^^^■BHlHlMllBiHiiPMIMHMiiiiMMilNaMMri^ k. • : .vT ; 4 -Four Senior (agers Play Last Home Game Saturday.-.•. i, >' \k I I - feiul s:: ■' . mm r« w ? " V • "li V ' i" I % i JOHN GREEN COACH rOHDOT ANDERSON BOH ANDEREfiO JIM MTOI'EPER All-Vmrricsn t ruler , . . . iiwlhfr winner . . , 10 Meet The Weather Michigan State News Wind). Colder with Sno« Bill Steuart Higti tadar la« Tb*niday —— S1-M VOI, Ml, Xo 11D PS IC* I CENTS Wins 1500 FAST l.AN'SINO, MICHIGAX-l Kill AV. MARCH 6. l!r>9 KHRUSHCHEV HEDGES ON DEADLINE B> M'ZETTE lAHstr IcMfran Slat* got off to • iohkI »t«rt In the Hiit Id ninf Champioiuhi|>* by copping the title lot- the fuel defending champion of the IMMl-meter * \ via, kapt hla erovn by fininhiny with an IfC.'lti.S time, # ♦ ♦ record. since ell winning timi* ere record* in the I , aartnhlg In th* leaf of four heal*, had to hurry hie clee*t rival. John I'arka of Indiana, from taking Ike Invites Warns West Against , Far • Ilia* th*v were neck-and-neck. hut Slruarl I hla land to a tow reel, won evconiU ahead of I'arkv Top Brass Biini|)ing Red Elbow i 111:40.J. isf tha six winner* were in the fourth heat OSt"* To fleeting I.KIPZKi. K*i*t Grrmunj iA*» — 1'iemier Khru*hvhire i Ontkaa was fourth; li of .MV Crlinnc-ek fourth; i'»mhI »whv friim hi* May 27 rtxaillin, on Berlin > fret*- .Friaaof Uof ,M. winner of the third heat, wax fifth, Ilo'Mtl" !<» OiM'lloh wheeling talk Thur«ilny »nd off*r*ii lixhtly to aixn a we»t. ern iliafied (lainmn p*av« Iraaty. jlJot Hcary wm nixth for Ohio State. lU-rlin Situation He inukciuatad d>«t with an- I firat net in the Western Conference meet had a warning to th»- We»t i tilt firnt four winner* conic from court- W \ S H 1 X ft TON uP) - Ptvxiilent K i < e n h o w e r Russians Wlmover humps toilxiw witt hroak it." lis witii hie The kavtat leader toak the ThurxHay aski'il Ivnincrattie hi)ij HepubiicMn congression¬ al leaders to * White House Denounce goer In drinking paaaa high goad burner afire a aartaa at tea*u »e and trade—la white wliir, conference Ttxfay on the Ber¬ rug— and rod wtwe at an hu- lin crisis ami German prols- lemn generally. Rottrding He aaid his dwidline foi itvrn by »a At the same time, the Whit# Ki'il Voir I'rolol* •ltd b» Nte four-power occupa- H"iii>» announced that Etaen* h - MacmdUn regarding the Prwaj- M( ist'(IW4 «>T»)—The Sin 0 July 27 dent'E invitation to MactruIlM N't t'nlnn Thur*tl«> "We me In no hurry." he add- to com# to Washington. •d and. f«*r wtiwt i* was wortJi, I'rwt Sfwroury James Hmwr* nounceil the I'.S. (lett'iitim •vied m sn old Russian saving' ty Srt.fi the United folate* and of a KiHtdtitn fishing Irawlc "Never count jour chickens Britain will mak* » joint an¬ •iff New foiinillainl ita * |H*« . mtll fall " nouncement dealing wiVi that viK'Htivc not. Kin-titihchav insisted the dcad- invitation at 7:80 am., EST, to¬ A nroicst n«»tc said'the Ti wv ultlma'um putwinrwT ri*r\Httwra and m* mo mo. ■building far tha Chief Enerutivr's weekly pics* ■ie is ted an day. ranferenre Ike has incited top leaders to con¬ Novorovlsk H .<■ .ilhillg ■ reUry. J.oo Maaeett. eng**e In two MrUoa v; \t the same time he reiterated FivpnlHmpr'i srrangemeas4 la* canveraatiou Wednesda* aa the* walk fram Ike fer wilk kim an the Merlin crisis at • Whita ihe higli seioi Feb 'iti when sh hat the Mevlet |!rIm will sign a meri Mil at II M am.. EST. whs iu»|Hx trd of cutting tran While lis—a In tha nearby Asecutivn Offtaa Hawse meeting tads? r par ate peace treaty with Tom- with Uip rongrrmtonal Indies el atlantic cables and was tjoertie minlst Eaal Germany, an eager nu art cast both partis* mm* a few hours by a party from the destroy'■ lotenttal heir le "Soviet errupa- atraSaa la rletorr after be had an ratraordtnary II, . . « tea* Ion mt (be NaUaaal leearlfo Zimmerman New Activity President Roy O Hula. In Waahington. state depaif •ion controls. If the Weal refuse# I ithar th* U.S. Steuart ia from South Africa, loancil. •o sign aa all-German tteatv. mrnt pi res chief Lnkxiin Whit» 'Ik gevernment haa prapeaed I Hawaii and L'rluincwik llunyan ktonia, eame HSU representative in the loOtt-metea, in last in the aecond heat. Tho aouncii'a with Whita "tho H<>uaa aakf I\» lN»ar a»*ilon «ha dealt evolving aiturt'Kiri m Heller Heads tA WS Judiciary irnicl there was anything pr-» vocative in th** If S. action. Hi said tt»e Soviet mjte was receiv ihat foreign minleiera meet neat •iioath la ceustder the Berlin k- «ue and a German paaae treaty. Berlin and tfio broa>ard ooruusta at one member from each dormitory having 300 donniU»ry arai two Irian off- Information available la Uir or. Khrushotiev remarked »i'h BnS| t—J Id were chore,, from tl.e-e la to per- »'!ifrm«iona! lendrta f r i d a y Pmnle Woods junior, are the or !sm residsmta and two r«i»re- Gampas housing borority rep- Haslet camprtent argans" Ihr 1 sinlle: Novarasslafc had net dene aa> cecnpulaory and one optional from which the vrti; deal wiUi Rknmi Him anb- riew president* «»f AWf Judici¬ wnutlvas from larger living rwto'ntawon ia *iw *am# as on "t dldnt come herv to tallt J«« ts —• ary and Activities board*. damage In submarine telegraph¬ in ill lie* i I represent huslne-a I guaHfUre for the final* Were cho-eti. ■ HaU of 08U aw th* No. 1 qualifier with W0.20 Anhrd if an»thing had da* el aped in the !a»t 24 hwur* la Miss Helltr, • dtvismnul aoc- Isl M-i«\t» major with a 15 sv- units. m Sorority rapraNeirtMion t* an alternating bae«s, with JuiiuiHiy beis no Ttiere thu board. are •• '»»am- er aablea." lelephane Irausallanll' '' le* of th* S"vi«rt Union." That drew the inggest laugh '1 ; W Jo* Gariaeh. No. 2 from I' of 11 with 275 25 point*, warrant characterising today'a •rage, has been AWS office sac- three sororities each year en lt»a board Judiciary board h«a jurisdic¬ "Reports in tiie If R prvw on f the day V |l«n OBrton, another Buckeye, with 27o2o j«,int*. meeting as an emergency sea- re ury this year. Mmp Zinuuer- In addition there is the soror¬ tion ovor house ruius ind it live subject are a complete fa, "Write eut a peace treaty and Chadwiak of State twiatfd