» ichiqatr 6tate MARCH 10. lit.",9 KXTRA tate News is 50 Today Began Publishing March 10, 1909 By I.ARRYLISTIN Stale New* Anniversary Kditioa Kdilor Fifty year* of cnntiminue publication. That's the milestone the Michigan State News reaches today. It was on March 10, 1000, that The Ilolcad. grand- daddy of the present student newspaper, first ap¬ peared. The name was changed to Michigan State News in 1925 when the college dropped its "Michigan Agricultural College" label and became Michigan State College, State News ex|uinsion and development has paral¬ leled the growth of the college. The paper r>5* improved slowly us M.A.C, gradually expanded during the 1920's. The State News was hard-hit financially during the depression of the 1930'f. It was run en¬ tirely by women during World War II. Ami as the college mushroomed during the post-war years, the paper entered its "tiolden Age." winning All Ameri¬ can awawls year after year. 10DA5 I Ilk STATU NKWS occupies a s(Vicious office on the third floor of the new Student Services Ijtiilding. Associated Press telety|»es — one for na¬ tional and international news and one for sports — clatter in the background as student journalists pre¬ >1959 pare the next morning's issue. Across the hall. pho. tographers develop and enlarge pictures in a well, equipped darkroom. >velopment in Summary Campus Press, a privately-owned I'.ast Lansing printing company, recently purchased a rotary press f New* mile stone*,' Store) altor auooaasi ve atoK* eatr* after State'*. entrance which at one time published the Christian Science and development »• frran Ubrary «a old Union, into B.g 10 is announce!. old Muaic Building. Weather Kairchild photo engraver •'* Monitor. The new press cuts printing time for aland Bureau State New* receive* installed The vetwans have 17.000 issues from si* hours to |,*» minutes and allows fen* Holcad U born first-claee rating in fir* en* begun a bright new is a. both t li♦» use f color printing. f i» It's a maga/ine- By ante critical competition for the college anil f»»r Ui llication with fiction, It begins thrice-weekly pub- Michigan State News These facilities would l»e the envy of many a small A Beard ot Publi litorial comment and I town daily newspaper editor. But facilities are not cation* takea evor Bio re- kiftoal purpose U to ■ w : !•*•-Summer paper »*>• what makes a good newspaper — either on a pro- odanta agaieut bad 1 p-,ded •lter " bw die Lanaing WW, ,Vjfe! andsod unwarranted" unwarranted :,n^ir'f: editorial or a college level. for the oostUoa. Ota Cel/erthkM ia first woman editor and first ! calling the American i,.,™ legion' The State News has become an effective voice of dilpr*. formerly editor by the •pUb'BoT* *U'* 1 ur«an/* the students Ixvause, unlike some university dailies. |ijr popular vote, now A. Applegate U *Utm it is not directly censored by Ihe administration. It first faculty advlaor to paper.1 is true that an "objectinnal" editorial may mean • j competitive system, L voted upon by stu- big sintia* in this period Barlf IMfe I visit to the dean's office (although such action is By thi* lime. The Sinclair story i wi.." *tcH-k'information ««»»m »*''**•-. ■a *'lH* from mcihe niuiinu student rrfpuner. Itut only Ihe reporter. tun tors trtign to take other job* b»n"er head! ne. u um*.I f.n editor reads and okays editorials for publication, and ; first time Name U changed but paper weathers storm. only be is responsible for any consequences. t Holcad to Michigan m MAC bec.mtee I9IJ—T.i» e s ' IF IIIK If K HAS HkKN any one continuing crusade 194? State New* finally d t'*ria! office I* ia. 1 piin'cd after second carried on by the pa|H-r during its f»0 years, It lias became* • daily, published Howl trip i* announced j five time a week Reduced u> l»ei»n freedom of the press. The State News has alwuvs i tabloid *ize because of war- 1 resisted efforts to control it in any way. It has also •"a—Cainpu.. Ft ess time pa par abort ag«\ Trans iti? Fir«t ba^kcUiaii e*ua |>t.||,,x,.,j thaat "the right to know" is a part of 1h;4 r publishing the j pm* Radio is ftral wire *er • j fol■tluw* Bute's defeat of ken- freedom. . Publication doub- j v^, Associated Press mem- j tucky in NCAA ijuartwflna .Subscription i* part j bership finally acquired. Stu-; • IVanuU " i*'p>nr . »m A major victory along this line is-curred last fall l*- student fees, thus!gent* demand international •trip, make* ,iebic when the pafwr was for the first time allowed to r:ng financial sia- .-overage because at war inter¬ est. cover State Hoard of Agriculture meetings. So far it I9&9 -S'-tr Nee - 1 J has luq-n unsuccessful in its attempt to report the Student Servwes Building vprc.ssion cuu otf- 1942 ■ Wumen* HJ <»1 Campus I*r**ss in>tuit» nt-.v mysterious meetings of Student Judiciary and ita l and the use of pu - State New* hwU»ry begins a< rotary ores* wbuh tut.- pi • kind of "justice." coverage of men go off to war mg tune from ->* hout> t«» i.J • ing Homecoming *|he pa|»er has changed IIask in* sior*» minute*. Stale Ncv»* ill"*- in a varietv of ways, most IMt-U-s-oM, uuul..h "> '•« * <" «•»" s,-'r ,.r tht-m covrreil in drl«il«l M.f«.uni» cl«»l.rrr in f»ir»t exira in hiattx v Ira. urn D-O,}. F.w.iJenl «< Aareallure meet j,.u,. -j'h, mrly llnlcu.lt wrr« |>uMi»hnl H.k—eveil'. ile.m, V E I)., 'n«» f'0'" !>"n"n« u— '" the acceptance of (ir.1 time Eir.t ei»l.l-eo'uiiin ever} tan wcekt. ami were maearine like in format. | thy American Aa*oc - picture, of Old-Timw*' (<*>'- I'nlil I lull, evliinra were rhneen h» an all-colleae College* and Uni- IM 1944* —Veteran* r*- oall game, i* pr»n*«si election, it waan't until M'orlil War U thai Ihe Stale iurw. ••Callwi A|. ■.( pap« . New,, reflect in/ keen ntuilent inlere.1 In war ile. 1929 TifiUUk year «'• von- Although dcj'r***'0® huiarr bwfma. Aula N«». re¬ UnuotM pubikcati.in. A**oriat- velopment,, betfan puMiahin/ international newa to a weekly, the tina to full—toe War,/, tofiee from Tran«-I'r*»a I'.aiiio anil A«aociate.l I're.i tele, «4 Ft Mb Wir«phbu> machine able — krtafly - to moni to touto m to i it back ta a twiaa- Uatoa. Utoeto AC. to hww. ij lipiikil to be i net ailed for type*. Tke 1MT flaw* into lv Btate New* and MAC Certainly the aemi-eentennial of the State ,Sew< Mtoto |tolVtoto- The (toff during vrtng toc- 'i, a fitting time to atop and re,lew its colorful and ailsae ia to to MR ton m atoea* toto toiafing anota, trum 'io*** 0ftt, ttcitinr hlstor*. That la what (hi, !«.««» aU at Ualaa Aaan * leaf «MM to AU-AaMriaM —114 " "* tampt. to do if tht Baak mto hep* pwWton MIRMRVIA* *TATB XTItn March If. I MR Pare J 'Holcad' Formed (IH. K«hn hM»ry pr«»- press was alarmed. "FATAL in which students might as Defen s de¬ ; news. The essays and Stories j the Fight Song the fac¬ gradually disappeared as The ! words: a RESULTS MIGHT HAVE fend themselves against fwsor it Michigan Slalf, FOLIA) WED ACTS OF COL- ulty, board, or the general Ifolcad became, in a few j "Their specialty i, h Campiiing judge and no more by- ked furni¬ ■'•Minded to defy these ture to t.'.r .1 ' •>:;< in junior purple. To defend their fair critic*, the paper wax iv(.:'is They only trying the student* found¬ tentatively christened the to even the -re front theit name, ed newspaper The Gander in expectation fushman yen: when the jun- a — that it would arrh it* . -'.-•'Jit:- i-.r,. were •■■oh'-mores with llolrad — which In 1SI5 I the Michigan neck and hi** at the f I t-i'es. pf. i t'g fieshrrie'n cr imp enemy. Rut President •-» bu\" the -.train radial.-trs . .State News. :n their rooi'i s. ti» sen - adt? A generation earlier, H Snyder In-dated upon a IBB I, students launched the mvre dignified name, *ti«- I'rexy, to eat •nap, and t« sexting "Holcad",.» ship -V Hi the If I ( 'edar on cold Speculum to protest misman¬ that carried news among WAV 12, 1909 November night agement in the dinmg-hal! Short ly" t» f'»: > the junior < Does the steward eat the th« seaport* of ancient Grecce. revelers left I.,.I n- s Ma-on- oysters for which we p.i.v?"). n Temple folioi nu the ' 1 909 After l"» years of distinguish¬ The Holcod appeared in Mar h 1909. as :« e-ni-month- An early Hatrad cover. oi«*n ed journalism, the nmnth'y "v. virk-paper. 24-page maga¬ • I a track switch on the edge Speculum had been displaced zine with short .