Sports The Weather Toronto Maple l.cufs , Cloudy. Windy, Cooler Win Semi-I''in;ils High Today ....... 5.1 See l'»Re .V Uunen. me e\-p Serving JISl For .>0 Years Lou >f iiian.iK" ill he.«hr Tuesday Hi 0. IMS. "vol,. SI. So. I EAST I,AN.SIN7T.MICHIGAN—\V KI IN t:s I > A YA I'll 117 it. ~ 1950 PKTCE 5 CENTS sloil Spei ln! . t lor stud. ichigrfu in order ex*., ?.> All Invited Adenauer •gree Resigns Post former coouv To Lecture iron countv, ; m Kom"-.. 13. He ha. ril. Bv Idzerda Tlurtar Board Sponsors Series As W. German Chancellor The first of two "Last Sav For 'Easv' Lectures'* sponsored by Mor¬ tar Board will feature Dr. lioffa Stanley Idzerda tonight at 7:30 in the Music And. Col P,iid Position of While in previous years this lecture series to upper has been classmen, all wilt be admitted to the "Last limited da:-OS For Presidency V Lecture" tonight. In ' ontroversv I'.Vlcird Seen Idterda to to present hi* views A«* Siie«*«*wffor to though hi* talk were to be 0\er Jiikehoxps BONN ./!», — I•mter th- K'Asm.ViiTOV f-r, - A uoivrht of hi- S:\ F* n:ite ii,> ,».f K« n- ig-ator s h i <1 rini A delta nor decMerl Ttie«- 1 •••-li.i Tea m-der* I'nion «l:t\ to yive 1' id. nt .1 op ti-o chancel. • a m e i Ilot'ta *1 >re.i I«»r-hip of Wi-! Cermanv ppyoff for and accept an mi-i'T j«»h, the I" 'ftinir one .iide in u tujr-nf. piv-idoncv. tv; r between rivgx! jukebox l.u iv 4 fa o « r • • -* • o|.f»-ator< in Detroit. PREPARING POR .mwtlti.n Ir h. .1.1?* Society of West Circle Drive: tl-ri.Tnm Per- Th't r i;ge wa« m. i<» h-. i-a;r. \ si>r-• u!.'»- .c- r Uo.h.j- Fctlrll. R»lurd.> ,r. Kennedy of * MidurM Cnllrtlal. Jin fitt. M Rentier, and Jim Renham; standing ar# the he hkety c • e of S. A C R ice? Ihr lolloulm ni.mb.ri of 0 lan Iron* from b. Kenny Watson and t hink Lewis. • ("or.i- -,-?:op a: t;-e U'i • ;»>- Derrocratic Pt* . ?•'.* op'" ng re-sam of hearing* 't Adenauo: - -acre . , jj® ^ cm A.'r-ei mobster intiltratir-n MS1J Group in Ja/,y, Fewtiuil «•' 'he mkebox industry in De¬ li n ' f I off a'* home town l» \l..\f I.A.M % pose* wllli India's Prime MlnMer Nehru, left, in One witness testified that New- Delhi in I ft 56 as the Tile-tail leader visited India. Nehru an- Jazzmen Go to Noire Dame firms he b.v over the believed t« he harked underworld had taken shout one-fourth of De¬ mmm-rd munists \pril 3 that the Dalai l in his eiiuntrv. ama, fleeing from Chinese foni- had slipped aeross tlir linriler into India. I he Ited Chinese Tiirsdai ronlisi-atrd all private radios in | ln*a, MSU was chosen out of 36 vide an ortunity for groups ham. trumper; and leader of tha troit's t.Ofto jukebox location*— the Tihetan capital, to hlark out new* «»f the fugitive Dalai l.ama, colleges to be one of the 16 from m» •ampuses to rncct .:n group, ( buck lewis, has*. generally the according to Associated I'res* more profitable new* source*. M. 0TANLBT IPZEKD.% participating schools to send a com petit Thursday'* ones. meeting of th# • • • *1ut lecture" , , . jar* group Saturday to the Mid¬ Five me tier* of Ihc Jazz So¬ .Tari TK-e a'«o \>-.i» testimony bv f, Socictv will include thi* west Collegiate Jazz Festival. ciety of n s| Circle Drive will group presenting the program 9 former jukebox union mem¬ Overflow Crowd his lid lecture te student*. The Jazz Festival will be at partirlpai- in the festival. \l that they ber that lioffa (.nee tried v *h- will do at Notre Dame. The lecture aerie# ha* been the University of Notre Dame. Rentier. ♦ done and alio mv, OUt «u. f a .«» h Saturday, competition will -,. pav arranged in order to bring to •tod end uttention, outstanding Goal* behind the festival arc to acknowledge talent and to pro- and Hut' Kenny W torn tn, rcrlitt. drums; Jim Ben- guitar: run from 1-6 pm. Dame, followed by the top fix a? Notre 55.fif)(» to fa f a e.\? »r?ii»n charge j>. - i-> u'.or ?,i t \ a "Death From the Bomh memburu of the faculty. Kennedy said the $6.00(1 iw< I'm' A id.' • ' e i? group* competing at 6 p?&. Cash Mserda oume to MSU Jn 1953 AUSC, Clan* Offices Open P-i'l in ' lute loin's Or Boredom*—Fromm he • -c •« o .eii K, : prize* will be awarded, with th# . • •a an uaslatant pmfesenr of hu- p; e* ?,-» (he wives of H-'fTa and We-' i-ee-'itgs -.i't. ?':.,S winning group receiving an rn- manftie#. He became the Hon¬ Be ' Brennan. one of Hoffa's top iih :i'2 an i > c- g«cement at Chicago's Blug or* College first director when i de* Dctro't I* All Petitions Aiuiltible !jy -e— •« (oreg'tnr «->»:n-lu Note. . Ml M l l>\ rltoi T a •»> | it ma I formed in 1939. Before The counsel described thi* yy A l' • .i i • .• he eh-;- The judge# are Art Van Dam- SfMt joining the MSU faculty he wm s pay off from one union, alle^ MiM I I) --t 11 •' ,»i p-« Ju I i .-i • ... nn ggftigtant profeaanr at We*?, tve. jazz personality. Frank edlv hacked by an assoriation uf 'Kiilier mi- Mill illt- 1' the l.-mli i.r ,l,,.n f, P ■ . ? • The en!*-; H'dzflend, owner of tht Blue . em Michigan College, 1951-52, For April 23 F eet ions Not*': Hubert Trend ler. music director of radio station WGN in Detroit Jukebox noerators lloffa's rejection of applications for tli.iii," .hImI.-iI s.H'it'l «fionti.«» KnVli l-iniimi Tii.M.lm hp painlptl Hip fiiturr lot" "Thp ln.livi.ltml in nlir'it M-nlnn »- -den?. Thr<-d« -"1 »w»dc>- .* ?>• >-?ri'ni rule, If; - -. '. - for » Teamster charter sought fn \V.» u-:*••*!. ;• •• a '«■'.« v- Slate Board Chicago; and Charles Ruber, Imhutiial Socict _ Prospective candidate* for v ir it by » rival group of Jukebox el tha* A'irn.iiif r\ V.« ;t publisher, of Downbeat, under¬ "Alan has heroine a thing," he John kharn, la* A!'**, men. Fion.m >poke on ile M-ign' h irui r(Tn- • AUSG pre innt, oophomore, writer* for the festival. ■aid. lie diluted I merson a* .ve pr -f When !t'»ffa v Name Change Junior and *< e.ior class office* •nd Student < •ngrew represen¬ Calif., fi¬ ns actinp an. rector h:i* taken over of AUSG's nle President «f .lart *«eletv, Ar- Itnbcrts. had by the committer t a* .