Ami M O 31 i<*lii«rnii Stair Nrws TTr..rI" Johnson Asks for Swain ( ommiller to WASIIINv• 11 »N 'I', s, ,*« rUi» \c - ,* p I'-'I•' e I t HC• i ;i (-;• - t Wcdnc-drt* « ' I- chained ' '»> "m .Ts;ion«,lii!:-\ » on will hold public hearing; Fait I attain# Mi. v •' ••• ti'in ..f a ■ •• -ion to inuu. « , ' ;.•(» AIL. ./ v'if-ng Kcn'.iuk*. Wr-t Vn- Thrv will ta«te. smell, feel. an,| into C" ■ '-o'.oiinent ntui -oiigret-slunaj ad. >>\ He iirtM.'ii'i Rinta, Pennsylvania. Montan*. despair of these part* I' I 1 •> haltle »n\ ii,me > 'he ,.»»i• « ■ '' • • lil'P 111 tile : Michigan. Mtooun. NVw Jn.-v, of the country where men and ~ to tin ' of •'<# A-fid ted 1'ir.v, I>.«• i I <•*» .•"> * -ct New England, Ala.-ka, and all v omen cannot find work. John- in a *pecch p.- • tip a >. >. r"' ' I';| :'r Tw •JVnl. M, Nil. ,i Thtirvlnv. April I». 1 i CAMPUS CLASSIFIEDS |MHA Change Could Ml)2-l.»11 EXT. 2ft15 S (P.! End Dress Problem DKAOI.INKS: |> n. TIII'KS.. 1 Mi fill. EMTIONS IM1 Itta iUtK IM HI.K ATION KIH Tt KS., 1VEI>, 1I(»N. KDITIilN IiKADI.INK: J p.m. FHI. gc IF OVF I.KAHNS nothinir rN»- from tin- recent Itimr p ? over dormitory lire** reyulHt ion.", he should discover a'. Ilill- Phi aMe S-1J ami |..1 M.inrtai Ihroush FrMav least that student representatives bodies cannot he com- =as pared to national iroverninvr For vears student» 11\ tnkr in tlormitorv ln»inimr have bee-i CLASSir-IE.1 RATES housing personal EMPLOYMENT required to wear a rout and tic to dinner each evening. with minimum 15 word j the exception of a few months tluriny -prinir term. And 1 Way §5c HIRING pit-.-li^l f' » «V M 11A1 ftT -SF -f , f FOR RENT take MARX WnetfNn aid l.»nd» thie »n lo the Cre«* Drne-t* tor * ear« ensuinjr complaint* to student* Have hern obvious 2 Way* . ., $1.45 »»'' P"H J. foi T-eater' hrt* nfftre for tun free amrtments WW Rrtng ID j in all inrludinjr the dormiton represeiitutivr = . 3 days $1.95 \\ir It would pmbabl* l»e *ate to *;»* that the feeling ntriiin-t i pRIV, i;ro\ \n\.s vrvv hchm rur ri\i;sT t\ < d>Y* $2.25 s^'/\V.' "i""1 tiMri" e-.i- Vir i-i>»iriittntn>d . , re o. Ii.ldiii'i l omhe The PUiho** R,-h. .mm. RmitH formal attire lor meal- was v ir'ually imauimous. in the '' r i-rf'he* rti-.v»-al .idenuate ste»rtt« fnrmerlv Jtm VnorheiK S ^a»i ... $2.50 ' ■ It "dter_ urnohed .»a«X R .m« Haft* .fe.k-en Valla- juniority at the vei'v len-t rn FD '• ■i.V.t tf-13 *tear« and ot-tei^ CoijlarV Riid-VI^" Yet the representatives of the students tailed to initiate ADDITIONAL CHARGES fh,'. •% ■Veen. • IV .» gni action toward the p«ud id ea-mir the regulation-. liil«*r|trelin^ I lie News lo, --C- wo.d ov.r IS v. -r. m i ho. u v *.t \y.-k vt Fi'nvtsiiFn ArxTt'r\ir.vt runrr »"d hath t'tthtle* for- KF.N.N'V DAVIS ORf'HKRTAA. PD- 4c p., day noliert T'-ikmc Two men 3-1177 INV\ I Ml.Fh. that i«. until a yt'.up of KaMier Hall >r ..... - .. or mat- *> *3ii- reticle IV S-R33? « iflcimuer \ol limillv e»|" ie, - resident* staged an unlet'* demonstration (refininc to eat t.-no Mao,"- - vv I' <1 .'-rt KW'ART n.AKFRV DFUVTR* In- automotive lr*iTipitr1|tioii Tn M I'DEM TO "-tixfif furot» ie*i dn'doalli de«-ora«ee rake *ervtna tk dinner unless admitted fit casual tire*.*) to show their dis¬ ..... . -- "ii i h'!,!ie • »,•< r\, tr,.. -e er- auartmem *- ro«- irooi Miutn T>irm 'or t? *V Phnre IV 4-*7M Hefnre j eneotta, VV > Paiking FD T-MW } p.n ♦# content with the current reviilation* en«r» , /11hi in l< hi inn: (ir rn m ii v rt e,t|atrl' t •• \ t \\ , . rrsa Then, almost immediately, there was action, tilen Hart- IFF M« ' 1tifi..f«t «' d 'I " tt1t-« ->p,o ParVlI't VVs- ' - man. who led the demonstration, introduced a resolution » * V IVh. 1 -V • Pie. eo , »• -.< H>i or* fa, -.l »te* «M IV J-«»7: to the Men's Halls Association to eliminate formal dinner V.ssr I.AVJtTNG PROFITARLF tl Hi I M ROHIHfs l?S4 FORD 1 v\ tko* '■ -*■ "tent rental nrrineiti with n'es- own- dress during sprinu term and it wan approved. WwNixIrii I'rrw New* tnilwl tp-en* e.w«kin« -en' o« o«*.« ana tmeot Valoah'a - h r 1 a .,, »(,ia' I«h a'lon near Msr ai-d Another proposal to loosen rei/iilation* throughout the Ch.oin ! t A.ieeauri ha« ma 1« ' n lh»i wh.'r he mi\ IT Tin I * «.T«iWi do- rt loo mnnthlv school v ear was defeated (>nl> partial Sucre-- was tr'unng from a>-'\e pohiw*. hr h.»« n»» in'enUon of retiring ff'in V"'Ut i -u * : *1 F N 'I'MRFC n*"-eo»« fall R.^tlier Realtv Cn the a'f oi« r.| \Ve*t (Jr. man- * . ........ 1 r." f.. ta»-r Reattor FD ?-»>aa g achieved, hot ft was an nhviou*''demonstration of what can He vpeak* of 'he prepirien. » >hn:: hr r\|.r.' to a-.nine »« a »*•■ » •, J ' i • »- e a t a \ ' "v-, R»>», '• ot'i raenort Fet-red --rfl 0« erlot-k* ' all ,',ii»te« IV « 'Af- S nle Ao'omatir ga» Heat. Soft wa»/-r. boily. .Senator® and representatives are e'e. ted l» ihe pe,» ... . • ,• - '•» and kilo' e-, aluminum »,h. oi |!,i« •■.»! o,,' *i «otiieih:ng attribntahle to the VV A * i FI1 , F ! VN-lNii V'Ft T*h«ine FD ?-«?*•> § Pi who torroften expect them to do the job m covermm i,' t fiVIMIFD ». .it ,i.i 4' •!" - »■ in h.i» heeii in< lined '.» v to a il her a Off CHfVlOlIT without bothering the votei Kortunatolv . the rcpie ent.i , tge t.xsi i ANS|V<; MAPI Fwonn • o.e"tni» •• r ««reet in »o- , five* have done enough t keep t he yov eriinien! t nth I M aid *hr t'- iled State- • e herlfooo-, h-i,-k t olonial l.arg* ' • e *",^t ,.j. fttrnlare lap* e ■ "i '• • n.»' '!.«• l -ota-' ..M man hon'd niln t i. \u- tout in v. VNUTi .... roon i a-oe'eri N'lehen •« t««i '■*« • • -•> ,;M'e«i hao lieemur ••« n' .-iim-. ^rrt' « ree„ee >> t'b'-ll'ublr ;i,T in,j»»:• : •• ' • run t . THIS IS NOT • pert ielllal'h in i '', ? ;«<•' urn i. V v'"»?