He A Candidate Tlie Wcal1ici* I'd il inning Now Open Partly (luudv, Warmer For Claw. Al.'S(! IIiieh liMiay „ i;j Offices Serving MSl! f ur .111 Year* l.otv .Monday 10 i.i/ij. nlt N». •' KAST LANSING, MICIIICAN-TI KSDAV. AI'RII, 7,~195<) PRICE 5 CENTS MERIDIAN ANNEXATION PROPOSAL VOTED DOWN ☆ .a. K •;T State Board Name Gables, Paul's Change Cinch To Stay Open Huff, Bjornseth Lead «*1 id®* M fki; 7-rrfm-j^s ' Ml Ike Hints MM* ■ Professor Thomas Wilts Voting for Ag Board Jobless Seat oil P.L. Gitv Council Democrats Lead Ib-lunis A proposal to annex flic Wanlcliff-Kast flrookficlit are:t For Most Contested Posts Decrease of Mrriilian to\wi1 <-4 •! Press Rushes v, i I'ulveralty Board of Trustee) eeenied a cinch to gain ap- Figures Today 430 .t. rjd • . a.• l'.w - , |- • oX .V T . troval, • t. M' A <11 l\T,Tn X tie.ugh K.-t L. i •V'l ?' To Interview • .. Offensive I?l th# hattl# for position* on •" '• 0h7 fc- a .» vI,* AV I . S. AIR I one | in\est- . .,;i, iin.u ■ tu» untverritjr governing, board, l'r ddrnt I , •nh.. ' (T M .n. l:..tin? hnarl i/ Tor \v ,'•• ;ri ' n a •:-» ' iV.trnl l.t, f n|. rati# candidates Karl annexe I reqiiucd to d«v [U'MU !-»u'U ornseth led ahead of tnd Warren Huff Republican bp- On Crime new report t.oti Hi- na- nf jnv subtest inn Hut lie *n«| Fi- ■ .irilintiin* famih Aiere fr- Dalai Lama the In proiy.-fi!. Lansing fownshin. th# an¬ ti«Hl * pu» -ij! ;i;if iofl, Tiii;*»*!if »pon«ile for humping Ni\ sen ire nexation propo-als cnents Frank Merriman and were aptit. returnir- tn t!»r | Successful men Tinal lumbant Arthur Rouse with a "ttlistantial cut in tinem- . s. frnm IXilril i;»i|.kin- tallies showed that Ho* Jjp.tn en emergency le«\e. The towmhip favored annex iti m avy Democratic voting in J>loyment, hmrtl pi,ire I tlie M.uue on nil Vl.iv Not C.Miiniriit for the IHnerrest and \hhnti- Tr iirnin 1stralive ] IVuyn# county. WASHINGTON IVI — Federal «f : vi er •« l«' i- • • ' " f . , • a r rrer. side area, pit to 196 oilt of c '.3 ■» ? '. -r recistered voters. At 1 a.m. this morning 1.331 prosecutors from around the na¬ , u. . xku' UK!.in — r. v. tion fA- ri'< i t were told Monday a year- \ . 'Bu: * Mcikih. dirccior i recinctft had reported. Huff reflect i, if- • ,--V r# » German Paper old offensive again* big-time a d- ..v ..» F. >• .. ote bi- rid B;ornacth led the voting 4.7PO0U J - 2"".0'«u Ial ions for India's foreivrii crime has shown gratifying re¬ THE mi nVALIXTk vylag for th* Mr. title wish each • , i, .If I* i 3(mi nun . s • •h 173.981 and 166.892 votes sult*. They were urged to keep » , ."oie niini-lry. traveled t.» the . other good lurk. One will be picked during fntermi»«ion of • i H.sti-ict Hpinster's L-e u-uai prupo'.i A .t pectiveljr whil# Republican up the good work Spin. April it. The candidate* are front left to right. Jim Bhrnen, northeastern frontier '/one mdidataa Merriman and Rous# ailed with 157.32? and 149.an« and Atty. Gen William FBI Director J. Edgar Hoover joined in saying this to Roger* Grand Rapm. junior; Mor«hall Fridmore. Dravion Plain* junior; Dirk Heuy. Arbor junior; Jerry Front, Lake wood. Ohio, junior, 0\ drop nf more tlun lhi»%r proportion* wj* indirjtrd — at Says Nikifa's .Monday to break—or not to break—the story of the I la- ,x lilted I.f the Jl! C. . J ' I..' : •• v and Jim Cheney, Bay City aophomora. Mining from the lea«.t from the fanfare plann-d r F Health's Failing e I ' -M • v ote« in that order. 94 U. S. attorneys gathered for pieturo la i Lama and the Tibetan . ; Is Boh Tuft* Grand Rapids senior. for mi* riling th- fig a re*. ■ -rn; I.ans.nu • In tha voting tha |,m- on nam# their annual conference with the hr*t time, the %tati«tir* w 111 revolt. • a mf7«:;. : : hang# proposal 71,752 vot«w in Justice Department officiate. avor wat tallied with 45.310 Both Roger* and Hoovef No Air Violation* hw rrlrisrd at ne«% confer IT.' LIN' ' r f. . r .. ' : - I'.r.c. M'd « • 2 '87 1.1.:I A ' eiiie. |»r. Seymour Wnlfhrin of * •' S • !•«• . gainst after 94? pracincta had stressed tha need for unceasing • . r K.Oi i , - >'•'! ' a" tl»e labor lleoartmrnl will con- > XV,-. • .lout ; ... ■ .11 K« ' n ' portad. co-operation with state and lo¬ «"h n.i* Red r « din t it. i« ♦ ;i I h < e;»ir ■ "4■ i*i • a-d 'he K. e.r ( Charge Denied . Thirty-flva thousand of tha cal law enforcement agencies :n i be ha nj.uni-.u. and •hen hi ot) dixtrjet V. '< '•••• -t •* "i n «• --n^'uVil c.ca- -. a- p.is i-u, 2 di 43.000 vote# a garnet Hie name the anti-erime drive that was .