Recruiting Practices Raise Concern iMIIW-t Tte Mlmi* I, Ih. first In . u on Campuses follr The contrast in recruiting philosophy is an example of Irt Wl «»'»' rrrrultln, nr.rllrr. Roth .Id,, ,„ ,j' Duffy Daughertv, are opposed to visiting the homes of "AT MSU WE BUILT great teams because we had A ^i« 1 rnmltlnt tell,, will br iUrawd |„ thU sJ "" , ' the division between the attitudes of athletic director.-* and professional educators. prospective athletes. good plan for recruiting. It was not an accident." Could Munn be re-building the "crumbling of his empire" »l IA**V HlOIIUnsM Munn says that the present grant-in-aid given by the In a three-part series on recruiting written Big 10 with the "need" clause is "workable but unrealistic." which he supposedly experienced last fall? Also, he could by a wire WITH THE INTENSE PRESSl'KES of blp-titne colleir service correspondent, Munn suggest* that those connected l>e urging Coach Duffy Daugherty to attend to his job THE 50-YEAR-OLD DIRECTOR, who directed MSl"s kit .port*, recruiting pructlccs have raised Kreat concern \>ith colleges should be "realistic about recruiting." instead of doing public relations work. football teams to a Hose Bowl championship in 1954. a U our American college campuses. Munn further makes the comparison between the biggest Last fall there was a reported breach between Munn and Two weeks apo, two extreme points situation can lie entirely healthy," ing of recruiting procedures to make it easier for coaches because he has only so much need. tremendous desire to win," he explained. "A coach wants Then Dr. A. Whitney liriswolil, the president of Vale to visit high school athletes. "But the father who doesn't care, who doesn't l»other to to win, maybe he has to win to hold his job, so he gets out jiversity, criticized most athletic college scholarships as Last month the Big 10 vetoed a proposal to allow the save anything — his son ban get a full ride because he and digs. Maybe he digs too hard or too deep." ing "one of the greatest educational swindles ever per- conference coaches to visit the homes of prospective ath¬ needs more." At the recent Ag Board meeting. President John A. -ated on American youth." letes. However, the NCAA (National Collegiate Athletic Munn explained that recruiting on a well-planned ag¬ Hannah slapped out at some of the Spartans' football re¬ OR. GRISWOI.I) SHARPLY IRITU'IZEI) what he Assn.i permits one paid visit by the boy to the campus. gressive basis is the key to success in building champion- cruit ing.competitors, ned the national traffic in athletic scholarships. Both of MSU'n major coaches, Korddv Anderson ami ships. See RECRUITING PRACTICES; Page t. 50tli The Weather Michigan State News Light Snow, Windy Anniversary High today _ 30-.1* Edition law Monday night _ IS T0L'. M, No. 150 EAST LANSING. MICHIGAN—TUESDAY, MARCH 10. 1050 PRICE S CENTS nti-Red Riots alted in Iraq Mr. K. Suggests Berlin Garrison ★ ♦ Ar Mucin illan Asks West to Accept Baghdad Crowds Cheer Tree City' Proposal As Revolt Is Suppressed In France BEIRUT, Lebanon list army rebels — Na- claimed ter IIDITOR'S NOTE: of the AftNortated tun far¬ Press For Talks BKKLIN (Aft — Soviet Premier Khrushchev propose^ -Nfonday night to guarantee the independence of West Ber¬ blood while Premier Abdel Rome Bureau i* the firot Amer¬ lin with neutral or big four troops, provided the Western Communirt- ican reporter to enter Baghdad I mailer* to Dinruww .Allies end their military occupation of the Isolated city. i claimed final viv¬ In wrrk*. lie arrived Monday to ' Khruwhcho*, Plan He called uj;w>n the U.S., Bitt* id Iraq Monday. report on events In that Iraqi sin and Franca to avert thu tapital. lie was the first West¬ months plunged Into revolt time in almost ern reporter to reach Baghdad after the rrvolt of last July II PARIS (/P> — S«\i,t Pre* Dr. Meyer danger of World War iii vc-pting hk pr'n**4*!* for turning by hp- mi.r Khruihohrv'. n*w pr«- all govemmen- dec'ar- which toppled the monarchy. Wiwt Berlin into a fi we ciiy. ' CM. Abdel Wahab Shaw-art Insurrection has Ills report of the latest develop¬ ments In Iraq a» seen from THE REV. Edward E. Hartl- for Wr.l Berlin were firxt prenentcl In British Addresses Hoariwly shouting •'peace and IVime Minijtrr Mkcmil'an h-iendahip" in Rusaian and Ger¬ rruxhsd and tfiat Shawnf Baghdad follows.) ted. •lain by hi* own men. gtokeeman aaid in Baghdad: B» STAN CARTER BAGHDAD. Iraq uF*»—Crowds «an. Catholic Ma«sachn«ctta Chaplato al the Male Crboa at Halpole. leaves the prison. Hat- In Mo.row. infomml ,our. cm .nl.) Monday niirht. Mar. Socialists man, Khruahch«*v.madpo*als for West Berlin in a nt i.s in complete urdav, following his release from 3.1-mlnul# speech before a cliTf- danced, dapped and sar.g in 'he millan them with ing mess rally in E.«-*t Berlin. streets of Baghdad Monday af¬ a group of convicts. Rev. Marti* Erenrh lea.lera Monday. Kilingrr Id Spruk ter the guvernmeht announced gsn waa one of *1* held by the off rhtets and Macmillan now it telling the Al Nrxt Merlin# Earlier he had talked for H» • that an insurrection in northern rioting prisoner*, t'onv tela had hour* nlth Erich Ollenhancr, la Ibe rapt- French of his Moscow visit on l-aq had been suppressed The Mtursted bh clothing with gaso¬ head ef the H>*t German *nc Itn Red organiser* ran the first leg of a mission that AL HELTZFR rieiTKMntration* went on into the line and threatened to ael them Bv iallat party. Ollenhauer *atd hu ads of demon- will take hun to major western MlRET ART OF NTATE J«hn F**Ur Itolle* and his wife hul.l . roc i' afire, (iuard* ru*hrd the metal from the lureting notice. capitals to try gaining support hands In their antomvbilr as they leave Waller Reed Army Hospital Conventional aoclal acjen came away "Tlie government is in com* shop and rescued the hostage. with the ImpreMlnn the Ku*- for hi* cold wsr strategy. He In Washington for a ride. Hunday. II was the serond time Dulle* tlsLi have come to uphold The rebels announced, ho - p'e'e c.ifiir an official de» a - oils cm President Eisenhower in *iana are ready to negntUle a left the hospital since he entered Frh. HI—he snd his wife took s that Shawaf* men have ed in a broadcast over GagtuL t many of Karl Marx's idea* quirk settlement af the Berlin Washington late this month. put a military detachment against radio. ■Col. Abdul Wahab Shew a f (pica (,lub< orrw-lal French sewrree said short drive the day before. Dnlle* Is b^ju treated at the hospital for • eanrer condition. ( ^ although they have arrived r rials, sent at those insights indepen¬ and that thev are march- (the leader of the revolt) was the Khrushchev pre»mato—call¬ "Some people are afraid tliat in Baghdad to crush "the k. led by h,s own men Orchestra ing far neutral er Big Fewr*- Wiirni of DcfciiM' Lick dently of Marxism, Dr. Al¬ fred Meyer told the Ynunjf th»* freedom and independence of Weat PkTlin would i»e threat¬ •tor and hU gang I These claima were disputed tre*ps to Weel Berlin—were 41*- Socialist® Club Sunday ened," thq Itutama lender told Tha K—am detachment, a it force, was completely an- in side rebel broadcasts heard out- Baghdad. These said ( o| Rehearsing rami hr NmwIIIm and French Premier totehel Dehrr. Maemil- night. Uie rally, Sy iniiigton Blasts ike "But we are pif-pared to Join a ted, aaid a by Shawaf was still alive and that Ian had given ne pahlle