*' !><*n Pattrr>or, u. ' t Hi »».»» K"fcri |a*loi *» ill- ■'»'it /-'/1 .*/i» i > I Jn-ii uilit i iiii.ufhK i :oo-*ard freest* a-*, .r * . liiHlik Join. Vtn«l ulTt k'- dual meet last mot- l »»V|ktS i* l»iil H»! st » It's i.i.ltd '* Sfiurt heal Onekrg In ttie mtn al . pin up pn t urtw '• • dual meet with Ohio .(/ .iiui i lurluue !»'U»ms -• s .«t 44W- tard freest* P- in t»!OPiC the I MM-meter being >i» » '«t)(, n! . \.ilui ullv , iM-Hr i t »*f a ie»l of endurance rii-s atln iiieiifu•fillip tie }. -•-? le predictions an the ran ha*i* of baritl* the Itiirkrvr . I)..*.ii N..U SlIOMIMi "LEAVES » isle ill (me full,m iti \s f,.i >1 \ » ( W-l itHWTY KSt Sfllft ■rr rare* normally found in (iJMiii YOU l ili lvV Slilki' IIIINillK NS vtfi meet*. f,o|iliri> IS 01 Ini SCtiUt! t f < »\n 11 * Am t«ir I hi* Mt.iiul.l sfu i HELPLESS . :.<••• swimmer* in Uie -"W- ■ rvent aie M»ciug;.«: - it'm i whieh ~t r • - * Jis-eph and Prtr Fries Henr> I • »• WITH lU'thuij,; hul hhuMh it\. a hittaker. and In.' Parks, Dick Kenruni* - LAUGHTER! MAKERS Peter*. Oalightful BlOAt OGMAHH from Start talking our tauguag.- wove x.-l beginning liuiulrtMlt ot i Ins kit fii*t iltiui'K »" t •' / jan/yrvoorts We HlhlNI BATHINO SUIT re puvuiR $-'•» ea« h i«»r li e Th.,i.k ;r ii to ond!" word* |udK<<«t U*t' Thinklt It , ,l * M J It t. t-mini Hit it a new Wurri Irian two word* like tl". Sittko, f.i«i /uifiim "TATI ENTERS lift* B7A. Ml VeriHtn N V kin Iom' adiirttw*. i i ollrge aiul * Us*. HL'RRY ... I.IMII I I' «,»l \MMIi> COMEDY HALL J OF FAME!" Ntf—'liH to ALE of *»orW- Wortd Tmlmfyam Sun ' fUNirof»«a faiaou* HE A 0 I , POLlCt ,'UBLICir* "My A, C V IP C^.0" »,»«—>« valr of I a m o a * ^ 3 .Hl.n. -I *KT %I—I •• Ma-ter Hoitl A w II I \ li «» K • " t:U >H I W- » •» tOIMNTtT there ju*l a »n*iil . ■ UNCLE' • -mall oantlff •' these If *TI II « *I*tT AT—I »J popular metal Mi*tn j.u j.ij tat »m *, f CdvC^I Got the genuine article %kl* left in *»•«* •" - - • burr.* in toda*' I ttf MKI IVIVT* ffk'. iP*.Vi» I IIUII t A«TO(M Mart* 'I'bur*. Get the honest taste -1 AI L or A !**■" fhi/driid* CONAOANOA _ I OMING SOON - of e LUCKY STRIKE .... •* "THK TLN (OMMANOMENTS- LUCON fifia ttoJud Hifl.rl.MS ilf.rff (Mi m xitmot srsrar M».trr« (III IHWInn. Ktm mm *, lndirxlr.1. .11 ilrtrrf lf.fl« «" fltallilf !• I«lrrvtr» In Offering i- in.itoi !:«!> m«v firt.1 it |rrr |, iir>:\lN(iH MIS Till: llllldHINn MAJORS i i. ii"ul!tuv frtinilng IMI'IOOMS he kntb- i! h'.i* 'ill;.;:-. M XKCII I 1 I. OS* i'lM-lm-. h-tt> ittfr.id.v I'lrr.l.KH' 1(11 a Hiil.lwr X'.< l'li.. tests nt Klivt. (It) A Chtnn. (Hi ,mj t- lh.il rl istie ft.ones . Kiiri* 'lltik firm will also u future bttikfiujj mater4' luterviow Aert*. l cvper? 1'if in ih" tA < oio.'ei' xYith*tiH*l ■ hiituln i It> (M), Indus', (it) lieltl «.( hlchwdi trjflir admin sti uul sfe- » v that l*tr«tiau. i\l), I'hpni. (B) fM) xV Mex- he fn a f«fr>s iMi (M) Engineer*. jovo. r.nmt Jltl |MH (i| \*« M \Kt II .V H».M» r»,,. I'-.t^ioeors |H'tm mil th«t I j;,,., v r,.M-n s P. P Kleet. Kugrs Meeli. Engr* l»l.i »t.i ,i '.