« .-lit ■ .•*! N< de.lu ot! ii ni. fae kn-.« n a,".. r:c . i '.«#t J • >1 1 • :t . -I - hangs wars ua ouutata pre- kicked off in Ajiril 1938. ;.» (i' l i'le ».Ti .!! <0 1,0 « the vt • ii..... . iKu... * V..i • 1'. .11 : ' T> i.> ii, incts. Despite gains m the past year, WASH IN P)V 'Th, t'.S. f!re1 S.I" • n .1 : "•Am .H * ■ . .» .1 u a 11 c • George F. Jward* they said, the crime problem cm''i. utckly opened up a wide and atill is a big one The under¬ Jection of > •let charKfs nf sir .puc violation .Montlav inn| tl - ,.p :• f! : ./ said Momo r»it Waehlnirlnn. I. dimntlnir rli»nce» i.f V.I- srures of fnrrisn r or respond¬ In the iialtle for seats on the ■ creasing lead m hi« hid for a world is taking about 22 billion .tic. ents line flocked to Indu in re¬ I is| h:.nsin« ( itv ( oimcil. one rat, full eight year term on the dollars a year from decent ci'i* cess at t h# •minif (ieneva talks on Grrrnany, I! ' r cent weeks and reported tlie MSi pr ifessor was successful ate supreme court. tens, Hoover told the prosecu¬ State Dep.. lent pres.* officer n !v. Tiiietan revolt from *n.ir*e hits while two other* were defeated. Hia running mats. Justice tors. Lincoln W te denied *Mf t: s V|.-' -.Id • Pf. « Com lull Crnr I'irr* r • . r ... released by the Indian govern¬ G" don T .fohn Voeiker. tagged along at Roger* reported that, aa a »e- belivvc* ti r t";u. c for ion on. a Edwards' heel a. Barring auh of information pooling by strongly as 1 o*ibly can'' Mos- • , . •i' • .,r-' i h at Msi:. re i'* v - cow's . ' 1 f. ami strav information reaching, •artling reveraal of the nar'r police at all alevels, a number accu-.- •n Sunday that OlM'ralional Smirk ! *.»! U ;» »(,i . DU!!sM: o ■'< • T l ' — The first operational vcr' ill' Jilt.!'., .'or; 1mv\ n "I To • a enec. .in'I t'li.iilc* IV ■ of a Snark Intenontientai g ,..i- a. -• ' p' f ■ g • •. - »f early returns from heavily Vito Genm-tse on charges of Geneva twri- itsrting May 1!. ..'i4 a "l(. rcrnoto r.,r!h« .e '• Ml :j!i- or of ,j ed missile was fireit on th«> > a t democratic Detroit. heading an international nar¬ The U. S jOke.vman issued of a 5,000 mile .'est Thi* is the time nf ieir when -..no. f«i i.;lid..-n ?o i lad ;ui » r, fie Me !.\o fie- cotic* ring jour.«-y Before a count was recraved Four-ten henchmen two Amcric Versions of air- emplo\men! imprnsr* and u;»- I i f .1 ; O.it-..lor HM> of f« ite.'i MSI' faculty ir.il»e: Monday night y the sanu- • ,b- The o:;,er 250 Detroit were convicted with hia. ' from precincts, plane inn. s in different rmplov ment rfei lines hn-ni-e • '*i till N.lga l»t.M thlill'.C: iiiiono' .iul Cnu.A- In tary crewmen who would x.*u»o| r. «".! Harriett had trailed his Repub¬ addition to prosecutions pa its of the M. warmer s^eathrr nennit* more eaodidnfe • .r.iumin;.: it in combat, lican challenger, Hugh Hollo, on direct criminal charges, some outdoor work in farming. «»•»- - r< he released a struition. timbering and other I • . ; :»l; saiinc a uuril puh- fret long, roared over t:e A'- ti«Is. In (lie fact of Bertie* Reived ahead of victed of incur t tax evasion Mats Depart-note turning industries hampered durnts the mere iti« Hollo way 12.944 to 74.953 wi'h 734 of the atate'a 3.182 pmincta while other* have been stripped of their U. S. n'irenship or de- down a R" *• complaint of Mareh 9 th* U ft. Air Farco lantic spurting a ♦rail of <»ir.ng# flre. Tlie high thrust booster winter. W"*en _ • a ,t* . 1. 7 . .« r, r lli«ht. dieted he already had contra- Red f hiiu's contention - .Mexico Lniv. rnc-ket* that blasted the - o tliat lie w;is abducted and made planes had » igled Kovlet air- . sporting, 504 of them from tra¬ ditionally Republican ©u?s?a'e apart last V »*brr. aloft were dropped secon-i la1- out Ti * •'! rou e «v i E. nh •. ,i" -:n • : «■'!■: ,.r -t nci • to do the bidding of "reaction- Pn»f to Talk COP Claims i • i w ** er. causing a .-.mall fire m ar the l' an" rebels. Tha booat Bartlett raceivd end of the C'ape. A - it ' » h-om Motor City The U R tg. dated March •i .r • ! ' ■ I if IholV K: h Fi raturna waa For all practical purpo-e*. the f ,e Aug'- •• *i.», *».» • ' • ' . ,t • -1, e- 23, repeated * ter protest.* th,it r • It ■!.. •! 7. do mg dcr.unc'.u'.M'n? of H. .W jofiai t'nicei ; ity Johnson Hits f, shared by II other Demnrratir t UO. t of \lt \ Soviet flghu ltd fired on an Snark was tnp same a.s the one K ,* vi> r i. or >.. ( •> -l.'