On (lie Inside The Weather Ordered p. .1 Partly Cloudy (ireen Honored .. P. I Low Sunday .... Kolisnien Return p. 5 Ser.iiiji MSI For .»» Years High Today |*i VOL. 51. No. 2 KAST LANSING." MICHIGAN—MONHAV. APRIL «. Hl.W PIUCE CENTS Federal Retrials Nehru Concerned About Ruled Out Justice De|>l. Relations With Tibet Keeps Policy ( . \ Phmp Hetl (Jiina WASHINGTON i.l*i -At- fy. Gen, William ruled Sunday that ott.'e Hoppf* Accused Treaty Still there has been a stale pro¬ ject inn there should be no P>\ L SSIt Guides India federal trial for the same * Lama Ihaclic* offense unless the reasons Vin.-rii-iiii I'liiiif compelling. Motia«tfr\ Sunday are l-'ls ilijj loo High* tIf* reaffirmed !:•■-• <■ ,r. a memorandum p: t i •. NEW I>KI III. fntlii d'— Ji'-s iiu is 0 t to-day a infci-eiier •»' :. jilntp' mf'-ntiuM. j/niilr-il iiy lift* nf" rn. Rogers' memo follows hv u:ie pn*. \ ii»!(l'. il iviruijit iiifp? i.i • '-rk a Supreme Court deii stale \-w» I lioirt hv Hi* stii'lmiti P\IKl«»BCc w itl' Hcd ( 'iii.ii do- TIIL COMBINATION of spring and the »od tbr I'iq'iin ;>ir mrriilov Mai a state may try a defrn - shootin? the r«o>d* Sunday behind Wells II ill. ^!>itc the fill-' l IS i inn |4 ■ ,••• for the samp otie

.. Ann - r ise.'* T» t high . court up;.*-' \ e y.+ court ( -nvic'.ion i f \ fon>e Bartku* of Ch.cag.' " • c-iarges <*»? taking pav' m a ,( *<>ne <•: Mr, ■ , . • *• ■- IU '. ,• . .WV .. Wi ' t -cbi-', tv. savings an t loan a*•<"i (I.It... ,i 0 •i-rd ,1 IT -.. .-.i t c M»'!r..;:i',:i* «(» to minlr is violated flight regulations bv Sigma Kap¬ ••*;■ •• « T». 4 .1. w linlebeartcd. lie scorns tireten- pa House Sunday afternoon. teiiced to life Imprisonment in¬ throng A i'iltl • ' coming in at lO.nun fret. l.uii nr's and offstase ili«p|,iM ner the habitual ctmm.il a.' !hc All ."-i ' *• *•• At. -t }- I ■ Ami'. • , * f «f artistic temperament ' f« another case last ve» k. ' te irt f *«; m;»' - !H di* iv Mr. MSI . Supreme Court hv a 6-3 d»- v M.Hur. fou . - . m- he " .. ' I . •! . . A -IN" .. to Itfiuu •ui chi i .'i uphold federal pro.ee u* on tab' . ■; ^ . n . ' II- * ,• -. T ,.lgC * ■ . : ■"ft,fit of t**o men on conspi;a y : !• Mc'.ropqi . . ... . • g (-•«• - S !t p'lk. W.M*rpr is i« • ' . -.xl-u.ng »e: Spiiisler Sjiiii Tickets :iy,.- >n ciiargea after they had ph-a-trd tone ■ ' II a■' ■"•ig i- I H* !(»• ■ -1' ,nec»nt '• guilty to similar charges in an IfNMh ' Rlgoletto" ' i-l'»Ug{;rHi- A ; iC.-ir I f,,.- 5 • 1* • live* were but He sang hi • n. 1 I' inoii court. HSU ' a "f. ?»" rv I-1: ,.i ... ■ •»»*-. 1 in hi* iiptiut at Italv's premiere •> a'-f.nHPf-1 - < On Sale in liiion Tot lav . J an - .4% !Te rc!o|,. r ||.. - > -n '» 1 dean, ifit" opera house. Milan's La •srata ; • 1 Summer Scmioii the first non Italian to sing tlie It.' !h»* V... I» - F r»* •<.>]«* *•' t - • liricf' i. .* a id role there, ami received an ova¬ •r- W.i- Ti' Kels '.'h on -itit- *• Driver Kdiieulion tion from rritirs and public. K I • ' I t d la * ... a j»• i ha * a - ' a v|S( • nfliy loifii-itiil ij.iiii ,it » hi- f "fiif.il ti. K.-* I.f ? 1, • 5-1 t'Cl..:,1 Ifw H\e S}»in-fei ".Me l n^li-li I'rof Rrrei.e- ; : nMke ■ Last -'id fal): |,|«* M.'-g; . . .'. r ,-n# ... ' »• Petping. which «pt. . •;.* v. ..M llnp: e • - M Nhinhm ." Tiii. |,• u'(> ; ha* deposed Workshop Slated >1 . denied ai. .ti t ne v.. .. • a- •• won htm i pop-..at (■> the Dalai l ama s gov eminent Folp-r I ilir.ir. (Irani Tlif rinte as broadcast hv Mos- • nuoiirred in a broadcast thai An expanded workshop pro- MSI F. »■■■-• ' " ' « ,r V r • 4 :,(is F • Itt'liiiimil'lmis might Berlin take enntrnue Jf high llighls to I'lililislirs illicit• "-inula« *ii from hi« firadqiiartrr. siug.it-e |a(» mites southwest Deoartment of Tcache: Rlmu- r»i !■■■ • \t'iv Irct'thnn ■ of Hie capital V. 1 1)( • op and the Highway Traffic M.-sf e-i . Di A or ' ' > • PG . -i Sa'etv Center t': .' O • a< . t .l h. i. •*»».! " . . . 1* V.* her R. Haw lev. hen of 'he Education department. < A- ot : to ' v. ."...*- e .• 4" 11 * ;•• L IU, W ' •* 1 «»n • „ ( -r» - -■ ■ V v • a • « I'or C.tnifio ... .*, .- j I 't •<« announced that eight e- in *. e Lun . ..v.c (". • •' I ;«■»'»' I r ' :>n yt* ■. w\,HI i- : he taught to IT tw.o--.tvek F "rt V. . a- .T V fc-Mir I n*-.. .t.m I' Ushop sewiori* June 2J-"Aug. *- Ti m in rd . r If preside:.' T.-ing K.u G.I -aj S., Annonn Seetleil a.,\, ■ . . •. . *r* Scholarships will be a*arable isi.ding A. a eump..gn (■. both the basic course re- w • ,rn he w > ■lU' S«-.| l)\ Is ,V \ • t . f:•-cd.iim -. the H< , i . luted for Michigan driver e iu- Turner, s-.it" entk-n' I • WKAK K j - *. *l^j: fV < *' ;i«n teachers and for advanced A.V A H .•. Me li R« .m v, .1 i h t-hM However, o iiv thi w a* ,, p..: . ai' nf i ;-.rs unv e.l- • \ 1 - r-ie U h 1 T .e iidv a.' H :i I; v Vcliv ilirs (airiiiva! • teach in Michigan are e..- e' during ' r rvgra'ti l o,< • . D F- •- "• fv j.: ' tnuthrr feature of the inter gioie Scholarship grant.