v -.j - •"- ■•-•< MKfiiSf MM Serving MSli Knr .*>11 Yon VOL. 51, So. 1 KAST LAXSlS'i;. Minil'lAN'- Fill DA V, AHltH. 3. I (loll I'iili 11 •*< ( MM.: Red* Accuse India Senate Of Hiding Tib(*Inns Delays Action Indian Government Offn-iii's t'niwrwiliV* 1aic\ Deny Presence of God-King Money for I'ayrof!* •Uf« Maw* Phi»t» h* Kill NiMnuu NKW DKLIIT, India Wi — * •! r i' -k* - "••-^afrned ' ' mal Ibrtf ru«h counselors in lha hall Glnhv .-- ! I / M 1 ' JOYCE MeSAMAEA. vlee-peesidcnt of Panlfel. ec* Thur«day Tibetan rel>el* flcelny t hin» e t u'iiiIhI pur. Uriwi Bbe rwheea at the «pnnr convocation 1hr. ll irirhtl. hand* a sheet of instruction* to V. ''•!*; ii L ii* a'tit have brotiifht their young C'ei-k,njr ' rt4 fbtr«4ij sight ,AfUr lh» mwtim the- rush* I i>id4 Srofield, Flint freshman. y.v/in? ? -r i , •• Into India. •Lite T* co* ft ma tlnn • 'artie* Fill 2 Week* i.e •« ra !• t er. - c,r s\ Jn i'.a'g northeui fron- Ag Board tl »' (nmmj'fi L'»ui ft' r »• tJ« . . • •'' . • - Jonvocation Starts Program on - - j v» hioadrast report of felp- Approves A tng s offietsl New China News • geney uM The Dalai lau»e and others arrived In India For Spring Rush Season March II.- The Bgenrw 0«td the fS-year-old fled-Klef w*e brought aeroae the herder Appointees der duress by rehelliesn ele« Of flu*** eArsvnca''.in he'd Th . • a... d.i rv" Ko*" •' » e r g .rt Ap Appoint m* j ft f.ST "\\t would he Willi, r If •' HI v.J cor, r.; ments" and the Indian fesew* 'lit* ale So u err id Mo 4/ night in tha Mu« - Au rush p.c- . •, men! ordered harder end »oM*e Vlce-!'re«iilcrn I >*-2t n" of i'- c "mg negotiate " -'fotiji April I" If 1 it tha fira! evei»i nr, a r, y •• girl «i!1 Trie ('onvv j' aelhorttlee la anet the pnrty. Sch'cil for A- Sliced firad- to l're«id»fit fohn \ llsrsojH rhestul# planned . fur apf.ng ona j.ftan.1 TV* n.-.h'tm a T e Renwn to f.s; - par ticipating «j>: r»g rush tiitnx ing iseued they had no a statement information on say¬ Dean Milton .e.der of " e Majority Discussion 1* rush.rf Mil ;J a e a th# rush*"* with than lora- ti.e cr»«a:ng into Aiss n College of ;i er, » • , t A • ard -.! rush i* ('oiistitiilioiial (.lottine r.u. fWi. sinug of tie Tilndan leader. t if. do not i!"tidpate as n her .me e-Hf* je? f-r icvr0 MrNamara arquain'f i k# d the -usnew* with the nj*h rule* party calendar. Tha g.r « bi Senate v-. an titer '■ ru-'o- #pport'.n.?• J gi-e n -orori' f s ' p edge git 's I'neffW lal rrpfU the Dalai Una was wDb rebel earlier aeld Mesear-gi lie* of t'..e e /^»r er,'. aid S'■■" .* >r A <• , t Passed by Si mien Is • ,ij addition to .'c pledget! tne forres in the aanthem pert eC Graduate Stud es. »Mt'' y Ap 11 ba attending informal j»d; l*hlltip '111 a fll tha ho*mat April 7 and U A bill fo na -onie local previous term. hi« telly swwUis roentrs. I. to , "if Winter a-.d $r, ng rush 'on- There had been ne definite ward 8-^ reeding M r, o-( * e f* r e one r**'tn! dor it i He rh*a0 panua arc ptanned t si De*<:> of 1 ' ♦/, ****IOfl h# d iff at .OTIS a*e panned tiy 1*..- of his fate • «ge f . •- . • -• *t. e •ch evening Rushes* will re- out of e\i-*!e!' - if a ppn- HeHert.e rour.e to scquatnt i.e eat hetween Tibetans and Bed V..en*# and Acs e...l le D r ' that t>.» -jf.n rr- t #,v# Wi«dtat;orw for f a f r-- i" approv¬ poafl annexftti¬ rusheeii w rin v.-oritv i-.fe and 'he ( hlnese ferret Msrrb St. -:* At V, ret--t a rot h»r >nl»tl— raja a# j^rtiaa kprtl • mi mun»or> at Monde* ed wan in the Apr di*cti«j»*»d al the Senate election proceed11re ruahtrg per'.ocl. owed dur.ng .e 1 of Some *.n# Bourree Da'at e*prev~ed h*. Lan a and ht cor. " enaige, . it. : , li*-*-.- |-71 NEWS i*- •->-•>» in \yril operalinf em W' r.e 'Jjtfei* e»MJ "f Tito OiiM **«• M'll after • Inst wrek and t back tra"s--'|, »*fy fru'o i IN BRIEF ■n nenf parte vera fv e AC8.1i ,.r- ywm eoffbe data* on April in southern Tliiet In MSli .Student, rain • to committee r further ftrf»*0 pr/j -.a'I a ' M 11 batwaen the hours -t wki't R"t . India's direr'lon work. •>£" «' 4. • ♦. Ag ruahaa may have coffee John M R-T < . nr-e "srpianee snd tioogd- * n ..Ti : /fw/ji llutlfc lit It it: lit City Fireman Sen »• '* - ^ huftted for thrm. O' r.» - -,i are ■- ipw oi 1 1(1senla jVve * #.f 'be bill, -.4 ! * iniendrd- MS I! ;»» tnit'rt ' 'he (' »' A: .. . . j.h >—n'' 4r,rl P*oJ Hurt in Fire Professor ,Srf to Give 4' !'< t . ■< . i » I...« . . >! i ' iu ftS J »n i'ed a Tu» fi-C—?*• e;/ " .a For ( rentier Art It «as l »r l -ll-.f if the- .> .r.t through an a .a.-'ttmnt at IHO F »-n Murray Jones, Jr. •Tha La*t Lecture.** * naJ'V. T^e b> I ri» lUftdS omd •-# '.rtle.-r - f .fain S' I-a* » ng, causing f\- swjria'e p>of#*sor of arr. has r «wo tenure* ,jpon«o-r>oft. Mi«- flren*e i*«ur<| l»een awarded a Fui'jc.gm grant • \ inv per- , t. rjt . forte r Board, and featuring ;j ^ / .>. /'/»•. bumed on r. « art n Japan toad, and Dr. Bu.**el Nye. n* H laws of thi« «Utr shall not he fight »rvi and taken 5<> Spar 'u Jr.verwed n eon temporary • Dean Mwlder tr# English deparvm nt. ^ni terminated up»n *nrie\at!ort of if «p'al * •."raiment Vat.u,-- vs.: s-, *ra:iit.<»nai art -»f *; e • presented Wednwhiv and -.f the ii! org:." territory ti« » fit> under the pro* iv;«I ;* a t- '• , j'onc* a * -.*■». 5 3 in the Music Ami. visions of this a.t if the lireit-.ee fo--'.! f:ir of u.-i- .ft fa»>an on .'.. *ienM»ra and junior* wla is doing hu'ines* -i the territory I* .-err.a .r-r ■. *uf :•» 11.v > f#» sr.d !«-■) cnHdren «. I " ♦ad. -The L.V \+<' . • to he .|ll^e^ed 4« time of the v Kf-pa ■ i-t-oi, i p'o de an Oppo fumy ' ; ad ■"» J ores -a^y fiiii'r nf the petaion t a Id hi. new »• tiee- I. a:la and N>e to prf> • •v.- r / V- • : . ; I .' - Preside- Miieider will ,i-l|i t»» 0,' 'hough this • j ; ' A-* :» deielon resources and »#• » ;* • • r .e the: hn\c i-» n • He 47- a » - ! g.-an:* rnurset b»*ir re«e*ffh in 'he t;_3de--' o S»»- ii" 5.; • e 7>us,f 'meol f • • l*e ; - irieu* ml leges of the unher- M'-rur Board fcas - '']■■■■ l. 939-40. vus rele,:,?,ed one?d*y af ' .«*C'T , eA.r silt. /» it*' is ore v j v ' '• * - ihg. J'-uies vi '.,'iu ear* art ;-.e,.r oUr-tandisis r»/ v{ :t;s F'ir-me.; ■ ;«• Der'-. . ej|f) -,;i 'f,e .-ould no: o' >< •■■■.'. • «• ' .a chance to r,od "Op O Cifit tbil da ma gem •• . e J r.Ufl :e. ( S -* I - prize I II' l oll., a ill, lb ,Is ,*• of J- gH. rr. . . m»d. ap&rtni' rvjsc J t >.-*■; l.^ke-.d , m BAcha! Dun.'an "Taverns arp not the only weriifa'r : e vhirli - pi-*, of ;,r a-varri, ' li/efa •'ill begin tne r <» g thin?* whir It woo hi he afferted it-. • er after . sen; a ore-mrui «. W«ia«Kia- at 7.30 ; or. He r-m- f De'.oit r.-ij'.'u'e of A « in similar ann* itiotw. tlaraee*. wai tun e- • on a.-.-: t Me M5U faculty m 1°»2 ss motels ami trailer parks eould •;«-bs e tch.r.g "'.-.t vo.i' ■ • • e during '.he D Klrrl- I'm! n a* .-tani prothMir huoiam- he afferted.'* grsm. r.f 11' * r - . . -.7 ■ promoted to (/■ o- , f »rn was ». r J9U. Mr. r ♦ 1 Vanae:"' I'linlo !*taf! /» Iterl Htt% eft U I - ! !*•«.?() *e*r »'#. • * c !> re^'red H* BA de^rac i s s - - • * u .err ■ ! * a '*e- wg • ' 1.'waicM c.-g-.n! r» -v; ;.i No'.ra •SO/ ; v*;n; •• ■ »o.e dijf.e- •» • 1 »* n Huo A. *. , •r T I ♦<» ft-c •jfcp fr* t. puoi „ a'iO/rt photographer j T e '.we wMigattow* an j B A > • •<*•>*! n the.' irt* e i: jnk-sa trie Oiil t,*«e eicc:." t:a-- a: 7 ±0 n tiie Student V ' sr.? f>eafi * lienrral * /h-iiI. . I hit -.ce at Bald win* Wallace ia ..erxe *r. Aid ■:» 1>1- ma lb* flat. v.ces dar4r«>rn. '. Ha received the M A and paswr He Tern* JlJ. def.ee* at Western Be- t UniKeralty in 1933 peranre Org, • • .or. ember *«r.t let- of ihe Turnabout Dance Set for April l<> dserda la a member of th« ten t/> rv leg<*lature 'be oill. r.mittee for Documentary He- ' Time hears! tit je-c On Guartl hwl- Men, 'Spin' -Of course. it is Uietr luctioo of the American M-ved - nese to dry up the stole, bet al Aim , a trustee g»f the these are legitimate bealneeees." .Anraricaa Society for hr 1 ipt..