Pucksters The Weather Louisville Lose Finale To Nodaks an State News < older. Snow Flurries Wins Cage Drop Overtime l ilt S-rviiig USl Eur SO )rni> EAST LANSING. MICHIGAN—MONDAY PRICE 5 CENTS Regionals After Boston Win Warrior* Drop Opener lo State Iraq Leftists Demand Arms for Revolt Br DAVE DARRF.IL | (HpMlal li tke SUtc New*) H% CMI t K kit HAkfl* TROY, N.Y. — Michigan Michigan State's basket- fwtt'i hockey squad return. hall team shouldn't have to© I^t to the East Lansing ram. many regrets over losing out in the second game of ifv« late Sunday night af'i r I, mast clinching the tn-t r rentier the NCAA regional ton ma. yi'AA ice champion«hi|i in ment. I? the university'* history. it probably true th.C Hie The Spartan* wwi the • tonal match Friday ovei H . ?,.» Aeeuses Siiai'taok tailed U» j»!ay the lies* •College. but dr«ut»ft « jUrd-Uicfc averting decision to g.trth Dakota, the NCAA chamj,- iNasser !1: 4 Forddy AnderMin. fact vcr.f.ed But i( probably wouldn't have by Coach Lp, Saturday night, 4-3. txiir*- nattered anwvav beeHUSO Lmii«- Lmo spectator* at the R« n-M "a.: ville hi.'.-technic Institute fie'd h<> a proboblv the hot1e*» '••am in the tournar*.at*n | Hog Morelh a goal at the 4 '» proved it S-»' iMav night b* »e- L,rk of the overtime poi *t itig *o a: Rfl-Rl victory in eti- frw th« difference which gave H» Nl> l.Kl INK* R.UIIItlAI). tra«| V •ncate State. ;*«• Sioux the NCAA cr ^r f- 1'.a s- u» hold a n>i.\««a- T^ftiit* here are derttaiidir.g kHiltville t» • n Martinet, Kattiei Hell or*." htot game, 76.61, with a t»hen<»- ,• •- ami Chuck Waltner, . Iran f x . be ape mcj. g rt e nwuai 4*-leant second half Ai'Stl ;,re'.ient. are making due That i*. alt except Andre***, The Spartan* had rebound ii I- i:4'j i«:i» t.<■* r.-p-i a*v»;c *i!' be- the ' Jfige prrdii^ive power rr.odx ot pi a\ lo send the the int- »»«. * e r it'. ■ i i n | ■ma into overtime. Andit I • kfilll.KT TOON repre*rntin* The t out (M atom i* a result I Ml III |»» Mae tolled 01 the 8 0S ma-k II«»tiiiK« Haiida. "C' IVlb the H I fiiHidrieh ( m|i of a iliMUwinn whlih Itnih place I av>i»t«n* I tie Surd period, with » *>|Mike trader Mf I he kfriran National i'Mcht »t. : ') MlHil,- 4 K»" tuck at (be Pres* Photog raphv < on- in kaiher Hall after a public i miirrv* been eviled from ' ping to Mi Norman and Jack ha» .•c.'f !>•>* ferrnee In Kellii|( thw week¬ iirm»n*>tratM>n lit Rather re*i* the Hrtti-H prolertorale N»- v. - i-ii* .tfirg t> I >•'.(» vi! i a.ifi ."fvi Ann end "Phi»to*raph* In liutu*- dntl* Tbur*da%. a*alan«| where he led natlonali*! anberti men «e»d the ga-»e on tr* " mnt emrnl II hoiked a* If Ihe *e«tulliit t«i overtime with hi* rebut, would do Ihe r.Ii when the *paf r-e at Id:JO. He w *- as- •. d lau* iiuiuirrt t« (tali a It tg I LoOete ond Eddy Pohe-e flM SprllOl opened the u or- )ule Si mini Is halfiimr much tallrr Citdinal* martin again*! Ihe K. «rMS Petleoel hitlin. the Mf tN lit10 9t the first period loM* wool 10 latwU and Uvt tini/ms Pit Pit Sinup can o back * *. ir*e foob i« the w»nd p« s "t Kb Ralph Lyduo •coring frt-ic, t h»»ra? W'.rh* ranging I hot ot ItMl O^Ule Jmy W. from Handel to stmvinxkv Rial* *r«i Phnlo k« Hill h»ln"R •i «od ston pMchke hit the Ilk.. ASM ^ Ml Ml MIR HMUM rv direr |C» dedirale* the *ta- t*iil l«e perfuiTi iil h> the If two minuvo* minu-* Won U» the edutalion tervire of kirhitia duiln* Mpenin* do cere* I5»d«ert shaw lb..rale to- laturdog'a game w»« the tt monies *nnda«. i, chi »■ * l"i in *■ i-e \nd I bm four-game founiatr enr v o' fne I ;nto overtime, tho first ».u i •, - • u 4- • - « !6»e pourney hidtorv that biei't i# ■ ?.c !'s io .in both v.ewpuin'* n* beeo throe oxira-per ,■*' «' <»•■;»- gr-ne, ,> ■■ • tai'h U.•••«** of 'h* nfudefit# a*, well a» li Ike FHtfay aetnl-final cla*h •t .■■■»•* i? -fa- antver»it>. Watt her *asd %inlrr«>oii hhimed ihr *|mi In.nn Scott. Ho*a Mall and »ki i like to hegln rehear*al« tan* failure lo hit well from Mflk nre-ident uid Thurxda* • lib • «h«n t per mil of Itnther- Ihe oul*hle in ihe *econd half *1 a round table diuuwion that till Mr e*rr»i«e» ralesleiUc* and Ihe failure to gel Ihe hall «tretching s awning "Ihe proper rhannel la thrwuch into f.reen in ihe imol freiiuenl alt . «i nrrf t.» rel »* ttrht thro it* >|||% w hi>h work* with the •'! M f .! ■■ ■ 4 - ' l| enough for Ihe defeat. and tone up the *ingrr * breath¬ unbrrtili a* repreeeolalttea d speech ing appar alii* alodenta.** f'hi* i« the Mofy pieced »«• T ■' ' •-*««' by v• - Hctwovor. at 'Jr d.* jr**nm gethef here t»> ^aiktitg with <•<* *' <-(«)• and du.J'.eca's .■•owing '4 A' dmiuns'ratiin. R «na»d F le*H*. a Rather rr*>- khawaf Who *aa repmted dent fr ar IieTint, a**etted ttial killed In the revolt. wa« tup- Ml!A dew represent ported bf unit arm* officer*. '.ark lipnniUliw d'xrw uf 5f itik-ienta We ask¬ Ural member* af Ihe Maalhwt id ill ed for relaxed regulation* • Speak eo Canpu. thr»»ugh ira wee* MHA pr»- Hut the rev-d'. was po>r|y run- Idotiard Morot-Sir, Frwi.-h I «i£«-r» Ki tiirii nelVCd arid mismanaged puM*i FruUv* «aiiy TViW »• K haral attache and rei^na- r ■rtri.en. orw Jen? cne«T..e* af » tn Sit U. 8. of French um- n-- Spartan eager* wnndar. ouiitrysMe into M'«uJ u> h' W H if 1 c. "«» r and Tuaaday, Scheduled U return t« the applauded by gruup •» di* --OU givr me*-ting midJen loyai U> Ka*aem erv».