WW&it* • **;• JL-»* p> * •- ^.v :j 'y*> -•■: >■ '}% >? "«.s,, ■ ■ K'.t totawM^toasMaiimWMMi (■MM mrnrnm '»' "■■"■" ''■IJ"■" 'I p.m rH If § )f The Weather . f I' Michigan State News ■ "■ V l.iitht Snow Kxpeeleri Hiith Today 39 ! Jaaw Sunday JS : f vol.. 5n. Xo. I lit KHST LANSING, MICHIGAN— MONDAY, MARCH ». 195* PRICE 5 CENTS vj \ i Khrushchev Asks Socialists to Confer To Discuss Senators Demand Proposals Stronger Defenses In Berlin Say Berlin Crisis May M< -an StN'iulixlN Want 'Deallilted for Demoeraey' I nifird (»ermany W ASl 11 Nt ;TON i l'i—Top SonHtr Democrats proiMwl tltd RKKLIN tVT>—Soviet Pre. I-.'->•'!iliii\\11* A(htiiui«tration .Sunday to stivngthun the na¬ nier-Khru.Mlichev has invit¬ tion's dfiVuspM and to take the foreign policy initiative in ed the leader of the Socialist the Heriin crisis. ■ ———-• r»|>|iosit ion party in West Sc ..i'e t)»i iiH-iMtie l.eaier (iermnnv to meet with him I THE 4H-?ard medley relay. Knn I lark of Mirhiaan headn into stmp lau, Phtiiia 111 KOI KiHman l.v.io!! .frihli-stin hour Mas arrived for Of Texas salt I Ou» an answer Kt'^ionul NSA tn Kant Heriin, Party Hpokesmnn ftaid Sun- A Socialist »«ster la complete the hreaBtBtrokr hp of thr rarnt I.Mli.nA s ?«> the question Shall B»r!tn nM Mlkl la far ahead of him. houeirr, as the Indiana tram sm. MBIT is hark in lane J, to- M-Mi-niljered «•, the doathtied Discusses Jfel Clige. I dgy night. The invitation was extended Of lenvHiacv or ;)x the grave- 4='. *• |t(J >ai(i ref aggrexsion?" Stale (loiivo for today. I'lOMimabt.v Khrusb t'hev ami Erloh Otlofiliauer, hend Cops Fourth "We can no i«»ngei si! by and sew our strength military. m>»r- -T ,r V;,v. ' <>f the Wcart Gurinuny Socialist a' --decimated bv Represcntatlvea of four schools Party, would take up ihe Berlin -»r rc'inoimc nieoting at MSli Sunday foeala for Swim Records de n-fea' retreat," Joiin- Fly .iv or the Miihtg.in regional exerutivd .» Herman peace treaty. »- n said. NSA conference discusi*ed plans The Socialist!, have plugxad lie heads the senate prepar¬ for the coming state convention for a lung time for a ncutraluad ed nest. sulMonimittee whirh has and international relation* sem¬ take the initiativo areas rtNiB he will it lo up. withdrawal •»# troops from It est denta In rampsM programs. April. ' THE IS BETOKD* set in tel In Madiann, Wi* 'he policy sl«lX>e »f . 4tth annual Iti* 10 Berlin with the statement that Tho Michigan Regional Inter¬ formulating body of the Big 10 In other weekend octHm, toe also la reporiai the »•.: ...ti iitv whet. '.#• A ofi the ly, Siuthem Cal it aervHig a "we'll ronslder It if yon get out national Stuoent Helotions Sem- inint group delved into reeruit- drafting with hia East Hemiato . 11 wore established bv ^(Wl.v,»id bre**l'ti*ike McKiir.e pasted tho reUHdution by a 1-4 one-year NCAA proiiation pun- of Mungar?. t lerhualovakta and ta. will be tw-id Mar 10-22 at majority j.g iwacttce* .tiul changed some noeta, pnrty bona Wnltar Uto M. tlx by Indian* and tvso bi"ka- he H.t 1" w»n iotin.oiit. Fast (irrminv and F.stonla and tha University of Michigan He- the piopawal will 1)# txlckt and Premier Otto Orota* 1ST. U of M had 35 qtiali- Whether Two other prrqiosal* which 1'iiig sinniiing legislatnm to al¬ • he .-.A.-vvi fu v* '• '< ■ h'-d l.atata and all the other places." chiim- t>f final examinations, witol. a World War II paoatt for finals, look six first C'firk fc ttu *• " the f ' « ' ? 5 aiH-epte^l. however, rerel* with tfie previous di.Hxentera aoem l<» low a pro*t>ectivo at blot# to Johne «i and Fu I bright, wtw» MSU will not send a rapresent- faculties of thy menibei* ■i take one rumpus visit •rooty k» bo eonclmlad twlwoatt and seven second* t-roM Art.cn. .r NCAA ' B'.f the approve may n«e l»e welcomed paid for duwiaVMst Uie Bttlin situation III save toy Kuaeia and toe Gormen aalttltti Tashnick, last year'# wild will v«do on recotn- bv tf»e Wert fVniot. by 'he university. 10 itfc-nrdf • « v»-n twttp'u « Mo¬ • toe triple winner a* a dule's recent 2 2'.' 4 uieetings with Eewer Fri¬ Regional Chairman 3ot»n Bv- mendMion to atay in tlie annual "Pie Dig til'* new stand will Ttie fine print rends toot toe atton. i day, reaffirmed to ««*|>arate togt m. K«'i riB Institute, reported New Year'* ctoy fuotball cIxmu wiiool con pay bis trMimporto- Title ia» a rats trenty wouM M ore. proved to Iw the A I M talmc • ".i-1 i" -v.tv to Ih» to limit participatiiat by any" recorded radio and tvlev»n»n on thv Nation Executive Ctun- m Pasadena. Cal, T)»n«yii e««to y*or. Agriculture Short Course Blue Key Head Onto State *«•' puinU to Uie MI'MT MI R A RR* The Pt'C w(ll dtatmrid on July bank, >11 re- diving •» Swn Hall and K ti O'¬ jtPITOR* .tKJTH: ThU snriaa articles t. WHO TI RN: M<*J pra-ple wrth 9«f)0 I, t»39 Graduation Held Friday mm Prev*. Chtnt m.M nl-ftnaU of th. Brien plated firs' and i«v<.nd Ot w 'h four tf.v avernga weis pr«i»o:e«t ituhnt* of or nvHt of gtuai, income must Ttio H«oe Bowl contraet on* log, Blue was aiaotad prosidani Key, national junior ndra. d] ior-eemw I U, butii the one and thrsw-mr'ej file a return pile* witii ttyy ISNMl UiSMuv MYou dtouM too! • spirit of The agewker atetad that he ■4 ladlvldual m«41.7 - 'ih MSU ax a criteria uj*>n which to ■y nignil , IxUaved th.it even more linpor- mens honorary, Hundey nigh diving If v»u arw under 03 and a The w-tlng siioAfd a «b*fmito revers»iice end ktoshRi with thv --.J ttlM, then b,tt.r,1 th.l lodge the applicability of »»* lant Uian the health and phvsi- Other junior rgftoors■ Inrludi] Inrl M.Chigati Abd l-»was ♦Ofi-vatd ci»i***n of the U S- ot an aimn aruft in -Rose Bowl iMikero of almighty end e roali/'ithm of r a I 041 AlMrtuu. NCAA, procedure ami regulation*. If vion prooident, Bill Hampto(n Hantgrtow trcfst> ,c rt-oiv u-an'ih put 'he in die V S and bad gross in- toe member schools. When thy pel t nersbip in Hia marvelous qiie **t the farmer, even more k 10 nnfd. you are all exception to the aver¬ Itbiumfield HUB; recording aoan lefcn in.g ihui.M»iun Oh*» S'aie come of 1000 ort«iit t1u4ii hia skill nnd ■MOT BSCAM I • ln„Ic age student by way of age. ««If etarjr, Jennings Bird, Knonvillto