The Weather Profs Scornful Of Athlete Aid Michigan StateNews vol. so. Xo. i5i Sming NHU far SO Years Fair, Ceatlaued CoM High today law Taenday _ alght PRICE * CENTS _ SX-M IX tdilar', ■*•*: Tto tail*«iai h Ik. mat |. . „ri„ w i1""''* ilw udn tto prn sad hm af ttdrti athlrtfr rmaltinr I •jrii". Taday'i t«,lc will dtaraw maM k> Dr. A. Whttnri Ike Firm Defense ■i.u old, PrnMrat ad Talr I'alarratt*. THE ."ips. take a By I.AXXV WRORl.tWtKI EDUCATORS, prominent fiirures in American col. disdainful outlook at athletic college scholar. Athletics have risen in popularity throughout the na. The educator* were cauyht flat-footed and completely on Program U. S. Plans •is na re of the influential effect hiy-t imr collegiate sports (mil dhave on our nation's campuses. Sterilisation Bills I -e So the athletic interest irrou|>s have lieen ahle to train upper-hand in formulation policy. Therefore, educators Hit Illegitimacy Re|iorted |i-e trying to offset this impro|ier balance by verbally disa- ,-eeing with the methorls of athletic departments. 1HK RECENT SPEECH h> Itr. A. W hitney Criswnld. K.41.R1GH. NC., providing for kterfHzntfon Adequate an li means of ctirhinjr illegitimate Birth* in North Carolina Prm »r rata Call |"ie president of Yale University, has had great repercus- were introduced Tuesday in lx>th Houses of the General Kunilc .j.uis on the college scene involving athletics, Inadrqualw liriswold said: Assembly, The would give 'he 'The aim of athletic scholarship* i* not the education of measure* Stute Eugenic* B,»aid authority Solon* Grant WASH I .NT, TON. W,— vmericant youth, but the entertainment of its elders, and to order the stenluation of worn* Presiilent Eisvnhnwar «»a who hlrth to two or Million pictured Tuesday aa stand, easure ofneed." te but the plgreatest of the athleeducation's the er. give I-otniectator." the welfare "American more children However, in out all of wedlock case*, the ing firm on hia position that, the nation's dtfrnac program Speaking on shieh he describes as a sense of purpose. Dr. Griswnld women tunity to would h ive the appeal Eugenic* B >ar<1 oppor¬ Space Budget it adequat*. Tww top gtote dopartmen* rj. .'erred te the experience of tw-o Brooklyn high school [l.raduntie decisions •© Superior Court for WASHINGTON — flutola acting Secretary Chris¬ whom he said resigned from an out-of-state uni- — jury trials. Without m dissent, tha Sen* tian Herter and Aaat. Secretary 1 .rsity where they held basketball scholarships and played Dr. Rachel Darin. Kintton oh- ate voted Tuesday to author* lavtitgsUMi Mert^iant _ were I n a high-ranking taam. Ha said both were disillusioned rtetririaii. who ha* drliirred ize the Eisenhower adminia* quoted aa tollinc the Senate |n*mt the type of future their soursee were prepering them ■rvenal hundred hahtea waa the mala ml u» Mil. aimed t rut ion asked for stepped mp Forelgfti Relation- tJ. S* defenae plane are adequxte Committee |.ir. a* "grooal* aevuallv deliquent" spending on civilian §|»acR f«r any eventuality which may ONE WAS ENROLLED ha a physical education course, person* «he aald M waa hawed research thia fiacal year. arwe over Berlin a survey by a hoa« a# stole C'hainnan J. William Fu'- I'.ri other in recreation. •a Nearly half of the $♦* J44 00R hngb* (D-Arfcj siao repr Da via. )j • freshman I ..nee of (ppurpose hen using "Thin then for na our educati promoters of spectator the nttltude that eupporta the national traffic ons higher onal Insti■tutiports. mem iter married da«ufhter of the H<»u.«e, ta un¬ but ha» aw adopted The Senatw acteti roll call vote after hcann* Jonn Stennta (D-Mi«a> aav "the on a W4 Sen. hopeful—but not 'no optimiattr" '.he Berlin crlNi* oan be arttlrd thrxMigh negohatiun. threat to our aexnirlty eould bo youth."educational of the greatest Sofi. Wilder Jollv of Franklin I a athletlt echolperpetrated snadtan ever ershlpe .., oneAmerican an •ffeted the hill in the Scfiate Dr Davis *aid firs' offenders disartn»u*" If an enemy nation lM«t Vie United Statoa in devel¬ TALI ■ A MEMBER of the Ivy Leerue, which prohlb. would be ignored. "We have oping a apace vehicle capable of |in nlfthtT nchoiarahipe. However. Michigan's ewlmming found tha« M imir eor.t of our unleashutf nuclear weapons. ■nek flax Btagvr said Yale pare n fnM-ride to • ewtmmer anwnd mother* tko n<* fwpeaa." dia said. StJUax* waa raaruiting. *en«y ef "developing ewr aopo* "He pule defewee ef eur eo«n»- Tain ata man* gtvn atklaUt Irtiair" bwl under a ****** after Ow aeeewd at- MHllew le * *« w>a Ma owa ■*■ mtw wata.l spa...