-s aad • member of the MTaisaa Mlanema remarked. rap!*-" what 'he bid even*. Spariap Wumen's lyeague g e even. c -e ' -- e l'o»ilion» t)|M-u Academy. After i Beware gc- t>;n«n' That *?a« » . devifttied ' do. Minreir.a. To .*-: Guard sr.J M»«rt»r B4.s' -ti yre 5,. 4 "e oaijed *- Nye will speak April 33. A was who u chairru. > of the liquor ion of the esr vuen ti-rc fe- ih narro* the field * ' fr-e 4 -a .itvi'Afi to «'• -'4 * <>n - Muff 1HJ Pulitaer priae-wiiminj b- nalei on ntis CAi-mptrs fiiow JUcir eommitU'ff. that it be went f; -aLAs on Su-da". One c" of.apher. he haa headed the di u;4 let '•'■"•41:1 "-•** true rub" fft*t app. ar n ng. tb«s» c.igrm^ig young m.*a «■ . back to com,.-. '?r"v Kafliab department since UM*. Ffe 'y*pl»*ned •hat the btt! as it's Sps-islc,- Spin * ,•»• agaift. t?e rrovned at the j.iierm;*tion Luring this Tum-anoot H'eek e may 4 ,4 hw .•>»».« g*av3e:3 wrin.ro prodao was viiumrx'w- N'o hw*v "fft wei'-r-red ot the dance itse f. jt o' hit a.-d a-; f; c pc» ; s t. Bagnetl Aakcil ■. Anotiser feature of the .nter- -a 4' • »ut'• would be mm- *o put »t into Now come he r Ui. n to ask tne.r , n iispm *»!l be the recogniUon a m oung laa: '.Vh,ie oj* 'or ccffee At .vi". To Retign Pwl arcepUole sha;» fivonle Mcwrtr to a. ful'-ecaie of euUtoi^dlng entries in the roraage compctit on. A« hgo bee* -he may alio pic* . .? *.-« hhec* ■t:». a VII lab I'riiiiimint Minnewa sa.d hie e>etton to wemi-forra, dancw fc'd Ihey'ir P- 'a.r -* ■ as ftftother duty fur v • • traditional in the p&tt each gJ*' e»,. \ ret em the hid is reeieiWIee wee out to mftie the «w«t of i*. Tiemnertttc senator, riled at will make a nu r.v?ou* crjffSgr At the M Of this . tw.-je- 'a -.he s it| f«e tfew "A < !*b net intended t» kill It. Apr 3 17 i* '.he Aatc w uh vision appearance by Be- i '■>.! ♦**»#'!. A i **** whe* e iBg ffum • *■•♦ 12 :» '0- ID ' *« Au.4 for he: uate, e '.her ai>-.tract £/ T.hs; mftgK-av Fr.^a. n.f.-.i - *wr-- s:r • Bus l^.t> CS1 Paul BafweM. fb The most tol'iJ tjsf of R* vav l M<*i*by. represet;tativo of hU tikei aid r.ie jbek? lao .?« -» » '• ':»>e «;•.«-*- f " lib*# fee til* I railed en Bagwell to itfiga his such a tew bftve gppjisd !« th* riu.. ing out uu *.'K w .'rte 4 the **n. li. re frv. '.ossragca ' see " ** ».vn re tiirw* are asaftabfte o lit 'Ahat dchi-e -voukl <*? cw.v disiiU,cft. ThA year ths- faevit; IUSU p ♦ was ;.i '. e £: • Laiuing snne-;. of t? .;v are Si' Siu-ien I S*, v -"»« I las* *4. we. Toes rsv. guesti at the luUoO preaeniad by » :. a'.ion tif the M.:b.'e ithool dis¬ pkto wHItou? a touch ui rwyahy T.» fcitf ' tfii t'f Clems '.spat Ut« amosg the uance.-i and Jixif e the strain of turning f..r be-ove^ • to r*:w»ed «awM*ei*'v ?l!t» I Ph;l»p Rahoi (D-lron Mountain} trict where tt»* Deerheed Ina a'Hi s.no* tha i* ftp evening rale Ma;/la* ii* -I iikel? •ial* op*5» f r: v.t a«. Of! He OlHA i.wr.- v ••♦i- xg ne;. .- • Me fee Ibis W*ftwr. iruteah of a c-oen. The t.-ree But the ftastiv# ftlr* of the majr nw*4. era he. ....e< it .* • , iu retain the .^'dnihiUtMg cn»,»- | «hat the name of Gw. Williams »po«iOi"i."ig the Spjiyct 5pm i$ out oieryb * wodh the T-*k f >r the cwiv^-g the cor, vg ve**.' »***, i substituted for Bagwell's/ ter u th« city u.hPiJer, 1 'C *a( Michigan Slate News Tlic ('.real Uap Fom anl Michigan State News Tfce fttal* Ai«we — ■""in. Itrail Italic lev >lN t '* "!.VO(MI Student* ami l iriillv re,,lf%„ .141 aiurlenf Hervteee 9.e»( l.«n*. * Mlililfan that kllm eabmitted f.,r CiiMlshod mi cIns* ri«»« MnndNV ihroiiB' 4ihinv Mili'i-ive during r. f *•- Vp«e \f *« "i ntm to Ike ftiHar ' • |>|,I'll- r.i »• >' • ■' i *»' ' fa,ll uinter and »iinng l*mn, urrklv rtu* f •ninnier term* N'»rt a seriien . . *,■ «♦**• term 13; fw (*»« r- < -f A'>« I.IIimii IK.,*. J *i * •. . u .* terms. Ii: Member AMon-iated Mr three of the Cnlleyiele I term" Inland ie..» »* Daily l'ie»*. A-«'«'i»»rd lOeae and the Aiphl Sta ff hh in,I. Vol. 51, N'n. | Friday, April .'I, 1P50 Page Two «*. ■»a Mi,. Start Off Ri In B'*«" 3-MM '»•» Ne». Hut I". da s ago spring legal!* arrived and it's time to 3 d.yt $1.(5 • U..4 II K i,. take a new lock at Michigan Slate t'niveisilv * I O* I All Attn IAPII . IMS # N,. rtt »n a»i -en r«a."U ►»»(>• r,.. • In nine week' and two d>\ » couple thousand seniorsi S d-y, .... $2 SO . 1 1 - - l*«!' sid and C* m«e m »nrt amund I f" *l?« in... .. .. will he graduajed. The* will have t spent four *ear« on this Nr. $4 IS campus. Something like '»'» professors, let alone enroll¬ ADDITIONAL CHARGtS i n*r v* \ « Btmw s v.»ifp- ' A V» r > niK»W almul ment officers, advisors ami administrator*, will h«\e con¬ lo, 44clt wo.d Ovft IS A it'll? PI) 7 - 4 O-; hll . tributed t»» then education Af p-f d.y Will the* a* graduates leave here holding an .MSI' di¬ PERSONAL ploma with plidc, to will the- say, "1 don't owe them a AUTOMOTIVE fPANOOP ftOLP COuPSi Titr rivr*i in •-••i«ii s _ 'a '• - .»•> i ■».« 7*-e f'l»< Imv » m thing" ? • ■ ' * V • • -.'.tens 'fmnvefM It i Vr»i. r »- nII . »«,*.. v TALKS AT THK latest Spill tan Itoumltahle centered on rt.,-.. pod ,ei ('unlet I B - the question. "How can we attract good students to .Michi¬ U( M*t&ILllV9Ay CHIVlOtlT i ■ v irn . *k»s uki run n *!••"-< iv .* gan State"" One general feeling e\pre-*ed was that ilille .* k'v.v nvv is rnti nr*> i ba i students themselves return home speaking mi CMfVtOlIT * r proudlv of our . , nniversitv we can't expect top high school »**«.♦' nvhiRv to come here. seniors to want HOUSING ' .4 , rle. ..i pir.l f>r.i.ivr.h« «*li» servo $ 93 4 •' phone IV 4-e;M her.-• So someone popped the que tarn "How can I talk with FOX XtNT* pride about Michigan State, when | can't *ii*. I'm proud hellers In I lie Editor w *«. i m REAL ESTATE to he a graduate of this institution and I would not. send -• Chnne IV » *,.!» J ' tiiv children here?" I9P CHlVtOLtr . ApAPlMtNTS Offers Illegitimacy Solution rrl r»« rti.H'l Why do some near-graduate- fthi- wa- ? Some r <■>1 It ! ■ e. rrsi » •■"all full flni«.ved »■ -rh* Tiififf firm ie i„ , >• , *'\\ e're treated -like children with all tie nil. <>ti lob; • «e hrmnie ,»• t e«t Son -. p- minutes, drinking, hoii-uig and die regulation* «"* ' e (l.liniiliiHi , In | tir Ithior »• # U) 3-9?* Another answer i- "Thi- i- ma- education I h \c hid n, •. t nr.nwint i * \ *p*»•» | no personal attention, Kvrn in » iindlnit nt » A- I I V.MM. ollua r don't ■f i aim rwm* . |. (-•" - know w ho I am " IA9GI SlLICTlON ■ i«ril K) i(|(i .1.1." let l . - KIN ,• on>* . ! ,-. hit, A inlmr.al I a , There are pros and con t.. the above IhM *c'd like ».. . ■ • »l> II!. • »• ! O h *>u t'h r , "is, r f j, , f 1 - r ! » ' — " • ameied Ki»«'>en - s'ate one fact. ,\n individual -eckim* an « \f I' * 1 m I■ I v.oru,4i('- S, teei-erl dil * tori • lioiial !> t>- nt> • ' c«- tgr Be«..' ' o iii.iwii to top educator* who can ban ! fi know. I' d r) u,!rrl r-h.'o * •* |p • i > N'.ef ' "••l y *••: «i w. i,.. n p. attifod. • "HI !:! a;let * $ a-; .♦.-*»#• a --e I A.M. NO\\ KHI i ATI! MK I P -it in cl. \ ./■■••• II" IPlAK >P|C ALl'TJ ami even t. . * • . «%»« *.