*h warrsang tieN'oe they *>.'■ thete 'anight ot | bo will lecture on M<*| lamnu* late wundav So" iaawwad t+iarge. *he revolt. you can e4fietur.es 'hrtng tNem ha Political Situation m F;.m- afterniMHi. bad wealher forc¬ 1 "A* t>r»*cs«* U«(-' rea ^ sm w .1 a • W ?> 0 Roan. "Liberty and Cul- 'Ihey *L»»ed in ( hirage ntsn- uf Shaiomar trUivriseo Ui north- N'.a* rtUTifig ref>»a: .al HklHl.'T (J* A homo »- w»f the mature tfwnigtrt Al- s • Im France ' will be hu topic da* night and will arrive at Iftiown SundAv at f.».««utr- Utuuig} i km-w we rwwsl a fo< we«» Iraq and Syria *»' killed range from tt»e "*»1 p» ■ ?" '•••• a Pdoy Mm he will ap^a* at t apttot I Hf Airport In Loo*- of *c. e«iw* K/K*H! eorelui tor v> ir, t©e door beloro wo coo bar¬ end strung up by his feet frnrr. Ah-rWlTig SfA'Ve' fii/rw "Die burnt* HO. Ip m MomII Hall. The :be girder* ui a Wi t«e over the the uTnishiiMtod verve ttt a col¬ mtaand it* targe- ar*d fhe movie me li hMTttad t etua uliu. gain N»r anvre.* Tigris Rive/ lege door leads r MCtpsd damage. E* «•» aa the pcwiKav> CHU*- tif^d at SiuAio A «»f tor r*-< of Ihe gttxfilfit nTi,- .trot fv**ns *'«re fhe uf fm>d»y eeueit* A crowd of -AB4. glttrlcfrtl. oriidhr.i J^e trl« vtti;>n net In the 1®^ lh ihe motrol r\*xn ier FflKhktiecM waickied anxf. nmird. ihe c dir. ♦ irn.e:-. ■ • of Mn Ill tirh 1*411 S>rt'« --.pei v" • i-hi. hoilv. Blue Key Members Urge Action Through Representatives t? the individual* directly respon¬ The*e mothers, nt'e not free- right. The count* j>reeufiiao« hill. «htle erku:$' I" m m '!•« i»*i •' .mrt n-'lv T« the Editor; !em» 'i"i Mm univcrsjfv. town 'O t ar IV (ill! hi* ftificMon and will uphold their poaitioTi fn hatl'-S am V '»'• "• '• 1 I- ' ' ottiei.* tbc.v have pioveu sible to you, your representa¬ thinkiny intellectual* who scorn V. A " <1:1 Ilk*' ?U pliO l till- ... 'a'-' a'l.-i !hu* |;ioi'ecd to thv am .Ifthft JftMtir* Whether i' '••• •«•» M--., • - ••• M. -• r tive*. of ti e Aat'M-i.»'ed Pre-. I- i.nni !>•'•-, -- . •! V -ted ii..' . ji.i '-.l' in 'lie rv rti- . - best hl'n || !ni all (I. *iitf!f.e: My rekpolistble to carry convention ^>ut feeble-minded, A demonstration to any other f're** ■ • * .«■■■■ IP.-I-, flap Who. <.■; Ire ot her h.eni. can uurespected destitute.*, wtio may 'Old talk 'o cairy om » con- i' 'Tiijjtd, of wb* note ticre group ind'eate.s only that we are i>e sophisticated enougli 'o Vol. 50, No. 154 Monday. .March M'». 10.V» Pup Two • »• t.i iuc. i We A a 'lie. o. hot n i .. f-, .. to then fn.it Or a nil the *m ii n! >pe "f effort \ (>i We '.ifr> '■> i v d.M ' h i (i' i::<»n dial many times fh.M ind:vid«i.i'« i.o incivirka! m K'oup "f en hi- canipus has not mocracy yet ready to live in a de¬ with a representative make a minimum-standard liv¬ ing from 'he basis of production INFORMATION ••power." on' , the lesji-c ; ibility form of government We are not <•>■ .,•! i.rrh.ips he more U;»;foi if mass .el..mi .«'•<» ••etc.ous arc of their continuing progeny. YOl NCi RKPI RLICAMI Dress Regulations »■ ,f studi n' oepoi M.ni' n direct ;H-.. .-iielM I »> m . i,.| ..J i i t.'ii '. ieoie i'li'.sti\e- do no' IM prevalent OliC l)r- »!.-! eotninefMOi: .He hit<.r it v to r.triv W t'i Mir nut Mu *. \'! f'-.ivt ;f :• ..v ibili'n**. e'n- ready to take our place »s rid - /en* of the United States Members of Blue Key Two Stenii/dtton < hlldren '.ou ' tumuli pi«»\ ie,ik. of Agr Oiww WK COMMEND Kather ll.il ' Thur*.i:., ni-'t » :ki romiMen! on h>< 'm. a '.v ' i d an e. ,i.;o office Mia' roc-idfM* the future of !h» rvrilOl K Ml MAT f IA'1 II titration prof toting «lre- < regulation- . • : ■: !»*•«• Then. in office »• ce thi-M' im.i.-.udu,.U are 'make them. Sterilisation wo: 'ci siiould have tt(J ive« do not u?e of ted it re caused no violence Pot it ci'iUr.-iiy initi i'ed Mime who have heretofore been born WMJ.KYBAM. CI.IH lefier' ari'l feel - Make them Mark Disapproved . • "•t'Mf at ior. you' op>. yortoiia thought—and. we hone, cf fVr'ivc art on A . (JU-nn to rihvi'inc Stake them work for you by is costly, espe< ially since 'be 4 pm Meet'* !M Oexw Ifartmann, Rather president. i»i foil.»\v my the protest, b"* ; h okhI ftft'hpn about vour ratio of criminal* and bums to To the Mttor. ■duel i* and artiMical.'y creativ. •h# group "made its point Residents of the men's km- pun , : .u't'ee " ' on - ,i i•!>!•']!•: ■i »• da ;,riT^iie.*»:e* a " ate like rn- rting an indef¬ and supposed to rejife .Ii! tl» mom of »k* hull loopo ed tn» ih.'.t \\' lliii made. and. if a denioristra- Not th Uarolina '* the frt'ivtmc. inite number of children a.u \iitlioritv to burden society with improper¬ rearing them to bf responsible a measure to relax dn — niN • on I n>l.. .mirk .fid dnnn,' ll.is tion is felt ca'led for a* i* aonie- adults form title to the tf >-uu feel th«c your repre¬ tirnes the ease, demonstrate to ly oarod fr»r children, may a final exams. sentative bobv has no power," This whs felt l>v many to n« an tinvxanted compromi (trediil/pd liMUips linprtrtaiit you are absolutely correct How¬ PMHin. What they really want i* to abolish,di'■** regu¬ !he> have soniethirii! far CAMPUS CLASSIFIEDS il.e I. '.f ever. lation* cverv dav except Somlav . . ■ .i c uri|.o» laid than m«e more important and impressive. Thai the reaponatbillt* to ic- TWO CJI'KSTIOXS come to mind as we examine ttm-e ,• , . u • i-.