aide*av* in hi* fir*t Man. Hagerty replied: rtirtji. a member of Aipiia Delta ity representative-at-Urge. One judgas disciplinary caiias. Activ- rn-rtijun," the note continuni tell sign II," Khruahrhev Jok- Pi, is an riemeiitary «*JutaUon "Tliu* the 17. S. naval vaase band wasn't abla to improve much. «> *»» °n» of tiie "No, I wouidr. t s-iv that* otajor with a 14 average, ielegate ka chosen from otT-cani- dios hortCd cMNdifiaisn activitiac ntly t«M tha Rritens. roaarrva¬ He said the nH-t<:ng will be Ito.v O Hslr had no giounds 1* lve Huraaby Dray sen and lab- I two eliminated Frrtfu.es Ward. May wvs>d. HI. pua housing, and PanHelUfile of tha iaviiig units. Advisors «*t detain and Inspect the above- •riles Ian Mikaedu and Arthur airiiply a discussion rag th* Ber¬ Council haa nm-voting rrpra- k Xantaaa, the other Spartan diver, hit hi* head on lin aituath*i and at German junior and Marilyn Drtweiio. sentatlvn. a ttut board* are Miu Mabrl I'ai- ars>*n and VIus l*auiena Headlc, mentioned trawler l*euk. Ward aa ha dived downward, but^rmerged unhurt lie pftrliienui g»-nerVll>. Htifiicu'wai. IB , junior are vice "It is worth noting thst thm "Hiat did opt mean, course, piestdcfHe of Judiciary and Ac¬ assistant supervisors of woman's actions iiy the U. S-iUdmritic »;" kthe ttottf th* firat 16, hut ended up 15th, not enough HrtjieTty agrtin replied, "N.o'* affairs. 'hat he would mgn anything no pt«M-i»ely against a Graduation tivities. were liiken Ixrtgieed wit7i Despite hi* nnu- when asked whether the v, itt, the oongrosaional leader* • OUicr rdficart at both Judici¬ Each boatd annually revises Soviet vesael while hundreds of ihiliiy, lie indicated no real con* f' tg'M —i*aa ha* four qualifier*. Gerlach. Hick Kimlwll, means that 0»ngre«* will ua ary and Activities are elected tha AWS Handbook distributed to which is all women stu¬ vessels sra engaged in flshiny rewsiorw. ' Turaar and Ernie Mi.»»ner. ttSl ha* three, Hall, a»ked W> Mk« Mane s(jMlfle ac¬ by the respective boards Th«s« off Nawfoundlsnd, many uf Khrusiicliev remarked t b »t sad Nat Smith, and Iowa ha* h*tei Mill*, tion iw*t regarding Merlin and the of Germany ofTuars include recording and corresponding mraRpn and Set June 7 dents. and This tx»ntaina all rules ragulationa to which woman which, it ia reported, have several occasions damaged on 'be want World people ceived in the past Frank CoAn, Damocratfo Con- ticipate lb Nit ftrlng at Nm Winter CwrfsCu a-lt. NtoMm to* ■«>- ^Tturte Bel.. -"- fkuahUd Thoolor. Qoviiaainii ami private Army 's ftlmm mortar weapon -e .Stor « •" wee* «:> b. by , reltjWU* rveat ^ndtaire Uw atailana " Dr. Haward Waatruer, The demonstration is ached uj- LUtoMMiakMw Conn, graduate *tud*Dt — Own. ant prcdaaaor of political •d Saturday from i-li a.m. in toy Orefc | PanHei-irc binquel. to* "• portion, wo, chomn m th* me K ia chairman of tha MRU group the Animal Husbandry area, > (S toto- Other eveau. not jet cun.po—r IW to iwr *» bk Cape sponsoring ihg —ml onrtaa at south ag th L" «WS to tore* to). Mheduled. *rf \£a boUet. tbm ■«IIIt li" kB am —> Mag, to «MM> to* to ul,y- ..rority «ot*nw» ma i to* to, u» eommundg pcoj** • r i w .fv. .wSMKT" Michigan State News "TiOok — Think* Are Pirkinp Up" Letters to the Editor Michigan Stale iNevxs News reqaests Bead !>all* h^ MSI"* 1S.OO0 Students and Family ^RopocflS^T The State that letters «uhmitted for tht "l etters to the Miter" section -ssf uT.";^"Kv r.-. The Michigan S'at* Nr.- » « -> ibtiH *n hy •' '•■<■'■' ■-• x-.. ■■* »'• he eel ever IP# nerd* long. frnvrnutV F;t-' !•.:•«:'■* M:»I. e .U.'.ut ihreit !.»• .,M> * taw K*»1 1-anilng. Mich .n» t.fni M ti: It i* ««>» "the .i" ;.' v »» n.e university -»r of the amde-f body, Mail *v«h*iTlptioi»» payable 10 aava tv.t uhtle «<-ek:r.g '« vfth • "**' lu'er.-*'* .>r both *'»•; ft 'badv term* f1 for three •ermr Pi A.i.H'.at.d P>... .e to ha1' ■ • t m| ; i>i dr'V c h v- edge bet ■.« re V ■ '»i> Rhode Island, Delaware and ,1 ... Inlind U.Hr e.«. me. frnw. v " in university or from mitaide Me - t»er AM'TI.> " l.f'.'t Pr>>* e A saw-'a ted Pre-,- Inland Dally pre*a and A'««>ciated t n'.lege Connecticut are the ama >*' states In the Union. F4IIM-.|>-rhl.r ■ill I'AlUhJ . H»r*« . 1959 Paffe Two J«hn MurpJ Might Sta ff ■U.H.M Minn.r .... ClrnlXlM nirwIM ... rial I m l ro oil Mpht M««#r . llionk prices at Bast l^ansing t»ook- CAMPUS CLASSIFIEDS atorp* Howavar, local prices f«»r now book* arc not the n»«n!t Kl) 2-1.il I EXT. 2013 at local polio. These are set b\ the- publishers, most of DKAtli.lNKS: p m IIVX KKi'OKK I'l Bl.lt XTIOX VW TI KS.. WKI)., whom ar« nationwide (except, of cour«». the MSI Pressi THI KS.. AMI I HI. KIMTION* and their prices are the same in all parts* of the countrx* T'»#d texts, however, present H different picture For MUN. KIMTION DKAIM.INK: I p.m. Mil. these the hookstores establish their ox\n rates. ft»r Iwdh Kill. I'a'ahln 8-t:; and I •I V|imda» lhrnu»h KriSay buvintf and reselling A far-from-nejrhpihie diffent'. .\1«N bftwe- n rates paid to student* for used hook* oi.t and return cost* to CLASSIFIED RATES FOR SALE PERSONAL •fudentp buy in K these same text* nswximwns II words r«rn BAHfi xivs TW.evieioN# . USKH1 f ADKRX TXViqri In eurrent practice, the t»o»»kst« |pr Mm hook ior Mtte eourse next term " ;0a»i der partial hsteuteot (4, TWn honke am sold, however at Inxv rales, to distriiuit- Mm Mvxnt which meell rhem at schools that are plaiinintr ROTC Not Compulsory by Law rrr.nrv» CHONU •graul iW«' * ah SYOlKM Oelpii h u " VXafc i. r i. 1 trSti i\ BV i-'iiti down OWN KM PS* F pet mnrV 1 anting — l#M K>«0 »s • s • W •mIhiuI Three area bedrf-m OWerM Xpt ( PApMap teewieiaied a* Mfft' bp aciaaa of hartwpfm bttvingr »n«t »s»llinv rst*»* max la PAe tditar — •he Raw Board of Agrwndtui. 0*« est*- *.'