x ALL TH;5 UWLD Thfpg IFWNOir! I FOUND IT.1! Students Urged lo Act 011 ROTC Issue MA HA MANAMA MA, NOTf* Nfe /icv? iNfePlfflNfe ThAn *-4f 6;«5HT OF MC wA- WE HAVE HKKN ASKKIl how fJO'ir run he rhitru'ctl yonr opinion,-without fear of reprisal, in the State New* 1 FOUND IT I F0UN0 IT! I FOUND IT! MEE HKHBMSHK IFOUNO ITi I FOUND ITS JJ5T TA the fir«t land erant 1- All of these thinps von can do. if you want to. Ail that needed to place militnn trainiup on a voluntary basis sirli i- the approval of the State Hoard of Agriculture. MSL"s •olletcr to eliminate r«intj»ulsor\ H«»"! « Hei'inninv with -in¬ Caniptifi ClNtdifietiii Your Key yo Better Y'dlue* . dent protests and the formation o? an Anti-f oniptdr-orv iroxerninp horh. The State Hoard is resjatnsilliesto the citi- /en of Michipan, the state lepislature. the university, and Miliary Drill l^ajrue, the Minm-ota eampHiifti yteu into - -t intent* CLASSIFIEDS well. CAMPUS as Student nuut* meetings. cirtMilation of petitions Httaant Incit! 1S atmients. state legislators and citr/en- of the state, an i . 'I hi- i- America There is n<> djctafor-tiip in Washlfip- ton. I.ansinc. or Ka- ' I.; n-invr thifc sa> s l»OT< has, is. and finally fneiixitifr on the Hoard of Repent « A similar eanipaipn at IVnrisylvania State e\i nfualP. led nil! alv\ay- he compol-ott The rnerntiers of the Slate Hoard . ED 2-1511 EXT. 2611 are not op res. In •liminatinp compulsory IJO'l't there. The means used IIKA 1)1.INKS: 2 p.m. DAI KKI'DKK Pi'IH.IC ATKlX FOR Tt ES, WED, ^1 Vtll WANT liOTC changed, you can do it. Hut no bd Penn State were the same as at Milinesot,.. Student one is poinp to do it for vou. Riot- and untidy demonstra¬ THCRS.. AMI FNI. EDITIONS •nmpaiitt« frew info an onm nixed effort to place Rt/IT on WON. EDITION DKADI.INE: Z p.m. FRI. tions, however, are not needed and would he more detri¬ ft voluntary basis. mental than beneficial. Bill- Payable M-12 ami 1-5 Monday thrunab Friday Although at some schools protests ayalnst eompulson If \ou want the rtilinp clumped, let vour representative . military training have pot ten out hand and near ri«»tinp Iioth in latnsinp ami on campu know ntmnt it make it an haa occurred, th»« sort of thing is totally unecessary and CL ASSIFIFD RATES issue in the next At'Sfi election-. Petition the- State Hoard walltol fnv. of Apriculttire. Hold meet lup¬ minimum 15 wordi FOR SALE HOUSING I REAL ESTATI in short, state your cast calmb and responsibly. Stick I day 15c POXMOtl PX QU'T IUSINESS COP RENT K>* SALE YOI% THE fl'ITMKNTS of MSI', should ha\e and. in .... to if. and it is sure to chanpe, ? dayt $145 All STOCK MOvfO fact, do have a say about >ui h matter^. \ on <-i»-«-t \ our re- - »oo»i -ti.vtion 3 ra-TrnNnn pranantartva* fco Student Government, pm ran express Jf* up to you. dayt $1.95 TO FtANOOl n -''"""at Tirmt offering on th. 4 dayt ...... $2.2$ rx« rt4.CN HKTVA-Pt o I.M jr..,,, ^ toeellant . CitoAMTTW. to »• awtas to m hati. • «t antra.,.• m inrr yoas pr|,.# IriehNtaf | I dayt ... .... $2.10 W flrand A var M> > tato *' "Arking tarn toil n, hen aui.iprnan' Letters In the Kilil.tr hanM Hi to! tod .nn BOOM*- FOB toc!a» • For aaftila %(av f Oh plaam ADDITIONAL CHARGSt to dcrrien *<\C parvisg Vtr.V ♦* to-'« » •iffA R'd.artma Pet*"s2| St r»i f#r tack word dvar 15 to# 1-nt'T af»a» t a 'A iSS""' * »-,-r« Student, Prof Disagree ROTC Issue a01h mhtftlfe i id »sd > SO* f*. - as ma w afta 'forma r;»ane I » nook ■•.^t *HA e nutter *outhea*1 hkdnoom cotovrl Uiiuitioii^rlca 1 suprinaad of tlSgga Th escalient "*« I es. *• d drao- ioa are i hot* fiim toftt*»rbd Tti# stn»ed forces <»f rtie Unp¬ A* I «ee the iltuatioii. tint ,* ■ nr 't ai, one of u« in hi* fu. DtCKIf PANT* - aod to .. tm-ludpa hi» lahasl Paia fig Sto t'ieiendai " "Armani, quitw iwift'Oiii'i i«*USM* mi ad State* not only .o« entitled an lllogKtal philmopn* I ha\> *.tiioi vine, term, ^od «e ear. ir.*noNi i.o.ti a.. • •«! N«1 •••91 to h.uMf en j tmr « *ior r „ details pleaae i/.ntgr* I daeappewtl of in# R'Vrt' pro- to but need tf.. .seiiK-rstion of no ubieidion that th»#e w ho br¬ «> 'ust^hi/r w'tlh hi* plipht • ANNON tHfptl | W |< 4 , m Pite:«vn RaaHi Qy I frwm m bpprurud m< ».