The Weather ( old, S»o* Fl«rri*« l.o* Monday High Taaaday ..._ EAST I.AN.SINI;, PRICE S CENTS MICHIGAN—'TTK*HAMjVKCH 17. 1959 oreigii lid Cut Egyptians Nationwide Address Irrter Urge* Demonstrate to Reduction* On Radio-Television —President Eisenhower summed ASIUXGTON tJPi—Anv I in President Eincn- Against Iraq WASHINGTON hi- country*'* position in nationwide television-radio broadcast Monday night. one nutshell paragraph during hi* tip Lr'i $3,930,000,000 for. Our ;xw;Uor, he wild, 13 I »M program would We not retreat one inch | "»•« are weakening in I determination" to op. /ii// Passetl frurn t our to duty. exerei** *A> aha'l ron- our rght ef •careful to and frcr mounting Communist CAIKO. Kgspt op)—Vice Lurea, acting Secretary President A b d e I Hakim To Benefit W«t Br.rlin. • '»*. to breach We *1!] rv* be tne the peace: it it lute Chriitian llerter Amer declared Monday com¬ Sov.eti who threaten the 'Jre [.Monday, / force V> ,r.';crf»re with sue |[ f, were not for thin pio- Herter told the House SECRETART Or STATE Jaha Tarter munist agent- deliberately provoked the Mosul garri¬ Jobless f We are ready to parte.pate Oalkea leave* Walter son uprising in Iraq a* an ' v :n everj sincere effcrt a* L Affair* Committee "v.* . kbe aeeing large portion* Reeg Arm* Hospital Wanda« far excuse to crush Iraqi na¬ r.xtrnil raviiiriil* #.* •. at.on .ha? *»:! revpw.t v.-# a drive Uiroarh Rock f reek L tvorld in Communist Parh. Washington. The 71-gsar- tionalists. For Three'Month* ,".nf n*M" " ,!! 53 v' n L i», of tola moment." aid "This is * «* secret of ?/-* rev¬ secretary baa heea la the Irr. standing in fur 'he olution again*' injus*-; e a.*>; WASHINGTON r*d aiU»Uoa rrntfeat far Vawer. and to* chief, again*! months beyond April 1 to ar. estimated 405,000 eligible ng the pej«e;l>iU*y of war in de- aryling that the I'rutod Skate- ir h»ip »> noncommuniht Publication the left-leanine reflate af Iran • Seek Agreed Lint of ProponaU workers. 'V-.ta.r, Weat ar.d franc* get out af L around the globe. Tr,* Berlin. The b'.n v.-## Miud d* * As re haa done many hires l^nfram would apply to hs lens af thavaaada af rtadeat* kra: year atarung July 1. flflA.VD RAPIDS P S li.wnhcrrar aaid the U S Western Powers so'u» .nder procedure fequ ha« Re-evaluating a ad warher*. - Booth New spaper In* fpo*r* - ,n:enti'*.» 1.4 aba-d'jrvir.g it* Lmc raaaaa far laavtac the Nister remained D«RUk . . :n * a two-thirds i-o'.e f.e pat'dt* Laratlea peagrea latart. Monday announce^ trie it«ep»ng watch on me ,n<.re»*-- Tr.ere wa« ru> «uo»i>.e vo'.« . •e*{*/M;bi*ity a.vj rights in Grand RapiGf Herald tea-e n. established by po t reiaVma br'.*t*r • kali, ka toe Ree-year-old tenie '.oe negauve pub I: cation of its daily morning W'gr'l War II agrearremtt to Top European Cold War Issues •r.e C A R. and Iraq He • March Ti pr-"ip*gar»da nr^digde again-" •aerr.tHTi aa.d 'hey d.d jv a f»--i ch wu • party. ■ MM f—asiil alllea a me l1 E a. !■ n halrta* A'' t;''' Wrr'* ur,# ll *fl* Kusaem from that Syrun c. • •:.e ' WpeMi'g eff" pni%* tioru • ' nounced tfie afs*-rTH*,n Grar.d tn d»* ia»* Wednesdav. b. were 3-ie^uate Rapids Prcrs publoh sevrti LONDON -T* Diploma'^ Some **< uora of tr.e B r wi dee ditrwcMHH. and added *T The Cairo demorwtrat.on - * »th the ivtio'e problem of ur- cav» a week b-'giv. ng Surxta>. !' «->« au^g»-v'.eG Jiat toe A'es'.- knew of mm deetakMi le tahle a markecj by a t* o-h»Air j»atair »o.rcM said M-*na trie maj-.* en*p oyr er.t. , Ap'., 5. gt powcii hate rwa/t-.e-i orr>ad draft peace treat?** • "iroOfh '.he ttreev. *at tfte ftnt '* »**?ern p>»er» *««•»• i*sjr.fhed [be k-uat light of demona'.rated A statement bv HaroP) Csev. *^ch r$* turriout of an an - ar. inter, .ve rev-a ua'. *r. of a '. agreement "Q a drapt of an a - H i csrrfuJv phrased den.a' Rat the* a rat a leaf with Rra aims tr* bea* th.-. vice president of Bo'ith News¬ f/erman p»»ce treaty to te pre- < «i on a specific po.r.t-* hetr.g Uilhar Mil la >U-Art>. rhakr- b- in oeanofrur compel ' nature *tru« Nasser too* rod ear mvoivJig - paper* said the deci»,.sn *a» wi'ed a*, be foreign m.n.ster» a p«*ate treaty had already w- maa af the him and »#an* p'/'Aer five \war* ago. o-ronij ^ r; iierubve ila;-per ff» acting atote department oa^e-1 on ' failure of c.Teuiavm -rJetrni» expected around Mi> drafted. He nne.e-d that the ft* rammlttee. aha aaid the rt- Tr^.r fra.1 of;.g**:ve is b» laid, "it would be a tetr- and advertising revenues of '.?»♦ Vat evra dartnf the IM S#»» of ,de<6 bkwaep Waatera capi¬ •trtried ateetch-aat la paraieat* -rx »• c-r.grev»:'jr.a! fritiri, ng if we served nou';x \»,n Ickrardt, pie*a c. f p aid ftetd He aaid Uie newspaper producOor. ' wiahtoa* ar P-rmM MahtltaaUan RuaaiAna w«>uid have -trong military, to ,'*opardy ef Ml • pRVfgke could Ve: v Utiey'i statement »aio aoo-.e fc>: th.e West German govefn- ;c, re/ecUrig out of hand. The ways and means a bona! defer, ve toe doruive in toe wor i- Herald employes will be • ar.-- <* rn' told reporters m Rvin 'r.e c«nr That jn turn, wou.d max* o* i: ter.rioter rach tv l«*l WET. "inH to the Grand Raptds Pr« •« The keynote of the parade * «- "e WesterQ powers had not vet •re has sahedj'.ed hearir.? • a predartjoei by Nauer m Ii- ' -c; f Hflntitg lo pay off in real - o new Sunday Pr«ws or u» other •;«wty before the f'*esgn n. r.»- March I. which Baghda^l *a.1 t<*r» later the b.ggeaf tmai N* d hn nati-eiH-vie a'.idieivc km m Southeoet Asia ore flooth newspapers and re- te-% cmfererK.e vwr.peraat'-r. c/ierage I critioal Eroaa m the Ear • rovf longer per^Kli T# >rw 'ig I »'• A" fir# er.canr ?