<» quest i.»n*vl cai- ago, Industrial delation* saving, "Things ride mankind" and warned. "We must put tlir • fa. v of cr ? * he . a' \V« -'»*• ' - •> Organiza* Bureau, following this In say: Kent e-i- *aid, » •• "••• j.•';♦?" '-T- the oen-r l 'he total, re.'I «• man in the saddle. Gets Approval tative* may p k up the elections «-tfire, 326 Student petition* in the yard, res ir dm r #1 of of Don Brmi- the division "Since Student Congress didn't feel that sending a group to *6.000 of eTher a* ovevoa 52 (Mmi tio-M? of . . a Sj. aii) loan ♦,* I nless we the society change lluxtri we will be as r A- ' n - • • •• . • -e * ; ■ k k • \ . Notre Dame to represent MSI describe* in foil and* te*- term*. I'ii?' Me l J.Mci • ,? ,♦».# James • • .- of r- . : The change of the name of Service#, an- tax this neck Ids 'Brave New World • H * among the other midwest school* 'he»i was ' K ,11-1 ft .1 enrolled tie new Student a • I < ;i i ■■■■• ■ .1 if' • "if !>♦-: -on ' < nd title wax the Board of Agri- formation m* bp obtained. In# In •rgnch they are am testimonv was to the effert that . iw'-'i-cm Adenauer "ilture, and wWh Monday'# ea< ex- encouraging students to g- James had described the pay¬ ar < P :' il'; M ni**er MaC- C andidates must have a| least peeled to dp a general over¬ down t«» Notre Dame and ba< k me election the present title was ments to Mr*, lioffa and Mr*. v.'i i. -;mv,o the all view o tUlG and its opera¬ the»ij up ** . '. O Wc«t obtained. a 2.35 all-college point average take tions. For further in for ration c Rrennan as needed to meet ob¬ u I ' a more fKxir.le a";- t« he eligible. according to a The vet# for approval of the a-c<»rnmi»datiou*. route ligation* James owed their hus¬ f II fin • • ,.?! >hv - h ff.1 . Student Government ordinance t 9 ♦ oir<- name rhante proposal was 560.- tions. getting ticket* <*t 5(M, bands. passed winter term. A bill define the ma,/»r A* the v.r< in,' i»* n 763 and 267,729 acainst. with atudent j. "Hlng bodies u up on rides, contact Arnie Ifo- 4.097 precinct* reporting. Primary c urns have been ert« at IV 9-5536. n onv. ffie M> ug.c, An* • r c for actio- tonight's C'ongre-s People fee| tliat ohtaildne an Scheduled f<»? \:»ri! 23 and finals Phonograph Owner* A : i Th# Michigan State-Board of meeting » fategories of gov- education means to "get infor¬ rrea*e!» • - ' , w herra* \1 tiler C.ariimil twrs, two of whom were elected fled in pfoposal --- those effor? to fend off i.ciK en fi¬ mini IROMM tlir real meaning of education K IIcimI- C.«rn\ which or a ogRst'.v g.iru , "man Is a thing" I i lie open Iff idea* and new ex¬ perience*.' lie said y|«-rt to |li»«'il»« I'lilll- Tha two elected member* . , lahfunan* tu'wl an end Tueyi. iter riv.i' ojic •* Petitioning ■r fommittrr Hel and and ? '-j»i.mrn were Democrat Warren Huff non-living t" 51 year* of prohibit on. ' The i\\a!' -rrwl i • a • -I ■ • . "U> : r 1... • 1 '»5«» and Republican Frank Mern- chairmen t Activities Carm- unit bod alluding AWS . S'liu-d by h statewide whi>» then- own 'ne- <• ' >.«: • i v«l will cor iue through Fri- » * # •n r • 7 m t urn. •"an. Thev defeated Democrat crackdown and an inten*;-• tied that un.-ms were u t-i t> j l.-a Earl day. Pet it lb •nay bv obtained The *: term budget y I . ; .. t plan- fur tic if Bjornseth and Republican cuni|>;ugn s'ate resident.*. g«-. sort of enforremen' aim ?«» «ic ' -. according to Hofl!. at and retnrs l to the Union be up f ppoval at tonight'a Arthur lloua# for the two posi¬ repent a whojrping margin courage raids on trie bu.'incss o If ocop'e v. ere lei! A'tendart" r «h,a mec'iu-j S« tion*. Desk. C'ongrcsv a»M»ut 80.000 votes. members. " c.iy, with no u|.nn < ami poin' will oe Roue# was an incumbent oan-__ •out . have Mo 00') ted f-1; tlie uni?'- en*: ' didate for the board rr position was left vacant when The oth~ Dudle* II Up to Moiikri Hunincw •o«kd< I t roncUidetl f« ; - * < ativp p; tu a U mi - a : • f «-ie*v - uffc ing t- ■ i) ht. Clark Brody retired. Fromm .-aid. He d.mncd The voting for the two posts with 5919 precincts reporting fas Merrtman M.1.M4. Halt Banana-Eating Mascot Initiated' Into Psi House as ncf. of oian In- k'-'-p in 'oili i '.vitjy toe velf v or-hipping i hand. He« Ton S;i»» l.\-Kinv I-;trji«- by bowing to 546.911. Rjornsrth. 557.275. and There's a n* a lot of monkey busim I.V.TIKIIT ' I- l«Ti » r>... Toase a Soidcr monkey, knmvu a* I) tiilc I, •• de- priKiiu t. the * 552.199. ? au'.o oiam. Yusu- ♦ Greek life <- 'he MSU campus, especially . .wrc-d '.n ihr hou-'.* In»n« Florida ' unging over ' rntt-r K n- Peter II -airi ■; Drmoerat* control five of 'he Phi Kappa ! Fraternity huuse. Durpig the' trip north. Duulc j f bccaoa- . i " he a.d . ,irs would be iriov-n h»o bi$ U'T a x elective scats on tlie board. the usual tradition* of I and wa* taken to the n,»H animal ehna at .MSU M-. the J n» F;u DcpaiTing •m "Our opinion* roulil -. » <>. -a an jtr J* a Other member* beside the two not l»f v. hen* he died a week alter his ait .val cipai-':-" he re he now hvc> « tc'ed Monday are C. Alien such arnma .. dogs for fraternity mfisco? more xlaiulanlized (ban at But becoming atSiehcd to a rnrmkcv a a o... - are." he *aid. The reason' % c-xic. Harlan. Conner Smith, Don Ste¬ Phi Pxi's h;.' adopted a rare species of m . vens and Jan VanderpJoeg, for a house 1 cot, ?he Phi P»i'n ordered Dudlev to ne a-nt from Florida. This tinie the monkey w. « given a'com¬ M esterns are *o popular now a The e four non-clcetive Lvnn Bartlett. John A Han- offices Known key hns be n ;>udlcy II to the brothers, the a resident of the Phi Psi •I i plete physical exam after hi* trip to »r.»ur« hi* health. * Dial people are nnatalgie that Imi era lynilied by freedom and non-ronformltv, he added. for Kni|dt»\ iiient Itisc* WASIUNGTUN »' Kom'tv- iKih Karl McDor.el and Philip j three weeks of -winter term tctru r«^s«- uv«u on.