F'j/mi-;■ M Scheduled Tlie Weallici* t or Rtftitration Partly rloudy, warmer and Finalo U* Tuevlay JO Pace < Smini MSI' For 50 Yrnn High To^iy 3A VOL. 60, No. 156 LAST LANSING. MICHIGAN—WE IIN'E.S It A V. MAR'H18, 1959 pricetoent* u. s. Foreign Aid Secrecy Hit ^T'.| TwoAfricans Die Rep. Hays :*»;( In Rliodesian 'Distrusted* Fight : n At Program tei, liV, Southern fisrht Wl'iwn re African* in the I entral Afri- can federation. Thi* time the scene wa* I hiluhi I*'an»J in >liart lloii^e Row l^tke flanirweuiu. Northern lih'xlcia. Br>* '» «•/••*» • ..«• V. HI St> TON &,— r.»« a 'A-'r - .,f> FV'kM V e - r.e Ha*"* »D-Ohiol hr* t.ffli »1 o anro'-'e-. Hero Gets a au.c £.<>•-'.» f or ,r..e? r; f *-•: -'et; •. *• he is 7«- Walsh on '.he i-.end Sloodi; ,r./ to rr.xke puoSiC "v ru* luu Km PhMn «*n Worn? •ra DUCtSHDIQ f Hi. PROBLEMS livdivci la governing M1*!" rordi Slur* HrMrr. HowiH tailor, who »u rrrnll. in.Ull.l a. Welcome wt * n of the-e c.c'ator* ye* foreiyyt a.'.' from the IruMill of AWa JuSKtarr. im hhoroi /Immoniin r«int. Cr.ited s'a'ev |loo4a tailor, n nita.il of AWI ArUritln Hoar! In Greeee - *•'- - •> ' ' W«:»h C'ld J \De Gaulle Backed t tan*., were T-.e Af'.'-rj ourtied tt.« 2 emmef.t rest house on tf»e Thr g»»v rrnmrnt lista I? Afri¬ .: r%|irun Patriot ^rr|w at Return ' -w . < , x: - /- % « *--»• ,-f* 'r-e dues't pud | By French Attache cans shot dead h» securltv - - Sc * -w-/ of *j' »*e < force« in the sappreaaton af riot* ATHENS, (irence (4'i — ' ^ .2 *♦ ;> - *ui» *»•« r»e» a* n»ri» Su and *thcr diaerdera since the Tl oueands of Greeks ga%e g LOOK FAMILIAR* TWsa are toe face# a# listening during the Urm, Tk»* srnn# mil i -•? ■<».«" j •' outlawing af the African As- stodeala «fes are UrsnHsi srHh prakleMS en a he re-enacteg all ever the Pampas a 1*4 u e-* • 'e-v-ar., A# * bce#< hero's homecoming Tue»*J»;. • Tht ov.rwhrlmin* popular mamlitr for C.rrrril •!» Can"* tional f angreaa twe weeks saa. final mat touds— els are trrtng far the last nf ran «h* mest fa^e the ardeal. »• •*» • **■■.*• t %»■ <*•, "s. ■ s,; floy Weiena**, tr.e ft-i'-r • to Col. i;«orge Grivas. who toe peel thai thee have keen l.nck ' «•. ' '! "-A. ■ ■ crucial in the current rtvitiliution of Franco ,a:.l - g . ' - - at.-en or.rr.e t. ■ j-c rhargtf IcfJ the Greek ur.derjrrounct •|--o ,'arj #.-1 hev - |E.louard Morot-Sir, French Cultural Attache, in t.ik. he •hat c'Ti£"r%4 Iraciers of Kyaaa* Ike Uuiled hv Vest xcr. " *c* *c* semjf.'r l.e.ivered Monday and Tuesday for the department r- and. s pmte»*v*a> ;-.r.*ed *-.'h on Cyprus In its four-year i a Err^r.-- ssrt V»tou ' V r*.h*rn and Sc.u'oem Rhode v. a with the British. |..m lanfuafee. anrvwifsced • »ar ■».* .r :r.e fsderstyor. had okcttcd '-** /r.. ^'.e pay*. 'e*".te Maww-Sir eaMed 'tha * Soviet Press Accuses L. S. in whet Gr.vsv f2. a f G*ea« Completion n+r . ent revolution.'* the povier of n a^v.re tr.e whites army c« '-ne*. v-a^> *■ he *»i ll«e4~llul Ike lecfM ensp Date Set for • conducive political cr»jis evereome and 1 clearing fte cerr* here at • Ci;*»W A f Of Stalling in West German} »tr* to renting »tl Ui» —eg *f <*? the wsy [.Ability end the quirk decision f »rre p ane from Cyyrif. Arca- — »4e^t liwnK4i.fi adfWl* Treuble-sheeting larf pcftl, j •» oury in a binder?! W't-d af stole far o.s-xap Makarve, leader ef 're firi'ise lls-s ud ke is tired Storehouse Rcltnh Minister rsisnial affairs, left Araaaland Greek Crprv*4, psv him l/>NDOS 'T» — The offx-al ** "v2 I.' A de " * "fx , M h^srrng %*me lending * fid Imp* *f IMstmi. hih far Aartheen Rhedeau < nurrh be .s to .ad toroufao-'ii A"-W. neas agency Taas r a*g- *eep 'r-tofcs .a Wee'. . .r. 9 »-«*»•»*• H e i4miattirilMK *en| up kec* in to mih— He 'n*cd before fl, .r.g o^i Cyprus ed Tveedaj the*. P *» dent Li» aeffu.ta-r. Completion date for the o* B'antyre Ktwlaaf't cap- IM'ylf -• Ibsl ka«e enasr* er s spew s ew. Rer A »« Wnetern R«r .^e s-'d a.-•* ' A '*? i af ft* ftk. paralysed conetruction of the new The Rntsak kun to'e '.fi if. r writtea »jM«er* sit ready far .tel. that secur.'y forces ha1 gave • pproed E~i#Kh»*er'a dcc.i.s- '-ja-.-y --i *Ar -to* tf Am*rvr»* .648 firounoa Mainten. bat pro*e<-t-'Ar»:e under eie.« ence huildini aouth of the •»-* after '?# eorj f -e »■»? •>: iev«?» trol. harh ft crx-JeretiA# -f »de»;ja*e Queried ee recent Communist aoccer field I. «et for May 1. T>« **«^.e up!jr,t. wf "n* cits 'b*'K.'.g thxf mror 1 da Perth told S re*-j eor,.f«rerr», ^-wparar.-r>fi was made 4 Communal elect wii Seta 2-Dttv ■;t n* in A # • .'/e -«as The f.ructurt will Vow h#»vf $ 1 irrot.Sir discounted them at however, that »e "fo-hd fvre.gri m.nis'erf T.ec..bg ? e-, f. •-e-lbOWSBrfS fJJ3* •rj jipn^i? turh <• grader*. batl- Onvti »*.«! he wo-uJd no* ui« a < * • I?* m much a vote for Cammu- strong optim/.'ei to t>a fer—ia- WanS GecwMi and West Pec ■ .>*• '-r / Bar n for a* • ■" yfo •->-> «.d pfopwa; and iufe, • rlnrtrt, tractors. jr.** pa-*, ia pnu'.** ard put»-n a-ooe.g r*V"J.b'c Afrver.'1* our.rig hit ftv« day* ji Nyiu* e.toer m Grrwre er Crpt"*» B -• ('on if lit ion l«n applaadas •Wise* that the Itoenhewets s* I A. mil »'»£» of Ugh: To "be Via ye V A'.seeg • ^j'4 '. ---ca.Mpd v fee n.n nend ceingp-^e to -,-e ar • end hu Rifttui tup- congress chef.ant who have offered a tut of earth, -e M-d - C - '■* wwn.es 120 f'w-t by 1*0 f'»>* building, - .a' eon■>#**.fxi of the M ch.ga openly advora-cd eutung sK • S\TO |jnrtor», declaring, however. that as Souired With -be >'-e>d of . W » • rw I flftl** of avirh »roup* de- materials will t» hou'ed .r t>-e according to or.at.ri row, msu i .th th e feder stiOTi. I'vpgtoS SgOters. It «w e fr d Ataectation •■* A.mer■. M> ' ;e-.-e,-e •live i let I has sinn IrOeners Kh WtlVMs U«t the mvs. to. » -• • ■w-/* » - *t »*? - re— 7n»-thtre » three ra- eleet Ml niwn k«Ml«i s >»' c- 'd--.a.-. ?a.rer *npd- g.ound army. Vnited Au'-en. A J .'•green toe grit at c*x;.,-.c„c- Italics ft* fcta Ufottma. and aa\a b!ema of the new iubmi If aa appvprintlia If KM Mhrnur* HWiHn ta¬ In Art Exhiliit "Tto ket W entt" he antd. e r.ys a-e v-e H'.de-*j ,3 wr.'/i! agr - jrwet Llr ri'-a T^rbe* e ^rewto-.*'.• (ton* A&T * C« -*• I' Vfcr-ita* . y • — n t'nAer v* frta.-y < * W..;.am J>ip*r -J* -will he toe Itoh heswaea Cyp- cuitww TSm w .i -arrr tuS the . Ir nn Republic Included was the of W.vaiu.nt Aorfh a'*J ' ,e - *• +-} i|a**.<*■ An eufwbtt of er^trul pt r't Xi:roi of the cenvestttofl 'b 1 ? D»> *lapng tto tame ■>-oOleM af Uaiaeesd teaetr-n The site was ttoun bene frry* Art Devr*jr,rr,: • ge a.r-i -iJSL' * » . ~t • ' ' _ _ * :> r # • •' Intton in— (to > apendtng which have g j »r c—vcntion pc-*ceen.-gs a.- > •>'»-» ; .' •* \m*mr ttms « of the sutF-fosl pround corwj:- •■f -n»f.t *0 live Ld G *•»» e-w K^cn* Sc.