* tCe uinvervltie* in providing well ieve in it u> t« teach M tv Keep >*(. the fond work, and ^ tolf $, Miak.faa rrmifo »»o<»« Riiosr ">ra l-ftm. gsantog* d6 A n to i «# Pile pm nf WeiinrsUi.v. Ho* ed«H al«s1 tearlem fur the futura ndirt • tha n.Hg will aell like $ hand •OAkd a*;«tpe *«• % -r ;t':. I of •otriplsc. ot John Andrrsrti On otfie, hand J Hunk Htliertati Ot //arH tn* DON TI A* •mA.VDOa N|AR gam gnM.nl vartnet irt a 4 dsar. 4 "•*" itrtnri interna- Instructor nf foiMltl that rt stiuukl r>w posaitde Uih' Herb taenia* IPhtN* lACkkH - n** »«ng ta-- v diooirt w« have * * * HASSO -T4* md <* *»• mslir rvrn belter oftlrers tb*n «o eweiv* anao Oto smm nuiM ri|il« and *tudenu should • rwuung. miltvabt ion aw bto SERVICI •new ft * dMhej M thm ' I fo«*f 'H*d ►' »s utifui ihi .Cn * W .esuiai t»t ttie Week" aeitea. IWNklP JACHU toua m tottot sou, feto (Jueslions H> Urn M hum « .wiiver».'M, nioiMe-e*Ji» e 4 * a* qnoted aa liaving hmhI* »'(•! -a- 9* «t to** Uosa AI'tolOVBO Ot»U i» NUUV tor piritM ultarnirton »f frev ttwiiufv' . id MM* o.u# o|M*i W«e A (Two' You"*" Represent •Su.ten'* 't,. •tow qi ^ 111*' HMIM< t »i Istlo ptitland- tot'NC ..nly VtA*. pat .1r» ro afiars Cars a HvONtto JHOP wf »n eo i euwhlii ' aaee aw If I aeie a*ion H UU nrtioa Ad 40W AMO Ml ow . iabW Nra«mn a pi Of oaar nation'* H.Ih C..4 pmr t'.'P U* too Ha M*Q 1 Freedom- a • kdmiimIIWII . • • m aa an»a nntM'1 bnva lo Pus Driva tti f-WUt tOMt VI»fT QUP NIW ■ tot 0m vrrtulM'* ac .»• Ut# anu d« H* « toO«| . gin, ,,i. mm a fcraan. Tt*ara a an HlnbV roll MPS »'.IA ■rat luum, we wain h*ve pn>«l t«» a'rti.lMi.n .«»e s «ut»! In ha' N Hu aindeoia tsr Moump rot a fb On Mu« I *® h« ■imiiwit with »u< e m«9» hell end Oi.ri U> »u« i. un vt-a«.ai at.uiiidn i be mafia p> gnitar son, anuria RtO toathar POR RENT 4HP (», «».d WMS* Un-aa •■Uisa •«. e»..-rra i up aher » •to* a-oi r» m..rr» ap ap |,J yaa J tw* ■•eater, turn utohaio*. < rnnll bptia, lo the Mtt«a« 1 *• o» grade* rat p *, WtUo IMI KM.ei re s» etf'. iiuie" of aale funda" Ko ■m«, M ■Mto»M.S HII<1(S»tMhl«|t 5fiv v*»- tvell . tKNBtli; eixi U» oiiim. seaf« ve» 'htf V.»wi eOUnrt^ of M>«Mtoa torta I. ! have never baa bnaa tltion •tat bev spk-et 01 Dot fti a 4xn aim.ii«. i e r to* u> Tu»«, torn *ii.rst.gar Vch, ta CO I •*•■ rtuesttartiNic tli# »is<|«*., •.< prtll- «m at AI aPi . , Mm UutUd Wh— avd ...i ..I »• u . u.. wrwei ba a Mala Nesra mH"> i.a i r isaa v«»t».«« a«. >•* sisw rveibo MV MUMP h» U •"es and iffiiiHlhiiu of the oul- I mutpt »u*W ra4 t'eare bv lieslriia lion? vers.tr etimnd IMP reeN. tha rep. aa m- piuasialiain Mudaaii rmrsi u# #. Hot. ,'a invalid. i aa* MNttHAf r ainu of UcuKirig (rt-is.rtje •bennlete gusra OuIjlmi r ' A»H nf ever* oMr * . . 8 fu itl t»v if»i» ni.i. v t.'iuiie «i< 9 Wl att*ar -Lh a (|i tola line as • alien I Ute* git« ■v ma M uprrMmtrd the beet* es wan reii WAfJ; S'M I1PN1 nf H e lilted Vste® Ui e«n.ti U*» k ittr iH.ee ui diae no* radlevS n.) pei - mm fctai )u«* *#iit» HiHa.it »ht pie-»%ett opattHio uf atudenti b*m siuubHAKbe siatioi »• TV RADIO Ml rr ton a optn I (H> »»4»l hHsi'va if iim. in'uiiti end wotiiig *itii.»ii< aoimniKtrative ut m" h»gai Ualuae -ws-oiif.. '<•« ?•'vi.a si>. Fi'i.ii#* ft) l-VTlvl rtMti l|.|»|rtM«a aUMemetda to fepr at y fl«M>g ruirt'er a* id l isb* *t abcrov kir h<. -in4* vicn bsip POt/4 DlIU eon n»a blaie Mawa, Michigan Stale ISchs *• »••«■** ' uu.veiMitvt agio Viewpoint' * «n :h# hwie'.ion o« a te* o' 4 « pi.i tee 1 further WHi. «-i r.«eee* bra' Uia r«- tied vertft Ute re' m< 'i.w a\ a. l lama" drive wrier aw. as wage Rha«,« ihiv bad" 4ii. mileage if* riaa»a« e«it«let>>n -»»s»i 41Tf*4f-llV» i.rt.g it,„ „ o .*iu' frui A«a I# ru m, Hi'. i-mm # » ■ ' »)a« • lllg * ■# n M at I mgu ■« s out PttfT I0v« Hbta UsilrllH Slid t artoa of Ml 4 f*8- •aa* ua#' *4i%# o«a* # a. ,i#r ( null. Id an me of hi* avfrMsnant*. Mf.»« . Sla tohirtP- gs* F»" a III J HM U RIHIMS roe vrx T-., w «« _______ St' * WMMraa piin'oif f'ltiue atatetnetite bfrt* Hs-'S - ,»u.'.,«o..i i.» »im.i»..i. ». i. . larto. BtaM Lane >a M> I FOR SALI i hi t RMM4RI) six room h-. ■ HuDM' VKkw ryrt dhe ethsral |f .1* wtriia #'h»n idt basse eered M r ■ Ik".* d.y'a sr.•thing e ...d' i iy«l , Aaif * grx i f wsas* l pAr« aaq* to to to "• • *f »•- »e.»<1. R i sap #• a aa-- *••• #» , l<* • I >* Mb* . t ItNl I RfbfHiPOV: m*.ii ar 'rMcklhifj.'I'iitorhig tr Mtci •oetato It#.- ai.i) ? leu #f»r mil# 11 44114 ti- Bii4g * I -a. ilit || e U»( #• Chwi# I -.ei.1 NOUMI • .#- b' - #• OP MM »«k Hal- >!4 ) M HAtTfORO MAbO LAMNObT *1 hi pre **«*» Vol If MUNfl to tr. -wis FD Z At".* Waan Do- ■ ear if 4 em *«-.*•'« .ui. fobuv v, !t>. tv •r.ev.n'i# tier »#'»".« ?• the Idilot M hir If" TRUITONI it k ♦ r v bAuio d » a-n «aiHy> arnvM-r maa*a I I'nif D«u«tieUx e goofed n I 4 « y> ta puiaaiit# Mas and .MM i ciaurr Tip* • sales We.- <«sNta* HOI U4 P A.N U si My,4 J ulia ai.avkir r *.•■1' issue <»f a* * a*- MUNT2 t««y »•« APART MINH I4.W #d •#■< Xtm . an a •1> t U I • pn. ua.li ng >u .smnei tirv. w th 'he e.)n- re a. >11* « mm II t rt> s ui ovitaan* sir ..g,s'i.. • ar. ft MM p » -SJ..M . he SllVlRTONI * engagrst \ . t»*t< who »-■ *11A CAbK torn - * k anu to. k e we ' lufor SV'T.a Pivs d« «r« bi»u I h tiahhis age )4 RD 7 SUS a as vers ttiin mi t? SPARtON w it*' 'he (Kstperativa t « ve- MC M M AFAHtViCNT first sj. 'M ,»f H.o ata'eri efi' >| se- • #* paid Ps's -* iit># IM tk OLIMPIC a - «» ,o'♦so |M Ui 131* I KCnt.;.. %* K ,r> ; (vr a* « 'h «•.