' I .^D^^^faasM—^r1 ' vffi '-. nm ■ ^Agmtmmrnmm ——**■«*»I )• *i>»'4WiiW^ Sports 1li^lili»lit llilt 111 Swim Mrrt TIlP Weatliri* lint Top Tnlrnl ( 'lowly, Colli, Snow Sr* PD*» J If it; It today .'12-.'W VOI.. Ml, No. 146 l,ow Tuesday 10-21 KAST I.ANNINO, MICHIGAN—WKIlN'KsriAY, MARCH 4. 1«m v>n !d wiM, . ,in n r.il fi.i wnlo s| pet -election per- nf (jiiitliriatcs in !ii»|iimI lur iii'lii! pf In Ihr M"'it1 ttriitinil tin tuul r> .id nil,| ..il.i,| dishes to w.i* Tin- high 11,itiuf the cviinng 11ip For A.WS 11 If .I'm •>: . I < m 111-' 't..- n.. I til" » .»f it fin ' 1.1 poll i-ti i ut.itioii of trophii'i . P.. • Ilth Announced .ill i a -a a i I * foi M hotavtlc i.v .!• ■ I .IOI I lll iV.'I ,il. k • a. (i .-I n' Athletic Hirer- in1 if.riuti-s pwvt inidmu' i«M Hi :ga Mum l-.S I i I» ■ «. Will . n H;»\ ("its 6Pii ioi a nil • ih i .i | i-tuniiuin of tt.p 1 **iuln lit f/toiMf A .1 't pin the Nation < *'ili \.-W» Phi'l# til *iilil| llim. \i i • .nan" I- it,,i 1 ,p n-f Admiiii Vets Asa(1 took the J VtRNA HART la among Ihr ■ Mint their plate* iiumr of th.-m num students who timr-i At to otir »tr J jilt lifirt jnit Jean tar*. VrU' Uie highest . aVPtage phujup for among ir §•'..%t't nIire* i • , , , -tin !d o i %**ii Nw rrtlir.il t President Twttl Kolrsiak .1 ! n! ,fi-d i of»e, ra * I* Vets' Aaa*. 1.9 dtnnrr lurwUt night Helping uilrlin thr pr«M*rrdliiv« mcniticra of the Vets Avtn. Wll . r »,.-•! 1117 IM'O luiuis had a .1 !»4 average fall Cmds Will vote Tlmialiy In , „ i ■ ■m I Th.V 9 fin.n ail-untvetstly ele.ti.»riv f.n . term pre¬ ' ■ r i- M -wit, m'iv* sidents , At 'Heart of Fashion* I Ft* n resented two awarda, of A-sMta tilleit Women Students jufltriary and acttviiiea UK I (III tl unit itfl.litio one for the fratnintty with ttie boar da. r . ' . I " ,11 .in Air h'.i • liutheet achotastir average fait mi. -I ..»•-! Iki t ' tiim and one foi the fraternity Clecthmt will Ire held in all Ml Mill RN or Tlir C'ABT Uf r. *. Iliot s tragedy. -Murder . f , iv •. I ..I V ng do- Students View . • which denioiutruled tt»e in.ml women's residence hulls at the the I attiedral," rehearse a scene for toiilgtit s peifnrinaiii'i- wlm-1 Styles ..id i I' iMiptovenipnt. luncheon and dinner hour*, and will he piPM-nted from M.|.4-|l)llt| in (lie tdiirjlloii tin • lino an A'pha I hi Sigma trw»k the first from R am.-7 pin in tlie Union (I rj John Itiokenshire, Fran ItelaMig, Sharon Multiem, tlioioasi. ... ..I 24 .v ' I Ift" tropti.v wl'li an average of Concourse f«»r wrrorily and off- Manikai. Judy sp4ng|er and lion Itunigardiier. In Hie renter,i- : ■*-, on h'.ni to :i.«74 rnilt-s eampns coeds • 'I <1B, Tha aetxrnd award went to Kitclt voter must Allan liken, who portrays llnoo.iv Itxiket. | A-nnf •tyU* pa no alive Tu«w- men'* u - ,.ts Material w •!' 'hi- 1'») R.wtrd I Ail Kappa f**i which raised lla present hei II) card befrrra cast¬ 4 ■ . ' ■ I.' I v off Its " mght at Uu* annual I'm u tw> .n.«'j«»ie ~.>'t w.« » ..•••,«* w '•» .« d.i mara- average u» 2 3? fall term ing her ballot. • • ! an, Faaluon M*iw, "Heart o! varied ■»?,,« tc- I** c \> .i jk'«* I ill 'hp UllHrtl til prpoenting ttie awards firs candidates. aN Nnlors. Now llill-k to llllllM- p.. . \|.,.,n ih .' Tfuhh >n " l«»*k Wll! Still bv la»J Muim said that the Importance bava entered the rare, three for ' ; 30. l" »l . dn.' .i,.. r ] Agatturt • ffuahia background at of an education U that education the ludlrlar* and twa for the • h o' I'h'-n, Senalt' Fmlorsps Wayne ... and thru escort* mode »-d hreaswear will frature the plus siMiat intrn action rnatdes . i given t*» *!»' activities board's top position. light hrrr>> brnk Inr rnrdi jimI •iv'-. hope it ad! go on i , caaual arxi sophtstu n'.*d lance tin- l«u,ji¬ people b» learn t« work t"g«-th» the nest tail ••red look Judiciary candidutes are: Guy- so!.o ortii' front Campbell'* Subur- t«»r the lt It Swansnli, la (fcxNirlch, Monroe, an elemen¬ _T'.e H i in.* l.viinJivl men. Trinl* and plaida ate ea- i r Shop and tha Style Shop | tirriUaf |kr ihua was Bar- petted kt »ur|M«a plain r«l«n. due snow. • »tit:cd "font ** •ec tel» *«d Mid thai team work Use R I.I tary •duration major with s 2.4 alt-iuuverslty average; Narwv Slate Bill Willi ('latise n-•< t Wftu m• >1 . into - ii ..i t ,i Mi' » nod iromul • ... ' i RIomr, aaalsUnt MkIhoI June wed 'mc ati,re pr»n«*iu«l<-i! o .. • Thursday niglit iHnner wis a "good Ides" snd Heller. Howell, a divisional s«»- ■ hi. a, ti <.n ty 113 mi!,'' far Midrmotirllr the t w 'b •• »i r»«' "• . . t i«ua! w ii! end SI sversgr was lib# "searing cisl Thi S» mde went along 1'we«- stitolioii's hoard of i,v-. fr., K.u'h s science m»)»r with a 2 4 goverin ■In*, a-ka Introduced the ilc(taa in the srnpiif *'v ». iid Meek Kndav night four Innchdowna against tl nf all -university arid Frances winch would have "general,m. \ pf. !r.||,| .icwM-nt" Ward, day with giving Wayne {>'.«'• ... w • Item, a beam kin mat, milt m." Muvwood, ervlslon" innler i-onsUtutioii.i •,« I'm i-lriit Ki •■filio". 111, * history major Univei ■»!ly . i.n-vtifu'mnal stutir. i • |i tlofan fnr the faahlon wise, with s 2 1 all-university. similar thai of 'Ire U authority. tv.iimed l-'i'iin-ei IV* luunn'i l'olice Kill 21 Itiolcrs n't |t Veld Aasn President T«*w to of M hare, wear a hear- t|r < ;ir lint il.ini' A i|a K '.esiak espreaa**! tut blanks to Running far Km s« tlvllles and MSI J Ib-viiiDt I In rev • board In* .iw.iK, Mi'd Toesday m«»ri thow who a4t«*ndoit and frit tl.at are: Marti*n However, heforn ttie S'-riuh f.--.i.ltmi, h.el no m | Nnnudaa. slacks and casual Ihs aucce** of tlie dinner iSelweller, tlionewuod. III., eiet.a 'lie lb-u Mir ||iMi.c it, •• ■ i . r i -approved . . i. on. • In AJriran I plwavtil • • atera followed for the active was . M -i t fbn John Mffiarix. 1 lent "one a! t)<« greatest s'eps for¬ elementary education major with M'soluiioir it wiote m a . in-, If d gv 'mil leg; M on campus. Crew rusk . \' ■It. ■ »»n ,■ I i. . I, a t.tt all-university, and tharon to p|-||\ -ii i cardigan sweaters at.**! nut ward in promoting aiiuhNit-fac¬ letjuiri- an .innnal detail n pi on.;.! ; ■ ' !,•'• <|||« ' Mew Acii'i i« an b-at "putg us ,»' ulty rwlnttohf." /Imnterman. Gross# I'olnte ctHinttrig oi Wa.vnu kpending and ■■lU go on the April ballot. the ever popular ten nit tuM.ed HI .ANTYRK Nvasaiand 4' ' t.ack «ie m<»b, reports Hoods, an elemrntary education IIJi'iii*. be«u-r way in front. F.Vrept for tlie Maine act Inn Rioting spread a*i>*.^, Nva.«a;«nd fi on tf;e ai.