iu thud p ate :t, Uit u ra«e M.. n- the vcar, you niuaT file- a Fed¬ iana, Michigan, Iowa, Illinois tlon," Stanley P»»we!l. faogtxla- comiHrlence, was a whi| attuned Saturday whan h« ' ■ * supporting, O I., vto you should to rural beauties and to the m> Term.; treasurer. Merit Harml^ Michigan Farm ' lg«u had a Tuu.e «'f 120 V • mw eral Income Tax Return, and Ohio State wero in favor, Bve Council, pursue the *ub)ect further Lansing; corresporwllng arc roe a-yard kuttarfl.v tltia H» Big 10 wft'i Indi.t'ia's t4H0 If ..vour gnu* income krr the Wisconsin *nd Minnesota have Bur.'iiu, seid In hi* address to - teriea of plant and -animal tifv The** arUcics aic rioi intend¬ u y, T«»ny Nlaaen, Ihm Moune -M of til. two tn»)!» »"'•• iir a ir. the ♦<•>' a. .1 n.fllev re- u» tie 'tie a« word on tax tax year wan iw* than V>"0 been in nppa«ttiun and North- a gioup uf agricultural shmt Tt»e gruduatHMi exercise tAui 1 MMTa Billy St.u.ri ed i. ti. arwi alumni vecretary, Mi kg lev i>. *r to. Big 10 instrk. but ail or part uf it wan aubject western and Purdue have gone ouurse groduete*. place Friday at I pm. In th< atbar TaaiwiH'k on»>fd p. «eitur^ but wei»• prrpkred to withhoUlmg tax, you ihouJci Powell we»»t cm ta eey Hiet 6 large auditorium, Antbonv Hal: ■ lidhaiu, Bimdnghain. the -student gaining a u, along with toem m recent yoorx. ad la tha 100. o> aid in Peppet. with a 3.71 average, m file a return tt» d»d a refund of successful farmer must lie able of a aaeofwl iVefir I'imly-Kaiil .broad knowlcvlge «f tox regula¬ tion* and proewiure. If you hava Wte Ux withheld, Now Ohio State, Who ha* made three trips tn Ma poAt-kcavon to «xeni*v management nf e rh'>M ntuiw wsr» RohaM Haikinan. VienartitHiiw. llu I Iitemtier of i'nion (Paard, Delta Tau Junior Council. PI whaaa firm win ««a A married couple, wfeie one classic, wa» reportMl againyt the high order Me pofcnto'i out that arts A Hlsli, taiHalla. Aothony Flliy , anv !RH>cifir question* when you —iy'a 1444-nw'" a threufti lor Ui« Spai - Shifii'il ill t of H prepare •>oui tax form, you apouaa had gi<»* income' of iv**. than 4300. should ordmorilv file R4 a Friday, baatmr »•* ANN ARBOR -R' A '• umber the 1959 edition of "Y«tr Ferleral a joint return in urdcr to pav tion of Uia game Uaat year tha di'/en* "1 important tasks the Menlan-in f arpenlei. Adrisn. Kdwpi Caqr, tie* I timden. I jaaev lev unpua in 1027 T«niay thvie. •»# stuflents ar thr t*r.ivrr- , tiaaatylr'a d*frnd"'8 art rTver, a'. *ax or get a laiger refund latter two *c*houU mowed great tuie that la the most urgent To¬ •er. Thnmas Crstis. .MiddltviMe. !<•» Inromo Tax." publication num¬ e a mlea ber 17 of the Oovemrnent print- , kee kNORT ( III RkR. Faae 0 United .Slates. . ky a totr-brr«Ui on tile aprifag season Sun-tSy Boa DKOME TAX. hD « ball play. nienagei and purchasing agent. ing Office ) awaat. laaralnf thai hii tM4 mght Bui what n ght hevt U-s-n a 1'ipi* ccanpatition »a» ,•■" a Provuleit for Shorter Year htm front uatn* Mr ■panU-ratd on »be «a » iorni- i * diaibUlty in moo tmies tuntod .out to l* "nl> • Improved9 Calendar Submitted to UN tr.lant try lo break the I •* near-miss. of 4:14 4 Ul the 440-yard A *ni" ' B. C. It - •till th. lowaat recorded fnu/i Offiff Kit* yersary came oo lb* same day Th * rhythm of 31-30-30 is man. Man's first calendar was introduted in 46 t»nly 10 month*. The year begin¬ 'i.id I' I'm, time. CAIRO. '4- S . .i.<*nr.s re- Of D»t* week wach year7 fM.-ated e»rh quartet. Each 31- the moon and the sun. I'UXKL JSaBOWSV. a H arnr wutmcnt amnaif many I'J'll They woirld by If the World day month ha* five Simdayil The oldest "reef*calendar was ning to March ended In Decem¬ Army Offucr* a' Prc.-C.arpr.u- rtthsw months have four, Jan. 1 i* the Egyptian calendar. In Egypt ber. The intervening tune per;> 'iif ifiaiid year and two In leap year to fall on tha same weekday each year, July 4 on Wedneaday for days were left end treated as holiday hack to 1000, whan toga Gre¬ gory XIII aa* up toa draper tan WCz • —ill h. included with Tuecoay'i State Neua. FABSOSU. TO OUMFMINS give a 304 day calendar. If we " tlta I®' A and of tha year. did this every year would begin example. mm tabloid reppleenent .311 cmmfmuraic ■baren wB, aha* Sab rerem wtafe Sunday, and every da'e The extra day would be Year The Beby Ionian TLTSuIm New.. Pnrtiona -f the X«..l k«« »'« «» ton. M fi htoda* alckt. Cuaek Mf Big !• tkgmHapafclp irapliyi a—araflrtaa Tom with a during the year would fall on End Day between Dee. 30 and ally .is older. It had a the *ame week (to>. ' n. 1, In leap year. Leap Ycai^ iuontha However, a 1M •u. win Include article, written by former ad,tor. and come The Work} Calendar urn this Day would come to Kit middg waa added vkpeni X aP*w°ML Tureday-uar«iS •ox***"'1 *—■■■■*■■■ ■11 eWwamf##*' km 1 i«" i i'4t ■,, mwmw*»mmim*»*eimiimimmiiil*kj*m*^^ ii i».n>l..yl»i»....i .a, .«..■. -■ ■ i>*1fflm ir Mirmr.dx utatr niton , f-fl 4ft ' Riots Break Out in Income Tax Mzrrb ft, I lift Port Throe 'i y "■ Nyasaland 4 • '/ fCnn{:nu#d frnrn Tag# !i Form 1040. >ou may rhoo«r how justed giori# in«x»m# rf ad]u#t#d fii ng to del ermine your tax You may income t# !#* t+i»n W.Obti. r#nu;remenU a« all ntneu* gio-*s taxi>aypi>. Thus, a prison undrr Itemize your deductions and If you hav# S.I.IHIO or mora 2i of actually compute adjusted gross income you mav / ,l Center #.t< agr mu>* file a r- your rax. or ca tnrn i.i :f his gross Income for u pf ad (C ontinued Tueaday) Mi P.'wtwe llMtU TO 1ST: K.: loi.e .J meth- I04ii; |(>i' Uprising /V (mm re disc vou> r iyj.'ks s.-d het# and ! Itinlrm Altml, li4nA , .It ! It ah: |'kinl»li»M I Ionic ■ SvvK lo I in |»r«»\•* Muff I'rurrdiirrt r-Al.lSBt'n V^uiH I, n r n an XUtuno am lnhmlosiii cT) — Krc*h I.I,,ml Memlirrs <>f flip MSI* .pilled Satiinlny In Nv. Ti.hIhis I r.ion. AKI.i Ml, Iinland rlotinp. The irmcrn. I.ivmI I '.'o, have voted to Irmt announced two AlVi- for 11 »• a«io«tl ion of an |.,n. were killed ami four in- iimrnilnii'Mt t>. ex innl Fatali¬ 1 arcH in disorder, at Mlanja, ty Or\-mi/.a!it>n Poliry pr.i. || ,M.produrinir renter. u\ tie. prim* Minister Su H"> W..!