- . action will he ihtam ?re the F>u- cwniaata a-e sceieak^ 4 *4 te« I to pst'Me *f | **is koughl | vetoed «n ettotee *e«r* set safe to ptit a »r|*T iked' Aad Center. ewe agmn on *-*• pSmd-<~L dura, r-i.w*i "g, dewvw.' ..ee- e». r '• » # -* M.,l M tne til la |Mm h eananpl af tha Trench 4 new there/* R(*s »s>d. mU of Joi'ib H4 •; a d * T'e (Ori!ec»w»n ■# a* rstskigued, trprue. L"Cf «*e v'.ration and farm h.-fwr. lad. - ' awning inn f to ISUi *M •* tenre. he said, offcrtnf The setevc e inler »rather ... ta-f-i a-wl •'"» 'g* l a* a *»•*"* CrwW* •. -duals con.pet a« have hiraarfy 4iniVr degree* 'he g-v; ,* ,!•* gs ■ • ■ •'- v %»St—re i , • hWltaM dtolar« »n Ml. ha sad *eeesvewj' tufieuta.' hes come tote He wore his g>em • irwf ~i -:g re1 • ct. ;rr- . — *'»J •»*« ■» e . mi delav i—pleliee aacerdtne r- '»;*• : by art h.s'xwo i p ace* la regiw ai and da- ^ -T Wnt jC sr Ch fc" toil mil to down to ihnl fj r eguebtr le frneras for. • Manet-Vance (napssf. ahax: rW.:g Muttor'a aegme <,% -4-:■*■** to the study .-og the hatory of prte'i — a • po^ever. tnct contest* •- ' K A/5 A4e**w«rr «i-s -aa noe sos >< Isli I. Me «o*d Iftas. The Algerian prot>. OeneraJ rentractor. The ( smphfH T-e snow rar.gaa from 15'A or re ban and bnuts and • biw.* To* fnatura of the pograw 32 doctor* r arto da .es •to prnsoesl • fw 1 igpifenlnl F.sen 1'paa • * Re 4 torn! larpa de- « « en. Mwm. held bead An awto- «i,l ha tha a-inroMcer-eru ©f Flhai »*a.j .r.acer:* foe "he . tnplnasrtet ( snpsay af Drirtot century Italian to contemporary rjeret m r> «*urrg i r .4 Vf - Dw--.- rtototmn m fotnre phnrin • to ftp Geulie s effer of paece Is the arefcMaat. Anvrrvan. Rn>c«aec.*.ed are the metK ptntoi was at a# vur. ♦ne stole -»tor fhr—er." toe to,* rest of tr-e atudeni **»-'? v*|:.i »•-« >trA?' Lueoftftowr nose I fverft PieiKhman. ha greet names .a print maluAg. A dense, venfsr >us ere* d w—vvidual among thaae receiv¬ Thursday a.*to eo - ho c*wess?ented .op B—r * struct^ntf *■»! • v.gbtast dmbs. t» Mnrwn aohf -.e*wsptr .v/jn> ** w Th» ta*r* I. MHnu. larH.lu 9i« W » t ;ha arisottsficto tad detomsrui* -ato i'.;g?i.t> 'ajwomn-u J* af a. Mm* «lr mti. • >M Mfor* w •v.o« ;>f A.'-wriaroo hfb'hsde.. to jgaLfe c.». tau ♦e»f ttaaw * e a ihrljl tm tM *i Si.fl. 9 tr"9Kit*9d "TV R-toftoo- Sag -rwse ■•■ad yea? • t*»i we are . •••- —— w:?t.uciuieidy ciewr -v th* gv,-sg w» ge-t T««fe lor &?-■' —T-Tt' —r" -n-1 — f—- ««» »SM ft-" •' >* CaiV*£ States wt3 evarxl Oy Us if " Uapu toff » »**•• Tta. a 'JM rw tar 1*9 but - --*■* • ** • - wird -itj Scrt,3 and Gerr- t&y. ..»*<.?wi nary tanlSL" M* —MM ttac- fc.vltr MTJa, l».y ..-e-c e. taaorUM »» Or. *» "■• ir* . *0 htoighra awf m-u . ^ a »T.. 94 mm ■* anal aytaas 99 9l -M9 »«**». pa»»-a 4. ■ s i * I V» to gsvews Cim. He--; , ,y-*»r lai>pi.l MM tar Or tata a« *» Hiaial .raws, a ta a Sri fur kmgr aaw abr V**«a# Rapuoto:..* nf •< a» CaapW, ti! ta» Jrtwaaa*. ^ ^ * Tto .rJtors lyMbMnm: wi"J orfwiofly .d pru* ' M ,LSI.L 1 u, , ■j... .^ur—rs , ,, -«cr- r-w -ar^ur. *-*9~iimm'b*ui*i ta taai uta'taIhsraPiid ta^i'i—a n— *•" 2 rth arK'iaj -awS*og em ewhi^. - .VWWM tmr *prto i'4r,"S: Enss.-ajs.'s.s.vi"' .. u«? DuhMtnaat tohton can nf canaa was as a.*- t on nf tw F fle Art* toce^r, < f the Wwvgor. Aeovtoray vf So A «crvey of '-to MM.' Mwftt » Brsr~ gKth eor* Arts po-i Le*tcr» Ma-to T7 •A3 af Kreept A*t Ce-giev. to Sidy fto an ar-a^tve? rape 1 3s?I^TnS* na.'^SX g"ami .tUl.artoUeP-to Brie 'aww» sat ai Alt r «P frt KJhfoct, iy < rm*f. fpiftpKg Vie b«*M» i Other Matursp uwl-adad — tha ewra tamr nafltw*' at a- hoaft i prapram wi* ft ffn .a< lagtoia nra Tba «afSto*e tr cvr TV putoUc hp* haa* asvian* ta p:*oatory aorvey a w P rw 1 w evesu Mki -w viewed acvortiung to d-mdeuoa -P Usn lo*i v. Ui he (ms larvgb Max ft. Mirliigan Slut# Netrt Letters Take Tssue Dress Rules, ROTC, Sterilization ill liiiilini linirti Hnillmi on o.iohen rr ai. f.i'iav a nfl on tin, ,»i.|u»iv# nay* a„rln# i, » •• •#» 1s miring aui! >. • wi IIkII p« 11.cot:, ' .t* - *r.#ct'i tsohmin :•* t!,a' Rtm; make in Hn- Co,Mi¬ I* ris-ing ial evil on the *nfl tin# tn III# Mtlnr: A* .Hi altci furtive to Hi# pit conli ihution miiifaiv aeatleml#'. *ta I'radical Stand . - a icftf vi'mtllon I It Hi t' .in i lounti tlefen.*#, tha' tint none in K.i l.aicdig. 1 if ,,'c t ra< kc! Would It ##,. *uOitr,#i and I'll I#,. let # miwirtu th# die*« can- r t our s .• ll V, gtoiind- that goscinrnciit cimiot 1 ' -iti to It a. n that man • #'i it —•> una sis** tngUai ItOTC and dinner A uiuvei.siti >.* an in*titutioii 1 »t March a IS.'r at Ui« Hi# ,h eo Ail* ociilcd a, Sunday Itoth Tttjfttu In #f7#t' u» Hi# men * hull* M# •< *(>(•#»!•»»# !.• 4> - mg would for It# itifTltlf'ilt tioon to mew. In-Mi irgiilaHotu mntrihUte to the e«l oigMiii/ed foi the teaching an 1 dictate moraU, then we had be*t f-.rgct all leg •lalmn mining hy 1'i-of ♦ a-r tatrtlds /.M ilitate #t#.,' - » » . r..•' l.imuH ..»*< r iwlion* lent, Moh p<■ ai.m Sic, tm tn • cepteri *• !<»nf *• ii umi' * <.«.rirtil#ni c in a tM'i-on about hi 1,1 ation of the itiitTanr, studs of I'm hrunt he.* of tiigltei In tli# I ilittir; a tm on# < tti# u*» of d«»pc gambling, and You, editorial con. ,iUt-f o %i f..| U)r*t lartna «V «a, |hrt* ivnnkl#'! tic. n i,l |K»t#ntiiil 1 if appeal am < I/mMhi Ttu* vtudent- v ho «i>h to learning It t« a guaidian of Ih giotling - mii, i- litoi 1 it - V-vjclatefl pr#*a it #n*i«,. t-fMIH wc have ».'• #U'*h ticmand*.'* I p,u«»#rl ii|» ! fi»al« show Hi# allot *, siat k* ami a ipt.i t -.1, . : • Itoiidi til#*# 1 v g 111 a t toi o mi gin liiilti and know Idlge and not a togilllt. lio.U d> would . Hi '.# hit r#|*ur .. t-v» t'.at a check v.'Hi th' ... of «p in# local n#-»» n in- rnm#'ii 'indent* f#»*I tow aid would he .n.t pt.ih.r at nth*' tha' ne.ttier coiiipul.*tii v ft* #11 plait to It-itin the dca«*einhlt Support looMorahl*? sonth-tful H w. coo-l I", 1,,. n#u*(.«r>#. a* well a* e.f.i.r hoaid* *"'1 (i/ohaH meal* #*r#pt S«i»»«l.t\ I rlidn't com# loth.- ' the«# i#n.1 niton# Win t* thi*' nm 'lit 1 cgul.uion an- e/Tci • d Hi# M-l. It I* etpiallv a* willy to p.c it world of idet! pr.,iii'ip.ti.- Savsa IJiimHAri of Ji.gfMio ar.ri Wa 1 • Th# 1I1M* regulatmnt wci# ktikwiiiNl Starry 11 v« Hi a! IfO'lt tloc hot maU- Mfuveifklty to gHiu tin- ' !»•*•»Ici forth mil! orj* of dollar# annualn foi tu.utV:. wr nm ' ' ' . iunt teg would have hc«n ad #t#vi*ed, I Imagine. «• mmif *oldier ..f u atudent, that die* ship" training purveyed tu the uppt.iting Hit.* ad of Jndividurf l'. would f" H.difc* # # # t»# fright Staff a • I..- 1 thai it would fuithei eguigtion- tin not make a gen- tnilitarv aclence drpaitinent. and ,.nit- tM'f'#r# making such - on#* i<1e» 1 irmnorallty a it i hi. alios- Hi# f.iJht-t ... d mo" t • trim-Ill th# coll#ge ai>i<#.