-as ».nd Hut other major with a 14 all-university. J EmjihasUinR tin* caaual l««»k SR ileox It inter rs to match in red. Twcvtay rest o! an • n ti e At- 'an »,o.i of N•< »i • "... .ui.-'j s.i. t N/m Hi'k>s ii.j freed Hint sonit rioting A|>|M>inted The •lertiotL top candidates wins tlie in pivsidenc each v of It also Inserted to empower the I egtslulote to language tlie • ipallv Senate with net npied iritirisins itvelt of |irin the Students delinu specific duties for thr ill- stale Highway llrpartnieiit puh* graduating whi¬ e or neutral slack* leatt-r and b* n>g*'t-- cm* were rev'rtc.1 slain t»» 21 A.M- po¬ i k > uu' tn tlia venter of tliat ToAiltiMirvliriHip her ifwpeitlve gioup. while the second-pi ace vote-getter ganu lie relations operaiioii and dis¬ ter trim may now ph k up [ Bathing an Ma will grace the int gunfire IV' Manning s^warttng Arlfiur Wllrog, aasociatd pn>- tlw vice-president's jxMition Vt-I lllrlik Si^nii|> play of tlie rapibil l|,ig. (loir • oiniiieio • iiirnt instruc¬ a year with bright tions at Hie alumni relations hs.k ti!-4. • er a . t o .vil a? tend- l« - eu of fMt k managoiueiit, has All candidates have sf.itm! durable materials, Ii. J.atcnes a«'d 17 were k ' i d N. h John .h < U !'• -d ',.»i office, '?"»! StmlcnU services g refused to dis- tx« n appointed to the National Uicir platforms, and the«e. along Veterans enrolled under 'to iir-vrd f,i jTf e men are Jamaira at Ha- ii. n.:-h - rt .•;. ... v ■ I" I\.. and opened Advis<«f v t'orrirnlttee on Recrea¬ with "pictures of each "«si. ap¬ K-'iean Hill 11*1,550) wtaea- ..o .!• Am \I.M k one at I "ft Manr>;:.g, ill • Ih-M.'S ! .til S* »'•• |«lUi satis, while Ike women Nvassisnd. rtuee U.e>t it H.an- • c when the mob sttac-ked tion !tc..« arch Assncldticm for a pear on tiniay's Stale News edi¬ name* begin with T-Z will sign highw •> <" I'.sx* t« 'tie |r« match their aulla with rait i h?ague" tlwin, r**jn»rta' aaui. .Mueo-yrar term. torial pagu. for then February chtsrui bniay. ing Mi-k.f bo, b'b: M|,. Hi, b and taps. ty re. ■ I;,- ;. ifi- t.« i br<*e out *h« ll'iiiv wcaal < > \> I re spring clanawear, toeda Sr*siting or. pom ug M» 'I . aj.pe.ii mg to-i - 1 ha seen in eoltun skirt* and OU"*irt* of tt.u vspiu - ■ * For tlie tu»lle»e Wardrolre bui'MU.. • -i (i'.ti se govei operat,-•;, few fnmrs af'er se»uritv off .., v Ho replie«l an »• • 'if'nil h. * *11.111 Ml •-. ••; liflod ' alpl'tl' wuiaa. Shirtwaist dresses ir. . M.I' CO- last Al-l k U; St..him Army- hi •' " ked up Dr He-stings JVC. ? materials and aolorr will pu Union Board Presents eClassic' Fashions iea-ter of ''•* Af";- «n should apologize fix T;i«-i« !>f||e early hrr. male ayet. vx'iesi ist • //.i* feat ..!U; c r.giess. and uhiskci ULiiri of lh«» dijiaili ri It The Sus I T anan's wear for spring w ill .. .... . u ■ *!ar» td -.1 of! to « t b> i-atw. agen' setijp which Vt , ■ . . I . T.I . ,, i" Hit .1 • ' two-piece outfit*. the Mo unwoi rapti-d skit* and the short . . .ii«- . I p •" I, . \ i • tt« r« « Angered h» M»e Bn»i*b im¬ irig h*a? in fortune cookie Ul m posed stale uf emergrno In lh*» It is Ma« k.»• who green, bright r«*t or bia.-K southeast African proteeinrate, apoi-.gv ?j.e ' Vlu |M'* white. Gracing Uie head Negro demonstrations gaiheied Ill) vafd. for p. or;., ba wide Dared hat* or flow - In defiance of »he regulations. dblluis for a movie <, I il'f| T S . . t ' • I'.dlce charged with rluhs when a .t..-.'I TV x i .pi M.i' •>. >.■■■' i.i in* M 'inc. • • 1 waist lines snd abort the Afrwans refusrd t*» dispeise • oil i J'iii# fa,a • ar. . 11 ■ . a •• v... m'v .[ *jiv » are ttlil "In." arrording to and followed up. with far gas. V Two v. ,,u a.:-. > .• ' , .; |,|f ,, 'fl,l J It the whole rflrrt . the .m.hliv re a;.on i'.n had ■ , •> in I •., An J i •• I be that af the natural look. W.efi tt-.vs* i.od * fouj nam and »t | Tanen't dresses will feature u,< ess *u-i ta kpeciai e ai- ; »»•"* Ma • • >.W- fan ti • . 4 }<\ Ml.lii It d*£p i *•» g j(..in! . '■ P' -i ■ .i it necklines filled in w:'fi Mai; were it:. e»l. tne pti'.ic# 'i hytd beads, the la lest thing, ojit- e.1 '.' V M: .er; tile h'r Itolivians I ni l. >g O il k , -.Ii f| two-piece outfits made to thr** Afr;can> w« i dead •■..f K.i• A Anli-ii. S. Riots ,. - 1 'ike one complete dfw ar;; two were wounded .. .us Army Mid on Dec ti I Conservative is the word for Tfi* Wo"di.>t r>et.ng ve «• 'MM h ax ifii *iS<.t» ported /r**m Nsata Hay wtwrc, PA7-. ',!■> T'., ' far Mori, ti .ii UMig 'HiIV hi.- I Attention Seniort: in a t uto.-r. to ir-e !♦ dfhd» il Afrv.-jttv were *■>' ■■■ » • Ho!iv,an Mlfu- 'i y of f.ovi ; . 'till null ! *. m«/rt 'rtficrcd I.» Pa/ i*.!p < ,<• x.!. p -«-|- A -i... Just »' it I f «,r b Ihr Um The Nkuta Ha» shooting broke dry If* J"'» Tuesday to curb any renewal of ►»tua*es to »Ute their ch«'ice out when a mob tried to hierb .f IVIL" IV s. t suit Amcrn the date of commencen crt through a '«rdon •' - 4xi rli^turtwt/u. located I'll .11 .i uu I forces to release p«s«»ner» Jailed sparked by alt article ab( s nj kf*t, » !• . ' * colli •«» page and must be nwrk- nui^u/.ric. a im • ■ u- b-c- *4 * deposited today in ballot pons. Meetings and pehl.r gath¬ ■ .K nation.d Juimr R-devatton, the ' .ui i he i. . ; lure i. ' "■ijm ^ rs at the Union desk or in erings are banned under the Worker* Cotitfal, called Uu mmc 1)1) I 'Ji • Miiae.cUsa offict, 117 Stu- regulations. Security fotvws opened fire ana dcnwrfi vtr at loiys. (l;mi|iai TODAV ter" Wie Union grill and con¬ i ti ^ -C0l.LEC.IATE" lfa.nrna.DI Prof I ill—in teil course. Over 10,000 the Union every people enwr if . • :(M—Due* Maratho* , Dr. Hubert fiamiuxski, prefer- day with 40 4 THIIW)A\ '4 s"r in botany ami plant path- pei cent going directly Into fh« -COOL" ... iu Bgr ' ohigy, is co-chairrnan of the grill. There are 2.500 sale* mad a BallraMD ^rsis. o Ouvs MtLsIa aad I third Gordon Hescarch Confer¬ fin-Jan Slow TDM- ftetDn DD Oh ten dress w hich la i •very day, tlie average ehed* FRIDAt ence on Biochemistry to Agri¬ usually amounts to J 25. KMT XD- gighl is wtsriac Ihu i culture to l>c held Aug. 3-7 #1 With tlx disposal can# sta¬ "CASl'AC" KimbaU^Uipoa Acadumy, Mcu- tioned in strategic part# of th« C—ltJOUl CM (taa, N.H. v gtM, Uiiu1» W /OB to "IW \ V. ' • ' "^r ' *" *7> Til/ ' x' ■' ■ : - .1 ''* 'l4j^(Wr?r*^^e "' . -■;•■' •, ■ w • : 1 . . ■■ '»»»<«. t.-». II.I.WWI*. »■ HI! tlx «, *v».| I 111, II ■ I IJ'I. 