«'■•'> s HOUSING wth 'sige Hnuiie F.D recreation :n»r The HUle Newp of Feb »4 See the opinuai uf Attx Ufi hp MMMAPy ttw the Bu*lh«thX lix piihomi <»f 11 »• luoltsi Piesideot John A Hsn- William Mitchelb. June M, IM" IVxerw A precedent foe puuh tc T«» to-e at -t • fO* RENT WHY HAV RPNI K UnWtig . |mI f»rt rami nit ip Hint id vpi> unjmiiitnt 'ish *»• Mying tti# ROTC pro- t he eiat ii tap nuwhera apecMc- now. The Umvsndi of felinne- twv bedrooiii ranch fot .w - aImj attractive two bed. com * Stop MMiHmJ ntuitnnl. «P am »t MSt' "e csnnpulpory to .illy require thet Wm offered soPa hap not hAd ownpula*. -».•{»' *■# Ss* TWO BRDROOM xuiDKhN rsnH aalnvv at 527 Atnddard pom «v* and there x* nothing you ■ cowro# in military twrtiaa mnc Hon at nee 1M4 whan compn |li:r vea' lie* 011A per fn.iiiU. .OX 4-IM2 XI A 1 Ai.t«im»»U *2 *11 alao three bedroom ■x;;. inpi wai abolished bp the Bo*; lanpad for .'uUem inrnn. tTfWtWT OPINIONS nipmsntl in :«• tin- in do stand it " I believe the l»e cieiipulsory "> • navrnenta All these and It own :tu (dentally be ■>• - of Bogetita •I* OLDSMOlai t* « • SHANlXm A HP A 23"!' vlerpeu: ite "Ihera With Tow dow\pwvmg t$oo at Mir HWk" in ThumBix '* Slale New* jwimfptl m >t.i!cineot is in eiT»s *'«i ■ji-f..r»i«ffS ti er founil tile r onta. t Du k ( lauehertv FD » W It i* nwunutfii.x beltexed that '.one! that Uie proviaee* fur the #Mi A MMHnn n»t«« wouM •«*riotin!> httmiuap many stu- C—*rli*Ppw MRrtan b." o,i «>«e i*iu*eve auti ur Realty BP » W»A !«• 9 e •» • «*»• p Morrili A«s «»f ia«^ require* teaching of military ribjevta ap¬ Moreuvu studaaaW wrhe etwe. ■Ms •mpulsorv ROTX' »♦ Pie land pear me to have been centra! to edrmf -r*i e<. brick vh.n'e ■ 1 mod h*rvthnu gotild en-tiv «i|Uhi a tuition *p.*irt« atu»n m mil* that utMir*** were me inalitded at *M Ia ffie i «• • #»•>♦. w- . YOUR LAUNORt •ions at M of the PI tend gran u.i H0M' nire b«»ei en' nee; Msr ii toiltisry prierue pnd tactic* original Morrill Ace eeteed b* trie -Nrlimi- t*' Hirwn S't> 2 HV* r £0 UR AND Dil'vtPH | '■oliegos l>e lauptit. and red ltxst the* be Piaetdeni Hu.-heoai, IN DORMS lt«r rwiuimt H»*f# mur bt» » tmrtittl cmuo ! .« mfstninv Sluilenf Texts I »p«l ImihI Si*fhi rate Tables' WITH 16 IAR60INS Newlr rot * dr.. ATUOTNT • a red PI 00 APAirrgPri pet BotrU. XVABHfNOX AND IRONtM.S iny inline k up and deliver F.D 7kT?s Careful um* i And fc'pw, although no natw hook* am hwinlleili a «t intent No .ooHtng F.|) | ISPS *| •h Br BD rtOtlNOT DOC f. •mi AaM bu book* at a |»n«tt of hi* own ehoowing Ol»h * Mickif** NFA* . AMI*!"* rCHMSIirtJ Hvo TO ORT MORE our of vipli ve >■ W) pprrmt h«intling ehnrjr* p«r book is tnkvii. Thus urn A group of eccentric and lonely chAracf»r« were gath iv a « i p i. luomt »>e hrivate enlta..e ...ntr- Inuude. ba' ,• ntie* **< Mr- end • outset iand iveiti chenu«trv and •PtUgBPn f«M morp amt th# bu>er o»n jinx Itw* ered under liie same roof by Terence Kattigan ii his play, I 4C» AX t .1 Npier.grl In Mind Rl> J separate Taidea " The aetting was a Hritteh seaside hotel N PINWVt.VA.M A Uloik MNTM MOVINO to Mif hnauiueiit of SluiO*nt Servu#"., F.u.i-'iHin tumiahei. pi.va'g en- |IG IRIARFAST ION. \\ hen it o|iened. the pla> wae greetwd with a great dewi ei itN* rt)RD n'utm i»# tranve '»*<• s< ' include* •rn'K baa itpitetsil its RcrvwpMhilitv .HIKI IIUTSMMMI H* CM* , .ear iy a sis* *a riPS't Sp.p enthusiasm. — « Radio and bea'e> -» I fit Amnni C»"a« [mmMi# for btiainm*. But iiihiix dlutUmla pisit»Mi»ly limi t «tx»*u No* liici9 t« a film vsraiun, and a ha* beei. gieeiad wtW. PA !WO Mr a i vi n HMSltl'U ap«-v- en' ... 'ablr f"i »p»mg term ISJ vUICK $t»-. « • Imiov o4 ti. Morn am skeptical of its nffectivftur**.-*. • veti girater amount of enthxuupsjtx. no woodei' With P wast as H'v»r At Ft) -3 'it 42 th:» one the film couldn't puaaibiy fill Ttnee o# RUDNUT SHOR IVua MTVN loavep much to Im dmirtni. the b»»ok*totf- oupieMixe a^ W'OMtN NI'xx rWO-bedtoorn •« •* membes* have been nominated f<»» Acaitem.x A«erd***TCM»orPh i*,-»ii.er' Ktt.-be' and oau> * Optn * • • AAfi hPMl It* Afficlnncv, spevt and KVNiiaiu.ttt of hook* -e»rra- »Nixen and Wendy Hiilei. M stianxe these wtsn 1 a * it; rp'aie Fumt*hed ■ Km 1>hv id » s ion rm> m fNai«nt nAp|M>rl and Kmatvt »«*«» of atTt N »o»nd tV I SSh aler S o 42 TYPIST ANN Jourlh Oladv* t'«w»|»er .'•2t»4' Ciectrlc tvpew ntte fMoitbwn two event* ovs'ut which diitopt the hotel's vtsii* r«n»»M*s "Fhr I'llisl rorAVlHt* >aperg and theaia-aleo ge> ■ A>K«rlUI«»K' mat pwt it» AWU Acttvn im* Hoard iu»* «t|»«ratinir S 1*1 N t* luivn staff fXprtisc* t*H» wi V.trti pan* » , tenon* Msiot Pollack Iplavrvt fSicirn'lv b* l>av>d df.toi* p«*t*oi- who* ionehne** sod pcsioh for affsctum iprprrr steal •wner Ipsa and FORD CONVFJn IHl.f low mnrape .(tie. ISiumi rue* 'ov On* • • '-v ( M # f'n fad..at* 4.1 TV-RADIO-HI Ft *r THEI? ROOK! !#• > >n ROOMS •ervue »all* Plume F.D I I M OTtolniy •*1*1 to it »* •ffwtunno.'** and nfficicnc* ftm «d hiir. ?«> g'anioui *'m« w«enen .n a d.u Wetted Uieaire RvX»V SDR V'AJ.S Idullr p| AAAdel M|t|«irf Aiulil '»# iftxsui. tw At >(. pcifuip*. t»r r\«fi Rita Ns««»t*h Appears ISPS NDADS1ASIPF 4-DOult Mow '« > rv Garage ALL KINDS OF ttpinc ' Fit 2 2082 If MM tPimornitjr in.methssei*. VPs Hs.Con-Bci ifjavxls»»lv pipved by. (Had** .4 >uiiAbl« Phwiu IV 4-pStiS . Aa »«♦ Mt«, STL N tioc* jo ox id* a tw»nefit'ta' sscrxu r to v «*opei .t suppo*edb iighleoio widow, want* him reii oved fi.m ■buipntp. A irmat |H>teiiUNi ttMiafa h*r* for lM?tt*rtiiF th« 'he *uno (t»duig» I he »econd event :* 'h# ap^ieaiatue <*f R'ta Ha>- ... n> 7.: •Unlpnt i ftliaixcial {Mftttion. It * up *4» tti* aJudrnt innix t». woith a* \nn Stianklsnd who *h>»w* up ts> reeiaiA the bustiand TYPING ALL KINUs uousn \ w chei cith ItfMKI ' pew riter Ten ea » r t ..lent orgui\u« it »ffactix *i> and tak* adxantaKf of it A * , •TRATTONl SFORTI CAR CIN1I* . irge greuuate KD J-46*- In Ute ii.esnUms vhs hunhand i Burt lauuastei- ba* dev»i«>po r another wp intrie*' n»mr> tht' of Mie hotel • o« net M.st V oOpet . r.l) Ia '• e " * *" | TOUR D RYY W0«» .»Ac.* .p ayed ioiXipjctien»iv»1> and evpeitiv b> Wendv liillei ». lieborsh vat awr»»Y re soae Itlt Mi«k.|«a aiNlii » Mv our ton met. Ciosswurd Puzzle i»khvoB*.