* With Russia In Mar b) abend of budget require- menta." Sen. I^verefl SaHmwistt aandnatia 41y TUweiay b#:..nd a Frewrh eewn 'Tie Prune Minister told re|»«»ii:» ♦1^ fVWd - rnld Rep. Chai re URGED THE public and alumni not to The Eugenics Bnard then JfaUrma! Aeruneutica end Apeeo an: HaJleck uf Indiana. House Re- prof-eal to mrW the Ru<«am io 1*0 eotld front aw • m>«# tw and colleges because It will result la eould order her aUrilKeri le A'tnunietrwthm dunng the re* Cieneve, pnibably in iHihlmnn leader. In comment on May, to the Soviet I'm*«i wag nniM>unted "1 bed hoped thai ewr viaM ! af aaadnnie standards bp foeuad admission of which caae. she wiuld be anle la appeal fc> Sui>ervw Court and rnetrnier of th« ftaoal year, and* m* June sn. tackle the danger* •« ieauo of *m Pfime MiniR'er Mecmillan of le Parte wee Id help ta ranMnw disTwremwa *t opinion m how i are vary poor scholar*. Oemiany, Informed aounee re- Br Haiti wound ui> twn days of ewr eeawwmw peltry and pwrpane. the total ren may available for ••ceive • jury unaL Set*to Democrat** Leader lefenee ^mhiwi lie hvwted Among eh, however, said there should be a After • third off»*.te. tfw aaae T.vtvi-Mi JpUf.a'e w»-siein the wider wegetiatlews. which 'he S» t*Ua weg voting the etaet student wil ing would go direct|> v> the Euge- I goes In higherdefended ml nMn te got a so eg* I forBigthe10"average" educati11 onthedegree conference mi* for glv. nka Boon*, and If t* moered tie enumao Werttired. she agaiw dm-tint requested by thie Cieen- h"wwr »1niMUBtratv«i he NASA. But J.demrm, chairman at the omdmed the W«at wme plete egrvreei veil on tf»e fcnviflt Union a c«*n- r«t>!> te and were unit* •tra'.eev p*>wet* are fermce '.able -ei Grnmny <»n«e the d*i'hera*1 at the c«* might dec led " Ma crnillan f el lew, ahenld he asiui that hr and eew* rrala A nnmher af InReeattaJ Dem... Ml |M would be given the opportunity nthlaUa en the basis of family "need " He con. ef • Jury Senate 9|Oce' eaid ed un a ptere ami time ft.d Shortfv bs-f.-ae Macrrullan aiut l^«»vd can * to i'aj-i* for diM iw- .•ilia* far mar, bmmi tar sari- thes declined so go into ddit « F»arei*h reUry V*lwyn l. *d ■ay penalise thrifty parents of good athletes "Thare la « puMI* den and lor he wanted It known thi» wtw no si«tn. I n*»» can n« uv gotlatum ' tie added, ' that «ss aMsruklaas KtsaakM*, Is s* latMt m Ml- Ms. SMlsnJ fltia hand ef lews" Ue Deve ae- PUbtwr Btang> acti«*i •hei M The Meat will replp •§ a * agetheInW offers. sarla* Ik, gavsrsausS',„ I sad that R might giee other schools en advant evtieme'v fruitful and Af emplstc aid—objection* raised hp Michigan gtate'x ■uiWe4 ew»e after oofeM rludy »Wi eote of Marrh t awaaeellng ihiskans llear »e til end!* ! dt-w-us.*X4M w:»h Mr Ulal to I, killtat M risk , 0 ferelgw mlaletere meeting in Athletic Director Biggie Munn. (teneva er Vienna In AptII if i liemislrv lleatl »Pre»»".er M.rhe!) Detyre \|r •MkMtaf wt lh* aallM', 4,. BUT MB RAID the Big 10 ftwwioU, eeDed Meet la nnwllling to wteet F*.ieigf. Minuter M* truw) is an improvement over wide-open bid- Spirita Spirit, Man* Spoasar Bat the i ouve de Murvlllp and my 'dd Ais,Ui«r Msat s* fewrh'-.r a* the eaawmlt ea the <*rrman I'f. laurviHC Qutll. heed of IVtar In recruiting ting for nthlatia talent football aoaoh Duffy Daughertv sides with pneetien. the dintiurtry detmrtmeitt. will fMarch friet»i| Gaul.e and e*vnrade Gen IV «snv ! >essr> Tuesday Afhemn, afternoon who wax fr*im re. It Norfhweslern Basketball Games oe in Aiaxka heat week MBIT* hand w.e frens-h fpokfenart utd »he saw the Rrillsh "sr* »f State under Democratic y-ll) «• a visiting w-Hditist rf I fuaa in saying that the Big 10 "need* rule is "unresllstie Cite West United AiiJ in*.at 'hat a.h the A mar wen Chfvmca; hxiety •aid the French* |Se>.idetvt Harry Truman the State* Hr)'«.r», Rf lllsh ulhs had gene ea la a Arhewnti told a newt confer- «d diaerbaiaating." If! bet weaheaad of baeaet- will leave Friday afein«««n and Fiance and die *h*\.e» t'nlon He will lecture to chemistry Ei*e»ih«»wer U refusing to liaagifty said the Big 10 psugiaa «f recruiting die. MuatetsU e I • i t adtniiiuitrator* •Plrtt ml "total frank nees aad ••nee hwO ha* MSU'a owgen a* they return Sunday. A :*nuted num¬ deal with German pnhiema X rhep- ahaelnle stnrertlt " spend rfwnigh money and d#- | rmlaataa In favor of the rich father who doesn't cars eg play Ml* the WCAA tuwmernout ber mi are atilJ available, Tl'e S«>v.«a ITriMRi guggr-'ed si.d e a*tdrMH» '.tie K will ft* to Bonn f,,j with <(i Kim* carnpua m Bvanebei, |U — and •<*uf a the Spart«n Spirit '*tera ti'jn far en* e and t»»*th n*- I f^njhwljr remarked. SparUn lukiwwre an avtua te olT.ce. S2t» Student Servt. m tmrie h*ve edrced tr> go The '.he junior mt!»yfe. Meth**dia« ra N|iarlxii Out Thurtolu* DAV6HRRTT BAB URGED passage ef a seaadesd so. The **^aend at fun Urfure We# will *av it b«B nti 'ahjection ollege end higti *x*1k«oI» in An- Canada J'Pifi to *ec Jbin.e Ies* fer.ise* he* Mm mm1 »- Tt' S{»anan msgs/uie wlP hit thr •rtivtSea will lAelude the trwna- < hnrege ami the Agricultural •er I wultiag law—the national letter of intent Speriwn SpirC. Mi eonjuiM>n'*o to Poland end Cwxlwi EKpenment ataUua in Pslmev Was» ing**m to di*. uv tne Wtn- fandt Thurwisi It will t»e on The Big We system of basing aid for athlete* ea need with ASllrtia D.nrcU'i H *.*•'« p*'rt*Uuv) and IhkrU to fx*«»h Bitting n nt> matter* dea'.ug AUika a'.sm with Preaident Ei*erthawci .tie Ttiurwisy nod 1'nrUy This chartered Fretar *r*.