'jil V ' m British-Sovi Man b t lf,0 MM II If • %V' SI A It: Milt r.i«e Three rJacniillaii / Calls IYpi > Caluultlc Ccriitan Ihmii'm ( JIIIM- Trouble* MOSCOW f/Ti IVin.H Minister Mncmiltnn f 1 »• w bump Tuesday nijrht wiih final Soviet wilutc* and an Mjrreement that central Km. ope* a disputes should ho settled by negotiation, ti«>t M.i hi.... • >i by force. XX .11 !h 1 , "Sot* yott *i*nin. and !»«vt \ 1 c , •Atshc#,"® thr British government trader called out in Russian A x ,,i 1 |.u ■l'i- I; amid Soviet cheers - before V : ..f flu N. hoarding hi.* Comet IV ier sir- r b e II- -!i .1 . t ; ner at Vjnkovo airport. l ''llM IIi- api-i- .ON \l.ll Applause <»f the uir|>orf crmvd «f u «*r-f Ml 111 S id a final warm hnnd<-' 1- ,: 11 XX ". •otn Premier Khrusehev m.vk- N !M «■ ■ 4" . o • «; 1 ,-d the w Indun of Manvilhiii's I'br , If. ' • • •,' ,pn 'O-dflv mission to Mom-.m and .. "jt* t%at a British-Soviet cnrwmr;i "o II. i.b "W K. 1 ■ .■ - 1*1*1" . s li«m llir I « \.vt r.ri.r plrkpf .1,1,, ur called a valuable enchaiigr ll'lr R,„ ,, 1 • Hi.11 i':r ii.u i, I-,.. rt II,. It,,,.,.,,, o! views. "" "" ni»lhr..l „f Vp,t..ii,ll.I,.. I,.,,, '•I • ill mux «• '•fx 1 \l Hi line's I.nllr .,1,1.. h.„| l„„, illl".., 1 -n f «• pi ■. 1 Olarmltlan jaunt? and l„.,k„, |„ ,|„ hm III. v.,, Ma gm in i II; riiiiiiiiiii-.il 4„,| „ll,., .I,,,,,,| ||„ smiling mm landing In I -ondun s.„„, ,|„M n|„t.|, h.iv« l.r.n .4|,4l,lr til lie iSllNtnl that Hi Ulan should r.l,tlni| ||„ (J|,|r take the lead In seeking nut ilnludes ,c io raw Raat Wrvt tensnm* |fr tor .'!() Yearn Ue n-itn f ' $ told Masmra: "Thwr talks wrjr ill tha better for bring frank. .1 «. . C In 13" \ ( .. ::*.v (amhI (lovvrnin*i Hotly ^ Ur did not agree on mam Im¬ portant teeuee. Hnt or did agree lhat three vital problem* of i mitral Karnpe aliould lw %rl- tled hjr MgailaUont and not liv I loin I It's Hub MtiLiiux fore#. "> '.»• h.e biKi; A *^ • ,fc •' ' ,M 4 o I' \ « . '!»e In'f ■ - t i . ioiigli ei. ru. In frf,11' • CASUAL TEAMING '.•-l man, Al'rr tum toward thr forth,,* ui .ve ,lj boUiK fie otn *h»rl din! whirl ciMinlindli'*' !crnatiunat dlacus*i"n* n « ' i- ..«•»• minuter \ »-M -I |h ;dv«r circle* »iv. of lb |o?e rniruhea AHs i« riunpoaed of an artlv- » »n e .f,., . in- *•'* m» lief'iif* the Specifically tti# Soviet aid Ifira board roordlnales e* a-.vi tldual allrulioii." Kairu Milli ' 5 ''ipi'pvi; ,x W1 'h Ik—. S,V| ; »• ' 'CM ipv»» . uitrot. la«t I senior %. Acknowledged « r.vd • • g4o, • ii*log and i ty\Aiv'/fgi l! dor' ftln.'iud »n matching lirealdent of »h# Jiidlriarr aanl *d \.>e» negotiation* to . ■ ■ H in » in iiriifwe'inniMi lengthe.) "'Tne A W ft ret«S)hiHtleS of In*re*- tig « •Hit n ird-'io ' Karen said .WSWWASWAV.V.V.V.'.V.V.V.V.'.V.V.'.'.'.V.V. riiO l;V ILanJc. • •• v: d \f* N. V'B 2 FOR 1 SALE !!!! . by amie method >f 4iplK.4ix ,i"H"-in» rat.,-* flmr I i OCilH i;/i;Uiain i'a o(rj[h. . S (II H H I UJ l. M H of fnrvHa end neap** t H.IVI i'y>i i'eVe i'N'V: i N'V; on i >n Mario ling \«»ii. • § ■ ,h »? i.i> nut.■»"•«* 'o •riventinne! and nuoenr, u. u nijoe.id.iti .n f"t MHial pro 'fi-'s|«;u;/|«1a] • Kteed Wee •*/ Kin ope. c*>, nation," Kaien «unura w tj iv. ,r. III. — fro giea*»e- U«ete l<« he- n»- *d *» fed «. 44 Uie"P Mi; >r el" alum at ruin* *• • vi a I .1.1,1. KR088WORD No. 18 h-oi-i »*1 by Uie Jxsi < ary a* In " VARSITY DRIVE-IN •» *• Ma1 hi# frjVKd , i are mferrecl a. *txs amiiM >ii| Aj-omvaei i»> the HSV olVM'i Wir iif tfa. Aiui-rixrtf! Mnikeiti a DOWN A*«>i eii'>u 'he program end AVifi » fttiimttd t;-) •« a»gifxa- ED 2-6517 I M«*c» t" ' SWL Spon sitrt ,-.,!g1it ti e assifcsrd diie»'tor pita'.ion fiisti Uie univiwuty. W.YSVAWVMSWMWA'.W.V.V.V.V.VMV.V j advertiamg Utt the I 1 i.h»* 1 •(•wikU S Talks on MSU i* ke nut t dp., t-:»wrd Pecfdn i* ^*1 of M.e nuM«d bf !**>• loalea ii I In II Union a^*ruj, * .4, .r.'i 0ws. Si 'The " sud he will si-eek to fttvrw of Mi* IS A WHEEL REALLY ROUND! i Ivi '■•4» Im eaiuag l i» Sr. Milton Rl*to .-I . r i;.« marketing club on tin H mc- M fjamiiiai, win «*•* <■" area -if h<»w ti.e g,txettiamg • a t !« ) 1 • g- l " h.$- nntm "Opaa and Onwri M.nd." •' 1 r* Hnwnxnep dii«.1. r I „ A (J, T.fc.r khe TV ated ►* ; ami e««*rciinsvet| HAVE YOU EVER SEEN A SQUARE C a»«*ak ■Mi . . »• h . ... • • II U s una It.r4 «hw - ..,MNr*M> ur'god to gt'crrd glong •£■ -f • • wurinl wnUr, will t..k •l. ut tierng tt llmtl «i 1* Individual area In ah.cn «,•» the regular men.rmrs «l Uve if- • lifMtfiralV -1 II,** 1MB M nulawvrtln* 91 lb. COME IN TO GILS. AND SEE A r: t* IM !• « • •' It ift . I.,*- -,|u* 1 ■ ,f W „ u. I (lll,|MW4p.",i.",u.l,|,llU.IIII'II»»""'"H'''""|l"»l"h k natrft •• - u.'mg S4 Uak : ft** * ta. *ur» -11,4.4 Da-ttrlin"! SOUARE GEAR that REALLY WO.AIIS I W .. »•. t SI ■ 4 I* w \ rwlu. '*,-l i-l - kind «f.4 1i '■«»« p.-.n >i „'i* n r Nov Is a ■ - », - %■< A ii»- |i■! r.«t. -«i »* Ml** •! ll IV .j-li-.l. Is kill |B«r It tfc» nit-*' • ( ■-* u r...4.4 , n • «.-*• ITS A MIFF UNK . . . /t"" *■* ' ■ » |i ' D »t** Seulsrt n 4»*t4*,4 1. -d ■ ■ * 47 If* it «>t UM- »«».w*»s mr Cisissf . ITS TK UTEST RACE . . . * * * lor SgHif. ITS ATTN;.. • Ai C(wl snd d(4A m I betili of fmk air. • Finest Immi tobeaco.. mild refreeiung menthol — end the worlde meet th roughly tmted filter I • V/ith every puff your tnouth feel* cleen. yqur threet refreshed' Quirk gey e'eon ig >er\ lift Orneiicos Mosf- RWiing AvSO etauu* gift «00k wirnout FtwTM ■tnderT services bldfl- ,, Si*v». arama Miiii**** l«"»i **»• l^^;, 4 Minnow st \tt mays m»nh 4 1959 Campus Classifieds Wrestlers to Challenge For The Record' Innovations ill Pool Prognostication Your Ki to Better Value* Defending Champ Iowa v -By PKTK WAI.TKRS- Kate With Tankers Michigan States' crippled wrestling team moves into state Newt Night Fdllor Miefcigaa State University Iowa City Friday ami Saturday to challenge defending Big to champion Iowa in the conference wrestling tournament. IT'S SKI.DOM KASY to pick a sjnyrt.