Cakrr* l.ea»e for Tourney The fralhri* Kit* Mari|iietle Cloudy, l.ittle Snow I-re I'aite 5 Hi*h lodiy 32-11 VOL. 50. No. 152 I-ow Wcdnraday 21 PRICE 5 CENT: IFC Elects Heads, Airs View Passes 2.5 Ruling On Berlin Condition.* Standi Agaimt Drfrnw Bnn«U Inter-fraternity Council I'r.-i.litif- electe.! Ed fleuliny of ('-! Cp-ili.n a, new tilted a new scholastic averai'e of IFV and in«ti. requirement Wednesday f\V ASH! X <; T O X (*».- President Eisenhower Wed nwiUv rtile«1 out frrouni niyht. warfare in Europe and wifd In a three and haif b»-ir lluuiiltoiiHuck a nwting. the mourners dci *c- everyone miirht as well tin lectew demtand that nuclear war Mike Oldham, executive (MONO Ct'ESTS at the Senior Reception at fr). Male Sews Photo kv I'rank L*»tl«*r Or. and Mr*. John A. Hannah (renter), hmli vice president, Alpha Tau Ome¬ After Mouth fare over the Berlin ertsi- is not "a complete tmpoui- ga: Bill Durell. administrative lew lew Hotter Wednesday night were Hick Slolti, trmingham (I) and Pat Mrloj, Libertyville. III., of the traditional get-together, extend their wflcome to the visitor*. vice president, The?o Chi: T"«n In I'liilippiiies bility." Yet Eisenhower etond ftrra a* Grimes, treasurer. IVi Chuck MarteU, secretary, Sigma a new* confer en.-e agamd pre# T1 • a Hamilton, vice pvp.*!- A wtw sure frnin some powerful enr Epsilon. .!«'• .« affrf.r*. recent* Elected » gresstnfial Democrat* to rv>l»'- as member*-at-large ,v re" i«d from four weeks of 'he nation'* defense* with nvv* were Jerry Fran*. Lambda Chi .g and adv.sing at the officials' Minimum Average • Alpha. Fred Niven. Larr.hd^chi mctney. mtsailes and rton—pa- t'n.verfity .»f (he Philippines in Ocularly men. A'pha and Ken Haveran, Fhl Qu. rm City. If Coognai per*;.** * pa >- Kappa psu. Hamilton reviewed the aca¬ viding more manpower foe th« demic sihiahon while living oosteri to E(|ual All-U Level The itfMlt-piuH Amendment Army and Marine*, the com w i* ;i President Vicente Sifteo. v to the by-law* iUIpi that "the mander in chief «aid he aup- A." mee* ,n van »,a heids m the mutation requiring • 2.2 all* r*wr* heT have •« pu* »hww year since H-vm: *"n'* laat vnit uui\ rr«itv average ta go active some place where it's nice, m By MART HITI maintain at lea*t a ?,© all-rol- to 'he university were consid¬ ■ale Mews Mil Page Iditnr leae average while in office he waited in the eaae af ia In¬ keep them 'ait »»f the way, be¬ ered. aut* Sra» kv trunk I.Htllrr I don't dividual receiving a 2.4 or better a use know what tie k o'aMic Hep. Dave Gn.nauer. «K (',• '.«s1 education program, THE OLO AMI TIIE NIH president, of IFC. Kteye Witt ill am! fecjuirenients the term prior to initiation, pro Id ,lo Aith •• M.'iaU* for elected offi.e* Sh.iw). c»:;< of the i> ' > on^'- gr.i .!iia*e program and faculty Reuling. congratulate one another Wednesday night, a* l»trk tiding he U a full time student M-hlaff and *«nn» Krlter. outgoing aeerelary and executive vice k<. raised by a v«>4» <»f S'u- rv.'i'rtrv (xnntcd out that anyone not including repeated cooneo" devei.qimen'a **"» of pnme im¬ A Ml plaintively, liaeebewee lunrutii; for a rnaj •» off. c The rather ronfuvrd diM us- portance in consultation* with prentdent. kmki on. uid that every time —sHhiwg k* Congress W«dn».*dav should at least lie able to eoual %ion, whi«h involved mure clar¬ U»e university offlcia)*. adlled - "Tins regulatiMit designed a ertak* developa whetk- r*. *n>e bill, attempting to i* If.t • greater ac.iderric awaie- ification than actual debate, fin¬ to a. low j.intors and seniors, While In Wanllla Hamilton L among the student h«*.ly, L.n* canduiates Ui* 'he ally resulted in the hill * by a two-vote majority. pacing who -nay 2-p>.nt to have go plotgcd with active without a •poke to a meeting alumni and to the Stanford ('Di¬ of M*t" Attack Budget Problem ana war.