« 'n in* »• Iii--' «<•*'.' f 1 si M KA l - ,« • ft I convGit'C' S' d P 1 - ' 'i f -mli'i"!. lil/rnla. \vc * ^ mission w ill i.f innoum ement ot H>e winners nf the i or sage mu¬ I'clitioniug l»c"iii- ~ |» t # # noiint nf *7.500 have t*ie i made ed h* John t.'Mar*,c!iy <»f ' ve • I "a la test I.. t.r rondUrted during thr i'lnlnv in I uioii To I'irsviit • linen' it I'iflol I ih ava.lable for these work-hops. MSU a.l - *r "v . la Meet H-.cni." a . e.rning. Tne Michigan Inter - In . »-• < ran/ to the v MFA I uraii'-c, *0 be buiit .n i,asl Lecture" quarter}! bu. g The * of II pet Highwav Safety Committee pr.o- . . g v o S • *ii • • med IVOOO. F.aM Lansing •an P V» two .. ' *• t • temamrlri ■ TWVfU.1 .» »e Oesn I tab •* *."• • .a. At.lean . Anyone " >t*vi -m . .-v. ^ quid invited to o.;!' I* NEWS IN BRIEF .r- - "He quite understand that the i • ■ * * : v ni-'hrki i»it- I.f It V ■ act n urv av , 4 oiigo has to go politically as . -t! ;... ayle a* >A t -a'r cue* »e IIIgM. • * - ■ • . r t do other countries." he said. • S -I t * * . ■ . ,!)<■ SATO Torre * Tim# If eiik Soy» \ or* tut/ We wish to give it political ( hairmen arr needed for ptib- ( ««■#/ W freedom at the right time.'* •WASHINGTON >.V- hv NATO Miller V ei llell Ihity, forces fend are not adequate for the full « -"pe ot • Europe. At the same tune. Noi«tau decl.u -r .nuy*.<>:i ••» that NATO nr.. - - Coeds v. a par; -o sod A combiha- 'Oti con -crv:. c of both bh'd S/iriiiLi Ploy Tryouts Sltiled i/ati«.n. rrspundrnre. program* entertainment and mr \ theme, organ- treasurer anr ,u» *. Ttuluw Tiirstlov >• on the a- an we strong enough to -go a long way toward ba» taken by the Western Uifi Three on the Ekr'm i / i up any polio manager * Jd < IU ;v •HVT4 general token elect...na n preparation ' ?<• lie In-: . ti; • til IutI snretar* are also needed, \ 1 1.'-nr.. ,.-iv , C r ;-t. w gir.g *■ i.u.t. .nv * * * be Pie ne 'i -1 »k. he ^anl T >'■<(»«• • ■ , fit:' ili,;-. • ,1.- »iA t af'cr I ;• - • S: « .• if V St ( ' A M»«?.;/ !' \ l.hivtl: ".4Uir» I nilrtf J 341 Siuittm frviccs. Ex: JGli ;*u I- -d M.i are being en! - ;id .m l *iuin. .. .1 - t ■1. pf oduc'Wn of • a* eot* ' » and r*»umf councils wiii be ;..( tils'*. * ,.I l« : "I ( .1 - (.• \fr I . * ..li t \ Sunday he believed the three-day conference o' Western alius no •. — j. -'j.i. '! e .»» -, !,-■ : u- proved that the free world ia "united ou prlnc*i - and objcctivts ('ollifiiili Injuris fpiert a< Wigny said"Belgium will . im- a r«-u.t of the vote p«i.«i been l ull; -t-s nlari »• i <>tj .-i «• r.agc ':#v* o-;iver;-i! Sr,»j.'C-' ..it In :.•> « .)'|.V.' '•»(:'« J» f»e ijMflHirrii >1 VIC* V liVfii ■ . £,, . e» A., i . : A m., !»•. N^v-unat D: • * * * •irrir ii j i Mor'ar IV.aid • iVCis.'v * Tint M*l t r.uv rst - to be ('"Sponsible for 'ae i :t -k- ; q .. r* 4,v,- • Profs ■ , <;• m-I..:.'!' • •• a. and -*,jH Tux Cut Seen .» Yean A tray security <>f the pe«.p!e and "f spokesman pa d. Ti - lii.-s cf W: . ic• -vi >. 1 Ma . >.7- ih. . it,, .i.ucois .in .-.j,.,-.. '.j "Slttdrnl* should have .'!.*♦ ' At qi.Ui':'C..:| W-iT"< WASHINGTON i.lh—The taxpayers may h.i\ wait five years Two MS' tne «afctv of private investim i'. an op- •! -f. il • ' h»; * V»f- ten a surplus big enough to permit any ngnif. fofevoor# wei-e in* poftvnilv to hear outsUnding : , • ' ' •* • -I ' f'(, » * ' Uf •Cnri ■ us ctyfaji and lax cut, a pri- So far, he soid, the Congo has r lie,n*s'.-ft n* of if.i.'na-1-\ ' mganuaUong pu jureU in icad-on colositm " d>.i.«egre5mn } I* vale study of Federal budget prospects suggest oday. been an vctRiomk success. professor* thai they would nor¬ M i:- 20-23 ampuv. >* • i>.iiM»re, fc *.f Kmalhem * * # near Flint, 4irsday. mally not have an opportunity Tie stwj (»ro- ,• < a Men*- Ac*'l* i*;cs C .Ui • l $&i • .'d dui fig *: t- Injured T Stanley fties* to hear, and the *l.as| Lecture* \WS. —x >ulnl IN.rholwRiHl - lemp'.x of A.nanda W llulgaria Arrune* SATO Member» associate p psdr of hor: < u'i- series provides this ehanee." ac¬ the fuHhcr of i " • t is. t. -. .1 *q',| jtrw ;j itn. •- rt:e ,»:—The Bulgarian govc-r ml issued a «e- lure, and U •iii Grrig. as i>*. cording to Rarhcl Donnan. chair¬ • an , claration Sunday assailing NATO on its 10th .nni versa rv. I; a< - ant profe I of agriculture man. ien. to lour mar v parts off her daugo'er will he rayt. lp- •ot.;- v iniifn •• i1! ■ ■ 'ip !■!.,' j" t Journalism Hnsli cu*cd Turkey* and Greece, members of the N n Atlantic Treaty ecvamxTUca Prof. Erich Fromm of the Na¬ nxiuned *,u p.. ldzerda 'u- horn in 1920 rluding. Amanda, thr dilapidat¬ Organization, of pursuing an aggrc&sive poln •oward the Com- R^s, XT' iau driving the tional University of Mexico and N«-w Yoik City. He received hi»> ed southern belle who is both ; e * The ;>dr»o flian brief I v Mr nak'T •« To Ht-fiin Soon munist Balkan Slates. car. receive I broken leg wnd the MSU department of psych¬ B.S. degree in mechanical m- * amusing and pa the tie*. Laura, ot- directed by !