-pu' I •. I ' (icp.il- siient of p. i ' andidatee in partisan ballo'ing ■ American p' •ver the Baltic that would !>' u.i'd in wartime. Ti H iiV j.iua! • n .. on a U. S. p - pver the set nf nuclear device that could knock * a I' fH-ii > «• the\ at (-. •n... of Tiber. So, • in Keilogg Center .u, . Japan. out a city if fired in anger. Tickets for Spinster's Sn»a - i about h m b • i \iT- ■ • to, ,' ve Lc i would rna.te nun tiKtoy at a pm. publican rivals. . WASHINGTON* '*»•—'The Re¬ It said the t. craft—which The Snark, fresh off the f.e r.""l c\\> 'vi? wertht. The r. • M.'i .-ter Nehru's, ta.sk m T After letting the pace eaiiier go on sale tuJas in the I •»- o lecture, -pnnsored by • publican National Committee were not hi' Ape in interna- Northrop Corp. assembly line, i .< per ... i "o iVt 5vc-it ad¬ ilit lining friendly iclatoin* Lioor aiitP IfiduMijal P.? it... n « four-way contest for two Ion. Due |y printin* diffirul- . said Monday th-' Senate Demo¬ tiona! space than 60 tnilcs was fired by the Strategic A.r viser'. to piny Coti nun.si University of Michigan regents ***' *tlf» were delajed uuiil , I." I'.f . V. ti ti..* ticighber Center, i* open 'o nil faii,. cratic leader • ndon Johnson from the ri* Soviet tcrri- Command's 536th guided mJssile J. i nhva, er. But Ku^.a has > rn more difiitiilt. •i c •tuden; post*. Mr*. Ann Timmon* Bur- of Texas is supporting a move teday. iioei s ana . lory. squadron. • U ' i rou:. i ge*s, Republican, dropped be¬ lt nri William Mcinally and Ellis to deny his pa % s presidential Secondly, .^e denounced 0w'«...renewed Hayward, Nixon Win Oscar; nomination to Sen. John Kenne¬ a* groundle- Wunsch, Damocratf. dy rD-Mass). claim Sund.i it the 5larch Toe commilt->■ said-in a pam¬ 27 flight in', in by a C'-Ud Knrollnient Totals phlet that LB.' Johnson's init¬ transport at . feet violated 'Gigi' Named Best Piciure ials, "now mi.. * Let's Block air corridor s The Reds said Jack" Kennedy 10.000 feet. From Last Year When John opens up his flights must "Whli.-S.it, • »p LN S. has nev- rive for actual • own campaign reittng on' the er recogni/i'" Down Slightly convention v« the feathers corridor, bu its planes at • HOLLYWOf il> lta> .var-i. i»- condtfitned |V».. Su .. i Be-? «!ni Live-Action Short he GOP parn- > >e t Canyon." W . 1 Di-«-t really will fly height*, deu m d by Wcatr cr tlM'H of J \V lie t . At the close of regular reji « . M Seorii g — "Cogi," A .- pnlet said. conditions lircraft effic- I ail:I Da\ ,d ' •on for spring '39. roincnt N'txen, ' d ■ I' i -M The I'epubi . s dubbed the iency. diitio. * arms ••■edit enrollment stood at 17.323 i.?e officer of Sc.. Best Arhiexement in *oumi-- Democrats in ".r pamphlet as while credit extension enroll¬ • aruti,. Table ." won 'he 31-! "south Pacific." I red ilyms, the party of ^udiation." As Acadrntv ment was 825 making a total of ' ,\ xnis Monday as I odd - \ll Hound Dept. one of a score examples they 13.348. listed a resolu .n passed by j.ff(ip - the Best Mwic Star Pn founcr* Bf.ff Screenplay from tinaler- of 1938 ;a' from another medium — The figure* given according to Texas young Democrats de- Burl Ives, tough old' western "Gigi." Alan Jay Lcrner. Kcmut Smith, registrar, showed mand.ng that iwon pay more spring '38 enrollment for rcsi- patr.Hrcfi of "The Big Countr; ,' Be-1 Original Screenplay -~ attention to h party platform ' crvt credit was 18,023 and cred- nocrats and Wendy lovelorn ho¬ *'The Defiant Ones." story a.vi and to fellow tel ma n fte r of ; extension was 483, adding up ••Separate screenplay by Nathan Doug aC They cited • asm of John* to a t itai of 18.486 Taljli " were hailed Best Sup¬ and Harold Jacob Smitn. &.m\ leaders!). tactic* by Sens. Spring '39 enrollment is ex- port, n.; i'liivei-i, lies'.'Song — "Giii.' mUaie ?-s William Proxi fD-Wi.va, f».,t jx u-d to be about the same -• "Gigi,". Die sausy I rem It Firde*. irk betve. lytic* by A'». McNamara (D- :.h) and Wa>.;e ilurmrr uha learned abuut Jav Untr. i< year after the end of la'e Mor. 7 Colonial Grip •V.V.%VAViV.V.V.V.