** >7«"'uL,eTT7 Z Students will vite a* Liniveraitv grade tx>.ern»." ««;d Eidun Nonnameker, prew'tent the four Smco wcs-lu *nd hosWvi gave hurt a him Solons Cooperate q» e»n.i steady, In avoid hys- 'eri# and rang "a 1 it tie to* off holfMwrhed " Hereto* average, derivttl from 33« Student Services build¬ farewell party with more then mi the i Lvwr-l>inosl avrrugee <>t - ' prcMdcntial CandidaW« fraternity aiiviaor. ictama and attitude* ai eom- ing from 3-l:7.i» p.m. this Grade requireim-nt* for «»ther t hundred PuvdIa "I attemlance. An unusual blend of capitulation and cooperation le' Kr iindermraduate in the first su«' ! be 2344. acronlmg to i*a- ti>s',.ifiii!i«.n of off Htm Americana were refused*-viaas to e living and we ire g-dng Ui <. n: ar l 'hiw n. i » :e- cessful effort to solve the state's budgetary woe this >ea ve in e 'enee period " k. for fall 1948 tlghfetl Seti.or Par.flcKvciu'» visit the country. Hamilton Hrevkiu* rulings made 2 0 ft e ijt.i e * referend «m w«t-kiy nun. He said ft w-<ie c requirement ir. tiie U«mg* of ■ » pushed If" Mme ar.H l'« m.•. ml:, age re- w or en a peopl* seemed to !*• se»hing sudden!* S» rvues butldu.g irritated wtih L'n;•«■»! tp.iired for hvifiy n i. i(.j r"ved - weir able t«i mo*: -Ml m-i.tia '•*. ribed m a *t» from I are rla*s offices. AI si; In.-'a led were Sue uy, there was no deep'-«,• * led • •....iMng to 2! tor ht.fh j-en and in/ 'teal grouml *iv. 'he pa- efe »e w*v -h •»#. »j.1 wdent Student Congress and Srhi er, F'r-S' Vice pre#*. <1 en J rekeevtme'rt. woiueb was ref« "•! to '-be Stu¬ i-pi««*rnt„ *hr ■sh-Soph f ouncll representa- J.»vie Mu Nimaia, S*h »f»| Vu-a siige of a V*» fndliop h mi .» apjii u vt'*TH nwi'tubte take*. The Rep Huane f hapman (Hal- l»--sge Vote w«> 8-1-19 ibjesHt Of f e*p>»niiii,g Srs. rotary Sue ley». who introduced the pro¬ M >»mfi ai d Tres-'.ryr M ■ * RepubUffan F'-m IAM-ivc A : While he was at N. RHrw- posal said actording to hi« talk* Green M t*w. ; .on * K'.g '• n -i t •• hower took with administration officials the the leaders presented the a dig or two at what New '»f? .eft . r' b-,;.n "tnr t ade' U Dan Perkuth •wr hi* 'fi%p's*ayure over ■»,, oe termed w »se. rat k* of Sos let ruling has not been changed he- m-partikan plan to Hit'ir parlies in t aut use fe.fn* of offue sye. ,-ng Srrm. H>. v *a-riMir, a a* t'ie ;u*t A' priposa' bu' • i Premier Nikita Khrushchev cause I %mong women, no oh- Wednesday afterooii. then re He >••"» RUTG vadoi ibi- veai tu Republic*}^ were forced '<• sup¬ •lidn t think jet lions lo 24 as the minimum turned tcr pas* the hill on the much, be sold of o«#r p"et*r Ol* Might Ihs'l in ti'rt port Jm plan they would Khrushchev's age have been raised; t. The S|triii|i Ku-h Si|>n-I |t pi ' grani witb 3«1« Vour- M v;ng ■sarily ba\» opptMed after Derc- House Moor. making West flerlut a free city sugge«lion for •tandards of conduct ml the community must he upheld by Kim* liiruuiih f.ti.e, in. udmg lh,;» r».-ur» of rujer'tsd a GO|* sa •"• 'as Rep* I -tnd garrisniuiig it with soviet plan f-*h»ru R students 3 Mudent* base not •trkr fli/ht. mtveaae reach die voters, eoulii ^,,,r j,,.,' a* well a* trench. Hrtilth and Perkucam ho.d* the n«:e of , U(. , t S. trotip*. prosed their ability ta take care dtatingUishnd iwdet. the Chi. ego of ihrmselte* at 21 • of Tribune Silver award for v>>o «wtpt« c'»i.«pnva n advise*! ("-.iigresj,. •V.s defei a • er-'.ly and ability and all a f v,^ we *.i an at tabic 1 * ho ui .in.versify gr.ttie average uf t IT. ■ f deii-tiJlg !«•: «*irs* ins wlie c hg'ttened re Ft rkuchin made tfi* heteJl.tieo Democratic Ttoy Leadn J.j- w should ,.»• at 21 then v -w *hi» ?hr*>..»$ ea;;» tb.s teivn whcii an a;r *» pfi of Dptfotl said • Ouigrtr-o >le< id«*tl plane 'ir «ws laivip.g at the »•»» party was m way capitu- lafa.vf'r. Irui, ai.i«*rt Mquied o'lng. but wan willing ?o sup in the wimt Thd new p. *t waa port a rnu'.ua'iv rgi»•«•.d tn« *tat« Ueoauiy* (ditychiiftuUiie."* a vi*#I part (» I age Trip I i< kel» The coiltfc of home economic* Aiailalile !