* .sge •lent .' .h-nild ,ve h» »#«..i e Ptuf. t1.».an rt-hfi rintv A ffARMLv TtWtCffF ItOfeC *0M RAi me# tags #asemsh" »pari |)a ..gnei's U«a' a..ivsh w*»o -r ,i O- a lb. k -ft* a THOMPSOl Xssoit ».ava yf# - py- m». • kssorlslr |*iwfessot af \o raefemg f'O »•!»» WM. H. f lauana Ma I nf lt«b ir motorola. A EiRiM C %)4 >se Pisa ear iaw< b> ru.t k'',' vt-'l' >UU I * •bam to It Vcli* tJ.S' er.gsg.ng fixer p«*< m tip* ,.»n in,, en niam. a iPARTON Car* nig IV t-4ito LOST and FOUND F3HTHT rSMM FAPU and t» e*ng an an alaruir toaewrnw ' H t let natty i'v i> in xou. lei" whether ha II >1, imiiiiliiful --a « * I DM »r two RAW Wto nee ISSN n*tr«MS It in te Pai t ot *a know* • (»,»• 1 2» (uf W • TVPIKG TUM RARrJto a attpUne torn ktii.irir fiapasad femradmant Sa. ... i two rotivrs Cant, rssaunatals IV I MR to' Virion A%st |*i »f si %ll ta the toll -1 uhersils it Danre tran Mkiils t ainmuRMra- siwdeni Internment eenstt Mateo -Xi»m ihy'ad lo- PERSONAL too* i ilef r" • c a. «#»»o a, • • ,#*. At* U'.H»4#« i u.et >.«4# For H Cryaut- to to to lutiant smiArng FO THf FIN ART III ,»m I.fad iam Itolele Amendment 9, dee lark n .aa umOK The Ptagkuik Id" muntz a#" * -• -j# i-ss •tax r r r H Spiirlmi Kcailcr Jim ena r~ r T- r* 3- Cupid rr T ttun t * ■ EET j ?« Rtg.ktri ,ug ri'pitrlui * femrndment V. Hartten t. AT?fX* N *• I t» ' . •- a., — va; a°'* • tod Mhar*. Can'an 29a I' Wl tur Sy. *■* " lv "• r r V Cook .ng ve»wt Vlaga/inc gtipulatrs that dential < %l Mi and Ida tea meat bate presi¬ VV A I,"A iC% J - ■ ty J :.i u*-': " VARTY """ UMIIAJN > OlXil l^nd ". "I to ass A 0*v 0S« ■ a ra d a ■ uii «- ac-vt V #■*.#» A. LAHtb— LMfNOAV M Old pirr# aud maiutma IVM/R WE.S J*'j dancaw Kfspl Longrululatioiia a minim am -isis "vi h* , nt mac~ m aw«9 rr er cloth all rnllege grade paint' aree- to a- to case. d*e%. : „**V; A.■ t-,4 ■« >«« • — . jr - M Ordeilv In tba Idllur a«e «f 9 to tv tichnic'ans co 'SV '* T" * HWA.7 MM.V DUVW «.! transportation IT fir .11 Wrarm «S-,»)d«a)'- 'la. >4led rake ii* -etvtng |g it Afieeoenl Haviif jnet nm.-tied Spartan ic?2 t michigan ACAHl vFM h)N vf..\ Clear ,V Hftob.. ~ " ?r brtvirrn IV. 1 frel it i* t*n!\ fair to g.*e ofln i am to 4 p.m. daily '•'"Piii *,«g at »c*fc-e C ri • P M i ... - . . SlTO Nf. " Ui nat.Xms l'e n>rs «wr* I*f thv Hpartan siatT llirhisan Slalr »w§ PHONI IV T MM •toJSWJrr. « o. « r,.»»«,> ma. £ icSTV vca.-"" m ' 1j r IT" rr «F N Impsor.e It llroadan md The toacan'ne ig.'Wtulatkm the) .te*e;\a m narie n'A an >41 huo. feed Sisdast Sarvires tiltfi laagr war.b af * np« *ls«eais «na taaa saan th# si m r*M tf JIT " •to Yeunf ua to rough r on* taaluatva aaftag toll, ataas aav* Moedra •t» f!\r.utpRurr kit tar in tojomr roe men to ne» hntne alasaa noufr'aj'y r * dfe(> Lj boma pnprovMrent mar Hie teet three voter sad snrttg terou aaceat Mile KD J-m4? a'lar 4 *<»uira. Ito Olitaier at rait rtiiaia en'ran.# mg available fd nta mtd *n.»i»ars ps-g mnBmanSanfeadknmBBS&B I tt bs'iev. la m 1 \2 C.a:t Help# I not tda «• teim waaktv and one ipaanl f-smmni tsaua eunng summer *T REAL ESTATE MT ir w 43 Rfride tea is g.»', a bang out at the Haieaan turnmaf and fall tfoss NPrttAt NWART RAN FRY dec I Ai JVC rai TV Hcn.SC Eh Cto'yr \ r/is m At S3 *' Joke* and J h-«pe the feUow va»» tn.i due .toubia ■ v.» una «uge ante Fnr«rad aa saeooa class atattar un¬ tiereg trgiviEfuaffi de...taf- 44 Hi it ok .tppwpu ••# ,-iai call rv" >mic "" •ees ng "Help hw ilia .Vaadp- der tot ef March I lt79 at tba atd - ai ir] m fiaterma* Conbmae aftiea Cost Laoatag Mien kiad I I Hito it HI aavabto la ad- g^to^torving 14 (eh »> 74 IHion. .7^.^,, ,v OOmtt F-ouas OX tha sao* sign wanted •w'TSTnuJ^iii^icjV'w Three vanaa f«r ana Wrm ramn kamanrng. n ta-. tor mi d tim □ tion EMPLOYMENT r* 7"f f» Hv >0 N (It tb* Might Staff ta-a n*seetabMl Prssa ta ante ad '—^ ;? gaSSTVir-flaWf JShm H.U. i»n't , ■a ar 4 -adrth,!'. iEBatKaa taut yaw Cn* U RIAfV If MRUS ddHa |MW 1 MCabr lm * mftes R si m ■i ■ J -n Ti Xi«m iiaier an triiiwi ev • .islva'v ta th# use for rveubli- ation «r all tha tocal aaws pruned 4a WfANTFD tvmir* |g and o%er ie gait !(•%*« ta'aphnna nor* i\>ur ^."ssnjhkat I rtuSTKSLJi - * lira h a da.ts a ssi* good gap "fe *U"~ - CAMPUS CLASSI>'140* ! WsKiSlfl # parties Set Ballot Box Fai//i Groups !? f ;ri3 Sri Activities cekencl Newlv e'ee'ed off ice ra A Al¬ : 4 V7¥ NH'ial Pace pha 1 Bob v;re au Huebner pre- den*. Omega S«4pra» Te- p; < «;. # #* * Attend Church This Sunday 5 / » v Be-'.svi'-fe M . y ♦ «... *a fT-e-pe pV. a »»e».er oi ii and parties provide a Tony S- Trase-*# pt c!o«:ng for the winter • . «. 5 • . -» >ra V«r% e* ard part)#« EAST LANSING CHURCHES i -.« J' r; ser «rtar> T*rr> -orm Ja¬ r • -.a! activities. Car.rero-^^ C ! a a naf'Otea ma.i a. N Y aoj ",'f-r^# • • for a enr np;«r a- S > ■s "fau Delta wil! nave .'-• „ formal term party this Reeri*:-. #>.. Vv-^ #f Sunday e%er..r^ F- ov in# *e>» l»elta t p*il'in s -xer he Pe% He-o . • fi-om T 15-12 B"b Ebcr- are: - #* •■##,;. .rchestra will prm-de .V* Cref-r: Oa* a -r •■;# * / J 0 Tr •. er«aty Lutnarat: CHRISTIAN NC3T CHURCH « •. music at Walnut H.!!