hint «f< The MSl* Men's Glee Club Speaking on "Marxiwn In Ton- with tha W«v.tern rower* tn Moral on behg!f of Sha- a rebel force was marching on KhrwUwhev's new prspsssls to aiol t'mversity Symphony or¬ temporary Social Thought,'• Dr. guarantee the frc«d<*n of the 40-yaar-old leader of the that capital.) repeating en his trtp last neck Meyer IHted among these Insight* , chestra are reheorMr.g a con¬ city." The government, from all ap¬ to the Mease ef ( wsnssi. WASHINGTON (.15 — Si>n. Stuart Symlnjrton million \%e*t music and American biatory. Monday MecmlBan plans longs to a socio-economic group f aa Ibe Cal- here and they do not give the >^rech to Imdirct balanciiur limn "to tha iirowinjr thraat of the with lntere*ta that c«e»flict with Berllnera to he merged with tha r wba told the The two music group* will to bring them up for discussion a wum appearance of being on special Communiit con.piracy." tinaie «»f other groups. radically different eortety ef ■ aapla be win igbt -eatu alert. A curfew which has beer) perform U»e "Tesrament of today when he visits president Amcrnun ground striking forces. t emmealat Eaal Berlin. Freed, en** in a #ytnfdiony-«f»or- De Gaulle Parrying this and other Demo¬ member of the Dr. Meyer eharaetertaed Mar- • PPft tta eerrepl regtow.- in effect since the rebellion of Stcnnis, a -il concert Sunday at 4 pm. ® There was no indication from «Um aa a radical erttlque ef em¬ iart July was lifted to permit cratic thrust* at administration Armed Services Committee, in- Khriiahchev reoootn,! his eerf- I ppvwlutftoa has now the Aud. either French or British source* riua!c«i fpetrtal concern over itting see let y that alma al aatew- ifW offer to place Wont Berlin observance of the Moslem month Rcpubh- ' from the writ¬ Khrushchev military policy, Senate tlflc analysis and la apHmtatlr Ml e*ar Iraq." he dec-lar* With words, of how the p an* u» eliminate one division under U. S. control, but Uh n of Ramadan, during which there suggested there was some that aerial lam In the futnra will I Aaab tribesmen are on ings ot Thomas Jefferson put to sais Weie received by Macmti* caria in the Army's mobile striking added this new proposal: is fasting frofn dawn to sunset rarreet the We Mara dmerthad. to help rebel trucks wimi* by Randall Tliompaon.. Ran or Debre political motivation business. About half the stores selections by the University Symphony orchestra under the Adjutant IGeneral Ga), reporting unanimous ap¬ proval of the house-pasted bill, At Splutter Spin effort to get Soviet forces Into the wretom sector under the reminded that closed to permit their employes direction of Louis Potter. Jr., Morun Reaign» said the Berlin situation inJiu- "Any inquiry Into political at¬ preUwha of helping to guarantee Twwnfy-five candidate* will titude* or group activities would few mirtrallwi is this to take part in the demonstra¬ They will play the Overture •ffced the committee. h Friday In the 'Trendora" by Handel, "fan¬ Sen. John Sienni* (D-Mlu) vie tonight for the title of Mr. be a serious violation ot well rw i Student Services tions. A **nd lot soccer game tasia on the AHelujah Hymn" bv Slate Office *t! the tone of the Senate de¬ MSU of the 195® Spinster Spin cognised academic and consti¬ All girls interested went on without interruption. Gordon Jacob and the "JUwe bate over military policy when in the first rush smoker of the tutional freedoms all An»ericana Pretidenllfunnuh LANSING «*» —_>!•! Gfn. are luppowd to enjoy, and must ig in Spring Rush Duet" from "Merry Mount" by Xlaatey fie protested - what he termed contest. Application. Ready Howard Hanson. U'jraa rmignti .K#r 11 rtera aa Mlca,.an > Ad¬ the "continued dismantling' of One of these entrants wilt be enjoy," tbe letter added. Gets the Rhubarb To bp plijlhlg The Socialists Club will hear a coed must For Stodeol Loan* The concert is open to she •ejected to reign at the Spin, jutant Caaanl. •• Dr. Lewis Edlnger of the politi¬ Several stalks of hothouse - « tww pntot ail col.epc aver* Sluireti iol-rwl-d in r*«iv- public. There i* »o adm-asioa Gat. WUliama acc^Md ih* Pointing* on UUplmy ®-12 p.m. on April 17. The other cal science department at tta and a tort point winter term. four finalists will be honored rhubarb were presented to Pre¬ charge. Li* to-™ ,r*» N,uonil D*" raai(Mt»n. aa af A»r>: JO. and with him during the dunce's in* mooting this Sunday at $:90. His sident John A. Hannah Monday Student Lou Fund. r>- cmMMri Maaw for hw qu.1- P.JnLnju ate pnnta. mi view termission program. topic will be 'Contemporary afternoon by • group of Ma¬ CMMdr UtolMud U>t r—' br Uie fett¬ 'Plato and Art' Subject itiaa «( loyalty and l*ad««n.o. at tlx new gallery in Kre.e* Tonight's rush will be conduct¬ German Socialism." comb County rhubarb enthusi¬ er*1 end »t*te foeerniKUt in It will bw t« la tea (oraniir Art Cen'-er Utrauga March t«, esr-ement with MSU. mer P** Of PhikMephy Talk cuiunantef-la^hltf of lta'.a reprcMcit tha work of three re¬ ed by members of three organi¬ ast* un epplKeUeeo In the mui * a. military fcrtte te Aam« a luc* gular MSU ilalf mamban. Alma sations sponsoring the coed-bid AOCS Mmdmg Tomlghi Michigan** Macomb County •fo«r Wtm C-IL". • »"tr Lawrence Hofbrook will ad¬ dance. Spartan Women's League, produces IS percent of toe na- women', division of student */• Cuataeh. Murray Jowaa and tlra'a hothouse rhubarb. Making mm mi * titer- <* dress the graduate student phil¬ ha will b» C'harlOT FoOoak. Tower Ouard and Mortar Board. AOCS will hold an emergency fairs m tbe etudenl eeevscee Moraa tha symbolic pwaantatlnn were Wi,n --— bud din,. osophy colloquium today at 4:1® M April ate that "I caa Tha gallary ia opan telly. • These coeds will pick up the meeting for thu election of new toeight at 7:3®, to U the queen of the '4® Hlehtgsn •orti W«r II. t» currtnUjr te- Application* »r* now bring pjn. in 101 Barter HalL M® u> ao KJOkrr (MOT I > yield pbytical am. to 11 woon and 1 pjn. tn S candidates at their living units officers Hothouse Rhubarb Festival and iufi Foreign for *pring term only. topic will be "Plato and Art" ef nation* p m.: Tuaaday*. t to », and escort thine to the anoktr Union. All member* are ruquuat* taken and member* ot, tbe faculty and at the Trt-Dett house to formal ed to attend. Pictures will bu 4 aomaaf the at T and • Ssn eppliceuoru (or U» 1M»- graduate students are tovitod to b, anr-y it,u- and tuatey aftarnnnna. J pm. contest sty la. taken. Mar through ee ecedenur year will be re* eiteod. to ( pan. U). reived April »-Augu« '»• * Michigan Stale News "Peace! Separate Peace! Piece By Piece!** INFORMATION Read Dally by MSl"a 25.906 Student* and Farulty SPARTAN WOMEN'S LEAGUE GAMMA ALPHA OD AOTA The Michigan Stale New« la published by atudents of Michigan Shite 7:S0 p.m., 33 Union. Emer¬ 7 p.m.. first floor lounge, Stu¬ 6 30 p.m., 30t Student (U*j Dntvcrsitv. Hast I.anatng. Mich without direct farulty Fuprrvt*""-. dent Services, initiation of vices. AH activM* pledge a*, It t* not'the official voire of the university or of the guidri.l bod*, gency meeting. All members but while iceklug to serve tin. best interest* of bpth. Manor re .o > are requested to attend be¬ pledges. rusher* must attend for ir.:t.