« a ik * I 1'iHMitr iff WarC-HllV*AT CHtVPOlfT • 'n'yilr ar% pv i iiih .tlooi 'Ml Ml It! \ notes, .Mavhe I'll even go to tin pro'' ofiice d I can "( ■ > e*r v en y \ . Mu:lM J* >t. ■. "*■ ■.. H" -ll a lew "brownie" points for pi* efiort \V. .*,, - ... , i a r .i « • >*• r*' V I4J7. III I INI STITICM'S eve. ic. I r , ** I.a r » f- - . » * r\ Ml .« ■' I" ; I (i -.11 AIfT a..p" e • SiaviNH TM| If5T vv . r -• <- COF*df professor* think, wind their at tit ride- ai« . th¬ >'' •• K •- u-«m... rn 3 IN TOWN ■ **>e hamts *•• v w> • »it«ide the algebra or p-vch i!..- ' v* oar • ' ■ t>! (toe rbance to find out t< offeied bv tin- j * is We • *» - . ' « Hrdned.o nighr and April I lor 4tol«Prii« *ik« . #• s r|»>. Cfl'ClOUl SPUDNUtS 'I hr*r *' - id *'.»«»- » v. Icatmi Pidn/» r " Mill I si p| i n*.e :h« »i«r (*»#' U'» |mi.e winner and head of tin- Kugiph departnu tit. In » U • ' . A ' A t> ph.. -ell Nve, and Mr Stanley bl/erd.i Honor * head. ACAH1 If xr ft spupnut SHOP n\|«H- The e arc onl* two of the out tamlmg- pi •.; ... m < dents would di*ro\ei »! and when the* Me" at I Minle. Imd then "K-lucair Sii|»|irrssi»n ill Tilx*! it«ArtONS SPOUTS CA9 CtNTlt . 1 h " »4». pet M-t.n-t . ' ■* z the Though the new term negative aspect- in a positive manner. i an t lie biined. f.u'.. «t.n;t Lost I't'opa^aiHla (sain I9'9 f M.cMa« e*.», aIx. I.et nd-trf the I Minute \p ittMudc . Mo. .• ... . it* hii 11 %%i i n \n prof gel cut with the bare e cnii.M* o tM* | .. -ft IV i i iRl . . i; \V | otrijii \f«« \h«p*I out what he icall• think-. I T ft I'.MSiiRIk IMIIM SERVICE Ma* yon'il 11 ltd that MM . I. |Mve fnu^ t.. offer and something to lie ' - -I |\ ♦-«»$* l proud of. . I1SI I f R MAM »ORD I f» r\i i ' I f.M BR WM. H. THOMPSON Crossword Puzzle I IV .' *-'« ev. ». * Afini, 19 Teaie !»• Keurlh VViirli m, Pi "MOUTH ■*■... •oows JEWELER i :v 9 -i i. i PI MI A .•T»«k tlf* JO Auto fuel |n*|»t o( I'tuhiilniv reguiar »ter• H |t. v ' It Ranfom % • Slake |V t'n.r. of • Cr«» a AN M-At t M i nide l.ghl P it ItrrioiMln of llt»iL£i -i t". n. i ' fakim- 90 (,r Ifl'e- - • "XfW ( »» . AijJ t- A((. f 19 Armp.t 41 rndd»: pit |9 Outgr t- Re 1 deer 3M WUCOMI T9A0IS SPA IT AN AVIATION INC, bnundary tt a* Couch a•§ure as C.rievn ia ON AN* CAPS til 1" Old pieee •flietio - DrtWN b Vtiveof INT Mm > I 41N'. » ef eleth 9? Part of an 4 t Of Me Pop# ' — ■■■* n |9 Mather af apron »'«*<• -- , -K*' v ■ . : r. r.f t IIIO l.4» f«»n 4* Ineh Gad« 9* Reef It Joker 19 Old Duirh 14 Res.denrt »• inlti* J .'eu#:#r | 1« T«ke(oo4 EMPLOYMENT Pt 1^1 *'#•« •§ ik#n#» yrnraatert of m.nka . ' About Caedal C tf Aeyed v.r *hl 1 itt (T c-| : i A m Mm s|-,. IV ? 0)4 II Ground. b» three * V».r 2J (ttidrn - ii." ' 1'in-ei t • nitu, flABYATTTPR f» (flatter »T St Aire| ? V.«,m P. Se 44Bl CI. IW-s. |Jg itlOAi n>V* fult IV* '■■•' •• I TO.(UPMi«(H p f»\ •!v i% M(uu>. I er rd 1 IfMK 19 f ree M He 2* . e pies I'lMtne Ff> *-3VT. • ea # se .-Mwith Solidify I vlemi Itnl Ihiminilisti ». .• .it r .. • decimal S9 h ve 2' MuCilag* TV PAIHO ifelh '■ wiima rxcriiu .< r.r» as HIPI tnyLp «#r, t number batter- t t et 31 SIom:* -e* Cm we- HI J a k>~ pp.. j • »»«* f-'iwr rn J-3TIJ r e ratting 4-|e. . >r»g i>.,( • , ta Prater. 1 AO Mo. »ul I > napj e.t . e .v .rtiA tf,t .4ml,•, .« i aten-e Common t9 9 Mitacti vMOH V: ria hx01.u0i4t - -1-- " i rr'. NHNil Li *H *0Ut IAUN0RT b«'th r»a iaih* ITviwi, |'D 3-AU-' i r- 4 1 32 Deterred ■>'« p itiimiJi ,i- iji. . HCKID wr aiio Df.i-iito ' H nei* f.niiard . A W AniMh i " -f 4 31 See between • •''* • srac-ih jsTi'OCNr« utikiM, <*»'■**■ ■ enie"' * •v» '' * * ' ♦ **■ '1 c,p ' - -'!«» I IANS1N& LAUN09* j H (*enu* p{ •-»* * impiiUiHi- on t.« ■ ' Vmv^isi «»e# -sees »«• (-p.-.. .u» px V|. ai sa i» (rj .«. i -..jlis »»,«. ». s ' - ' " ' ' ; - 4 ■ L-a rU j.o« *4i o- t,. V»t i hiniiB.eu. . n' i * "Transportation -t vfi! , 39 M>..« :■ >vf.n mux* ■<* ite If A. *\M' .|ie i- i mpne* in «»; thM* s iw.i a •, • • IMfJi 141 i' -1 -. W aim *1 lO HNoui «i. -o. - --LL. ■■ I ■ ■ tepid * :l!J. t« .at Imal 1. muM," • 1 !•« nmr wwrrn ii .9 » — jy * itif-rusi P# l-»«•*«' ».«- n-1 MM- to o #ie-- ' fdiiwt • - ' ,s tmwa ' - e"e -1 li\4 wr w , .♦ vi *■ |.AR(,t p».i»»»f-l'l * Pe I ! Hi l>r , P , . '«.*e e\rt I? and herk I ' i.e>» W«'.» i •*-. e*. 92 Caeni.cs! • p**-,»i>io * r.'.sr' ,yal,*'r .» - ; i; i I. , *" . i *i L*-.iei$(* i 1'J ,T? n^'Jl » j. ». terminel i. 'HII- The iP' a • ».* iC'iei-,. 1- .... O »M«piiel hs* I-HU rf. f i m*. -s*m MMH4L a, i,.,w wanted r : vt , Nolo Kr«l*niwe ,v. , , 9" I'i»«U#i|cd l»" an v.--*.%».• m t.n am man- ! 93 #>• twinir.» TV i»y>«*rr> 1 . *-«»«< • . e.-n» lH.,,m»! ft 4, - (. Ml- d. .t t| ,„r ..kt ann «. •' w " r %n-e?•**,*»» » ,,av«d*r ■ bat «•'* n »m*« ' Suit Natawar »m„»|e a* g.,e • i ». • J* FOR SALE AP'-.' i a 1 n r«a» ,,rv u c* • >t Betc.&a . I Hr ' o%oosout,n.< M'.»m--*.* v in.-s! m pel lot*; Hbflfiap, the v. st »>« nt*t imtiV »cs f.-v* * nm < ?T I' tent #4-, CyMl, ».D 2-i»Alt r.lKf We a nfe. t C. BroMk!4c«('. CHAIRS ~ -st-"-~r,9Y P.-op*e ro J 20it, evL «4X*.-*tha June lo *er'**rhe- M T1 »«v " ■** . r- r.l> 3-S7S9 trailers S-ZM7 cur } A. M *e I «•«»'.M-ues uci; ,»>. (iv v , ;,{■• |Mtai» mm. .. n Wl«|U W I'M a . IIH*.IN» nil . . . ",Ln."r ,'*» "I - - CAJ4IPCS "LASSintDS . . . aeiM«id. 4 . w :...» *2 - ■ 1 - «£L(IMTIP'-.-. • M)*-H RiaurnsHir ... . i»i1 ? / MJMIIOAV PTATf SKWH Film Series For High Schools April 1 I1".1 h|.np To Feature I Science Class Set Philosophy Prof Named Publication Kditoi 'V v tir. Richard Jfudner, aaaictant Philosophy 7«f Science assc^ ia- Frown University, president One hundred top hiph grhool junior* in acierido and Guinness mathematicH will lie selected from Michigan and adjoining prc#fe»*or been . rifoed '»f fihll'»v#phy, edit or in ha* thief of tion. The a*v>cU»tion, A-hirh is af- tr.e asvAclgtion, Rudner** aj/j/ointmrnt. .n ann/nirici states to attend a nix-week hiph school honors grjence in¬ Philosophy of Rrience, a '|uar,.- f.!|»'ed wi'h the Amenean A^- Sir Aire CiiinneM In the stitute this s'lmmcr at Michigan State 1 rijvurxity. erly joirruil with jr.'ernation.il aoc,atton for the Advancement diotributicin. He joins for c-* of .Sc-lenr*». put* i'i major effort NOW...If* aw licit ish film "The LadykilU era" Will open the Spring term Foreign Film *erie* 4 Flans for the institute announced recently by the Na¬ tional Science Foundation a.vi At M St:, junior* n-.<\ t o the. work high in SchrKi! ri.uU,'-- v/ltn frr. [ywia 7.r-:t,y, prcdessor of phil'«vcphy, who continue* .in Into pubbca'jon of Science T/.e port of edib/r chief " U the rn'et imjxirtant of of ITiil'/Sopf, / managing editor of the journal M S.U. ft',! hi A &f.ier»ce of tneif .Monday and Tuewiay, end also a* seeretary-treagurer those in "the association,'' j.a.d 4 box c. of t)»e parent organixatjon, the Frofevior Curt ' Du/.-fltne "of Sir Air*.* gtar* an a master* The program Is designed to mind rrnok in the Tet-hnifailur encourage scientific Interest* of comedy alnnit a gang of bank •eeondary school students of robbers who move in on a nice high ability by pruvtdlng them «»ld lady'a roomlrig houxe, The an opportunity U aoonrUte with thwarts eollege-level summer program* HANDBOOK landlady, who the ftnc* you'** Kami's effort*, it played by 77- In srlenco and mathematie*. MR AM t fil'INNF.ft*. Ratle Johnson »m| Cecil Parker la the year-ol(| Katie Johnson. Mrs, Johnson received the fJHti.h . hilarious spoof of gangster melodrama*. open* "Ilie Lady killer*," which Ihe foreign film Merles at Falrrhild 'Ihcaler Monday and A National .Science tlon grant of 110 #90 ban been Founda• OF HASPEL Academy Award for her ri>!»