** winner, and gym Improved Lighting. Isneg -The I law key eir host nine teams all together. .nasties talent is as tough as any to evaluate. Cooling off Higher Gutter Lips Installed FOREIGN FILM SERIES The Uvs> of 1.57-pound Hob In hu won all live of ehal- somewhat after boldly predicting Montreal to win the Stan- M.ver hit* forced Coach Fendlry lengea. fonr by falls. lev Cup and tomorrow to be Thursday, we elected to con¬ Science has flourished in the Sputnik era, and science has Collins to shulTIe hi* forces. Moser. who has a shoulder sep¬ Owreotning a broken nose, sider "serious contenders" for 1B5H Big 10 gym titles and played a prominent role in the construction of MSU*a new prp«rtil» aration. whs second In his class Jim Ftxrguaon placet! third in let the eventual winners prove themselves. IM pool. McCaffree says everyon* !.i>t year and was counted on to national competition after fail¬ A pre,meet favorite to pick up its 10th straight team MSU's swimming coach Chuck thinks the pool will have th« strengthen State's chance* to un¬ ing to pi are in the Big tO This crown is Illinois, with enough strength in horizontal and MoCaffree calls the ullra-modern fastest" water. It is engineer? seat kingpin Iowa. season the 1H7-pounder has a (mxvI "one of the world'* most promote ideal condition* "BEST PICTURE OF THE YEAR! in six match winning march going. parallel bars, side horse anil free exercise to offset a medi¬ rt.lv am-iHl indoor i*m»Ls in everv The iunloKs gap will be filled 1 ane* are seven feet HI inch*- Norm Young l«*»kjs like the ocre tumbling ami trampoline lineup, — r«- rf »ma-J (iT«tt»N SWAtP) by Oii.ttie Wohlfcrt. Gordon detail." wt.le, instead of the conventior Jonnson «»r .Terry Jnckard. This next boat U*t to finish high for Allan Harvey, ,twice runner-up in NCAA> tumbling to The po«»l. which will sertt .i! seven fCet. state. The spectacular sopho- ex-teammate and present assistant Spartan conch Frank ".OOD. was specially deslgnetl bv He aaid that MSU trio will contest for two open¬ swimmiru niore has garnered seven wins Met'affree. who is finishing hi* -EVEN BETTER ings m the line-up The winner this vear. Hailand, has little support in the event. Trampoline talent lltth'canqwign as head coach *' n the past taxi yean has he» will battle in the 147-pound is likewise limited. I Kin Tonry and Abie tirossfeld, who •cxponsthle for changing to. THAN class and the runner-up ui the Jot* M.uvhal. Bill Oucrlardo combined to top State in five dual meet events last week¬ MStT. net hod of picking ftniahen ot ami John Mcl'ray complete the 1.57 division Home ef the innovations, at w miming races •LA STRADAT S~ MSI* tournament roster. end. are the squad's mainstays. Ihoufh nel lmp«>rlant le those Rather than pick swimmer The Spartans have Ills 10 » *»•!•••* (, » a W'oodin l< one of three de¬ But don't discount Michigan, which squeaked hv the iinfamilier with cempellUve <»r the finish In t-2-f or.tr champion and a M 55 third fending Individual champion* re¬ «wlmming. rale high with swim lllini recently. The Wolverines don't have the staggering i.tg«x. are assigned lane* an. plaer NnUhrr to rount on, turning to aeeh additional hon¬ mint enlhuslasU. and mak» hey determine in what pomtj.'t though. Tim 5Vnodiu t«»ok 177- The other* are tiene l.ntt- | hi we r in a couple of events that Illinois does, hut can't be or*. swimming a ln*ur> and plea he swimmer finishes. Also the-. GIULIETTA MASINA pound honor, last tear, hut la reli. lowa't 137-pounder. and called weak in any. Nino Marion and soph Hich^Montpetit *ore. almost ever* small con ,i-» two judges for each lam grappling a» a heavtwright thta Werner llolrer. Illlnolt. 157- are more than adequate as all-arounders and tumbler Jin; venlenre has been covered l» •ne on either side of the pnn season Itesnlte the move Wood- pound*. Brown and tramp men Kd Cole and Hick Kimball round the vast layonl of Ihe pool. ■aeh lane has a color, and Dm A pair of second place fini*ti¬ tut a well-balanced troupe. For example, the lighting fix .coring cards are correapoivto er* ate returning in quest of tiue,. flourracent tyi»c. measuiv n color This eliminates error* Kimball, whose first love is Jumping off wooden plank* title honor* They are Larry 125 fret by 55. and it's suspend, tnd mistake* in deciding even Miwer of into swimming (tools, will In* with the U of M tankers for ial winners, according 4o M« rnxxico hum lovta going at 123 from the ceiling IHNiIi Urn - DIAMONDS - pounils, and Bill Wright (1971. their conference meet at Fast tansing this weekend, ami In addition, thetx* are half . ".iffive. Mutneotda* challenger Ntote'* his loss to Coach Newt I/tken's gym team could b# the .kwen features m the jwiol. on< In addition, timers am ^ Miner was to b« a third re¬ of the main attractions of th« igned lanes Bo when a rac* Keepsake determining factor in a close meet. turn**- TUB SPARTANS, who finished the regular season with !icw M million student rrerv.i aailli W plak M. S. tl. steck from Minnesota and Jim iivmg he wrens swimmer which hay bilitv, ami State suddenly became one of the Invst l»ets for Tfcenday and Friday, I'ratg of Iowa Last «oa*on State placed third a dark horse role. "lllvers have what amonnta It •ened eeea la ilmoai a fear for dead rein behind Iowa gnd Illinois. Festa, who missed four meets—including MSI"# -two ■arah .l aad 7 - REPAIRING - losses of the vear—because of a probation penalty, wa> water." "Falling in Mei affree a exiMalned dive, a man eon oald He ctted want a |*artleular example DrPamr C.naeh Fill* returned to good standing by the dean of students office determine !«•( where Ihe wale ick Cleveland. Ohio Bute • Wiitthe* and surface Is If II la eomplelel Jewelry llrtrnil Fmtthall Offer this week. ar sprinter, was not liete. ralm Diver* often tell teem iH»ng the finishers In a champ fiOO A 9>00 P.M. He and Capt. Cal Gintnl had formed the team's nucleus mates to put their feel In th •ii»tup race at Iowa in 1852 M. nrriioiT ( h,.i> Hick.. — of all-around strength, Festa was rated as No. 1 man on water to ripple the snrfsee Th foot lull I a* m tha first throe. Maybe hs coacii aftVTauw Dm Tboeipson's Jewelry versify, Tuesday w named de¬ still rings, ait event weakened by his unscheduled dapar sir jets, whirh are an tmprevr menl on the first ones «*ed » i*i the re was awar.lext sixth place played collegiate teams Ohio State. Indiana ami Wisconsin have their bright «tonII, rlppllna " AdmWoni BOe K. I.an«imi ball at Bonn State ui the period spots, but not enough of them it was certainly a stuun* from 1944-49 Me has lnvn head Another minute but lin|MH*Gi evelatid didn't makr the flu coach at Ilel'auw f.»r th* last STATE'S HFST IIOPKS for Individual title* are riding total! is the height of the gutti Met'affree said. "The 'hi*** veai# with five |H*rformers, any of whom has a good chance »«• ;j*. The one* tr the M.NJL' p - m we have now perfect,*) • come home a winner. ,re one Olid ,f;\e-«ighl* inch .dge axaig-wxi U> a lane wtiit* This use of gutter lq» plav »wn whete his man finished Horizontal bar *i»ecialist Stan Tarshis will be one of significant o>l# tn swtmnni .»mwia any ahanoa of such GET SATISFYING PLAfc/OQ.