««vii> V I I iv, rur • - h -<-k •eiag" Rnaottfu't,- .. «, ay .... ,,lrtr|. democratic idea'- hut it- mhto. has nrru promi I. ;,b, lias Xil.jinnl I .eartei*hi|» *•». .e. i*ni ».»e.' "on ia-«e lot ,'aeiih* member moving Avat'ihle »ee lS.i year® of u*intt Ihe method. oi, i f.« •»; in 'ho |i.»—t:r« for a H"»'on F'D T-130A g Now that it seem- apparent t hat "«tudeht r -nu ,' e!i .. no - ., -hip «n 'h i: «•> . nnn.f of a tARGI SHFcTiON FOR REN* ROOMS fopr nrnponvt Hor«r for «ai* ..o'i, f »r t», i man .on af'ei \V• n M representatives and expert them to do wk>' tin ,'om > ' a «o • Pink Cane i od m Otta.>a «:i e . o,« . i w r in on: r or >i.. l» K !> •» 1.»» on toll *\Ao-ra' ga>- »».«» ■ r. it F ! a*t >: without expressing their de-ire- opeul.v . tluue i. in. i e.. ■ * • VI? *,,i i; , •••<:■♦ ,f. . ftreoiane* •< alMo-<< all rat • ; s •tii* I'omenuon in p,nri in :> : .. . Ai-Aioa Fl» '-'.lit, 4 ie, net 't,!l h««emeof fS1 <*** FD ?-4P*1 whv the students cannot utilize lejjal method- o! oiua.iu • • • :ol»::• n* an ■" »o« \Ve«t . ! lit k I) "1 CVHKP.i, i vppnovFn n«vi n i their lawh. ■ * ' « of .« c: •••!,» . f -eerl--looking rtd AIL CARS GUARANTIED! In the constitution «.l wet* repir-o-i t\•• -1 nd« i.' ... o • a « '-:ak« t* on'.! r.-o AND E*X> Tf#MV SERVICE i t*r wtoh h at .Michigan State, then* i- room for a method oi u- ,ii .»'•< • • • • .l.-rr i (tie ptil poteg RRFAK SRECIAHSTS the situation exists when!.- von ?e ; are u«-: i for sale a'cng the edge-- of 'he iorir- IFF MerGlLLIVRAP CHFvROLFT P'- -if, icpre-rnled proprrlv, rephue Ihe representative w»:n -on \tU'" ■ .. is-.-ke 'hr Herhn one who will rail* out * our wi-lu ..fa ■ • , , >r Rr.l DELICIOUS srudnuts The onl< u;>» the die-- rrw'ulatio«i- «. ■ (t-.iueed yritnto lake'* Over I ee XRUDNUT SMOR through the Faculty I ommittee on Muta-lit V 11;; #! .o ig th 'he «oml)c. • MM \ oeu in or the out. tilt'? tf-e only appeal the\ will cecovni »■ i- ti , , . „V'« .> . "V\ Mi APPRlUFD iMil'Ri | Ami , v, TTIK III. \ Nil: for taihn* to t,.ke if • ,!ght fc"it J:. !•', haipi l. a i), tint t - ■ hit . ■ -Re. ke TXPINf. TTRV P.APFft* Ciete* f — •- A'- e batda'-ke |V * i if- Do rri - .<*»• doi mitoi \ die s reuulatioii- -hou'd ■A est v.e n' fit v T* Pt«-1 tvv RPOV1 \ P'-oee TP- I, p ot the ndminist ration Jt nitive * I F-r,t»», t, oey roe Ter n Saa hut the Mil A. t«u ■n !r.' • to le. ov'tn/e an* one tnear* - '-»n «1141 y-n », ... ,* r r *!»*.' f it the ; • .it rf Y ? ion vv ill i hen ne of ho u-« * F IP Ptw OK «»XC » rot... itea- "i a f-i ' Ki ■ » otil M\l HICK S LAUNDROMAT I u man* the uue-t ion *< ltd Iter .g i » , e ha", liea-ooabie k'p ninl lie to dinner »• nntntpot!;,i" joi.i j The i.s-ne ,-t stake i« whethc tin DROR OF* FOg sLR SfRVICI * •• * call exeici«e iU authoipv ihrouy't tin NAr* SFfCiAHJE IN PROROFF liel*. lUNDll* FOR STUDENTS U " Ail It xfiideni* feel tin* ate not reeetv •: aa- • FX. Pit sentation the- s|t..u d r* pi; < ,• t »t ■ rejo 1 v.RADIO RFRVH r Aoe, tal m* with vines who .lie vocnj.aii: ol theii t; • e .« rle • X- a-.d ., -■* earn. » r> 'ill,. , I.e. k # * 1(. Jt tt • ,» da,| 1 \ ■ * .Mi., -ti \n- ' • • • is t o M?1 r *|| -h e, l.eller- to (lie l .lilui II 1 J»VK CHfCA CuR 8AS -AIN 'AP.FS t- vw ,# CHiVcwar • V n ADit t MfF | ... . i e «e- e tv«H| t n * 11,, - • * • • • rn 7 2711 * la,r,i # cho*p Scholars Too. Arc Ihtrit. No! \hulc 117 W f,«a ,d R-te-. -«i » -a e« r , i "'*«"*• H i <• III- t lot"! H k S HA RQW A B t Lay-Away Sale Don ! Michigan I'lulvs l 4r J % J FOR SALE TRa lERS S Ra-TONX SPORTS CAR wENtia lit Ihe III CI Of t'| III || s XI I I X LA* ava ay TOMORROW $ It OHOIt * xvtn this i* llir wiHtiil "I > «»f i iIiiikio wi.IImi hi lite drpaiimoii ««f pnhln »»|rtt to ioio ooc lo t., i utt i. i L Gift today for finest aianrioic hetween Ihe ilrparinirm and the piihl • SELECTION. •"»sl »0Rp lifiTllth. ,|V H IC-'M mil lit i vni - *» d cli:p;o \ e « .,1 W e have J»|T li ;t -h»-ii i ■ CHoaPCHoaPciwip Wm. H. Thompson W.tiit Utovel- ' * v-elillr. !»-d prn»p;i I«, \ |, . • l.nnc.MANTrR tov1> t, Jeweler W Hi iiiiu'-i , . , ■ pud M u I..• . j, CnOLF CLUIS . a "ttnum .'VfttUoiv Bumng Reaym-abie on FI> . ''LSASE! • Ui«fl s so Br. i1- • •„ a i • V hat/, i' U NF W Hfk.ur Het—nahlf F-D 7oV.Ul •; ,»t#t, e • h#. ! n|i VFR s r.AR Fix* hiHiae transportation i j • »T|' FORP ■ . ' * "If T'-o beftitNUK# F*.r e Na. »4«S RIDF W ANTED TO t «»l.l Mill ' J.V J,,' _ ,e_IV_J.a;V » . ,« n.. v K-,;. weekend Natalie FD - ^ ^ ' '-Aer RJ( OR and~FQUND~ • \ % j 0*1* JsfS > lost R.'firns W ANTED lo I rbana II «»thei piwiti* rfiiii'i 1 eat m# F'r «»' RLYM.'.*" \ it'- b.ATi RDAV ,11 DO uat< Ami; mt- II Ii Keel). FD 2-jfe • «U. ar.-t »h l.xl bmlrttng R. v v-V x N -r"C. ERANDOR ' To >n# FD ?->»*. GOLF COURSE 1 *.VR Fa i bhav >p- , 4 «t "ot v4-'v\> > g RIDERb WANTED TO CTmagn o ', f - - • lea v n# Frirtai I? nod' t orr- i.ADtr.b goi.d ?r « nnlaet Bill Kukuk FD J-UA1I A • Mml. torn hand Mar*'- U Viclni* O' I'm tin M home I, ButMLnf RIDF WANTED TO Champagre /"v- "y x WE WELCOME TtAf.'ts Phone ext ?.»i« «,r FD 3-41Aj i II Ir da- Aort! I7»h alter 12 »n lha' ED - - ON All cars LObT PAin OF hgi.t brow»t lad \{ f y % • .. K)R RENT If* «'•»*** Natordai n gnt between W. Ne. Ha.# Feat Mu «*«! Oi /T.\ -AXU and pi Kippa Phi noun-. FD wanted V ' to I»r ;e ( uokr W.AST FOURTH M AN t., »!••, e ,^Rm i i e, » g,»3 v r v.. M MM I.i^.in -i.ii, N. »«» VI-• 0-'» V#U,«.aj*o At a-«f AH RMC P^Uucti Fj,. p.i^n.^U iHfr.mnt h,«o# APARTMENTS FD- "personal Land We ' LUARINFT Fa mi PLAYER FOR dixie Marti" Mali. FD 2-A.Vi'. . Jaimeaon. T-i ; HIlXFt. FOUNDATION PA'S.-. WOULD LIKE WINDOW ua«Hnif *tn« Mnrtdat '•/ .11!! CUAL.itjr WOtr AT Ui - ..o.