%V.V.,.V.WW,VAVW.V.,/AV r*t» n»rm % liusli Ojwns tjiproval to Changes 7:30 I Ko. imil.iti-n *i p.m. l>?ni Mi.:! range. i. ' FREE . r( spi-ims s<> even:*: inn.i-' SI ('DENT INItTTIVK ruma! fign- LONDON I' n-i'.t.n I Tonight at 7 petitions f r l OMMIl TEE ON ag r f lei-turn?; V. • e r C'arriiv.t! Mtttid.iv 'i» give the lo.ono p- *• ORIENTATION ;ine appointments, \se\cn new deslirnalinns, 11 ence and eighteen ic ' if e.a-'l St.:' c m lei VARSITY DRIVE IR Ij 4 p.m.. Cat ter t'afcleiii Student Crn- H'Tet 7 ;fi pp. VOI NT* IIEMIH R ATS . i'fl Ag . ! ••• ' ' > asierme.P I.- ud.,.. vr! |Jr is i - j J: (i:n 2.or»i7) i i.V.,.VV.VAVV.V.V.V%yV.V.V.V.V.W.V.,...V.V.,.VAvi - TRANSPORTS HON Mfll 7 P 3.1 I'uiwi, i p.m.. v- : d ii. .n. I L til < I.I It At vii \ Pill " i:<;\ 7 p.m., 51 .'I Kducati- n. Kdv'Ul- 7 p.tn S* .en? Se-.A i-. tin n § i t" uv,rc-t h'..<;.vlj t-1" toai ii u* t^iUIVe. Oi ■! tft.ii-; a.l imii'm!.mi ' U-'.v C, 1 We liu* f< rincr son. u\ mi, pi live " e Hi K.J Program?'1 OPPORTUNITY SPANISH C LI :: (-MIMA At.I'll \ ( III KanH. . F 'erl i„ 7:30 p-ni., 1 iia!."ltd! C'i.i- . »: 30 n"tu 303 S'm.cnt S«*r- ter. \ •»*. Mvi j are asked t » ( ONfiRFSS Rt iM ss AND It. "* soiiedulii, MeeUng will um STATE Al I MRs LOOK "GIGI" IS BACK! In- brief. COHMim.l ORMIFSIH 3:36 p.m.| : V.l'P*. Student Ser- 7 30 p "1, Dance Stu li't. Women*! Gym» ir MONEY . Iimlniiy .In aril II itinrr V ADVERTISING EXPERIENCE SWIN3 INTO SPRING AT VAN'S • lenni- rickets *• • Irnnis halls BEST PICTURE OF TNE YEAR Winner of 9 Academy Awards! ^ f BUSINESS KNOWLEDGE AS All01 NT EXEH TIU? • C'»li Inlis • arrows • halls "HT FAIR LADY" OF d|P FILMDOM! s 'X # can\a* footwear » EVBRIONR IVVITPn '») all I he top names in sports A SI'Kt I II. INTEREST TO VANDERVOORT'S j AiivEnnsivt; miiors 211 K. • nd lliier, Ka-t l.nn-iitK Kll 2-2111 — I t I.I. INEOIIMATION *" I'l.w.K: stmt: m ms mm k Shout *ii'' fnttirM Stirl SIT in:\ r fiKRMl.t III.IK,. 1 SO • 1 • I '■* - 1 fi m . s *• « '* - f» 0| IIMEi 7:30 r.M. f« WYW THEY 6r: W INTO GIANTS AT RIO BRAVO! H KSI1AY 9 -< COt OR l»\ll.: AI'RII. 7 *1 ' 'l JOHNWtim*DEM MARTIN Stalls RICKY NELSON S?W0 BRAVO' I IAST IAMSINU • fHOPlt 10 26*44 he? ncwas*4 winimniN NMOon j TCCMN'CCLCf I All • U-Ail) NMVS I VENTS I'-""*""'" ^rrtiM.nt i*. vs • i — COMINfi SOON N||1» •. It | I'» I 7 III . 1 | f» l % V. PmNNER A innoRMI KIRK plus "till >11.IM |N!M\' • m AID in "TWO JorilNKV t They said it couldn't be done... They said, nobody ould do it... but — L*M is Wa Low la tar with J* More Vl 4 taste to ifcy » y- ?0«CeMU., <», er>«f —- x "TM« UNHOLY FIVE" THEV WEftE iQ sn#! Deborah Kerr -TIil Brynner CALLED-LEO BY AN EVIL OBNIUSI i h 2ml t.KEM ATTN ACTION * ... HHM The moet amazing conaplracy the world .It hai ever known... and love aa it never heppenedtoamen and woman before I tows Tb« hit ryif«*t( fhrtlf -INGRID e f' tht v'r — *« NUT »>•« lONNtt mvttr m n4 *■ i put w ir^e BERGMAN rrd .nit drMer icooen bemiirta: VUL pson Dc tie for one without the other BRYNNER HELEN HAYES (llrili-li) ION FAIR0HH.0 THEATRE I "l/M !■ Rlndet to yaw fte." J-ni's Amos II.."' am t-sn C0LOB bv f»| t.i>m CINimaScoRc y p-«xl irasiuu uhv I Inusv ami II like 't in Tlirs'ir tinls hm in t.n, ssitli \44tf - T0NI6NT - mine rutting t.iste tlun um II Niul in .myutlu i u;.ni n-'.*' •jf nlrif ( artnnrt >l«uM.ukfa LOW TARi/VN's p.itented lillt'img pitxiss adtU rstu Itltn l-l>« i- - It iim ion %7/r "••■•Ft '• * o- Tnsday, April 7 tUlaally, ciuuutsu lu (lie iticain ul smoke in.ikis UM iruh /»« in lai. Irf.nUljr M «U« .., I.AST !>A\ ! * tun-» • TtOO ft 9t00 P.M. MORI TAITCi L'.ll tiili mixture of slow Not* m* for r?it *" * limning IoImicus tilings sun nunc — Tratur* Show« _ S:2J . S;1I 111 m~- istiting taste tluii any oilier iigautlt'. Af1mi«tion: 30c V-0. i 5P d»» 1 I LIVE MODERN...CHANGE TO MOnERN L'M i MICHIGAN STATE NEW* r.ts« rotir TV CollirsK'l or No TV Contract Ar»r'.l 7. Itt* T 4KKI \N*I> Fla Ti«»ers r «.•!*» — The Win Exhibition Finale. 7-2 the firrt tine in - >. year- mi . v>ark. Patterson -Londoi i Title Bout *igci>. T.u*'rv a I loped the St The Timers o Saved U his. 1( , Moved From I egas to Indy n ■> .it v I . c.,vdina'« Monikv an.t iiu-liullnn a hone n>.. b» Co. rr-n.ar m .. »n p...> i I u„ thr. exhibition «•». Ilarr x «. 'he, fir., h.-d »eh a itn-v ir.rl Die » >.•' . T,v,lha u-lnn.ns rrcrt.,1 f..r 13-1» mount. Tho CV- h»v» Sox at B-. w V. DA ••If the truth be knoA*n. I.aa INDIANA!* >MS VP- -V. I ili.-m.t: tti • • • t • Vera* did not nolirit thi* fight p. ' ft :ia*> inanore.- .said ?!""