- ., three defending titlists In the meet (others are Grossfeld in ieet*. occimting lo MK'affn. '\»r» " free exercise and parallel bar* and Iowa's Bill Buck in sld» Wo *re sure that these guttc horse). * tit help ou: judges determm Tarshis facet! his stlffest conference competition Sattir day in the Illinois meet, tying Tonry for first and U»ating . nn*er placing of contestants ■. -Jose finishes Xew Trad Ttien there are ci«W>r«xl ar*'" tirossfeld when the national high bar champ turned in om Suggested ghte w hieh *re oxvrheod Ui. i»f his less memorable performances. uie* to guide ttnr hackstTokei No flat'fllfMd-oiirflBvorl Girard's l»est events, and one* he could win If he hit- % hen ml of tt>r tiiev are approaching lli pooi Foi.fxt to g.anc< No diyY"""1—* are |»arallel burs ami aide horse Mont petit, Grossfeld. Huo and Wisconsin's Dole Karl* are among the stiff competi vet *mt» then shoulders f.»» tin- handicaps po- t»ark*tr.»kn To Phillies Hon In tha parallels race, while Tonry. Buck. Montpetr hi.* a jM»n. of .safety pro.« and Indtana'a Paul Brown are all championship materia ion PHll.ADEl.PHlA (AS - on horse. A broad new adjustment dl\ •wnrr Bull C*rpent»r of th# ng board, controlled by hydrou i-hll»ilrlphi» Philllm U ton- Festa could go all the way In *tlll rings, but hell have hr lifts that elevate Ibe dtvin to beat Illinoia' Tonry aiul Pat Bird aud Minnesota's Bo(> -dlerinn buyinf th# remain- itlatform raises the hatgBl frw l#r of a 75 aei* tract la Schwarzkopf. <>ne to throe meter*. TWO SOBHOMONFS. John Daniels and Chuck Thomp¬ I '•!»».ire Township, X. J, son, hope to make their championship meet debut an in (hat ha. Iwn aufrtreatrd a# press!ve one with win* In their beat e\enU, tumbling an. Suite tloider. a n»w ait# for hi# ba##l«l trampoline, respectively. taam. Another sophomore. Michigan's Jim Brown. I* also gun Take Second O , o r |# Narrtaoa. f*llU«# ning for tumbling fame, along with Harvey. Indiana's Ron : A ahien and OSt"s Tom Gontpf, among others. Thompson will he competing against a strong trampolim- Straight Win .##riu# th. tmtom #f mm# .2 an#, "atrletiy a# # #a,## -t 15* ICSl* bow ling loam raid tield, including I' of M's Kit Cole and Frank Newman aud O III eoc.avl airaign*. VWU- many of the Big 10'# better tumblers. - ith g 3S32-Z7R7 win ox. Waotem Michigan UnlrvraBy. Bill Reich paced tie Sparta It St it) ehsn Nulol erne k pUyf team with a t!4 aenoa, wit games of 234 Ml and 177. J«~ /ambrano »75 Dwh Prvex -I.KAVI vol HKlA*LKiSH WITH LAt'UHTKRr VW Wayrrw Wawrdd, Ml, an — Cm HhiiIm Matt Marhal, MS gav* Bm« auppun The MBL' taam w as aomou with team games V NT. Ml an< 841. Western had a strong ftiuc . ,.v# l wit g first game at only MS w a its* r#if iMJ.t i too much to overv.xne The la ■ > lm#ra*#m#at Auth#ri<> 'wo gamas war# 1007 and 84! iuco in* lormad t# fan# iaa#hl|i Th# team with s $22 mnm >1 The Spartans have two re¬ "ui, racMtly ■■*» wah aa lt#r lo ■>* ally tl MiladalpTua. maining matches, g homo an. vhila tta taam* wanaX i homo mrm wkh Wayno Bu « i. Mayor I'ntveraitjr. The first match will be held at the Union allays thi.* Saturday at 2 pm. Mm Jam, >«S|H>| M.h i ema is SqMjr p*e April 24-25 tha tamn wUl par- to build a to My pome lutt a Men Moot Ucipate in the Big 10 Tourna¬ if aultabla ment at Illu>ow UniversBjr. maaM aaa ha 8es how. MIMoOk Q*okf IsegSt • Cnn i ■ i~i -|M ST. PATRICK'S DAT SMsrs the smoks • EASTER endmatiesir rrUd—but do«« nof l*.«Mg«iaiMgairaa AMWkiaaahM* llnm tiini li 1 Sdsr out that lfcaa>*awn».mh, SfeaitaaiMaWWi 0M^kMMIIaMM, Buy moar from our mkk mlm saksAing OtllifffStWlii([..>ai OhW—Mtm Rswl | ■l S:SS - S:M . J-M . •:« Campus Book Store UUMUMUMtUMMMMUMU I T ■m I V orlil of S|ioii!> MB Ilir. \V NTATf vrtH * I AVMA Wins. -10-21, klarili 4. IM* I'MCtnO Finale for In IIXI liiiskrllinll Action Vl-.ll« IM Results VI, rUlinOh I? > llv CARRY WRfMII.FUSKI I In, tV Ileal II The iimlelVnted American Veterinary Medical A«*h Krrillrli cpiin- II, Himo It ON SCH ROAY. the nPiixon'*« fiinile nvniiml h»wn. four ♦ et paced a night of I "Ml I. «hlr» II Wanot w,.r lopsided IM ha*ketluill contests l ues, I I# AISI hiiski'thall plii.vi'C* aa ill In- in.iking Ihi ir liii-it h«»tne* ^t|»« dax night a* it defeated AfK'S • • i • I Initio Vel* V. *wlit|*r« n ii I, Id 24. rn, i pniiHiu i-H in 11 f 11 ii'\A el I |»*»l*r«»ltitii in !• i 'M. tirit hv s* Spuria,i t»**- II i«l. V Mm..Hum. * (ftirleMi lo'ui'l Hmh vHin*. I |m\a i'\ ii*. thi'sr four pint ii< -'ill will he c.nrimp St it f «»'<* iMpt.nn (Imrgr Fsimii- Xvhilr Air* i' « I pnvililv In I tun*. On* foi ut |>uks« m ith t('• Hli|i* O %1M « II IT siiii ins; Iif .Ilir K"\^.ilski wtio 1**1 Hliaw '» III last Mltaw .V \ illc, h \ tia.t 12 .nut 1.1 Noiier* 'I Hamlilera lA At t>vkem* wild In I hr » uioir evenly. ImiIhmh-I ii or h ei« |% l.nalienAera i* tniii'siMiir. All Amrl'iiiiii cnitri .ImIiii (ifren. nut- ctiiiiksit in Id g.'uns F.as? Shaw 0 dnwnnl F.i»t Animala it. viarim I niH-t o Htfiitilnik' li'l'AAjiiil Huh Afiihiek'v, -l.titiuy vhhuI 'h»m K.uol A(H S I w s* held to ntilv one Shaw 5. 40 IX •eros* Slrlmet, v*. flah A Ml ii Mil .1 i tit Slm,n»i'. a Aiihiiihle ■ htutr. ha* plaxml n vilnl pn'iit it, fhs aws»,,<| ipiarter I .eft hv the t'pper Prnu *• ' * life |* ftis iviruriA mtled to a ?1 7 rnli* 111 thr Spartan*' rlinih to I'.i-ki'tliall I'm tut* Mini fortune. are Hals Ruotionmki « IA por 1 li.i'Ciinr triul Thrv r*llliHl bvisf- K.iat S|,.i*■ 0 pulled nvvnv uw Amirrrrv .1 iiiI 11roil an* ro c.ipt.iiu* of Stntr * fir.«*t tin. > .n itir 11t ml ipi.vilei In shave in seii'iid half. afl<*t * luiri-n !H ili-pulr»l Him In chaiMpHMnhip train. "is nun gill to 2R 1^ hut AVMA * IV is. ut at the tin 11 Waviie Hon IiRKI V PROII \ltl,\ thr hn l,rst 111 u 1 p 111 v renter 111 the fteipieut lav apt t v s,, t ii * I I v 's- 111 ihutei) III !')•< A . NOW siiowinc. gi •>'it to tw ftis ifrrutuig fnctor. I (iiiunnsts III. nation, hits lain thr Spartan main at trait ion for threw rs I leasts »| I'<• • \ ttairs .oiil (iisags 'Aarka •*r;i-.oils llr v\.,« tin* ilrriilinp t.uior uiulrr the liacktioarit* #• i. h had •ever, for die liw-et* Iii. (totii'iuefa tirld (he 14 ••• ■ l* TRIM RIMY KST-SEUfA in the initial quarlsi in hi* Aophnfnirre i ear ;o State rlineheil a tie with ImlianM Alpiia rtil llflla I All Ihike* IX K 0* Ilk tCAgl' a* thev MMtre Mian dolihleil th* 101 ln-t phicr ami an \( A A herth. iii another lop-1-Its i gain* *«*ore «?nl xxeul isi to win, 441 VI l a-l \ear, thr mode*! anil huiulile tireen art two Riyf |rt Nig ui* Pin I tell* *\v*i,i|ie«< W iseonsili ipniitrl. fireen ttirpNased the I.IHIO* Ivors Co lo Playoffs a e •' and other (rattiles dis. t,t View mt the Men'* IM l*it«l Allien- ihr Hie cu—itl air point iiiaik for hi* c'lillegN eaierr. Mo ha* aroreil I,fM»H in ilir *lnn mi Two Idocb .dhnmp|on.