- p. r;tm nt.it U-\ t'is. |r,*y <*f the ■ federation Centra' Af and othri . Bnn-ii |);»hnr!ti## held an airport c»n- tha fyrenr* Sunday a! R'n- -tv*. y jy-na'aRd's capital, or 'he F. JF%\ t.\B|\ and Jeanetle Batti will appear In "(Oil »4C.% |r«n in that prnteo'n.-.v* v:..-e I HII." hilar Frer «h entwed* Pt'iavtMf *>' *hw Ai'rnan Na- K-"i »l.«. t a inns showing at (airehlld Theater Skbis, bmiglii. Tuesday and Wednesday at 7 and V pm |k i* iornp:#"- If von u*e Torn. 1040A and MSI IVdeMtriiui Struck l»* Vehicle S-if%!i»ta, toe hiding enn*r#»w e.v Vie urn vers^y suffer I «;i#gg afWl ntomra j»#r*ting a» w a4 wa* a •i.on id Miow t4te aourcea and Itmtto HIV* Cwmmlmiener W. blow lo Ihe reputation of MM aio..iin' of your., inrsmie Hit tear Harrunto Ho.nl Tim dnv-o 'truNnbaea mm to a am |t WHcwM, Pi iaalila— VMT vtW bw rw« tow# parllrlpato In ape Het program* an ech.MiU du'i' g -ha vcai. pro¬ Our members feel Ihet some¬ am-mi,' of »»\ withheld reHain id tile at»t«nu»bile we* Darwin MwmcrM# V^llM mhtoft #- toa.n.r.ji .w,i, n *ff hi' in and di«rii»« «eien«e education viding wi-tgiiitio f«»l »'• M thing mint tie done immedietelv intc im.i' alant! Hm i is ,444k | ..ore lansi-n Rmid crviento mgxw4 He k tofAtom on your exempt- Trouble Mn out on yw#o «m %• mnwiuci g treveimg M,er>e with teacher* and administrat¬ *»-«len'* .ind te,t. r«*i» n and ahuot the towering of morale iona and vmir dependent# and I empne pnltee report tost mtufaosrw# pwo«rmk* Ha ft txa«dun- orogran. Uie NaMnmii ors, bear oetmaiati at r h among faculty." said toaerorie. flriienberg lust after getting «k w*ffetang toww iwdMito tomam «»'« to»nWy to ft* Mianio ^ cm-'.i n . Met nformaUun uuli- Rcionra F'nmda'uvn annoumed t>* d* HT.irn,* ai en autw«H»bll«k Itrfrt*. to ■**•» gnutheewl »d Frnu daM.^e tm a to* that a* #•■ hi ran a'urti "Although e gtea' nuiniier of c.ited ,»n Hie tmin Tim to* u»hl# si'i.u •"a'e jsi-.'vrw noar *hw front tor of Designed to •Mn.uln'e »'\ific-it toe 'eacher* trained at the f». ir etruc'.uie moUiuler ir»rerieta'.f>uahipe and ui » «. pi i - -na on tsmpii* na.e dep.or- 0 .... * vnu a deduction a|>pink- | p.-'i.frum* Moearnbiqua, afoe to'weel U\m »e«*«M»d. •eotoea will clait I.IMJ0 )whm>t U- •el W e fel ine i*f adnutiisti etois .ii N'uig »be !0*V atHnderd de- FREE in aeionca m |r tr»ty polloo mmto 10 arrestw. mrr «enr.ni* ih« MSI' twoiect gcrrtna The travehug tea. hoc* w ' t>o '•» consult 'ben facultv no ad- (hic« i, m and dedtuUona Inr fine pecMinoi ft-# caught to that riraznet 'i ' .I'n'iir nea <-«»nmti"ed hon- eMemfkOnaw and ee>- wiU supported bv « |.14!l 7<»0 in r Orion Chirww, Iwgal advi«#r outlavred wnngrw** grar.# be fn th# FouruiaUon. Irrigation I'xrrt on cave of ai»enre fr•»!•» :-«*specti\'t M gi, «h.a»ie Uie.r Plinr c ' ed.. f in ea wi.'i.'.g toet an.' '•) pot i-v m-ure piu- that eu f ptiorta mim| tor depemlenip. Ftovw 1040A mn*' he LV# Dr. Haalmg Banda, tow home The otoer center* R'eie Univereity. Uniwi- are Okia- To 1 onfvr 7inlay *a atuw al»d '! c.e rxpeiee* w :! isi •fed iiv you end yvuw wdfw If 4 OhIImi Cuk% ftftdl fkto or OrMiigf be covered bv tb» g: .«r»t funds. aoiubmed Is I > ir.sonwd thief of too aon*!*-*, est i .ill Change ai.eie- yo o m • Ooi lai pkM « ; cp..rta Dr DuM'»n He e>e been a -he teipuia»i>e«tie hie Mtng DUJVEHT # PJC • | #0 AJM. v.. de»u)g dsn:ug if.# a-: *i« a 040A Jv "mm and Korthom Who* - d*eouaaod oo eampue today. dewTUCive uiixhuie and appll- eeki, var of t upi 104# be fBwd |k«. fire oxkMndrd program for KoHi /•*». Mtch gee fa»n,er» eoli.m foriiM e»e be.i.g piepaie i. "r'l tu u e a .ui.i* Fe, u 'y an Organ a -ei.o . • an* tdn.luei mag e*c»»pt g uun- hg fUSITT Mm ■ « gw«f of too#lino reheb toe ISSH-IHliO mdrmir rear ia cho Ht-i #m!* fi0 ftDftdsivj god biitrlr ahalna forced plant- • * p # r I muiul detnonalraliun- • if irrigatpm •qunwnem n.aiiu- b»r i.'eicsted rirmv 'ea«x adi.«strd gi'-w uicoiim and iaee waphera la daw a tonl*. lecture program held the pae( •e.nuriiHt and aa'ea firm# o»»ifer 'a o»»'ain applicati'* "n'w a' |U to* •nrrwandw# lha hwmr af threp year* *1 Oik Ridge. a* Ke'logg f'onlor Uh ii«p'>ir. •■•eriT e* Uavol.'ig planUliww Migrrvtor. * A. wien. two.-here aiion'd t»e ad At MRU *he ;»rv»gia'r ■si'* ba Speaker* th»* year will deet e • | t"hn|t They Mnned window# ■aU'lv. *»-e dirrwli.ni of [* ^>e«J- v*pec;,ii:» «ito "ia gaU'm e- lT«we.e»| to T •-»ve 'g V em e Why did |H triad la *ma*|i to# diwri »#arch hi arm tunc'ion with applea Teacn« Program, fill totueetion e« ,e rVit'OII 'C#d (if ?' • Si- enr# w.mty forrm to-»h Buh- p a"n«l Mathema' •>« Teaching ('en. and pre *tne« Building. r« h# wtfw to a«io*n#p ha. ,>o tor |» 'r.# plantouoa. wrhwro Satui* |C4Nriri.kT M RI RH4N INOf C AWmitll ft ftl HI RRAM M Ha annowi eed that 10 •<>»> i'l- tUgM ell whdaa ##th»-«d 14,436 ♦n>ic and ma'hcn.ati.» 'ea< era guard. ! •#r aimed !' ft'N" ih DISTINCTIVELY BRITISH ' w >H» ae.<" '- »'#r to# strr.ng, »ch s> x ir* * M»vei sta r aiea [,»t*#d to Ltmbult. leaving road f! .iiia. B ton* km-a M \x*n. <» behind toem. Tt.rr# tf v M Mies. • Huo ami W ' n 1 "T'ka iuliiirlisa I imiI" sophomores rraunded ft etoro ui wh.ch Follow ,j g a ll.rve- nuiiU »u c- |« A«ian men, woman and ahlld- BMrr Dei'lod ui ,ntoft.ot#ui ft to Ar frr>Tl Mtow— #he »- totokoaa f Ift moco ih*« 300 U. I eolle^gt, I4.4U wollefft uttoetene •+ tow dwto to to# •ophomom «to dto high vUudard* twi. Tltosft S uM», toigwrnetrnft «4u*l«Mg trhm iftlftclad to vonlinuft oil# 0 F*4«m* a Wstodd, tot •• uwimag la toft fttoftiiwfet norc miwto dhd H V ** Why tod ftfttol to th««e young «#• Ml ft S tohkadtom Otto pt*f 4* •hat hi would btncht by fulfilling hit nttltlftfy hp gunlley to ckwe kw ywera tH'h tonektoam* tto oMifftdoft m ft# Armv ofit#r' Mer# m n# Wii'lBe cMsptoya bf toe "»e*to imporUtti rwwton* Peihap* ihry U help yo# aocitlea. «ganizwti«np and IniU- make jotar dttitiun. etnuaiw who are n a*rig e» >en*t and etigdiewrrng tlmir aarsw: p. ,> ftvana. cbatnneu of at»- 1 ...TRADITIONAL RESPONSIBILITIES 4*0* exhihtts. uiaoa a» toat have *Kd atgrted b-urk t-* xiu*m ATTENTION SENIORS A« u Army offksr. you're m oooMMod of IMS Mors you y.thor 1.FADERSHIP upwltnci The itociiliv. ... towtr evhiblta *o iter- ••• Ap- mm dun ih* oumbor lupurvimd hy mtay mvilioo «»■ ib.l.ty you yum 11 in Af my oiIkci * >11 he in important if|> .'