| Saturday night c«*n- with Germany'* neigidyti*. the I an dhavtng hoys alga a letter of intent, if adopted nation. .Munn. la H>"''*Maring a ,-«>»«;n« two articles. *'The His !a.k* will 4i»ver tie (am* Offu-isU etplamed that th*- »ue VSU atudenta M «rai m planning ttuuMfig Freftch apoaeeman t)uB *) tranmp"!4 Mid »rvl The .Game '* *n I • da, would aurb much of the abuse eonnaatad with aoilagu to the weeaend mC-nm Te t*>w aEc««iwfVJ»t«n *»f cftemtral eie- fNrhwnfes frrmti ic'xwn itatiwmen ttie llntich «»< paat *w , Outsider*. nterview. Sj.urty lh*. .Bf -.fq The Heat will aUe «»k thai geuuhmmBtry and nuclear | fcotbnl. ariuriilng to Daughertv. the agenda wM he limited te the applied u» i>artM>r develop¬ .'la** dcslt «ith tw*, separate .«rid 'he Usual Tumorous axtdx* "Hm latter of intent le fine: it's respected In one's uwa power ment pioh!«11M, hr»rt*. one at lew of the fwlnre ef Iter lie wmfergnoh" according to Daughertv. "We signed 41 tw>» to tenders last year but lost 12 of them to non-conference Mam-Hour Siitcr ■hklila. Tea might aspect to lose some prospects to ag- freceive southern schools, but eirn the big institutions in | tha* the East art any getting our boys "WBTX HAVE LESS BOYS Ir. MhiNi) under other school in the. Hue 10. One conference team tender* IBM Lightens Administrative Work IfcBtf n-'tol tu-n* 'n tkiici ioti.uelc axl 1*»r migi- UurU'g fall i*i m It.ti. shout Httehd ta fatting 70 fait hall plater* on arhofdr«hip* " Tt.'C "unk-ker anar * ' of a * Mi¬ '■Once St' •VI *ia/f perPHinel weut lh(w.|h ps! btole in I,c»ui Ca.rul * Ahem- a sludircvt't grs kr, tf»r tranwu t»- naI f» h» Fh D cendti- Bif M school* are allowed only 100 tender* Mfh year to :ii Wonderland." had rvthi ,g iiig (kbmm »s tficrketl five ti ■ #•* vto'en atudetn tkA tram, I Ft' siul * familiarity eouis# couuernlng IBM Students 'eking Account [hoer ad varsity sport*. the i»*»)M" in MSU*» IBM * Jn- ox five dift* r<-n* u-"*p> •?■!» i \t arrof." soront* ru*n program* tf.g 20.t (tabulating machine op- Juat how big-time »rv college al hl-li, * * ternallona) Mustnese Mari ucu miM the pcauubiUtv Tabulator 1, the misi eRpentive «-rafi(4i). study IBM to t A meat survey of Big 10 schisil* diM'inse* the »r,*«rr It shows that Big 10 institution* have budgeted I'd > mil- department They go "*filrkcr *nack."" Martin taid The *enlun *iipe? • i a'-huie* W'*» per at mufith MSU sa< b rem *: tu Martip was a busenms flurlrnt IF37 worn IBM first came ta ! m I|i NTicfc click." bu/g." "whir" And \. rt by Jack Deeming, run* * « 11"fl to operate their athletic department* end programs "ciurtfc " But there'* no r»**n- specific payroil* While ihi* might M>r#n rktia- the university Nine ehe had il. ipSB *riue about these intricate data l«**t y»*t. 'he IBM depart v»s«nt. Martin xaid they post • •me previous experience, he • I lor the current school year. Mw.iM) each Consider Fag right with the d» .: TRW C08T—graphically fitting collegiate s|airt» into uxsd ! LbOO POO e a r 4 * a ox ait in processing'' machine) rv/t at a menl category of big business —ranges from Ibh'.'.issi at total rent of month to Fioraai • i equp! to J4 torn iA p*i>vti. »s- H*. ling ii> Martin Many of them tfurir life eEpentanry at abou' 'u »ean, IBM fen's! ttrnu the (airtnieut here which was one at the first colleges to install IBM Banning- win* caid much of ly #1"'^ 1 | In nana to fl.5 million at Ohio Mate. Half of the unlv«Knlty*a m#- »»*<* u#ed more than 100 time-* »M«st Ronomictl wdutmn,.. football must make the budgets balance It* gate re. | feehmrtana trained by IBM 'he work done by IBM cou dn't | "-Pta, Rose Bowl share, television proc•**!*. and *o forth. rhine* tnoec in the ad run off gra i«<. jiaymlH. trgw- building, he added. MBtJ hat one af the largest l«kr carv of all repair thu *k»icm trne repa.imeri *'»rk un- i»As*ibl>-bf dime by hand, Itold tne average person egg't ♦*»«t H'5- IH\f department* of any Ameri¬ * ei east pay the entire bill at some schools and is counted !r«bon card* »i> f other ad.'nbd- university he »aid ■* aligned to the MSU depari- become an operator. 1 ytrativf work The ottwr half in can I 1"» to pruvida from H to 00 percent of the cost at others. the engineering building, are It havat least oner card purn h- R-urnt prrmsfieriU*. while snother TYie field i* w* crowded, ha UMkMW coache* arc trustee* of a 99.5 miilkHi uM. that tnoat opera tors are mmm is available. **nd Martm. «i jng card verifying, gang punch¬ of tin tigeijf. for research purj«>»« < ing. interpreting, sotting Mini- Fur. !» appropriated by the ad- 'perweta who have been tent by ■"It. «*ou»«J tae difficult to e*ti- the amoir t of man hour* ir.g. matching group print*fig and nr»i ■ GTstuMi pay for the ma- employer* to IBM far training m-i? trianing, or loaing. can tf oct the economy * tfcMr arhoola fnaU' 'alru'atiilg machine. ctirer used for administrative The growing importance of saved by the<« tLscfitnuT* Prsnk I. raaMBC ATHLETIC department organiution .tat ix xaad for tutoring MSU athletes. machine ran sort almoat 1.00b pcrom* w«*rk full in the depart¬ ment. Martin said. Each department er section Vtoto Hut can biock and tackle, we'll lie glad to tu- card a minute into alphabetical than . nomcrfdM Almost every depprtrnrm on -i'propruto* iu own funds to Buglirty anid. "We hare a great investment in «•« . « camptu beta IBM for it« rr*e*r»di cover its use of (BM eqiMpmcnt, I'erhapB you aorxler about ' •°®e kid*. They can't help us if they aren't aligibile." vrior* un your term end g; a*ie». programs, according U> Martin. he said. e . 