« •.. Big 10 Swim Championships Open Here Today... *"» thrw-day M which t'nrl Woolcy, who sixth plaxx* I.ist year; John Urbanscok, prom* »■ diana Hob Blahn and Michigan State Jerry Chadvvick and Tony Th l u U.» ' -«•"».< ""•'•f'mr winner, start* thm afternoon at 3 isinc sophomore and Pete Frie* Kaufman exr.it ' ,iUt " |S0,,-,noU'r Jreeatyle final*, the first of If. Other entries expected to fixe »;.uwt performance* in the 1500- The eight finalists in one-meter diving will perform four volun¬ metet are Ohio State's George Oiu-kca. M»phnnnne who's strongest tary dives for the one-meter springboard diving finals Friday eve¬ •.'iTi'i'imv.'i '."" I"" iliMiin prrHminarlm anil in longer distances, ami Joe llenrx, and Illinois' Dick Whittaker, ning V ' l\ ," |,u'' «•- «'• >«■»«"»'» >« 'He new xx h » placed fourth last year. Four trams particularly are expected to gi\r rarh other the moot Tli„(*|.Ir Xln,r«l», . ,hl" ,hi. •■..U10.1..CC nici'1 AM ..! piihlu. Indiana has Jahn Park*, who* hr*l at lone itMsnrr. hut ha% hern trouble In the acramhle for the crown Michigan, last year's tttlist, frill., and nalurila. ai i-ju p.in when In.,:. tries Ondrt-M and Park*. h«*th II.«o» • hail from Hawaii Michigan Michigan State, 5-3, with losses from Michigan, Ohio State and | , I i|ih' nis will I,,. ti i> tVhan.m*ok, Hungarian, MSU* steuart from mi hi'UI kinala fi'1 |In I,. a i* Johannesburg* Indiana, J'4ni lii ■ Oula. . will I., In Seiith Africa The evening's MStf fnished second' in the lhg 10 meet last year Ohio State eh,en 111 r sin iwmls Krnl.ii The diving preliminary > and M-mi-fmnU will fx-ature xx as third and Indiana sixth. Indiana has shown the most improve¬ Ohio State's S.nn Hail .natnmal VMt ""a.'"'111 -'III.,11.11 liut'iinn-,.it '' nil. .111.,.,1,1 I,,.|.,U|,., J,»,.ja„| |,.„k. to last year's Don \ ch.tmp xxtio fini-h»-.l second Harper, ohm St.de swiiiunei not here ment this x car, due to such outstanding sophomores as I li II Mart on, -I'll 1.11 I ' ! 1in„,isii„ki.. ■ mi-.mili-r diiind. xx inner butterfly, Dick Heaver, backstroker ami NAAll champ Frank Mc- in,In i.l.iii; mi,11,1 ami a,III.,.,,,1 d,,.,.,,,, this year; Ron Hall ami Nat Smith Kalurda. MM, a! 1,3,1 ,h, la si Kmnrv h„t Michigan will have IMrh Kimhxll N't % % high and low He-ales Steuart Until,arlr*. finals f„r these Item, Saturday al 3 :u, in the I .Mm-meter and 440-x.»rd freestyle, MSU p m Imard tttlivt and runner-up In IW*. I out Turner, from the Riilixh has two other stars expected t«• heap honor* on the Spartan name. hanmtds's r.n'i s hulVitly, IIHI-, aid freest,l», llltmpie team, and Joe fierlarh. Frank Modine, who will represent Michigan State in the 1011 and -1 ."it l„.js..ir..he, - leii-urd ha.ks: ■like. 440->«r(1 I Two dtxrra. doubling as gymna* U"er.i,lie, .fu mk< and 4, Hl-yard sty Is, . T <>ung Russia May Sign Separate Peace Treaty 1918 h> the 1* S Jun>.>r West Must men ir jphan-iHT program x*u the And. of x ommerer la at 8 p m. in The Congress Raises He xx '! n 1 fj:t at day night voted to rai>e grade retpiirtmenu lor it» own -isUi WmlnpKiluy Kus.cia rnmy Tuit»eviiJc SC., ia the y..uiig»>st o' seven ihddren. all of wt.urnl<» Wm Id Wdf are x*>l'«gi* graduates At Van- The new requirement thF I! pencil treaty with Rn«$ • M. fll H TI'RItLvilli: • • Ip pMrrw gradt . , , derbllt tTuveraity. w4'«te he re- ct'tvnd th* H A degree 'it 1914. Tn.veisity preceding average winter l«Tli of the rathrt Pioneer IV OuFtunny—and certainly wit) ifivo it control <»v*r woatur# •.tsar: 2». a> 'be n-iniinuiti fm he played varsity f "»tb.»! and a runted tr) Merlin. Spartan Spirit b.i.sot m 11 ami the Mc'i'g Hi«n»r (''•uses' so piv«ideut of He S'l. l« nt A hHi/Uiy ('., grc** (sunt. la'c* d«-t>atr on the hill Heads for 11ns Soviet piatniei I'er etftnd iecelved the M \ degree at avfi'vivtl afuiul several pnqsw- l»arei>c*.Kie>k»n at pvevs • Wayne Regan* 11 Sjsiit.vi hrjded the department ml M*i- trie higher average nuunt «t 5:-1 |» tn. 1ST >t director said Wcdn«*sday paragraph lug tranphsUoQ lot| Ueilnes'i.iy »t a (lisfuncv J - ologv until IMS Manv member* felt that raw¬ ' (Jpiuuin. e regioiiaU will be on ing the requirement to* II Ni klaHit 37.HHO Itllies. iin XiiiUt ana Vnra Nino h 13-14 at Evanst-m HI He tws a • j*-« * dent «»f N »rth« i kt <■• until, a t. s. ma1, -awuv iu prod in lion. Note detailed Appearing beep imljf 14 hnuM land C» >ge, Asiuamt W',» that prrftidential candidate* *pe< ifted rti* IJ-pcHind H'*' * T'*"-'!* •fipr ftp wound up witi a Hrlm MudfBU may sign up and the t athedral" huddle fnr la«t minute inalrprtlmid M in th# ronstitultiHi si i It Min¬ forrhaoe lirketa tn Si# htudrnt >.sr at .19 the y«iifig«-.t pre* - get was hra led «m f mnd 'he that they «»t»- Uepfiil vniffs today between 12.30* dt:,- » xear »un exoharigap with ItrlhM t?n»ft*1 St it«* tuliunal amendment paaaed by OkalcMi wHiid otitiiiue t m vi.-tu- Primp Mlnlatar co • go in ' e • Macuiillaa M fm., and Friday,from 1-5 pin. k»und trip hum ticket* will r«»«t Fc.a! eve. iha'i •!»> for h« the enure studeul had?. Ails »he hfetmie nt th# uruv#i»e 'Murder iu tlie Cathedral* Moplow, Kliruohs'hev laid tt i' wii; D# In th* rceuMinf cofifuaion. the Tin- National. Spat# Age* • » thp Mdp about aa ueuai. da Tickets for both games will . g.ven from March 19-24. bill am »iiiei»d«*t. rean.eiated *ai l tti* 13 pound *pO«* meawrii- **. PI avers Display Drama Talent Br rexxUWKis'red, tat'lr»l. Uken off Tito Aevlet Vnies will alga | t'udenta will ix* rwiuired to g#r would pa** *!»•• i, -si a» * U.e ta'»U-, and hnaliy pa*.««*f aa dis'atice of 37.060 iiuiew fr>in it. •epornte peace treaty with Prpa kc i IS deposit, which Ail! Friilay DmhIHhp Svi f had begun. *ith4>u' any «»f tht f hey ralc'ulated Ha orhH - (Hie Grotewnhl'* t'pm »» refunded if the n«* ev*<: v munlai Kaal flrrnaa rrgim* | "xber id student* b mil re.«*h- Far I ali'itiiar i train fliaputed amendinerxt* around the w* would r*n«a Bv ND.t |>% TROl T Ike Mfypt f*lta to runts to ternto Fi.drt.v u th* !a#' dax *«» '«g- Included in Ua» election* onti- abruptly switches from A Kegattall gold. from 91.ItM »•# mil#* from the Piste New* Night kdller gled with Slag Henry II eon* *■ iv'.-r aii ufMvenuty evxHits fof naiH-e pav»--| ;• a rw hte unified ila'cv- nun i ,g tliffli •an In dtsrp eootiaat t«> U,e Im ,scl"r m t'-e -nrtng tea - I - it! elexUoh Uhid's clergy. burner, end secondly, the ensl *hrougti the SUte New* »«i Mon- lA>« '*««• ah»-a.1 of .»!»! >C«; * f»r Homer SPewart .»f the N»- h -ard caiendar w to'd to n.ii*u«a! sue* « (,.•> IViums (iantc.** them*elvee had dtlftcnlty enm- He Bold hm umbreils-do'to^ o . -J the trip will ocx ur g»n t»xin.i Arrtu.aulJr* ar^i «q.a- e The king had flown into A date* PeV.i.aiihg will begin 'he Siudentg may pick-up reserved caiesniar Chatftriah Fust Hen- Acin .nix'ia'asi a a! " e >.'•< * f* VISC Players snuwad thr«r p.«..Mi| i ir^ '• sets for ti* Iowa game I'cp- g- pi»»u* Wo«)d l»«u h . * » , .!,.»«<>ne nd bun of the arsdm b* .1 ,:r-! •.'