^ to battle any move which would drive * wedge between, the two cause new officers will lie W ATER C ARNIVAL EXEC ati"n. whether It comes from withir. «he university or from outside HOARD l'|s||ERILS A WILDLIFE Associated Press. Inland Daily Prrsa and Associated College elected Pictures will be hikon, - ol the CLUB Press. - AI.PMA PHI OMBOA 8 p.m.. Senior Class office, Student Services. 7:30 p.m.. Conservation. Mee4. Vnl. S". No. ISO Tuesday, March 10, 10r>!l Paire Two 7:30 p.m., 323 Students Ser¬ W ATER CARNIVAL KING A ing of the executive council vices. and program ehairmen. QI'EEN FLOAT COMM. CATHOIJC KTIDENT 7 p.m., 41 Union. SPEECH A HEARING CLUB ORGANIZATION ORC HEMS 2 p m . 36 Union. Students Come 1st 4 p.m.. AI.PHA PHI SIGMA Catholic Student Cen¬ ter cafeteria. Coffee hour. I 7.30 pm„ ROSll-Soril COUNCIL 0 3d p.m.. Mural Room. Union. Women's Gym, BAPTIST RTUDKNT UNION 7:15 p.m., Church, meet fourth floor Bathany Baptisi Un{ 7 p.m., 32 Union. Guest speak¬ Executive Council. ion. Guest apeaker: Duar.g In Eyes of S'News Jerry Cohen, A«st. Attor¬ er: Cuthbertson, active in Detroif 8:30 p.m., 33 Union. General ney General of Michigan in Council, Important — last BUY. charge of the Criminal Divi¬ ECIRESTRV CLUB • meeting of term sion. 7 30 p.m.. Forestry Cabin. AN ANNIVERSARY—particularly a aeml-ecntennial— AIGMA EP8II.ON PHI TIIETA SIGMA PHI 8 30 p.m.. Mural Room. Union. KAPPA DELTA PI !*« usually a time fur reminiscing ami Humming up. B 30 p n>.. 35 Union. Wear white for initiation. 7:30 p.m., 516 Education. The tabloid supplement Included with today's Stale Nrws PROMKNADKRS EXEC ROARII commemorates 60 years of continuoiiM publication of this 7 Womeri's Gym. Dem newspaper, Team p.m., practice follows. Michigan Stale News GREEK WEEK LEADERSHIP Sturtri'f Sen trr« F.^#t tjin«ine. Xticiiifan It in significant that, with the except ion of one or two WORKSHOP COMM. Published .141 «n . da*- Monda* f'-rmifh FrlCav induaive 4unn( rases, the paper has never been directly censored. I he 4 p.m.. 338 Student Services. f* ; »pe-Ml |.-»er and spring i • hn an i-sur hetneen »uminir terti.s. vrrkb during stimmee terms and * and fall terms. Entered ** university's deep fear of unfavorable publicity, however, GREEK PEART COMM. ha*I rla * nuittei under His set of Mich. March 3, 1179 at the poet office 8:30 p.m.. Union. |j*nes. Hut the State News has always had the right to print in¬ formation it could obtain, and that is important.' CAMPUS CLASSIFIEDS Driving a wedge between the student body ami the ad¬ ministration is certainly not the purpose of a collegiate ED 2-1511 EXT. 2615 newspaper. But the State News believes it does have a DKADUNKS: 2 p.m. IIU IIKFOItK ri ltl.K ATION FOR TI'KS., WED. THI IIS.. 1MI I Kl. FIMTIONS moral responsibility to cover all significant news, and to attack what it feels are encroachments on students' indi¬ MOX. KPITION DEADLINE: 2 p.m. FRI. vidual rights. Kill, |'a««lilr K-ll and 1-5 M«nda\ thruuph Fridar WHEN STUDENTS are denied an open trial before Student Judiciary, when they are threatened with lie de¬ tector tests by the same organization, and when a "letters CLASSIFIED RATES FOR SALE LOST and FOUND minimum IS words to the editor" contributor is called on the carpet, there is -HI HXHC.AINN TEI.FV!«10Na l/IRT GREY 61, something wrong. The university leaves itself open to crit¬ 1 day 15c »tart 2 deyt $1.45 #e Mu.or bi.iods pri,r» • j>, icism when it allows such methods to continue. The Slate a' »i> (,<«Mj\ear Seivice btuie. !!'» PERSONAL 1 News, by airing grievances, hopes to limit and discourage ) days $1.95 1 •T,,!,icu-. tf-44 4 day* $2.25 KENNY DAVlg OBCKBSTBA cH them. l,ellerw |o I In- I'alilor Middle East 5 day* $2.50 orm i Vcm-e tyi iPMiM Winers in like rien con-. 4-1417 two ehi- ^ -ill *tta, i.■•.tents Original : This touches on the real purpose of a .student newspaper. iK'inn v !*b : t'»i mei •<«»' *lal e u» an offer ! K WAST RAKCRY DBUVBIg J It. is important that students be satisfied with the vvnv ADDITIONAL CHARGES their university is run. They will be the alumni of tomor¬ Letter Asks How Rule Line-up Still fer each word over 15 6c dey I'i,on# IV » "1.l betw ean 9 and 5 44 i ctiv id-.iallv decorated cake aervuig | '.•r int. Pnona IV 4-9TM hafeH row am! many will be in position to donate funds. Discon¬ . per #»•!* II--CM|#I TV a*1 huo's Scrambled i«u> varuun. i leaner all MARTY JAMIKAONg tented atudents today are a jaair financial investment for Changes (Ian Be Made condition ftcavnible F.l»- •'»'» Band Bertiea ».«rarte*. T-14 Hat « the future, Bf J. M. ROBERTA An«l even more Important than financial return Is the have to serve my (tv« le»urs A AniililH Preag New* Analyet HAMUt.m CUSTOM mat Stsi.d- HOUSING thr r IN RAT IN ami To I be Editor: gyil transmission fliiss' mile- fmn (TscXman inmb*. Tbe Investment in potential students. Students-who are satis¬ t have rmd, with great inter- week and learn to like it. OiHir. on# ov» n#r. *13X1 ID Hai Mnbbv 0irven* < factually fied now will be loyal alums who will promote .MSI' among Thtfd art so many diver¬ Cham llnvr H> 3-# .*. 47 f-OR RENT I Voorhewt Jack Rraum Harrw J v \ the recent articles and rdi- If tjie rourse niust be required I grow •««n \ * :#de#r* *n« arhara. Cm high achool atudents, ami, primarily, inspire a loyalty for h»ri.iN in the suie hewg per- why not cut it down. gent forces at work in I he- imu i itrvnoi.rr RFl tNT cm • ire* excellent SAV» KAI (l(M)D Be*; v h*« M 'rt Nl"r ^aenrv. IV l-ARt weary of h«ving to fit my arhad pleie nverlvsxi tiood their alma mater In their own sons ami daughters. They i.uiwng to changes In the rules Middle fcaat that every new . miditioii Must sell r.U l-fl» sfter itr xpftne tern Slfll! ami imliclm here at State I u!e aroumt to get it in. I bo- » A> Pll.M P.D 3-3315 47 REAL ESTATE will be proud* as |mrents, to send them here to school. Hjprr that compulsory HOTC, lieve that truer hours a meek development bniiffs confu¬ THRRr BEDROOM Not too many weeks ago, at Spartan Boundtable, I'resI- mess rules and other rules uould im» enough for one credit sion as to it* own meaning EMPLOYMENT De«embei rurnisht I near Marble , FOR SALE ooi *iji' month f.L> 3-31X4 dent Hannah posed the question, "Why is it that high as well as adding to the un¬ •>. f |>ei should In* completely changed that w e get. .. ** At rate | expert rvWhing AHYONC INTrh».MH» IN e\e>ii!ijr* atttntioh nuluwiim school students seem to be less Interested in coming to in amended The quant am most any certainties of the whole. hebv*ltt*r '»*"1 h-u-e-" ! *o-oritte* Pint *fana* — a* 44 students, including myself, ask to c«tme of thi* Iwttuie student rive «»r six dsv* %*eek IV 3-J7D I ANMNC, A rr.H Xf'TIVP two [ fraternitr. house In McglMt i MSU than in the past?" Perhaps the answer t«» this would A British vnkeeman dis- u"fnrri«ieil b'tct dun'ev it, location Pnce inrtngaa ai ll.m?" have yellnt before and not a I-. • rusemg the new rebellion in *" bawnent utar Mar- |oi for parking MSU alumni* ami thus Die student body of " fH RRRt.K A liRR H TWtRIRRX ■ flinuanrti reflect upon VViit if take tua.v* letter •