>:»* --«f we r * ha - e [ rtmggle for the uncorn* \ ! ♦ Kaaaem a regime Informanta said « was hard to • same tvet a meet Jig *follow the foreign nutostars' mi coverage *rd h;gf,er payr ''e cairsge arei ra-*ac5t* 'o i k nations. aapoet Ef toe EAaeohMter The statemsmt saUl: •Tor tr.e U.S as * avi'» la line srtlh the I' AR.'* pre- feoeed paik? af pMitlie aeat- p a*e :."uo«r4 a Umat on the number of ntr* bevng au Vole to Kill •a'ks and they es;»ect |*re$;deRt Tf^ houie-paiaed bt!l Joe* r extend tavnpofary fdera e#i •wen3 the arid item 'ea trt futme ' ea of tte K senhurwer V, approve r»rh a bet e neA»papvr publishing rusts have in tiic * e- •em dpla i Atneiiriment * r ,er. 102 percent in the pa-' i" rality there waa a rhaal: "Ne plan. % to new w*rkerj beyond */ ■ Isllan " Apni 1 txpritK« date lie V. •* lehda n«er fer >, far« ar.<| the Herald is no ea- rahlee, • mm E; in tha pertia;; l*e*p Md for it as a r.ew eulatton 'has -declined by ' * R chaid Irtnkford »D-Sfd» sa-.G pa»ved. de,e-.e Arnendmer.t No b of forwarding our since ll»5u despite a Grand Ha- V. w*V n 2. w-fuch »pe« .* •• ilandar the T" S f'.*rt '..s on a Arafat n} Bar.ra.n «r# aga : »' Without th» b* p*ds area pupulauon gnvwth a. a 4 em i c r«-^u.reTr.«n*j f* ipecia: alert—b^t the Navy »* d phai.'g MultiA a policy * p.ocvwa. *'--*"».efs te Al'SG pf« d« candidate* . off ve ro.,t April ' 'eg»r Tt'.e vertaon t" t»e deleted I^nkford ta*d r.a va' fovtei 1trgiiniz4i$iun In nit tna* 4 vandtda-e for p:e«- '.ad &*en on a ' -e* a.ert for • res Ttm »V>r departrncr.: » •. e- .; tee I Ge^v ! >. . te*>t shal. be ar. umrtCfradu*'.* •.-.ore than two wbeks, with -.-ee *-e j.:* • • I He (Sea* •# Mrtrah sffer upward frtrr. car-r H« .gv ".,<«». •> rlatent 1) c* mo.* f an Mi per cent of the* ■vcnit . It» Jos - ash* all itrtrato te rasapkeu- and -...-pet »eri t ve coat and* of * war. • At • * te In '. trie fin Ste'- rred.-ta wfv" has an *.•'-college •. >ev» $ at "R aid* ef ' I? fill Ml the sever** ■.» be benefited,. f>eart*:G. re«irtrat«M rail t apria* above" arjt adds thai he sr.i'l tively that r» "Special a.ert or Get Saftuutk • I'at He ,an - Ovcagu. WASHINGTON J* The term All srntiitos** a»d •'.a.nUiJi at east a 30 a.,-co • fa e t*en ita.ei He sa.d it • Jim W ;ifee*. t.anting In $'«> Deparuner.' said M >»de.* artlvktae* la which ilafesti T norma', for a proportiow of i C"'ev* aM, ( R'i about 50 aependenu of w/;r t «'f . has* participated and tome he firrt to be a* tea. Werthe m Re*betler. NY, J u > j its peisotiue n Bo-via at* the* are f>esealed »« kaoow* ! ns ov «k« Da *: Uiwtug lea.ifig the country The De¬ are pat mm ?«sminert rtadeat partment inautnf .t wgtf not ar> mm i Ihir >'>rv« Vfli >lmffrri emergency evacuatiob AT atulerfti i.'.^re*icd A •> ffw the t*r*» aM ah" e-- OnUriti »...g oepertmec,?* ef State ftaags by toe ii r.. ve Mur.» (*u •> Mired Si doodnne. ••i af*erweci of rrv. h,g*«r* rt-1, nartmamt MoftGi for a record budget «f (rtkege pveeaf*. Top of the Morning to Vou »i*e-4 SMI.347JE6 fir this jew * Arcurrfieig to* for fall The Department spokit ar, yajd tne departuce*. by regular i ga.itk r>ad and bridge-but ' • Idki, the required maun urn ifig prwffbm. wil! !>$ 1IB St. Patrick, French average Irish? cum men .a 1 airplane pervitin., Highways UnbUt Caap mere in no way gent poiisical tensMXh* or related to « tor it* fifth puce«»ive see- Wrtimda; n.ght Car.grtxanien cia-s with important busmeu *•» La Par are entering the country ord-brething program. fee. '>« ne-* ru» ng will heip to a me he aei* Another fa»x«„* create tnnwrt academic as usual ... . . >*ar»t that rti bean retoed by PrudartlM l » a»ar«MSf m rrtmt body af- 1'Mriuc.i »s thai 3* fitr*i '#.r* end jraiouin a J-.igh lewel W"" Rgwlo Marluu used ttw tfismrvci V» rvr /y ve WA&HWCTON e^-Tb, I . 4ie*ng can a. data* t« ei* Tnmty t» »•** rnnvema !Wd in Dhwrce *^v. m m m cAM. Ha rt myired to M*e rati.* s a 1 the tnahrs out ef IrbiV SANTA UOKI..A, CsU * ladu*ml *<-"*>•» * .A mope. 7>>e frtt egeM Hart KMftf. M.rk* Br.-, II" u 'reoMrr a . cnctffi r| X Pptr«ch •* Viet *i 4. (or 4 rorr. M «4>.r *fltr , r.-,. W. Itwl l»-a- hrt be* to E Ma rah ad the y»* nearly id rmaRu aeporauor. ad before the isi—EM 4dl. the awi dad for IS from to* movie »thf. The Rerdi gERMtohOy*'-- day* 6 TM dpea, iMfcut-born actrcrt, juaiad pradartMB RHtal MM tr * ■ It hi t Day Wteurt brook the a ,lMr ed i ld-EMBth-aid eon. point m Fiknwry hp !M pmtr .* brnbd»ry of yn-toaU wook I«r Ett^d tot Omr-wisaioi actor of the 2M7-dd leangp. an who bhvc a 'Jvl* inagint* bed wart Mr "gneeoaw mesual Ttua w owe partu hale the tion And with toe hack o b*# miWliW dtatcma trt injuryT p-e-raceeueo level at Aufast ISWE. M» to tod Mt akaharaia. ;MT. r INFORMATION MSU Could Scrap Housing I " Regulations " Michigan sutc New. In4 Dally by Mhl'a Read MNl i ? StridcnU Muiugan S'Atc N*v» i» hv students of Mninsun *•'»'« MudenU and faculty family \ f.T* I I I l» UATft.R I ARMVAI. %.\f A HOI'SE. us roily Atll^r putk if, In not a home. Mirhi- and Harden* morality in all who have not yet reached the 'I ne H* * % ll I* t.'nuersll.v f'.asr,»n^ Ml' «'*»ive»*iry »> m the »1.. it . Senior Clays yan State t'nivornity bniisinf, irranteil gtirh a distinction, . r.'lt uhlle keexiiig laa servr 'ltit he. I |i-iere,!» «»f 6,,in. (Im-IU* fCeik'- W STI R ( ARNIVAL Rt 1.1.5 S'udent Services IN SHORT, univ.r.iti*. atlrh a, MSI' work ivith th* run. l*» Oatlle any move slilu vnild drive • hr*' raq U>i u »» i« actually a collection of home". whether It ro»n#s froni mlim »»,r nrd.rrallv nr from oo'an'- M,m, • > RM.IT.ATfON* COMM. 4 ATINH.IC STI DWT Student livlnf quartern, for the freateat tiunil*r of.elu- r>-|>t thai p-opl* fin not art a. phvairal. apirjtual and Intnl. of in# A-KMide'| Press. InUnd HeUv l*re»s ainl Associated t'oUeije 7 p.m., 41 L'nltdi «»RI*A\I/%1K)N Pre-.