>r -A heart 4 injoru- He ;i it«1 Iiavr Titd a Sigma Phi, wnmer # * * and « ology will peak on The Iruii- gir.eerkr.g Notre Dame in I94ti. her (rippled daughter who theater fatuity. "A.. . *•».-* at .ufiuliim Iwtwrfajy, vxilt h,, lepoetied b. fod coodition In - VidUai in Modern Indu>tri.d S»»- his B.A. '.ciero «*' • klirutkrher .IdrM to Relax l.il Ike Sparrow tJ. gita'U Grvig re- t-jety" On Tnoday, at 8 :i ovia! ai spends all her time playing with let" will he under 'he direction v- cu«fi.M'i!dn«»Ut Khrushchev's Roth directors xirvo* the «p- a panel tru •CTwsed- the cen- Itrnational reputation a.- a psy* Dr. Ruvscll Nye. Pulitzer p...e port thr hipinmiorc coeds interested a high blood pressure and excessive weight and impoverished family, portumty for those intestwUd •ave recommendfd terlane ont < -•Mitrol and struck )'vurnaU«m are invited to •;* that be go more often on chologist, psychoanalyst and au¬ winner a.su hea i of the Kng.iv-b and a genial Irishman who be¬ n »u)Qat the technical holiday s and play goi ,ke President Eis* the ca- car Xi the MSU pro* thor. Tin- lecture is open to work ou ';ie. not. meet at thn time »houi4 fesaors. faculty, students and public. 'Last Lvciutc" April 1J. taller. play 1 Una tctio. contact Ncida TtuuU m ifh i gan Stale News Leltcr I.Vgcs Aclion on Congress Segrcs?alion Bill ed K',:-.- .->f the 1'S. In uniform m:?»e for anything short r.f j Rrarf Daily by .MSI '» 15.000 Student* 4nil I acutl.v To fhe Kditnr: trub free society. Ht'fpn'ix' So. 'A . . - ,> vo'e in tav-.r lif.-.-iu e >>f race, color •>• need T' f " !lis»: >'4't ' * * ptll'll •••' I • •' of ir. 'liher, :ii »n ;,uc", Immediate Anion ic(|iifv| that eaeh of you s,lf I' "•<>' »•!*• V . ,• ill.-. p . .. ' t|)-.VV IT • V 1,00(1 or ci- • > .ffk'n 1« ' ' ' •■ • '1 ■ ...... ■; • ■ The f-.m#. .„) 'r a f" • minutes of y our • tl"' Sim -, e iii'i II' • ... :i. d : >t no.re thr,n <• u- ft '■ I,:" 'ie'P.Ilx' •h • - •:. •' - • .ii •• "• r <'«. ,jjn id constructing a le"ri ,,f , year. •-! i "'h." J.. ; A J,„ r,f i t.-.'i ii-'i r • > 1 gabun enuo-eri op> mcmh s 1 - toiiiiN from Itv Ka-'t-r p» a; i-i y our senator or if-; I Thus Inlluente I nrnmmitted >cn:ative in Washington. • r . of the Arinwi K'.u in th";r a n',-. u ;* ui K^,| »n Tv. <» all paiM art.." -'n.n a* ex"i>'.e It -inula tie remembered that Vol, 31, No. 2 Monila.v, April t>. I!*•*>!» CUMIOUf-i'. > visit.* •- ' you nf the uncommitted Student* at ftlt»t,(|4 Of 'he r'uTmti v. The i-fsfiijf't-Pu'-vr*iI Rill kt.i'es the eye* A and VI ftnivrrsitx th;<: f-. 'uAinc new set•'..»« aiesK ef 'he world *ie upon In msuix "f tie-- area* Hb. .• the and Florid* fftate the idea's hr s lued to the United C'obr u'. What they see now will Cixnun.T.un foreiB ■ ■ l'nlver*il.v (icl Out ami Vote — . : -f ' i K pra, - Whi '-vc!'. h' uik a iM tMtixrt":. inneerl mllucuee 'heir futuie of a fie,, snftnlx - i ti.-ed. sthoei ' rv; ' -• ■• servie»- riae, ia: 'u employe of jde-il-w-iral committment*. j n-en *(> it "'•** h"" . .atnm and h"-t ,e 'jiuiiint, theater. t-...k 5'.,u tad re-i a Mired tha* a Vlii-hiuiin Slatr XV,.» rti-ronif"!'. o oX .a ."it) ;• o. ■ erulpu *eiti"aaxd America wit! n-r ill Slud/nt S/rvieet HmM n, NO on Annexation This Btu-tent* of Am", in the leper i« ' n".\-e '-■ Vr. , to \t»u, till- i'lin the '■ place, or U-' op. if" "I "r i• an, an,p.ii'tfi*jon 0"'-r. p'.inWe "i our- a' •• emip :u na'> . .r. lea-i B p ■••jen* ' e-.- -, ,:t- p. ed of ". n. kmc '<» our importan' is u., e. I .on. 'he p. •- 0 Piuuon^o on nass i en riiiav ivl isiv* ana sennt tmrrr.p u < »l thf.r .,. , - , t.an«ing annexation pi-t»|Mn;il.«t in Laii-ine ami A!< j i-1•.u it* affmderl :n -. p. • • S'.'Oes - • ■■ an- : r; • t- rr*i sumie.ei and** fait •• v I if-n? * b; !«*f - t'1 > i 1 -r r-ri a* i*i-,.nti cl«*« iv»t• • ibu:o- m'< r-1 them under the B b too n-hip-. Two of the proposed area-* in l.an-inu t'i\vM>hin. .■ le. in':: tran-.p'-: a }t- prr-eir <• ve*. an I ,-f 'larch :t 137's *» tha - Kr-'Cnu. : < ,r a ' gainst ay nuvnoei « the A. of Hi it IsTi us not compro- o:(ire. Kc.»t Lantuif Mich we«l of AI'hoi t Itonil ami north of (inirnl lliver, woniil i I.IM-;S: 2 pm till III I III1K PI III.K ATIOX I IIH Tl MS.. *M;il„ ► hio and inch ides the < oral liable* and Paul Itevrre .«. Mrridi.ni township, will voir on nirrger with Fast l.ansint loilav. Till IIS.. AMI I III. EDITIONS There are artnalh two \ote« re«piired for pa-"Ut.fe of earh Vrra 'It. Uir IUnrrrr*|. Vbiiollsidr district, rxlrnds north of the MON. I IH I KIN DKAM.INK: 2 p.m. I HI. nnnevation proposal. I'irst, the people in the area to he count* line. Area ill. thr Iran dor |nlf roiirse-shaw district, also a small plot of land between I randnr shopping center and Hills 1'nviilite n-12 anil !-.