« "•• v e pre* *•#•„ Terr W-r*e-- C ^-cti a «ae a You e •n-w.m t# -*■ MARTIN 10THE! UNIVERSITY LUTHERAN *< r Km.-* \V.'r< Hope QWST XKNTTST h *•' fr- Club REOPUS CHURd STUDENT • • Ha O - * ,-i*n k Ball" is the *h» ■ of Jv -de? <*. -«•#-* V Y --«■** • • .a, • ~ a B»" - O -V. cm <; :e* CHAPEL ONJRCN | , Aloha Delta Pt party the chanter hou-e, .la* Seer w*» • .... A- •'«'. « * ♦ ^ir*e EAST LANSM6 FOUNDATION 4 , . Tt Lformal parti#* and dan##*. JU 'jr >• * a e-t« ? ~ We-ir^aday >- Vo- e'; -«• #" n»e AND STUDENT (ENTER 1 N— * - 'm* * T>#- tamo a? fenaone I ae Held thi* evening at Ea*t la Chi , * A Crape |ff*•#» em*** a *aa ;i* . : •» ,-•<-•# ;*r • ».-# e„ , nde thta eremite at •a» Mev>- •e# a. mmw Krr«.j>rtj-. V V . - m'-mtj/.r mi »»»«• a—a «•« MMi ■ *»• «e »iom m*m k* % - , . m i h« a m mm > •' * i' ' a '*»- *j at*H M> !-»» i fc/m* Kappa cnsn\ will >3n . '-J ' ' . - »-•#-• - e af 1 V p - to rounder's Day Sa' . «\* N Y - ; . < a*. ».•« •' S .--ae* Ovi* ra*. or CRKteT •»'.• Miaat' •MMnar Ma*i<« r pvening at a dinner-dare# W* ■ n#tt ft*##*# > oa * %4f k -• »-.« -*•_ »- i Mi >• it mm4 *« jkrehie TarpnfTa reetauraTV. Ph, ■ -a , - . * a m 0*4 um vaa • iao it etnei. im*h a<*« mouth Duo." annual • •«! l.fMI aaii id e»"i>i iM twin j presented by^Kapv* Kop- Bam A- * A. ., -« #♦»«• »••-'« #'»«»•« t r* 9 rn —4 • * • m VfiammJI and P. Beta Phi >« eMail r«ai «#a i* iim > •• n.'i Vrday evening from 8-12 at * 14 #■> • ■If* »»4 ' I • * » f« |Hn»ei Roneavelt tiiiraaa M*M»f a»m« 9»4 f.-tit Jiyboy will vie'4 '-he A/.-.er* M«- - 'innmgi - .o r « - . t »x nun a itiHii » • -> it* I Lefwn Hall Saturday #%#- . - \a- J . e- mt»nm e»»«^i »e» P-Mas# ***** Rm'M !••••♦•« i ia : )• a%*»i ariMMi 1*1 *!«*• (KM ' I r- Phi Kapp* Stfma re •- «*- - >.+ .* ♦ - MM »«M *»• aoita a a mm at the Playboy Party if e.r.g vc-' -r-•■■■*■ %» . > - *1 FH A I Ml OM|(,% ■ X'f» III aaiaait# IJ ixiihi | for purohaeinf *h# mr«'. * ^ r • '4" . ex; - - M*o It'iaH S H ' a® m a at km it P>t to J-Hnp. VJ'-' a A«: « •* * ■ . i -> •* r t F-» " a ■ * as •»« •;»#»•«# • (n« »*|« firMiiti x» ox t-na# fpha Gamma Phe m-j»* has* }U' m s, ' ' * rt- o- 'ja .J •. a*-. pj ii,- . if MdN at the eharw Bev S'effe* ">a-»>••* 'ty, - v, m| » Ban..« read Ifeauea. and Fran 'AV.-, c-.e--*- •ae-** are p#t t*p#i ST. JOHN CHURCH METHODIST CHURCH Of EDGEWOOD EASTMINSTER EAST LANSING ' 4 CATHOLIC STUDENT . EAST LANSING PEOPLES CHURCH PRESBYTERIAN TRINITY CHURCH JUNE GRADUATES CENTER WESLEY FOUNDATION 0*4 I 441 |Miitii>«ui*n>ia * 9*40**'* 9*04 CHURCH 0 #• 4»« 000-90 T((.» *1 40m»m0 9-*0000f • m* 4*0*0/ 04 fie Uieat e* i »•♦»«• i* ft V »!ef*e m 90**9* 0**49. mt #»••« 9***m *<« §**»•• I H9'0--004 "4 0 ■*>■*■* Order Your %r 9 a * A"i*ii fcl»'|l Xli'i'l I Jl'tll : I •«. Ik 9**0*0a a HKiet # t«»f w • f» It wk >00 #»##•« ie« f liaiki aailAwt »< •»!•** fieri * -a t - • a« •.« aa • tit# Caps and Gowns t i *• ft 10 ft t«»Ms a# «««#».mi fiaina# • I U t * lit < 9**00 • at a a* 9 i» m * m I 9* . w » • • • (*i 4#«ff INI «M!M1 UIMIItlhl • n»e ** % *••"«! • .1 t*a IRI r«*» 1 ■"» •it **« ♦«.» * (•»!■» fit e i.« tin' i»» *9 t#» !•»«(» A Ue»e»«Mi Graduation e*•«-»* mi m i * « w tit •*-.»# •: ,i m t a ♦**•• »**.'• I • » 00 t a i#e»»» I'lll 00-* 0040> >1.111 • narwM . . y«ien ' #--4 »♦•• «»i t 00 4% * *4* I#*- * 4*0*0 *0* 1 * •*'*»* 9-r.4*0*0 .4 9*0** 0t t ti i*t »» «» • MX# Announcements tAffilir 111 f>l\f aanot mi»I« I< *mi *y 9 'it B»»M t m (» it* > utM •»**•» a (*•»<■> ilKM B t» « '»'*»#• in4fc- n i» et *m* *»♦»• «#.f f%e- 40 01-t'w- * ,4*4*4 90*0m t« M tin 4# *!•« N H lilMl ' M I %m iiiM (• 1 4*n NOW! lit te#ar l »»U SOUTH BAPTIST CHURCH FIRST WESLEYAN METHODIST CiURCH AU SAJNTS UNION BOOK STORE EPISCOPAL CHURCH tM IIM R^a »h ■ »"» l**i't 9 i »it" p » »»>■*»■«a < ft-1 •t. >»» a • *1 • I r,#«-g. ft »r »a # b 'Kit au#*4 -99 ft ta a -♦ **01 ft#.* #«4MI 9 90*10* - tM»w*»a 1 Uttt (•*•»• #;«a e • »aa ft.M. Mm •*»«*• ft*•« «■ — Ml Itt.Ml — tm MM tumai »•* I.MMI »•' — < aa tm 99*999 99919*0 09 04 - a«e* »»» •ei* *• •- il*l if» >•> I<«**IH i# ••> • m ft m U 009 » — a* ■ ■ ■— <* »«*■—■• . • .* > • »- •* 44 1 •■•*» * 1 » (.• »>« 1 ata 00*0*9 le- tip 4 4 9 00-4/■ !« >«• a a « taaeyi Co » 1 r ■ iau-.rxii^ ftrjxrsiOLrjtvr-jr ■ to > .• ^ r. <•: Somo * V ; — ' Church Even- Sunday I: i ■. VISIT IKE UNIVERSITY CHAPEl '' ■. ; V •« : * ■; ** Oil VET BAPTIST FIRST PtiSIYERfAM CENTRAL METNOOSI - k M ia*j»4im te»t a «># fie## • 4# ft ma-city mt church M« V KKNMt CNUKN *'"•*0 0 01 €901/0*0 **«••• aa «ftft-u IJ F l (M ft .* 909040090m 9*9900000*0. 9*0 ft —.* 1-0" ft*i 100* » «v fti aa* « a it tfttiaft Fftaiua 9** ft .-.ft ft 0*9" *<499*' IXM ta# e ja t aa • a* l.a.t«» ft-fta »#»M »tti ft !*• «.#•» * a**»*. ••••**#» e»- MI 0t ta-Vt## >9',*0m0 im #t*ttat ftttfaMt »iata atiMti**! iW* it a# •« tamaaa# • •♦•**# tm r.M $4**»t»*0 ta >a 40*99 ut—9* I 4» (it i ft .