-tori*-*, occas¬ When Michigan Agrirultur- gave- way to of Landing. expecting to de¬ hv the President's MAC. al College was transformed "Their■ specials* rail at least »nn returning Record. As a Weekly, the ional essays, editorials, and into Michigan State College And tln*v Sparta: •Ucet ear. Workmen discov¬ ••Record" chronicled campus pages of student, faculty, soc¬ ered it in time, but I«tnsing's life but it was never a forum ial, forensic, airtl athletic in 1925, old ways passed, ball." Sports pages no longer ehron- J Although T<. p tried the- victories of the nautical rather i "Aggies'* or the "Farmers", too «1(. drupp«.,| "Who Can —- What Can — proclaim wha: r. , Can Can —- We Rubes Can" for forty yea- - disappeared from the cheer- was mere that. . leaders' repertoire. And In turaj coiirgr. Ymr Bassist As dam As Tin Shrtz Bsarsat Ail fear Bmr? TflU I* thr tfrtig Sir how it sm • SPEEDWAY - Down on i/oitr hrrig Ami up oh hour tors— Qaadly Service "Aim/ that's thr nmt to tin tht \ ursitn I'hanr Outg" KID T-Wiaw MODKRNI7.E Yea. ainee l*M Hpeedwac ha* eonttn- One vl RtHls inelode: TMC nail* improved the ooaMty of Ma prodorU. Wheel RUIaoriog 11 Today Ibeae prodocla more Mian meet IW need* of all rara, recardlea* of mode or year. When donting with ear*, hoe- ay'y Mrahe A l.nhrieatian l#re far Waah DeMeJiio an e * pert lam I p »Mh -on epnip Way/ At Ih-Me.'iio'i you'll replace the frenzied pump i»r, style with the ncwe#i smooth and s* :«•<»;».'«d ALDEN'S Speedway Service today 'with the oasy, fun nnd inexpensive !>« V- LTARN OI'R All TRRC TKOflOlliN MhlAT RAMI MIT* MM R»l IN t.lfei Mini. AVK. NKXTTO St* ART AN IJOWUNfJ I.ANKS ONLY ISAM € Al l IV 1 New Autm New Autumn Suits Coats (A>Hgraltil(iliin:\ PiCifU U MtU* »lf» '»il •* |V*r f*ctrr> onl o»t; i.r# «r# tl #«o flu .vijW Miop If liiMMifU lat.iii* si-mtti Mwl'ii that t*9fr< mUa* «l ihf fmrmr.it »a« a im Starn«| «»»• #wrn.#< t. «,, COnvrrlibi# <«*:..«# g..vr ? >$ i." h ihoir l#r«o jin '«#(« '>'.ornm!o oto |m] Michigan state ne\ »r». •*•< witi eb**c •* la''** ihrw Mflr yiniiu. •oft l«bi • Sik* fVrt» f" < n Paiclio, \'p fan loi.r |to!ir». Sh#t»on»„ r|(, Thr mpy rrprotluorl R«f« horn SUM L> l!.-W or fiif b'ti or f imrmmt foft- • rn "i»"r »' iKrm out firil tap Ml U frppi IK), t'f The S'rwtsl lu Dresses *«'m '•*» «»iau *r»i{ Mt / oiiiocl ymw ••r fir»l ■Ctrrli-rtnrni. for Autumn r— i«r r-. ut to Dp, in 1917. PMMMU Mr 4«*W«IM »<* Am hat* inlkmnn ml dinwi tar wW.»H U#!.iv o*d r-iortcrff d.#^ hraidavy W haauUlal color 4no|M #«r. « h. •L-ir A iniuitrtl* omei t. *r rolcr our 12ml. rn». #»• mHtrio* of ' — | t* I r**o Moniniototy Pncod M SI AW Up SAW. UN, M. AN md ph (W LANSINC . FAPT MNslse iH H ot AMefnm Smut, Jmt Atmod tke Cotter : Was Big Story in 1930 * Mi M#- a daaea staffers to leaders, worked either part MK'tttGAN STATE NEWS or entirely their ways through HMpsi. Yes. we even had college and they could contri¬ March 19. 1959 Page i a vefunteer amateur stu¬ bute fewer hours to the State This gave Stat* News edi¬ dent photographer the tail our freedom of the pres®» tors of the late 'JO's and early en News. Some of us took the 'JO's few journalism courses taught Yes. Ibe mrmoeien ef plenty of opportunity to develop judgment and ingen¬ by Professors James B. Has-J this eld grad g« hark to (Prumptlv at 8 ant. Monday | selman and Albert Nelson, uity. the informal fraternity ef several hundred students but many of our staff came State News staffer* that It was because of this thit formed in front of the Union from engineering or agricul-! worked until I ee 2 a.m. he third State News "first" and led by an impromptu1 turo or home economics. I rn.» —planned "mass" coverage of "•"d *•'•••" «•"««' In fact, mmt of tho real; on Sunday. Monday. Wed¬ nesday and Thursday a news event—came about and called |o rfudi-nt, lo leave end H almost cut short' this e asses. ( ne inspiration we State Newa 1 nights to get out the pa- ■r »*« ■AMUNM facutly member staffers received in those days; writer's student editorial ca¬ rushed out into the cold morn- reer and the college careers came in our informal rela-' On I to difficult « a snowy inn hatlc*» ami tried _ .top liwwhjW with Mr, Hanelman co to stop "Genera, tia tail, u. .te* of a doren campus leaders. the milling crowd. ■* _ in January, 1959, to sit The story began on a Sat¬ and Mr. Nelson (In my own haired night watchman at tng ["a typewriter and »ift out urday afternoon in October. They Ignored him and eon- ease it resulted in putting Union who often broke thu ctdenta that occurred dur-; tinued to the old gymnasium together a course that made rules to rustle left-over cof¬ my four yean an the 1930, When Bob Monnett, building where haer, 1917, to April. 1»S1)| "Sleepy' Jim Crowley and journalism major). These two the basement print shop of two minutes before the end pt might be of interest to others participaled in a rally men had confidence and pa- the Campus Press many of vrit readers of the »■" • •- of the game to give State a and succe*«fuU\ urged the tience in student editors and cut teeth 14-7 upset victory over Col- us our on makeup students to g.. back to class even stuck with us when problems always with to# f Tiiere were at least News "firsts" to) three i ;**!' UnJ™n,it''' pr?u,i u2de* i tsefore the, this, feated champion* of the East.' ,h? Cf>n, c. brina riistrar, on other faculty members want¬ much or ton little for the odi- It was a sweet victory. It was ed to cither punish us or cur- tkm. |«" -d. It was not until 19J9J the first time the Spartans |jrwi m 1910-91. Business I retumcd to m> office and || n-tger LeRoy Sample «*- wrote a thoughtful "Stop. Inmpcd the business system Is It-an-ial put the paper on a sound basis by flitting up I/nok and Listen" editorial cautioning students and fa¬ Printers responsibilities for ad culty that both were at fault but blaming the incident on In c. collections and cireula- the weakness of the Student |»>n. Ibii probably saved the Council. To make a long story ly b'icatkm from going out of sh<»rr no Ope was ex|>cUrd and die whole matter wa>- written off as just another incident of "student spirit " East Laasiag. Thirty year ago our State Mews masthead usually car¬ ried 40 or 50 names, but u - uolly les* than a doren people contributed to any one of the ED 2-2111 twice-a-week issues that ran from four to eight pages. Many of thr students, includ¬ ing most of the campus PONTIAC America's Number 1 ROAD(AR '59 PONTIAC-Motor Trend's "Car of the Year" Award Winner ! VAUXHALL America's Numl>er 1 Import! m frvnoimoral mnUmm amI rtalMMi 9«|4Na. Quality Service — Quality Cars AL MIKULKH PONTIAC EAST LANSING i«. ED MiOll 1415 MM IIHMN AV*. S'News Re JOHN WARN Kit Life other departments in of tbo Li¬ was a mayor Mid-30'accomplishment. j upon whom we fell win . (Thf author of (hi* arti- beral Aru College attempted! 1 can remember many face*, cries and the firm h , lie wh a Stat* New* but not many name*. I enn jof eternal friend-h.p • A recent distressing event to something about om . staffer hi th* tear* 1*33- recall the fcwr «»r five of us ever news reached u- ■ • , was the request to write this education in general. I•i.l* and wan sports edi¬ who frequently «at in a booth | whereabouts. But a;„-. tor during part o| hi* piece about the atmosphere The Slate News •*- at Tony's or Emil's and drank always turned «»u: « living in Itir- of the S'ate News when I w as tenor*. New copied tw« rooms in III# beer and wrote headlines, j something strange. >. a staffer there, for over nie mineham with hit wife basement af what then and then went back to East ; ginecring majors, a no and tw-« ehlldren. he h swept the realization that It was the Mu«ir Building. I .arising and put the paper | a couple of assignm. . editorial dlrertor of I re# was 'just about 25 years, ago This was located at th# and ourselves, in thai order, be swallowed up i>* Publishing Com pan* l»e- ior "a quarter of a century,'* southwest eorner «f Ab¬ Hall, never to be seer. to bed. , if you want to In* nasty) that troit. a subsidiar* of bott Road and Grand One editor .1 worked with J offered myself, body and Campbell Ewald an. ad¬ River Avenue. As we _ most closely was Chuck Pal¬ j The paper was printed vertising M T. soul, to journalism, via the worked we could hear, across Grand River fro., agency. mer. who is now a political State News the offices, at the ( amj n» Warner previously work¬ from the chambers above, publicist in New York, or was I s>iphomone- in the Press. Here again am ed for The State Journal was a the soaring notes #f a last time I hoard. in Lansing, as mrtespon- ; Journalism school then. A- I working quarters were r hopeful soprano, (he saw¬ drnt f#r a string of news¬ wall, the school had a faculty ing #f a determined .eel- Grace Xewins was usr the basement. i|t nc«ur* papers and as a frrelanee of only about three, -but list. or the labored arpeg¬ star coed reporter, and I to me now that | , magazine writer, lie was somehow we managed to learn gios of a harpist, and think the inventor #f the an uncommon amount also public relations di¬ 1 how to write a sound news often all #f them at the window entranee-exit sys¬ undcrgradnatc time in rector for an aerial sur¬ story, a readable .feature same time. tem. Harry Wismrr i later basements). It ran on , vey firm and cop* writer article, a proper headline a nationally-known sport# flat bed press that when* tor I 'ampbrll-Lw aid. He Prof. A. A Appb-gatr and If, in our folly, we mimick¬ broad easier) wrote s porta, ed and sighed hut n. *, , was an infantry captain Prof A Nelson taught most. ed 'he students at 'he tops aa did Hob Hrrrirk. The once broke down. I)..,.,, stationed in the south :f not all. of the journalism ,'f our lungs, a.