*» Mondav thrnuuh ftridav annexed tnn-t Approve: then, the Vote of the r«'-t ol I lie ilirludrs thr urstrrn rit* limits «»f Fast l.ansin*. Vrra <.11. the VVarcliffr- ton n-hip ix counted with the oil1's vote on annexation ami Fa*! Itrnokfirld• I'ine l.akr Rd district, extend* from just south of Him romhined vote mn*t rail' to pa-- the propo-al. VI-78 In south of | S.Hi In t tie e\ ent that a nnex'at ion of the \\ arddil t -1-I llrool, CLASSIFIED RATES FOR SALE HOUSING PERSONAL minimum IS wofdi fi hi ar« i ij approved, the tale ol tin* t oral t».ih|e- and Film luii'i' Paul h'evreo'- voiild In* lie ideil by another vn'o on f »*• Id./ 85'. FO* RENT r.Oir < U5S pi olphjl ion chanter of the Kust l.ansini» cit\ chapter in th- in\l general election, a year from November. Oscars on 71 Tonight 2 d./» J d.y, $115 || 11 • |i « i.r VVFMrvr fOOMS I'l- ATtnV * rj hW A* ' -a-, ill- *- n;- TVVM-m I'oo-ir IV mcfd DFt IV vr i-ak» . bn' * d.y, ■ $7 75 # that there i- ..inethiu" .. I HUM \Y II ft It ft \\ ftot. U renn iv* i n I I MI ItVMV S d.y, $2.50 • . fi i»- |o f and li'lh- to b« -Mined bv anno at ion ol tin e REAL ESTATE TIip central fof ili;■ f;i y nun'' V r- fo be pee. • e •. and wh.-il will vviii the nil too ilc ir.ihle "O i v ow .- i n * nirxni v ,•# t iff are.", annexation would prohahly mean the eventual for O.cK -Old ,5 i M-nfeil on television tiinighf nt !<»:.*.•». Ibither th.fii niakd j o.or O-I, 11 :"i il - f. A , i'o.«ing of the I oral tlahles and I'rvere'.x 6c p.. d.y exteii-ive predict inn* unil comment < on flip s»it»iect here. J Since student • tat lea-t tho-e over lilt are coin" to -VX I!At I '?IV ut flii-* time, suflice to s«.\ th.it the hitc.M «»«I• IImm the 'V I ,-t. * I». • . j AUTOMOTIVE e . ih. no matter what i-b-tacle- iti;iv he placed in their West cojiMt tiivnr !):ivi(l Niveii. Susan ll.i-•*ar«l, Hull l\"«, r FRAN DO 9 f~C r CO »-F v , this won'd force theoi to do tlu-ir dr'iitki a* further Vv'emlv Miller, ami "4»ijri." W heliu-i m not 'hesc -. ill In- the ro-M home end p« rhaps in le - desirable phire- than tho-e 1 l * \ -' \ I I in* ve.uT rari i- trulv a tree, i Iff Mi'.GiLl'VRAy CHf/aOLFT winners is niiyhoily'.- guess. no av ail: bit- f'or-all. ] Increased driving di taiiee, j-oiipled with le ' «h- irabh- i »l»< Kt' ★ ★ ★ MVs CMfvtOlET .. v. v- «-< in* I i t mils had lor all l'o iiolhim* ol th" not inn F- P'opl. Mn- ,, , t. ... ' . ex«»«. ' to , t i s, ir- i. n* »-f vv ifunv out a -i/e oile inve-lmeld bv the tavern owner- \ . • ? „• V ho.*. . »*•-• • '■ a oh- :* • " •'« I -.. ed i mi I if I ill- llie In addition fo the prohibitum e. ,•illMeX.P loll 111 e, •) -ontaxation and. then-bile. hi ht I I t IP to m. n -! o- SERVICE i 'lit- now it\ ing in trailci pai h , nd ol fiei hop - oe. in tin |i . nl-n| In, . .u I'full' | t amo - ■ i i .I MIAK SPECIALISTS area. ImutO.' t *l,i' Pi'. . ' n ..J I ItSb CMIvtOLir *| 111-: lifts 11 MATS of th Meridian town l«ip area '•Hie H.irtMrUo and the Uelilu'* :• * tit < - 11 »n • w, i «• Dtl'COUS S9UDNUTS Mii.tsl I MM Ml llll y I Mt flow pletlj'i d to a \eal bond I oe I h li< O!,, , .fa. )• out -• -"li U< r. • - HOUSING , . $-..•■ .or i - - • V-'t P.igli Mhool, Antiexalion will not iliminate ihj deln hut . i- Mi I k. .< --.a '• ■ - r,i I f*i » rn ?•:$•::: »♦ n * VPUDNUT SM09 FOR RCNT on! aild more tave- to the pre ent load .Mereine ot rational lacHities#i not included in th propo a! and w OUJ.I •r '. rn\t t .. ' - , • ■ c i • have t<• he dei'idetl in a • paiale vote I-,,.. #• n» ?- «■ ftroni the Pa-1 I,.1 oiiihoi! 4V I lit i N'al "Hltif '' 4 «le In "i|. latnM Hliie*'* WM. H. THOMPSOf. AND |A',r miles > »lItI IHl»i pel tpiale lo. o'.t • -.-Til. IOH.I?, - - ■ jopi.lie - t Uu pui. ■ .tit; I- j," if-.- W c Man • • M»a» .-nrr ( ' I ! • JEWELER U III!N I I IA TWftS ar< • pi e.ol in to tFt Mar'mlLlivBAV v'MfvllOlfT iinlotluig the fo opie t*d aniuxalioii. the n» I Ir • f . • In I... . \\.. • » • \ 11 ' • : f -: |s,r • in t he pi c ell! t P al e.t '. 1 rrn ' oil . .. \f - . « • • ! on. an- .1 • a ..i. tr» • ..*ia . " ! , . i: . ae <. the hrunt of the l I.an-nie tax burden . a ! - un - vh i.i.a # Win: I M I'PC lit I IMi vt'tltl Al.he I.ana In "tflararalifn" In I iv ht *•' tin- . nd of I he net.! t m * ■' villi» »t u ? i w il hut I li" pi ♦ - ill i P \ iiinil .■inn . I i.mi to be l| it * 11 tie) I ilileotal than Oemlui.ti t ' M . If. •• U b - - ... I • a.. : I LOST "and FOUND I A - -ir. .. h t A- »• "uS, , dent - ami firofici I o« m i -. ! . . H I to ■ > *>:•? r • , :,Xr Ilhoo" , t til out and Vole fotiai. hip V«(f • \n .1 IV Mil S | >1 rt'OltllM. M 14lit I ah f allot, at ot M I out. SPaSTAN AVIATION INC T. ,l». • r. fi if-i. In EMPLOYMENT to? I I VM I'llMMI^IM. MVVfMWIK's Hrailf.Oft iniimait and f hn«- ' \ ei nit.%! »ii rtn i« H: i • .' : 9t> Pufermtil line I airrr 1 S#» r«-i .1! .V|Ms | MM \lt|M| s lilt % VI \ I If VIMMIM M t < "sitip am- • * rex P'fM.# IV « ii. . >» •l-gM Irg.airi ekgH*» 4 Of in« Fee* 3 i S»;.,n Cgpdgt C*, A.rfA't IV * * 1 \ liar t««ina wr' , - t !: . ,n i.ol • R.ur 91 Manner ef 'MtUt * I I' I It " > v X. , hnfftm »«tpp.n< M'C* S LAUNOiONA* II C«ndi«iUit IV In- >,* VV Ml: s I Ml It I f I MK Vlrritn I e|tm ))■ t,.r H. f... Ma k ' I J- I'Un pit D§09 OF* FO« SCLB Sl»* *» P Xp..t vi nrd» V\Mlt s | V|| | OMIt V VI V I II IIM4.VV \s|| VIm- a- a.t».