- 'lion since the fi r ♦May. During hi* stay at the house. Dudley II has Man March while unernpl<>>a.ent de¬ Dudley 1! „mcd after the fraternity's n» can save himself. The taken part in the brothers' activities, and a 1 wa• Red-Faced Ukari, one of f '.ri? Mindi?ton i^ Mat he become clined almost JOU.OiW) in a >u secretary, i- greets the brothers as they walk in the door that aware of himself by stcppiiu siantial Improvement iu tbg specie-- captivity *in the United This particular specie* is supposed to be the He Fashionable today. ou? of toe illusion he is m arid r.atiun'g job ' picture. «n»st intelligent animal next to num. lie is ho;, • in a special pen built in thi- (ww and react to real It te All those Interested in Ill* diet consists mainly of pablum and fruit Kromni mtmt, near furnace because he must I warned that the indi¬ working on the MSI1 f ashion fnixed with vitamins, although the active* occa¬ vidual must .dtp usm^ "double I.-C. Ticket* ttffeml 60 degree vher or warmer in order l»s»e — writing fashion ropy sionally bring him such fo*»«l a» bananas and tjlk" vivc. or --jjeuking knowing ^ Ticket* or working in advertising — other fruit. for the l.eoturrf about concents in which he ha¬ may apply to Dirk Shapiro, The idea .i monkey fop a house maw Dudley II tins now *rcemed to gain "active" Barren program Thnrwlay rm real belief. He it^gesied initiated vu i one of the brother* receive statu* at the Phi PM house. The brother* arc ob¬ rveninr are available f#r *lat« News Office. 311 Sin- that man from an ai it farm in Florida, u*e, imagination and students at the I nU# ticket dent ftervirts. between I and taining a new blazer for him. so that he will look faith (conviction In personal ex¬ 4 p.m. Dudley 11 however, isn't the first moni the part of a fraternity man when he takes in •Hire. I k xmmr ID rani, m the Phi Psft. perience) to save himself in in¬ be adopted Early winter Ine spring term activities. activity book were—try. dustrial society. Big Gam* Hunting Academic Awareness fs Urged CAMPUS CLASSIFIEDS El) 2-li>11 EXT. 2613 WK II\\K KWKNTI.Y '<• takinv thorn ava" from studrnis and foa. h. fake nui,* u| some siiru- "I hiciini -iii.y it,., iit ho;- pnttiinr Ih'-m into hitfher pro •• l>KAI>UN,;S: 8 p.m. I»AV IIKKOHE N'MJCATION FOK TIES.. W EI,, .n-pflfmij ;tw'JW'iifv* aniony MM >hiilvnts tiyo and paying admini drntiw fiosts or l>. Till US.. AXI, Kill. ElflTIONS ami stmlpnt jrntiip-, yi.vinr thorn yroator op}H»rt unit it's for re. WON. EDITION DEADLINE, 2 p.m. EKI. areh, Thp amHiKlmrnt to tin* ,\l S(» lou-titM- ■o Hill* 1'nvnhl* ,.|2 * nd 1-3 .tlnndn.v thrnmch Friday lion la«t ur«'k in pffprt r;ti.*p«I tin* mini* Km.,lie"a! reward for fa' ult\ menihors who do-.ote more tirm. effort* and ability mum jrrailr rpquircfticMt for Stwlfnt t.n.. pnilHPtit jir»*si«f«'titi;,l rnntliilitlfs t<» th»* a'i- to jii'eparat noi and pre -enlation and yiiinv classified rates PERSONAL -tudent- o\ira-help sooms a M*ry con- HOUSING tinivi»r«it■ avprayp (;i* i Id./ ,5c F0» RENT ' Popular innate at a popular prt*, c»f thp }>rovu»u< standard of L'.o. Tli. intioe-i e \|o'e-<0'I iii 'Mortar Hoard's Darvl Gllrk ED 7-7.T.V) |fure ." tho t'ir-t of which • i< 2 diyt 51.45 APARTMENTS And flip rlwtiotis onHiiain-!' pa^-fl <<'•' I d.y. 11. ,5 THE FINEST IN mualr fe.,th Stndrnt t'onjrri»J»« near tlia clo-p of aa inter sehclulod for tonight, offering chance- to WFBKH iFRANDOR NEAR• Rea.i- .la* kmatt 1'omhn. The Plavhn,-* p-r. , d.y. 52.25 Ufultt funti-hed large ihree rnomy h, stes en* * formerly .lim Voerheit \jrH- of faeult\ niom- " tprni lik»»w i

ide eia-srooin limitnfinns iJ •'"»* a-he. dr<. er. Itenl. water $!t'« .. • rp«iuirpmpnt'for prompts fixe rla*- ofin-o; . or unU,rni.*hert. fl,W Phone IV .1-0.1MR A genet. IV 2-0*?4 ,r other e\ idem e of a yiowim.' awareness. ADDITIONAL CHARGES II Sf'idpfit t'oiij^rnss atul I' io«li-Sopli t ointi ii IMId.l.l.CirM, \rillKVK.MKNT or for wofd ov.p 15 M'AR ntENTR El'RNISHFD t'N- rpprnspntatii P* - Thp result of the pro|Hi-al w ii! Hot !*o its la* f m fraternities ha< boon hiffhl.t 7O / 6c per d.y APPROVED arroM from campus KW AST RAKER', ED J-2R2.1 after 4 p.m. 4 DELIVER* In¬ primarily thp niliriK r»ndidativ« -th'i-e u hoip Li.H .< allow thrm "I" "uiub'-rrabl,-' -tressed in roe,iit month-. Hrniiinr com. , orn voire,I b\ for .*dndarship anioliy I,recks was m.>li Vi Cm?' .vhiu, • ^ f«;\ .■■Lis automotive PRINCETON ARMS NEW rtelinr .Vnai-i'iienh .4" ennditlooed. reramic iirt*lie« rt*<|,os«l aderiiiale parkmy dividual!. deeorated rake aervipg ;• p..- it ftV Phone IV 4-47H6 Safer* j to sta> in srhool and royisliT a rar, quali¬ ind aier furnished Ph»*ne Ineroa-, d ,-mpha-is upon ihp academic a.®- ED :M*WT ED 7-7S.VI ,f-i;i REAL ESTATE fy for n#»arlv hmv rr.-Hiienrt' hall position Ol hut not to run for oiu* of tin- major ollitr- pecf of 11:,*riiitv living is a welcome in. ptfi , ' iNVFH'ttBI.E EI RNtSHED APARTMENT THREE HV OW NER ERIENDI.Y netfhhm . listed. novation in our (»rcck s>-torn. And the 1 Ml fr ton Eteeo* la* Be rooms and hah, Parking Tv •• men or mat • I'HIiUes fur- Food bark Hartrh with earporf. Eereed vard Overlooks amatl nrehar* E,p » And it will Hhvp litt'p « f If. t on ftirbinu fraternities are to bo congratulated for , Ill •l-lV,.tl i i ,ed ri,i*|ile l\ 4-*15.17. ft I iv log a>ea men, tear EuM Rnwheft base Three hediooma mora post activities for thosr who do not haw tin- topping the all-university men's awrage • *'* f'HEN'H, ,1 El EX, El I EST ;i; w SHIAW'AsFE nnfurnlthed hie Automatic gas heat ftnft wa*e- laundry and kitchen, aluminum aid fall quarter. .(-'i,,., fiood -eali. le r til m nil Slice lefrtgera'or rpgutrpd prailri. ,\ total of Ma I students wore asked t-* •Tlie Soap llov 'rrtiei Sl«»\e jul-i.ot FD dia|m with fireplace lar|, tirht'« real qiinlifirat i«>n for sin h an otln . for winter term ha- not ' et been made AMORE Eurotpihed thiee riii,log ison. lo,* Carpeted Kitchen wu l',.1t RAMRI.ER ST t TION W agon of cupboards Screened por., '-e* paid Parking Wasti¬ f.rjub*-point jnrnifi'-. of roiir«i»>. ale far (nihil.