« Ant" an anpoinUnen phone JV , 4«*'l:e {:.*•. e * ■ e« • l h, g . 13 l,«t %S re*er\eiHtm miler A P m A'k lot Mr. flr MA Thereto- e * (he Ii- . . i RtAvoNAfti rmCl., ' 7 ;et;" 1 wA'k.i-t I'iw .# KD- Htllel .KFnuiHia'i-m ."*'*** 314 HI lire*) " h* «»A" f Rn*?..n la* Tavlni- t ground the t htu ng • WAXT1D TO RENT nr lea»e Three wrntR ir RAxpDR M .sn R.„lt. PRISCIUA bHOW cat* to he <,-• t ain ME >«U!- beajrunti-. hnine in Fa*« laming pr» ,u> v« ien Urge three i~vt eeepefct Ime and bet me at Ihe erablv near Red Cedar nr |\#nbne ye«'.dei\'« • ' h'-.* ?•- k4! . '* • '• "• "Hd-fi «e -« A t Slate AurUnt* i.inu. g di*tric' taiiahie bv June nr Jul* ©f thr An K.e* < ; n* i'-.i or ~ un.^mimet """ ! »t,**t p„..rtr n l *iU ED 2-A«tl « WEDDING INVITATIONS. EXTRA The si.gMN |»« !> ",og t EMPLOYMENT li far »e«-tn-e and price* Hart ** 4 WANTED TO RENT o« lea*# h*V V I" » ■ o . if. e .»W urr f undi , d Nt.r yal J I •mitt* member need* three hed- Jontet :f ■ • c • . , . y>r * A I IA:^HVj,*4nt'* K RMburp I N. ' !r..n,ii "« Olfoete- s#|n AMiehu* R,Mti i cwy** Lan»-n# houat nr rtupies in m near F In Ihtv lot \\ r ( . ^ »1S • iV, '"" r": n.' r* 5i-« tf-u IV S-llbt « Cat mi the mud r -1' ' mi: , . W ANTED TO RENT farully fanul* Dure**, Ittil., A.Mi Ihtn. .1 _ - ' X' A- ? MOD p.v»l!||,.r mu -r- ,.1 a RA-AIH.S U.VM i: band u.rr* ^ nr inUr bedrimm f. ljutaing j. LMlki-j |V J-S.-J \m other Big It of 6 award from Variety, U'BRM Here his werintendenf. states ?)»,»* Icntporarilv while thev are be¬ n; years Maltby has 195 >}• Cash box. composition work and had -ev¬ re roifrl upheaval. h;* emphasis on danceable mu¬ recording hits <>rt ery! of these works recorded i.v (he.breakup of roads this v. a - ing repaved. and terms his group, "the Miifky himaelf started his Jin* already been more extep-ivr Sidewalk* sic ■ubsidtary Yik label, mo Benny Goodman. "S.ix Fla' I'm- wil' a! for' v e 1CDM -fft+ld ,| career with local t'hi- "'than the total for any one ye.o Rand the Dancers Demand." heve were the "St. furnished" proved to be one of eventy of winter a; many v> U Of SfOH 040JJ In keeping with this angle rag 1, danrp hands after a year's since he come to MSB 12 years ipf^G > - Mam bo" and "Man *ti"i Goodman's biggest sellers. ci ark Maltby haa played at many ma¬ at Xorthsveatern. After ago Tho-.l* tjo'den Ann," which Paul Whitcman also entered 1!W • illCi H'P 11..1 jor rellete danres. Including the Best Instrumental com nixing nrtvate study In ad- " Maltby g life at this time and Very little (hawing, however, paved will become oc.o ' • N.3 van<»d' harmony and orchestra- ha* *o far Liken place and the •let' 'ie began tourln* with oth¬ had him'placed with AMC 1 pa*sable as mud 1- exnrrted '•» greatest pari i* still ahead. in er mips as a trumpeter and Chicago as a condUCtor-orrang- ito abuudancr <>n nn- COD0 □□□ er. In 1915 Dick moved on m MSI J repair crews have o-c.i ji.ivrd roads and parking !•>*,<- Crossword Puzzle HOBO QQ0 ;er. New York and by June. !'»)». to dale three times the »e Heavenly in very po .» tune • body □□aaana «'»• sing and conducting with road " t .wndition th Some county htghwav depot* - 93. Sailor oaoaa 00 Chicago r a d i o station, Malthr wrote the music fur men',* in .central Mu lligan ex¬ The rrarking i* caused bv J 3^3 H.l| It. Steond 14 Hebrew □on ana I.ITIBIf* F.RIIARB. German water which accumulate* he and romlurled the Vaughn Mon¬ economic* minister. consider - pect nearly 50 per cent of tV>» neath the and then ,s «v3;>tjfJiL •tiling month □a 0233 is r nurmrnt 14 Talk. I? Revolve a annna 4»Ilogin It» U (//'"* roe Color TV Show on \R( In ed the most likely choice of ihe pa\'cd road sulfate to disinte¬ free/rs. Ihk pushes the pjvr Qt1d 0|0 0 H|! the summer of 1955 and also I hi Mian Democrat* to succeed grate this spring merit and when the water J A O^P foolishly 40 High onaa up II Whilo jutting rock □naanoa I Wl 1 lr kin mm appeared with hi* band on the Jackie Gleison-Panl H'hltrman'* Konrad Adenauer in hi* retire¬ The street* on campo* expell¬ melt* the pavement sink* into ment to the ed to he among the fir*! lo Ihe mud and breaks up It Ploco 41. Tine cloth nan □□□ Circatest Bands Shaw on TV. chancellorship. Ad¬ H3M5NY 10 | whoro 4.1 And not □□□□ nan . b Hlgiim 11ft III enauer Mid Wednesday •oothor !• 44 Flower lie has been guest condu W'rsl Germany's foreign policv KQDL 44 Bird's beak. on the National Radio Fan ( t> will change neither during the McKimion. president It Plural 47 4* Roman Perfume Solution of Yeaterday'a Puttl# M » Young Republicans, was of dVer NBC several limes. <• I:.i*t-We«t conference nor after KRO88WORD No. 22 ending numeral 2 Hase 11 Swarmed guest "Star of the Da.v" on h..*', the new chancellor take* over. e'« d chairman of It. Shallow 44. Chinese recourse ?i» 12 Jew ish Region ,V, Monitor and Weekday She, a. w 1 includes Michigan, .Ohio, 3 Bone ascetic well as being featured on Nf'.i aromatic Cel. CPA Certificate I II. Fitting 17 Hebrew In ta. and Illinois, at the Mid- root 4 Liquid Bandstand. t Nr.. 1 s. n-kname ?-'f II. Unaportfted 52 As far II letter w convention. *. <'. coM.-ffT containers Marv Ma/za will sen r is ■l.ii k 4 lo amount SI Flout 9 (Junto % 20 Those w he • Midwest Federation of McGregor, MSt* edu« *- l"*gni> * MP S«. Sooner than irritate featured vocalist for M.» t.l*.