«'t t<» *' • : " *t tiation arwt pmnaiwu will b« m > Uy mgtd m>. '.tw» prewnled I'erfoitning iu the Kiva, the by taop/.ig CreumuiiiM leaderp-* C ib section in 32» Student Sk i¬ p* if in to »if» sun ai M «. ch 17, bishop hcKJ the third Ttiursdav nt T N E.'tC* Murder 'he east had the advantaged of per¬ it es between 1 ahd 5 pan. U>- Si-rsiifc registration, Hcnmngvf and u fafthrrc-w pom' fwwn 'he in rti*- pluv opt4to as Ttiomas re- that wilt bp futile I f!a*>eiv (Apr.! 23 * and fin*!*, taf.dra fect aocoustua, pi »hst a whisper wtwU-m atliue to o. y, Regan all said. *ui. -»n S*-pf 2# tii.n* t<» ( anU-rt»uiy fr-an seven trie follow rig Thursday (AmiJ Fill* ehmel #i«#aRii«g nnHiii- stn'oud nix wd moan 'he MuUr Vehkle Reguiatten No .ng e*<.'itetiwre and simple hut (coding danger so'l dvatrur- the "good KtigiiNui.cn'* judging fi*xp eity. . !»i wtu» ()!»•', ivwred a -and «f .'•• II w a* Introduced h» a t >»ngr»*a ifj.. .mi x ir,..v4 fit nl xhaia' ter- the slaying. II# again otcunud Franco. radiatndi above tie *. ♦» !•»!, nying. "Winter shall nmip rr«4t|uliof) |>a«*ed Mednecda* i/cd ti «• production leailitig to bringing death from the »em " S>mple silhouette ytagp set- Tin'.no ami 'he United State* 4 re,a»r!e*i tnat g•»«i ** '••* %1k* night. The new ruling, whnh ti»- k-wih of Ttion 4* Hex k' t blip nnphoi/cd by Ink k light- trying to itae Uireats -if fr.rc.. -e rm?* gie tw.r.g radioed ' a> * 1 hey are knahrd by the prirsta n«u*» he adopted be the Mate Unfmiunataly once tne grthbig- ii>g addt#l Ui tin* xoiiibreiicM of maintain a«xxw u* w**.t H*. ri, view art added thai tan %ilea as I horns* enter* *a>lng. 'They the ceticdraJ Board of kfrtrultur*. suspend* h »p WR* slam, tiw pUy dwnte- Simple mutums an eiM-iavw within Ka*t (hin .iny Ike reguUtiemi between term* reported ne pew helu ml radia gi. a'ed. speak better than they hnnw " (with (h*» *?xx••p!i<»n of ov«r em- lid rn.Ias behind Um Iron Cur¬ linn dkseevered *• far heiond A# (tie archbishop, Al Aiken, pna.us 011 hand movements) oa- tain, The motor vehicle p»>5;c.r The *srtpt was written by Use Iwe hells noted during slier Fast I,ao*mg aenior, bad a tre- •istcd in 0m> various climaxed. v -uid then nunc if le with that Mmi fer the I93S I anlerhury spare experiment* «f the p**« iwl'.os memory reepxnwibility, Hepi at p*rfr»rma#M *•» of "Mur¬ Of Olm Health Center ♦ AWS, Dorm Voting : Festival presented ip the t athe¬ year. let interpreting tfp' often der in 'h« Cathedral" ore,ached* A resolution rwmmending dral. || renter* en the arrbhhs- j '.ne lowertrg the minimum ag> ff'T These radiation bei'» *.r "d- vague i*4Mto*i« of Kiiot, wbicn u'ed mijjigM, FYiday and ttotxos- unapfgmved hou*ir«g U> 21 fm lidrrrd a pcauuhie tf **' '•.» fu¬ tie managed with skill How¬ day mgiita, Slated for Tim lav bo'Jt men and women »** tabled ture spat* travei bv n an wnir-va IlllvrI MC Slnleil ever. at times, in attempllng to AW* JmiicUry Md procHcal mean* can he ct/Umed k«ep thp action moving in l«*ig until next week ftd furthe* Oiupb* (1,141 Prim giwdy. to "ffset them. II illi MSI I'ro f pav-ages. some mearung was lo*t hud women's dorm officer* I> David Ralph, a-sgntgnt V.c*wart ^atd h« .-a. Jeied ui tiie rush of pruawes. in IIH IHiici (outrrf thep ore today in dorintl .rux# probe experiment# r«*n- ApproacixNi by four tesoptors, and the Union. Presidents, v.«o- profe*»or of tifevch. *pok« tn si»*xe WKAR radio will carry ar, In-- Congress cm the piwipai» <»f pletely saUsfax'r> a/nougU tervkrw featuring Kngiish Prof. Titoma* U idfeied gitij times, Top prise wirmera to Union piexidenu and reisrcMmtativeA he said there was several -.hit 4* powm, "Coalition and glory after fVwril'k daotp marathon, "Col¬ of both boards will be cho.i-n. parliamentary procedure u * David Ditkatm, absent on leavp flexible guide for democratic that "we could have h--ped had today at i pm a death of martyrdom. The. arch¬ legiate," Wrdntwiay night in thp along turned out baiter. The interview, in conjunction bishop rejecta good time* xay- Union EaUioxan were: First, group action. Professor Kellog Hunt of Florida ptg. "You r^nip 30 years '00 G i ri n y Thrall, Worttongtaa, State University, is part of tfai late." He casts away the ternpt- Ohio, junior, and Stop Dowd, or» of power and cPlit4on with Hirrmrigliam junior; second* UNION BOARD WEEK "Voice ot armed at the Middle East America" program Dkxvax. ia currently teaching • If the archbishop caiimk trust th* kuig, how con he trust those Judy McCleery, Downer Grtive, III, *ophomore, and Dun Miller, vote who work for the king's un¬ Ok«iri

» ._ Itallruoui Hp received the first Distin¬ •layers approach the audience to freshman. FRIDAY state their ease, pleading ' dis¬ About IR couples competed guished Teacher Award offered interest" la having to assassi¬ fur the pizza and theater tkkol "CASUAL" by the MSU Alumni Asen. He has been a member of the facul¬ nate the archbishop. prizes, according to decretory «t •4:1(44—Conlinnitol Club Ballnwui Young ~ . Up event. ty lor mora than five yearn. % 'Dcrrmlicr, Jnnrinry. rcbriiarv, Mnrcli. April, Alay Lcllcrs lo flic Krlifor micliiifan slate news — Jlcrc 1 Conic, Itcurlv Or Not*' Oucstioncri v t> » rrid daily mi.-ltlg.rn *m.ie \f » •••• t . ' \ ... • by mh( 'a 7.v000 ktiideiiu >' • imm ' • • i t.« -» ' ' and turuliy v'. >«.■" ' • ■University^ lx»gal Iiijriils tanuoil ideal* enforced b\ i* • « 'lie ... . . ... • wtinrmu i .» ■' f student •' to the lihtor: dent court r» ift 'he even !f^ n. • toi'«. t tie treking '■> *r *» the fe*rn' ■nivet of hie mist office of a dean lemea afrtrn* | lo hattie em •• • • r i> * nether it . -i* »•» from * r hie mr. the vhikd r>f tee areortated pre** i- • pomlem of iliutent-lartill * • .»«- mm* appeal lo ihe president liert ic life '•! 'lip atvi.tr ' • <- ihe ttitltendl* or aa a m«| re*, ronflict primtipta hip to coitimcni Vol. 50. No. 117 Thui'Hiin.v. March ft. 10-V.i l'atrc Two t.iml* i.i !i.g tht* i ight io t* gulale to ihe atale hoard of agn.i i.pon hit* unfortunate siiimihmi hire l in the following letln the a- fi \ 11ics of the •dnd. n;* i fes'l that the problem of the w' ji,,.. ,,ri th« .'.on(in*. crossword puzzle iVia/if if atiou-diip of the kd'oin '.tiation i* (vminhchtcd the a unlet k to eo \* lo h c ng titiif i* lug u. ati'.'l"*gi nwn - Staff acioftl 31 turn left b* the alliiude «»f ihe off * [••cie.i'ct i h-r !h..' hi. ' night i.iuor pete mall, %s*o|aot no. rui • theetae 31 shoilly ef thi« a. hool il.inndja< .... _ h.i- ... r.gh' 'o kiafi v« lino, iwiet .it' intelligent the r|ur iii»ii of n." odlt'lton i* icgill.tu- 'mr •' f vi i. ol the "du¬ 1*4v a«*i, l^fm rh 4 qu i! <4 % 33 spare tune 4h1c frf pnma.il* eompl. de - rtic* arc he. c le.oti rl< af.sk. feather ration arm this inijmutan: «r-g not to («• iii .iill . a fli'ii "> t»ti? nlnht «4 aietr hr% ho 40 affirmative 10 new ii inclined infill of legal pi otertlon is oolvrd zealand walk* a* atu-h.gai. st.»tr b> appa. enll* ,Miclii»;tit Slate i\ews» *aterp-l!a© 13 loop and uistittiting ttie ajrslrm of tin 04 one of « knot riniiflil# limited author it* .»f ihe schm. 44 *»ea g,.d kj»i i aooiiig mo tiigan tribe summit e.munimj-a'lon in deciding the •l.t* * *!..»ui.o iiocugb k.nta> imiuove 4, ma i rn need f«t« 4»f an* atnricnl who has 111g lein>* ». rekh during summer trxris st « a i 4? railing solution of veatarday'g fwagle m after**** ■ n i>r' •• <•*•- suniiner and i.