•. The scholastic "crackdown" begun Two «ar hrtrk garage lleeidtftill To Curb nn;\i:ss .I ■.. mi n,onto ng i »i ft-4^77 7 Iti'dii aped large lot Available fs- from the on!\ im|w»rt«tit interim! in evaln- last vear is still in progre--. 52, eno from feruliv member mnvini WAN I F t) ONE MAN to fom lo ED T-lftni 5 atmtr candidatp". Hut in Hip pa-t th«*> have iIrow mg stiniriii concern over scholastje :•.»« ERF Mil RF " tl I ! <* - if,., i apartment Cooking '*. -Ii'ie* Poone IV 2-7J<»« ft iippn t'i\pii too liltlp royaltl. affairs is a healthv -ign. perhaps one thai Rt JOM 1.1 "I I I DONT MISS IT. rnmpfeted a **a ago a two bedroom name leV«< Students haw apparenlly lirrorup mme mdiiates a more aeademicalh competent ft hn* ttccn atiggpsfpil th;,' t-ie i!i*»n '•» our sucictv |.i?t «i,» VERMONT TWO room aparf- pneaie entrance, hath, wa*ne> neaihv Pleeaeo, srenerv AH pavs- toads into E laniM| <7eah or fperr.* . ponrprnrd aBout thp qualify of loarhiny h -lu,h-ni »'o*l. Tighter admission restric¬ prot»li»m "f HItlN'KSS liw« in tin- "cuutervhiliiig jr*wer' employment r.i'fp IV 4-MR.1 t Contact E. Shields. RTI Rph. Wi tion Hon,.. - t ollege recruiting, scholar liamstnn t profpsvom and in«triH'tor«. If ha< hew c i- coiiecpt That I*, the wt*. ,«»ntr„! big tui-iniss i* t.\ • JilR« AM, sf .|i»p- E l.\N»(N(i h*ih 12.1 I mils s. Murk apartment Three tlont that thry folf I hoy rnuld hotlofil h> ship offers to e\« optional high school ,|!i having cquwlly inrgc and fH,w,rt.u; groups act a> the brake h iii'liiis i i fin rushed etrept atote EOt'R h, owner REDROOM Rink Cape Tod m 0„a • MOCSE for aa • Irnrninsr namri of instructors for oaoli lent- the effect ol these seem- to bp woo refrigerator. ', him k ,o rantpu- * llig tioicrnmPHt, Itig Labor. • ann hii- «a. W ED 4 Hills Large toi on hill two-rsr gs show age two fireplaces wall-to-wall ra roiirsp and soot ion prior to royistration; 11.g I'm***' pita'* ■ in prgehee. H-. *. ^ «> •< ;:* o.i4«"Up's '• n PtlftStM Af'AH I'MfNT EOCH pet. full nasemeo' ift WW. BD IW AI X, io-|Monl,*,l to thi< nood to roipiosl • Ml I UK ( AWtlT re I a v in an attitude merge 'tie. gr»*;> and « **. k *-• .e" • "»'••* i I • enpe'iii, witn. i'i "i - i-smnns hmi looms and tf • 12 «,*he, H'g <* •* ' "i.'r.u'- • . Kig i"i. ished eneero sfove ami thai b-u yi\iny surti wilmmahmi |.o of * .mi,it;.m em ' MsK admittedP. does n«»t ate, \m,ti. ea.-h 1 K ihir iiuuip awilatdp. enjo .. i,-putat ion f,*r a, .oleum standing Hi *i II.y Latw.r and Big u.m an,i pn< • • rii a'. • room* >i|il«,ie- *-iO hal i furnish (ilrm-l - SERVICE e>l in u .,e en'raoee and dnu Admini'i rnf n»n and faoultv of oath of i ipi.iI i.i Hi..* *d -,w oral oilier colleges and The |e«eni - itriwintn c H»r H* sup.,' • , <• p.fking ,*» ' \o drinking ED 7*77#., 4 IftlAK SPECIALISTS utda. turner lie e\ i t.* in our ow n stale And at jjit'.iliv•>- an ! -.E/tNfo If ST COFftEE too viniMin ,|"|»artnuoi' t'ooporaiod ,,d • •In* g.v, ei lonetifa; b'«T V ii he . ' re t lie, k , KIT'' HEN 'IV AND dining room lea ! one th' -e also a -late-supported 'he high*'-' e*.'i'' ■<'■ .«(••.» a- 4 • n . •V tr A 1. w r» iH^q. Durably jo fulfilling this rique i hopai!- p\mt r |" w,i*e« »»el »» ir «• Xnpiov nt rio»o,« for iflfn ri.e-'i. op o» -*.*' ■ r, ' If 1 fto per peek 11.14 Erve ED J-ft27'< OlLlCiOUS I4U0NUTS moiltai tiffin*-, handed out | ii -11 in \m e. - lit -! Illll I"';' F 'he > "irvet \ «slin^ p . *ei* ,'i|> Siiprci'** I'oih '■ •»%' - # ,. stmlenls i-oiild soi-K M ah remallis to he * oinph-hod in the . - of I he t'.K . • V. • t. , a- 31" W Gi Rivr ■ nil yimwi ili-l not oi« llo \nitio ..{ a y i ii »i i a'itdeina ait.t lot! I he tvr#nt -\mplofns of Sherman 1,1'* Jnlepl \«*l luUilte,! toaflo r iia * ho.mi rooinphasi.'od '• i <>v. an1 nd, > ' V ' I en, • -eetil to illdl I |,r SI,. II *fl \ • of 'fll.l ■-.* If . : O.OI, p ro.oi. AMI Nt, rt V TV PI ST ANN BROWN Rnone Tf- N e* 1 Spa- ' Ih.i! }|,'«l»tr«l the »• . I I • «,!*' of • *'i • ». ."'Wnpt, p.. p.* III'1 'o iv t 2-ftiSn Ele.t'if tvpewriter Term THKIU. IS SHI I. mo, h that ,omd . * We .lie ill • II ,ilili* IV A-1427 thmia. alao general tvp a ■ ■ • f in'' '■ dr a reipf To Hi* w,1 hu«i- oaoers and done U* reward good m»tnirtoi* i»o^ni,-- right direetion. ..»•» - .i g " • ■* s • . ea «* n .,iiie,*nde*.r «■*,!«•. » t.A Nsl.Nf# I \ri RMSIIED t U.Ku thiee rnoins and h«th u, ,.f *»•*-■ 1 « * • a reel, ro, »'«4*1en" v. as Appi.e,i •* » *o.| ieu pgei ator. Alai ried SSAftTAN AVIATION INC. or single v omen preferred go* ' f.' e,l • •- !.• campus |7i> Phone ED ' INFORMATION t g»e..n, if) i 'a ii , e ■ ' ri.oi,.. "'i n •' >». • . .i,»n * . . ;• M* K* n*• •* s » APPROVED FXf El.t.FNT PR I - j' . .. » « •• •• • « ., ' en- )>i . !*' ' f.»« • *•■'.- V ATE pppodf" rfoupleleh lurnivnen MM 1111 Mm fill nil I. %MM % M ■ ... f :, Three ft rom* bath utilities, ,•*•*• I- ••• •: • •* of. "M So..- .. . \. .iid ' pa, k • %l»! %M I M»M in K '* I • I I I 111 I OK \ I IONs N19M bam in | gkerEee .11 %\ II.» Ml \ | I OMMITI II • ^ • Li '•* • ' r«' - • • ' - ■ .1 i t\* a. 1 Cap>tal Cdy A oped IV 7-044 f *1*%ri \n iiuiuimon i i i ii . ,i" c • .108 va-u n* .s, h *i> e e . .1' I n;. • • . 'litemhelttont s|,.,,r of Matket I ntrrinn for rent APPROVED ROOM PLCS ki'coen TV-RADIO SERVICE ••f . ...le* to »,iiflep*» New and use " • " ii-eti. Tv*-.- blocks fro,,, I IVIM. I Ml I II VIM Ml \ iiii i % mi.m \ nil iiruoui vi i in m ui,.., *t.,re* ED 3-4.HI4 4 Mlevision »ale« Ere# tube check", oRi, \M/ n ION a' a a tp. 10 ft V n rr Rails T* l«»R W 111 It I MMl II I*. i. Co.. 1022 K Mich g* I M.IM I RIM, I III M II n't' 11 of i.iale studeni . I*. • ■ f f»'■*, ail ft.-r* nil 111 -i«.m \ • \111 11\ i I Ol M II \\ 111 ii i \iimi m m us r\ri n \\i» iiirm i 11 ill *1*11 I M I l>l ( VlliiN I I I It i oil ill I II I . • i i i .a r I RslllM. PC 11 I I s APPROA-EI'i DOC RLE ROO" '» I'W ni:in,i|ui\ sii in N i s|* lit I IN UOMI N s | | %|.| | FOR SALE f>p-. i-ah hiin 1, ...ip, reikr ! 11 ED 2-.r-a7 -on \ IIOl s| • •>' F , ARt.E REDRfKlM To • a ■> ft , « e ... u *l»- !