-W *n4- t'* bona! , analyst, has received 4 Konlanr. * IS. Conducea 95 One's note e Young Republicans Club. during his appearance a' c K-MH 4 29 Mathemati¬ "ie certificate Certified Pub- lifework Contribute h» thru annual convention at us a 12 It Quill 97 Rubbed out 7 Velocities cal symbol th Spinster Spin. ■ r Accountant from the Distru t M;w|tN*m'|. feather 25 Pert to 'aimer in Chicago, April 4 9S Disburses 4 CJo astray ft Part oft tone of ('olumbia. I* 4*'»«tdlec • Pet nxts of Fulhriglit Given It W ,'h 10 I town. DOWN actic 24 British •it delegates from the club ity • n (.f(t«-f •t Withdraw I Hangings 10 Bv writer in ipated with 250 other col- America -tudrnts from 1.1 Mldwest- Dr. 1/evvia F,dinger. tssoi n'e LANSIN6 I'» I* \f Ik* Ely talk • bo.itwvo ' 1" i • ♦ 24 Receptacle a b i •o ' for bathing atrs d Seriber. Under-secretary professor has been of political awarded scie- an advam .m1 • e, DKIVE'tN-TIIKATKR 1 31 Anchor SOI'Til ('KI)AK % tackle <* United .States Treastiary, research award tinder the hr- If 7 'A 34 Walk with L> the young politicians bright program and a farr-v KNIIS TOMTK T£ li t (I «h»(| "t 1 Pfa l'l .1 long steps 35 Official name of a .■ McKinnon elected is treasurer also "f the the research Science grant by the S.w i,«i Research Council f >t llir NO. (It ONCE AT T:*.l ?i ,'i VoitVuakef »l gnn Federation of College study in the German Ferieial M ft Boulder 1i ts .*6 Dam g Republicans*1 Republic. fs |«lvfut V,tU a (hi'K N N 34 Preserve# I I (ll lc '1:1 • • in cans w d M * yr x. j? Ji ■y, IT 37 Medieval Addles 34 Blew a horn u PIZZA PIT !t« hi if rr 34 Mutakeg Hrat H Kind «t H % 42. Brow nie 45 Shield f Kar..-. A 47. Monster 2* Uailwa. h ii tt 50 Cypnnoid 1 w ir St A*h SI. Dore NOW OPEN 7 A.M. 4«» 42 II g End of - 54 Sun god «-» VVhP'P • ..|t M M Type 41 Sgt nf : ft. p.eaaure if ItrrakfaM 20 I .HI 41. M if l.nnrh if Dinner • A* cool and clean a* a treath of frenb aif. THURSDAY SPECIAL • Fine** leaf tobacco milrl refrenhtng menthol-* and the woilda moat the*roughly re*»ed fd'er I American Char Suay with rlra. Per- feci inn Salad, Huttcrad (iarlie 0 With twny puff your mouth feela clean, Tua.l, your throat refreahmi! Coffaa ar Tea 80c Ometicas Mosf Refreshing *v*n »» «(ii * n won We Deliver Any Mral On The Menu After 4:10 p.m. The Fine it Pitta At Aheayi 203 M.A.C. ED 24)801 JUNE GRADUATES t\i\ |1 II'if Al If // 1 . , :< 1 f< ;< V / 1 1 //». e» n /'U ft| , f Order Your 11II 9 jii? It >mm I'M ; i ,1 I 1 ! f r ; ' i 1 i • Commencement in 11> 1 AN 1' 1 •i\//'V\ 'IV I 1 If mm Announcements !' : v-nthv ll^'l I, n \£ if; iyffll IK! J I- (Deadline Saturday) i 11 'I •! N' 5 !■''itdtfi MV ,n * •i \ .; 1 c '(• . I • Caps and Gowns NOW! Cepesi* peepl* heppUat. livali* paeph v»4ar 4ia lunl art yau Copaiio paepla? Itfl: ion lia canlar: o«ford with wolar lhin iprir H«#l. block ar rad crwikad kidikin. naadla-lot lia pump wilk a pa a haa!0'*"#* or pbtiaom froiaad iwaal kid. t.M UNION BOOK STORE righl: walar haal, loparad ikimmar ia blot "4. "o*y. frooa Of (aroaium kidikin. 9.9$ Ix-Stviss Guardsman Shools 1/ifM La 11 si 11 p fnmpin . , . I.n*v Co-t 4 prtl •» Ih-.n MlflllfiW ST m i: nmv« rase rive Meet C.liaiifieil t:t%v.v.v.v.v,v.v.v.,.v/.,'iv,,.v.vb,iv Commander al I'a juil Palace To Domiloirn Community Civic Players rti'AN 1'ITY v T « It a bird that thr r\-gl|*rtl. Thr S>* i«< ft t. n f'irh t• 'ti»'* An open mrrtme fur mrd* bf- "l.ttnsinn # FAo/y f hniirv In Tin* Komul * FREE irr of the St* ibi . i. Ruikrr. rr-rnbstrtl into *rrbe .tttrr hat¬ "had in*Mrtl -n being nu n. 1s '<•« C'1 ruMrrt* 1:1 Iwrni itifonnation !R and i'8 nbnut intnrstrd thr iri Mips t ptrscitts t ;! 'a (.iill.tii It.,1,1 llrer >.r Ormij;.' |[' ,ir'n pr'tnnat mi'i'.t \ :t Titan.!. ' < s'ioi and wumUni :•• ing hrrn r\|»rllrd list *rar hr- r.t||«r i'( rpllrpt !.>nfi by P< 1 .bih.ui 4>iKnni:'"d It an| (Jiratrr tjahslng., Tarrant has j; «ill> 2 - I teg. One llelii I'ir/.ii knitted former mplni'n "NiRht Must Fall" ij r ti in a *; eu-:>• •ii'j' p - 1.1 -4 rausril In rraniul trirmu 1 brain d .»ur m«' f tniiibu v born changed from Hast tensing .junior high school to thr audi¬ 111:11 \iaty t. p.m. - nan \.w. iniur* > |r thr P.smil pa' ut \.-'- Tin t w |n |f,2 7 iT a'tai k In .» 1*11 >1 'hr* refund ' • u. . ' • v. . • • 4. r an on N. Capitol Avr, I,am«ins. l;ml>n Uillinm* 1 le Mum in' • r »'mating. n!io$ .111.1 rn- Thr nirrting will begin at 10:20 •: (I;b2.(».-»i7) I fupr ( *n 1 \ 11 1.1 Hither' Nun' «•• '• e t" r ! a fot! the ban a.m. Saturday. V|»ril 'A, III, II II: ■j.v/.,.v.v.,.,.v.v.vav.,.v/.'.v.v/.1.v/a'.vw.wm it I|».ttt. M en in in a !i i' > «'ti 1 tu u r but in ' »* * f thr Til"" Kntry blatik* may be nbtatned I is If (Ictttrr ,r m • i"u »1* 42 Eini.i- i* rd and at this mcelitig questions an 1 Tickets on Sale al llo\ (»fli«p ,-t grn?r i hp . p #> • 11 \ 1 gavr thru 2 Miles No. D «'m«k him m "ic iv. i. cotirrrning 'hr pageant will be IV.. Null!:*' k itiTiliUid .•? aii3«*cicd. One contestant will *2.00 and *1.00 former g ward smart. Vtolf .14. ssa* Motindprf *light- (lua'-.l iu__ If. !R.i7. afirr it cho.sen a "Miss Lansing'1 and I1CRTHSIDE RIVE-IN THEATER Of Lansing •« hunt 1 n .. - \V •1 "lil 'a1 / will coutpelr in the Mt*« Mlch- III. II- I III «M | mi, ||,r, | the fare. It «n tint rlnt 1 and IV'tld nc nii . 1-11,1 \IIT(NIN'*~ r , -. r • • ,| \\p- .- igiin Pageant at Muskegon this hp deliberately shut t -1 r hradqiiai »' 1,11. ( *••• V and 'he v ! nr. summer. NOW tliri, SMI ltl»\T Klf Mickey ROONEY ; - or hi* tun urn! "IT L.«11« In hi* fieht with thr S > «... : i» I' NOI K l irwf Show f»:00 pttil STATE |r1 n itseiden! run • •<-. u "I'hrw." «.«ii| *«»nr NitnliM. "I hrntd t'« 1. «ht«t*. |hrtr ** as si TKsrrarra: ., Shown a| 7: !.*» Only f ANDY HARDY corns HOME' | p'nrr in thr 4 pause thru two more shot*." UM Yoar ; of thr ro'infui medic*• < gi:;. "* Hi" *»-vt '--r , |jf i fk -Jii—ROOGOS t HAMMERSTEIN'S till r>|b»\v\ 7 17 HIT ' •?