«' »i'< # Th# i n I# goal of a cultlit'Pd Thi* lit''* I* ln*t. n«i.\ vtaiirh alrm# MHA Gets llpinan of Hi# -itudent l»r*ttn#d lo Help I don't want tu Ih- subjected to it. I eame hete to acrjupc atti- ur i.mi i- ve- t't killed ntnris riot to mterfcit -ctth another a .niisitlual whim Ih* 1 oithetl, i apt', n giliMi.t't clp'di en b. mg tk|) w 1H1 loving can H't tf . .tie,! ! gar. ll#ad llepl of \ii«t#n smith .Kit! * .miaul lot- | aio.r MKt,f kanfl* f» eat *|.t •> 3nn#o# km,. Hut MOVC 1* not intended to - cs #1. 'tu 1 Sit lo *lafr •Mil Mr Mao », *» itit n-i aiippnrting ideal' I1 i* flid#* arid abilities to enable un¬ l)t |J.ivl*'.. check Afetalhirgieal I ngineering ,lnlii N#l#n New Plan make student* into aoldier*, piopo-.i! n.a* nd r-ei. if. oiu o-m. . Huri. tlan I-nti Crtiajian i#an bldnai* rthetyrt tn th# rtrg.#c tIi.11 th# die-. tegulMHoli* at* not In¬ to distinguish truth from trivial¬ ti# the coi'reel Milu'.oti to Hit t ii.-ing sou -• o.ii/j find ti .t Hill lUi.lnliM. Inhn fbarian '■ in#i iiNtr# *hoih ui# cannot tro led tn uiMkc •.Indent* into ity and piles a corctruetivy mh prnhlem It"1 a' boo' *hr I* wi! l.i too Mi.MI . is#' H|.t 01 <331,11# aonte of Hi# aforve Ilit*hn Mot- pililaaa. ban *mio in aocietv. I don't want to havr Mghl V4 *laff nrma Rn#iia« chanj# it* (Minted hum gentlemen Th#*r program- are iig to atiij, |l ol l Ighteou- ,sfo t'.ilc I" ia-.og piosidct i. remark* #r# tMir w# do not Pi u- iipii' unit Rut# Inrnn* anient ilk tin* hi'# 1* um-o'i • A *lM1traced dt .spied to help Hi# Mlu*lr*r»t dr fend ht» eouiiti v. to help 'tie student heroine a gi ldlomAli a inililartstli phtl'cophs ciam- inetl dosvu p#«t, do man* olhei men on Hm nn throat, run. I *tc- nientafitv and 1 willing l.. f.#. t -una 1 r IV ■ apifllk a piohlrm wtu.ti 1 In-, otinrig on# of Ho • '■f the e!fa|t l.arg# iii.ti RCfiet «i •, p'ltt'it 33 i-llar# Ho l oad t xjx frt-l pt«*al 111 Ih# hlah 1 North lab#* ail* anted luMif* f arolina b* Ih# Ifr. pic lias Is |.#gl*la New* 33 lib Ihi* era*#* IMue, RMhliraUnn the Stale for 10 lit# Milor: carnpu*. hi* clothe lw 11# with.ii a hif Neither piograiu t* maioi piohlem in 001 Uihai. In mat. 1 tHiiii.ori.'lc Hire. i#h ial education and I01 ih# term, frond lurk na Men * Hall* AM>octatiiiii w i th#m' regulationa Tht* I* not tin#' inrnt ieiHe»eiil«tive# what rhc\ DKADI.IM:*: ;• tun. IMS lll.ldltK CI lil.K STIIIN I Hit Tl I S.. S\ Kl)„ I have worked in a m#»» * April fi mi Ma* | Ameiicaii deinot 1 aci ha* alwiv* think alatid ctaiipulaory FtOTt a«.nart. K» 2t Thete will lie no die** irg- Mil IIS.. SMI I III I.III1IONS w ear afore fm ov#. two *#*,» imiiited the power of the inapu- and what the* feel atrmild he - Ir.r a., nlation* dining final #iain* #* SHIN. 1.1,I I I,IN |.K M.I IM : 2 p.m. I III. r.er.ge ft: III e*ec |>ha*« Of modal 11 hfr (t> in iM.ln thr acldrv# aiMhlhtr dour • ept f«»i Ht Honda* main mra! \ \ frr men » rfi-PM 1* lio-mWni ra«na! Rar tn Vbrrbyy? Trie t rpienciitalt* e* ahouhl Hills I'dbalrlr M-12 anil I .*► AIoihIjh through I rlditv 31 |he«* legulaMon* f. >1 the t'atual 1* th# t#nir applied 'i Tf Ihi# rampu* weir run hi cans Hiea# idea* t«» th# ne*t F'ldav n.gtii no a! will lie tutu* »he"de#igm»ig concept that dotti¬ ma toi l! v 1 ill# id tti# #f udent-. meeting and »#t up a committer #1 * and fpnit alt 111 ng mil«l h» functional, enmfm ! t lidei pirtalHMi vc would have a Imi Iii |teik#k 4-u * toils varifiic was* ininp., CLASSIFIED RATES ami da. 1 an# and alliartiv# with th# htation of (It#** irg.ilalii.il d# llao. a «al.ion 111 the |'h«*ir* aoi» Mr »Tt t an Ih- eliminated m-nirngm IS wotdl FOR SALE HOUSING REAL ESTATE #iT.pha*i« placed upon Hi#*# nw Math tin.tiling and 4 casino tn Mrtle Repreaentattvew ta atderatiwu in *ha' nrdei I 4*1 IS, •• ht.llll I.'H'I 'OR KfOT ' $ 'it I CIPI * 1« ft fr""$ fit tin ithiaii tn addition, atuiienta shoutd Tht* prove* thai the • I'll. v< ».#( -Mir 'nt f, a'r'nO t*r an#fi"' Ihaiaiir I mIImi # I Miggr-d 11,a- Hi# iea> r#4atiiu ill# to a»* ai R\on in ataid Wall S' nfhrra Itt liirid Hit* lei 0I11Iittuai 1 niovr 1 rpi #«rnta'ivr». thr govei',.,i ) that 1 01 • fo, lea '.is,, studriii. w 1*1, to do a i a To riicouragi Hie«r a, into* IHA< spfCiAiiirs changr on ati> *utor.nhuul t ADDITIOMAL CHARGES at If, |i ;?» H f f. Th# theot* of die** teyu.a with Hi# irgiiiktloft* liet ante 'h# Mai# Nrwa #)hhiM punt th# h# von ed thi'Migti Hi# p.o|.#- for pach word o#«r IS Uf ■ tiona mutl rod aeeocding to two tf 'I>#k air i#voitmg again*' •oik mailing addie#*#* of Hi# offuia.» 1 haiiiit'i* |hi *1 nfli of • frr I • A Vf , n A »• i pt inmpi** 1 ago# iotilotiii.il 01 Ww a * merit itiioit a nd an* other infoi At par da/ that MHA 1 ti.-s Huu voice I. P#upl# who ate writ loo ta/ |.. *taud a' attention ma'ion regaidirtg atudent actum Fm >' i* not #nt 111 1, tiic 1.111I1 i.t ii i 'Mil »*■ II ! ha i. »V!N& tH| If ST COMKI d #aa»d will t*ehac# #0 •• not |o I t pi c»t tllativ f ImmI flit punt to., «l,i\ en!■ i.» die** i.k# gen on ttu* problem. In (ia, ticulat, AUTOMOTIVE IN TOfbN •rees'irer «ptM 1 Ue.oei, inddteierd Wki 3v fyvbp . then clothe# «i»m ttav# no? matiut'.s inf..110 1.1 I.k. to tin how |>#titi-ai* to pifNten! to nffl» t»* tnihivni f. Peoplg who at# we!! ie*it..M",i,r to thai g>. wTit ial* «hi»ultt It# pM-paied an , mn'Jjr d*rtft rd 1 hi * tiotu 01. wlie! I tiro 1114 fl-lttiVHl H» I d eaaed aa#um# a dig*uA#ti man H.| 1 I igtif* > hei# thew# (^'itnai* mis- n# OH'CIOWS MwONuf* Itapitp • Jrrrllt opunoi** an n#r hamiN of •#>• self eon - I'eihap* 1' 1* •igmftcant tha' i.idauied. " a#r 3t» er M#n • Halt* Mouuiiini 4na»w# the* #K|>#n#tM# by link¬ l*«#atrf#riU I mint it ' # gn a'#, pa 1 ' <>f the aim . Ray Fr«it HOUSING ing thair twaal .on,si* a.e firwhiorii hav# STIAffON S SPORTS CAP CINHP SPUDNUT SHOP , f ' aoi, it it * l«#e for RWT 4*"'« oil 411 V IhTdaf Rellta###n«# t i(n 1* 1 a# II.an out lift t M,*k.f*a Th# ronnnual pritation of H e tnron*#«ii#«u• of die«#mg. mo (iriliral View -.hoot tlrnt* vrai 1 iriii'iini Main o( the for thai *',i- Won III Save "a#, DeT'-" ■ I.t i *11.«» . , ■ r»r n . r,..- with the Amwican nnM.m light* have iu»t Im-ch awtipl P #d that raaua: meat >#t funetioti.i ' Of Stiiilrnls a "lig with th' l*n 1 low it Public Moihh J mi VOLVO «» M «->C' #.,«$ r r f ,#rrv t.a'i# rtl ar4 gtaii#* tHH pn »■ fo# 7- 1 othing ia 1 «#Hei t».»th in #ff, fl»#ttM|h Mil 4 WC. Vm, (., M ,Mfl » ,eo> % an.t app< tr»r«,- tuf'tiy ye a •" ,'f g* # ai . a iL-jI tj p -f want actual sloppute## I « th# I (liter I #gw oil* sho-.dd ,1# p,,n»wtd #'#iTli#a'i<*n '•* 1431 VOLKSWAiaIN A'ioth#r #*auip # of Ho* .