*11 inm. tmnri; •* i 31 trite charge*l wi'h en* leg.il .ndei 'be att or ma.ch 1 lira a* 'he po*. oft.■<*« i 35 raise 5 m-i-wal 11 indian v ofmne. oft eit.u » body naul 4rnrrr4r. leegr. smttlla itaom, n*m oneself he .appeals %«. i i <|ii pair » diloi i'lnl it.tllli»cli m tnwaed down tdilmiln i ..rt until it ire maridrn, w in mmnell hrnneli 3 mcti. at 21 r.iiimk the iter© • •'a rimm manager i roe wit sll a;' r tv the que-iiisn of the icga! ugh-. lark i imigstriin. jl4m«*r _\n(mi n.< m metier 4p..fl« a s4k.ii tloi h'l.ps 7 he in debt t» seed cow-boy* ml w»e efndmt tar nppr«.r the uc snrltli ir.'iio titll.m 1u.il m"bk ami on»#d out a ,!«■• i nlglii niton n»l4.i ir.o.i la pair tea m rrn . .vim 111* 21 k.ngdom eniiai of the p.lnnnotreti.m who smll t'at ktel'artv tela waller*. t ta••hied mam ii italia* 4 english to mmutei 21 near la arttrm ■■ a judge with no ■ill i ricksnii iakrlbrr •chmd ahbr lot nlghi p altars kaadra doil- 3k> goddess gqjpaph' ai>i>e«l m impoi'aoi ahan. tangra i egata. jeaanlflh of tin* ei t wrhaw mxnnee d tare iiave l.jrkta*. wslr 4.|utfr. lint >"•{! T~ r- r- T"■*- r- 5~" tppfs*" *' ' " c rr j 27 dogtt.a .'w_on k beetld *»hs> he* oeeii di.«mi«se^i fn»n vngravrr* ine'iiii %l rirrteiie. jtm »'ad- hill hirlinan r| ot-hmd «mr .*7 jp mdrumenf meteoro- w jr 1 7 logical line u w n tt z It tt 42 mounts.* rides 44 molten roc® CAMPUS CLASSIFIEDS lEj TT 44 dad 47 cnbbme ed 2*1511 ext. 2 w W it 1" markei 41 everyone _ nfrpbi.>e grit rai d itrlianizatlon p in fit*' fw>or. MorrlH, ri hi ai irv t4tmmirtiat CLASSIFIED rates 4 (• n* t'athoiu- student cmb ntarva4adi 7 p ni al i 'newi minimum h woith HOUSING PERSONAL tei vafcfri goffer hout, n 3d p in J'ja rhwiettt sket * m%l 4 marri.r. 4it imi »a , i day i) FOR RFNT lu>e BACK.AHM. u< ... v tee* awirm an marhaiino all nil hint mini m juil ^a k*rl w , -di a- • Interpreting the JSens iitt aaaiir 4 arnivac raim4i m a*4n 7 days l 4b w" heuhimv wourkr ranch u p- wt'sle* house jft tiiwui* i.. i $ m 1nt«iiri«lk i a tl hi it in t 4tmminil. n ro k. .« « days ....... »i. . i.,. ,r ■,?• *i s 1 fill liamma m 4 to p in hmmhi*r4u u>..i g«, * . !.* i g t.« a DuT*«nt e> 4 day* $2 • * 4: ,■ .. .1* 4 1(41 It REAL ESTATE 35 union hu tint min¬ ,. ..... h« j m kottlki* t p 11 tw ''*mtg ear* .toe . tttimteht setvnwa at*** taint 1'ini news %nalv*l dless* i day! so . • «»w >.w rear cie eanrh »»»'r I'lenhlimit Klsi'iiluonT, IVtmti Mmieter MmitulUift ami nt ar i' an till 4iianmit i'mninti an tile strap lt«r\ ~ additional chartsfcs ,v ;14,v■ .f«eltta "• n* Premier Khrunhchcv all mmit» atdteniimu \\ e.Hitfwini which 7 13 p in , it lint.ui so. twl it re* open lo van inw intci pit'tttlum* !So Man, Even Dalles. ......... ... — -- ' i i m "wtli 1 - ....... ii.. w «•' 1 -h-i . , # . ho.it aiml ill*. usbio! an».*ri ' ' "i" >"ii k dui'-e* ' iirprtrtl lieiiig r*x»v * • 1 t senhov. • i i ho pmliabn * ll u i,.n * * be ihsiuhi will follow a' h. the! '•»' '• * "•«* - •*-' *'*• n»*as u». 1mm...1 ^ r .. . ,s, u|t\ in c « !•.*«»•« aiiuollw* a' '.ou > 'o vouutei |n>t- mama t\s»»*'m»e m»vtte*i automotive *. ... >« »•»...,., rn .• iiar « ! y,.« u iv »:i- mi'ssi r «r'ks f Imlispensihle to I S. . mar i in ii 1 hi r 4 mama ararimlnts ' that . .mnt a.mii he esp'* * ielati.uis w h jkw irt has..a to get by o\WKH i . s 4 mttir 'w«> »<-.* rrhsmi 1 ki> atm •-j y- -•••»! • »• . t p . mild a . . i a gfium.. i'» «lii g p. a|ul os •hi. h * pu mart n-latthei l'li*p«#l in ♦#' .jig "•*«*•. 11 l»l i4ir n mill - ihe following eolwmn ia tkt drat ef a wrekh vi> j gi- bd * jk«' u11f»•»i1.g u»mtiicw ,.\e uuiy opei a ions! mltmiar dttarit N p m Tai U'tf W'.nueui aerie* in whirli political aefeoee alodenu esp.es* 4hrh vtewa on i wf« ' 4 >«•**» ihvi can' ..not n be i g htsai nieiiieut m«n i urlrat la.uugr l!«>ioti wtntritl poll ilea * • i »t f irm# it »« m he h..d ..*• < to ktuu»hchev »!■ aim rl tllrmiii 4 iiriniian h* janm m miiiaali no a tori < « th*t haa fat.en ui*m» oi»r turret* rv ... iii i iiaaniiif th» in i* ft irt ii ltd why pay rf.n r t < t , inattera whuti i -or a toil list hjr 7 3d college hooae he* p m . of itmh been rif*eive*i bv mans with *atu.u* leeiiuifa. i4>r - ..ll fiealunenta tlli rt» ttie sutiuvt. ore .some h*\e aeen it a* a trial* ami other* »» a blismnv* <43k ol tsmoi ah" mil a hi i a hi i a i hone that ho|re*l for the rmi of our ••brinh«ii»*n*hi|i" ere » -u ^ (i.. h t p n 34 i una* hen ."ed moo «, a> *^ uia t*p . '' i— » '•> "f ■ i I or .4 n.ight rv nki til h left rbnoluleh ho doilbt rtmhlt ses l>li'i«»» |m»«lfii»*| it i» nt* *4» nil i> . »• , p n- di id.ion mimive hint hevoini pttblu' ot offu'ial opinion. 1het« «ro o-v • SERVICE e toe hi > g *o a /.'M" • three ihinp* fhd' *au remold john eoater hillilm fioilt itia i rllrr. o!inr ili'rth the'' pieahldic or ibiliew hlineelf. i 9 • n .,.(*# iw.nii w . ■■■ •>> be e» e'us'.e«i rre.r 'he.e h*a l*ee> ittcham a an-at**? ac'o sa.ts SiuffSluilciil it. »..« a. • 'han en*nigh said i»r u.*: end fi.t • uei ne «>ni» h »•> ;c ,j>,«.' .' a.id *>• ilia i >tge 1'he i'naicr • • i'a".. w*i • < •" ts*l t'ttil cot — y e ».e ilut cm'mivh' » a. ■ ^ a* »i .» he.e a*", via ..upiwanui s one. 'hat ihere ain rt-tleper.*:b e a»«p-.est ««.imi>mlii|> i, i ■ i, m a on >h **■> i*".- nit - u. and iw •• 0.** fhe*e ne. ate wiooo. bab e*, the 1'iest io*' and thrt»wfu« with • c* |aft&a nj . f"'. w4tir'0 art av-m » una bah' of di*l*ep4n*a!b4*g|ion«k • > • • tl,. slttutci a n eiv be .» . . c*l tl* K w.*'.e4« 'die s • e *1 'he fa. • »a la..>.|a* • - ' ,*ia»* \.i |»u ilk » w-.i d tun cowl.t#t %u ».t den. ..a It* |RtAk4AC f gget oalliiiiti » - j" ,n« ti'.ca h* ta *ei • italui* * *1 atsuctui* »>*'ef»k te*« :n*s a 3 b 2 #. e 1 kuoii i sea lieat* u lb. eat lu the ldil.tr. i. .so i. • ,*ho ate <4 . '.ed.to i*ium« the vrtkooa pun.'ione khruaj*. f%ev an • s . . • . « 'be tun* tkoo id * i v> \ ... t> a.'s- e»;r.i a 141 <>ui g>>*ei ml" •lira's a .'h i . lit i" •'»» ! h» \\ «» :». • . • • • .. ,i * .*• eu • ia. "n'.utlaait* i a hotel membera i niwwchable g< .ertuan w men . - r .•as Mil. a .« .1 v'udnot it' " * . t . * -we i. " • lulaia. a- •flirt hi»i.'c* hat ih.in *ni! "• > *a*: un.e *'»*"• aga " wv'-n* er * s.ue 1 *u»t i«.»*a as* jiiee!• " h* «*»m t kl» • ;!u i.i »*•• . . ise- u »kt tee . : g » ,u spen*;i. e man 'mi *rfl '.he i.w i * ..xvie. ■ .y *e• * |ket he niemn ti e ;im') * it . he *> eo v» ■ • • -.w ..,*«) d o". • 4. we- >• r tt** appro 00 as a irpiacru".. gee uryti-r wayf i>*»••» '■* \.. uii.vw - ■* !*'g«- 9 ui icitki'ie -.4 s ri*, itmnp hew. and etnp.;***.;'.f a* ..***» wa - dl.arigv* 'it i*.or# »iw ■ «• t- »» • ». !> i i" >\ iic ■ is and '■+' «a - •, "e 41'k.i • • »♦ h*» l> ,t*e g...dance at'' tai-- 1 if 'h iv>au t osmriir, i ■ deap.'e the ceteot n.di '• '■<■* ,w oa " \ • , ... *p. ion ten t*ui bvili if.'- hen it • s h g\ * tn.