•••• -e A -o gaiage ftlft AA et ■ - ED 1 t.'Ut 2 lion i. u 1 ii it i u:\i\ II run ill F oR SLMil F. Hk.p. nee .11 Miti; r \ xiii i I'eiiall.,* Ih-latitri, small r.iI r. oc ED 2-44.M' i ■ I'llOMI Mill lis ■ . ' be ' He. ."'.hie* Vl'v ft AMERICAN RED IAIL III i t> ? v i! ;» 1 AM - DEI I KIO I IV S SMT eMft f» . 7MS u T *-!i |H,t Kir PANM *■• - Crossword Puzzle A rlouh e • en ppA R N oBT ONtL • • , e.u- • j A!P TV RADIO M1FI se.xire S*> . . • H k. • 1\ I *74 * ' • *1 Patk-og Two blocks l«. • •lis plin ,e E.D 2-2712 F lui " N t & 1 . ID i -i»»u 4 lull i 111 n Ntftlio s*ie». 112 W. Grand Riv#'. 1 tAlltS AcaoPt 29 At tM ■"t.EXNWX L t Vr's chlc* 0U« iaroa.n •1,-7 ( IINVINIT.M LCH ATION Iu,o«iog L v t NIHcJ'A s ' sl • Ar,i,t. v»ri . i.1pih. tut' rrten • I Nprveut 1.1 Red* t* itrHing «ipr^rtt i* « DNrn|* 5 g A m A -■ ED 7-0.711 ied A* An per week « Lay-Away Salt 4 Turf 1« if 4 N n|o %"i r RIBT'wc ATIIOVTO SIM.I F ROOM J " • ' v. Ia .4 .A * 21 Sm a • • UN N I t*R .11.lilt I I ii i; \i I HI i 11 ION posired ED 2-5454 mar ft p • PM'H -g 1- a*. cm \ aftft 12 «:ate ftutr ■In t V i g|t n «11II iOHN HiCftS HARDWARE » Mio -PAR I AN ,1 AI I 215 I to- •n<}« reparation A F.^C I O t|, P S.*R™" ao'iroved for "ifii Double ftft pe «, to UV-AWAV TOMORROWS \y Rouv oritn SI A.pVaMp t ft ro'uU;AL Att.-S ' ATE • ik single tmiii,. 5ft .Art pet week M. • J* oHft'A' i"nBP TTS I'll.,. V .s.i Ih.u I 10 t>aih loon U.hhv •»1» , 14 C#r4.n*l 55 Fafcutoel W i -.miluce j,. IV 'elep 11 ttfe service laviivdrv faci- fciET I0DAV EOR flNEST number men,lei» ["TTTltVaftl, -- c V.\ 2,*! ft ' c uerki'ig site, k and mitt n-a IP ro;vif.«n 37 F-h'-erta n ue- VA'aU-: lug disiance fo cam- selection. -ii Li: luscito. ou» Ell 2-2*74 ft i: Htftte.l 51 U:gebe : ftftiutian of Yfitirdty't Kin i i i:» in i k n iii ii ii i 'z.~" Wm. H. Thompson Mieliigan Stale .News (.MirMo 31 Ifti -aap. I ED Iv 7 *» o. I SIM Ml I II I • ODATIONS FOR TWO sh. II {'retailing 4C Aparklf lam \ Hi B« * u I „iiU pie!cried Two roou,*. IIOMPM ADF »!»!» >9 Orand- 41 Mean 45, Ktern ly ! Supp't tl fitiin joe III! I'alUI -AGE H"> ih!- ,U,P'U iciieu e, L.ovistfpg (cmiii pi is .i'r .Aon VI endow law , hell < Jewalar j r.v * Read Hail* ht 1|tl «, ' . »n),» sunlriu* and fa. nil. C».-t .0 log. F I aii-.p Pi. -pe ED 2-1L77 »'•< I ft perenrt 4« Urte 1« Ub-r >ioi:tw i;oinn t f a j. s cpg r ) c«- «r 3 Len e l '*» fcatunl* - *"H huitdav ft tl Cub » a,ream 14 Cnortn. , iV 50741 me'er 4ft faged■ 4 S! p 35 MounUa, SINGI.r ROOM FOR en Plea sap* tl Denate 41 She*p n r 1 oSVge bus. Talking facilities. IV- YOUR LAUNOtr 24 JUrnmef III aeconl 4 Hal ?l Fragmer, I rill I • RlCniD UR AND DHiVIREP *»lr t CtnorniPg 22 So Ante'i. FO? SALE S» 25- k -eiil Sv- T Vijilftnt 14 Mote can ungu'.i:# bOIR CLUIS t» . • H taelnma* tu44»n:» 53 Dtltgn, Ann,— 1,,/ Mmhi t p.l. tl. X.. r trailers Wai'i A O'f • .Ole • p>;.»a |,M •1 toftbiri • Or M 24 Recerd of ft I ll eiiip.,lay, April It. 1 {».*»!» I'uk'f Two • ft SO wp. ipfech To Hie Iditor I. LANSING LAUNDRY 23 Angle* Nv\ W C • N.e lftS7 0WO44O HOUSE Trailer™.M IV ID ; i.ft> ;• , ' - imiWH £ -4 . " '' ftU .Air conditioned Two Sit^n * \ I bffln»iii» IV 3-73IH '5>v^sA..> .*• r'?eV> ' 4 ' « Aw • • I V . 'i.w sell thi« •vrek ED 7-4,74(4 1 RIDE WANTED TO COLUMP sentv- V * - * * V W *-htv' ,1 us? 0- » la «5 i end back this weekend. Natai.a E'. A'\\"n.^ r.' V C;A..5 ... fru.t p •« P3i t.t.OBFMASTEH I0s3ft Two 2-4*21. Kin .71, 31 Sit •• ■. e t» '1 p ail.j titi. _vM*.-sV • .->• -v* Jli :.Aif:Y Cu.'dv'l j bediiMim*- aluminum awning on lot cxuellent condition. Reaannahle. ED- RIDERS WANTED TO Urbana ! equil 1 2-344? ailer 3 HI. ft or other points aoufn. l-eaviiig f 32 tlr fe*lat A| flandor gol^ course 34 ' The I*. H. Iltilleit 1I \t 3J vr« NEW unvo HOME Si ,- . four piece da>. April 10th. »,11 Keely. ED J-.v • ' * New a mihi hate -W f s . Tentmftket* , halh Rra-onahle ED 7-«C« 4 - hern earned aw at ht flerllona, RIDERS TO CHICAGO ever* » 58 Or -w ,r> j : .... l!k*3 hIL.Vfc.R ST All 45\4 house- d..v aher 1 p.m. M round trip. Th n'd — I «l .trade-- 37 Ward f.|? housing conditio,. On lot Phone IV 2-4«3rt 4 T'o hedroon-s r\*ellen> ED "-IIM ■■ ■■ i ' .jasaesawataeaigaa'iii Mirhioiin State Nf ii ft 5" -4' , • • 4»- , p it vv?r cOt.- iii *v?Cv»c 0v F0* RENT LOST and FOUND 1 WANTED FAST LANSING F. wAs:-^A:ViCx,:-sX- A furmihed rooms, RrM-n duplev Tv, hed- Willi . iP fraj J w hand V??in ... IM i?"?? buildingwatch Re- land hand Martin Jemieaon. 7 A*.est Shaw HaU. ED 2-4331 <:.VECA?r. gat heat 5'MV ri) 2-llfK tf ward if found. Phone ED 2*1041. / - - - WANT T--i Easl Shaw. 4 WOULD LIKE WINDOW vash FOURTH MAN* to sitae Joha at a reasonable price. To o * o^approved .Tive-ioom house ED- 1 cic-r LOST. Muck ii»rr| band. March 23. Vtcitvit. . I-A . r,,,... DIES _rtl_ GOLD watch wit 1 an appointment, after ft p *r. phone IV -»•'•* , »•- »e • .'wl I,j*. ,i A-k for Mr. or M . nf I man or Home F.« Rutlding 'Boston Lee Tai lor. v' '■ ; »t »ne p» i apartments Phone «\t. 2IKMI or ED 2-4265. 5 ♦ - ' l ■ « W ■ wa -t-ie n a, . i C>|.LEG E M a N CLOSE to cam - 1 rswT I.OM . *-•*» PAIR »«- OF .light . h*own lad- WANTED TO in bedroom home RENT or |««*t. T> Fa«t lansing e •• .*•..• • 0 hu« 531 a A month, everything fur- i IHret*!ei*na, ftA «*0. m<* rr» ui, nr. t r regular meetings of '• o • in s , a writ;••!.. A. •. Hun ,* r'rction* Kince RLVi. si rcu. r to • The Visit '• w hich adap'- • ft:?* • ft .Aft ' nciMrrn' four state boards which net p«t»- 5- as NOW SHOWING jipriWC election hut dropc-d nine i | .uvirnic 'tOP state rhiilininn, .*«.♦'! Mm e,! i... Va en. ant i|p< for colleges and universi¬ atatewide f"r education Petnut. Th> Supi hoilcri ?' •>uU"TU-e I ed on H.h'i, racpi They re together and nothing can tear'em apart! - as sucr'i*- - - >Mu'fd A.fred Lunt aiut L.vnn ties. Ilemnrratft look eight. Itc- ' fill. Lin ho' fait", ' i*i said iTirivr l a ! Kontap'.e. pnhlirans three. Leading Harilonc a \'.cc con:r f'r. •'bo "id v tr'rgs Am \ix«.ri from The Hou r will be drvi-te-f, JOHN WAYNK'DEAN MARTIN Ihr H individual **in- 5."i to 3.1, Hv 'he result of a ft»- Warren Presents lirr* ,»U«i»CfS bv f **rrr "orgr Suprrnir t'oiirt lldivanh and publitan v.itoi v m v n«»rmai v llrmocratic Detroit district ant « Kosoffirc Opens onlinuous from I IH5 p.m. I MICHIGAN RICKY NELSON S1 ^tohn Vo *rr. *v ho *von nr\* a Republican triumph m a so ¬ r'ebt yr. term* on the filht- und House .special election con¬ Mat ft.»r Vic his A . Mimlays .