>. ■ ' A « , ...g Ir I PERSONAL 1 14 Samu«l t. II MikH la f t , a g |..g- , . , ' •• r < l»> ,i»T«i"U .uir • •• mentor fieen VIMSI I I |i|( KIM * II VIKMM ftlonma Y i ... ■.« , H art,. :>r...ie rn W| S9SCIAU7I IN DRORCM II VlMI Of f 4! Pro*!#,') ALL VITIlANS IUNDl«{ >0( S'UDCIt 44 I'ethPT II. loiart WnviAN lAt'tltif-.i tt) A* en. « famtiv 4V Inlet.e SmIiiUioi fo 11 til i«s |*ii#al« VIMHI I V^IIIMN Vll|.I C'lKSTI VII .Iran Suiuiinii* i ou»ht Ore-- ,» »» a - a..-,.i . Ti •••..* »., • ' ••• in II M. tore If » t' |l cf ;OV . . • i rxerntr.M ro rams *in r* Ahoiit; 47 Beholtl DOWN V I -el p a III. V| fill III.VI. (MVIVIIMVKV of •, II. P.. , -,,K torn, i ii'titM'ilnnfbrp r»»- 19 Mev.ni 44 Ha I t ttfi nou* < .pie t ( be * Mr O't. Pt KD j-?rc |».ll»H lire Press ... . Mi.e VS., I , H*•»*.*- Sh.-.l.i ■ iin, «•font 30 Sltoviet# tubiiante |o J-piae.v •• •- V x . , 1 , | lilt so,.!i u .... p,, .■ " V u A UK) Htn iC'iiir «» >0 B * c I • n i • • 31 lAt-ept ? l't v tnawrl It liane.o; ID MP? F lien 31 Chop I»l ^» llll I « Ml llll VI vi: I Mo , vio —O 3 N»t,-a rube I - -» . IJ W (ira'irt F tl C*he»en by 9J Bu: . *' . M ■ v:. • p.; t ,\|; ,a IV *MM) M VI I - ! VI»#X I Ii.d^ a y tl ' r vel# •upet Actelly 4 Word of " P t I. t* . , K ' V. I W alt, ;» n*>h-.,.ii •• 84 » hnwn I M.tun.iT !> I 'All >K r ,|« ' • i »0U» 1* A# tn n ' ■ • ' • - - 'a I iui-M',1 . ' l - - .a' f i ami 3V C holer 3 V cor •' -t t R'Ciro u» *»D OHi.mr I? tnhebiient M *• Ptnetrat* s Tiiu p»»l# ef tulf* 22 i >iam 7 F.mm/t • CO MS 99 37 Mm t I,me- -I *#««ilv nickname 9 rermfiil iy>.»aLi He*.a ag T~ T- ~ rr- :« Uta»v :• !»»#-» ( i'- :Ef U s- LdoH-'iif fioMi, (. UNSIN6 LA.JNOl' ■ r j 2.4 lit- v 4 \ i .. r. TRANSPORTATION h ... it 30 1 >R *t»v i ijpiiv- * >'> '• r r HU»r W A V I » u lo < lr .r-4 "• an.'.if It 32 Mu - i \ to': v. i tncikr exit li «t>U br, x a, ■Natal,/ y.U i-*,g| H i ♦' it ;i 17" 71 ' i vK , — i Al'I'K- 1 .FlU t to...-: "l- ■ f FOR RENT 9 . P.- H l j I*. WANTED .Ci. » wl'l !>. i1 » fi • -.r-a i •> 1 i.fTn 34 A **i .»*V * x| I l»f"« »- • i „ . THiS is ot* US t|*M! MARHirn srrnrNT* 14 j... R>-nm,ni e\r>-t'0*r a tt-» Hf r 154 1 " .4* \ C. » • n . * > "r \ TV^f'.VAITtRS ALV WNts ,a» ^ FO I- agr »■> or. ? r *rw vriri?*'* - r ■ "•% ot.r* ■ 1-.' *t ••'••ntder marrieig »uh I? «egr «li4 »»- rnapla a' • • e- "jbi* *-d •;D-'g*" tn i •r -• » * #• * «>- ^ ;ii h« h.i,j -n h'S h*.mF~paMiruiA-f ^ " r B'.iLE ■ 4v Z 4 ?• 1 ♦ • -•r»r n —• thr." Al thr Ca — pu* " F : t r»e«r '• •' • ■" •ame pa .tragi • c-' • r-i-i • Ort'art »' n F'-d Nte* t ■* R" -•* » '••>". »•' r«>* » ill e* 4«ir-» reix-ri! c burr.v fa* •' ^5 k f 41 t v 'lit.3 " FOR SALE 2 VV .-r-rn J fy,-t *UA#V ruvarp w F*>t I in i-.I MM!* 138 w -1" *: Bifti* 4 Ml r do m. ^vxn Ate,! ft-nnV# ,p. jx< t'llf mi » HMdi ,ho yiu puyb.,1r. hi. 'V inuar. Snuih riRNtsttrn apartment r"s » 43. Wei oxer* | h\ wir-.» Junr to . IB .,»r;i i "l* I Voornriii month* h fond nart.n ii»,lhtia*« .Man, ,,i„ir Trtll I, . K> in '•*' Hi- , Ha , J-iXo, VrlU- wmii n Piinne FO I-JSJI. «M. 2*»4 c* 11 IV! 4b l'o.or u nr.). I. a*t ..... Ha» iki.iiKLt Kr.t-cnalilr t»r.n- v |V H Aiki <, ' • • • ■ ■ i> * H.nl it i 2-:j -Hi 4 trr ,. 'at ' S* K / L' Aii l : i |\SMM: . . . . ( AVIIM S I't.VSSlPM "V r J it ,i »M » »#*;•< xhionai ■ i' vie >> ! ■ ■ , I Vi'i -I *13, iJi t- Luh.x.h,, ! . . . HH.it itF vt»r KMia* . • • .. Wi..l , tU J-iCtt. J i « * » HlXiii j, a. . LOW cusi... 9 14* » \ _______ Bill short of | MK tiifiW «r\Tr vrw« (loiivo lo Diseuss Leadin«; Health Problems Xoril «. Page The# Missiles, respect fu of f you ore Much lor let'ri ynur of • Muse f h:i n !Ml speak" t.ilk on "the fhffrrmre l»r- SPECIAL TO MSU STUDENTS highway *nfrt>. ■ are Com n 10 tils - lor or if-; turrit Looking and Serins '' •;u mrd.i -chool hc:1 orida at n«»iui4 l'nlvrr*jh Slat* :ts On ilerlin tic III .,:th (' itttf ;.utiuMifiiyn" llu.-.l ('onuirrue Wednesday and Tiuii** at !•:• "0-4 tfnore. who U nali«»n.Ot» f.i- titotis for hi* \y rcscinli 111 auto, ON M.I. It \J.I.I(IMIM IIWCK COt RSKS mobile crash In unit-* will \F Chief Savs U. S. tiot The cum rut result in B» \«. 1 believes crisis -a id .in tic John I: Momr. djrecrnr ..? c,. l'H\i t *1' \ < A "'' "'o *pcj'k at the annual conference until la. r man I ..inn.. ARTHUR MURRAY ilr Nmi ( ! •-!! T ft iu* \ ftr«carch ( n'< • banquet Thur«day night, lie will Irengtll May Deeline MSI' nrliuinHtcH' .'10 • rta Hnild ti| was n hcid -:if of *;•« ..kci •: . i. Mr .no I'm. 'Uti. iMS'i. fla.'s M • •.* tup I'S officio (Jctm.m> p :. . • 'utnaihl* - tcrrr.g *,. \> \i.I \M; S iirtv unra H i'.c.i!!; flu u«»t 1. *•, the United State* may lost* the streiiv'*- deter . rc.i The conference will oner f-*Srtinff 411 '.