-k- ■ lhal 'hrie ca-t i»e o«i* mhf rm« a: iwg auit* .«i petit*-'vav. m i*f !»•; u- • > »' i»gt sen •• .. 'or sall ha ul<) skrvu i -ca u» * • !r ivicnd n; sp« ( e '»« '' r we f* e . ' t na' -- « iw -c ' • •' ...ie.il* nev «::d ■ il-(••rnian ke'tlw * ■' a . .« - «. ■ . i ro j s»«a v .. ei men lou a «• utpuurhab.c* reaponx.b.e .a. * *0 ihe *aie» fiee ;ube . i*e n.w* tl't vm» '• t 'ertri*' - , un h"4hm4*!h» dim in •ten'dent an*» :i-.«r.»e.h e« fh« * n*»«- en ••*• * '**•»' aiect < - ' umphvn'ata tradttii«*« , h. > meet ng lien on and h:» p«*i,. .e% 4 * »{(ii h*».d og ihe foe .ink of the mel-o-kta?e*« it ;av- kind two rtwu- »:i# «« •to.is ois 'he apul h. «< » w t tarult* should it • .um» vv.• ess 'he 1 'im.ii for 'he < \a' of ducc* be » ».• *•■:" *. *• ** - .4114 * |eie« w hh the dt vri.s'' •' out *• each st'idi'itt b* no r.e ' *••••■» h.-s i" ' ** • max wfw m ail puipw«e« w** iitcwiden a family jiwihy src«k ur *.i» .» .ev t n *». a . *••..< • .a * ' e dmetbri * tne ..a'uutct, lahcrn'.ati adam* • te put' h -k no*. \ a*t .nuvdento un> .no * employment bt.hr »•*'.. e a s'r 1 r;\» Quality mcichahd si 4.ffe*erue >' the u; • *. .... w here 04** n* i.* be doa<* voort;«w u.k hi* •fw'.v* with.h»t 'puh'ic «*ipp. . dv-pr"»a:t> e aod irtuacd ha icnwf h m adams had ?•> es'gn frf voiat. marriromtn iw-'smc **»!• v*: arte*. ♦ and o»hi-.'» ( ontac-t sreidy krvici • 1 •. 1.1 -cert rw an tnttx-vtirg .. «: llffire moor* hv* own toiiti.oi buu v r agent* l\ 3 11 (aus.'.ur- t>*>* '*p» nf » m s >■-uld f»ce 4 fa. hoi.i* v. . open cn.oei* they'd. ha\# »•' ,*«t i fie .itcauieii" * *ai> aa ha i* the leader — |ae *r ihi he*' et i» • pohvy formulating group tor ;h».*e rrt »*•. aire!* pt""»a iv i r4! i# a .r -it a m :n v»ur • '» dwteuali k w ast uakf n tie «?eo > < oil,i vers ske ,rr* ing In- ia WM. H. THOMPSON | 'f 42 tor «as phesna iv ir» year f'*ad#r ie»e'*f who »u!l uursi. on eeliing h a«t* ia*»i» gr»»ug», take a c'vee .«>,;* tetore kr**p uiihu brvauoe rrtudent*. an l v» a * he*« iv i07*t u | e pmln'uwj onv% br'-ne al posigon FOR SALE kenny davis OB. hetttr.a ed- oi :*'■ .*! cvanv* m.»ke u.» keep. the i*ff:ce of s.x, rt*r» of state, w hich a*, one time operates* m expert term paper and th* tl • out v»fti»n hwtta ui rtimnti to the shadow of the prc*i*!ei»- ha« under john fi«'r, du'jes a' - '.-•ulng un an electrie tvpewti'i" * marty jamir.non » (een.yeara experience. iv i-rr*s »' < trs- to tamest a po.*itu*n of tnf'.uence and power never k-.. •« be-.ue «a- j dlxie-lomd band partir* daiue* «*rvet 3 coffee hour* are al1 ritht uouai.v o» internabonauy wchuhe concern that ha* o*e;taken the nrcoratfo c akes m -ivehed tuner>1« t-41 w>»x shav hick's u4un0tom*t t'*r mrtki* h'-.-thdarj-a many other p., "arge geueia quest.jii> pf. nation over dulles ulncm. it ig difficult to de'etnt. e whether .4j3 f. michigan uelctiotm pa»''.es res*.—abta ptt.e* * »'e queatu«na and piobwnu. can kcw-nhowet or duuca vt 'he ila faela 'cadee of the ame. . an peopia. kwaa' haae-v d* *-4r?*4 t( for acti* t* ollt dio# of# fot silf s£t» attention' take 4m* » be disvu**«t private1* • on the decision* of tfrt a.! *tg and elderly gentler, art hang the rastnib african' ne'e rr.-»her* of deft* aigma s-» f -iibed and' dtf c *•»' hounds o an ir?; u,-:or canno* kmo* futures of sou'aint r e *>f our naboftf and of our a''c« yet. ?h;« s. kte*« rtdwrtmr •h. h hated pure nr.'.i 9 ®u1: u • "tiallv c-eene. wi shciallzk in oko# iced eiieem* cw exl-efenl upe tl'- mgh' il.1 jl** the fr.da* night i« the iun0lss fo« studcnts o' the existence of a protvumi is «v< bcxon.1 our reach in it ju*t that western naudh* have to iw4 party vuu nave been *j waiting for t»i« m«l unlc*» the s'.uvtenl comes to hbr. mark time because ou> scvietais of state t» tit" i* h tust that an i-oioasa: extravagant.' iv 4 i4a7 magnlfi.-ent partv rou have > _ ^ THIEF] racxxin coat \xn\ similarly, atudent t*rt office formulating .policy which affects the ettiren ta heyoftd she te»*orvabie ever sern n y thmm zthl* i transportation' a may ciwtwrt sharon rh.wies r.d l-cgu ab"ut the frtda* part* \ol the j jn.ow of some area of talent or reach of that, cit: ten" you dcvide 1 for one feel that he cabinet 41 detroit snnoie realty - rhe _ state /..capability in himself unices an should have aohective responsibility much at dw« the british tciating here ft ,* c\>mmene you inter". re- gn.wn w»th ml alia, went* arthur kherbo ha\c no p ace here | 'cc! sorry toe wr. dulles, but our prima.jr original •"'r' » *per»».;-»ti i ansa p»u-i- typing, tui" papfrs »'wl ever f-av make us «>• oile; e*mtcern ah* nod he mm new cms. i *Md department r| argliea rntmm m m fo"' 1-itit c"nucl mu~ hr* et. e'a^4. r«u"»!a»b.e iv p-ah I PIOR rn n4 4e4twvg. ; rv* ■ v : *,wr".,;'W- ■ »*•• .-*•»«*•:*.#*#44*. r -A ♦»*-«.-. ,40V -.«• ^ ". • A..*•*•". ».- ■•**»*,» >■•■' ■MhP-Va'-V.' :' ' -■ s ■' .1 ffr •. !'*?S 'A u .,. -f MHIIH.XV ST\ir MAM »-"•» »« i -i r > « , >■* * . Mirth S. If»*i1 / Lienor to ljroottrar.t IM U I Ml V| III III \\ Whnp rtr- .V:/ f It I ill it- w v;» I Mt nisi .mi' lUiiiTitirttl* .ii'l ; I'. - '• T • Ihil it'll'1 Kit mil in .1 hull* ^•1 \ IM || ll. I'l.Ml • " Vl.- ! K*»« !»-•' - ' I" • s. ■ . ^ , , a Mo ; -Mi. \ I' \l - ■ II i ■ Ii . i. 'i I .Hir, I -a il«f« K.i ' P. • . I'¬ of k ll i \| S'.i S ll !l P ( |! " a ii . . M '. V." I - * * m* ■•• i m» w itli li.ill Y, M Hp* i ' I i riiiti|i|i*.1 I • • i! M. Alt' ip .! • iriMr"»r*, IMtirl ''r i 'uup* .mil . c. 1M ,v Ihr vtit » „ I. x VWM - HI- • m'-pV-* pntrr ■ . 'I! , M . "! s . n{ I >*i ininu p ,i l >h|p * nt tin llip Ml It* f . I , . 1. > A 1. II r\rl.iM»pnl. llr* . It • .•"(! .tp p\ pn |»il»'il ml - -P. > Ml'!: . \>. ./ \| t '.M • ' «? f 11 I i ' ii'tr- jrr fur 4. I «i>- i* run i |ii»iitill I'.'. ' ■'' f \; K ■ . P . . . • I t —I -• •! I . II !i xii-wi'i- ••! <1.1* 1111111 telex i*iuti will -until ^ •«» • " I' . to- ' I' I'! I" iri: .« I.I'A o'll I"1 'k W hen I\.I\ I .* ilr. ! h»» Women's em- \i>. - .. M !«• V\ MM! I \ »l»ii* imim-ihui, "I nilir's' I line it. f XV-. k lit. I \1 ' f'M «• ; ' ' v' " • ... .... ... ... A • , . I'.o. i -it 'hi- I- 1 . a ■ -i. A v «■' Mad (I *Mt<* \rw» IM'.'I.. IK II I. . to «... I llH.lf (I <1,1 W ril V.I I HNi ;M ill F!,. |* \ V !» %M » M \i: \ I 111»N |. f 11.11 HPP 111.II ttliou 'I - I I «• K I,« («*" .«; f I'. . ■ . . IlKlfr. \lthp:| HiiHpi I* n ii' i: li 41 thr I iiioii It ■ lli until Srr slot} |Mue .ijinn ;i,i« ilea ' Ol- .1" Oil I ..I'll - v mrtlr «'"p am thi i ».i •!!«. :.- 'v "-.a,try 'piiritf • I' . {.r.M.t. .. " M '■ Mat (Hi IV I .t.l I'.:... *• 'iiouuti Kii '.iv limit I I :»«» • . jrrf.* . ip ti•':■ i« !"• 'A MS|t I .*• A.f* HP I*r, So. .<»!■ ii..! a.i* INne'enr 'JVsIs Dan • • «■ i"io',( f.,- i -Hi iM ijiijosts a., , A takp Mir at'IM" ' ..i\ "m- i • -t.il Mm ■' ' X ' •I '!•■ I! ' \l Hop llir ba*lr nnrrasr -irra nl I- »; I 'Ms ihaunri Hi. within a Ha mlip hi 'icmi'wn Wan Is Talks V. ..... . . .lkrt> I.nl A: Alii .'ill Am 1 -4! • ■ a U..' '« .in- " •'< • 'It «'• IM.e ll .» rail ill* uf Ihr OitiMiiiaga Iran* lititlpr n| I 4ii*ina has a pHipnlial aniliriiip 1.7 K • IMIU a ml iiirlitflr* Ihr l4i l**Hii II4IHp I rrrk A ' tit- . !'