31 Citicm. with iineiali.«! >ader ion fiRTTN MKI.MET t of r, Htt*;» uha'l,S' tea at- > AMfKH'fsl ■>«»* • e P>r-» 1 .4*^*15*n»i**tl l'r#w \>wt Analyst f.n (ieirnan or'io nns a? he ha« i>< ha* u>f i»'*en Ptrtifcu Nation#- «IMl p:omi«ed * pm. 9R Union. Dr. Stanley Prar# •„;- ,-hev'« !M»t fi'ite. at lea-t in several j."- - e Id/erde will speak ana ■ rep¬ .. . • f- - *• » nk« h teai*. with ihr Gennan Chah- resentative of Merrill. Lynch. Vol. RO, No. 151 Weflno^lay. Manli II. lf«5!» |'ajr.- T**o K*«• - ' l)li kscn, s • i e . - ;4 ". ar,*.s *o i»c rid uf *he Pierce. Tenner snd Smith will , ,D !«• '.» i<» re, .iik fine of the ,'.:ef Soviet oij- a •t'SMueu fSermany. be pre«en'. ' . u.tiv»- • is »•• expand it* inier- . .- a fo-c of 4,1 the neutul- HOTTI. A SEN. US.. i-:'V:ieS UrA"5J/ TH£ UCAH-SC T; «iM \Z\ SS" AS \V ~-c \!•» :n; u-.y- / A -P.KNO T-£ sr -."OS i t* !- tl.»- Suviet pren.iei i-iea-e •■■I I jt* affai; pt.'A• . , «nd thruugii gradually f"M- .n P- '!*• •••«■ a'u ' on'* the br- dee INFORMATION. Page «. c V ^r-- i I Compulsory ROTC ni,, *', * ivf' ynai*--■ is. ■ oi - •) a,-** -Up I,, a rug ** 'Mfh < .•(' «>• • .»>i. of 'he ii«» ^ : piiii>o-c." -i.u ' lerkrd out fioni lindcr o' .fr P'<- a :->ng • tn• e tins Khrtieh- Vlirhigan Stair iNrnt Ml Slwessl Bsrrles# HntiStsi i- '• *■« en «t;* *'K • 'i .u eeo'.-oinif* in any t"iie Of I . -••:>. ebev "••• oe,*n keep.t-g •• e free *.• 'h rather aston -tuna Pubitshca #«• erat« ear* Mmni# Thi* objecti\e tias been pu.- • i f,q -talan- e vCh anif'.ng ttiroMgh riioas mcliislvs durine fa- *VHKN ST I IIKNTS ll\*K. from time to time. qun«. 'Ued tu rough 'he Mikovan visit •m • a' r'ir*- one »!♦•* and winter sad tprine terms cxc#-ot tinned university pnlieie-. ami regulations, there ha* often h< « one r,f the rieet 'it the t'ni'ed Stales, through a - thou 411 »*het Bui in* aeaf'enng ',o»u1av» wstkly during sun '• #»r 'cm and on# special frsshrrsn u# is ale f'->n.niun .-■>* o'iiih-*- h.r a British trade heen an attempt to "pass the buck" on the part of those :n • rangen-enS • «(•- * a '.ivi fa even'tieliy bs'fscr, sum me* snd fail terms i\ i « connwied « .fh the nn-Mon to Moscow, khrough con. ..a"e-n trie pe'torn of *he Entered ae secoae class ansr**r un- Michigan Stai» S,#-» officials tinder whose jurisdiction the matter • . nniver.«it> the'rtt of dci art of March 3 lk7» at the posi . roiiqito-t tact# and tributes ♦<> We*tein #•• !'ni->n'i major ob.erttves. atrica. Cast Lansing Irt'ck Campua Claa-ifit-tla . . lies. '.nil ♦.) weaken NAT<' »nusine«* at 'he f.e|pzig lair an-J One nf these has been the questioning of the compulsory e •• n«te )* tf JMe-Mhte in counties* other **a>« K -h. aspect nf the militar* and air science curricula. hi-\( '.Mtrking foi 'he F.rnnomie reoperation irti The university ha*, in it* official publication* and in. formal ttatements. given the inipressioo (without spe¬ . ]•> . I - /,1'i-in tike tu make it *<«\*ari1 of neutralization West an in- 'ir,. of Increased economic coopera- CAMPUS CLASSIFIEDS cifically faying «ni that the mandatory nature program i« required b\ federal la**. of the ROTC We t (Wruianv Infilliate HH Ornum Compulsory KD 2-1311 K\T. 2615 The Morrill Act, which provides for land-grant college*, require- that such college* teach mili¬ the establishment of f" • ,\x tw-tfni the C'r»n»rmini*t inlu'ration *hal he *vou'rt 'ike ROTC Again OHAIILINKS; 2 p.m. 1MV RKKOIIF. I'l KI.ICATION FOR Tl FS, **KI)„ THCRS, AM) FKI. FIJITIONS Wei (Irrmnni b> rx*ending tary tartica but does not require them to make such in- MOV RDITIO.V DEAOI.INE: 2 p.m. FKI. atructinn compuUorv for all male students ft into ,s* nfi West oecupa'ion Berlin pierogafivea through hi* Disapproved SM# Piiiblf CIFamf 1«! MnnH*, throupt, F'riHjiy Nor Ha« an* ensuing law changed this basis. four-power niditar* rontroi tug - To Mie Miter: ges'iun. uithoul ofTenrig the •I endorae the aentirnerp ex- I.M.AI. nmSlONS have held that land grant colleges v* e*t siTtdiai rights in Kast Her- pre.«.«ed b* Mie editorial and lei- do not have to make |{OTl' compulsory. CLASSIFIED RATES K-.