- we often did, last I beard mi Herriek in this cellar I sm*nt v," r Pacific—Mi. > courses, and instructors in we were generally given a go¬ he was same sort of an of the happiest moments ing over by one or another authority around The , of • n-.y- life, hci .iiisf j of 'he fa ultv Flint Jenrnal. liked the sights and One instructor in particu¬ sounds and the smells Dave Cleary. an editor who lar we enjoyed, as he was enjoyed doing tricks with my The piqier was .given to standing at the top when my back won together at night TODAY of the stairs and snouting at us in a wonderful mixture of copy turned, »s with Young and Rubicam, New York adver¬ shops along the • English and Russian darkened their a tising agency. couple of people THERE'S A had Only a keys to our one door, has Oh* memory lasted all of Hwnck: these years. ter and the forms pps»fu pu'list .*»■. • • . but the ground-level windows He. mind vow. had written, make our ha"* were never locked, and so and h«e office aero** from new il 'h» suipe lime. del) oil a rung anil we who had as a knot a< tbe one «e boxes filled with rejection ttudeni tervicet bidg night u«' went to pit*** »»et- proas waiting for 'h. ung a pa pet on' Jw»ce a week slips kv»K en upon ttu* test copies to sum* off. aim tl with envy ond awe. I sMJ do. reel off t« bed. writere jn heaven's n.m.r «. I HAMMHI CfcNTKIt IKIHMOWN l..\\S|\(i Thee# were m pbote- find enough stuff •«. c») grophie focilitteo. *' a •sort edition ii A It \i Y M A VS and the ooea wo AM PW j I .suppose Hows ' staffer Judas * '■» a o« S'« wore terrible. AOWffriMO IN tlQUlM AND TNI NtW VOMKIN know |e*1ge of t*t* f«wes „ clou to thr rory now Now aud then wo were able make-up and *vnt.a« to talk the publicity dept. •tylo then we dm H» tia« mow Information Service#) j tor He quarters ar>d euu.p" ha* acies* u, • • professn»nally-mdde BURNT IVORY cordovns van shop out gioscy. <*f « usually Mimdhing to terial. and more time -» it for punt. Ther* t • lino* < • mt s| Ol K do with sports. <> of him than ther* wc.-c .. Whatever other pictures wo X'IMMIX'S used were taken by amateurs,' But we had mots f.»i. for other styles Mc Don a id's I 15c ( III HKA hand liMcrd bras* buckle •ft flnewt Ivury Cordovas are bcronugg contemporary elssswm, Tim maenrib cent tannage w ham! bweniahed M • deep toned ivory plow. The new square front loot espie-—-* o definite untvotedf trend. Hem I--hoping by OXt: Kl.tM'.k EAST IIP CAMI't - master «Viomati*go o«MMNte lite custom chore*vec Drop M and leogn bus nes gnd SRtellif dlUl—Ri thtMl ' earth*. taylor. - . 'made H A R.K T M A N'S rsAstms rostra 10B4g.Ca BOWNTOWM '. S '1 First Coetl Kdiior, Thrire-Weekly PnlJLrrfL—i 1937— Year of Big Change; Fever Epidemic Hits MSC have. Hoeti kat wplaai' H*-rt k*H epidemle. *fevar I mm— km* m • mm The fe d mt «f Ike SUW Applcgate He nwvwr intruded, stalk. MM Camp—" read Tt * ing fo and Wr-np rooming nf eegietoatton '1T»U trsr* «kM he left la lux always w— hand* wish The Ctiirafa Trlhune'a tra.-h of individunl nui^rrtp- aperiu! edifioe w— ptts-ed p«M 1*41 ••«•»• Ike Am help wlien n traa wkmH m-ed- banner line. Nat anlll a 4rhor New* ■■ pcltrr re- od student died tM"ti. to some t.MW rtudrntr pi! ovet con.pus ami Hie e«u- la the rnl- r^rter A year aai i ha* Ray Turner, wtw followed tege hospital did we learn w a.*- an nlintwt *ur>ei huu nr. rtetn# *H»»#*i t m I HI re-* later he jeiaed Ike De¬ Ola ae Mlitor. put photogia- that there had been an lash for a t-iM oiaitoc depart¬ hire. *» hse Vow to vr,# troit Free Frew as Mat. ment cr>nip«wed of ntusiid stu¬ phy into Hie ktate St-wt We outbreak af the disease fees Male Hliter aal later he- found a e*»i»t»» huie under the and Hut a nnmher af stu¬ dents >* i'f. were supposed Hi atairwa* dents were ill with H hut at'eiiii ciasr-ei" ait in a whiie fHH* a has of ip *frp w, tne Unmn Annex baeement ami rmed it up as We ' tiau* wo»e abie '«• per- r*o; io»». H.x-or* 'lio*t ate Free Frew la pur- we rnuldn't find nut haw ir. • darkroom su. (it the adfiuMstra' ft 'e ft*y» fii.it ne Slate News Mi Me a weakly paper. 1>te State New? man*. i>u Ih> i! a *oie g spring 't in. s!,.f* The Hertford Hay Having, published a four-column pn - <•: -n- |4-r .no have coc # ture section. ' Pas* in Review." The college had cltinuwd iegpti.il oi, ia w tir-Hil" * :e- nun io- «»■ #<•(«( new -pap* r at IMS He k PHI pah „ tune • week, tn* the tfu* seeire* lie op and we 'ic i Hp Si,.ir V'W» tp 'he •i.ti an.: wo* en man* H«her of «M paper. Mr. prire photo aclneveMiefi' of couldn't find ,t»ut aintir.g fro* H.eti *iu ir. '.r fieiu tod.«v, stnelnlr b paw alaa a »ee- these da ye was iiO'tuni The about Hi# epuienuc unti' Sr'h mP eire-preoMeat a# tke S'ate **■'*' a- |Mll !•■(;. Dui If, Andeisoil S'ete New- asso¬ In spun tutu and I were ' MiPtiiaa Fraae Amwrtu- .lotirna! w iti a put to e of the * I ion link' w a. Usu.n.ar v ciate ed'toi arm one «»' Hie •he uwl* staffers — cam¬ fw «aa- -Kit. I corgie ,«|aai-*a* a iiniMin staff p. . »u br-st n e w « p g p e r m e i |*e pus that varatiup. iVm 't •♦*» s«..u New - oi'i. e HOTt* 1**1* *!•!?»•- ua» liusifiesa manager and He JAC K MM I.AII known, u'k, the lngh.ui »-od ' UtMts al**ii»» were emu -n ed I uas an aasurtalr edi- t'euiit* H» H.»r drpai 'uitui' nme. '.ik tif hp iw « at abou' 4 p in. »n, »*e- »ur>. f rem a friend in the Vne year af fee Hig rharvpr afld S"' ' '1 !iMit«oe Tr»* •rruunling rf f ir# % ir a- 'MT du'an' f. S» for ell 'hg aw . s. w is if lee ?• ■ p was t4*< ^>e fo, •»!» S'.«'e learned thai r.i«l *#**r the $t*t» »WI Ins*, i" the ballot p iiuot't mi'K laitl'e kepi a n News u. hav» s i*u< umdr un¬ w»s leaded —that k. if a*-., from weekly to tti-week- I'lii-li •*» ' I t -1 eti I'u- ill W ,.#t ■ Till! til Hie following edit it r 'wo student* wanting la keep 0 publication. acquired . -n« .-a toll • day* !a»ei bo' ¥ w„. just the paper an fees vnted f\ woman editor and ran weir til p ««»»■• ve a no ai ■II g. a right Ku l^ti# S»«'e Joiirna' "les" the wording of the «f fant»*'u overtime P tu at niKirur it uti ».» 'in »'•> i- dun-. :*■ Iwtif Hie puHi'f tp» next halloluif I nail a- Campia Ptes- A itte lege on » uter n o . a< • m * ♦ ai i niade ft na* after n.e »nn««un.»'.,en".. a »nte Is keep the *. - time. >! begat. training inltii ni-' Paper >i *»iu ' i'u «. * i off the fees walanes hi those dais a«»e men Mid women whe Owe »ewr Iku tefft if'el.i i lnai» ^ !«• it' • a w> make Mieir mark* m were not unlv smaller and I He aeed mm haw m hrviik tit*fai> maw o »-• In. *v. •„ hut lewer than now. hut a- neWif>aper bustrw*. in the heal Tke .Mate Journal tgir not u.«e« rt* *f. u.omoi.. the* were handsome then. anr> w* w«if. with the ptrt—e the be Hie Sta'» New. (it alto h .#* office war in Hie law ad ha all tke wot w pub f I« -. .r Ie .. • i ■ i . \A • W.I, 1w>hiciii of fee Cni.-t An-. eamfidate* were heided Pt'-U ami all* -•»»'«■ paix p» i mm rhe kaneinc »n »»f •hem lata « rwam «*• the he W to. I > » \. . ■ > mmi atore) mat •« fc.e •eraad flawr af the I mm Cle ueir i»i i-.pi.tuiei ' . V» vim me office It h«oi f - and started dimimi all #■ office? for e«mor* ar.d pamihle ramhtaalion* «f n. I-' • a . I-. • i o • < 11 . . w- iii'Hi 'iwtager. It *i-« had winner* tte had M fit- dei i«'"t. .. . p m t»ii . 1 .4* out till1 » IKIirn; OPCIi- —ed that h* taking ahnnt • onto tie* Union tH»»ii •. i ai d Wa a pit si ;«a-'».r%o • H putorea we were w n < t .• . « • *.»... p '-ft pt mined « handle: en - hennd to have Mr whu-h t>-n »• and (runnel m«# mine ewntained all the i* inner* ■ .x»i»atr. e«it than ?h# no** • > * tlel/er, a I'hi O Irmr. t>a»» ant. I at->»»; ut at- M -pi* '', wan edttnt «»? the nigh- max r.g p r ; it = • (af tt till# tkat Was |ke bit p«..> • New? in He frr*' roeartay. Thm ><».• * »r.ir .»nri -ponrir?!* for t,..,| »• I, test slot* poiol af off tamplts tows ttosi. ttie stand Vhii Will Be Happy! h ufiiav morning p*H»> . at i« p.fi* Hil.i i al»C ! *» e «e t live the hitre-t one A.. *!