■- da* rv.rsb " unlet defend K.s f Co in the first nlare. and it la now Photic ' N being moved to Indianapoli* be- h.c a v y w e i g h t champion Vp < - cjusr l.a* Vegas resort opera¬ b; i Brian .London here M n tor* have refuted t« give the JUNE GRADUATES 1 in.'n.i.i of at Las Vegas, Nev . - reuardlv of t r outcome of a financial support requested by • "Regardless of what happen*, thr fight promoter." fe'f.*i«ion contract. tl r fithl uill he held in Indian- Hotel owners said they were rles o * r- .Ne ! to put up a financial guar¬ Krnriii- ll:iin|iirl •- (! • antee and become part of the t !.. V- • • i - SLili-il for Tonigltl i 4 ■ ' ■- > «- : -.'-I i ft pi ..motion, but the; declined. T".«* a r.tial feneioa w mi .tack Doyle, secretory of the n- re - n't N> vada Athletic fonupissiori, VI Order Your - f! :,f* III T)'» he|r| lowubt. <1 • ffi ,v:i '••••< ' It ' ! .. (1 he va- "bafTle.t and sur- i — ' ** l-i Co '.'eh C'har't- Si-:- ■ )•: • • Me re;»m- t' »M fro httvari in*, that kfo.i of- p-: i" by the swit< ;-. 01 Don ie said Rhode; "tnld me i. •• a - 'CJImi it e-oiie! ! • G l"i the lirht vav all set las'. Tiiurf- the Meo tick • p at d.. " and ft 'm.-ed '<> be out here !>.*• : ! huiif'i'i",. and a -' - • iii'i. pre"n to n« ork on; final detail-.'' P» ld"-» onaol" 'o *i*.: t • > Cfiit-. •e of ( ■ Ty< s.ot h : a* ex'en-ion 2R!fH • Rhode* said he experts XBC g f Commencement IN4! RANTr and agree to Gillette Co.. sponsors switch in the telecast. to PARALY/ED FORMER DODGER have i. dhing against In- 1173 I A I.I, J y0 An««er —fi » ara;.»o'i rontract . ' Gallery saio. b a contract. "But We In Seventh (ianic of Scric « of 1 I Muh. %ve. IV 5-8419 I „u, ,v;,«5 have D\V a »•<>, contract P;i''er- ■■ u ■''d by ('us and Cecil Bt iSTON '-V>—A trip ht Mon¬ athlete- admit >- a* rou -*n Gips and Gowns treal for a shot a; hockex's n»v- anv tin evxi have RufHe-. ca ! >• a fly in t in • i neour lire Las 'a M v ! " e'e t Stanley Cup bangs in tiie The Bruins' ailing |i«et j; balance tonight when the taped ed defensenien Fern Flan . and tired Boston Bruins an I Bob Armstrong f groin Toronto Maple Leafs square off dim Morrison iswollen r pte a; the Garden. and Doug Mohns (strairt 1» What started a- a besf-of- bijamentsi plus forward srven competition eojnes dovvt; Toppar.zinl (badly bruuted little heel sweets <>• to a one engagement hour, shoot-the-work* to decide which All but Mohns will according to the club's be n NOW! !ie Jstq.t 'f p:.:"o'c-.y: lie' l a» club moves into the finals of the corps. / NaLonal Hockey league play- As for Toronto, roach F I it •.'?T3 j c fji?! C I've f Im'ueh ha> given the grce. Both team- rc-ted Monday to forward Larry Regan v. ' t •: cruihed-ond-: aoc'i- hoen sidelined the player* bore the marks of by a fra I c:'3ri, nlos;y povnt r- » iib-iarring Ixjdx checks after >,\ hand. The cast ha- tiot-r, gimes of a series which the ».o tna' he can maneuvei i< '3 o •vardrcbpl Pi1 e.. >1 t.'.j. . .. ,;...c;.-be 5 CAMPBELL'S SI BI'RBW SHOP CAMPBELL'S Sl ni RltO UNION BOOK STORE \ WE NOW ARE ALSO NATIONALLY ACCLAIMED Slop In ami srr the nlitiirial i Bi* you sever have too many mi GAMrBKI.IAS SI HI HIIW SIIOI' TO ALL COLLEGE STUDENTS: Jacqueline ill llir "lien's I mp" iiKifEHxiiii' we ju-l li;i|i|H'ii In liavr a ph|ia toced WE. AT VAN'S PHOTO SERVICE AND . " k.■.■.Pmniim.nmnuumvJ OUR EAST LANSING DRUGGIST DEALERS — •.. art proud of our l'oirtratty and of thr manv fine prnplr «hn ntfrml. I eteep • Jacquebe** I l.ll j rJ Wo know that for Moot of )ou, Colin' i> a tough "fioamial" irtnd. Wo okoald Ukt to Jot* with our Itraffwt dralora liatod hotn» to 12.93 till STORE M1TII THE RED DOOR IIAS Making Ihm WINDOW DOES TRAVEL janr'a CoUogt pkalagropkn ■aaorita fall alt km jour kudgat. NYtltl HI is s Tl IM.IKY » 40IIR \\Mil III l« VI I BI.IM Coaaparo tittup offarlaga «ith ana olhrr'a price: 10 WaM aiu Pal pMwu FROM IITNER RE8A7IVE OR PRMT far ONLY .00a (on bueutlful double wtlghl portrait paprr) 'Women of Executive Ability: There is an exciting i> in Rsgaiar .76a aalar print fraai slifcs aaly .39c yfuture for you as an yoar aaw tn (3X ti/f» 3't I i") (2\ Wallet *i/e color print for onl> .JJ9e) ill . ~ Baaatifal 5x7 Calar Prial ia Foliar ham aitbar slidai ( Officer in the_U. S. Tl or Kadacalar aagativas m Only .00c ar 3 far $2.79 Ramambar, Air Force 1. car raplar Paaal Graft Black t While F.in.'s If vou are a woman uho responds to a challenging job...who enjo' n ara still aaly .00e sitniulating world-wide travel...who fiiuls Iuii in asxxiation wr voting, imaginative j»rojde...vou should investigate vour oppoiin niiies a* a W.M oflnrr. Women m die Air Force work sidc-bv si. wifh male \ir Folic olhier*. itreive the Com/Hirr ihme /inn* .' same j»a\ and |»iivileg.u have eijuat ihancc lor assignment and advanienicnt. Inveviiga your ihamcs lor a direct turnon in the I'. N. Ail Force tuda AVAILABLE AT THESE Dltl't. STORES IN EAST LAXsWC: Ka»l Malr Un.inp I'linrmarv. .117 W. <;«). Kitrr, Ka-l Uusin;; ltri>|>. IIOI L, (.rami Kiirr. K.I, WAF WOMEN IN 1 Ht AIR FORI L MAIL TH»P COUPON TOOA1 Allt'li'a Ikrup;. IOI K. Gil. Kitrr. K.I. VV VI Immmcow.' Ikrpt. W DAIS 7o, WBAhingiou 4. IK C. Alrxanilrr Druj:. 