***•"»* , uP f #» #* at 1 m 9 m 9*00*04 »9*9tnmm*i _ 9*« P#»»4tx# •##»»#« §#*a*i 0* 01 »1 »4 9 49 t u i« MI tat ra 00**04 R«#» * *--** Uftn #«* §40 m**' «•#«*»• (ft•««*#* a* *>M*«»t •* '»» a##***) • *• ftwae* »•»»•-♦»* aa • i» special! 4*ft t% »#<>*•♦* ' f 'M •»».-** Somebody pretty »*- |t#ft*ft*-ia*«#* • «a i(*4i« 0*44**4 ««e« taut •*> •*«- 4*mr*m> • 0 » jV|__ T»«X mrtt W««4*. UMVaSAUST EAST , - m ■itJir"- -k— FWST CMQTIAN LAISMi COnRAL MB BETHANY BAPTOT UMTY CENTER 22ST JS1& ~ ^ - - ^*jr . tfi • «-'.*# 9**0* «a § €**>00*000049 I •« •- U *• *«!*»* ptj*HI a ftutaa ea#M» - taf-V WkT »•*•*■» u M aa •« ■ -*T ^ 1^4 o.fc.-e d- «r-»*—» <•"« »" "• •ft tit) KM ft ln« - rJ Mi— Pk««^ aai 0009044 it aa a x • .(.«• I llftK t . • • t'»mm4 • 0*00/9 i 000 >4 » 4 99 HI I* 9 * 99 B Aft e—*r*|J."'1" . |.« Iw 1999-9009* t% ft MP). gdHU ICLL «M (t» I-A V44 I aft s.^.- / M l". MICmflAH STATS IflWS Ted Lindsay Iii Other NCAA Cage Action lXHIRITIOX BASEBALL BASEBALL SCORES Forgets Ties M K State, Cincinnati Should Me< ■mIM mail we. »RlUmore Ban Pranc-lar* 4, (lotion t Villus *». 81. 1-onU Cincinnati 9. Pltteknrgh • MIVU—nkH vi. Chki|» Vtttolwink u Rnui ( My |*o fnnrliw yi. Chirac0 Kfw York It, (laltlmofr ClrvaUnd *, Chicafo INI • lift mil and St. Lanis (mini With Detroit Mew Tor* n Detroit at l.akel H'athington and Kanaat rltjr friMt It* THE ASSOCIAIID PRESS teams from coast to coast, will of ♦he season and four of the AP Veteran Making Kansas State, the freshly bo held tonight and tomArow all-Arnericas will be on display. Toinelnirk of War* f ANNUAL ST. MTRNNTS DANCE f NEW YORK '4*1—T«d Lindsay crowned team tucky's of top-ranking the nation, defending champs, and college Ken¬ risk night in four sections of the country. When the widespread firing is ended, f'Hir teams will The five teams second-ranked are Kansas Stat*; Kentucky; Cin¬ DELL'S BALLROOM, LAKE LANSMG j Is making the comeback of tho vcar In the National Hockey their laurels tonight in the gional eliminations of the 1959 re¬ qualify for the showdown. March 20-21 Hall. in Louisville's Freedom cinnati, No. 5; No. 6; and Michigan State, West Virginia, 10th. The all-Americas are Oscar flatiriayl rati—al A—L Kansas Stoto baa tha 1 oord in tha «olleg*'a 1 League while boosting the Chi¬ NCAA basketball championship Thin Sul., Mar. 14, 8:30 to 2 A.M. tournament. Five of the top 10 teams in Robertson, Cincinnati's national a 20-game cago Black Hawk- toward their higheit regular season finish in The eliminations, involving 16 the Associated Press' final poll scoring leader with a 33.2 aver¬ longest in the nation. 19* j Mponvorari br American Legion Pwl <69 age; Big Bob Boozer of Kansas cats were beaten by 24 years Daurtng to the Muale of MFItLYN OATFfi and hit II I* Orchestra | "And." na id the 33-vear-old After '59 Season State; Jerry West of West Vir¬ Young. 77-68. in thtor fifto | Dufv Dauthrrtjr It eomlnc to celebrate ~ veteran of 15 pro seasons today, ginia and Johnny Cox of Ken¬ of the aaaa the wrirint of thr "firem* r tucky. The other al!-America, A year "If wouldn't have to be a come¬ TFD LINDSAY whipped Cincinnati in — { Admlttion 91.50 per prrtun ^ i Ml II11111111 fYf 4011 fit It 1111 111 1111H11111111 n 11111111111111II1111111 111 III1111M r 111MJ1 r back myself. "When H 1 didn't Detroit feel trailed sorry mr for to can • , . former Red Wing and National League player « « * Ray Eliot, Veteran Illini Bailey Howell of third-ranked Mississippi State, is through for the season. Mississippi State, ing round won tha regional final, i finished fourth and laat elected to stay out of the NCAA HUMANITIES OUTLINES Chicago pifM added. before last season I | sulked for awhile," he "Now I've reached the representatives have in baseball. In addition. Ted ft hey call him "Terrible Ted'' on occasion) Is Mentor, Will Leave Post tourney because of the segrega¬ tion issue. ^ batti* of | villa. polul where the ttlark llawk* the most penalized player In the CHAMPAIGN, III. f/P)—Jovial Illini grid coach since the leg¬ Th* Mills Tutor Service it now offering concito outlines for thp three Basic course* in Humanities as Instructed at Michi¬ uniform means something to me NHL Pay Eliot, 53, Thursday resigned endary Zi^opke took over in —In the Swim too " "I *uew being held of the gan State. The riwdihs* have been treated for easy compre¬ 1913 and quit under pressure af¬ Lindsay ia one the all-time Player*' A<*n. also' had some¬ as University of Illinois football hension and speedy review. Earh outline sells for 84 00. A ter the 1941 season Swimming Reviet great- i: the big league. With thing to do with my bad year coach, effective after his 18th With the resignation of Eliot tepara't outline has been prepared for earh course. 