-.o«viitj K-" qr.k!' and brilliantly es'sbludre* th* emotnmali* let aided XSAoun later d »i. -e Sr. S our first io*t SV«0 NMM » T^Hll uoihci-dominatevi chaiacfei of is.hv Hailion-dtru. who hat found toon mi J mean v o.m t* art ur re* til) 2•:**«) Mb'Tlh'JIi an untevogtiirtd .ov« interest in the jMsjui XPHOUT. Vsm.i . IR4S VOLRSWAGfcN IK v •Vt.IA |* at: » »i«»gie M f*. t.hPAT.o.« *t ABP' »•'»■<« '-9C \x an bow I double roles Fortunately this is not the case in the film We oie STUOPPFf MFC A* .tri TV elephcne a die better (or the fuut srpaia'.e perl-umeiv netsuae It is tho> t Bi faohbea '(Snip w ho dominate the action and n.akr p'.sustbie Hattigan t drsmp. »ra> * a id . a rime XVa.k- ing u »:an. • t. air.pua X "to balls I up i wMiop I • Bo ' DM TAUNUS a „ -,e. j T Wo *IN4. HimMS Thanks t« the vase. Sepai a e I sbie.» is p w holly engrossing I H HARTFORD lAUNOR' fiiit: The technic*' aspects of 'he film pre not nearly so adept Uaxid Kaskiii'a musics 1 settling ;s sntuels unsuitable for p story 4vc N GRAND IANV-I of this nature To add iusu't to injury, the assuring ws* ititrgiated (tf n ooa be eailevi such- with tht action of the film ll (I IV 4 #421 TV-RADIO REM VICg *.»* " *!id iticXk iii»at>i.v clumsy In genet si. Oelbett Mann directed toe » HtKJV' s*»H U.-W p ad- ra e* to aludent* New and •»' fcS'S • v. l" 4 l ook- ev.a.pi paiea Fiee '>.bt w.r.k fiim wietcuediv v.ege* • Jra erf i <„ae t» «hop Pan. to • » p" Be '.ha; av it miy. the film is highly worth die viewing, as well ' ' * * 'U 1-M74 42 Te«h)iuiana i wHWpAjr »>22 f si a must f*»r Osiai prognosticsuus It* cstegone* of nonnnsliun • ... uo..,.,. ... •" ,v :•"» ais Mi*- Fiim of the Year, Best Actor. Actress, bupporting Actieas . e is, Aor;;lf rail WMF.N VOC THINK ak ieeuplsy Wfi WliCOMl TiADiS •• » v. «wi. RU J til ink - pf- ike- Mel-o-Stater» H Black and White Cinemstogiaphx. and of ail thing* X! ic.c* Sooting. 'Hes.sn forbid * l*he Aim opeus today a* toe ON ANY CARS DOI h. I AND SIMULf For M'Ctugan Theatte ' approved, tieau .Nea» ismaoi «..•« Pa>«- A FAMILY iiWW*Y S'°H v§ so in u 14 » iF p reoatpt or QUALITY MHCHANp XI INFORMA! ION EMPLOYMENT K>* SALI SFIiOY SiRYiCf t.A.U.1 i IOOA) KBBI.KAIA — CHBIBTtAN RTIIMLNT WM< H_ THOMPSO HHXBATIOS Bl:* BOY TO v*».fk irpai* 1*» ABC 42 ft. Tw CATHtN II ATI DiXT 12 30 pni, Wesley Houee It *>-! Jp Add P-; 9 IT ID 2-PN4 *5 »nv extra* On lot ir Trader Rave .. Ypwf F'A«dP' ItmfV ORGANIZATION A ATI'BB AT • pm.. Pwop'e* ChurcRx Bsusf- Fkpwe IVI4MR Kpntxit Bby progtMB. AN VON • INTKBBII-IWD IN • upry. ♦_pm Cathobe Student Con* LriRRIU. AIMJIM BIB, ITIBCXT bahvMttet with light •< . rework »er cafeterra. Coffee hovir. AIM iTRON Fivb d» ■* day a week IV • HIP sa personal Nil I M 11 a wt.. Meti s IM Bidg Opm YOimO Xt ARRIFD MRS mechpniv THE F1NKBT . • 1.3 pjn . Cs thai re pllV mctmed for an »nteres*.rig ln*«i IN rwuaAf BiwUn 7 30 pm. HiUel Bouse Bah* I. Pi 4 Boabethall PtviUwophy Club. peavnod Thi* tip# of wf>rk would Z.«4»map Rohtev '4 on,be. The Flpybeea . i'even* fpranQgp Jirfi bath verv.rw K4PTA PNI fit very nuet« tr.. you* whedur WAT CAEN IV 41 Phnnd IV »-*pT IP a m -H a m \ onrtve* dpek Bra am Hams Jack- PHII ttSOPNV cm.l.iNII II N 3 p.m . Okenuxs Con tin unit y IjbtOIT - pPMip p.ut CBWtddl W' ANTED MDOI.A TO FF Church. Initiation. Agenyv IV J-«*2« tf leaving March Rtst Pr-n^e F t pm l*hyuca-MsUi confer* ft oiwe romn Haioid Aajh. in- IINBAI 1 AJAv Ufika laHUipe. au vetos of ph)W>onphy. wtli .MAJBMA BBLTA r BAM 1 K-SS; xsa'tv-^rstgv wanted ape«* Togo Tbs Hpmps- • »■. TJf L. pm , in—————— of Discovery." phv •TlMTtt INK Pt BUCIIT i.itmbban btvment amn. • p.nx. ah#*:*? fgitoh Tn- . aowJJVBNF.D SBWt •- *f J fee eetfie* birthday* Man* other Pith cb (OMMITTIt • 30 pwt.. University l.utheien pip. Ldiunng " HillFl'S'd-lhip- dehcT'i '. vMt.ytrie* Rea*. .iiaHt Drive- i 30 Church. pin" Anuual Slivxv. Knaat HaketV IV 4-A7P.X «* ,^'AWJV a-' S*4i.<1 3Aipir>oNs Par'ir*. .ramea DIXir-lai.d in: wot.vrjRNr >##* p.m , Union laiuuge. atreet »1 ••A N'ifehl In tmpcrin! Kome." u« , „ i -v prescient. \ao. Gt . >. Y } prilnnce, is the Hiirhliirht of the ewA™,] »„w-,l . . \Vov,..n Sp:,r<4>. pj.. i re- r e rt.nr, will be heM ,n Ke:. * ,al »l,U ' :••".« "e e'a;-.. Ma ha j ;C renter Saturday 5aturda> evening S. iriii/tie, i»-r, ^ Uroruc Pom-, EAST LANSING CHURCHES J . i - fi-t2 An hors d'oruvie- *'•" »>.' . a •'' * r , rtirrejp. - d ^ pi.,-. *°< '''-a. . - witt prcrpde dinner m the Kate- To,. "Hidden tnhihitlAMa- ^ th# P "in^r t" 11* — '.*" trra>'.;.er. I fM*.Cedar room . •heme l> d prorations will inr'uHe * Hell, sUma rh, a S'ouv t i«in Cftsn Temple and fi.vdiM: Fv e est nme p,rt» christian first church of h ■ •• -urm#nt He based or. Nt-n« 4ftrr sjx thi, namf nf Men.n, 7ft| Phi: ,»>h. df'V Mt:* martin luther university lutheran r> | r >' *■ .9 peoples church student christ scientist . R«*ta I in , informal part* lr,»m Fa f- church k ) r • • 4 Alpha Wiima Fhi. Helta /eta ' I mil rhi Hai»i»a r*i win twiii the Pro to. | ? p m ' • ! *\ «''• »i. \v> iun.ii! Unrnini «or«hi|» ie #e an* II.IS I VitletUl I utheian I enni-ll) P titan* Boer ] jHndertt-AIra band. 'el* Heta Tau . »-« tMikkonrt svnnit) On lainn at %nn sireel •imi Real liran* Ri«er at Stirhitan I* Ait «|| dim KOI Mi TAHIt Kiddy-land" is the theme ••• m- • K ■ W , -r ; ilnn hint St \«rth el Rerkev Halt) Rts I BRANDT rarrr. I'a.ler at i nllrje Hou*e t hurt h srrvirea llam (II %hkAtt ReaA i> Aipha Omieron Pi infm . • >1 n * a» (kiipe) IP Mttl topu and teddy-bears wr! H ASM (NTIII 111.A ' (KIRMM. ilRVII H •ha eocue a* member* ar t « na. til it anil II ie tl Ml AT APRS It R II «e 4« •m attend eosturred as ehdo- B'lhjn l 1 hiiArrn of PrnmiaA ' Creaent IA of.hip ai People* tHim h Hea*m| Boom I ^ C««l Supper. Siu.ru an* .nnln •fhoul, I hnfrh CHeir Rill <4 R (Iran* River \,r*Ha Gamma Thdu « ami,..' *»erra » • «m st Uattaew I ftamiaat Helta PfB«ram Spa . - party will be this r\«- *-£ • on anil I* IS a nt Paaainn B* Week Mon Tun . Tbttra toral country club Rrrde . i* » attiAml r laaa. |l M am. *e«e»ra I l« p m l in - A p m an* tin. - 1 p m |,n Bed" will He the rbeme •tap smartly 11 iNiNss ati orsf a«*oc. I M 1 • ae orlal lit Permit erlenre lit. 41 tl\e Pr.tleaaot Ini.erai) i • Me* Pr1*ar )m. a tn i p m l aitli