11«» W. Gil. Kitrr. K.I.. *;Z Pfl mr opporinnittn tnr a MtfCT rOMMIVSJON i'.atiipii* llrit(i«, 5111 K. Gil. Kitrr. K.K. Zln L J"1 HtC T'm snaari.eu and kithout •* ' undvt drpcmltnita *' tl,Wr" hr "rr° U,< 1(1 yrart ot ugp. 21 L. - (•rt'llcnlM-rgrr I'liarmuit. Oleum. jr College llrug'More, IOI E. Gil, Ititrr, E.L tBrtiUm, W' ihe NCAA flnal*. t • • i 'er.ee •;r ( h u « k ^ ••■■g ille t Tr-oolnters a.e Night »p«M» ] i » co nrn"i on, •• ho seem • r , J: . Mason »..o , c'irrven who will be r* April T. I#1«t r.;r | n • f- 'r A! Mi v « u:n n.ixri *.... ,«.r MI'S •' a an « • * r. a id Ia».r\ Rack s nfM season. Th#j are Atltltf j-. •-■c tear, can ?.«. r •*.. sebrc. Lawless and lilr.C Tt»|» Spring Tour Rrrortl * finiin- who :oa«ie a !ni.»- • « A ' lire r. Ib'fll' ra«*h C.| iTCi'C JSc .•>! Vet fnji . A " '■ had a lt-10 rec>>rd fo. point •• ntoi toim an t a ■■ ^ «• l»• t •1 ■ . ***11- •• Mu-kcg'-n .egn ar season, but cotlec'- Former Hoffman Selected as (.aplain a ' < e !»' ut a - •. • \av - 1 y< ,ore. r • p mused j'j;i.ng : »• cc. R .♦ a in f .t'ih , pNire medal at the fSxnniinshij-R and went b'STb 1- Of 79. >9 SfHirlaa V/ Squad •»« • ai : • 1 hi* • ' • i.-h» |.Vh in the NCAA means thai It lumbers prrrenl -•luad Mr • . a-1 r < I.' iiiird of the tarsi!v , r '"-i a 15-15 reonrd members hate III I ,)-T« *-id *• a i of toe work horse* I'. llnlTu e'cctci reached the magic three point pn ' •< » 2d-(t r hi i i n f-r ' ■ e tcao'. competing in al! • r: plain <»f the 1".V» S • ».• •'an ten- riirlr < oar It ( harle* hrltiniUer . a ,| \> f>>-r n.coj. M«ilor« firing ,T In* term Mnn.:;n ai'crro on ' » a ' speculates thai thi* is one of c! m<\ tim e < f kriv.it on the highest perientagrs in tars- p Olvmpir Pronprrli • t e MSI' n 't mir-H „ > lit team*, lloiTman, with 'hr i"~ ' record ,-s. • firhigiin Stat# wrestler* of ami *qu«H mrnlvi on t ie T1 7 Itali Manaeri n * 'i.'nc-n tour in«t pletci. pause in their pi'e|i«rM- HEDEsiki; mtwiiha ken vmih.ow ffi . TWO PLY 80's i I-1 *. i* optimistic about t le 1- ' i* for th# National AAI' . , . Lh>i lace# West in mat exhibit in . . . i~~.rrc« for * a-.Od showing i>\ s • Jh.« > ear's tram. 'ampanrlla msm#nt to host 'a tour- the I.oft At Sorrer Traill Seeks Nrn Flavors "This team Japan### Olympic wrest- is the best Its Rftrcer i'nach (irrtf Kfftftey |0r»S. e«er plated on at MM he • t#am in th# I.M Sport* ing in he » he a* i*«i;ed Mi.no, the Soccer \ i •icy* t Mid. "They're all Hustlers with ''' ■1 a call for na at 8 Wednesday air - it, our »ntrrented in p awng wfr. Pre. •*' Spartan Prav Sta--. V r !.1 between b. h r .1.10 , tremendous should lie ahle team to spirit. Improte on Ws ' i "f b F « . I ealures | no . f Kenney, wh» g.tided the sixth 1-11 - V|? . v;a g hmiaarm pnre f«r the e* . • .< ra in ton the last two years much trouble." without ' "•an, p m An ririling N» mrighl SoritX fie viSltAff, u ho Mr tn the NAAU. bring « of potential Olvmp-e eharr - v ill 9 »n yea v and a V>. 2 naf-onal rat¬ said. The Monro# #enior has been MARiLVM hlnnd nf llarrnn pnl\-MlM' fihnr '< jA* to Sara a •♦renf*hened MONROE «ilh *or«l«l wnnl. »- TO i m»4 Sa# hetaan «am#«n,aM( Stan team. TK» nuUlanrfinf ive i ttcow ^piro Hatta, the .T*p»n#«e 1 wwrlsg tony liny l.» JACK on nf •'DarrMi'' la IS veara old and s'tll in' rnmbinol with nnrnlfd f»r\vard y bruited :!ea school. the The v«unf.