«0c test outstate. com NOW! Varied mail Program i hildrrn ..lor A It h n i> ii - p a in*., . enmi.'lC'" a citnsrc i p..lit a- .! II S IlIZ/V; ITS IIAI I V AMI ITS DKI.IIillTITT, Fduar i L^narH Warren, baritone *1ar of Hie Metropolitan Op¬ port* c ■iti'"»n a <1 era will sinp in the Ami Thnrsfln> cvenim- 8:1 •"». Warren Vorlkcp r Ihuica!.' noin.- - DIAMONDS - one of the most famous of the omit probably the world's irreatc^t baritone. riiipor r. .-injrrrs ami PC's b*" K ' sih •v* r '" m l i p..* a!'.'- A< Kl'fp-sk. Iwwiwi" BiLiy WiLnFR His renditions this Tic.. -!v.- V(H 1". iru " .: Xic'iu'.v .f in" by Verdi. to such hgh: ni.--, • ph.,It- The o T •' \ou, i"• a vNiul' 1H *• • • i.- '! .V , -CLASS RINGS - AN6IE DICKINSON WALTER BRENNAN WARD BOND her* as "Colorado Trac and drew 4'Ji . W ; ,au Rah!w;« I. V I EST MIMS EVENTS •Rtow the Man Down' Waciru Firestone. i\ ffcppb none ii, '. .an tiin.i — ri.MIVi; -CM.V :« appearing under the *p,,n-o'- m'u 24'. M. S. I . 111. HfilNMR * II, Ml klftit l.Min ' ' lb- of the Lectu! i-Comert Miss I ansiiio , iM- stup in "HIE JOl UNEV" Se- :o«. tuinlnvi: (•!: i C-clCT '• 1.'H ic9 Warren was bom in N-v S'.,tr S. U'ej. ii-nt of I'lib ' i York C'itv. He arrived «' ''e Context Opens InMrue'i h'- ■ 11 v oUhu fi.' - REPAIRING - Metropolitan Opria through the time, sal . off it r that UgiiiT'l the ' Metropolitan Aud.tion* of t!>r» for in \ 4. Watches and Jewelry h»Mi» | -K k -n At. Fo' owing the and 'c> i- An open I'm f. 'ids, he vent to Ita's fop siv months <<[ UK1'* It t'l jti'prwiva studs in Milan. fot mat ion ao.-ut ibe \l.o i• • - .\Yilsiiluntl tjuicl Added; l.aiesi Motld-Midc News Ivcptal Ma made Ma debut In 1919 SALtS' V. Sou'hem tPv- er Lansing pageant will lie held •ad within four rime the Metrapalltan a ranking aeaanna be be¬ Saturday morning. 10-11. a' 'be Rust drftia prnor 11' go nd of Dalhi.usr, g w - Riilain'ft t>n- Thompson's Jawalry tatnmng Junior High .School ha ri tape Vita performance as Aud lint Af . Foderati'»n. «»id 223 M.A.C. Aft. "B it alalia" waa acknowledged TliPsd.T* and rortrr have Entry blanks mar be obtNuud •a III* warld'a finest at this meeting and nwo-t.-oift brrn res ■ in ttir Rhivtrs .»* K. Landing; He aanf "Rignirttn" for the will be answered concerning 'tie and the tii»n in Nvasalniid tOOth time in bis debut at Italv'a impro* pageant Ten finalists w . be js l.a Scala opeia house in Milan, Refpir1 'o rrvcrit African aclee'ed Ma> 15 m Lansing and waa the brat lion-Italian nationally ,tbirak«. he t«-.i i hie girl «« be choaet *c\ ■ who aang the role there He ie- Parliame' ' MMTll'ltV .,f * •,* compete tn lhr Miss Michigan >p wved an ovation from the pub- ltr and mtirft. He baa also marred In Buetvs Pageant at Mo-argon this s.un¬ met The J..n:-»r Chamivi tommeree-ef (beater Lansing of frtlrratc.i h* "evil aubvcr«i«» 1 brru of uquprariing anarch* chniirugri1 and na- Starting ToJay at 9:39 A.M. A rea Teatro C'olop and in R;o tinnahum THE TRI E AND TYIMCAI. CASK sponsors the pageant. da .tanwnn'g Teatro Munietpal. fn addOi/wi he has appeared OK CHATSWOKTII OSCEOLA v oh th# Me* ten C*it\ Opera and the San FTanciaco Opera. I .Ml aprtuc be received un- acclalm fram Ibe EAGLE CIEE Ven fttl knou. of ropric that even engineer eg aphiot > »rf • iff '• ia.ioiift offer« Ifoin ilo/cii* of ror|M,rat>on.. iap tj.. kt '-m falHiiioift 1 iortrj- !»j-.'" | h, * op lu-.f ' .ui . , rillitl Soviet t utou during • cultural I" » * »ielv the corporation*. i«.,ii|.it !,» ' | i-t ui i •» ■ r earhauga tuur Iherc. Tbla year lKlWMTOWM I.A.NN't y. il,e ti ne .u"l typical cn-c «»i ( liat - ivoitft (havoia, » f i .c* be a tarred at the Met in the re¬ vival af Verdi's •'Macbeth." is scheduled la appear In "Pag- lie l i-Hlurinit Sl»»k« ft Ch « t\ pii a. M-i.M.r. »<- • . *.ais««iiti, «aa h iied u tilking l,\ a a, To-" loan tie M IT n.nmpus our d.»\ i sdium mi a veiion i • t Clearance! lUrrl,** a* ftcarpta in "Toaca,** Afl.r 'Ihr.lrf Snark- . el O-l'-J » 0 piecitoi* gein .lulus ' !h ;i. ' e m o I on and ad "Blgalctta " k 1 > u-.!«-•- ll » "»ig.»be,- iw.ll.0g .lllU iiU.-iill.g «. "lo- p-eaentlv. Mr. Warren Is on a eoaaj-to-roast tour which is being managed by Huvok At- tractions. Inc. J.,1 \ • l»o ' he*, s.r.j ( t,,.T ' •»«! tike tin- i ,.r' |» « yours " ».*id "S'g-•« ■ rtlt, SPORTSWEAR! Mulie Invert throughout A-v - *'1V.snk» v.e* " m >t I •>.,♦-«.,Hh. — e-ira w ill remember hnn from ••|ws , pke Hhd p>. said - « appearanres in fl u* »si,. . .. i • h.u I.. u ' • iii *";','•••• \\ < s. The pi inn- he '.,V| !*♦• - • W oal in..o.All 1-1 ,| .11. i" -. I I it w. I'll. ... ne King Fdvdiii S II hi a .dished ttic sword in ' i , •• - -«• i .* i .|lt..i. "u t tie .| . * Ol .< .,'ital "i i • • f i i « : • •m> We ed hand since his ata'ue w <** in lfllfi • g t 'l e It ,i.» '.a,f '.|a i,i ll !!.,«•'ess lentnf, - | ...,t u , one |m l-eef ■.1 e t r»u." e,i. - >• I irvi ho'ijuhiig, . . d s.ioaesmar.. "We don't even V5wu,d ^ ou like n. u.arry ii< ^ Blouses, Weskits' r.. i. f'w whether the »word u made of brnn/e or atone." Slacks, Bermudas y U . hiS/'f Mcrr I.(Ml li, II.IKI 51.99 *'U ber gpi#»,d:« out * -4..1 ( liai-wofttu- •• $ ' ' \e*. en'*I ok*1 he* sanl ( ti i'-«. rtli. ; . , Merc ILIMI h, I 1.110 2.99 * < ..iigratuh'ttioiis i«l »ig.'' \»*•! h-r itm-iirtpp* 1 -rolr. a lawk "i riiiiip Morn* taei-.c n' l "I ! la • * f tut. ' I'll * iik*. hev," «!«)•! I > rr «< ion- tic age • tl.r,* • i"f. i,..u . in oh Jo \\ ■ ,. ,.q | »n re I .'1.00 In 1,1.00 5.99 I p.