*.. wa» Mo papei » f i- ;enpttfiio it. he '"><» l>. i • from 4 slatidpntnt ol our v an editor ami 'in • first hire Pi* fm'i "ii*f>».t e«n »r< friti plishinent in e •' «»r fh«aa*a Publication* he .nem: >eie lu^ro «✓ u* «iaitu> •e-rsior* « < -i »e «it»ng »e« ir .'mi n* nar s tolled t*l! tnrh e»tr* puhtoatinn of a If yn kriag yovr you'wr eiertine. W t*f phr.Ua he M< I «•' 'M*» tmp» - Mark aw eark ediMoe W r rii.M.ia •* »-♦»• i <•' e bet an ■ iteraaan la ewraeat hefoee publics IK# Wtu. u » ta. t„ ' » Oiiiii >a stair N» a •« . ..«• i • i.», » printing It - Uaa || ewded a haul 5 ar Wnr-l fw i.i|> v f. « a.m. aamewkal earn i t-.n-p i.e»« w e » «nrMiun.» * ► Hie midnight deadline. !*»■ Haratd Faller. prapneuw af Ike t amp— Freaa had 'K'le dWi Hwiiic iMi* >nec tin f rtr Hie n.mn.e I- i* ' e »* v » « thi »>• The Campm Prut, Inc. lamkl patience with the the cr.gievai ano t* to *•' •arvpenewre hew* staffer* and an l Of A t a I a oUt-W »<-WB >»n|n»r* t"».. tut j.a ^ .1.4 ' , In-one ■ »" 406 IkbtH Rul da* H:»-e n.of rung r i rat Help to man* P I«Nj •-f.mi pn^.ree i«' >w ' • •triai i—.» r* ' mem la learning tke lie* .-urta -%-• ne»w* a -r»»-n« loo* I k/ - O O • ED 2-2811 news—r Make** ■ it T*n hnarvui n.r -s . • \ « k' • - H.dpn Norman. la urn- Hiitnl atner, mt k« |M.<: if* > » w » hi t ' -«• relation* man H.# <• *»'. N» perM>a wan tke nmlwUnt " » • >• •» ever pad We Stat' New* » :*or 1' war hi* b» ■ '» »• lid tlie uveriliiir ,ir<.tv»'tn t ug* "U" ne*il? lie ' n*ll» » e#*,;.- • *e ,r iMip.' O* 'f There's A Touch Of » -♦ ' *• • • k *•»« h»-w - .-It >a. • u» ■ « .•« W-e O Yesterday At Kewpee s •r\J/ - a • ^ i It* Ihr gtooi tiM tl.t* * ptmple knew I he l#p*1 wa* fw tela* itl li or MW wa. with A t'toul dtp ttf enffee Iter* moitng • No. Kew|»rc« h,»s Hie**ed .t relaxme toffee lot * on I he* hair com billet! fob »»* h Ha* or with fine good U»lr I •• H»e pan in mm * imi *a »».t» inn k when tfelu ioiis * lift of toffee finl* *1 < ar hroper's ilo *ou gel coffee lhal h.*s .,11 the ofd lime pleasure tills V HI RH.Iir and fl.itot of pof htewetl coffee I | ft III l ANT Kewpees home marie p.isftir- wIm. b«*e old fit-fiMttietf AJ Idsfe tempting gtrnffness Whether ton t»se p.tsines lot rating plain or foi dunking >ou will agree Ihrrr ate no fittet pastries Kill's to limn "dunking dotighnul and a wa* hack when (tip ' ft* a ttf coffee al Kewpee* Ionia*. SKKVUK tirnnd Bivnr gad hft 9-MT0 Kewpees 'UtmUAA it!.*, to VnU War I Paper Become® a Daily, Gef« AP Servii by basis in tne Army s En- body tor up-to-date Hadio, a news* ■Ittef. A. A. Applamei listed Reserve Ctorps er the mm ef WmI Hi pursued a membership j Navy's and Marine's Officer war itself — as for Infieina A leletjf I Associated Pram for I Tretomg Pi sp ami. A few tkm on the draft, the aarioaa school newspaper. We were netted by the draft. laid plans for expand in But for nearly every male tional activities. 7, Wl publication frequency student it was a time to make At this time the daily basle — five the most of the time allowed State N"**"* three frem all aver the werM week Tuesday pan la thb pnhHcatioe) children In him at Mk-hijran State — be¬ . Mr. *•»« fore he received his official wm editor •# K» State calf to active duty. News when it beearoe a Those of us who were ac¬ lady in 1947—EIM tive on the Stale New* had another problem. By SHKl.DON MOYM I'p antil this Haw. Tom could call K a period nrartftrally all ef the news ef uncertainty! After Decern- ; publMwd in II ber 7, 1941, the events at j Pearl Harbor rant a hesita- 1 »atnre. State, national Hon and Question mark over •very move that was made en the MAC campus. i -^rnitfPf Some student* left school j early in 1942 to join their i But now suddenly, there eholne of the armed forces.! k a pnumf need and in- Oiw MMd m m % Mead j he student W WHWWNHWfl WHMH11 nitUlMWT HANNAH — pmf. IM editerial director.1 Mr MHt Km a raw m ll-M A. A. IHr. Dry (leaning tiroes weekly and was a fail eight-column newspaper. Im¬ — frem 4 Mr. Ha turduy. This, toe, presented problem. The war 1 mediately after December 1» UICOK TUBA1 BUIDUIC mi. M became the objective • paper shortage, ai ef Hie student editors to se¬ only way to publi* cure a national wire aw viae. paper called for a ♦ * Our f tret effort s «b 4- * * EACH WEEK A NEW SPECIAL First T. In the (lass of Fashion Men's Long Sleeve (oaMMo (ardtgaa WNh To* Initials |p%i:n lEANNNtDE. Teg Middlemim and Barb l»rnni*ea RLOflMIM — the IWI rsaiktrr which was Slab Jlfw« "sianrsl" daring war-time **l»—ii w'a m" staff. Ike war, was a favorite wilk Neva Arkersns (In (delare I. Il-lkiv Extra Kcnillttl MIC MHIAN STATU N»WS March Id. I*.V» Tsar 1 Women's Era' Begins as Men Go to War iilr*.. Msyer ta» editor rsssor* isn't «« important live health bri of Tli. pajwi cliiM'ly followed Mine our paper was on „ the Hlale News dur¬ now. The paper was run "surh late hours and tin- wai tn i,. with ,\|' cov¬ the streets before sillier ing the •"Bowieas Era** pretty murk the same way damp, murk* atmos¬ erage and an.ihse- it> v.lliou- the Detroit Irse Tress or #i World Bar II. Kfce has a* l| had keen. II waa the phere." 1 a in no- Pre— waa fiicuM.i We even the l.ansing Slate Juprnal yr.ttea far Ud Aoenriat- times lhat were different. under ground theu, in arrived aad before most a attrnip:<!i-hin; AP dents had turned nn their Im-i of macasiwes Inrlsih rentivis which make a -in¬ green. battle tn.ije. t'nfor'uHa'elv, radios we scored a real bed hook, and has dent p»|N*i particularly g.iwl No. d'-i Mh-.c n-iiiUv "heal" with eslra. ll<-i->n '»! life <01 the ;ip|M-.ii(wl u'l- our Itrrn a regular eowtrlkw. T usual Nfiimu issues s?af#. Nriv. a, ,„|H -lrle down That, coupled w 1th the im 10 Malar News sou- , were au iransccndevl by tin be cunin'ete without general hv thai Ike big , men¬ Our grestevt mup was tins. Mrs. Mayer Is Ike all-out war elf«»it or lo seem tion «rf |h«- rnaactU. "pm»k" bad finally start¬ ( !{ »-■..m Ike able News |t-|Mv site of * he Idea Meyer. uuudent.il ed. a 1H28 Model A roodsP . with ealra. a never-lo-ke-fer- mode.il a huge tri¬ »ule News editor la I Certainly. that the women four fan umph. lira- a >»out hear* gotlea esaerienee for all wbaae alary also ap¬ were able to continue the and an A gasoline rahon of a-. For month*, all (he |1 wasn't until later that pear* km IMs edition—MM State News withi is-ing hrlontred jomtlv b> n world had heen waiting we discuvercvt w had brok.-n an iwtue — in the faer of ft. NEVA At HERMAN staff member Imi! for the tavaiioa of the tim stin v d«H« n the wrong MOVER paper aburlages, lock of funds, hv f.»r . evciv-.n. cit .nd , rouiiaeat hy Allied side of the page It made and nuMger .-dill- ... wax in | it •<•* a full stole world picking up sd- ,»nd f«n gen¬ troop*. Along with' a»o*t reading the li.-nt page a lit 1 itself conimciHiabb- • win tiie ba't'r of the eral dr vivre other hks getting IhrgudL 4 f. Financiallv. aewapopera. w e the State News. we ufwiated al¬ During tin* firs* veat <»f the Huiiserpient ettras weie put tm mode eorefal plans for most eaHusivdy in the rr>«| [ The keep-the-dnn»es-oi|i-of female d'Sn-n.ite.1 'pajM-i. *»i>- this great erenl. Na« k • mil whr i I'teaiilen' lk*»-eve!t despite careful budgeting and <»»»ff paluloi Ih-i nic-ell diet! ami V-K das. . .-itr-room rule wo* al¬ jc- ground material and pic¬ on the loyal soppirt of Jacob- as strung on college pa- llartwil a fVnn -t'li a* eddor- tures were set It W'Nild ta* nMi' to sav fiat up in tv|»e son's, our chief ami almost lal direct.a and Jane M 'Vr who , o on bi( city doilies, aad we rehearsed rare - toe women proved them- <>nIs advertiser. vote News was no ea- aa bltfinru manager I'ne f fully what we wooM do ■elves on the S"a'e News all low itig veal, IV; Mid I in. whee the big turned out {»» be intci na'i >u- • of large numbers of • . flash eame. that the smi weren't twcaiiw managing e I I ' n i ally famiai* r • otln an I i Ike kig al¬ W licit law* fly willing to W female Itarbara ctailinuen a- e»ir..» .writer* Al of I'iiiii Hid take ike Male ial direct ain-».»e in- leli • \ fir •t Iwgan '•h r.g , and other leas dean aide wa» bu-die*. man- i . si hoo. and fnu did i athi-i w ell oei el inn> «■-lion i a pretty fare otound H'W>ps Maiion Heck. a--«i wa. i i I'here. were a couple <>t Ie*m»' Seaairuiti - a»- d.ii»sl rtm l»»\. an* A — 'S atari I*. j.love. Nut the so-called re-pet ' vet- •• .« re|»ot tci held ftwae • mi' A- ., icyif w r wsis ax a«-.