*»i Fine Food lEMMOff • ml for a truly (uaafor- * will be in 114'g-pound -• BUY WLOfU i-tub's n lalilr ,uit with a luiury n. roach I1 )hef Olrmple founder llarumasa prosperu shihata are HOMEMADE PASTRY M I i I mirk and .lardy gwrforiu- the grce, I pound Kenii Kwiye. Regan v.1 ar« college atudents in aara. by ha* a f rii been in. Lots of Room T.V. A.ailahl, in a raritly nf afiouvei ii ut* hs* sddod »eve*-a: f'»- • Rpsr'an wrest ing s'a;. •» •mart nrw pallrrn. at srm rh \ rnator Visitors to rope Fo-mor w lift t. e SiiarUM I'l Iilea I III i(> tlors drafted lunnur. .lim Sinsdino*. Ken nr.uiie P" • SfHil mud llow and John Ha A and Vest lor* Jhntdinn* rhampioiu f-om im »r* this Ma d- former ' e.v « lo 495. ♦o grappl* Wennesriai are ui . Gmarel Big 1h ehampion .t m For- .ferrv Jaika.rt Mvi' Your Friends ■ * w> SII((P MiMing will he olitor •retire champs Tini \V inr Sn'-rn- Vnur.g ll|i«-ii till 2 I'.M. >>n in I .• \ — 'Hiiir»il.'M ostlll-g « lh»w tor N». 1 cm 10 su»luril.iv Mil — .#> th« t'. S. toured the c »u.t- Nithls A >uitda«s — inr t .. Rea wood i Ron fhihlirn Kir a( all times THE DELT SICS 1NVTIE YOU TO THEIR OPEN RUSH MOST COVETED ...MOST COPIED* Tl MM It APRIL 7-8-9 7 to 9:30 p.m. fo, iu ewa.eneia of a ce.io'n AN 0L0 ESTABLISHED FRATERNITY tron.por'obia look \i«l> THE BIG HOUSE ON CAMPUS WITN NEW IDEAS THAT LOOKS LIKE AND IS - A WE'RE CROttlNi; Willi THE t'NIt Elt-ITV. WITH t I'l.ANN'EI 'ROC,RAM TOR LEADING FRATERNITY ng IMKI.I.EI Tl Al. \MI AC UtKMK IMA EI.OI'WEN I — tMl WE STII.I. IIW I.EA"KHSHII'. SIHKH.IM.MA WM» SO) IA I, TIME ITIlt EOTS Ol I >TI ES! WEAK THE RIALTO HIEN IMMM. Wilt I HIE MlMIMSTi; \ I ION ASkEIMK ATERt IRS TO IM) AT SPORT COAT an THE I'AN HEI. Ill lOWoi ATlOV t, COLLIGI HALL .S. Hir»r «rr only a fr» of llir eilvit'iliiprs vp |i;i)«- to off, $0*1 d ♦ r o"»", ,c q'O-'da pa"'e. 1. l'ro|!r:itii for IiiI« II<-r o' ' * C1"l e*ef >ii"s(t»n and Answer period JOiit o thf hori/OO A. MT.*r M'l \KIR« IKIQIIMIA » tn enj.v * pom f seeitiites. ftulstanding I'rnfess, Intrresting |Vf ,»|e " to a writirq trrftai ion w i • b •" TO * ♦►*,-, nok'dl B. At ADFMK (OIW KIV: rrnrlured 'It tables at ftriw'y ftruup *h o|>poin r«P"w or tent don t forget thai this is what House Our pledge* get their grades. 1 lcb>»i> „ ,*ryt 'in *rr)t*Hmr, J • •» •» hlfUC'-A liviltRiv. r.« «, 2. Program lo Trarli Ntriologiral l,'' «|MMl»iliilil»: U 1 r* t#rt estrra-hiph >9 yetUK-r re Ical.r I (HUhinplinp prniert eaeh Saturday inrludes with a leading anrre Hi-.Mnnthly so *in ming help «t ^ inrent'l O'ph" instruetion, field trips, fh* nel'kn'J bofki^q ph'keit, n«d vde v#e«g Tk»e» lorpedl f i pp,»fsm,r* th* qu*«t 1I □RC L ,1. OI«l K*4ahli-lu- Alwayn llair (lie Br.t Parties on I^Mpu»: A new party each weekend Cnsdime parhrt dances, bowling parlies, e' ntiii ib# usual desserts, exchange dinners, etc.) DELTA SIGMA PHI ■J. It Corts Lr»» 1'lian You Think: 1212 EAST (.KAMI R|\EK These advantages he yaurs for lesa than 15 H a week abort and bey4 m •I rnn'ra pay* ositchekiros. ran Ing In Iba dorm (OLUGC IS BOOKS AM> CLASSROOMS. Bit THIS ^ OTHER AO* PHONE EU 2-5IKm HiK HIKES TANTAOCI. TOO. MKT MRS OIT f>v 1WK 11S N. W ASHINGTON ^nCIIIGAV STATE NEW S April ?. 19.19 ti'i PLACEMENT BUREAU C^liaiige Scl USSR Opens Clarinet Recital Jet f|l) Bachelor's degrre (Ml (III Dwlors. Where no I* Indieated, all decree levels are eligible to Interview. de¬ More Routes Stale Board Changes In AFROTC Tonight al Musk Aid gree OPENINGS FOR Till * fConiinued from Page 1) Health Leave: EMPLOYERS IOEEOWING MAJORS .MOSCOW • P> — Diplomatic Mr.-. Kutn Kettuuen. e\-. Al'ltll. 9. 1959 *our<<-> said Monday the Soviet Albert Hall /join township t-vlen- Birecialist home Ormanil, clarinetist, trill play a recital of major m mana*. All F>ru. tcu-htr- I: •» i- IMS I :,--!! i.s reopening more of the fro J ti. .. ..,.en. in i^jjinr county («i leave lor reason of ill he,»I»r- il.verview Comm. Schools iounb extenaiun director, Hilhd.ile Anril I to June 30. IW'i. !>.- (Detroit Suburb; teachers <»f Ai t, H ai'h Ivlu pad M i tor .Li ne, D .a- routes it closed to foreign- clarinet and minor flute requirements tonight in the 3tu.de iuunt>. ritective Aorll 1. Lviension of Leave: «V Spec. F,Jrieatioti A Sr.- rectal of Le.-. i. hi., Tra .. .at week. stud* lervM: Au.i at 8:13 p.m. He will be assisted by Lawson Jones, • Ben Ard. extension fcpe.-,«; Btirrell Henry, county extension . un;iary -tun. bur- «.f Sen nee, M.SI-* anno.-; ne th:- \EllOTC ir T.vo Amtricans and one Bri- famtlv living, leave lor stud. dircctotv-Celhoun county, from April l-.t'n A- Conimerrjal subjei' the J" ."A .ir; .