* • * Imlnal *ntlti*a, hill aa Intal nrganlama. Hll Mi DI.XKM RAT** 4 pn CathioK- S'tuie rle atudanlp, are, in imlvtralty terminology, "home* away At a raault, lh» nniv.raltl.. a**k In d-al wilh th. "whwla ' Ur cafeteria, ( often from homr" Vol. 50, No, 155 TupstIh.v, March 17, 1050 Pujfc Two 7 p.m., 34 Ufilufi. Surh home* are currently divided into three categories: pnrtniialily, not juat Iht arad»mle naliir*" wh.n wlurallng atiidnnl.. dormitories, fraternity and sorority houses tin the more refined sense of the word 1, co-operatives ami approved What it wrimg with Ihia durational philoaophy in (.n- Miflii«*uii Slate iNcw rral and a hnna* and bnmaa arranfwnani in partkular ia 24; M'.jiIsn' heivt homa*. i ».id*' inti' era th* following: kl The other type of living unit available In small quantities It praatippoa»a thar* art paopl, who know tha anaw.r, «>|ie< ui lrr*hr i. Ml l-l! N'i i« known as unapproved, non-approved or unregistered . t of M* • (1 * l$'iU at me »*>•• I in thla raat, tha adminiatratoral and paoplt who don't (in hooting. rlii« rata, tha atudanlal. iihu-riifii'in* •o-.ainc lor .on• term ii, 1 three 'er,,,* The latter units have no official title, since "unapproved'1 Working on thia fallariou. pramiar, tha paopl*-who-knnw •i $tf she Iiiie'rt pies* A MM *'e| Managing editor Hardy I But for convenience, we shall henceforth use ."unapprov¬ train, In Ih* raa. of MSI "a hnmaa. "tha grMtaat poaalbla Kusine** Manager , ,, John ed," in its finest sense, when referring to housing in which c\p»rl*ncc in group living. a»IMiariplin* and d.v.lopfn.nt I imitation Dim-tor faul I the university has no formal interest. of giMnl laala and anrial manntra." ironrtaay Tha Halnt, I ll v » am.r Jsirr M"hh I'nder the current university rules, only men tl'J years of Sapt., Ift.Mti ran pjfr idiu.1 1« i I •»<» Paje I dilor Phil h«iihb< H age and older who have a cumulative grade-point average Idiinriai I artiwinlrl I a* Martrtan win Nenneti THK WHOt.K Idaa af adoration, of rlaaaraonta. af unf. -lai k I uiirtsime |M rh *lanster ' of 2.2 are permitted to live in unapproved housing. Women varaitl**, ia not tn bring paopla without prinripl** to paapla Sp.irl* 5 4llor I'm H pin trfirrttaln. Manual btrb I srn N»Hh 1«l Rriail *lana*er are currently required to live in university-approved homes with prlnciplaa an that all mav avantually ha ana agrawabla V14r»• Tailor- Xeld« 1 ro«,i r.» I'jlriak y• oil Pai sirlari*. I'd* 1i*ii»r*. I laborfiea Mana,u .Ms unless 2* years of age. family, w.a ring lha aama prinriplaa. A iinlv.raltv nff.ra KM Trofcson oitiflb* * *,,i Xuiii I an of* s*aar* II..II- <%,» r i u«*ifi»a *lana,»r A I.I. OTHERS, under penalh of suspension, live in ap¬ knnwlnlg* to that ita atudanta ran form thair awn prinri. ali.n kaftSra I *|«l> l.abnilir %le*er I .th t»« Hall r. Il-.h |..|if, Sale. Slanaters Arnaaig proved homes. MSC'a homes are.subject t<» university-pre¬ plaa. l. Wall- lea I applet! scribed regulations. The majority of them are health and And MSI.', in .atabllahlng ita hamaa. ia cenfuaing prin. in,loo Hill Kielm i • Ufire *4ana,er Inane Ralhj I lie Tailor* shaton I nadv. National Uanarer laa* safety atandards, some are procedural, and a few of them ripl.a with knnwladgt. A univaraity cannot craato a prin. t'ampua <;ia„ifivil. Ken lluim Harke* klMt*r»on Sonar* sa * erming Manafd hj»toell.-Jane Mark Nanry Turner are moral. riplr, aurh aa tha immorality of drinking, taking woman to Your Kay to Bvttvr Valua, . MSI.'a feeling about houaes and homes is that a univer¬ man'a apartmanta, or avan th* right and wrong of 400 cubic sity has a responsibility to psrents. society and the like to faat of air apaca and 50 aquara foot of floor apaca. tare for students physicsllv and morally as well as academi¬ ll ia nirt thai I ha univaraity takaa auch palna ta inaura cally. Rig in universities -suppose, in varying degrees, that Ih* rnmfnrta of Ih* atudant and tha good nam# of tha uni- varaily, hut an inalitution which triaa to fit ita atudant, CAMPUS CLASSIFIEDS they ahnuid not only provide facilities which further this Into a prinripl* in,land of fitting thom tn form thair own ED 2-1511 i:\T.2fil5 end. but require atudents to take advantage of them. i.« a wrak nn* -lha aama at a univaraity which do** not olfar anv prinripl*, at all. IIKV ill.I N KS: 2 p.m. llU UK I lllll: PI I1I.IC \TION loll II I.S., Wlill.. Michigan State, for example, is currently seeking the normal maturation point among its students—that is, the'* trv lo find out what i, right and wrong, if a, mu,t Till Its., \NI» I |{|. COITIONS point at which students behave themselves and can he let ilrnl wilh tha qua,lion al all. Hut lat • not raia* th* unap¬ MO.V COITION OKAOI.INK: 2 p.m. I III. out of approved homes and left to count their own fire es¬ prised hnu,|ng raquiramant* up to 2.1 naat fall, a, Frill* Patalil* k.|2 and |..*, Mnnd«i> thrmiph irida» capes and wall plugs. lha plan iindnuldadlv itanu to ha, and furthar ahnw th* MSli is playing a giant home-awa.v-from-home on the world that our univaraity ia not only narrow-mindad, hut widest of screens, even so far as installing a Better Homes |Nioriy rduratrd. CLASSIFIED RATES minimum II woidi _ HOUSING HOUSING PERSONAL • 4a, lie FOR HINT FOR RENT Letter* to the Kililor I *T t.% -a* I day. tl.?S * '■ ah ii" *»0, She Defense of Compulsory ROTC Rebuked • 'rtr««lF * dan 117S %'f.r » 4*r* U *0 H-;«: • • A«en, IV 2 could ttr duty of •very abie-nodied ADDITIONAL CHAR&ES NHT T* 'lUM*. ' J*l i "|B"t>dufed b* ... te ike Mtkr: war to an*wet ihwn t*rept In l»e man* lar aack ward av.r IS H.i da "'Si Vrtiir ?