<• Miiileiii b m the proem* of reotganiring It* Vwrte rnanagement course, Si* •tudebta are •needed' t > MM CD T12a. »■;: *./«■ stxiderd bbs *"*ryg to the Ttiere aie Student Servicer this morn¬ Here 'he> have an opportu¬ ing or %29 Student Service* un¬ nity for practical application a- til .1 p.m. toriav tne deadUac." long with class instruction. The Bu# fare is $T and game Ucket* course involves an entire man¬ a. e k*. agerial situation in which each coed get* art opportunity to not on!v clean, and do'dish**, but plan menus, budget fund* and act a* waitre*#. At present, this ts a five-week Mockad course, supplemented with family finsnce. Under the now arrangement, it will be of¬ fered as a full-term course with the addition of "livti* in" and "living out" sections. Ragardlem of wticB Htlta enrolled in. ail sludanta tafHng HMCD Ma asaat fgetbt for funds for • group and actively springe rod by the Woman's So- participating in pineMing land doty of Hia talk will 11V lUMMBH Pw£A5£ IV) W^T America Doesirt Need Eugenics Boards pcAt tifeA^ir; I HW'£ LOST I CAv/ WOT Fi/Vp IT AVYk/H£f?E. I n'/LL cm ToTAE LiPlMRY AvP TVRti MYSELF /is/. wV WPFATHfff, HAMi ONTO vol U HATS I OI.I\s: Jt seems IOM is i* not. But u<> fht'l tbat thi« Heeiaion i« nit in thp h*nd« of i' yot'« 300s. just around the corner with Big Brother breathing down mpn---srnvpnimenl mwi, medical men, or any other men. our necks - at least in North Carolina. Till: |III-: \ of trial h\ jury, and |Mi.«.«ib1e sterilization for Wednesday, the State News reported the introduction ,th«* •vrime" of havinc a child, out of wedlock is nasty and of bills in the North Carolina Legislature providing bo- distasteful. It is a frightening reminder of the holier-than- sterilization as a means of curbing illegitimate births in the thou attitude that is encroachinir itself upon life in modern state. ^ America. It typifies the desires of those who are so busy The main sponsor of the proposal is Dr. Itachel Davis. taking care of other people's affairs that they have no time Dr. Davis-said first "offenders" should be ignored, but to look at their own. after a "second offense" the woman involved should he We are surprised that f)r. Davis did not bleat about CIASSIF1FD AD OPPORTUNITY BUY Sill given psychiatric therap.v "If she cannot profit from that'," the terrible consequences for the thousands of children..she Dr. Davis said, "she should be sent to the Kugenics Board." says were born illegitimately in North Carolina last year. In the event that the board orders tin- woman sterilized This is an interesting' lack of -comment. Perhaps their lot the provisions of the bill are generous enough to allow her is not so dismal. Perhaps their mothers, and in some cases to appeal the case to Superior ( ourt HJid receive a jury fathers, fake good care of them, and Jove them just ;t« trial. M>: HOI I II 1,1KB to know what the woman would he tried for. Although the charge would probably be euphem- much as legitimate parents love their children. Or perhaps Dr. Davis is so shocked by the "outrageous" situation that she hasn't had time to worry about the children. We ar»* CAMPUS CLASSIFIEDS ired as "gross delinquency." "moral turpitude" or maybe not in a position to say, hut we wonder. -OV. Con- even the catch-all of "disturbing the peace," it seems the At any rate. Dr. -Davis* case seems to be prettv weak r>f Arwer Whenever a person seeking legislation lap---es into «uc 1)1 '\ES: 2 p.m. IIAV KKKOKK I'lHI.IfATION FOR TI KS„ VVKI). kipjark in the United States. We do not know if there i« a public demand or not in ( n hold in If an individual wants to live his life in opposition to the North Carolina. We have seen nothing and heard nothing • -ecord a soeial rode and suffer the results, up to and including ostra¬ about it other than the introduction of the bills in the leg¬ CI ASSlFT-n RATES HOUSING PERSONAL •j-f to be j cism in some circles, we say fine, let him tor herb islature. m.n.muM IS wo-dI The United States, individually or collectively, have no But we have no such demand. Our only demand is that ' d.y lie POKHOll PX QUIT IUSINISS room for eugenics boards, fit her nations have in the past Dr. Davis go home and tand to her own business, letting 2 day. $1.41 ALL STOCK MOVtO A'AKTMENTS others do the same. 1 d.y. SI.4S TO PPANDOR ft •et Mp hoards to decide who is fit to give birth and who REAL ESTATE 4 *.yt 12.21 CI6ARITTIS. tT?« c- 5 JVW DOWN ON tti* dayt 12.10 M»t Lrtlers to tin* Editor HANiS HHPS. S-Ifi' Nut it -TMini firit hone# Tnr«# Fwdr lean condition hi* ADDITIONAL CHAO&ES ar ! hrjt r for location <71 rOl'H MFTN LOOK IN (. parking •on * love and eaia and 1*0 (u .« MCfc —,'d •«,. IS o. AOlli AtMLfTlC SO* Report a e*nunit Tn «ee phane IV T-OH7S 41 •••• •■•ait VUn Murphv 4< p.