* 00 I .t#ii n. th# » 1 Mutt ■ h# • n N.ufch t aio'tna I think, how ial $# •»' win; oh *dienc# to tiafTn regulation* atlnUUH hod toaa.it* dihli#t ueak • i#4kOtiah #*#1 hefttt# mtch a ,nliri«i ,r c ,**4 fa I illau Mafertl* Opinion ,1ie>* >.'•< cat,cm Drmtaialiation* l»# made wou'-rf do S *43 WO ► »♦ ,'•* • r. *<-.f i#gitlaii..i ■ an' tomp't .an oo# w# APARTMENTS a --»*»$,( It under at mart that in lira' po l l 1 11M1 1*111 Ma'he, ila al»< w he,# elai ,-onaidyi Hi# maUes onieili*# «a m.i < * a pa 1 »«• ' »«!.#•' • A 23 t Mure , of 1 .«»• d.. than Aran i vt» M.g with 'at g# gioii|# «»f pe«ip # \nt#. , lit dr»l ■■ > t O. mom# ' . « t and f..ig# ihi# 1 outi age>i Tlie It adimmOra'ion and srif in,enta'u Wl WILCOMI TbADIS we mu»t ha»# rule* «# p # *r ahoa «! <1 > "Out iAuN&Pr t!i#«# tui#« ii# to th» op iii>>n c- «1 tin # on k • '•#t. w # ha* # u.'d Mv wo"s»ng ahoo* the ttomoe. ON ANf CARS AN'IM. U-Stii'tlvi P CHO UP AND' DlLHlRID ■s# m# »h# muntih tr.# mm( «ioa#l* g.wtd tya , . ,1 . ,#* ih# pi . •f , egitcnat# rhtldien *ht»i IN OCRMS !h#* wi'l h# fo lowed i'nt gdni. 1 i*u*im.ii tfunc ,....#.1 , ,ang# n ft 1 Hi a,„i di - •ta# t»e#M #ifmfii ant,* inrtea».ng na> die** • a. • S i#gu atinn* IT,# ill tl,# dread# |h Divk « I » • #' « should .i ftei#, '141# lw-1 netl alMiip proh e.i> v #yn a# « uMicei • EMPLOYMENT Michigan Stale i\nv ,1 i#pi##rn'a'iv#k ,,f a'udrm- «iw , which *#1* dreeH* *i»nc#rnft I LANS'Nfe LAUNORf ion and puhlmii hound* ti» #*ei* taviMi#i . HI tn.r MI\ i* * > »» sm» f» * R#a4 flail* In Mil 1 t*Mil Slurfriii* and I audit < e« f iittriiN ta.u au.t n.on ,, \l«*g! pmidiett to*l4* lann on' rr* t' • • ' S " h mi- t mi o i A*r> *i »Mg i" t •-•■nig a, * • * , H#n 43#a»r 1 of weditwk ai# i#*#iv.«g iimt d »$i.a'Mie«- 1. ' '» Tv# Mirg.gcn *.#-• • • f. • it it * of aia.la.M# l'(«r.# |\ ■ * f-4lb* / ,, * I-*., ,# ni r*m M t a'a #-m«* Rao liiairg M •. ■ w,, form pub.it a#«t*taio# pa .t l» '• m >t (k# ..tfi. i# 1 * m . • id . ■ out through th# tab aupp.Mtyii VCIM. Al.i. hl.NDb »u Mililurv Duly P a »hi'# titii. | in it. i« 1 » c#o t# ka'O# in, triii# » i«m ■ Man it a. we'fa,# ag#m #« rbi t't rv and kli m.Ni • (r I S •_! r.■.<.#• p.nn miii. 11 o » ... • • iMm»o»4 Ralfar# Ft eg raw* »at #1 « tk... I a* I »' »*•# Awmii'm Pi»t« a *'«• H• l» |td«rd |t« ,... » <». » W tVdll !»:. Hi 'i!Nk I had a Hun,# to o(m#iv# • l*r##t Vf*|, ftO, No. U tilnyailgv. Mgnh IH l!»V» I*hk♦. I'»* (Jut'slionetl f 1 »t naud weifai# piogiam* in¬ Iik# Mr . «» s-a-eri III HI volving i>#g>!>mai# thodiei* In th# Irfiliu |Vtha(M »t«ii# of what 1 l#a'i'.#d FOR SALE kit I UkJ# *4-1 A PAMlif JfMtillf STCRI i w t*h to tak# issue w ih, John "ua* convirue km, tha*. pmtun n*i net«»* t HMRV N«e*vt lw >$ FR1 f MKT AI MO QWALlTr MIRChaNDISI \i*uic«eu wluwi letlei apc»#aiy*< 'u vuur indignAnt rditoria' .ann »l 'i*»tl»»»- Crosswofii Pu/zle ui T'ldsi 1 pape* Th# letrirm# ton. th# l' pgi'.mai# child l» i- I. ii# |«n atotng *1 13 a V-«bo« $#->»* III SPEIO' SIRVtCi ,<» tht ;#•>, to mi*guM#d it. *#>* much our bu»i-.#s» V* Hit" 41 I I. *t»y a • ACieil JM Awnoybl ri'14'.. ua o.m WMui.U I.k# the In mii# are.* two hoik* wis{# (HMtabM. 4><1 IlltWI >3|» RD l-cwc. • thru H Kt.it AT ARI WM. H. THOMPSON # 31 Uutifil w n- of ar Ai»r»t,a F'l*' ad- a mile long m Mm Chicago. red » l> 2-A*v» y*»* f-cic j«#«'« 1.1d># tgik • in art lotitid* • h.a< IV ft 0?4» 4 N»»t , em* lew,* ago Indiana, thy omUts w# fair dr- bPll lAt KWAkT (lAKPR .t. !- iHRhP V ti o M N I'MNI-III. tf kli m# m#(i IV 1 #,« » ^«» ti#i#- • •ml l»f>1 al»* t«*i< #,>•'*>>•» A a*. ■ 1 Rub 31 Tui*#t ap* M \llili e*f*o wo.od jirt, 'Mieoi i* g.Vdtg got for de- •4 .a*# a#tiing t* lo# 1314 Fh.nie •* aod ff ■•ndeit! K'»v #• »»»o parking ® a **•#* ED It Ang#f J4 Otd of 1 . 1 «ii' 0111 !,e^ w ;' ehi.dk en U» over llk> IV *•*•*» «f «g* Iks# thud B*rfiisiH#«t lf4 D|l"i ■ M, an #,#» IV 3 ETTA II I II M##i ir« .n o» #ot*» c ..:i e. na ,a»s of h,$ wot id famihea n Rt j Ml i \ VATVf M v 113S- OOl Ri f ROOM PARKlvn at 1> •f i|;* 14 rh»f#f'ro 3f #*• y r#r'#,a i .T b r| Z*'< and *• .rUi# ,n.i»t lifiv >,t our Im.drc# "o the i>rut#vU.»n 0/ Uiy ihildirn Kaeh faint iy and on* a* er agist i)NF. tav# three |H* katn fcnaniuciw. phapt and k#n-.# U* t-Mbe Tflt a i;«# 'tm >• 3rrRACTtvr "i- » "a'- ' three -ikir»k »n#d noovt » »lter ft 30 t*'«r<4 R-.#r Pi *<+ fD J-W TRANSPORTATION .NjjfvMailiO.N . Ht.# #f man y ant >tfii|fi*lwl a tl #1«»i# * ',.«*# •« H« >!« was tt-.a- cf a legitimate butj? Seat AA»' tgi K# t\ k.edi* M I » k|k urc.oTwpMstltlt.NiT And'tvei. ttml ,* ol>- ■ Ka« h rh. it i« d-ga'n en','.y*i PORHOil »* QUIT luSiNCSS »>**• Ad wi'l El) I kbb M ' ♦ MODERN >g.# iw-r" W'. LET u>r t,«ai# AIR-rondtlMoeo *• --.($# rt' 4*2 PtfflP* Ni^iOwM ' uoetu WASTED Rowrwffrtp TO Va<#A kr*#r# # k#r#" •a m#i# \ .(Hit Ho hunt 'hat r»b; ga All STOCK MOVIO »t»a)i«e A-# E Unii*! Ktoif -o (#* I Sla rh ft R.rOert R II Th* butt ef -» »upp«vt to the *g# of a»*t##n brARTNftf NI Hip SilN 'ClM 'n ED 1-H5J after • •/ »»«*e,>d» ft" tavh A Rr*an Ab'wltyn af YiilP4l/l fwii'i t-on. ,»f innitUiHou* of TO MANOOR PX ' r«,ti$»ua " Paratng aiai'at-.a Ciba" tk# )#»• 41 >' rk#l higher and th# a*eiag# monthly »*».*•- and b«kt. Fh««d ED J-3t»t h) II T#ee*«ee *1 mbot iea;ntttg to ut# drfenn# nf the an*# ctteck 1* |T3 DOl llE AND WM.t E Euf men RHikTON -ROt' VfJ NEED f'Ae at'* nuns a H» * ha cikftiinis. ft:.j4 «# tc# ;# t»« ir emHl ' Kfkr ,a*f\» Pa'« 4 i> rr Mar. -. |4t(, khata #*$###»♦• tbw fhgrgrt#* 43 fa-1 of . h# Id up f.es.oe h#*e Imnh rt#graiTl> d,*- I have dead with thy va*t ROOMS p. -ixaft !>i» J 'u IjM'ft, Et> 3 *" M Otw t iye#* h 1 Taitnt*, , M jrgai.int Sdiir when ,i«»r* gptntT inainta.n.ng • I - aft#*# 51 M • «» j s. of •*#* h*i>J •nut put*'..- rJWTTUJUVT ft Ma 1 44 M n.*t#r «,.# HANIS IRlftPS, T S RIKIU PRIVATE b#*yt •«• p rn.yfrs- •rlu»n • r* *t »i • un.veisi'v have tn oh ,g* .•rphanagyv. juvente h-me* H, 1»* bai.i ai*d entfaney aa per <*««« AW LOST and FOUND W AN T ED RID*" TO 3bltw»uk## t« La, k of th*n to rh# urfen-e nf Hty na- uvently courts and p#na! ft*- W Grand R i»r »D «-44f M rr-rnigkc-z i > wage iea*»»ig e*emoy Ma ft Preey tiai» ) K ml Until . 3«ih * nclaet Mtfl. ED !-«•*» ?t ltd •#• 44 n. letter Hon Ml \'ik: *•«#•>* tutioh* 1 hi# metal worker f AD3.lt ATMUTtC SO* a' ; »«j RtX)Ntk IT»R MEN One blir* 4! Pronoun 4 Fur 11 W#nt in Net Militarr i#!yrviywe«t admitted th#*e fa* from 1 vntruf* mt hbrary EO J-B*T4 PlDERk WANTED TO Waakrfg |4 Hot rem be | Atadenu#* ft IV e- #4 Mnftui with awftiM ID* 41 Judy## 5 ft#g#;#d 14 fail (#n*« IRd • m UKT t.AAT THLPkOAV tan pr nr vicvnrtjr laavtttg V*?' 1 - »u|# *1.11 ut pi • ha\r Unl* ;t.aw wet# tH**u(*ied ptimartly by 'IIIWW 1 >1 M##d « nil 41 Re»* f »m»ti cm ».f AlOVl SO* " » * I . » g'-ama« in green >»m ,V#ar er J!>> ED MU2 r r#ii« lihti *»•!