\ The film received another Tuesday. *warded to M S U. for gupport award for Its aerifrt. of the program. which will w The film will he ihnun at 7 For Fnl urc Student* under the direction of Dr. Fr« i- * tie Dut!'»n. head i"W ♦! ,,t So hell In the adaj»ta'_ioo i,f Km.Is Zola'g "L'A th- •• 'a •» ,-iOind roirm«iing will • -I >in *uf m ho>] dor -rig their freshman of a charming young scoundrel, ye., 1 1 m.i',! im to Dr. Thomas ESQUIRED MlCMtOftft ./CftAftO Sv.-- » 1 ' haaed an the novel by Nobel < I'.'mIi i< it, ( *#rdiruiU>r of sum¬ ■■rise winner Ihonaa* Mom. mer ebon*. — KIDIill S t Mf.HTM, K( Ilenerjr Rook holt and Lisa During the clinic* student* 55-0 f'ulvrr ar# starred. reside In dormitories and fam¬ 15C •'With a Song In My Hear4'* iliarise theniaelve* rampu* anil It* service*. They with the Anytime J Mat. 50c tAmerican). Afiril 27 and 28. meet facultv member* and other This Technicolor mu-oral, breed sou siiouim; i in the life «»f singer Jane new students, undergo educa¬ tional le*t* and receive counsel¬ Fr'iman, ntar* Susan llayward, li'-rv Oniioun and David ing about their rollrg* careers. DTP If The Riggest of Wayne. Mi** Froman is featured Ml Rrsterna on the soundtrack. The film wag voted rtfif of ten Inat in 1052. "Premier May" (French), WALLACE'S new May 4 and S. Winner of tho Hollywood foreign press award, fmv-hwwir the film is the comedy-drama of France's famous First of May as it affect* the life of a work¬ CONTACT IS LCI. EAR STLDENT PRICE V.0U ing rlaw family. Featured In the cast are Yves M on land, LENSES MillUn* •» lim** • yt.r Now yes h»*« Hatpi! *>ir Mi 1*0)* Uerger and Yvi Noel. Per err. 0* rem-*rl .•T*»v*rt and Lollipop i'* drinrt ang ibOMi Iwp and »».r 4 < .,gf^-*Vfci»"; American, May 15. Filmed en¬ Prire ri-ilm ril l«* |iiilili-lirr for .prrial |ironiolion lo Ui> Iiiimii ht«r*4 of "5'* Datloe* cd tirely in New York, the film is U %|.T IHMNKF'H •w«li* wilS t«f* NiOis T "f,iguiu...4ia.i wa yc*r« amn*lng comedy about the Mftii». raw an j '-.vm/LRLAMl* • Malt- Lllivrr.ilv Facullv and Sliiilrut.. it* en lurttbtp of g youag model bifttwM'i* m»a us Ucoa. ah<*u affairs are complicated M N MON-TI K Let N6D6z*alert you g« »ei /j more rhi hv a pmali daughter, it was reuniting the two towerlag Fv" * Mb ard »car u.* »hi filmed by the award-winning 'mm ,wfuob prodULc-d "Lilliu **l be anUgonist* of Irn f ommaadmeats" through college, too dript e* 'ft*u thai ir.ry keeps vmj alert With rmf* la- e fa;*. .-•» so'ycfj, or.icbi feme- tho mim pieiftant »t.m« r*-'» St P«aif *1 a data by 1ornadoe* Blast ulant y'/u enjoy in »offer. k-*t- ey. Kandier, ne THIS SHORT QUIZ WILL TIR YOU ORRl * ■J a five-minute heralded by high burrt of WUKis and lor* fury Lansing —It7 N. WaahlaglMi !*T -XLiiooc'/ ®, 3. Wlvr) youf fr:er.dn impart eor.fi'Iencw, do ou H.--1 f A j uncumiirWbi^, wf Do rr.c>?«- . ou find that yoy unfit of study e-ffe- r .eiy A P r vu-ufi, rential ram. compUmgoUdf or i*/ on you/ i*a votciuee7 tii; c.i?p Dc ymi prefer t »a"k wh.'h demand* /--_0 i* it your fea^ng that clo*# frwndJih.jjo *"'n ua;--' • r* wwld tag (A the- urgahiiation of rornpie* B Li.-iitL,]/ f7 (A a gf»a*. p. or * «f ii; a cvboUnt ilow ul nk-u? H t. femd/ahCMi lo /our cam/ wttk a iirm? tV y°uf ^ to 9 difirult Vi^xh. In you/ mmd. hit the greu'er 3 - j c ff.r .tlee ap;y. t-juu otm»'r'» be that you C-\) "*tu«.a," of ylij tW/CK»fvd? had f;A7f;T : A •. - » - ' t. >'>u uj rrnc. :.g * of goad gr*dt. .U, Uv viijw; &"W5> matur of a oiw/m* 1t*£f eontesfant 0*1 * tinssg d Jwatton 0^-1 > I TV yenj v; -ve that tayirg "h*"4 r""^. you prefer: (A,1 i^puUt "JL tnabt* »Mto ' JI A, t/ug, of *L-J L—# or iBy cwr:u.i gvvbU? ili, r-> 9. WYj'H ex>Ul e- tti "**» ^ b*,.iiy in ><^if cnoK. U vf ^ j l.%) th- ov ' of frwMl* with t—tr., or Hi ,ovr o»a c—knil It u utua.'ly tSr o« that uvn ukj «omrn »ho rr-tljr think for th«rn.«i*M com, arootkl to YICtKOY — thnr bmal of four after every shave - ciithfttu ... for two *«7 pxnl nth-h-u: VICtHOY i* th* on- cifintu that pv»» the in 1 thinking nun', fth«r im) a iwotiai StUft « 0U sa* Aho SU- I-o< « r«l r— Im -ft* «, -a bw! s. (*-J be i-» *m... ly^ffg f lofffv f\ Mi'itaU. ♦// — ektrktd f*> — —, «/ til m't gd |ntl lor fug gf*. Irak aa aa oceaa Ween, mm— ...1- >-a» ■*««* V eV ■' OU Spict aukrt y~ led lik* a ae* craw. ( AfTII SHAVI LOTION lllMll llliui Yw 4— »•«'" •' T—' kM •6— m -* •! r— ■a"** 0,15r—•' 100 by SHUITON ONLY VtCCOOV MAS A ' * «.fcM VHholhinks for Himself Knows- rVWuiAMONNUMK*: 4 MICHIGAN STATK NKWH April 1 m* _ 3 Spring Curator Chases Trash Truck for Exhibit (Concerts Cb.iMng a trash truck h.irdly It occurred kliilr I'lliott tv.i« iousiv i donuted fhi'o. % crane operator had hurled round* l*v<>mfng to tin- dignity uniklni J* rollrrlnr fur III" hundred letters '1 th»m '-'tv—pa*;ke.l under IS feet of dirt he •»f h rum tor of a museum. Hut Frank Kllmt, curator of ilstory in Michigan Stair's I'nlvroit) seum. of of Wisconsin lie mm* seeking a number mu¬ full F'liottv return car. He ommive.j ?.» In a week for the re ' was through told after the junk pile far I ■rorungiug Scheduled personal papers which be¬ of 'he collection did while. •uiseiim, just that once in longed lo a riistitutuUheil The Mu.ie m effort to find a collection foi tor of the Hiiss Tweed sena¬ niioM wii"- then in a we. k. I was never so discouraged D-partni.'nl ear. and the widov. in exhibit. so there but in m* lite. Klliott recalls with o|wn. i(.« ,.prin(r t-rm con- The Into senator's widow gra- the papers weren't 'e. a «o?i rrrt.H with three Contem|«,r. The widow Tiiose das' are over for Klliott was sorry—so was arv Ch»ml*r M.i.io |>r«.- tlltotl n .w that he Is curator of his- • i \ a; State'.* mu cum. located (rranw un.ler the direction of I've done humble thin;: '* a in tin o'd library. Klliott cun- Kdrar Kirk. Sunday, Mon¬ she explained. Tie junk man Ktantiy bti" preparing exhibit* day and Tuesday, in th» was here to nick m> w fe-v Hem:-, .such a*, 'he latest display of and he accidentally took all 'he Music Anditorinni. The Sun the new papers " day concert is at 4 p.m. and Elliott found out where the "Its a timet* dUplav." said the others at the «:15. Th< tra-h truck took the valuable I'lliott about the eshhiit which t«pii i- ati'i Ivguu the shows the fist w ith tit stars. pnliiic is invited to attend pursuit He found them. "IV# wanted t«» show the stars Sunday'.* cmoert includes pia- base chances! in arrangement n-> nanp4i!iitions from Belg B.u - I over the rears " tok's ' mmtucomhos. " played b« i fbi'rute Topliff. pianist, three Yi dors at tiie M %JOR (il..>iRU THtiODORi: RltifiH, f ifth ( lioosi; a Got,mill museum are lion. Attending the brief ceremony were: fnl. ii.stmmental ymata* with Chai- frequent. Army t orps commanding general, presents an Merton Munsnn. commander of the Army RflTC (inwnwr'l, oboeist, Henry 'We are veiv busy." pointed "Outatandini Puphltr Service Award" to Michi¬ detarhmrnt. .lames Ham* t?ie roll \ LIGHT l)eni*ou. Maj. lien. Kig^*. at piano. Chat!* • out Klliott A large number of gan State I nivenltv's radio station MKAK. Sta¬ l ied l.nglaiid. V rev kind. C ol |.ee Mimpter, I rvmire. and Horn and Cornelia student* and c!a«^es come tion manager Larrjr fry mire received the eita- here. Mr. Armand Hunter .director of K »nr. piano and Larry Many, KVKRY TIMK Wf also bio.idra*tiiig. tire a lot of vounger aaxofiht.ne. school children, parents of S'.a'e atudenl.s. ami casual For Witiiv Ihiiir" Series The vecorvl toncwrt oi*w with visitors •he ' Phantasy t^uhrtet'* by Ben- jo*; passing tii. ough '* e.iri lint ten. Barbara Hatstea- Where are ttie collections for eahib.t* obtained' ' The. are u-u*l!y given to u« WKAR Cops Service Award i •e.i I tv .sprant* soloist. Cornslia Kror>4 stiT»hanie Koch, pianist.