- d,, a Wi> or Warner and I onir B Af'AHTMENI TOR MF.N t'!■»*• 'o tt AlOVE SO> • n.fMi. r*a-king a- atlahl# Clean AUTOMOTIVE PLASTIC PAINCOAtS i. >•» Phmi# rf) ?-11M * rrr.\ i ion fratkrvitik# f altoiitd fuiliter like Add proved t-nliv thai termed H t —>011 glmowt made *ha mieta-e • OOMS r..r?He* F . »' offering u»r in tvial.pnl that Mir ulafT iikiiiImt wh«» satlie on ffte 4-point people? of ftvmg a* en"*! time And OlCKII PANTS Ci ma'ini. Pri« r include* arpi wr«»ta Mi* glory, self-admittedly, Profa Afraid la Tenia now I ask. if vou w*te coveiing a- -rs t S I i lot narking furniahing* Aid n«*t ettend '!>• dliutv-i. In Hie Niiiir kWMie a# you o4ao»>. '•han •uiiKinirt.i ,la I ■tn«a Bflter y*d let a take a rtep et CANNON SHHTS ( ch.\" P>- da'allp iiiraw xw addition to th«*se error* <»f oour lha uttmr direction - let g a* v h v kdn • vou et .1 boeata or a'r Uni.r rl«..n f»rl»*««ni Ha 'o*v I fp«»l tihe report caimerntng •his* I Flopping t» 111 a* an aftet- j. HraMor* IV J IfiSf. »vm know lodge iiM*e ptofeemag who fOAM iUllF» 5 KO l-asi? the dinner w-«v mtalwidirtif. tn pnalied thru wan throuiP' tti* 'hougnt is ohvmo* dnuoi »••.«. f I; ttia l«MNt.- Now iuat for the reeorn « aake SUING iACklTS m three: Hf:;»nv coi/) mo jVi and made an tomcat efffRl et'a add a few real facts T>>e I aimfiirgvt iiHalioo Pri^p la Namra l.arhtng to further relation* And for the MI A ai-:>. ai»f» lia.Unu "TWia li Ttmra if Itttl** tn mi ipi-ord let .- Ini-ltide the prr*fe» dinner *ea railed a two-pom' IRASSO - . iu;. - f" *U#nf . <>xfitioti and a | Ta Baa — not aeknowl- j>- . «)ut ot ioda>« market Carpg mind a* Ui 11iar origin of lite ie- •org who told me Un-> though' we were MIllTAiy SO* 4 • "a: diapriifa ar» Irrludart in p TV»a A>U«'w-Mig Weier ia for¬ port. Aftei all who hail to nulli¬ ivaa a darned g«a"t idea bu' • »»ng Mte average gfudent »* MltlTAl* INSIGNIA iatw d.iMu ua.Y mailt quii*k »a H the (k*»i« 'o >pii *!«• E n: drta l» t>lma»r *ct»vt*rf M warded wiMi ranaid to an arii- fy f1« acreptuhce'* Coilainlv not r-otild no' attend bee» atiae oi-'-nwt • t-. Fiu(."a«.fi Hp|«r»n Brain Q» | rta Bm| Hgi# a red to. tt># Mat# in* W'fuau* AvMH-i.tlnm, fix iticir icaotwmi ever von# even reporter* git tor* IV 1 Ml filing* MO 8-1 MILITARY HACK 0*EO«DS !• Jffl m Sunday. March U utimi I 5IMI ppiijilt- .(itcnit a l*iif- If vc*i* ha.i verified U.»- fact* Hrbalanhlp Ntreaaed IN MaaSllllVtAV CHlvROlfT undar |8id haartftne "fe# for C f4«* h«*ld :ei « rtvOain-ant-tavrin .»'Ui me V Hutke vou eould Y01, failed to include Mie fa.' ehanuor NUI e ta typa MtetauAa CVitansert- IliM in ••til 'ha' a tr«s»hi w*a piaeenled to STATION WA&ON RAIN COAfS - •*! g*» he^' B aboard tti pitinixiiir i* a> • i ive avoided isipvtiig Ilte srhooi RiyMOUTM ul*.» Ui-rxeftMHa p Hurka, StoRa Juumei vejawlet lu«ii ie-1 Vint u. eeeord Dirt «ntM»la*tl« a vet age and an add. tanker jackets attempt lu peauent fact* 1 of ' tin- 11 I o f •> it n it AMtrilMT. WiJiams giade lawnt a- .194 Mona trujHn «*i awarded to SERVICE (ret waaa erroneously nu.-wni.g MtcaltiM I ti> mi a peilmtal and fa' term when it war reaH* 'ha' M,«)e* house atvowuig KOREAN IOOTS from Ma. Sutkea an.I to then 'nil me why tilts tan.a pel- tii* g ' inuvei«iiv aveiage giea'eat acho asUr improvamatv n. »» learn further of hi* gouite* and mm mi' nark W htm Wo- >Ulr Imiitdrd m tite n«|»ort \$ a Higgia Monti made a ahn* aaaerUnrw. Menu wrote an pUitorm' a-kmg trutdr '•Ik on the unpnt laiM-e r«f hip (001 OTHER STUDENT lARGAINS ;ng>uiaMm p .**ine»tf hy an adnumg , i Svnold like to te-g.n tu log ' "f Win buff*-! W«» traine ataff mwnliEi wtiuh •r anhoiaattra ranilt n»l witr •M NA»H •* p*re parts, AT COST ^AND ICIOW it withtielii Iks-a use I'teanlnti' WMia ititerartnai eve. •rid relate*' pmnMng nut ttia* tio off.. e> or up to enat tlv nothing The tpKHa a. COME VlS T OUR NEW STORE evert.tiv# meuihei t»( the MSI! Hannah am»i«»vmt •»( ilte fun« wtuoti read* We could win or •senplea a>sietv m autnnr \eteran* A>8dctatu>ii w,.- en um ei'.iie* wav re. »h.« i»nr' m Itiwa th.