-e r '• •' is. «nd oik !Heu pi present you and the afttherlH finding* first, concerning. the die - recul.ition> tlo-h . i..v, i. a on ED 2-1511 EXT. 261S Htm do fche>' have a valid effect, do Hie.v merit their film Fare — — a? UKAMJKIiai t p.m. DAT RKCOKIC PCM.K ATIOM FOR KM.. VBO. -fr HPpImIloio_»e» k to stren* the importance of habitual •Mid personal appearance as a trail expected of '()Ul Man and the Sea * THI'R*.. AND FRJ. KIMTIONS RUN. EDITION OEAM.INEi I p.m. SIR. Dnivftrpit.r graduates. RHIh f*a>able ft-12 ami 1-5 Monday through Friday r But who has the right to -in ttiaf, "proper attire" in fklM ft Shirt n4 ft texture appropriate for a drees shirt, lie Ion u;s With Classics •Ml ON pocket only. CLASSIFIED RATSS IfHY 0HOCI»I) TMK urdvuraltv t.ry Pi establish "proper H« III HOIIRNOr FOR SALE HOUSING PERSONAL II nth/ »n? f or once. Krticat Hemingway has not reported to \*w 1 TUP »TM«1 TN riiiifllr: su;'. and production rights withdrawals to express hi* 4»y ISc FOXHOlf ft QUIT IUSINCSS FOR RENT ' ..k aii i itrnlio, the P Wft ftlao quest Ion the authority hoe- tk uni\i-r-t!\ ha\« 2 dftyt »l «i ALL STOCX MOVID H. '• *•'- *■!>> lornialt' opinion of ,t film based on one of his novels. As a matter •OOMS • tin- area *•*■ i is Bra'm. M«< r to educat' t> i „ ft Pftft|¥>naibillt> 3 • deyt $1.95 TO FRAHOOR ft v.i P end ntlier*. Sea" -■I doftft thia divert eneryv awn- .< ! .tHit of i,i fin i. he appeal's m a scene of "The Old Man and the ♦ do yt 12.25 1 4M(it fHI( H! I Hi »I i W il M \ f Tl . IV f-'lifl which open- Tuesdav id the l.ucon, ClGARI'TIS I . • • tellnrtUMl «chieveinent 6 d«yt $2.50 I- It) Mil* ; I a-1 and . ... t AH 1 V fl AUltMlS* DTX II t. «i Trying to follow the rule i• ■.•' if.er. Spt *i 11 .ii I »p>tr of HANIS RRMFS \ . !■' 1*411 ir» (taix-n USl] • -• ... IV ' W --.' si, .. Ml! additional charges . 4 1 I ItA' . . tempting to appear "uc.it and pi» • < n.a been muic- .! »i A the bo** IVF gw| b|T W»« checker." J- lb.- in-tub > ind linn 'he fii'ii « ipi.d.il ■ bevsuse it h«oi le each word over 15 6c per day ADLI* ATHIJT'C SOX * - REAL ESTATF bitiifti ftftftlnesa?" ' low \ ■ * hen ' l.i- M.M piiKtuif" and it* fust diiertoi, FOR SALE1 Women * ilormitoiies do i...? » \ . garding rireMS for the iliinu ' in. d , • ! » mi to Jmd'i Si .i k*'* •• h" up.«'i (onipiet ion ..... ■ v , c ,ij. i ..i*! Ati'iif iti'eiiup- "automotive AlOvt plastic SO* r* mcoats • $. S 'Ht » UT rntfH > .! UltnXtA! dinner, except for the Sued, W AS I (111 'II Hi 4 wear to class and we hair b. id i < I». i "Mint Miiilflrrfiil IMsmm'" tiaiie Her rii i t'At* -. lb- 4 I 4 i *rlcp- • *' "*u N p...I .1 of H.wiew mi: ut«rfin/s(ion Wi- *ldft~of CHILLpua. NV e are .-ei' o f i • l.i -e • .1 I.4 i F I'*'.* veil K*W Alius CANNON SMIL'S. . | • hi. Itiuvd in laud v* ■. .• \..iid ' iin* He* Fi.ii. of IMik br« mm • ( On* $»l ,, i ■ ■ *■•■' Moll* it* voice if women were !-.». ■ i ' . nr. - 4j ' nnln I I K*if «• i-nnl*. > M <1 (. .r'l,. in- in • • um.ii.i .iii! iliams iinolvutit man. to wit, FOAM Runt* • , Heei'v C.. • ft girdlo*) JW every ♦•\eruuc u><. (do MIU.tniiii. lUi « L ir. -? n ith me univer«e II.y*l MM IM S ' 4 I'M I 4 v » ft pfl THK WKAIflNfi «»| ..t rI. ,n. ■tainh i|.,l ■••i'auitA dial* ,'"*h a number of SFRiNG JACXITS r -• eiiec" • »'.»w |\ ( ; «*g n i .A cause* at lea^t rta inucti in.. u11 t, u u I here- Mir M Ah M(*< .I..4 bt of rUM Akl S *• A 1.11 > riassc !' "ha¬ get ti vthe « becker ' I ; Ui ih_ \ !<«■» !»• Br, '* 4'r pnM*n.in/ bin Mt'?AR» so* \ with the siaiidaid 'I to- d !| lf the M-U'AR r 'NSH-.NI A , law. but not it - spit ' \ second que- do 11 '• iu -• f MM \ service Mil •'*».» liAC* 0*tORDS k really represent Hie fill II • ■! the h„j 1 ••t *• spfc»ALisr» to tie negative. I t •• » aic. h. \i» v«. *« •!*«)• f» ' >1' STATION WAGON 8*:N COAT, t'l .ifiMiint 11 ntlis In Hi* t iii»nd 11«r desired reform It *•.. • * « , . \ I lea! flow of tft*iiicIt", tio i i< .. "o -■> for sale ' A N AIR jACktU* « * We (to not Ui i e» ;»i»oii hi- ' i « - • I ... > ! t 4 s ' ' NG 'Ml If ST CO*FM at In make i hem « it cootliu-Mcab' - i i , ; ■ jROIlAN ROOTS. - y * IN TOWN hiesa regulations -tioind .. i. Notbn ib t.i \ " m hteved except thro.jyh pi c . . . I Mil \ afndcnt act not w 1 , .,i • TRUITONI HOUSING , •. MAC, " — Ami In Tin* Ni xi IN r. riminee. I W ill Negotiate Miplil Stuff FOR RENT • ll ! .inrpf nu* »»( , uwi \\ liilc I Iriukiii" (,l.i- Of Wuler" \ ii in t diiuf s*M» Tone MUNTZ ot ♦ -> M 113 ■ mil m 4-Mii netle ■ kl ty , . d ,a*i y, WtHllill ■ lm Mi.Oi kaoh S'LVLiTONI l.«i f'M i'lift W lie I rtllor Men »luer k W.tn Vot. In Wind Nu»«i swrr Ptilene »,.n>»n t C.'.U'S S \ '•W!\ A > SH14' ANN HmiW.N Phnne TU Ol 'MP C Rie»lri' 1$ peurlner 7 •,( ei « rtr A'in 'hem IIM feneiFi ADMlRAl vhiti/Hs wi'trr Atk-. HlC* I LAUNOROMAT d Ft> *- «ti • l.r* # it »»nf 4> D»0# OFF : t FOR ,t r e. '-..AN SlLP SMV'CC | I - M> t-> tax hi r Ht*''.t« U pe -ei -, .1 ( r »» | 5S . Hfi- *•(■.