Pnnal* OH Gnmps - Interne Ca«tnr Rev of I ItlralO will apeak at a apri I into spriat taai pean Sir •Orijin nf ihe roainea'* Chiirrh Arhnal A e.prra Program. |n the aan.iuai *4iiit*at 9 a in - 1 p m apraker llr f. » Creuip, of Peoplea - h The progtai Welt. Wlrhi|a* All *fe uelrome l« alien* I'Knrih | Sot Activities with ayavaar PiteiMi* Me Ok I UM Nra* *W larnll) ta» llepl of (aenlnav an* atN*enta Welinme • ••aw Ptk wan 11 m a w fhrniiM kifli aHaiual a*a i« In* rn-«ponanre*'lia Poinirt I p.ikiir «l ait* llr inane* •eta ire* Beading an* Mnnna vtatt an* pae the paervnne ATelrome ran Weeieor Potmdwtion and Student Foundation vu't Ch: ia- from Wallace's I jv-ssenit Dr. Keimit Eb>. pnVrv. | v.y at anciol arie»ire at the t'-r «m«rt etenear ii«e» «« M«r|, y, frslty at Chicago »• Pe»|ve, f umpieie «nur •print wardrnhe st. john church methodist church of e0gew00d eastminster east lansing ( Mirch ad 9 r-m. Sunday T -i . »o murh In make 1 our ftra* ta "The Ipf# *110 impreMien I tia meetinjr v 00 of the Chutvh am Tt% memorable. H'allare'a mu find a aeleeMen (bat Aad at 4 catholic student east lansin6 peoples church presbyterian trinity church I iv a! Haaponalbility * Dr f ■ ia nnhealahle frame* m *«it an* »- ordained mmiatcr. - •ever* nre.i«inn and per«nnalit« len«e* frnnnrf arrpralelt ami pre* center 9nrer*anomlna»innal church It* Apirtan avenue » **-or rt O^d *4 V*n ' ' ■ Psmdneaa tt IVmoerncv " He et«e|«. wesley foundation •an m Wi|a**ra Roa* >n % Rihia tha Tenter mt fearhmi laat Minolta I anting M W Rav*na«*k Wr f Wvppte R«* Rnkarl I- Moreian* Minuter ] «ye haa • wvia Hack«!. «ed HMKaO Ot^ee of K a ivawav PROI.H AU ann, *uti*4a M....IUP ■ I J« Ma h Arhool 419 Ah hoi Cadtehe Student Orgitura* »« (Rata aioing ll I II < I reeb Saturdai over. r 1 I* *9 Maaae.i t ie am Re* 1 e*«i kihunl 9 1* am k It Mam ' 1 'Vbe'te Sbidon* Cen'er for a tine Rimk Weal of a Nartlto* R* t* p m i*r Rial* o* lint Rt 111 MAI 119 MNIst WH»N - 1 till I j ft Thomas Aquinaa |mi ) Wails tiasvei « *i * I mi A M on Aeser lir MR ta UN IRtat Aerthat^i aerrtees ate *(•»,•■ (!- I* M e m tVoiahrp an* •••nowuuta •waleaaxioa Italia • mi A M A ha Re* Trumen a Merrfaow II *a kiale theatre * hank hrhtvel 9at enu*ieo. thitri I id fof t:§0 trmigh* t? H »' • M P M- 1 after Ruaars 1 am •I INBM AtWVIt AI *ra*e an* wn*e« tk jm. "HilMV ~ A P pp.. " Sin.era for holh Senuea as* Ml "mi ode a ftrhiHil aallh ■*i ne •» t.he Sh»arn AeitoRef MM * t »#■•#• PM rlixfl for t nlaer.ltv aoi*eni* Telek TVmjvki in t*an«ing *' * aliHr.h arhonl ai • ia an* II a m SINWON i.)f rk \sti\ trfov* a r». Punday. The prog ra t O'lh thloii|H Junior N>ak DH W. C /hNsf.A, r#gif#*Mf epfof Aa 'Maal is •>« R ». " WALLACE OPTICIANS M m a m %R Aim We* re«er i.o* R'*n anktaol B*4|owahm »»#•*« tea pm. *a*ara*a* Weening ntlar tr> the !>■* MaSe Tbeaier Sldf. Bad laaelai • PS BO t-MIT | kpnar. as Swdav Vr r- :v ipte nht. M dei nprue m idf k' Si . S ff | IIS "•!» Waalar Wouaa for men-a- All SAINTS south baptist church first wesleyan methodist church h tar Ik Mageolu |a* a* ( Mirhlgan EPISCOPAL CHURCH Maa (Seer * a W Ntlann. Minlatei (aa*at Baheel - t* AM ■M akkeaa Wee* — W HI* MwratMm NaraklR - MM AM Bee *ekk 9 Pweiee — kkepiaa* • ** A N Wrkie Aeheel Won* eeiie«e Wax tu|U Vnulla aerate* - IK 9H li I9r Meat* lAerrte#! NaiMxai I.kh.i tarnuag Satai.a J ae P M A ee AM Wei# laemtaial Maps , MaA tplilai im ii Alios i 11 men ir* si.hom 10 a oilI.g ptiiplr# Sin. 4e> *«ea..l 1 lata ten«ht ha llr, Mairloe fhot . a Mit hi|*n hieir »*•• 941 a M VemMp teisle# MS ■ AN MAHUS EAST LANSING Pa eel Mmawaeken 'Oeae* Aeewe4*r* UNITY (BITER 4IA N una* Blot HOUR M MM I.RW. Pa,i»t •AMtaf W9 A ISWIIHU tr leeelnf Ma ear em* Peem lene 1*1 A M en* A 9e P N. Mornle* NoralUp a( II M a . peotteee hae Bemptta ■ All ■ ANN PNAT a M WW a k mm Me* Raaaw BeeAne A. keel' Nam txxttxsr "•vs-wk.". 4«scorurt-ar,. ...As on RCA Englnaav VISIT THE UNIVERSITY CHAPEL Church Krvrv Siiiulay J (I k IWpkti.J I Eauoneenng e? Ptmu *1 hi I »__ , iba RCA OraduaM piwtv ouyet baptist aamc • time, rou re if njpiire i«gm-'id I twite nf leiar eJe- aarhm l/nnM cnirch FIRST PRESBYERIAN CENTRAL METHOMST keek. ImM kul eiM • "»• *'•" '• *" I m ■na>. "r> i*" ' ""! e^ jipwoi Sar.HWhd a ana mfnan kla Wis ■ AAlekiae* INTER-CITY BIBLE CHURCH CHURCH CHURCH Candida tea are abgihia for Am* i Wee WillteM Waruna*. Pamer Wltawis reptini n. baa aawi art»< '"i "p1" Ml the at-ea ■Mali orf Mb • erakla a ea A ittt a Nilwiaas mnat ei rsniae a* paduaw titue at she I r,p ^ time* lima M*apan*»el 9ee*emaetel Pra-Mlllaeiei 1 flaker Wue lie#) Wer.hip a*r*ir*9 el a «* an* 11.1t -wear that'* ami INBTWA. PA*(OR . ^ FaMayPa^1* or Tnue-ntf. There • a let I kerrk a. heel 9 «s A M WAV A. ». Tl Re, NUIIam B Rekee. Mtnlater atRMONi at-«it an Hi S mfumnm§ < • Si P M ■ «Mf paalwad.fciciMpa^k have theee fe H s» imaba a s See Ik RelleaaakSR t « am. AeeAea Rial* a. heel Waal* A Peerali. Peoak Minuter "TN* M %•!»*• ISrilS MIK Bwipn and Deeelopnirnt annf tier '»! . j* * R*-A « }«<« "d ,r future • -mt tbaai • la en in* aa.AeaeA.i Reraieea fkeraAer T M P M 1 M P M 11 M am. III I* MerkMA NeraAip SenIk drew pa sue Warper. R«t*r alien Mlkieter af 1 kriatle* Pawl ip 111 r aoc irtt Metrieek pre*tbMi( when an HI 4 empamarva^ 1 in hh«<~t) i"H t«*«o i1? Wee we«M m llienal Craut *1 IN |i- Rvenin* InapitsMenei Rervir* I* M en* II W ■en*ei *rh«el el R.AA •amiat.ve arm a* ea mnpa Tnn Wat,hip Reralta, a pitnari tacbmcai aanpa* a i» «w im W par PM Wotite* intern, anew (Wkraerv We-er§a»Ue* »"r Waller •eflMtJ Mr Rohan prae.hm* at e..m A 9* Senna AAelta * upper Rnerh far IranaperMMee raM IV 9'flAI wrurra I W l entan aervDee kWd pSerea el aieps rail * "* *oe«i • venm* Thl«m (Ink fantral I* e prlan*|» IBauh fer me* la ■nffttm (kerrk M fern pee 1 bmm BS ap«|a. •** ptarerneiff odt 'ce be* lOII ML||j m, „« a .periftr time for T*ur »nt'r«ocw. OKEHOS BAPTIST w_a ^ zkz7*. *ca aesie* of the brock urea that aiae ha^t ^2^2 FIRST ONRSTIAN LANSMi CENTRAL F«H ""SSiS?1 BETHANY BAPTIST ^PlIlQl^g^witaina ■ Mm, eeml a aaswa •* CHURCH I Spartans Eye Revenge MICHIGAN STATE NEW! *.!»!