.' .< K. npii ■' P. Hut M (|{ ! |,,'i .1 ' I■ • A ■' I'll IrUnglr 4 nil I hp illlP* t»l Hillt. ill ' (ili'in 11. N'< * .. . it' ,,,011 i (n the 'AIH'I I- Co!:! War Problems . .,1 . • ' . Kal.ini.i'HH. 4nil ^ |t*il4illi. ■ ll. K" ' I Hi \IP' ■ H n ri !i. Iliin h.Hl t* i ♦' 0'« a • X. • -H h t.^. * In • pit C4..U With llir i»Mi|»pr«lhiit ot K: A! %l:i II 'I A III |H.*.«r I tiiiii niPln. *.nnplp iti*hr* «»f lit* Ml' "f Pp! ; "I .111 *!•■»■ 'il' I Alt k I* • 'Hi f% in Hp p.i.ti!i.i%i/.d lh.it hi* talk* ll.lttolMl (ihiiI* «»f tint «iMintr* S.i,; 1' a ■* fil t it .1 on P ■ 'It. M. A I IV.I 'It' .Hill |!o\ Hll>|)l'.l w itli I'rpinipr NIkllj Hhrnihrhr* will hp fp.iluipii lorriKii *«"* 1 ill". A o t lirtt'K !t-< M f'»r MariufJtciui «n W* in. »i«*or wiijmn* tr*i* i1<- nt* «t Mv| will in in nip en* 1 ami s .'.Hfiamit 5 Wi'*t OiPiiN wnlr ilinrrpni p* l»r ., (pi t.i in mr nt ! ' H M Mi. '1 IH1 (M Iwipii ii* hill ttnxiiMPil imp •oliil '■ H M ■ V \|i-i p 4m i>lii(ili*ltiiu ii| in iiiil of |M 4tr xl via,, h, , m , |in g,« * M»r» i\»*' '-g I' .A .• . . . . » • ' r FREE wn.x r\ ii.i» n* K\V I VHP « . . hrw I\ hint"'** i • r lti*cu«Milll* M > • . ii t \\ MSlt f l\ o| " • Cliii'iioo Crol ' 2 t p.iHon I ok)-. IIimiI Itrt-r or Oruiiiir ;! ttudm w huI# of mi *< To \ isil Here I; mitli 2 — l(r». (liir llrm l'i//n J !• mi- it i * rinp fit* a wprk *lir w»U P'r* ■ It i* hi* Itnpp Ih.tl Ihr wmnni in ihp *li'Wliig iuillriiip will Hot :j III.I.IV KitV <1 IMI. - It.lll A.M. iisnihoivcr- \!amiiiinn 4!Ml la. , ■put pi itc 14 in a pititlral \nuthpr ila* will hi in* liuiitr iiu»*inf hr*il4(p lo mr 4 nil trll llir w li.tl Ihr* wuulil iiMitniiiiii' 4tr Willi VARSITY DRIVE IN I hp Mrittsh Irjilrr pUm tjlk* In luht one uf Mir nn»*l t4lknl atmiit .tint fiPiiuriiM* un*li»li»ri»i • Ilkr lit M'P I htipr Mir* will frt I (in 2U.-.I7) j: lav Split Hal I'olicv in I'nri* Hill Ituiili nr vl wrrW -with I.tulip I'mtdriil ami r Imn» fli-trlm r Ih.f Ki.nr hI |Ip V.-.V.-.V.SV.V.WA'ASW.-.W.V.SWAW.-.ViV.-AwA !\<;ro\ ^ilniaiipr Hp will Ip**p ».»p imUtr-r Ma. \\ t*hiii«(***»■ *»<■■ -n >,n-.ri-. • • . pr *n«1 I* r* • a j "EVEN BETTER "»*rW ].h tivHiU# THAN ^ •LA STRADA !" * ( ■ N|«i«itt a GIULIETTA MASINA ( (JabirIA Oiredcd b» 1 . '-'61 FtDtRiCO FUUNI P^P ' Ffrtat 'id O.no De V- i ^ Ic.td'.ed oji Uftfl liNrn, »f»c. Ai (lliiliiin ) i i" \ ■ . m ThuruUv ahA Friday, T'|. yv'; March I cad 7 4'i 7i00 X 9:00 I' M. FAIRONILD THEATRE Ailmioion i Site v Sportstalk Cwim Crowns on Line MICHIGAN STATE NEWS Kirch 9, 1959 Pate Four Coslello Had Room Will to Win For By HARDY CHRIST— State News Managing Editor In Big 10 Meet Hei A (iROUP OF $ISU athletes who have the necessary will )IJ.YWOOD bTV—Corned iari Wall will defend Its erov m to win, determination JUl/1 rujrgrerinesft needed for a winner, Many of the defending cham¬ and Big 10 champ in the 440 as well the 1500-meter. Hanley Th# last event, the 40| Lou Coslello was a busy man pions will bo back this weekend as compose the Spartan hockey team, which is enjoying' its will also be one of the contend¬ medley relay, Aould be 1 but never too busy to indulge in for the Big 10 Swim Meet. finest season in that sport's history at MSU. ers- for Stewart's Jitle In the440. ord-breaker, sine# many The 200 and the 100-yard but¬ sports. 400-yard free¬ teams competing have It's a group of victory-starved individuals who won't terfly races have the defending Ohio State's Horseraring, baseball and box¬ style relay team of McPhcc, Bill surpasses th# 1:59.4 tim# I ing were his favorites. quit, a group of good skaters with an everlasting: determin¬ champion and record holder, Van Horn. Bob Connell and Tom the i ation to leave the ice with a victory. Tony Tashnick, on hand to rep¬ He once operated a huge resent the favorites, the Uni¬ ranch in the San Fernando Val¬ They've been a tough hunch to beat this season. In fact, versity of Michigan. ley"" and was a member of the the icers have already surpassed the previous season vic¬ Tashnick won both events as tory high (11) by winning' their l.'ith and 14th g'nmew n sophomore last year. He C alifornia Thoroughbred Breed¬ equalled the national jnnrk in ers Assn. He raced a large against Michigan Tech last weekend. To this total they've the 100 and set a new American stable at one time but nt his tied once, and lost only four times, two of these losses inat'k with 2:04.2 in the 200. death had only two horses. Bold coming' in close overtime battles, Hill Barton, • lloosirr. should Ha/noVa, his pride and Joy, and place highly in the 200-yard Buka Bazooka. SINTK COMING TO MSI in 1050, Coach A mo Bessone butterfly, though Just a sopho¬ The victory bv Bold Bazooka has been looking' for a winner. Not before this year had more. Joe llunsaker. who was In the 200 and third In K one of his teams played better than .500 hockey, although second in the Hollywood Starlet Stakes the 100 last year, will be hold- „t IFIhwod Park in 1955 was last season's team turned in an 11-11 record. Ins Illinois' hopes. i high point of Costello's rac¬ .■ But with this season a new era has started. The leers ing activitie The sprints should he close, I — To" Ix'ii. who died Tuesday of already have a 11-4-1 record, with promise of more vic¬ ejcriting races. Iowa's Gary IT Wll.li III. A I KIV YEARS before Ihrsr frlloHi will lie old a heart attack, it was the equiv¬ tories to come. They've yaijied the resped-of rival teams Morris is the defending cham¬ enough !<• ruler the St. I.oui* Cardinal lorkrrroom hut Bob DH.inilm alent of winning .a movie Oscar. as well as the fans who follow them, pion in the 50-yard freestyle, and hi* hrnlhrr. Jim. seem ready to wait. That's Stan .Mosul looking • VVlm'.s On First.the famed and he and Fred Westphal, last out the gal*. (Al* IVirrptioto). skit he did thousands of times year's close runner-up, hold the WITH ITS IMPRKSSIVK record, the hockey team is also wiiii his partner, Bud Abbott, ;22.l record together. was indicative of Costello's in¬ tourne.v-lMHind, almost assured of a place in the NCAA MSU's Don Patterson, who Former Boxing Cham/) terest in baseball. Boxing was perhaps first of tournament at Troy, N.Y., March 12-14. The success of this year's ice team yoes hack four years, placed first til the 10(1 in the NCAA meet last year, will swim his loves, however. He fought a this and the 50 for the Spartans. when its mainstays were freshmen. MSU, an underdog' in TOXV TASHNICK Found Beaten, Dumped few Ixmts in his native New Jersey as • youngster and used to mke atiout his ability to ab- almost every contest that year, was about to see the rise of Michigan's Frank Ix'gacki. a sophomore, should figure in for , Champion butlrrfly artist from U al M .. J a group of hockey players who had the necessary will to a top place in the 50 and 100. T.O* ANGF.I.F.S f/F) — "f una and h# had a two-Inch gash on sorb punishment. Dirk Hanley is the 100-yard win. standing «>n a slrti* corner and Jji« forehead. Several years