* wMin.t lika • revetaai irint*4-ted lit Ho- Slate lowrnal a ttmaiv gem «f 001 intention* ' Or a aonfuaioo to vaiifjr arty fait® comvmug of lite lejux ' " rna "Drsadr rnre|ire«enlative Reporting N # two |H*M\| diniw i rtie kt«d paiHKiaph ivinet. *-•#* I am furttve* aeetoed that oa-t wvafructlnn, We oad .I Iw'i man rtiakeg ttty •«*u willieascd N.e anuria ova dtor in and LOOK OVER OUR I ABC srvnou 1 'ofi itue.-iiwt i*» \h Wiinama aveiage eoi.egr gt udeii* miuihI LARGE sellct'on * like .«• i-ompiokhtnetFt* »i> would a lie nop ei.-aia-r fnan « nave had to adinl* tna' fH> unr u »»n< nato' We air -ei'a'-» «"»up laniid a«knou'e K>® ECONOMICAL TRANSRORTA a.h.evcmen: mn tnoie lhan m TION .. *» OS"' aveiage in livnlue t or tertian Moped for A* "He -nigh know Mo* «■ coin 11 of Uve dumei mad. »he you w'Ll und these lurs mar; 1/ IMS 'ARE 1 enter lie-\» wire and M.eiefm# on • TO IE At ■ 4 l.4ep» ■«#!) U • • f.. HirMieF 1 u 'lpltc* i!« efiei I go< 4in Mioku# Kli |-v>|jl hoping the' Hi!! Hoike w or amo erioutrh '*> preeen« the tea EMPLOYMENT of the .eiw I fee! a euoa'H -ttipHian! 8' itaa iwnivt t*> make oierMuoi Wis s» a group Nve \eieian» on '»<* \1n-h a*»t B'a e I'tiivei'M'v fan- pug have Hie lughe. irhu a*' JJt£> average* and tha' mn organw* - 1 eff-»'" t -»n Ktandgro* in an provide* ui improve* 1 a 'vitmuu set v ica f«" it# meniiieig VP*-/. A , I he average gla ir porn? o' j*.o offn ersamt rommitte# rtia' men is 1 *4 #0 m-» w# . / A<\ \f- lot rniuutage Mm ami. aaiin zai .tin If munt2 WllILN VOU THINK S*' much f.o tlir imUih# o' ink of 'h* Mtho'fUltrt ire *u»i» W# h»4>a 1 ha# pa n «wt Mt# oMvet ski# of th# |Mciuie • nttxc DONl FOR iiuhnt i»" ■ f-r wi.-iMtg.4ph.. acrm t ant none than willing \t L outer' Betty U-gar Huikr ro admit m-\ mMak«- I munt2 t* K«en'at« «*lad teiishea. etc and Iw'.vp!# flowed like ants I on v hopa that >ou too, Mr Buike It" OLTMPrC e > »• I A.\AIM. ATi NA' 1 IVI le WM. H. THOMPSO wfb hen; uRtm v,hfd Fift.-k duih#-. faw* ft Anger Jew#*#* ; e» ogivu# your ahortcum - ANU AINOt.r fi-r ! LOST —PAIR Of blown tiairt a* mi -4?#g ##<-« «#• w"»i ta'aa gla**e« m hrown ,ama rred Rich- X a A Ramer R^a.a PERSONAL TWO ROOMS RATH Inul.luliv Jarttmatv completeh hirnul-ed tgrpeiee In- R.>hs, clwte# utilitiaa la qui#' hen* Poi Voort>#e> alnikg ! ,^jaujasi lggSH SSSR tjpdfnpi lIl \\OI.[Pt MIJMIWfM gxvxa dUM■ 310SS*(»JP IU• K»JJf 14' dtMU'• „ inCDHlfrUH EOD□ BDlfO VJIOII )TOOB"CD jf cf lutMp DDD DRirODE 8!>f 10 V!P dl« I JPJVtp ioOjp-UJ OBBUD anu DGD tt QfJltJ ;tMs yjoiuiD gnqareuua )ridiuiii I.-atruiriA EDDJI BO)t DDUQ J-Suvi t ,-a «".ap DDO uao qdbuc . *:*4 n ->UJ:i#K!U• ijoujiunM| jmku IC E. yr»o oonaED an]t § xj.* «:p »q» i9 Vq,oiqtu| anan nulftaua t.iiU ju ojjid^ woipp pajojuituo qoM miijq jq« jaiu||ia tuijai i fda j iM nnan nonocnnac a * :• q :p tI QMtW i ll • SQH!f aoa onoo jl.|qm# JOJ iq»< qo\.t» M|iiJVl|OU' o^odd'-l ti j(U iq»<|ouuH|jfr .q* qoV. MOnjp jupj4¥}# JM* lM bjcde een nnn□ )>< ..K'1 lt V >).qoi<|> v» W.OJW :.osaou i*anu j o'J jjoiu u.jiM.q qi, w.on|p (|j>o io M'P» 'Vjiio H «'• jup'jj'frua• §ain|i«*t •# AOiopl' I a°»«l• q• iithn,fnjs \ |< < -> '» K a >o jnnutJX .nti.a I u vj u.,,ui■ miiiuji• aim| jaa" ~|'X'>"s ifta iauiiq i.uulUqil- 5 V-- --M %: xjod i»i 10 vnjqowjf• JI|8III |U |)MMI8 | litnU w«w ii.iu l qa nKi.a mi-i u; |<..,|||| tu uiaaa 8jqix-|8 A8JI8V ;joiu ::tij iv* Ou'U'jU >■ uJ t' . t:, tqqj i a »* |t sjv>t*:«i• U8 JUHJJ |,|BIIJ ioaeut »i«ntl $i |ihi a m.hj 8, |..«8 io ji'guii 8j \ujmaa»|ai.u %,■ U"a : j«-.- t* a i.* |ll :• b :•( u«i : ju 8; iqa JJIIJ 10 uiaauulla IU » qit.83u• ,i 'lWJH a jj|tj..-aii|»iua» • X«» SV J'tJt.lUVaU 0«uu •■*<' — »-0\' : «u» jaiaj|M| 8 l(jnl».>8| MA iuw-8■ XM- K<) xd*jqj.j» j . u j: jow* v tv «J yuidujp.s slu» -i st « , x*Jl4'ut; 0»4V U) • f |wU «U o\ i.m.j)111(u 1< latjH.V 5' ^ riM :* --a — jqa SM:dc»ofa >" 'I |f jnd-U m% ,a 4*.ti - VI 4M«U OU yu j8i iqa t\ mvi.-n jj.-io'i t.-it § ;»fi 1-ka iqt) i* is jjta jqo tmi • •». • ;; ImuXikui q«, iu qa ttui.nuil'a 8U'| ja*,- j.«j »!* j i A. ».;♦.» - r eu ;» ,(lqaj McUar,a, iui.m.lMjal• ma 1i]8U n «on;>| i. . . « J *.uj|p* >jr«j »'.> < • I .i-a 4 0 V|)!ilfMJq W1[1 qtAi UO tO vco^-uv.vp >■. 11 i.j h I j ;q»» v IO|R{ |»UI OJ JIXI.niMUX• jqa Sj:»Jd "I - i fj |ovd ;a*»• j\4*i: '>o|njiou>( u qujptuS oami sr - u, .I fulli 'vJnu>q«\ i ;»it !* f -Wojp tup «.»■ w-.i,» t: jvvp.M a ijiH J.UM'Jt v:.t !