-r-v. li hail pllcwuone wrtl bw take. Iwt.w •dvintip in any civilian cutter Thai i »hy tmploymrnt kuuvm ycon older Ih.n yourvtf. To meet your oom- k ■ f i. Th ws ln.it«4 ts n»H silli •rfiriak mt ih» mind roponvlMliliM, you nnploy * (ran mnny of th* diravlot, ollrn pftlif men »hn hut wised a« com. ^ . « :..s :tm m,..,on*d officer, Thcx hava aliMdy piovao IdaW LC ADERSHirprincipl«M*uirodinidv.M«dR O.T C. men . «k I'Rt IlKXTUI. NHSl'RANCR COMPANY »f . Aad yout OMcuum | ftft^ftto^ to hdndift i yi I COLLEGE BIKE SHOP 2...TRADITIONAL REWARDS ITJ 't$ .Uv3t UMte tgriagt •PU FMUM la avtry atpnuoiioa. trio Mr pan* riMOfda Tko HadiUoMf ptaalip at an Army riip.nuOdMm omoo ■mho ihlnp ( pool *Ml toam St i nwrrtod toupk juM Mnrtm, out. Wane , mom, as Army oWmr u tn- l| -vaa r* s 1 oflkor S male had Oy masrul ttvasupn. A aocont iitlsd to ukt hat dapa-danm ant* km. vhmotat po- ■a nMt. lumens charing lha hm of m«a «Mh ytsr ».* MM btuMpaM asm, « nuaimuai of US3.H par mooch - plot Mtauocial fhnp hanifci Think you nupl maM -ia Ihi Ummd Scalnt or I Wwleeoataf I«wi*|. March 11, AO amy too* oftm padualion? A» oWow t tninry toe *»*• it ram p.**. hi lorn M, IMea BMp it TRADITIONAL ■rnmmwa ok tkimdat amp rauur at placbmtnt bcbkav fl# ttoft litor toftoo ULS.ARMYRJOT.C. _ - ■ V?M: MICHIGAN STATE NEWS Mirrll IfM Lake Wins Mile in 4:10.9 Pair Fn« Pucksters Win Big 10 Trackmen Finish 6th in Big 10 Title With 10-5-1 Markl a distant third tot another, the Jim Carr copped fourth ii By DAVE BARBELL the most spectacular play of and fired the park Into the ne| Michigan State's Bob Lake up- to seal the Michigan win. 4- j. favored Jim Bowers of Iowa outlook for State going into the the 000-yard run, Tony Srnit: Champions win like champ¬ the series with four minutes left took fifth-place honors in th- •n the first period. State defense- Saturday night's contest w. { in the m:)e run Saturday as the championship meet had been ions, and so the Michigan State a complete reversal of Friday very dark 440-yard run, Rob Hughes wa: man Bob Norman shot the puck •s—rrtsm faalor sped home in . hockey team wrapped up the oss. The only similarity we 4 0.9 at the B:« 10 Track and Going into the final 300-yards also fifth in the 8H0-yard even Big 10 title and the top position up-ice into Wolve territory. Mo¬ the superb goaltending by Seln.-j l";ctd Championships, held in of the race, Lake began to move- while Mike Klciithans tied foi in western intercollegiate hockey loney and Michigan defendei -:er. the nation's No. 1 goa'. up on Bowers and outsprinted fourth in the pole vault. Barnard Neilsen skated evenl> d■»*. Wisconsin. play Saturday night by blast¬ The first period saw a lot the Hawkcye to finish with the Michigan won the meet wit! to the puck, but Moroney spun A"'hough the Spartans took ing Michigan 4-1 at Ann Arbor, fast skating by both teams, »■ fastest time recorded jn the Big 71 points, followed by defending around Neilsen and puncture* • s:\'r with 13=4 points, then after losing to the Wolverine > 10 this year. * champion Illinois in second wit: the net with a backhanded shot repeated drives broken up. ' ,-v* fini>h since they entered , 4-2 Friday. But Lake was not the only 48. Ohio State third on the basis on to knot the score at 1-1. Moroney started the Spar:, j • •.» B i 10 conference, Coach By boating Michigan, MSI Stale scored once in the sec¬ express rolling at 18:30 with Fran Di'tru h was pleased with runner on the Spratan's soph¬ ,of a 2.5.7-point performance, sealed its bid to the NC'AA' team s performance. omore-studded team to rise to fourth went to Indiana with 25.ft Championship Finals in Troy. ond period when Capt. Bepi score from in front of the foa j t.a the occasion. and Wisconsin's 16.5 total took I'olano shot Ihe puck between <»n a pass play from Polan© at | lake's perfrtmanre enabled N.Y., March 12-14. North Da¬ Hamilton. Captain t'orddy Kennedy plac¬ fifth to fill out the first division. the legs of goalie R«» Child* MKbican Stale to r«rape a much kota which split with Colorado law rt finish, u many prognost- ed third in the two-mile run Minnesota, Purdue, Iowa and i, -VY W •- -,r.- ^ - ' ■» this weekend, finished up in with help coming from Dick Michigan came right back { Northwestern composed the bulk Hamilton and Moroney. 'he second period with a s ■ llh 'i hi, fa.mi llmr ieaton had predicted After !»*• second place behind the Spar¬ In this event Indoors. of the second division. ifa.a • ».*r..»ILS Hutch Miller (4) and Bob Armstrong Michigan tied it up three sec¬ by Boehen on an assist fry ( tag tmm dual meets and placing M'tni.l* tans in western play I'at Cushing. (3i converge on the park (arrow) as Michigan's Steve Boehen (Si State's western record la It- onds after State was penalized for an illegal, check, when Wing and an unidentified Michigan player try to get a Waive drive on 5-1 for » percentage of ,«5h. John Hutton scored on an assist Ihe move in Friday nights' play. Mirhigan won 4-2. North Dakota played si* more B.h White, late in th later, aa Norman paa H hy lake home dirty clothe* ,v fames for a record of 14-8 and from Polleael at the Mw Mm. 1 a percentage of ,836. third period. Gymnasts Third in Big 10 In Big 10 competition tb« The tie-breaking goal came a' 18:31. Hutton scored his second slapped a thai goatwavd was boehed. ody la ha pal Spartans won five, lost two. and Going Home For Easter? Tarshis Duplicates tied one. with a 4-3-1 Minnesota was second record and.Michi¬ oal unassisted by skating a- rourvd the Spartan defense and The third State period waa all Iftor I Hustling Glenn Ma i gan finished loot with a f-6 '•eating Sehnger with a delayed gan Donald made ft 8-1 at 017 1 Hring your clothe* In and slate. fake. Coach Amo Beaaona then Re¬ 15 ft. out with aseteto register, Michigan scored first In Fri¬ get them rlennetl and laundereil Horizontal Bar Win day's defeat bv the Wolves when Dale MacDonald flipped ■ re¬ moved the goalie and extra forward on pat an the lee In an attempt to wore from a faae-off by Fred DaVuono and Bill Ma Kenzie. Tuesday the team toavas f i bound, off Spartan goalie Joe . then they'll he Rudy for Stan Tarshfa held onto his Big 10 horizontal bar crown for the second straight year Saturday, as Michigan State's Selinger's stick, into the corner in Michigan Ice. The gamble didn't pay aff an Steve Boehen Troy via Purdue Airlines in a ] ..