358 goals, h? ranks only behind and there Mas mental some Illini season next fall, to become and last fall's move by Michi¬ Maurice Richard <»f Montreal atrain. It was effort f guess I Outline No. 242 Include*: the school'* assistant athletic di¬ gan'* Benni* Oosterbaen, an 11- (525) arid Gordie Howe of De¬ should have put in playing." rector. *eason Wolverine coach, to th* Magna Carta, Decree for Armenians. Abelard: file et Men. troit (41111 in the all-time com¬ However, Lindsay feels his ef¬ Br mum RAMSEY A succewof will not be named front office, the mantle of Big Aquinas: On Cheating, K«m of Roland. Canterbury Tales. petition, Ted has 57 ixdnt* this forts in behalf of his fellow play¬ Until after the 1959 grid season. 10 coaching dean now rests on Machlnvelli: The Frlnre. Hahelais- <»ar*antua, Cellini: Auto¬ season eomfwrerl to 39 for the ers have been fruitful. COACH CHARLES McCAFFREE was reflect^* i The dean of Big 10 coaches, Ohio State's Woody Have* who biography, Erasmus: In Praia* of Folly, Luther: Ninety-Five rutin- 1957-1858 eamiaugn. "The clubowners are now Ei ait's resignation was accepted will start his ninth Buckeye eea- week's Bip 10 Swimming Championships. Hs esllsd tt| These*. Calvin: Institutes, Thirty-nine Articles, and Decrees matching our pension money." Idnd'.ay also has -r vera I other at a meeting of the University'* »on m'Xt fall. finest indnor championships of any meet." _ id the Council of Trent. distinctions. He i.* president of he said. The player* put in *900 board of trustee* which also an¬ Eliot implied there was aa He praised the facilities the new IM Pool had ta < the Players Assn. This i# com¬ a year and the teams put in tha Order* are new beint aeeepted In Ibe nounced his appointment at as¬ pressure In tits "dlfftealf deat- Thouyh the Spartan squad only placed fourth, there | parable to the jobs the Arnrri- •am* amount. sistant to Athletic Director I>»ug aton to resign. Mll-I-N TITOK SERVICE IIOX 291 "It I* always difficult to da- many fine performances Riven. Mills butmore biltubwu"-" "The hiKyest reyret we have aliout the meet SOCTHERX METHODIST UNIVERSITY DALLAS . the tst.'yrmovi Eliot, aervlnr as head eoach ■litre he sureeeded the lat* Hob eld* that one will leave the fir¬ ing line of the fierce competition said, "whs that a yreat many of the atudenta did [the biltmore ' • ■ t£& Euppke In 1942. bad a 4-5 over¬ which, is Big 10 football," be tend." He felt the s|iarce crowd wee dieappolntinf : IBIITMORF SB. fj • all record last fall and finished •aid. meet, since the East Lansing team it hoat only i tni atxth to Iks Mc 10 raea wltb 4-1. ■ Among the first mentioned as probably* succasaor was nine yeare. Hia 17-ye*r Illini record In- Chuck Ktudley. 30, an Illini line IT WAS LEARNED last week during tha meal "T MB UNDIR R •Juded 78-70-10 overall and 50- Oaach since 1955 and captain Johannesburg. South Africa's contribution to tha 83-8 in tit* Btfi 10, Eliot's >uo- and guard Bitot 1031 Roaa Ujfinda TMIMB CLOCK on s miny squad, Steuart, would be ineligible next year, I ^ •eaaor will ba only tha third Bowl team. he's just a junior. 4E Meeting at Tlw BUtram h a SI timeless collee* Usdibon. And McCaffree explained the Rig 10 ruling that sNmh ;; rn H r r UJ c H R no wonder — It', -ill tha Bool *» the freestyler. A foreign student who hee participate convMUOTit. no— eicitinf loco- 'pi don in Now York! PUo la-ay " OpMiai SmAay, March IB athletics for his country after he reaches hie 2nth sacrifices a year of competition for every year then birt| at Tha Biltman soon. (.7 Wrus l« —f CtUf Dm—am WMSB TV Ohaaaal II Steuart made the Olympic team for South Afri lor tprrtal 4 /aniljf rotor *1 March, I'dfiti. Since the game* were held In Auatralia ' aad h—iw summer, tho normal Ol.vmpir time, Is winter, the eU Hmr "Vifvpnlnl" umdrral—f k> ^ Maj. John It. Barron. Af'HOTt! had to be In November. Steuart was 20 that Augus^ the Big 10 Eligibility Committee ruled him ineilgibl BILTMORE"-' toUNB BVCNUt BV «M If. With Eiu-lal Prof. Ruawl Nya. Head. Kn*. D—t. one year of com|ietitinn. Steuart's case ia tieing appealed on the protest A»«'t Prof. Knhart Wrlihl, Cnmai SkIHa American students were "forgiven" end allowed one i MBW (MR IF. M.V. 41 Ofwmd Centra/ J l»wn,lu Ui, Ma kaaa — Mm rn* semester of eoni[>etition. The ehanree don't appear fj **». U.u." kr lok r.H.ra«> able, but McCaffree la trying and hoping for tion of Steuart'a ease. recon.kj AvMlaM, mtm a* otk> CAMPUS I00K STORE IN St BANCS FM.. SAT.-SUN. r. b. quandt * Finaaeial See—iMMtf ( aaa* ■rcriAUiTfi 3•FEATURES •) * Young Drivers • • Motorcycle* Out al Btoto Drivers OANCFIiaBD AND REFUSED RISKS IMMEDIATE],Y KKKK GUT PASS GIVEN HANDLED TO ALL I486 I CALL 1 M Ma i toii'-WIMIoif Am. I IV 54411 I RW nra-MM •mpa?