-'ant erh'or of las ' »t»Ie and responsible iob» Ny that Nme. ike aiea laUmg ovei ea«Si oibx »n ll»a»>e J anna' a In a ed« t » 'noire male property. ! Now. be*ore the a>en went - had returned la the Male "Ii i'mwic ami » 11 hi .i ' i of WXV/. vrorlai wsi. tr hoi asaay waaisa tried nff to war leaving risen*. of • hark Ike syoteoi. After News staff, hat the three pusiiiiig tiw bno'vpisi* ov-« eh'nr* of Hadv paper- .mi bowflo-do-it mrtms andtu'i* tap jaha m UN IT were tns finish line at Va-' otic erf ih of a couu- |iM oay gal elerer eaaagk idiey didn't kua* w» at alt<. Mek awl the "uatek held kv lean Jarvh, When the paper (ilia .» trs weeks. A f w of die thrv also wrote a few col¬ went into Helen lorn, sad Itawa off ttie woo)**; a<1 verti-itig las'* aa Ike type* . amr n*e-.c. aia-o* » umns on (war we would fem¬ Hall. each lit I pub'n re a' ofi» an t ♦ inize the offices and tuin the a fti . we gral>i«e.i a. Other «-r.«l tw high .«ritl k»\» staff nutivsi. aroe I oruer reamed that tho rvsl aMraetlaa at Ike .slovcalv many cinrs a- *e mud aWnohpbeie duung t»»e wtancn fjiie ionrnaliMn 'rartieis stole News was eat ike i .rrv and l«cKan d -M 'Mi'oig t crura* y to their predic- mrhuhui Kay He—mer, flsr- them dutmnontu soroi.t* ntimately. though, we pswlwe mt Mevary glory bun*, dte anoneu editors d.d to bar* Haflurd J«a>e« Ihe hiiHsi, Air Fotce bariack* •II achieved great snr • km Ike MEN who not hang curiam* at the wwi- Iteantig, Ia»t- Bame.- Jean reso. | eorbed tkeee. (I ihnea m»r thru nylon- op to Huga.. Het'» J„ f'.nni«' an.1 up an*l d«o n tiw Ctw- of F.a«t l^rmrg duo king Kvrl v ting IS ocw of tig got dry If (MUMible the place wa* Yvame Oavid"*) Kmil* Kal tiie news W*mJI* «r haid'v MAKHIFJ) I T.> .*e two dmgy t measieC than before twrau-e 'ed Svlvia f .ernnk Marian lies-led hi latlirl out UM- pi¬ Nowadays es* ejH for m • ... o-uient of ttw Union there were ao little fieWmiefi Mnehele. ami |Vg Dutn * lar Wi yt^ipd 11 afI i on • •• atrial free 1 ttw >n£. our i circa the IMPs) ie*d* to tidy up They "Hie grea' slal>i!i/iiig for.** l,rami Itivsi tiie perfect places to *11 too bus* writing headline pa*.mg ou* witting r*msi«t« mainly of all through thr.w timr- was Ok. skoal cnues b» eai ty n> aning ..an gi ■■ el v !i*u amt ITA ne* , interesting men The«e Pruf A A Arn>-ega'e «!»>».' letter* a •: alters not only one wa dkl gel tagelker aad .iHtfideme in \u gave u» 'he Ah n On Campus but they rearrange Ike faro i lore finewa' r se!f-»»Hif• b-ine '-y knew all trie ' other —a real female preroga¬ 1" Wa* j"i» AtVr'he? * r TTie cuntrurU weie tive. Aad yaa eaald apea Immm'M he g'W uwsl ". it'- llit- sll.-iiliiMi —ble* aay desk drawee aad had If-.e i lea e a* He a'. Ibr-u l . . |tai«l lo lite -mull ■ d War II chunked all aalv ••• eapv peart I hoi fuil'T. frwrun trf the « am(»'».• aeorlt every akode al Mr I'rese lliiii}.. ll.ul Imilil- «rrul ami rmloriii); tng change took place at Irk Chare in a wkile Ike term of IMS. Kvevy- gala did pal mm a real of ili-tilotioii-." »etif home fig Spring aaN polish while walling Two flptowystrists to flrtl'i ■•n. but only ttw wiwocn far a galley proof. Nnl hsrve I'owr Vseds uack. TYw inru are re more aflea Ikon aat. Ikev • f 'amp Fiat fiiant. (iirsl Henri in g t and were aslhfird la an I Mile lata aaap on Ikeir HaroM A. Shatter, C.oiiiimlii In I ions • o miliar far tkr aeal three Ttw- wtanen a regime «r warm. wind* m gta i»» eachangtil II. I». I f »i myself. I but it never g«a to ttie <*trh- woa moce 11rum timy I e/Iter, •U than thrilled when i ta the inner sanctum The women were prHfy fm»t krrnmimy m hmr tunfitimm mt t* a two over W me lian sinceaaful as substitutes for • (•Iammm E tiled first woman managing eg men and ' gporU writers •iirkiyaa Stmtr • ftpliral Hepairs * of tha Slate News. I but throe waa one :<•*> tw sper It given a chance home from he* at ! im NFANVtARY n-'ead ai haelng to prove da. UUtualtj, one M AI4. HM NT CMa Gelaer, a few i B H.kNIMMI f RNTIR IV M«N i Frt k Vsl 41SI1 Rltll t»N TIM ( %MF« N Rvowinga *M • Slat* Nrm rrprmralilivm at Ana Arbor in 1919 lrofM-MSC gam*, \ AcIIm daring fimi l.u*h«rllJ Paper Wins All-American Awards 'Golden Age' of State Ne (A nailer •# tooted well-past midnight. would he missing, and feat including fee with Harold Fuller gone, fee Journal, and State News had tost a truly did • brisk TWO MEN FV.AYED MA- #«rtof part «r kta tirm beloved friend end edviser. wife Hi ton to .TOH NODES in this post-war •a Ik# Rial# New* he- boom, and without these two • • • antra feat feat evening. arm INI l*M. Freel- men the News eould never First copies THE POST-WAN BOOM Htly with Ike lint la* have reached whatever peaks had it* lighter moments. They •earing a aa proclaiming ' fantry INrNm daring it did attain. included the time Helen Co¬ •vary wnpipgr to tha Mate, Big ir were World War II. ke «h A. A Appleyate, variously ver, manager of the State ■UUmN la New Col- referred to as "Triple A," News, was elected MSC Turtle i Kctra donla, I .fie aM Japan. '•Bert,'' or "Mr A" headed Oueen, and the newspaper Mr. Raarf worked aa aef* the Journalism department at sponsored the entry of "Quin- eral paper*. Inrlndtnt the MSC' then, and under his •*"' in the Intercollegiate Nllkalale Hail? New*, he* kindly genius the East Infi¬ Turtle Derby at the Univer¬ fare parrhaning the xing srhool developed a wrll- sity of Detroit. Quincy, alas, Ilea River liarelle in e.rrned reputation for develop¬ wus never heard from again. INI He I* married la ing ton-grade newsmen — It wa.« in 1946-47 that the Itarolhv Anne laminr, a newsmen who are still earn- Slate News opened their I«an- Jane 'M graduate af uic re oThiflon in 'he Fourth *in« bureau at the Town# MMC, ha* i«o rhililrrn E-'ntc a decade later House, and a TC1IF, or Thank "and a rat named Sam." Applegate was, arid .-till is fi.iwd It's Friday, subsidiary -Kill today, a "newspaperman's Wii* established within those newspaperman." Known to hallowed walls. H? IIAVi: NIHMI publisher> in every corner of In tne spring of 1947 the inat state, and beloved by UMia :'v dormant Red Cedar R> turning vrtrcun* made his students, he developed the river went on a rampage, and olive drab the fasnmnable Michigan State Department the State New* was there, color scheme lit Mtchiii<>t of Journalism into one of the renting an airplane to send State in HI4.V46, but thev best in the MidweR photographer A) Bransdorfer alto brought a sparkle and H« f t did not "rontrul" the aloft with his camera, and polish to the Mulligan St-• *«• State New*. Theye was no running a supplement on the N'cvvn that brought the once- untiu diatc faculty rein on the flood featuring tus aerial venerable Holcod national student publication, a'tnouah photos. • t« h and recognition ,i faculty udvi'oi was avail- The post-war surge Itrgan al.de if ever needed lleri#drd THAT t AM. OF 1IM7 f.Kind tli On* fall hir». ttie Stale the Union T ab ten*. AI Her* surge turned into a tidal wave New# was truly thr vo.ee of glund. a refugee from New- the next year a* thousand* the siujlcn? It eould and berry in the Upper Peninsula, of ex-C.I s made theii way to often did- take direct opposi¬ took charge a. managing edi¬ K.ut laiming lor a crack it tion to measures <»f the ad¬ tor, with Pat -McCarthy of higher education. Mill John- ministration, and rt w.i* one East LurMng as editor. »'on of South Haven and Tom of the few collegiate publica¬ Bcrghuul and McCarthy "llermic* Itiotdan of Detroit tion' in the nation to enjoy were ih thai go of founding took over io manager and thu unique "position the State «. Literary Sup¬ editor, tlie State News The second man pluy.ng a plement, a tabloid issued once i hanged from a five-column major role in the post-war each term and featuring the tabloid effort into a big. State News was Harold Koi- *reotive writing efforts of btnrht, full-sire eight-column ler of the Campus I're** Stu¬ MSC students newspaper. and the post-"w ar dent editors, manager* and It wasn't until the fall of "(Jolden Ape" hao begun. reporters arrived and depart¬ 1916 that the State News Sigma Delta Chi. national ed. but Harold took them all found permanent quarters. journalism honorary frater¬ rn hu« stride. A man of ra:e Then it moved into a new nity, was also revived that patience and under'standing, fivc-r#om suite on the third (all of '46. and it shared the he took the welt-nun Red copy floor of the rebuilt Union rapid growth enjoyed by the into hi* cavernous dom« n llniirimg, along Publications student newspaper ea« h night for composition, Row and directly across from There were handicaps, of and humored and cajoled his the Student Council offices. course Tw» many student*, young Pulitzer* through the A. Dili Sonneborn of De-- and too many neophyte jour¬ amazing and confusing print¬ trort and Phil Spehnan of nalists, were crowded together ing process until the final South Haven moved into the jn'thr few rooms of the.base¬ product emerged with the top jobs on the State News ment of the east wing of the d > a n'.