♦tempt to va tha NC'A i of the net. picked np a paaa at center |cr v'hampionehip. Full; gymnasts finished third behind Illinois and Michigan In the Terry Moroney come up with Inwml Spring Term! conference meet tot Bloomington, Ind. A aeries of low finishes by senior all-around man Cal Gi- rard left the Spartans well be¬ four events, the most finishes in the select group by one MStT Spartans Finish Third ' hind the front-runners, but Tar¬ performer. He tied Daniels for COLLEGE CLEANERS shis' wui and solid performances by Angle Faata and sophomores team high scoring honor* with 17 points. Championship meet scoring to Woodin, Ferguson John Daniels and Chuck Thomp¬ F. Ijuininft 620 W. Mirhigm son kept them In Bit first divi¬ dona on the basis of 11 points IjunHry Vniw (juli A (Mrr\ Kra Parking sion of the eight-team meet. Illinois straight — winning eonference 1*3 point*. Michigan its 10th title—had 104V MSB for a first, then from nine for second down to one for 10th Back with the team for the first time In three weeks, after Pin Down Big 10 Opposition Woodin did not attempt toy JIM WALLINOTON ?•** core of Ohio States Dave 72 and Iowa 37V Minnesota, missing four meets, Festa wa* Camione 8-5, who earlier this tend his Big It title ai 17 fifth all-around, seventh in free pounds which he won lag* Indiana. Ohio State and Wis¬ A bio of Michigan State wrest¬ year defeated Young, 3-1. ex and horizontal bar and eighth consin trailed. Purdue and ler* Tim Woodin. Jim Furguaor Ferguson's title came when he The only wrtatier to m on still rings. Northwestern do not field gym¬ and Norm Young—were crown* *t»ut ant Michigan's Dennis Fltr 'ulljr defend hto title was lows ■ The all-around event la coin- champions at the Bii etie LutreH who won the 10 ] GRADUATES nastics teams. JUNE individual ceroid. 4-8. The win kept th- l*»sed of preliminary scores to 10 wrestling tournament Setup >ound title : Daniels, with a aacand In tumb¬ all events except trampoline and 187-pound senior's reeord spot day at Iowa City. Icaa. Befnr* gulag Into thr ive season. ling and a third In free exercise tumbling Plus the n on-scoring Despite the three champion- rhampionshipa Ferguson had a • rework had the M pactaas' highest pair (except toward all-around to¬ e# finishes toy sae man. aliipa. State round up third in 6-g reeord. Th tals) long horse vault the 10-team battle which saw Woodin, a returning champio? 123); Jin in the top 10 in Them wen placed fourth an Order Your Feats placed Minnesota surprise favored Io¬ defeated Iowa's Gordon Traps1 • 147), DM trampoline and fifth In tumb¬ wa by winning team honors with 6-4, to keep his season recor.: <1571. and M ling. la a meet studded with top 50 points. The Gopher* acorve» The Spartans garnered 45 heavyweight title Woodin pin¬ ed two opponents. In the regu¬ were: Illinois (It), Ohio tots Caps and Gowns Coach George Srypula had con¬ Michigan waa a close fourth with lar sch*4«i he pinned four (11), and Baton (t) • fcr sidered a top threat for parallel bars and side horse success, 42 |M»inta. finished seventh In the former PmlMjr State eenld have wan Cincinnati Conquered Dr. Jnaph I. fiabtoia •vent and did not qualify for the the tourney with the preetaar ot Bob Moaer. the State 157-pound 10-man final* m the latter. He • Graduation w as 10th on still rings and in all- around, totaling six points for the meet. er who aaffered a ahaalder sap a ration Moeer In the Michigan match waa second In the meet Two N(]AA Berths Unfilled last year. Announcements was Mike Coco, with one of his better showing* sixth on In the event. side horsu. Sopho¬ to The only other State grapple place wo sophomore John Because of Major Upset) more Hal Rhorr, eighth on par¬ McCTay who finished third It a? tbs aasociATtn enras the 177-pounor Clactaneri put toetti meter NOW! Michigan State's final per¬ Young proved that his 7-2 -allege tournament still has tw<- formance of the 1959 season will dual meet record was no fluke nrya np in Tie air. R la •pots <>i«en today and the Na- i>e in the NCAA championships bv winning the 130-pound hon¬ uonal Invitation Tournament ha 'Varcat* with a half game le- I at Berkeley, Calif , March 20-21. ors. The l^nsing sophomore \er the Braves in Rw Mtoeeurf one following playoff vktorie.* by Dartmouth and Bowling Valley Conferaneo Green and Bradley's eurprtodn Should CMemneri lw to t| UNION BOOK STORE ionqueto ef third- natL Dartmouth won tbe r!0t to. t cpraMM the hry League In NCAA maior gbampiooahlpe to* Rredtoy will Wei :o < the 18CAA tmi the : nipping Princeton t8-tot Satur •he HTT. Thto wfll fli igy night m a fin a! second bos¬ ket bo Rudy Lenwiaen. Tbe Ito- dians meet West Vlrgtoita. win¬ ner of the Soufham Conference ournamenl. » MaiHuo Sgnrr Ttoa *ap aaatoas i safety I wouldn't mind much aocept that they at* Ke •FICNIP no bm» so heavy. Is thvre anything that 1 can do about it? MICHIGAN "0n« ot th« richest pranks tha movws hava ANHWKR: piayad on an audxnea in quite a spa IP Laughter and whimsical gayety A wake ol sky-larking mirth! t —A1* Coo*. WgrMTtltftym I BA CS the Will contact lense* irritate eyas? Prom trotter FZiL if. ANSWER: Net Thta ganttoa to fre- aa «w qnon «t th* mmtm. mt U tnently ached. The MnaitvajwlMtaM... tk« «u «iw tat. a cw»caL a» (trench ) tow*" «»ia«. ca»u a, rol iWmhmMit. W. doat my tkal Taaaiay, Witoiilf, Rank 1 10, II aiMNtdlwMMikCMMMl ...WlUo! 7i00 A 9t00 PJH. * jmpij CslsfltiR fimw nunc RIMTmi H m m atoii u Ave. >i 50a U-UIU COCA-COLA I J I tel. Tanhii t-eoi Si ...y, k .tegHMMBMenNw^ ... v'; ' . -•^75EF7{^r , III HHMUW^I im■ iKMniiwwi'm—inn»■* untrimipi .*-»rararara*P »■'. niaras. ■■ mm, -"i "" ' ' IP . ; 1 r r,: Mr. -V; 4 V : / ,>'3 . • - 1- ( ' I " is -■ -y »■ •». r I ioRRDV ANDERSON, flanked If \ i «,.