* »#% vw; . - ; yJL V5> ^r." • . > J." theBadlanders mm — MTY JURA00 * CLAIRE KELLY Th* Badlamtor* BtMwn Tak* M — twd Featur* — Trala Caw Icn'c c peal LUGGAGE •5" a'aak—i BUY - •r-fresh •turdjr vinyt ***** with *ol- coverings of '6- pfiodcr blu* or ton , * . trlpi* W PaHaiaa •titrhnd bindings , , , fully WARDROBE ESSENTIAL pocketed interior*. They'll take poll there and in carefree •lr the well-tailored skirt ■tyle. keep your wardrobe •rw. k> tut,' freeh and neat. X i !» r $7.98 KVEMVTHINU POR TRAVEL . . . Cltottnut Hill knows Just how you Ilk* your Artrt—dim, nrt UtAJUNAnON f ■ % Mt ». C. ISXUB., ■leek, tailored^ lo^perfrv t..>n in Dacrop and Cotton that wmt wrinkle and fade.' Your ehuieo to cither Bet#* Green. Msec • to It. m WALLACE OPTICIANS fNCAA Title LATE SCORES Goal of leers Boeton College 1*1 Foe f ruli-rnilv. him In 4 Team Tournatiieiit W»l't IM Title* Michifpan Mtat#'* hoekev a .. ?.»*■<■ * H illir %hi\t hifureii |ton Coll*** tormrht *.« it enter- .*.r.. ■' ■ .• r .. Ih-i iilril I hm mlii\ *■'>/< *» U *1. t <■■** *** |>( AA final* in Trot. N > '* * » #"« ,/f f*» 4*. * IMiaHIM It .1 OUw K» li'Mitmcsl iff if«war eg v •.* « >.■< • » Built l.l l** lii*ar«n#« i omgggifg |\1 Buiklin^ llosU BNPmn t I * -1 AI I Hi i *r* Ptrlird I g iiwl «IT' !l1.' V10.." M,,<",KL" ""l"" *° ' •"* -«"»!' iirliTtrerf [lllgtl Aohool Tank, - 7* » b*»*a « I.# •< ^ v* VHIII.K KK » AIT i * ■ * 4 ,-r'jv ■ -i. t :» ** *; 4,irn4„ durim II.m «(..hi»i„bJ.i» |jt t, ,w aj . .|efea 'as; #J tl >.r.«* TV# ••« tK»C. »— VI hiHtg* Wr .1 •» i *■ *• . ««-« -v e . « HraU Ktgti* S liuliir*. 5 8 0 •* *■»»n • i | •fie* »W* hk' KM » IVveedltig •> .o * rc, >.1. V » r u • - *~rS 11 TO K K A M I. It »-j» n mm A W* I.tart A'tft «tale hi pairrti Otih Vwrlh ^ « a *-•' i*. ■ * % ■ » *a-4 a - * * « i * l)elt Si" l*i II ins IM Ire Title I' VKTf iiKMHi u a. n. x. ■rd H«*'«rk * f 'Vl the Vie»t in thr three da* tuu CAHOtWM hi r IU IMI/IKI rH O I MM _ I Port Haiti Mil which h#«g». | i>ur«4l« > fcha BiO-^aad AfuMt "I l.mrrnff from ( an'.«n \ \ * m B «• •»<>« If • P> imt » • »- Ihc ti»|» tram m the I a»t rnm ■ V. t » « » .» ftotl »%ll KIMY i »rd plrf<-% the »latc o| faur • . » K. >. • STATE J «»*' t*t wt •" m - M'f » mt ta t.'C '*r | i an* »« h.»ijr» I d«« .ed K-'tef r.4 $ »i l« »o. tor t«« ar Minn. »«t?% id »* h'li lie! • C >•> ..'»< ta "» g a . fd^r, >0< >—d macHar ***'••' pK'iuU ta U«r ih» 11 me * vw'ittg ■j mo-faatf m% b a. i « I .SatI m I J In It... m»M ii l.an.ind J Kinahi far * •*« •%«•»•» »4M ! I M » MKKI ANII i \T II ! [in MMffag M Mi 9 l- . nr-N>a» MP wnwh p4i^.i«*fwa»na »>4c ga rt THE EACiEE CAFE v. ec I l M HMINJ lUWKK* # # # uri v 'IF YOU HAVF A WEAK Nit no t»tp. *.+*** *»-»•» Hhadaiau 'o *r *». * tovi IMIM f iHMM. I'SI Ik I •» I M HEART. WATCH OUTI'% •Mnp fog • v*-u-o«# M.< • ■ iouniA etssom | .' HSAA a»a»tlgi»a twin«>»<»••«.' fniiiiiifiiiiiiiiiaiiiiiiiiiiiiiiaa; MatrttM bagn; a< !pm '«■ •" that T • . . toll tlirdli I tnd AM* MMa •iWrtd" t Lra-jrr * dammed SPARTAN f yvj-.^-iK MJgj/inr*» *,ilr* hair lirrii GLADMER * .rs<' *\trinl»-il. t»)i ll MARIONS YARN SHOP I III. 11 III I'lluM It. 2.! , A SHOOK-lif JUUEM <70 milt . id together how di n on | hr Ibt Mmkm Bor M IM nun CAPTIVES •a TOM »U WJ> Command,mems LAjrr kift TtCMM.CCH.OM TIMPj* lOMi.lll SPECIAL TOIUYJ a# r >t. HMC POPULAR r»l»?< PRICES At.FMP.NT ONI.1 \IH I.TM • romtin a«ii VARUS M.%1 NAfl - att MM * •¥% —MM n rr/T* ANIINfi HMMI 111 AMYtlNI • • • JM riVMR mull 'Mint c \Ht KI MMIMP — — -tMA UMI HlxMir* PI I %«* MIVI Amtr4 ZVr,\Z xow naoa iM. rtoHi »i %tv it-la • « a* - aaa r w mM9Pi Arler Lir.ti'fe .a-, - . - ■'viii'A. ...". ■■ .-''t. WirmoA* atAffe MkJ Shaw Chorus Channel 10 Combines INFORMATION Matck II. mm - Sings in Aud Photo Convo University, Community Monday Night GAMMA DELTA TODAY BATTBDAT MGMA PHI DELTA 9 a.m., 34 and 34 Union. YOUNG SOCIALISTS CU B 8 p.m., meeting. 34 Union. Business Michigan ncwapaper pliotJ raphers will hear aeveral With only two days before channel 10 goes on the air 8 p.m., Martin Luther Chapel. 8:30 :onal expert* at the The Robert Shaw Chorale, Come-as-you-are party. Pledffe initiation. p.m., 34 Union. Public Pr| this Sunday, rehearsals and final preparations are going SUNDAY lecture. Dr. Lewis Edinger I 'hotography Conference Me:f which will make its appearance CATHOLIC STUDENT 13-14 at Kellogg Center. full-swing at the studios of WMSB-TV and W1LX-TV. CATHOLIC STUDENT assistant professor of political at MSU Monday, was founded ORGANIZATION ORGANIZATION science, will discuss "Con¬ Two full-time statjnns sharing dating hark to 111.18. Some of 4 p.m., Catholic Student Cen¬ 8:15 pjn., temporary Socialism.** single ehannel is the unique in 1948 and Is now in its 11th Catholic Student ter cafeteria. Coffee hour. situation being pioneered by them ahow- Npartaf stadium _ year of activity. Center. Philosophy Club, DISCIPLE STUDENT when It was hut one" low circle WESLEY FORUM MSU's educational ttatjon The concert will be a feature WES WEDS FELLOWSHIP uf bleachers surrounding a play • 8 Central Methndi*t 7 p.m.. Union Board Room, WMSB and Television Corpora¬ 8:3(1 p.m.. We* Wed*. Elec¬ p.m., Ing held that aat in the midst of of the taycture-Concert Series A Church. "Mewl in KIDDIES t MOOTS, tion of Michigan's WILX. tion*. Friday the 13th the Upper CANTERBURY CLUB Party row bams and farm land. 8:15 p.m. in the Auditorium. Room.