| IV 01 •1 •• l Iff.'SlI • i four phase* of heallh. Sessions front war unless it boosts produc■»ion «»l iaiul . •. Am 1 •> 1 nod hi "do otisy-fO'H ottr MS* *'•'* Ktl'i! *' on Wednesday, covering rural ths f. oid I t»'t th he v. - 1 : \ health, community and *ehon| (I lad ti- Milton Mueidc .:»'i o! W- will be conducted *imultan-on*- fhr force uhich is m. • (. (Jb-4!' of Scirri'. ,%-f* .ted—which 1 *n> "»M N in- in Ith ifled "i km* It. Store than KOi» delegates are r\pected to attend the various LENSES I1.0 f he ' I'rn'agnn is programme » p ep ...,n hiiur talks and disensslons. II IMII.S NOI COST \NY MOIIK to STORK Mil It 1- '!( i rill i •' Oc U-;i,i\. • adequate ... I uan" . •' ii ghwa^ »nd I want it fa«tei. 1 to ' C.I: I ' 0 H i». if! is •'cn'-ncu- 1 .i^d (COITIIs NOW A eked testifying for it *' a ri<*"d \rls to Mrrl, nt i tn IVnfM Wat II Mean ^luel- riivt> cd T' V.MMC >1: •(!.« ' • il.clilding III \N IT Will. IN J| NK. f>b 1.1 said whn' ■». drr received the I II\M YOI i; (IOIIIIS I.I.KANKb AN 11 SI OR Kl I faster and Include* B^l! and BIS -n hm'o Flan Activities and was cited lot • on eptring Itie of tteril NOW l»ro>» I f AltPI I Itlrh deter¬ tet bomber* and A' <« \M»P\Y r menial baltist.c nr - For Spring mined the compos ,M, ,Mr| NEXT KM I - of military *o\r- mrni unil* t heasily cenc«,ro» tc*- - thronihout the I uf a* made public Sn-ida . Ciermanv. rune I'll K I I' \s NKKbl b IN nil: CM C. he was asked hn« lip. he considered his rer- Ui. IAL 9 m 1 jations, Power said. "I on are Just riskint the t.« n<*d a *ci c colli;(;i: cli:aj\kks ■ country. Thai Is How • » ft' ! ii» and 'in r i ■ nn iff .it | feel It l«. If toil i" ( h one •»••»»» i ..it • safe •aw# «-• deter I the Soviets 1 on¬ s|' lis llf »>\ CM' - •• 1 tc tla-t| • comfortable |.«7gA h«'. going te win a thermo* kci ;i t ip III ' 1.11 h #harked lis Wallaces fATE nar." emendou* di«-n\ • e on. 1 •< »n 11 't vears of dependable 620 W. MICHIGAN MIVE-IN PH. ED 24713 optical service the Aineri.-an (•» <.».;c m y tple say their ■* a > tip ihm wmmn l»H W f ll\«|N- rSiC4N0I TRIPS r-ynf a va" ■ ema'e . . W-' he It I c .pa- \( r lire ri-iiib l»K H ( lltM Si fin. . -ont pa«tU; a f.iria v. \V(> ■ in Wa'er < .«t l»K I It N|\ON •» tnmoiTow The Vets %**n, al*«» offers a lo i cdii fed for manned a 1 h. tuioring sera ire. a s«ho|«rship. and diseouni privilege* to its th-rji fl'«h a l»r». ihr 'hng MTII' toll. I / . Fur Sure Wins, it's •e _!he* ,m d* can radais be put wain of m ,■»- 'he members. the transition from military to It attempt* to make dereess' Ahimir or Que'- ifiCfior si!, p, ,, WALLACE ramping outfit, fine at loo IMB'a ballistic m .>•: c«. college life *n easier one. . daily rate Wnt# » fw rasoa OPTICIANS BINGO the fore.«ec«hie fu' i«» , \ trau'fm and m. n.cnt tr p pianmrg k t. ma tt* rales v» « ,1 • s »• tnvi • •• «" end tpS (in is make • <• tr pt. too'i fast |.anting ch 1 Mg ami J" »■ - Berdtr loke> State I heater Bids OitOtflng I'.OM SS'ctM •'*#. FORMATION i.e preM-r »• -,in h p.O. (OX St* u : Y. MINN. f.anting in: \. Washington [ pni nn t% o A- Pario* A. t'm • '1. • n Ip-St A LISTS hf and mi-' sfui,-ki ^-ld up-.- UOMUTS iii ati iii nt or* RATION :a . 1. n ft- iioroi< ' pa .1 ENGINEERING STUDENTS Kverv TKNTH (lusloiiHT W ilis , f'gthohe Student t en* f. Ifetena «'»«ffee I ft VtMtlt ll.NNIft A a A •' \ Jh-:-.-t -os huntltig r-ei'cs'. t I. ai r.. .« a . J TRIANGLE His (!oiii|>ltTe l)rv ( leaning Order Worn en a 0»m X ' dance <«rirt ir»*" ed ofs»-d« are a^k'-d I". * • me .s;,-.- •» •'H'iul l! | him I« «»r 2 •kirl* this short mee'.'g }U p.. .fit (I.IUtC! Krslrrnily for Kngiiicrr* I0rr Ca«li RiTnnil FREE! 1 n * »f .sp III* ic- Vll llirir or 2 «wealer« 2U3 Men | |M Ian i* 1^ a .»» el. lo 0|»cn Ku«h Smoker* Oil Ml llrv Clt-aniog p- j«A-r» ut V.'.V.V.-.V.'.V.V.SWAV.V.-.V.V.'.V.V.V.'.V/.', TUESDAf AND WEDNESDAY, 7 TO 9 P.M. sl I Inn I .i*li bi-i'oool FREE One Hour Martinizing No fool!ill pbyrr* giving iIiiioiIi-krr-lling ili'ition*lnilioii<. Gallon C«k», Root Brfr or Ormc No Cain; VARSITY DRIVE IN < 12.11 I Grand River ( all 111 lM~(. t l Ride I ..r (KI> 2-6."IT) lVWW.WAW.VA,.V,,.,.,.'.V..V.V,V.' JUNE GRADUATES Mor#hii*nm blnndm with nhipu'rivkH ekgra#» ■Ailnrtt insiRl on C'umrU than any nthrp 1I0MS' rigarptfp today. It utands to rpanon. thp hrpt tohftrro mftkrf* f hr brst imokr. Order Your Lf Sl»v *» Thp t'amfl bl*»nd of costly tobarron never been equalled for rich flavor and 1 drop CM iTuDlNH eauygojnK rmldnenB. So wonder Camel Bvonr« »nar>

»•. * fS. II Mlt-mr.w At,,„ IVI stirr mm* r.T»..T Vii'ir lv v !" n.-tlrt Vi lues •M i chimin i St it; i: Nrws . SjKiriwi Metiers Lose Jumpin" John Gel s < ;ini-.ti- Clavifictl. . . . !■"«' <'> To Georgia, Weather Additional Honors r n TONIGHT 7-2 Whipping Wind* I p Sonlltcni' Tour! Drafted bv Knickerbockers; liniil Mill Ituini'il Out Willi Sliilr Ahead !!■ Pros Also Choose Amlercgg SPAGHETTI FEAST A hcKer-thHii-nvpniyp Univrr-i'v »»f Geoiyjii loom n»m* P • oral Cubic-* l.iiu'il with itn untimeli Pain in 1><-M tl"- .MSI tcnni< d-jimi winlrsjA i.j th«* la-?' ii- - hiiIutii winy. Bv C'lllCK RICHARD* Evidence 1« rapidly mount In? which Indicate'* tha* 1 Any . Ccor-aa ivri t-i- w. e (ireeit i* the best basketball player ever to come . 