*,•»! coufu**i1 with military the tS.egitiina'e rhtld, kJM.I E matvi-i FOR - a—#,, fur r t..;'»»#' ft.D !■*.** y> f• Lay #w a* be Watib H#n ntff plastic Ra-nCOaU v: ktning *#'«• •' Tif hitfii ear RIDER* WANTED TO M>—IMP* 2! f> g>r*«ton a* adruoc* ITtri# are crrrsai If w# ate to ignor« tht* rapid* •H fugbtynal vleayl* 1 H#m ken•a-.Niil Pi (X a ED 3-1577 ft# «»•» lewie ».« OlCKif Pan is • a-d * « • APART AN HAU. lift Lorn* tW>i# PERSONAL Ma eh 3* leu A- r~ 1 ' 4 it VfOkki >» Rr* ft 4ft -a- l »4 57 jrr* utll Ma'N'sl.kt-- -*t;S rumm*. ipiitmrd (w men ft* par K WART RAKIRY DU.IVERA DRIV1NC TO PEftRTA afw-.t-g CANNON SHUTS, I.t $ 4 waek lftrngie lowni M V $w *»##)$ aim*'-* Ma* I jiHit jwf Pl-.on# Ft II " :t V h,.#f a. i -.M uVs-J SeS- M-sSt dixiduatf* rtetara'td rake *am'i• 14 J r Tl vff I- ?l bill •»•! $:« fid l«nw nbft, 35 ftavdar J vitl* TV. leieeOnn* aarkw-e tcr II as Pnwte 13 (-cat ftele'# 24 M#i# bra. itg . '•Is »S,os!* '>t*) FOAM RUIICR. «- b. faedWfa* earbmg o-a. k and Ja,i.*«d#v luUe PIDER* WANTED TO Ft f-» ' >7 1 n>ai'ktnaa Raikina du'a*re in cam- dai# EtnrMla Oavg mac *r "*• totki SFtIN* JACKUS. « an4 t- «hj« H> t-3»7« , 10N..«ADri^t!0N» JUS nr.. inf. Ptvare #*|i»iw#» le»-»4 Kt' -' - aa i' *7 Srwrd Rrf. »* 4f "4- U **>. ... / »** <- *d la ### - wu rained ua utda*. the 3la« in *-d»w Old# 1 »<»»,! GENTLEMEN OYER J Prtval* Thr »*°» ^ ED ;-esd» or ED 3-34*1 Jim C ItASSO na»t«v |w« M»r« ffmn t'nlow. Pma'a w n rvM.rd •• lk. ClOW I an'rame, eOetuo.m WOrm# EO g>U«| . i t SktERil OR RJDEWP te -V . # fct kiaiTARy SO*, bet. ML alter 4 em * ft# L*'\A H hb, '* . * *»>*>. k-.ner.A rarnvafl* PU»P«n«, J)-- Hdi ngt«4, Vtrmnnf Rwt' V >u High - se« leave March 34 ED «-i«- 9 M **(...**# 22 MuUthifa uilnnu M'UTAlV iNSl&NlA. #;<-#.k.v*ei'»«. dr* Jack n**- ..*"*<**■• *'>d nUtera. Voo'a- ■ H-M-Mn# Agency. IV 34KN If WANTED tea*# A »rti ft. t. on tact .Naruy Wrdneada- RIDER A$«»l TO t GxA! IT '# ' a 34 l'ib#nal£i»t r*-. Ra>'d j.»k„r-<>\«t>,\nI-.T-I P#:ti*# da, ,-#• mart 2-AH?. 34 Narrow J4 STATION WAfrON RAIN COATS, ROOMk PUP MEN, anrruved nna - ' c, fn-4v.11, PIDEJU WA.VTED TO dew** w 9 bark ittret •''eg parking *aBKSBaex*EA,sa"<*- t hwago nnrthweit »utn» t» If Cubic mater Rf« l-MS #ew |U.U. «. r„kr * ED , >a iata# Uvan I fff " •" J® 3» I'tterp REAL ESTATE 1 tig rm IR nod way. Da** a* r 1 4«» T# - p»*i TANKIR JACKITS. I MS J: M ear* F.i. leg Qt'lET e«*#•••..*i AND t" fOWLNttNTr t.sp efo. ,#nrc m are !>•# Tllpft.r REDPOOM 111 I—WW■■ fOfONlA? in March Men*. IV 3-BS2 94 w 1 ♦. .»> *: ing term i.et a g-vM i-w ■ g»-«1 »mj-he»«i Kr p».,» hein.s W ANTED TWO RIDf Rft_ 42 Riyyt cf KOtfAN IOOIS. G.L R»j, Sk4 VS. #' » blrti* frnm campua and make FHA ant a>»ed nf *13 ton Tfua bnm# IxiuflerdafteI Tdal Leave Sla##** -- A . ILK w & kj to 43 deg abfcr. Ccntymii* iblt p#r«?rr 41 Nora« foj •a# |4 «f. IMI OTHftR STUDINT SARtnAlNS i 2-Tm jT1!? I, TP dnuMe C.mve. ED l-231t or r.D 3-oms ' MM #\ri ME5 tevk T,ri* v:«nOriBi W • H'W". Jo __ W #vc»n#r- \al-j* and nn draper iea inda** lnw d"ttB OnviWenL ,g|Uk-k orinaes- entiditim, and ate marke* mUuded a tarMllng in ewl price. March 3* Phnn# IV 2-AT't* afar =s. WANTED |if,-T 7T.ii At CO*t AND lugw 1. Vri V»P '--.hi# i *n' lock and Bridle Plans Mirm*n ITATI wt Mifk II. !««♦ Ftps Th»#» Good Luck on Finals ]\even ill Horse Show r-nd •> if. JV, t,»f ir-dt,. < « V,' !«1 h> »M>I -he fi There DANDER MR'.r>r • ct *hf Pavjii'.n AI»m 3 I S*u,(■>>*< ' «.f ; vt !,e e.g' . « W ' h |>|«.| (II MS vi-tiffs U*f *>**• rj J t. ,«!i. I. d P. v. I#.- lei ..'a g-.d n vie ■ '• -jHcte .f«, fi»>. is lows : ,'..4 H.»s# '■> » *• .'If!,' ; 'a* !.n o a O . "| ■ i'|»; r-imej to gsmpush l>» ,I'll l K'li'l '.t * '«e--e-t p Pit .rf Hii-rri d'iKrt epf ,ij( : 8 a** a. i* Stock in I »nlr»l Mu higun; ; . w. r,aji»» A--.1 » ' P fig -h .. •. ;ierf.»! ■ ,*rt. ♦ 'f a' ,g « o>o* , e Ballot Box '*» e . . • »' *t i a« Ur U,e V e'rr'ed r,f* , ? , r»< Iri V. «... • i. 1. i "... « * if. r e a e ... A- */-» • . I » .. , «"1 »nr1 »t. . Ii g ,ia„ T * M«4Ui|»- . » - C . MUFFLERS (i.er.l . , fraternity at* • .... • • T)r»' nC H 1 > » llifiiirtdlti.il 111 a la M ill he It*Id the reining > Um Mill »e*l the *n\ .T»ri» f aftjMM in. A- * -• «. ftiiltirrldv «itl hr f(«» •rtn a< unnn I.' fiiilnt hut pfrfifim- thrre haafae marifl a ut ppherfifnrp the niter |* the »um- GUARANTEED !'»• n» TNI kin » I Jft r At and the btwrfe «me *% in ! Junior 'I - .i- . £> , firrtinti* %Cdrii hor*e r la»« Mill te»i the hmae • V hi lit» OkT-ni j<,. * . o... ... .. . a la* handle hti»i*el| enawnd — A Ml l — other animal* . V m fir ft- n' Al- lOUI'M IK 1)1 A I. KXMAI v | ^ ^ V F VIA A' A Mkl'OH'* KXCIlAN<»T llAV will hr held Ma* Williaina; l»a*e I alhotiit. rhiirmm »f Maror* omtairon PI nr* p»e - at. A" pewfftrt ami r II Ihraugkaal Mifhigan ^liotan al Ihe Tbrliange « * ft At f « **• .p erifp.*ri»» »*• • »t>r- Itrhdiiie I ommillee and Marge l.nehmerin I OH I MK\ HOI KIS Hpsnsm. Far. vti >e juri-.t ■ »r • miii fan hi; b^-dini sr*d dnelei Marrh la are f|-r Iron Peart. IIv«into aenior M*l 'a Inatitnte nt I munimriI* •i< n-f»re :4err IV • 1h-i. (^srt Aibrn >«• •paaKer nf the llnuae ml Nepreaenlolitep Jean lieteh.pn.en» and aeitleea nltl pnrttfbpale WHOIsmU A — RoT|»1 M»„«* i«. fj »#• » i. raari.jeie » i*i ei'l.er in Ihe I fart I anxng awphomorr fpoternoi f, Menn* rt enthange # '» »e »rr e*| naidsnt, Cer<> • Ka- f«~» Jm.u.: 'ig ' g .* »irn e. to «he g mi- 41 TO . i» ,, .« , ry, Nanrs M- V. l'mf«'p>«HMi;il I'jilli rn TARTI Mer. a g-.fj * »«p.#r. a h'p-aat. a» r« enii ocj*. ,.t • g •h p er.n a -r aa e ••* e.«r.« .de MFMRr.B A. M. A. •cry, Anr. .VaefVm* ■> ?' in 1 • •« nd oceei •m r isoan jf.tof, tr#-*Oiiiwr, Imr •*wr.pe»e,'ei pi n in *t#*aae >• Juiwor, Nlmfc and Nridle aem.eaae ef ..... • ' V »-«N idM Of: I • at Ihe Ih«« In Phi eodbgeratine with •■■* Omna . < t Co. (ia«ie fire >' a >i>g Ihe animal bothaadrt a depart, ment t* i aampaa* neganlvatdon 'Ant 1M*> u^ for Utoaa iniermlnd bn naimatn (»-e*e a!«n ha e ••••■rrt- ir.e a * '*■ ' ♦ a . ' K*'tl I-a Aw, and lit *«Ub> b If ya,.r »sd r, ' die P B- e*p - '-»d ?• » f »raafB a'^* c If f a • » t '»■* •*g *r. an aae-iriafdt prrrfana-n 'A •' d '"p* as. v. • -•» f.e I>te < ,r. '»a» i n* »t.«T psnnts - h# f,mm we* e ir »a Of" if P V ■' ■•»' tot MtoUtm, mi MMi . •a a frMTiir ar. ».-•*» • -a .g • mi- ■ g./pi fi t»n »|. w, ea-rt «»» .« . V \ v.- ' ■» *»- -* '»• n r» • a* « • « e-eee* »r grci a. - r »■ br. a a '.n : I e - . a ffifp •• ■ /Mo ar . » ,f.g c >*»■«■•' g.*a a- r « » ' * . a • a M * -a ^ m * ■. •» o »r»' a a t o. e rfta an •«/ '.t.e .»■ M.-d.i r A *• o" ; r T'" a ' a re A" •■*» » •: ,. *nw»« ef..,* "»• -W.e'ajp a *j » . j# '* »nd Hrhlle ' ■ a:* •.. a « «o C •'*»• . . ... , . ga' ia «.edwta !f a nnaod t te.e ' i I. «-• ' > •' rt» » a • a •'« p^arng ').» »a- . »■ A - • e «. a O fj# e» mr an* H fi'» el .