- -4 ., ee* Hei; » ; W| SMClAl'ZI IN DtOPOFF a., w »# »» RUNOLIS FOR stuoints - ' 1 \ ieiei.i-,1 i_ •IV iM Sill i* I HftgF v 4.V* i V -HAU1U r-v- H- MKAVICK etc.il I b #, , l' -ri,' iiV . -'.CtiiR I . uiei to »»,de '* .N#«r and taee Is: . A.xAlpaiNlt* V,t r- *i- ■'• ". » \ <| rr ' »■ IM.II H' » AND NINtit k Tur m« c n«.n u n rsee cube rbeckinf i i : « Hi , 4. hm:* *r- '#*« Meat' L«ti'eu* ft'' *'"Mj lam to IV pin dail-. T bai ne<..>* ~s v«» i* 4'-»J kwUt #S* h >('. |» J.H41« .^'.f If « FD a*4»»i U'i Tei fir.ii tana fan IV 1 -SAM i jmpir.i Ml I Mirr 1 • CA . i»'i*rn AbAkiurxi FOft SALE f'«w men rmvkint TYPING AIX KIN DP Me- "ii w nud-Mtii' UnewTiter Ten start a*perj MUNT2 r c:;«4**R TlA.LlRS ■ T«1 «ee IV TUMITP to •ciiefe |rAtfiia'e KD I-MA* i TUfUtr yODLRX rt HSIMIYit FT Rirnard«*>n trailef WHIN' VOL' THINK ifeuab . *v'4i!i.»n» On !»♦ tlfte *■* #• er-d »•»'>#♦* NaT. e»*(r»"«e Wa»;- • drse. flic'iea paid think el Ma Mel-o-fttatera fl »-•> { Ci«<< aae one ■ edd per* e»lie4 114 I>«n,. »t IV 3-Tjet je PERSONAL A FAMILY iCWftLftf STOM ATTRACTIVE THNII AvCOW- V V UT«T w»tH haM I'm .1 uafieu ROOM« ettfnl a ffftvtetie* h- TKHNlCtANS CO QUALITY MIACMANOtM reirigarator #nd vn>te CU>»# t* a«.3 T tJ.S* IT r kit i AMCHiGAN ""'I'm Sear ,4A p sn«ie 13 - K» - PHOT SHVtCI Dttve AdutU tp ]■ turn to -X ?£A*-SMA?eS Ofls » A M to * F M daily PMONl IV f k)LI Ptvmo ft'AHTMtXr fti«.»r utilitie* Mid batking CM.e or r » H 4 T WM. H. Ve«r Rtgwdee Jewelet THOMPSON! two men enlv tft}« F Katac4aJf»n « Beat IYRRN9 M'FVUl KW 441 H4KF HS deli- i LtAN THRU-ROOM rutntaeed . wet* i»" ueirj < d..nt.ial'- de -orat¬ bswwment epartmeril One htnek off ; tXPtWT TIRx"PAPtil eM tbe.d ed .'Ik* »e» 11nf J4 fnr gs Td ptuw:e •»»if Y54rned 'enant* nntv gp. typing on en elecirte typewrtter r i iv «-A.ay J*«il . 4F I if tren year* experience IV •-•??» «•' r.i lA-rmu rx vacvl m » i.r.4N- APARTMENT FOR MtN Cteae la fUI» ka!e* a>14 Service For • free ran-.eu# Pa* ten* *,«itah.« Clean 'OUR LAUMOftY p'H»na ID MM Vi and Hatu Phone KD l-lil) fti ftdiO U# AMD ML I V|F ID IN OOftMS ROOMS HOUSING .I* i viyt.M-n wot *t sm en.,, S*t» 2Sc kkftLft tOi fo« kent" v Apprnved for Ore «.»ub!e rnom. men call one afterneo •* ainaie ' IlKTlONS Wp.N A C-y CRc • pc * • h- «. LANUN* LAUNDRY eventeg*. |V 4-NI33 V4 IMRORTANT MELTING W ANTED VAlJf STVUENT m IV MAC 10 2- f'F arare tutnu' ed h«c»» thr-nugn so- XRPttOVtD rtng rammer term Ver4 rea- ROOM* POR n en TOMORROW NiftHT -Single or double conking fadliMtl annabte m j *.1 44* hi nursing Abbott Rd available ri> ? «JT» Martin Hull «9 J Ii ■ Roiw |t U«e* TRANSPORTATION f V l-4.SM.Si, 41TH41TIVK tw'o t-f*- r— Mdltfwi w. uiruvhed »i»Kk Uui'.ev > j'j lit s ! I'm it Ht r MtxiMS it-e !1AKK,H) DFU >U* ln~ RtOIR* UT ANTED TO r*::, ^ as. a _ yl—f—J —— m Phone 1\ 4-»,u belo e p*n»e» Leave JUann II. |<»Mrt f u ilegn, m A Art mm. Crossword Puzzle ACROM •f Gaming cube Storm Strands Basketball Fans f. Young ton 4. Frighten •0 Grow old »? TIB ASSOCIATSK BUM and stranded an s#*mated 7 with threat# 31 P.pefltt.nf A massive late winter storm attending stat# hi MSU Prof 32 Serf drov# eastward out of the Mid¬ person# 1 Ward off •14 Clear profll gchool basketball tournarr.et 12 Cotton r of communicahun Thla medium aired company offer* program, plan¬ 4! Fr.end F* skills, and Major John Barron, 42 Storage host on Viewpoint, Dr. Russell ned to prepare your rapidly for pooltioaa of c nia.net rr»pon- Nye sa.d that the Russian author 43 Employ nut# *»•! e>eu t? BUM gleinus does not disavow anything h# 44 Ruis.an •ihilfty ia Una with yoar background, training, and HAWAII \\ STmrvTS In native garb celebrate their eitiseu- c.m poser has written, but h# object# objectivea. ship in the 53th state. They are. b»p. Irene Takamiys. Kauai junior! 43 Ex.siencg strongly to its treatment* as • 46 Sc< re U| Abe Takah-tvbi. Oahu sophomore: bottom. Tom «a»i, Oabu gradual# political pamphlet far or against Itnn's eoTtununism. Sea your placement director to arrange an Interview, strung bund «f Secretary of student, and Jujre Ilarada, Kauai semes. SUU Dalle# lacks authority, Pasternak, he added, 1# not tr.jjv3.sai or writo direct toi C. W. L'fford, Director of Induo- hat sftor tho Maeraillan-IKrn- fai'.erestod in politics, but In th« hower aeetiig a new sens# of larger question# of man's fa'#, trlal Relation* dirertloa I# ngsdri" hi# relation to God, his attempt to keep hi# dignity and self- Tho Liberal Observer said Hawaii Students Voire Views respect in • world out of con¬ America, and Francs and Ger- trol. nany, too, have "grudgingly senior* "I haven*! bex-n home In .icceptad tha leadership of Mac si:'."«• four years, and although rnillaa because no other leader¬ nit- :u I so. glad Hawaii I* now a state, inuii'iminnniiiiitntniinnmMttnniiMiia^i'ii«MdHjH ship arts forthcoming" I fd..'-i to pay much attention to Christopher Lucas, Waking- loo correspondent of the mass the action.** circulation Sunday Disp.it m, Ginriy Mutt-Smith, Na debit pictured America.* chief cx.tu- m»;.' »r: >re "It's wonderful!— fee m lenely. low-spirited. ar.d F>per ially because we ve waited Ik bit political cnundati ris so ioag to b«^tme s state My baffllfigty inconsistent. •aid Lucas: "In 1053 Ameri- aal moat popular war hern, th# ' -< !v wi.