* Northern Michigan Skiing Report TM> Tmr 5 Question Marks Hit tkxplt* oondlHolu In HiU area, the awkrnd. C.brrfar *« A»a State's Wrestling Quest In Cage Final With Iowa . _ _ inches oi new snow and Tra- tmth Caberfae and Traverse venm city two. Cabcrfae con- When does five add up to one? diana. Minnesota and Michigan, City report favorable skiing and tinues to offer night akiing from Mathematically it is impossi¬ if they plan any success. The ble. But to Wrestling Coach other flive Big 10 schools are expect it to remain good over 7 to 10. Fend ley Collins five problems not expected to put up too much Rand haa 1 add up to one big problem. of a fight. RICHARDS The seniors. playing Is J—I- By CHI CK has improvod rapidly SATURDAY STATE The five-problem is the quin¬ The Spartans that pose the like activity if noi, Fleldhcuse for the last Mme You have to siitently Into a ftoa _" tet of wrestlers on Collins'squad question are Joe Marchal. Bill are center John Green, forward Gucciardo, D u a n e Wohlfert, you want to win the Big 10 Rob Anderegf. and guards Tom Stouffer's aanrlea haa Thru that pose as question marks in basketball title. ited to reserve duty, fibst Big 10 wrestling tournament Gordon Johnson and John Me- Rand and Jim Slouffer. the Take Forddy Anders* m. for points against SHOW TUESDAY! which begins today In Iowa Cray. Instance. The coach of Michigan This aggregation has been In¬ ever. ( J* P.M. strumental in compiling the win- City MK'ray and Wohlfert appear State'i championship team has¬ Collins' one big problem Is to he the next beat beta for n't ever had time to sit back ingest record ever held by a The Hawfcsy— a— points, hut neither haa been State team. Besides the record the hit la ni + ** 3 ACADEMY AWARD NOMINATIONS! trvlng to win the team title with OMCAR ROBERTSON and enjoy being on top. only three sure point makers— consistent this season. "I'm »o busy I haven't had 17-8 season this year, these four They would Mho la • . , tap all-American . * • HE.ST BEST BEST Tim Woorfln. Jim Ferguson and time to look at films." moaned were in on two years with 16 the ehaasp* twtoa H . . . . . . Iowa, the host school, has. by hi flkc Norm Young. And Woodin and Anderson a* he rubbed his tired victories. ind earn a Ma far far, the strongest team. Tht A I* Names Slate It would take an entire book six-team battle. ACTRESS! DIRECTOR! SCRF.EM'EAY Ferguson, both seniors, should rome through with a pair of Hawkeyes are led by Ijarry Mo- eves. It waa an effnrtYW talk about to elaborate on how much these ser. Gene Luttrell, Jim Craig, Paced by Clai Shown m 2:15 ■ .1 :.KI ■ M:SII championship*. and Gordon Trapp. Iowa finish¬ Pair, (rreen and the A part* its clash with lows players have meant to the suc¬ or Michigan Stat* basket¬ »nd Dove Ounther, ed its dual meet card with a 10- Saturday hi Jcnkon Field house cess •w happy to spoil State is in pursuit of Iowa, 1xSuMM.SMcnK.|ffiSTatT vBnsnu Qumm the present titleholder. But Col¬ 2 overall record and R-0 in the conference. Anderegg lo Team "They're the only team we haven't beaten In the Big 10 ball Green ha« been the most well festivities. Stouffer. and Art his dub¬ -Wwst Muma 1ml Roam m Wnu! lins needs points from ious quintet to catch the strong State's Woodin Is one of the NEW YORK bP» — Johnny this year." noticed Anderson sprctactular player in history will probably miga Green, who sparked Michigan (Iowa defeated State, RO-68. here and by far the best rc- have defenders. The grnpplers have returning champions Last sea¬ ;n the final game I State to its first undisputed Big early in the season). "Iowa I* bounder. Anderegg's rough, ag¬ t' win to get by three other clubs, In¬ son he took 177 honors, i.ieen touched by flu 10 title, was named to the sec¬ one of the best teams in the gressive plav has been a delight he on the bench Mr ond team of the 1959 Collegiate conference; they have a lot of to fans Ail-American aeleet- tAN Basketball poise." J'ni. 1 by the Associated Press. Host sould a coach inspire a SfHirtans Sharpen Stcords ad Oscar Robertson, the "Big O" team to defeat Iowa when ft of the University of Cincinnati, haa already clinched the champ¬ Vou «B ut «nd hMT * t*... tht aid pn( parties... th» art «< «n Named to ionship by a four-game mar¬ For Hip 10 Championships dominated the voting. the top five along with the na¬ gin, the largest atnee 1908-09* pa t«*n»...th#paradtoltaddamd wfhtt..B*|rt»l. tion's lending scorer were Jerry -This will be a big game for our four seniors." he observed w III awtleh la i West of Weat Virginia, Bab Six members of the Spartan We want the best record we've Mtn shaneaa. Bnoier of Kansas State. Bailey fencing team will travel to Co¬ Howell of Mississippi State and had in the conference (now 11- lumbus, Ohio, this weekend to Competing hi wtl ha Kentucky's Johnny Cox. 2), it's the last performance be¬ compete in the Big 10 fencing HAYWARD ^ Bob Anderegg, State's rugged fore a great student body and championships. Steve is Arnest, tea 14-19 for the year, and forward, received bonoreble fans, and a chance to wipe off Terry Glimn, who boasts an mention. our worst loas of the year." 18-14 record for the season, a no Johnson. 11-19. Dick Lawless, with a 15-15 to¬ The Sparans wfll tees Ohte rmillHmi—WIWIII—WIHH—timWIUMtmHHWiWHIIHIIHIUIWIHIUIUMI. state. Illinois, Indiana, town son tal. will he the foil entry. An Dowd. who haa a 11*15 Wisconsin. The matt Is tht qua Mb All Thin record, and Chuck Ac km liter. Jr.. lying event for tha NCAA mill he an the epee atrip. *eh- Championships which wRl ha mitter. who haa compiled the hosted by Navy at Annapolis* l alur Ik fun lop team record of M l In foM. Md« on March >7 and 99 fur ma, hut TODAY IS SUKR-UMAM DAY! It aurr I* Mm Twa I'Nturw — AM Day htilaa Hard on my Coat* A a* llaif Afltr 1 P.M. "IIP PERISCOPE" — t:M • «:1 A . IB:B> CLOTHES! "SEPARATE TABI.ES" . IiM . 4:4* ■ «:M - 12:0.