•••• . '1SyWWVA'VWVWWyVWMWVA'.VAWWbVAVi . i% ;v • ...I t. a tu qa diHAj .o pu 90VN0 OdlNINO .t 1 l/p J |a4"MO ♦. di*>* iqul «»l * I" i 111 tf \|o«- i-mja aa:a qa qjaeijiuS vJ VdlW. »ij|U1 MiJHlvMI \llA|v |t.,| | miu-.Mip .|. rup priw a|iip#u|» jiuU( m* \uiu>I ,v r| f 4«st*qtt:p w - vi;qont w.aU ;j\.rui |i|U yr,.#. pi^na% |upv<« «,np*u) ||M» U)K'P rup .«drjt< siv iuoja «mpoi|• um»» «tsu nd joj »qa IJ«d «j H iv t» jr« ii|j< iujiuqau *tnpauiI tup /f y iL TI u v 'mtii'vJ• *« *oot *til |rn*<{ux dui.w ran.i dojjouutuja tU iuptjjtr|iia vdtuj |(ijaa»«J ti««ua M#l»u«|| *rip |q« dnq|i> •' r a ifi.M/tua m 4 il --pv< nj;«;a jqvi auoi.p * H*W • ,vF ,I.A - "• ^ » » -* V • ij.-.v-a > OIIIIHI.M.!!l|-j;»|n» «IM<'«K| mum • ... I.. aC ft \ 1<1.i ;ru'. S.KAi M«a >|USJal| eii'.'i •»;• || »w;| *ituaoiP 9 ;i4 ■ A°nJ M'A H» ) -a< r. V • *% <► » 4 . » 1' i- • '*-H• #>• *v.vuaa 1.4., », ,j( mm io mm i'4 ..aut *fti» »M* aqid 1* • 'jiMj 4qjj.o mj144 pM\.a qu 1aO" .v .«<»■ • S ,»• '"a 4M*t ,.vvu aju-iP t| U.tdAM oj L qi» snupMA 4q*»uu4| |j( Mijj l/o "J 4qa wj4 ^ * -a «.ma tac waftuyjaut• IJMM\« 1.W!f»W( j<\ |'»»p wMijqi.J VIM.| ol<»J«)(OllW| pIJJ !>•lfjJ i .uMr-uv4U, |*«ptUS \u WM0llt4 OJ j qa \\VJU4J V •;*««*« | O" H vd >K« diJMUtu duw 1-4 tJtaf j>t ri«tMjvu: »•« nmim<:s• M 1 A TTU>^ -W \S ■> ■* :* . •« »•"* -'•* onj gns|u«ts -rA IM»| 3M» ltauajax o \|\|}) M |*m iO IUI4UI4M qipt JtqqAJ IU4U *".SI, -t " • *:T M!!'V • I f \ V ' j,. P > . 41\*9 *.*.*«» »M dia V • j • .".on wijq |Mquii*i| |»it iU| y-. »»t|a Mh«U •«i|| |4|4X«*t jjaw »|ia_ UWMut-rwp ,i ;« » «i - I £• d»« "*t'P I I • un.ui' autfiuaal iun srijdt' utriunjK».|ni iuP oj jiukuij- 41> a|i.iippi minnlq iupo on | qi* fuapuiut «i/a>| touilmu ojjajk d♦« jiniipO h h it| itiorpi v«i |i..iu »hh«m f:;tw d ot um| (v diad*j* i*iitj jedi))|i joj lx«»itiou% oj ja«l' 13 «ort>*TU9»4U• .4, IV'P « MM * 1 |* M.»* ft* 1.iM. 4i• tu « - • » H <«|-U i-l «)(f4JtUW' . lM• qnijpii f uj fv .r w • .« t# via jt/i 4 j'cutruoa uim d . - »7»J > •• - • »'H ;*■ *» r-r»a fu< aaa *♦ J.\ . , >•• vum d|»«iu4ui plJJJ|«J »o «mtuS« «u |U)jj*j4tt* •!' ■ .» M-'Xi "*"a *■ D -;>*; a ■>i.»w* i - ■ ■«.** |fi4«».|>*« uj |upn» oj *M)* piitp |9: )' \\ ' } jjojp' *r »iiif piv *xi 4 iMi'iK' *'?.i |ilt| H«|*|M4H•' .r; .J« ilrAmtPJ-jt ftr«;p»»V| |»r* r|OUR| fnq MVISR-JA pt |« n * «•<«• jouna INI MV0N1N I tMVtlA 00 *ltp V|(*>V|M>tfi |Otf« « jrunjirj qvnja t» tiutni |.|P«0|cup t Olif• SdHIVl / 1 t4nj\• PfJwnM-' .x i « ojq *.vi !"*a-ol M*' 3'4>\a paottUMW( HJCI . rp t.'"* •» ; * t vi » v* ;qw »>j• IA»|VH •# t» *»i f OliHM d 'I" »»•»{ iiHMmpti ■ rnsi m im ioa awiion S• |<*|aM|iia| fI a J<; f i wvviHi ■ i>t «M9' S3VVS jU juupoj OJ »up o . ^ tO• ffI q-Xf : .apn» ^lt>:|*aiiM| jiM WW IW> Vi'w• >d0 4t|WO«tt. -upj 9311IN9 93VOA 308 JINVlSi W9 r« rmuw om. J *lia paaaial p M|1 Ha»|M«a — |* )*PM• j I *Ua j|*aaia« p anu *ma pam m M«| f , qVIAIWO * '* tua dup mx» aiwr j*up on.»t 9Pf*« 10* W 0»l» MON9 II % )M# yai MI* «J ||l* aqllta jundiMli !nup «l||l dUU|M| IH OH| |IM# JOJ IH jotduuj( liN a • *•/ to fo •* / l«IH«UOf W INIM lM wyw •* »®i-P'l'Ou•■■!- ewpee•• « ou !!#• M 3«iud|*t• uoerav ltlllOll tVM• H 4I«M • JM|iIOU| AO" )M■ wi a |M|ap t f• 40w» ou • ~ qv:{ q»rprtAiT%\a I fI )iVw«0OJl*t«Ou #ftp I IV OIM 8VSH0MJ ova iiom sshaidh VIT VAVIIVHI'3 VI< HOOK dVI«i:HHOl Mup l 9.**qon«P Oi' DOOH S1093 )VWdDJ 1'SHW XM*A fiiiAl -I □ yi A nni vi.wix »raOi.vaxm vu.aiNx voov vi*a iu* m «i»u WOM S11LKM1IUUON VJM088 aatnit vn*w -im I tf-tltt michigan state news IM Schedule Fencing Teai ft|" Four March 1«. 1959 Sick—Tigers Still Win.;. rOCRT III ...Three Hurlcrs 7:3* A:30 0:30 Bryan 3 vs. Kmmom | Hlsm» Nil ft. BT Pi Moogex vs. C it Vfll r»f the Detroit strong points of a pain in his forearm. Frank LAKELAND, Fla, f/P> The one Nice Surprise — rot RT V Detroit Tigers, winners of threw this spring the Tigers have three Lury is suffering from a stone 7:3* S:30 Bather I vi. RattrrfirM Bryan 2 vs. Bsllrv 2 $ <»f four exhibition games so far, pitchers on the ailing list. Don bruise on his right foot and 9:3* r. Shaw 2 vi W. Shaw | toad an open day Wednesday. Mossi, obtained from Cleveland, Herman Wehmeier is bothered Although pitching has been has not pitched so far because by »n old elbow injury. IM