« r Ti.' > b . i.o * . , arc hc-ading for the northern mu«ic department pianist, and Laurenct Taylor, violinist I . . july t. l.J5s to complete renuire- University until June iM). of Michigan mo in order t» ,• A'ffeettve A 11 Aicha;.;tel '.'day and jnenii for the MS degree at MSth (i>f.?. Phys. Ed. of p'etc the Tii D degree and graduate student in composition. - . urn. Ixmnah Bickiu. family life Vexanner (Irani & i'h- Accounting . are: Robert ■a. • or two other members of tire and children development epet-Mlibi. Gleasoi) Roiilfs. former cou ■ Iwikevievv Public Sch. (Detioit AM E'» m. toucher-. Tim 'h i > nf Altc.hof. L.m . ... Win-. ( - - t s. . mnu.-'-v rtaff may go to A pupil of Keith Stein, Or- fio'h Jure 13 to Sept. 13. to travel tension agent in to do 4-11 Club Huron .aunt-, A • ..i-.r.-jel Wednesday after de- "SmmU, Op. 129. Ne. t" bf and d» res-arch in social geronU»- work m K suburb) Emotionally Disturbed A- Haid mande. • . Sel.em La .t h r.ard received hi* Bachelor of at the University of California. tended until July 13. He . lit Koica mice April, 183* of Hearing. Depot-. \V;r». Ommandr:. It: I.-.el ;.|pro\al of their app'.iea- y,u degree from IT of M in Berkley. Lakrview Public Sh. (Detroit Secondary teachers of Soe. ar.i Hi HI. Map!-* H:«m: 1 Ex¬ l:< 19'M snj !i Working on his Mas-* Th# remainder of the concert aviiiui b) Stud.-Ei.R.- An. M.-'h-Su.. ecutive Off cct: Michael Brown. (i ■ e- American en.bassy per- ',l Music degree in wood¬ consists of Contemporary com¬ Home Ei- -Family Mu- (ho'i :t, I) Go.i -Io n M r f- >,•..» have been granted pev- ie. CoinMiercial, En«. Io n. , C.vte i D "I If. - , uii to visit Tashkent in So- s' •*. position-. including the French yfr t'l afts-Ai tv A- C:aM , P -i. . I)Coo i I ' A .... another of the areas guite, '•Kistolres.*' by Ibert. : 1. bran Consultant. (Lib. P o ■ A AS. I> Km. 13 . -kf:« !'(. ■ i for a time. The program xm ill »pe« tlth The final compo.tinn will be l-.i \\ . A - O f' ■ : •I" eph A" • . * ( finrerto Rondo. K. ill" bf Mn- •'Contrasts" for violin, clarinet Federal Kesri ve flank of (/hit a- E-o.i. (Hi (M-. Fi e (H> Jr.. L! I CI■.r lirr tart. nhieli will be followed by and piano. him.Detroit llrani h I Mi. St < •' le..il H i-'.e • • ID S'li-iltVlt. . L. , o . L\ . !• . ISO. Gionri Draft Tcs/s Srhfilttletl l M i ln.ifOl x Co.. I.-.-! . n.« (l.M. (j:i.of.cation tc.st* for velcc- Hare] Park School A" Elementary (Hi < M » t>. e '-rvice will be held April Miburo) . . i:.. ; L r. Iii- . V. ' !'e- P.O. Applications must be mailed Upjohn Company Acctg. (Hi major*: fur tfatii.H,' Ma ■ V P • , f in- b-. midnight Thursday. Blanks "How . . . . progiain in Acctj,;. IMd (ll». may be obtained at any draft 1,'esiauiant (Hi *V In- ..to'e-.i- Wc i".n i or at L'fi" or 205 Student al Mjfitil, (Hi inajo-. foi .11- Service.*. H'-:.-' Area Schoo. oiis'na! Ail Firm, feeding teacln. • •|X»ii;ii;i. S«; ">(larv About ♦ - (E'.mt suburb) teachers of: M.r'. . E:i.'.-S >• .I'll Studies, fi.V.M--rn A , Erg. EtiR.-Spe.-i n. s« (iraiidviile Pob..< (Grand Rapid* auburbi Abbott Laboratories Sclu«>'« Eng. ft Mentally Retarded. Later Klein, tencher*. Second - arv teachers of Art. En«li-h, Gen Sri, ('hem. A: Speech Mu-iobml. (1)1. rilo.-Lhe ... (M » WIN PIZZA (Mi iDi A Organic ( nrrn. Gil rmfjor*. Mwh. (H) A PICNIC? I'lirm. (Hi (MjEngrs (»bio Oil Com pan Mk'g. < H) (Ml A Gen. Ho--. THUNDERBIRD (H) (Mi major* for Sale.-. , \#*-. th,rf'« * jnod Mm Is solve your sprinn pic¬ SHE ON LAUNDRY! AND A nic problems! WASH PANTS KPECIAI. roll Al'ltll. 39c GAY GIBSON ORIDINAL Just call El) 2-fiti.M after 4 for f»st efficient Ire. serv- AM. vol' NKEI) IK) IS WRITE RDR Ji.Yv'.VtT (Is.t). formrr Mirhlgan State t'nlvervlt. firing in your Minfnnx and all other wa*.li pant*, foutball end. artl noi. 4 mrmber of the ( hlrago Rear* pr..- to I.ITTI.E uomis. K)K n i l. And don't force!, salads, plant sands ich,* and now at thin low prirr. No minimum, htinR one r.NMotuI t"urn. ;rt% a Ifsson lit hnw to aell u*»e«| rjrv frmi) IM'ORM ATION. STOI' IN AT polalo chips make wonderful plrnlc treats and Vernon t'rie, u-rd car valr* ptanaxer at Rutl Knots Chevrnt 3-13 Albert SIGMA NU 1.1'J Miailc-y 307 Grand River 711 Knri-liitiit I lri\ BETA THETA PI LAMBDA CHI ALPHA SIGMA ALPHA EPSILON 23.Y Hogur SIGMA PHI EPSILON 12(1 llaslell 131 Rogne 501 M.A.C. DELTA CHI PHI KAPPA TAU SIGMA CHI 101 Woodmrrr 12.) TRIANGLE llagadorn 729 E. Grand River 121-1 E, Grand River DELTA SIGMA PHI 1212 E. Grand River . ZETA BETA TAU 910 Grove LEGAL PLEDGING DATE: SUNDAY, APRIL 19, NOON d* for Further Information Contact I.F.C. Office