-. nie -liter *< I • e I "t hi 'it < ihll'CM ... t 1 It., v m - ... ly $ 6.99 lopuigtl (.liirf-rtv. We M |l keep* our I,* I ill repair a I •! alf. tlie teeth ..I *our «* lie tio if..iik igifeiiiHv alaait tl,i* ofl«i. M, .owtcW- 1,,-re i- i. u 1h">,-«'oi dollar* ill small,'d luii-, aluih pi.n. - \..q Pile LiMd CAR COATS til.'ier ra. I-t ligation ttliat-,icve| ^ "It eertaml* seen,, like « tl.r offer, -•« d ( hate Worthy "Rut them is something you -l.oul.l knoi*. I «im not an ritgineer. In Mi re 11.00 an,| IJl.OO .NON\% O, I don t go lo'M I T i all I .iim i pocuy luapjrat li«i\uni. J p,»t came over here on a purl Haik. ' *•< »b, *aid ?»ig»fo"*. •i guess | don t get to keep the mnw*v and the convertible Imported Far Blond Swoalors j ^ , and LoirH no*, do P *ud (' l^t-worth. "< cour*e piii d". «jid .%igalbua. Ami d you d likf» the job, Mire 12.0(1 ami 11.05 MIW vP«^/0 m$ vScr still fcUinis.' «i»>«. ALL NALL.N FINAL Speaking nf rngou < t*. the Philip Worrli company mnkf » a titer cigarette that'eenginemd Inplcaee the mo»t decern- ing nf tiler littoke're—Marlhom, the cigarette irith hettcr Open Till 9 P.M. Tonight *miakin'$."More Haiorplunnuit fillet lyuaU/nJrecigaiellet —■ V ■ 4 V April *, 19S!» MIC HIGAN STATE NEWS p^af Four Intramural For Hall of Fame Japanese Matitien to Tackle Michigan Stale (Jolf Course Highlights Muim Made Nominee Stale in Match Here Tonight Opens for "59 Play Today TM softlv;!!. 7.. ■ »a*T '-lanogeis' meeting be¬ bowline and vol- XKW Rftl NSWirK, N.J. —('lurence "nipfirfe" Athletic director at MSU, is one in the list of former Mtmn, conch¬ SpaHan matmen have an op¬ portunity tonight to meet Olvni- former team team niembew to the for the Japanese match. to Wrestling has pushed judo In¬ the background a? the ton Michigan State's Forrest Akrr* Acroniiris to coutsc Manager Two of the past members. Ken gin* at 7 tonight in 208 !\t bur' I- caliber wrestlers when the sport in Japan, But the es heinir considered for the football TIall of Fame. Munn j)n' Maldlov and Jini Sinadinos, are popu¬ V , >lf course op ms fo: •John Ri'ot/.mann, ' Too cour-e fjirr .ml x-hedu! ng p'u« J a pane.--:? national wtv 'i 2 larity ha* mushroomed since p'n tod.v. Athletic Director intrnmurfil pr-H-:--J''re e.»n- did his playinjr for Minnesota and eoaclied at State. one-time NCAA champions. Al¬ came through the wintri in great I I--, >'itiad vi'its the IM Spoi-ts Arena 1951 after a team from tin Mwii announced th.< F< "Ddt" BKmchard ami so added were John I'aum and Tt . ie nine the.' •* • ports ■-• ill be e\- : \ . t a? 8 for an exhibition match. United State* toured Japan. It shape, and i?h » feu more da>* Robert Gunner, v r, k. I ' . li .eh te un » \. , le h;« Arnry sidekick. Glenn Davis: Carrying 10 national champ- took an Olympic victory to boos; of gun it "ill be ready for nor¬ • • t IM rlrt»arlu'i I" T'hiis'.y Mathewson, Johnny I.u» long of Japan, thr visitors have tilii ' No! all member* from the 1959 the sport, though. wirnmss ma! -. . .ven'.'i"ve, pivferabL athle¬ jaek. Jim Crowley and Frank been on a goodwill tour o( • >e itquad will take part in the ex¬ Ai the time of the Olympic ICato- for "ip 18-hnlc !nvou% tic chan inuit or ream manager. ending at the na.M.' f.eab;- are among the other 1959 U.S. hibition. including Big 18 champ- win. just 500 students partici¬ ★ * * CANOE WPS which opened f. i ex¬ nifi". will be hfenl;er>! to hot Voung. of the year over 5 000 wer We furnish every. cr.i1 er Japanese coach bh. o H-"» KiiKNiaii Rowers best is *1 for adults and 50 ccn. (t?mOM? Aluminum canoe, cnmple'e and *1 weekends and hol.d.r. s tie involved the iob*. v. rom idering 50 new candi¬ boasts three wie.-tiers th.- are * * * for student*. ■ atnpiiif out ft, fine food—all at low dvly rata, Writ* today for canoe for If? hole f)-mii,ne f. ;!. voilev- dates r-f former football stars expected to win gold medals in Decline Invitation Faculty and -tuff fees me 90 ami coaches Tuesday. Only 10 the 1900 Olympics. tr.p planning kit. map, lista, ra'ea. Ir.n and independent bowling 1 Jerry Jarkard ind Jim |>r- PHILADELPHIA 'P-—Russia Rocket Rcitily to I'loy Girli maka canoe trips, too!! ce:it« for. nine holes, FI.30 r>>i or- and risibility card., is will bp Heeled. They will join Sordar tokos Outfitting lit Alumni and geticrnl pub ic ,l!(i.n Fr. im A1!--' 'ive? ily f»-> ; the 103 immortals already en- gusnn. Slate senior*, are set I# had declined an invitation to After Ankle Fracture meet two of the visiting stars. send its iM'.ving crews to a regat¬ ill be charaeJ 52 50 arm M. oleb:••' doubles entries h.v due h .tieti at Rutgers University, P.O. IOX 56f u TIY.MINN. MONTREAL f.CI Mamlr. v. • Jarkard goes against 147-pound ta at Sea;tie. Wash., on Aug. I, — if-in i live'*, for 18-tiolo roil".-! ;,r ii - i F: lay The of eligible* includes llarumasa Hhihita anil Ferguson the vice president of the Inter¬ Richard said Tuesday he is read\ battles 180-pounder Ko-1 na lion.d Rowing Federation said to play if the Montreal Cana¬ 40 fr-imei players from 34 su«e. Tuesday, dians "can find a little hole for fchoHs and 10 former coaches The other Olynmfc pr-speet. John Carlin said he had re¬ me in the lineup '* Most honored picture flcsociated with 26 colleges. The ceived word from the Russian The flashy right winger w»< 114'a-pound Jyo l'm/nva. who nominees rover a wide range Is just 18 and still in h ?h ccho"!. government that its crews would put out of action Jan. IB when he frac tured* his ankle. He Ma¬ geographically and a wide span •TIIG6IE" MI NN hasn't found an opptmen* here not be able to participate be¬ of time. The nominees played ye? cause of » conflicting Soviet ilt en skating for the last two between 1 be years 1894 and 1949. . In rnaehing days » The Spartans have alderl fw snort • petition. of the year! I CONFUSED ABOUT SMOKING? Switching from cigarette brand to cigarette mildness of a cigarette with the mellowness of a WINNER brand? StopJ SWAP.. . your empty cigarette cigar...for a refreshingly different smoke. So to- OF 9 pack for a sample pack of Robt. Burns Cigarillos tiny, send your empty cigarette pack-any brand ACADEMY —America's favorite Change-of-Pace smoke. Dis- -with your name and address to: Robt. Burns AWARDS cover how a Robt. Burns Cigarillo combines the Cigarillos, P.O. Box 107, New York 46, N. Y. including 'BEST PICTURE OF THE YEAR"I 1. Best Pir.twe * 1 Best Direction 3. Best CinrmatoqrapSy Color • 4. Besl Costume Design 5. Besl M Direction • 6. Best Film Editing 7. Besl Musical &,ote • 8. Brl Song • 9. Besl Scieenpl.iy M G-M—M ARM! fR[ff) PRODUCTION „ LESLIE CARON ■ MAURICE CHEVALIER ■ LOUIS JOURUAII HUMDW GNDOIO EM (MM JkCQUS BfiHPAf, W61UW STSALAH JAYLERNFR • TFREDERICK lOtWf ■ Tr. — Fralurr STARTS — I:«« • .1:10 - 5:20 TODAY 7:55 . 