*hf|in wme decided Tue*dnv pur 4. I AuimmlWR I'haWAItlonshii** will IIr lirld. I lie point**. flight, na the Kvnnd Rcholam and K.aat Shaw dhalkod AI.RK AMV THR N.r» renter ha* pulled down A2K rehoumla yp win* to get Into thv filial* in IM Hockey. Top Freeslytc Arlisls Die Sohohir* came ttiroogti :h a 4-2 win ovei the (Htenmc final ptdid lullen again brokr Rivei Rata to take 11 •• lead '« the River Rata defense al the Block I liatv Jiitien *tole ttw I IA mark In Inerrase Ihr Vhn pin k and oi»ciied die •coring *1 lars lead for I5i«jr 10 Meet 2 4N of the firat period Jn», F.asl HI\aw *«|ueaki-d into M,r 1 t return Speck alio put * rount««r m f.»r the Scholars hi th* ahMnng a«u- hliM'k III chaiiipionship >a, i t I tie wdh llie Vtvlaa Big Morrte O oi ii Spiv k , sue. •• - on 'ha* _ Jiy t*4H. eotOM by D« VU«A III the third period lino Hrrk mioxah hi ami 44 — 1 na K veil I Title isiwei plax hi tie d up State is luawnx limit Roti Vmlrrryif. The i\'l. 2idt-|MMimler drhrd Smith for Ibe Htver Rat a • \% > no 7 »• •» aa In Ihr oiih-i ghce of •!,#- ».\ >■ - . m a if all around alar. When the Spartan* opfMisa a team lung, (he Sigma Nil Atln* a-lgi i with a top violet, \mletetrir draxx* the defensive geaign* Butler flM.I I .1 I l)n k Si .if foi.l 11X11 1(1 K HI AMI AT—lit? \monr the I#» eui 's if, IHeilt He'* State - top detell*|\e pl.n rr. LITE SCORES 1 It - % 17 - 1 !t - * in « Mrekeint's l.'ir |u - v» I ii i • •noted f.n ANOKRK.fifi II \s counted '.< ! |mhmim for 211 irinuea, lw«» MIA i xii l'liilart)-l|l|ita IP. \4xxh fx ims v* rhampion*hip,- Uioie than i.reeti Hi- roUeviate total 1* If 10 point*. lis vl lit i) t Pel loll a §... 11 * 1ST II! i iii uk i xr itm 1*4 •Mile race*. the { m, Itoti i. a ruvyed and fieri e 1 ompetitor, and when the ..lid (lie roM -20 and 4 In \.»».♦ -T\I.K III X IMK.- lining i'i 'a lough, the Motiioe, V\ i. , priHluet in at hi* Inst. It . ♦I . 1 <*% A real at end v tiaekcoiirt u. oi ' It"'-. • • ■ ... . | 1! 1 -t. who has provided the I HI I I I.I — i OMINl, SIHIN — >t0 HlUi 4411 1 ■ • |io«a Stale Si Man*-. II pi-n .i. ■»«.»•. ^ i ^_Ur > * ... Spartans with Home a-touminiK outside *tns»ting. 1* T0111 • *H IS. r» saa A A * H Uie (i'hus goalie m the seioni "TIIK ON ~ W ill U- .•> V, Rand perliMl and scoiisl on g bleak rovivi VNI.VII.MH" • odor* Kn.i.iv |»u- • •hr SO, 220 free-r I tie tireen llax. N\ i* . ♦> 2 yuan! icave State a victory ,a a .iv ill U>e final *1a,i/.« • ll» XXI 11 I'll VI. I.IM MtlKKlS ••«*(> lr relav ar, K ., t V« >ard liriwtyle champ Hg.iliiit INirilue with hi* urn.mux one hand set *hnntilitf, ... . «'«• tnnrd linliln . . , ■4 at 12 30 p Ml., tiie ,« llr mttrh«*l Hi |s 11111 * His plax making lia* *rt up xaluahle " Preliminaries for >> .• ■ •.» |m 11111s loi the (runt ime corp-. Rami is a hustling, drteiu ■ 440 air Snlut.M> f 1 40. final* a• .1 «o j . ,.te IM Schedule mix e plax er lint Stoottei. w tin ha* hern confuted to the Itenrh most P "av and Satui-i.iv ev< • n %«k»1h 111 > -«pen to thiK.M- • » . > of hi* 1*0llrgiatr rami, tm- i.ip.dih filled 111 He fir«al in < HI HI < l>|i ■ '«ily. Student*. who % Uri it I Itit.i1.) • In |s>||it* against V\ Momlav i-con 01 night, hi* ia*rNoual T5 cents. should III t high. Mtih.i • N.Ot.i I ■ activity , it " 1 Ml N I « Altliough these four max not he consensu* All Ameri¬ it ticket* .0 ". .)• %lri ll.tli) t It lliUfe.M can*. the consensus at M>t 1* ovnwtieimiiigly iii their |" KM'J< Off lOt». Gtilf'al .« I It NO. % < 1, II « • I uh.lii.lt favor, y, %. hHl.it 1 . ill M I I igr•« | 1 \ 1 'Mmdlni rhainpion of ihr %ci» IV .» It 11 % Hi-. • ' «M frrrdilr. (on Vluun Ill t. % ..).- I ihI.i. Iliru Kriilm * low4. la bark Mr hold* Ihr , w tlit. tit*. , » it I w Ah.a A ah.- i* !J_ STATE •"■il with 4 red XXrvlptuI »f 111IKI t 1 in. 1 mmw : tm r s ___________ "n. mi*in who ramr H, int..I* - .« Hull* I It. Ml 1 slfrh 4 rlo*r Mortis Uat KM 1.1 SIM; MUST III N SIIIIUIM.! to ,ear Out II* l»» It- M.ll.t • " wr»r Imih (Ivrn Ihr samr h'iih t 11 M»1»r I "KM'MWIXKI.V U NVVI! ♦I'M Ml !*.#. XXeMphal will 4 loo »•* ' Phi Warn, m im'h a i i Thr brand new advenferea d Kenald Rirb'l 441) state ha- I*,11. I) .M». hilar am* by Irhrrmg "belle*"... N.r. |*;«tT«-r < .1.1. I'll *• ImOUDl S • siii.l,* «r* n«Nw*i*Ml Patterson so :«■.•>• * m Mo hi*.n ran al*«> rrl* «»n »■**). nImn»M \\ i.nlf l->h ' ' h• o -h ok ai d v ' ii. [ • but HM-M. . \X. 1 -11.. •UMl meet* In-' or , | ,i, 4 rir* 111 Ihr I'M I'afk. "ill ' 'the, 1 Hi 1 twin, f.ii | (tun. t larihoiil for W.ki Pratt. Mi hika- - ( |nu. Iirortr tliirkra f»' tM'-io • «*v and atiM/ir.* - » at.tr b''or ivtuon foi ml-ooo I .eg*. kl. Of S- .nd I or mi AA hiltakrr tor *\II\HS nrte SkBrtotoh * , . mi •"« and India: h * .i-»• n iiiioima * "h ffi.ty*hf*M f 'fir 440->,ird fiii • . . IIIT-IIIIII-JlfCI IIUIIll •' been '•ii Ctutrlm Mcl; w >« predict r.t lo . r CONTACT llllttil HI -.limn ' '• * i*»*»ble re. • 1,nf chaOipeH. < »'.!• *c r LENSES •Vi McPhwr, Hill Var. H •"*«> ConrirU and T«n; W«. >* .V-. -V, . **T Th# #rvSral fast tea:, > record, m^.ie be >t As superbly humorous H,- 'f?- "• - v «-'• M 1054. b 3 23 0 - o and Michigan State n bettered titat during U»<# «• Michigan State all! ■'» 4 . ♦ I * '-n> ctait«udei in the 440 Sooting bfg with Rllok tdaaa relay, along with Michigan. *^aaa and Iowa Urn (h Kluuteuniu timundary'tuutttmimff wait > , Vhr IM-yard frmlilr ha* T :• ' ftRRin ml la»t >rai '*Vir,,»««. TWy are iMrk Han- *>■ Uat |»«g| winner from M ptotot lb ntoaya "♦andyrr whtn m ftoctmnlx bncctfry unit ■"fhigaa: Male * raOer»«n M - Il on your "linn " for 4 angaw* tok « guy* Efnaa m and tm*t 'ha«9 to Ikk event with a 454 Ume. better Hun la*t >ear » # aafr rmi'i nov R aurkg. mm fam pboito mewW RRbi atojn s JJ* !•tow wteatog Itote; Rill Van ORto Male, low** ' # comfortable # barked b> Wallace « * JOHN Rha anltnr ttxnt gou a»« out and invito* h«m lo • toBtoJ^NMR nMrnbar Mi Ha C ole* and Ut ;i year* of dependable v*4unara fr«a Indiana i» optical service J U LI EE I word fy word Ha suit no mom "istAawd" witiiggai. no mory k>*( |»K W. i JENSEN CAMP 0Ot)hSei.M>R OPKM.NGS Ilk R. C. JON Ed , no mora worrying Rm4 lawmWR Rio pRofto —HmiJiJ mm far Faculty. StudrnU and hridmlr* — «OOED e — da»»n.