««•» tettma Vn the ertu ra'l Ahdieesen a pninplarent o'tier means, such as making riti/en of the l'ntt«d Rtaiea to . I: I Cm- mriuded • Iwtier hewn John irulttanst ' and ' nusguuted na- lir»TT more attractive in atu¬ rontnbuie hi« just ahare lowa-d 6c pt' day APARI Sndteaaen defending rteitpul- tionaltat " It u sad tha' a fa< - dents. it is doubtful thai two tne preeei vation of security and Met rt HNI*M»fii npLH " I'R'UcTlr n< w > ii» i -H *• t< REAL ESTATE norv ROTC end "rMudnn your iiItv member should lower ine ,e»r* of rompulaor* drill mil fieMom. then to* rompu «<»i AUTOMOTIVE • ,ii •. ■ - '• -•» *• • ... •• r-.l-i W#dneeds> Miumm!. To my diAtusftion lo Sn emotional leu*' lia*e th>s reauit ROTC program it MR!' does tale hail , \ ■ e,* lu/k.,,, RMiiahie rr» » nan for sale way nt Bunking it dnee not re¬ while atudents tsmh a« H i Man? Kaw tieaip not accmnp'.uh rtus puipoee F INN I ri fK.fl ri BMillll l The change tha' voluntary Our piogiam esempu all f»- THKEf HHidiiOM I f»l < fute your editorial at all, hut Cook tn the same letter* col - ">M- 11 iH WF \ ' cine hlo * <■.#* w.uThra I |u ihnn V raiaea aaUtielv ne* twuex, alt of untili aie i-uniiurtHig 11 mi * Hem' would "exempt male atu- ntoie atudanta. of toe lata t iNCOt.N i gPN! *.d.n.< Ke - >.e Nteh *... i v 3 i4 l ha i f n A a t/t> a »«'A "« • ' «■' ' e t ii J-ikW v, hi on happen to he invalid. more intellectual plane. denta of MSI' from a national MAC marching band, ahoi r *• riniei* B«un en mdo> ro a mi - e *i> ■' . '-iXilpc »•*(' J • vialleni lira* »i.*w* |V 4 iJJS k- •- s.-wr '»■ «"d«va ir.arlil l^ie editorial alaied that Hanldn't Rednre Oflbers iiutv ' i< without foundation comae atu• 111 I AMP! N F , ' There is little old the rt. .. r »•>*. * man/ potential nffmeia steer *l*lie infomie.l i»eis«m ceiuuii* possibility that \eai« nr o.uet at time IkA* NTt't,*MAKfl> "VAriUN .. ..... f t tie »,.r rte'a S» u'ea« the uirt.e sludeiit* <*lll he so ex¬ of ft ret registration fVobahl* •r»na H"» i.'kmi n.hlie' a r'onta". h r Peie, «>e H*. rinar Mirv teeertt hetng ha red auppli inan> of the iuiiou oflu empted as l.Mig a« t'ongre** con¬ manv of these students aie I< a>'iH iwlim, rtrenl «#»e«t,a , IV 'A AN t Pll WOVIAN iv ; i*«*». *.*- t rd for ttm~ aimeii force*, tint tinues the peackUm# draft pain pur, mcaai, and able-bodied. ' ir.lajhe the van htair ptograin . amount of 'money 1h#t n* tin* ha* rxuhiiig to ilo ivith the Theic i* no basis f,.i imputing It fr.llinvs that Andieaaen Aug >' •|iMi| on heaac R( >TV t ool ft tie |v«ne of compulsion TTicie n a gi•»«'e1 do'* lo Rtmients ttian- t» oppo*# our pseeent ROTC FOR SALE WIN-.; • ASP r* oon-sludents ni for imposing'',. . » put to better us# in olliet win ' tin evident e thai a voitintaiv to program and call for an eattn- RA*I I'l.M T1IMEF KM I'ltrjtS CAftPftA J i * 1 . I* • end that ' student* have not pitigiAiu would luoduce few«-i a dul* on the student* at MSP aum Af eAnipu'sorc ROTC la piaaamao IH mm Woliensak 14 ■ we ,0a" Tied fW »i »r» 3 «,.«* »>'v ,* toine lo • univaraity to leant •officei* than 'I »s»mi»ul*in\ pi«< not shated in the students at theae neglected gioup* ierw Kalart laugefiiolei llei|j.. i'*'»«a i.a* Jiaa' |>a>k SERVICE n««h 4 nil 'Ho1 holder* a>id (iialle the technique* «>f militarism " gtam, paiiicutai lv tuu-a the final the I'mverMtv nt Michigan If Vataalarr ar t aaitakarr? nark adao" wilt lio ved reduction in the Staie Hoard of Affriciilture ROTC a>a all patriAtre Amer J AN(.» I>c! of armed fortes) Iht*' If ' it !■ the moral and pan a- ran* N« one ie trying to shirk S(«V>N0 US' ; t< e name railing. Theia » no sue the O'NI S SPNINf, t o AT" ai . a nations', moral or patriotic r|iaa»e« aire* 11 10 ll Women .. ret,: F T» •?-* IN TOWN rlouung in* to »:i» 1 -a 1M * duty, and this is to taaue «»• "Aloha" should nevei- have seen raised TK.AfTfvr TH' HI* ROOM CU'CIOUS SfuCN. in lha fkret place p: - • n'r *f ■•■.*» • -.-e e r.o t «.im a- Ragee 1,. Bawlkt EPECIAI.-KWAST KAKFN* rte It' MP'IS THRO' ).«.,• J. if den .*♦ T r , f at vara •*<» Uaiad individual!• 4#, mat¬ hru* aiuai 1 MM-nt 1 oildoie * ♦ ♦ A PI'NO V SfVONUT SHOf es itk* a»i\»ng )« loi Mfr I'h.o a art esr-ai*' M. , e aarlMt*R1 THREE #ii,| h#u MODI TA Prl'.ale Ua'rt *! «;i yn j H MM-1, .- s;a TO Cal.l .lOKK ,n.i , . » - !,* <•>• ' AI'dROVElF HOVXI.Sfi Ftind Arfoiiiit - . .s , FOR e a-»d dt M -v.' #-» ; fuBim -and he'ie 4 - fOlHOll fX QUIT lUSlNlSS a«e On# ,.•<•«! p*i .p.-,* Pi i rt*, l.a ** Id *pi«i g»r ID ; - t>»* -a eek *' IV 7 Tsdor With 1 >'■ e AIL MOCX MOV40 Kequenlttd Cl««H(l!S. TO MUNDOR fX U A# IT- a '*• w i" ATI R V< MVK raltiaeiainr »:ia haii a»dt TKHH 1 i*f • • v " •>.#« h ,).» i 1 , ** A PPRtXPAi •e c*» • pueaeaauth male toi J J45 l ••./tiani NNOTTA AMmtt I; ltd la Mm MNm: ,a u>'*« -\ea< AA f :j• «.i TV VIET ANN hTrow# r r* 9 l-i'CksTrie - • " l^at monk urvvasaity living sunera end- tK«*« a-w f t units spent an astimatad tS.SOO. HANIS HUH * *- t. »«9 | KfLDIO AP.ARTVFNT » H ftrnw ntlliliaa imi.l ('* i • t «. ,! and an immeasurably aniount of tv.» men »*>!« IJI4 r KaLa - •.» TV-RADIO SEJtVHE - time and effort working on A Oil* ATHLlTlC SO* a »4 * raw* r«» a*r,i»e»i la N e a APARTMENT FOE Ml N, { Mi". *#>» Ere, ' fw Apartarade, a chanty project. A« t n 'r- Ml. fli'P ■ ♦-■a.iaba P e*teuan ***»a t a n t# >at. wa hava neither seen new and Itihl F*h,.ne «» 1 jivi St, RV|f. mj« MEN «la Evergreen. AgoV| SOX M « • » l ev Kniy ham C ompa ~ i 3A-Z- -- K'leneu and Ltaikwig M a v,eek. Et>- heard anvthtng as to what be¬ r*r> IV T-iMa elastic eaincoats t; ROOMS :-MI? a'tae J m came of tha receipt* from th * TYPING." A!