- ter to the editoi of the Stale minimum il word, SALE REAL ESTATE REAL ESTATE The government itself «lo»-s not require c»»mpul*or* l»OTC *uiMe ft-d-i » year one of Mews on Mondav The quea'lon '»>e for" a' f>l,|wiIve« of the 1 order for » university to maintain a reserve officer's m- of compulsory military training doy No ROVHOll RV QUIT IUSINI4J K>* SALE PO* SALi • na»u.r•«! iirnirnimiiit* ha« heei, ,»n ttia MSI* campus watran'r 2 doy, f 1.41 ALL STOCK MOVM program. ■o tehu.'lo the briUge* burned serious thought and diactisMot, r«*NI)OR Vr.AH SVX, d„*n fur. iVin TX)W S ON th,» etm J doy, Sf.N TO FRANOOR RK ,»»#nrd Who, then, does make the ROTC program compulsor* T *eai« ag«» iwtween e«mimuni*in The i>ie#«eot svalom implies t»* » «#o ■ nt h*.C wliaf# i-.»o, |>„p*m«* ■ nil ,n PV«> ft,r r cvrn-rmmi in f,r*• house .... . Phms i>ndili«#n nmti « Tba jvaaponathility for this rests soiel* with the State an i <* IV S-M74 r< - * a and ca*s et»v called the MSI Hoard means tho# we naeognlae (a re¬ •• a tea you'll he re#»a'•dad for ram M pressure m Biuein to make •*# solve msomataonai eonlNri Wo AOOiTtONAt CHAPSH HANM HUM T «r PERSONAL fo". i 'art Marx nf Trwtnnn H *'o, prime Mini#te» visit uouine m roQuirad m mverno -t, *> 4 sen* or War*,#* •a, t« rt 1 J47S Tbla bodg. m M»e altinvate governing agencv of our uni- Mihm ii*. Uier . Ueela bun Mt a taonol veia'Hjfw awMura! nsrtsi h» QioO word ovot II AOlH ATHLlTiC SOt ▼eeaftg, imuie a ruling during the f ivil War period that fa»ni««n •Jih-Ii he n«>|>e« will depleswaag, eWirne. Wra I t KN I ION riVATI RMTIII 4h« eawlr buiialed Michigan Agricultural t ullege *»« to r»Uie BniiMv es-ialiei iefi- s'e'Hi ng I hided NaUone pavrholof* af nmoo_i_j!J!L^Z1 I 7* o. •'« i k w a at i-.i«a uffa'-rig ,■#, tfita r in sao«i uarkmg brtta iwtuda# 1' i dn't wiin bu' Khnisb- plastic raincoats liirmdiinf# Thia rilling, designed to help the I limn forte*, ha* Iteen vant rlis#«q»lil»es \ -a. a., ipn.anl Mat I #"»#« «*he\ tne«i to *en.j Macnulian OAMBI.RV r I'linu 1M ,r,nd t Reqwlre Other ( ewrses* a'rt gu 'am OlCKK PANTS I • . »• • rtaiall# plaaas ro - _ in effect nxnr alnce. s*,t 11, f .1 ht\ pto iiinimiu n,- milss foil, UtXll 1 r tn.'.a-lo b, Pa'aimn ff this iiieona we itMxigiiiae door nop n» n# 411** "S M # •*• %sn *©* j' R»»"i»rs TV I t*ss s, am Ruling* made by the State Board are imt s'ate law* i - t'"' nope ,f mftuem nig .»i»lv military force. «« pteetw* «e»an» Oris* EI) l-SSST «\ iHi-ada* T-i* *« •* ru Z-B Ai I a*:.- t list. in favm nf «>- Cannon Ihfits i •« | Only action bf the Imai'd is needed to change them (MMMtion stum id oe rhaliengad if tsaa rnrvRot rt mri'Ivn'i ,mn W IMF rtNPAT Tbu advriaabilit? of cornpulsor* RO'l't should h* seriou-t- I* «t« e do recikgiure okhar ptMMMbil- iue#a ovornaui fsa»n all vsrtun- a^ $« <•* | *14 <- «* • riiiuig • tu -'iai. 1 H»o,o- tai y WRATTONI IPORfS CAR ClNflR |»ASSO a> .a BIT HI rrr Pro|mn.,il. i»f flu** t!»»••»( . \ 'h.»' -a'* an-i »he s-»ia n< -on- I would »dv«H»ie W*a latiar I 4414 I MIllTARV so> S * I HOUSING »M«'* f a N \ HIKiHy Rhone ROTC IimIvmipa prn*|nHtn into nitwitted |t» 11'€ thu* mi tea*- d„ II'H tee thai line#a' educaiion M«A.fa* . " » a-1'1 , - • I. I hap. ,, !>#,. (Ills, «•.. MIllTARy INS'CMA ■ fs-ata! iriff offtcora availnblt* to the urn in I tram , • - PO® HfNT Till mmptlltnrr nilmv. hmtevet. «it< " ■ ■" ' • v' "f» A7g/if Staff and "I cs»npui*orv wsni>lsmskt msmaev earli o'har, • MR vOteO ». m-.a«a »* a MILITARY • »o ILAC* OYFOROS V* 'lAllllj HI Fl Ssrvus Robert Aarterooo « ISttd *a • . Phone KD J 7. 1 |io«lta eff«H t »« Wt'i M.itf |n»!a-nt|jt■ * ouiik' nil . vi - alert \,|HI Mil,,, . Cat • •n*i Si « *0» I »|iii Asetstaat Profesosr af < #14 4 a R«di« Baa# nf « n-i| flear nf adVAiiri'il |{(l|l been una the* recent i»qtnr l*»rr#i| V##»M» Rum# ms- k». ta #•■'»! i " 4l\! I*|A HtllNil t.inria itiemnn ■eltgta* I STATION WACON RAIN COATS •♦•-"a- '• A « fa into tha hamc program. I fr • a r.l» " '•** • & IRIAKFAST feONUt ! 4*4 Iff -• $ , Man* fpal the %n.<«t amount of nuutp* »qieiii on ba-u * ^g S H f;i if i roul'l Hp put to better ti*e tn other '\h\* —The Soap Box ~ " Ri wN COaat ft *0gs jTANKiR JACKFTS I . * »• 4f » » . » , y Certfse • Ss'v s Rut tha most m,pot Unit reason for the mImiIi->tr* «»nf of ON ANY CAM *ORfAN ROOTS • tp. 1 I'/tsi'iilioivvr Failetl , compulsory lit fit* i« that *tuiletit- have no? coma* to a n. l"t SPUDNUT SHOP ufiivataitv to Irani the Tot hnuahtic» o» mi'itnr'i«rii J iRt' -OTM|R STuORNt |Al(pAn4si rs V RADIO gr.RVIf Y g,s. 4i UtlP of the It.cOllO -»t lltlt'ht * tto t »»Oi«' to Ill,-* C| >|t * i| HirtlR * Mill Ihis H the second io a weehlt series in whteh at'ad in 4 ae*>'• 'C 'amp o»# •4'a» F'Sa Nam and <,sao •. n# ••narh'hf 1 •c#' ItinS U N l #pi»f' M>ao Ha,* IrJirn ttc pi nit poliiiral science students e\|»ie%s their stews on current politics i San, In a Jl) r. da t«i iplr* of iIiuium i m \ ,«ii<| to |n,n';o' 'heir n« ii4vin ii»i rn i .Has ^ «• .<:• I umpan* jnag f '» St" And htstoricnl xtihl* jtl:ow - thn' imlii.ti* ' h,,ut*b! hn<» ti-u y . »in - t . tu-aiine ate f led w nf.»i at ft. -ies failure! W4N rr.l' Wii*l».N ,S and ,'va, «a V*»' "i H»l> IV 7 I1M So pa-' Mrs IStSph-ma - .»■» il'v hrfii contran to the t« ites in 'he spai e »'•« f 'he 'a e- m.ssue *h«. r, t f\,s Ua»# a a sag to pod s« -,ai»ui ,,tg - a"'p The I t»|\«*tetts Minne-otUt t<»u< oiopu! KOh •. uik.d Anuthri r- pub i-i/ed fs .ue at e>en giea'ot go- HUSMISd plionS IV I MBS 4 I'*' IIMII MI ei eetn* AK - VHons IV 4-ASA R»i* the ilintattsllet! -hub-lit t»ot , „i« i in cut i e-1 .