«» * . lt 4 d, it \ ,i. i, * , 11 . »o, M ilitiu I c 11 (hi, let.hj • .t r.xtd f.:i\»|.\* Dlillfs in one of three baskets as Horace Walker wait* litis *M|| | |.\ luho t.n-.-o i» his wav of rerognirtnc Hie I Rnh StiVflM, cheer* Mate * «*-71 tUion m e« imsa. 3.' punl* and *...I |«. oiliri kIkmiiiiU Am t.uwriiv i ».ti is at leit. fin a possihlr rebound, t.owriis was a hr» replacement Salmda* wild applause gtien In in foi his gie.tl i'.i »• >..d lairri »«-Ti. a, V( K..\,s IM Schedule " ICagers Dump CJafs News .|'i ■< ...ue* HPKMHIII. .o.U < HI i: I > • Moiiie stint, r r * v , Wilt Hi »|i.i<»i.» »« »»• Swonlsmeii (.oinclKick [Iowa, 84-74 sti. n n . , Hi, an t ( Kl H I l\ was unit one hunt *1.4« Ml , , li.ilr. t a Hist pl.iir He S ■»!.' «|...t I ■ | A Man h ft is .u Rage five V-.f' I K I V Senior Starters Show i. KiHi.i I 1010101% • I > , K.HIiei M • 11«• > Hj.'e. | .' I \ - ( owl Second in Del mil ii ii i. Ill HI V|(i The Way in Season Uinale » •i H' • 4ii tloilri field | i* l ill H I , » \ I H.tlirr 4 ttnll'ifo id S ■ w» . e a 8 »c.i •' - IM «... • MA 1 ... I .• / M'.l'rlfii-ul . i. n.tllei I.rid i k H- M|!- •" ■ • S| 41| v it , Rv 4 HI t K Rl< IMRItn til I MMIIMIl ficuiiiitiiia fur the medals ••or ''i» Mod Mot A»e' I till I 11 \ \|s PI It til I s Mere lent liliinn who took 4-ketbh!l era ha* cm < ••«. » \: • i > *•..•» M.. H.i -hi tin Il40r. luial («4tilrS I .- 'it. t i toor loan miioj third plate in full ( lim h •»f the piu.Ver» wh- n »• i* s .•« •- ... . Mill Kit *chmillei Ii third Hi epee and f giectcst Big lb chun.punish-g . \n> u. f>. : a . <■ • «- Miss *agh» a t'oiiliac soph" H i.'tei » • Itlatlvs *lete Ainest fourth III value h. in t'K s.gioa -ell m Jrtiicon Fieiuhwune Sr„ui.. . in.re bowed unit to Maigarrlo A On \ J .%.ee a s 1 s . wth j «, standing pvsImmi fium 11.03? fail* tent (he qua* let from the i jf after p*HlHlin| w ideal chAMtpianahip Iowa H4 74. to finish the On lu season with mate in vlitce imut-im How the Top 10 AP Ituliosi o Inner spartan who of the follei w as ti.e undefealed toiiriiameiit was nialnlt un I lie Big 10 Standings On Campus MvOhokm • • Anderc-KK h*d U;f a-- ••»»»! on defense. cut) Ton lt.«. t ■ ■ ■' a. • • - Teams Did This Week llie Altai ks offense ai siir d lelird on vnilp'e lomprlt'd In M MIIM si V|» W l! I ( p. i »V Pis liss III* nis'. Ike t u/ ti.f'UMit /t'.ih'v rfwubdihr flog Coy n i'A ' *"4 "•«((, n« llll As vii' iii|iu t s i nv» 11 - « • e pUturi'.t* for the.; «te.> houts and had an all over toial Puid.it S » in lie I ">■? Spartan*' fu.it-game ••*u ■ «f II \,.i Ui-».i-ru • « t;i .it I US I liiimov * t •». i' t* argeM since Chicago revuidco a 2-0 < i 1 •» • -4 |- ai d Vi'.s* da-.' S enact It v> e . v, «"s: 4 ■ . * ti. ' t.liinn partieuUrlv had a aw«>d i a-4 -.fa-* .*.> . e , . e >i n »f !ei . ifat as lie missed sfi iiinl plai e 111 sBWliv tN YUNI? I state rloaed Pith 1 I?-? league slate IS 3 otei .ill compaieil to N.V I lu full b* oul* one lunch •ml it.. ««i4»- * mark arored fay 31lchlg.ui. I'uiUue. aiwl Vnthwestrni ...II Si-SS Hr«< l»I.S» 'lip A a w' ' i 'em e > f' ',»« !ieei. i.i-a-ii "t.al «s< ge .btc.r.l siuf * I siale St w 'I'.-i • u>4»l/tiiiii» i ^ • I A h p nr. a ■4 . 4 eat Ovation wav gr en ... MM MM. A* s I t I » « h' AHA ... *<.! i*»le .r •« Coa> h Forddv A-.ier-oi. i< • ».u. • * Wl.S: .1 V'4t l»rt 4 ti t i t r ao *»ui um '.iiai vt».«i* v. > -to a** ' t .bom I '» 'l »#4»..ll M.Jrd -iv'. u. ihI hail lieaieC i rv'.»ra the home crowd ■ui » at i ■ » W • »t t if|ini4 -!1 I d'd i i F" [ Tht four wort then rained off *r.e fi.,- • U> >v • < H* .die. ,|.l ' M - • - ■ ' uaM ii i«l • s...:nd '• -. > a > h.r« teara of aticcvaafui baske't-a stale • t- . i • , -tt- »- -n«e» ih» f The anarlel taere ••phuiuiues in 1**6-3? when Andef»«»n* son id b' *i Si-lib u I Ht.i'O in- ini luu* • - ug i.»H. tii'-n • -m M. milk «f i tag ether 10 straight vh tones U> vhair Ihr Hig lu nuwn fur • niyr'S J e a* It '/ a -sis-Ill U-I- - US le.is " SIM* aiu*» a ftC' m i fir at tian lit Mdarr. en* g-'i iti meee mei.U i u-.' • »h- (v ba-r nr wHawi | !art season. the Spartan* *rti ■ v-peti 0 li d ana n '•» ' > .*iv • • >s *b>. »4w»t• •« u* Maai Wsa>e hM i >«t to narrowi v n. «a a. -.hei - oi. VA si.a-ayViUi dwl' J »,t 'he !e»m Andei.Mm .-a .« • ".»• ' • •' I - r < ».»v a d ■ I'. ',» t»e»* In Michigan State had 'It :.fc: a '» ■• i. •■ .• LIVE IN A b . - 'w ai.«l .pi**-i ..it tw*« ' V g'r-b .K-a- sii-«*- Mie 1 -»• u »■ ssiws- 4'. -«Ai »I. « . • '' "M -eei In a (head ret, he«e«ee. la the M (A tournament next week at -i et w uisibi at.us.- Hviit waiis ss im*. ttioWbl «me BKODY DORM: %. ■ - t luaatea. III . and aa appurtunit» fur a erarh at the national crown. *»»< »i»usi« SIK>* same Sb> •*( -.■•wai aa» •»«««• IL a.t ti«n mac Haver be two p a»er» SH* A . n aiwi A..reo *.:ite:e®f war ki)t*o*a<4>la to dop Satwo<« •• he » Vi ■ *-. «. the gi eateat '<>"* in ' ca- • in a.i « |-- v> ne erith Ml awipo* hian t4ie u*#a^t» ami y *< r.i » ' Or ue • contest NOT A I J1 OP A SL'P UH! j i.reea a»aan't aa fortunate, avurtug ulae He pnfceU up his feuish |»j early la the eeceud half and pla««d on !l miiiulrs .ef the Jltof itriPsa I Iv4f stiect Tipiiig ctimc hsoppf-wr lake magi', *he« »uii wat Kalwu'i I»-»' flat aever Ha a a defensive perfurmanec like Ida In the teeoiid ' I •• able bund ^««#| a lla<» •' -be wurd 't'al |u f here aeea la ieaiaoa. blocked aho'-af'ei -afiot and loturceo'e ' t../ru« o! pa- '-# C ear -J •« i Wis ■ 4U lar tin ke.f uff 1 <■' . l»aM e t vpe. .«] • 11«. • SPARTAN BARBER rren . > e-man gut g Uta! Ikm»« rvi Mir tspa. ant t..ai • -p.>.n! e.j » h au ui-l'iia * pen- ii ei«Mf W.ea »• upiiif 'una a >d 4 point*. 7h-i>.' Ui .net, And 'he spa i k 1111 p. ur« ah ileum* ip-ca aii 1-oim§ •V 'iiiished with Oiiif J pvuits e.«d M »et/.jwt.chi Pu< tu hue -e didn't rexotd h»* defensive p owess ! tend placed eal> U ailnutea. himertf. aed fatted le aceir Me SHOP a nrn b> Mian haduii-a kuaiikeeiila e V uti *u < ine*e • nai*laac gfit/maa o-'b •*••-!hie i felling [irked eff five retwuada. however, aad pU»ed a good flour game. 117 NurHt Httrrhon ; n ffer'g aiiow tng waa ivupted »v a UjK> [*_»•« aubstiUite who re ed »•>%, gootea f.o »tie apart*i* 'h-a added aw final baekea ai»^e«. an. r b 'hi «i a ■ ■urn •ihlr rn iwiu'i t« fai'WSmjJUt- ik/ 7 H >*.