-I. KINDS giCtif RANTS. i v» • a 4 a' o SPARTAN kAl.l J!i Tmu* tX>( Ht r PARElNO a' I.* pmjart and what part actually Dnuhi# . t-new mer .Ten year* *c leached the charities fas which, O Reg. IS 41 ra- Il.tA. fwaun*. appi. a.1 *► W C.iar*l P»i«>r.a ED t-UK(< C*'lleae gr#ctu#ie EO I-A4a» week 5tnt'a rvwrni* IS Vi ,a,.i. *"*' ! *» M» the* see intandaa. Cannon shuts, h.m t » W a,h twio - ;•> -a." -i,-- * Wy raquaat that a cotnpiata ?:.«. I 'I WHR IV. leleu'v. e w. -e ia I OSt ™l>k K> t'HfRO f Two n-.W fa* (title- p, •■•a; * .nd •• a il"*#*"* - ^ Mf-ng term •exeunt of the teampta and •«- ROAM RuMI* Wr ». e-a.K-nc* lla'nm dPa*,* i,> PH-ki» ED T-cwg. 41 l*i> Et) I J5T« s,i A fAMlLT JCWfLRF pend.tuie* b* lha Spartacaaa f ' OOMNX, APPROVED TOR i « SMiNA -JACEITS. . *• • ..- « men ( ammiltee ke pukliMied in the »-j I'M u. »Ms. OtJSTlJVIV OVER 1! p*i% at# T- bUw k rrnm I niar Poyne pre-. • *•::.- e **t '» atela Raws. if«»m I»« bU«k '>»' t unit, f 'dont#. KD I-ll"! or ED- - QUAUTE MIRCKA*.: •RAtSO •• u- e*.|euat«m ED I SO! »-*Ha «:i*r | «• rarhapa this will reveal Mrat a« e wn, j*, smor sfR- ci MlLllAt* SOX aai ? | ROOM EOS MEN D»»uhl« PfK* Campus Cheat would hava been . tog-*e»y» ftm* ;> ,•#•*?•..* w bottgr off if each unit had con- MILITaRv INSIGNIA, a rue ri' a SI t"Nt\ ERiUTV » not SE U'litrg One r»UwA »«i ,» jr,4 Ru«* P'mww EO I-1WT after J WM. H. THOMP tributad tha amount they agent Kr»; *• ewtfahi t On# D ft' *v* f TM Ft«»Ac il«»« »w mud •(WfitJ '(• IMR i« their rmpacuve booths direc*- Inew. e u*-»» &».,• "V: " ' i WIJT44 DlLlTAly ILACE OXFOtOS |M* •' Lenmt* 7 30-11 pa AIJ1ER. PR I \ ATE Woonv# I I h to the Campus Cheat Drive. » '*♦ i*)'< from rampu*.' aa -. We question whether Spe ita cade ROQIM EOR VRN. a{^r<>NWt v>e AJWmed Jke« a tier X ©r weekend* btwk iMW t'nn.n Eier *>• v at praRtahla enough to ba ear¬ STATION WA40N RAIN COATS. T.mvr SI EO j-r.Av tkaiki-ie fc, Ret, I ITS, re#- |li.a,;. MODERN Slin AlR-eoogMtence ned no. as a rhant> prejert m LOOKING APPROVED rOR ixr*W "*" * -t,r "' *'*• -' cdenf *AJ thy J oars |o come tANXIt • MS JACXITS . b'.A lr» C"l«*e m Vrtioe rn 7-**#* men vi ro 5- lki.1 Au a ire E. 4 evr l.a' NUir* Phoce Rj , TRANSPORTATlC no. SIM MALE STUDENT TO MVare an- ... RIOWtS WANTED ROMAN ROOTS. 6L f,f. |u i« provwd double ronm' K<* amoKUkt i AND SISOU. E««r mm AijvaarhuMrto. R- *». I' tt. Parking, private entrance •* ,V« St: •N>** vanpu*. Park. uenee*. Leave WavOt 2' % Allmi * . >, F*'. > F.O C -- 1! r i • 1aV bean, eae A Arvaa iggi OTHit STUMNT BARGAINS APPROVED Single «*r ck.uMe ROOMS TOR tnwikms ia.ninu me LOST and FOUND BOSTON-POCN-n Nt> a AT COST AND IliOW and •.(*!» ug available Martin Had - < ow. Mann 34*r -. » ■ 44S Aktwtt Rrt Rrnuxi trip JmU L' •* • ' & COMf VISIT QUI NfW STQtf /.D 3-CITS 4a tO-T TEXTBOOK - Ri'SSIA: % arter 11 Rl em. }' Hi*l»r* an<| aa InirrpietalKMi. b*' i ^ . ATI DENT DOL RLE ROOMS One HkH'M L«ut oobvililc ;n Student bWX tmtm eampua. ED 2-13*4 WAXTtD RIDE TO ' HOUSING Pa:* s*•'* ««-* ee t'nlen I tour.d pb,>-.e Chwate Sith Cqn'aet Had- E" teavmg .jf*'" - • . ■My'a Mils are Ml ilnitl i i Ml Mm omA af the tana and i FOR RENT Ql'IET ewential AND. CONVENIENCE Inn efftrien ■ in ate r-.» PERSONAL aiorjis iixsnn J n ' bin.* Spring Tr?hi. Get a hws. DC. ttr vtcSi'-•' *' •« * 'Mm jhn »«£*«> wuvfis. »*»•# and eumnier tenn. Ver> rea- I--t. ». .1' a, . Ui-iihle Mi 3a ,1 e.iefc v lea. ...r... -. , l..(" l. RIDE U A.vrin .« Mala Kaara la ApcM —Id.j •aeab'.e. SD S MIA. gg Givva. JU) a-s;» *..» jel Cv Piivue IV 4-K.C3 h. .v a prdav, Matvh Si *. MM J-i*MS * J . or ee l.,e t uu , . rtone Lotsj b*tt-vL « P-** , \ X" A&Z-}*** r.i 4NNNi HHHHMHHSiiii :5~- * I II MIC1TIOAX 4TATF KEWg March 1T. 19.W Fsge Four Intramural Jb I J.i»kt'lb;ill Writer* Association Highlights Green Named as A11-A merlran mi auon in TM «,T "* » ~ hi* tea mm a'«•« wide upon.' 'hi f O.IKI. I'OI.I ,fO. 3 tfut f ill term, Atirhigun Staff's Johnny Green I -'I. . 111 'tHbiti \ ft i .Notre Damp's Tom Haw- ni/q;a/.ine pointed out . Krr-ok Hpm,m an- "F 11 u r I n t conservative!* II i a km (.old C kn* were named by the 400- nils. look quoted Spartan roach Dm in » iTiilvi United St at ps liakrt- hi w hi. h the great- biriidi Anderson savins ,, U e Sllll'li Writer* Association to the , half us "Orrrn ii An points a • s # total ii> rliiUefll*. partook I sink Magazine AH Amril- i • worth »•;. :i Team Monday. game." oo; win r« 2.I7D In -tnnnunrtrig the selection*, Other honor* Gient h.> <<• .11 I.V. !» i-i. , ti.i new issue of I*»ok magazine leeted include Im-Iiik numeil li< )> I»il H.„) "SR H.C • »». -fii that Green Is the most the all Big III tram and mo-: trot :*.0» fi.ired plavcr In the Big 10. valuable plavei in the N't'A A Hi. updt.on i kelb.i1; toil,. > .« i regional playoffs lb i at»« .. . Us spectacular rot am inline voting I. Itif III and KhfMitinfi often require double i i Cincinnati or tuple guarding, Which leave-. _r-— Hurry Lit man . Itoirt-f ii. "If In ■ moi Ctim k « dli i.ormr- I. it1 MiVhell r.»pp i.g .dked first Ml'.. , plM>«-i I "Ok I" no. Gibbt girls Top I'rospttcl "Ii is unlikely," sai.l the »o*k- a/ine. "Ihat H»e college ratne i,U the voting foi NCAA Di* Ken King*ley was runner-up trlct I All Star*, tip* IwHketlMill Heaidenoaa WrMe CoUmge Dma Yankee* and everybody «•!