* ». .*•#•» a *#f ia f '» ' a ■> - g . ... ' * ' i - * Hi A » f» aot.'ter ■ ■» |.C«| «* f»>«- > # w "• ' ' * "• *' " ' ' - "•••-" ' • 'iuni. V .. Illl Wfl'ff I'Ml.ll ||«»\ William* niitr »f |rtt» I .at lie llin-clur In \||eni| ^Vi,.V/Wi'i,iViVtVi,«,i,.ViVWAV^iVW»,i,^iVi'AVtV| (p #i«N 'tV* | * fsllffO. -• Ft ft a"' f'»- . • >" 1 *• •• t» M fha or ftijftitdpr !•«! |tph(i »urtit«r it toft in >.f ik# Ihe nfilt alhff Mf>c»|a*(rt lull IVraiiHilt'l >lrrl tc n. •*a a'«n *a»» ,4.e«#o »* ai.'' ib | 2 FOR 1 SALE !!!! i ^ I'ltM Ktlll 1 Of' ,* 1 mti dt the age ral If Mil a* •»' -.Fruaann dite.tr* n '«' e nga-n ».# (**■•, *. , ■ g * i | p .* re- |# m' a*, «arr Mr *r ' ,.• ' vi.o , a-. .- *• a era p t - • e» tta rtewt {». * in/imS! VARSITY DRIVE-IN a »«> * c * arg i.e «.o . « *•* »<» <1 »is ".f «n -ne a t j ♦ « • *«f » t*»- •Stb.Vb i» .'* p'.gane* *b m« gar ED 24617 ■ w—- - - Da**-"' •re. J iA'.» ** * «»f k«**r fjw* Mr I'll*' " * |a<.'«»»(• ng V ■'' a, A i .af •». J"t Arm r> • < ' tminr ► ;jr p.+s-iAfi 'if* *"* r" Pht • *">»•♦» ,"'**• fp* ' * »"'« \|p«AI( *tf WJ . • rjfj . r.':**' >' 1- ft*"- p.< ■' \if«- P'i-f, r4.< r r», f.■■■■-,■ }' • T» * * VOW «||OU|M. SPECIAL ENGAGEMENT miut! uncut; i (UCUTtt I IV lAMMVfi M M>rt rtR EIMI>*HO» IMUTflMlM %V IM KI Ml II PPII » » mk rr I WITNVOU* I inaar I "The biggest challenge MARCH 21, 23 and 24 a "M»n »tiif f.'isii man has to lace is himself" «r« *lii» l(i in •« • V . • a o-a* rut. ar < »ar f» Pi' a • »-• UI0Of.a"t <>rr«H A Carton*. .tO-jrac-old tnkrladii g *p»r- to'ba f .tuta of ron.. • mo »» Im.m. a, fcwiirw and at the •or.i^i dn»lop»>»nt •(•ritlt't. U» t *r**t «*(»nt on Pow *>il th»» *"Ti».r iiuim r » I'sfim »tfi 4a- thai'*. *• And I'va found thtt tpv» t> *»»»t chtlkr** pa d oaua a(d mora upon tbo*« far* tr*Wr«kJ»a * pan r.at to (*'♦ on tu» i"'' 1* '«•' t'* of d!. hiua • *bo cootir.ua to da. a • p to lhair fu. »«t i,ihor« — but th» far pra.r* im|»>pt»i.t omiI dr.riof*- xi*bc..t>a< during IPwir Irfrtm.o. MK U:g kimvlf U| lua fslloat tana* Jlt.oa. Ira' :« nbt Oato'ti fci».fp ' pa-^ -m a f imota "Durin* my four >*or* with fj*n#r»l K'actri', fur indiTidtiof prtgtaM — a tr. appott reKJP for in- r»a h*d pi'ntr of opportunity for a*tf-4*v«|.>rpn». t .raacg bnoupadga aid »k; • — for an of tta a*o- (.'k*JI»n*ii f tratnn g a«»i*nin*Bta at 8i* diflrrtnt pi. .a»- tnciudn.a «• »»a gtaitjataa for t tottUona »ithin th* _• I; .1 t< mditduad "oat ts# . 1aJ.»"ga of aa ' corriany Pax | >»« mm a broadar iwi«r»taiMi g of n.- rarw araa. In n y dacatopmanal that thara too'ir a* to ba pragrac fna praaaat fob I bava tha banrfit of iorkinf ahk a»- a boa. .on*, aa induotry, or a no two. 307 e. parta. both hi aatabJ'ahinf lonf.ranta foala and fn baipinf to achiava (bam. I'ta found that au-rkirf toaard fulura poiantial it t.tal in the * etopewut •f aoruaidal bu*iur».»a — and M«ra*ful a.*" naiiuaiumic MVnvmAff BVATR WW* ftarrli II, 10M Fir* Poor —Hockey Shot*- NCAA Swim NCAA Meet Coaches Predict Win for Louisville Coach of the Year 1 .OUIRVI! J.F! M/ijt partleipato Ky. 'A*i r»f •+,* four emu-beg wIkm Imihi >■ tt»e Rarh NCAA b««kert»Dll Tueartoy: (>ht»«tiip th;* >v#ckfnd made these |ire"ncnt», picked theii' first Cincinnati and annual convention there all waafc. Tankers Go to Ithaca, rVHAT Allow 9iN P.M. interview four-way tele¬ West Virginia The coach aalactad for thia honor will raceiva the Spencer No Ye, During Vacation over a I . FIRST RI'N ATTRACTIONS! phone ho'ikup It tiriRinated Friday niglit'e M-hrdiile hat Penriwe Memorial Trophy for hia work in NCAA hockey. friMM the site nl the tntiloainent, the University of IxAillvtll* Michigan Stata'a Amo Baaaane la pcaaWant of the Aaan. meeting West Virginia at TJ ar at/.*TTi. a A MITT "TINdlM Preefloto Hull. p.m., CIST and Cincinnati play¬ ami alao arrvnd lha yaar aa C'hairmaa af lha NCAA Rule, trliialh. In the innrlirt' pre Committer. SpartaII awlinmera will have little re,I nvar apring »ad SUSPENSE! dl'llntm i*t the tnnriMiiient win ing California al 9 30 p.m. Hut Hrconc'a work la herkev muat bo looked at outride i«.n. with the niHin item on tha agenda baing tha NCif ner. It hm l.nnKvllle t Weal Virginia's Arhana hu team I* "laprrlmnhr" be- of hi, capacity aa praaidant and chairman, for there ia no meel in Itiiaca, N.Y. unite of |,MH«vllle'i apeetaealar other hoekty coach la lha country "ho ran point to the The lankei, l,avr th. ml.rn - Pittwmor holds Hi* lBB-yl eestyle from last ymri per farm a nee In the MM-Baat forward leap which tha ftparlana aaparieorad la the l„! nil of the 25U' rlfhl ** le will also tske on tM I regional tanrnament. "oi. Thr mml )' Mai 2C-2'I three yeara. "reentyle and one of die Nb| "Whati you boat the Unlvor- riiey Will return thr Sflth r jipft fhe 100 and both thUi A tev, uf lb* *v iniii.iirN np-m yit* at Kentucky and Mlrtiifar IN 1957-M TDK ICKRR compiled a record of coven win- mer an Indlvidub! cpn W I Slate #ucreawtve nights, you is Hon PaHf-rsun F'mrF MfKlm- on and I ft defeata. Horkev had not ytt matured a, a varaitj iri Hi'K SlRUgrt v. ill "d in only three *venta J to haw a One team, ' have gal Modine also ia V-haiH said •port on thia campua. Rat all atoriaa muat have a atari. DAtg mflivldually in lb* NAAI •hamplon for t* Hickman raid hu team "feale On# yaar later tha taaaa aaailri to a»mh oat af aaventh nMt Apr ?-4. at Vale sine '>0 and 3b0 y*m determination Ifian appre- plaaa to fifth aad alao aat • raaaH far paa wan la a untvrmltle* ran nol be raj*' mure efltftrl an wch. tho Hig Id penalon.'* •luffla aaaaaa. To aaiaidw* that flam aright aat aaam tibke all tecord Heferring t*» Weal Virginia Cmh ( bar»e% Wef affraa. be uo- vard hreoBlatr I 11110 V Rl **11 impraaaiaa, hat to fahaaara af Bpartaa hockey, a aaaeon iMm Iravrllni allk Mm learn *lar Jerry Weal Htckfiian aald jme i*i third ti nk I or d Je«* he u. altering Hucace Greeley's record af 11 wtaa aad II taaaa waa aaaaathing ahort af «»|N 4m mmtm traveling mm bl¬ (ark and Cy |h*t wet a nee •fart S St n to - mi» piu ■ •pen •ipofi aim May community, or ibe wealhei J una should In dependiir n w-fmd *i th* B«f M, « itth last ea*r, bat •aval add ratah dda d) paadfl" Than wSi ha away mm ■witianad far tha Coach of ihr The NCAA meet Muring \«<> * —dtataf ft e Yaar Award, aaaaag thai wfll prohahly ha Nad Harknee- lion will be tfmllar t'» the i» wnt Big 10 inett Most of tin af RPI who auaaad aat aa a Md to tha NCAA Finale on the -jaifloamair —-- sme learn* will be reprr,ei»U day af lha aaaaaa. Haihaiaa aaoidad a acaaty arew at there with an addition of mao . .un-ronferenre teafna Ralph RCtUUBSON • Marprat LOGHTON " Bah Mag af Marth Pahata will prabably