Highlights Third-Place Finish Netil CHAMPIONSHIP GAME of the three IM basketball leagues will bo held at 7:30'tonight on Three Men NCAA Bid STATE NEWS the IM building courts. * * ★ FINAL MATCHES in the all Who would have By CAROLYN VALONE expected it? university wrestling tournament Proliably not even th. most loy.I fan tt th* ACCOUNT EXECUTIVES will be held at 7:30 tonight in the wrestling room. f.ncintf team would have predicted that th* two * * * would come throujrh with ■ third place victory ALL UNIVERSITY basketball Bitr 10 Championships last week hi Columhua, Otik | playoff* hegin Monday in the But that wasn't all. Three of Your Time Has Come! ..ports arnea The 2. Mwrli 12. hi 7:.'iO |i.m. Ihi-rc mill In- h iimi-I- ♦ + * RESERVATIONS for sortb-i1 full Wednesday night as (lather 1 won a hard-earned 45-3S decision In IM basketball eompetition. Chuck Terrv Schmitter. Jr., end GHmn were third place It's Lih "practice in the dirt arena are medal winners in epee and foil iny uf Al.l. aroiiinl nrriilivm »i THE STATE NEWS hi now being taken at fice. the IM of¬ To See MaxlerN Tourney respectively. Steve Arnest. team captain, brought home the other medal for a fourth place. A Coi mi* ran yrl i In- nrrin«ary ilala nrrilril mi VOli ran yrl I'AIP! Theae vhUrha are a trfhule Lauph* al Will all arrnunl executive* in a These golfers will leave March lettermen and experienced fen¬ liar and BUI Vaaek, MSU golf team will start the 24, arrive at Gulfport* late the This year's team could next night, and play the .Great cers inn majority atockh season off early when they tra¬ lioast no lettermen For many of vel to Gulf port. Miss., during Southern Golf Course fur about th. Chleavo WfcltS I the fencer.**. it was their first seven dav> On their way back verihed it aa a ' Don't Miss This Last Chance To Let Uncle Spring vacation. year in collegiate competition. The golf team ha no? in*«n to MSI', they ho:** to stop at At the beginning of the se«- whit. Vm. aa* scheduled for ^ southern trip Augusta, Ga , ami so* the Mas¬ son. Schniitter commented. "we', rg. Bill's mala this spring because of the bad ters Tournament. weather they encountered on er hoping that our new kids oan syndicate which THMjgy| Sam Hit You For Some Income Taxes I find themselves early ao that we 54 par eent af previous trip*. Kru.h Sower Trio ware having pic tows 1 To NmprnuU for this. (he side the ball fear derided te drive and pay In Olympic Trial* Froth BatehaU dent Chuck ComiAey their own way In order t« get left in his Three MSU fiwvhmen will There will ha a meeting mt practiced ap for the earning gnlf coni|>eU' in the axrer Olympic Greenberg trials to he held Satufdav and Rate* Tbarsday at 4 p a the minority I Those traveling are* JSunday in St. Louis, Mo. per cent holdings, bill < tat Mea'a fM but Mine Ty Caplin. Plymouth junior: failed la I Gary Barrett, Owo'sn sopho- Cecil and Gerry Heron and more* C. A. Smith Jac k on so¬ Ed Saundent qualified for the can make a stronger bid for suc¬ trial' at the ri«cent qiMiter-ftn- later on In the beginning, phomore. end Bob Walsh. Grand cess Haven junior. • la held at Dayton, Ohio. hovsever, we'll be hard pressed." Not even he could have known how true his predictue. was. patnimint and I mm *rhm tiler. Glims and A Art meat far H." eould be tengh In the natlanah. kehmitter compiled a N-l re¬ Although Chtndi 4 cord In foil daring Ihe Mason, avoiding Vsark and with Him if they hap but competed In epoo al Celmn- hoa In bk ftret year In Ml* at Comiakey Perk, le«Ut* fearing, he had five »-§ plain ha is not officially f Veeck laughed off Giimn. the only senior on the team, competgd in al? the bouts peered g sligM by i the scheduled first of the season and has an 18-14 total In foil He looked partiru- H'a larlv good in the Rig 10 finals as he was 7-2 for the da* and la see MA* mmed second place by only ana touch Veeck an Arnest had a 14-19 smwei in the Comubay aabie but finished strung with mot the So* office I two 3-0 meets invited writers la A gup g sgspst Indiana •od Case at the laat tournament m the So* « of the season. La— la. loo. Enjoy *1835 hramlwd Cnafmi individual aectional «■»»""« mmmrn •*«» tn>« »• 10m w a >11 lie. WW ar-~-^ — : S m TNI MM Mil BEALEI TtMT Ml SAVE K GaOoa (ski, R**t Bsar m wMh 1 - Rag. Oh Ines f| DELIVERY • PJL - liRO i £' Winter Term (EDR4R1T) .w GRADUATES!! Pick Up Your Mann I. II combines an efficient pure white outer filter... 