21 Koto Room , .Miehiyan State University. \> i! i a 7-2 tiiuinuh. Shite was The 6' .V ecnter with a knack tourney trials and Ml \ tut Cun K;il ■ m thwarted in an at'cmy! Green to a berth on • c sou: r?i tea i for .jumping straight up in t;te • , lick tin a vicMry in Hie which will represent the ' jt.ni. s">c p.m. when JOHN IIOUNt: .-iir higher than anvonc in the States at the i.; 'kf loin Dan-Am i 11 >'-r. rain ciu-tailed the rni c- v. ..i Poster Huffman w:»* the lone winner for AIM hi the *»ng!r*. He tleffatr l Charles Itrsan. fi-1. I ,,, and still champ... ii I nil i. • li Sine" '55 country hai been henned with i» s Snhth. Hon Ales<-ill. Bob Sai- s. i k and ItiiRer I'latelihoef were alrnrbhUi defeats in their vets. Home Keeps ha1! (ireen campaign in history (19-41. 3\iaga/.ine was earned to the Look All-American squad the National Another Spartan. Boh Ba*ketbal| x n*: egg, has done well for ) ht ten W< • r.O ISo\inu ami ftiehard boxer John II w Home v is Me <• dx pl.iirr with double the number in the lough professional »i-i. rencating r »H of sole* of runner-up M. C. AI 6' 3". Anderegg is tn.i \'U,.r • hi ii t< - >! ' . ha tip:., a? 'he M'AA lourna- d • Bin top of Michl*an He was to play forward nnd not ov»' the v keiirt, pi -kng • nterl also named most valuable i; ,i •j, h n lifuiMK- ptvformance of iioiv i;tua| a- tde.i- t no rle fii- :i "co. h's w d eigh: Hub Epjhm "ft. Scaitan midd'e- ;'...;uht < la«s. national er in the Mideast regional tour¬ nament in which the Spartan* pi a: * enough to play guard. Some expert* doubt v Green can shoot well ' lark tlx placers . were eliminated htr Louisville. • c. ht. lost hi- se-iti-fina! liout. from outside to stick eve . >..11 cm swing He pr'"» ■ N>. Mst* f. ii he i centh in tnc fIreen great ability under 'I •itou I» . S- '*h a; wa« by far thp greattvt SPIN m c • with 10 po.''.-. San J n bounder in State's ket. history and II ' ■ t :■ • teaiu v'r, no.-iMg ;auks (hied in a!!-lime scoring i I ta'no S'.'i'e. *-!!!? ln-c rid Julius MiC'ov ami *1 Wall W in- llii'icr. —tigers Lose* ,)•(/ ni Horoe. 'liil- he.I un beatc S;.. ; a-M-nto sit -e ! ha A S'a'e's Ferrari .three seasons. with 1,062 points m Itn llol Filial Houn • i;?f VhKNTOW P' *n N Tavali-ro T ' i. — f' ■ his chamo* N'ationat- audiences have b«en f H.ave W9 r r . lot- hip \ . He ■ . -1 the !«"'« xeoing more of Green the !a ' AL'Gt'STA. Oa. I Vt—A ,v i• i• *r\oi notice vu v; ,< 1 w«»n the Mastrr? golf 1 • . ii'. :i .- a u'!C:« of M chiyan f riavt. His outstanding ulay > for hi - o;.« li State ia boxing tea-- 12«» went Sunday. b\ *h Oct in J pi I- . < • \.»••• its points nnd 27 rebouniis m on five of the last six t I -m' hy ;hu''.:11; of The ■ - port w as tii..;.,,ed f;i-m tne one game I helped the Col'eue T. 5-n, h.' itv the final round. Six >• -a; i-u » \ \.. nf'p a t .season. A -Stars win the Pan-Amernan behind the leaders, he f with a si^-under par li¬ the Augusta National ecu- C a 72-hole M ddlecoff were score of and Arnold t'i second and third, i 21?I K and 28ft A wonderful match 31: NBA IT.AVOKF SO E Another won.lciful match i«: \oii. and peiietiee is neressary. You'll he paid one GelUlii.v .» job where voil can J»ut to ""C ■ ii tine salary while learning. You'll meet YIKXHWN HHID T V.oir mili.itiie ami college e.lin atiou. Know where to lindil' At Michigan Hell! exciting new friends. You'll !»*' working in pir.itaiit surroundings. You'll receixc of our I OK III l.«S IRISH DM InihililGX TiibiIm M.\iran Kakri V'. the telejdionr romj»anv h.i* a regular raises. more po/mlar *.i\r4 l»4tt< %l*« Avail*1 TOKItKS In Take Oul " prr.it \.irirt> «»f f-wf itialing |"li- for \\ h\ not pet all the detail- about thf S A I, E em.irt.. loimg women and alert minds. with lacl, jwji^c telephone joh for you? Uall "rolleet'* ot write to Miss Virginia IMiillip*. 42t> llrilish Im/torls Aou've nothing to lose—everything Industrial Hldg.. Detroit 2f». telephone 19.95 S to gain with a telephone job! No ev WOodward 3-W00, Uxt. JllU. for th. man whn rarp^ tnough EYE HI-LITE In ».ar thr »»ry l>»»l MICHIGAN BELL TELEPHONE COMPANY . , . T Dr. Joseph B. Cuts! QiirAimni aMilt » MEN'S A LADIES' FERNWOOD •fa STATIONERY QUESTION': REGISTERED COLF CLUBS 1 would be very haj t get contact lenses evvn t let f»tr|t*iliiwli $ aimiu* *haft« *rt iiicludr* I 95 they are more expensive | U wo«nt. | Iron* ami bag. Itec IIKClUKItiai IJOI.I :u.;o 23 IIAI.I.S — ;i f.« 51.0(1 ALL EASY TO FIND ALL PRICED MONT ... .... . regular glasses, about the expense of changes? ANSWER: but N \u< ntatx \ xi i i; Tu all uku atocereh euatoct lenaee, expea-* - aaS imp aKraya been serf Hue ever wheu yw ( MATCHED TARDET AT arj. I FIELD ARROWS to thtok tBiat run tori generally laat ahuut 19 < reus, then yuu will at xariety of prices, that they are cheaper 0 a tame tu Van's for all ruaveutiuaal spectacle*. CAMPUS BOOK STORE *uur sports needs, also Send inquiries to m-% N - shiMitinc -arm - bow guard" llnvn strings to 192*5 doien Or.JtMpliO. 