•»« ■ k V IVf. PLUMMtR " F.R1CII t| C Mtrnnf ,'atlr#rt jvatff designed b* M l<- at-, ! er.n.jiiunnpie I -••-a ' • 'hr» ' r-llil'r'i \nn RCMARUUhS mi i^T "i v The !5«0<»aX Wind Across the Everglades If-h r>»i" * I "* (OMniTf GMNPt'i* r* TO LOVE -r-i ■ and ' ' \ s«* '<«*,• stwn fl'' •' • r: 1 lll l I >IHMT\ || IMi fhnfg nou*!y.H wmiidihg hin rr*rp«. at 'he < -vim C x.m.Sinrf 11 ciw'MAScopg \l.Ml,SIIIN llOr » — ?m» m armr. —. I' ^n.i. Cim ANRfMS U.«p- — — mi, a it it u i hin :: Msun Washington « I"' T - .»» bullet This happy f Kl!/ahrth thews of SO aprcta'.lMi. ?h o' Mst* An in«r«tl(ttinn of the «tws»t* JA FEELING i( Ill rmintr* the fhiur.-l .lit •>., I 11 ««dr. vd ••. ?,«;• Ins H;i* heint t»»*dr h* Xatiran itMl KV w 1UST i*IM --'V-r.-' / W* pnbie If the* prefer charge* , - V*'» ■ally Tfir.-trd **' ur- • • » III I I sltOW \ aeain«t It inker the r«*e will he IIIT '! SIIOIYN f» If» r",d In Washing1 r\ |M , bird in an Italian rnurt, l-M rrtnfrrpnrr. »•«• f ranco O/n CANt INK IRSINl ational n an f.durai outfmwth on t«svu- of ««.»«'* ns i}V£ fcsr. -I! '•ISM WILIS! ;'nnp b« mtt rmn f)t Mi« .'an of r- * ".»■■. llarvsmi, *; ' ,\cir ) cso Hani s j Vfr/Qutfz r rxpla.nmt rwa 1*AM 1*1 * »N Spam ** «n*. Drrw# 1* an »s«m : «tr prn- F'an Fiam.t WMru'-.iav si \n\\ j •■"!» ^ in ha* n*ndurtril a num- • id 9> mf atudl«s mnrrrtung gift'M ffwmdati«>tw «»f rdu«-a. •H*rne.| i rv* yik* thr dam f!(«n-u ••• ' ' • r ''f Amg^n 'he OIIAY -MO HMO" IS Till: ItfrST Ol TfNHIR f*l< Tl RK IVIR Ihr.. SATURDAY j I'A IT, \F:W*H\ — .MIASM-. MHOltW «llll rivet, inaugura'mc " " • v' pha«e "It *1.1 * 1(1)1 Ml T ill. IT M. IN.* - m fir 'ha dm* nn «.f 'hr p •. •».. a,n •• r h gv Bar- TOR I- II.... It \ XI IN,I.ISM « IK.s ill M II. - .*17 m th# kVHincil f"i '! • >»if vt' I" r. oi it F.xrrp- drna* an i M»»neg dr«ert re- tli'llssioN i,iir Chtldrrn whtrh • in Atlan'K- fit*. mrr'a N I 4 \,»i ■ h« >ns ..f • n Nurr* Spam ai •. Aragon in MHUMVmOEMRIMtm MU h .T; ,'Arj " M HUM HOWtRO' HANKS' | RI•1 WINNER OF 9 QK frecMNicoLOW^i Iliggiiis C. stahum; sauhday ACADEMY AWARDS! — "BUT PICTURE OF THE VEMI" m PAST FAITH... A WOMAN PAST INNOCENCE! bull' Cluli Set V. Bait PttdifW 5J." DEBORAH KERR YUl BRYNNER Just For Beginnors 7. B»*! D.r«i'oa .munuunMi^... j. bad cihama: ^i^if 2695 • Complete 51* Ri»*te Set Caiw THt I0URNEY • A Seat s Uciehre B%*t CMtuM •JMOIWUT [.I.MU9UH Bast Ift Ol'arl'fttl , 1. tmmmM.mmmmtm Designed and priced right to give you a good ifort ■ cnthe fairways. Includes a Bad Fii* f traturr* at: 10# t price! Chooce green, red or i 12 . Silt • 7:ti A M 14 p m. MICHIGAN bay, .' put-«?t. Ideal *«••-. for 4 Hon* br-.m <)■ i bmye colors w.ih cor«rrn*rirq trm,-. Has e»iru large fo'l vde ne-*. or 'he ijiorial yo '. pocket* for dxses, halls. Hood > See ihom (. jh\ ciO' b'f s u* pocset lightweight, wu»er re.i.tunf. '..'ft rvowl |W ^ 1P@L.JSSR I 4« V *^abGUJHR!ES '"^'iMfR/rjAjCAniri *.% B^ca \' 4FV Mr »™WSAGASI /vwwwv. p fc - . \\ v'q I iJJ _ / ■o yS' 'm Duug Ford Balls Rubber Tired, Doris Hart Racket . U| . HWOS Bar Automatic Colt Cart Imported Rugged Straight Shats Designed for Women Badminton Racket Mil AY 'KAN ■ REMICK ■ OWENS - WHITMAN R,| 11.34 tin. h.'I'l J. C. Higgins. , Il.'rit light A.W, t"» DU Md-5tH«0fUISWR touch Rim titsetad golf bull* per- fettir balanced, routed 'or iong, fr.iiB r '-nt o-jf :•>» «••• ft cm ' c? "1 ''"Ot* "f. Wh-e' Htm D»- 'jn«d lit tf p*k|»».t0'<#O^.e, r»l lmt>nrlr«t Kill) tl ftmn litis ln«* \ma »t «f4it „. UJBD M'.TS Mraight than. Pacha?# of tbrta, O'Cvrdi Opent, fstd» by band'o. |u»l12 I Ot- — »5ignt. 7-f»'y tfe»«, Niriiti. with Isnilnildl prltr N * ftAiiia. Inn nylon Sttmg*. wbilt Ir.-m. Ta»> ifAiiirr |up. Hi | ' .<*> At > 3t tag RAFT• nt O'BRIEN • ki BROAN • SC*t!N PUr B: 3 III If WllOER TIM4. I. A. L DIAMOND (HOLXA>U HILI.S 1:3, • micro i.BILLT WILDER • " rW.ITS AMU II Ol. ' Added; La lot World-Wide N>w* l.vrni* M.MI-SIOV lir rricr* I or Thi* I nzasrmrn:: CIIILOBKM Inilrr I t I KM. .Mai. fijr Mcht* «v hunda.'* ">iilOi its.: Miiii'Ihv IJ N.m.ii iii n |'.M„ TTiuik.Iii,. I rillll. !»;.T(1 4 hildren 30r j| all time* \.*1. Hi I'MMI I'.M., TurMlnt,'\«Pflnr>iiiii. Snlurilav <1:111 .',::!ll I'.M. A.*it,To 1 N At" I /Ir-H 1 11-1 MH' STSTI \r\, s P««» «l« • _ Baseball Problems Squad's M I.omiIoii CiHi'l I' iglii Without Onlrlili.'i'f" O f T . ■ f , , ■■ -i . t • • ■ >r» f» mi • S' j... .», ,»■ , 1 - " ■ n« 1 M - .• • I - • f " ■ * ' • • * '• " ' ''I • I • Hi Begin Early; Radatz Spih If V\N|\| » |N« h- V* '!r,% "-a pft'-ly-p»v1 of 1*»m is tha calchct'i . . r, W .1 • - * •' '' ' *|'• - '• Sy ' 10 be r'r M ...» »'.itham »ur. !f it ch.rf'S n-it .So far .Tim Con tin \ , .1 ' ■»» <• ' ■ '■ ' • ' .• • («• ■ w I'* pr ip'-otcr prIv ha " l!! prr.b- Iltndaa hava shared dv • . It- I ; f. , - ll'l » " - . ' ' ' ' I'M prr ■■ to have I'f- ab'y rettini to hit old oufflrld c:on!!n ha« a weak V1 v . . ..... ... - L. .M • g I I- b"r'n. r(p« f» «J«i*v at getMng i ■. • f)i- k n .flat? ;« T i* poa^ha* a?* anx'on« tr» ircond base. ?1 «t tr Sa'nt 'v '« kf r. tha f'aat-foo'fl F!" ar's l.if It expiated tha* •■tf1 p 11 '•1g- ■ ■ * ha? i». tha "nrtip. .Irj— Konv*h. Jim Kamarling v III , • » Siiiiiiimv Courses par!.-' • '!• f,t • »»•» Ms ■•ft Inqs'T a f -a g ra- a good chance to gain I pit, hi"* '>311? vh' W * op* i vi. U tha mf*t likr'v tandi- in* berth at backstop. pr»| . »i a* Tt |;. ••- ;»> 1 > r .'a for tha kayftora povi?!nn. Third ha;p I* still a • fnarh Johh Knln s»\ Ihsi ha Ha ri?'a«i tha spot af'ai Flasct « pmitksfv, Pat Sartoiiar plane on sending stt l»*«t fit a •»# iriMi a . Maiftft.i andl'lfry l.un . Wlazm ■ Spain Floiesu ht« Imrfar* Itiig i< ti«.n In tha Iha hi|ta«t an* «nnM plaaMnt all proepcrt?, t.tirriar';' lir*| |imr«. Nw mrprl.f far tha «frint «aa tha in 'all 10 southern gj - ta«at. K«»h« eal.t Uodttetdav. Iha tilnnta* anfflaMar hatta* at had fielding truubV' Jni;M F!a«r ' . on *ha a tlT ally far tha aavan iiwm ■t • P.C \rl S 1 QC(W dl'th'H ttirM sa'-.m ' t T' «-tii'>. !