* '.n/iu'S wi ' ru f ^ y/jti jgJctijjt >k z* %J fajbtitfei THc elopeiy-toiiNeNd d*ao«vff»out bo' A'-> a a•« Out Hlwi North of Helhigg fHitcf - — V\m (if* &M» Raaut •* A* WMMI .aawr4B« • ram h •» «Ai paiae waa a<**(leMUlf /'*' s/ieei W *e< ♦ f"wc ep widt the hep baekete a» avenge an e-; ■*> go o« s- o». k. *uW tIMt -br*i n*.i ti V.-' * | M.i• tie e ss# iiiil a V-lii. suss ■«* >IW itebeWi ad -•■*• W •o am mi PC4IP (Mi- (•4i-j Co WW w«a-* II. fl IP . t »(. »I IP Ui 3* * M, eseiHie ***>*. aH aw wnigra ra .ra-dhi i mt»i* I* •»«■* s 1 II ia-n all puuu.n . A a-t ta. ■ A hurdiap zM j .1 ii g- k l*ui W -tawnvt-eo 'be1 a tasara-bb* aWBi '• wwagi V ra T i l-l il ■ ■ t.'«r> xi J t«w»* '*•>« bu.fbi wssde (dbsatac *b > f a-e I II ■eiiM,*.. f» i « i" C". i 1 1 •be iaeak pa-esaaevA if I I fi • • » • i » • » Metia b» K«!-jn gp It eaarasra g iwuu ' ' -1 •• I.AM :t lists K V I i i.N'S ( (IHIUSVHI K BUM) ^ ummi w4d/ r« ss.«Mt 1 v . ■5 -1. J iu'S^JFH Tt m- se.-r*. sjn.pt' *a'« '.--V Uibi »vW bi.<(m* **r it i — !<#• feature - I #4 • J II ~ |'icwriler I'd per Wive a dike b teat It*' < wil "Vbo.i'U b '»• (• H / M. - l H . t id h » Mwd b'lUM 'I sCrb * «» Ssesb l»M I •• > CAPt • ».KH I'n* Vi MlN jg'j '••u * C. - .'»!»! it. MAs-H '»• ffA p. ' fbcisebl fir bus.* (Mb leasl. tiis/'il V tea rart> Af*«ll im" H fl he Abb is* -ti esgtv aa*u e ft J' -'f-djl | h* !i/e ravf te«l Pw»u .bar blaetiflg U » kw 'f k«r 't-.M-kesu «». w in- 'biii in* V ikHahw is of mmnm. It v ktsik a' 'he W|im He he Mi..-k»b la -l »»».«!* h R ■ •rbnedW'' b, R eaton's bond li'Htmn. * lk»r* • m:»:«frr 'M.sk-rfv Vu Uae (».».«»** ifehbb R csmI'IP' ii*e •♦ !.-,/«?» bright ami fhriel'i »od '-sail M RiatwR j i-4 • g'bbf e»bn|*bi«isbi' bi *4 raranT" K R tab Uar ju bi f >g .UfWra* UNI sllt t. I PACK El* t» A m sfsuN, Ritdni Vkat.^ If fhilifi Mum* < be. hn n Rw m ifi kn v •»« efatsi. fur t'Mi i*»*s be "iff i»w p kraRy a» a « Iw'i in•*•«»•. krath* ae a nutlet • k»* k-rwRy t CAMPUS And fb-w. tra*rag birural Pith u.bb» aurr m* • dt »!••*« wweti w Mb*t a • i*-» duel bdue) a nuu «U> » kuwRe a uf hwrasw Uw '«*•* 'h.ng 'bw4 Hi«ht MARCH II. 1959 mM.v-MMrror twice iw-fore touching off the Mount Clemens Comm. School All Elem. fBi teachers. Jr. JLieW ITH »port«, Tl blaze if Roi»c could haw been High teachers of : Social Stud¬ CONTACT hke the law Gourmets dinn*-;- ies-Language Arts (B) (M), ||3 our Ani< riance. Math.-Seienee |.,.^rtl inv the evening, an hors dVwuvre Benzonia public Schools (be¬ AM Elem. (B) teachers. Hieh Ithletw. pri tween Manistee A Traverse School teachers of: Math-Sci- JISU's A' party in the Res City» ence (B)lMl. . ning that FAR Lazarus A Co, Gen. Bus Retailing. Market¬ r it. t be! decota'.ed, to resemble a Roman ing. Personnel Admin. A Ad¬ , situatio garden and bousted thirteen pi'- vertising majors. hirs ■ and a sparkling pool. Equitable Life Ine. Co. of Iowa All interested in Salaried Sales, [ Then Dr. SfAtr !S'r*t Phnlo bv Hill Kirlm.ni Then it was on to the H s regardless of major*. iveraity, VO HONG MM". Vietnam. Mir and Fr Anelmo, Philippine*, and Ramesh Pant, Nepal. are enjoirlni their meal of foreign dishes at Ten r A Mathematicians. Court* Cafeteria. as program and favor) featur»-1 Cathedral'' presented by the MSI players this weekend. Civil, Elect. A Mech. Engrg. such elalxirate items as txv» > Norair Div.-Northro|i Corp. Physicists A Mathematicians, kimclii, Ebe Served heads, crown rtMst. lobster, •tinnier in the Cathedral' Civil, Elect. A Mech. Engra. ham*, fowl and "Nubian Roll" Sundstrend Aviation * Div. of Elect. (BHM). Indust. (B)(M) Following the dinner, thy tem¬ Sundstrand Machine A Tof>l A Mech. (B)(M) Engrs. Foreign Food, Garb • safe ple became a stage for show and featuring staff. After the floor MSI' students the enterta;?- MSI Players Praised % Co. National Starch Products kte. Chemist® Food T«*h. majors, Chem. Engrs. (B)(M) (BUM) • bashed bp WaHarr's inent which was wntervd around The Wprba 9s. Biology. Zoology, Chemistry, For Drama Presentation M rm H hml.1, . Highlight Banquet Nero and his court- there was Pre Med (B)(M) A Pre Dent dancing until midnight. (BHM) majom for Pharma¬ Members of the dinner d^nce ceutical Sales. ml w. o. mm Br BILL C ALLAHAH | board were* chau*man. Zoe Peck- Oak Park D»»t. Schoeh CDetnut AM Elem. (B) teaehem, If. A of pnopte col a tmetr peelt »t fondira ktate News Editor In Chief DR. R. O. JONM VOL'. 50, man; assistant chairman. Caii Area* High teachers of: Mentally hi M hha Intermit, tonal Club put on DR. i. R. NIXON Bvm« nSrt* n its Schneider: entertainment direv Friday nitrhfs presentation of "Murder lit the n»tTie<1rHr Handicapped (B)(M), Vocal nnnunl International Dinner. tor. Bruce the MSI* Players demohstrated th« grroup'g ability lor Music (B)(M), Soalal Studio epfoinrlril Mora than 200 students, facul¬ invitations, Sam Williams; «**r- (M), Science (B) (M), highly artistic portrayal of aerioug drama. Canada, U, S, ty and nearby residents dined on Iranian Shtsh Nabob, Cry- vice dlm tor. Frank Potts; ftakl director, Geoige Alley; oubhe relations. John Briigrw *t«-r; pro¬ T. S Eliot *, poetic drama w as pre-ented to the audience with r eneellent flnshlan .Math.-Scienoe (Cone) (BHM). Senior High teachers of: Eng. WALLACE kmeee Pulao, Philippine Puncit, eented bt h>' parting play¬ ence (B)(M), Biology-Gen Science (B)(M), Srwmsh (B) A/rtoan Rhe. ttghting. kombtned witfi the et- Tonight at ft Iba unusual menu included The murder asene Meet# was (M), Commercial (B) (M). fe.A presence derived from the peak of dramatic action and Oomum Kartdiffelsalnt (potato eWftailnod reteMonl poHtture brought stark- dratnaucallv than staging. The harangue of the four knight* sent to perform the deed Korean students prepared the worked up to a fever pitch at t • i >roaoninWtdit repP '«*• w-as sustained by freezing >11 Pbe session, innd 0# SI M feaat at the Short Coun* Itiiu. i .M-., Paul Duwling. Catv. F4- Tl* ehoral chsntang of Rt# six movement during the leuiwg CanarliMI - n Seminar# Cafeierta. win K*(elle (Jaylord. w,»TWii from Canterbury might chorus by the gix nuna. iK»noorod bp RhS CoIIono of Sci- Tho ftioda llJiold Fulcleniiuer, H»»rl! Tti«- have brea wNni'what difficult Perhaps the most mterecting TOUR MORNING HABIT were prepaid! bv n-.a* Ohr» Leaington Fred Gu-utb iw»o to it tt>e t««ctint- following the murder when the iiiiniMaiiiiiici MAAk On-CqwipM hlerviews i uiauT. 