    3-11'* .I x„chen equipmt MaTl a Iraq Bunday. ubviously was nb- QVMNASTf. waiarfrmtt and •* today* writing campaign l»» slip lent* have some faculty members on creation peiaonnel *:» vou inter- t.-l-v • for g***» (I hvHHtf »n the humor and yet wted In a vi>eviall*e«l car-o i- • •' H-HFDMf>OM MOI'SF ion- »"*'el Robertson Pater son I and their parents' should the our side t expert that tf Una Me- tofmshed <■" Realtora, JV 0-14(1, avming very accurate meaning in his timi* Jure la J« L onta. ' r near .ampu* IM0 BY ATTACKING the butt of student discontent. In our shetrots form an org .ini«« turn 1>» letter tr piihiiahsst I shall hear own war da. He said the aitua- 1 Wu ■ \pr ui t„ Heutemher *-L» S-MH3, someone squxk alwwit how food r.i» j-»i*3 CD i-isii, Ext ?4« t i- ciei some of the regulations and policies of this institution, «t h.iiulle the t.i-k 01 ran Al'SiS "cleerly very confuaed.' " the student paper may be aide to eliminate or moderate hrmg (hi' Mia'stioii liebue the the military is «nd 1 supt«nae |mhi waa FOR RENT H UUTT THIU m, Nill Net Pra-Neaser admihi«li.itiou' tt ..» u. only the mcupationat APARTMENTS lunsiied re« iMUs* roewi. I some of them. This provides a real service to the university On the surface, the rebellion Also, \t',o is f«» <1tvMr Ju«l hasjird of voicing my humble as well as to the atudents. what e .una the *t lutein* opinion on such nutter* of army fsrtiuns ui the Mosul To i AMPt * furnished i The Slate News and its predecessor. The Ihdcad. have s»!>o\i .| K • |. i • I In '!«*ve the Arte TkMM area « pru-Naaeer and against FOR SALE uhtie* end bail-, ED find I-3UVU f»u.r %:-■> 44 SERVICE •he influence of Cotnmuniam on met with stiff resistance concerning many of their sugges¬ Male News can U ei gieat set- ' >I R\|SHI:D GcMr1 t « T7 DAY CARS i the Kaaeem ravx>luUoh«r> gr»v- itirihi t/NIK AHEAD tions. No doubt the paper lias sometimes been impractical V■> e to tlir to pilbilad¬ "u,d a ha par Mgltt Staff uiu-r, M-tried couple »o Balli—n-Uie kch» inn h'Xi ing lh,- prm»rr ehawwi* to be eminent In GagtwUd. In ih>a light »m r.D j-wsiv ..Mim „i lalaic. I'lioiie ^prr,#2Lf "or in its demands. (Jo many occasions* however, the paper's omneetMMt tiie term pro-Naa«M-r bo.II « is« 4« rtumg cd 9-eisi. laken in elTetUng Uie daoued m«m raw«»r campaigns have succeeded. h mg,- irferi to Arab natuaialiein of YOUTH BCD GOOD . BATH Bean'i full v. TVPIfiT ANN BNOWK Phone Ttl ' maltrww *."X» I 44M4 4 BMtrlr nerapi in* :.ed «M>ele,| in- - tvpew utter Terif It is to be hoped, as we enter our second half-cent my, Wit- | 4n»r tli* interneUuna! type the Cairo , With ritowit agemeitt and guut- M«ht »urt lilil r** In o*i>e« iHtme For > .i>,axl thrsla alao general tig A k i that students—through direct participation on the paper, .owe fi.rn :iw stair News. sto M*M 14 staff %sn BaStntna leader »iq»p"rta Yet there t« IbuM l**,t> Arab natimiatiam thmughnut Uie through letters to the editor, and through all other means dents roold relieve tlteinarlve* T V RADIO-HI PI of burden* thai Middle East which >• not pro- j7^'«Sursak,R/f,,js imiirvCMMrv ' of communication -- continue to express frank opinions RE* have Iknti potsert iq.M»n then, I Bank KoIiInth Naster. »lt HAU-tiWArrrR* Good condition **4..M 3'«o Phone 11 ".N,v,.v;':r,u cither in praise of, or in criticism of, a variety of subjects AI VrnUth IN* Baghdad government ap¬ a vwa after a »>■ ' -r I Mi«t.,-'« ee^n.i»i»d paid Garage Da Kin concerning the improvement of Michigan State University* * * * Hoist S72.INW pear* Ui*n to be more Natuaiab*! C«euniuniet. yet in txenpe - tu' DEt"ORATED « XKF.H parties turtl«Jai* DHIVIHth Vi*r.v P .O. , ?V ?•;*»! 47 i Don* Alien# Bard* dell, loll* pattrw* Rea»>»«ahla p: •« e 4 Hi-tMS AND batb lauit, l«aamg It. Slmlrnl Siifi/ivxlx MA.VvXPhgi'A. NY. tl* - !;u«m ership with Newer b>r Arab lead¬ in the iraditional Iraqi K««>I Hake* * IV 4-eTW r* 1 sntf paik>r.g '* ' V"ur quieUy erTinenl baudi'x. t..» »b> YINtiCBPRINT KIT « bus 4*7 30 AI- Crossword t •*» • lit HIUMIt MNUI »' • fashion. »IM HOTC. Itn isioii arntcvf a lea, w tth gas tnaeiune guns and Usnb ani'iii other (MMvabb a km Vilo HuM'l* Kt> «-«Mi: after * f 2* DlVlltoK. »' '1 lawimral IsatN U"i CD 1-4314 44 with full . ountea*. — To the Milan urajHtos. held up a bank M««n* IitlernaUunal Communism, GOOD C«t*eg TV SALE Nf AR ' AXIPI A rt'RM»HED two ' Ai«mdiug to Pteaidenf Hon* •lav and rnqiel with abmit which for a time gave all-out •OVMI;*. »' • vaie entrance ha». lao CLICK Iimci n Ini h.idea u'uitie* CD- n»h the federal *.oe»omeht re* $72.hUd stufTrd in slenH«hg bag*. au|i|w>rt to Naxseriam as a wea¬ SFU0NUT SHOE luar* VVraring lublwr ru>»»"S |4' 6.1. pa 'ah • M quires the atudetga of the uni¬ coma: pon agamat Weetrrn mtevee's, Can #IM versity, under tie M >irUi Ait, for d:*gutM-. they paasrst ararve- 1* a word a* the* cleaned out now rooUr.uea k> do su on Is¬ IF' MKI taste • %* soo*5"|i2ilf£ •« -. U. lake liim*. sues directly involving Middle FOR WORKING girt wr : Yet we air taught that t| if the cash drawers of Ave of the Eaat and Weetein runflicta, but Ir MUNTf rar.K** jI .'c * li.4 f.-o .au BaUi parking CD- i oUege grodiMtp. ' tellers in the S»vurtty Na- undercuta it on duect n.d the government viwt rr- mote H.. qunv* u» to do tot* but the urn- t.onal Hank A nu'.Uary type Conununiat mterrats. If" TflUITONl «r ► OR ONE tit twe T V.-l etui fo ra'ea to - vii-*it> The Art pro¬ K»* bomb, p arol by • gunman For iatautwe, while aupportmg •• ffgetir ; I'* situ full f*cHiUe*. One evision salet . .„ .„ ampu* ED »-|37t 4i shoo a ta 4.34 | vide* that 'die uiuvvtMty must in the middle of t!w fhwr, frose 'the a m. Baghdad government, Uie ji' MUNTZ -in »««' idler military scienee However, customers and employer. mternatMnal i «*minuniata run- u'l-Rcvn. o»» I"";::*- r•ntacwnl to campus Pwrnble ; " it dc*e* n«»? sttpuiate Uwt we A* it turned out. the bomb t.nue b* aUr up uxmbW witn 19 DIVIITONI iyi 1 to bahv - 1 i.r do urre bou*«MnrX WILL CAM *na ^.ia *- a> have tn take the cimiae. w a.v harmless be* ause da mask¬ their pramiaea of a national >»#' - • • • ■ ■ ■ • V *•' earn »,.>rn»»n af .r„i ;f student t » _ *** -£-SI There is a certain value, I wit! ing tape had not been ripped state for the Kuid*. who live in r * pn fhone rn I-4UU arte. *t ZJ i, i4rr- -PrK*'** MARION . ft -in the wick fuse. |f 5CACTON t . admitT in i> course However, a belt extending fuwti northea»t- I wilt have to spend five TY.e tvandita roared away in ern IMtiy aero— northern Iraq M »«** »i |f 4S APPROVED HOt XtNG VP.- laree ! tJSK a* d'/>,l>ie rooms for kprtng term r—— • *** ' hour* a week next term for one an aging coup, their flight quick* Iran. The Kurds, always a |i* »i •rom Rather Hail, Hit fl" OltmP'C bf-« Ave ED S-43M credit I am beciviung duiUu- e i«i when a would-be customer dissident element in the coun¬ A FAMILY -1 if tiaiud if wit it is worth it. 3 Hours Enough spotted street. the holdup from the tries where they h\e, ate thick* around Mosul, center of the new II" AOMitAL 'ahe r • t«» •. • 114 -S no# KOOM* daub r.. roR X|F\ board if view red Tvra a,.gie Phone* w QUALITY th • w to However, who am the powvr* I to object that be, 1 nluitt roar T!ie roW^er* of the eatetvd froin ti»t building. lebrllKtft. II* MUNT1 t»'K t • • e?W '"orningi and evening*' ROOM * i iff MALK g.oRi 1-4 WM. K THOMPSON >•»*" . i.Mtm.-tar Unen* turn (shed G*r«| The rebellion, however, ap¬ *v».l«hia I'boc.e ED 3-3MS pears le be an u-my memfesta- II* MOTOaOUK • •< A!OMlT.t\£CVKMN£4D t.«m. end may explain reports K:* yrs .. .. 1,24. MODERN QVICT AlR-.orditMned at-gi# lor Km RHM • room male student 4*2 currant eight months ego, at V* >aarian A«* C laiuir.g Phone II" SFAlHON time af the Kassem revolt , • cr *«*hengs. 34 t*t»mg RR I ........ agaistfl the monarchy, that ixu'lif looiij (4 R«r ««•*. binirle ruum* 4AJD per week, northern troops remained loyal II" B.I. UJfwwo-. «* ^ lot mtn^ Apanan Roll. as- «)( ani might take things into thetr $, <:< 15 • Low* CD 3-3314 Vmd bowl tn gam "»'« loObT with TV. — * owtt haatfa! II" EC^L fwu | sen be laundry UciliUea hag apparently relied , " —- IUM iMn, VkT. ' MVtSTw Communists to help ing dutar-w to rampui 14" HUNTZ tatfc ■-•nade? $44 4S prelect him from Cairo. The TWO AIMGLC BOOMS I prefer Cairo la Men* *i>arw-ed. Koo-amakt ATTENTION STUDENTS i FACULTY _ ?»'* *«M P^J IB CMu. I WE WILL ALLOW d en laivairc g On* af the difficulties tn as* 9-t it'4 Lit*4 »33v« to* Utt.S *#!<» DOUBLE AND SINCtJL For mew , ssieiag ail af these aUuaUem is "Hr Berk- 'mm the internal conflicts which aria# cr 50% ©If lor a:i <.*,!■ tr.g ED 3-3131. tf-44 between the Communists as well TV TICMNICIANS CO. K)R SALE as the Nationalist* of the. Mid¬ dle Beet. 1022 K. MICHIGAN ! As the British almoot said, the only thing clear in th« Middle open i am. to t fm. Daily traiurs .. cAurn fHONL IV MIM i lv located GRCATLakgg one mxi» trom — en tot. Ideal- ...HIGH » Baal It Hi confuaioa. CMC SO 1-MM. ••• |ff S'-i. V ■ -1 , ' ' ;1Miiryp«0WS!MlMUColl aie manfk(i • < - M WASHINtiTON V The *u- today at S ' A p m m *bs Minwo iliriro - i>< f, ;I,g a separate return, -d ,te.|,if*ton prr • »■ Court refu-od Monday •<* Aud Die piihii* a .nvdwd '• ; dar-.* - !« limit* consider a »i> Negroes 'o 1T 'end \v;TO\. i.4*» Pu-iH. • < «"?no .. « rr's hiHget-h«i- * . ..!r'J, force the Br.«herh«HHl of Iwho. vfwft '(•' lo'tititt* . ft e R.-reo , ,< backin ; policy- ' -e • ta* in "\c K' i urn an.i K ig.ncn.en Tft'.J snd Iftc e.« NiL'iock. vibliun it< into a f'Sfal cor- lOtOA ' gi to op lai.a! bars and admit ?'«. I xman B.xdrnan viohsf. «r.d William Prow ire i .«! ded ct In a -epara'.e case. Hie t'ou t l>*. ll HI Rill I.IMS eh.iik, xi ng w oe D"' ft »* Cftmpbet!, is ted ;n - declined to rule on a Nnro fiORlMIN vMIIII . . «horns director , . , JOM I.VhFTT INtderwiwi, . tomex's protest agaluat racial Fherwn h«. n R.a* . md *>' a arrir* of ;n in A r xnvre said I>.*m- ! J- •rirega'ion in publir ie«* rooms ■tori; vid Or.tx (Mftiii. ftod Virfttnvft Rodman, .. i » v- sett Bumo gr , iti *n Heidelberg m a ?io: fo'k. \'a courthouse ».lei Lyndon vfnhivot- . (»oi don ; "u'h. West fie v ard ♦I I.'.ft hfttx "short circuited" F A Daw !e> .lr Norfolk . • as faixrdAn is an Ag nui«r and Ttie strwg i| mr'e * .JJ .vpeg lawyer, in a petition to the are t.m« * rek s Sen or> of 'he 2. i»as*w« snd niakr >g- HftC^ftn afi-'universilx i; axer- »"h Mirer's Quart#* in R F'at Court contended signs ovei ree' . x on an off-the- (lliorus at room Const'tution'a doors violated the t*. h guarantee of due B e««k Jorv « pre-iow mftjoi t 'i.i *1* lie is president Hoard snd xire-president nf F.s nf I nuxn \|s,.e r*e Q ft 'e1 rnri'etvijw> ary fm M'-ew -vrxeu, a-fl a -univeiwty J.4 avVi- rslibur r a wrmher of the pi (t»s» and equal protectum of use «ti i literal blor. |go..n to adopt an called for over-all And Friday 'a v« "Colored The Men." signs are letteied White Men." »ke senior She c at.* is g Urftfturei membm ftf *ne of t'n- Helmet l» wit i,von to h>* Cn.'H B-- «t s«-f .'Vities he se-ie'aiv Has iveen Blue CJieec Ke. ci'i.f Q .* V i»n -nttviible. :»i • iv Cempneil Bei nft'd He nta "ii* - i«n Bo.trd of Directors on 'he IpiiO. announce It pub- ended ' Colored Women" and ' White Frosh-Soph Council for 'wo ■'ewsursv aiwi rual. • a •■ an a The h id « orS of 'ne Oven «*f 4 then measure all spend- an m ;tic, \tnen the Heideibrg_l'nivet • Wurnep * eu ls» »f in> F.'a A g!1 » anc of Sf-h.itxeei r*i.. It'">ks and :(« vt»ara aivt ditei toi of Junior « li ir«in»t It. si'i chorus appears at .VI.St' Frt- The Court gave no reason loc S.a-:a. (-r.fti.o au foi his frs'e1 Q unlet Th « >v law t-» enable v. College CoupnatMifi for Al'SC. sorb a polirv the " dav p will disp.av tf.e incievti* turning down Daw ley s petition. Jon » fuw vKc-pitwideii lilt* He',i r»'eta H' ► ■•(•NT a rxe ,.W- prepare v..u Hut. >n tne c**e uf the Negroes p.irty *n Congress i* return in.1 in pe ■ eo;«.- i>f a great ch ino ami S-holatship Cbftii*man nf Me '.a* Ami twx-ii A-« - a: 4ft Rcx1n,«r 1 >nto a fiscal corner seeking s.iniiftsion t«» the Fire Sfiies Man .ftfi «he W.. B xioan eiii i n. K> 'rrna! Re\ en r The en., us under the itnec- •cr sororvtx Kappa Alpha The vet mens Cnion. the Court sa.d e Ri)D I p.^.isthle plev of the t'*t'"ine •* ■ net he-: . ti »n of Di Steffiind Hermeunk. w a« refusing u> set "m view of •a Sh# * • member of M.-ra. rie and s en ienM si. i balance the bud- been eorrec* s , o » w ne a 'catu e of la*»ture- Board and received an MSI' Cadet,. I.l L'olnne and Be 'e ' lour jncOM < .« the oostract content m which WK A R P M !*t said .. » d an. .fit predict . i rwett fries H Friday at AnaniM Distmguiithed Actio ar- (ttmup Commsndet nv ** If. villir •t'fvre • MfW) r»j rt'.oie Queamns sought 'o oe rsi«- I». «hi \k the President * ' ••cat k nd n/ ft 1 S p in n 'ne Aud e«1 a »• pitwen'ed t»x fh.s »eciird " V ' ItkO I lit H 111 ill i II11110 I IO " till IftHillM! 1 IMi *1 ir I. . 1 pilll| I' Hllli IHittS* tl |, .g ..•id !e«« th.«n ,.H, nniiii •prrtjvytal* arc \*.'.ng «v (tUH.a #»•» Winter R0T( ere. \ .pi recn: ;i« Pde Meilclwug This seeoiert t«> rnxe ti^e wav e l»ut we cant «»- -a- the standard dev"vair > and moving the basic whethei a un¬ . miole head of either The ,i\ « ■ r is a «hni! tie ded-K-tioj.. used if vou or if id universities of een'ca' Cm - The Iatconio'ive Brotheflibod « ( aim mifisiniu featiHOS of xxrek* ago with an lohnxon* leadership WOno di »u* ad o'euj • .»re • afiiteria hh Ore to- \ 'w "Ji-'a: . iMHv# Democratic polirx on European rao.o and in csm- Supieme v out • hea> Foil# Arm ihr ••e returns ai>d rate eiee** to opjxxsing a >ft»o at All ami I (»#IRA P I He uU Johnson, and • v/e de<1uefion>. *he other is*i-t ?he ehorua w tru'v 'he ng «a.d -he R.r .wav Iaibor A. • KOTC r«uniiusftSofiing es#re»ses nine-member commit * *r<\i>\Ki« IUIIIITIIIN us" iten. /e !' ea.*h spouse ^woper'\ of the wotvrrrtty and eon to-ris no' e • emotes' rft Wednosdsv Marrb lit 49c SPECIAL • aiv.1 of veteran senators. M\ ISRII „■ r , , '■ r >•» v Ilr,.ii itwig Lt'ei a - eiei e '«» 'he sub iocs of .nem Pie >#rt'ii-eueft wu. be ne d i040, tK»th tttiist e.eet . • «•» Fr»r*r ' . Ugn »} 'a»i . (, Iledu. ti 'ne s'an.-tard doiuction oi ta»th •e no a gnitu an' rvedJ taxes bei«hrp ii are-' organ e ■••!■» l> t b oi »n Nu S'intent Se pa>e without k«ar* hi pat ton i»v The D t f s.r d both ft.sir 1 v m e* ege. ws'i % in the Senate * ■ in. Niwhsriet R«m«| a'id 't—A i vi• lea of the ei'a and '♦»» speaker on an ad-lib. «»C- '•>41) and does na e>eet 'be no *iie univeisitv Keceixing A ►•see etMiums- oasia." Prowniie aa 0 standard deo ictior »he Othe; Mftshod P>*( 41 tksrw a* well a- t!>* a» not take tne «tanda ■ .1e»h. TI e ebi'ia program a' MHU sinlit r # 1 dsn gc i an iH Oisiude si* pai's niadiigau ' and may not use the *** i« .ante Orttui H o t> » ( I .Ibtst almost a I tva > - Not legtdftMo • is on and can/oimttes a "lie IfiUi and itxftiuv le Md He .m Fax* «!».»• <»i Form ♦he majority lr.»u»t •tie !»«**>» of h:* m» «To he rontinued I ti e 'h rsWunn !7th and sat'od pie es •* Ifitfi . entune- .Uh* h vurx New o sit York If.H'ntitH NN i Rdwam f.rai ll* i>s fiai .l r A HoMtoe »' Havrtn. anuga <4 Itfth Js.