«^. NIXON THE ASSOCIATION OK KKIV ATK CAMPS UK J R. , f uler ( arieea I l« 4u«l on* of many wayg (ton Tto It «Mto| mm toMtm to Clu ■ Brotftrr-s.- i optifnrlroU ' H Rucc«acer • . compriainf 250 outstanding H ^ i communication. tXto know AM, « aw Amyrtcw wtoob W . m *r.d Co-Ed Camp., lac at. :.»■ '• -wr N*v% ' " H'w dparker" ltoAlOWAlltrorHg.it IA ti Middle Atlantic State? and l •• • WALLACE N0TK .. I it in jig liMlri E l* Itf • . INVITES YOUR 1NW< IRJ»'-N 'v 1 * LATK SHOW 1 RlHAY MTfc AT 10:00 P.M. Aloyment as Coun*ellors. Ir.sUiK • Adnuni*:. * 'a ' " , OPTICIANS SATCRDAY ■ •• .POSITIONS in children .-'i- available. 1 Slate ».a»t Uadni — Theater B1** SVMN IIAIIVARfr "I WANT TO IJVE- GENERAL WRITF. OR CAl.l. IN FKRSON "HONG BONG tONHIUSfrriAL** teleeuqne l .nv.nr—147 S. WaAbingtoa ALSO - association or rim ut i ami-—on'i. 55 West 42nd Street. MKivvoAif mil mrwfl placfmrnt Binru' Yon lli Project Mareh A. Itftf h«f MSU Apathy to Disaster Plan (B> gree Rjrhrlitr'i drgrrr (Ml Is indicated, all degree level* Moirn are IIII Doctor*. Where no eligible to interview. OFKMNCifl FOR TIIF de¬ A briHiil Told , . , . CAMPUS CLAMIWBTM . . . . LOW COST HIGH READERSlflP . . EMPLOYERS FOLLOWING M.UORH Why not spend this summer Typical in America, Says Hannah W %K< M ft ft f. 1959 promoting world understanding? Itansing Public Schools AH S»r.mrt«r>- (») (M> l«wh- Setting recreation pie- up STOP i era. ! gram* for refugee children in l.anxing Public Schools All Klementary (B) teiichcrg. Germany is one of the duties Jir» there may In* an im- MARCH C. Ifftt AT The MSt' dtsasler control plan H.iUwnyr In large buildings us Coi.'f ftesearcn A: Develop- Much. F-ngra. (M) (D). Che n of those chosen by the Univer- 1« a device planned to save the often .lie the safest pi.icev and ediate need foi blood don »- rr.en: Co Kngrs. (Ml (D). Chemwta (M) sahst Servitv Committee for Texaco! ;h.« of thousands, in the event it is dangerous to In- near woi- Bob's :u ;iftei a d: a-tci. v».-h l Dl Math majors. overseas work. . * t campus crisis and yet it is dovv» antl door>. Ordfl • n iM ii . eapalt'e Vohi: - A!-. I* iv nicisls A Mathematicians virtually unknown to the stu- If should loU.i'ie.it-i.i- 'Hie cost of the project ts ap¬ vou get »-.ltlg'l! o t It i (M). Civil Etigrs. F'o: Ilist.dU i the two pe: - u proximately SHOO. A speaking . de- • u the open bv a tornado, tuu: mg t\li. Much. (ID A Elect. (ID K-tub-it! .lisinterest and apathy i.dlent i< 'lie ««pi.ids ot eight Whrrf t..w.-t t d!-.i-t. : controls, accord- at right angles to us path might take vou away from ro-ie M-r. might In •mri.l thin to (M) Fngrs. Appllevt (M> major*. Will discuss op¬ Mceh. knowledge of German would ba lM*netlcial Students who are in¬ Evtryljnd. exterv ive • ..g !.i President Hannah, is typi- Injured persons should not go I v I portunities available at the terested can write to the BSC, Slnpn r.l of American communities id leadei - In his area iis well as thai or he taken directly t«» Oliu hos¬ Army Ballistic Missile Agency, Jit Beacon street. Boston 8. Mass. utm siti v tiyhtUU, Another program the Experi¬ For AH pital. % team of physician* will Uld said that Army Rocket A Guided Mis¬ •We must alt he aware." he s» ■: - pei sile Agency, A Redstone Ar¬ ment m International Diving screen all casualties at Jettison train ink *»• eald. "that detailed plans base field house. senal, all located in lluids- takes Students to the homes of hern effected, but they are In¬ ^ nlitses know vilU, Alabama A the White foreign famiheis such as Span¬ T«*\aco IViMlurtn effective unless we understand Before, during a rut after dis- Sands Missile Range located ish sliepherds or Polish workers. them " "TV Best Friend ii White Sands. New Mexico, As Experimenters young peo¬ In the event of an enrn.v at¬ them (B), Birch. (ID A Met ple live with foreign families V**r Car Em Had" tack rl;i* area could he a tar¬ i ID Engrs. Chemists (R) f.,i month and then spend get t.ecauM- >•' its edue.it'imat. ..1 Mill nble A StceV l.ib Art* (ID A Gen Bus. iRi time touring the country in governmental and industrial re- •IgN I'll majors. Met. (B). Elect, (ID which the> are staving The 1301 E. Grand Rivn •ourccs Radioactive fa1 tout from Indust. (H) A Mech. tFD •sttinatrd wwt is SHOO to $900 a hxdrogen bomb exploding m Kngrs. Eur information write Exper¬ Eaal laming Chicago could sweep into this K nubiiet Co. A< ctg. (B), Marketing (II> A iment in International laving, area Gen. Bus. (B) majors Open Putnev. Venmnit. or KID. West astei control instruc¬ Credit Management Calif tions are the essentials of sur¬ Barkc-Davir A Co. Vaekaging (B> majors vival against natural or imposed dP-astris. This his been empha¬ sized by Norman Stcere assis- 'aid director of the office of Green Spliinli Set* Rliter Slum- Date TAKE NOTE ANI VOTE FN safr'.e services. Mernlxrrs of Green Splash, wn- plete the theme. "Neve York. Our disaster ennlrol plan h n 11 . » sw imming honorary, are New York " A dozen numbers nne of the most comprehensive currently practicing for this are scheduled, nut in eomplete of an* university Hie country. John rrnilt, director of nvrn's according to llr. > ear'" water show, acheduled April 23-25. according to mem- be. Carol S. hut*. Cross MemlHT* must have taken Red Senior Life Saving. jgis>- e*i a test of swimming stunt* Marilyn Detweilcr J division of student affairs. Tru- Approximately 95 girls will and >kt!l*. and have • 2 (I aver¬ itt has pushed this program from (ion showgirl costumes to com¬ age its beginning. A.W.S. ACTIVITIES Cnmpua Claraifie.la T»-e disaster eon tituais are: i'.u re*'! eat her condition w Your K»y to B« • tai»le for a tornado (or enemy .il'ack ) ".\ c-dng-torna to sighted and 13 Delia tor* . n , :i; hi: w ithin .'i* minutes (or < t"«f ' V a" o k the imminent > umversitv depJirt- Attend Alma . it rvf safety MTVms receives a m foivrt'i «r jueorrangist plan to alert key warning, it marts Meet Tuesday • iveishv personnel. Then then Thirteen MSB student* from pa * the wold to other* Tllft: 1951 FLINT TORNADO left In Its wske of their loved one*. All-fold Ihe torn a doe* whlrh A warning vs sounded bv a the Forensic Union partici|Mited destroyed homr* sml niAtiv tlrA«l I he survivors, swept Mirhinn between 1951 and IM5N look 151 thren-nunute wxrbimg tune from lives anil caused more than $41 million In prop¬ in a diwusamn conference at like the woman shown, f.