ago Costello, freestyle defending champion tiic next thing 1 know J'm in Hospital attendants said he with typical enthusiasm, got for the Wolverines. the hospital." Will 'k* released today. hopped up on a proposition to SINCB THAT GROl'P of highly-talented players came I.rgarkl. Hon McPhee from That* nil ex-world light* Carter, a Negro, uon the fil'o promote a major tight for char¬ to the university that year, season marks have been brok¬ ity. Ohio State Gary Morris from u eight champion Jimmy Carter When he knocked out II.e Wil¬ en ami Michigan State jelled into one of the nation's finest Iowa and Patterson have shown rated to say through split and liam* in 14 rounds.in 19i»l. He There was a press gathering one afternoon in the home ho hockey teams. stent In the past season that puffed 1 i | ox. lost the crown and then won it the time in Sherman they ran easily put aside the Neighbors found Mm cttim- back from I«iur<» Sal as in 11)52 owned at When they defeated the University of Michigan last Oak* in the Valley. lotl-yard record of :49.5. so a ph-d and moaning in front of a find Paddy Do Marco in 11)54. year for the first time in 2H seasons, the icers caught fire, mark By dinner time, as the press new Is expected in tills gul friend'g houu# early Wed¬ Hud Smith lifted Carter's affair continued in one corner in fact, they defeated the Wolverines three out of four event. nesday, crown for good in a split deci¬ Police xnfd It aivpeHis the for¬ • >f the room, the tables were oc¬ contests last season, and won th# Michigan Press trophy. sion ui 1995, The Wolverines' Cy Hopkins mer fighter was iH-aten antf then cupied by two's, three's and Next weekend the rivalry begin* ag'ain as the teams Is defending his title m both dumped to make tlie slugging four's. breast.stroke events, lie holds I 'm/is off in the Fast lamaing rink on Friday night and l<>ok lik# • hit-run trailI# acci¬ dent. Cvl liaise A p j >aren 11 y they five*. friends and business asso¬ w ere re 1 a -. square an the Michigan campus Saturday nig'ht. the Big 10 record of 2 210 In the 200 Carter, 99. only boxer to hold TAMPA, Fla. (/TV-The Na¬ ciates, and a waiter apjivared to The brightest of the ice stars this year Is MSU's prime State* Frank Modine. who iho lightweight crown three tional league has voted to Ul¬ take individual orders. Some All-America cadidute, goalie Joe Selinyer. lie was among holds the Big 10 record nf 60 7 tunes, apparently m.-is dragged ricas# it« pension plan benefits chose steaks, other* chicken, that select group of freshmen four years ago. in the 100-yard breasts truke, by tli# shoulder# after he was for umpires by 50 fiercctit Home desired*# tUh course—-anil and al! record* In 2 22 4 in the beaten, police said. Ilia shoe tips Warren Giles, president of tho ali got what they wanted. It Dickie Hamilton, Bill Mackenzie and Fred DuVuono 200. will be MSU * t«»p contend¬ wer# sculled badly and his league, made the announcement seemed to be all every day op¬ have all skated together sine# their freshman year. So have er knees were bruised that on# nt the annual meeting of the eration. so the Pollesel brothers, Kddie and Bruno. And this season's The 200-yard Individual med¬ pant leg had worn through. league's HI umpire* Wednesday "t'ostello's boarding house," ley ha> THshnKk, defending ' iion Mrriir.t: I R ANK MrKINVM •aid lam. laughing heartily. two great penalty killers, Mel Uhristofferson ami Glenn a Carter was severely bruised In Tampa. Ho said the ineieas# title again , Itui kryr sprinter , • lliNMirr backxtn about th# far#. Ills bps wer# cut became effective Feb. I. The fight* It never cam# off. MncDonnld, were among that freshman group, Homier Frank McKinney. a ('apt. Bepl Polano, one of the most consistent scorers In member of the 19.it» Olympic MSU ice history, and Alternate ( apt. Butch Miller are al.*o team, will swim the two and Put of Hcliri'incnl? in their final year of collegiate conqwtition. 200-yard backstroke lie is an Federal Other name# have been added to the list of stars during the past three seasons. Jack Kolierts, Terry Moroney and Boh Norman came into their own last season. Now this American record holder in the 200. 20# and away Ills best Is 2:#2.2 in the from *hv In the loo, far competitor. Al Krillo Goes to Rams dept. stores there's another list of playing consistent t oyon will swim for State. year new names hockey, including Boh Armatrong, Kd Ozybko, Tom Mils- Michigan's Dick Hanley Lx de¬ fending champion and record In Deal With Redskin, tonen and Andre LaUoste. holder for the 220-yard free- This combination has been responsible for th# swift WASHINGTON (Ah — Th# Nixon said "it was a dc; 0TIN CVKRT NIGHT TO t utile. Among others challenging Washington Hrn-km* Wc anjinnNi- uneUitkcr Latriy you worry »bi>ut ynurs Morris from the Lo* Angeles With Brlto definitely Rains m a deal for defensive from Washington. Nixm: You're olwoyi ready end irctio Brlto. got a good lmet>acker Uk [ Fh# Rams will have to talk »ng." ior a date... Bnto out of *k:n C iMih rrtmng, but Kiwi- Mike NiXon said the Bnto was for throe straight an all-pro s iraile will go through no matter ginning in 1955, a., a d< :i thanks to Arrow1 wtidt h#p9*>n*. end. He played colU gc Br;to anm-unced Ms retire¬ at Luyla in Lo* Angeirs.| Woshond Wea/ ment after seven starring years with the Redskin* at the close Morris was th* Ram's ! draft choice in 1955 stv t>f ia#t hca>. n He wad honored ring at Georgia Tech. at a prv-kK'koff ceremony be¬ Preston Marshall, preside fore the final game and received the Redskins, is now in 98»asi>s«osiwi#i # new oar. and expect# to Sign Moi p—Mttn «hn tb» ihirt ■ • m The 33-year-old lineman made Atlanta or Athens, Us, Mimr WmS md Wmt. N, hS' it clear he had ended h« Wash¬ the next few days. ington career in favor of teach¬ The trad# is the Rains' I b| la, th, lm>S|. JuM nS- ing school. He lives in la* An- within lass than a week 4r#-drj—jrou'f, iMdjr M got geles. however, and th# Rams obtained back OUte Apparently feel that by staying from th# Chicago Caret* I «!»•>«• to horn# he could be lured Saturday in exchange for | back for at least another season. players and g draft ** •< im? Jambs wool, _ CmM; Mkndbf i |N% MM «M Ml Ml Chote, d colto Mjrta, k «kMW Mripcs dMCkk Mltfs S4W pllii 11 IMMtttlUU.ItfiUtHittiMUMMlMMIMI fid Mara M fil life HUMUUI'I # IWwMf by Am*. Oa—. mvaters CtMlOilo#«Osto fit fid Far Biaar HARROW*- a low-button, 4-ho'er first in fashion, casual "kewpees" styles in the new '59 look Choose your color I Choose your style I —from our Arrow •"-V 100°* Imported lamb's wool sweaters and matching lamb's wool Wash and Wear selection Vest, both with long-line contra.sling Pick d* *w Amw WeliMd Ww *lrt tipjH'J edge. Charcoal, light Mur, light that'* Jtwt right (or yow—Irani our arid* grey, tan with metallic buttons, •election of collar atylca, colon and fab- v,»t 4.98 s*Mt« 6.98 tica. Tab, PhuTab and Qlra button^knra Tbefoodfal mlum... collar,: smart new checks and atripo. handsome solid color, and white, all in •Horn# IImU SKm Ivy dado. In w«»h 'h wear 100% cotton, brondekxh or oaford. fM| comlmJ poli.hnt collon or nidr Mr«|> Stop in today While the sckctaan i> aril 'GnsCtfin Bedford conU. Solid Ian, blur, Mai lt ample! (4.00 up. Or lugniye. No pleat,, flap bark poo w . nnK, •*««** rcoos Opwi • uk . if *■> KNAPFS Store For Men l!