< early light. that fall of 1948—a year that •M Union buildup! These Each year brought new stu¬ saw some major change* and few room* had to serve as dent faces, and new student events for both the Stat# quarter* for both the State ideas, and Harold would pa¬ News and Michigan State. News and the entire Journa¬ tiently accept the transition In December the Big Ik lism department, with the and confusion just a* he ac¬ conference was meeting in Union Cafeteria above serv¬ cepted the fact that his pipe, Chicago to vote on accepting ing as an escape h»t«*h for a constant companion, could a new member. Michigan the overflow. never remain lit for any' ap¬ State had the inside track, The State News was printed preciable period of time. but there wo# some competi¬ •cross the street in East Lan- Harold's death early in the tion from Pittsburgh, and tha sinf, in the old quarters of *W's came as a shock to his campus waited eipeciantly H»e Cam pug Pnm, then locat¬ friends and to the host of for news from the Windy City, ed in the bo—niint now oc¬ •■-students he hod befriend- The Stat# News didn't wait cupied by the Fonhoie P-X. ed during hie session* with They sent two reporters— • Kmtfk night student odMons and Mm Bute News. Each knew Andy" Andersun and Hot writer* would Attend Into Mtol the SUto News and lan ton—to cover fea the nuktsrf—n eavem for dto Campus Press would con¬ iig b> East Lansing • flwiif make-up orssiun tinue on. but each also knew Now# staffers were hard al With Mm prtolera that often that frern now en aomcthing work sett.ng tip a four-paga i game in *49. I.u*hwell won, 20-19. After the game, players and supporters pose for historic (?) picture. m gins With Returning Vets |»hn Hannah'* home by new* and the extra, the cele¬ LATER, during Christmas started to dwindle by 1950, ma'ure xtuden*« nne'v' »? a I and Henry Corrida, brating students went off on vacation, 1948, the Campus and several years later there daily publication with «v r we presented the a happy toot that overflowed Press move J from its base¬ was little left of their stamp 14,000 readers, and IV't had into Grand Stiver Avenue and on the State News. The paorp the good sense and un U-r- i Uncle John, whe ment location to a new home Kast Lansing, and ail was drew a brief speech to on M A C . in a garage Just a suspension during atnnding to let tficm fi-'.ht confusion for • few hectic half a block from Grand that summer of 1950 as the flieir own battle.-- and find t and noisy crowd ef hours. River. A new eight-page press result of an editorial a'*i k their own way. wide teach¬ ."udents that had • a a was installed at the same upon the American Legion ing then and showing th u Trigfered by the SEVERAL SHORT WEEKS time. and their Roys' State, and the ways and wherc-fo*.»* of State News cover ape eg. ghat fall a publication- f j - • •:' - •Ju-ir profession. tit «aUn Big 1*. ty advisor vui installed in panded that year, as Ron Un¬ State News alumni fh "i a full-time poo'.jon a'l-ug that, pod-war pcrio f ion and Jeff Hiker began re¬ n '- Publications Row. S< vend tc-i all ovi r tiie nation 'od.iy. gular coverage of the state years later licit Annie :..'e At least half-.whiio'i h;i\e eapitol and legislature. In was forced iii'o n tin on.-.d, the spring of 1949, when 1 i > .i> f» putiii - mi s of !h. • r and the final -mailt thai ovule became manager, we were own n« v. -p.?j«cts. arid i-s the Stab? N< vs Sj...rk'. ocid r( iio'd expanding our picture cover¬ i '!||'|>. top ten '-T1 wi'h him age by the installation of one o'>i -Ml t)« I • - and j. • of the fust Kairohild piio'o- The jMi>'-"ar St.ili- <« u- Id-id ••! > MI\ /< -no «<■ - rlectric engiavn* in the t.ite w .s .m u'm-n d p;i| t -• h »t •i i.pt •» T >v ... . i and new daiknionis in the tn . .. Mnr .i-.-.i »: .1 tin - . It v - ;ci|h much today '.- so «• Union Ruiidmg. P- k a man like Pa rt . - i- w hat they Icai m .1 fr. o News coverage was a! fea'c to ne*t tradition of pit- front Page, "'Hero, p» jg? What:re b'owiri* them siren* for"" The State N' a« a'.so in i V r*:sin in p'ar.- in the ds- TCit.on of tot I :.i .: d . - Put till . VJM'1. hop.lie to • ire paid ub ft ( faculi.v mt'ii.iHi> and r« - tic tit* "f t. e < • .'ou • • . , • lis, gran im » p tn .» < .t short by «i'J cd(t I A *-.e adm.nisiia: >n and so r.-'.r tjrm !•>•!' its ti• .i i rd in penderice in student aft* its, the State Sen- it .oped »..• St heme. Torn Nicholson of I v.. hutch joined me in !'■ ton joi> ltf the State New-, f01110! arid he i<-r took over 'fa job as inahii ,*■ r • Per ruv graduation a' toe end of 'd»e -a .riter bam, 19»0. WRING TVhSK UOt l»- FN AGE v, i. t..' is n 1915, the S'.ov N« a* w n top honor* .on « na'i«.n,d scale, qualifying for an AII- Ameriran honor rating from the Associate Collegiate Press for f«ve straight years, an a- ward that placed it among the top 10 College, papers in trie country. P u b 11 sh i n k five mornings a week and print¬ ing more than 14.000 ropus, the State News was a mem¬ ber of the Associated Pres*. the Inland Gaily Pr~*s and th« Associated Collegiate Press. More than 100 full •od part-time student staff members paitu ip-te-d in thf publication. Tb« veteran** number* Veterans EAST ACRES ft'LP) — could tell. "We'll Form Lushwell AC platoon ; cept black and blue as the I journed for loud talk. ! Each new game brought It v. brisk clear evening ' •em*." j team's colors. I Lushwell bn-amp/and has new names or added Jus: :n September. 1948. A hardy Thev launched a recruiting "Lush well", of course, since remained, a name to «»e to Lush well a - ur»»up iti stalwarts trotted out campaign the l.kw of which :.«*««» to us from ancient reckoned with in Michigan ,|m ^ in Jud O -i Cotleee Field and a Kenneth L "Tug" Wilson had sources. Space does no? per- State intramural annals and new ,T4 in snort - *a- born m.vt.r «een. Convinced that ml! a full explanation, but t? a feu other places With su.h Dave Rnod, Tom Nichols,,. A fev liner Of •>;- in th. -p,,,, ||„w- hirf a wealth of is alleged that Luther D. a vast pool of manpower B»b Sigmund. Jen* It * , x" lav . S'aw- News re- talent they snapped up every Ardfarb. legrndary Lushwell available, learns were entered and many many others. veated to a com i dawn; public available man on the State bero, provided some Inspir- in every sport. Results cm- r Lest the impression be g v ". «.f the Im-s'. k'-; : secret* ' n>Ws. Spartan and Wolverine. ati«m. Old bands, say, how ! tinued somewhat monotonous, >n that Lushwell i» "a musr of our time Inten t r prac- X frw inn.went bystanders PVr«". that at the charter however. bound group, it might be w *!<••• behind the 119th ' were swept along with the -• • • t -imt" '"t- mtu '•t&MShihere to mention the works Tom 'T-Cat* Corners. sax • F-.-'d Artillery arrn.»t\ in Iain- crush, but their cries »oon ' .nu and loud talk •" Mac's. ' diet! out. phone-playing composer such song hits as "State New Emil'> and ..'her u-- . y^, f|ond (>f took Blues.". "Lushwell Blues .rred tr.Mn.ng pta.-. - nad paid |hf. |>r<.„ure ofr 1he other ,t> in laisnwell At"- debut "Lullaby of Lushland." I.u>h- c|Jtht bruijtr<, charter IIMW. well Hock," "Stranger .,<•!:vp athletic competition. . l)Cr% Hal Willard. Mel Lu*hland." and some othe Striking with pent up furv OeMrikc, fjijj Bates, Pete \ The first annua! foothill r, thr opening m»nute> of the Scrences. Eft Wenitle, Hugh clash between Lushwell a no quarter, the I.u.-ho pil.il Simons. Don Caxson arid Chet i" an impressive 2-0 lead Kowalski — but did little 'o j the Student Council's Ldtv «gj n>" the Els (a 1 «cai serni- alter the outcome of intra- Hoover AC came in l«Mt» when determined Lushes pr» outfit- and then settled mural games. for th« evenusa! 20-2 __ Ir. the next two games, the proved the tvvo-p!at«*»n sv«- • Lushes again rolled up 2-0 tem superior to th.- three-! *uI .committee technique w >-i b-. t|»|. infn of Icids. which prompted the a 20-1? win over the hapi ♦•vent-- AthVtiv D re. t o r board of directors by majority I.I THI.K II. .«KIIIARB Kraus.- and Head vol.- to adopt the slogan. politicians. The lAi-dmc' - C.wr'-i It. How'.■> decided -Safety First " At the same meeting, when the name wa At the end of the first year. Student f lovernmcnt " Shove' «.». --hinge iij »m- phi Ins- time, directors beat down op- "elected, two players who a small item in the Sta'e Bow!" classic has become . i ojdo position and adopted Four owned orange sort ball sweat- News pointed out that I«ush- annua! event. Lutiter D. Ard «tat rnl i. « .].