*, Ravels "lai Valse** In the in donated bv Mdiirouc." Klliotl 4 i rer'j 2-i>aino arranffemenh sii.d Student* can lie a grea Rv SHARON f'OADV pica, was the on'v one presented cooper,it, . lh# evening'* piufaturg In- help ift collertiMg If they think The "Outstanding Public t,» .id durational M/llinn. Traffic etude of w KAH indiili Huher. lavmrf an item wp might inc. we're Service Award" wa* WKAR in in presented a pioneer the un ' la* lor. Barbara Lew** aal Bar- llrars glad to «-e ttwun They field of recently t.» WKAR radio in rec- broil.iraNtiiig, being 'he tn in ". t4«n ahoiildn't t»e ho .tarit to contact . If* I Yppie. violin. JnaeHl »*Wr ogniUon for* it.* program third oldest sliition in the st.ve in penes, hi..; v. •he Jul and iMrh Rantneri. vMi, Caml us. *t mit\ save •« l"t sif time in "Ttie Armv Hour " This award, It waa founded in August ;.! • ' . i ttsf I arsen looking fur an ouiect " one of three in the Fifth « Si s •» and Marria MHrhfll. Army If*?'?, and has been in continual award 1 ncik-:. rellii. Karen Mnrpfc*. harp. Ctiar- MAiriSPIlct pre-.cn' ••• . operation since then. .11 It- c. • -.- .1- lr« l.ewis. h*M. Mara Kiawlrtng ••"rpiorww ((Acn , . i 4 tori he Among the pioneer,ug off... lie ..id .in Suiid.iv "-"r-to -H -Ml »17W ■ Mm of WKAR be p - U i ; • and b and thur Khirley AtehtoM. fl«4e. Ar¬ Riedrl in i> UK J.Hled : •- FAIRWAY GOLF RANGE fiiet that Ice age .t in one of tl »■ !i t ' '•"hv ift 4 larinrt. and J UTIIKK MOIlKljt FOR educational atulinu* m the n ak. .- i: i * ..»• t I W K Alt to i.lie of the lir.-t ii*eia of dm ■' cm Tuetolay. the program MEN AMI WOMEN teaching bv radio and I VI grams .md do'i'itud.- them op* .* w ith ' Wuintet f»>t .1' 2 Mill*. EiM of E. biiniiiK bixM.i.H.sting « • ,.rr r ,• •.!! through .-.if W"*t*m,l». * by Hetiie. Jane T" CwlfWto-totor u lh» m-lrm lm or. I T Thirty student* are emfdovcl the *t-.*< V jiicm:.: 14 s/u.w* ta'v ajipea/* twice, with two •p. Late and Mm of It In rafrifmiiiro in part-time work by WKAi'. On U.S. lh i fii f- r piano by Sbtckhauseu .toady to la up Mm Coke. Anil what THi-nc Ntadenks work in ' »• over i!..'»«•'> .-lit- of Uinvi-i-i'v "Four Pieces tor Clarinet am* •mild to m dolirloua than frmty Com Coin... tto tool irfrmhrnonl. RANHEY Jewelers areas writing, of announcing, •••.utimn'v minor, farm, home • . I'f-'h' bi-..u-u.-{ over I';- t>" arc p'avttl bv Tm ijl. rUnm-t. and Olive Pad- roIhmi spoita and W K YR • t| W l'.ii With to ooid (top Unto and (engineering.. Tti. v git;. piano The ton e t en i llomr of the U orlil'i hirgrst are hb.ed toj their conti ibuliot.s Week, in - ..idcastirii f : wnh the I'.e.ccito f<«r Punn and tod; Nfl If# olwayi Coka lor Tto to the nWit on and not ne.e>s.t e , -..-ft the IX)\. W -iAitid Quintet." rtotoTtotadimkml (tjtrrtifirft tftemetafiul) Miniature Go// Range" t.v because they are radio arid - •:»- WKAI t-.M i- he.' . 'Hu.ici.t8 t»v Riegg* |»artii .,wt.r g ill th« iiKisnitomfi I TV ma.ioi* am ' • . HI i> m. ,' 'mi -o-d . . t mdude Jariv Tubcy. pia- ■ 1IAVK A rOKEI ItMHiHiaMvcmu The full time staff rmplmi ., flail Van K,.;-1. flute. Chat- ?'?. Ihese employes work with Approsiiixti-lv i.ii prrient of ie. f*. ci icd e.', 4ih4>c. I-.rv Mas - 30 I'nlversity departments llie hruadcasts are devoti-d kMokl oiinl'i of Ito CaaM. ta-m»r anil lo (Jarir.et, W .lham Seastrtnii ; cucA-t oLA mi rri.ini. company b; Neat to Stale Theatre lOM's tf nine state departments to pro. new*, rdutation arid informa¬ v ■. h«-rn, and tAgat Ku*. baWv'ii. duir the programs heard on the tion the remaining 40 per rent air. l-arry Fry mire 13 year staff Is miisi. member, is station wkar * .iv an exr: aw .v rmy III E*k~ tion* |h*i U the aoutve i»f trained *. iliMcl it }tl\iVldea t"l (•••!!- g.ot f'.d! ■ * ri haski-'iMll i m -adioNt and for ba*« b«.h . KOTV. ( tulrlx H«ske SIM I Dszas icpic.m! jtati 'm* former «tu n • t . , a .••I'u.ng and uti . i i'.ct (.'tminiiuiiNM UNION BOOK STORE »'a!f mci.oeiv now <»vup> ,t tn 'o-s ..si- ! card when tf;-- y*-• - ten* a* *tati*in •«tu ' V manag.-i.-. • • - F ' ven A r F «rep aru! Annv g.;,m ducstorg and pr->d...',.n WKAR |.i4*A<-n ' 1 ■:»» ( i:< »TC cadets received ronimis- director* of vartou* commertuil CM ff„. . t»r . ' ' A . t at the i*c«npieUnn «*f wu.trr »sat ion. w f» • it • .* iH*en ;g|n t. Oritrigg lu|t • In !«.•»« WKAR war tt.e wu- I utuie g-irv* ii* faoiilie* fm : fed Jn th»e list was Jim n« i.f tin- (b-.ig. Foater Pea- *r; 'he > a « :!»•,'<-* t('.'«ufv>.un,« Nmowsai. former e'i-big 10 foot- b»dv Ar*- PaNs award, i mil idu.i. the highest i I'lan* f SIM Pails .isi aw a;.I ..» ! »m MSI*, w ho - of !>;.< OPEN UNTIL 5:30 p.m. tne iti lufct. y. for ita pr-.gneu tc. ..it- underway hn' piavr ' You d :•> the .» r. >«• g pr>'*s»4nna! foot- arc tlie Jur> " This pi - e f •* ! namna! *;'• .. i w ith the Cie^eiarvd Browtis gram m;is produced with the U.I tl Ha . h.t\ V t**« )« h •.. »-d , hi (;«me i*acA wi/iter term I' T" "*"■ e .'«•> u-n ' <• * '<» t.e-ipieie work »»n his degree i. • .. • . wkai'. if p. ; a • an i no orui--.tmtenant u-r* with N.now- SATURDAY JUNE GRADUATES Dt-utlliiir loil.tY Co R an i k. • A. a were rt Ja * v Force . John Curry. Lansing; Ki.rer. Cleveland,' Ohio, Hertw*U, Fliht. gold bars went lo ae ci an, lamsir.g; Keith ! m f • . s- Haslrtt. Liward Pratt. i' . t«a>' I-kiv .ng; Itofcwrt Dove. Hy All AUTHORIZED NEW >"■ ■ « -. o Peter Fa»v. New York Ft* i ,' *. Liwar t Grahman* Koctitn- M.c « Hi.rt 3V) t'i *(-r irud Cftokr>s Harc.e. Jick- . —• Order Your t-ui. Million* of AmcriraRk now wear roniart vision with natural g«o»d l«H»k*. AND The roniart lm* wearer keener vi»i«n rye proirrtiwn ran mmm enjoy wider field of . . « all day wearing Commencenicnt natural appearance broader ipirli • Mould USED TEXT BOOKS you l»e intrrr«led in di*rna*ing Ike pndMMn of rtinUrt Irnnea and 1UI R e>e* . , . Or. Mar*M L BmMw Announcenients Mall { our* Irandwr Center orroMitRiNT |\ anbor MM) LH YOUR OLD TEXT BOOKS PAY FOR YOUR NEW ^iiiimiiiRif iitiikiHi iffm it ft f titf t-iitiutrtufiitfiftiiuiHtiiiifhiifiitttHiiiitft iiH We Hope You Had • Caps and Gowns § A Nice Vacation. | WE PAY TOP PRICES 5 f I Nows The Time To FOR USED TEXTS. NOW! j Get Your Spring Ootlies j f Ready For Spring Term. UNION BOOK STORE UNION BOOK STORE f«* Parking ' J z =— • ttoOtox wrtoM *t«a - im Mmm MKllIfiAN STATE NEWS The Record- I Svv StoriVd '-'Jh Pur Our NCAA Stars... 6 & 7 April 1 IIS** Pie'* Fiv# Sptirls I'iclare ('.Images ILLINOIS LOLLLr.R t»F I.s Slu ing Heralds OPTOMKTRV COO . anfintin«.»« ,hn i'uii.i for ■irtnii -Iufi u» I't - h»ru' fliriic Aetc Season "-riila-mftrr «, }HV) triK'.i-ri *rr//pnw i»»-ilig V.'v ' Iciitiieig i« tfto etnnur. -llv PETE WALTERS- |».,r run/cotton Doctor oi OpUinietry HUle New* Hporl* Lditur VIDENC'EO by the presence of our friend ho is running the winter's bugs wit of N. Willi || RRINfiK I S to the role- „< • »,#- Sta'e^. reporting and commenting on the imint- POPLINS ggQt IRFMFVT* TOR »VT«AN»» uce" street roadster, spring i bete awl Ir ! r-is nt recreation winch make c. a>l loeik nasi transition of the sporting world* for*. . * to springtime. t iihIi'ii Wear 2 4-mr* 'Wl ,»-f« '>f e'(tilv- iilrnt. «|lr iiMifu u *|""ttl"t lite— In idittfiii to written covcrag- of our four *1011. line respects the new sports sc-ason is a Vill . an<| other intramural ami non ai-Uv HASPEL ' fill art* aue, Write for hulletiO «»» i'fn"i Ml '. ff ft A ft sport MHU plus the two fsocc-r. f .to,oh fall llllooU e ..!!