«*?- ha plat a*. Atotliai well The If pltehlnt Vta*atr (bff an* rtj |m mi injured piobVm fa-hig ifia e..p^ 1_ • • * Mtnii ty * I nitfrrl. Mlrhet W»lu rfintlnne « m Ihet *1* In the pr* I'lii- * l ilrlMllll. ]\ll. HaM'Imll OptMiprs Set • empalcn. innnte* nn Dirk Re hi v. tn nin hie eh, It# *|* Trail- \llanlir I'or \\ii^liin?rttni, (iiiK'iiiuati tame*. e «m I hern nnt trip her a lie# nut, *r ,, hlllly. »ts tnr MM n ant ** int *•« ninnar ta«t *Mf «Hh a \ir I iail-|iiiil.llie bcginn.fin Irs In fat tha «»a»»a|nra «(( nn • " Mhein four, hut ran (lollop' Travel .*!" pi r - »av « tha rich! Inert. M ashlnitrsn «ln*ai| torla it 'A ;s f(5j pod «' esnl Iha !•"* taisnn ssllh a 1.1- outings. Tie ended "p f Tha h • (aa'tti tioi (ilfficullttee hl« la ■ ttma |»**lng afraah an* haa ha an t ■ win and two lovxee an < -■ s- em-KP- a isirka* h. tha Rifitms ha«ahalt . I :t0 \\ . Oriiiiil Hi.rr *•>!• Nrnn fhoia bt Nnrmnn Nln*« ,i» v,ht'r i • -i n • i'. nrifara la fini«h laat anra mora p«' "ed. run average. fiOMtSf} I #11;IIS f 'nrnl.n V ik his. tlnrnthr l.yuU "II and Mari¬ i a Mia. 'ad frs irj- nI•••'!! Tfl". - . Ch-alg Van Sr.'ever lyn firaan I|-ri were amnnc ll»r .riwn* flr«t rii.lninrr* at tha I «l0 (;<■■■ t ' -ntrI re'nhri'a >1« i-nuoted on to do eon r »i»iln« npanina nf MSI "a I «n»r*| %krra t"lf rnnraa, Ihalr aanraa, TV R»!' T a i'a«. pa-a T"?h ftpr^a 4 affiotial sp'htg pi'chlng if he continue* - •' -eland. t»V p'.T - ii.ff the way he ha* her. • I'l' I'raalilant t.i*rnhmvrr's, urra not etKrlnaait. ert'a-A i » t'ir a •»tt Bra a I; it; ragaar'a.l Rit'e'uuifh In spite of a diawa' For Sure Wins, it's it*.m l a pp«e»snf pia . »f p- • " ♦ :»"t.0n« a-a a\< . H'a »- • T h fhr'v- fli-'tl tt hf» hortf showing, Dick Golden >» fo-'.-ae Pi'? '.tt.£M Untie at shortstop. IV'; j. a-.; la-.* a' »ti no- I '• ' »t »»»»' t|i»?a« BP.iGKT WHITE is RIGHT see r r. ft a f«- \ "fan! h«- i' i •• -i • -t . g- • •" ♦ • g h" r i • f'Ti'a* ,vp • - • . f.a- " Rr's II! pi?< It T'-.a li'"b f- i v 11 rotinde out Dean 1 ,«>ok and J<' pfav a'ong with ft tlie i ' - bingo , ■ -> . •• T»l. . v.. • >♦ I * g h patina*:' it. . wi ti a R-■ • ia K na ttie on f rid. *3.99 Padrn Rimes It Ifi > an »|»an- Inlramuri n Highlight Fvcry TKNTH ( uslomer Wins w WiklHMid rs i" S«»f!i)al! officiaI•«* at « 3(1 tonight In met His (itiniplctc Dry (lleniiin^ OnltT fee U \ Milk f '•u'Mi a* i r t g this Men wishing offjidn s this Rprh.g initial men* < A . cr- ing to the TM drpfs Ice I r.-Hi.i + + * 2 |i«nl« or 2 Ill', I a-li H.-fiiml "D*\u Vd •V i:\Sll A C\HK\ ('ivrecreation prograr FREE! f. iiav night at the Me. or 2 On \ 11 franutral building. wlMi Pry < Iranin^ i dng. padd'eball, badmu 'r Tha frashasf wh.*« $ I I lirii I ;i«li llix-omil pl Iha yann o Id o her sports feature,! In (V night of the new program yVtrnmar that GRADE A HOMOGENIZED ♦ OA fconbalt. voPniiap „ - COft With avar y thmg, One Hour Martinizing twnd »nt. boo ling rosters • ond waart if fc A 1 ;y card* are due .!• i i <:o> i hi: vi hi: iii oi k |>«orl for Ofnottanf. * 32( office by noon Friday U:- I I doubles» tourner are due at 5 p.m. FiiJ* l-OM BKTTFR 12111 K. lirsml Kisrr SIllM'S TV SERVICE CaA&S — Ka«l Ixniiiiy k.f .HI.-,.", K. Mirh. ■eapenaiMe Teehnn. Call er feme in JikI t eM «f Srars ft titers I Ksdis JL TI t«S? F. RalamaiM NO WMHisnroN — i ANMM; LANSING FARM PRGNNCTS CO. IV Mtlt I alls M ( ampas llni* nmummm mi wats a nmet mr Rria* ffi Y If you re out on t limb about chooainf your cigarette, remember thia: more CISCO Mgi yt» At mi al A* paTh a pooplc amokc Camels than any other Imll *Md Ikof thopM to figur* brawl today. The coatly Camel blend contour, rogordtc. ( ol tit*. Woven haa never been equalled for rich flavor by a special procen, of fine cotton in and easygoing mildneaa. The best to¬ on exclusive linit rib thot holds its shape, start better, bacco make* the best emoke. stashes perfectly to give a body hugging, slur, sleek f.t ... always. Handsomely tailored continental collar, raglon holf (an** (rem lads and 4aasy staff .,. sleeves ond the Happy Python motif on the front, for oil HAPPY PYTHON! leisure ond lasy hours its the Have a real V . / cigarette- have a CAMEL /Y% Sv- % / «.ra» ItUrk • R-d . I \ 11 lUttr - Ndt> - Vshtle SMALL'S 211 So. Washington "U might not be the final solution, but a Camel would help!" & o «« - £-i > 'S-ij A u 7r-\ / iJei's Find Trouble Slanlrv fiiip Odds v. ^ (>oiill;ci>in'r Srliii»rr l-'io or f ian.-iiliriiM \miivil ill-imcrinm . L.5.1 ^ I f ▼r !'■» ibiiicn With Spar kmc; . ' IU . i> vv I It \ If ft I I |. d» " "• . •• r '''.iif I ■ i > . alrrl 1 . p. I fa -r. \| ■ (It ' ,.,■ Ve Inr'- I'f: M ' j « r " Ih •* •'» h n k« \ «»> -on \< mi r, hill Mm irt'ntt fi Mi'Mi. -' fi I,«• % /in of 9 ti'i.rn Ml hi t..| I, jrltltul ' ' : ttiti- to.. 111' i (!ih«"ps{s$ * i:t o '«;• 'III to II . ft. .Ii |„»|jr ||-t Th. II.M k. I miiJiim \. t'i.r if •-■ • f" ,M| till ,"'pai Iir loo Solinpn* t.. Mi- Ml Alt" I*. Tr-:v:< of E*tiS:»s I'sp?! * i. | n a 1( ,.f. y> • i-. ■ f • -»t i "i» i r 1 • *i iill: ■ .»« .. i if i ... i -: t in- *1 t F">.i ! ' ' >n nl.a \ ice "• . I.' I.,.- • ■ r .1' I.i-fl I- •'» int VV VI l.lMiTON • ...m n"o i.ra'ii iiVi'i I ra* ■ . ITravel wvtin .miu! imilrniwuinni, Japan'* n; ,.)»• I wrmti. • •... -i - ' I. »• | j » . i n 11 ■ team rati into Inurli "t | rompntition \\ • Tm .l;i\ ni-ht . ;p i , a"i* * lint Mit liivan Stall* u n 11» » won' four oi i mm m.Vi'lus - ,» . i ■ . "ir. ''"iitl a Im in an exhibition 1». I-n • in-ailv :« n in the IM lo»t<* Arena. J*H MIIM.IR . ' r .ii't'.s • i>*. -^sif iv.t V b* i r fhng ' "i *•'*-; ■ H '•* •\v r i r i • - . on* more honor . , . . . MH.II Iff.MM RSrlff . IS ■ ( i npir iu!