#' 'he runfeiem e 'a'>;S or a* W.e ill i fi.» *4re. Jt MIIK! sod SrSn-n#* 1 »■ umpatK , *k»iH*t it The* oiraui/etl Iftoilp , its pad. bu' a' Ur W n <• II lb u»r 'e to' Ties * 4->us hs« „es»i ng •• a as » i- , • 1 I *ciihowei i«» in. 'i-e Rquittinil Pain into erb.i as at. •hip |M -'g' S* S-'iShlS Phnii# IV IIAI Ut RAP i P.N« *4,»|4 Itr, A IV • pnluu opiin- ■ iih an ompul* ; ui tt tp (iimMt «,„>d,»M»n SM> t-' .na * * l*a 4• p a 4 ..f h" .!, US! f.,»*nhuwpr sir hei,e,i b* lAPlal ECU ! IM* '*» u'-'s. MSI i' to l|, jut ms« ending Ui* diuugn' 'US' nad a a aifit! Ph, rn a Xti ) it a*- or< itRAiro CAKE* ur.i i' iHfii i«»- die beRii.nuig of ine R-e>se e ' Ml i»*t w asn | i 2 ,, 4 " IdtliSl Utrl»«,1a • U, (,'•-•• ha*e to at »t I t » ,asl-r>t>-,# ua#"1## h»-4. *»iis u1 •# rede; to ie*hape u,e pa"* anf pu« jK-a# P4»s l* Mb •■».#*» had emosed fc anwtb-wW FOR RENT if L * v V^nJC. Hete with USB FINt.PMPRiVT MI in #M Crossword Puzzle ti>an a't oa jid .,M »<< a no si* • IIARAUC EOR RRart IIS " # »• *'-•« Am Ia }* Tl <id,n*' I SM. aila, • , " ■" * AIM! HI 41 ro** * » -'»*.< f.ti a Hrpuii ,>*n fc*iiigeii«e FOR SALE HOUSING i rr» * . t iM-cn bii'Ugb? to mi i lit the v«''ei» *» I Pr* aier R#h a v c TJ|d V* *. - a |To > yulp "'o'v'tlitV i,g nunr and rtu»ie nf in '«•,.# a TV SALl fO* ifNT ■ wn.i. ! ',» cah! d«< roa a ask rt»» a I* a#s in .hi| •ta a i ro " »A*» • i* , s1 geiti/s'ion m half Tina i* &(.yvtc'«lTv(p » o, Ait •»#!! , • -. r N IAV| gA I U«H,D H- I? Fm '' lieu-.!* sitnngne'd* |4 tl as ift Ss" # in u t '*'* v car*5 t • 'tie is" - laii'i-m -■ *« , WHEN VOI" THINK out P-UMis H» f-FXAA , » «{ IDS Aiai-u-Msiari ft » t * net* ,'f * PC ni m Jl 1 ina la! ir_v I? MICK .s i. I* i!e«t Pa*". "» eonaeiii'ise middle•-.a.** Rep<,uu> It Adept".. a ) UNIT u. TYPING tJi«\r POR 4tud»r.h IF r #o r ** IT MUN»Z , to Da< »mi»' r ui r> ,*ha< - -a on.# - g'anug-.wit). aervM-s 4 ■ ( ies lion of *lr„ni Tart* Tossibie v - llR ps, HWmii I ."• «• b* 'be vsemst ot g» Mrn«g-*t>t #r IV l-EMf »• a C'-ri - a < ' t cxl> o.'ed p* H,» h r!t twsnl* •$- a s »« r IAMMNC; Al.'RArttVT i #t tote «o » PMII'# 'wo in W. gat i-aoimtw iintu'nUnsd !>i) » *t\g eff<-,':>e pa, t* a-d make MUNTZ !«P» $jf i.a* •-##< t< a hn»a a-'f *# 'h | n##r War. j'- • ! > rru'i t re' jnesment* we S.y»a.»l s*l R'>.u,s ID !-i,S i' a a O *),». H »-er« 16 ft . paled ir .<*< M't -n tabid •> ^up,-ar during f.b* SILVUTONI QUALITY MfRCMAND SI Matsmen'i *e • -apondi' s bu' ex. ;*eb!e Ine pie*;rten«* *«> 4l'Ml'RMVliU) AlX ROOM <*» tflA SPIIOY SIRViCI h. r IS MI'HI * 111 | 4 kiiima d *»a .. » a 11 tn pa It#' I' • . .» * ■ »H»U! • " n It Wnu-d ake • »•# Ra*.-».T »»hls -«-art«e#i ■ -a 12 Cm • 4*' alreHol «* r- d, pe 'e«< a;i« doubt that logic Sas «» APARTMSNTS Pksns IV I 0T«4 I* Jt»* ekt • «» w Oi »mP c e. #*'#o p*e»lt.nn of fu e ri>t R MEN VOOKIM, ps- •f I XPERT ,'a •• u«4»ni TERM PAPER and tr#* M Una ■ '■••lis Tl.c t at of ADMIRAL . •f -1-V4K p, *S»S 1'-»a h..„v,,» »a»rttsf Y ' terneo* f«- I »•*! ' aaa pUotis IV *•«:*> *■ i i-tnt u-« *na«».,rg 4 He f>e *e. und gtea'e- me- SH *S • sakaeda I* W ,nt» n -h ftaiihirtieit he* SHARf a fifcuie **'"• HALJ-INH »ij ' «**»<• IRH'Rl f R«h>4|4 M , TYPING TERM PAPEIWh «w* Lumn 5 V |l" MUNTZ ' 4|« - ' a. t »,»• h.-aa , „,g. $ Fan* ,'asa.i-sPta IV P-4AU « app- u i xen t r irnnendous pouei H* the » It / --'•» M > US! rti ut " C I?'# ' *n" *»•"* AM A Wart -vad '.m ms--. «. ,r'» > »h-fc

nel l«*sxe* iHunted out the Ph-'-s CD » «A*J i« i r .M » » 0 t JVT4 Vi p. \A i* a, . 7~ ' Tl — — |'; ' ' uec' h.« «•»•»«•»! In gUiUC. .gutfing bidbci* MOTOROLA :.o.«eirr«s | '» u»» w« ,AP\ a-a-loh.a , ('».■ u, riCtthant farglnf P'CslD UP ANO OiLiwIRIO YOUR LAUNDRY W T' ni it-- tr^ard 'he h«,d a id fa" fa '* »»' petty / -a i ami light »D t-JIVl V- W a'k- IN DORMS IPAITON r L hi« of 'inn -b nffi. e be ha- xieadhpuH tefuted . - - - -»• a« 4 TAOIIiHjM* irtihtia. MRMMIID Matiiad ,-upla TWV» Aj.vai: fciJOXiS Aeong S# t« 2k K*si t SC >> . , -ei-h p :h»v i* ; -ghtfutiy hu His t>, t», spw«,'*ea Ntn-.-piii.-ssr* a A- C-y 1 «~ (MMten ounr «r ta'-n-p«„>-,a *t»f t tx. « yr i rn 7jr fb t-'M--iii». M'ti'.uHi »ub»iile otwy again into « gmup of fact torn red. ,n pail* mettera 'hes elUtwed • ( tl " . o- ID 2-4334 ,« *«r% I sOMftig h gf-.t p*rt, us radar, p. «} i. LANSiNC LAUNDRY MA MmwJ 1PI $t*J4 4S TWO <•**• ni*tsit, famished ROOMS RATH Raa.i fw<,r .*,u*te*i In UOl Hl.» ANO FINCH Par man 2r vac a is JT Vt »,i»r>nad yteen. Nsar >smp^p P«r«. , 7T r *4 V* - r,t Rf(a»frt to Select Rnnnins Mete *iudaa ultlilies In «-u-a* a # ar - IC A teg RO 1-JFJ1 u-W >y T- * 4>«>ng ill TRANSPORTATION IT Vt" V t. «; to* SAlt tnte * o ■ ■ .-a ' *tc early u» IR.Vk lTT"j!>ef»,tr ue in 4 tju'vi a* close MUNT? •#», t ■ vu |H IV THRM MODERN WANTED RtorRA TO >e» V- • »TRNlMl»0 r Vf' v.r JT Ha. M.r 4* thr yelrxtjon .»f a rum,.tig. n-etc l'hs* s'i. jhe vpp.o- 'fiiiat! Oir testing Msbh t> to • ' r MHi s#*Vtsncs Win * AtYlMT •- N *'•- v't ta -N 1 L 1 t 1 *. riAiiiu JJ Phone P'O - "nnn ,*• B..VC# » begm the icno\et b* •• .nr rtr.»r ruin., 0.1J O.-.,. 'U* selrxilng a \»ve-presj. nr rr v-t -s.. • .0* a^.*%L,q«5R, "" ' i 1 41 5-hd* ..g -u ' » cerutMieip without imnecin Tfis the kind nt fectione1 sp- .