-f ■>! 4iivaulatitr« s • -v»t .»• tv: >. M e of the | of Spx tix Ifand. lux Jloiif'a A HhAs Co ('liemista ilt) (M) Clietn i)t» 1,<\ . nt In'*- building (M» A Mech. fB) (M» Ei.g « In fhe |M«| lie ho hern. I'arlel Axvtg. (B) fM) major* ''fie loloi tiulioii Officer for The pt.nlio* are r«l*r«W»nl. In.iu*t l(. .i mernhcr of w aferprool hard anil durable, . M' A Elect (It) (M) Faigr* v ii Hoar .I. t h-eprealtleiil of hate hUtt vlrruKlh In relation Ciitle llammei. I'" F.lxvt (B) (M) F.ngr* i. • ^ trim t .iilet Offlrrr'* l ltih to Iheir welchl and ran be mnld- The pure i hi Co. Ax-etg. (B) major* •>» j r :. w» RUle M#mb Phwin fcx Mill Kii'iiiiaii i ..Vt \, A\ trie v w.» I menihrr of tro»h-*oph ed In a varlela of ahapea. RfOiNtRDT RCHI'MAHfN, Tntedo. Ofcta. aentne. aaatata Don Van t'hrx-sler Institute of Mech (B). kM. (Hi CWi.I •' r IV \ it ax#' a | ami .fun lor Council Alfh.umh exist stuihr* tsove not Itnde. River firnve. III., aenlnr. during Kngirmcrlng all advaneed ROTC aadrls Irlday. Chematrand Corp Ctiem k Meet. | V, K« \ n .W .V »?U.U orxani>atl«»n« etlitor of the t\ol ft»rti .1 iipj>oais that the i-o^f of Rngra. w M «• '«.Vti»e .Vtr*'." •» •• : t MSI s -« • r'• • a rftne ami »rrfrtar» of lhe|j pla.t.es ri*i this pUrjHW* WOUlxi. Wdri-en Cotisoluiatcd \ Firm fB) (Ml tea* hew I • . ... 4 i Fill Vl's •iiimi l*hl. women» JoumalKm n«»t tn- ut»re«ss»thtble Harrison Barricaded Sw hoola (Detroit aururlai Sex-oiixtar> traxher* ci Mau>| ;* ,>n e."1 f '».!*« I hooorarx tally Handicapped fB) (M). • • »• 1 \ N..>n \ i White Plairu. N Y., All Elaan. (B) teaWiera Ha«.| r , X .... ♦ <:•# MuhU-i Holes. Ridges Revealed Public School* oti.lary teachers . of: Stu.be* (R) (M). Burial At lee-Engllah iibh»'i !x ,, x\«!Mri* the 1959 • As Winter lee Melts Slow fB) la»:irneis (B) fM). Mu fM), * Med *.s »-«»(-x write- ?«'; (B> (M). A Is.., Librarian A!~ Selector I isils W x .WW i * " T>tw ■•( the « If you li»v» IrmeliMl on HaiTlcon r.w.1 l.\ ttic |»>1 it,. «(« so Home Rr (B) fM) 1 Mf.n- U.'kr '• . •> ' mllif -IT'ill linn lult'ly, yon hRV. notirmi proliHldy thai a .mall .trip All Elom (B) tppehan ! s .. a \..x,»ivx V 'IV..Ill MSI (.milihis Jos I- re .• x - > plans Li enter the Jour¬ .1 of thr road i« liarrionlrd and a dotonr dlrm-t. Im.IIi lano. of traffic on th» oh.1 aid* of the divided hiirhway. ondary teadietp mt: B). Mortal BtudMa nalism field after June «r.idua H> Srtenet fB), v I H. J ' • • •*- • !*» The jxirt Unit »v Imrrax .rdtai lion and sperialire in rum pans viuiMv (B). • vV. .... -T now had lieen njxen f.». jisv, Detroit Votive ... . publications 4ud public relations Hei'Ubbx St«H*l k oip Merh (B). Meet. fB) * .. • V until the ice me!ml ami reveahsi wmk ilt) Engr*. .x MM M ' ' h such a multitude of h.«lv- u..' . 