** !SUNDAYS 1 at and potluck supper. 5:30 p.m.. All Saints Church. 15a . Thl* will bring the educa¬ ROBERT HIMW Next Tuesday Shackleton The group of 30 singers has tional reeoureee •# the univer¬ INTERNATIONAL CLUB sity end the rommunlty. and the plans to have as his guest bas¬ become one ol the brightest mu¬ 8 International Center. An,Una ! MaL 6fc rommereUI und network re- ketball coach, Forddy Anderson, with film* of the NCAA playoffs. If ft i>.in. Sutiirilny sical stars of choral work through p.m.. Coffee hour ami social get- 7 Minutes From Campus ■oureou ut the r«M»merrUI eU- NOW SHOWING George Szvpula, Sj*art.in gym¬ its concert tour*, radio appear¬ togc-ther. tlou tugether for eumhlned service that le greater i than eith¬ nastic* coach, will with team members and Canad¬ also b.e on Srrirs Sin Irs ances and recordings. Shaw, at IV-44485 first ummw mmmi er eould produce Individually.** ian Olympic star. Ernestine Mus¬ U. has not only won universal choral director but (int'sl Lwiurrr C.olorailo Him tame Mid Dr. Arm and Hunter, direc¬ as a "INVASION 1TSA" sel]. She will demonstrate gym¬ ha* also comluri' d mam of the tor of broadrooting at MBU. Dr. Hans Nathan, associate nastic techniques. nation's leading symphony or¬ AND The programming p-hedule professor in the music depart- University of the Air courses Dr. Alfred Bailey will present chestras. inent. i* invited to lecture a* f'ir WMRIi promises a wide this spring "100(1 YEARS will offer on WMSIt his all-color travel program, 'iic University of Wisconsin to¬ vuriety fmm TV cla»sroed into JiOEWAirS D* Uab Berhy. prefeeaor of "The Land of Play." an activ¬ fa mo in 1941 Ihe Seasons" given Its pre¬ when, at the age UNITED AIR I.INM phlleeephv at M«U, will eon- ity program /or pie-«rhnnl chi! miere showing was before mrmhet* of 25. he formed a group of am¬ A —- CI T Y WAT£» duct this weekly non-credit aer¬ ie* at It half-hear ahews. dren, will begin at 9:30 a.m. of Ihe National Geographic So¬ ateurs under the name of the C.ABS H &UTTIR Momiav through Friday. ciety In Washington. Collegiate Chorale and presented STEWARDESS ffr»b Downey, graduate of Mrs. Helen Shaw, an East them at a concert in Town Hall BLACKTOP MSU, has been new* editor for I xitiMiig resident with OXpci;- Bailey, director of the Denver in New York. Typical of Shaw'i »hf university's stations sine* etuvi in little theater work, Museum of Natural History, has attitude toward music, it was a LOW TAX£$ !!i;.« He ts pnwluver of WMSH's radio Hiid teaching, will oondurt traveled extensively ami is well- concert devoted to the work* of eiAnncMWM WM*kly program, **B|»eriul Re¬ tho show with stones, songs, known for Ids outdooi photog¬ a contemporary composer, the 3^ • port " imaginery character* and pup¬ raphy and articles on natural American goinpot»er William taa W dm M Huh Shacklsh.n, a 1948 grad¬ pet*. history. JSchuman. uate of MSU and snorts editor of WMSB, will fnature univer- • Htiiti if h r»- a " -itv athletle events on hi* half- SAJ-i hour Tuesday night show, :p=E hnartan Spotlight." m line of the blghllghle of hie program will he the showing of STARTS TODAY! «ports mavtoa uf Mpartan gamra i A * • Mlm, Nana* Tr.lalaa. "Be Kind To Professors By Taking f-T" I TNI RiSTOCRAT Them To ODAM'S For Coffee Week" To see other models call.. • IMItlk buft M Will! MAYNARD EBERLY BR S-SS1S ARLEN EslahHsh Rapport! "••-' Keep Eaeh Other Awake! Ira Shriag Their lei share aa iaIallMlial appraciaHaa far Hm hail rap Clothes II - sf aaffaa la lewa ... CA$H PRICED \ J§aL gMWvMr, • *. at aw (JUAN i yrf J 1040 E. OraaA Rivar EOpswsad 2-0373 WOs oni>M PAID FOR YOUR USED TEXTBOOKS ARE HIGHEST: 1. BEFORE THE LAST DAY OF FINALS •(SO WE KNOW WHAT BOOKS WE .NEED TO BUY FOR NEXT TERM.) 2. WHEN BOOKS ARE IN GOOD CONDITION. BRING YOUR BOOKS IN EARLY TO AVOID IKE RUSH IfBPIirfT AND GET THE Hlllllp | PRICES Chevy stops quickest... goes farthest on a gallon ! CS**y rfawd th» braka «f 0m hwUn, luv-prkvd thrv* In a tort at MpwM »(<>(• at hi(h«ay aprada eon- Cwtad and orrtilW by NASCAR-. Hm*N a far tttat known bow to id lh» muat out of a (allon. And it'a tbo only rar in Ha IWM to brin, yoo hydraulic valvo Uftrra in all popular aMBlyof ttaaawhrakn (with aMtoBa- lM araa tkaa any otlaar lowqwiaad ear b Rut wkyaot atop by your daahr'a and St Chacy da Mo oww aweat talkiadl (AHPUS BOOK STORE Owvyalau woo ova th. othar tan ia m(inra-4 and V*. ThS miana VJ; • NASCAR amnoony run—with tha aatooihar, quartar parti—aiin Ik yaw. kMl" milMMta lor I'a and VCa a* Thac# art aaasr otkar advaaca fool «Mdi at iiaa mm it nub* aa fundamanta) aa tba (Ariancy of Cbamdat'a mjmm aad tha dapaad. i: 3S£g r- * ' 'M&i