£-... „ t»M W (iRfATLaVn an k»! Idasb RIDE WANTED TO vtrtn.' ic'sspn (wevemcnt ihe*. was rbKOMary 1B.V2 Hete. a* •)»«>*, Ike turned .. 'erj tact ■*ccd «»'*• i*"i» [4 - j> *#tma AlstMn S Vtsreti 74 ff 3d" ay ar 42 Sh »' 1 ai § -XM, I ... »u»«s rn T-dtsgp r,m«rd-w:s u» txpanta* 1 ii prdirVtiM A-.* bmk on the clvetnr ond the A gu .\ .* as .*«'• irtip-.vstble to evaluate the !"■ g > leiiuie to RMumf the marine »*f TV TICNNICIANS CO, 3-4STS tra-Jsf •t*d u '» »»w N»tWJi| fi for Hw g, r ANY .da ro Pk>ri i'<* ROM RAP T • a \re - -hr C.-ctth mci IrJmr musl istrk aa on« pf ihe gteat Rsnn-ss |„r i>,ti KH< *11 and an,V> Mpeil.F n.'.ma .. . CAMPUS CLA5SIHKI S tribe PhOKI IV T RSSC in i *S •? « ■'»•*!ad Je.iutvs ol the post-w*r pciitrd. ing taolilnra. Phor.s ro 3 SIBS si's *'i ail du*u .4- rnt Slid ts«« d\er IllCtl RKADnsmr .. , MRMSHL iV I-Rkil. , , , LOW COST a , . MICHIGAN STATE NEWS Man* 11.195* Pace Com MSU Slide, to 7tl Walker's Rebounding Supports In Last AP Ratin The 6' 3"* 210-pound Hie team Improve*, a junior studying education and By CHl'CK RICHIRM It ik hard to get anyone to was forward just the touch Michigan be a reason. there mud social work. "The first indivi¬ Kansas State Takes No. 1, notice you on a basketball floor State's basketball team needed Certainly one reason for the dual column I look at after a when you're playing with fellows like John Green and Bob Ander- to become the Big 10 champion hv the biggest margin in 30 success Olson is the addition of Lance to the guard spot, hut game Ls rebounding." He may be one of the roughest Kentucky No. 2 Positions egg. year.*. Walker's role has been the key players around under the bas¬ ■) Tire ASSOCIATED MISS Maybe that is why Horace When player* like Urry Hed- one this season. ket. but Walker is one of the Michigan State held down the seventh spot Walker hasn't for the drn and Jack Qulagle were ml**- The fact that Walker ranked most amiable off the court. ro-iie in the season's final Associated Press poll, due to I recognition tie deserve*. In* fmm thl* year'* rlub and third in the Big 10 in rebound¬ He I* funny perwn to talk ing has been all-important in a with, lie doesn't have a clown¬ In the upper rungs as favorites fell in weeke| MSU's complete dominance of MSU *a* sixth last week. ing sense of hvmor. hot rather the boards this season. a dry subtle apprnaeh. By a vote as cldse as the score season over, In one game, State shot 15 in a double-overtime game. Kan¬ from fourth. percent less from the floor than lie was asked if he would sas State was named as the Na¬ rather play forward, or move tion's No. 1 basketball team by The top 10 teamj place vote* and to center when Green leave* the sport* writer* and broad¬ cords in parenthei next season casters participating in the poll. 10-9-0 etc. basis): "I'd rather play forward." he The Kansas State Wildcats, said I. Maasas Stat* CM) <1 high up in the balloting all sea- .». Reatocky (SSI in-f "It gels kind of crowded under aon, edged out Kentucky, the S. ItsalMtppt Stale (* there when you're only •' 3"," he defending National Collegiate noticed with chuckle. 4. Mraeiey (!) (2J-S» ] a champion, by the margin of nine 5. CtnctanaM (IS (tS-| points Mississippi State, which «. North C arolina l Walker was All-State three 7. Mlcklgan Stole times and All-Americon when beat out Kentucky for the South¬ (I) | MANAGEMENT TALK — Manager Fred Haney chats with new eastern Conference title, moved S Aekom (M-t) he was playing at Chester, IV His senior year was the best for general manager John Mr Hale before Milwaakee Brave werfceat. up to third place in the final S. North CaroMna (|| I It. Wow Virginia (t) > Walker who averaged 27 point* MrHate la the farmer general manager of the Detroit Tiger*. voting. The see on* |f; cal every game. St. I.ooto (1) 171; Bradley. r*a*tr-ay hi Ihe Mis- JoMpk's (P*) » St; St.1 •| came to State bee a us# there are a lot of men from home Rownwolin Settle* aanri Valley Conference, leek fourth ever rkamplae Cincinnati M, Texas Chrtstlaa (Ity 48; t'toh 41; ~ ~ here," he explained "It's really by two potato. North Carolina great playing here" Coach Forddv Anderson, who has watched Walker help his New York Named SjH)t Male. MM'. Aabara. North Car¬ olina and Weal Virginia, In that order, completed Ihe tap If M Bill Vt squad to a 12-2 Big 10 mark the ranking*. HORACE WALKER and IH-3 over-all. is planning to build next year'a team around For Heavyweight Fight The count was based, as usual, Purch Wdker. on !0 points for each first place he *hnot*. Uhi ... . . , "I eall him 'poetry In motion.' * NEW YORK f/?