-h i* celebrate " to be there to help ut soft! What taste front Irene Fak, Kauai Universal fstner image, sw. t lb# Raaublicart# into power w. h senior; that. we are "It is so finally a Takamiya, hard to belU'V# state. Wave yonder I FILTER-BLEND fbt magic of iu* name and em¬ waded a long time but it wa# barked on • crusad# fur s n w certainly worth waiting for." mm Ik fov—nmar*. ■fc 19M a weary, disillusion- t. < tin era ad. flgaru enters thr hums Mr nigh with his popularity Urn- fc •, S. Olhu. g^d A Campus-to-Career Caas History "Bi ugk# breath Ei.-ati '-..aer —Bounce# *w» won't give .n inch — Berlin and in the next add# qmetiy 'or mobile a mao git—' •Tig —dlaasly ur^'es d-san a- !*»;» Ak*, fresh. KMBt —d atomic contn !*. yt • i'f-.it' I only iiBmlwss Macmillan» pr-^.r s ** i.«iw to b# •or • tugt agree:i.en; as im- v>», Kukirtael# ROYAL CROWN, FKLR Th* OUtl md Fine* Pi*—rim tm E*U Lansing VWt 211 M.A.G or CaR ED2665S i ^2 inenojur rati nwi 1ktuw fl|> FW> Lenten Season Begins 3 Profs Run x>an Application Deadline Today For Eastern Church For Council day haa boen Ml m fed inert* to loan money to gtudenfe Did in* Rvm enflNRe •*- •pirttaat reading and meditation, lis# for ttudanta Id aubmll The penitential season of lent lodfem* for tha National pen*e». Any full-time atudent begins for Eastern Orthodox rnnfewian and reception of the munkiintng an alleeolleg** 2 Churches today, an*i Easter will liurhirist. and an Intensive life oat ftudant k*n for Hiring point is eligible for fee loan- be relebra'rvi on May 3 of prayer are urged upon Ortho¬ l« fund wu DsMMMiDd hy Amount of loans is detdnrtin- ed on the basis of need, avail¬ The date for the celebration of Easter tn the Orthodox Church dox Catholics during this aea* win. Dunham, Pcstcrfieicf, faWrti and M*tft fovarn- ability of funds and evaluation by the First Eeunv >« Thomas Candidates was sot of achola.rtic ability. Maximum There ate over 150.000,000 cal Council at NVea in 325 A D. amount to be loaned is 11,000 Orthodox Catholic* the world Egyptians Riot it was decreed that Ea^'er in D year. should always fall on thfe fir»t today, .wi'.h about 5.000.000 in Three MSI" profes>.»r!* hir f been chosen as CRndirlafcs Application blank* may he /pATflO, B*vpt MA — AVnrt picked up frnm Men's Division "Sunday after the vernal equinox America. English i« becoming in¬ for the city council in the Fast Lansing city elect inn* S.CKJO ftudertfe and worker* pa¬ »nr! after JewPn Ta -over Tve raded through fee confer of end Women's Division of Stu¬ la-nten rea«on for the Orthodox creasing! v the language for the April ti. dent Affairs, Student Services. Ma«ft and the administration of Go-don Thom- 'Curio Sunday tn a maaetvd de¬ monstration againtt Iraqi Pre¬ Applications for loans for fall Catholics lnats seven weeks; forty da*.n i(S memo!" of Christ's fa-t- the taerament* in the English- Placement m Thev are: nrofe>9or IV of apoech. Dr. term may be made from April Passion mier Abdel Kartm Kaatern and intf in the desert, and apeaking eountriea Doug a* Di nham, profeaftor of Iraqi eommtirlat*. 15 until August 15. Week. The Pan-Orthodox Student Interviews aoria! adence. and Charier Pes;- fttrlet fisllni. more frequent Aran ie planning a «erie* of e-field profeesor of mechanio-V participating in rhurrh aervtcea, F-enten Vespers to be held on Increasing engineenng FREE >f»fnn«T« Club Will Entertain Wedne*dav evening* at 7:50 p m. in the Alumni Memorial Chat*l A tola! of 11500 tiudrrt* wrr« Interviewed for job* nurina fa Thopvaf. received grre fron Aihson hi« B A. de- Coliege. hi« Family Folk op rumpus. The Ansr. will ■pnn- M A degree from MSU and hu V4 Gallon Coke, Root Beer op Oranpe Nowmomarg Club wnll enter¬ aor a week-end spiritual retreat arid winter Jack Kinney, Piace*nen; term, according fturea , ph D from Norltiweetern Dn;- tame Mean PNeae ty laa Narrar with 2 — Reg. One Item Pima tain Faculty Folk at 5 p.m. Fn- for Eastern Or.hodcrx at the Romanian Orthodox mon- abidenta TTF.W UNION HOARD effteer* leek ever material for the renting direc'or Five thousand of the*e eraitv day in the Union. interviewed • n'er term DELIVERY 6 P.M. - Ii30 A.M. Mm. Jeremy ftchloap will aetery at Gram Lake on April year. The* are l-r: Mark Harraald. vtee pre*!dent; Rill Hampton, K;nne\ attributes thr n*e t Before coming to MM Tttimias was *n Instrurior at John Mar¬ apeak on ".Japan— Influence on 10-11-12. new president: Mug* Ftftteeher, mcretary, and Gordon Smith, out¬ mlervfeTTng ^o thr new fa- • shall law ftrh.—l In rhteago VMSITY DRIVE IN C'»n temporary Design Flowers " Nuraery feHlitte* will with All Orthodox atudenta who going pr evident. itie* of the Bureau, plus the and a tearher of speeeh at Fen- are interested In participating in Improved businex* climate Ap- on High ftehool. (ED 24517) b# provided for children at Peo¬ the retreat should oornpiete ar¬ pi*.»xtmatelv 1100 interviewiig ple's Church. rangement* with tha A«n. be¬ fore Sunday. Flint Musician Murders Family schedu'e* term were drawn for the He h > (»> mftiube fthip sn fer Minugar Sneeeh A«n., Centra FI.IVT police mid a 52- ioal instrument repairman. F.i. and ►n«-e ma- S'a'e* Speer . A.v-i-. Apee» t jors mi'*' it, demand. K.n- Delta Sigrr^ JoyauM Elaetad y*ar-old p«rt time musician hat Do'. John Burton said Seoiev *re A i Aiuenra, Why tabs homo dirty clathasT admit'ed beating and stabbing hi* wife to death and drowning admittaxi b«*i«iing ht« wife Carol. n. rrea-ed -rt.d Tr.