•« in total points with a aec«wwt writers flamed Gl'wn "the rno*t tot (kMt ttMii m Wnaa. Any pitcher who ha' good -duff place on high bar and • third thinks ha «an heal anylaalv ." valuable playt'r" and picked Hawkins. Iown'k Dave Gunther, on flying ring*. pitched three in **«»** Gibbs lie flings and allowed only one hit Michigan's Northwestern'* Joe M. C. Burton, and Hukllck for A total of 41 students listed Mi the event* partial- ♦IfW was pcrccntagt second with a North Dakrds 6M percent to the All-T«uinanicnt AII-American candidate and N<. in a 1-1 kw* b» Detroit Sunday M Both team* thus earned th» ■•CftgTAIHAk AAA age. "ho goalie in the nation. J«w laitman came lip last reason top regional honor*. hafnwm when tie two top Col¬ Bel* Tt.efi. f'i captured first riKht to reprasent the West li¬ Salinger. w;»n picked t » th» fir.' a.ana. :i. ¥***»OHtittfSi. M lOcttmujg* •*. lege hockey team* In the nation ma vo*n if. NfW voton . . ?m> pes tow. long enough to ap|M-ar in IJ game? pia.-e tn the fraternity swimming the NCAA Championship PIav icam .along with Bill MaeKct are pitted against each other In •a.- r niciAtP new itsiiv •uviotam g. wtooi immo, m mpn . a* Pbawta Ik ft wlth the White Sox after a a«-so 9»U record in |ndiana|ioli;-. UuHchallTcaiii rhampion*hi|rt wintei tenn landing the team to victory a game to decide the national fofs. I.awrmcc Bnant a Friday. The Sgerteoa defied wav tie for first with Duke and Muetonen In the penalty boa *nd will finisl) up their achedule ang— Altai aad won • cbwe host Flinidg Stale. With bo al Um Big 10 (Ti.uopiofwhips ismteat. H. Again North Dakota and tlw NCAA Meet iiounced haak hi tha second •to# boa, tl The team will pUy Fkn-idk game, this decided whan Bag Marellt lifted GLADMER Stale. Troy State Teacher*, Ato "Die e net ta glee gge. hum. Georgia and Tennessee an holding thi edge hi Western NOW SHOWING the spring training trip. cianpetKkai, an Eke basis mi a •partana wore selected SPECIAL I Enml INTACT! UNCUTli "A NEW HtiH FOR uicum |\ l.\>*IMi II IHRINti lis RPAItoNtm r.MlAtlFMKNT AT INt ERASED fftlt M i < I WITH TOW SCC IT FREE CMTIHC FAMILY Vi .Until!! I .flltr. KiMri with 2 - Kt-g. On DEUYEKY 6 P.M. - IsM vAisin Mm ■ CEO 2^517) ^7;! kM X^ |w /• femm BCIUkMSM^T 1-/ IIMNTM KC*a»\£i2£- 4. gN iJErVSk"1 I 44 • IN • I N "CHAMPAGNE-PUT HOTISH T.A4 A 9:48 pjn. COMtDY-A frothy tatal" "RNI Will oornr^l — mi LAST DAY! "Km ROW m HAI NTKI) MILL** flARttWITKlN itpr *■ V i j-% r "TlBMs-r 5 ^ «1|M IfaMl r- ftptor h#iKhth to advan'aio Cm trolling the boar*! ..f- "I «a« r#a|l« fighting m»*#lf Lna:v#ly and dffei**iV#i' than," Running r»#all#d 'I ##r- I r»co4 bv Boh Garv:n> #•*<< . • lamlr didn't #tp#e| to go *141 L»v ahootmg nr on long r.•. -. and pM#h another au-kittor hut nprri'ms 7 ft »fii>#d the I did* I #ap#et to f#t ktrfc#4 Lg v Jn the gam# and im-vm around Ik# • s 1 f Old. »»h#r I lavished H. I la IK# lr*t p#rlod t.inmnn« LmH Into a IM l#ad Ko«er . \fwmm N IK# *r«r#r» in ibr [au*fd#r Lntoihpt#* 4. «*lth 4 marker*. Garvin I At half-till # F»" -i a.* I |* r i-n*d lt« ■ . tft },■■ |* In'h th# gcoi# «'ar,n '.* *• 3' thp »#' "rid p»- fi n •: ■ h itum came to :*f# a net ".»• - i 4 •narkris t-hr.oost*-. 'm ;••- Itj. via pared hi* aquad -a .in *-■ B'>h Charm, W# • st a * * VIII kill) MVS fllrmpli *lp»t for Kalhrr 3. I—* arortng thrra' d .r ft oilman *r«r#d 11 point*, hot hia tram •till lo*t B oinuig rorfem.-## fc • h-arr# It point* in th# «#»oiio p*Mod. .n "{'>• #r 11 av# 11?Ought •'#/••* In IK# third p#riod Hoi Shav* t .«.• »'#e-pi»>«* n gh'i Lo«#d IK# gap dona to a 43-41 lira *h»a K# in th# tow¬ L«r#. hnt fcll#d <• ahnaa th# of- er ml*or t#af«# rliMiftullaai L»it# fM#r n#r#a*ar> to nor. U»na IK# Kick nnrtni l.mmun* Kansas Cilv Beats Ti Haaaiai t4 h#tot naaliH a reputation a h#tk#ad a gnr with a lii||H • tampered dt*P*aitton ■ at apt to lak# tat bwraa Id 'h# final quarter fortune k« anartmc al kM teem 4>ntain#o ft* lead arm at -n# -al gun th# *c«n# -a* 57-14 Em mo rut' afntigtira »b<.»« v.# # J hg thread t.h#\ pr 1, ■. '••if of th#ir p;a._«« h;t in ' h# ADVENTURES IN SOCIAI. SCIENCE: NO. J •uhl# figure* fiarxtfi h s *h 15. Yofcapn had -.2. A ■ - lor all th# Tii#r« w#r# doing *9 Jdarrt.ant 11, ai.d J'lerre on 1 he attark Ik# ,Vi triumph rnuht hat# h##u th# entire pro »f>#i pfun* man for W< pert* of llotl«# god f»art'#r. both war and the gam# v.u ana former lirlrmt plat era Kio*ing Gar hi w-ith 18. Th# i" ' *he >« •■ (,« ai fiufi'et: for :*i f-> • a. #: 'hat *a* n#rp«*ar'- » ngi#d to i lght w.Ui "?.♦ '► •' !tom * M Schedule TOP CASH Urinnl irrr USED tfraafng ml ami. plain dreaa t Uai real FOR •m Pair Slad Clrinrd I'rrr ONE HOUR SERVICE ^Conim Skills Distingahhefl Had iMipimliin Sdnteh fir Wlahr, 1959 To* Is ;i d*> of clou** for Winter T*rm J* Wednesday. March ti AH final M.rrklf.i-H Mcmes* mtt sees e>». ,* examinations in banc College course* ta given belov. i.; aminatlon room* will t«e announced Fonwr (tsMwito Mo II 112; by th* tmtructor during th* l**t This Spring * Meek of ( !*•.: eii Communication bkllf* Thursday..March it. lO:IS-lt It Mr Om (id War Vd SIM Using New Look Trie Distinguished Visiting Natural Scte»..* •.octal IfutnanMS** »>lenc# Tridav. March ». 101S-1S.14 Xaturday March >1, 10 13-!* IX xionday. March *3. 10 II-12 15 KI.VGSPORT. T**«»n — SaiJing'* death left only •Professorship program will bring 1 The time of examination* In **iUori« ather than Baste Collage e*#ur»et V John Sailing. Civil War ve-erail, i.-her Civil War aurvivor, Wa!^, A new itMiim skills curriculum two prominent inru to MSIJ j firtennfned by the days ar.d tha time tlia rtau Is schedulad during the who died Mondav. will be bur¬ Wiillamx, 119 yearg 0!d, c fern.. Kxamlnatlonn will be given In the earn* classrooms u-ed for rlaa will «<» Into effect next full. ipring term. ied in his C'Jflfederatg Arrcy Hoiut/in, Tex. Ha also The hew program, under dtudy j meeting* during th* teitn • was r This program 'brings noted i If st least two of th* day* and hours folio// the regular pattern, alt stu- ' rrn ifom. C -nfederate soldier. und development since Jun^, men, educated in ipcc-ializ'd j ijent*. Instructor*, and room schedules vitl automatically clear. In a few Sailing, r.ex*. »o the last »ur- Wiiiiamx enlisted n a priva • courses, at the request of the department concerned, the final examlna- lliftlt, will be taught experiment¬ field*, to instruct MSU students tlvor of the Civil War. d r.