be mentioned on Caaep Maf affrae aaya af lb» lha hata af aaaahiag tha nalloaal ahampioa. But it mu,i NCAA. MWa bapa la Nay Hi Mk "a nowl affair" ha PtatahoNd that hia laaai waa firet ia tha Waat le-t tap al« INIa yaar. Ha bare aver* purpaae la ailatf af repeeeeetlnr ia lha NC AA Flaale alao. MAC wall." •ATI RIIAY aadoahtadly ha athara. But it ia almoai Aieuart bah run NCAA tiUr wrtar to aaa tha trophy pa u> anyone to daferuf in the 1500-meter ai raAua MNATRA "(MIMIC CAME RUNMM; aaaaaa. la thiaa yaar* ha piekad the 440-yard fraaatsia Ha will au am ante red m tha 230-yard free dpartaa hacker taai aat af tha aaita aad thrustad h •ad ATTHACTION TOST MISSII.F" •tyla Thaw- are the three avant af tha aatianal collegiate hackav that made him • wiple wmne padaataL Machap at Michigan Stata * mm a, major apart. ia Nm Hag 10, TO ALL COLLEGE STUDENTS: HAPPY VACATION! WE, AT VAN'S PHOTO SERVICE AND OUR EAST LANSING DRUGGIST WHETHER YOU ARE GOING HOME OR DEALERS — ARE FLORIDA BOUND, STOP IN TO ... a»a prand af awe 1'al malty and of tha many flna paa pi, wha alland. C.BaS. AND SEE OUR LINE OF M. S. U. Wa haow that far anat af yaa. CaSagi la a loagh "flaanciar grind, tta I Ska ta lain with aar DraggM dialin IWtad htaw ia awhtng thw r'a OiBigi phalagiaghli aiiwiiiii hi wtthto yaar hadgai. SOUVENIRS AND BEACH WEAR. • MSU SWEATSHIRTS • HSU BEACH TOWELS AND SHOES ,1§» Mhr priH In yw Mm mw oaly M» Bottling • HSU SOUVENIRS FOR THE FAMILY ftf ata, «tk ■ r) (BB Walal tan atar prta ta aa* Mr) lit •fadflilla da.- III Ml b Mhr hm PERFECT FOR GIFTS FOR BROTHERS My Jli or S for till ;) AND SISTERS AND GREAT FOR THE BEACH. 1 IMbMb AND WHILE YOU i\RE AWAY, WE WILL BE WORKING TO SERVE YOU FASTER AND BETTER FOR SPRING TERM. STOP IN AND SEE FOR YOURSELF CAMPUS BOOK STORE ITHBT MK Ml BNtT BNglllW '-te m -• Gymnasts Prepare To Defend Crown Ihrrr Fm-.Miiii IViini lli-utD \fci>l For National (lollffrialr Mrrl A five-man Spartan fryntrif«»*it** team left cwmiiu* rjtrtv tlii< rii'irnuitf for l.frkHev, Calif., where it will defend its National < ollpyiafp title Cri'lav and Saluidav, S l •.tr-1<.» .1- ' n C'.*< h « ■ , it " ! W*»m» Ram S. , , • • . f.n< li,l<-* • • 0 * • f ,o * . . •• r u U«SM»COUWl ^HA F»r Mm > Smart**! Init* >r»U «t.o alter ft Bi Style* in month nt Inirtltllt rttiiintil lo t r dHRgang? work for th» lll| I* mttl 111A Sight i **h&: tint Itinirlt for high »rorr will V- br»v» ftufii li*»' rntrr ill ir*im4 along with f»l- #**983 • ■ * • ', i i.j. >.fi»h)p - >**» b r r*r4 II# it al hi* h»«l on *ttll S/ • > ri i|#> f »( a fin *h it, ot ting* and parallel hit* TIIIR I RI HIIMAV III*T \M |: rrmllt-t relit tram rurnpn*rd of t • , 'ha top fiva, f»nf> lvk'» "fh'ra fur ift na'i'i.a' »•'- • jjj' I'l'.'tr* to 'ht ]9*>R tl'le al>>-.nrt ' ' ha .rr*- faik I'nrd. Jr**r Utah Id frra»il«in and t latton Man! I* thr ona "If fut.nH to'* .,f Cap' (a! :'.g 'o dwj> . 4'# 1,1/ fra't, |tat art a Bra f(r*l ,fl 'ItMl ietft sn Em iihhis In V ie • rah •hotting in tha Rig Id tilt Ha ia tha only aaninr nn tha tram, and will maba hi* laat , a T'lr-iv no-Ofrt r-i -a "i»r a fir 4' ,«t "ant >«-«% : .n "iV a* MafrSd Viatttha f « ah ion parfnrmanra In rnllaga tnmgatl- Optical Department at Saara it (Imimmmsh'ni (mine tinn thia wrrkrnd. Ta,'»hi innervp to I i.r.ota' Ab:e 'lioMfrid on 'he h'»s.f'»n'al Far Sarvtea, Canifort and Baauty M» I.AKKV Mil.1.1 R Sad diif %#!#<♦•«»» •* ♦#*«<#( h|»H 3*4 fa ba< *«' ■ rif at a aophomoie hat Tt vat thr end <>{ tKm road f«>r ?wu t»•;»^ T'le-djiv tiiyht f»Rtdh ddftfns grgildbif •• • rd>«b«« «f co om. Tr*dit»y>n the nemi-finaix <>f the IM (#«') «h,»mpioii«hi|»-. Ernrert Team t'ie Keepnelie mornr? ' . h..1 ■ 1h# tram ptrinr* far thr Parabata aa Sain Easy Paynaat Plat N.'ly glihdwr I »-'agr if; tha k-red as f.f' '• if :• " Igh* > ' • 4 • i ^ , Ha hii baa'rr t'rp «'»» jiT','o«a C»ro*afa-d and Dtni Tor,- • conscious women of | tha 'ra-w ' "I-* Ugtrhen and Jewelry i , grvrf '.at IIFni I'lr -nrae Ha a weir r*,,r • ». % t-p' * *hrv fp.ird l>» 1 * o..a >aar t>'h| Ton- '«»/ l K. Lansing & Lansing .i,rt le aama <;mr f« i-« * e!d goa i.nuta mark i a ft.p' <>* thr ' ' •• 'f-.r », a vi-'.i ! 4 o? v it . B K'»ai*pa h Fa yx, ,. rd r> in a d ia Rofahftmorda Jr»hn Dan* a and n rr« ervo i Th# RaU a lirmrd Rr»an* Irad nam point 12-21 at halftimr, • r fjfima ' r.r ■, : ?■ vfarrnant .*«,<>? * aa th# Or-a Thoripa'm aa-r,rd bart'fta on 'na .Nf'AA-hoiifid are* »i'i IkaapMi'sJawslry J/.I f.. I.hkiiI Hon ad |»g Uaa lima tha rnd of O r "■» t«v 'or Prft ir-m« aa tha;r ton* a-anSiy h-gn fir,.aha* U1 M.A.C. Ah. •r.r *.r>r g bur-bat w.'h trvmn tumhuni Dar a a in fra» /.ml / timing nrd taarhr milrd around m : Nani thr mar I *r* on thr long f.»r a*M»nd* rwrua.nu.g iQ airrriia and Thorrpeon "tt trgfi- t. l4i»ifl( ad af tha aanra. 2t tT. poOna I>an r a * aa aa- orvd to IM *< HI IM I v: Halt«ad br Ova igv- of f,4:/ « fc«mr»»n*t>ip liim- Ir,d.ana a Rf»n 'A aidan in ' im- rg»nr>ar, who hue ■# poll,:■ hr'a lhria Fi »• Smmoa* f o. ng a^d third bdh.nd Tnnty starting TODAY f r«m all 1 »f »«r D* TOP CASH PRICES A I »U»g» 'hop for j»«r c«*r«iiM(* PAID (■ilk *tr**' *' H»*<) 65 Dresses, 129 Dresses, FOR USED 94 Dresses, 67 Dresses, 53 Dresses. »r»« *»>l I* 121 BOOKS t:>,r« Ikt. 4raautk U<» «»to IrM k liiMM W Ml*: l>r*M«o froa fiaia —a* **.,(•«*« ... iri.ui for 4*>tia« ... *fia**m .. . r*«ul... ui Afi»r In*: Tiffri*. ... m^| .,. no*. .. . km .. . •••*» ... jaw? ... kaate. la lk« mmi ■**«! »ilk.»Kla ui nkti. Plenty of Junior titer AH Sales Final! No COD'S Co-op Xurnrry Srliool 'Professor' John Miner The lanl day of classes for Winter Term I* WeUnexdxv. March 18 All final examination* %• ill »>e given In accordance uilh the follow log schedule. The time of the examination* in fl.vi. C ollege course* Is given below. Examination room* will he announcer! by the Instructor during the last To O/n-n Spring Term Children of faculty, staff and graduate assistant* may now M USE week of enrolled in the Quonnet Co-op To Receive BA Tonight Communication Skills Thursday. March l». 10:13-12:15 Natural Social Science lluinaiiitie* Science „ Friday, March 20. 10 13-12 13 Saturday March ?1, 10:13-13 IS Monday March 23. 10:15-12:13 Nursery School for spring term. The school is open to children CAMPUS CLASSIFIEDS The time of examinations In »— 'Inns other than ftn-ic College courses t* from two and one-half year* to determined hy the days and the time the claw. I* scheduled during the kindergarten age. There is still term. Ksamlnatlons will he given In the same rlan*room* used for class It's uiually a rare sight a hen rarric* a briefcase every where the artl* e force* and he has room jn morning and afternoon meetings during the term he goes. seen mnch nf the werld. If at least two of the day* arid hours follow the regular pal ten,. Mn stu¬ session', for children over four a student it given the tag "pro- "It's really tint hud when A* » M/Sgt. in the Army, Mi¬ dent*. instructors, end room schedule will automatically clear In a few fc-.