*, C6at"GlAN CLASSIC 1W at a 5* + DUMML Naairtatad For Tko Atodwy Award! fe 09 *54 AkrknHi «Oe Baa fcf OWhaaMipUi W mi Ouaaaah paa "LEAVES TOU HELPLESS v. ; RMBBi • RHMMHRlff; aat eeey Oeaegal 81MINUatea . hadb dht Mb l^m m aUbakyp Uakal'illH r nil unoiEir la Son tori sod* aoNoa qufosd id Mkrt 1 1 l| mmm mmsmmrn ADD baRlBuUe**auSr. fhaiirnmmmemm LATE SHOW TI1NK*NT 10:00 P.M. SMALL'S •M SOUTH WASHMOTON AVINUS Friday ☆ Maiay if Wq ^ mm mmum a Winter Term THUMBS OF GRADUATES *Wi- 1* runi^h r a L 1 I V. 1 COMMENCEMENT ■iiV1 ^W'i 1 i j ANNOUNCEMENTS ®p| r*~^' 1 f ■ ARE NOW w _ncMAS0N Bring Your Receipt OOROIHY —HP ■i'OH SS^SRTtiM — UNION DECK! BAN BED" Hwtra Om .1 1.11 COME EARLY! CRLRRRATE OUR "RUN OF TIIE ARROW*' With ROD KTEK.ER la later OPENING WITH 1781 ALL (I) BTTI OVER HY ll:JB. COME ON OUT! LUCON ( "mZ iti kfyt ■ u. ? <*' ^ 4 ■ wm -■'V rcnaiitih PA ' "T " - - :-• • - L,t^J' •MR - niiii im in BIUFI 1 )i - ' "»«.»■» Ill "'S «'■ «.k"'. t ■■,, Aflf Mir.AN ST ATM XFHTR III I'iiii Me-rl. • -j, >~ Track Team Gymnasts Seek Big 10 Upset Marrh I. l!f.4 Pit ' y ?.s$ *! ' d ■' a i S|M»tiifig 11« mini a.iliil lineup -.he dill bu! A S'a'e'i mi.' dr ivv y'V.-i GLADMER i - -ob I'aiTx Koii^Ii l»«#!h in :rfi\*i, j| cunduittn II* uf miiii'a in n uie |> and than ■ •'.tei. iei K/v,.ula frnd.ng B ..riL>ra:»-ii g *t*.» 'n . I.amp.ins .»*m>e\»ep". Ile fw i- W cckciltl a ii . irtith ii MSl' B ixc!i!..gu»n. a gAinttasttis Irj'ii Ill I . '«»da> ai.e g. .p .\ a"e. n?: vAhen a oar ne ri i»sed vai.'t ei.J a -« ?e JHt VIKK • PllllNt; IV. 2-'W.'tI \ ' h4 iui '.lit uf I'.e t aa ,.-,ta a ' Da i- i-.* and upen.ng '--c appaiai.t* pi etna', rl. 4 - " Mich.s#n ' ' 'Ij S'4'e» 1 A link ' en,I tram :!,* Big 10 I U-M'-AA i lid:up.i-r litp 't-J:11 , t't-el :;j 'ip. \ I'll ft.,, ' a ".J »:tk'e r • u\ ei !!.g 111. i r i *• 4ai ^ga » »' on! Inge:. lid:.wis' ui pw'.eu' a« « trk f It.gl; iiel.i) over •" - rm H'h.oi. and tni.'d in the cunfei- AC... Hi* Id*' it .Ir.l KM HIM. I.O' f • KKK ' J.-a . ee; na e h# pea; A» t B-S l" ihj'H|ti»n»lnp rimt..d4, 'a ' "ea. fiiH ftength eii.r idle behind tne ld.ni and J ,u » r D.o-»re.p VAf.eu '.tie WAA I• .rA*TAN HOTHH Mmklullwn. Hrunu in(] , d Pu1l.«r| cum ifte nocin m hopt* of a ftI «1 di. Iu\a an a ear. ine Spartans Hit* phi*', u Ire*! fit.,-* -ntd I, a m • \ ifiou fiM -.ii . .f- : .»»ep severe 'in-fee and deapda •hen fa Una ae..*" ■» n.«lk*r MfllMfe •' liocllf" (Mirlhrr. The MUX lute l„,„ „ out11 aa top piuNpect fur a daik t'Od D«» { ,.lt! v f*>l f.: »' ' Newman, . *-o in one in,tooi meet thi* MunieU ts ,„M. (•» 4efen.lv. thrill, diiilni ll„ |,„ ,|„rt )r>|| hois* t.p»ei of pir-irr-; fJAol.lee Mi»rk» free e%ert-i«e. t'ap'o.n - a ti Bid 3,>n, a > <• 4) t oaeh P as. Uittiufi il< U Illinois and M.chig.t!' IramMohne and tumbling Bit aiattlH.1 ' 4 llS'aA f«r 'leer Avademv ""storit * Irmiiaslit Ihompnon the latter two * event* - at 8 lealar aH-armind man Angir Una -mi aii op pom- itign ft; »• \tj' at head i-oecfi. fe#l| Roth Bit A'wtmidered among the lie Award ^ Rally Peala. aa ha wii a I U> aa eg in re¬ v* I j 4*e on '■** de 'lia' M il .gai, |;l iiui« and In join the team tahen a probation leagnr n heal - Maniela in free 'liiKii* f vg wiui.eia tiioofe-.: Nominee "31 •' » ia n.ekt H \ ai d 'fi- for III* • eg and tumbling and I hompaon and loea'f B i a >cfe tie penalt* *■ him «n lifted laat mi pel Wru|>-ii|> I Ionic . -il !i»i o'l.ei uni'fiilur n.Kleii Her fur mailt* tramp. ecrs nu ai e .«a » and i.o* m*. «* aveat a week, ia the latent Spartan to __ ;4- Round ,i ,c -e i e !im ' o »pnl> Sj laiNlii" *1 to g t*«iim* dirt*. Ilia aurprtne re¬ iiiiHir hut irnl. e»t.e> ■ v e'e. ">5 . ' . «■ ' »«• d.v m . . "( at Ain a lltrl t v turn mar-cite the *«iu*d enough taking onh a I !-lliaii teem Tin Kwif" depth t« make it a aerloiin threat ^ nt ason Willi U of M Itittili-ii fair* a large wider wf for the team title, arrntiling la MILLEL FOUNDATION Me Better I ban the flacbonrs! a ""lk fin the ueekrud %flar the f wa«Ii t.enrge Arvpula. >ver lu Rallv dig in inrrt. the igeiUn r»a« It Round the flag •■» IIAVl H%KKI I I Hill lake fl»e men with him l« .Annual show nan! Mittr Beya" the Milwaukee Krlata Molt ! With ■ .tor* ,iv .» Mil ».iJ..f, Maai la hi.lurr play. h<»t in m, up«|art Michigan » o ■ an* i ' •«. a, e->i iner i ami »l. h.san »el foul 111 Results •4 the Ml I Indea Orowe. Shaarev tedefe I'ample n joan ■t I tnoinbt la Spatter* ectei *w '*u- tha'lM Arm.. a; A Sow a !aat week • vtiin. a .!« . tn of a ioMitg 'i.t van*# fa vol del Biuopa n w Mgma tru ia. man ia « If at a <• a Muakovi M >i vt Chi Pell* it »t.*« 4. « •kit |*reaenlaliuna- lioreoalioe mt tfaeea. Collins home-away aoii*e wi% J '' «• »*•« .ii eaili e««MU o« Hi* In»«i* of laatn I. M »«>»•»•• t la Corned Beef Boffei topper Boelei A JACK f r i.atah victoria* ovar th* Wol- invade t*» i* et»*bt Wwawi the te»a:j*. In n* *>-■>"■ t- • • n a 1"| ««' j'?. « if H i'.in. • • oeifi- i am* u #1 »•,«• »n K,.:. T.s.m I AO-yd Mich 440->d ). ■ atker • longaa »ntoani Mi.lierfleia Unroot » I. *4 St. T a »• Mather t MeCrlrhi I. RAihei t« Muiie.f.eig HUM M .furfell I I t| l» t. Hide* tiilrhiiwl. available Khlllipn. Mav.n Shaw. Bnlterfteld, and B^tea at 3 43 pm from Vnnik loader Carson 4t-»' f K .1' a ptrmeneMpd Wiohrgaw 3-1 f • ■ ".<• ge Kei i 11 AiH) vd f fthao I P f »ha* t M r (-2 Making thrlr final ippmniff Kfi 8Mii > ,| r,in Kerr; torn «4 M«»it*t 1» air IMi k Hamilton «ri'ond to ■a h(»» fame od +* iae" • e .'a t M !«»,• a two* PoUrm in w oring Kill Mn Km * w* Mi aH-t4u»p Tiiglt f«r , e ile, ,r P it 70- fir the fnlrtl tkilrr in tlir If a , i.tnea in tfte lee Awn* w it .1 III! He e (>.iege:U and Skip , T»au«hi* ***»♦ »• Wf^ 'eo r>\ or thai mart *iif ged ami w fin! logman lirknonu w l»h .t powerful nig¬ iv «'.ei:t, .ei*,, Ue* M;tt,i OSl-'. Pedaiaon. 70 I a l.M ■ickigaa State UaivaraNy Cifw • *v* AOooH COVUM By OC LUKC drivt [ \||- tmertraa aendidabr Joe lUirioi* h ggft Jump FONEMN FILM SEMES VimiM- *»HI laM R»e Wiai «mw ■ h M u;il t*i*" ii M,i Km e r >♦* e Ha •'«* and Hon Hd«-h*l' . , Jfe. n.>--wri.— / •« » * i K >b , Iff far Mia laM Mraa before >i oad lump 1 aa Hud wmr Mr II, . L inrnf arawi. Salinger leaSa • s .... e v a F.elr* I .and prfCfUll i goalie* wick • *• iMh-pw • -rti M *!, aiio' put T'HW m average. - - ipictexr. .