9Pluutfiiat 919 Pie99ia BMl SWT Mar I'JI ■ S:M - WEMESMT Til I U. ACROSS FROM UNION •to 9 Mlctogaa I Lauatoa. Mica Tft BTatoMU 9-sai f "r;f; - '■< MICHIGAN STATE NEWS Your'Key to Better Values . # . April (?. IWfl Tjs, High Readership 'Art Not lor Words State Board of Agriculture Names Campus Classifieds . . . OPEN WEDNESDAYS "TIL 9 I'.V Warner First 'University Professor' But for Experience' IVufc-.-oi IV I.lovd War:. " i: Arna'innal reputation to the SHEPARDS... V I del :ow i aiiihr '. .- MSP faculty. Art I* to be experienced, not learned, two Michigan State eiologirl atit'q. . has be.-u Warner, who will teach gradu¬ professors emphasized Sunday on Viewpoint over WKAIl¬ iad in. Dwrn Bralnard, azsutant pro¬ more insistence on education in de..i::t.;;ted P,..!, Warm r. c'-. the MSP fir-t < n: • • LN.nei *> :... : ;na:. >! ate courses Rtpdurss and Public Service, Is interested In applying the re- in the College of SAND® OF BOilO.N v trailyn fessor of art, and Edward M< - tin- ('■• n.-lilttv ou 1ft -a.n IV' t senrrh tools of sociology and an- art MK'ov suggested U ■' 1 »p-i enf aI tin- P a. •' "! Ihropology t » hosines, and in- IIASUII.WS Coy. assistant professor and l cad of film production at the mUrfi ha« been Mini ::lmut the C'nicag'1 '■' i'l J' - the ' '; " ibi.'n. explained llean Alfred Newest, rurvifst, »tih -f, Audio-Visual Center, criticized artist's responsibility ?<. t„. P'»l!c • o- I'"-i.'* i P »- Seelye. head of the College. . ! S<- Scot I .-. P;-.:- Irvele-t. bestest little heel* • ho verbal approach to con¬ •The artist\ br.-ic re.>.u -ibih*-.. c in. • sit;. Pre fc f : fV havi . ■•c'rfe . | • I • a > Plliv< I" !t.v Pi'-if' did \nd temporary art. lie said, i- P» hin. «•:f. The o."- vimi ever see. -co If. -.troli in llu.-iin-.- A 1- i; • .i •> more than 20 mflm jst's only rcspon il».!.t> '•» . : • . "Art Is not message*.' said i . produce art. muwsrtfation. !- remarried a .-a litem ynu will . . . because McCoy, •'Painting* arc not cryp¬ ,• ?. n i.e.;; seh »'-•» ' in 'he stud.. "It Is not so much a question The tit! P ivt-r. ,tv f'v '< '■ tograms. poems are not rneiph- cu."ne.il ''fftjc*ure and \m- licv're major shoe neat, of 'learning the vocabulary' «»f i-H'.'/i-i i, '} i A". !$•» r i rrmrnti, Music is not Morse • i- y.ivan >■' the A' ?erb an modern art." McCoy added, "as . «i»de. avd indu.-Vi.il a? onl\ Sandler makes »l. It 1% a question "f the public's d i "I he habit of resolving a work of art Into some verbal del eloping 4 ric her b H it : ItiAenlue fa-hion, ju«-f meant for through Intercourse «Uh ail. expression of It* meaning la not Itrend does not tell the bod* shoes hke tnp«»\ IIIXES l\0 \ a I Id and raises questions about how to grow—It nourishes tin- the condition of our enmmunlra- lion* aelenre. hods Art Is a nourish, too. \nd if society has a soul, the artist Michigan Stale University As advertised in &>i nifmi. liERKSllIRi: sr. tMI.I.SS • We have a perfect right to Is that soul." HOSIERY ti v to 'put » work <»f art' into Pointing out 'hat, de>.pt'e ' • FOREIGN FILM SERIES words, but we should realize prevailing ci i'.ci-nic "f ' that 'hi* is like carrying » pic¬ ♦ here is proah'v more he a!'! ture »f «ur wlvea In our w allet. divergence <»f f' nnal .style " It i« a token only." content in paintin:; and '••• "THE UNHOLY FIVE" THEV WERE Brainard declared that in ture than at ni:\ p rev ion ' • • i history. Hrainard -a . in ' CALLEO-LED BY AN EVIL GENIUSI «•**<■ way* the gap between i artist* and the public continue- dome evidence "f the .nil-' to widen as there i* more and acceptance of re-ponsiih'. ..iiiiiiiUHPiiiuiiiimiiiiiiiitiiiniuiuiiiiiiiiiiiHiuiitiiiiiuittiMuiiiifi inn SQUASH small woiulcr... H 9.95 SIGMA ALPHA MU The " Protestor' The "Maior" "Lmm" "llarry" "Ooe Round ' huge success The h i v-npei' WELCOMES eyeryoxe to j-frr mm »te g-nr I < t wh.--. The, laMers VcoiO, .....in, AlIC GUINNISS IV TECHNICOIO, OPEN RUSH i ( Hrili-h ) 10.95 TONIGHT Monday and Tuesday. YOI R I.IK C IRO IS YOl li ai iRt.l - i l'UTE FAIRCHILD THEATRE .0 P.M. I'MUN HUM;, April 6 and 7 RKFRKSll.MKiN IS Will. IlK HM. SFIIUai as 7:110 * 0:00 P.M. Ailiiii»ioii: .10c S20 S. Washington Ave, I anting \KeparJ< Jh^es HIT K. Grand Ri\er "East Landing . M11 rtt liitif tin ill nut tin tun tttttitit 11 it tt it ttiiiiiiiiiitHtit < nut 111; in 11 u 11 > »i« > LF.C. . ANNOUNCES SPRING RUSH OPEN SMOKERS ALL HOUSES ON AND WEST OF ABBOTT ROAD 7 -10 p.in.. TONIGHT ALPHA CHI SIGMA ALPHA TAU OMEGA KAPPA SIGMA PHI KAPPA SIGMA 311 Evergreen ir.l Evergreen 221 .Mirliiguu 2.'$0 N. lEirri-oii ALPHA GAMMA Rl!() DELTA SIGMA I'l PHI DELTA T1IETA PSI UPSILON 30H Alilioll Koail .'527 liillere.l 020 Cum lev HOI Vi. Grand River ALPHA KAPPA PSI DELTA UPSIL0N PHI GAMMA DELTA 211 W Ilruiiil River .'$.'11 THETA CHI Evergreen . .'I'll Mirliignn 1.73 Aldtull Ruud ALPHA SIGMA PHI FARMHOUSE PHI KAPPA PSI 120 Evergreen .720 Sun-el tgme , •>22 AEINIII Kii.HI ar. LEGAi. PLEDGiNC; DATE: SUNDAY, APRIL 19, NOON /'or Further Information Contact I.F.C. Office m Wi