* nan' H"*«- "» ">«' «r«upS flnwer. . r- witb blark t. s thai wall AC l.ah lout .mly nine larb. Luahwi-irs lir»< All- I.an »m-n thrfr . r. r. Ir .'l an.1 "t'l'-r C.wr IWon- th, nam- aUrt Willi, t. m «»>"»». IJ«-h ot-*pmv pre- American, atill ,.».v inapir. I' -ii Iitm .h.i.in-' (lip Striking," a.- a fpti.T.I k.l- lh.-v cHilil waar Ihan «a.'at- vpnta-i mcnlisn tti.il not* 13 ali.tn Ihrnukh ht> portrait hi i" V..i a . imath .1 anion- monition, but mfuimtl to a. --m, Th- m—lilt* tb-n art- (amn Mrt bmtn plky-rt. Th- Stat- See; offi—. , An Inch Of Httttl • •• /A Mil* Of FwHien For Thtt dairy mm QUEEN ANNE HEEL PUMP Stttt.li M ttf Attlhotti HaN Carl's Htt*« SHUim . . . S:4.VI2:M. I1IM1M S. WaabingtaMi - IK.* III own I Aiming MM'MM* AW MT ATK WO WW M 1000 Pa«f M From fee Newspaper People CAMPUS ClaASSll'IKDS . . . LOW COST . . of NicMflHi..... . . MKill READERSHIP . Your (oHeafMS of Tomorrow! IJVK I.N CONGRATULATIONS RKODY <;KOl P! For i HALF CENTURY of NNmsiislk Service Jwi Arr«M IW Siritt Michigan SPARTAN Press •ARIHUI tutor Assacialiai OTrHNtAW UTAT* Otfii'f, New Pre— Mm* It. Kit r«f M Facilities Improve During Late 195(ft M§ URIT ni'HTIN State new Aaaivfmrt MMm Mtor V. dt'iT MMi mechanical feeilitiee, Pie SW«« N*«i merir *W gradient Mtvinre during %e reara amew KM* M I >rm«1 at Mwhipan PlaU ha Awcwieiad Pram iporta atiMP amr added. •». of, end darkroom movad from Pw PmiP hot* of p* Vn.- nm q»M»r»*r> 1a Pw »udem S«W fcolrtmg and t Pram aemi lr<« M A t* Avaae «a Pw eki 9k Th..n AouiMB 1'hurv*. where a high-p>«*d rater v pr«m »w. amOed. mpim-iac •he aki flatbed. Photo* freer anu-v. wnrxi wtii toe wnmedtatelv available la Pw paper whet Pre* Wireuhou. macdiiiw • ret up «t r* »• .. \f(T atMr. I* ^iMdrnl Milna IhHHMl the new ■laiial »a*iio e##*ee waa madera apeH»- aad efftaieai. hnl laeked Pw liwit" aPneapheer ef the Fataa edMarlal efflae. where many ea Pie prreeaf waff keaaa OheOr iaPi«o Jaaraall— mrian aader Pw editor ahepe ef Art CaPirwn* ead Bern PheHea. Theee WM-lude Hardy Chriet, Pear ViiKo .hm h> The Campus Press, Inc. laert Ha. WrMKwwdr.. Dave Pnpeee. h*r» Rig*. Ba'enwi. a waMoaf te««**e»o»t: dw papri t RpncW writer * anrruioia He flirt pep rellie. Urkntvi »q,; Pw printed a be»ketn*E eatra foh.,» ww • rrtor* aver Kentta-h* in Pw IBS 7 Nl AA qu« for More Than HO )«i« we a pant* raid' alee m* tudea atone* and pamre* <•( m ehHt awe rtarted b* bo»*t<-ret* moo»m.w improm twverel af (he "ildfI■" waaa mpialif Oram erh. aad whea I a raw aa edilariel ahaaMaiac Pw adaaiaoti aaa Ktac aaatmiaid aw la ha affir f -fee nut* tn* papule' «-*no< eti ip ww wet. cteO* .» !H»W Nr»«, ettu firnt pMbl.dieo w >Of Urn o* Iks . Fashions Designed Dur i* *»•' ,w a* m*"** editor ilfM.-SR . j •'Miuwifi.ro f<* tnr twpf*"' dw arwewt veru'» n Pot we* unmet-earful ip rftie% w rate varut* ... With Couples Paw Wei 'rr» w* aoc * I. "Th» '.for • lotd «ne iHtr' papet Twin*" ertn t eover**o i«itn.« •eropa Soger H.«* Rtdinnw ■ ('•mtrr f*e«n»e f'tfb" * ftr* -iwiM a*tu»M>: In Mind Mel dhrHaa Idler a* ediwr. aad t Hale raaa Iteaa, raapecMtel*. faeaed a awiar volar* *k failaw Pw paper aa fiaaP* • Ma wed la earer www Paard I'rrferl gift* for emmr A no'or m .* while h* wet editor »r Mm hret jm ^rrlltfurl on an* aeration. n mimh war a (treft lnaitl-u# aOrt ret lire atPi He* l>.r»et* |w' M •-♦oyer laHlall a«*o»* elOM •hpa t»w editor and tig ediu»r-r,*vt fettaii aa m. Hi- hiiiI Mri (.-ohitMif are the mwmI »am paoa »-l wa. af 1P5*. i*hrwt «i»n^' •• w no trend in wear. Sprl* wear Ihni •dttar ana Pit' I'atiahan iwi-enw ed:tor-n..hr eempw err I M.Nt ft ARM R" aaHin; le «rrve i«w k»l etr laeruliiti ia earryPnat fraaa "rrr* am" la 'deed -tati%" ; AT Print e friead ead heir him krtn« kit weOet Vaa II hath aarr war) ; ROBBIES HIS & HKK SHOP UNION Berber Ship nm maw Applegate Led E xpansion iw Miter MI , atiun ai a graduHtc manager * RiN JohiwtaM, Piiblixtier and PubiMfu-i Mlt KKfAN March |«. STATE MM* IMP Page II ,tnpmr**rt p*H latki It. poet. MMtng up a darkroom Tom Btordan ate I know , .lopment aff tte Mite and engraving service, and '• H. Bp! It did provide tte Auxiliary a»d rindlnf i»)body tioI1 I WM h»|.|» m l»- vrw» far M irran — be¬ finally, when student publi¬ I hoard atmut Bill Mcllrath to follow them in their pi president with usefnl tp- tween 1§3« ate 1*M. A* cations became so large a» formation. and WUM fortunate to be able re>* towarti svkxcsr A a journaliam prafcaaar j to demand it, the employ¬ to awract j him t«> te Campus. two dozen (»t' those atua ui... . a*, n j ml stale New* tevfcnr ment of a full-time faculty One morning alt#* tte pub¬ .. . ,, , daff members own and i Ha h« r*er- gum into tens- the .deals , or to provide better ex peri- they formed • ■ hv A. A. APri.n; *Tr. of the State News would be. t -he ed'nr lopment -of the State when they attempted to « lo-e " •em..m after thw morning's \ * from a five-column. down East l.an ing: the ail- editorial"' page weekly paper to fenunine staff ttiat put out 1 a<-wired. Ill \h». on i eight-column nuiltip'.e- siieh excellent papers doting e<>k.- Pro- deft! Hannah w-> •, • publlratinn. The change the war v«ai>: extras the sav am'mriw at a!!' %'•.' on > /<• is significant «mlv as night of B-Dav. following wag nothing said, 'he "»n- ndication of the way the the death of President Ronsc- erea-c n fees w as j * , News kept pace with velt. the declaration of peace. a uuartor. growth of Michigan State • •id the adtmoiou of Mieh.gan In aim***" I mud uui:..ie aims of tlie paper re- St.iTp »o the Big 10 th. *■• . ■••: e - o .MUt'U.4 ,♦! J,.,. !,.n . . est to. and affecting stu- A* advisor I was never Vate V M-- .» ' eh 4.11 e .. and service to the eol- a censor of the State to a ;••' >• . News, nor was there ever ativ need tug lie «rts and • ttngei •. iien I first visite w e News one snowy .lan Each editor stood on hi* the Milwaukee .?«> irna' B.e. • night In 1936 I found own feet, came to me for S'ate. an th. aufrp <•- -f office' in » cubbyhole in advice if he saw fit. and the Amhm ,n in. a:.- n } . hascniein of the old always knew he would ■ .iher Bureau but'din.. have tn defend any stand wmg removed. Kquu - he t«M»h There w.u no at¬ ; consisted «»< a battered titude of 'know-it-all or en: v i,-. ... .1 , 'know-it-less' . . a worse battered ty pe¬ hot a re - . '.»i v ser v:.•> • ."n ,«»v -.1 er. and a splintery tab'e spe«tfu| relationship He- . toi ia' attac. : g m. V > ,-■ ,j tween „ nich staff members work- a vnunc newspaper fa-g'on, aim 1, Tbe editor was elee't d editor and an older one, pcrmitt.f •; B- . s* , , ..., popularity vote by the working together. ei'"' - .e t.i- ■' • - ''he .-I ' ■!• •e student group. It wa. i«». a a« f; ed '. FailUtr* of *h« St.«te Wws a • 1 . .• i, '.uatiim in which almost m.M.t* ami ti-'o • How w ithoift except,«»».. J in' ,, ve .diange would be an mi - feh «n »«> g r .<»n a» .1 gik IT!'., The ;., (•• ! ! ■ 3 u - • cement, despite the f.< e to -«•!>»• Hie 'S» know. The •••■ • ,11 • iie ii • students had been w:~< tuln't ,«ee • -♦end of inking a narrow -r • ' • 1 . x lucky — m thekr selec- over vm" • • v !f".\ |H>ifiJ •l-.a* 'lif t- x.t- a <»f editor. -fUlCllf d)'lg.':'«n •• !!"> «.I The American I re ion ice steps were ruwewsary other students Tir.it de> :»• o w a* insulted iindersland- ediately if the same er- serve the c»i fge .tine in ahlv. ami demanded *nine a ,n the paj»er were n<»i Ut action hv the rullege. ommitted in perpetuity: Rather than lake auv •i cation of a control boaid punitive action actimd publication*, selection of the editor, the rolle;e ' head* on a merit ba.'is. vuspendrd publication vrf ♦he appointment d a the paper lor the remain- ♦ y advisor to #*• State ing three i««ue* »f the « Preside** Stiaw creat- summer vrwiiin I hr edi¬ ♦he board and at my re- •t appointed me advisor tor of the '"lite New* ac¬ already an American classic I knowledged the aetion •V State News. Those wa«- tcni|iei ale. A* for HAHl SCHAFKMtfl A MARX e the beg i nn it i gr of a pro- me. | had no defense for that was to bring All- Gossamer sport coats ■ < the paper AA hat had been new • rican ratings year after I HARI.II RRUHN ewnara- dmie rould not hr defend¬ to U»e State News, and ••late* state News ed I felt however that ••cognition of the pa pet a* TvpP'iilly Amcrn nn. our Ctusasmm-r sport coafl enrnhin# *onirhodt had double- aboratory teaching Willie «-d to T. •-under*''ati«i- nnwlnrti imforf with tine in crossed tlir editor tie Jinf < i rafbm^mlup. Tii« fabrics-*- ». nahsm. ilig« off caii.pis-.. <*-;»•».. \ I had and si 1II Uavr con¬ rich worst»*«l*. imr.ai in blends «-ik like cottons hnvp all among ti •»-«• to- •ai> a ho i fidence 111 liirn. now .1 hv - If all U*e chance* that rwrt rc.»