• (j for the test v.in* *1*0. V..;.w awUtU"ll shin Pb.gN^auiteAiCAUmMift at other* Bruno atwi Kc Poi- LATE SCORES , fsv/r bags ullrttts | %R| I PM ' V.' 4 It • 3t t *3 offon.'! -A . Vdi * B* leading H til klA vl till i a: m: t INI - 1 if - FM . »- »n<| rank*- fourth at m w- i Ta ■ ttie leadli.g defensive "On* of th« r.cbest P'»nk» th« mor-r* hav# I A I » >1 UtlRI l» t All HR t'ARKMIN L but h*> been a'etnj hum mil i i offense and defend plj.ed on an aud enct in quite a spell1 XI it v I WMS I %l f III A IMMi ' (««'«>• Joe wilt bo* Laughter «nd nhima.cal *..et,. I'UMINt* NOON A wave o( *K>-I«r*.ng m.rth' ' t It II R Itr.MII If* l>«l RAMI'S Swimming (|liail(il C»^ VV^Juff.cv- —* V r. In • IMF I I N 4 OHM WOMIMV aph iki i«r* " litia'tHlal Re*pwii«ililht» inn 1 tf.uniin-aod front Page s • If M* *t 12 .1U pm trie « for lining llrtvert * Motomrlra JIM OMNI * Mnl of kUle Ifili era pf*r- tllW' AN If PtH sKlr HJShh l.M USUI A f|SI X f boMiyld. 100-yard mr*n. M A Mil fl) ^nnfbuMid divttif «•*- .1. 200-yord ' inuiv.dna ('All if 14ft S* Anawef and 400-yard fr*«*n • jf wtli bv given A' 7 30 t • t Mlrh Ave IV 5-1419 Mtai IVM11I * r*0t\\ ufiampwMia ftw t4ie»e |l*'..dav a* OiMf a i»- *• *•« I b* tr«4* lor 100-yaid i> i- 10-yard •*••*!> i*. 2 tli«; it run bp waehewl k: «h»: «h* ASU Moily by hari,I. iiiu.*Ihiip or lauislry. If 44 "MOMSTKN ON THK CA.WHI S" il p. pkillfullv (iruip—al, it *hunUl dry ARZBERG" OS uMirkly Ami—UHet iui|wr1anA. irva AT A BT1 SI'MIAY wit iu irwti wrinkW* Aiel b» md| la . . . lit* finr ,1,1,1,1 f,tr I In, if ii lin ii mil >• e im • lu • • m «o* 'i* r »..n m.iaoiin, I; V • im ihin? in lifr- a.« a.tii (fard ia* 'a--J .*in, -aid vinld uaeftamei. fijt * -'V -5 Ttw I met "Wa-h 'V Wrar" we hAPt >TME ».ho am k a. i p'-eari •ladu.tan. t' « diiinerware ' v : * p«-n » tl'p llanhattan* MaiuinwiUl* 'iv' ia ik No-lihii luu*. i'..tt..n Sbirt. Vtava H Pr pi .-wi n, «>ap Yw Ar/beig i.m*ta- mi iimnA -(it * ^«J| Vea 'hen m m! fan# pjitf.* Bpf.n decide I Vi e ymi eoe p. Man-iuooth i* the only "Wash 'S' >1 i s*\S lh ••WaUaTtrpedl e'.ed and dr,,naw«ij 1. /* 'xK • i i; VAVar" Cuitiui »itb "Mulrcttlar Mpih- ut'v"—a yirat .*-iuititi< «fhi*v*mpnL IK ANSI.I ( tvr hill IK Not mily (lor. Manhattan Mari»llitaKk i&mm ANB wa.-h likr a drrain nil matter how it ia AA.t>hrNi—diy out in »j'tTv—iron iteelf ins:, 1 i *. .rllin* COMPUTE CHICKEN, FISH, — — ,Mil—but, al-.., it » a shirt that nrvrr wrinkle* in wear. It alway* looka frr.-hJjr laundered! Amaang? \«a! SHRIMP OR RfB DINNERS.. IK VOI 'HK A HHIIIK TO HK PIPINO HOT, READY TO EAT. . . u. Mr W.Hl.fHl ».M», IM.. Nt ..MM.I .IMI..I And the priee for thia flneet example •Ml .ImImImm fl.lM.II MM. .fl.lMl I. Mil of "VA ash 'N' Wear- Shine . . . Man- I.OUKK Kl.dOH Ul I CK.M'KK Luiiea Jhneumuih ... ia uftiy fa! DELIVERY FROM ...J" INIIKEI 11 i 111T J Ml I MNMM ML jUs^eWnan/rd. AtraAcnoN so. < Al ABCNV AWAan WINN*! -vat uaiAueoc 4kl^»: nsilcheUros. YEAR N MM . 107 Knulk htoblmlMfl An. NirmOAN BTA1I WBWS Marsh 9, 1999 Discoverer TNOT.EWOOD. Calif. up average and a 2.0 winter term t Canaveral. Fla.. Have Ticket* for the cheering sec¬ William Travis, commandei ot witn convocation planned Alamo was occasionally used a- infant of Texae tieam, extremely difficult to the series will send mice and orbited the equator. tion at the Iowa game can be gin •he fort. James Bowie, co-corn- An announcement by the ad¬ ha April 2. All mshee* must a fort In 1999 it was garrisoned dependence. track. monkoya aloft The first was but picked up today between I and mander and Dsvid Crockett Apparently to Name la a a te«t of hardware. vanced research project agrnct. .3 in 3?W Student Services. attend. by the Texans in their fight for aeanaHig dee lee Intended to keep International SHOP TODAY (FRIDAY) »:.1u A.M. TO » P.M. PUONK IY I MS I i/jp to 4 Hour* free Parking Theme Reign* W'kuu Chopping Downtown AtCluhDinner fNtuiwg on an <**» menu ARTBMW .wvwru^ toom Turk lab delight* •» toaoa. the International Din¬ i«n«i» sap a m* ner w6tt he bold Saturday at VANRAAI.TK ■ iraa MMb bland id • 99 m. to too Bhnot Course Dnaren*- nglan entten BifilsBs an nmato aampus Blip ef nylon tricot MUnes stoes wtto Nip- The dtoaar 4sst»nd to ptoaoa with Ince bodies front Bnst - Lsngto proper- too ailfHuwaa gtnmaeh will and bark, marquisette »iswing. VhMs .... 99.99 aAao taolude dtoha* from Oar trimmed. Matching own#. Option, Viet-Mans, Pan. hemline Misses sizes. tosedna and ■mend. Wh,«* - 91.99 Food tor too annuel dtnnar aponoaond hp ton totnaitknai i lob wtfi bo pssparsil kg tor- oign aaurtonw and faculty To add —atmlttoa %mm. toeeign mdwta w4U attond to men! w4B toahn p—toiwi Amartoa. Twhoto tor tor to mm! affair and UN par paraen. Tickets Available For Tournament Today la to# laat daf student* n»» obtain tow transporiatum «nd «ama ttrfcota to too NCAA iM«ketoa)l ragw^aki. March II- 14 as gyanaton. 111. StudnnU mag aign up and puivhaaa deb¬ ate to 9M Student gerrieau be- 1 waai I aaut • today. Cool eg too too ttoket ha* ERJ WW f bean padiaaad fnee fin to |7 if :o with miNMMHp. A H dapnett u re a W. Illinoi I md Mkmw A'nred and wilt be refunded if toe nareoary somite of pefcet* a md Pur* irr wtth m V TUB 19 the 4 til PMotophy InMrucUw a 11 wot • To 4tUrm*t faculty > M. MX b: HernM Waiati, philosophy to •V s?r|I r WW. U « etrurtor. will apeak en "The n for fin* Philosophy of Discovery" behwa mi and to the Philoovhy Colluquium in f®» Tash •♦>e Phytica-Mathematics eon ffience mub tonight at I i j bivortno pomore, tri p Farulty ateiutiera and gradu m iporUci a'e tend. suahaaito are Invited to at¬ I' Rooaas blip a nploti in. t tm AA »!*> Ubte Sw * haitm mi pldd m i . v ttJrmr bnuddrte dm la- Michigan State on*. diaMUat tar Midipd ma Uolnrill/ »»•:, naniN niJt SERIES Lixm blip at mm dpdi- V. n,loo II,id, trie with wtSd l«Cd bod:.. HARHIZON ^ ,nd hdmluw inn.. Admit AWAII ( amilee" Blip ef Bat- • Soldo -id. (u, WWW fit, Mim MM Worn in Hyifaire* with per manrntly pleated ■hrtr and lace trims BEST WONIIKK MAID Mi-hm-s sues. White lOUKN FILM Slip *1 nylun iririd wtth dlaborpt, lac*