1 s,4*s « '«• '•» f •' IV Hoard xg faitn .1 Ml El em (B) teaehera « idges that tsnild \cfslevt Duly i ears bareb fiiu.-ation (B) Ipachetm 'lavei mi the Piwd at the om»- oniiary teaehers t -IH'ISI II) Math Says (.ouucil up Origluall* in June a*, Ihe rtwil was thai thr unisersili lorn gukgea Hi A fB) Mutual. Briurati DFTKOIT (4b An uttprpre could put in a storm sewer and A Bug (R). i'Vflcrul I.OUII ib'tiUs! polnv slowdown xtrikt on issuing mine: traiTu- vxolati..;. a at sanitary this lime sewer because It s«as the dour Count* Chemical Kngummn fB) tM-kets xNrtitinuexl here Morula v c was planning to build new Itill a I'roiiiH'd airthorities s'.e «Ufc|miwuon I tu 0.1 tents i fiu uiunedt pntrolnxu. load user this luiurr, area in the neat FREE VII M'lllM. %T I. %*T* these little lanilw and the *e«lv aprurd ! -.r Pi A « xsv ' lit Doii-'lu. daffodil* Irate |io doubt thai spring is finallr earning, despite me- rational frosi* trim muts and a thin ewat of tee that ■till remains f»-un.t neglectful «>f dut\ Pohre ConuriiRsloner Herbert After the •».ixf all sew era won xliggtng compete 1: phi., th» . .... "ictt'e? *:r.> ?♦'. '< *• M.itt blauusi the «low.b»\vn or. ou the Krd Cedar riser. iiole* that weix- xiug. sxim. in o... ex <«■« r\ «• I >..11.111 < »ke. K.tol Km , . r.v-ia! integration ocitei* put¬ •■re- «*i k ■u»ut »\ \A' ■ ting whiU' an.! negro patrolnien «0 feet rtcep xxx.e ftJUsi T' i or Omiipt' Ilri'lcil in liilrriiiiliiiiinl \ nlr flUmg inmexei. mtvifsi ti ? t.- sill. 2 (•riiiutti»t irntor* and rerent in tt»e same ear. The slowdown sisried *unda* >ett1e tH't'M, ,| - Key. Our llm Pisa. :jc built ovei it, ami pu.j;rev- IMH.IVKKV b P.M. 1:30 A.M. |ttdu*le« week gvUtlan niA» affixer far a t»» undid a tc Statistics l)einirtnienl lleml with no police apparently efforl to lirkel mo«orlsU dris maktmc haitivi Aa - sisMi a- wxsithe- perm-t- martr. I |h>ii completion of the in^rars with lt*AR license plates VARSITY DRIVE M im week course the artlrrt ran dels Institute Apindataient Spokesmen for Ihe Delroit po¬ this purtix.ui iif viiriHit. guMcftvi M-iti-mc. w.i' is an'mmu»ii'nrd a secwnd lieutenant to the I * Marine licy (Iff leers Asan slow do/* n was not aulhorired said thr iwit, and mMinal travel w i! 1* (ED 2-6517) !»• 1 ,»v Kat r. lu'ad »»f the runt hematic*! Ucpartmpiit. h i ..rpa reserve ami receive* 1.» t« oi. c: tour mathftruiticnl AtatiatUMana eltvtcfl to the guv- Ihvrme? beuieiunta reiHS'ts-o 1% mouths rtuht ir ambit at Ten paliobneu ''appai ently are bliiui eniiiiv: coinni! of the Institute of Mathi-nuttica! SUitistica *al<»«-*, I la •-<* nt h mail l»a!lv»titig of the interim!lonal uiomhership. to vix»latwj»u iKunte.1 out b> unless they citueng" One are SHEPARDS X ;,.r g*,, ■ • A'..' K.»•*- was *.*,» eUvtvsI a fellow >sut it »> no case of general >»f the iMstituie ot its l«»t breakxtown of jh>1ut enforct v *'« '» * j. x.-i:. Alitor Kelulious vxh\- ■ •' k I -. axtditi.