-kst.n F.dwairt Hr.»'i Drtioc ^iislilsltirl hie ** « pom i Sr. Hall t lliaii'iiian enhe v ('.e'luan moip-,*er« f.» k ftnti K'-i'h %nith Hfte e«' •at amillncl* silent in vNigs an>1 (leir*i«.n otieteiii Ann* t.iiuixM.iiis t rk ne leadership seat as •«r Mansfield of Monta- l.ixU CuiiimilteeM a»ngs WAStflNfiTuN «fi fig f n u,e e«i ,p Abia g.a,.r *w ftidist hi John « to rp MM**. new . i.g Jftmes Herbold F' leader. and Sen hatn I mr. in pointing* turned ui K. .'er Jr ( r S»»- Bit (*hairn,oi. k« i . • II-Okla i dr •mi Captol fin Vtondsv f- t 111 in, Jai Dulles Gets X-ftay; ti ll > fthlft K n aga has announced hi% Homemsilo ||be Team Senator's oper- s«>ow« UiKuia m a wh. e mgtir ..»»bi J» I hi nut nroiuttee 'ui in» al -univss*ilv anrri ♦han > a thive dozen Domo- Kepuou, *u* (i » • •»- e is '«• IIii i i rm held May I m *ho Talks Willi Ike, The ptrtorc Wsstliogtarn ki New fsrk and Artisi Irs Vkisik l/.Nf I'roJt'Anor r.islrg rn mm reesweeiewels oaveMed hand foi .the »ei-Mil, >*! nab Checks State Dept. Tfio-e ,i'af.nn « true ««wr • ire has billed *« a a e I'l'l* Y *H Ha t» Iter old ^ensle •flier boiMrus llrml* f iwimilli-r Oil t hi' p I ' • i •roods kf boo. Jog a Oberman on. II .< !iiMHhiiitm,ie,IM|M PiMlirWPMMlWiMtSXHMillilMtli a. a" »» ad > si. 1'tkn Kx» (•ope* (R- %rk i and a group •( th (ieoift BtuftstnHii pi.1i- setups Previous is WASHIMilViN H St IS fa.* e« aft fast I all-, .g sdv.-M bed another ■- o«0er lowmobevo before a wmte air i»f m i. i*ltuie i«n,.u 'i» ei. had railed for more •' Vft'e fVi' es Ka. Sr. Ha" e I 'res i f a*»« • M .1, What bemooed sodieoce of so and .i. tx i.e'i-Mie . known ' mw t»> decide in. p<>- ♦ ' rft"• e • i ■ • a» ■ H'»-w >u.»."k r •*.»«' 4ft> J'- ' .i • ie aw - ilh anli |« *i*lfli.Mlf O prog, sin cfMlill. •»- ai e de .'.ow* >n.m uf fw kns- '•# to e ssi bi'e. Allien* replied hv duoa n«d f.a- 1040 P ' V a I't.iMigh aponexMOv *w b»-. Mmle loiep* dm* sMlt t*»e •OBUtlH#*|»#|||#a. Cun.tu#- iouo WSM ■#«#». U* UM IO#d btBBt. now, whether (>e k»- hi.4n v ug *«> your t "«e I 411 I IMIIM-I u.e .tarts# m Unod mm «ni naiaesfc. tsvcMV "a boUnirt! tor ••at, advantage («» .tenu/e uhii ds • unbalanced budget or due*.on* f vox. art a hunroowit w,**n to Ml MMt sod#*!is The Pa'* drpnineift mbm bt«- id whet hoc M sup* s»4»o»■* ot o O. «o «o*eo «k»a er paving intereel sn>i uio m offsiio Jsforl 4 ruedwa > during tw >a«ge Krprrarulali** I* Talk ••♦orrta»«mo. EiMVrt-os* <« f h«wi»'to v#H g Thanks Ob MirhiftaB Ta««a sold Oihos 'alft-C .»*• U* 'rirpfrft# tlf '»• St#t «ai lu Sta Y"k .r»e F«asft 1O40A •"»)# C«JSMSt* S|N-ak CCS t « » •* *'« Mftgt twSaiil. Jos.-pti (tnsne iO W x.Hj MerniAe >«h.i deductions •(# WOeO .a Ag (Jinie The esiHisrd a 1 low n 11. Us: is as sou of lte*T ,/ed rtcunoor Club ands# at a bio MMTo Men'g Pizu Pit f In - ~ Mm deduct.on* and «et*a n med »« as II M am OdAool Afiirult tfd Clinic will tie held jso re .eves r-m t»f subs' «i.»- < lissriei art' ♦v# M.c'..feO ihdr •n'0|Mi,«Hufl hi f IfPliffl Erep -' •.£ atri rten.ongi your d# ♦as Slti.StfC. 11 MM. bitk 'loaning ml •*«. pUm 4fmm. or om| hrilugg Center OUOChku dim diagitpii of *».♦ gwsii- tiewig gtxei ( enjuyoi •» i : _ • >i»h.«sis structure of the If MS. air s.r.s.r * suivi*. « "ee y#t genera' 'aiatiim He *atu ftu'et.odsi# Duiloa isdaa he <■* l|Mrlai gil« *59 a (if ad of Two a .riow >»i Wido . ei r.eaiod a re»«*»* taa study odnrfi house..old ot * e » 8'Tie»t an I ' • 'e recon.mefMifttiiMiS to rbe haturdSy and Aundoy si.d .o speakers uuiude n^ed U» b.iera'e *-»ey '»#•'- u"iuum.»«M».maaMMNnH.HMH.. f,ie either a separate return o. governor and egixljpuie oei K aft Hoffman, Vice-Presl- Foods in Chicago Michigan's tag sUurture eni wUi.fwd sdveiae res. 1 KM * Bit Pair Slacks .i»ah on the various ~F/#fJf //iff llffff/f < Irniift'ff Kree I SPECIAL OFFER Tat are inherent m The Stftts and Rtnpes Sew milk cleaomg ml ow«t. plorw 4row. m mmk t Hiftir. Chief Ccono- P'oud'* fr*.m Uie h's'e sp.i>I —— — — — — — — — — — — — — — l b 9 Senate Sub-commit* agon d. nu.i thanJu Ui s«ee* Art* itrust and Monopoly plejack Bill Bradley - Rtptaltft k» pnpaiar trman* wilt give a be- The fl*g. high fttioxe 'he «*• e- of Uiv in¬ itnis*1 hi'-ftc ItftiM fnsn one of its mooring? and flew f»w weews to protect from a sing e I me . t!AMM. I iftarrllt l.ighlrr ( Iffllird Ere# TNE MB II.VSTON (jgarrllr I ipl.l. r bilk rIroning ml oml. (Main iftrov. nr e#o> » m . 141 im • QHJEED ac.xnt.Nv »» «n» m t >. Rlrr.M»n mack mm . . . kart firi aat af Ikrat ktaalifal ripartllt hiklm •1.49 * nod en rkaira Ml up in an ftr III rmpH paikagta tf CANKI.—WINSTII* •apt? alort! —Ml.tS aaft Mr — INfar t*tr> Krifta, — ONE HOUR SERVICE Plartiaa HOW a a a 1H ka|*d into recrnitliig aad raid USD k | Never did they yield to the apathy which takes over Midland jr. ami Bill Johnson highly competitive rnnteet for priied athletes. many seniors. Never did they quit fighting for a minute. Lorain, Ohio soph. "Our coaches find the com petition emphasising Even ee seniors, e time when many are plainly tired of Additional individual entries remarks to prospective playan by saying 'You don't t playing basketball, these men worked hard and long hour* representing MSU in the tour¬ to iro to Michigan Stat* because Duffy Dougherty enj in practice nament include two freshman Army ROTC cadets. Stuart Hal- there'," Hannah said. It will be a hard Job to replace them* HANNAH SAID THAT DAUGHEKTY kas the i lock and Bob Peters Two coed.* Kktna Dellass ami Judith Dou tenure as any other prufeseor. "He's ken aad Ito't i will also aompete. to stay here." Hannah remarked. Munn was reported to defend alumni loyaltoto much of the recruiting nt the first level. 'They get a lot of undeserved abuaa," said Munn. mistimes the.v may gat oat of Una beeaaae of i thusiasm. But we'd be la terrible shape oltkeut 1 Munn might have overlooked what gestured la IM t MSU waa slapped with a on*-/sar-peobarioo far ' recruiting laws. THAT YEAR THI BIG M taveatlgated *w MSG I letie scene and disclosed that the aaiforstty illegal payment# to athletes. "Interested parties" k 1 sing were the organiantisa payment* to athlataa. Also. Munn's remarks on i the university, but of Muna i Certainly, something must illegal practice* of Tntceoeted i (Next — the Yolo "iiilliol i nmiUBt mmv I®?. Mk behu ™ tCMUff AV*g»i Playftoty pokT? -"^***•■•' tv deserve it! This U The\ weren't many, but thev were enthusiastic and loud. wt way to describe Th»- Michigan Coliseum was a near sell-out and the crowd ysn State'* Rip 10 ami wm* naturailv partisan Michigan. Rut throughout the 4-1 irn I n t c r • collegiate Michigan State \ictory. the small band of loval hockey sup¬ f\ A.on. Champion*. porters. broke thtouyh the Wolverine cheering with spon¬ t the team leaves for taneous cheers. «.* g.Mia n Ku-ia\ * ta*- representatives of the ... -ne '•» I.- s up and *>• M 'he 3 trie three dav tourna- Huliri atx-.iti f<*. j;»»«».t But >it- .fliursday through Satur- ..o.,v , .iitfcir • v..., , The hard checking Miller met penting the last are St II1* *oi i' M, St .a i" iu> llutlnii it the blur line on re- pt trom Canton. N Y. and' v c e.! •-.