«:nr" and when he'* cmVe-i Hn emirs*-*,, »< the request or the department concerned, the final examina¬ years old. •Doctor" by actual pr»*fe*-»»r« they call you a profrraor," fiayi ner spent seven years in the tion lu>* been scheduled In the .single hour lecture section, and In some Interested jwrentis should cm- Rut this is the rase »»f J'«hn Miner, "hut when men with Ph. Southwest Paclfitr, ineludifig duty Instance* student* may encounter conflict* In that event ,th# examina¬ tact Mr*. VaDe Von Tirsch at tion scheduled hy Ihe eta-" meeting I wo hour; each «. eek will take pre' Miller, 4 52-ycm old gra«h»ating D'» rsll me "Doctor," 1 get a little during Woflcj Wi»r II. .Iff wan reflence over the examination scheduled by the *-hg!e hour lecture. The ED 7-9545. senior who is often m'*tahen confused." stationed ill Korea (luring HM1- examination will he arranged between the student and the department tc,(nesting the special scheduling of lis esaminalioti. for a profeaor Miner will receive his HElstna. All instructor! having examinations from 8-10 am and from I 30-3 3(1 pm M nrr is a 30-ve«r retired An y he hapn. at the end 4sf this me requested to Icrrnlriate their examination* promp'l •» that room* **h«» ha* successfully and fnilld^o tua- he cleared for tl)e examination periods which follow i rteran teem, sitth a major In history ,\ widr \arirly nf job opportunilir* avail made an educational rnci:ehe< k and a miliar to English. rPilNINf; ( I.ASSKS """ AriTfTNOON CLASHES 73 after licing given a medical dx-- It vour Begin- : If voui llegtp- .NOW SHOW IN*, jou in Olio wiunjr. faot xroninx indu.lry. Vnu "I'm going to try the teaching class rilng at d- nidg at . barge. At MSU. the tag "pro¬ firufrssion." he suyt, "and if I meet* one of Vour exom meets one o| Your exam mii> -pcrialiax for work in finance, innaraix-r. fessor has been attached to him «i «n't like it, I'll find a job with these time A | these time A fur his role a* a professor ira hours date is ,v ' mnnufarlurinx. »holcnlr or rrlail Mil*-, park the CiVil Service." MWK • n t)fj f "WK " I ltd Tuesday i.jxiie of the Sj»artan Magarir.e He recently passed a C'lvil MTThK 8)30 March ?t MTThF I ;3D March 34. ilnrlopmrnl and oprralion. or manufarlurinx nf S*tvice test, which a .Mires lilm MTWThf 3:48-5:45 j VTWf h»' I 30-3 3d romponrnl- and m,uipmrnf. (t f.ui" Tuesday 'ITh I '*» Monda p-rfmod w Ik* I ' la Ik* «-f a government job upon gradu- 8 March "I j I 30 March 33 pmdiiHOoi -Tim- IJmM." aii''1. 10 IR-I3.I5 , -J 30-a 30 Th. Ofl* "pr-fr-op ' r.n ra-tly Hfleea af his thirty years af MWK 9.|H| Friday 'WF 2.W Mondav Mirhixnn Slalr I niirr-iti ha- thr only rur- MTThP V 30 M»rd ?u iTH r 3 30 March 23 »■. Dtt.rh-rf to thr o.,n who MITV1 hP 5-00-10 tti J MTWThP 3 43-5 43 rirulum Irndinx lo a U.S. drerrr in Mobile TTI» * ** " » 00 Thursdav |1Tli 7 .'JO Saturde- 0 30 Maich 13 ! 2 30 March 21 ft on-to no ____ . 143-5 43 MWr* lOCSI Monday ' tW V 3O0~ Pr.dav Spring Term SdnMe of Registration MTThP M'lWIi ITU P^ 10:30 Id on March 8 no 10 Mt Saturd»v 53 t i -fTThP | MTWritP I'fi. 3 30 3 00 March Thursdav 2n 7 00-1)00 I'M. We insite >ku lo gel full mformalion im Mobile llomes Curriculum and the job opportuni¬ All nfudents will be admitted to the Auditorium to pay fees 10 30 March 21 3 30 March 10 and complete classification for t>pring tenn according to tin- fo|« _ 8 00-lo tiu [ • 7 Oh-9 00 PM_ ties in lb# industry at Ihe office in th« Orpt. lowing schedule. MWP " 11 :oo Tnuraday "*' .nIWP *t "i Tndav of I ores! Products, II-1, Soulh Campus. , MTThP 1130 March JO MTThP 4.10 March 20 trwoAY MTWThP ... 130-3.30 MTWTHP _ 3 43-ft 45 . M4NOI 3) Tti, II"no Tuesday TTh *Thursday A-Anrlvrt* ... . • *v- » »8 fs-fTl I 30- 145 11:30 March 24 4 :w March 15 Arolrraf-Ao# ««5-lena r«t-4*U(k H I 4!.- 2 (>«• nut-Bxm .. lasa-ieift Clatk H-Cunt 7 («>• 2 T. , ^8:00-10 0.1 ,1 i*-vi:. Harl-H»'l - — 10 Ift-to * Csw -f ris 115-2 30 lf>!7 a* wdl as seeing duty then; MWP 12 00**" Matnrda' tlee-Bld l»JM4« *"rt* • Davia C 3 3" 2 4.» during Ihe Korean conflict. MTThP MTWThP 12 30 March 21 1 »»-3 30 Hie-ISik io«ft-||«n Dxrii I) -Dry J 4.'.- 3 oo Another year was spent In Japan. . ... Itol-Hran liae-ll IS |Ww-ffc.m 3 1ft- 3 3" TTh 12:4m Pridav llr.in-Hruh . 11:18-11 M Dox-gal. . 3 .TO- S 43 A* a native of Detroit, Miner 12 30 March 30 1:3(>-3. »• H'ui-IU II 3W-I8 S5 Edl-ru 3 45-4 181 at tended Maryland University • - ir.tunta (nll»x* ISM I) Ey-Pih 4 18.- 4 |ft and Ihe University of Colorado evening classes . Homo* College I 15- I *• < Eil-Eek ... 4 15- 4 30 If Ymir'riau Meals Vour Exam Time $. Date Is Ix-fore entering MSU. M. MW after ft Monday, March 23. 1-9 I'M WPDNEADAY A mil. i T. TTh aftar 8 Tuesday. March 34. 7-» I'M (•'»> -(•»! am. 8 14 Knt-Ku* . I I 15 Hhlle at M8I'. he has also W after ft Pridav. March 30. 1-8 PM ttuilrfrr of heating and Air Conditioning t quip- l,8'»-h-(,urn ISkln • 45- S *v I pile. l#x lc;t . 1 M- 14ft 1 4ft- 1 Imi Assn.. an4l served as secretary SO *MN 41 EXAMINATION \i*V~H» GIVEN AT ANY TIME OTHER ment for MobUt Home*. . _ — . THAN TIIE REGULARLY M HEDLLEU 1151K EXCEPT BY EACLLTY iion-Han -—•«•- S I* IcvMili 9 «»• 2 IS In l»S7. ACTION. IU..-H«v ei8-t>« Mai-Mar . . 8 15- 3 .341 llMob-llers - .§»-#♦> Uxt-Mrl) «... 2 *•- I 4:» "He's the oldest member nf , Hert-lbilr • 48-less McE-Mel .. - 8 S»- 3 Wi Hold IIH 14 IM»M Mem-Mllle ...... 3 15-3)81 tiic Vets Association." says l'iv- Itn-Jnb !• 38-18 44 MHIf Moo 3 30- 3 45 alderd Tom Kolcslak, "and i* Jar J"h risen / ...... IS *8-11 m M-p-Nb- 3 4»-4'ooJinp \|:W IIAVK.V. Conn 'O — aivt hrougtit 41 arreats and the Iv.M-n came to Yale Tue*-1a (inflation fader. T i i giMi umtorgnaduataa ta ent In fact, deepite a rash of con¬ c jivsc*. tm prnhathm necting comments Monday, itap- f»m university offictals. who iwared that the t*robaiiou order (Of.Cft the general probation would have little effect op life Vhatda.v, tmt about tfxeu tw»i- »'■ Yale tf there i* no mbd»c» n>' l"t«. haetnr. M'»rv * —• farmma Yaie «s»tmg club — was d*» ng h*»a - mi * h» usual. TTie Whiffeni*-ffs men ha t ttwnr auogfesi their Mntular night, Jurt as they 4h> . ^'.axtay. And tha snow—-the thing tha( . . -cd all th«. tr*nible — was •Mi-iting Ta.» anoahatl toaamg Knr Varalittii? i . idciita last aeek invohred \'«'-e n»4*fi in tuwles ai*h Hart X mi- Ilatt If Oitrknl Mill T riiW" firepaaef SAeraie We Buy AU Books Anytime ELEMENTARY AT #>•* Forking