!i/f Ui« New fho «haractpr of c line r« p.our on t tnrlro- regular weight* without timir bulk. «ere mate had raer was not the voire of t♦•#■ •«>!- *> ithta • sear or t«« Iher politan newspaper Qrwaanier w a light, warm weather weight, toolly com* ad»"itu,strjtu.n Ahi-»s • awM have srcmeyl mi y ,1 iv xti. • without excep* »n however fortaf'le, that t ike* naturaiiv to HSdiiM'* traditionally Pidk that I their the p >*|t.<»n of 'he Stutr \| fine tailoring and up-to-the-minute styling From Sail •< eptenee. Spread aver AW re>ie» led by .1 » !l-trar period hew- live off. • - When '' • "rr. they were a logical, was in ei ■ or it w.-- !«•<",■« . • fieri y development of in-of I ico hi know o-isji | SMALL'S □ facte, or becau-w of • ou't •' ne of those devekipmcnb; tmpatunu-e and en'hu •-•" f (l am writing cn' -e'i spwhctirci-v tn# a ' ■• u. ■ ■ u • memory and without to records1 setting up »d chert, •-uggrstion- •» »)iv editors • making a *»*■>• "Vl.h'V AVI'N' cstablixhifig a *y*?eui • In usr o« i as inn the 'aft prunio'iiito, appomt- editor and sports editor < of a phoUigrapher. cm - rondu# ted a secret poll, ,e of East lan«ni| new •gave me the ballot* tn •ng an advei-using ra'e I«m k in a safe, and pre¬ d Audit Bureau of sented the result to the u'aljon *tand»rrt*. n •«> • pi rsident The result of hip in e. publication of national ti*' A—s irt'mi the puhtir poll was jnrl *« never far as I made III l)it>- «lf <)M international news, ere- know, on I • ('resident vvht'll wen' hold TIIK STATE Jm knai. rteamng In the tddrn *4 was no • «.-* proMrm «t «luva»»» when knfghU wore armor, A Intle water xmvp and wm> oil w-a* >■> MM N tkr nm Mtor Mh rrrr m to • j*** ■■■*• "■* 1 nltfn Miwuir aaa< Ntor. As In Aw Past- You'll And "oWUosbiowod" barftaim and books it a • • The Campns Book Store MI-1M a. Oiaal Mnr Atom* Special • Two Months Only! THEN NOW.. THE MODERN WAY t ftro 8x10 portrait* # Iff© Hoirn wallrt mV printa NOW f Haircut By ONLY 13* TW prrfrrt fill tor tutor or vrMlutton. PtoMr Appointment HW UmUw Md frtraio wild a broaUfol pboto mpk NpHtol prtor toraaih April M. Van's TNhoito well ft MSU Barter Step LAWRENCE TOMUA STUDIO Toioto aiaalorbr ItIom, IN a*r.«int ha la laa Mots Mai MM or Mb tonal a Mil la an ABBOT BIII.IHNC — INtWNSTAIKN Toa'r* Ml boforr roa'rr br. Ell ?.I«10 Do You Remember.... [t 'Way Bad When!' >onwArf boob la Ibr rood oM doit, Mbra anaal of Mr oarrrbamlr knew Ibrhr ooileantn by Km# dim bmm? Ban* whoa Ibr oraoher I end poi keNy olm wort Mm aoator od a Ibbb'o intottorinol Mp mi harff* Moor haotoeatooaa boor aM bob Maofpoarod Aanrlaaa ami. TWy're km Nfboad orMb Mbo on — -s i mi i so "«■ - ^ s- — « ^ « a a mb oanaaoaar > mm obm or waaa op^obb boot aaaoop anrrarMrB i ad mm *r MnmI jriamirn ai Mm Nmn ad lb# off for N. MM. oMM. db pM rrrr Imc Bar a MMr feaalr «d orbat to mm Mbr "wor baab abi"? boor a frw aMaabi la a bill owny Map la al OibaM'a I'atoonMy bar ad Mar orllb Mmob Im'N ahrara brttod la atop oal ad Ibr banlli mi baallr Mb GIBSON'S University Book Store In the Peoples Church Block Phoie ED7-7829 ifc I % Campus Press Expands With New Equipment B» MARGARET FI'I.LFR inc tvnrld War B. The Marking day* sad aichta j the expanding prod u c t.i © n \ faur-calor printing, then, MHHH.W STATE NEWS need* of the newspaper, a - retirallr. anyway, avail. March !•. 1959 Tage IS .Merger with the East Lans- tor ( impu Pica fa- third . Linotype was added to ah|e In the student news. and Night Foreman Th'ri.sS : ; I'resf in 1937 brought the plovres dten wfff taaig. | the composing room. The R"Rrr- •higan State News one step In 1944 Frank Fuller, who Campus Press moved to 220 Over the years the | L Westfall, Campus press • v from daily publication. hud served as president Campus printers daily transform r'lu of M.A.C. Avenue and installed Press has come to specialize ) to then the State News the Campus Press since its a faster newspaper press, j dent ideas and copy into f.n« in printing newspapers and • been printed twice a incorporation in 1923, died. ' j is bed publications, In 1931 Harold Fuller other publications. The Spar- f For ma-iy students th® . k. When the two news- His son. who had been xecre- , died. His widow succeed¬ tan. the Veterinarian, and the Campus Press has serve ' as • vs were combined, the tary-trea'surer of the corpor¬ . e News began printing ation. succeeded hi'.i a? ed him as president of Spartan Engineer have been a laboratory. Tticre, often »r , presi¬ 'printed there. ..the first time in the stud.-n's* • times a week. dent. H.iv ng worked in the the rorporatinn. atMj hi* Torts to Office Since 1939. Mrs. Harold •on, (iill Fuller became i Under the direction of Day lives, they have workeu »u« mergf the two secretiry-treasurer. The Foreman l^lburn 11. Ward ■ reel!)* with printers. oapers had started back J. Fuller became secretary- P19. At that time the treasurer. two have continued to di¬ rect the business to the present, A> the State News contin¬ ued to expand. It U-i.s- • nee« .-s-ary to pr««i;n e t.-sc new spaper f*«»er. TVsr.. '.■i«ter t- e-;. n :v. The Ca-.ipus Tres* b->.-igV lh*» former St. I'i A - q unas Church at 4U.» A*-/ Road. A ju i ssro. ■»> w u , ed to 'he rear of ' i. ■:* and an office to the A rotary nev»n-frer per** capable ef printing a 4R-pa«e newspaper was K»i:r*%RF. M4nom)4 — M.sr, rt.Ass p.ixr.s installed. The press, Complete Match A Jrweliy Repairing The big, high-speed rntary pre**. whith at one lime print¬ ed the I hrtspan %«irree Side News was called kv* il«.'cad and the East Lansjn,; With World War 1! -tudeni. over an I Hooding the rartvpu*, Monitor, rut the time re¬ quired to print the Mate THOMPSON'S JEWELRY P-ck* vui-' a budding thtt*- ■-lie State News Increased in News from six hours to !!1 M.A.C. \t*. E. Laming •>> -nth-old East Lansing Com¬ !-;Ze and circulation, To meet 43 minutes. It also .made munity Life. Tkf last tannine Bus* * inrw Men's Assnriatiiin had published the first issue of ( ammuiith Life on newapaper Jan. 19. I»H. for The several % East Lansing months was written and fnASPEL. edited volunteer "1 State Bank an a bads by officer* of the association and other East , Lansing ritlirns. Overtures made by Com¬ C/k " . ^introduces munity* lafe to con bine the F. I». I. two newspapers down by the students.. A !e1- were turned something new in %'s ter to the llolcad reprinted March 21, 1919. in Commun¬ 55% Oacrsn* 45% Often' In * ity Life expressed the stu¬ dent objections in this way: great new SELFCAMIC* Fashion KNEML BANKING SERVICE "If the llolcad is to unite with the Cwrimun.lv Life, we gee no other man two alter¬ nate possibilities — the paper Inrlualin^ . . . ill become wholly lA' efairt'l w a suidi n* * newspaper or wlmily an fca ? I Wliiij! tir«iinl« laoising paper.* * NMtraliw of Com- Satinp Hp IJffe «u token hp , * IVrMiiiiil. ArriMinl < (.n.r lli.rr umI AHhntt — K*.| |jm.inti IUhr.Ii IUrV — IHfRiw Mortd War L The Campus Prro at that time w as lor*tod in the base-' Front Ha^el, lite feeder in wash ment ut the building now or- j and wear aui(« lor gentlaman, Wt Jast Cail WaM la TaN «upieri be Eh inper Realty C»» | Yo«: - The Fuller* expanded the' comet an exriltng and diffeient pr.nting plant and in leu than Selfcaire fashion, in an * for v ear The were larger quarters. forced printing firm moved to k«k exclusive new continental blend WASH PANTS id 5a' c Decron 45'« Orion! to a building located on t e present xite «»f S S. Krenge Cn In eight vcar» the Cam¬ The mult is more wnattnet.% cuiY 35c pus Prtsi outgrew th»« budd¬ more neetne**, than you've Si.trihed and FrewscJ ing and »uvr4 to tlie Abbo' ever known For tins new blend , jury. • I'ri. Luhbng. has uinaring ivrtnkteretittancg It was durtog this per¬ iod ,'uj' the Mate hew-a U|it it lluilv * first waa printed at the ,. .hangt onto a |»t ess day alter f» a.m. It* ') |Lit:. < mpus Bin. Originally day. end r.vcs you that c«m.1, Saltir«la% l ilt 7 |».ui. a hand-fad ryllndrr pre— used to cr isp look even ut the mug^ttst I Hour l)n ( Icanintf was prtnl the I Hour Shut i a under in y weather. T«> speed up production a At N« Kulra C'«»»t fa' bed r> wopaprr pre** was- And, of loisr^e, after washing. irt«iau Tent trude nark far Arrylir fiber publication. With the merger of the 3# — it — 99 BAT fHARfif \ttOl\T* State News and the CaM Lan¬ Open 9 am. Railr sing I'resi in 1937. the stuck *>t newspaper U^n publican m Tuesday, Tiiursday. and REM «»n Saturday mornings. A few »ears later Wednesday and Friday iavues were added, moaio* tfce newapaper a di I'-y Ta ptd fee fltoto News aa a Mr OS a altM *f«MM IraUl Ur Purl mm4 loC t raxnua nnn'msfi ckntik i m a ra,