••• a na'mm: prited - rhirges .inrf literjll* » College. St. Lawrence, leg ' • p i hfikfd him nut nf the m m in* I'l IIIM I s J \S|I s JO||\w|o\ iii|i, the (Nile from his hands p team in tha Ra«t. will thr NlW (.ioiis 1m». the* picture, there ire nn statistics i as he-clears II feet *'> inches In tie for fust plire In the pole *<»rth Dakota Thursday «i the •»n checking efficiency, hut tf rctogn is »«*p wult e\rnl nf the Itig lit imlnot meet it Mlsenpsin's (imp Randall Stat# will p'av Boston tc »he o*> nil * the* wrtr reenrdeil. Miller iinilld - •> .i Me tit nr la I Itmliling Mike t.ihsuu nf Michigan *%as the en-w inner. p on Friday. The Spar- This rnuld nnlv he irrear ed through hird work hustle, dan they won the Bo* ton and determimtinn I'm truing portl Tournament during these qualities (rids* mil Sat¬ tat mas holidays. urday night in (He split with I "i n i\i isis pi$\ afternoon the losers TI N MI-MBI Its nf Michigin state's rhampinn left tn right. Joe selmger. Brunn Pnlleset. ('apt Michigan were Tred |te\unnn * I inaneiil Krspnnsihililt ( ises kfpwt two games play a hockey team will plat thru |j*t «V«• gimes in a Bepi I'olann I red l»e\unnn Hutch Miller. Bill and ftutrh Miller. • \ nung Itrnrn • Mntnrearle* nan tame and that night spat tin uniform IW\ this weekend it Trot N \ in MarKentie. t.lenn Maelhuiald Paul llruhy. Id unnn «■»» ed m.t a* * Out nf stale (Inters L a-innera play to decide the M \\ ( the "f f ulav himpintiship | mats Ihrt are from I'nliesel and Dickie Hamiltnn ** i-inei' « g,i •>«« [AA Champion. \\t n.ui» A\ :i iini ini RISKS JM.MKIIIAIKI.y pft for hi* CUIllUn! it .*«• .•:;«! HANOI n> ye»«u:e htx-kc* Hot *• a »'!«»ng »<\net. but t* ih«ni ><- »• 'iTC'Cil in .1 gg'r.g f.M the if V« Answer p « ■ familiar with the ice NAA's On-Campu$ Interview* ^dern teams plav FI PI. Shi** Ifl (7 Batlr* I St | 'he season, but St law- \m to Michigan earl* m .>n« lA'«v,n M-in B »i* Hisseicr and den'ist the MARCH 16 I 17 bp and BC waa~biankea : 7 »p e» *. The Sty iu.iuvnal wm * has a t»n er f«»r )nit! Ibariani . ikuHIirtC Bpartan* take a Atnniii s |li«ivi»n puts 'he a'«»m •«» work iracuvdji and three titles S r « -rt net tail *8 f.»e F. for jsiurf ai>.| »• -anh trt \mefica ami ahroui- arm Jit Tine hid !4 pRnala with them Add- >' - \ulnncliis III* isinit rtlikw « r-»'ii.»J .r .Iilitrni systems Bi# It and WIHA t ■ .« • fhtik 1-h B-'.iev with was «i gh pn -.t ?4* o«spi rnat i. RED'S 8IANT SPECIAL !.>r u I .itni.i'i ant r»i - • .» s I'.iim» red in IjMlMpa la tha Michigan • Rnko t. aa. | sha« 1 1« • " nn t.u it on t!..«i s iiilaiMC a>at» m fnf I'SS Aaphy for intra-Meihigan t'oolhiill Wuiitisrr* U -shiw i. 31. M Shaw t. It N«iie« f. aa Noser t ti ■aa. and an overall re- y • i ,»• yvf»t W. <- so* * 5» 2. 31 I mi nine sifnta t I It Phi pel's !• Mailt* 1 #1 red Sirisiert *S For *4.99 you get • ( ulunil*ii<* Illusion !• ,"..1 i* Utiftbnr the N«* %*4 p»-*-l. All fresh 111 in and sopho¬ Jin .nr, Shi V.a a IS h /■ \9 *|nnit « Malani* II Mr* an I It t shm • Pile* M '• I f,t ' ' ■ • • d * .*» i .«•» ••.*» i.. iiatrtn 'he \.u p taarta— have been more men Inteiesl'd in he - .<• M»• an 1 tl. Rllktf «. T« I .1 quart Shell \-l00 nil rhange AB American foothill mutagen ire H N > w,t» high f-.r 2 w ;th M-Iiatfieie a. IS Nnllerfield t. 1* 2. J Win.'- -i'il A •• n ' . . i tri.n, r the T2J MM - coming M-.tiarfiria » tl M.iWartielg t. It Complete l.ubrirplion • urged to attend 4 meeting in I ns \ngrlc-. Hmisioii * 'i . i .>»m -f ne«t gi nrration » I* at. Halle* I 14 .1. Mtake .\d|u«lm»nl room ' I "• Jettison heldhoo»e M M shan Shan *. II la. ft 14 W Shan f. Shan I I« It 4. Wti Car Wash J u . -i •* i . he It 7-i and I- l«itt and at 7 t« on Thursdai after¬ • Ann i ... * f.ivi *}.».«• ship, the \ I.» tiah* s. b-la't !• Pink* tuhk I. M noon. Rait 1 hels 44. till 41 • Missile Dttision he-•; \\| Mill PM l(«'liiil;ir I'ricc « _ in. -« at w ok *«iia' '..r mi the Air I-(tries IL.M ».-f (n»wered HRN Id Pulle>e' is tO Mailt • i'* 4. rkt PaeM >'( t Offer lt«M»d \|ondat thru lliuisflat • Rlalai I. Palher I ■ team acurutf prwl h*» • Kim kelifi ne |ti*i*M»n * : "t- i >|iti*l pmtM'ilant engine* turnup canalatent defend- • ' ' y . I' l J U|'.-'rt UraU'tine m-«4|ie*. Alld fnf HUKCCTS for. Ed wm named to IToumpf taama during IM Schedule t, * 1 \NS RED'S SHELL SERVICE I r • h.1? i tin \rm> 4 Lxploter aglet- MSI KUUICK ■ "111 Miih.' A»*. a It* M*( Nr.I to I ... N't... >11 •■111* 2 Nr.r Krllnuie Crnlrr * NORTH AMERICAN AVIATION, INC •■•■■•I I (l< -It to*. * t I Mmmar k be B 411 • Do \bu Think -for Yourself ? (. * * 1 lap. ton and Folenu n « ..1 » « ablra V »•» »t TAKE THIS TEST ■ »!ta M points ixtrr i.g II111 •»»«. « AND FIND OUT I [*••« ■fev *ep and 14 oiMlatR The Mallei' »» Him h»* s ibi Mm "pow ei line ' 1 hew I hi *• RiidO llM bean reepomuuk fur M I .* PM fc'g P ()nea it Irothar you to admit that >ou Do you often feli gbort o( eggh several Pl.t of* pieem g IRC goal a feaveu't read » very popular book? dais he-fore >our pi* or allowance ia gchedulvd to coiiui through? T>o vou think there are degrees of 6 When you're driving, do you bk« cheating in • fame or eaaniiiiation? to be first felting a««y from a •toj' light about to change 6. Are there certain fooda you feef ■ure you'd dtalike without having Would you be reluctant to learn a «v*r tried 1 hem! to w aport m the prewoca ol tntiidg who were eiperta? 4. Would you he aerioualy eoneemed to feod in y our homarope that rptoatropba ft Have you foynd it to he fe-raonaUy would befall you tomorrow? true that « maa'a beat friend 14 hut dog "? $. f>o you believe yourchoire t of a filter cigarette LJ ahould be bated on hearsay? If you're the kind of person who thinks for youraelf, then choo»»njp* ciguretto wTITIp.*. KawMl on a careful study of the facti—not CO quick decision . — Men arid women who think for them- hcUi'R usually smoke VICKROY. Their good judgment telle them there's only one ciga¬ rette with a thinking man's filter and a smoking man's taste. And that cigarette ia VICEROY. •// you're a never rd "A0" to ei'jbt out of the nine questions abort, ynt trail 14 think AfTIR JHAVI lOIION by SMOlfOH ONLY VICEROY HAS A THINKIN* MAN'S for Himsdf Knows FILTER...A SMOKINO MAN'S TASTEI Means Still PLACEMENT BUREAU (B) Bichflcr'i irim Nadcn (D) Dirt*! Wlm no tree It MkaM, all degree terete ere eMglMe to totogeltw. Sought to EMPLOYERS MARCH II. OPENINGS FOB THE FOLLOWING MAJORS IMS Fill Coffers Livonia Public School* All Elem. A teacher*. ell Second A1*0> Elem. Sci Resource Consular^, RPa Consultant. Visiting tead Special Ed. teacher (typd A C). Diagnostician It 1 i nologist. Counselor, Coud LANSING (JP)—Gov. Wil¬ Ihg Coordinator tc Teacl.d Emotionally Handicapped ] liams, legislators and veter¬ Proctor A Gamble Co. This firm desires to inter] ans orpiinizatioiis leaders undergraduates Ac gradj searched hurriedly Monday students in the following 1 f.»r summer employment J for n cash emergency solu¬ Workshop employment fori tion that would utilize the than the full summer ix I Veterans Trust Fund hut available. Packaging ( q| not destroy. Applied Mech. (M) mJ A hush-hush plan for pledg¬ Mech. , Elect. )B). C*1 ing the .*>0 m!!!ion dollar trust iBi Ac Civil (B) Engr# 1 fund in support of state borrow¬ Lakeville Comm. Schools All Elem. (B) teachers. Jr, I ing in that amount wa* pulled (Mint area; teachers of: Math. (B) Social Science-Coaching, fl 1 together by Williams Friday and • put in motion. .School teachers of Phvl Chemistry (B) (M). J Rut effort* of the Governor's (B) (M), Commercial I rirrle |o keep it puiet brake (M). English (B) (M) A| down over the weekend. dustrial Education (B) (m 1' the series nf conference* MARCH It. INC 1 ended in substantia! agreement Professor Krone Honored Collins Radio Co. , This Arm desires to inteil Juniors in the following fl *•«.« .>«•»» ibvui sy Mas »hui..