* u. m PA , sa. "a ' V • 'r* - * ,.^v Vf .e KV-fWi i? : r ■ ■ 'TBl "7 ..(Vj.'-p r-i » I«»»i(p;iii .— < TV" !) i'* ; i 171 m ; ' S' IM Highlights State Eyes Record I>-ook * a '|imI.»*. I'J fit lit 1 inn hi 1 ndjr — f.»r 1" • "l."' .It ! I \' . 1 if, H. c hi i k i:m ii m:i,s Slvtlr an jirrjcr uf 1 «• 1*1 Ontr 51! ii.»ill -1 pin. — fa, 11 iv f •»!♦'. I tip lirrifrrf I,. p|IM|| J JJ(0 |N) H > •- Vllllpi 1.4II Wf.l I'll .. ami I'J'U flip lips| pip, 1., Hf,„ 4- *l»p» lalni• 1 mm. ilp,| |„|„ trills,1,1 t 4 m i. : ,, , It l l.Plll.lll ||„lll„,„ 4, I, Ills jn • hi* »rji II 47.' hup t% 41. IipiI \ lalilp IpniiU Vi.. • I F . Slat, » 4 iii|i|»lp|> l,i | \,|\i,f Rip«(liii|: M,.n . M-p.i an.! t Ha> 'u 4.1 '2 Noun %l IION I IKI litis i-riiirt li|> rirali-ii no fail In li»p Mm* !0 Tore and limit, "II alcli I S, Boys!*— Couches p hi liitiamiiral building. RpdiirsiU* n. m ip.,,„. tone hi for pin off an U» 10 4 in '2 N1.011 w, bpiltis |i, 11,is ioiiIpsI %sh»r ilrlralpit I Misadri* .11 •: p m Sa 1 Ham W i pn I lull n>r dii airna as«i!a» III.Ill (HIP of lilP h»p «»l Ii p r • »«»ftl»a '•• n \ a n.ns V* *| | IM.hiS Fri. Sat. Sun. ••HIP » • Kt MM MPU ► U • • MOR.ACK RAIkFK ■ IM»|p!» Oil llip ftlalp loin 114. M . , . n 4 , third la rphoiinding . . tool 1 os i P r NO' * p II. \,. R.. "«• B Tflfi M.I I \|\i f{S| r\ w p Lk THf 4TB 3 Exciting Hits w«S» thji idve. H , to Big 10 lee •>■' afi% ■ «v-r \v.. I «u m 1) «■• ai" »1 uii M g hn'i P4 II. V t.. M..., : * a! S t , s s GRAND REOPENING FREE GIFTS Title Now 4 4 M4«r laigpst train I#mi| In Hit pip, hrl«1 IH iomp,-li h» In 4nt I hp ftpniot pair of low |pf(M*un | lit, R o»U plot idiili- a a m IM P« H . .Uf ilmg i.hhii to V 4 Ii I \l i»n .1 •tit, or p Not iu twuni Usurp lo f * »HH ; lift No I 0Ut|| 4II|| UIIP 141 «r«l In It,| I Ileal Tiling l»r KtoOl hpsl bp|* for India Id M.I. I M\H;s,n g". l« titulart four |4tnp* • ' 1 •• '• 1. ,• —r- »■ •al ehampiiHishipv ffrip aiuil H. Ma o.pi-' ht 1 o, ;t»t 1.,. i„.',| , 11 \i,„ p. Km! N->rr in -IM \ 01 1111 M:I:I»W' t1 p* • . .-p 4 > \\ lu I oiitf shoo 1, | iibi bI 7 17 p \ thwml' H « 10 1" #■ . .. .i-'r rn>lhii4 1 I i'V v N h *. h .11. bt'pli Ml# (ml It t I, p till N«. - it « IT - '•> imp hi*-kp> rtKiivpn'ii-' 1 Rig 10 a- • ■ • 01.• State ^ The^De^ks .• I • «• l»«. ,«ii>r M1«'141at<41 • •• • • 'J» w MI,1 V ami I .'4111 • h.rti apt »i. <14 M in ill.II. !l'« m.i. .»i ... Mrs 1 , News^i^-^3 fr.nnfl w Ran RED I. |4.'„l t lip Ilk I thorn 4 troun «o4,h \ • Ii 'IIMi-' \\ 1; . .1 • >1.. 1 . Im* pokpil up man* honors in till N M i I 4tP ttoi I Ol Show IH 47 • »u 1 <4n< I 4".

• ,-r Ki'sti'in ... .. c I » 4nip 11, mi an palling tram • 4mips in thp Tan In I*".ft hp IM Schedule • ' *(> NCAA <*hainp!.»'i» tPplf'PM' »||P V\ t i ibii sifi n »• is U.i'on pIp* tnJ |„ Ihp II,1ms I ooti Mfrstltnt hall of fame Hl'kl IIIINI llllll. M I tint WILL HMINT YOU FOREVER! \.l lltH'liCY IB PI. |t. II 1 *•« ( (>I>S aivrvi.'i ....7;* . ■ IN (III , . . \« a rpanlt »f a i»ippIIii« i»p • » ttj.i 1,, I o i.i tt.llli :|»lf B | lurni (hp 4ttl|Ptii ditPt'lais of tlirrp Rig Id %• I100U mIihIi I Hock Till,' \*«|«l \SI wrpstling I,Mill (t4*lr Mil,Ire ilrfii atlinifps • • m N imp. Mill.,. ttrdi.. k % 1 | . , ipiiour hwiipi IPIIIIV it »*4» %|s| • '4 I .1 rulrd that Hip winiipr of Hip Ihp lltlni* llail of f 4tor iutid pirarnlrd to In til Uipstling 104, Ii A in iiilra -His In «dm 4 IB III Pft. ttrl hoiim unity nuntum ' >/ «v»*t iMiiPi f nitllr t 4 ollins in M.i.k. in.11. trillion, would hp drilarrd tiir • N | , B » *h<« » You're Well Dressed •filial Rig It rhani|iion s .N » to. S, h,#li, . t N ' r ' .'

imp.1 o< a 7 iV/iT'l.i 0,1 >11/#' for Irr I minify 4 '• Hi...I \ • IIIIKI 4 ,, HnUH l With »o mi'in p a nponUl » Mli'it iKHii kImip uf flip 4-J-l in . .r.fr.p p -Mo ' r t ' • ib u II I I i..„,«,o» 'haw Hitioihtia 1 IMIINslll < .t I, | ». slia>< Niii.ti in.'i, II 4MIH4I I 1 1 1 f.r 14 ) for the Kaster Par:! 'e X • and Mu*higon w on' ig with 4 1-5 i* >•' i.p ■ » 1 • 1 t« ' r . tf'.rs . * A ** I atlina »S , \0lktpa . i* 1 hailB ■ ' " I It • rt, s|S,.| | « . Ill I s sit in Spring Fashioned Vv 1 I wa ,i, t,|, , ■ 4tt,in«Ni .law .,1 ti»|» wifti a I : ! .»• |Tp uniy )<»*■ haiKlg \rt .VinHi»pi»la 8 4 *4. a.,IT. •••' .« 1. g.. n " i» 1, ;»,p S* I. fi..ni I Ik la li»ma ontip.gradu it# «* r p 11 I I „ g «i hoi hp did ho. ll»» • r. • •'■ Ihrla 'In Mill hi 1 i, I 4t « »SH. t i «I\IK \NY 11 All. \| I ll< | |» \| ' '« |4il.p 0 ' r a I I* I'MMm itl'K" — 2 I* • A h • lit Ml ' ii.f .4 g> • ' '.PU if) flip 'Hi ■ • W\K %IK I \HI I N" — I mm -I lu • * .Ml - 14.115 STATU IMp.mr I iiioir K.itM A*otil AN «nf iitgf lit l.iur! IM Results 1 \ S I HRsl U*r» IMMi IM i:i:l I) isl K\In|II M 1 II».S I M I , t. i.rr I IJ •ftalhn f "P I show M* .ill.ililr in | i rt BEST PICTURE I I 4a (1111)1.11 1 ..in* H%|s- In rt Mummsiii 4IIIJ WIM, I ll*> » »• il i ru«4ilrr« • 5 * • I Bin » h' 4 1 l,.ilull HI N sHOMIMi •' h Hi, M. »rr* »a lici. I Mr, I14110. -i flKM shot* n I'INIM I'm "22.95 I f "i.iipla gi * ' r»» ftdioUrt . « o»»r HH'Imm • 11... 1, 1 il. lou * r II \ ,1, • Ho "» *a • 7 M IW »• OF THE YEAR! ACADEMY |. SIiim v I • « U. * BEST I ".<« I. 41 . ■ *i»a» te. i« w *i«4» • 'i * 4»« a. 4& Hrvao • fe.urrfipia 4 4# HHIO 1 UU Ikg iral bull >014 Ilk p. "20.95 • Mfwiar • orAIM 4 p«AMf AAJ0SIWO imn Julie and 'Ih^ir \\ \l K-l l l'l hit rnmforl in.ikr lh« hdstrr parailr « pli.isiiir. CM Hi* lr> «i ptiir. will ■ 3p MOMAir XMl1ST MMKMPTttM nua HOLDKN il REID « IfWHMBIT lAIIRAM Cflpi 4 HlMWtl f IBM -j' >•> * — 1 ee r »i. AMMO ImWm k IM 4pKp tft. - — ftwiipWw IM, ■-* UtfHr l l«.t| "BurrMNr rtrtaan WndgtrtPi' 44 ilea r *4 MICHIGAN Hi ami* for Had and I.ad" thmm Nq It ftwOnti at Sttn It,, Hf Urn MTIBAMY Ha(t Sit hi* ■ .. Mult* 14 Hnlti W IKANUOR SIIOI'I'INO IK.M I K tklMirg 4I««|| M« I.ABT IRO BAYS! "I f PlRHNOfB" llffun til HI ANT TO U%R- ll,ril It t HI.. M..l.t-1 liu. «t,o ,n,*lt llr. J. Chritlit AI SO (lodat) — IN a J #• • til • Tl! • t«f Hang Rang (latHkaiMl" In FramloP Opm«tiri»i Minnow STATU WW If Dulles Quits M.rrh J. IW z . ji" L ' '. Eisenhower Hints German University Chorus to Sing D- Hermelink states that .ll Herter Mar Climb y Tlie famed Heidelberg versity Chorus, under direction of its founder, Dr. Uni¬ Siegfried ft minded in melink, then a 194* b* l»r. lecturer on Her¬ Mu¬ chorus musical, strives "at al! times rather than academiT fJ sic History at lleidelhi-rg. the WASHINGTON* (sVy—Prenii!ont KiMt'iihower dropped a Hermelink, will perform at MSU chorii* rose Meadilv from a performances." A pas*iona§ March 13. attraction to musician, he recently found ivtrorur hint Wednesday that, if John Foster I tulles rexljrns, The concert will be a feature noteworthy local Christian Herter will be named Secretary of State. international prominence. possible to pursue a llfe-lo: of the university's I on.' tu re-Con - The President appeared to go rrrt Series "U'! at 8:15 p.m. in The cherti-, is coinp«-*ed of ■jivam through musical researci out of his way at his- news con¬ the Aud. •Udents wet I-versed m musie the publication of all the choq ference t'» Rive Herter a boo.