1 with e unique Inner fitter of ACTIVATED CHAftCOAi been smoke of which hat definitely p»oved to make the e cigarette milder end Caps and Gowns smoother. NOW!! . Nntitc Iiok nunyl)u*IVilirrTareuon imukcrt yun wc .iouikI mnp• .. t: 11 •» ■ Replay o7 '57 Classic State News it A Possibility for Sta -a tl 1 a ° A_> S'ltif *!»..» I. # .1: • lis .... H#|'> r'( XI""!. I! '*'■• I it* tr ■ S'larlaiss III N •\i'li-SrliiMil a I'iehl Max Mm » Rifle Irani Scheduled KlMlllll'kx • III Sectional louriiex 1 . v • fx t ' illif jl« ' . ' « t l» t i .i *}. '• »• r \ »• e •, Mi, hi'/iti, r- .• ^•.ttp ;«i.'i K« 11' Ix k f h.p f. .. vr«>f r CI'MVa \>.. J tp.iMi. >. ' t! • l,i it it'lit n' K\ a j. •>!-'!:. I!i t • ... ■ BULLETIN COX| IIXHHIXIW «f last >hau In seoiea two rot Hi van i Ks< in xii»*h hung ou fur a aloaa 10-14 vietot# rriiffontainr JOMX'NV COX nni i m hi hi (mints and is luuled in the (uo«e«« hut all VI riliifidii . i suit ai \n lines P i he »»jrUtix heat Xlar (j lie tie i Martini r«»tei lim M< - ' luarri i| ueiie I i id a« nuht thev earn "» a it|» Imif lis l*i Makes lee Una Is. 5-0 ** a tump Use right '»> !«<» K e ail us k v "»ai ligh Schoolers Gel shot, is the hinllier »f M»l t all ifd.n i "sa. h I'srddx Noater«as«i time hi«h «ei»r»r Jiiliua Mi ( ov. stalest *k iiihsatstlx helm, leav t -fei'e; a> •* X * xt.torx flu .. . in a ovet Kai>pa • Hrsl xx the »erond period t% al with I !< an GLADMER a*»i»t fi um Kou llerman-on tlx JIM W AIIIM.lOV * 1 # X* I • Utrafi wrfstlinv tpam is takinv e« «• I lie 1" ki-.»,IO«t.-. > -el J s:' • ' eel. H* staiaad a I P*. -a ended t»ie with s til "is I outstanding plax •ui •. re-' » I he sparlaus IN !■ omlnt foothall manager* Mr hum * , ' *»ete a*ked let meet al 1 !# |i m In tanked t'urd and setetilh in llie dax In JIX ieni»oi, - i'jfi High v » \ ». • tf-.-K. *!«•*• .g Ixxu I hex Iii.jI tn fixed |>te»« a a*»«n hve lalion in I lie fuM poll* tor Sorter Phixer* - STARTING SATURDAY * ■ •'• e a tl e found -•-■ A ic.ifsg X meeting tot alt me misers of *l'l M VI i M. V<.I Ml \ I ti e xaiMtx and tre*hii. j » e State a .rr I out |set It ton for the Wall la iii *•« • n of ' se ro.K IX tr*l lnij X. arrt i* i lose learn* will »• 5 he held at * tunight INTACT! UNCUT! lie I X leigusott and III I.sxsii. „f the |X| tsiilld.i j j, :he Su - '- A • . • xt re n mine X\ ond i X in one inteie*|ed ip glaum 1 »ti 12 dr. n r x max aim attend I ll»»h behind l« .• (•emament fa loin Hatai who »a s.rrd t*> i. e An Absolute Mustl i • hrte Irfrndlni champion fa«lern » r*.uutrd mil Starts SHARE IT Mlv. «raX*>» •*•» • IM Results TODAY WITH YOUR . a e V. - • U xio< ' m '<> . t l«:W, htfh «r»Hir» « H > pHfieei« v * w . ta«f I lumbal I Ijl)*)!^ are dais aiwi ► !' > ■ e- a .-x»s- n ■ " *•.»• Uig f •' •>' I %n>nf • I* t Us soon* V *»S ti •* »t* l" • t i »!!» . • *.ll«.i»'» l| M iiiee r»» Id • i« lilt Nu I .M»*» • 4 4i - 7 HI - to to WHOLE FAMILY! unsr)** wg.r a ■' >'• I M»«» ' *> Rit,ia ^ -- atal tu fight - . si "»o k «l\ * V si to I I LOUISE •no p>tfthl »« on nRimil s i mih »Hol* i»m Mfl. t"*T'C j earl * V I %»f I IK s I HOLUMAN ■ :»I STATE \ /# 2^. "ho hud to Pwi texal o< a I SHOW iT ^ fefiri - — !»%%«•• - i.M ml ^ . |riHMT HI S SIIOOIS*. V***! * . ieaturra VWaT J . al J tl . » 51 ^COMIO*!* ggmskjb "FMUC ON A HIGH COMIC LEVU!" iff , - axtu. ' b-N a • •WUBMS! U«* •»>•': :icil Sa/ic» tl -Tnii !i!IK Island' HI Ct.11.11 toe* UM cV».»o« r. "* ***. * UmwOx, » | mm S|NM si P'f.s Be-u.ti trt ii UUannui u tiul" HL5T0N • BRYNNER • BAXTtR* R061NS0M »tt* »bb Cm*. Wmtt CM#. *«• « i $m fVO*hf t!M* JO*m | - Dt CARLO-PAGLT-KRtK V» CtSfC h*N Awrn* dUChfrf r»«ctsi MAJtOWlCKC • fOCH • 5C0T1 • AHOU&Ott WCl - *-* CAa»'i .*!. l« I.IK mi* . M, XI,I HIM UMl _ XIII 1.1* | %„ >HOM HMK UXX XIX»* — IX.A I «|X XI M irtNjy UNO — Ill KNX I.XM TWII IIAXS! — I .1.1 I.K.N I Mill ||. XXIIIMI M. SVII'MOVV 7 kradems NuminAlrd "Sriurilc TiLIm9 *lloW * *IXK| trie - I «* . a ** p H HIXklA'HIX* | ■Oi KB OA IIN' ToAd'i TiMfM — l:i* - 3:14 - 5:4# • 7:5# • !•:*" Uixru mix"