-.. nf all parties, a resolution to within foot of the flood mark late Friday. sliced it toward April A ballot for summer ampioyj MSU Horticulture Dept, a Show n In the picture are patches of lee frosen to listing was to be considered later Physics. Elect. * Marh. W the trees after tl»e waters went down. tonight, General Motors Corp*. Lib. Arte (B), Marketing | A Gen. Bus. (B) majorJ Williams said at his news con¬ Would Affeel Worker*. Union Lender* ference that he merely borrowed on germ* of various proposal Receives Recognition Richard*-Wilcox Mfg. Co. Sales. Mech. (B) Ac Elect, (B) W I that had been bruited about the Civil Engrs. (B). | Capiiol halls. MSU's often praised Hortieul- Society of American Flosists. Battle Creek Public Schools All Elem. (B) teachers I vice president of the ondary teachers of: Eqfl Mundt Proposes Bill Designed tifre department received recog¬ executive "What we did was to gel the nition recently at the Michigan Michigan State Florists Associa¬ (M>. Math. (B) 1 veterans together and get lhc.ii State Florist* Association meet¬ tion., managing editor of the Studies (B) I started thinking about It," the Michigan Florist and executive Gen. Science pro\ d the Kennedy-Erwin state's rash needs. Mundt (R-SDi. Mundt .said the Rackets Com¬ tion who, in the committer's the Michigan Horticultural So¬ bill which he calls inadequate. A second major feature waa to mittee had uncovered »omi« bad estimation, has done the most for ciety, of the Michigan Gladiolus union-officering conditions and guarantee, couelltutkmall?. a the floricultural industry. Society and Michigan Gladiolus continuing annual tueoauo of at he irel.s lo "guaraut ve t.» every union it ember the right of un¬ Young Democrats least lt.IM.Nt to the fund to Professor Krone has served on the MSU staff for 28 years and Growers Association. An internationally known lec¬ fettered solf-expres- on in the support Indignant veteran hone- Gallon Coke, Hoot Beer or Oraufo that: selection of ids leaders and ia Planning Drive has been part of many researc h projects in both floricultural turer, he has spoken in over 78 major cities throughout the Uni¬ Any strike vote would have to such vital economic malters a- The MSU rhspter of the Mich- fund Imwm. marketing ami production. He ted States and Canada. with 2 — Rep. One Item Piaaa he conducted by mail by a com¬ *tiike determination*,'' mittee which would include » i :an Young Democrats Club is In some fashion or another, r.o.v heads the floriculture sec¬ This is the second national DELIVERY 6 P.M. - 1:30 A.M. lie prn|Mme* before an election, and that * diive today and Wednesday. A cipal over a five or 10 year per-' science greenhouse* and the this year. At a meeting in In¬ dianapolis last fall, the Indiana vusnrr bmve m I !• li s a rould not begin for 20 day* after table is set up in the U.iion Con- horticulture grvenhou«e*. Association honored him ■Wicat on wi iod State approval, to permit additional Mirrial membership comnilttee. curse with members at It to Williams and U. Gov. John He is chairman of the Florists with a beautiful plaque for his (ED £6517) tattotial com irpre*entii«u t»»r candidate*, con¬ bargaining. Swalnson. also a democrat, met Informalnn committee of the service*to the industry. (Original put duct the Valine. atiMvpr questions about the club Hhat if Mtewn dklii'l want and a activities. veteran* leaders in Detroit | gudeni* a| This committee would hive Saturday in an attempt to enlist b b* the to foke these lime-ewwiwirilnc Membership cards wi'd he a- tiir sole authcritv to sHimm-vIm- their support. vn.table f»r tho«c wishing »•« the election an I lour.t the b.»l- ■ »in the club Due* are 11.00 a The Vetera as ergaulsatte* lose their rights to toke com¬ lot*, t >>iiie*ied tliv:?. >: >• »".u,d be plaints to the National Labor taken t.» th Seeretiirv «>,' l.abiM, Relations Board, and would to*' .villi dc-Msion* b» t'e made b\ .» Ictic V.'il cour*. v hu h coiibi o;d»t •heir exemption from federal loromo loses. Mundt proposed hi* *tnkr-ih<- Fir*t there wat an afternoon l;t>ing plan to a Senate la in t meeting of tiie veterans leaders nuocommittee a* part of the themselves, then with key repub¬ moves ho wants taken lo clo*e lican* from bo. h Senate and v, hat he called gaping holm m House and finativ with demo¬ ih# labor control bill presented cratic leader* by }h*v Joint Kennedy iD-Miuwt English: LIARS' CLUB and Same Erwtn Jr. (D-Nt'l. TIm Beooedy-Krwln hill in rhali«v»g.-5. ui Atiuv." 2IH (", !i •tt'e L'aini Mondt's aplolan would permit not He is a long-time resident know »torin w tall th»y tell 'em with many ahoses "by eonnivlng and of East Af> if a and a i onsen nn publii rorrapt sptoo official*' tioruxt of international rxputa- •kywriting! Their imAcinetione ere eo k' Publi:a wild they keep litem in cegeel The one I Subjcriptli fc* student I B Art lecture Set The program i* umtet the Ihinf they don't lie about—ae you krir, • fmar aukpic.e* of MSI' ;. iiepattmcM «»? Dr. Paul l*>v*, a**.«c. profes¬ fisheries anil wildlif." mifht have (uaaeed—ie the honaetUate Simon ix on a study tour t>f of a Lucky Strike. (Fine tobacco ie fine sor «»f art, will speak on the l>-d" >Hdl Ism's Recent Art'* in the American game area* and na¬ ' of with tharo!) In Thinklinh, thie bunch and the u Union art mom tonight at 8 tural park* mule 'he sjnmimh- coi tint will speak in connection slop of the New York Zoologira! i* a brag/rrgation'. And that'a no lie. v iih the Union Board tine ai'» Society and the I'onarrvation l-iogram.. Foundation extra ► 'he accej Shepard's onAmerioonBtprcss Start talking our language— we've got hua- p Kie Ameru •f Colleges 1994 SfudenfTours of Europe dreda of checka juat itching to go! We're paying $26 each for the Thinklwh words ludgeri beet! Hiinkbah ie eeay: it's new woeda W herever, wbeneyfr, hoatser you travel, your be-«f from two words - like those on this page. Send a•v*tiraiu*e of the iiitejrt aervkce t* American L\pre»! youre to Lucky Strike, Bo* 67A. Mt. Vernon, On AttMrican Fx pre** Student Toura of Europe you'll N, Y. Kncluee your name, address, college I o oaepried on exciting itinerarir* covering such faacin- and claaa aung egMiurice a* Kugland .. . Hcteiutn . .. Germany ... Austria ... Switzerland ... liaTv ... The Rivierae . . . anil France. .4 wd you'll have amble free time and lots of individual U-uure to really live life abroad! laol tan of lassge . . . featuring distinguished leaden Get the genuine article from prominent college* as tour conductors . , , 40 to ft'2 days ... by era and by air... SUM and up. sBMl StotoM ton ef ten ... aith experienced eacurte Gat fha honest taste ... by sea ... 44 to $7 day s .., lilt and up. Uvepaw VevaAHtofete... from II da>a... lift and up. of a LUCKY ST1 Vnu ran Trivri No» —Lain ahan >au An—rraa Cxpma! K*> Mruil-r! Inatiluia of Intcrnauoual tlOucalioo an. m —smm step, Council on Student Travel. For complata iofwmMwn. aea >aur Campua Kapra- '* WtBv. b>«M> Mar* laahtaa. taai aaactaa aeaalae vkell ►•ntativ*. local Trmrat Acaot ar Anwrtcan tipraw JkAM ca-, ,'Ji Travel Swvica ... ar aimpky maU the band) ceupoa. , . . ftahl tat . . . awt taa . .. alaa tip . . • AMsaicAM ixeases vaavei ssevics brawn ay Mack . . . »imi . . . II* M . I fa Broad «a>. New York f N, Y. • • iwn um hn«M J , , • Caaaa and ax (hew. • Yee! Fleeae send me rompJef* informalioa c^4 * J about Student Toum af Europe! . • J • AaaM •