-trrd tl»r iiiih.ip|»« Usk r* an en mi lop of the cattipu* A una Tuoaslay, The student* of searching ttvroiuh the w'rrckiKe lor the InnIics erly dAiiiAie. fog atation. This ton# is also «nr A1 liiefoki. Rt. Clair Shores tr,g all-clear signal. jimior; Margo Reyfurt, Birming¬ < impna folic# squad ear *4- lX*n Hailing, Flint trns lug wear will supplement the warn- the dormitories. Kentiieky Boy ('.;impii»-Hoiiiid ham senior; Junior; Carl Grtlfler, Weatbury, NY., sophomore: Jim Gilbert, Hang Ortgo, university #*ni- Oiuwar freshman; Pete Mc- tati->n sofety officer, said that the w eakest point of implement¬ ing the During an gmergene*. ttu« plan is communication*. Scholarship for 1965 Frosli Phenum, lamell freshman; Judy Peters, Tain West. Nigeria Tf«n DelYeo. Deartnirn *ophomore; freahinan; HoUarui junior; Rvm?«i, nh«N |« h, part «f tr.'a why aol kl TAMIIK'A. ■ (»■ ynurl When student* rep"H f«M- reg- elothing and hits. assislaneo for other needs sin- disaster plan »• ciroirdtuated by Umihis Black. Grand Kaput* J llnp r,«or. fcav, am l«. T\M i*tiati«>n «t MSB in I9t>.'» >»i pv!- I'.tikt i Win kf'i haixl running dents i| might choose to apvtivsor. the Disaster Control Center lo¬ senior. Dave Hheut*»tt«»m, I am¬ haps I SRui they w:M uutUde a errands, cutting wool and babv- cated iu Qu«*nset 104. Aittir-g !.» earn enough money Parker will major tn fund ain g freshman. Ellio Whipple, IIICA and aH of kh Htlk animal| In event of a tornado or. at- youth from a mining town m di*tnl>ution tn nc»>'idance with lamting #o|ihomore. and Bill 1* k tha »>es! shelter l« ut build- the hi!!* of Kentucky to; jM.ts.tage :>• continue hi* cor* Andi rson, Ludington junior frirndH art availahk at th* a: tatigetnenU a!tead\ awe) 'oil of rvmfotced concrete Lx- He is Barkei Midf, now ti t»o|H n icnee bv lb. E>iward Brand, director The debater* diMunel A mar* •■ Ad k o wt'S tHMTie.t when . ept f »r the residence buildings, years oM. , i.s «.f the food distribution cuirtcu- "k.v* policy tn l/atin America A few week# ago tv,« i.mi',1 it vv.i- w.uni ' he wrote. Nancy. • • following buildings have Uim at MSU March $ and 7. Barry Bough- "We tvh.i cold to CARD SHOP look forwstd Jit-' t«» 0"H!l »• c knew p w.t, I maraed with black and The National Tea Co. a!m< of- ton. Laivamg aopboinoiv and gi 4 ' '*e »he!t««r s gi *: feuxt Paikcr i»*rt-tunv employ- preaident of Uic Fnrenaic Union, other l»ovs in bis txwnp town, e I lie* i '.i1 du ' > w lieta. Hcrtrert, Lanaihg > ment itt a National Fo»sl at org and Charica 2lKt E. Grand Rivtr %gi lewltut *1 Engineering, And. I probably would have gon,- !.» even ■»)>«• i'' :t:c snow . , during his high sdioui and col¬ »ophom>vic. will Joumgjr t«» i basement I, Herket. Hrodv, Flee- vviuk >n tlie coal mines at Sfioit Somcd.vv EH leave here III go South Bend. |nd. p» take part triral l.ngineerlng. GilUier. Jenl- lege > oars and If ho dcairr^. a K. lanaini ED MiU Creek. to high *ch.x»| *ivd get me a j -U m Uw Notre Dame invitational son fleldheuse. Mwsle building. junior rxivutivo poaitmn when That i* all changed now. and send money to my Mom in* graviuatrs from MSU. lXtsite Tournament Natural Nrience. reslftwMo# Bails, .hi II all began about a year ago A: i I kid " and the 1 nhm. •xtudr *vhen Tarkrr wrote a pen pal 1 he hov also confided that he pure hast " .th.n anv buiMutf. M U re- letter to Nam» Goodman.* a hail never seen a hattirooni and "rrvirr* e." mended V.vt pgopl* be '*» • student *1 long Heath Plate iir v er had a ( lirivtnuv tree. St Wilv a partition p.m.. i ir .a I I'ollego In CallforntA. Ila said: Vi. * wna Paiker wee kountl ( or some e«»ser between thetu "Dear 1'n.xeen Friend: 1 know hi '-wgbt ?4»ge«her tot the tils! arid the blast Ti»e eouUiwvst Tir >ou will t»a »urj>tuwd 1 am 12 - -tunc on N»k'-TV'* show, It Ik (.ojtmh ill pretw aha. year* o'.d. 1 hvo in Siiort Crack i .. .1 Be You ' Stud# at d haf'a w.Ck • Pj mdes to T e in* U \ and the inorvdo- More ■■ ke 1 In tn the bollov My Daddy lou* Nancy *t,»,>d bv as the m.i - people keep going back for Camela .. a Hjiiili'iiiic works in Mom mind* the K th* uui ' u-> and my Thcr# is f« Parker with of iv.eio..mo a new- presented vaardr<»:>«. » than any other cigarette today. The ;*» l umber roll Slriki's llussia . 8 of u» It * aw ful i .t iei e and b.t.v. «•. a I LOnO gift cer title ate Camel blend of coatly tobaccoe haa •' Rtg, Stude w,*!er five/e* tw • . the stove. h;» fau-.'.v and 15 shate* f never been equalled for rich flavor and NKVt YORK 4- Instructiong ♦h 'High I van gativef *o:ne » • nt iv from Na'oua Te.v Co. *t»*ck wot". on how v» » i *.• a current i'.u ttie ttHHintam* t i \ .« *v h»H»l at S i o»v»» to he p h.m through hsgfi easygoing nnldnena. Today aa always, c . if t l are brcg broadcast to Christmas. Y the best tobacco makea the beat smoke. Nuk1« an change Die ac-'"> - ' H;u>o "\»m traivsnuUerr- of *• KOU I g.vena f«>r »«»i • w ell clothe* In addilion. the equivalent of Had in 1 .!* *:;.m n Wrvt Gri - C ib sex t >r my brothers *!'• sister*. Let $5.oiMl worth of National lea to, ii.anv an* »svw her# r, bfl me know. Your frieiid, Parker sloek was di'jNitlird in the II. V, T e -i n-v'.itimumst radio <*■ /, Rai M.:'*' McNamara Scholarship founda¬ net wo: k sa d there were tndi- The b»» sent the treens in a tion at Mst to tuiaiice four catioiva '.he epidemic was of ma- little haltered paikacr and Nan- year* of collrce for I'arker Mill*. death «r p? nH-rt >»r.s figures have although been no (lis- rv In turn, siat instrumental in Ihe rumpanv indicated tt ntav »r pou '*• (od» aito laser -rtf ... • ptoviding the ftnilh with shoes. *lso he the begtnninR of aimilaf C •••ei'.i *W ; ..rover toy caw.'* w;l ndfir ^SaV »—aSaV- —*fkS— -JSas • Get,# i eotor, K. .g -•»•* t' S an- pm gramming b?«i»dca»tti\f TONIGHT THRU SATURDAY Have a real II . the rmM uii-to4*tf tfiformatUm » cigarette- •vat'.ai '«• .n the United State* on f • vs ui c-uuteraot the flu" tWrs tlpen 15.45 MSU PLAYERS r: show SUrb I pa. PRESENTS have a CAMEL MICHIGAN t. S. Kuors DISTINGI ISIIFIt V EltSK OK A M A h NOW SHOWING feature* At: l:MI I 1 I M JAMCS • ft II • Ml - I K MURDER "Mavwoci IP IN THE CATHEDRAL IN THE KIVA or THE NEW EDlTATION BI.DG. , *M(t PQsftMwS^I'V Al l, TICKETS GENERAI, ADMISSION $1.00 Friday Mar. Cth "hi:r.%RATE tabus- "If he should get by you, Emma, double back for the Camels!" VValL.VRI.K NOWAT THE IN ION TICKET OFFICE Mi Maywwrth; Deborah Krrr II