-' "i Gen. John Hood's Texas C8v J Hon has been scheduled by the angle hour lecture section, end In some ally to freshmen who enter th« ou IB.- important aspects of their instances students may encounter conflicts In that event .the examinV Monday of pneiur.on'a in a i!ry Brigade. Balling Joined . Hon scheduled by the class meeting two hours eeeh week wttl take pre¬ university in the spring quarter. profusions. cedence over the examination orheduted fey th* Angle hour lecture. Th* Kingsport clinic. He w as strick¬ the 25th Virginia Regime. The revised course comm¬ examination wttl be arranged between th* student end th* department en !ait week at his home u. Only 19 et the time, gall;, The hNniaiiitie* fryvrimrnt requesting the special Scheduling ef Its examination. it ;it«". on reading and writing actual combat. He v.,/ v. Ill »|M»ii«or Ihe Rev. ' All Instructors having examinations from R-l# and from t *>-> 30 p m nearby Slant. Va. His death a" Am- no a n d includes a substantial Dr. Jahn a m. . •signed to digging are reqdestcd te terminate their examinations promptly so that room* i but ervis a.i era in American galtpeter M, Whale, Frrlexlaxtlral Histor¬ amount of content material. and buildings jlldlngs may be cleared for th* examination periods which follow. • hi »tory. „e rouihweri Virginia mines V, ian. mt Smith Devon eonnly, The new euerledtem teeko I* MORNING' CLAMM AETBifNOON CLAJA»T l"he body wii! lie !n stale &i ' e in the manufacture of gu England. . achieve Ihe •hteellve* ef tf vour Rogtn If 1.... the armorj fruro this morning powder for the ron/eder* ■ . rls-t ring at class ning el freshman Knglteb eoume through Wl.ah luta bt*«u a dtstlrigui :i- ».r.e of Your meets until the Thnrsddy scrxictri. fortes if, act* , exam cnonf Vour exam the use af American inenmenla e i vi.Ring 'profc, -or at Drew, these time fk these time A - ftnrlal. nnlllleal. eeenomir, thiiveri ity, N.J., and at the f hours date to ,, hours^date Is iimfitrtiMiti «ifi. ..ii.ti:nriWiiiRnmiiniiiiifiimini||„(,. L'ni^ . MV.'E l'0O Tuesday 1 ri Tuesdas pMI««*pMr»t and IMeeerj. ver ity of Toronto, Out. Ain HE 03# March M fefTTMf 1.38 March 74 lie 'har. xuhlirhed » nuinlwr iTWTTiE^ ,2 40-0-40 MTvmr The new curriculum is sub- __ I9I-1M Till S:M Tueadey TT4 1 W liautiall*: •»' hookf. r«P| scholarly JoUinai* Mondav 830 Morrh 24 ! 30 March U First term: America Through In llin Cn.'tetf States. 1010-12 10 tJ0-) M Foreign Eyes, The Ihiritan llerit- The* MWE • ri Friday MWT ! W Mendav gengraphy deparlmenl hE 030 Merck 00 X.'TThE 2 20 March 23 ^j;e.. The Struggle for the flights will afmnxnr Dr. Charles V. Cnl- • 00-10 00 MTWThE jgTK TbE _ Dl-Kl «.f Men. and American Rcnaia* h>, af Rnnien, Alirh.. direrInr mi ^ * 0:00 Thursday TTh 2 'Jg Xaturda . son \*M* e»...i.. k> I rank toiilo the MI*al*alpRl River Valley Re- 0 30 March 10 2 30 March 21 h*nnr< , • 00-1000 sri-acx .Second term* A House ... Divin¬ P.lV'HMi IK IMM installed II* new nffierr* far Ihe earning ■earrh nmgram. This gr mmp afwv 10-00 Mender MIT 1« year. Outgoing president Karen Fox. Hint Sr., talk* with llean af Ertday ed, The Frontier ai^ Mtmifetit Women Vreeland af Alma College (speaker at Ihe ceremonies) and ktudle* Ihe arablenm af Raad MTThE 10 30 March 2* 0 00-10:00 MTThE MTWThE 3 30 " March " 3n Deatiny, Industrial ^viiltatlo.i contral. aall eanaervalten, and VTW'lhE^ » ri I'M new president Nne ftehlller. Hay I lly TTh I0 00 fleturdev a oo of Trial, part I, The lilac of Ireal lam. soph after Installation rere- Power aanrrea In regard la Ihe MluhnifiM river. 1030 March 2t • 00-10:00 Thurada v March to 7 00-0 X0 r-M Caoieg Tel 11 -oo Third term! The Impact of Colby ha* beta u dlBtingui.iied MVT Thuradav mwe Ertday Darwinian^ A New literature; vailing professor at tor Univer¬ MTThE- MT3VTDE . 1100 March 1 30-3 30 10 MTThE MTWThE March 3 43-3 43 te Lai Us and a Seareh for "~u om~ Tuesday _ Vatirra 11am sity of lUinob, Souliicrn Illinois 9tR m» 4 00 Thursde It 00 March M \ abirs. Industrial CMIItation March 10 on Trial, part 2. America in the university, and UCLA. Colby will teach, primarily, a ywr ■ 12O0 ■ 00-10 On Maturdav 3 4.X-J A3 Qlm World. seminar course entitled, "Ton MTlhE 12 20 March 21 AI.PMA ( HI OMEGA PHI KAPPA MIGMA MTWThE ; 120-2J0 MmI Ural iMThr reading a*- alrnmenta are hi the anthnteg* ladle Drake, G row lie pm- Ann Ito^e, Denver, Colo, to Theory in Practice of Area De¬ Ti a 12 ri Ertdav Wirier TMacs lor, to Dun Vehnasiict, Monroe Derrell Iternell, Tiburoti, ('.slif. velopment." 12 30 March 00 ••The American Mind" he War- 1 20-2 30 fel. fiahriel. and Wllllama. In junior and Bet:i Thrta Pi ftuphoinorf. Fader Ihe Distinguished Vteil. tmftVU <.*LAS«Eh addition the alndent will read ALPHA (IMICTHIN PI PHI KAPPA TAL' Ing Prefesserehlp pragram, Ihe If Your ('la** M* Your Exam Time it Date I* Al. MW after • Monday. March ». 7-0 I'M • The C'raelMe" by Arihnr Miller. Jndy Tadd. St Clair Shores Shirley Fn(emelagy departnxeal ha* T. TTh after i Stun i , Arniariu, to Tueadey. March 24, 7-0 em Fur the aeermd term the de¬ .sophomore, to liny Osborne, JVISU Xlwrrle Plere. UocitcxJci junto., •IMMaared William Rahln Thnmp- XV after A Ertday, March ». 7-0 EM Th after 0 Thursday,^ March 10. 