« •. Si it" .1 lll'l A".'. IM ClI.M . Ji dum*. Jim F » • " '■ t 2 ■ i Krn Mai«it"U - ptiM II « •mi and ian i I'M Mir niiit ' ■I "ild* I " h A l.ii j;'' lot of «iIII||I* 2 n opponent*. B'he Japanese show•J I" i Mot •»!. ni'iir i-11 I ,l«t *rar tip hot en -mi,. no i lif | Horrible Ties! Ml'1 v i'ml »• »< i J simp'- hi* te miniate* |i:v - mnonir the * m • i ">• . ih t hr mm- Mo«t Valnahte I't •«i r ami mi«*ril nimpillni It ft'i nf .lnti.m* Itie phi* mmr li» he.I record In the Ita*terii In BULLETIN l'-r linotii | !.'i (inmiil rti»* I rl-l llaili I'iioir.l he** ihlrrrd foe t'i (lllp Milteglrtp i r lit Ii ii' Hoi kei » IMihll I eatne he 2 • I Silt «e nvnlr em tin »ell for XI,(Ml to .VI J kWAPOMft. MH !• I dili* vinrrhal ami t* fttr•» Nitltunhlii — tour rhoti't* •— ■ Irlatt rnllieri H>iliif«ili.i »« lonlt * f • II from Hither! finniirr. ! Horwterfnt for men Bit fmUhall rnath at Vu » fur i • >!?..* c; M U I J I I with * f'M,f lirrnli i9 . Jannal rf»wti«" after Mine • • i i • . • .. . ... .1... f i t oh»r t.ti.1.1 men noeht We emildn'f find •* I 39: Br. In which hi tflmnrtl .la r-t to II I' II- nil mind itirm' A* te nstUnal gridiron prtim- Sit: I. » I 1 in' mpu •■ II M ** tn - l 3el •• * ■* . SUMMER ADVENTURE! V gift f»»r (,o.wt like for eomenne Ion hitmleo well rnil Olnetratrnn hup r I h I e Inth, the* won t»i '»<«* lit. enough tn do jmiiri to ' JOBS IN U. S.-3J COUNTRIES! e« *talr Sen* t'tnitn hv li.n» W>hirr practical pike* .1 VI tN Mfltlt t 1.1ft and 117 pouMii ittv t«o"i.- i ih 'im'i-i i' lonring **re*llinf team Irtnled , pt ospi i t I ' Vrlnall* mmrlimt with the Si .VVedne«d«* night prrrkal Ankf nuUrmrit | ni «* i > t <• o Kr'i i . Mgr. v* a« • at the IV! Spmtr Arena, dem* i.tmchnw .T for .* I onatrating iiimennf Ih* lie*. from f eniral Mldtluii \ , ' I. -of I •ii ^ «h»» •« I talent in the lighter weight di\i«ion«. I '.It. h«a rompleled if« KAIKVSIVK STIIM of mil*! here thought St A % rule* In the tint k ' .«PI1' 'Ig tw t ".-.I h> it"1 MM I M.K STI IlKNT SI FMfl.OYMUST the* were pirtti gnod. B«h. The Amethan rnllrse p.; HI lluollj. a> in Miet prohlem** K h«<« rontptlerl if« ririlinsls new sti * I m ere w«erl In the one inert II, .t. tl THI 3ROOKLYN CENTER lilAT SIMMhlf F.MIM.IlYMF.NT IMKK.f TOM>— J to •hnr* the *|»e«t*toi« the I"' '!• O'il# « i... |iuu|>n lcmq island university iHEeRcdc ! »renr« helneen the t**o «fh .!«.» t hi/a « », i t make an I'tVi. with ON Hit loo.(mmi ntimmer lislinir* in VI Lille*. Jollev im* m*rit he a,) ' inn"' itegr iiti'leuu in New V'ml for the otihmer air nttried Jneliht rla**. ..ih. :n ** •p|M*iiumii to u ii man* a* It nr.In* in an SHIPS - TinVKI, — H Y\f JIKS — TV — IN |rn,i S uRi'oW • * ■ luinr.j .1, 41 till 111 HiUtn f in sun iti;sk \ici 11 ithsoiMs * iiotfi.s ■ At l ahtilotiH rfi11 1 — I randor t enter i weigh'., w a • I im',. •» I- i- f«V *1,1111110 *"iii,iu i.O\ t l.'gimiing |om * ami |nlv irvhiti — sti l»y — till mm 1 ON. « fill!* |l| th. Mi ' mi.i ■ . on. * .hoi"' _ , . m >i|t»|r.o m the t ollrgr • » Simrnos r* rn 11 Si. .'"ho I; Hi " aii'l V ,- »»•• 1I1 t oll. _ 1 AHMs — N ATM. \ SI A IK gr <■( Hit atm* \i|i|unntijUtnt j the big t »| irnt.i' rhrn «* tale, u hi" r lie • .1 j'hiaii *« h».I I'MtlvS >— i AMI'S — more'! f otic m the flna'r. Km Mai i r "ini'tU1 f"i An p .iiif 1 11 the kind of pPMonalioil piln- ^ll&bAMvcuwriA. kied ste.tiroki sgati. •1 11 a«t' 1 i.ina 11 * pioiutril lr, 0114II |i»eil It ii" ••II* n < mo flome. I I 1 phonr in 1 on OfliiP of Nn .-»n 4 ihnv* ««»"♦ •91. Ml t« 92..>t) '*1 lornnfllioti' ■ 92.25 t» 92.75 I •Spiral" -I-*' . *• - Ji' *1 » 1:*- i« „ ■91 .Ot) to 93.00 i 1 " Innika" f . £ sd'ts jp . p ,.p n '.::gnVe hrrpf.,r« smij- fun he «U*e nf nre *K.' g J tjain, that for real refreahmcnt it'a Coke I every **■•••' Mf •* S•mit t*'\ «'»•* !«««•' tr « |iif«Sure«. C'l-rSi o*m **■•« t|..« e">f» ♦•mjpv «ng IM m t,»p.c n crystal w id 5.. er he <.•■ \.>uf-o. time! Add up U»t fold crUp U*te, • it*»i ««• skip." ti| ngstsi. fuApired M-Asws s i «(-.*rk Roll-A-Maiic Shaver. A» *our campu* Remington dealer, r.g gre rredtM tty JI that uorth lively lift and you really have a drink or any jewelry, drug, dcparuncnl or appliance »u>ic. S\M ens f;ncs* v> vfin *o. k tn 4 g.-ea'" 'rci . going after. So whenever the crowd t..»n. (. hoo*# frigi 'hn*e guri man1 I baa a multiple thirst, make the high aiga «?ner pafp; nn -1 I of good taate.., paaa around the HIWlAPJUOTAaLlI our c.a'.e Or efors in pti«.e. cu ,etm>n. So n.«uy aae »u/pri9ing1; mxt- I Coca-Cola! Quod Erat Demonstrandum! u mally hehiebhed...have a BitiB iWi,»> e m Cw in *Sh«»p|*iiif{* Anrt - Z mrhclor-. deRlrr '»>«"• "»» IWIor, JThr.e 0. OVemnciTWB rui'r tun n.M'ins '.r io- ir-h should said the tuHv i»iif n stou fr>ruerd; lo "shop ICIII.OIVINO M 1J.M.S uv now r.. o» « houxlnu nround" hy *omo studens* 31 Underworld JAII'IOVI Its dap-.-.. I niul a tuition Jukebox Falls to *Ptlll. to. lo.n ercaie a waiting Ih t by api S< hi Tr li '-cr. of Heir ice 'HI '51 i fi\'i ctonosii bcfi ro proCTM- lor ad nlssion nttd Iheu iu.t , !/>Hiwp A" 0 tar'tiiiei'* I'm v.;•* f-.t t<» t »-niv N. v Mll«-. llitue l-inauag, F.r, ll') 1M nnpllcatl. ns. C IIcro ortit-. roiling. • n. WASHINGTON 'A* nnrwt made no iwimsifatp mavf *0 ac¬ n hetlier Gnldnun meant under* T'litlte Pol A ! F.lrm. (HI bioh, • Wri" Jukebox operatm* *urrrnHi»rc.( cept thr invitation Tfr '« on (' r -•Mm.. * , nrlit finit e*. ir.u her* of Musi- (P Slo YEAR IN EUROPE! M the underworld when oUtimHtce'* 1',et tioflit-% I, iinn* (Hi. VIM; : <"'• iatrr. probably in Jwr P.n'i 1 . , -1, C ,i; sf Tr;»m- In addition to acrrpthv . tlno in thr lop riU S « f Ir I i : i i .