-'s. he i* a member m«P * si-opt u> small matits* of the uisutx.u-A C,«nm»ttr*' «»m the mtc are cairjuig out then !euter l'ublii>lies M rov a: T.ii'ov x-iwot- jobs " • 4 the SulviM'-'nitix e on Mayxtr tamis Mtrioui said .i»t of \rlieles .(■- of the HxjwngsS e\ci .v'.huv; "t> a ' nght as fur a a ■.» .U- - >'*v. a.»nr I M, u n as I k:H»w " He ».»!.} he U'ln srU i .• i i o-.o <' H< t -m 1951 tfirxnigh hf.Uv p.M.x'e nj.baie to br high fits - • \ad, i. >.,'rxi p»?x' rejsTU tx» the ts»r.;rar> 'lime Sitt ing llinl a-e " « teeh:- •<" pro- Hut me ni tiers of thr (it* .. iUu:e - g' ( oum il said the* view the aitua' f./ien I elertins . M..x-h- MSI' i - , turn wiib alarm and planned la ■' the A »: >u.u»tval canfer with Mirlani. • :!>.• Havat Smtistu*a| Only 60 , eiuw* plate Viola? v*»# . .et>. the A-',,..m AMMM- tickets weie o#u«M Sunday, the I " lh«* A •' V<4! iiT M Of day 1959 lovn.-e plate* became di.Moto ** .. m-e sn.l a n » • .a-r of otar* maiKiatxiry. The normal numtvr an.; S.«- I • - x v-rfl aii i st.xt stixM! x>r- of tickets issuexi for Pic first •v ^-.*n vie.: -v-«•?•. • fc... ■ .Mi «n» day after expiration is 900. x* * .'ex1,; apt a* «i ; « •ic ix"» .x x\. an.t • 5' S "V-e »(«*' Kx .'.id;. - ]"!>e Nc\" • 'r •- Last Summer I hey All Bated About Uie Uundrrful Value mt a n*,4 «-Ave A*>' ■r» >■»?.• .i yry ■av.' t.^v »■ " t ;» STUDENT TOUR T .\.e»A TNE JACKSON JAZZ CLUB OF EUROPE Miiliflic* Prof Sail June M»— Kelurn Septewtier 10 .Naincil I Alitor i>ki:m:ms Or l»> atr • SITJh — l.eate Jlll> h • Keiurn Sept. • • ' V ' . K 73 Jays - SIQS5 - 11 mmIHm STAN KENTON I ull< million program. *x»rl*ti. Mil un -tudrnl »hip«. mmplrlr orl- mraU, Iransmrtatinn. (.i(hla*rinc. Inrlmlr- all arromm.Klatton*. IN GONCERT smi.U. FKATt'KKS ? \i> hit ' VWS «? — Mrrtimt- with Kuropraa »lsdmlv Ihratrr par- *1 A-^•.•'4 * ^ * »' *e RRONOAY, BARON 23rf. 8:00 P.M. lir-, aoriala. • • ki'.rr m- tft*t — Talk- h. di-linaui.hrd rduratoro and political OF BOSTON S COURIER ?. a: and arant.fsr i»tr»or. leader-. . re' ;R taiartry wtU V *t>»« to . . im. urn- rma an, mm t thrtr r.YarS* JACKSON COUNTY BUILCKO — Kdinhurxh 1'r.tival SKakmpmrr Kroti.al at arn "i.-olta- *|* Ma D*W| _ a A. r-a^cnuvc'ur.' m wiemlh Slratford-on-Avon. (gn fax Rom* and Vienna. m. u' «M Mim a a oh a «* 1 JAOKSfH. RHONHAH Open oal yto tmna fid* alndtnla. Imaxdial* applira- . an.-, t-.ro . Vma* Mri*h m Mrtrlkf. a GlaaMo*. OoM, ralion r—catial — aumher of parliripaal. limilad. HAIRCTTS »' »$. .him* KaMler ti a..!., ruu (nm tin iu.iri.LTt' DiTuu Mam oa i.xu |),n. Rt Appointment TICKETS — 02.00 .13.00 Skepwa-. Mm, III Can Graai ■.«** Avaaoa, VAVS AROEL TRAVEL INKAU, MG. Tor Advance Ticket* Write to «»» puklaa M mnan a. na, ttm, Vipnr MSI HAKHTK W MACte Cut >♦»*• P.O. lk)s 2R1, JarK*«»n. Michigan 7 Ij Fifth Av*na*X — Nnr York 2} "• Or IU Mtt WaMMatma Arm*. , CD ?•!•!• Eldorado S-7W* rwMXG. IX . ■. w. Ha*. (Mm --I,ml