*:. Herter. the acting" secretary, »p- KAM's Open The six ports "f their concert h:s*ory and the demanding tech¬ • orks of Orlando di Lasso in i al!-comprehensive edition. will feature madrigal* and can- niques >{ choral (wrf- imaiici The versatility of the chorJ reudy h-s said he would take IBth and ITt. T-e member*- frmn a'l All-University /onr-ttes of the e«»mr will be illustrated in the MS the jt b if asked. centuries: saere.l pieces of Hi- i*i, !d- ,,f academic endeavm urogram which will range frcJ While 'Eisenhower's comments 17th and 18th centuries; son:1 During m-iri than 12 jcars. th» cappella niusie of the IBfl Were, vague. officials preside nt had said th- decided it wn* Photo (lontest of Haydn: songs of IBth century German composers: folk songs, rbonis ••( ;-Js peeformed over 200 von- on European radio net¬ century to m«»dem drinkif time to strengthen Herb r's hand and German student songs. works. songs. in this critical period in world K.ippa A' i »h«i Mu, national affair*. photo-journalism honorary, will ^ The presidential nod. however sponsor an all-Universitv photo :i subtle, seemed rertain to en- contest, ojien to all students, . ■ A % ' hanre llerter's nre*tige a* acting pictures Will he judged by chief until Dullr* make* up hi* mind on his future statu*. professional members of KAM. and prizes will tie *10 for first "LEAVES TOO nn.Pl.rss WITH UtDGHTEII Kua-jihiiwcr did not say wheth¬ BaltahftliJ v3 place, *5 for second place and Wl^nVVVR ''•c/'' I er he expects Dulles to recover . sufficiently from cancer to re¬ *2 50 for third. rllOTIMiRAI'lll R JIM JOHNSON dl-rn-nr. With'model* I'ai Borgmsn and Diane Tillntaon. turn to duty The fraternity will sponsor a b*flin«iine a *ar See *tory thi* page. However, In assessing the sit¬ -fewr.CI* plini for Kappa Alpha Mu'a phnloiraphr eonlfal "shooting session" today in the uation. with Dulles In the hos¬ Union concourse from 3-5 p.m. pital and tlie State Department flnuipiiH Question of Week iti Herter'* declared: charge, Eisenhower for all interested photographers. Entry forms for the photo #on- "I Just can't tell what la ga¬ test ran be oMained at the aag- "TATI EHTRtS Would Fee Hike Affect You? in* to be the length af time la which we'll have a relatlmMhlp of thi* kind and a system af «lc»n. Ml** NNI HAU OF FAME!" .CMk« of the IHirhael Burke, leaving senior: Bruee Beaters eR, Muskegon long It'* going to This week's winner thl* kind, how "TWI IS PRESERVIN6 "TATI'S KST-p r Question of the Week "If State raises fees again I sophomore: endure. ut Dulles' condition. A fee of 25 cents, which In¬ is returned to our a*are A WITTY SHOW! But when asked whether he clude# all I wmld probably have to to drop out a term Their*, no those frtHii the east, Inx-mus# would equiimient excep* ness by Jacques lati He A sublime sense 4 M accept appointment a* paper, will be charged eacii out «»f school I feel that reason for it The stm1en'v U-e\ *avitlg niueh more I>v .f.'P ale secretary, he replied: time a student u*cs tlie facilitie- has the eye ol a satirist, Tali-a master!" »■ ...m parents would not be utile shouldn't he made to suiter f«■« atieiiding MSU despite the trav¬ "If the l*re#ident wanted me KAM members will be available • afford higher college expert*. lack •'( state funds " eling expense, out-of-state tui- to. I would. Hut that i* the Pres¬ plus the skill ot a clonn! etc Why should Michigan as assistant* at the darkroom. . especially after Uir recession Jack Slatery. ptmiiae junior ii. n ident's choice and obviously I 1 ,.sl year." taxpaxcrs pay for their eituea- "I wouldn't drop out '-i school t'on. too'" cannot comment on that m any fk AH t'll SUt.- "Satire and slapstick po Jattiee Bull. Flint sojjhomorc but I would have to woik mm way." hand in hand, done «ith Milforrt "Depending on the amount of hours at my job giving roe to ItutH McKeiifif, scn- As fm doe* at every op(*»ctun¬ frrkly Juu S-rim TATI,ONE Of THE I he increase. 1 would have to time fur rov studies and prob- IO. ity. Eisenhow-«T heapixi higfi understanding and shread MOVIES'CREATES! airly causing my grade* to tow¬ Raising fee# would not affect praise on Dulles. He deplored Th«» "Concert Hall of Jazz ' »-unserve in other ways" inlellritence1" er rt the uiereiMNg „ in tuition me How eve I I feel that if the tiie atwence of a man "so exper¬ will be br«MdcHst every Thun,- COMIC ARTISTS!"-* ssrs F"H. DeKalb junior: would l»e spent for more < la- cost of a college education con¬ ienced, mi wise and so strong," Uay from »-B.30 p.m. over WK- * It would t»e a definite flnan- rooms I would favor it At*', if tinue* to go up. main qualified AH-ft*M al burden. If MSU administrx- cuts were made where unnc-ev*- people will not be able to go to Dick Estell, host of Uie pro- . Itrcoralion* Sought • ip departments were more ef- sary spending now exist* " college " ftarn. w ill play piece., from great ".eivt spending funds, this lly J Ho,, C.ommille* jar/ bands, vocalists and com¬ -dfcoques Tati'c MY UNCLE" v in problem would never arise " bos Each week a particular J-H"(» committee ciiainnen artist will be featured lN*e I remoter, Royal Oak Jun- have r»sjue»ted tfiat all miasing Featured next wevk will be •r tadmat C0L0^< * Co*»»*^wut O»O»wm«*« M*>*M* <; decoration* tie retunieii to the Ahmad Jamal arvt his combo ■ tt wouldn't bother n»c. but J-Uouncil office lit Uie Student Future presentation). include • v father would be hystcru al." Service# class will incur building. The junior a heavy loss un- Duke Ellington, Dace Bruiwck. Starts and VV-hkIv Herman. ie.vN they returned because frriiifi'Ni'j Reee,Oion are the decorations ore the property This is the first local disc joc¬ key show to l»c broadcast over TODAY Set for II inter Hrmlt of a lataMtig interior ch'signer. W'KAM. Ih.sident and Mrs John Han¬ oi will hold At\ informal iv- for all winter term The Best In The • »p!(on v. VI aduates Alt at their home. Cow- House Wednefctajr from 7 sd- eligible persons are In- House . \ • .i to attend though they may have received a nolle# ac- inuug to Richard Stuls, senior ALL MEN'S • • e-pttuHi chairman. Miinnl students ar# uiged io Being Sacrificed for GASH t ■■•g their huaband* or wivwe SWEATERS Nlioiar»lii|> I'rt-M-iiti-tl Thurs, A Fri. v- Sat. Al Alorl.tr It.iuril IVu till 1.111*1 % MAftlKA M'Hige is attending Mer- rdl-Painier *chtH»l m Detroit this term She has been president ami treasurer of South Camp- 1*11 and was active In the mixed chsrua and KupjaTPelt# I*», edu¬ cation honorary. CENTER Top Flight Service —4 h*.-i«' I.HhricalMHi VARIETY SHOW —Itrahr Ktp.it ACROBATS to SWMO SWALLCWEIS —'1'mt-l'pR %m fJL l«L ianh 1 > t-eiri