0:50 J JUNE GRADUATES Order Your • Coiiiiiieiiceinent Aiiiioiiiieemenls Gips and Gowns NOW! UNION BOOK STORE Robt. Burns Cigarillos... light and mild as a cigarette ... mellow and satisfying as a cigar, yo next empty cigarette Ro >t, Burns Cigarillos, P.O. Box 107, New York . pack-any brand-*to i The best of both rolled into one. Remember, send 46. ^ Y. Do it now! (Offer expire* August 30,1939 at midnight) fs Beat Bruins M fll'lliMlHIIIMltll mil tlltltl'lt till il't": nit" State News Speedway Race (laureled On Modern Davtona Track Get Finals Berth DAYToN\ nKAl'H SIGMA ALPHA MU Ha .-J'. Jtveia^e -if 170 262 mile# an ho r —- Th# iM-'.-na In>-nation*! war Id N i/1'i—Toronto rookie (Jerry Kiunan scored at -a ipciiiiI for t c.">eti Spcffl-Ajv .. „«-t •«., fa,' f«»- coin «# speech* #V, (he final period to beat Kostoii .'»-2 Tnesilnv night he flinib of the eomebm'k king* to a Stanley Cup Tage Five '* official# i-jit a-id .".yen, George Amick of Rlune ai de ■ OPEN RUSH . ,.- W « ij.ia'ine,- f..r nnl* berth against .Montreal. . 'm» dav he Maple Loafs' goal race, vi a« killed when hi* ItosllUI In .Major I .endues The* . c.ei » lnii-ni.# •omri'.vaulted 'he TONIGHT oh .a«t the #emi*(tnal«. hi; a ( i lls II in 1*re f'»r .prwl • ,i . type ear* •round the ap ule shot that nailed ' .Iti high o»r>k« 4 ad ■ v »•- To Lrml in Ml ( ed atphali track. best of • seven garden timing of acne.-, ST. PALL, Mirni P Ho*. You Need u Program placed r ing prog Jr. .SpcctGt »• ' i s'nek '»fp:i a « m.H r*r rac¬ they Speedu av <>fT r.a'* extremely *8id for digit speed ptomp'ed Ion's huri iiv.rv oftfor blew Midc 'ne r\*v «iotj a''oi « To Tell .79 Plovers ^re¬ notching hi* ftKth "own the MinnB»im Cikei* fill eva • »n Sa'nrdav * Tic-- d^y mghh ! »3- 10. a.vl rare :n • • n .1: •. na'hm.ann <-f . bone-rattling mm- swept .into a 3-a .n Miami d ■• # no m »• an ;ch went the di*t«nrr . pro thu* bronchi •bout I Hockey League* Four llnrhfr* To Sen# You r.adian pU.»off final bull Av-ii tit'e tiv rendered REFRESHMENTS WILL BE SERVEO TOM S BARBER SHOP - it looked a« though a year ago S* I.. . - If they Id win Hie deciding up 'hp Laker < ;n M'nnrapnli.* Tjuit fl.iv .ugh' iirr<»nie otonto turned on • N'RA iiPiinni! oiniiiiniMiiPitttHMiiii' Ti'iuii»t»miiti ?r,e« of comeback*, Aeros* From New National I «m»H Store i alert skater* sped -cure a four-game of the ( ampin ("laaaifieda iffjrh Readership title series. ce with rookip le- S;UU to Monday thru Saturday • rl Hi ewer pa*-nig hovbeh. Manoviii h Sprcialiiing in A I.I, HI'US Oh II Allll I IS Indiana/ioHs • idp« to.\ ai'fl the Kr Bed Sto: - j and flew home be¬ •u..m under Ilia; w .»>. anothei pn >• :i* • - " n wa< C>i il GOODMAN'S Marfax l.iihrirattnn ptccle* .It Tup-drfv n.ght de- lt he did not have oil rhanga S qle. of top league ofT ' - • 'he aied *;'e mat of Iivl.aii.ipi- Mm rl - till lie PaUprson'* Newest Record Album oil ftlter jj J |>enaltie« in ' ie \ta> I defense of ivi woi ' I rlean and rami hut on'> one nc e heavvweighi b'lxing e again**. air elaanar ma. Brian f,ondoii. in! in the openu s Rhode* *aid ineie are #or«e Sunta«*tad tuna n|» an# rhanted. We 1 d fTetenrp* over n.»'« to the nan «|»arh plug* w# want Storey." television network < NRC > whicn naw pmnta will lieain 'he tmu'. nut "that eondanaor will he etraightrne.i out." YOI MILL HMI THE UEI.I OMK Rhode# *»id the network had Kngina rlaaning a>keri him to take a *21.000 cut .MAT Ot I AT I JO EN I 10.KEEN h> lannlinng in the TV fee because of m- radiator ftu«h Meased expense* involved in N Y. idH HufTalo ippack front \'"nila\ • *hif. from L»« Vega# rth in the fabler '.i In.lianapo! «. The net-cork •* wheal Hearing* • RHg ftna's by defea'ing $22>V0l)0 t>n tht TV •«MM|ple2 Tue*d»> night.. • t#nni« irktM • t#nni« h«IU l*lu« fraa inspection r «ht«. Il# IpMHHl thus won the A-u- • golf lulift • arrow* 'M SMMH' !>ngue spmi-rtnal • nig hall* • footwear light* and all «af#ty rttfljlMntt 'be American*, ran*a* Yin. s\v voi novr know \\ui'.ith ii merhaoitom* f (MM* to »n. WALLACE'S nrw 1M Mr* to- k an eai Is thiee- >y all tht lop nam#* In aporU t iMd Mid then he'd >.fT i 12 If-45 m.nutel ot qraat Reg. S17.0R 1 RnrtM«t#r rally m the final fiiivTiwrnir rf c ' • sent to Tigei t•. a n. r teaming camp. ' » i a*nignmei.t i a tig. Zander • is ?,tf»n "f tJic Anier- • tafe 1 a«t yea- Hnr»h > ** . • comfortable • from the Mi!« an : r • h.i< keil by Wallace « hi f'»r a tiiai on a !l >ear* of dependahlt Ite Heaves. optical aervire Phcr Tigei# wei. das. Thes vs.mi !•-- IHt. W. C. JIN*»A Oeorge Spe uc »•. I int. a t . jo\»* ?ehmei»*r Vnyi. tl lav f..t De'ioi'. |IK J. R- NI\«»V nop. Tiger farm < - j Spenrer NVehme .« the 30-day ilit-au I • State'* Atl-Ame »m William* w a* S"'« o*t valuable itnrma i hi* plav on the Ea-t defeated the Writ in ihrtne frame whaal Whit* Stag raparatai nrt moit lun !hon .v.r no— that thry drip dry mady tp wrorl Hoit collrcttng yooti now lot goy lummrr and vocation octivitioi cordod ■Jlj Ira ( Tram I Jtnpr. or .olid color taildoth in bluo, CASH A LARRY topaz, goromwm or mint, litot ( to IS o jadrrt, 7.95 coltikinnor, 4.95 IT BAL b cotton knit shirt, 2.50 jamoicai, 4.95 MADE A N0M08ENIZED <■ cotton ihirt in whitt, bluo, topaz, mint, or goranium, 4.95 tiod skirt. S.9S background, jacket, 7.95 betmudut, 5.95 1201 E. Lranrl Rivrr East lamin# 1S0S3 E. Mi«-h. Just fN of Sr-zirs FARM PNCOUCTS CO.