< i» .,f e»|.'-rr,rtry one. To the diehard IJ»*lroit tun who fyji't, (o/)/UAK lean vhieh will soon hepin rum oft the »»tt » dt'h r Urn-H, now forgotten the Lions of last fail and Chle-aio !♦., Illirioi* v. iot> flab, we expect to visit ,fU<. *,f the* Tipting to pass over the shortcomings .r cart,:, numerous athletic site* o.r City's pro basketball and hockey Hub\ f 'he • •liege « new hope in haxehall's Tigers, wiio-e hand i present pictorial reports ft! h!* work day. IiV.WNAW tarsiiih (iHMTI I US' \\ i tf,|»|S TtVKIIts' S1H ART g reserve and improved slugging depart- We- •.ill offer on-the-spot amm. 2nd in di-s •ay apark a pennant contender after eight , . . high bar winner . . , - . . . . . , . tui freest vie titles . . , f lagging. ' , • .'ores 'e'r ■».• • • 'if 10-mile After Dropping Tour Opener «-s of Impressive winter -port* 'Jm- iru?* I. r. .d Jj;,y automobile rare • ' vli.ihftpobs NOW' SHOW I .NO hockey and basketball aquad* and ».f the mi many I! fJOMI our fi t. to .id A t .. ■ • resting up over 'he* tiricf spring ^ a S r 'i ■'» d.-in'l alleiw a >. : gie* mck at the end of last term in Jon, < n 'be avid ■ ports ill vot« «- • eoy roi- | «How ti - anywhere • anytime! i- ma'ion, the Spartan troni* Sw.r.g norih% to Troy, Ala. <. iuse will long remember the winte r months and « p ot. . r... •:,! Ml, to the sports page »w. oK»- fe-aru I : ge-tlir,..: u.'o the % mg trie- Spar'ar.• ?:,«■!< . <".«• ill SW«-SB» this if no other reason, W/'fl Su.ee • •„ ' . or. au, • by the handsome gladiator • '.Ill • of ti if.gs with its annual Sou'h- « .pi ng as pieaaant to aii e- B'ate-. the nettcis found the p.ite team a,is a-,,i. • . h only t.w » * ■■ ■ Of ' e i.r -f or.. I he •r end participant divermnn*. poi' wntcr. of Alabama more do their liking of the* irul.v.duaj to ' er I f - • - . .. of arid pi-aceded to blank two sue* three . • • in , I /' .4 . ' I „ - ai.d U . - ccejive f'»eg. Bill If'^nkiss } • r Moff- r . Trnr.e- ' ' i oriel ;e 'he tonard / • Tops Masters List . t ftsrh Htan Drohar't squid wa« Bud Se *otr, f> . ... . ri. I' . Jeelted hv Dnriels Mate. *-l, In gvnh'* ' A-.'! ' !• . all ro. . 1 Ita opening ffuteh Haturday. up vie'urits m i'c s.ngles ejj - Viuon. had Tli* only bright ipot in ail USTA, I lead aw no — luck that was Stan with his driving. ca»»e in with Ing that exceptional »!»■ o'herw;*e bleak at'erri'ton w«» Till- •' ubies to, ' of If'iti - . EES .VI 35 -71. Burke, wilt, T -.14-71, some k..s-Si'.'h, M " • :... doubles team of Hojrr P a* .n Saw,-k, to others Thursday an<4. The combination joined hi'ii ,i» one of the- fe-w to ge-obe/i-f and Hon Meacall which arwJ hon Ibmy-M- • *,l turned way through the fir«t and rain-aoftene-i of the 23rd Masters g »lf beat pai em t/.e» t>.i. k n.ne Thurt- »*nt. ilav, Jiarjai *hot 35-3'i--<1 with green* made it cl.! '• to iUUg© I ' hot putt«*r. fchfit 'Hi or sda y the aid of a eon pie of a When Uona. gu tv winds came A a re«u t, or.; . i- player* pars" on th" * g In# when* man a swirling wir Is to t le-ar away the- 'i'-u-ls that bet'eted Augu. ' i * '.una is u.k- first TAKE A BREAK bad drenched Auyu>'i National Ufttl v tough par ' winding creek mike g"lf ua at Augusts National, during trie night, the •- >i.-o d»** f.und imd five o efi'et avet. -iling. 42-yeer-old C'ana- sipaUd dream, of re«" .-oreak* par 72's. o fired an opening round for a snack or a moal t.xrhititely at parNrtlM 1M». Look I* KRAMERS I.ARC.KST W M-M-7S Aigmta Na* WW, || IIVI Leonard a *k* His wer Arnold For 1 Ik- Hi-«, lliiw in g III SC0I .'NTH I.N TOW N ! AT BUD'S Ramsey's talar young de- n from fenn- Ralphs , Univortily New and Rebuilt SiSiD n. iHk darks, tlio 1*54 and balding former ft. 4 m ("bandlor Harper at ) of a wiady day that iroablo far oosne of the STARTERS "KEVVPEr SERVICE Shop a noa* playor* la Ibr arlect -A- GENERATORS Drand River and flatlet! t***» .N •1. rr, though disaa'dsfied Cafeteria Ml T-I17S 2J.1 (.rand River MflMffNfSS v WATER PUMPS ' !.oti of Hoorn k r FUEL FUMFS CAMOf mrs ir CLUTCH PUnS Fan, S»-r\ ire UI'BN FRIDAY 9:50 lo 1:30 tblng for o thrilling rorattoo in lim.4 No N'«*<1 lo Ni.ill, Frr, or Cu«» ... Sm-« Lt. ! Root no dvpaoos oil- coenpiato — Uholnal* ft Rrlall — AN IDEAL PLACE TO , I outfit, doo lood—oil at k'O i.htuor ymr itriinli-f nt you irouUI oto. Writo koday tor aano# UTO sing r kit. oiop. Lmk— OvMttlnj leata, ra'ea i In pa. KRAMER WKMIIEIt A. M. A. CARTS MEET YOUR FRIENDS thi' jinvtt tilu r! U or, MINN. I K. R%I.AVt/oei Pit I* e-IHl it he did. the odd* are he'll oe hotfoot." ing it right back for America'* moat popular cigarette. Nothing tlae givea you the rich tobacco flavor and easy¬ going mildness of Camel'* < o*tly blend. It atand* to rea*on: th* beat tobacco make* the be»t cmokc. InM* at ImIs wai l*M, UuO ... Ham a real "LINE" s7.00 cigarette- bv WMF 3 jh*. Setting Tr #res» diffrronc# "n fjuailty x'a.'nlr**. have a CAMEL ffiig • Tnot » *r > you - < i •-«* * *.-••?j.-.y—{or fOttfiDiSAC •uVi.dv -»f •.'«*! met; U* hototf RIO BRAVO :■■. - .•'--i- of doiign. "Ur.e s ?*.?g«-d frcm tl># 19-3 Crisma/gin *t««l *;-4 eoiefulry h*.v) Us • ptrrffKiion. Voa'U second with 4t the 100-yard brcaststroke and points, followed t»v Indiana with Was fifth ill the 200. The Vic¬ mate Tony Tashnlck" the star t'f 41. Yale With t»lj. MSt; with tors. Collet in the 100 and Hill the recent Dig 10 meet and de- 35 and Stanford with 2'J. Sixty Mulliken of Miami (Ohio) in the feruling national champ in the teams participated. 2on, broke American records to ll)() and 200-yard butterfly. secure their new titles. Gillanders beat the Dig Six American, rich! NCAA 10 and 10 meet record* meet's triple winner by one-. were *el Another Spartan, Don I'atter-* in the meet. ~~ lost hi* title In tenth of a second in the 200, but son. the 100- held him to a second place tie The Spartans had \ rrd freestyle, lie came ill third one champ¬ with Tim Jecko of Yale In the • store for men ion. and he rl(»t»u!e was winner-.. one of the thre«- IliHv Steuart to Michigan's and Iowa's Gary Frank Morfis. Legarkl 100. Gillanders' :54.1 time in the 100 and 2:02 5 in the 200 were kept his titles in the 1500-nw-ter Michigan State picked Up both American records. MrKinney *nn the 100 *nd put-yard b*ch*tr«kr*. lie cut the ItlFl.K EXPERT Limv Mr DANIEL **Mh Ela. The Cincinnati Reds hired Mr Daniel \ to American record in the 200 from washer for f rank Thorn**. Itnh Pnrkey and Roy players' depth perception and rornt One Block East Of Campus prove .ut 2:04.1 to 2:01.4, McMillan (|-r) during shooting drill at Tampa. lion. hi George Harrison of Stanford set the sixth new in the American re¬ H rcsllcrs l-'inisli 9th cord 200-yard individual medley, in which he beat Tash- Woodin Places in Nationals tuck. Michigan netted six Individual titles, eight seconds and five thirds while scoring in 15 of the Tim Woodin w-n« the only State in team standings were heavyweight picked HI events. Ail but three member* up 1*» Michigan Slate grappler to gain Iowa S'aV and Oklahoma, to give him 55 point*. |« of the 20-man squad won points. honors In the NCAA wre*Hing Despite failing to win a ha- Three Spartans still have some than Y'oung, who went t.onal championship. \Vood;n , swimming to do, Steuart, Pat- ' championships as the Spartan w«»n the Walter less in the nationals, terson ami Modine arc at New Wrestling wrestling team fin i-hod ninth Award, a pii/e'givin to tfic Haven. Conn., for the NAAIT Ferguson garnered t, 4n__the tournament held at Io¬ wrestler with the season hign championships, which Thursday and continued through started wa City last weekend. Oklaho¬ ma State took team honor*. jH>int point* to give him a th(rd| f»!