1 ematieo sonfaranee room. G IVirwin Grunso Hrvm* Adnen alut am kitchens from 9 a.m.- until the Hammerle. Marl. HerDert Hw que added much t« crvattng an knights addressed the audience, Pmfeaane Idg* Mclnnia, pro* I an* rem* Henft. a*.-nof»pbi-re of tmpendin* evil t Mood w banquet began at fl .'10 p.m. (i> nit Ht one ritv pleading disinterest and neces¬ aidant of tfte Canadian Institute The student*. droiNft pi na¬ Ilf-neri* Dan Ingall. Ut*e <>tte**.i William Irmn. Miln-rtl. Vernon J«hn- Mr, • the Inevitable fote Of Tb0* sity as a defene for their action. V yee is ■AMI IC A IT of International Affairs, will Aled" ll»in«>i* Gene KaiuU. «*( Beckvt. The audience literally become I io(tm tive garb. told all about the iiin Thr NJITIMmRM iMdy Ihb a mmv Nviak chair the discussion of "C«im- fooda as the diners heaped their Alma. William Kreinulr Merrpl A.'i.tr. Aik«*na pcrfonnauae as "good Englishmen" judging the i In Iraq fiian- Amor kon The New ReUtums HH0* Awareness* plains cafeteria style ICiii.tld l.earh. Saginaw Kuhi l-tke Orion, Wayne Nn-hnh Manvt»»st»r »>.o ard William \ltd«tle*on. I'j'.t*- the that of archbi»h<^>. coupled With case against Broke* and the tm* IHiWaiWSiNNIkl ■a 1 But Uie proof waa In the pro¬ the four tempters, waa loyalty displayed by the knights ford. Jarnea Oak* M 4P Ed l'*r- •itmased by Becket's introRper- in carrying out their aaatgned Other ape sheas will bet Reps verbial podding, and It was a *li ail* Union City. Geiafcd Htae»»- frank Coffin (D-Maine). mem¬ well-seasoned one Indeed. The haunt, Benton Harbor u«hi auo csmc.usk»:: that he hod "duties "* iar auniMd airerafl tad ber of the Nexno Committee on rrowd. almost to the man. elear- Kenneth Huttier. Fremont H-Chaid set on "doing the right The irony satire of "duty ■Miration... haiN loretcn Affairs, and Paul Mar¬ ed aff the platea—and drained Hch.ilthom. Paw Pbw Peitv*hur|. Ohio J"hn Stiia".'. Wavne Snuier. thing for the wrimg rewv>ms " The final nreolutiosi of Becket'g In the king and England" wave t Hi Mantikm and SknW tin. member of Parliament ainre the water glasses a eouple of ||.iun1.« Jon St.-trtt. G»ar.i HapuU brought home clearly and em¬ Paul gnuUi. Auhuro. buLatta J»mt inner ennfuci and his eaJm ac- phatically In the knights' apeech Itlft and Canadian Mlnlaier of W Stlt-aie Jonea. Ronald »t.«rk. keptancw of hte lata were pre- rw»l ndvanend nirrw-tnrai National Health and Welfare, intcrtMtioii.il Club Co-Presi¬ StainsW. Cunrnt Ifnderwvwal lan* •Ing. Michael Vlnanrt- Brown City, Virilant*. and IW 19*1-57. dent Sauaullah Kinu.uu told the George W all la Rudvard W illiatw audience tho foreign student* VVallw. ptfkMrd Ronald Wei* War¬ Un »mln DMda bla Mclnnia, educated M Fnlvor- James Whellon. MerriU t>t»t«l sitv of Toronto ami a une-tiiue wore happv to tend the dinner. see M many a'- ren. Wolfgang. C harlotte, Clu-Hea F.ltlon Donald /ondervaa. Grand WrlghV - TINI6NT - Riaimrd *r.|M>n ,y,trm»—t*f B-TO and F-L lihivies Scholar et Oxford Uni- Amnrica*. ftnt nin>N apaa, ahW tka Z-1& Katod* vvietty. ta author of Rie ht*»k Almost ion |M*opl« tried in I The UngiMi»lc«l frontlet" as Vain to get tickets *»> the alts* after ttiag were sold out. (Jtiiou Plgna Vol* Kalljr ir SMMETTI FEAST ☆ MuJI, DivWaa - at wort on tbo G AM-TT.J mr lo-mtrlma aiaiW for tkr Air Fara', ] I tk> ve eil as a a** volume history of as a i DirUloa lonM, World War If. Ha was professor WASHINGTON, v** — Oraaw Coral Gahlee* liiiuid priH—Daat l for AUu. Thor. Jupil«r, R.cl.t<»>o mi'ouka, and far of history at Un iverslty of Toron- Finance* Sludieil Iced Uiyur's u>p political diree- fiom IM.'H to 1D52 whan ha U— Jupitor T- Ra pau tho' Arn.t', fuhnr tad that S II Forno Room o WASHINGTON, Ml — The tuis SiuiJay anitouncsMt plant I out ,«•-umcd Ms present post. Waa into orUL a i fur a coas^ to- ovist series *4 Me, Coffin was el«vt«*d Vo Treasury and the Fedcnil Re¬ meetings to tally union vote-g*d- AN .Yea Ceo Bat C«mgie*o from Ihe eectaid dis¬ serve System aiv giving acrioua tkt* furcee 9dv Km 1M0 Rteatam -—^,lfl,rJ { mm 1 —ifaiif 0*^. For InUHfiirn th trict of Mail* In author «tf two reports on Cana¬ 19!Wt. Joint atuiiv to possible major change* in tti# nation's biggest financial eanipwign. Me ■ j NORTH AMERICAN AV!AT!0N, INC Jl I an Bach and dian-American mlatiom lor hi»_ _market—the one in whk*h gov® •—■■■■■■■■■■■■ V .Munition, he la a navy veteran ernment eecuritiee net traded. Aualoro Llfr UrjftNl ruuewted at Batoa OoHopir, Hafa TAIPEI. ue> — Preside at •, aid Buatnoaa Reboot and Mane HmU Htgain Vol— yard Law Bishoot. Chiang Kai-Shek Sunday taiged PARIS, VP)—The Wench Onin- the women ot hia euuntry K» Martin repreeewl iminlaU Sunday apparently won lead a life of wartime auaterD* tin* (Windsor area) in P«rUa» back In municipal elections most and contribute everything »>»* atom at Ottawa. H# hae reived of tl* voters they loot in la*1 iliev could toward ' final victoc« Mora buxom bloudw with .i* ehaumsn <4 tlie Canadian November's national a»*embly agauvst the Chine** Cotnmuiusts ahtpwrtcbrd .legation to the United Nations * ■ailora uuut oo CromIr thmo toy other balloting. and Soviet Russia.** dur»..g fur different periods. cigarette today. It oUnda to to— t hr beat tobacco makaa the best amokr Tha Camel bleod of coatly tobacco* baa NATURALLY ~ YOURS never been equalled for rich flavor and raaygoing mildneao. No wondor ConmI ta the No. 1 cigarette of afl 1 in oprlng • Iropleah tomw *e faWM0«Mer wriliebadMbere... Ike Cwlsw Met Man yak •ailMlk Ralaral aheelker krsrtks la thla mm aprlnc* Have a real «eight aslt Culm IkUareS ef met, airtap. Daplsal fab- Hm la ikied lean . . . cigarette- ly, .well-greekseS 99.94 ip 14.99 have a GSMKL Ifffltt "How can I be sure you've got tome Camels V* <5w«!«mKaw^e«J«^^ ^