*V—The tfuexxlnir pa me over the ait# of vote, nine fur second, etc.. down n- ed opponent ami a five-point still maintain¬ margin at the •aid Aaderooa. "heeanoe he tow everything *o smoothly." the Floyd pHttemon-Intremar Johansson filfht ended Tuesday when promoter Hill Rosensohn nitmed heavyweight title to one for 10th. A total of 120 writer* end broadcaster* ear Sox Si That certainly is apt de- ballots in the final poll. half an New York as the place. — ~ Kansas State, which ended it* With Green «rr»nd In the rnn- arriptton of Walkers stvlc of play Me been a great fac¬ "My Inrlfnation rlgM new t* the NCAA tournament finished o\et 14 k-Imhiiui- olid dropped Ib«enjw»hn wild he already had 700,00#. tor in getting MSI? into the NC¬ fee heme televlaien. "Ret theater with 33 first and 972 point*. it. almost 14 |H>iiits pet game discussed the fight with execu¬ AA regional tournamenT at television Although Cincinnati beat out VmcD Mid Oat 1 fi iMil the flooi. te a pomlhility New tive* of the thr»-c m.ijur TV net¬ Bradley in conference play, they Hank Green berg, I'll rather get a rebound than Evanston. Ill. and will 1* a great York will he blacked eat la works, ABC, CBS aixt NBC. and factor in trying to get the Spar* finished with identical 13-3 sea¬ league star and ( K(*»ie a basket." admits Walker, . plan* to meet with them again. dian tan* out a winner son record* for all gamoa. An<^ official, and Kosensohn said that # "dra¬ serve at "ex* He is a player Versatile en:High matic. last minute guarantee of Bradley's Brave* beat Cincinnati last week in an important te Sox Tfton I Volleyball hi do almost anything mi a bas¬ 3600,000 by Bill Zeckotuiorf and ketball court- and the best part which kept their title hupe* a- WAIJACK'S new hi* son swung ine in favor °f about it is that he will he around Itve until Monday night. New York City." another year. bar ayndionld fiiiyWiwrtir "I'm telling you frankly Uiaf I w«s ail *ef to have the tight Meet Set All loom* end km three ef the tep It nine ef the next It their pert and xrfl! el Mm By M \ i CONTACT Hunk Aamn Mi Chicago untt! ttvi' bid wa* made Monday. H.tgiuir Benson The Volleyball Club will In the tinning M amicable working of Chicago had guaranteed nw jr» to Detroit this Saturday mem piny. Hits Homer $300,000." "This mesne 36<-t»all. football and Bradley, St l*»uis. Oklahoma The largcer Florida exhibit am cial' tournament other other boxing shows " City and St Bonaventure, all crowd of the spring. T.2M. saw than Its own annual tourney, rontestants in New York * Na¬ the clash between the IDit World With that guarantee ef $•#•.- which was held recently tional Invitation Tournament. Sena* rivals •ee gram reeelpta and aa aa- The team h<»jor;li Carolina I psrl ■Mt tMfe tttr mid. i Mm flm period. Ihcn • Ml MT1 victory InHhW Oram in th* Mad ct Mm Mid-tun al M C A A playoff* IF aifht. *!«• beet |««telirer\ Bruit* at Kvan«»uni ! ► Schedule an 11*11 Me with I * 14 ni in (He fu*t priiiiil •If* Jim Hollar hit (ho •suad la in puclire In the p.rul in «« to put the Wdtiinri ar |**4. t»r the Nl %% tMUMianiriil at Ithaca I hr lUilrmt an,I H„r*t I'litrrim on '••e" increnaeri .1* *«d in hunt I timing '.ft § 44-na fin e \ i*il 2 I I M. CI . or I all In IM l{.i«ki |l(.ill I'liiMiffa i ll 2 II est Shaw 2 H tui.Ull e"» aui.i.1* >U ji. s< .f #»aii Wf« fteid 4»»i , 4. \ | pa-ri ei»l«gr bf - -g Alt it of IHI fa.r a J4 4 HUMANITIES OUTLINES * # * "ipfvOe it Hum oftr, IU4 (uM.M P».ii he» fvrf ■mi *9$ .i« Iflu.■.#» --*•> aa itan a el at M > h - r«. Trill III/ill.* ead'.ga t.a t ueeu *• el *vai •*»> cor.^t- pwed' * r . i-»t, v*. ' lit# *" * to' 14 »V A TOHK. # Dete. r-u i* r. at Utft, |»it-fc,a»*U Hat #• m IfViia ki-teg off n< V he'ueh tenirtiainen' 1. * Oullin. Nil 242 in. lull. l a #hV. and huae.-c o ev«* Jarr» Ww ad Niagi.a v ai'i. 'tv •• 'w Ai i *t.i*ia AUe'.mJ ^ . 'I4» On t heating, twag ml latantf (mUOmi i*h wtewpped Darin l V* 4 f the frinre Ha he ma Uaigantna. t * I • if at "ranmd g*n • •» It(»an 1 It Vtr«| *h4* i 44 hiwgraph* t. a*<. .» In Piatae a# IWti la. t.ei. Mi keen ragiunal ai Va. - Ihraea. 1 a InMitutea, It. i « « i>« I iet»». ->•' til UH»»ea- • It...» »• *h« flr*t round *»-r ,, a i!l •» » p.a> Ji' >-•», « *e Middle A*'aft u- 1 » ■ 1 i terVrita, Nt'. Ti .<>. a ' a .«# A ^ " C « t. , . i4»'a»! a* - i > . . > * t- a . n.r |ni r«0' i 'it a T I Ilium hi-ll\ tpy XlO* «»/ p N tvC Ht 4N »v|! axd 4 i a Ihik i |M'iie. iv ba i uilh A.I. I limit» ft.e dmto.'ta !•■!•«<( t H »•- • ' ItiHIC. J.i .n e n aa •-#» te»» ao ■ 4 a .< MiiM(ga State MvaraHy If »n» n*epa« • »e>» b a rxMind f.iaid a M . ti 4 «s » M »t.e • mt .4a t. ,4. • e e-.tract aat »eai e h ha« i.e •'* Ve» rd »r«#» g.-n-jU *iVb J. FMIMN FUN SIRKS " ar»»g ml '.itm ^a''•* a< eafua. Kalijr *■# e ib »a ' e aa ma ta th# Garden Stat# i'»N ahoir*. a Great Place to Live, Work, and Playt ~ Off* at tht (macflurF* fuc Mhm* w4o VMC for foblFC SrrvH* i. Iht ofpurHutitp wtmk Mt Jrrw* fur ■ S«|>|Fy hoFnt lift in tiUMlltFa (rnwb) rccrratkHMl and .uburban »uiiotiikJtn^«. It'l Km It lv% *o(k and (.lay in Nrw Juray. Vi't muFt that yon CuFiruirr c.itfully your job o^puiluniliaa with Pubht SnrvKt Elactrk and Gar Con J Sat tht PublM Send Pot Th— Tot!my man tht ur*l tunc lir ir on your tamput. Write no* (ot j0,ur ropy oi our brochure. "Tretnin# Cuuraea fuc C"i5et# GraJuatea." Write Puhlte Setv ire. AO Pnrk Place, R hi PUBLIC SERVICE ELECTRIC ft SAB CO, 21 Si A. Nee-iik. New *o* Aitmi.«iou: SOe your iter t >py. Newark 1, N. J.