>ot in the Award comj Saturday* Wrestling in the 191-pound Trailing Young going into the with 41 MAA competition, the State points, McCm class, Woodin won four of five * * * trout* to place second. The Spar¬ fourth with 20 points «tj tan senior pinned three op|u»- M'*cr fifth with 19. Mc('.nf/rce lo l oach nenu and deci*i«ned one Iw- Betas Win IM Wrestling conch Fend' HAMBURGERS For Von-Am (inmm NKW ttAVEN. Cnnn. — fore in the losing to Syracuse's Baker final, Cage Grown litis hi* announced Thursrt wresUiltg squad w h Japanese team in an Jim Ferguson. ■ 187-pounder, Charles MeCaffree, coach of the lion match WiHln<*sday c MSP reached the quarterfinal* be¬ swimming squad,' was Deta Theta T*i fraternltv ccwti- in the J.M Sport* Anna fore losing. Hi* three point*, named Thursday as head coach pa»t Emtiwtu 7 in the all-univvr- 1024 E. Grand River for the American team in next along with UiNHlln'i 14. were Spriiip Criil Prarlis .Wash V Wear Just good enough to tie with bined height and speed to roll summer'* Pan-American guinea Minneaota. which won the Rig sit v bavkeibal! in Chicago. championship I'u.lint Hark a H <» 10 title three week* ego. 52-34, March 18. Chairman of the V S. game, Slack* ED 2-6647 Oh mine Swimming Men'* Committee Slate's other entries. Dig 10 The w.n was the Dcta*' 10th Fearing i*»r spring " Keyed to the Ray Daughter* Itrure Harlan «»f Seattle of named Michigan and champion Norm Young and John straight for the season. Gary rondrtmns, football Ctvach Daugherty has moved J Met''ray, !<»*t in the first r »un i. Sicgmnmir and Jim Walsh, both Jiifo of the Active Paul 4p-i«t Har'iauh of Md'affree. Cincinnati t«» The University which placed second m Dig Ki of low i, six fvet points. fi\ e. hit for 18 and renj-KH'tive'v and hauled 18 aprmg football practice The new date* are Ad (first day «»f practice) aid l-ulr Dauk^itcr5 said trial' for the competition, gained fourth p'« <■ University Man. CiMnplrtr 2 llil Mm* ul llll.i P.M. Pan-American squad will be held at East lauising Aug. H-12. for the tieat showing by # It ^ 10 squad. Following Oklahoma m 32 rcoounrts 10 iif 13 at the Tn# Betas made frra-thr-nw l.ne. 16 (Old P.mers Garnet. Practice *es.M>n* wjl] ' Fantrems ftaiteii »i »wh, fall¬ four little* a w»«ek STARTS ing twhrid. 14-8, the end of nt five-week jMuiorl. Work- *4.98 TODAY 'tie first quarter, and stark the fraternity could not champ*' la* on M •ndays. Thursday* and Saturda Tu«4 f*" IAH IANUNO • *M9NI l#j_r**«« * * tight defense High point nan ing Wednesday and Fr, | IIIT No. I for the • >»r mi tor y squad was A1 ft* fbe men whn «r«nt •*» dree# well, but 1:1111 - Itlil . 7:2.*> • 10:.".0 inake-un session*. Pierce with M*ven. Three of hi* The M'AA alU.w* 20 - make • rirm of it . . . minimum rare. teammates had *ix apiece. From the spring practice within 3s j Wash •lacks and wear Dtrkiea smartly tailored passion-dipped pen are available at Knapp'e In a wide rholcu ©f modern fabric* and color*. Good P, of ROBERT WILDER, author of Rooking for alaaa aas) taaua! wear, "Written on the Wind"! ft ITUU rot MM tTAXKT FLOtlR uvnum "Tke fm fem fiftly ^ us she -Cm*, met* TH • Urn , I is!" "Aiwtkfr Alec Gweweee ramp. Even funnier then lie UrmAf HOIMnb''" -raw Mm V/ar«• the raaann why when you see our brw M-iei tion of Detilley in white and blue t •, >v •#»-*. p-*r wafurd, a tad a whole wido array of new pal- April I ad T I? ' tenia ami a hade*. University styled with im ' Jay sun* 'fit to percotion** tailoring. Caftfut bu turn-down collar with back-button,- center 7:00 * 9:00 P.N. back pleat, box cantor front and single cufT, xrotl roi MSN— STSSCT FLOOR Admiaaioat 50c awiiioav matt \t\xn lATE SCORES Apr if .1. !'•*»'♦ hnaets 4ill in National* Kini»li 12th: Middies W in *t4Me' « .fml-flBlll I'n» »e\rtt loronio t li , ■ «.« I , . ( A. !}" S <. DAsmMKDS . . I t h,< 4l« » I .O A ( OST Swordsmen See lirimliter future 'l<»n' r «• • I . . . . >>rt:«• > n?■ >r ■ -*:»« he|/| Ma.'rii '7- te,v: i! . < •, ',i« «cnrrH hi« <*- '• ♦ S,- «. 1 . ft, ' o. f around, five Big I'd pmti»«t* H A- .•}'• 1 tl' 'M't be • inert h'M-j- t. !).«|r!' If ' i finl«bed In the top 10 «f the «« , • • - :ne ' • i - *» -I ' A i ' • ui;j of Die ji ;.. . r \f < :•«. Mi, etenl whirli ts h*«e>f nn prr- .. . • »- r.g *' t»i fr- :ndi'.' ** t < w | ffo.ij"" *n ' ■ . k. 'pacing Michigan in t-i i '»-,|WlS * f"M!th • ■ iiinpril.nt S i e IU • , W, find result* In it* r»mponent l.\A finish at Berkeley, I nivet-«H> of MMiitif*" til runted*. I'Mx Itiill Team H in« '' . <'•»!*• won (rimpnlinr ami tt»p a ..'o-n . • • |...i-iang puked up "W*a rr»t »»f the .AAuhrrine entr« f111 |s| |«Mirit«'% (llllllH p a'0 I, |...4 f FIOMTPORUPI ire contest. fin: hmg skinner ami Jim Itrow n were i *.' 'AHA hh f '' ftiimn. the «nl»- rradnatinr ism Stale, I i third and fourth hi tumbling. *.f ■ " i*rt *»» •< r . f/i » t aeninr on Hie *f|tiafl finshed tOfH C.OODOO SCOTT M TARZAN , Thr< tied *a iTh \f i«), i» ;• it ua* nlvth In team h• V'*ig jn Arne«t plared l»lh in ttj■ »• in shovin Twice at *;44 and I A M •" ulandi'ig*. - !nd f eature — • at Ka«» Lanvrig. v in opprd a M he went unbeaten In I mrrU f\ff|il f"l' our In I frll fmm the high bar. jn hi rhamplnnobipo »1 Al<>n. Ind he raptured . jnd %trai«hl ronfrrriiri *h»wn On re Unit at 11! j hU *prri»ll», lrd flit I i pnii.il a- '•> i •" — — ! no 11 to . er-| thru T«»tn ^ "f 111 - Alt r foi ShUriml. ten rirvi <.f 't3. Robert rials i .gh to v* '.n rt)'»«t of the •*»cl • .ank l'i"»• i t haprnan Mitchum mm shurlork Illinois' Abie f.ro**- | i , r* .John Daniel* » ' > blasts the njpwn hart 'ho iui.il- feld and Tour\ were » i I all r I heir |rirnt;il flpeninir screen! af i o 11 o w * w ,oi - April t, I nder New Mnn.^nn-nl shnwn fin re flnir at II II an »#n > «wnn«rii m i,». »t: •* Jtl-r* >1 \|itl t\li MOMlW 2 • 1 HP • HIT* » Kl. • S \T. lit IIH. HI1S MR I RANK and MR f ft M»M \N ||»tp t findnnert I heir Seai- fif I. nenie CAIY GRANT. "lu Offer \ line >er «nd l/uTiiii Wore, ^J^'LOREN i»u seer? » I iaf Sen ire- Houseboat T Kl - SAT. Ml HH. IIIIS Mi CARTOONS >tie« ; hit mi ? »i \rriM, • I 11 \•*«!«> ReI RORf R T MIM Ml M IIM MIRIS ||itii«pbf>jt 'huHii 1 w ire »t ! 17 and 11 !l • t ree t f»hl Morale nam — *nd feature • Iunrlri >er\iee "'till \IM »: • |iri\e-ln W mdo * r.iMPus ARTHUR ^ Mooter tCHRCaCA SI \ - M»i\ . Tl l> Ml KM. IIIIS terror: FtAHZ (Kim m Miit m M riil I Van i 111 Ml ? -I UKIAIi 1 l\ SIM MORE as JA«( tONELL what tom wmmts lota lint . 7 •'!t CAMPUS CLEANERS JQAHNA boom ark a W t . -fill MM R AO Alt" Je o"'»" CAMPUS .f»J7 K. (.r^nfl Ri\er fr.fl "'♦Ti 'ht'iin ttnre flnlv at I I'l SI N • MOV ,21 lilt. HITS • SOPHIA * OPt H ^ t ^ J - ^ ^ ? .STARTS TICS. -IICRK TO KTKRMT\ r • • lilt - « ■!>.«< *a«w*> Ml '?» "IIRIIM.C ON IHfr: Kl\ IK it WAT* %t t r*. '• * »'eA»i «*.' • MARILYN MONROE li • lil/./Y, »i • ONI I % — \M» IT " and her bosom companions Of ! If.II fill. M Will '• N MONRO! " HAi K A N li - II r. K ! Kl'" lONY f I KTI> iLKING OUR LANGUAGE! — AKE *25! SI TONY CURTIS t AMI nmpiel# >}»!•*» J At K I I.MMmN o\ I Hit. 1: 0t» "• '» Mlt.l \* pm I III |fl N 1 JACK LEMMON led lire-* 1 r. If . totted up crimes of swtlence. he'd be a » bolator. Actiisll\. he rhs .