- in'erxir e • n.i%» ,ng opp- tM'.r ' 1: :n- Hr-.o and P I)..uh K-iopa Do"* ereived hp; barhei-. v At fee laat meeting nt fee - 52, to death with a hfttche* and dies fot Modern Language Ann of Am¬ two of hix four daughters in genera huftines« ar.-; deirree from Yankton Cdll»vr family* eaet aide Flint artobh.ng her with ■ knife in iitwrai art- maior* 5 ank'rw,. S D He rererved ho erica, George Joyaux, aaaoctate tn« Going Home For Easter? profeeaor of French, waa elected ohatrmen of the French VI ft tK»me Sunday. Held f'T investigation of mur¬ their bi bedroom 4-year-old and daughte niowmng t'aiul pubiii The hu'k arhool 01 pvirmj u-r Mi ' wi!: ga: b. i i! Othe- **ate» u lerviewing ; n t :• u w d ■ a. n g fh« or He v a Thera. P. Gamma Mu. Ph: LV „,emhe" ph; Alpna wm "an uigv to kill." . ar'ho..1 i'. -nr ;n C'a. form* K ■« k* i' a American gat Iham cleanmdlmd iaundarad W - •i.v.i I 1 ' d . a n * \ * 1 j 'he Mis-issippi Vailed • ■ .. j for Aradamy Award "REST ACTOR" O ■> and V* 1 Vr> k .{ ' ir a A—r. „ than they'll ha lulf /or Kmnev iihuo*.- a?ed engut- Fnlty high for Hollywood!" rsrv e.-; •* , -firm libera a • ft I SOU V t •*.• ',:;g dian Land < esoion." Insured sa-arv fo? 'fM an't -a- Pi ■ i reie.veci hi* B A erf »< i'iiw '• *2 ♦'»(' "OUTSTANDING!* K • he rj-.inife.< t..r ... 'd the IV.iverftity M A fror o* the COLLEGE CLEANERS I n: • of N -• *h Dakota "A TRIUMPH!" '* 'he ijuar-titv " • . to MSI" e E, Laming 620 W. Mirhlgan "A POWERFUL . , CAM!" s • ;,AWi !K.IJS . . th Dakota Laundry gamine Free Parking I OW COS ! a merr oei of Caah ft Carry MOVIE!*!— , . . Hti.H RFAIIF.RSH1F . . . Beta Pi and of Heating Engineer* EYE HI-LITES by Coi/i* Stmth'n SPENCER Dr. Joseph B. 61 tstein D AC RO N*] CASH tftACT •k*«i M Pr I I : POPLIN j (•giM.m m j, ... .. KtrharH Hldmark in !* in thift 6S\ Dacroti »«#h Xu*dit "THI TRAP' 2 ft* • 4.4 S- 7 J« lu tw 35\ Cotton Wftih grd o' » h gui.ibia "The Irnini I aplitii' Is for I N J 4ft WpgrSuH rr fe - -ft tft - f.D« Ul I SIIOV 55 H<»w etHwe littw tw•.!*>«» • ,» wewsng tab* * I »?-* iV* th aigtti bifocoi# werv hi -ddae k—h»l# engr AU-VBIIFIIMTT •WMWT OOFIINMFNT %N«H»K? hmmoan STATS UNIT klMT % fetoraU for rftnldree mat Mt OS OTUATHINI be igenera.llv tittoft for two BOOKS a> I noHMMvl. w find ft yoongxtar obo for an. mt i > •l\*RAk-lt no ai«4*M U01 irnmfni re Nke mml pmbaim* at a tariett are ma tor- mt rr*Mnt prvobyopla " lit* 11 Uhw lurfun MaterWJa ft fcuu'li-. lilt terem me YolMiiM M- aa fttmply translate* I k I • sf ' r*ulp—vol. mUMrtUM A mm it m maam eras fear art "fed CimwuuiBMi 1**1 kfeart Ibrtr Urn# " •Weteftftae '12 II M k) Mar Peaugei if- ratHr r In e do attempt to kait ike llaa roptdi paagIB-law mt feetr UfMUliW BMft i We I tUMkHl Buy All Books , mropaa ar neorvigktednom t no longer me Mfarfea Aiist—oa Be*»f for eitildrt« very —nek. a' T, I A m m m rf-mrao paw e a—a—oaa i ■ JIN nit nil rraatdaera ■ i|W—i* r««4 HN t JM m: n IImumm ctMrawi hideia 1 Saa w :a « ?4 ie n 5» Ike paagiaaalna tamgimly Anytime i waa !i «a Ptrecam mt 1— mm •ft ea ftpertaa ftptrtt Mftftft* Ltat »i Q« RATION train. r«an taee s aa Alt-lwIyvraNy wee 112.1 I have • if year ok1 daugb- r aaaa tft aa tor arbo » very conac iouft ArN«Mv* Carnival e: C2 abmai hvr gimmm and feim AT ft ft r. Kaitaeal »w •x fth. k • R Rtpaaal fe ftaanwr Cooler* ttaa jft.w Wife VIM »um n Ml fee Mat twd mini 39S5 lamlBo AeeawM it it— 9T%9t— I* am —n I||M»IX a h Eeertveftle* ft A. raaNmetArveeaI ■** Ramsey's - w. It-It. IBM V n* nimi In—, a —«■ >nii,a mo p I Am ef Pereaatee M. iftM fee AB-C*tv«n*y Hfe I taftar* «f H ill ia »,w , ■•Ml tn«uM« a UNIVERSITY BOOKSTORE Cafeftfert dftSm at Mtfefem fee Pfeiaaaf ■ rifflgrirt'.:4R *% J FTS Junior JETS Kmc Rational aatu'Sl So arc# rursd* ' V V»r,-h2T. M|0 1S-12 • 1S-!JIS If oiMandfnf "MSU Social Vane# *»• irdav. Ma reft II. !0 15-12 !l Tfainini for Srho HumanifiH Mordsv. M»-rh 13 10 15-12 15 : nave been Awarded TT• Hi r of *na.o«inaHon' •u» •>«» pt »n*r R t* , i r-i'ag# • . #M«ao'i«fcad »• MSI coveted Woodrow d#termm«d by tb» «j♦ tarn, F* am nation* »il • Fellowship*, the ma*ttng» during na tar- If a* laa»« two ft* tr-a da Wilson National dan*» inatr-;,-* i»r«i Foundation of «-»i•.»r«%•»-» ':"na* *< '.'.a baa- aqi a-- wbao.. ad Various projact.* aonta*t« anil N.J., announced Ina'arca. »wdam« »< . cofifarrBrM ara a part ef ih# pi octant to •timulata inlaraat in , .0 recipient* a:" ancinearinf im«R| high sahael Honors College, a student* »:ram ol wide !a-.i- o *v of hiah ab .">. ..w Wilson Fou' - •- a nai:on-w ila ?<* future co '--ja ■<*. *.-:ect» and »ut>- f.g vh<.. -t s-> f -r year (graiti.a** giNnn Fallow raeaiva* ^inwanc* of *l "»0f» plus ,.f *xcv:lor- a » it#- lM( of tuition and faes. i: teb«.'e Or. tha »" • "'i- j.inHant* receive sddi- •• Hi * . B"tigh'ori a- f'h*' k#nd*. H'llUiOlM Snoir / ntint VIII i'M KKfc *' f-1 a# f> .go «• 1 \ - ■' WWa-r fca: » pa- get ' ,t r,% * *■ Ml MB! fib of the tlatdalhrrg I hnru* "jiwf off huh «taca ax*# *ftsn IIX) p»- «««o* tb>M>ie. hafor* thair mnrart trid.it night Whathar the rtmhal . tn HaOC P' crash** bogg*s1 down ti • in-vi*h.jfh to tha flow is not known. •> program"! rvavor* grvr.f r. Wi>*-or.sir, « ir. a* dur¬ -» na»-d f- i coi'f'Hf ing s WthJ *e«a-rn 'he* truc-feed «rit. «r Him. c -he 1960"* ran on ' l'» i ii r# rescheeg feu# a Unto. I.ISIilNG ['ii every *ing a Wmvi- KKIIKKATIOS i .r Fellow lf» J7 S. IS KiafcfflfInn lAVHISfi trd Wilson Fallows t. -hi rr tooian. ademtr srorli nam >aar fall »« For Redecorated Cadet Lounge SKI I'llONK l\ J MM i untversirtao VIm Nni> .'Wr a# tu Vairaa \m1 t "ft*it ft - aimrnn.ru, h im U'tUre *ntf lb# mhb lo M to *»vy * « r W r.g mora ■ r»h*« « tf'otp. hat* tfcr »*t' »f !