< ■' IP* i ~ (< re I « n (Hi Teach* graduates, StwdenH tale Ehgli*k taught cour**, r s t*nion Pre«Me--.( .fan o* Mnrr*l Goldman. a former p*r- , , , tloffa. took mntral of '■ o (■otdinan told tlir tarkr pr» ;* :\ n TP ii ihuting Co., - Tatal Catlt $10(0 i \Vifne;ce« te*ttf-c.( ih*' "find harmony In ««r Iniloxn" K |*-v *.f incorporaioti ho'ogist, • id stepped info le i lei *.bip (,f hy atrrrlnf to Bnfallno'a hr • , t< -.i pet n ;i i-h. 1- « erir# IihIuH#*: O«ro.' Frt»ni(toO«ittO'*. ream t-onra. rwit>o>* If Pfl.V front a jukebox ili*- •„ ,.i i n P'dfoi AH Elem. Teach.r«. f "ondary *ru»rl Oapprt (rum US crt SS tjudom, »ol."» rnminc an i«'W*n| lo I'nten* ( • n vv 1th John Lang r«* •i.uhri-s of Cot • F *«pt»"t|'K e if je butof partnership vtith an a' • (Jimmy) ,l»mr«, then pre«ldeu* !*n1 4'i i.moIh nml Sum .im Urivu • re'0»e«#K*» iuno tS. 1454 if-. ' Mafia nv,.-oti.*« It .tffw ki i of I.oral MS. t \I,1I|1, S. i . phy. Kdi! In lu> A A Ho. INSTITUTI OF IUROPIAN STUOIIS « *: floforr (be hearing (Vw-wt T-MitiiPtt, rt* Voor't Nennc.iv of (he Sftmif Goldman «»id hr a >,• h \ Atthm Counselor. Libra' an -i IVaeh- 35 t WAC«R CHICAGO 1, III. I J r.'H«.krt> Ovmnrtiee retv-\*r.| an lor*- opei-.lh"* b.Vl .*•' r K . ti nv »• tei -run «i* of Hemediai H« '."'-g & UNO THIS t- n h v* hli h I*il- C. (l\ i i«af;on 1<- Hoffa to appear n thi* and t!-.-»t ts»«*r Hut i*'-.n*'> .. Special Education T' COUPON Be ci'o to any te«(im*»n* rcfbvtiM,, t.-ime top hi an in the '-.a nilHp Puldi. S All Elementary Tone' TODAY TO* •t !v »v fill! Hnffa. \« he « s< ;>• - Hoffa hinorlf t -1 i -'ikr- Second grade te V s, ■eond- Coniniuni'. . r.c \ m;u- OITAILIO K.\ 'ha; ' )" teacher of Em~ Social . . ri yerterrta* of Rhanng .t. a - Ihilru llrcril'c* 1 in M S (HHlis at y MOCNUH. payoff in a Dotroll jukebox v\.u, V to he tri.'WMi iv . .. Studies. - ir'y With Math. (Mi v ..., (!,•...»,<•• a" * ; Argentina ' . Announces Ml RtrdNfi W1JM ROTIFTT Tr< h-i .-a! |n«tiur« 0& We sell MOST 7^.MUhail/'# S F^rr*t fVixiurt? A "\l ( II It lit*., pm„ a . ..,1,0.111 talk o" fMral arran^omonf* ; s.i .> r i • < « \ rartan 1 -xte H., t \V V. X V W->; To ttlfer Volt l ine Ser.ire and ({tialil. Work. (oAtMiTTrr AM11H II R1DIO I 11 It ; fill BftPAY pm.. SIT stiidont Aoni*"rs. h*00\ T 10 p m.. Foundry RuHdmg tPtJ vv Special Ser.ire-: V- J1 F- F IlArHfON r.MM IN rl-I R 15 10 pm, VTralrr H.xor 7 10 ir; pm. Pr Inlrmatmna' tV- Rronnschu r. c: r* r: • Tuxedo Itental Mtim MTiirit m.%PKi. <* American ( * hoir pm. Martin Taither Orapr'. tlixagraphy S]H*.ak on Sv* ilrrrla- i IVpar'mcr • *» fxpiess USED CARS • • I'ree Cold Slnraue latiindry Ser.ire WW StudenfTours of Bjfopc • Itri.e ln Window Whrretor. whrtirvrr. houpirr awurani-r oi thr tmrst wr\ior i* Atnerirati Fxprr On American Kxprivs* Stiplrnt Ttmra of Kuropr \ou'ii ion trawl, your !>«<.! ' Bud Koufs Chevrolel CAMPUS CLEANERS Pr mmrtrd on rx* iting itineraric* rmonng such faacin* atitif countn«t . . Auatria . . n« F.ngland huu^orlatid .. . .. • lU-lguun ItaU . . . . . . ticrmanv The Uiviora* Lansiiifi's ( '.Iwrritlel (j'n/er oi; K. (iranri Unci i:i» J4»97i . . . and France. loti'H hair ample fr«H> tunc at d lo.a of individual lin«urr to really live life abroad! 1 Studrot favra »f lirapt . . featuring diatinguiahiHl leader-* fr.>nt prominent coliegim as tour rondurtnrs . . . 4" to i .ia-• a In «>a and P\ a r f 1.387 at «l up THlNKUSH ... . . . R liuiitml lk(nl Itwiit lurup* . . , kith rnp*-nriic* M-a . . . 41 to dais . . . U7I and up. Piper Slacks •thf laipm Vaan AvaiaM* Ana laara la Nania. Aiwaaii. Mawca NhI Mmi and Haaau . . . from 11 da\ «... 1*77 and up. Thaaa aitra-alim trauarra A , ,. <• * • won! for llti.c (jotit ix Cmssaiuxxt! Mam ^ e«' Lie««e send rqe e.-mpv V reasons: 1. He's I lie only guy we know * * mfortnation ' • *U>ut IS.SS Student Tours ol i.urop< ' • who sends mimeographed love letters. his Name Addreaa 4 "y Zone Slate ... • J * lie's the only guy who doesn't make advances when he runs out of gas Mho gal's too husy pushing his car). Too thoughtiesa to buy Ilia own rignrctles, . «, •,%p>«iKMmuivtmnummtvtM-• n» — »aa i*m eewnwaifw ahiahm iiran aaataaiM taioo c««a u*.»» mo* » ••. *"v,cr«,NMv this bird only dates girls who appreciate the honest taste of tine toliacco. "We ^ always have sometlung in common," ho roSSlu„0 M Kiys. "Her Luckios!" saikO" S ol*T Cnghth RUN-down CHICKKN COOP SPECIAL WU lim STI DKMS Cngiu' r 7«ToaBt BANCROFT TEAMS KA(\U El> u Atro»* Matched t»ela Field Matched .19c and oHc each — S7.i!X Sel»—Ss.S.VSlMWl — S9.5U Krt. 112.50 Now *1 i2g Arm (itmrd« • (ilino • lion Sinn,;* R»e. FU SS — Now Fit u.s OeSUOATION Thinkluh: **••*•*®MT «."l I STl PEN I N |«S|tl CD**1"1-' TEAMS B1I.IS WiUon and lUnrroft — can. S S2.7S *h»S Hall. Nhit IUr^— — 20c H(1| Si.iMi • . Sl.'iv dor HOW TO MAKE $25 Take a word—ambuiun. for example. With it, you ran make fake dew* to Kn(h»h L. T. A. — can 3 Si.»•. Upon Mock . jut.. S1.m", u;, _ su.\*ed K'uxmbition), arting aapiratioiw thambuum), the denire to atudv uraaiii.'ion or the urge lo win at bridge Ambition'. That'a Thinkliah-and Npocial »Md I'lulw. — S3.** it s that ea.->! We're ict.tng (25 for the Thinkliah word, judged heat —your ALSO I heck is l.olf lrr« and practice tcill. itching to go! Send your words to Lucky Strike. Box 67A, Mt. Vereotg N. V. Lit. lose your name, adtlriaa. univeraity and claaa. Trunin prrvrs <» Sl.fift « ' V *peci»l pticrn on oct. v TrnniA II.Hp up ceirr Gat the genuine article Got tha honast tasta 237 ann LINK'S SPORT SHOP 10 2-4*410 of a LUCKY STRIKE! 4 » TC ef J&uk&wm — ui/men it ear mttidU *a»4