7-* EM graduate ami Kappa Sigma. t' n t It y partment hoa etHwen "The Red ALPHA TAL' OMMiA Thornp on, Ply moutii «Inter term, and iim NO UNA!. EXAMINATKAK MAY HR GfVEN AT ANY TIME OTHER Slomur Radge of Courage" and "Slater sophoniorr. to Hill Robert*. THAN THE REGULARLY iCKEDtLED TIME EXCEPT BY fACLXTY Carrie.** A lire Ward. Rattle Creek Rcll^ur, Ohio, xopliuiiiorc.' language departunt Is ACTION. Paperback! and • rollertlon of frexhman, to John Hhaner. I.a- uted In ppauiar Frhaa T. )C4tiit«l*(f •(*,«« MIGMA KAPPA iMltiiltlliltlttlllHlHIHMtilMlitM' novel* ami plays will be used Grange, III., freshman; Sheila Jndle Walker. Wabkler Giuves, Holmes, a foreign language ex¬ the third term, but specific Hooker, Detroit, to Mtrkey Minks, pert, next fal Items. Housing fac"iti« will not be m Mo., xophomore, to llurnrv available at preeent on the tit lea have not been rtioaen. Detroit sophomore; Owen Slprr, HOW THAT RING GETS Ihexttnati, Downer* Grove, III Trie vKiting profcsaoisliip 1* Perrin's "WrHer'g Guide and Grand Rapids junior and Alpha Michigan State University—Oak tophonmre mul Simia Alpha available in any of the Schools land campus, although in «per.a! Index t'» English" will be the Gamma I vita, to Dan Nparpana, hl»Mlon. Jivdy Dorter, Hattlc of MSU. MSU has an annual cares housing may be arranged MSIJ graduate; ('hurlene M,i. writing texl. Cieek fre*lim»n. t'» Mel Tunlto;i, appropriation of $15,000. in the community. kara, St. Otih Shores soplri- Chwrtevolx Junior and Delta more, to Jnbn Hncei. Detroit K'jftna phi Piano Recital •' freshman MIGMA NU r? DELTA TAL DELTA Trine Nielsen, Manchcs'n, Tomorrow — Four hiftbl* (Inly Gentty Hut/, G raise Pointe Set Tonight iunicr and Kappa Alpha Theta, Conn., fretihtnan, to Tent Riley, Win net k j. 111., Bophumora; Nan- ran ro« nt i moruittuu riR»t>RMANCRa ON RROADWAT to Ken innliar. Grand Haven cv Head ling. IMGhurgh junior Jane Tobey. Manfatee a en lor. senna-; f.lnda Nugent, Lansing will plav in a music department junior and Kappa Alpha ThrM, end Alpha Pin. to Vteh Harper, \ sckshurg lunior, Karon Rumpf. "TIE >111 piano recitel tonight in Hie to Mark Harrald. lanudng tun- Evanston, 111, t»» Art Mrbnerm. Mi talc Aud at 9:15. lor, Sandy Meade, fllndgrtt Me¬ Evannton, III., frexhmatt. IS BLUE" Her program ripen* w rth two morial Hospital junior, to Jim TRIANglLL Rf r. RI'OR NRRBCRT ' Prelude* ami Fugues" from Wheal. Allegan Junior. Rnntlce Wllfii^i, t),ik Park Baeh'i "Well Tempered Clavier, DELTA TPMILDN innior, to Wtlhnr perry, Hattv _ Volumt II." The Beethoven "So¬ nata Quasi Una Fantasia, C>pi;s No, I" follow*. Next »* Meii- Nancy Vanialt, senior and K.ipoa Alt»ha Theta. ti David Mehnlle, Uirtningliam Birmingham Creek graduate. r*»"r.-srx"'^:| - k. Mai mat la H|M Nr M —1,-»—— ™ *rT* rteiMHitin'! "Variation* Rerleuse*" senior. Verwrv Train Rifle' ahaC... | »!.»* 0 11.1 A followed by three Mofart move- DELTA BETA WASHINGTON iflt Sen . a. Aafittaa1*. MAIN nrnts, "Adagio, Menuetto and Marlene Memler W»kkIsI»kU The IStnd. pre**u(alten of i-ifiiie.'* Kenneth Keating (H-NV). Mid guu'a rideet and beat know a til., iltttlor, to Dale Koch, E«w Sundav night the ptilrlie ha* a the rotdemrwarv portion IttxkokMeUI, Wis., Junior anil Su- mnnHy Theatre THE of her recital, Miss Tolwy has ma Alpha Epnllott: 4'arnt I.arsen right to he upset when Congrev, iivm: platkra chosen the find movement of mentlwrs employ relative* *im- Toledo. <>th. junim*, to He, fUrtok'a "Concerto No. .1," Tlie South. GaTien junior, and Pi ply "to ride lite gravy tratf. program cloae* with two IV- Kappa ltd Ihi*sv rompo*ittie»v "Ttie Steps GAMMA PHI BETA m the Snow" ami "Die of Joy." Connie Deter. Grown poin'e iutiior. to John Grant, Annapohs graduate, Ganvvte ^Kyers, loth AFHOTC Cmleh rup Village settlor, to Jim flev. (,<'! I'mmolitm* sion, Monnv iun'or "Dieta PI: Ksren Mnnlev, Blrm- and Re a Obviously, inirh.on Junior, to Jim Punk*. •14 Effective March 4, tlie follow. AFROTC «-a motion* neie as and PI-1 IVRa The** Nandv casual javket. Arrow sports si# ts follow*: Richard IVrritiiiike, llariff. Rovkv River. Ohio, jun¬ come in a variety of hne patterns, l.ngadina sophomore, master »ai- geant; freohman. John staff aargwut, Adrian and ior. to Jem English, Karittaw junior ant Delta llpsilmt; (ilnnr Tltrali, Worthlncton. Ohio, jun¬ prised from $4.00 up. . Tanyton Charioo Knoxhtel, airman ior, to Ed Reulln* Part Lansing claw. Junior and IM rnslUnt veeaMy llriMl asorasmit, isnt .Vy Xl| t« the Is*mh»u«s »f iht Xlt-lst- ~T4RR0W+- peM* Amendment Me. W. »»cu*e f. first in fashion # The fsniee in he deleted reede aa hdmn HAiruiU e» X candidate fee r»»»Mcet snen he en nndetirednale stndem ceerrted inelxe (ID mt mete ceedMa nhe he* en AN taluMq jeedt ante! eveeea* tf M e» iWvi and nhe H> atenmna te (tednale net eeener then en* jnt tram the del* ef the lenttel rtertten* in nhtth ha Is rwnnm« fee Pt**td*ni, Come see our new selection of hi !• remain In eMtoe. th* rtmiini *h*n alvar* — an tn'l'ahenlir tend* aetnt ev*te<* ef II ee aheve and aheH Arrow Shirts and Sweaters • eery Helve (l» ee meet credits daring MM. telnlet. and ■arin« Teem*. TteTmvtm Ra^teH Rated HI* > l •• 4 — \ What ■wnStw Hoao hrnAy AnliRhlllyWlkq Atedems* »f««Mcments aeald th»a he *atehti*h»d h* Oedtnene* Fl-tt. new Dual rihar Tan-too the big tmim ||^Mt iv/hliriia I. aacaaeaah* A end h nht*h e*ed e* •mi Anwrica* i An )w A Any enodMm* tee an eiectea afriee. xrrih th* teMnnst pott «l eaeearian ef ii»u on tom^lloii idhf* (Made Print Aeeeaa* ri at kri tee 41 hfteterite Aseeaae a* dateMrinad each Val Teem add he ttftykg a tetel* nan ri lethi (U) aeedMe. I an AH-Cdlteca Bead# Prim Attwd* ri al ted a ixee hm ii»k