> >«h faa-a 1 ■S" V-V* Tr<: Mas'jTNm Of o -a -■ hl» ■aur».etm n «>• rtyo# V IT# w* «tH«a ttf Mfcjur JHIM| lirassrd in sofnhar na» * blue • nits hear i hi tha • fast of I ha uimarsit* thr man »nd < oad* pra»aniad numbers b» B-i' h •>' laodo f.ihln.n« and lliulii sirif hit in tn*li»h |ran«h Italian and (.arman MnglUht ILOW WITTIO BAKSALL PLAYS* | FMoenae trm»•**!*•*i '!!»•• guy* who p*u«4 lire An««a uti thb mmn% Ivitm UK iud# a aiuggef •« ioiiijihdrra braggMrt (aAoui/iWdaf') and B ^ puutftHd*'' r»*i»duig fr*»ft* h-ft h**ki Ut right Tha ckad In ijuestion » kn4ft*<.:rr id»»»iv hrt.-aitM uitu liita »af Ma thinlui \ ».t tn .»• m H.«i» HHi la the srsond iirw ul an rva tili«ft Hu4 fia a imj duu6ifi* f - Urn- gi«» -i * H' 1 M c*mim Hi miK'kuig. Me g»w*a *4J o*a f»»e Bat hotaan tnata of But -■* InUfiiationa' C; ih, T'f* ctto'^s **> ' # L •»«# Carpao.tMT. dirs-O- d(-.w •-»»»-. it* !Jr ?».• g*- Hat y(\ nw*#ss*a ... itae mifurgoUaUa u»4« ui a LimA# Mnkai r ntun Ut World ' r>- ♦ VfB * firt ' *.f .# g!- w H in c Wr:* HaU a 19*d Ovrf r »*' ,8 if - !.'# • <*•«.-. « < 0 l*i - ' *• ft Ga ho* pa f h ed nuMf *- It'*) ftnuym OVH a«e BauUt W « •' .ill Km>ISU, Bava mi Jvafet* .»» 'a; Kduiihos he; HOW TO MAKE *25 Y«ka » anuef-. Asile MNtnfA WiUi H y*m ma nuiba an aqu^turo {/ n %t*i44u •* . a hnwlif* alky H-ina ftrvwurk* Ui lory dxn$htuUn*t4 or t wio»n gin*Ui4uito*i- Thst'i Hunle U-Vi and it • that «a*y* We're paving Air tl* Thirikiieh tanrde turiged he«*« - year check'* itfHsng lo go! Send f'b* W .'«? %-vm.' Iom« a •«atU a* Lucky Strike, R«>* 57 A Mt. pot; -.«• ; • tilt s M *« Vernon. N Y tncke* your nmw, *d- W»l!'to*a? a — e • 'MM l» d*mm, university end tieer. ifKf To la*m in d«nr« mm- iim pi-ofe*4tocei aumrtFe u Mt f«iH rs.rilldai.ee--te mess i«»i. — mm mmm Get the genuine article t Get the honest teste Oltl of a LUCKY STRIKE \K I III K VIlHiUV School «/ Aanciaf iu«t r VxtmiM ;'hen# IV • *Jtl ( MICHIGAN RTATE *EWH Mirth If. 1959 P*«t Six IM Highlights Wrightlifting r«MHn: Mon. thru Fri., 1:30 p.m. to 10 p.m. Sat,, Sa.™ Vi<'im California's Defense All « )«» im Schedule univfusitv—playoffs I7MIVP.RNITV- PLAYOFFS H VMKF.TIi %Ll HT PI v*. I Shaw I* Six Tankers Complete jl 11 a.m. to 5 p.m. J:I* Vlrvan 3 ti. Ralhrr 5 Will Bother Cincinnati • :]H 9:30 rmmnlli 7 V*. W. Shaw Coral IMKCIMDNTS .1 VM* vi. >»lini^«-» Their Collegiate Carei SAN FRANCISCO (A*)—'"Cftlif- "1 think it ha- an excellent fornia's type bother Cincinnati." "f defense will chance They put of on going a all the way. lot of pressure Foytack: Pattersol That's the opinion ' of Si and that undoubtedly was a Mary's C'oaeh Jim Weaver whose f>ales lost flfl-40 to the Golden factor in our cold shooting." The Gaels hit 51 per cent of A Natural Aiul StH Meats in tiie Far West Regional their shots in beating Idaho NCAA basketball playoffs last Saturday night. State in the first round' game Friday night but only 31* ncr Pitcher Included California meets Cincinnati in cent Saturday night against the the semifinal of the NCAA Hears I.AKF.I.ANt). Els., '.V Paul champirnships at 1/misville, Ky., California hit 42 per cent, Foytack acorn* to have found Six members of I Friday night. about its normal. that happv medium between "Our defense kept them from slty swimmiftF squd The big 'iu«*stion is lust how ta/im.*Ks and nonchalance much the Nation'.-. No their perimeter shooting and was lost this year thro J I de- He never ha.- been accused fensi've Hub can bother the Cin¬ trie major reason for our .suc¬ of being a Ja/v pr-rh.rir.i r but untion and one fhj| cinnati team that ranked second cess." Cal Coach Mete Newell wmi of hi* manoR.'ni ««nd team¬ eligibility. in offense nationally and pos- declared. mates have wondered how the A! Cox on barkctri ses-fes tin- top collegiate scorer Earlier he had mh*I, "If we good-looking righthander man¬ Des PUines. 111., will I in all •America Oscar Robertson, can get by tins weekend, we ages to take thing-, so easily. "CallTornia is good, solid will have an equal chance with Seldom dors Foytack get mad to leave, since he gra^ eiub and well coached." Weaver unybndy in the NCAA champ- at hlmuli or do *nv of the term. Coach Char!r» a s« rted i're«k irrto the linsj without not » lag game to me. I think I'm serious enough about my Ann Arbor Wins Class breastatroker Frank i work. "But what's the sense in get¬ YOUR TOPSIDERS . ting ail upset if someone hits 'A' Swimming Crown great odd*, hot tfcfa I one rait of the park or you lop yesr, MeCaffror i J#we a gome? That'* not going to make the ball hop back Ann Arbor junt Hqueezeri In for the title in the CIr.m* Dave McCaffroo, I Guys and Gals - '8.95 into the outfielder'* glove and it's not gomg to change a guy'* A Hijrh School ChampionHhlp Swimming Meet the weekend in. the Men'* IM Pool. held ovor from East Ia«ruing, "Modine pacer," plan win* in the Big 10 In th^ and Iosm*. Ann Arbor with 41 points was 111 " brea.