« ■ a the popularity of Luckies, and that make- tun a loodilor! iIu latest sun»•• j r::^v.Cyjzrz. iTOK*' o.Uf"«J;a and LALDIAIKXD Lilif «kHU 'KXWF?1 *f * ma km d>» heartwarming puinl: Stude, - who want lha honest u.te f .oaCT-tLj'aa ■—ea AlEHeBd iat Lofaaoco am unanunoualy for Lucky h rike! Q«t th« genuine article >*t th* hon*st fast* C I G A • ( T f ( 4 Ro\»ll rs ppm It.fA Re;u*r ftiret: Aiatiiee >»•&!* — Itm *b«w I P m\ A. lit % .<1 week ii»t HamiaM — t «nit nam..* .hie MICHIGAN THE AT H £ PHONE IV 2 7411 Lbddrra X>r *1 »M t»r»«e*; of a LUCKY STRIKE Staffs TMAY! US'* / Wet. tlsiiiiss j(,sa ^iysy — uw mu*:U sswr MICHIGAN «TAtr; NF.WA Society Sfifiiifi Styles April T. n'if P**f N'in# Pinnings M I; PKKI. Pace Season Ensagcmcnts i <# 111* K« y to fh-tt'-r ValtH'd # • • |'| Rrta I'll \!ii"d Stata Now* Sorirfv l.flitnr S k< Iir- thr vn-'ur aija.ii llall . i r * or •. Judr Mii-hjiran S'. : Mi- ■ I v. > .. -''ii- < n. >!)<• Ii nil ' • .ht< ') • . .. V. J^na r .!.- /...a. lam.n* i»• Phvllit f. S ' Van >n, M SI, Vlrrk* i (' \ .»d < •-, * ■ ru l> !!• UjjsIIU hue limit and h!js thiclt. unr f-n yirn* • • ■ 1 . i l,». • »• ■■ r„ I? . - a d Ha¬ In Ihiwnlnwn l.an-inif J <•!!. f*h ca >, Til., v nim. i i-i a UiOKf ive. Th? cloih i* T >■' < t ,v -i^- ..rn ifa • a-i .ft-.c Ktr Mllltno., P»iTnt! v »»; f :«•. V it'ii < , * ;• • R'ed, P'vi! ()hI: i! . ,'Ui;d a. fi f r* clotnm^ with It 1.1 T < ' .pro- f » Tfrn ; I.KT'S MEET AMI KA i AT « Alfths f'hl llmru a t p < i . Sinta A'n a »n. fiill Ann Driprr, R ■ • o •.. 'o- • r'« Slpit.1 (iniirron Pi V. 'p- p.- We >1 M • ( • IP j | ;hfM. Rt.>:.1 O Marian Km THE EAGLE CAFE v p \ I' Mil n; f 11 I v . ./it t J A'..i-t i ! i h«»p«a«?V.ir.: ci'ii'« . U" t'-r V « »i» I'o'lcji- n) 1" • Sm 1 Rappt Alpha Iheta fit.: '■ fl. tm • i i:t ii'iili f.lM . a ,%-iiiHi- i A'.)-1* f-i' •:- ' Rrttie t .H ii n.prr I . I \ a fi n r!f< c ' n hr- t i-a'- fl Pat llrflin. i\ ■ 'UM j «- . " n«, '■.itroll U • m'11' I! it*. • »»-h' i• n ju.M.'tr ■ |) t.nit lljriiO. •• • ■ i. , ;mlina pnttti* ai"i firlti I «•' »ir|!4 ■ to J Mar* l.llen Hewitt. F. m fa lot . t n.cago, 1,4 J' . I.IMHttlNS DINNERS S fits. 1*> i j.' hi... An ,uic.'.»mh.na- . ' i ■ ■ A't'-n (i niina ft ho. Mu • K« Ja MSi: " f»r;n!Pfl en' • - mr- nu gcrti ( • i.. r;.y t • n i> a ' "i n ov» r G.- ll'iiuhl Mr( lit. OPKN ■ f t t.i 'ii « a ;i• i*• if iisithidii d < 'in . a , ♦ . a"p ? S _• « A Y..i- l»WM MrU.lf Msimj t hi - I 1 »»!' ir ? i \\f:\II NT I'.NTII, ■ >1 » h » I f # V tthervn .1,. ,.»r t •• •. r. It. i.riinr. • . - . m ,«\ c • < j it:>, ii iv a. tru- I .ifnl I.i«t taUrlr* . r» * • • - Msu ■ r IRKING I.-•!» A.Sf. * Kurt Salurtliiv It 11.4< (Inline. !:i ' i;i i. i n <•• r , ,, •. to ' 1. I.ufi - ri'h '1 • l ■* : .* »outh » . t K a Hi-* *>— a. I armho'ixa a S . i mi» • o - • •: f amppell .mi'.I • J*< L in V. • Marimr Rurti h Pohorta | .re Walker i5M>r S Tr.-I .*•!! f 'l l ui-n' it h ax el Fil\ •• ii . ^ ! hutn tun! i. ' • t id < ftlihrlb, (i t ti H 'i . i':it. V. p III i » , . • l» in p ti»'in Mi F. • a d A« i'i 1 • •, R id H Mtltrr*, •' \'. <■ 1 ,vr ,» H . PC ' ! I'Mil T !:H ir '.i ' . • • • r. Und.v Sweei luiii-t -p" .- Jim Veal in >r, «. and Alpha (Jama D< i, : r rt.iff. I* V ' , < »,1i 1, . j . • |u i i i.;id ii. ht g •..» metric* nr .v Tk* P» Ret4 Phi Stidnnls, Kill Paulo*, Ionia aopiioii.Mii • • . . t,-» i> - faui c>. Many «»f I »ilr hri»l f i- I ifhnfl •• 1 « i Seal i ^'irjairi Hum ard jv.I.*"!-' f Kip. Mom and • • ' . po,.:. r liaiipr Program pi A'ph i I h» . j.I ■ in \i • !! Ir.i'.ir: in- i" d bin •'! V pji. !. . ; . . inference I'Ihiiim iI \ • N'm a , f r it r• -. 11 I and :•V> ill k'vp'siv.r* I'»ovine e«jdent John A Hariit.th •(« o o • H K-r*h• ;■» • Dad loo! hv .r.tnir s M i, . . v., kx. no • * i« a<» i*f»t a"rnd « ri.nffivni ■> Tiavt'l Sct« ig th# iinpi o\ t on f rnmcnt pi '^m n- 1 • ' 111 V'Mlip» LlgilRt- We Have ange nal and mnfeienie is of c tft"«• i na' n'Miir«! this ww-kf. | p ..i„ • i I - jv, rhial • h-t • MHIIMiSV . . a 1IAKF. THR ■> i>p »h-» ' u. tTATIi M.WK Red's Special —— | Cork BalloHa Boards! | Annaimln. FREE j . - SOI K IIOR.MSfi II SKIT dipft Thauer, «n»" •' -» •o Se< .fiar> «-t S'i IIII lOIORHI Paflfk la* Hiii,. < 11 111 MitltlMltllflliliiM J •r DiliUa mv 'rt II • UniU 20" \ 2D1 2*' 02.99 * X o'lier irrriil a "iig v» ith <• i «• foiir.'." I • • . • «ur lii'pirril fur siinitiii r this l»n now brarh* I ha j-irk* CHRISTIAN STUDENT A WET WASH : ■ rrvrrsihlr -(ii •« „f the n ■ k « f •• - r rt i« print an 2f»' 2" v •»»' z" 0.1.99 V ilh lit#* Following! tieg<# and foul f o ia" • . . «nr «ulr. hnmrvpiin rattan an FOUNDATION ■ t Ii a Olhrr. I hr hnitirvpiiii • Porta CAM PL'S CLASS! H F.I iS , . rnnir in variant thnlM tn nun* 1.1 ItK AM) Mil. I IIAM.K 5 l or llouit-, School, Office . HIGH READKIISlilP . . plrmriit liir Jjfkrt h4< hcrounfi. OPEN HOUSE ■ or iiiiiiiiiiiiiiit HttiiiiiniKif iiriiii tut : l»'f* " i Mill)' HI*. Till* Clffrr l» l.iinilrit ■ Sunrfni, April I, tiM'Tl'DI p.Rl. COLLEGE BIKE SHOP 'I C'hurili) Mini.. Till'.. \\ nl. ami l liur. ■ Slate Lumber Co. 1 SE (Nut ilwir !i> I'foplf. Got Scf For Spring! NEW STUDENTS WELCOME Hike Nulr* Hike Hi'IiImU - r CSI' In thr Stiiilrnt Ortraniuition III MSI' for Con* grrtfalional, I,. K If., |li«nplfH, K.I .11.# — I'eoplr* ! | RED'S SHELL SERVICE 710 MirH. v»*. j * 2fri>2 K. (irnoil Kivcr Hike Kt Near Hrlloiu t rn'rr • lifiw ntiiw n l.apvini{ ami I ramlnr i rntrr |iuirN t C'hurrh Mrmlirr*. 5 ntMHii ltii) riHHH .! tttll- v ]3t N. IliirriMHi Kl) 2-1II" | |tff|U,i)llllli« • »f«» GET 8ATI8PVING FLAVOR... -H I I tllMlllltllHHIIII'lHIIIIII III! ,.ItllII!i■ lull.I! Hill IH Mill,HUH % ^ (SMm; WBQ SAID IT FIRST? No flat'AHitNePaiff'ftovwl No dvy *smokodibut! taste! i A (tlvma •! iiwdniMnl iwlillifiaw WINTHROP'S by Joclnii ('••>* Tfi' ' j f f llflU/l* «• « , 9 * f j ; fii I.IITONI 10 H 1 OWN TA|ff ' ?h«<# Kot aa«ar b«« CtCOi »' 'J If ♦•!*# ts» >»e« epp.H »>H • qoh'O I'gHl v li'tl I* t.t *11 ' Ta"»"'; ' tho ftnaiiM ►* |vd«J to »>#d th.t *o* ■ moccnsin r to k i • » « ft'r n rt • with tbo I « • d M' t«# " •■rtACTici WHAT TOU MUCH S<*i*d« od»«9>nal la' * local >pio q>od lac'i%i a. * w*o* ift#» i*o.'f hi t.o>'»' lo«»d o-d '5«'/Tv to f«.« -o»od a' >: 12.9.1 Pliiw Jockft/' SKANTS n *r • Riarb «wt^tb Irilhrr striped brief »l|r( • to ti ^uralf laaiatiaaal" — % V la » iwat'i th# |vdf woof «l col* *i»eo t| and It •©f# who K«*a Mot niicbilr MiK-r ♦ha ot« iachtf Sfri»«d SKANTS. Jofbtf ifylittl hao# fakait thii ROM ouotom Mto MibOMflss. tooacoO mn.rumm mm or 100% He* tee,** )• It'OtCh Rylao bfi#f...addad caadf biVlRh|tr'« Ooe how •"**'« —t w •«* ••'<»#« ..»Rd p odvaad • fen '.W| farmaRt f ia«§T a«hef rv,' < HM Ymt »a«nRf. pro:*tf lang+h Vfl'lSH 1KI ^rutlf IKM. SKANTS i« cwt bifh or tha of t ne tebocccs •dot ib a ta« vad'aeRd •N caM#« la a Cwki of fitfc'S the smo^e one rnoUes it lg ••i black, fraaa, rg«t or bloa Pripai. look for mile —but dost not SKANTS—ia i»ii#M, or •©'* |I hf-noi y-> j {prnbN O NT Mo' o froo*nr ®k Q - Ar» a^ a--# •bt—* Ibo Jc;Vay baoo't* fit*- out that nmrimarmofLf mm h.tnra **m .rcm t. '•%.% K ••N Oei, » J« »f ■** tut *M«m» ra your (ORfvt it©»o. tonfcna bll'IMI 0| tfiO >6-M 8» $ ■«. flONjri Outstanding and thry u-e Mild 1 HAKKYMAVS ' — ^#mr» m mm M'de MR I# frandttr Outer and Ihiwnlonn Umlif Jpi-;' . j ... At The Campus Book Store ONE Clerk Fills ALL Your i H Needs - It's So Much Faster Authorized Textbooks NEW Everything You Want — So Easy To Find Save $1 Out of $4 On USED_ Books 75 Clerks To Fulfill Your Requests! CAMPUS STUDENT BOOK AND SUPPLY HEADQUARTERS