--*stroke, jugt i "I lake thing* a* they come followed by Battle Creek Cen¬ John Baker, also of Battle fving by a arrall morJ If I win. that'* fine. If I I nor, tral with 40, due to h fourth place then Til try to win nest time Creek Centra! *et national and don# well, consider;^ showing in the last race, which state records in the 100-yard been In M««line'« ah,* AO quelled Central's hopes Birm¬ WddneMs kept Fnytn-k in the hreastatroke First, second and T*m Patterson, oapt| ingham was third with 38 points third place swimmers surpassed te.«m and sprinter minor league*. then hampered and Lansing Sexton fourth with record, set In pre¬ his progress once he made the 31 the former view. Ml. "stand* bv | liminaries earlier Saturday. captam, a prince of o ( Detroit Tiger roster. Battle Creek Central bad an who ha* taken hi* The Tigers think highly ou'dandmg butterfly artist in Ann Arbor'* Owen Kleinnrh- enough of Foytack that they good stride and D aid midt was a double winner, flrtt have turned down offers from Terry laiber-Tie. who..e time. determined to defend | 54 5, in the 100-yard even broke in Ihe 400-yard free*|y|e. Hi* Ihr Mot. Huh Ihr Rrd liner It I E. firand *l»»r J Kansas City, Baltimore and two •hit' ii iimnsd and pool recopds 4:15 0 time wa* a state record, title in the 100-yard I other nut*. MeCaffree said. The sma iu i» S. i KUdftV • dons villa in is s.Tnu.iivv .1L the latter bi-ing xet by I' of M lie w.i* drlendiru rhampion and "Maul has bin- b*»b to- be- him capable rrf vettif trtpie winner. Tuny Tantinick. u> record holder in the 200-yard (time a real big vv.nm r " >,».d ■ne Msg 10 Meet held here the |rer*Ole. and kept both dl*- record* »n the NCAA, | General Manager Rick Feirei un flood turns. week before. tinction* In breaking national "He* ahowti he capable ■ •' and *tale record* with a 1:53.9. wlnmng 14 or 15 game-. ,t sea¬ I.aberdte a Do aided Hi* bottrfly son But 1 ti ink he can lie a r«rd medley relay Irani in rraek- Steve Thrasher of Ann Arbor •lo-gamc winner Few p. ere. itiK Ihe kt-ate and national re¬ broke hi* owr, state recorvt in ( affree sold, and Im* i have a* much natural ability," cord* with a 1:43.5 time. the 130-yard individual medley pendoMe Job. m 1 29 4 time Royal Oak Kim¬ ball •»<*! a 1 33 8 state record in A Junior fram Jut the 200-ygrd frvestyle relay. !P»uth Africa. Billy Stg Saginaw Arthur Hill dominat¬ aiao be lost next y» ed the .living, placing ' niert in ineligibility because first and second position* The Olympic comtMdition. winner, BUI Wdiiarru, got a high 'i>r »s rocorwiderod. St| a .* ? of nine and * naif point* State'* triple winner and hi* teammate. Pete Cog. got 10 Meet in the 320 | one award of 10 point*, which la freestyle end Use l| perfect in the judge's opinion. freeetylo The c»»« of lh« typing p«p«' - that aratad without a traca—or, EATON'S COKRASABLE BOND Typewriter Paper • ll % a cinch lo "rub oulM lypuig errors and Irdir no "clue*", when you u»«t Falun * (loiuolili Bond 'Faja-r. Ntyer smears, t»r\er smudges—l*cau»e f\n i stable'* like mago •uiiiier ... «rnri nilhiwt u ittuff (K lin k of lh« wrist and • |M-ned eraser put* thing* rigid!) Thii iuir quality bonu |»s|wr give* a handsome appearance |o all yuiir mill, It'* • perfect •r ime uot lo un ilt E##*lr#-k«M# #ftl#f»aSMI I* MMttaH* •• v«n.»st too ##<%#•• 1*4 MP MOOI row* Wl* a •#.*•*<•»• ttHthW n*ew. S «*• EATON'S COHRASABU BOM) Mad# aaly S| taio* aaius rtrn ctisruntiios (£) rm-mip «v—visi-ina A* lew a* $774 from Now Hark... 40 *oyo Moor Fib Am b oferinf o fabulous nri«o of gjMrto/ thuktd MSU HEADQUARTERS tomr$ thot lootufo the Dew Boeing 707 Jo4 CUppon*— world * (ootoot oiriinera-between Now York and £uf*|Nk Ko oxtro Ufo for Ihe extra speed and comfort. Of all the aroa* of the world. Europe ia mod suited to roR the type of unusual, adventurous travel you want. There are literally datfn* of tours for you to chooor from, many offering academic credits. And what'a more, there's plenty of free lime left for you to rusm about on your own. eaton's bond From Midwest and West Coast Cities, other direct Fan Am services ores vail able on radar-equipped. 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The olil alandarda' of aalue no longer pre* ail ami Imlai. iberr ie murli douhl ami auapirion of lalun thai arr offered by rat' lailrr- lieeao«e of the widespread oar of derrplive priring and minleading advertising prarlirra, The Mllijert of value i» a hreail anil liullrr mailer lo rier* perwin. Mo »e'lr taken the lamp of Diogenes. the legendary man olio searrhed llie street* for an honest man. ami uith the lamp in hand. knapp's i» searching the atr- line* of Michigan lo find an answer lo I Ilia ipieslion: WHAT 19 YOl K CONCEIT OF A VALUE? Tell ii« in your ohn word". I'iek up a roulesl form a» mmib an you ran and write your answer In this interesting ipiealiou. # e'll all profit from the answer*. hut you'll profit moa|. If youra ia one of llie lieal answer* aelerled liy our panel of judges, you oill lie runt'lied with one of llie , and MMWf bf retained \» (tuirhaw la »rrr«tari la rntor CMlnl 111 All rftlrto* m»»l be addicted |a wnirai UmiA" J H. 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